Locked Military Trunks from Abandoned Storage Wars Auction BIG SCORE

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bingo Roland Rene that's how we do it I'm just saying watch the channel take note subscribe there's a lot of haters on our channel a lot of people with good comments a lot of people love calling me fat but you know what I'm fat with money why cuz I got knowledge and what's good about that I'm willing to share the knowledge with you so concentrating a positive support to channel and watch and learn and you can go out and make money too if it bam storage was effect that's how I roll that's how we do it that's why you watch our videos because we guys give you knowledge I gave you my whole thinking behind it this is knowledge you want to take in I've been doing this for thirty years people no bullshit no fake this is another video in this series he saw spent $2,000 from American auctioneers so you remember these trunks right here I paid $500 for all these trunks that was awesome ironing Florida now which is five bucks for shirts now I'm going to tell you guys my thinking a lot of people got scared because this ammo box right here we open it up so somebody open it up and it's full of Playboy's which we're just gonna toss DOS and here's another military box is smaller one with no locks on Emma and this one from what I could see now okay so I should see about you military stuff in here gotcha good books dereliction of duty tank recognition but still let alone books or comic books aliens so so are people we're not excited about this stuff whole box worth the box so yeah so here's my thank you so I paid 500 bucks for anything everything these are pelicans 1660 cases I'm gonna pop up how much I'm gonna price these with but these have rollaway extension handle stay a minimum 150 bucks apiece oh that's two got 300 bucks these right here I'll get 30 bucks apiece military drunks that's another 120 so that's for 2010 one right down I get thirty just a box yeah it's full 51 this right here but I'd be like 100 bucks apiece but let's say we take let's say we take 75 apiece that's another hundred fifty so that's 600 bucks and then of 50 bucks here so that's 650 I'll pay 550 so I made up a 500 plus the ten percents of 550 so anything ends in sign it's free I'm taking a freak out the worst case scenario make a hundred bucks right the way we like the body we're gonna cut these at the very end because these are the best boxes so some of these were really heavy it kind of felt like books and you know you would think we got the Box please aren't yourself my points put him away everywhere why would you sell eylem oh thank you what you put prices on it so they priced it and sold it oh yeah good story bro bro and I'm just getting all this beauty so they sell them down the street are you huh I'm gonna have to go buy some please let's try this one yeah give me some smaller cut it that's great oh there you go yay good job wait a man that all right CDs June an abuse for $4.99 our store is a military I almost looked like a minister wasn't the guy a ranger I don't know Marines Marines even I try to work and corny life catch CDs whoops baseball cards books so this box is that great there's at least like what many bucks then that is not a good sign see you guys the reason I'm showing a whole video because people I would think it's like a walk in the park it's not so I teach what we're looking for and you know what to get flight crew folks I wonder who the pilot guys I keep on watching with my eyes consider with the camera please that's 20 bucks that's 20 bucks actually you know what this might be more but minimum 20 bucks there's all kinds of accessories the bag I got 15 out of 20 bucks neat past 10 bucks these sticks you cannot sell in California but I'll keep these that customer comes in yeah want to discount kidding I don't know what these are something maybe for extender a tripod or something nice gun oh well we just found a good box set up we have to obviously open wall no it's just matches gas masks you know it's used to stuff but still get 20 bucks if they're nice and cases every moment so limits Heinz 100 like like sued 15 bucks oh yeah pakka body armor hundred bucks no problem count my Evolet fifty bucks pouches had a gun holster 20 bucks replacements so actually just might be a small separate Master Yoda's classes she else but military police patrolled riot control so this will you orcas we know where to stop trouble huh yeah I'll keep this this is cool see what's in here some cutting here it's my canoe a gas mask another gas mask should I just little bit nice and design look up on eBay so that's the same as that one over there so it should be 40 50 bucks Oh streamlines dolls in that guys still is usually for you like 100 bucks what is it it's a flashlight but this is for gun so I'm gonna look it up I'll pop it up in the screen I've never had this one before so I don't know but it's for gun so I'm guessing at least 40 50 bucks might be more I might send just a Grimes fine you like stuff like that not a billy club I got see I don't know if these are legal so I'm California laughter check but if not our people I'm gonna roll a walking talking stuffed so this is a whole headset oh you know what this dis you want to look up on eBay sorry guys I'm just getting over cold I think this is a throat point so the Germans actually invented anti-tank commend and state would have these on the throat and it could take out the vibration of the throat so this sound wouldn't flock to what does heavy tank engines so I think that's what that is I'm gonna take this home I'm gonna look this up and see what it's worth but if that's a throat point I shouldn't pry up on our bucks or more huh that's a really good footlocker yeah I know he's a parts spare part does that later there's some more spare parts oh this is a good gun clean get in here it's cool well that was a good box so I mean that box probably added up watch it freaks what about Detroit huh so now we have to throat Mike no no it's worth first what should we do nice got these all those heavy box I have to go get a bolt cutter so reason I think these good job no I got big hopes for these because this was pretty good here's the regular truck no I mean I don't know what sorry Seagate external hard drive one terabyte so that's actually still a decent size so that's probably about 30 40 bucks spry new box that's good good start nice boots Marine Corps 20 bucks no problem black cod light sticks these are military great I'll probably keep those it's good to have any survival kids in cars Mac lied 5 bucks that are you Spock still turning out good night this is just a briefing book all weather I gotta look DS up these actually might be worth a little bit of money 10 H tonight school six worst case I'm gonna keep these city kids he'll have fun with these and these should be long lasting I really want to fight here look like the first eight kid I asked the first aid kit MREs no it's the first eight kids but it's a marine first aid kit so that's probably on ebay forty fifty bucks so and all this stuff is really easy to look up the only thing you want to make sure when you sell these online you want to make sure your kid doesn't have any more so if that's morphine that makes sure throw it away give it to your local authorities the police statement station will take it Chloe stations ie D awareness playing cards oh here's some gears all branding folks I'm sure they're always the perfect addition briefing form like so backs like these I'm getting like 25 bucks no problem so we kind of do this quick for video normally people are saying why do you throw stuff because I'm trying to make the video halfway past tense DOS but I do see some tactical gear not very thick so this is uh hey great sleeping bag yeah Eureka Marine cut outs a Marine combat tent Oh tent tent rain fly rate five and ten cool September participate so I've never had this before oh yeah we'll check that out on eBay but that gotta be 50 bucks Thank You Ally so look at the Pelican case it also has two extra pouches down here but look at some of the gear down here so push no yardage bro every 20 bucks Gerber what's up Gino yeah well some of them are books but this was all gear right here Gerber flick so I got me these 50 bucks here's another Gerber it deep so fast so much so every time I put these out just saw right away I bought it I I hate cuz I was losing her badula these are probably buck apiece this looks like almost like a switchblade which would be legal yeah this is a Swiss black it's illegal door we can't sell it me and stay here oh it's not a switchblade but it's a Gerber signed it's about a 40 bucks this is nothing a wine bottle opener from know what I mean just gotta go check this side here's a scope see that's why you buy these shortest a surefire so this will be a full LED flashlight too so this should be at least 40 50 bucks kx4 so I'm gonna look some of these up if I remember with the model number kx4 I'll pop up the price this one is another one but anything surefire guys surefire Streamlight those are very expensive they do all the military stuff is another kx4 I check these out so these are the ones I saw on top I think DS a night-vision so I'm gonna look these up to see what these are they're surefire switches right here and the model nominees are SF 1 2 3 a SF 1 2 3 a here's one there's another one DS a tomahawk and V at first light this is night vision these are probably least 50 to 200 bucks apiece there's another one here's this to tomahawk night mission this is first night envy so I'm gonna I'm gonna pop these up what these are worth for peace and then this is the surefire one so that's pretty good yeah here's the box for first light here's another one brand new box nother tomahawk hey Giri any idea how much these tomahawk night visions are worth like five of them is here then look up on your phone tomahawk Envy first life and our genus here we have might as well put it work we're gonna pull up the website so what's your website this is your calm that is a different video sir into its tomahawk and be tactical so here's another one brand new look lock so I think we have three open doesn't look like brand new and a two brand new box you got a price one 150 on eBay and 250 brand-new okay so let's say they're worth 100 bucks apiece those five flights and 100 bucks apiece the prices on the same day that paid for all the boxes nice high five it BAM storage was effect that's how I roll that's how we do it that's why you watch our videos because we guys give you knowledge I gave me my whole thinking behind it this is knowledge you want to take in I've been known as well about 30 years people no bullshit no fake this is how we do it how we do these are just clubs what is this cool little clip and then a pouch thanks Gina sharpening stone oh that's positive real quick and we'll come back thank Gina just helped me said you got it off say your website one more time Megan swap calm yeah so check it out supporter who's trying to start a new business so but uh yeah he got that looks pretty good I'm just getting over the flu so I'm like I have no energy you look good look at this bush rack complete ghillie suit my mom neighbor has one of those he likes to scare the kids a nice 100 bucks this was the pokey case was empty okay well the case is 40 50 bucks what's up yeah that's a nice Kaizen I like it I'll get like a few bucks on it that ghillie suit is at least 100 bucks and my 300 I don't know I gotta look it up I'll put a price so remember Bush RAC complete ghillie suit kit woodland this says Bushnell on it yeah I think I did good what you think I feel bad I told her storage was found at uh and if you watch that truly meant it I said you probably lucky you didn't get it cuz like all the ones we often had books in them so I just did it cuz I think this would make a really cool YouTube video so this is a spotting scopes Bushnell looks like it's brand new has never been used yeah it should be it's my plug right here it just says personal let me see with my mom on the front the reason I'm trying to look for the ball number of witness then I can pop in the right corner for you guys with the prices nope doesn't say nothing 15 times 30 up to 40 times 45 times oh it's a sport ol spacemaster so I looked it up it's a spotting scope a tripod a backpack and another one I don't we have two Mormon here I like to my truck doesn't leave you in California I don't know everything's illegal in California it's woven straw is illegal yeah papers for us nice try pie savage not familiar with it so you know it's 50 20 bucks empty yeah everyone you pick up is empty you know I don't look like you all right Gino's not allowed to touch anywhere Pelican cases but you know what that case is another 40 bucks that's a nice one I'll probably keep it I need some cases from camp yeah brand-new never cut out so it was a great I was gonna say all your guns plus camera gear is good too yeah any cases let's cut this one this was a fun box guess he knows that the first ones we opened yeah no but I crap them like aw man I hope not all full of books so guys this is really good I'm like totally happy I'm gonna say conservatively it was boxes so he has a lot of Playboy's you can have we have like $2,000 in the stuff I'm saying just in this primary not a lot happy a break shake chances all right come on it's open up this just be full of gear bags that looks good thank our lagina testers that's a rifle brand-new hillocks brand new acid he's 50 bucks and I'm gonna check all this gear online well just really good Alex and me Pat's Gina go throw it out of you Pat's but you know what he's making money so who are we to judge no as long as his wife is right there so you know I'm a terrible human being so guys nice and learn you know what if you don't do goodness storage business you need to resort to a new pad sometimes I gotta build a bankroll you know gotta have two back for all that is so wrong that is the first aid kit can I get 40 50 bucks Rose Eddy's all clips but so we cannot sell these in California so we'll just turn these in but theoretically there's four eight ten of these what I said what do you sell for like 20 bucks apiece right yeah but we can't stop here you know the Swami you know back of that truck yeah you don't do that here's more he's another six clips you can go to Nevada and they selling them at the thought maybe they have all the guns on the table and everything that's a good part about these these are actually cold manufactured clips so uh yeah we'll probably end up destroying these or which is tournament I'll give to a gun deal and you can register and I think they sent about a state or whatever yeah so but here's not a six so that's nine hundred twenty bucks here's holes just by the way I know you're not you guys will ask that question to what the unit is another holster twenty bucks the one thing you never find in these lockers is fence never know because they stay shipping what's this another stream light hot surface do not touch it's a surefire another surefire is a try lock arms number 17 with a surefire mount on a scope and there should be an NS scope not netskope but like you know that streamlines three more T's here's another surefire brand-new box this is another one of those model HL 1 - Z - TN helmet light 10 that's at least another 50 bucks brand-new ya know you can say nice back you know get 20 bucks per dose now then a gun holds these all millon I get like stuff like this I can I can 40 50 bucks easy they sell fast in our store look belts Brenda Loreen Bo here's another gear bag of some sort Auto something brand-new in here so here's the back and whatever this bag is supposed to haul just two of these boxes in there these a model m95 to the - TN and they're surefire tactical lights Wow like here look at when you form really quick surefire desta two of these in here brand-new m95 to be as and Victor - TN like Tennessee brand-new box guys I'm gonna say this is these 200 bucks just to in here how much eBay thanks 325 another guys 349 nice thick this guy's used at 299 nice let me just get one yeah hey bingo raw wood Rene that's how we do it I'm just saying watch the channel take note subscribe there's a lot of haters on chat a lot of people in good comments a lot of people love calling me fat but you know what I'm that wood money why cuz I got knowledge and what's good about that I'm willing to share the knowledge with you so concentrating a positive support to channel and watch and learn and you can go out and make money to blue and by the way yes just did these boxes are way better than expected I did not think I'm gonna make any money of these boxes I think we went through everything in here but pride forever stays in that thousand bucks in here you know these to us yeah we get more books back GBS clavata nope nose first hatch ok the box is worth much okay I don't care if they're empty I'm happy with this deal you know that's between two and three thousand dollars worth of stuff in here so I'm so glad I went today I will sit and go cuz I just I didn't have my mom said I just woke up at 8:45 that's like you know I'm just gonna run really quick you can do it now I'm gonna get all this shit those skinny law guy pick us what people think I see what's in this one one more boxing gear hey it's not military gear but at least it's not oh yeah with that unless fosters college opening that's what I'm to watch just to mess with us Oh be a grinder I don't know this young fruit 14 forces older but what do you think 80 bucks at least right 60 bucks yeah I'll take it air compressor 50 bucks actually 40 bucks the combo Tenshi cord some happens I just said bust you this will be a grinder nope saw but awesome brand new nice you notice another something Milwaukee to see it friend yeah those are just that's not too austere so you know what that $500 that's when I'm gonna say 2500 $3,000 no problem very easy we gonna clean us up
Channel: Bargainhuntersthrift
Views: 901,385
Rating: 4.383287 out of 5
Keywords: $2000 Auction, Military Boxes, Storage Wars, Casey Nezhoda, Rene Nezhoda, Dave Hester, Brandi Passante, Dan Laura Dotson, Reality Television, Mystery Boxes, Abandoned Storage, making money, storage unit auctions, flea market, abandoned storage units best finds, mystery boxes, abandoned storage facility, storage wars full episodes, auction hunters 2019, Sales, Unboxing, Locked Trunks, Bargain Hunters Thrift Store, Auction Hunters, how to, how to make money, storage locker
Id: _pm2kt8THis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 47sec (1847 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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