Liz Cheney Blasts Trump's Incitement of the Capitol Insurrection

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-Good evening. I'm Seth Meyers and this is "Late Night." We are back from a week of hiatus and happy to be here. Let's get to the news. President Biden was set to discuss his infrastructure proposal today with the top Republican negotiator, who I think is Joe Manchin? In an op-ed yesterday, Democratic Senator Joe Manchin announced that he would be voting against a new voting rights bill and reiterated his support for the filibuster. So, when I say he's Democratic, that's just like the party he's in. Wyoming Congresswoman Liz Cheney said, in a new interview, that former President Trump's incitement of the January attack on the Capitol is "the most dangerous thing a president has done." Previously, it was go to a play. [ Laughter ] So, I'm glad Scollins didn't change. [ Laughter ] after a week off. And he spent the whole week in sensitivity training. [ Laughter ] Former President Trump's daughter-in-law Lara Trump announced, over the weekend, that she will not run for a Senate seat in North Carolina, due to her young children, because she's seen firsthand what happens when you neglect Trump children. [ Laughter ] Former President Trump's blog shut down permanently last week. Oh, come on, you're not supposed to shut down blogs. You're supposed to slowly stop posting, 'til you forget you have one. Then, a year later, you do one of those, "Hey, guys, sorry I haven't updated in a while" posts, even though literally no one's been asking and no one could care less. A spokesperson for British Prime Minister Boris Johnson recently announced that he married his fiancée in a small, private ceremony. Just what the world needed -- another, less effective, Johnson & Johnson. [ Laughter ] Today was former Vice President Mike Pence's 62nd birthday, despite Donald Trump's best efforts. Former Vice President Mike Punce recent-- "Punce." [ Laughter ] I got it right the previous joke. -Yeah, yeah, you had it. -So like I know what it is. [ Laughter ] You guys remember this punce? ["putz"] [ Laughter ] Former Vice President Mike Pence recently spoke at a Lincoln-Reagan Dinner in New Hampshire about the January attack on the Capitol. He didn't intend to, but that's just how flashbacks work. Officials in Los Angeles County are reportedly set to vote soon on a law that prohibits feeding peacocks and make it punishable by up a $1,000 fine or six months in jail. Incidentally, "feeding the peacock" is also what I call making 200 shows a year. [ Laughter ] Oh, and she has an appetite! [ Laughter ] A 30-year-old woman in Texas was arrested for trespassing recently, after she allegedly posed as her 13-year-old daughter and spent the day at her school. Damn, lady, why didn't you just enjoy high school when you were there? Wait, oh, so she's 30. Her daughter's 13. Oh, okay. Okay, I see. Enjoy yourself. And, finally, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos announced today, in an Instagram post, that he and his brother will be on the first crew space flight of his private rocket company later this year. If he wants to see space so badly, he should just open one of his packages. And that, you guys, was a monologue. And I think it's pretty clear, uh, we still got it. [ Laughter ] You know, I do want to say, you know, I gave Scollins a hard time. He had a very hard week because, Friday, we were just talking about, it was National Doughnut Day. Obviously, that's the kind of thing that he would write a hundred jokes about and he just had to spend it alone in his home, hopefully, at least, eating a free doughnut.
Channel: Late Night with Seth Meyers
Views: 254,985
Rating: 4.9522457 out of 5
Keywords: Late Night, Seth Meyers, Liz Cheney, Blasts, Trump, Incitement, Capitol Insurrection, NBC, NBC TV, television, funny, talk show, comedy, humor, stand-up, parody, snl seth meyers, host, promo, seth, meyers, weekend update, news satire, satire, Donald Trump, Capitol, US Capitol, Insurrection, January 6th, Capitol Riots, Investigation, Trump Investigation, Current News, Joe Biden, Biden, Kamala Harris, Kamala, White House, politics, news, current news, President, Vice President
Id: U-6beK8p59M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 31sec (211 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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