Mikey Day Reveals His Favorite Rejected SNL Pitches

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This is his first TV interview ever? Wow. Hope to see him in a lot more film roles so he'll do more of these. Behind the scenes stories are always the best.

👍︎︎ 38 👤︎︎ u/nitsujrendrag 📅︎︎ Oct 27 2017 🗫︎ replies

Not sure how well they would have been executed but those two rejected ideas sound funnier than 80% of the sketches this season.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/herbnessman 📅︎︎ Oct 27 2017 🗫︎ replies
  1. Did Mikey just reveal he has a five year old son?

  2. His shirt is giving away too much moire

  3. Crazy Cheese for when Kevin inevitably hosts for Jumanji! AND KAREN.

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/lyla2398 📅︎︎ Oct 27 2017 🗫︎ replies

Crazy Cheese actually sounds pretty damn funny.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/mikesicle 📅︎︎ Oct 28 2017 🗫︎ replies

Original David S. Pumpkins skit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rS00xWnqwvI

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Creativation 📅︎︎ Oct 27 2017 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 27 2017 🗫︎ replies
-I´m so happy to have you here. -I´m so happy to be here. Thank you. It´s my first talk show ever. -It´s your first talk show. -Yes. -I´m so honored to have you here. [ Cheers and applause ] So, we -- Before you were a cast member, we wrote together at "SNL." And I want to make sure I have my timeline right, because then you wrote and performed on the "Maya & Marty" variety special... -Yep. ...before you were a cast member at "SNL?" -Correct, yeah. -And how was your time working with Maya and Marty short? -It was fantastic. Those two are amazing. -Yeah. -Martin Short would totally mess with me. -Uh-huh. -He likes to take people down, in a fun way. -He really does. -We would be shooting sketches, and there would be a studio audience. And then during stop downs, it was kind of quiet and the studio audience were just kind of looking at us. And he´d be like, "Mikey, tell everyone what it´s like to be the least famous person here." [ Laughter ] He´s just kind of like that dude. -Yeah. -But he´s so endearing. -Yeah. He´s very charming. -Yeah, it was fantastic. -So, you wrote -- And as somebody who wrote on the show, I have inherent jealousy when someone writes a hit. Because David S. Pumpkins was an immediate hit of a sketch. -Yeah, it was very fun. -Yeah. -It was interesting. Tom Hanks is amazing. -Yeah. This sketch is so popular, not only did it explode as a Halloween costume -- This is a Madam Tussaud´s David S. Pumpkins. -Yeah, and that´s fantastic. What´s awesome about this is you can tell they just put a David Pumpkins suit on an existing Tom Hanks... -Yeah, you´re right. -...because he´s so calm. And I think this is in the room that was, like, a Hollywood party. -Yeah, exactly. -Because it´s just clearly Tom Hanks, like, "Hi." -I´m so mad at myself that I did not realize that´s what they did. I can´t believe how quickly they made a new wax Tom Hanks. -I know, right? Let´s make David Pumpkins just chilling with a nice smile on his face. -So, now you have an animated David S. Pumpkins special. -Yep. -You are one of the voices. You co-wrote it. -Yeah, with Bobby Moynihan and Streeter Seidell. -This is animated special. -Yep. -It looks a little bit -- It´s got, like, some Saturday morning cartoon graphics. -It´s got a very old-school kind of throwback animation style. -For kids? -Is it kid-friendly? -Yeah. That´s how it came to be. We -- Especially after the sketch, like, seeing social media and a lot of kids dressing up as David Pumpkins. I saw YouTube videos of kids acting out the sketch from beginning to end. And we thought it would be fun to do a Halloween special, like, with David Pumpkins for kids. Because David pumpkins is kind of like a kid himself. I mean, this thing is very like -- My 5-year-old son does that type of thing, you know what I mean? -Yeah. So we decided to gear it towards kids. And there´s a lot of -- There´s kind of like a leaving cookies for Santa Claus. -Uh-huh. -There´s the David Pumpkins equivalent, you know, for kids. -Now I do want to point out your time-slot for your cartoon for kids is 11:30 on Saturday night. -Yeah, exactly. Which is very David Pumpkins... -Yes. -...because you have questions. -You immediately have questions. -Yeah. It also might be there was no room. And Lorne gave us the first half hour of "SNL." But -- -I feel like I´m going to turn on Saturday morning cartoons and it´s going to be like a Keith Morrison "Dateline" about the grisliest Halloween murders. And I´ll be like, "You guys should have flipped these." "This is in the wrong time slot." -Exactly. -Yeah. -So -- -Yeah -- you -- Bobby Moynihan was here and talked a little bit about the origins of sketch. Originally -- And then we have the Bobby cartoon and then we have the you cartoon. -Yeah. And he said himself, he said, "We should be left skeleton and fat skeleton." -[ Laughing ] Yeah. -Like -- and I said, "No, you´re right skeleton." -You´ve been a writer now since 2013. One of my favorite things to ask -- sketches that you have pitched that have not found their way to the show. -There are so many. -Yeah. [ Laughter ] -There was one I wrote with Streeter Seidell, who I wrote the David Pumpkins sketch and the special with. -Yes. Great writer, as well. -We thought it was so funny. It was a commercial parody for a car security system that would guarantee that no thief would break into your car. -Mm-hmm. -And it was a bag of old McDonald´s on -- on the floor in your passenger seat. [ Light laughter ] And you could tell by the audience. -Yeah. -I mean, it was a huge hit... -Yeah, sure. -...at the table read. -Yeah, yeah. I´m sure Lorne´s going to watch that when he hears that audience lose their mind. "Oh, my gosh! It needs to go straight to air!" But, we thought -- -So, was the idea a criminal would see the bag -- -Yeah, it would, like -- It had testimonials from car thieves and -- You know, they were like, "Look, if I´m going to break into a car and I see a bag of old McDonald´s on the floor, like, I know it´s going to smell bad, have that old McDonald´s smell." -Yeah. "And there´s ten other cars on this block that don´t smell." And then there was a deluxe system that had a leash and a wet towel in the back seat. -Gotcha. -And it was like -- like you took your dog to the beach. -Right, there you go. -And we -- Streeter and I were like, "Oh, this is going to crush." -Yeah. -And then it was just nothing. And we´re like, "Okay, we hate this now." It´s so funny how quickly -- -Uh, anything else? -We had a -- with Brian Tucker, we had a sketch of Mortal Kombat. It was a few years ago, Mortal Kombat X was coming out. -Right. -And Pete was playing a video game and it -- You know those character select screens where it´s like, "Choose your fighter," and it´s like, "Raiden. Scorpion." It just -- And then it was like, "Raiden. Scorpion, Sonya." And then it went to Kevin Hart. -Uh-huh. -And he looked like Flavor Flav, I would say. And he just went, [ High voice ] "Crazy cheese!" [ Normal voice ] And then Pete was like, "What?" And then, of course, he did not want Crazy Cheese. And it was like, "You´ve selected Crazy Cheese." -Gotcha. -And then I just remember his combo move was Leslie Jones came out as his girlfriend and went, "I´m Karen!" [ Laughter ] So it was a little too complicated. Maybe some day. -Some day. -Um -- uh. -Yeah. -Judging by the audience response Mortal also -- -I think -- "SNL" is back next week. I think we can look forward to both McDonald´s security system and Crazy Cheese. -Yeah, it´s going to dominate the show. -I can´t wait to see the special. Thank you very much for being here, Mikey. -Thank you, I love you. -It´s just such a pleasure.
Channel: Late Night with Seth Meyers
Views: 1,056,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Late Night, Seth Meyers, Mikey Day, Reveals, Favorite, Rejected, SNL, Pitches, NBC, NBC TV, television, funny, talk show, comedy, humor, stand-up, parody, snl seth meyers, host, promo, seth, meyers, weekend update, news satire, satire, Maya & Marty, Wild 'N Out, Kath & Kim, Saturday Night Live, Angel
Id: g0fP7QLRr5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 21sec (381 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2017
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