MARVEL WHAT IF 2x02 Breakdown! Easter Eggs & Animation Details You Missed!

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welcome back to New rockstars I'm Jessica Clemens and today I'm breaking down the second episode of what if Peter Quill attacked Earth's Mightiest Heroes this episode is a lot sadder than you think it is maybe I was expecting a mean quill or a happy Hank Pim but there's so many call outs Easter eggs to pass MCU events and people so let's just jump into it because I want to talk about all the crazy things that happened in this episode but first we have some Whata if Inspire merch over at nerd rot. shop we have echogear Loki gear and Christmas for January gear because I think it's a little too late to order it before the end of Christmas it's a great way to support the channel but also look frush as hell while doing it okay let's jump into this we opened this episode with a giant ball of light shooting through the sky directly towards Earth Peggy Carter demands that the unauthorized ship must be shut down they can't reach the USS base the song playing his love affairs out of control were then taken to the ground it's 1988 if you couldn't tell by the people's 80s fashion look at all those clothes we're in New York we're outside a jazz club I think that says Johnny cords and Howards might be a call out to Howard Stark this licensed play on the card just reminds us yes we're in a different Universe where they have posters in English but they also of license plates and alien there's a billboard for Olympia which could be a tie into eternals whose home on Earth on the comics was Olympia it looks like it could also be kingo's original look from the comics on it since this takes place in 88 what HSE happened in 88 in the MCU well during the events of this episode in our reality Nick Fury's at Shield carols with the rambos Hanks working with shield with Bill Foster and Elias star this is the year star leaves to work on his own then you know his daughter becomes ghost in a horrible accident the cre scientist marll is currently posing as Wendy Lawson and joins project Pegasus which we're currently seen she just dies next year I have a lot of those morbid facts and I'm sorry at the way that I announced them the ship blasts down on a New York Street smashing into cars it's ego shipped from the second Guardians movie the one where he and mantis traveled in the egg ship stops in front of the New York City Hall sliding into a crash halt the NYPD arrives very confused and not saving the day outst steps our young Peter Quill backlit by the bright light of ego ship our starlord is wearing the same shirt the same get up he wore when his mother died in the first Guardians movie The Red Flannel and his River rafter canoe shirt that later we see his girlfriend in and crazy to me was it not crazy to anybody else that she could fit into a child's t-shirt couldn't be me behind the police officer watu Blends into the building standing as a shadow and begins narrating not just any kid but Peter Quill yes and it's our baby boy quill out on a joy ride I don't like how menacing The Watcher is with telling Quill's story like he doesn't know he's trying to get away from his egotistic father like what I did there egotistic ego two heads same coin I think that's the quote baby quill picks up the cop car and makes them explode in the second movie when he started getting riled up with his Newfound Powers he was able to make the rocks move and whip around him like a tornado even drawing them to his body to make Pac-Man we didn't see him use telekinesis but it's not surprising he'd know how to do it if he actually trained with his father we see the same clip from the first movie of our baby quill running away from his grandfather after his mother died but I I also really like that we're exploring what if yandu was a bad guy and just gave him to Ego like it's a horrible idea but it it it's questions questions that I wanted answered our baby quill stares out the window at the solar system and a as yandu Grinch Smiles in the reflection we see yandu still with Taser face in this universe what a pair then he delivers Peter to Ego who destroys his mom's Walkman and then turns it into an electro ball he broke it in the second movie as well because he's just he's just a dick then we go over the same plan of execution story that ego revealed in the second Guardians movie about the expansion where he plants his own little seeds all over the world and takes it over you know like men always do Peter's causing Havoc at the Brooklyn Bridge literally destroying everything when adult Peter was being imbued with ego's powers his eyes turned like a blue a light blue but it didn't illuminate like it did right here it did illuminate purple in the first movie when he was wielding the orb though we're taking to Project Pegasus Shield Western Division headquarters Pegasus stands for potential energy group alternate sources United States when Howard Stark was looking for Steve Rogers he discovered the Tess they began studying it and created Pegasus and this new found organization was created to study the tessar which included Shield NASA and the US government as I said earlier Marbell worked here in the 80s as the project leader under the name Wendy Lawson but when she died in ' 89 the project was kind of closed Pegasus opened up again not too long after but once Thor took the test rack back to Asgard they shut it back down it turns out baby quill has been out destroying dozens of solar systems consumed by a wave of radiation we know now that was ego and baby quill was lighting the fuse if you will it only takes 24 hours within his time of being on those planets to actually destroy it and that's terrifying we're with Howard Stark voiced by John Slattery and Peggy Carter voiced by Haley Atwell both returning from the roles as the same characters in the movies and TV shows I love when they do this Howard mentions how Tony is a pain in the ass and Peggy R towards he has Funk it's almost like Peggy saw Tony's hologram performance at the Stark Foundation Tony during this time was 18 years old and in 3 years his parents are going to die that came out much worse than I wanted it to but I just have to remind y'all because it's a breakdown timeline order what was happening in our universe but maybe you know since it's a different Universe he won't die well maybe they don't die or at least by Bucky I hope it's not like a Canon event pegy becomes our Nick Fury and begins cooking up the best team the world's ever seen you see a map with the coordinates of their location the farthest is Bucky currently in Russia next is Prince tachaka and wakanda Hank Pim and Goliath are both I think in San Francisco and the middle dot might be for Lawson who's already at Pegasus in the Mojave Desert Howard Stark says this you forgetting we're in the middle of a cold war all that we are the world garbage doesn't really play outside of MTV so like remember during the 80s the Cold War went to like what like ' 89 this is an ongoing war between the US and the Soviet Union and their allies after World War II this was especially not the time in America when they wanted to work with Russia so hiring Bucky a literal sleeper agent just wasn't ideal in Howard's opinion he also references MTV as the only diverse thing in media in life right now and that's sad it's the80s do you know how many black bands there were we cut to my favorite Ant-Man Hank Pim I'm I'm joking you know Paul R is my favorite Ant-Man I don't think there's a person that will say that Hank Pim is their favorite Ant-Man played by Michael Douglas and with his daughter hope voiced by mine McGrath he's clearly having a hard time Raising Hope after Janet disappeared Janet sacrificed herself to stop a Soviet missile from hitting the US literally a year ago from the time they're currently in in 1987 so it's only been a year since Janet's been gone hope mentions an Ant-Man in the WASP house she was only 7 years old when her mom left and her dad didn't talk to her for 2 weeks he was grieving but so was she so their Dynamic is still growing stretching Ever Changing Hank's phone rings it's Howard he hangs up in his face we don't officially actually know why Hank hates Howard personally Janet and Hank were working with Shield when Janet died I could see Hank blaming Howard for that as he was one of the main Folks at Shield during the time and Ant-Man we see a flashback to 89 Howard and Peggy are working with Pim until Hank goes off on Howard for attempting to replicate and steal his Pim Tech Ant-Man says this in Civil War and Pim always said you never can trust a stark so I just think it's a long Battle of them Starks being Starks and clearly Pim is occasionally a team player Hank and hope enter Pegasus and Hank makes it a point to say he doesn't work here anymore though we saw him quit in 89 he must have quit a little bit sooner in this universe we run into Goliath voiced by Lawrence Fishburn another actor who played their character in the MCU they're on a role in this episode now R Bill Foster worked with on Project Goliath we later see him finding and taking care of Ava star AKA ghost and Ant-Man on the was Project Goliath was a study Foster had with Pim on expanding their body mass with pin particles he did grow to be 21 ft while Pim could only get really really small thank you to better help for sponsoring this video you can love holiday season and also admit that it's stressful travel time with family marking time with new years's it can be a lot and if you feel like you could use a little help with it all try connecting with a licensed therapist by using better help starting therapy can be hard the right therapist for you may not be in your area and some people struggle with the face-to-face interaction of therapy with better help you can have your therapy sessions as a phone call as a video chat even via messaging if you prefer that whatever is the most comfortable version of therapy for you just click the link in the description and answer a few questions about what you're looking for from therapy and what your preferences are better help will then match you with a therapist from their Network that's right for you if you don't really fit with that therapist which is a common thing with therapy you can easily switch to a therapist for no additional cost without stressing about insurance who's in your network or anything like that if you think that you might benefit from therapy consider betterhelp click the link in the description or visit neww rockstars clicking that link helps support this Channel and also gets you 10% off your first month of better help so that you can connect with a therapist and see if it helps you this suit it's a perfect mix of Goliath and the comics the bars across the chest and the colors are similar in both costumes I also believe that like project Goliath was around the 80s and I never realized how many teams Hank Pim was a part of and just out of irritation or fighting with his co-workers left stormed out was like I I I hate this place then we're in chose to King to Chaka by atani who played young tachaka in the first Black Panther movie he's wearing the same exact outfit during the flashback scene but the claws around his neck are gold not silver we don't know tala's age but I think kilmonger is slightly older if not around the same age Kil monger's dad died in ' 92 when he looked like eight or nine so I don't think tala was really even thought about right now or if he was alive he definitely had a babysitter Peggy mentions how wakand doesn't normally join in global Affairs and it's because no one knows they exist yet they got to keep it a secret then Howard says this it's a pleasure your father was a great Ally to US during the war yes I understand you even donated some vibranium to your efforts we made a shield out of lost it in the Arctic but other than that to Chaka and no jobu's father was a zri who in the comics fought Hydra with Captain America and I think that's what Howard is alluding to here this wasn't Captain America black panther Flags of Our Fathers released in 2010 we also learned how Howard officially got by brainum in the make cap shield and it was indeed a gift a gift from King tachaka yay I I didn't know so I was very I like this then this happens hey how' the commi snagging in invite gachev wanted the target contained before he reaches Moscow so he sent the Winter Soldier so Bucky wasn't going to be on the team it's only during this conflict the Soviet Union President Gorbachev wanted to make sure the baby quill is fully captured before getting anywhere close to Moscow so they sent Bucky voiced by Sebastian Stan and we got another one it's great seeing the team you know the team put together you know in a better world than what we see them in in our existence you know cuz Bucky will end up being framed for T chaka's murder in like what 30 years and you know kill Howard Stark in like three so it's just nice seeing them at peace here Peggy and Howard both know Bucky shoot Howard knows Bucky when he kills him they just know if that's actually him that's not the Bucky they once knew I knew that would be the case for Howard since he recognized him before he died but it's nice seeing in this timeline even though Steve is gone within Shield they heard Zola got one of their men and good friends and turned them into a sleeper agent Wendy Lawson joins us in the traditional cre star suit I already explained her whole thing so we don't need to get back into it again Wendy calls Hank the Crusty guy which means to be annoying you know like a crusty old man baby quill made his way At Con Island you know is just being a kid Hank does the most triggering thing and stages an attack with his flying ants attacking this child and it's horrifying he's jumping off the lights breaking each bulb like this is just trigger warning horrifying more broken shards like the intro to what if when baby quill breaks the fun house mirrors out of complete anger then Wendy Lawson mentions this pull back killer if the cub in that jet blows there won't be a planet left to save Lawson used the tesak to study and create her light speeed engine core in her ship later we see what happens when you shoot that engine core you turn into Captain Marvel here she specifically says Cube which makes me think she just straight up has the Tesseract in that ship and girl if that's true in this universe what are you doing Goliath says Problem Child 10:00 referring to the movie of the little redheaded demon child I love that movie when they try to escape quill uses his powers to keep the ship down luckily Thor steps in and knocks him out when he passes out baby quill says I thought you were the dude from Van Halen and he's talking about young David ler Roth with his fine self so looks like ego and quill have destroyed uim and Asgard in this reality along with other nine Realms and now they're coming to Earth uim is also the place where the frost Giants come from they got my poor baby in the same cell they put Loki in in the first Avengers movie it's interesting because even then they put him in that cage and Thor lectured everyone on the destruction Loki had already left behind like this scene right here it's the same Avenger it's just a different Avengers movie on his way to Earth Thor confiscated one of ego's celestial seedlings which ego planted in 1980 Missouri behind the Dairy Queen essentially needs Peter as a battery a single Celestial himself wasn't enough but using Peter as a second that would work so he's the light for the fuse to pop off if you will but they can stop it only with another Celestial being because it's the only be that can penetrate the cosmic perimeter for the seedl and the cutest cutest cutaway I I actually no cuz I am gr has some cute cutaways this is the second cutest cutaway hope is singing Surrender by Corey Hart a good good hit she stolen her dad's key card and is dancing around listening to her mom's Walkman this scene made me want to cry and it kind of did she has a heart to- heart with Peter which of course they do they're about the same age and he misses his mom and his mom's Walkman and they both share that feeling of losing their moms and I love my mom baby quill says this what's wrong with Missouri Missouri my dad said you were an alien dude feed me a corn dog and call me Springsteen because I was born in the USA why else do you think I'd fly 10,000 light years to get here I'm just trying to get home and now it's obvious he's 18 we're 18 this bad boy home also he made a born in the USA Bruce Springstein reference I got to give him that hope shrinks down the cell with pin particles which isn't new we've seen this done so many times even shrinking their building down and carrying it like a suitcase because of the scene we've seen in the trailer we should have known that this was just angry parents looking at a kid for getting in trouble Howard says this yeah great blame the absentee father I get that enough from my own son and they love blaming each other for each other's problems but Howard is definitely in the wrong right here Thor tries to leave immediately which is common for him to do he's very imp patient in every movie he's in he's he's just impatient in a very silly way ego then arrives on Earth to finish what starlord started and then King tachaka offers this there is an ancient wakandan proverb one only wins a two-front war by getting out of your enemy's way we don't know much of wakanda before the meteor we know from the first movie five tribes settled on it called the nation wakanda we're hoping this is what we see in the new series The Eyes of wakanda I just want them to kind of get into the before part and maybe this will go and tie into that the looks Wendy and Hank and maybe I'm reading too into this that they are giving each other it's like he's hella flirting with her and we know Janet and him when they were apart they hooked up with different people maybe he's just trying to get with Wendy Thor Imus the power of lightning and jumps at ego it's all dramatic but doesn't work when ego uses his powers to build a giant boulder smashing into Thor midair when ego began using his powers The Rock start hovering around him like it did Peter in the second movie we also see him literally becoming one with the planet and using the resources on the planet to his Advantage he pieces himself into a bigger rock version of himself when fighting adult Peter he can speak through his Rock duplicates as well and he did that in the second movie when he's yelling at Peter store spins and throws his hammer crumbling a ton of rock people we saw him smash through monsters like this in Ragnarok the animation on that sand dust parting like the Red Seas for mire is incredible we've never visited Quill's mom's grave but this scene is very very sweet especially with Hank just having a hard time conveying his feelings up until the point about Janet being gone just a vulnerable moment while Howard is trying to make sure Bucky doesn't kill this child in the name of Soviet Russia Howard hits a part of Bucky though in his feels and Bucky pulls out ego is charging himself up to send tentacles of his Electro powers we saw him use this on adult Peter baby quill and Hank jump onto the back of the flying ant quill Yanks the scening and his eyes start to brighten with the powers just holding it then ego does it all over again he admits to killing Peter's mom and caring only about the expansion just like in the second movie and Peter absorbs the seedling taking more of ego's powers as one Celestial that's okay but two that's better and shoots all that power back at ego killing him and the mound believing him with his Celestial Powers presumably Quil two ego zero in two universes baby I'm going to ignore what happened last episode at the Dairy Queen because I want to keep giving quill two points he also tells him my mom calls me a Star-Lord which in the end of the first Guardians movie the note she left adult Peter ended with her giving him the nickname Star-Lord and here comes the old Grinch Hank Pim to save the day he has two kids now they Embrace and immediately Never Surrender by Cory Hart plays again and everyone is enjoying a post-win dinner at Hank's house this house isn't the new blue house that they have in Quantum mania this is 88 it's a different colored house then we have the this little scene this American libation is surprisingly delicious what do you call it uh light beer how exotic another it's a call back to the first movie where he drank the drink he liked and he threw it on the ground breaking it Wendy did have Goose at this time and it looks like she's offering up to Hope and Peter Knowing damn well that thing's a monster I love Goose though and I love that they're making a cameo and what if the Winter Soldier has slightly changed into a slightly normal Bucky it was a change of his heart which is good to know that that could change him Goliath calls Thor Thunder brother and Hank calls him Goldie which I think Tony has done before but also Hawkeye does in the comics then we get the slow team walk up that the Guardians love doing so much our ' 80s Avengers are here and a little too powerful Peggy Carter King tachaka Wendy Lawson Goose Star-Lord Ant-Man soon to be wasp soon to be dead Howard Stark Thor and Goliath such an incredible team and Howard thought this Hands Across America shtick only worked on MTV what an idiot and that's it for my breakdown on episode two of what if Peter Quill attacked Earth's Mightiest Heroes follow me on Instagram and Twitter at lulor Clemens follow new rock subscribe to new rockars for more analysis of everything you love thanks for watching I'll see you [Music] [Music] later
Channel: New Rockstars
Views: 274,185
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Keywords: new rockstars, new rockstars youtube, youtube new rockstars
Id: tR47J_Agzww
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Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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