LOKI: Kang Master Plan Explained! What Was He Who Remains' Trick?

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welcome back to new rock stars i'm eric voss and the loki finale left us feeling kind of like confused little kids oh grow up all credit goes to the cryptic performance of jonathan majors as he who remains a variant of kang the conqueror and we know he won or a version of him one but how exactly eating an apple all day to keep doctor strange away after obsessing over this final episode i have realized that uncertainty and distrust are necessary components of he who remains planned a plan that he actually started to show us a script of we have part of a plan but when we step back and start to widen our scope and realize that this plan was truly kang's plan we can better understand where things are headed not only in season 2 but most other mcu titles ahead really the first question we have to address is is he who remains working against his other variants or actually working in their collective interest he explained his original variant was a 31st century scientist who discovered multiple realities at the same time as other variants leading to a period of knowledge sharing but then multiversal war that war created tears in reality that created eliath which this variant weaponized creating the tva and the void to prune the multiverse down to one timeline in the chaos and stop the war we can conclude then that the nexus events the tba has been pruning are branches that actually lead to the rise of kangs he who remains says what he fears most of all is himself and describes his role as a safeguard against the other kangs i keep you safe and if you think i'm evil just wait until you meet my variants but the confusion comes from he who remains apparent delight upon their crossing the threshold going off script the sacred timeline unraveling to allow other kangs through the floodgates and sylvie killing him it's as if he wanted this to happen as i pointed out the breakdown he remains might have called this shot back when sylvie beheaded the timekeeper in episode four and we just learned from the director that all those timekeepers were voiced by jonathan magers but despite all of he remains hard work why would he now want his sacred timeline to unravel and other worst kangs to take over he made it sound like that was the worst option with his preference being that loki and silvi replace him willy wonka style there's two options one kill me and destroy all this and you don't just have wine devil you have an infinite amount or you two you two run the thing when loki asks why he would give up his power he remains responds i'm tired and i'm older than i look this game is for the young the hungry now i think he remains might be telling the truth when he says he's old and tired but i think his true intended replacement is a younger and hungrier kang he who remains plan and kang's plan are one in the same to preserve kang's supremacy by turning loki and sylvie against each other and thank you to vessi shoes for sponsoring this video bessie makes these knit sneakers that are 100 waterproof and snow proof making in the perfect travel shoe these bad boys are made for splash mountain which growing up in florida is what we call a trash mound after hurricane because we couldn't afford to go to them fancy theme parks that sea shoes are super stretchy they fit like a sock they only weigh 175 grams which is great for throwing in a suitcase they're made with this dimetex material that keeps your feet warm in cold weather but cool in warm weather and it's super easy to clean with just a rinse of water these are truly an everyday shoe whether you're hitting up a theme park hiking through a national park or just getting a drink spilled onto you by randall park keep the close-up magic out of the bar jimmy whoo skip in through that grass swallow them drink them oh no i spilled water all over my feetsy weezies but my oinky oinkies are bone dry like the dune see thanks bessie so get them while they still have sizes and you can thank me later check them out in the link below and use my code new rockstars to get 25 off your vessy shoes from the tba's perspective the most significant anomaly on this series occurred back in episode 4 when loki and sylvie held hands creating a nexus event so dangerous it bypassed the apocalypse that was supposed to erase it you ever seen a branch like that no therefore the greatest threat to kang's order is two gods of mischief combining their intellects that crashes the system an anomaly so rare so unprecedented that the first words we hear he remains speak reflect his shock at seeing two loki's together this is wild the two of you same person i mean it's a little unnatural but wow and when they later cross the threshold the thunder rumbles the sacred timeline begins to unravel sylvie has not yet even killed he remains though that timeline is collapsing on its own and that's because the moment variants l113 and l1190 came together the version of the sacred timeline that's been overseen by he who remains became obsolete and was destined to unravel the longer these two variants stayed together and now he who remains has accepted his fate that his fragile stalemate can no longer function and as much as he hates to admit it he must save his kang empire by stepping down and while doing so making sure these two loki's are divided now in the comics the variant kangs are organized into a council of kangs led by kang prime they eliminate divergent kangs from the multiverse to ensure kang prime would become immortus a confusing couple sentences there i get it but the point is he who remains is likely not working alone but really on behalf of the greater kang kind and now thanks to his system failure to ensure the survival of the kang empire he must step aside and allow a new kang to take his place if you think about it that way it starts to make sense why he remains presents his gambit this way [Music] that's the gambit stifling order or cataclysmic chaos kang's gambit is perfectly designed to turn loki and sylvie against each other by giving one exactly what they want while giving the other what they most dread plain on their innate propensity to distressed to outsmart to overthink or as mobius says it's always the game within the game with you guys so in this ultimatum we got option a perpetuate the lie allow loki to rule alongside his love but in doing so trap sylvie alongside someone she can't fully trust and force her to rob countless innocents of their free will as was done to her as a young girl like even if silvia had said yes to this eventually it would have worn her down and turned her against loki so instead she cannot help but go with option b revenge executing he who remains for the injustices that she's experienced even if that would mean plain kang whack-a-mole for the rest of all time because think about invention seekers they always just keep scratching that itch it's never enough and in doing so this would forever trap loki within someone else's game which is his worst nightmare so knowing all the loki's tendency to second guess everything is their own undoing he remains primed this ultimatum with seeds of doubt the entire conversation my methods are deceptive sylvie you think you can trust this guy we're all villains here we've all done horrible terrible horrific things which notice he says to sylvie while pointing too loki so as it comes time to make a decision whichever option they might lean toward he who remains this already riggs this decision by priming these loki's to doubt each other they now believe either option is a zero-sum game where if their variant were to win they were to lose it's game theory 101 folks play your opponents against each other by making them think cooperation is not an option because you can't trust and i can't be trusted so when the timeline begins to fracture before sylvie even makes a move and they go off script he who remains knows in that moment that his plan was successful it's proof that the script is no longer in his hands but in the hands of one of his variants and more importantly that sylvie and loki are no longer on the same page of it divided and conquered and that is where loki is tragically left at the end of this season just as lady sif said he would be i hope you know you deserve to be alone and you always will be but the fact that he could just want someone else to be okay learn it's not about him that gives us hope that he can defy the master plan of team kang and knowing this we now know what kang's fear the most are not other kangs it's other nexus beings that could destabilize their empire and variants of the same being cooperating complementing each other but not following the history that the kang variants did and going to war with each other so kang's greatest threat going forward the scarlet witch alternate sorcerer's supreme a possible trio of spider-man variants and loki's someday hopefully learning to trust each other comment down below with your thoughts and theories remember you can still get our loki inspired merch at newrockstarsmerch.com like our loki at a time shirt directly supports us here at new rockstars follow me on instagram and twitter eaboss follow and subscribe to new rockstars thanks for watching bye [Music] you
Channel: New Rockstars
Views: 1,371,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new rockstars, new rockstars youtube, youtube new rockstars, kang, loki, kang plan, loki ending, loki explained, loki kang, loki kang explained, spider-man, spider-man no way home, multiverse, he who remains, loki ending explained, who is kang
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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