UTN GAME of the Week | #1 Ranked LA RAMPAGE vs ABA (13U) Live!

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all right ladies and gentlemen welcome to sunday night football craig chapman bowman michael here on the united tights network craig chapman how you doing today sir hey man you know it's it's one of those things we're just uh happy to be here on a sunday and getting an opportunity to call little football here in stockbridge georgia uh got a great match up talk to me a little about these two teams playing right now we got the los angeles rampage out of south central los angeles and when you read the the bio of their team let's talk about world domination and anytime you start talking about world domination you have put a very lofty goal upon yourself well i'll give this to you i mean you can see the tail of the tape here with this particular team they're out of south central l.a yes the places tell me where they've been go ahead and just list the different locations that they when they sit there and say hey we're a traveling team and we want national domination well they last night they were in uh uh villarreca okay and they've been to florida i mean just about anywhere you can go on the planet they've been to play uh and they're looking for the one thing that this group i guess has left to accomplish and that's the undisputed national championship and the only way to get that is to be undefeated and that's just hands down right there you've got head coach lamar freeman you got the offensive coordinator jabari jefferson defensive coordinator by the way uh lamar freeman and lamont freeman are twins just a side note for those people put that in your pocket for a quiz later this is their last run because next year they go to where high school football will middle yeah yeah fourteen fourteen ninth grade ninth grade so this is their last run uh from an undefeated uh undisputed uh perspective so it should be a lot of fun to be able to see that and see what actually happens here the rampage will be in white with these wonderful helmets great helmets hands down and let's talk a little bit about the aba which is known better than the atlanta bulldogs academy aba 13u red yeah and we saw them earlier this year yes sir uh fast very fast team uh will will be spread uh and use a lot of formations uh throw the ball down the field they got really good running backs with uh joshua jones known as slash and then you're gonna bring in sincere stevens known as sin city and everything revolves around uh big play ray the quarterback and so you know if you look at it they they have played played games both teams have played games on back-to-back days oh they are so you can't go the whole somebody's rested because everybody played last night and then now we're playing late on a sunday night could you imagine playing football back in the day on a sunday at 8 20. no i mean that's got to get you pumped yeah it would be great i remember telling one of the guys that i coach now that i used to leave 12 and under games football games and go play fall baseball right but i've never imagined playing on a saturday and then playing on a sunday that would be awesome it's just absolutely incredible right now ladies and gentlemen a couple of things to know about the the atlanta bulldogs academy head coach is robert parks this is his first year as the head coach they're focusing on a national title not just a state title they feel like they're the top five teams in the state uh in their 13u a big competitor will be ross elite on the longhorns that's something that's be sitting there right there and then imagine now when we talk about uh matchups and players to watch you started mentioning a little bit of those let's look at both of these two teams all right left side is aba the right side is the rampage i'll let you talk a little bit about aba because you started talking a little bit about them already with players and then i'll talk a little bit about uh the los angeles rampage go ahead well you know parks and stevens those guys jones they're gonna be guys that that you know are have the football in their hands it's easy for me to say that but they're explosive athletic they'll throw the football down the field they'll run some jet sweep you know they'll do a lot of things that you see on on uh you know saturday afternoons in the state especially in downtown atlanta you know and then you got guys on defense that that get after you you know wisdon you know jordan logan all those guys can get after you and they play hard they will they will hit you that is the one thing i took away from that game they are physical yes and and in that sense when you look at that part you got a uh out of their last broadcast number one uh joshua jones was the mvp player for the uh against the stone crest spartans in the 14 you game so they were and he was the he was the reason they won that game hands down now talk a little bit about the rampage i want to you know when you ask these uh coaches and uh utn uh tommy glover going to give us notes so we can have a little bit more idea about these players he he mentioned the quarterback jaden jefferson utn all-american okay he's kind of the field general gives him a russell wilson type quality well that's pretty good right no no no it gets better then we get in the numbers zero okay who's my early pick to be the player of the game because he's defensive end tied in and receiver and they just said think kyle pitts now because i'm in here in georgia i'll think call pits and hopefully for the best but he plays basketball and baseball he's a triple sport athlete so that hands down loves catching the ball at the highest point probably the one that i want to look at the most is they said the rampage has a massive offensive line and uh we don't necessarily have weights but we're going to be able to see size and so forth so it's a lot of kind of fun to be able to look at that i'm bringing a lot of fun in action to you tonight when i say this we got three camera angles one is a wonderful drone uh done by joey russo we got a ground cave camera by raven buchanan up top is calvin bennett and our producer on site will be maya barrett we appreciate utn bringing us aboard uh here and being able to bring this game live to you here on facebook youtube and other parts of the world of vimeo as well it's always nice to get that going uh so keys to the game talk to me a little bit real quick keys to the game craig what you think from watching you know the aba play the first time and every time i say aba i think i'm talking about a tag team uh hey man i'll play the music if we need to i mean facebook will knell us for it but it's okay but every time when we watched them play earlier and it was probably their first game so i would think that they probably cleaned a lot of that stuff up but pre-snap penalties things like that and putting the football on the ground that kept them from really running stone crest off the field the first time that they played i agree uh but i think that they've probably gotten that point uh cleaned up and from what little i've seen of the rampage you know making sure that you know you don't donate because they have an explosive looking offense and if what you say about the offensive line is true then they're going to try to impound it yeah i mean and you know to the point of when you're looking for that uh it's it's one of those things that you wonder how it's going to play out um so i mean they came off of a victory last night 36-6 against ross elite okay uh you know you get that idea of what actually occurred with that uh that's a powerhouse here in the state of georgia and uh so this is the number one team that you get to um see and that's a tall joker that's all i can say on that goodness gracious well i just saw number eight on the field for uh the rampage and that's uh duvet williams yep and it says he's one of the fastest players at his age group and not only is he fast but it looks like he has some really good size and where i'm from if you're big and you can run that makes you a really good footballer oh especially at 13 years of age now talk to me a little bit about what are they doing right here uh you've seen this before and the reps are going through and talk to us people trying to figure out you got this you got this line of players and why we're lined up like this i'm guessing the only thing i could figure out the first time was when we saw it was that they were going through the whole issue about sportsmanship which is a big big thing now you know they're trying to cut down the the talking in between plays uh in all aspects of sports even in the nfl but the other thing is they're checking equipment and we saw it in one game where they went through and checked everybody's equipment after the game had already started so now they're they're probably checking knee pads helmets making sure the helmets are are legally legal yeah and that's a big deal now you know you don't want to get into that thing where you know you're out there playing with an illegal helmet and then somebody gets hurt you know that's that's on somebody else right there now that's that's some big stuff right you end up in court well the nice thing is we get to be able to multitask a little bit we're getting sitting watching some sunday night nfl football and in the opportunity to watch utn 13u uh top-notch team in the country facing off against another top top-notch team uh talk to me about your spotlight player uh who you're looking at who you really wanna pay attention to on your end that you're gonna keep your eyes out for with the bulldogs i'm going to look for uh slash joshua jones yes he is a guy that does just about everything if they want to hand him the ball they'll put him in the backfield sometimes they'll put him and stevens in the backfield so stevens can block and they'll try to get him outside if they want to throw it deep they'll put him out wide and throw it deep to him so i'm thinking that the rampage are going to have a pretty good scouting report on what the aba do and they're probably going to try to take him away and make you know aba play a little left-handed and use some players that maybe they haven't highlighted before this game okay i'm going to really focus on from a rampage perspective i'm going to really look at on the offensive side of the ball number zero but i want to see what jayden jefferson has to play you know i love that everybody has knicks names he's jv3 uh you know when when they hand us rosters these days ladies and gentlemen uh they make sure that you have a nickname absolutely you know if you did that did you ever have a nickname growing up correct i had about 700 of them from my father bad names no you know he called me everything you know underneath the sun types it was you know my dad is a very christian man yeah he doesn't uh you know he wouldn't say anything bad but right when i was young i was i was fat boy okay and then as i got a little bit older i became leroy okay and then i'm about a schoolyard because i uh because i have a propensity to try to dress the part of a of a player yes and i grew up in the dion center yes so then i became a hot dog okay and you know all of that so i've had quite a few uh nicknames and most all of them you can you can talk about well that's good that's not bad at all on that part uh but uh i i understand that uh especially nicknames and coaches always enjoy giving people nicknames uh sometimes you get those no matter what whether you like it or not in that situation so uh well ladies and gentlemen tonight we get to see two top-notch teams kickoff's about to occur everybody's kind of been checked down ready to go here with the rams the rampage the rampage will be in white with blue numbers and we can read those numbers pretty good so you you and i are from the same time period same era we played together yes we grew up you know probably playing somewhere in the same travel ball oh definitely so you know arenas and a big time if if we got to go to gatlinburg at the end of the year oh yeah that was the greatest thing on the planet these gentlemen got on a plane absolutely and said on friday we're heading to atlanta and uh we're we're gonna head this way and we're gonna play two games one on saturday one on sunday they're actually located here in stockbridge and they went down to shardsburg last night played ross elite uh down at trinity christian in this game being live here at uh stockbridge high school appreciate they've been there all day and think about this they went to trinity christian and and for our viewers at home who don't know anything about trinity christian you're talking about an elite facility oh it is very nice and then you get to go to stockbridge and everybody in this county has just had their fields redone so you're playing on top of the line tool turf yeah i mean and the same thing at trinity so it's not like when we were growing up no were you getting the grass field yeah and imagine a whole day of football on a grass field because they started around 10 o'clock this morning and we had about what nine inches of rain in our area this week yeah oh i don't know if those things would have happened well once again aba the atlanta bulldogs academy will be in red it's going to be very hard to see those numbers so if we outlined them and why they would be helpful so hopefully our ground camera will be able to pick up some stuff for us if we're looking for numbers never want to not let mom and dad happy make sure we call out those names give those people uh additional props right now this is live streaming on facebook the united text network of facebook and also on youtube i want to thank tommy glover for opening the doors allowing us to come in and be able to help out tonight on a wonderful sunday afternoon slash evening kickoff was supposed to be planned around 7 30. i'm almost impressed it's only an hour delay to be honest with you my crew there uh handling it very well being there uh an extended amount of time um y'all don't do any games over the weekend do you though this is just all y'all doing it's been a busy busy day here on 58 live i can tell you that we we had uh for those people out there in this world if you ever wanted to research something research prep academies um they are kind of the new thing if you don't know about them um they're taking that gap year between your senior after your graduate high school and go to college but because of the whole pandemic and covet and people getting another year of football a lot of uh prep academies have opened up absolutely especially in the south area there's a definite there is a definite market for prep academies especially in our area there's need now i can say on a very interesting note okay and and it's football so i enjoy talking about that hands down we had a uh the jacksonville moccasins okay i love that name was playing the northeast georgia lions today uh pretty decent game uh we had uh the bsa that's birmingham sports academy taking on a team from louisiana known as the pit bulls all right it's like you got some mascots they're thinking about it outside the box right there so that's not too bad uh in that situation over in birmingham and then we had the um phoenix city buccaneers taking on the west georgia raiders and that was rough that was a rough game rough game and then the georgia knights uh over here in snellville georgia took on the uh palaminto minutemen palmino prep yep and uh good close game uh so uh you know but then it's just it's very interesting watching there's that opportunity right there between so we got our captains going out for the coin toss and get ready for this 13 you match up i'm beau mcmichael with craig chapman you got what was that number 61. like number nine as well that's troy tiavao and you had number three which is jd three number eleven was little mooch yep and i didn't see the other one i thought it was number nine and if i'm wrong i was dj the truth there you go so uh and that would be for the la rampage and we have not lined up the bulldogs yet tell you what man it's hilarious that they got all these nicknames on here i kind of like it because then it gives you a quick way if once you get them down and they start carrying the ball oh yeah you can definitely say that don't you know i would agree with that the best was somebody that had a nickname it was just their first name that was their nickname trey yeah that's what it was so it was good i was like i understood going by that direction so we're getting started here on this 13 you match up between the los angeles rampage out of south central and the alabama birmingham alabama the atlanta bulldogs academy out of atlanta georgia that's all right man you've been doing this a lot this weekend goodness it was the truth number nine it is sixty one nine eleven oh don't drop your hamlet man airplane airports pop out total pandemonium dogs and cats living together i'm telling you you've seen that any commercial with the cats really falling from the sky and the dogs and the rainy cats it was uh it was humorous on that part so yesterday we were uh had the drone very close and they asked us we could not buzz the tower anymore no top gun references allowed yeah those are going to be some hard numbers uh let's see what we can get here for the atlanta bulldogs number three so you got big play ray out there looks like you got i say number four sincere stevens number one is slash only like number five too number eight's out there is wait did you already have that no hit stick russell simpson the fourth i think that i think the guy in the middle is number zero i think that was a little low yeah and mari harris there is a double o as well mm-hmm yes and when you're trying to write down on a roster the double o's still come back to zero yeah sure i have to put i have to actually go right to circles and put uh two o's uh not zeros i had to work outside the box in my thinking process well we do appreciate everybody turning in here on the utn network tonight united tights network live on facebook and youtube we're down here in stockbridge georgia i'm bill mcmichael and craig chapman nice drone shot kind of rotating around a little bit you're going to be able to see who's calling the thing the home team is in red the away team is in white and that takes on a whole new meeting tonight when you say the away team yes they're in south central i can go give you mileage and distance but i'm not going that way but surprisingly the weather is almost the same absolutely yeah almost the same and i can tell you from personal experience in georgia there have been there have been octo first week in october games which is what will be this week when we play where it has been triple digits heat wise just and but i've also seen it where it's been cold a little chilly a little chilly got the names on the back of the jersey yeah that's nice good stuff man those sublimated jerseys you can do just about anything you can on that part looks like aba has won the toss pins and needles getting ready to start here now we're going to flip it yep tap that shoulder tell me what we're going to do they going to kick off or they uh defer what they do i haven't said yet no i know i'm just telling you what your brain's thinking oh they're going the rampage get the ball they're going to receive i'll tell you one thing you've been waiting all day for this okay that wonderful song i've been waiting all day for sunday night yes and you get that i mean you can do our best uh carry under one impressions they the referee did not signal correctly he got uh the rampage will receive he never said if they deferred or not okay i just have to assume that yes they did the aba deferred and the bull and the rampage will receive and you know i know personally colin plays and stuff like this especially when it's big time right i'm taking a shot first play buddy we're going after it no matter what all right well ladies and gentlemen sit back and enjoy this game of the week all right should be very interesting to see what's going to take place i'm always appreciative when everything can kind of work into our directions and we'll do our best to keep the scoreboard up we'll go to the clock when we get that [Applause] and it sounds like there's some energy into place tonight i would agree with you on that we have a red rams helmet on the field there's a red rams helmet on the field it is i saw that when we saw that already on that part i thought okay that's pretty good sporting by ace man and your nickname's ace you can wear the red helmet i can't that's allowed it i think it's in my contract to be honest with you i think it's in my contract so this ought to be interesting you know you put up 36 points on ross elite that means you're doing something because those guys know how to know how to scheme a defense i'll get that scoreboard fixed right there took me a minute too i was like boom boom all right you can get everything done but then your brain doesn't work all right well let's get ready for some kickoff here ladies and gentlemen sit back and enjoy live from stockbridge georgia i'm bill mcmichael with craig chapman we got the la rampage taking on the atlanta bulldogs academy 13u red now i'm gonna need for the officials to not have a meeting about every play oh no no no i got a bedtime it is at least midnight at this point i apologize for anybody else that wants to stay up late but i'm excited that i i'm usually asleep by this time on a sunday well 4 30 is going to come early baby yes it is it is i do appreciate you joining in with me on this broadcast and nothing worse than hearing my voice the whole time and nobody else's sometimes i get that in a broadcast when i'm not able to uh find a second person aba getting ready to kick the thing off right here 10-minute quarters 10-minute quarters ball set up at the 40. you got five on each side looks like this might be a angled on-side kick right here no just a squib kick right down the middle picked it up from the drone nice job good angle on that part we'll be able to see that in a replay real quick was able to try to find see if he could see a hole good ramp up by aba right there for the tackle got a little no end zone shot right there and here come the rampage out straight to the ball first and ten your job is to make sure i get the downs right first and ten ball is going to be on what it looks like about the 31 yard line getting a change set which is a big deal in these games especially when the quarter switches but i'll keep i won't say you'll keep that to yourself yeah uh so first and 10 ball is going to be at the rampage 31 yard line doubles look for the rampage gun set back set to the left that'll be ace strickland in the backfield you know sometimes you just got to get the motors going it's like that 57 chevy and once we get the chains moving we're going to get this thing going here we go jd three gonna call for the snap right here he's gonna take it he's gonna drop they're gonna run mesh he's gonna flip it out there nice play right there gain of about one ace with the pass or the catch so to bring up second down and nine maybe second and eight ball is going to be at the 33 so second and eight right here strickland goes out replaced by number 26 malik allen also known as turtle tell you jrome norwood is a big man number 61. troy that line is large 99 yes doubles look again right here and with a stack there's the snap inside give them hey you know what great job on the defense perspective yeah squeezed it down really nice right there did we get a number on that we got to do a i'm working on it man i'm trying to get numbers man that i mean it's just hard to see right it is he got about two so that's going to bring up third down in six ball's gonna be at the 35 yard line there we go turtle was on the carry right there pickup of two he said third and six thank you i'll listen to you eventually man i will get it through my brain doubles look i would expect to see this one in the air right here that stack look again and we have an officials timeout you know call sideline warning right here i don't think so too early no they're going to call the sideline warning he's telling them right now to back up early on you got to take charge though because as we all know yes you do not want to run into an official and on this part i am i'm i am a famous for that no i i try to clear i try to stay clear as best i can you know emotion sometimes does get the best of me third and six trying to get that first down right up the middle inside gonna be two yards short three yards no two so it'll be fourth down and two right here so you know a four-yard run right there on third and six and you're get i'm guessing they're not gonna punt they're just going for this thing yeah of course i mean you know putting you one that's just you know hey let's not worry about that right no do not punt let's get this first down that should have been offsides right there right there they're not gonna call it this is not the nfl you can you can't get back gonna call timeout they did call timeout but he's he's offside i love you man when you do that you get you get all in that work right there i agree i understand so it'll be fourth and two they call timeout they were trying to draw them off that was the whole point and see how they lined up i don't think that there's going to be a punt right here because you're not calling time out to punt no you just go ahead and take the five yard penalty yeah if you were going to punt that's what i'm saying and i would expect that there's going to be something you know they haven't uh they haven't done anything except right now they ran a little mesh on first down let the let the tailback leak out on the flat for two yards then they had a two yard run and a four yard run so i mean that's what you were thinking that because of the line and what they're doing they're trying to they're going to establish try to establish inside very much so dominance in that perspective to see what happens and i think if they get a first down right here then the next thing you'll see is a shot play because if you're looking at this this is a single high safety look and they're going good but i like what aba is doing that's a three three-man front yeah i don't think they got enough people on the field i don't think so either quick screen outside they go first down couldn't lock it up that's a great call right there a gain of seven in a first down take this one down for me craig they're just gonna flash the back and the inside receiver out get two kick out blocks and they're gonna throw it out there to williams and let him run yep and so williams catches the ball cowboy gets him the first down and now i'm thinking you might get to see something where they faked that and throw a wheel route then i'm now 100 certain they didn't have enough people on the field they were missing the defensive lineman quick screen to the right right here ball is caught almost the exact same side on the other one just trying to recreate it so first uh first down and 10 became it'll be second and four right here after the six yard completion i mean this is just you know and this is the the playbook of the second what sir four thank you this is the playbook of the spread we got these down in distance things that i got to keep up with man i'm trying to run about seven different buttons i know it's not like you're doing anything no not at all we're good so jd three behind looks like they got doubles look there goes ace here comes the tunnel screen back inside and they got a lot of room and there goes give him six yeah that's a touchdown that's a walk-in touchdown when you look at that and right there i mean that's the end of it right there buddy you have that tunnel screen and it opens up just like that and i'm trying to see is that eight or nine eight well if that's eight i'm just i'm quick with the answer i have no clue if that actually is the case touchdown to the rampage it was number nine see so that would be number nine that's dj the truth with the score all right so you know you got a 49-yard touchdown pass right there and they just sent somebody off the field i don't know why it's one of my favorite shots in football right here courtesy of a bag of donuts and joey russo it's that straight ahead shot it's just it really is a nice one so they got to have they're missing one here it comes and they took a large human out and put a larger human in number 45 he's like i'll get there in a minute give me a second please i love that they're kicking too absolutely it is great there's the snap touch kick and it is good oh wait a minute it did not get there it didn't make it short so extra point attempt by jd three falls short and with 6 38 left to go here in the first quarter your score is rampage six aba nothing but you know the first time we got to see a rampage on offense absolutely okay so what did you like about their offense and then let's talk a little bit about what we thought about their defense well from aba i love the fact that they're spread i know i like i like the fact that they're rolling they open i mean they they ran the first what five plays six plays it felt like they were just trying to well they they gave you a little they gave you a little inside crossing route on the first way with the bride trying to see and i know what they wanted to see is this man coverage or zone okay and then they slip the back out then they ran it ran it got it down to fourth and two then they hit you with the screens outside so now they've they've made you drop then they've then they've contracted you then they expand you and then they then they counter you which is basically all they send motion away and then throw the tunnel screen back side which is a great play so you're telling me uh coach jefferson knows what he's doing i agree 100 yeah i mean you scripted it you like loved the tunnel screen for a touchdown i didn't think that the bulldogs you know aba didn't do really anything wrong you gotta pick that one up big guy you gotta run at the 10. trying to get back to the outside turns the corner and gonna be dropped at about the seven or eight right there and so now you'll get to see a little bit different take on the spread right here from aba but i thought aba other than i think on fourth down when they didn't have a defensive lineman on the field we felt like they were missing somebody but they were in a six-man box because you have seven in the box and you you know sometimes you don't count the quarterback you know and in my way of thinking if you run the spread your quarterback has to be a runner because you're always plus one in the box because they were just man it was almost man up on the outside with a single high safety and that's the way a lot of people play it and if you've got the dogs to play it that way that's the best way to play it i agree first time on offense inside give poof and nothing right there maybe a yard you're being nice you say a yard on this replay blowing up that front line right there they had it at the 11 and number seven yes he did that is chuck and charles roberts but you just call him chuck chuck as in mr chuck to you yes you saying second and eleven and it is second down and eleven i agree all right i'll go with that as well sir if you're gonna run inside on that you better account for number seven because he looks like a man out there and he's standing right next to number 11 which is little mooch and ain't nothing little about little mooch okay and richie number 95 on the end goodness here comes the inside give again oh look at that speed look at the speed look at the speed look at the speed 30 35 40. all the way down to the 49-yard line right there right offense if you if you're a person on angles that was beautiful great pursuit angle from the defense right there nice job by the backside safety getting over the top to make a tackle great job running the ball and not trying to do anything fancy other than get up the field tackle made by number 21 that's fat fat that's his nickname that's great fat fat run was by slash joshua jones right there you know he hit that corner right there in that gap that was nice there's another slice up the middle now this is pretty good right here they're they're attacking this thing that was inside zone aba liking that but they've given it a little different look it'll be second and eight right here after the two yard game and i really can't see the numbers and i wish i could because i'll check at halftime see if we can get like um little bit more when they reverse the second quarter that's we'll have that ground camera steven's in the backfield right now he's a little bit bigger of the backs and they've got him in there i'm going to try to sprint and throw the little out route flag on the plate they're going to call holding i think they are and let me just tell you how much i hate this call and i'm going to say and i'm going to tell you why did he hold him maybe i'm not watching the backside left tackle to know if he held him the second thing about it i hate is that the ball is going straight from dislike yes and it is going away from and one of the rules one of the things in a rules clinic from two years ago was we're going to try not to call things that are away from the point of attack and since i've since they've said that i've seen more penalties called away from the point of attack than any place second down in 18. wow they backed them way up this second down to 21 from where this is okay still in the gun right here for aba and there's the gil giving a little counter he steps out of it and he's going to get it back to third and 11 right here that's not that's a great answer right there ball was run by number 21. that's j.j jayden jordan and he made a nice cut right there props to the offensive lineman from aba they're doing a great job because i feel like the rampage just have their ears pinned back they do i mean they're gold guys standing up on the corner to rush the passer and they are going after it there's the snap another same play but the squeeze doesn't squeeze the curve back side right there nice play by number nine dj the truth just slid up underneath that was able to get yeah that's a really nice job of getting up underneath the tackle right there but i don't blame him for running the same play now it's fourth down i'm gonna be i thought it'd be oh that was the third down and yeah yeah i'm getting so now you got fourth down so you know in my book this is throw it deep you know you're still not in the punt world not on the other side of the 50. okay they're going to call timeout it feels like i think i think the rampage is going to call timeout because they didn't have the right personnel so that's their second timeout here in the first half and that's probably one you really wish you didn't have to use considering you're you're playing defense on 4th and 13th but you know you see it every week long yardage conversions end up extending the drive we've seen it for everything from high school to prep school to college into the nfl it is agreed it's one of those things where as a coach you know you feel like you know do i rush do i sit back do it and right now you they're trying to stop um the run from the rampage i agree but most importantly aba doesn't want to give that ball back no and you don't you've got to do something you don't want to be sitting in fourth and 13th and i don't think the aba really wants to drop back and throw no those guys on the edge are ballers well that and the break on the ball up top with the dbs as well you know but the moment we started kind of singing the praises of the defense they got burned for a good 40-yard gain on the run from slash so right now you're going to get a six-man box from the rampage you got a double look oh she's not gonna stay there i was hoping she would that would have been the right way to break it down and they're faking the screen a lot of time to throw steps oh you gotta get rid of it and that's not gonna happen you're not going to outrun i mean right there there's your option and he kicks on the speed the defensive end i think that's your dude nickerson i'm just glad hello baby glad the uh quarterback was able to hold on to the ball and that'll turn it over on down so rampage will take over first and ten at the aba's 46-yard line but not a bad job by the aba they got it off of their own 10 kind of flipped the field and i don't know part of me would have wanted if i had a punter part of me want to punt it deep you're playing at home you know this is your area 33 goodness gracious and he can get after yes he can that's his squads d.a oh false start right there it's gonna back him up five it'll be first and fifteen it'll be interesting to see we haven't really seen them you know we've seen this the screen game to the outside the quick screens the tunnel screen we saw a uh a nice mesh concept we've seen some some inside zone runs you know i'm waiting to see the quarterback get involved in the run game right here for the rampage but i'm also waiting to see this first shot down the field those people that play video games for football this is what you see most the time nobody ever says hey i want to see the side-by-side view so you got williams porus and moved again so it'll be first and 20. you got williams nickerson and porus in a bunch to the left if i'm aba i'm concerned and i'm gonna tell you why i'm concerned because they've got they've got feet squabbler as he is called on the inside part of that bunch which screams to me they're going to throw bubble screen yeah and they're going to they're sending them down and they're going to go deep because right now they're first and 20. and there's bubble screen and he's got all kind of open field and he's going to get it down so first and 20 gain of 15. 17. second down and three and that was i mean just by formation you kind of had a hint what was coming right there and when you got a guy that you've nicknamed feet squabble you're pretty certain he can run i know you were seeing it unload i'm glad we were able to stay with uh the uh um now in his own view if you're aba you can't play it that way you gotta have somebody outside they had they had two on three and they had one matched up on the point now this is a little bit better right here there goes feet squabbler in motion now you're gonna get oh a little stretch and defensive front is hard for aba great job with the tackle it's gonna be a loss of two it's gonna bring up third down and about five and that's why they're throwing to the outside correctly yeah about five third and five that's hands down why they i mean they can't run in the middle well and i think what it is you've got a really big offensive line but you're you know sometimes big doesn't handle speed and that time they're trying to run outside and they just got you know ran around there comes the screen back here to williams and a nice play didn't do the block great job defensively again by aba even one's just then they're going out in black my man yep they're running the punt team on the field if this is is it fourth and ten it is fourth in about 10 right here no they're okay the quarterback was just going to get to play now i would expect this one to be thrown down the field or it could be a screen again that backside tunnel screen would be dirty right here i just want to go ahead and tell everybody at home if we miss the number it's not because we're trying to be mean no by no means but you've got elo out wide to the left and i'm thinking they're going to him there's the snap there goes the stop round defensive play when i get a chance defensive end great job getting his hands up and smacking it down it wouldn't matter they'd have backed him up in where they had a hole back here on this side that's gonna be declined and it's gonna be first down and ten four the aba that was a nice job on defense for the aba helped by the penalties early on in the drive but still you know it was second and three and they end up at fourth and ten and that was just nothing but defensive line play right coming to the waning minutes of the first quarter here in stockbridge high school stockbridge georgia right below atlanta for those people over in south central trying to watch us we've got a lot of folks out there in the facebook world and youtube paying attention right now craig so it's always nice to have that and right now i'm just telling you that they're at the what they call that place the jungle isn't that what they call stock bridges yeah they did anything they're the tigers so slot to the left power back set to the right here comes jet motion here comes the jet sweep give it's going to be they got outside they got the edge turned right there and i'm going to say this right now this aba squad that's a gain of four will bring up second and six but this aba squad looks ten times better this week than when you saw him when i saw him in week one and that's exactly what you want to happen you want to get better every week right you don't want to regress you you know by no means and you know i'll say this from a from a perspective right here yep you know it it it would probably be harder to to get progression from this group because you don't know how much they get to actually practice but one of the things they don't have to worry about is homecoming nah listen to you they do have to worry about some big events oh got a outside run and there's a whole lot of space right there nice cut back to the outside gonna be dragged back down nice indeed watch that play unfold right here there's slash again makes a nice cut back outside right here they're here to play tonight later down at the 27-yard line will be first and ten aba and if anybody was thinking that there would be people with slow feed after playing the game yesterday that is incorrect and they're on a five-game winning streak okay that's i mean that is where uh aba is they won last night against the team in north carolina from north carolina if i'm not mistaken give the proper north dark horse elite of north carolina seven to six and there's the snap there's the give again cuts it back cuts it at the 20 loses his feet that's the second time i've seen that a little bit y'all mark him down to the 18. well i will say this when you're playing on plastic grass i know and the sun goes down it gets wet does just that moisture outside just like do yeah that's a gain of eight it'll bring up second down and two and we're right back on the ball for aba and that's going to be the end of the first quarter right there all right ladies and gentlemen of the first quarter let's get a little word from i don't think they understand it's the end of the first quarter maybe they figured it out here we go listen to you hey referees were into the game too man they're human just like everybody else a little word from the utn network all right ladies and gentlemen once again glad to have you back here a lot of fun that first quarter absolutely all right and it's still going i mean so uh you know you don't ever want to hear what we're saying uh before the game but we're we were hoping for a good game yeah and you hope and and but we got at least a quarter of a game the first quarter i saw both teams battling and i can see you see the skill level and the talent show up and that's the best part about it when you have coaches that put skill players in a position to make plays and let their talents take over and i mean and right now you know parks really hadn't done anything yet but we saw him make that little throw on the rollout right where they called the holding that was a great throw it was great coverage but it was a great throw so we flipped the field right here it'll be second and two ball is going to be at the 19 of the rampage set second and two second and two okay cool and you know if if it holds if it holds true to what they did you know they have run a lot of stuff where they cut it back against the grain so you know one of the things that they did in that first week was they were able to when they needed a play and they i mean when they needed to play they were always able to get to the out to the edge so they're in slot with a power back to the right here comes iso right up the middle give him one to bring up third and one and i really like what aba is doing right now yes they're they're getting right back up and getting on the ball but they're running the football running the clock and keeping the ball away from the rampage and that's the key and we'll probably go back into that first quarter of the fourth down when they when they really stopped them they did that batted down pass was a huge bat down pass in that situation granted i know there was a holding play and they had been redone the down but to answer back from aba i mean the first time we saw the rampage they didn't go down the field successfully because i mean it took a minute or two to get down there definitely about eight play drive um but that tunnel uh tunnel screen yeah it was pretty explosive it was an eye opening right here aba can answer right here in the second quarter and tie this thing up oh now that is one thing about doing running what they're doing they're they're pinching their line inside yep and if you think you're about to cut back on that there's an unblocked player there they are so you can hear that pop from yes nice job of squeezing on the back side back there i think that was number nine dj the truth nope excuse me that was zero that was uh lo andre nickerson the guy that you picked for player of the game and he's already got a sack right now it's fourth down and three or a long two we'll say a long two for the niceness of it so what are you going to call right here coach uh are you gonna try to go to the outside are you trying to slash it and cut back i'm gonna try to give them some eye candy right here with a little jet look but it looks like they've loaded up and they're trying to say mono imano this is unbalanced and they don't have enough people on the field they're gonna have to call a timeout if not they're gonna get a flag timeout good call coach yeah so time-out aba i mean you you worked yourself down here don't take a chance no by no means let's not do that i love when the uh time-outs reset themselves at the end of this i know i was uh i didn't understand that the other day i had these time-outs marked off and then also i looked up i looked like i just saw that now i said it's two and one and uh i saw that uh la got three more time outside man i just reset my clock come on now let's not do this you know i got to be a scorekeeper as well for those people watching the sunday night football game not too bad for people over in california right now well 10-0 it's not too bad for the people in california because it's a beautiful day but that that man is uh focused he's operating yes he's focused so they just tried to hit kiddle deep down the middle and got picked off so it's about to be 17 to nothing green bay so you know all those i guess he could have just said relax after that first week [Music] he took that kind of personal and heart wise you know it just was one of those things now one of the things that aba has in their back pocket if they really want it later on is they've either got naked quarterback bootleg because of the way the backside is flowing or reverse and this is super unbalanced right here high snap and there's trying to get to the edge he got it he turns the corner oh i don't know if he got there i don't think he did it's going to be close where's the marking ball is that the 19. yep did not get it changed short and it will flip the possession over rampage with the with the hole there was also a penalty it will be declined so it'll be first and ten rampage at their own 19 right here i do appreciate everybody tuning in tonight on facebook and youtube out there in the old social media world this game started nearly an hour late i know everybody was concerned a little bit different in that part but uh we were able to get that game started up and ready to go with you hopefully safe travels for the la rampage on their way back absolutely los angeles tomorrow it's gonna be a rough it's gonna be a rough day at school tomorrow for some of these guys for aba group aba group i think it's gonna be if you're looking at i don't think rampage is going to school tomorrow man i'm going with that slot to the left there comes a little counter look uh oh ace with the ball and he's going to pick up about about eight we'll give it second down and two right here you see that move right there the end went two up field two really nice job of blocking that play by the front of the rampage really nice job and defensive end for the bulldogs went up field just a little bit too much and allowed that cutback to occur they're gonna be there's gonna be an option coming out of that pretty soon that's gonna be a gain of three and a first down right there good tackle from aba number step four number four that's sincere sin city yeah sincere stevens the man known as sin city yes first and ten ball is going to be at the 30-yard line do like the name sincere though cool first name wise that's not bad slot to the right gun backfield down first down and there it comes there's a little flare that's all there's a lot it's a live ball it's a live ball get on it live ball and it's out of bounds they gonna give it to them what are they gonna say that ball is out of bounds uh if he got to that football that's a hard call to make if he got that football before it got out of bounds it's their football oh it is their football hands down they're trying to make that decision and they made that decision wow they gave the football to aba right there that's a great job of getting after the football and not just assuming that it's now incomplete never assume that it's incomplete pass and that sets them up nicely first and ten at the rampage 21 and what i've seen on defense from the aba is exactly what i saw in the first game speed to the edge physicality in the box i think that you're gonna see the rampage come out and go back to that double spread look and start throwing those quick screens again once again welcome everybody we're seven minutes in the second quarter remaining the red team is the atlanta bulldogs academy the white team is the la rampage 13u battle here number one top team in the nation is the rampage and there goes i mean i mean you just look right there you got slash going to the edge right here let's see where they mark him out at you went out at about the 13-yard line making that second one 14-yard line so that give it second and three right here okay and what what the thing is right now is you're seeing the speed you know joshua jones is able to get what he wants when he wants to get to the edge and i mean you talk about a puncher's chance at this point um hats off to uh atlanta yeah they're they're sticking right with the team that's can you know consensus number one team 13 and under in the country right so i'll pose a question in a minute uh about if they would have played them on saturday versus sunday right up the middle that's a first down first and goal at the 10 baby entering the red zone and the utn red zone alert i like that siren [Music] something here we go first and go back on the ball again doubles look for aba all right so it's it's a cover it's a single high safety look right here for the rampage and they're bringing it no you gotta get rid of it parks are doing a great job he's gonna run he's gonna try to get in the corner oh my word i hope he's all you won't right that hit again he's all that he's going to get down to the one and they threw a flag they did led with his helmet goodness gracious that hit was delivered by chuck and like i said call him mister because he lowered the boom right there he's going to make sure if he's running to the corner and he he's not going to run out you know there's one of the things i'll you know i don't feel like it was targeting i mean he's just trying to make a tackle right right 13 news 13u that's a big hit that was that was a big hit big hit and deep you know it's funny that we sit here and have this conversation a dead ball they call it targeting yeah be careful they don't throw him out uh you know i don't know necessarily the rules so i can't speak off the cuff on that one it's not an automatic ejection in high school right i have had a player ejected for it they called targeting on my linebacker one time they did not what do you feel about this call right here not getting up under center you haven't been up under center the whole game okay that's a touchdown i don't know if they got in or not now they're gonna save fumble no he was definitely down he was sitting on the ground they're just gonna mark it right back at the one yard line uh my way of thinking is is that if you're a gun team then you have to practice all of these situations which we don't know how much time they get to practice right but you have to practice these situations and if you're going to be able to go in and out from under center you got to practice it that way so it'll bring up second down and goal at the one and that was fixing there was a whistle whistle blow before time either we called a timeout my guess is aba called timeout and that's just a pure speculation on my part oh i know what happened what i know exactly what happened come on there truth teller they they had first and goal correct yep they tried to throw a pass on first and goal they got the penalty at the one yard line but the penalty can't give them a first down i mean see it says third down up on the box right there you know the same thing happened to us on friday night we had a we had a situation where there was a personal foul on a second down and after our first downplay we got about six on first down and you got an uh added it on but it still turned into third down it's turned into second down because it was a it was a play you know that you couldn't get a first down by the half the distance mark off so we thought we were gonna get a first down they marked off a second down we ended up not getting anything well 4 16 remaining sorry for all the movements of the camera for those people that like to ride rides this is definitely your show at this point you got your dramamine oh my goodness gracious when the producer where i'm at and i'm i'm like hey just slow it down so there's four minutes on the clock you just said from our good friend the white heck cap there's obviously been a timeout called here it is third down because the play the the here's my part on this how is it dead ball targeting when the hit took place during the play i'm having a hard time now with my and my brain wise and so it should have just been first down again and this should be second down because it can't be a dead ball when the ball is in play still in play right but hey what do i know just dumb high school coach if you don't believe it yeah ask anybody in the stands on friday night they will tell you i tell you it's very interesting uh to see these two teams battling out here and i wonder um are both teams more primed to play a good game in the second game or the first game well i think you know because both of these teams played yesterday common sense tells you that you're you're fresher on the first day okay you know natural statement is if you score 36 points you probably feel pretty good about yourself there's the snap there's the sprint parks is going to throw it back and it's going to be caught they're going to call pass interference and a flag on that touchdown give them six i tell you that's a scary throw great grab great grab indeed i know my heart's going out i can't get the number called what a great catch 13 33 33. and just like that ah oh that's awesome you know you expect a lot of things to happen that's not one of them oh no it's all right we'll get it back all right ladies and gentlemen hang with us so we'll get everything going here in a minute just technology in its finest you know it wouldn't be one thing it'd be another so we're all good we'll get it up back and running for you so just a second they did score the touchdown that was hit squad on yes it was d.a logan so six to six right now extra point pending so far it's been a great first half of football it has very much so and to answer your question i would think that both teams would come in here with something to prove after you know aba sneaks out a win last night seven to six and la dominates 36-6 but when you're looking at issues that that go with all this you know it it might be a little bit tougher for la because of the distance they've traveled i'd agree i'm very much so on that part ladies and gentlemen we appreciate your patience i love dead silence just like anybody else i'm gonna get the game going right back up with you here that's you gotta like when a brand new uh device decides to say no i'm gonna stop what we're doing and i in the middle where all of us were just like oh this is a great game we're really enjoying this and then suddenly it changed to do that so all right we're back live and in action here give me one second we'll get things going and we'll have to get an idea of actually what happened here so hopefully we can get a shot of the scoreboard if you can see how much sweat was coming from my forehead just now oh my goodness gracious so it looks like there may have been a timeout called right here because the ball is sitting at the three so go on they already scored the touchdown they did so if anybody once again hey appreciate you hanging with us love the uh the reality of electronics in its finest i thought it was impressive how quickly you got that thing back up and ready to roll i got to be appropriate with that response and just say thanks craig okay all right buddy didn't even think about what i said i know i didn't even think what you said either hey it's six to six we did see that on the scoreboard appreciate that their bag of donuts 436 remaining here in the fourth so the second i'm joking sorry it was 440 i guess is what he was telling him oh you got a jump is that offsides and we got a full house wishbone backfield all right ladies and gentlemen now one of the things i hate the most about wow hold on chief they went back so they're at the eight i love the audience live here in stock ridge georgia going for two right here six to six tie ball game i'm looking for some kind of play fake right here park's under center there's the toss they're trying to find an opening oh i thought i don't know if that was to me i'm not questioning play calling yeah but i'm trying to figure out is that the most ideal played run in this situation when it's a two-point conversion i was thinking that you know they may have had that called at the three and if they have it in the three it gets in but if they had if they would have ran that and i was waiting for the guy to pull up and throw it right you know to me having a two-point conversion play that is something that you can rely on like you know being a tech fan when they lined up to go for two last night i was like it's 33 to 14. we've got to go for two because i've lost the game being up 34 to 14. because you're getting right you're doing you're looking at the card and the card's telling you this is what you got to do and my dad looked to me and said would you do this and i said absolutely and then i saw the formation i said this is somebody else throwing the ball and he was like okay and they flipped it to a wide receiver on a reverse and he threw it to the tight end and i was like that was really nice design right there and you can use it a couple times and that's about it but that but it makes somebody plan for it yeah because i mean both of these teams rampage and bulldogs do get film on each other i mean the one thing that you the nice thing about utn they put the games out there they want this opportunity to do that and there's the kick and it is going to be fielded right there at the 49. do you think they know something we don't know uh i don't think they want to kick it that's what i'm saying yeah i'm thinking they got a pretty good idea who's standing back there and if they kick it deep it might be a problem bang his head on the goal post yeah that's what i'm thinking i was like well let's just start on the 50. and if we get the onside kick their defenses played so good how do you like those uh from an from a kicking perspective where everybody bunches up and they just try to do that i know you didn't it is the looks that you get on the return team rampage is offsides right here there's the counter i do appreciate the refs not really wanting to uh slow down the game and saying okay we're going to do this and that i love that play that they just ran right there right too tight in fake the jet uh the rocket tossed to the field bring the counter back underneath it for us when we were at community that was a huge play for us and now the rampage have gotten foot to foot in there there's the counter again to the other side and that's ace he's going to be it'll be third and one right here he just handed the ball to his center and said let's go let's go let's go they're pushing it they said we're going to get on the ball and we're going to run i mean we talk amount of players i mean they've got about 35 on the squad there's power good backside tackle right there that's enough for a first down though gain a four right there ball carried by number 26 that's turtle you got a player down injured player what you think of their philosophy right now offensively by uh the la rampage to kind of really change up an offensive style we've seen how many different styles of offense you've seen them in three wide receivers two backs running a little inside counter with a you know a triple option look to the outside even though they threw the ball now and you've seen them in doubles you've seen them in double stack uh and now you're under centering two tights with a wing this is a we came here to to win the game and now we're tied and it's time for us to punch you in the mouth because the one thing that the rampage came to georgia was not to lose but to um have the idea of dominance and now you know i i remember a funny story told to me about one of my coaches that uh you know that i hope holding higher esteem and he said that they played a team one night and they jumped out on him 14 to nothing and then his exact was that really just made him mad yes i'll listen to you oh a little delay to the fullback i was pretty everybody is looking for something else right there gain of seven it'll be second and three and right now the rampage have have compressed the formation you call a timeout it's your aba trying to figure out okay hey we gotta re because they have compressed it right in the middle and took the biggest linemen yes and and stopped it and they are because they're not spread out anymore they've got it foot to foot now they're not letting that speed and the lines rampage has a massive offense this is a great change up from the oc right here and now they're going to throw the football out of it and exactly gets tackled on the edge about a five-yard loss third down and nine i was hoping i'd get to see a number number 84 on the tackle right there that's fat yep aj griggs and now 39 and you know i understand wanting to take a shot on second and short but it was working but you were just it was working it was you're getting fancy uh somebody said something about like applebee's some bourbon steak what's up i was in steak nachos i'm telling you somebody gonna call trying to get reset with the white cap we're gonna have a 10 minute set uh half time and then we'll come back we will take a break here on the utn network we'll keep it live streaming so you can come back and join us i'll tell you one thing if they're able to stop them and not get a score this is a big aba gets the ball back in the third quarter he does you talk about having that conversation at halftime goodness gracious yep i love how he pauses yeah it's just a simple delay now you got it at fourth and three you're fourth and three right here coach was the last time we caught a good game like this it's been a minute yeah it has it has we had a pretty good prep school game uh what two weeks ago when uh phoenix city oh when they just kept going back and forth back and forth those fourth downs third downs in forever yeah and they kept getting them yeah i agree now this is interesting they they got it back to fourth and three and then they went spread now if i am aba right here i am thinking this is going to be a quick screen because that's what's in the next edge because that's what they got the last fourth down on now i don't think this receiver down here is on the ball and they haven't called these plays all day and there's your screen to waist out of the field and he wraps him up right there big stop by aba i think that was uh i think that was slash again when we get half time i will be talking my camera crews and we're going to get better numbers for uh aba so we can see that i know they're gray numbers on red jerseys and that's like dark red to maroon red it is it didn't hurt my eyes so now you know you got to be looking at this thinking it's it's a low clock in the second quarter so what do you do right here if you're aba do you do you take it to half each one each team's got one timeout okay so to me it's all about the first and second down right now if you get something on first down then yes you're going to push a little bit but you definitely i don't think you get greedy right now because you're getting the ball back that's what i'm saying you're getting the ball back i don't want to give them a chance in a short field right here and they're not coming out here real fast so they're in danger of the delay if these reds pull out a flag in their pocket for delay based on everything else we've seen tonight these refs are very kind they have been here a long time and they said hey yeah we're gonna call this last game because it's the number one team in the nation taking on atlanta bulldogs academy 13u red there's the counter he going levin just going to get him staying back ran away from him first down give him 14 and a first down wow we did double echoed that one man we are i am very impressed with uh atlanta right now if i call him alabama one more time you can punch me in the head there will be no punching no punching in the head no swift kick in the ear i mean this team looked like the same team i saw the first no but you didn't want that to be the case either no i mean that's true yeah but i think that they have accepted the challenge that comes from playing a team that that is ranked as highly as you know the rampage yard we're in the final minutes of the second quarter it's a good job of getting us a camera shot of the clock got doubles look right here look at the wide tackle look right here park's going to sprint and he's going to throw it out that's a good job of avoiding a sack right there making sure that he's getting the ball out got it towards the receiver too that's a nice job second down and 10. clock has stopped both teams have one timeout remaining why is the ball in the left hash mr ref even though it was an incomplete pass they love watching people move around oh things that just drive you insane but i will say this at least in the jv game this week we had a referee that would allow us to change footballs that was nice yeah i did appreciate that now i went all the way down to northgate though that was forever yes broke the huddle with 12 that's illegal substitution or had 12 in formation so that's gonna make it second down in 15 right here at this point i'm taking it to half but that's my mentality okay that's the offensive guy in me the the o-linemen i said we are six to six i do not want to see anything oh my i'm glad you said that we had such a great conversation last night my brother and i we are polar opposites on the football spectrum i may spread hurry up throw it all over the field snap it every 15 seconds guy and he's defense defense defense and when tech scored to go up 45 to 22 last night he goes i love the play call i love everything about he goes i just wish he would have slid at the one yard line i was like why because he was like because they can't score if they don't have the ball i was like you're up you they can't score they can't win if you keep outscoring them too it's been amazing i feel like if we'd have been able to sit down with aba's coaches yeah i feel like that they would have i would love to know their game plan and their thought of to slow it down wow yep and you just don't want fumble right now now here's the interesting spot it's third and 15. that clock's gonna run out nice tackle right there by number 32 that's seven and you know no movie references for that none what's in the box sorry i apologize and that's it ladies and gentlemen that's halftime take us to half there craig we go to half here at stockbridge high school your score the atlanta bulldogs academy six the los angeles rampage six an exciting second half coming up as the rampage looked to us secure their number one ranking and the atlanta bulldogs academy looked to step up in that see you back in about five minutes yep we'll be right back all right ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the utn sunday night delight craig how you doing sir yeah man this is what we came here we did we this is why you yeah yeah this is why you play the game absolutely okay this is why one of the best statements in the world this is why you play the game we'll get the sound get going here 30 seconds on the clock craig talk to me about some uh impact players on both sides of the ball well from the rampage you know you know you got andre nickerson who's been a beast on defense they've gotten to the point where they just try to run away from him now and you know he's got a sack he's got several tackles for losses he came really close to knocking the football out on the sack that he had oh he went for the strip there's no idea yeah yeah and then you've got you know you know williams has a couple of catches uh dj the truth you know that's clinton he's had a huge first half and he had the long run on the uh on the uh tunnel screen and for the most part i think that if you asked the rampage at halftime what was their biggest enemy they'd say themselves okay and then i mean give me a little bit more of that why would you say because uh well they've had the ball like they had the ball and you know they get the stop on fourth down up six to nothing and the first thing they do is they fall start twice so instead of being first and ten first and twenty first and twenty they get 17 yards on the next play all right and then they you know if you look at that last drive they're at second down and three and then they try to throw a pass and they end up at third and nine then they get to fourth back at fourth and three and then they go for the quick screen and it's a great play made by you know slash from aba to to stop it from being a first down so right now i think if you ask them they would say that they've made the right adjustments they just haven't finished drops okay uh and offensively they've definitely done uh they came out with different formations each time and even that last time where they went uh two tight two wings oh my gosh uh toe to toe side to side and we're just gonna uh and i love the pause draw uh by the fullback is the greatest thing in the world right there we're pushing along here we'll have two two more quarters of 10 minute quarters here at stockbridge high school i'm beau mcmichael with craig chapman bringing the united tights network game of the week out of stock bridge georgia pretty exciting game we got the number one team in the nation 13 you the rest of the rams in white as you can see and then we have the atlanta bulldogs academy looking i'm going to say for the upset well and i would say that they are but right now parks at the quarterbacks has done a nice job of orchestrating the offense he hasn't turned it over he's gotten the football out when he's supposed to you know and he's gotten the football to slash and slash has been a big play waiting to happen here in the first half we were going over our notes at halftime the first thing i said was uh speed kills it does i mean and i think that's their their answer to speed was let we'll just go straight up the middle and not allow them defensively to sack them and that's what right now aba has working for them on both sides of the ball their front on defense is fast yes the rampage front on offense is huge so right now they're they're counter counteracting size with speed well that's why going foot to foot oh it takes that away from you it did it changed everything else aba gets the ball on the kickoff and uh we're going to get this second half started here shortly getting the coach from atlanta bulldogs academy coach parks saying hey this is our opportunity this is our chance they were the falcons game two weeks ago okay if you get a chance you go on to facebook they played in the dome afterwards all right and the bins not the dome sorry uh but uh they had a bunch of different teams and uh aba was one of the teams that was there uh it's pretty nice to watch the promotion of it and they have one thing that i love about the united states network is they do a great job from promotional roles i mean one thing you can see out there the cameras oh yeah and uh the kids are used to it and stuff and i don't know i i'm i do enjoy it because you get to see that i mean we got the drone and we got a ground we're not going to walk somebody around in the gimbal but i think we could if we really wanted to uh to be able to see that so you're going to get a standard kickoff formation right here by the rampage got five on the left five on the right ball sitting in the middle of the field it's like a pretty deep walk off i would be shocked he's gonna kick it deep yeah that's what i'm thinking he's kicking it way deep oh asked our photographers and our videographers to give us some different angles this this go around just so we could see what it looked like and that ball is taken at the 20. gonna break outside right here turn the corner at the 30 35 up to about the 38 yard line where it'll be first and 10. i'll tell you one thing my producer maya barrett she's going to take a nap when it's over she had to do a game this afternoon one o'clock up in snellville and i say hey can you make it to this one let's go let's let's let's get the cheddar and the cheese and let's get it taken care of she's like yep that's no problem let's get going so all right we're gonna start this third quarter off so the ball's up to 37 first and ten everybody gets three timeouts again and they'll have three timeouts again at the fourth no no i'll make sure i mark that down ten minutes on the clock let's get going i always say importantly oh i love when we're multitasking right here uh one of the most important things is the first five minutes of the third quarter and i've and it's the set and the tone piece and i think that the the bulldog said we see your full house backfield and we'll raise you a full house backfield we're going to play this game let's play it so physicality versus physicality right here there's the blast on the right hand side and that's going to be a game he didn't get to the 40-yard line mr ref you sure uh second down in what sir that'll be second down and seven from that point right there all right second down and seven it is and they're getting right back on it referees not even watching the game they're going to be to the outside nice cut back in there the 45 that'll bring up third down and two our camera people weren't watching the game either they got caught up and watching the ref as well ref had his back turned down gotta love that one they like that ball they're about speeding it up here third down until you said third and two and they're gonna go unbalanced this is what they did they're not set no so that's gonna be third and seven but this is what they did so effectively against uh stonecrest they've they outflanked them so bad using the formation so third and seven after the false start rampage have a chance now to get off the field it looks like they're gonna go back to a spread look right here on third and seven got another flag it's gonna be a 15-yard penalty on aba so they're going backwards right now this is you had exactly what you wanted you have all the momentum as you talked about we went to half they got the stop got off the field you had it third and two false start and then i don't know what this next penalty was but it's obviously something that somebody said something they shouldn't have so now you've put yourself behind the eight ball right here you're looking at third and about 22 23 to get the first down right here we'll come right back out in this tight formation [Music] i'm looking at this as some kind of trick play and they moved again so now it's third and 28. now we'll make no comment about said numbers no not at all but you talking about going backwards in a hurry coach in a hurry and now you put yourself in a position where you get nothing on this plate now you gotta punt and we haven't punt all game nope neither team nope and you're not going for it they're running the clock yep so now you got four solid to the right power eye right backfield a little cross buck action and that's gonna gain about five two about three give him three three so he's gonna bring up fourth and 25 right here yeah so i'm cutting my mics my producers i'm texting trying to make sure we're getting a little bit better so she's a good raw raw reef yeah you're doing a great job my text was very positive i said yes i just trying to get more images on aba i felt like we were looking mostly at the white jerseys before now we got aba's our backs to them so we can get the proper numbers if we're looking for the numbers they're gonna punt right here it looks like on fourth and 25 i hope so they got the snapper in there i appreciate the referee not throwing the penalty right there because they switch one for the other there's the snap and the punt is blocked but it's caught behind the line of scrimmage gonna be at the 30 all the way up to the 35 not a bad punt not a bad punt yeah you'll take that i'll take that in a heartbeat right now go back and re-step up nice smart play right there by sin city catching everything and realizing this behind the line of scrimmage you can advance it off the block that was a good job he saved them about 20 yards in field position i probably saved a touchdown to be honest with that ball would hit the ground and he wouldn't pick that up and been there in that position so here we go a little new look right here for the rampage we're gonna get trips and if i'm that defensive coordinator for aba i'm just gonna go sit on the bus yeah cause that they're getting everything thrown at them i saw the kitchen sink and the refrigerator they just throwing all different types of formations out there against them doing a great job both teams to be able to adapt you talk about a chess match right now good to see turtle back on the field hatred he was shaken up late in the first half trips to the left right here changing the route coming over here comes a little outside ramp up man that's a gain of one will bring up second down to nine tried to trap the outside the defensive end right there i mean this right here is some uh exciting football top notch really and you know you got trips to the left again jd three in the backfield turtle to his right you got the truth out here out wide cowboy in the intermediate slot and there's a little counter look and they split them cut back at the way down to the 20 to the 17 yard line first and ten of the 17. that's a great play call nice job of line blocking yeah they sealed down they did wrap both the guard in the tackle round nice little job of running the counter right there well this will be interesting to watch aba's response to a defense uh they haven't had anything where they've been this close to the last time they scored the touchdown it was a 40 45 yeah 49 yard tunnel screen but i like the fact if you're you know if you're looking at it from a rampage point that guy's not on the live screen you got to work through that man every time you got to work through it first out first and ten and there's same play split them again cut back at the 10. down at the four yard line and another first down so the tail of the tape of the third quarter penalties yes that whole segment because they got that ball back on the 40-yard line and they came out with a plan meaning rampage to come down there and they're spreading them out and running it right up the middle and they've done a great job what they're doing is by pulling that backside garden tackle they're getting a plus one on the play side now you got a funky formation where you got an hvac set up in the backfield and there's the snap a little counter right there spins into the end zone that's a touchdown give him six right there nice job running the football right there ace with the cut back right there gets hit at the one puts his hand down gets into the end zone great job of balance doing a little hop and touch drill and getting into the end zone i mean i mean you couldn't have drawn it up any better if you were the rampage right there they definitely had what certain things in mind and now they're coming on up yeah and it worked to perfection and now they're going to line up and kick this extra point and the t is really really close and that's all size now it'd be interesting to see if they go for this getting that double wing look we're working on our producing factors ladies and gentlemen for out there and the thing going what yes even small networks there it is right there there's a snap that touch the kick and it's hammered this time and you score here early in the third quarter la rampage 13. atlanta bulldogs academy six and now you got to have another answer do you think when they score field on extra points and they kick them do they get two because you saw fourteen to six yes okay that's why that's why i give you the big bucks man fourteen to six you're ten to six you get one point for just running it in trey lance with the touchdown for the san francisco with zeroes on the clock yep 17-6 that's called a momento change and guts to make that call and not take the sure points at half yeah big mo so rampage kicking off again last time the ball was caught at the 20. here we go and we've got whistles to stop the play oh man the white cap back there watching looking on no idea what's going on he blew the whistle he did so we're obviously had an offsides call because it's backed up now be kicking off at the 35-yard line and just threw the ball to the kicker when i was uh filming on friday night i had a total of seven safeties seven huh granted it was out of 35 games but it's still very interesting seeing the amount of safeties i normally don't see there's a try the onside kick nice job right there neither team wants to kick this ball deep no aba right there gets the gets the ball in great field position to respond yeah and now you know and here's the thing you know kicking that ball there makes it a an eight-point game and based on my understanding i don't think aba kicks correct i i haven't seen them yet no we we no we have not but you know you're thinking that in the back of your head is it when you answer with this score and you go down and score what's what is what is your plan and then if you're if you don't have a kicker your plan is to make sure you get the conversion yep and then to try to get the football back as quickly as you can because this will be the fourth quarter at that point so wishbone backfield right here and there goes the handoff and they got the corner and this is going fast hold on to the ball to the 10 down to the five all the way to the two wow wow slash nice indeed ladies and gentlemen we're watching a great football here on a sunday night i'm glad you could join us here i'm beau mcmichael with craig chapman here on the utn network we got a 13u match up number one rampage versus the bulldogs of atlanta and i'm telling you right now you got number five j5 and you got sin city in there and they just led the way right there and they came back with the same this is how you respond this is how you respond that's got to be a touchdown right there he's laying in the end zone guys and they give it to him and two plays 49 yards yeah oh they're gonna call him down come on man you couldn't see that the rest set was good the ref on the other side called touchdown the ref on this side just pointed down on the one yard line we'll take the six off the board come on man it's a touchdown i enjoy a good football game no favoritism on either one of the teams ladies and gentlemen we have no dog in the horse race at all no dog in the horse race no dog and a horse race none touchdown white cab after further thoughts his own his own uh his own review now let's see what did they do we got to answer we get to answer that very quickly yes okay very quickly i was always a proponent though if you you'd have an option to go for like a five point conversion or a four point or a three point depending on how far back yeah back it up like at seven on seven yeah you know you go from the five it's one point you go from the ten it's two point twenty's three points yeah i mean you know just give yourself a chance yeah so here we go we got four solid to the right right here now if i am aba and it's four solid to the right 557 remaining here in the third quarter yeah that was a fresh yeah that's exactly what i thought was fixing to happen almost that's a great job by parks giving his receiver a chance and a really nice job by the rampage of understanding what's about to happen and being plastered to receivers you know one thing i'll say about the rampage is they're well coached because you don't normally catch them now you may outrun them but that first play that got him down to the two for 47 yards right that was just it was just a great you could see it they pinned the outside guy down they got a great kickout block and then a wonderful lead block and then he's he attacked he attacked the hole and just decided i'm going to outrun you and then i'm going to make one cut and i'm going to the end zone well you know and we're going to take a moment here and just say thanks to the parents of these kids on both sides of the ball absolutely you know it is to be on travel ball and to do this i i can't even imagine that concept in my world right now but to know they said hey we're going to take some time off of work and we're we're going uh to atlanta and getting on a plane and for those people that didn't go and stayed i'm hoping glad you're able to watch this game from where you're at either in georgia or wherever you're at in the united states california and so forth somebody should be telling aba that they're one person down they've only got 10 on the field yes you're a savant of counting and they just did i mean that's one of the you don't want to get beat because you got 10 10 people on the field so now they're gonna get delay again the refs are trying to do their due diligence and away we go this will be very interesting but i mean what we've seen in the third quarter uh is almost the flip side of what we saw the quick score by the rampage in the first quarter now at the quick score by aba yeah 14-12 ball game and here's the kick and when he's down with his knee on the ground yep i have a hard time listening to those whistles yeah first and ten rampage ball so it'll be interesting to see what they come out with right here will they go back to the two tight end they're gonna go back to running the counter i think they're gonna uh run the uh if i could set it quicker uh the cat pole what's that pole cap the pole cap now we're going to line up 10 people to one side and the center is just going to swing it over to the other folks so you got trips tight end sitting back on this side so this screams to me okay they're not gonna he's not gonna be the tight end so they're going back to a they're gonna get the tight end out of this they got six in the box let's see if they run that counter right here because that's what they did the entire drive nope i'm gonna fake it live oh yeah good defense right good wrap up that's a really nice play on the sideline over there any idea on the number uh still hiding they're hiding everywhere 14. number 14 over there that's quan carr nice play gain a three bring up second down and seven that's a really nice play well because it has a possibility of being more than uh yeah because of the block that occurred and it was up to him to make the tackle you know one-on-one mono imano there's the inside give with the cutback and they have found something on this cutback they do at the 35. oh down to the they're going to give him down to the 31 that's a first down right there so what's the defensive end missing in this situation i feel like he's going up field too fast he's opening up the whole by not squeezing right now right your responsibility can be the quarterback and you don't have to get five yards deep in the backfield you know off of that outside there and and they're making a change right now at defensive end probably to tell him that and send him right back in nice carry right there by turtle call another so i don't know what that was unless they called a five yard face mask or they called too many people on the field but that's first and ten at this point ball's at the 26 14 to 12 lead for the rampage the offense has picked up speed in the second half there's the zone to the left nice stutter move in the hole 20 15 10 5 touchdown now is there a flag on the player they're gonna say you got it on the one yard line [Music] yeah they got the flag they call they're gonna call holding on the receiver over there and the only reason why i figured they might call it is because he raised both hands in the air right he gave that i didn't hold the universal symbol so instead of it being first and goal at the six inch line they'll bring it back and it'll be first in 20. and that was a great run it'll probably be first in 21 if they mark it off from the flag because i see where the where the flag's sitting it depends on if they mark it from that spot yeah where the white hat decides they call the penalty from white hat obviously has a day off tomorrow no worries we're good here we go first and give or take 20. nope first and 12 15. yeah i thought the hole was a little bit downfield still got trips to the right still got the truth over here by himself there's the draw and a nice job right there good old-fashioned coverage sack right there it was credit the sack to number 84 right there that's bridge again or as they call him fat with the ph yes sir and as you can tell getting the job done at defensive end got a little coaching got back in the game bring up second down and about 19. with a two-point lead right now rampage making sure they get this play right and taking a little time off the clock and we'll flip the back and flip ace to the right of jd three and now jumped you're gonna get five yards the cheap way yeah yeah that's the best way to do it second down to 14 after the offsides or the encroachment penalty the old statement you're right in front of the ball that was my favorite thing to do is to jump offside throwing from the ball yeah man i did it very well a couple of times in my life as on the defensive side nothing worse when you're on offense and you know the snap count you still jump yeah that is a or if you're the quarterback and you told him the snap count and you pull out from under the center there there's the counter look good job right there great defensive stop right there they're going to say [Laughter] that was a great job by the interior defensive lineman right there of blowing up the center i think that was big number 99 beast mode is it beast mode one or beast mode two there's two beast modes on there number 88 and number nine i'm gonna say that's beast mode two 2.0 so he just took the center and ran it back into the pulling guard and this i mean to say this is a big deal right here is an understatement so did they say that play didn't count coach parks is trying to get some clarification on his end as well i agree i want some clarification on my hand normally i don't normally my clarification takes a little bit longer than what coach parks got i do enjoy the big man say we're going to take a knee and you're going to let us know when we're ready to play there it is nah i'm seeing second down i don't understand how it's second down i'll change it second down and so he said take it down so obviously second down to 13. second down at 15. i think they went for second down to 15 i think they went back to where it was there's the snap jd three gonna throw it down the left sideline to an open receiver caught touchdown and there's that man again number nine dj the truth give him six good throwing pass right there yes right on target and that's just a mismatch man height alone that is a mismatch he goes up and gets the ball at the highest point rampage respond back i mean this is you know up and down the field now at breakneck speed we are i feel like we had a little punter's chance right here and a knockout to the knockout when aba comes back and scores another touchdown i'm just going to be like all right deep breath so what do we have right here what is white cap's killing me at least he jogged over trying to have a conversation yeah i mean i'm i don't know what we could be talking about right here so they call it unsportsmanlike conduct rampage after the touchdown touchdown's gonna hold and it's gonna be a 15-yard penalty from that spot you know and this right here is a pretty good decision because you know you want to back them up and keep it in to a one score game right here well when you can tell me that we can get kick an extra extra point because it's still not at one point i mean it's it's a really one score game because it should be 12 to 20 and not missing in realistically not to say that they can't get the two the one-point conversion here going from that direction be interesting to see how that plays out we do appreciate everybody tuning in right now having a great game here out of stock ridge georgia i'm beau mcmichael with craig chapman late in the third quarter action 20 to 12. this is a two-point guy it's this one-point conversion after the touchdown and that'll be a no-go there mr rogers no go i mean that you're in a bad situation right there but it keeps it an eight-point game right here and so yeah you may be right they may not have anybody that can kick an extra point but if you score touchdown right here you call time out and find somebody that can kick an extra point 12 47 all right 247 left to go in the third quarter craig chapman give us a recap of the game so far here in stockbridge georgia the rampage opened the scoring with a 49-yard tunnel screen for a touchdown extra point was no good and it made it six to nothing after an exchange and turnover on down and turnovers aba had a nice drive they got stopped on the second play after that drive they picked up a lateral at the 21. two plays later they were in the end zone their their point after attempt fell making it six to six then you had a touchdown here in the second half uh for the rampage extra point good making it 14-6 and then immediately answered by the aba and then the a then the rampage answered back so kickoff was returned right there to the 32 tackle was made by uh l.o and you know right now you know you got a little bit of uh you know what's kicking in right now yes sir that's the idea is i do you want it um are you tired um yeah you played yesterday and now you it's it's late it's 10 10. okay it's uh we started an hour later do we have what it takes to uh get to this next level and win if you're uh the rampage are you feeling pressure i'm not because in the second half they haven't stopped us no now am i going to make an adjustment to what they're doing with this full house backfield absolutely there's got to be an adjustment made to that but if i'm aba i feel pretty good about where i'm at too oh very much so because there's a there's a real possibility that nobody gave you a chance to be within three touchdowns at this point and you're sitting there on the doorstep and even having the oppo the opportunity i mean driveway doorstep front door inside you know depending on how you look at it right now right now i've been very impressed with both teams and their ability to compete full house backfield again and they snapped it and nobody was ready for it nobody moved except the defense well the center snapped the ball hey be nice and mr parks is going to pay the price for it yes he is he's trying to get his breath and that right there is one of those things he fell on the football man if you fall in the football that is no fun no i appreciate the fact that he just went over there like it was just something that happens though he didn't no he's probably had that happen a couple times back in the full house second down here comes the blitz and there comes the play and they still get to the edge and he still turns the corner and he's out to the 46. and that's gonna be look at this move right yeah i mean it's the same story he's a ball player yes he's got speed he's a ball player he finishes runs so that should be first and ten right there both teams sat down at halftime and had five minutes to say okay this is what we're gonna do yeah and that five minutes was the best five minutes gotta wrap up and they do that time l.o andre nickerson just he didn't go up field like he did the previous play he squeezed that thing down split the block makes the tackle for a loss gonna bring up second down and about 14 right here now you know rampage has been you know they've been let's just say it they've been gashed off tackle to the right-hand side in this half yes they have found that side and that's where they've run and so i'm expecting a big run here if you've got a counter it's going the other way because number one is on the other side there it is you just called it that one did they get back the line of scrimmage on that it's gonna be close yeah i think so it's gonna be third and fourteen right here all right we're coming to the whining minutes of the third probably about one and a half remaining here in the third quarter of play ten minute quarters we're going to go into this fourth quarter being very interesting to see what's going to happen that's what we like though we do we don't very much get when you see the energy level that at least hey i'm like all right let's go come on let's let's play this and have some fun in the process flag i just love it it's a quiet place so so we got the mics out and you're able to hear anybody and everybody give their own two cents in oh man i'm just so glad that's not on a high school film no no i'd hate to hear what people oh no you know but but y'all got a lot of fans oh yeah so it's it right now there's only a certain amount so it's echoing yeah it's beautiful though you get to hear all of these sounds of the game i'm telling you they're trying to get the clock squared you know what solve that walkie-talkies absolutely what's up good old charged walkie-talkies hey it's been a lot of fun we looking forward to this last quarter of play everybody out there in the old facebook world if you're handling us i i don't read your comments until afterwards i'll scroll down and and uh do enjoy reading some comments i don't get played too much in my brain with it but uh it's a lot of times a lot of fun to be able to call football and we call a football game on a sunday uh you know and not too bad of a concept glad these two teams were able to duke it out here in stockbridge georgia so park's back in the shotgun right here on third down to 14. doubles look with the invert slots on the ball outside receivers off that sounds like the horn quarter up to play ladies and gentlemen heading into the fourth quarter we got ourselves a football game we do let's get a little bit of uh utn promo so what's your thoughts here coach you know i'm i'm thinking that if i'm aba right here i'm probably going to spread them out right here and try to see if i can sneak number one somewhere out out wide and make it a pass that's almost like a tall sweep because if you put him in space right now he's shown the ability to get what he can get right i mean he's he's run by people run around people ran through people jumped over people and if i'm la you know if i can stop them and get the full football back then i might go back to the two tight ends oh they stop them and get the ball back it's not a must score but it it's it is you got it's almost a uh score for score at this point uh you got a match served play with serve play now one thing you don't want to do is get a delay there we go balls mark ready for play we got the fourth quarter underway so they've got it as fourth down wow so they're gonna say yeah i don't have anything for that okay maybe maybe it's my fault i'm not blaming anybody else no it just we're not at the north park so we only can there's the drop you got to get rid of it big man nice job of stepping up and then he thought that's a that's not a fumble it's a forward pass but he saw a shovel pass he saw his lineman sitting there and he thought that was a receiver and so the rampage hold and they get the football back right here with just under 10 minutes to go in the fourth quarter first and ten ball is going to be at the 45 yard line of the aba and the sticks are not right my friends these sticks are not right my friends i'm gonna tell you right now there's some big dudes on the la team for this to be a 13 and under team if you're a high school coach you're in south central and you're and you're thinking uh and if you're a coach that is a high school coach that's got some of these kids you know because they're trapped you're licking your chops knowing what you got and what's coming down the pipeline it's wonderful and i'm guaranteeing you this discussion is about the downs i thought it was third down but i guess it's not now it's first down have we not figured out that the chains are facing the wrong way yet i'm gonna plead that everybody's tired and trying to work their brains out i'm hoping i'm looking the chains are not set right nobody's noticed it and they're gonna play oh my word quarterback draw all the chains are said right okay good listen to us good we were white we old and tired we were so focused on that another flag number 55 is what he's telling him so i guess they called holding laundry on the field that's great catch that was he just snatched that thing like it was nothing to it yeah like he's a referee or something like he's done this before like a little bit so that'll bring up first down and 20. la sporting an eight-point lead here early in the fourth quarter don't be surprised if they don't go back to that counter look and if you see motion go away then it's going to be tunnel screen because they haven't come back to that play one time and if they shrink it in right here it's going to be bubble screen because they still got them outnumbered up there where the bunch is inside give nice play right there ramp up tackle my aba second down i'll tell you one thing that's never i just think that's beast mode again so that's gonna bring up second down in about 20. and i you know the improvement from aba from week one to this is just that just speaks worlds of coaching but i'd like to get some tape and put white tape around their numbers man i just need to see numbers i want to call their numbers out so bad there's your tunnel screen and it's wide open again and it's a nice job oh he fumbled the football able to get it back third down in about seven that's dj the truth again and right now he's in he's my player of the game two big touchdown catches doubles look again right here third down and about four or six there comes the screen to the other side caught by number 15 steps out and there he goes 20 15. stiff arm at the five trying to break away and boom oh they're gonna call a face mask on the running back that's a possibility yep yes sir that's what they're going to call so that'll back it up from the 5 to the 20 where it will still be first down nice job of run after the catch right there by q hale q had to break a couple of tackles to get himself in the open field but and he went he really just wanted to be in the end zone yeah he's like i go anywhere i can i'll stifle folks let's just get me in the end zone that's gonna bring up first and ten balls gonna be on the 20. and that we just had said they hadn't thrown the tunnel screen and they went back-to-back plays to the tunnel screen it puts everybody out there on an island and you know and you have to respond running the clock and it's going to be what we got timeout right here possibly injured player i think so number 15 that was cue that just a little shaken up on the play the truth is back in for q got jd-3 trying to run the play again so what's go gonna be a doubles look right here for the rampage there's the snap there's the little counter again just dosing around right there they talk about a dog trying to get a bone just sniffing it around going i can just go here and go here and i go here gain of eight beautiful second down and two and that's been the difference in the second half they went to that little run concept really and it's opened up everything that little you know pulling the guards and then you saw them go to trips and run the outside zone stretch away from it they put it in here right here talk to me is this going to be it for him it will be real tough from a game perspective yeah from just from a possessions number perspective throw to the corner of the end zone and he caught that that's a touchdown and a flag that's a touchdown for l.o they don't call offensive passing are they calling offensive pass interference right here yep wow let me work on those camera angles every now and then sometimes we get burned by the of the drone burned by the drone sorry about that so they went to l.o in the end zone they're going to call offensive pass interference was going to back it up and while la looks to take a commanding lead in stockbridge san francisco is trying to take the lead against green bay green bay was up 17 enough yes past interference so that should bring up second down and 12. now you're going to get trips into the to the left-hand side of the offensive formation this is going to be stretched to the right it's just by looking at where ace lines up this is going to be stretched to the right nope straight drop wheel route gonna throw them let's do it out of bounds great coverage down there you're talking about a advantage right there and he he did everything he could he was making sure he wasn't going to get a penalty thrown that was quan again on the coverage man nice job of getting into the receiver's chest not letting him have you know just a free fight for the ball six minutes remain give or take here in the fourth quarter this is these next two plays i mean our next play i mean it's just the next play you gotta each time get at it and if you can find a way to stop them that's what you want to do and you get that opportunity yeah to play and if i'm if i'm aba you know it's third and 12 i know but i'm sitting on the outside looking for scream there goes the wheel route again he's throwing it to number one he doesn't see the ball nope he put that right on the pile line though that's amazing great throw that was his job we're gonna put it on there fourth and twelve it is 5 52 remaining here in the fourth quarter i'm bull mcmichael with craig chapman here on the united tights network game of the week out of stockbridge georgia we got the number one team 13u la rampage taking on the atlanta bulldogs academy a great game thank you so much for tuning in with us we're going to be able to take you all the way home the next 5 52 and get you a chance to watch at least the fourth quarter of the sunday night game and i'll tell you right now the rampage have run into a team that just right now just they're playing you know with the idea that we've got one shot to to get after a team that's ranked you got it number one you want to make you want to make a point and they're playing with emotion intensity physicality but la's been able to match it there's the snap i'm going to go back to that corner again i'm just going to be incomplete they're going to throw the flag now it's half the distance so this should be it shouldn't be a first down well let's put where's the where's the ball actually at pass interference on aba so where i need to know where the football was spotted before that so the ball is at the 22 so that should take it down to the 11 where it will be fourth and one so it's gonna be fourth and one at the 11. or they just marked it down so they're on market chains started moving thinking they were uh they fourth and two with the 12. aba's got to come get it right here because this is going to be counter it's counter they're going to start left and come back right ah i just hard when that's making that decision great job on the rampage that'll bring my first down ball will be at the seven it'll be first and goal at the seven but they're still not in no so you gotta hold them for four downs right here if you're aba i still think this is the counter this time going to the short side nope don't throw the little they're throwing the fade and it's caught great catch just taller over i mean it just right there ah you're gonna get it for taunton yeah 15 yards and that's number nine's third touchdown catch of the day increases the lead 26 to 12 here in the fourth quarter mm-hmm that's dj the truth clinton three touchdown catches today a mismatch nightmare yes if you look at the two guys they got playing out wide you got clanton and you got nickerson and they're both huge how do you how do you offset that you don't you you run it and you keep the ball away from yeah everything's going to get lower get a little bit uh 26 to 12. starts getting a little rowdy on a sunday evening in henry county the nice thing is you know i love the competition between both teams the attitude with both these players both players and team i don't feel like anything's gotten out of hand and we've seen a lot of games where a lot of times where refs go that's it we're done we're not dealing with this so now i have a question for you if you were the coach of aba is there any chance that you would have taken that penalty on the kickoff now i know you they would probably you'd probably be down 16 so you take it right i don't know if it's an option take it right here to keep it 14. yeah because he's he's if you don't then they're gonna kick a field goal i mean kick can get two points sorry you probably do have to do that yeah i think that's probably pretty smart then you get a chance right here to i wonder if they i wonder if that was his second unsportsman if they took him out of the game you know what i'm saying i know i even saw the see back in the play yeah point point after attempt right here got a bunch look still got single receiver up and i'm telling you right now aba has done about as good a good job as they could handling the size of the receivers there's the snap jd three's gonna step out and he's gonna throw it wow and he got it wow lo goes up high points the football and gets it in and gets the two-point conversion from 18 yards let me tell you one thing from a name perspective like to see where he goes in four years yes because that is a large individual yes with great body control and athletic ability so we line up for the kickoff right here born in 2008. i'm an old person you and i are both yes we are we're old old cajus and there's people even older than us did you just call me a codger i did i did appreciate that no problem man you know when you're 18 you don't want to be called that by the time you get to our age it's like yeah i appreciate that that's no problem 5 41 on the clock 27 212. so it's a 15 point game right here so if you score you get you get the conversion first and then if you get the ball back you worry about scoring and calling a timeout and setting up an extra point after that yep but if you're la you're not kicking it deep right here you're not going to give no chance for anything you're not gonna know that right slash or sin city or weapon x have a chance to run this thing but it's right down the middle of the field uh-oh you gotta wrap up that's a nice tackle right there starting back on that nice job by number 10 from la right there mack truck ronald hewitt jr so it'll be first down and 10 right here 27-12 lead for the rampage as they have scored three times here in the second half there's a wonderful third quarter back and forth you know you get it slowed down a little bit here for me when we see another flag on the play some more good old-fashioned laundry yep yellow rain is falling in stock bridge they're gonna be in a dog fight in there san francisco start in the fourth quarter as well all right ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for being a part of this we'll be looking for our spotlight player of the game for both players or both teams and uh definitely want you to think about who that could be there correct chad i'm going to let you be able to call both of them because you do a great job with the names i'm just trying to press numbers but uh overall wise what what does both teams what do both teams take away from this well i think the aba found out they can play with anybody in the country and i mean that sincerely they have matched up and went toe-to-toe with one of the best collection of athletes in the 13 and under team i've ever seen i mean you have a quarterback that can put it on the spot you have about four or five guys that can run the football you've got two 13 year old you know megatron standing out there right and then you just lined up and ran the football at them and used your speed and challenged them for the whole game now it got away from you a little bit here in the fourth quarter but that doesn't take away from anything you did the first three and a half quarters no it doesn't all right so aba with the football first and ten there's a snap there's a toss and they've got the edge and they've got the 15 to 20 the 25 to 30 35 40. see that 50 45 40 35 30 25 yard line wow yes sir you see the downfield block i did that was amazing that downfield blocked by that receiver that's giving that chance a second chance right there look both of us are trying to put some coffins and some nails and they're not doing it right now i think that was number 21 jaden jordan known as jj he got to the edge real quick and they got it all the way down to the 25 and they flipped the field really quick 65-yard run on first down yeah they flipped the field very quickly really nice play call too that backside pursuit though have some speed on that back end not let let him get a touchdown on that situation i think the rest are just trying to get a breather themselves man [Music] this dude thinks it's saturday night at 10 30. yeah somebody got to go to school the next day one craig a chapman human beings oh we love them yes now you're gonna get a timeout right here yeah la's gonna take a timeout that's the first time out of the uh i'm listening to the folks i am i'm engaged and i'm trying to make sure yeah of seeing where that's at but i heard him saying check out and i and then i understand they were saying that check out the white hat he was trying to tell him the time on the ground right oh me only in stock bridge could we take this game and turn it into a three-hour affair i'm telling you we now we're at two two and a half hours right now i mean we're two and uh no we're two hours because really kickoff's right around 8 30. yeah you're all correct so well for a 13 you and we're sitting at two hours sometimes you're hoping it's a uh you know a good minute 40 hour 40 minutes i appreciate your patience staying with us ladies and gentlemen we're going to come to the end of this game and i have a feeling it's going to get a lot closer before we're done if we were sitting at 40 to nothing this was going on i'd send everybody home i mean you'd just be staring at the walls oh my word this dude keep the clock on the field big guy now people are starting to get mad in the stands uh well ladies and gentlemen it's been really nice having everybody out here watching and seeing what's going on here on the united tights network i'm beau mcmichael with craig chapman having a lot of fun in stockbridge georgia it's 27 to 12. about six minutes and some change remaining here in the fourth quarter our pause and delay is just dealing with clock operationals it's one of those things we deal with all the time and right now that's what we're dealing with you know we're sitting here and i've got a 10-minute ride home and you're at home but what about those four guys from l.a i know they they get back to a hotel take a shower and relax a little bit so [Music] so first and ten bought the 25 of the rampage there's the inside give nice move in the hole and that's going to be down to the 10. taken out of bounds at the five-yard line what a move in the hole we got that right down field blockings just wonderful see if they threw another flag no no no laundry i just heard a double whistle better than a double rainbow that is true there we go but that move in the hole right there is special it is i mean that was a special move la had someone unblocked ready to make the tackle and then he just disappeared on the other side of him same play and they decided that they would not allow that does that happen again combo tackle right there led by number 23. you know gilmore and number 24 smith both those guys are like no not this time and if you're aba you had everything you wanted by moving fast and eating up you know literally 85 yards in two plays i mean you're at your own 10 and then you're at the five and now you're at this point right here you've got to score you've got to get that first extra point give yourself a chance doubles look right here a little counter and he got away from that he did he is met again swallowed up hole they were number seven was going down the line and that's chuck and we've met chuck a couple several times over and chuck don't play no third and goal right here from the six hey and we're definitely listening their voices yeah it's just it's gotten to the point now where i'm trying to hear who's getting yelled at yeah which one is it is it a ref in that situation so what you think about tom brady and uh new england patriots facing off next week sunday night football is it must-see tv for you gonna enjoy it what what's your plans i mean i'm gonna watch it yep i don't care anything about either one of those teams at all and there's the give inside nice job to get it down to about the two fourth down and two craig four ten and two what are you gonna call they're gonna bring everybody and put them right there on the line if i because then you're gonna have to kick an on-side kick they haven't done it yet but no i would line up in that same look make that same hand-off and if i you know i don't know man i'd just run it again we getting the timeout i know the whistle blew early [Music] we got a lot of people pointing fingers we do so they obviously called offside so they moved it up to the one well that's a good deal for aba right here just cut that yardage that they had to make in half so they're almost fourth and one fourth and fourth and goal from the one many years ago i was fourth and three about three seconds on the clock oh man as a kid i don't forget stuff like that nope no four solid to the left right here for aba they've got them out and uh they jumped off sides again you keep moving it running out of room and in this situation what do you do you go straight up the middle correct mano imano i i'm thinking right here i don't want you to toss it don't no no we're not tossing we're not doing anything like that they've got four guys over here and there is a see the bad part about this is because they jumped off sides it gave the rampage a chance to feel that there was a gigantic hole over here here we go so now you got four solid to the left you got wishbone backfield so you're about to add six blockers to the left side right here and they ran a tall sweep and he turns the corner and he gets a score that's a nice i'm just telling you man that's terrifying i'm telling you right now he made two moves in that drive where he just completely froze uh where did he go where did who go i mean he froze him he did i really wish they had a field goal kicker you never know they may have a surprise field goal kicker i don't think they do because then you got to have the snapper and the holder and that's sometimes the hardest thing to find so it just was one of those ones where you're like hell goodness i'll tell you one thing it's been a ball game and the rams rampages have definitely played a great game tonight i'm telling you what i'm i'm impressed by them their size their organization their whole offensive setup where they can move in and out of things at the drop of a hat but the growth of aba has been equally as oppressive very much so and i mean you know i i i've enjoyed watching this from the junk the last time they threw out of this set they've thrown out of this again and they're going to try to flip it to the corner and it's out of bounds yeah frustrations building a little bit here but we're going to get ready for the uh kickoff that's the onside kick right here oh it has to be you're not giving the ball back to the rampage if not in that situation but what an you know just the fact that you fall down by 15 you get the ball at your own 10 and then you rip it down the field then you convert a fourth down yep two minutes and some change remaining it's going to say it's 18 to 28. i'm confused by that i am absolutely confused by that wait a minute hold on because the score says it so i'm going gonna do it just because it's 18 to 28. so something tells me that this is gonna be the old kick the ball off the ground right here see if we can get a funky bounce oh they're gonna okay they got the t oh this is cool look how they put the ball in the tee that's awesome respect man there you go look at that that's awesome right there now ah i was about oh wow that's got to be a penalty right there geez i mean jeez that was completely unnecessary but hey 18 to 28 possession error going back on the side of the rampage white hat just told him to throw the penalty flag and then put his penalty flag in his pocket so with 205 right here if you're the if you're la what do you do do you just take it kneel it well aba's got three timeouts that's going to make us hang out for a little bit so and i'm aware of that in that situation because aba is not gonna they're not gonna go down they're gonna they're gonna use their three i agree you know what i i would use them too yeah i mean that's why you played the game you're not sitting there uh leaving as is in that situation can't take them the next week no no these are not rollover minutes by no means here on the utn network there's the snap inside give hey stays up inside on the zone play he's gonna get six it'll be second down at four ladies and gentlemen an injured player and that is the one thing you don't want to see late in the game like this you don't want to see it at any time but especially not late in the game people are tired yeah i wonder so he's holding his back if i was a better producer i'd pulled the instant replay up for us to see it but that's not within the ballpark of my brain right now yeah those things i can remember when i played you know the worst thing about playing rec league football was that one time a game somebody get hurt one time a game somebody was going to do something to me in the game and it was going to be like you know i got stepped on one time one time my finger got my thumb on my throwing hand got caught in somebody's face man oh yeah and it turned a color that i don't even know what it looks like yeah i had uh this one here playing in high school got caught in the face mask it was hanging over here by my thumb oh it was awesome took it flipped it back and let go let's put some tape on it we'll be fine i don't snap with this finger took my shoe off in college one time after turning a double play and a guy got me with a spike under my toenail oh so i thought he i thought he had ripped my toenail yeah so i was yelling at the trainer who is now the athletic trainer at georgia tech like paul paul paul got gotta tape up my toe guy take on my toe he took my sock off my toe just flipped straight down no broken he was like i don't think tape's gonna help that they're working on the clock 140. i feel like we're playing charades we are if he said uh one one word symbol uh they're helping yeah that's the best part about this all day is they're health and that's great oh man that poor clock operator he's going to go home and think what he or she just does i'm not i'm out i'll see you in the old famous line that's been reeling it's been fun hasn't been real fun for the clock operating ball game in general been a blast we appreciate tommy glover opening the doors allowing us to come in and help out here on the utn network age gets the ball great getting the first down right there the first and ten that was a really nice job when they hit him that time he he stopped he did he did stop and he did stop we thought about that in our game not this past friday but two fridays ago they ran a two-point conversion against us and guy was i thought he was gonna walk in and one of our corners folded back in and hit this dude at the one yeah and when he hit him he went straight backwards and i was like i didn't know that guy had it in him but it was nice so the clock continues to run right here rampage running out the clock or throwing the ball down the field it's going to be caught and it's going to be a touchdown and that is cowboy williams on the catch now i've got a question i i got to be the the person in the uh in the room uh where it happens uh you know in the sense of all right they weren't calling timeouts okay they weren't trying to do that so is this a scoring thing where we need to get some scores and we don't we don't know the exact uh what you call it ranking system we don't know how they rank things like that so this may be something where the number of points you accumulate hold something at the end of the season okay versus how many points you allow yes right so i'm not willing to speak off of that either i'm just saying it in the sense of uh they weren't look i didn't feel like they were looking in that direction that's just me from an overall perspective there's the snap and he's gonna throw the fade again and it's gonna be caught again every day i mean they can't no if we're being honest about that that's nearly impossible to stop with a with a with a ball that's thrown catchable yes that's what we always want from the jump ball perspective absolutely every team wants it not a lot of teams get it and you and you know the bad part about it is when you practice that yep the person that you're practicing against especially in high school they don't want to go to school the next day so the spotlight player of the game who are you giving it to we'll just go with let's go with aba first all right so for aba there's no doubt who is getting it you know you're going with uh slash jones he has had a heck of a game from you've been the statistician i know you would love to know exactly how many yards but we were sitting there calling the game and enjoying ourselves i would he had he had multiple runs and he had to have close to two bills easily he had that because he had a 47 yard run in there he had multiple runs that were 20 25 plus and you know he was dynamic i mean and that if we're just being honest about it he he was just you know electric on the field and for la you can't you know you can't take it away from dj the truth man you know we got three got three touchdown catches played a huge role setting the edge on defense i mean you know and like you said you got clanton and nickerson out wide those are huge match-up nightmares there's a reason why they're number one but bottom line is this one's a ball game and duvet williams you know cowboy williams who just caught the touchdown he's supposed to be the fastest guy in this age group and i think he caught two passes tonight and you know they're just showing you that it's multifaceted there's just so many people you can go to i thought you know jd three had a great night got the football to his guys you know protected the football and for the most part i think there was one turnover in this game so it was a well-played game i mean sin city takes it out of bounds at the 44 right there ladies and gentlemen we're under one minute remaining here in the ball game we do appreciate everybody tuning in with us here on united heights network it's been a wonderful experience here this evening at stockbridge high school i'm bulman michael with craig chapman we're getting close to rounding out the games last couple thoughts here because i'm gonna definitely click us off when the game ends uh which what's your overall takeaway from this i mean because it's really one of our first games i'm gonna be honest with you that was engaging the whole time well i love what la does on offense and i think that they are they're big they're fast you know and they play the game from a perspective of you know they're playing what many would consider they're trying to they're trying to run things that i have no idea what south central runs in high school but i would guess some of this stuff is very similar and from you know the atlanta bulldogs academy perspective you just proved you could play with just about anybody in the country i agree very much so i mean the score is very misleading as to what this game was late in the third quarter early fourth and you should be very proud of what you have accomplished as they rip off another nine yard gain right there and this would be interesting if timeouts started going in because then would in our brains thinking points are mattering yeah and you're trying to add yourself up into the rankings and you know and and here's the thing the rampage they they're playing a national schedule yes so you know they're trying right now to cement themselves as undisputed and that's that's what they came here to do there's chuck again and that dude lowers the boom he does i mean we have seen it all night he has definitely they got him playing the right spot he's playing linebacker for a reason and it looks like that will that's got to be close to being the end of it right and so they're going to do the handshakes and look like they're jumping back on the ball nah i think they're going to let this one run out clock operator he's just working on his rotator cuff man that's all he's doing gretchen stretching in the best way ladies and gentlemen it has been a lot of fun here today i appreciate everybody hanging in there be safe out there in this crazy world white caps killing me yeah oh my we just ready to go home kiddo we see it all right ladies and gentlemen be safe out there in this crazy world i'm bowling michael with craig chapman here on the united text network until we see you again be safe enjoy your week shake them up and let's get going i'm gonna hang i'm gonna hang in there because it's not over with yeah i know i'm trying to i understand he wants to do the rules i'm yeah and i i can appreciate that lamb chops playhouse right here that's the song that never ends it goes on and on my friends some people started singing and not knowing what it was they must have caught 700 penalties on that play look where the ball is at i can't even tell you what they called had to be multiple personal fouls there's going to be a penalty on that and i was looking at the wrong game they're gonna throw the quick screen out here down the sideline and he'll be taken out of bounds and that will be your ball game all right ladies and gentlemen take care of that we heard the ball game and that's it be safe and good night from stockbridge georgia i'm bowman mike with craig chapman thank you so much you
Channel: United Tykes Network
Views: 1,532
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: hACVJIpytwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 2sec (9842 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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