East LA College Football vs Compton

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and we welcome you to East LA college football here on Sportsnet u.s. a.net Ryan Osborn joined by Albert Robles over to my left hand side as we get set for kickoff Compton College has won the toss and they have to defer to the second half so we will start off with East LA receiving East LA we'll be going from left to right Compton college from right to left the kicker for Compton college coming up in just a moment is going to be wrong or Ramon Hogan and back to receive for East LA will be price the kick is away it's a short one it's actually an onside kick that dies just in front of a couple of East LA players it will be recovered by the Huskies but Compton college trying to get cheeky on the opening kickoff and all of a sudden it's great field position for East LA so we start off with the East LA Huskies taking the field first on offense from the 41 yard line as Compton is going to march you out there with all white uniforms crimson red as the numerals and lettering their helmets are silver on the other side your East LA Huskies will be in great uniforms today with black pants and white numerals and lettering outlined in green wesley Blazek will start off at quarterback as he's going to take the snap from the 41 takes the snap looks over to his left immediately finds a receiver on the far side of the field that's munguia and munguia is going to make the catch that's going to be a gain of 1 so we're looking at second down and nine from the 42 yard line Compton college entering this one with a no ensue record East LA on the other side is now one in one after they're controlling victory over Orange Coast this last Saturday Blazek into the gun he's going to hand it off it's gonna go to Ron's and then roms will gain one yard and make it to the 43 yard so Wesley Blazek starting I'll at quarterback we're probably gonna see Rudy Garcia at one point as well Justin Watkins will be wide over to the right along with Brandon Peterson in the slot on the right hand side quickly an injured player runs off and pierre robinson is going to run in robinson leaning the East LA Huskies with 74 rushing yards so far this season Blazek goes back in the gun he's got Robinson over to his left he's looking he's got four wide takes a look goes upfield takes it himself left-hand side moves up to the 46 yard line and he will make it about the 48 or so that's where a Yellow Handkerchief hits the field and we're gonna have a flag and see what the call is in just a couple of moments Cedric hood was on that far side setting up the block for Wesley Blazek might be a hold against Peterson and it will indeed be a hold coming up here as the Huskies are going to have to March it back 10 yards and instead of a second down or make it a third down in about two yards to go now they're going to be looking at around a third and we'll say about 18 yards so third down for the Huskies they've got to get to the 49 yard line of Compton College Cedric hood on the far side of the field near side of the field it will be Brandon Peterson also joined by Justin Watkins in the slot is Daniel moon Ghia Pierre Robinson in the backfield with blazing Blazek looks to his left he's gonna roll to his right looking upfield looking upfield just going to easily toss it over to Peterson but Peterson has to go behind him and it will go off his hand and to the floor so an incomplete pass force is a three and out on East LA and they're gonna have to punch it away with juan Arango going out there back to receive for Compton college is going to be our siamak or ker Compton's still trying to finish off their substitutions get different personnel on the field this is a chance for Compton college to set themselves up with some decent field position so Rangel is going to get a chance Compton jumps early and now flags going to run in as it will be a false start going against East LA so marching back five ball was initially placed at the 38 yard line so that's going to bring it over to about the 33 again mcore charisma sieve Owen to is Compton college after their lost last Saturday in which they ended up unfortunately only getting negative five rushing yards on the day Rango gets the snap he'll punt it away nice high D kick my porker calling for the fair catch and he will receive it at the 29 yard line and that's where Compton college and their offense is going to set up here here in the first quarter of play 13 22 left to go in quarter number one no score between East LA and Compton college you are watching and listening to East LA football here on sports night us a.net Ryan Osborne joined by Albert Robles over to my left technical director as we watch East LA go on defense for the first time in this one he's a chance for Jesse brew the second or excuse me Jesse brew the third to set up his offense East la jumps ahead of time but it will be a false start on the far side of the offense as it looks like Ramon Hogan is going to be called for the jump ahead of time no they're going to call it as offsides against East LA so now you're looking at a first down in five to go for a Compton college getting better field position at the 34 yard line Jesse brew looking over his offensive options he's going to hand it off it's gonna go to Benjamin owlsley Owsley goes off tackle right hand side finally gets taken down right next to the sidelines right at the 35 yard line it'll be a gain of 1 which brings up a second down and four to go Compton has to get to the 39 yard line to get themselves a first down setting up for East LA on the defensive line Tremayne Sevilla on that right hand side he's also going to be joined out there by Daniel Robledo Behnke one of the starters on the defensive line which is looking to rush for to start this second down and four brew takes a look at the sidelines he's going to get the snap looking to hand it off once again and stacking them up there will be key as taking the handoff will be Vincent Whitlock but Whitlock doesn't go anywhere not only does he not go anywhere Albert it's going to end up as a loss of three so all of a sudden you go from second down and four to third down and seven to go and Compton is in a hole back to eat for East LA is shamar West Stone they're playing single high coverage as Compton loves to try and set up their rushing attack early on Jesse brew goes back into the gun he's got split backs in the backfield one of them being Benjamin Owsley owlsley looking to pick up the rush he goes over towards the left hand side from a court guru who makes the catch at the 40 it's going to go down to the 29 yard line huge passing play for Jesse brew to our zamak corker and mcore car the five-foot-nine freshman out of Jacksonville Florida hauls it in at the 40 and gets about nine extra yards it's the longest play of Compton's 2019 season as that's going to March them nearly 40 yards upfield big-time passing play there for Jesse brew so now all of a sudden it's a first down in sentence ago from the 31 yard line of East LA East LA is gonna rush three now they bring up a couple of linebackers they stack the rush as Vincent Whitlock Whitlock has nowhere to go as he runs into a wall that includes a manual Carter and Tremaine Sameach Rob Castaneda on the right-hand side looking at coverage with Aaron Hill as well Compton college running a couple of guys on to the field they're looking for their first win in about two and a half years 10:40 left here in the first quarter just in underway from Y Garfield ry guard Stadium here at East LA here's a pitch that ends up falling onto the turf and they're going to say it's in complete pass as it goes into the hands of mcore Kerr hits the floor and it will stay as a second down and about 115 16 to go actually they're going to move it up to the 32 yard line so initially they marked him down at the 38 yard line because the back official thought that it was a fumble recovered by Compton however the white hat declared that it was an incomplete pass as the pitch went forward so because it hits the deck on the forward pass it's an incomplete pass moving the ball up to the 32 yard line so Compton avoids having to lose about 7 yards on the play and they will go out with Jesse brew joined by Whitlock over to his left he's got a receiver and Ramon Hogan over to the wide left side here's a pass over to the far side of the field where it goes in and out of the hands of Hannibal Clark Clark was wide open at the 24 yard line and it was a big time chance for him to move upfield and easily get the first down it goes in and out of his hands so an incomplete pass is going to bring up I'm not mistaken it should be four down and 11 Thompson college coaching staff is trying to help out an injured player on the far side of the field and we're finally going to get in injury timeout 9 39 to go here in the first quarter no score between Compton college and East LA you are watching and listening to East LA football here on Sports Net you u.s. a.net so East LA on defense for the first time today gives up about a 42 yard pass from Jesse brew over to our Zima corker to set up good field position for Compton college and then all of a sudden Compton just couldn't get out of their own way on each of the last three plays white hat looks like he's trying to turn on the mic and give direction to the rest of the stadium again nineteen thirty nine on the clock here in the first quarter of play neither team on the board both teams have all three of their timeouts as the injured player is able to get off as it looked like it was Demaryius bates on the far side of the field who was struggling to get off now for Compton college they don't punt very often only nine times in their first two games they are very keen on trying to go for it on fourth down they've got a fourth down and 11 here as Jesse brew goes into the backfield he's gonna take it from the gun he's got Whitlock over to his left hand sign in addition to mcore Curran is left and Hogan taking a look downfield far side he's going to go for it is their pass interference there is not and it will be an incomplete pass as he tries to get it over to Hannibal Clark and turning over turning it over on downs will be Compton College East LA defense hold steady and they will take over at the 32 yard line where we'll see Wesley Blazek and company have a chance to move up the field [Music] so Wesley Blazek goes into the backfield he's got Pierre Robinson over to his right-hand side takes the snap looks at Pierre Robinson huge hole he's gonna dip and dive his way all the way to the 40-yard line still on his feet finally gets taken down from behind by Britton Thompson will work his way to the 41 yard line so some tough games yards there for Pierre Robinson and he will continue to add to his stats so far Robinson had 18 rushes prior to today 70 yards total averaging about 35 yards per game he picks up eight there it's a second down and eight to go here's Blazek blaziken to toss it out of bounds on the far side of the field as he was being pressured heavily by Marko Medina Wesley blazing going back into the gun he's got hood on the far side of the peel feel Peterson over to his right he's also joined there by Daniel munguia handoff is over to the Pierre Robinson wide open Holies only got one guy to beat he's at the 30 the 25 the 10 a lot of flags are in that's gonna be a hold so this will be coming back without a doubt it ends up being a 69 yard rush into the end zone but we've got two different flags and I'm going to say that that is a hold on two different locations as on the far side of the field Cedric hood was into the secondary at about the 30-yard line when he ended up holding on just a shade too long so it is two different holding penalties that will take place one on the offensive line one all the way at the 30-yard line they're gonna decline one and except the second one so it will be a 10-yard penalty bringing up what should be a second down and one actually make it 11 yards to go 848 and second here in quarter number one Wesley Blazek is going to be joined by Rams in the backfield Mauri Rams five-foot-ten 200 out of Monrovia now he moves up onto the offensive line looking deep is Blazek Blazek Scott a chance for Peterson who hauls it in at the 45 yard line Peterson was kind of stumbling looking for where that football was going to be but he ends up dragging his right foot and pinning the left one in bounds as well so that will be a huge game for East LA and a first down at the 44 roms in the backfield Peterson over towards the left he's going to be joined out there by Demonte Presley right hand side will be Justin Watkins they're gonna look for Watkins Watkins goes one-on-one a stiff arm he's into the 30 he's got two guys to be finally gets tackled by three different guys for Compton at the 21 yard line that is going to be a pickup of 23 yards toss and catch on the right hand side and Blazek wants to hurry it up he's got Watkins on the right he's got Robinson in the side on the left-hand side in addition to munguia they go back to Watkins Watkins breaks the tackle Watkins with another stiff arm and he gets down to the 16 yard line this time [Music] and he will be forced out of bounds so it starts off with East LA going three and out on their first series Compton actually getting some decent yardage and then all of a sudden East LA has decided that they are going to march down the field at will here's Blazek looking over to his left he's got a chance with munguia Moogie looking for it and it's going to be incomplete a flag is tossed in the backfield where Brent Thompson was looking to haul down Wesley Blazek we'll see what the call is from the white hat no score between these two sides 729 remaining in the first quarter and it's a personal foul roughing the passer going against Compton college so Bryn Thompson makes too much or gets a little too much contact with the quarterback Wesley Blazek after the pass is released and that's going to be an automatic first down coming up as it will be at the 9 yard line as you hear in the background here at y garde stadium Blazek will have Rams over to his right hand sign in the slot on the right is vas price he's got Watkins as well on the left is Brian Jones in addition to Cedric hood it's gonna be handoff to rums Rams tries to find a hole right hand side gets hauled down inside the 5-yard line so East LA big time chance to get on the board here it's a second down and goal to go from the 4 yard line the East LA Huskies taking on Compton college here this afternoon Compton trying to get a hold here here's a chance for East LA to get on the board handoff is two ramps ramps over left tackle he's not going to be taken down he's got an open side and he's into the end zone for a touchdown so touchdown number one for East LA college comes with 643 left to go in the first quarter of play and it's Mauri Rams who ends up waltzing in an easy run on the left-hand side and that comes from just four yards out once again with 643 left in the first quarter it's now a six to nothing game here's a chance for Juan Rangel to make it seven to nothing the snap is there kind of bounces in nice job of corralling it by Blazek and the kick is up the kick is good seven to nothing is our score as East LA gets on the board you are listening to East LA college football on sports night us a.net Brian Osborne Albert Robles taking on or taking in this one on what is a fairly comfortable afternoon here from East LA compared to what the temperatures were two weeks ago and for the East LA offense they are finding themselves to be quite comfortable as well after that first series again they go three now and then they march their way down field a total of 68 yards into the end zone capped off by a four yard run by Mari Rams back deep to receive for Compton will be McCorkle in addition to Hogan it'll be Juan Rangel to kick it away Rango boots it with his left foot that's going to go over towards the 2 yard line actually make it into the end zone as it will have to be picked up and finally knead by Ramon Hogan and Hogan does get the knee so that will bring feel positioning up to the 20 yard line for Compton college now so here's what's weird about that Albert that ball was booted into the end zone however Hogan thought that it was an automatic touch back it's not on a kickoff so if East LA had reached it before he did that would have been a touchdown so he realized that that ball was still alive goes picks it up and knees it that brings it up to the 20 yard line the intricacies of football 7 to nothing is our score 643 left here in quarter number one East LA with the lead this is going to go to Jesse brood brew over towards his left-hand side where a huge hit is delivered to Ramon Hogan Hogan bounces off of the initial contact from Carlos Alvarez and still ends up gaining five yards Compton hasn't looked too bad on offense here in this one [Music] four wide for Compton they've got one in the backfield that beam Benjamin Owsley Jessie brood left-handed quarterback gets the snap he's gonna look over to his left no one there and he Stella just misses getting a pick as turning around looking for it was Rob Castaneda it's an incomplete pass second down and five to go from the 30-yard line switch off for accounting colleges it will be key joined by Savannah on the defensive line they're just gonna rush three three different linebackers moving up towards the line of scrimmage for East LA one of them being high on Dixon Dixon rushing into the backfield Jesse brew gets taken down by a host of East LA Huskies all of a sudden a flag comes flying in after the play was whistled dead so you gotta think that's in the personal foul realm John to e to poem ends up getting credited for the sack white hats still looking for what the call is from his umpire will it be against Compton unsportsmanlike conduct against Compton college and that will push them back quite a bit so not only do they lose the eight yards on the sack but they also end up losing 10 on the misconduct penalty or unsportsmanlike conduct not misconduct that be hockey but the unsportsmanlike conduct backs them up 18 yards where it looks like Compton is going to take a timeout 546 remaining in quarter number one it's seven to nothing East LA over top of Compton college you are watching and listening to East LA college football here on Sportsnet USA dotnet and we want to remind you that all games here on Sportsnet us a.net are brought to you by Miller Toyota of Anaheim maybe you're looking for that new or used vehicle or maybe it's that student in your family that you want to make sure they get around safely they get around places in time go ahead and check out Miller Toyota of Anaheim you can check them out online at Miller Toyota vanaheim comm or in person at the corner of the 91 and Euclid they've got a ton of special student specials in addition to military 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ended up going about 30 yards as the ball is placed at the 41 yard line Wesley Blazek will go into the backfield he's joined by justin watkins and pierre robinson on his left and right he's got Peterson in the slot on the right hand side also joined by munguia and cedric hood into motion goes robinson they're going to go over towards the far side of the field where it will be picked up by Demonte Presley he breaks one tackle and drags another guy in Bryn Thompson all the way to the 20 yard line so that's going to be a pickup of 21 yards and a first down for East LA down the field go the Huskies as they look to capitalize on the great field position that they were presented at the 41 yard line still inside the first quarter between these two sides at 7 to nothing East LA with the lead Wesley Blazek goes back into the gun he's got two receivers on his right one over to his left still looking for a chance he fumbles the football finally trying to grab it is East LA but it will be recovered by the Compton Tartars the SEC and the fumble recovery is there for Christopher Willis Willis gets the pressure and he will end up getting the recovery a huge opportunity for the competent defense that is just the third fumble that they have forced all season long they only have five sacks so you can add one more to that that is sack number six and their 36 tackle for a loss and everything turns around as the Compton College offense can get back on the field Wesley Blazek with the fumble here's Jesse brew he wants it quickly he's looking over to his left he's getting pressured heavily he gets away from pressure he's at the 40 he's at the 50 and he will actually slide at the 47 yard line where two different East LA defenders end up running into one another [Music] so Brian Jones is there for East LA that's gonna be a gain of five yards and Compton with a chance from the 47 yard line on second down Jesse brew is going to be joined by Benjamin Owsley over to his left wide to the left is ours a a'mma corker far side of the field he's got Hogan snap is made they go over towards the left looking from a corker again he lays out board but can't get to it a flag comes in the side of the play actually from the back of fishel at the 25-yard line will that be pass interference didn't seem like there was enough contact prior to the pass coming in and it will be a hold going against the defense so that will be a 10-yard penalty and a first down going to Compton college so you can move it up 10 yards which is going to bring it to the 44 yard line or actually make it the 43 yard line and a first down for content so Compton's offense hasn't been prolific in each of the last six years in fact if you combine it it's around 56 points that they have gotten in their last four years combined they're looking for their first win since 2017 snap is back he goes to brew brew launches but a flag is coming in and if I'm not mistaken that should be at the line of scrimmage prior to the play beginning so it should be a false start and it is indeed so negative five yards going the way of Compton college and it will now be a first down and 15 to go Bob a place on the 48-yard line first down so still first sound for Compton college we've got four minutes and four seconds left here in quarter number one also here on Sportsnet u.s. a.net we had Golden West college in West LA as this will be snap back to Jesse brew and it looks like another false start against Compton Compton coaches are absolutely livid on the far side of the field so [Music] it'll be a first down in 20 as that will back them up as well so Compton ends up losing the 10 yards that they got on the defensive hold now they got a first down at the 46 loaded up and locked over towards mcore Kerr and that will be too far out in front of him an incomplete pass some a corker on that left-hand side has been targeted for a total of four planes he's got one reception for about 42 yards that of course being unofficial just Sports Night us a.net stance ball still at the 47 yard line where it will be a second down in 20 yards to go for Compton another game going on here on Sportsnet u.s. a.net the key to the county game 97th edition of that one between Fullerton College and Santa Ana it's currently 14 to 3 Fullerton Jesse brew looking for a chance to run he's right up the middle he's going to go over towards his right he gets taken down and moved over to the 45 yard line on the done so he ends up gaining eight-- a nice run for Jesse brew who is not afraid to go into contact they're going to be well short of a first down to say the least it's now a third down and twelve to go again this is a Compton team that is very reliant on going for it on fourth down the corker is going to be wide over towards the left-hand side on the far side is Hannibal Clarke you'll also be joined by Matthew wells in addition to jahmai merchants Jesse brew left-handed QB tosses at far side of the field where it overshoots two different guys including the intended target in merchants as brew was absolutely decked as soon as he let that football go that's gonna bring on a fourth down so Johnson College will end up punting it away for the second time in this game 258 left in quarter number one going back to kick it away will be Marco Medina and back to receive la be Jonathan Blackmon the five foot nine wide receiver out of Lawndale and a timeout will be taken by Compton college so that's the second timeout taken by the Compton coaching staff and we're still here in the first quarter of play you are watching and listening to East LA college football here on sports night us a.net so to recap we had Compton college who started off the ball game by forcing East LA to go three now then Compton had a nice little Drive where they moved up about 56 yards in six plays but they weren't able to do anything with it they switched the ball over to East LA after a turnover on downs East LA marches right down the field 68 yards into the end zone which was capped off by Mari rams touchdown run from four yards out and it became a seven to nothing ballgame now just one East LA got the football back with excellent field position all of a sudden Compton college got a strip sack and they turned the ball over all right excuse me they got a takeaway and they forced East LA to turn the ball over and neither team has been able to really take advantage in this one East LA a heavy favorite against Compton as this is booted away a small punt rather short is this is going to go on the left-hand side to the 20 yeah I guess you can make it the 17 yard line flag is tossed as well and we'll see what the call is there as the white hat goes over to the back judge and he will figure out what exactly they call will be ball is at the 18 yard line of East LA that ball didn't travel very far in the air but it got about a 20-yard bounce it is a hold going against East LA which will be accepted so it's a first down and tend to go from the 8 yard line elec will take over first downfall is Leslie Blaziken company run back out there Daniel moon dia wide to the right joined by Justin Watkins Cedric hood far side of the field going into motion is Peterson Peterson is going to get it on the end around he's going to take one look and move upfield that's actually Brian Jones Jones is in the clear at the 40 the 50 the 40 once again he's got speed sir burn an open space to run with at the 10 5 touchdown East LA so it's a pitch to Brian Jones who goes into motion at the 8 yard line and it's a 92 yard rushing touchdown for the East LA Huskies one of their longest plays in the last five years and East LA is now going to capitalize and make it a 13 to nothing ballgame 92 yards and Albert when you look at that play I mean Brian Jones as soon as he gets to the line of scrimmage it looked like he had four different guys on him not that all of a sudden one cut back and he's gone he's in the clear as that extra point is going to be muffs Blazek ends up getting tackled so it will stay at a 13 to nothing ballgame East LA once again Brian Jones with a 92 yard touchdown run and he makes it 13 to nothing 228 left in the first quarter of play you are watching and listening to East LA college football or here on Sportsnet us a dotnet Bryan Jones with electric speed on that one as East LA is gonna get set to kick it away back deep to receive is our say Emma corker in addition to maffei wells Wells on the near side of the field for those of you watching online here on Sportsnet us a dotnet East LA going from left to right across your computer screen compton going from right to left big boot from juan Arango it's gonna go over towards the six yard line picked up by Wells wells looking upfield wells goes over to the right hand side he's got an edge to run to he's got a chance at the 40 yard line finally gets tackled at the 41 an excellent run back from Matthew wells he has finally taken down by Justin Watkins but that's a huge play for Compton as it gives them a chance to work at we're near the midfield marker so ball gets placed at the 41 yard line where Jesse brew will have to run out and make up a to score deficit so Jesse brew goes back into the backfield he is going to be joined by Whitlock over to his left mcore Kerr as well on the left-hand side also joined by Hannibal Clark brew looking over to his left wants mcore Kerr gets away from contact finally moves up the field gets about six yards and it will be a second down and four as that ball will be placed at the 47 yard line nice job by Bru to have the pocket presence to realize that he was about to get taken down he steps into the pressure which gets him away from the defensive line of East LA and he had some daylight to look at just enough to get him into positive yardage all-in-all he ends up running about 12 yards on that play but it finishes as a six yard pickup left-hand side of the field is McCorkle they're gonna switch everybody up mcquarters gonna go far side of the field so that will mean Hannibal Clarke is on this left-hand side and he's also joined by Matthew Wells and Hogan East la jumping it looked like it was early that might be one of the latest flags that we have seen here on Sportsnet us a.net it looked like East LA's defensive line was in the backfield before the snap was sent away Joshua Murray Oh trying to anticipate the snap count on the far side of the field and it will indeed be offsides or encroachment on the defense for East LA which will give a first down to Compton so that's a big development for Compton as we take a look at the other game here on Sportsnet u.s. a.net right now 97 plane of the key to the County game is 21 to 3 as they start off the third quarter of flame between Fullerton College and Santa Ana two teams that to put it mildly do not like each other back to this one as this will be a delayed handoff going right up to the line of scrimmage and not really getting too much more as Benjamin Owsley Asli ends up getting picked up by a couple of teammates or excuse me that was Whitlock so it will get them back to the line of scrimmage where it will be a second down and ten yards to go as they look at the 38 yard line as the goal to keep this drive alive under 30 seconds to play here in quarter number one where it's 13-0 in favor of the East LA Huskies Iran Sports Net us a dinette clock still ticking were down to 15 seconds Jesse brew looking at the play clock he's got 22 there they're gonna wait until the very end of the first quarter and get the final play of the quarter as Jesse brews still weights still weights he's got three seconds left and they're going to end up running out the clock here in quarter number one so Compton college content to send us into the second quarter of play after the first 15 it's 13 to nothing in favor of East LA you are watching and listening to East LA college football here on Sportsnet USA . Sports Net USA Don net lot of community college football coming up in the future weeks here again on Sportsnet USA net your leader for community college football here in the state of California Fullerton College East LA Golden West and La Valle all hosted here on Sportsnet u.s. a.net Golden West took on West LA earlier and now we've got two games going on simultaneously so if you go to Sports Net USA Donette check out the video page where you can see both East LA and Fullerton College at the key to the County game at the exact same time over at the key to the County game and once again scoring update at the start of the second quarter it is 21 to 3 in favor of Fullerton College as they get 21 points in the first quarter Quin Commons with two different touchdown passes and Cooper Calais with one as well here in our game between East LA and Compton college Compton is going to take the ball from the 48 yard line they've got a second down intent to go where Jesse brew and company will set up brew going back sees a lot of space right down the middle of the field goes to the far side of the field gets a block he's going to go up to the 44 yard line finally get chased out he gets tackled well beyond the lineman or the out of bounds marker and he is still down two flags come flying in as that is going to be late contact on behalf of East LA I mean he was a good eats and nine yards out of bounds before he gets shoved to the floor this will be a personal foul going against East LA as the white hat is getting an explanation Jesse Bruce still trying to shake off the hit as he was being chased out of bounds by Shamar West's own let's go Huskies the chant in front of us from the East LA crowd personal foul going against East LA now looks like there may have been two penalties on the play as they're going to march off the yardage here in just a moment so the first one is the personal foul going against East LA for the late hit and then they're going to tack on 15 more so Compton college gains 30 yards on a play that was initially just a quarterback scramble so what they called was initially it was an unexcused me a late hit on East LA followed by an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty both of them go against the defense which gives 30 yards to East LA so they were at the 44 yard line now the ball is placed at the 14 and they're inside the red zone Jesse brew left-hand side looking from a core he's got him in the end zone touchdown Compton that is just their third touchdown of the season that goes to the far side of the field and our Sam a corker has over 60 yards receiving two receptions and a touchdown so that is one painful play for East LA if you're looking at it from the coach's perspective you know that they're not happy coach Kadena's has to be absolutely furious right now considering that they were at the 44 yard line as they're going to set up for the extra point attempt coming from Marco Medina Medina gets it blocked from behind and East LA looks to pick it up they end up taking it to the floor and nothing will ensue after that however the Yellow Handkerchief makes an appearance once again as a flag is going to go against the defense so chewy Tupac it's called for or excuse me gets the block but we'll see what it is and it's encroachment on the defense so they get a huge play there to keep it at thirteen six but they're gonna have to do it again as Marko Medina gets to line up for it once more Jesse brew is going to be the holder for Compton Medina takes a look at brew they're gonna quick snap it and get it up and get it in it's good so it's going to make it 13 to 7 and the way that you end up beating a defense like East LA on that field goal is exactly what Jesse brew did he ends up looking at Medina and instead of going through the normal progress now where you look at the kicker you say they're ready then you take one breath you look at the long snapper and then give it 3 seconds the snap comes in and then the field goal attempt if you see a defense that is trying to anticipate a snap count what you do is you go for the quick snap so he looks at thus at the kicker in Medina and says are you ready and immediately asked for the football it changes up the timing for East LA they can't get to it in time Medina puts it up puts it in and it's now 13 to 7 in favor of East LA and again going back to that those personal fouls against the Huskies it was at the 44 yard line where Jesse brew was tackled well out of bounds and then all of a sudden two straight personal fouls on the same play gives up 30 yards to the Huskies and now you look at the very next play being a 14 yard touchdown pass from Bru going to McCorkle backpedaling here's BL Robinson he's going to get it at the 10 yard line looking over to his right-hand side looking for blockers ends up getting up to the 30 where he is taken down at the 38 yard line flag comes flying in and we will see what the call is there but currently our score is 13 to 7 just inside the third the second quarter of play 14 24 left to be exact you are watching and listening to East LA college football here on Sportsnet us a.net it's gonna be a hold going against East LA so all of a sudden the Huskies just can't get out of their own way in the last two minutes of game time nice delay had really looked good in the first quarter their offense especially that 92 yard touchdown run by Brian Jones was clicking really well and all it took was a couple of personal fouls and a touchdown pass from Jessie Bruin Compton is right back in it so East LA takes over at the 25-yard line their own 25 yard line as Peterson is going to go into the slot on the left-hand side he'll be joined by munguia in addition to hood the handoff is on the right hash over to Rams Rams gets about five yards on the play and makes it a second down and 5 to go from the 30 yard line actually excuse me that is Armando Velasco so Velasco still in the backfield it's gonna go to Blazek Blazek over to Velasco he dips and dies passed two different guys drags four different defenders with him including brimmed Thompson and he will work his way down to exactly the 35 yard line which is what they needed for the first down and they will end up moving the sticks so first down for East la place it goes back into the gun is where he has operated the entire time three receivers over to his left one beam munguia the other beam Peterson jump on the defensive side of the football momentarily for Thompson College that's Jaylon Smith trying to anticipate the snap count Cedric hood far side of the field Peterson near side along with Watkins and munguia Velasco in the backfield it's gonna go over to hood who just makes a diving grab overtop of the defensive back far side of the field that was Trent Scott the second who is in coverage and Cedric hood with a terrific play he is running over towards his right shoulder but that ball is about two yards over towards his left shoulder he has to jump reach across his body and with two hands while laying out makes the catch it's a first down coming up for the Huskies as they try and move upfield here in the second quarter Velasco on the delayed handoff right hand side he finds some open space on the left-hand side cuts it back now at the 40 now at the 35 and he gets grabbed and taken down at the 34 so Armando Velasco going from the 49 yard line all the way down to the 35 is where they are actually going to mark him down 15 yard gain for Velasco and East LA is humming here on offense munguia in the slot on the left-hand side he's got Cedric hood as well this is Velasco finding the hole goes right into contact where he's going to be met by Damian Wright and Wright takes him down after a gain of five and a half our current score 13 to 7 East LA with the lead over top of Compton College Compton scoring just their third touchdown of the 2019 season last week a big victory for the East LA Huskies over top of Orange Coast College ball is placed at the 29-yard line Blazek trying to get away from some pressure tosses it over to hood on the far side those feel nice grab again by hood who is showing his hands here but we've got two different flags coming up one at the 21 yard line or excuse me at the 19 yard line and the other at the 29 two separate sides of the field so we'll get two different calls white hat walking over to see what the official call will be 11:30 left to go in the second quarter of play it's going to be a hold against the defense on one of them that will be declined and then we'll have another penalty that goes against Compton College defense and they are going to decline that as well so the catch is made is a gain of 17 yards they decline both of the penalties cuz both of them would have ended up just being ten yard gains in first downs he'll take the yardage Cedric hood either way ends up getting the stats as well Wesley Blazek only has three seconds on the play clock as he ends up getting the snap off Blazek right-hand side a flag on the near side of the field this cedric hood or excuse me brandon peterson tries to we'll say sell the call on the far side of the field he ends up running into a defender in craig slaughter there is a flag at the 17-yard line thank you to Albert Robles for pointing that out and we'll see what this is going to be this is going to go against the offense of East LA and a timeout is taken by the East LA Huskies so 11:05 left to go here in quarter number two it's 13 to 7 East LA with the lead over top of Compton college you are watching and listening to East LA college football here on Sportsnet us a.net an update from Santa Ana where Fullerton College has kicked a field goal and made at 24 to 3 with 1147 to go in the second quarter play in the 97th key to the County game Leslie Blazek and the entire East LA offense runs back out there Blazek finished last week with 247 passing yards and a total of four touchdowns as well just one interception against Orange Coast College that was over at lebarge Stadium Blazek with Rams over to his right he's got Peterson on the far left-hand side he's going for Cedric hood hood looking for his third catch but that will be a pass interference penalty going against Chaumont Callay sokka lay on the far side of the field actually that's going to go against Trent Scott the second Scott a defensive back 6-foot one out of Milliken high school so it is a pass interference penalty that will be a 15-yard or of the 15-yard variety which will bring them to a first down and goal from the seven yard line East LA knocking on the door of score number three Juan Rangel warming up as Wesley Blazek and company take a look at Rams Rams trying to go over towards the left it's Velasco Velasco turning back over to his right-hand side tries to get the corner gets tackled by two different guys at the six yard line so he ends up gaining one but Albert when you look at that he looked like he was going to be stacked six yards behind the line of scrimmage Velasco a terrific job adjust bouncing it to the outside half and gaining as much as he possibly could out of that play definitely made some work out of that he was clearly going to go nowhere broke that tackle gain of one and ELAC still within first a second ago now here's Wesley Blazek from the six yard line motion on the offensive line we're gonna get a false start so all the work that Velasco does on the last play ends up going away as this should be a false start against the offensive line of East LA it is indeed and it's a five-yard penalty which should bring them to about the 11 yard line so it is second down and goal to go 1016 left here in quarter number two we thank you for joining us Ryan Osborn Albert Robles live from East LA college Y guard Stadium that's the Huskies try to expand on their 13 7 lean Wesley Blazek looking over to his left he's got moody and Peterson looking for Cedric hood or excuse me Watkins it goes in and out of the hands of Watkins at the goal line that will be an incomplete pass so Watkins with an excellent chance to get a touchdown reception and for Watkins that would have been his first touchdown of the season can't haul it in and now we're looking at a third down and 11 to go huge break for Compton there that was all East Los Angeles touchdown went right to the hands got it you got to make those catches and I mean you mentioned that Albert as it will be a timeout taken by Compton their final of the first half you know as an athlete yourself you know that that's the type of opportunity that he's gonna be thinking about whether it be a week later whether it be a month later he's gonna be replaying that in his head the ball going right through his hands and out as an athlete how do you shake that off and just reset for the next play it's not the easiest thing to do but that's what you have to do you have to basically just reset basically take your little magic eraser give it a little shake like it like it what a next sketch and just tackle the next play head-on the best you can he's Los Angeles Drive so far doing their best to respond to the touchdown from Compton and hopefully they'll walk away with it but Compton getting a few good breaks here you mentioned Compton in those breaks I mean this is an offense for Compton that quite literally was one of the third or the three worst offenses in the entire state coming into this game in fact they had negative seven yards rushing coming into this one which I still find fascinating and all of a sudden they have actually performed pretty well here in the first half very much so the corker very surprising guy two great catches like the second catch being for the touch and the first being for that massive positive yardage our line of the first quarter so here's Wesley Blazek from the 11-yard line he's got a third down and 11 to go actually better yet third down and goal to go Wesley blazing in the shotgun he's got Peter Robinson over to his right not gonna hand it off to him ball goes over towards the left where it's incomplete in and out of the hands once again this time of Demonte Presley so you got to think that Juan Rango is going to jog out there for the field goal Wesley Blazek not happy with his wide receiving core there as that's two different very catchable balls for East LA that they weren't able to capitalize on and much better coverage on confidence on that it compared to the previous play even though ye lock is gonna get a score on this at least they'll be happy knowing that they lock with only a field goal when it could have been very easily six juan arango big booth down the middle nope it goes wide to the right so Rango can't get that one up and in and Compton college so you just mention it they had much better defensive coverage in their secondary on that second passing play where they had two different defensive backs closing in on the pass and then all of a sudden they're able to force a missed field goal so Compton college it's kind of a bend but don't break type of defense that you're seeing from them in the last what we'll say 10 to 12 minutes of game time where they're letting East LA Drive down the field but they're just not giving up those points immediate huge improvement in the second quarter compared to their first eye in the kickoff after their touchdown that had some very decent yardage 2a compared to the kickoff in the very beginning of the game in previous putts huge improvement just from that aspect alone and you mentioned that as Jesse brew tosses over towards the far side of the field getting away from one tackle will be mcore Kerr and actually that is going to go into the hands of brimm Thompson so Thompson getting some playing time on the offense you mentioned that that gate Compton excellent field position and when you look at what East LA had to do on that last Drive they had to drive in additional 25 yards because of that run back it ended up translating into helping Compton College keep East LA out of the end zone so that Compton defense showing up here that East LA it's 13 to 7 909 left here in quarter number two Jesse brew with a visor on trying to keep the glare out of his eyes as he takes a look over towards his right hand son getting chased from behind he's got a wide open guy on the left-hand side of the field it is nearly picked off as it goes in and out of the hands of Tyrone Clark Clark reached up with one arm and had it tipped off of his fingers and right near Shamar West's own West only free safety for East LA sprinting over to try and grab it last week West Stella or excuse me East LA scored 44 points in a victory over top of Orange Coast College Huskies looked really good last Saturday this will be Jesse brew with three receivers on his right hand side one of them being Mathew wells far side of the field is McCorkle he gets the snap it's going to go over towards West or Whitlock that will be an incomplete pass with Ronald woods also in the vicinity as they tried to go with the screen pass on the right hand side but East LA was all over top of it so that will be a third down intend to go from the 31 yard line [Music] third-down intent to go from the 31 clock stopped at 8:49 left here in quarter number two has lined up on the right hand side is Ramon Hogan in addition to Hannibal Clarke the snap is there stepping up his brew he's looking for a pass to Hogan and that is going to be at least 10 yards behind him and Bru got decked after delivering that pass he stayed on the ground just for a couple extra seconds and the punt team is going to come on for Compton College brew has truly taken a beating here in this first half of play as East LA has been getting into the backfield so Marco Medina is going to kick it away as it looks like it might be Tyrone Clark who is back there to receive for the Huskies this would be Medina's fourth punt of the afternoon gets the snap just does get it away nearly gets taken down tries to sell the contact as the ball bounces back to the 43 yard line confusion in the crowd as they thought that maybe East LA had actually touched the ball and Compton had a chance to retake it over but East LA yelled fire and they get away from it Marco Medina is really trying to work his position to its fullest opportunities as he lets that kick go he ends up falling to the floor and trying to get that roughing the kicker call very narrowly got taken out in that play another really good kick from him much better this time around improving overall East Los Angeles very happy forcing the three not on that play knowing that Compton likes to go go for it on fourth down hopefully they can actually respond it actually gets some scoring opportunities here pierre robinson is going to start this drive off with a 5 yard carry off the right tackle that's gonna make it second down and 5 to go from the 42 yard line and when you mention that albert I mean his last two punts had only gone for 21 and 25 yards respectively that one goes for a total of 35 so that helps them out feel position wise this is going to be hand off over to pierre Robinson Robinson trying to get away from some contact that's actually Cedric hood who gets the handoff he gets tackled at the 45 initially the side judge was deeming that it was the 46 yard line they stack him up back at the 45 so now it's third down to go and 7 yards to get a first left-hand side his hood on the right hand side is Peterson in Watkins Brian Jones in the backfield he's got one rushing touchdown already actually there goes Watkins Pierre Robinson left-hand side trying to get to the first down marker bounces off one tackle tries to get away from another and finally gets taken out of bounds at the 46 yard line make it the 47 it's a total gain of two and this content defense shows up again an excellent job by Avante Rasta forces on offense off I got a bounce very easily it could have broken that tackle but he stuck with it so East LA 13 Compton just seven so far but they're about to get the ball back Juan Rango going back for the kick back to receive asthma corker it's a fake they're gonna go on the right-hand side here's a chance for Watkins Watkins in the clear make it Jamaal Evan's Evan's nearly gets taken down far side he's got one more chance to beat one guy he's down to the five yard line that is one of the more successful trick place you will ever see in college football it takes them from the 47 yard line down to the 4 he tricked out quite literally everyone in this stadium who wasn't dressed in gray I had no idea what was going on Evans is down to the third yard line so heavens inside the five so he goes as a direct snap to Evans Evans gets a blocker on the right hand side in Watkins they both move up on the right or towards the right hash they bounce it out together he stays behind his blocker and finally gets taken down they're gonna mark him at the 4 it looked like what you were saying was the 3 yard line should have been where the ball was placed either way they give it at the 4 goes to Blazek Blazek looking for a receiver caught touchdown East LA that's gonna be Watkins Watkins ends up hauling that one in on the left-hand side of the field so the trick play results in six just one play later and the East LA Huskies get themselves on the board and that's gonna be 20 or make it 19 to 7 we'll see if Juan Arango can get this one up in in kick is up kick is good it's 22 7 East LA with the lead so Watkins hauls it in from four yards out and with just 547 remaining here in quarter number two East LA has taken a commanding two-score lead and just when it looked like Compton college had the momentum and their defense was looking terrific in the last three series again Jamal Evans executing that perfectly it also looked like he was going to be stuffed right at the line of scrimmage which was six yards behind the first down marker that they needed he gets away from that initial contact and finally moves his way down the right sideline and that ends up as a total gain of 56 yards down to the 4 yard line and one play later they are in the end zone ball was booted over towards the right-hand side of the field it is mcore Cruz going to take it a corker but the chance to move up the field with Matthew wells and wells it's taken out at the 21 yard line is where they will mark him down so east away with 539 left here in quarter number two they lead it 20 to 7 you are watching and listening to East LA college football here on Sportsnet us a.net Ryan Osborne Albert Robles over to my left hand side we want to remind you that all games here on Sportsnet u.s. a.net are brought to you by Miller Toyota of Anaheim maybe you're looking for that new or used vehicle you want your family member to get around safely to get around in style well go ahead and check out Miller Toyota of Anaheim they've got student discounts military discounts that you can check out either online at Miller Toyota of Anaheim comm or in the core or in person at the corner of the 91 and Euclid Miller Toyota of Anaheim supports high school sports community college sports but most of all they support education once again that is Miller Toyota of Anaheim a proud pot a proud sponsor of Sportsnet us a.net we've got an injury-time out here on the field at the 28 yard line 539 left here in quarter number 222 seven is our score both teams are going down to a need to see who exactly as the injury on the far side as finally getting up is the compton player and we get a chance to see who it is it's Raymundo Acosta six foot forward defensive end out of Thomas Jefferson senior high school so he's able to walk off on under his own power and the trainer's from both sides will head back to their respective sidelines and Compton college will start off they are drive from the 23 Jesse brew is going to be joined out there by wells in addition to Hogan and mcore Kerr far side of the field goes to McCrory a corker gets the catch but he's all down after a three yard game that brings them up to the 25 yard line [Music] so here's Compton college second down and seven to go ball placed at the 25-yard line Jesse brew takes the snap he's looking over to his left but three different flags come in from three different directions I'm gonna say that's going to be a false start going against Compton and it will indeed be a five-yard penalty against the Tartars Compton college a historic program in Southern California this is a team that just about ten years ago was a perennial playoff team they have fallen on some lean years here recently but they've had a pretty good showing in this one here's Jesse brew he wants to run he's gonna look for the sideline finally gets wrangled out of bounds at the 23 four minutes and 15 seconds left here in quarter number two times still ticking down Jessie Bru got taken down two yards behind the line of scrimmage so that's going to bring up a third down at about nine and a half yards to go through runs over towards the sideline and he'll run back to the huddle now this is kind of unusual for college teams as of lately Albert nobody goes with a huddle anymore let alone under center but Compton college likes to go out of the huddle they're going to bring it to brew brew over towards his left and a flag is gonna fly in as the left ton left side of the offensive line moved a shade too early false start going against Compton now the penalties start bogging down this one as that will march him back five yards 3:45 left in the second quarter 22 seven is the score so now instead of a third down and nine to go it's going to sit at a third down and 14 Compton college needs at least the 33 yard line for a first down Jesse brew getting some information from Ramon Hogan Hogan's going to go over towards the left-hand side he's joined by Matthew wells as well here's Jesse brew it's a contact he dropped the football East la will recover huge it that was laid on to the quarterback Jesse brew by John Julia to Poe and chuyia to Poe with the recovery as well so East LA takes over and just like that Albert we saw Compton get a scoring drive we saw them stack East LA on two different defensive series but all we took was one trick play from East LA and all of a sudden that momentum that had swung significantly towards Compton side is now steadily in the hands of the Huskies very much so the Huskies defense at an excellent job of containing Compton there you got to be a little bit deflated for Compton holes basically one step forward two steps back they gave some yardage lose five get some both lose five again and of course you know the defense stepping up get that sack and fumble recovery there and of course here we go again here's Watkins he's gonna drop that one there you're going to say it's an incomplete pass that's the second time that Watkins has dropped ones or dropped one that has hit his hands also on this side of the field so it's going to be a second down intent to go and I mean you mentioned the one step forward two steps back for Compton we had actually seen them gain quality yards in this one and then all of a sudden those penalties marching them back or they end up just not finding a hole in the offensive line to run through here's Blazek goes right down the middle over into the hands of Demonte Presley touchdown East LA so two straight big plays for East LA that turn into scoring plays and less then two snaps later they get themselves a twenty six to seven lead 317 left in quarter number two Juan Rangel is going to try and get the extra point kick is up and kick is good so it's now 27 to 7 a big time lead for East LA a flag is down on the field is it after the play or is it during the play that is the question flag is currently on the goal line white hat is saying it's against Compton and it will be declined leading to in East LA extra point so it ends up being a huge turnover for Compton college Jesse brew with the fumble all of a sudden that turns into a Demonte Presley touchdown from about 11 yards out big-time catcher and proudly an absolute laser from Blazek just pinpointed to directly out his receiver for a wonderful touchdown you mentioned that throw it's pretty often in the community college level where you'll see quarterbacks try and throw it to the receiver but not lead they're just their receiver into open space you mentioned the throw that one was right on line in stride to his wide receiver all Presley had to do was throw his arms and catch it and he did just that and hold it in Compton defense couldn't do anything about it ball booted into the air it's going to go all the way to Mac or Carr on the far side of the field he's at the 2 yard line he's reversing his side of the field he's going to not be hauled in at the 10 he's going to work his way down to the 16 where he gets taken out into the trainer's bench and mcore car is still down time is called for a moment on the field asthma corker got pushed out of bounds the compton coaching staff isn't happy as they thought they had a similar play on the far side of the field we remember when Jesse brew got taken out after he had crossed the out of bounds marker Compton's coaching staff thought that it was the same thing with mcore car here he ends up getting pushed out of bounds but his momentum takes him directly into a trainer's table down there and he is still out for the moment being so they are checking on him the entire coaching staff and we've got a break in the action 302 left in quarter number two it's 27 to seven East LA with a 20-point lead you are watching and listening to East LA college football here on sports night us a.net four touchdowns for East LA one for Compton so far as there's a break for the time being as everyone is checking on our Sam a corker who had been terrific in this game albert mentioned it earlier he had three options two of them absolutely sensational one for over 42 yards another one for a 14 yard touchdown catch and he's going to end up being helped to his feet and try and get over towards the far sideline wonderful see him actually get up and walk on his own power it's a little bit reassuring that hopefully he can maybe re-enter this game for Compton he's been part of the biggest you know factor of this Compton offense at all this entire game Souma corker quick wave to the crowd as he will work his way to the far side he's getting high fives from the East LA Huskies as he's making his way over there and that just shows you the respect that they have for him and how well he has played in this game mcore curry looking really good and now all of a sudden Compton is going to have to take the field without one of their better offensive threats so the ball will be placed at the 15 yard line where Jesse brew and company will take over Mathew wells will be on the right-hand side of the field Hogan on the far left-hand side and he is joined out there by Clark snap has taken Jesse brew trying to get away from some contact behind the line of scrimmage he tosses towards the sideline is it hauled in it is not as it looked like it was Clark who was trying to tap his toes right at the 25-yard line but they will say that he didn't actually keep control of the football and a flag is down in the backfield behind the quarterback Jesse brew that's normally where you would see a hold and we'll see what the call is and as the umpires standing over the ball getting set to end up walking out the yards nope they're going to wave it the umpire still thinks that uh okay now he's got the communication for a moment there the umpire was still waiting to actually walk the yards back but the white hat ends up waving the flag and Compton college with a second down in ten from the 15 Matthew Wells right hand side they've got Clark on the far side here's a toss up the middle to Clark that is in and out of the hands of Aaron Hill Hill had the interception there and that is going to be another injury coming up actually two injuries for Compton college one on the offensive line is getting up is Jacob Jimenez but Jesse brew if I'm not mistaken is still down and again he has taken some really big hits and he's wobbly getting up there the flag was thrown immediately following the hit - Jesse brew and for brew they've got - they've got to get him off the field for the time being as it looks like brew got hit right about the line of scrimmage by John - yeah - PO and they have already walked out the yards it's a personal foul going against the defensive line and automatic first down as well as a new quarterback is going to run out there and I think they're going to give it to Matthew wells the quarterbacking duties and it is indeed wells who will take over normally we had seen shaman Kalle but instead it will be wells so wells takes over on the offensive side of the football he's gonna run it himself he goes to the far side of the field he's got a lot of speed to burn goes into some contact still on his feet and gets it up to the 41 yard line and if wells can do that consistently yes it's only the first play of the drive that he's in there but if wells can do that consistency consistently that's a whole new dimension for Compton very much so that was probably one of the more well executed plays cockta has showed so far especially you know from well she's playing wider see this entire time coming to the quarterback unexpectedly with Andrew that was one heck of a run first down at $11 to think on that plane it only goes 11 yards now they've had longer opportunities in this ball game but deep you just get the feeling that that last burst by Wells may have been one of the quickest we have seen all afternoon very much so so here's Wells he'll get the snap taking a look downfield still looking for a chance he gets taken down from behind it's a sec for East LA the defensive line shows up big as it looks like it's going to be credited to Joshua murió six-foot four defensive lineman out of Winter Park Florida so well so it's trying to look up fields he got caught from behind by Moorea Moorea joined by key and to a 2 po in addition to the far side of the field being manned by Emanuel cater three wide receiver set on the right hand side of the field far side his Clark here's wells in the shotgun getting pressured heavily that ball is fluttering into the air trying to come back for it was Clark but he's not going to end up getting to it in time and now wells is shaken up and wells is really feeling the effects of that hit so if your Compton college now you're looking for someone else on the offensive side of the football who has maybe played some quarterback at least in high school because they have only run out to different quarterbacks all season long now wells is out there well still trying to shake off that last hit so East LA finally getting into the backfield we've got 118 left to go until halftime wells looking around he gets the snap he's gonna move over to his right gets away from one guy still looking upfield floating it near side and a group of four are there and it goes past the awaiting arms of jamai merchant so that will be out of Bounce and a fourth down coming up for Compton wells still trying to shake off the effects of that hit from two plays ago you gotta admire the toughness of wells stepping into position he clearly wasn't ready for it but doing his best to stay with it supported his team looks like Compton is going to kick it away as Marco Medina will hop out there and look for the pun and Vause price is sitting back this is going to go to Medina Medina can't find it he gets decked he ends up losing the football they're gonna whistle it down and it look like the football was out before she ended up hitting the deck but they whistle it down at the 20 either way it's still a turnover Medina not happy with himself tosses his helmet to the sideline and he's going to get a personal foul in unsportsmanlike conduct penalty coming up against Medina as he is having words with the official on the far side of the field and so as if it wasn't bad enough for Compton college to have that snap go backwards and get tackled now all of a sudden you've got the misconduct or excuse me the unsportsmanlike conduct that should march it down to around the 10-yard line and that was a very high snap to Medina Medina 6-1 but he's a heavy 6-1 he's not not gonna be the easiest simply to try to make it to make an rein in that catch so it ends up being a personal foul unsportsmanlike conduct - Marco Medina for tossing his helmet and that is going to be a 15-yard penalty bringing them right down to the 5 so if East LA can capitalize on this all of a sudden it's Compton who has really hurt themselves in this situation so you got Rams in the backfield munguia on the left-hand side in the slot justin watkins wide over towards the left Peterson in the slot on the right-hand side and Cedric hood wide to the right Wesley Blazek looking to capitalize on touchdown number 3 for him he's gonna go to Rams Rams right hand side tries to cut back inside and he's got the endzone touchdown East LA there's a personal foul going against I believe it's going to be Compton college [Music] as munguia and a defensive back for compton we're getting into it on the left hash and it looks like that's going to be Eli Williams so the end result is a touchdown and it will be a personal foul going against Eli Williams they're going to enforce it on the kickoff 54.6 seconds left to go 27 to 7 was the score now you can boost it up as Juan Rango gets set to kick this one away he just does get it off does it go through it does not so wide to the right and the scoreboard should reflect a 34 to 7 lead in favor of East LA or make it 30 3 to 7 East LA lead and Rams making it look easy on that touchdown around second of the day so 54.6 on the clock in quarter number two it's a 33 make it 34 to 7 lead or it should be a 33 to 7 lead should be 33 scoreboard over to our right has it at 34 7 but you are watching and listening to East LA football you're on Sportsnet u.s. a.net East LA is starting to tack it on here in quarter number two as we're getting set for halftime in just a couple of moments 54.6 showing on the clock 33 to 7 is our score Juan rango getting prepared to kick this one away the clock shows zeroes as this kids booted up and into the end zone that will make its way out of balance some collisions middle of the field as Bowl teams starting to get chippy two sides talking back and forth with one another that's a couple of East LA guys were just yanked out of that pile and one of them in the middle of it being male Tasi sofa and we do get a flag on the play so you would think that that's going to be in the unsportsmanlike conduct region as well we'll see whether or not it goes on Compton or East LA normally it's the secondary person the reaction that gets called for it personal foul going against Compton college so instead of starting at the 20-yard line it's a personal foul going against Compton they're going to have to March it backwards actually excuse me from the 30-yard line is where they are getting set to march off the yards officials still trying to work it out they finally make it to the 25 and now they will march off the penalty which should bring it to about the we'll say 17 yard line so they go from the 27 down to the 17 and Compton is going to have to figure things out here they've got wells who is going to stay in at quarterback as Jesse brew may have been knocked out of this game and they're going to finally take off five more yards because they have initially just marched off 10 of those 15 then finally they place it back at around the 12 and a half yard line so that's where Compton will started off on this Drive in the backfield is Vincent Whitlock and Compton just wants to take a knee and send us to halftime so the clock should start as they finally do start it off they're going to let it run second down and 11 to go as there's the knee and that should take us to the half our score at the end of two quarters of play it's 33 to 7 East LA on top of Compton college you are watching and listening to East LA football here on sports night us a.net Ryan Osborne Albert Robles over to my left hand side as you take a look at midfield right now both of these two sides well it hasn't exactly been the prettiest of games for either team you look at Compton they have had some really bright spots in this ball game you look at East LA they have capitalized really well but neither team has put together a full 30 minutes of football right after who thought me a Compton is definitely doing better than I had expected you coming into this game really good offensive shows from a corker hopefully he'll be able to come back into this game in the second half Compton the very wisely just took a knee going into the half they need to take this time to mentally regroup clean up to some of the plays that they've been making a lot of those you know offensive defensive holes that have you know negatively impact them and you know while they are probably out of this game at least they can come out you know play with some heart and actually make some improvements within their play they've only had two touchdowns coming into this ball game they got one in the first quarter their first score in the first quarter in 2019 in fact you have to go to about week I believe it was week three of last year the last time that they actually scored in a first quarter of play so again when you look at Compton as you said in the second half they have the opportunity to fix a lot of things but if you're Compton college how do you look at this second half and say all right we have our offense who needs a little bit of tuna but our defense has looked really well if your Compton how do you look at the second half are you looking more at the offense or at the defensive side it's very hard to see where how they're gonna address you know where they're lacking clearly their offense has taken a hit with the loss of a corker and grew going down I'd say they'll probably have to focus on the defense that's where their strengths have been hopefully their defense can make some very good plays against the Huskies offense and see if they can improve from there but it's gonna take a lot from their offense to make up whatever decima that they have right now so you look at the current deficit it's 33 to 7 our score at half where East LA leads Compton college Ryan Osborne joined by Albert Robles we will step aside for the moment being and when we come back we'll have some of the halftime stats in addition to a look at the California scoreboard you are watching and listening to East LA college football here on Sportsnet us a.net why your stadium here on the campus of East LA college as we get set for half number two between East LA and Compton Compton they deferred to start off this ballgame so they're gonna get it to start off the second half back to receive his Ronald woods in addition to wells ball gets kicked over towards wells side he may just let that go out note he ends up catching it at the 7 he's gonna turn it over towards his right runs into his own blocker and gets chased out of bounds at the 17 yard line so Compton will start their drive here in half number 2 at the 17 our score is 33 to 7 you are watching and listening to East LA college football here on Sportsnet us a.net Ryan Osborne Albert Robles live here at East LA as the Huskies have a commanding lead over top of Compton college the Tartars are going to start off at the 18 yard line so they reset where the ball was placed so they look at the 18 first and 10 for Compton are they going to run out wells are they gonna bring back Bru and it looks like Bru is going to re-enter the ballgame the five-foot-nine quarterback and already we have our first flag of the second half this is going to be a delay of game going against the offense so a five-yard penalty going against East LA our score 33 to 7 the Huskies with the lead over top of Compton here's Jesse brew brew over towards the left hand side brew looking for a teammate nearly gets that one picked off in and out of the hands of Zion Dixon I don't think ye you will see a pass that goes much more direct into the hands of a defender and what you just saw there from Jesse brew brew got knocked out of the second quarter as the five-foot-nine quarterback got leveled three different times successively by the defensive line of East LA wells came in to back up behind him ten seconds left on the play caught brew gets the snap he's looking over towards his left he wants to run it himself still staying behind the line of scrimmage he's gonna take it all the way to the 15 16 yard line and finally get chased out of bounds after a gain of three so that should bring up a third down and 12 to go Jesse brew running back over looking for the sign from the sideline East LA has Hannibal Clark it will run over ball placed on the Rhine hash clock ticking down 14 15 just under way here in the third quarter twenty six point lead for East LA wide to the right his McCorkle wide to the left is Hogan he's joined out there by Hannibal Clark as well through under pressure wants to get it away gets hit as he throws the ball is loose but they're going to say it's an incomplete pass as brew gets taken to the floor once again and that should bring up fourth down and 12 and Medina's going to jog back out there now earlier we saw Medina get a snap go over top of his head and fall to his feet he ended up getting tackled for a loss of about 21 yards on a punt attempt we'll see what happens here for Compton College Medina then threw his helmet to the floor and got a personal foul for an unsportsmanlike conduct Medina back there he gets the snap that one's high too this one nearly gets blocked he goes to the floor a fair catch is made in behind the play there is a flag called or a flag toss is it going to go against East LA for running into the kicker possibly now running into the kicker is a five-yard penalty roughing the kicker is an automatic first down and it will be I believe running into the kicker so they are going to place the ball down over at the 17 yard line as they work through what exactly happened so it is going to be running into the kicker which should be a five-yard penalty and that's what they're going to rule running into the kicker five-yard penalty against the defense which brings it to the 21 Modena this time is able to get the kick away it's going to go towards the far side of the field we're taking a look at it and calling fires Jonathan Blackmon and it will go out at the 46 yard line 13:27 remaining here in quarter number three Ryan Osborne Albert Robles joining you live from East LA college where the Huskies lead at 33 to seven you are watching and listening to East LA college football here on Sportsnet us a.net should be noted that was another good 40-plus yard punt out of Edina there lots of improvement that second time around here's Wesley Blazek he's got three wine in addition to pierre robinson in the backfield robinson over to his left trying to pick up on the pressure here's Blazek getting over to the sideline can he get to the original line of scrimmage he cannot so it'll be a loss of one and that will make it a second down in 11 yards to go here's the snap taken by Blazek turns over to his right finds a receiver far side in Mangia Mangia follows one would-be tackler and finally gets taken out at the 49 yard line of compton so they flipped the field and East LA is inside of compton territory now he steles offense looked pretty good last week again they scored 44 points in a 44 to 17 win over top of Orange Coast College Wesley Blazek at the helm they're got over 200 yards passing he's back here for East LA and looking to take it into the air instead he hands it off on the delay over to Robinson Robinson gets stacked by two one of them being Bryn Thompson and that should make it fourth down and about two and a half are they gonna go for it looks like East LA is gonna go for it Peterson goes to the far side of the field munguia on the left-hand side hood on the far side in the air side is Watkins trying to get Compton to jump offsides is Blazek now he'll take a look at the sign line he still got 20 seconds left on the play clock he rearranged his Robinson to go over to his right hip Blazek looking at the sideline he's got the sign he likes goes back looking to pass right up the middle to Peterson caught for a first down that'll be at the 32 yard line so Brandon Peterson just finds a little pocket of open space in between the safety and the linebackers and a line pass by Blazek is perfectly placed and it will be a first down coming up to East LA left-hand side now lining up will be blackman blackman joined by Peterson and munguia far side of the field is Watkins this is going to be tipped at the line of scrimmage and it will land for an incomplete pass so to move it to second down and tend to go from the 32 yard line [Music] [Music] Blazek in the backfield going from the shotgun turns over to his right Peterson wasn't looking for that football at all his Peterson initially ran his route wielded over towards the right hand side the ball is tossed to him at about the 32 yard line but he was looking to get upfield little miscommunication for East LA on the offensive side of the football and that brings up third down and ten near side of the field it's going to be Peterson joined by munguia and Blackman far side is Watkins Snap is taken by Blazek or at least it will be after the three or make it the five yard penalty for false start third down and 15 the 22 yard line of Compton college is what East LA needs to get to that's a big wreck for Compton college right there at the rate that you saw Sanders has been playing right now they can easily get a 10 yard on just about any play 15s very hard to get on the third down this goes back to Blazek Blazek with some pressure behind him he doesn't see it it's Peterson diving for the ball he's got it it won't be enough for a first down as a late flag comes flying in that might be Peterson for taunting afterwards and it is indeed so it's an unsportsmanlike against Peterson if you're Peterson in that situation you're not picking up the first down you can't afford to turn around and look at the defense and start taunting and that was a big-time play from the Huskies but that just too gated all the for caucus he had you probably could have done something with that first with that fourth down upcoming and now basically probably probably have to punt that off now yeah I mean you mentioned that it was a 12 yard pickup and now all of a sudden not only is that a race they lose four yards on this play so that's huge and just like you mentioned Albert now they've got to bring out Juan Rangel to punt it away so why spot from you as East LA is now going to have to kick it away instead of having a very manageable fourth down and you know that Compton is going to go with a completely different coverage than what we saw in the first half after that trick play earlier this will be straight up to Rango Rango looking to pin it inside the 10 high floater that will go into the end zone and that will allow for Compton college to take over at the 20 our score is still 33 to 7 with 1046 left in the third quarter you are watching and listening to East LA college football here on sports night us a.net speaking of sports night USA net we've got the key to the county game 97th edition of that game going on over at the Santa Ana Bowl where it's a thirty seven to ten lead for Fullerton College overtop of Santa Ana a lot of people picked that game to be at least an 80 to 90 point difference between Fullerton College and Santa Ana and no that's not a typo that's not me exaggerating last year it was 88 to nothing that one goes and gets and becomes an incomplete pass that was delivered to Hannibal Clark and it's now second down and 10 for Compton but 33 to 10 is the score over at the key to the county back here at East LA the Huskies in control of this one but we're still early here in the third quarter 1040 to play 33 to 720 six-point lead for the East LA Huskies Huskies in gray today with black pants and black helmet as well snap is taken by Bru he's going to look over towards his left tries to find Clark just does land in his hands the catch is made so now it's gonna be a fourth down and about six yards to go they need to make it to the 30 yard line to pick up a first down ten minutes exactly on the clock as it still winds down it's actually gonna be a third down in six for Jesse brew now for seconds on the play clock he's got to get it off he does get it into his hands he's gonna roll over to his right he's got some room to run if he can get to the edge he does so and we'll only end up gaining about a yard and a half as they will place the ball down at the 30 or excuse me the 27 yard line that's gonna switch everything up so it will allow for Medina to run on to the field and he's gonna have to kick it away so this should be good field position for East LA depending on where the return is going to go Donte Simmons back to receive couple of guys getting off the field Millea toss the sofa will jog back on and that should be 12 guys on the field for East LA there are 12 guys on the East LA so not only does sofa jog off the field he comes back on and the East LA Huskies still have 11 or have 12 so it's going to be a penalty for too many men on the field they had 12 guys in formation so it'll be a five-yard penalty against East LA and in automatic or excuse me not an automatic but a first down going against East LA so that allows for the Compton offense to stay on the field and Albert you mentioned in the first half those penalties can hurt you if you are the Huskies well it hurts them here because they had the opportunity to take the ball back now all of a sudden after that penalty miscommunication or maybe a little bit of distraction and all of a sudden Compton's back on offense a very very uncharacteristic of the Huskies so far at this game has it been very often that you've seen you know the miscommunication so far that in the first half hardly any at all just a few no careless plays and lots of miscommunication this one here here's wells turning around trying to find that pass and it will be out of bounds so we're starting to get some ship eNOS and some after play conversations we will say as a flag is down on the field and it looks like from the reactions of Compton it's going to go against them Cameron Johnson reacting Britney animatedly emphatically hazards I would say I'm not happy about it at all it looks so that's going to be a chop block going against the Compton Tartars and it will indeed be against Cameron Johnson so that's gonna March it back a good 15 yards and that's one of the new rules that Artie that is taking place in whether it be the NCAA the NAIA or the CCC AAA where if you end up going and blocking anywhere below around the thigh area you're going to get called for that as they try and emphasize play your safety so Jesse brew now with a first down and quite a bit to go 25 yards it's gonna toss it well into the air off to the right hand side as there is a little bit extra after that plans looks like it should have been a penalty to East LA it looked like a manual cater got into it with an offensive lineman and Jesse Toro or Compton but they don't throw a flag and it will stay at second down in 25 for wide receiver set for Compton far side of the field they have mcore Kerch owned by clark near side of the field they're going to go with Ramon Hogan in addition to Matthew ELLs definitely guys subbing off Manuel cater is going to take a seat for East LA running on will be come on and no briga wide hat still trying to get an explanation from his crew they finally decide on where that ball is going to go and it will stay at the 17 and a half yard line of Compton college 802 left as the clock keeps ticking down play clock still not activated yet on the left-hand side this is going to go to Jesse brew drew takes the snap he immediately hands it off to wells Wells dips out of a tackle he ends up getting taken down one yard behind the line of scrimmage so Wells even though he has tremendous speed that can be the problem with those end around slash pitch type of plays in which yes you have the opportunity for space on the far side of the field but by the time the receiver gets to that football he's already run close to 25 yards and if he ends up getting the edge on the far side of the field now you're looking at asking him to not only run those 25 to get to the football an additional 10 to pass the laughs tackle an additional 10 to get upfield and it ends up as a rush for negative one to much to run laterally to get a couple of yards up the field as there will be a flag going against East LA it looks like they're trying to call to lay a game even though I don't think the clock it even started or was running the way yeah you're absolutely right they called a delay of game it's a five-yard penalty but we're looking at the play clock and it's sad at 40 I had their way it's a third down in about 400 yards this is going to be flowing over to the far side of the field picked off by Aaron Hill Hill looking to return e he's on the 50 he's got it to the 40 a flag comes out that's gonna be hold so no matter what he does it's going to be called back Aaron Hill gets taken out at the 18 yard line but two different flags come in it should be a hold going against East LA right out about the 48 yard line it is a pick that is taken from Aaron or taken by Aaron Hill from Jesse brew we'll see what the fouls are [Music] wide hat going up it's going to be a personal foul against East LA so there it is a personal foul and a hold one of them is declined that's the personal foul which I believe should have been a block in the back and then it goes to a holding call which is accepted and now it's going to be a run back to about the 42 yard line the officials are making us do too much math here in the second half of play 644 remaining in the third quarter it's 33 to 7 East LA on top of Compton Rudy Garcia runs in as he's going to take over for Wesley blazing Garcia takes the snap turns it over to Pierre Robinson Robinson going lateral now dips and dives his way to the inside nearly gets absolutely blasted at the 50 yard line he ends up making it down to the 49 and he was being chased by Avante Ross and Ross is hearing it from the east la sideline trips on the right-hand side of the offense this goes to Rudy Garcia he's gonna hand it off it goes to Pierre Robinson makes one guy miss now dips over towards the right hand side the cutback brings him to the 37 yard line and there's another flag as it looks like this is going to be after the play and it should be a personal foul going against the compton defense so let's see what hall is on the field personal foul going against Compton and it will go against Christopher Willis so we'll it's too much contact after the play was officially wish whistled dead and Compton is going to take a timeout 554 left to go here in quarter number three it's a thirty three to seven game East LA still with the lead you are watching and listening to East LA college football here on Sportsnet us a.net all games here on Sportsnet us a.net are brought to you by the wonderful Miller Toyota of Anaheim you're looking for that new or used vehicle or maybe it's more of a parts and service department thing you're looking for the number one thing that people search for when they're looking to get a new whether it be product piece of equipment a car whatever it may be they want good customer service you can 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who gets the handoff and he gets stuffed that's gonna be after gaining just one and quickly the officials run in so that way they can break it up afterwards trying to limit as many personal fouls as possible between these two sciences it has gotten excessively chippy in the last will say ten minutes of game time kershaun Snelson is now on the far side of the field getting some playing time at wide receiver here is Rudy Garcia takes the snap looking for pierre robinson he'll taken himself cuts back inside touchdown East LA so Rudy Garcia with a terrific run into the end zone he's going to make it thirty nine to seven with 407 to play in the third quarter this has just been two different types of offense from East LA which is kind of what we saw against Cerritos where when Rudy Garcia comes in it's more of a mobile style of offense with more options here's a chance for Juan Rangel to get it up and in and he does so it's now 42 seven as there's an injured Compton player on the ground and then Wesley Blazek is more of a surgical type of quarterback trying to march his way up field as methodical as possible with high chance plays and it's going to allow for Rudy Garcia to get the team back on the board this time from about seven yards out Garcia as he gets through the line of scrimmage makes one guy miss then cuts back over to his left crosses the goal line and makes it 40 to 7 Compton is Owen too to start the season East LA is one-in-one as they try and get two wins last year they had a total of four wins in their first year in the National Conference better than a lot of experts around the media and the state of California thought they would do is this is Rangel who kicks this one high and over towards the five yard line where it gets picked up on the far side by Wells wells trying to cut it back over towards the right we've got a flag on the near side of the field at the 26 yard line wide hat out there personal foul going against East LA that's going to make it a first down as they add 15 yards 36 yard line is where Compton is going to start off their Drive we'll see whether or not it's going to be wells or brew who take over a quarterback Wells had a good couple plays at QB in his only series but they will bring out Jesse brew once again as Albert said we have to commend Jesse brew for being out there after taking the shots that he did in the second quarter crew tries to get the defense to move and ends up getting his offensive line to go so that's a false start March it back five yards and it's now at the 31 yard line they have to get to the 41 or excuse me the 46 yard line for a first down Jesse brew turning over towards his left looking for a teammate can't find one now does find a receiver who gets absolutely decked as soon as that ball passes through the hands of jamai merchant so a big-time defensive play there is made by Carlos Alvarez as Alvarez with a huge hit on merchant you want to talk about wide receivers having to work through contact you don't normally see that much contact on a receiver who didn't end up getting the reception nonetheless it ends up going to the floor and with 255 to go here in the third quarter Jesse brew is gonna look over towards his left she's gonna take it himself he's got some speed goes inside outside finally lands at the 43 yard line or excuse me the 38 yard line and it will be a third down and about seven yards to go so somewhat manageable here for Compton we'll see whether or not they're able to pick up a first down this East LA defense has performed much better here in the second half one touchdown for East LA here in quarter number three Jesse brew wants to go himself he's gonna go inside won't get to the first down marker he gains three and it will be a 4th down and 4 yards to go as the punting unit comes on for Compton so Medina is going to kick it away boss price is back to receive for East LA it's 42 7 you're in quarter number 3 Ryan Osborn Albert Robles over to my left hand side as the Huskies still in a big lead and this goes well over the head of Medina Edina trying to find that Medina still can't get to he's going to get absolutely rocked at the 15 yard line here's a personal foul that comes flying in it might be against Medina we had seen him get a personal foul before on a very similar type situation and we'll see what it's going to be as that snap goes well over the head of Medina personal foul against the defense so against East LA they do force the turnover but that's going to March them back 15 yards from the 17 yard line so it should go to the 32 minute 21 left here in quarter number three you've seen some players in this game just take some really heavy hits especially in quarters number two and three bluffing the Blitz there is Compton right up the middle and that's going to be a roughing the passer call should go against Christopher Willis of the Compton defense which would come with an automatic first down as Rudy Garcia got taken down he runs over to the East LA sideline roughing the passer against the defense as that goes once again against Christopher Willis so an automatic first down given to East LA and Rudy Garcia so it was already really good field position was knocked back by a personal foul now you have a roughing the passer call that brings it near the original line of scrimmage at the 17 and East LA has the chance to really increase their lead here as they are up by 33 and East LA is going to call a timeout so they weren't happy with what they were seeing on the defensive side of the football with this break in the action it's 116 left to go in the third quarter of play 42 7 is our score with East LA on top you are watching and listening to East LA college football here on Sportsnet us a.net Ryan Osborne Albert Robles over to my left Albert when you look at this game it has the first quarter went by fast second quarter we saw a lot more stoppages due to injury now here in the third quarter it's all about the penalty flag and if you're Rudy Garcia also you have to commend him for just getting right back up after taking that hit I mean he was blasted in the backfield as he let go of that football here's a pitch that goes over to Voss price price ends up looking the wrong way and it looks like the ball is out it from initial looks like East LA has recovered no word from the officials thus far as we've got a nice tell a player down and they're going to call an injury timeout on the far side of the field it looks like it's Brian Jones so Brian Jones is the guy down for East LA 40 8.3 left to go here in quarter number three and it's still a 42 seven lead for East LA they're going to call overall the trainer's for Brian Jones so we got a break in the action here you are watching and listening to Sports Net us a dot Nets coverage of East LA college football life here at East LA some community college football going on over at Santa Ana College or at least the Santana Bowl as it is Fullerton College who is leading it by score of 39 to 10 we have some scores from around the state of California in Northern California De Anza finally gets their first win of the season as they end up beating gavel on college by a final of twenty to ten they had 13 points in the second quarter and Gavilan just wouldn't be able to recover from that American River in San Mateo San Mateo has looked terrific here in the early going they take down American River 42 210 21 points in the second quarter for San Mateo compared to no scores until late in the third for American River to make it a 42 to 10 ball game San Mateo with the victory as we keep looking at the Northern California scoreboard Los Medanos and Cabrillo as they go into the half it's 14 to 7 Cabrillo with the lead down here in Southern California Golden West with their first win of the it's a 34 to 12 finals over Sean hey Locke here on Sportsnet u.s. a.net the voice of golden west college football the franchise gets his first victory of the 2019 schedule 34 to 12 the final there is Golden West with double digits in the second and fourth quarters Palomar ends up losing to citrus 33 to 24 Palomares now one and two now Camino 70 LA Harbor seven that's a rough one for the LA Harbor Seahawks back here on the field Rudi Garcia is going to take the snap from the gun he looks to hand it off and does find Velasco but Velasco only able to get back to the original line of scrimmage and we're sitting at third down and five to go keeping up with the rest of the state of California you been Merced it's Yuba 20 Merced seven Fullerton College 52 Santa Ana 10 as they start off the fourth quarter of play and we have Alan Hancock who loses to Ventura eyes flags and whistles show up once again before the play can get off actually it's going to be the end of the 3rd so 42 7 is our score as we enter the fourth quarter of play East LA with the lead you are watching East LA college football here on sports neck us a.net Ryan Osborne Albert Robles live here at East LA Cerritos and desert 43 to 7 Cerritos over top of college of the desert RCC just barely beating San Bernardino Valley that's gonna be a huge one if San Bernardino Valley can somehow pull off a victory over the number one team in the nation that's huge San Bernardino Valley is in the American Conference that's a lower division than RCC and they are just four points behind at halftime we move over to mount sac and Chafee a similar situation mount sac is currently number four in the state of California Chafee is in the American Division they currently go to about six minutes and 11 seconds left in the fourth quarter mount sac hanging on by just one point at 22 to 21 Saddleback who has continued their role they now lead at 46 to 28 and San Diego Mesa 49 la Pere six that rounds out the scores in the state of California as Rudy Garcia as the ball at the 12 yard line going from left to right now here in the fourth quarter Garcia trying to lead them into the end zone again here's Velasco straight dive right down the middle he gets stuffed after gaining four wasn't enough for the first down but that's gonna bring up a fourth down in about one and a half to two yards to go and will the field goal unit come on or will Garcia stay out there for East LA it looks like Garcia is going to keep it receiver on the right hand side is Daniel Dexter boss price in the slot on the left Garcia trying to get the defense to go offside he does get the initial jump now takes a look at the sideline snap is taken looking over towards his right as Garcia looking for the end zone attorney big crab on the right-hand side of the field that is going to be hauled in for a touchdown catch by Angel Lopez actually excuse me that's Jayden James sensational catch by Jaden James who had to defend her draped all over top of him and yet he was still able to make the catch so that extends the lead to 40 6 to 7 Juan Rangel can put an exclamation point on the touchdown catch here extra point is through so it will be a 40 point lead at 47 to 7 East LA with the big time opportunity presented by Rudy Garcia on fourth down and two to go and they would end up being successful on the touchdown pass over to Jayden James so now if you're East LA Albert you really have a chance in the rest of this ball game to just really look at the third and fourth string guys and say hey you're not as we go into conference play as we go into league play you're not going to get the most amount of playing time so here's your chance to go in there and take on a national division opponent and it's like I mean you and I are both baseball guys it's like being able to have that expanded roster in September you look at your bench as this will be kicked over towards the one picking it up and moving over to Ronald woods he will get taken down at the 6 yard line so that's where they will start off but it's like in September you have that expanded roster the manager takes a look at his bench and says all right do I want to test out this minor leaguer do I want to test out this utility guy it gives him a chance to see what he has going into the rest of meaningful play very much so I'll see you for baseball it's you know for a potential playoff position who can make that impact and in terms of you know football here in college football who's actually gonna help you out going forward in the season like you know for Compton you know they haven't had the best of season stuff so far in recent years but hopefully there would be some players who can show some light and actually you know improve upon you know their past seasons and make that impact going forward especially does have a lot of young players 13:52 left here in the fourth quarter we got some motion as wells was going to take over at QB and that is going to slot stop everything for a moment so that's gonna march him back half the distance to the goal so it moves it to the three yard line here's a handoff or excuse me a quarterback keeper by wells he runs it three yards upfield so he gets to the original line of scrimmage it's going to be second down and ten yards to go now from the six yard line here's the second down intent to go for Wells he goes over towards the left-hand side trying to find a teammate and an absolute wrestle down there Asma corkers back in and a late flag comes flying in three different flags come flying in from various directions college white hat taking a look now getting a chance to talk it over with the rest of the officials 12:49 to go as wells goes over towards the right-hand side he's going to get about eight yards and absolutely get decked some miscommunication as to whether some missed field goal or excuse me whether some extra points were missed made either way it's still a fairly large lead for East LA yeah I think so like he still has been pretty good on their kick so far it I believe it was just two missed points so far I think it was I think they're both in the first half of the game yeah absolutely because if not it'd be forty nine to seven times seven would be 49 if our math is correct two extra points missed brings it down to forty seven to seven second touching that than that Los Angeles missed the first field goal was very it was a seven nothing early on and then 13 and then Compton came back with their touchdown an extra point this will be wells he's loading up deep looking for the far sideline in mcore curb but that's going to be about five yards too short so that brings up a third down and three to go everyone here in the press box trying to work as a team to make sure that the score is correct forty seven to seven as Compton is trying to work their way out the field they now have Samuel wells at quarterback as he's coming in for Jesse brew it's so far what we've seen from wells his legs can be electric his arm still trying to figure that out he only has two completions so far so it's not really that big of a sample size for us to say whether or not he is more of a throwing quarterback than a running quarterback but in the times that he is running he has looked terrific this is going to be a false start going against Compton it looked to be a merchant starting early on the gun there so five yards back and it takes a third down and three to go now you're looking at a third down and eight it'll be interesting to see just how many penalties were awarded this afternoon the first half there were a total of 16 that has significantly increased here in the second half this will be a pick going to East LA getting back on it is Jared Gonzales Gonzales working down the left sideline trying to go down the middle works away from one tackle and finally finds his way down to the 15 yard line Compton coach is not happy with the interception there from wells but East LA with the take away and we've got a flag right around the reception was actually made so we'll see what the call is gonna be on that there is a Compton player down on the far side of the field 11:33 left in this one 48 to 7 is what shows on the board it should be 47 to 7 you are watching and listening to East LA football here on Sportsnet us a.net as they are going to march off the yards and the East la défense is going to stay on so it's actually going to be a hold going against the offense or excuse me going against the defense that allows for a first down to Compton and a timeout is taken right before the play clock expires clock continues to run and 11:26 left to go it's 48 to 7 or excuse me 47 to 7 here between East LA and Compton East LA with the lead you are watching and listening to East LA college football here on Sportsnet u.s. a.net ryan osborne joined by albert Robles as we take a look at a couple more scores Riverside and San Bernardino now into the third quarter it's still four-point lead for RCC just barely hanging on against the American Conference San Bernardino Valley in San Bernardino Valley their quarterback has quite literally been the best in the state through two games he's got 1,100 yards passing oh my 1,100 yards passing 11 touchdowns one interception he has had quite the first two weeks of the season how much has he thrown this week yet to be decided no live stats on that game that is quite the average of George per game like have over a thousand over the first two weeks that's very impressive for any level of play jarred Musa over there at San Bernardino Valley really raking in the stats to start off the year this is going to be Wells he still gets picked off on the far side of the field it's going to go over to Javon Hill Hill looking for a blocker ends up getting taken down at the 12 so either way the result is the same wells ends up getting picked off by East LA 11:15 left in the fourth quarter it's 47 to 7 Compton with the deficit to East LA you are watching and listening to East LA college football you're on Sportsnet us a.net a big-time play for Javon James or excuse me Javon Hill six foot three defensive back out of Cajon high school in San Bernardino and now Rudy Garcia gets to jog on to the field and he's going to be joined by Demonte Presley on the far side in addition to Cedric hood on this right-hand side new running back that will be in there is Darion Turner it'll go to Turner Turner diving over towards this right makes two guys misses into the end zone touchdown East LA what a slippery run for Darion Turner 1107 left here in the fourth it's 54 to 7 make it fifty three to seven the opportunity for 54 coming up on the extra point for Juan Rangel there goes Juan Rangel he'll put it up and he will allow for it to go right through so now it's 54 to 7 East LA with the lead you are watching and listening to East LA college football you're on Sportsnet u.s. a.net Darion Turner what a terrific run there he goes over towards the left-hand side two defenders are on him immediately he gets away from them runs into his own blocker and then still powers both guys into the end zone pretty much take a note out of our Rams playbook I mean the player Rams number 30 Rams he's already has two to two rushing touchdowns turning from getting in on the action and addition to gar so you've had that earlier rushing touchdown so ball placed on the 35 yard line East LA is going to kick it away 11 minutes left and some change as East LA leads it 55 to 7 all over all the way towards my corker make it well swells it's going to back up into the enzone turn over towards his left and get taken down trying for the body slam there is going to be a nice tell a player in cedric hood and if you're east la you're actually thankful that wells doesn't end up getting flipped over onto his back because a body slam at this level at any level is a personal foul to cedric hood and that would have been 15 yards going for compton once again if you're Cedric could you probably don't want to try and use that at this stage not cheap good luckily the referee call it dead and you know stop so will it be wells or will it be Jesse brew it is Jesse brew who's back in there at quarterback he's immediately going to hand it off that goes over towards the right hand side and a big-time tackle is made by Joshua Mario Mario has had a couple of sacks in addition to three other tackles for loss today this time he ends up getting the tack on a 1 yard rushing play 54 to 7 East LA with the lead live from weingartz Stadium East LA up over top of Compton power backing type of run that is given here by Cameron Johnson or excuse me that's going to be Avante Ross and off once again so East LA trying to commit to the run and the ball came out east LA is saying that they have it officials are going to say it's fourth down in one yard to go officials timeout as there is another injured player on the field for ISTA or make it Compton he'll get his way on to his feet that's Lamar Smith so fourth down and one for Compton college they don't have another timeout that they can take 953 left it's 54 to 7 and rather than go for it they're going to allow Medina to punt it away now if you're the Compton coaches here do you go for it I can't Medina a chance to kick it off gain some positive yardage with the way his kicks have been bouncing in their favor and hopefully so Brandon Peterson is going to be back to receive and it'll be Medina to kick it away they get a couple more guys on to the field 11 guys on the field for Compton they were trying to sort out their numbers here's Medina Medina going to run it for a second ends up getting that off the head of an East LA player and that should be Compton ball that should be Compton's football so that kick ended up going off of an East LA player off the helmet of a husky and it was recovered by Compton they're going to say that it's going to be downed at the 50 yard line by Compton so the officials are ruling that it went off of a Compton player not in East LA player so they'll just say that it was downed at the 50 from the looks from the looks up here look like he went off of East LA which should have made it a live ball play Park say who exactly deflected off of the Compton certainly thought they had it Ruby Garcia wants to take it himself keeps diving forward for yardage he ends up getting five so he'll make it down to the 45 yard line of Compton hand-off given over to Turner Turner trying to get away from a couple of Compton players one of them being Jaylon Smith keeps trying to muscle his way forward does end up gaining two and a half and it will be a third down and four to go actually make it three so ball gets placed at the 43 yard line they need to get up to the 40 for the first down Rudy Garcia at quarterback in the backfield he's got Darion Turner over on the right-hand side his Daniel Dexter also joined out there by Jaden James who has a touchdown pass Jayden James is going to get it he's gonna get the first down he's gonna run into four different competent players and finally get taken down wrestled there by slaughter but not after a gain of 11 Huskies just trying to keep the clock moving along we're now under 7 minutes to play in a 54 to 7 matchup Garcia to throw again Jaden James gets away from one finally gets body-slammed and he is both guys are absolutely out at the 30-yard line so that's Jaden Smith who ends up getting the tackle there 54 to 7 is our score unusual tackle there is he kind of spun the guy to the ground and took himself out of the process both of them both the wide receiver and the tackler officials trying to get the clock straightened out 6:23 left the clock should be running considering that it wasn't a first down and now they're going to wind up the clock and here goes Rudi Garcia he's got dexter on the right-hand side in addition to Voss price he wants dexter has him open dexter caught touchdown East LA Daniel Dexter's six-foot to 165 freshman out of Silverado High School in Victorville and East LA gets back on the board that's gonna make it a 62 7 ballgame a reminder that this one was a 33 to 7 ball game after the first half concluded this is actually pretty close in the first down [Music] so 62 7 is our score that extra point is no good so that's the third extra point that was missed today by East LA and now the Huskies will kick it away with 608 left 62 7 is our score the East LA Huskies not only in command but they are having a chance to expand their playbook expand their roster and get a sense of what they have going forward all games here on Sportsnet u.s. a.net brought to you by Miller Toyota of Anaheim we want to thank them for being a proud partner with Sports Net u.s. a.net over the years if you're looking for that new or used vehicle maybe parts and service is more of what you're maybe searching or scouring the internet for well Miller Toyota of Anaheim has both of those down at the corner of the 91 and Euclid a parts and service department that is open 7 days a week and a wide variety in selection of new and used vehicles for your benefit visit them online as Wells takes it up the field visit them online at Miller Toyota vanaheim comm or check them out in person at the corner of the 91 and Euclid Millard Toyota vanaheim supports high school sports community college sports but most of all they support education again that is Miller Toyota of Anaheim 559 left here in quarter number four between these two sides East LA with a commanding 62 17 big time touchdown toss over to Dexter from Rudy Garcia so Garcia has a couple of touchdown throws in this one now Compton will retake over with Jesse brew something that Albert mentioned earlier is really key here the fact that Compton College has a very limited roster only about 50 to 55 guys in total as this goes over towards the left hand side gets deflected once and caught by Jesse brew himself the awareness by Jesse brew so second down in 10 coming up our score is 62 7 but going back to what albert was saying very limited roster you also have the fact that you know the injuries that cost them in the first half years a big time run that is going to be ended by the tackle made by Carlos Alvarez the injuries in the first half the fouls in the first half the fact that both teams wanted to run up and down the field it started to take its toll against Compton as you said midway part of the second quarters where it all started to tumble down here's a tackle that is made by Xion Dixon that'll be his fourth of the afternoon and a fourth down is coming up fourth down and four will it be a punt attempt or will Jesse Bruce stay on the field it looks like Bru is going to stay out there coaching staff for Compton college still trying to decide what's up for this Drive they've got an open receiver on the lefts line it's gonna be brew brew trying to take it himself looking for the sticks he gets to the sideline and he has got that first down just as you said you called it there Albert they have the speed Jesse brew has the legs to be able to get the first down himself and the awareness by the quarterback to realize what he had to get to and he ends up finding that first down so Compton stays on the field in East LA defense that has been pretty good this afternoon they've given up around 200 to 220 yards of total offense to Compton but it's been sparse doubt throughout the game as this is a flip up tackle that will be made by Carlos Alvarez so Alvarez gets his fourth tackle the afternoon and after a game of gain of five it will be a second down and five to go snap is given to brew brews going to take it himself he gets rocked at the 47 yard line as he was going to the floor there he is back up again the toughness of this quarterback is so impressive that tackle is made by Darian Franklin Tinsley that may have been the hardest hit we have seen this afternoon and you mentioned it Bru got right back up Jessie Bru looking for the handoff and it will be Tinsley who makes the tackle again so this after a gain of 2 o'clock des continues to wind down here as we're under three minutes to play between Compton and East LA East LA is going to get a victory as they lead it 62 7 so the Huskies are going to move up to 2 & 1 winning record in this early portion of the season as that is going to be a three yard gain on a rush once again by this Compton offense the ball is placed at the 42 and a half yard line Jessie Bru back out there possibly one of the toughest quarterbacks I have seen at the community college level still out there for Compton college as he turns he decides he wants to gain the yardage himself goes upfield and gets taken down again that's going to be a flag coming up and these officials are gonna have to get this game under wraps here as that was javante Van Buren who got the tackle a little bit high so we may see that as an unnecessary roughness penalty personal foul going against the offense for Compton so it's a retaliation thing after the play was over the ball goes all the way back to the 50 it's now gonna be a third down and about 13 yards to go they need to get actually no it's going to be a first down from the 50 yard line so they need to get to the 40 for the first clock under a minute and 15 and that's going to stop the clock there is it's a false start going against the offense Lamar Smith ended up checking out of the offensive line just a shade too early 1 minute 4 seconds says the clock is going to wind down here on a victory for East LA the East LA Huskies see this go over to mcore Kerr a corker wants to throw it it's a trick play he puts it into the air and that's going to go and land well wide of his intended target 48.1 seconds left to go in this one in a game that East LA controlled for most of the way will say about seven minutes left to go in the first quarter from then on it was all East LA vodka stopped at 48.1 gonna be McCorkle who takes the snap he'll hand it off and it's now a third down and eight to go coming up next for East LA they will take on a Mount San Antonio College mount sac next Saturday at 6:00 p.m. that'll be carried live here on Sports Net us a.net 62 7 is our score and that's going to end up doing it as Compton isn't going to run another play and they will let the clock run out here East LA with a commanding 62 seven victory over top of Compton college and Albert when you take a look at this one it was thoroughly controlled by East LA as we set in from about the seven-minute mark left in the first quarter all the way until the final whistle blew when you look at this East LA team however it wasn't something where you look at them and you say okay this was the cleanest game they've ever played they have some things that they have to work on specifically on the defensive side of the football before mount sac well they clearly had a good opponent to find the clean things up in terms of how in terms of their offensive play because Compton clearly does not compare to the Huskies in any shape or form it's almost they don't even belong on the same field and when you look at Compton it's again it's unfortunate considering the glory that they once had again this is a team that just ten years ago was continually fighting for playoff spots in the National Conference now they're in the American trying to get their first win since 2017 unfortunately for Compton if you're a Compton fan watching it didn't end up happening tonight East LA takes a very commanding 62 7 win but if you're an East LA Husky fan you're quite happy because you saw your offense put up 60 points on a night where they didn't look at their finest but yet all of a sudden you would see these moments of brilliance from the offense you would see that 92 yard rush for a touchdown from Brian Jones you see Rudy Garcia come in and throw two quick touchdown passes you see Wesley Blazek be a surgical master up the field but when you look at this East LA team yes they score 60 but again when you look at tune ups when you look at things that can be improved upon East LA can fine-tune that offense before they go to mount sac very easily and like with the amount of offens that they show today both in yardage rushing I can even the passing game the ball was thrown around a lot shared amongst everyone on the offense you have two touchdowns from number 30 ROMs had one touched up from Jones one touchdown from Watkins Garcia with his own rushing touchdown I've turned with a rushing touchdown and Dexter would like with a touchdown pass like that is sharing the ball as much as I've seen any other team to do so Compton they definitely have the heart they have the aggressiveness there's definitely talent on that team they can expect to see going forward I mean like the aggressiveness of Bru he definitely has a speed in his Lakes he definitely has a good arm and the strength to get it where he needs it to go wells as well as the corker those are gonna be key off offensive components to the content offense going forward hopefully the office of flight can help you know develop a little more gates of key blocks that those you know very critical wider seeds can actually get open for a brief for brew to take advantage of so that's gonna do it for our coverage here tonight a 62 7 final score East LA goes away with the victory over top of Compton Compton now goes to Owen three East LA is going to move up to two and one they've got a winning record right now but they're gonna take on mount sac next Saturday at 6:00 p.m. that will be Kerry live here on Sportsnet USA net for Robert Robles i'm ryan osborne thanking you once again for joining us our final 62 7 east LA with the victory over top of Compton you have been watching and listening to East LA college football here on Sports Net you
Channel: sportsnetusa1
Views: 2,715
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: ELAC, Huskies, Compton College, CCCAA, JUCO Football, SCFA, Junior College Football
Id: q8_StobnA7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 178min 5sec (10685 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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