Full Flight Video - 500nm Cross Country in a Cessna 172 (Commercial Pilot Regulations Explained)

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[Music] morning us is November 5 178 Romeo on the ground at the seven Bravo three airport requesting ifr clearance to Ithaca [Music] okay so cleared to if gay or queer as filed after departure maintain 2000 will expect six ten minutes after departure frequencies 1 2 5 0 5 and squawk is 3 4 2 3 and we will hold for release and which like me to call this number back when we are ready to go [Music] sure great yeah we still have to do right over there thank you so much thank you take care everything is Gucci here with me close shot closed out here weather in density altitudes all set waitin bounce we are good performs acquired refine flight plan is filed and we are cleared papers are all here fuels on both control lock is out master we check the flaps and the pitot heat our lights are good and our fuel gauges are ok fuel quantity is good quality is gonna be 40 gallons today cap strains vents are out good engine oil belt is good prop air intake system exhaust system storm Decatur surface controls pitot static ports gear tires brakes antennas ties Chuck's tow bar baggage door found a walk-around complete interior passenger brief is good hobbs toc time´s good we check the circuit breakers an alternator cycle already so start seat back is locked avionics are off car PETA's off fixtures full rich throttle we will slightly crack give it two squirts of primer this is a Cessna 172 m case anyone is curious recently had new upholstery put in a new engine put in and got some nice G fives here AG for carbon 430 wah system so it's a highly capable airplane the only thing we were looking out for today is uh like she'll talk about that more in the air primers good parking brake is off the brakes are set clear prop area crop area is clear master switches on beacon light is on mag start [Music] okay welcome aboard I hope everyone can hear me right now obsessed testing on a new a new audio system I really hope it's working it's gonna be really really sad this doesn't work we're gonna taxi out get our run up all set and then we'll be on our way amp traffic 70 Romeo taxiing to the taxiway intersection for a run-up anthem pants are tight I'll do a run-up right here first we'll do our taxi checklist hit the other way okay so taxes chat likes seat belt harnesses are on flaps are up habaneras on nothing else on the moment that's fine avionics everything is on a to sell timber we don't have here but we set our Altima ters to 90 feet above sea level which is Hampton here transponder is on standby we'll turn that to altitude here a DSP is on and then everything else is good our radio works for brakes I mean for a roundup our brakes are set our fuel is on both our trim it up or take off like controls the controls are free and correct instruments variable speed showing zero turn coordinators level I've two indicators appropriate and everything else looks good we'll test those on the taxiway up make sure that our IFR checks are good our primers and unlocks mixture is rich up to 1700 rpm nice and stable at 17 sister mags will go to the left nice and smooth 100 rpm drop back to Capote go to the right nice and smooth 100 rpm drop back to both test our carb even nice 250 75 RPM drop that works no vacuum system on this plane we have amps are charging volt so right at 14 beautiful oil pressures and the green oil temperatures on the greener promotes great bulchek Idol in the car Pete engage there are pretty takeoff checks going here alright runs nice a title so car beats in we'll do our pre take-up checks so you have it out of the way flaps via zero flap takeoff make sure the rich car P will be called transponder elite is already on altitude will have a heading assignment doors and windows are box landing light is on strobes are on will note the time of takeoff hey this is November 5 1 7 8 Romeo we're holding for release on the ground at 7 Bravo 3 should be ready to go in the next 5 minutes did you copy that ok sorry ok if da da we released it built by one 3:05 not off by one three zero five will give you a call and unless you know if I won seven Grammy all right there we go we got a three minutes take off here let's start take up items to make sure everything's good flaps make sure car transponder heading bug doors and windows landing lights strobe sorry I'm getting the my heart's beating fast because we're about to go on a massive trip here pick up time be 904 and parts frequency let's get all set up here after traffic's at five one seven eight Romeo taking runway zero two for takeoff departing the area to the west hampton traffic alright pull power hold the brakes make sure we have adequate engine power and temps and pressures are good release the brakes rotate at 63 miles an hour climb at 90 70 Ford would need there's up all available runway here nice smooth day mixture fuel flaps carb trim fuel lights are on full power 2400 times the pressures are good we're going nice acceleration off the Bob the block there and we are up trimmed out pervy why here Hampton traffic Skyhawk 5 on 70 Romeo on the upwind off a zero to R my heading gonna be turning west here momentarily the last call for HAMP to traffic Hampton Boston aperture November 5 170 Romeo climbing through 704 2000 identify 170 gram male we're also a runway heading number 5 1 7 8 Romeo radar contact 1/2 mile north of the Hanson Airport maintain 2010 was sitting a three wonder left three one zero up to 2005 on 70 gram so I've won November 5 174 Romeo Claire maintain 605 19 6005 once at I reveal temps crushers good amps good charging up to 4 a310 heading Oh sunglasses off here okay post take off items flaps up climbing at 90 looks good and the terms of climb I'm at 90 power is that the full mixtures rich instruments are good taxi landing light off and flight plan is open let's go all right so now would be a good time maybe to talk about sort of the things that we're looking out for on this flight number five one seven eight Romeo with the on course heading to Ithaca on course is two Niner one five one seven eight Romeo the only real obstacles say is there's a bit of turbulence but it's really not that bad by turbulence I mean gusty winds in the ground so I should have been more specific gusty winds on the ground and then some cloud cover we're at 6,000 we will be below freezing means that ideally if we start to see that that we're getting a cloud layer formed beneath us the only let so the only things that are overcast are I mean the only things our forecasts are broken or scattered so we may need to do some deviations for clouds zero three because we really don't want to touch them freeze Airport - the only thing that really is tough with that is that if we want to go below the clouds they're only supposed to be at 5,000 to 6,000 feet but if we want to go below them we just have to watch out for terrain in the area there are some mountains going out into western mass into into upstate New York and so that's just something we'll have to watch out for besides that should be a nice flight today my pressure is predominating in the area so I'm not expecting to have to deal with too much all right left turn then direct if ago that was quick and now is nice you know he does on just in case we run into some stuff like will be over this cloud layer at 6,000 feet thank you this is one of those days or it's like wow I'm really doing this huh really trying to be a pilot 1 3 4 very nice climb here cheese 95 miles an hour you know I'm 900 feet per minute seven every good I already level up here and there we go have some anytime in route two hours and 47 minutes at this point that's gonna change a little bit as we sort of settle out or grounds meteor but that's exactly what uh that's exactly what was forecasted by for flight so thanks for a good morning so busy out here okay we're at crews here crews are alive 2400 I just leaned out the engine about an inch which is actually pretty good for this engine usually it starts running rough right away we have two hours and 39 minutes left - if Iike we're pulling up on Manchester New Hampshire now guy conditions look to be nice in the general vicinity here but I'm going to turn off the GoPro relax a little bit and whenever there's something cool going on I'll turn it back on thank you for watching this far November 5 1 7 8 Romeo change to my frequency one three four point seven five one three four point seven five November if I was a European November 5 170 Romeo level 6,000 38,000 a bird come on an altimeter three zero one eight alright here we go pretty onboard it's 10 o'clock so almost an hour into the flight here 6,000 feet just cross from New Hampshire to Vermont right next to Brattleboro Vermont so so far pretty uneventful the only thing that need to happen was at one point I descended down to 5,000 feet to get underneath some clouds as forecasts that these bottoms are 7000 ahead of us so that won't be a problem but they definitely went down to closer to 5,000 per bit so I went below them and then the minimum factory altitude was 6000 coming up in the area so the controller asked me I told me didn't have to go back up obviously and so I did and then once I got up I had to do a little maneuvering around some some clouds but when I came on the other side we're looking at a nice little broken layer here it's it's more like 6,000 5 it looks like coming up and then past that it looks clear and that's what was forecasted so I'm happy happy that I won't have to go into the clouds because we're sitting out right about negative 4 negative 2 degrees Celsius no precip in the area nothing no returns any radar in the area but uh but I just don't like flying a sky Hawk into clouds that could be freezing so for obvious reasons but it says 2 hours 10 minutes left we're dealing with a killer head with a killer headwind here only doing about 80 knots over the ground but that's ok on the way back will be a lot quicker like I said 40 gallons of fuel so that's over 4 hours of fuel Albany's in about 50 miles ahead of us so just puting along doing well ate a banana and that's that so that's the deal well I turn it back on because we're going through some clouds here right at 6000 feet I'm like skirting the bottom of them and as far as I can tell we're not picking up anything but we do what we are entering IMC for prolonged periods of time I'm seeing I'll turn the camera forward here you can see past the clouds a little bit by looking at the shadows on the ground but I mean it's definitely not helping nowhere else I'm countering some moderate turbulence we enter these enter these six piles here but venturi IMC again here our pitot heat is on and eyes are glued to the instruments during the last little IMC excursion I got a handoff and I was like ok it's not a not get spatially disoriented here but um I mean I'm confident that use because I know that you know there's clear sky behind it also I know that there's clear sky right beneath us if we need to go down and descend to get out of any icing conditions but just got handed off to Albany approach and we are definitely making way here towards ethica listen to the weekend right now everything's chill everything is good I just wish it was warmer that's all no I'm looking at the wheel mainly for ice definitely be hard to see the strut I can look back at the tail which has a black strip on the front of it which helps help spot ice but for when I've heard from a lot of instructors the the wheel the front face the wheel generally you know it's a rough surface a lot of friction and many times I so forth there if it's gonna form at all just from the way these clouds look you can tell that they're bumpy Oh [Music] my brain is telling me things different than my instruments are telling me it's always fun fine 170 room you'd like to request a climate if able just to get on top of the clouds climate 88,000 thanks 5 117 if we get above these guys it's gonna watch our engine make sure that when we get higher we lean it out properly and to be honest I'd like to be done with the hand see so engine sprints all are looking good very uneventful plate otherwise it would be nice to you know have clear skies and everything it's just nothing what you're gonna get all the time I'm just gonna slowly lean out the engine as we get higher especially about 7,500 we can temperature is about the same we thought a thousand feet higher here that was gonna go on the altitude like we will have some tops that are higher than us hopefully we can maneuver around those but it is nice and smooth up here compared to down lower all right 200 to go on the altitude to level off [Music] check out 70 Romeo don't like to just deviate 10 degrees left the course for a cloud here ever so near me a deviation left or right of course is approved by his direct it's a good deviation left or right improvement then divides very typical thing 7/8 Romeo and a skirt around this cloud here and I'm gonna turn off the camera save the footage and save the battery and everything but we are about an hour hour 45 away from Ithaca everything else looks good it's these clouds man besides that we are chilling so yeah welcome back everybody it's been about half an hour maybe a little less I just had a little change in the flight plan I these clouds are rough a lot of convective activity going on a lot of rising air descending air and I really don't feel like dealing with it the ceilings at 4,500 reported in the area the the tallest obstacles to go are 2,000 to 3,000 feet so the plan is to go down through that hole I'm VFR at the moment and we're gonna maintain VFR altitude below the clouds because of the bumps and the threat of I saying the conditions at if the our clear sky clear there's no weather reporting between here and there so I couldn't really figure out I'd have to make a guess as to what the the weather's gonna be like but I am confident that it will be high enough that I can stay bfr the whole way hour and 20 minutes to go everything's looking good otherwise it does look like 4500 will do it for us a second haramed turn left on course let's go ahead five months seven eight Romeo 4500 is gonna work the faces in this area at five thousand seven april/may Roger thank you alright Oh aircraft Albany Airport information you know farmers Kern I'll be on finger three zero one Niner it looks like it's really hard to tell alright I don't know whether or not the broken layers gonna end it shouldn't before it took considering that the airports nari reported clear tango Charlie C request alright we're here for a hundred more miles hundred miles to go been in the air for almost two hours and I'll check in when we are getting closer I think I hello everybody and welcome back we are in our final approach here or not we're an approach into the area or Ithaca that my cameras here and he will report five miles out currently descending through 4,000 I see the airport pretty obvious right in front of us here and pattern altitude is two thousand feet so still thousand ago a lot of turbulence and a lot of wind shear the wind shear is been the toughest part easily because I have to I'm trying to save a little bit turbulence penetration speed that's not five 170 Romeo five miles out back seven eight Romeo Roger report a two-mile rate base runway three-two the sin checklist make sure it's rich carb is as required just hot landing light on and for our pre landing check we have car peed on and our flaps are the only thing to go people a little bit higher maybe 70 miles an hour on the landing here because I don't want to get too low with these winds here flaps are coming in 20 degrees of flaps to leave that on so final like that was ridiculous what just happened the wind is very annoying Skyhawk 783 tune i hook seven a romeo runway three-two clear to land clear to land three to sky Hawk seven eight Romeo they're just sent here we're playing a little more slowed up look our grounds needs be like 40 knots coming over the numbers here there you know 30 degrees of flaps are out 80 knots on a final 80 miles an hour 70 knots the final approach I'm fine with that every place trimmed out nicely coming in here to very gently intercept the final this is how I like to do things all right we have the runway on full flaps you're sizing through myself and then around a between 70 and 80 miles an hour three to clear land pretty to clear land 30 knots over the ground 30 knots ground speed everybody hook 70 Romeo if Abel left on Foxtrot taxi to the ramp via Fox alpha echo sky Hawk 5 170 Romeo to Titanic aviation at 1/3 1.6 I had five one seven hey good afternoon just a Skyhawk looking for some fuel be here for about an hour before departing would you like me to park it next to these business jets over here to my left the line guy will be right out parked it right out in front that's good thanks I'll see you soon thank you welcome back everyone just start up the engine here at Ithaca ready to get moving we're gonna do the same thing as the way out fly out at 5500 if we can hopefully we can stand rate the clouds if we need to maneuver we are fine with that we have 49 gallons of fuel so that's quite a bit of fuel ground one two and eight in the pit ground November 5 1 7 8 Romeo on the ground the FBO ready to taxi we have Romeo also like to set up VFR flight following a fable with you the three-letter ID for destination and altitude requested like to request 5500 initially we'll see what the clouds look like when we get up there and we're going to 7 Bravo 3 that's Hampton New Hampshire skyhook 7a where my riders family I have 7 a borough may be ready to taxi determine of 70 reveal 7/8 Romeo runaway 3 to taxi via echo alpha echo alpha to runway 3 2 by 1 7 mm all right so uh what we're gonna be doing here severe me under the clouds if we need to we can get a pop-up ifr clearance to go through the clouds if they get below 4,000 feet but if you look at the maximum elevation figures on these charts they don't go much above the highest one I think is two thousand and eight hundred feet 2,800 feet so I would be confident going at 3,500 we need to it's just not ideal obviously those are also maximum elevation figures the there's that means that you know that's the tallest one which means that you know that you can go lower you just have to watch out as you're below the I'll take obstacle besides that there's just some precip we may need to maneuver around there's Albanese aerospace so maybe we can transition through all these airspace maybe not and we're just gonna send it back home we have a 15 not talen so this should only take two hours not three hours so I'm excited about that we're gonna do a run-up right now Skyhawk five one seven eight Romeo holding short three two ready to go I have five one seven eight Romeo at the guitar on the partial proceed on course runway three-two cleared for takeoff use caution lower left side of the runway their particular firmly three two and then we'll turn on course five on seven eight Romeo all right full power adequate engine power will be confirmed temperature and pressure really confirms takeoff or at a sixty three climb out at ninety only three two on the ground there we go go full power here that's from the left and if I words out acquit pressures are good really isn't my 2365 and I'll hold it off a little bit this so they had a little actually if you don't lift off and there's ninety yeah blue sky over there oh the cards are clearing up a little bit I like that a lot i hook seven eight Romeo contact a Meyer departure take care sir opener departure and is that on one two four point three and they Romeo a from one to four point three and you're squawk is going to be two six three zero one two four point three and two six three zero five one seven email okay so climbing through 3200 looks like we'll be able to make it up pretty high here already getting pushed along nicely additional 10 knots on our ground speed oh yeah I didn't I did not file IFR in this flight I really don't enjoy being in the clouds when they're cumulus type clouds or when they're lower than freezing we're at about 8 degrees Celsius right now so that's actually quite good I really really really really hope that that is working my pro quit pop my ears it should take two hours get back right now it's reaching two hours and 30 minutes but hopefully wants to get a level off and speed up about our 10 knots or so there's much better tailwind alright kind of time 5400 here 5500 coming up we're going to stop the climb and just manipulate our power so we don't rub my frog 3 by adding 1 X 24 trim it out very nice I'm back to seat up a little bit here chicken home or number 7 8 Romeo contact Syracuse approach 1 to 6.1 to 2612 safe play 26:12 take care of i-17 area under 10 knots over the ground that's what I'm talking about so I guess I'll take this opportunity to to talk a little bit about how my training is progressing in terms of my path to the airlines so I currently I'm sitting at about 230 hours that includes about 16 hours of emulator time which can be contributed towards the 250 hours total become eligible for commercial pilot you need at least 250 hours of flight time as that pilot a hundred of that is being powered aircraft 50 of which need to be in airplanes for the airplane single engine rating I'm just reading this right off of 61 point one to nine you need a hundred hours of piloting command time fifty of those need to be in airplanes and fifty of those need be cross country time and the least ten of those fifty you have to be in the airplane so it's kind of weird I always thought because that's the same requirement for the IFR test you need 20 hours of training and the operations listed before this and within those 20 hours you need at least 10 hours of instrument training in five of those 10 Mustang airplane and you need 10 hours and a complex airplane turbine powered airplane or technically advanced aircraft so a complex airplane is one with a variable pitch propeller so a propeller that is not like this one that has a fixed pitch one that actually kind of and changes pitch and it has to have landing gear those are the two big things you need 1/2 hour cross-country flight in daytime conditions that's over a hundred miles away you need the same thing at night you need three hours training in an airplane within the 2 pounder months prior to the test you need 10 hours of solo time or 10 hours performing p IC with an authorized instructor one and then you need one cross-country flight of not less than 300 miles total distance with landings at a minimum of a minimum of three points this is a three kilo thank you really do some other landings we can do we do one landing on the way in that's funny I know it's a good thing I'm reading this let's see us will pick I think Manchester or an Chester or whatever it's called Florence a Manchester to Manchester I guess let's say full-stop landing Syracuse November 5 month 74 only always have a quick um have been to our flight plan that's having a romeo go ahead Vista 70 Romeo will actually be stopping at Manchester along the way like hotel tango just for a touch-and-go or stopping over probably the option and then we'll be going on to Hampton from that point so time 7e Romeo Roger that output that and pipeline makes a lot something room you in this oh my god imagine if I got home and realize it wasn't even eligible for the flight oh okay we're okay that's fine everything's fine okay but thank you for watching this far if you've watched this far you're a real one and I appreciate it it gives me something to do because I just killed 15 minutes almost talking to the camera but it already here we are 36 miles from Manchester about 18 minutes away cruising along at 115 knots 7,500 700 500 feet cruising over key I'm back in my wheelhouse here in in Massachusetts I was at 5500 whole time until I was able to get up to 7500 because the clouds lifted a little bit as we got over the mountains there overnight Romeo connect boss and approach one three four point seven to five today I'm jamming out to music and then it's survived so we're at seventy five minor which is a lot nicer in terms of turbulence we're gonna do a landing at Manchester and then move on to Hampton but the weather out here is much better than why they're back there I was watching some precipitation off the left side of the up to the north here and and it seems like it stopped it was following us for a little while but it seems like it's kinda holding out over the mountains Boston approached November 5 170 a Romeo level 7500 and as we said you know the concerns were the precipitation that might pop up that was that was basically it and the clouds which were all either 6,000 feet or 8,000 feet which is perfect I'm just vibing out out here yeah it's pulling up on three o'clock in the afternoon I have the plane all day though I mean there's really no rush in the weather's holding out so that's great too descending through 3,000 feet five miles to the west of Hampton or Manchester we got our pre take a pre landing items done so we just have carpet flaps to go everything else is all set gonna be a visual approach and to runway 35 following a cirrus that's on a 2 mile final so I'm sure they'll be long gone by the time we get there but let's make sure we keep it ascent coming it's not very difficult to get down especially with the bumps but pattern altitude is 1200 feet a pretty sheer right there or all the three five Joey yeah plus or minus plus for my hand thank you all right with my Romeo short file serious report to plus or minus 10 for watcher Roger thanks for that one of those days senator real that's recording that's recording my phone is somewhere need to find that at some point here put it let's follow but we'll keep very similar to the last perch we did we'll just fly it at 70 knots 80 miles an hour and that will make sure that you know even if we get hit with a shear of ten we'll have more than enough time to react I'll loosen up the throttle friction just so that's not an issue separator only no turning left base here for 35 couldn't remember if you asked us to report a downwind come over 780 Romeo Rome I three five equivalent cleared land three five seventy Romeo alright you look at 20 degrees flaps in gets more drag and we're on our base here coming in through 1000 and especially on windy days I like to fly high finals just so you can have you have a more nose-down pitched than usual but the biggest fan of like nose up attitudes when you have sheer and stuff almost like you're already in addition to stall our turn final pumps as reported and also high patterns are the best you have a problem with the engine or whatnot you're always gonna make the field I returned out 470 and yeah I mean we're sharing between 70 and 60 a little more goes down here those don't trim I mean wow that was some nice landing today five one seven eight Romeo we have x-ray and we're ready to go three five at Foxtrot over seven eight Romeo romantic I expect cliff take a fly heading zero to zero we'll take our only three five heading zero two zero five months every winter either wind freezers are with this one for thanks all right Plus check flaps ARB lights make sure we'll get a good speed going before we really start to get altitude so how to quit engine power pressure and temperature are good ones from the left lift off here we're gonna get some air speed first there's nine you want to climate at night zero to zero or somebody rolling a contract wash and a partridge in opener parts here so long 7th Romeo Boston departure November 5 1 7 8 Romeo climbing through 1004 3000 0 to 0 heading by 5 170 Romeo Boston departure for our contact turn right on course so Hampton out the fugitive and of course stamped out to our discretion senator me oh thanks all right we are back just outside of Hampton approaching what we call the Chocolate Factory or the candy factory it's just this it's a little introductory and it's great spot to start your 45 - left downwind for runway zero - which is what we're landing today Portsmouth is reporting three zero zero 10 to 17 so that's an 80 degree crosswind from the left gusting 10 to 17 so welcome to Hampton is how it always is and we're gonna do our best to do this as safely as possible not gonna let the air speak it below 70 until we aren't final I'm gonna extend the final a little bit to really help me nail the air speed coming over the trees but we need to watch out for some wind shear as always Hampton area traffic side 580 room you know two miles to the northwest can be entering 45 left downwind runway 0-2 if anyone's in there for a wind check be great to Hampton traffic usually it'll be gusty but then right on the runway it won't be so you just have to deal with it coming over the trees the what we always say is you got to work for it once you get over the trees you got to work for it definitely favoring 0-2 when I just saw worse that can change quickly but breezier to who you had no planes are flying today it turned out a little bit better for 70 here bringing out a little farther than usual because we're a little higher than usual and also like I said bring you know farther really helps you a a nail your speed coming over the numbers okay it's going down into traffic 70 Romeo left phase zero to Hampton okay I like how this is looking like how the winds acting we're going full flaps a little farther out than usual stop traffic it barefoot that's a full more drug out than usual that's because we want this sight picture right here I get 15 picked up you know buddy to put yourself right over to five how high are you they say about four miles over while I rank it their speed down closer 60 of like we'll be here then that's not oh yeah we will be dead Oh minor precip very minor all right it's 60 full flaps looking good a little little something-something there I love it oh we're gonna three beautiful landings today honey because it was such bad weather oh my god we took off at like 8:45 9 o'clock I think we took off at 9:00 to plant it at 3:30 to my poor back it was some of the best things I've had in a long time also one time a groundhog Iran or right across I was on the other one but like if I had my head down or something I was gonna hit it like the nose we all like or one of the wheels would have come like very close to hitting this thing oh there's another tie down over here both ourselves down before we get on the grass oh wait a second where the to my coach's gum from I thought I lost it and then I called someone on oh it's just a shitty parking job I gotta fix it in the back first is inside [Music] having in a valley you ain't been up off their porch now there's like [Music]
Channel: Luke Gibney
Views: 11,646
Rating: 4.9434628 out of 5
Keywords: cessna, 172, skyhawk, cockpit, audio, intercom, full, flight, takeoff, landing, aviation, airplane, commercial, student, vlog, general, pilot
Id: x3UNGAgoip0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 51sec (2511 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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