The Reality of Satan and Demons - Wednesday Service

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[Applause] father we thank you so much for this another opportunity to minister to these your precious sheep thank you lord that revelation knowledge will flow freely uninterrupted and unhindered by any satanic or demonic force and father i pray that you'll speak through my vocal cords and think through my mind none of me and all of you it's in jesus name we pray and everybody said amen praise the lord you may be seated like to welcome those of you who are streaming in tonight i want to hop right into this and i i it probably is best for me not to get too excited so i can finish most of it all right but really excited about this uh tonight we're going to talk about the reality of satan and demons the reality of satan and demons why would you want to talk about something like this well if you look at the behavior of the world over 2000 fights on an airplane mass shootings murders something's going on and i think what happens with christian people sometimes is we just uh we forget about that there's a spiritual world and we forget about that supernatural things are going on in that spiritual world to impact this physical world and again as a born-again christian this is nothing for you to be afraid of because you've been given authority over this and so when you mention demons people think about horror stuff horror movies and all that stuff no no no you must understand that which which you have an authority over you have authority over the devil and and on the bible calls demons unclean spirits so what i want to do is first of all give you a recognition a recognition of what the bible has to say about this just to talk about the reality of it the greatest victory satan can obtain is a victory where we as believers don't believe that satan exists that we don't believe that there are unclean spirits and yet jesus dealt with it over and over again it's kind of like part of the scriptures that christian people just want to kind of like you know blot out don't want to have anything to do with now everything's not a demon but there are a lot of things that are a lot of disease you'll find out tonight how demonic activity is over that but now some of them are not and so as christians you gotta learn how to discern so here's a question you need to ask yourself am i being influenced by unclean spirits in any area of my life now some of you will say no because you don't recognize what those things are what to look for you would think well i'm not spitting up i'm not doing cartwheels i'm not growling and stuff and yet jesus rebuked peter we'll see that tonight and he wasn't doing any of that you got to learn how to recognize the devil when he show up all right so let's just you know every now and then we need to have an intense bible study let's do that tonight and i just want the scriptures to speak to you let's go to and begin tonight in john chapter 10 john chapter 10 and verse 10 and then i'm just gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna run through some scriptures real quick and i'm gonna show you the different ways that unclean spirits will inflict harm upon people in the world today john 10 10 he says this the thief cometh not but for to steal and to kill and to destroy i am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly now here the thief refers to satan satan is the thief say that now satan is the thief well you know it's not talking about god god's not a thief you know why does he have to steal anything he made everything you know the thief comes and here's what here's the assignment of the devil he wants to steal kill and destroy that's the assignment of the devil to steal kill and destroy now as christian people you have an adversary please understand that you have an adversary that is against you he wants to make it hard for you he wants to bring destruction in your life he wants to literally destroy things that are going on in your life okay so john 10 10 says and makes a distinction between the one that wants to kill steal and destroy versus jesus who said i want you to have life and i want you to have it more abundantly to the full till it overflows amen now go to ephesians chapter 6 and verses 10 through 12. we're going to take a little journey here ephesians chapter 6 verses 10 through 12. now there's a devil loose not like when the thousand year period uh where satan will be loosed upon the earth to have a thousand years to do what he does and then afterwards he'll be thrown into the lake of fire that's kind of coming in our end time teaching but here notice in verse 10 finally my brethren be strong in the lord and in the power of his might now how am i to be strong in the lord and in the power of god's might by being mature and and strong in god's word see god's word is the key to my victory god's word is the key to my victory and when you lack understanding of that word or you lack awareness of that word or participating in that word and living by that word you're not going to be strong in the lord verse 11 he says put on the whole armor of god and uh somebody says well i don't know how to put on the whole armor of god very simple put on the word of god put on the word of god put the word of god on dress yourself up in the word you dress yourself up in the armor put on the whole armor of god that you may be able to do what stand against the wiles of the devil now notice what he says put the word of god on so you can stand against the wiles uh another translation says that so you can stand against the strategy please understand satan has strategy he has a strategy meeting for every life every born-again life every life on the planet he has a strategy to kill steal and destroy and the bible says that what what what we should do is put on the word of god and make the word of god priority in our life so you can withstand and stand against the strategy one translation says the trickery another translation says the wiles of the devil there's a devil loose and he's your adversary and he's trying to come up with ways to trick you and deceive you to destroy you and to steal and to kill in your life and that's happening but they're just so many people that don't credit the devil they they always go around talking about i don't know why this is happening and what's wrong how come that's going on and i'm telling you there's a devil loose who has a strategy against your life all right now go to verse 12 he says for we wrestle not against flesh and blood our our our wrestling match is not against people okay it's not against people and that's what's happening in this day and time everybody's fighting one another there's there's something behind the people behavior there's something behind racism there's something behind your boss mistreating you there's there's a there's a spiritual influence behind all of the stuff that you encounter from people all right for we wrestle not against people flesh and blood but our wrestling he says here's what here's what we should be combating principalities powers rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places now what is that those are the four classes of unclean spirits those are the four classes or categories of demon spirits the first class of demon spirit which is the lowest class principalities the second class powers the third class the rulers of darkness of this world and this world system and the fourth class is spiritual wickedness in high places all right so the i don't know what what what else did you think this was we're wrestling against the four classes of demonic spirits that have a strategy to kill steal and destroy in your life all right verse 13 let's look at that just for a moment ah [Music] that's good let me move on to this next scripture now ii corinthians 10 4 and 5. now the strategy one of the strategies of demonic spirits since satan has been defeated and satan has been stripped of all of the authority that adam gave him in the garden you see when adam gave the authority to satan in the garden satan became the god of this world small g so there were certain things that god could not do because adam turned the authority over to him and made him the small g god of this world literally gave satan some authority that that was stripped from him and thank god jesus came in and and whipped him real good okay stripped him of the authority made an open show of him okay and so one of the things he uses now is the power of suggestion you got to understand how your enemy operates the power of suggestion in other words what what what unclean spirits will do is they'll get involved in your thought life they will make one suggestion and then another suggestion and if those suggestions are not confronted and dealt with they will be like lumber delivered to a building site that will be used to build a fortress in your mind and and that's how the enemy works he's gonna he's gonna make a suggestion he's gonna he's gonna build a a stronghold in your mind and when that stronghold has been built in your mind it'll seem like the most correct thing ever you know satan has built strongholds in the minds of people and has influenced them to to kill themselves and if you could talk to people who were unsuccessful about suicide they'll say i don't understand something just came over me and i just it was like i was being moved to do this so that something is is those strongholds that you built in your mind which granted him access to come in and begin to influence your life your thinking is now influenced because you would not cast down every thought every thought and suggestion that comes from the devil that you fail to deal with is like lumber at a construction site that he will use to build a fortified place or fortress in your mind the mind is the arena of faith it is the place where the initial con the the initial uh contact will take place for conflict in your life as a man thinketh in his heart what so is he so everything is right up here and we still don't get it and we we continue to fill our mind with all the wrong stuff we listen to wrong words we listen to wrong music we listen to perverted ways perverted wisdom we're listening to this stuff and we tell ourselves it's all right you ever heard some of the stuff you just listened to you tell yourself it's all right and that's influenced by the devil he wants you to say it's all right so he can continue to deliver the construction equipment to build a fortress and a stronghold in your mind to kill steal and destroy if you understand that say amen so now look at this in the book of second corinthians chapter 10 verses 4 through 5. he says for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they're mighty through god and the weapons of our warfare will pull down strongholds so when a thought comes into your mind that does not line up with the word of god you need to use the word of god to pull that fault down all right and he goes on and he says casting down so he tells you how to pull down strongholds casting down the image maker or cast down the imagination now this is so interesting because when you fail to deal with these faults then uh eventually those little suggestions will become uh uh little pieces that will create pictures and you'll start you'll start seeing it and there's something about once you can see it in your imagination the potential for it to be manifested is greater at that point once you can see yourself doing something stupid and see yourself doing the stuff you've been listening to and see yourself doing the stuff you've been manifesting well you've been been uh imagining then your imagination will build an image you remember in the book of genesis where they got this idea that we're gonna build a tower uh that will reach heaven and they said because whatever god showed up and he says we got to stop this because god knew this about a man whatever he can imagine to do he'll do it so he had to come and scatter the the language now i'm telling you that's pretty powerful that god would respond because he knew man had it in his imagination now that can work in a great way for us too if you can take the word of god and build an image of that word in your image maker glory to god every man got one build the build up that build a image build that take that word and build an image you can see it come to pass i could see myself healed praise god and if i can see it i'm like the battle's over because once you can see the word once you can get enough word that it produces an image of it oh my goodness that's why it says meditating the word day and night why so you can get it in your image and have an inner image of the promises of the word of god but but satan too uses this same imagination to try to kill steal and destroy that's his objective casting down imagination is every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of god so the high thing would be uh you're going to die of cancer you're like oh i got to cast that down i will live and not die you follow what i'm saying you have to become a good custodian over your thought life he says now notice this he says and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of christ now god's not going to do that bring every thought into the into captivity satan's most powerful weapon is the weapon of suggestion and you're just letting those thoughts just maintain its position in your in your in your image making in your mind and he says to to uh bring every thought into captivity how do you do that by speaking the word of god out of your mouth now uh i i uh brother hagin a lot of folks used to say this but he said you can't you can't stop the birds from flying over your head but you can stop them from building a nest in your hair so you'll have different thoughts that'll go over but you don't have to open your mic the mouth and take it the bible says take no thought saying so how do you take a thought by saying and so what happens is if you spend enough time listening to to what the devil is saying and then it comes out of your mouth my grandson came over the house one day and and he said something i don't know what he was talking about but he was saying like he was he was laughing he said i'm dead i like what i'm dead does any any anybody here understand that i'm like have you ever heard that before y'all have that blew my mind i said so wait a minute that's a saying right now right he says yeah it means this i said well i said listen to me boy don't be stupid don't say that i said because you say that we're going to be burying you one day don't say i'm dead boy can't your mind tell something dumb about that now it's just a saying no it's not just a saying it is something that is being embedded into your thought life you're not taking authority over it and you think it's all right to just say hey i'm dead you're taking the thought i'm dead you're taking it out i'm dead then something happened you had a wreck and that boy had a wreck on a golf cart almost died i'm like god dawg see that i'm dead you got a devil loose who wants to what kill and what steal and what destroy let me show you something in matthew chapter 16 verse 21-23 i want to show you how subtle the enemy can come in peter had just received revelation of who christ was peter said thou art the christ the son of the living god and then the disciple you know jesus said peter you know flesh and blood hadn't shown you this but my father showed you this boy oh peter and from this point on uh you they called him his name was simon the son of jonah simon barjona he said but this from this point on your name will be uh uh peter and on this rock and he wasn't talking about peterborough he's talking about the revelation that came through peter i'm gonna build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail and i'll decipher that oh peter boy you're a man now you're a man now peter you're a man and look right after this situation look what happens verse 21 from the time forth began jesus to show unto his disciples jesus was showing his disciples how bad he must go unto jerusalem and suffer many things of the elders and the chief priests and scribe and how he was going to have to be killed and then be raised again the third day all right now watch this next verse then peter took him took jesus and began to rebuke jesus saying be it far from thee lord this shall not be unto thee that sounds real noble right i mean you and i would read that and think oh man peter you got his back you got his back and look what jesus did but jesus he turned to him and he said unto peter get thee behind me satan what was satan and what he just said see he was saying something that was god's plan to deliver all mankind and peter didn't even recognize that was the devil he said get thee behind me satan thou art an offense unto me whoa for thou savior is not the things that be of god but those things that be of man he says you don't care about the things that be of god me coming here and me having to suffer and me dying that is of god you're up here more you're more uh concerned about you know about man look at the amplifier real quick in verse 23 i want to look at amplified 23 and then the nlt in verse 23. i want to show you these different versions here of what jesus was saying about him he said but jesus turned away and amplified from peter and said to him get behind me satan you are in my way an offense and a hindrance and a snare to me for you are minding what partakes not of the nature and quality of god but you're minding what what what what concerns man and look at the the nlt here see you got to recognize anytime any voice that goes against the the word and the plan of god that's the devil you understand that that's the devil we're not talking about spitting up green stuff we're just talking about contradicting the word of god but how will you know if it's a contradiction if you don't get in the word so so it could be he been contradicting you for the last 20 years because you're not concerned about coming to church getting no word you want to feel something you come to church hey no no no no you need to get some word why so you can recognize the that little slivering snake when he shows up with a suggestion and you can say wait a minute that ain't god get behind me satan jesus turned to peter and said get away from me satan you are a dangerous trap to me you are seeing things merely from a human point of view and not from a god point of view you're seeing things from a human point of view and not from a god point of view isn't that the issue right now in the society we have now we're not looking at things from a god point of view we're looking at things from a human point of view and what god is trying to say here is that be careful that you don't look at things from a humanistic human point of view and not a god point of view man that's that's spiritual maturity we got to grow up we're giving satan inroads into our lives because you let human beings tell you what's right or wrong human point of view and not look at it from a god point of view what god had to say about it is the most important thing not what a what a group of people have said about and our world is riddled our society has been so riddled with the human point of view and look where we are now oh my goodness are you listening to me look at revelations 12 7 through 11. i'm preaching as fast as i can and i ain't got about eight minutes left didn't that go by quick now you can talk me into doing some extra time if you want to tonight because that means [Applause] we'll see when we get to 8 minutes out right look at revelations 12 7 through 11. and there was a war in heaven michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon fought and his angels now this is referring to um satan and they prevailed not neither was their place found anymore in heaven and the great dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and satan which deceiveth the whole world he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him and i heard a loud voice saying in heaven now is come salvation and strength in the kingdom of our god and the power of his christ for the accuser of the brethren is cast down which accuses them before our god day and night so satan is the accuser of the brethren he works through people but that's what it does verse 11 they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto death there's a devil loose ladies and gentlemen now this is real interesting i'm not going to get real deep into this but satan and fallen angels were cast to the earth and god made hell for the devil and his angels he didn't make hell for man he made hell for the devil and his angels so if you're going to be deceived by the devil and follow the devil then you're going to follow him straight to hell to a place that was not even made for you hell wasn't created for man hell was created for rebellion rebellious satan who was an archangel and all the angels who rebelled with him that's what it was man ain't got no business in hell except you decided to follow him now the question is are you following him now you're allowing his suggestions which go against the word of god to lead and guide your life you're watching everything on television and everything they say is true and you ain't even checked with god and bible says let god be true and every man alive and you you don't even pay no attention to god no more satan has done an amazing job to get people to turn their back on the church and they use church hurt to do that or to use what this preacher did what that preacher did ain't no preacher perfect ain't no preacher if you try to be a preacher you ain't gonna be a perfect ego what the what the world do you think this is do you actually think there's a perfect pastor or preacher in the world uh-uh they are forgiven and need jesus just like you do that perfection came from the catholic church because catholic people don't believe that you can talk to god for yourself you got to talk to the priest and then the priest would talk to the pope and the pope talked to god that ain't no way in the bible not in our bible my bible tells me i can talk directly to god myself but that place of perfection came from that and the pope are perfect pope ain't perfect either i think i heard him cussing the other day too before the pope ain't perfect the priests ain't perfect and the priests vow a poverty bible poverty ain't in the bible ain't nothing in the bible that says you got to take a vow poverty see all these ideas have been infiltrated into other ministries and and we think it came from god ain't no via power poverty how stupid it is for you to take a vow of poverty when jesus died so that you can prosper and have abundant life and you're taking a vile poverty because you don't let satan's suggestions get in your head all right look at this first peter chapter five eight through nine king james and amplified first peter chapter five eight through nine king james and the amplified okay i'm gonna do two more scriptures and and then we'll pick up with this next week is it's pretty amazing that we go now we're talking about the existence of satan and demons right now but next week we're gonna show you how you know people get possessed physically and spiritually and we'll show you how they mess with people's minds we're gonna show you how they decide themselves we're gonna show you how a christian can't be possessed we're gonna show you all kinds of stuff show you what happens to a demon when you cast them out where do they go somebody say yeah where do they go they might go in you if you ain't got nothing if you ain't filled with god being free from a demon is not enough an empty vessel is not enough the vessel's got to be cleaned and then something else got to move in because the bible says if you clean the vessel out of the demon the demon's out of the vessel and don't put god in the vessel then the demon goes out and looks for demons twice as strong as he is and they all come back to go back into the place that you knocked them out of in the first place and it's real i can tell by your behavior i can tell by your morality if you're a or a hormonal you've got some demon and you're not saying there's a demon living in that house certain diseases are backed up by demons christians can't have demons if they say amen notice how that's october when i said when i said to a christian that meant your supposed been saved but i have discovered that people who call themselves christians ain't necessarily say they said the words but didn't believe it so the demon might come back with five mo because you cleaned your house you think out of fear but never invited the kingdom to take the place and there may be some demon manifestations here where i can do a show-and-tell i plan on calling some of them i just see where they at get to the devil deliver it but then get your feel cause see you listening to me and you ain't never seen nothing like this i haven't seen this stuff over and over and over again you're listening but you've never seen this some of you have most part none of you ain't never seen nothing like what i'm talking about right now oh they real they real that it that intense anger you have all the time and you're not saved now if you're saved again you know you can be oppressed by demons just like peter well you can be oppressed by a demon but you should not be possessed you shouldn't be housing one because jesus is living in your house and jesus is not going to let that kind of company come in and and room with him burdens down lord be sober be vigilant because your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour so the devil is doing this he's saying i can't devour everybody but i'm going to see who i can devour does he stop at your door he can't devour everybody does he stop at your door he is your adversary you have an adversary please don't forget this you are a christian saved by grace jesus is your lord but satan says i'm your adversary and if i can devour you and if you give me an open door into your life i am going to either oppress you or possess you and that depends on who who you have living in you amen james 4 7. well look at uh i'd see it i want to rush um look at the amplifier the first peter 5 8 and 9. amplified first pewdie five eight nine he says be well balanced be temperant sober of mine look at there be sober of mine don't have an intoxicated mind what's an intoxicated mind where your thinking doesn't line up with the word when the way you think doesn't line up with the word you're like a drunkard you have an intoxicated mind thinking all kinds of things that are against god's word so it says be have a sober mind be vigilant and cautious at all times for that enemy of yours the devil roams around like a lion roaring in fierce hunger seeking someone to seize upon and devour verse 9. withstand him be firm in your faith against his onset rooted established strong immovable and determined knowing that the same identical sufferings are appointed to your brotherhood the whole body of christians throughout the world so this is every christian throughout the world some of the most major attacks come against uh uh ministers and their families major attacks come again you would think if you would know that you wouldn't be so quick to turn your back against those pastors and ministers that have helped you and the first bit of slander you can get your ears on you're ready to spread it and become a member of the accuser of the brethren dude if i screwed up i'm gonna tell you i'm gonna tell you anyway i can't my my wife said i'm like an old frigerator i can't hold nothing i should have been i'd be preaching on myself law have mercy on we're feeling bad one night shoot man i saw that boxer sitting on the thing and that ice was next to it and you know i asked the lord was it okay i ain't hear none so i went ahead and i'm gonna talk about that this this this this this something's wrong with the visual of how we see our men and women of god you see them wrong and some men and women of god actually try to walk in that perfection and it kills them i know bishops who've blown their brain out because they tried to walk in a expected perfection that they could not walk in that's crazy now if they come to me which a lot of them around the world have i have to take it to my grave i ain't about to tell you nothing ain't about to indicate nothing to you about what's going on with them because i understand that they got to have somebody to talk to and open up and we don't advise you to go talk to any preacher because some people some preachers gossip more than gospels and then get up and preach on how you are not the gospel all right let's look at two more scriptures i got a zero back there so i'm out of time so we're over time give me two minutes james chapter four and seven james four and seven now even though you have an adversary you also have ability to defeat that adversary you got ability to do it i i just there's no way i'm going to know this stuff and not walk in it there's just this here's the thing you got to know about about me and taffy we got to go to heaven too anybody got time to be playing on church we got to see jesus too and did you not know the judgment will be worse upon us than it will upon you if we mishandle this position ain't got time for that all these years of negrology i got my p.a.d in in neurology negrology actually it was something else i was being kind whatnot it ain't called negro ology you know submit yourselves therefore to god i hope everybody in here has done it i hope those of you streaming in have done that submit yourself therefore to god do what with the devil resist him that means actively resist him he's showing up telling you something now devil the word says that that's actively resisting him five minutes go by he'd do something else no the word says that that's actively resisting him he says if you'll do that he'll eventually flee from you that word flee means watch this i love the definition of this word to run with fear get a picture of the devil running afraid of you he show up in your house and he start moving stuff around and you see this move ahead and move over there by itself you ain't gonna miss being scared just reach over there and say i can do that too do you like burning man you scared of you he's scared of you all right submit yourself resist the devil and he will do what he will flee from you let's do one more and then i got to get you out of here luke 10 19 luke 10 19. now this is this is awesome i'll give you a little preview again of next week but luke 10 19 behold i give unto you power now you're gonna see this word power twice the first power is authority a right to command i give unto you power or authority to tread that word trade means to have absolute mastery over so i give you authority to have absolute mastery on serpents and scorpions and over all the power now this word power means ability over all of the ability of the enemy glory to god and now listen his ability right now is limited to suggestions you have authority over all of his suggestions and nothing excuse me english not now one of them devils shall by any means hurt you you cannot and as we progress in this you will not be afraid of the things that i'll be teaching you next week you will not you will not now there may be some you know satan likes to try to manifest and stuff to see if he can get you a little scared ain't got time for that oh i thought i heard something what's that don't even work don't be trying to make don't be reading into stuff or looking at the stuff you know you might have a what's that in your household it's settling what do you mean what's that you're not going to let no demon run you out your house that's your house they're never going to run me by i hunt my own house it it's pitch black and i just walk through it you know just to let every ain't ain't scared of that i was walking my halls one day and it was dark and this one area was shaped kind of like a body it was really dark i'm like what what i'm gonna run in my house i'll walk right through and say you better get out of here i know you're real but this is my house and you're not welcome in my house in the name of the lord jesus christ and you're not welcoming me because somebody else beat you to it i already got somebody that got got the lease out on me i got i got a lease until i'm gone he i i gave him a uh uh uh a a long time lease are we scared of no devil i let them talk to me through people i know you i'm like i forbid you to speak hush nobody asks you nothing i see some christians they don't understand they've been looking at too many movies what's your name [Applause] demonstr what's your name seriously are we trying to get the guy delivered or find out his name my time's up i got to stop next week we're going to talk about possessing people that that will cause them physical spiritual harm we're going to talk about uh how those how demons come to blind the minds of unbelievers so that they can't see the light of the gospel we're going to talk about how these demons come to deceive people by disguising themselves as servants of righteousness all this is scripture we're going to talk about how these demons came to promote false doctrine we talk about how demons come to torment believers we're going to talk about our authority to cast out devils we're going to answer the question where do demons go when they are cast out and we're going to talk about the chief function that's ascribed to demons in their connections with disease don't miss next week this is a setup meditate on what we said do your own study and do your own reading reading and understand that greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world father we give you praise tonight we thank you for your word i pray in the name of jesus that this word will find a great place in the lives and the hearts of these your precious people i pray that it will grow root in their life and i thank you lord they'll never be the same again i thank you lord that when the enemy comes he will find nothing in us he'll find nothing in us and he'll he'll find no open door in us he may seeketh whom he may devour but he will not be able to devour us satan we rebuke you in the name of jesus i declare and demand that you take your hands off god's people you you in the name of jesus you will cease to torment them in their minds you will stop oppressing the christian right now in the name of the lord jesus christ i cast you down and i cast you out in the name of jesus and father i just thank you that great things are happening great results great manifestations take place as we prepare for this amazing move of god as we prepare for a move of god like this earth has never seen before we know that you're coming god we see the signs of the time and we are ready we give you praise for it in jesus mighty name and everybody said amen come on give the lord a big hand clapping in this place tonight amen praise the lord amen now if you're here tonight you never made jesus the lord of your life or if you're on the stream tonight you've never made jesus the head of your life i tell you it's time to get saved make sure that he lives in your house amen make sure he lives in your house if if you'd like to do that tonight just pray this simple prayer with me repeat after me heavenly father i realize that i'm a sinner but right now i repent of all my sins i accept your free gift of forgiveness lord jesus come into my heart sit on the throne of my life be my lord and my savior and by faith i declare that i am saved thank you lord for saving me in jesus name amen now if you prayed that simple prayer with me through the stream i want you to text the words the keyword i'm saved that's one word to 5155. now if you'll provide your name and email address we'll send you a free ebook as a gift to you today so that you can let's continue to grow it's time to grow in the things of the lord amen those of you who are here if you prayed their prayer with me i want to welcome you to the family of god i want to say to you right now that if you were to die right now you would be absent from your body and present with the lord because you believed in the simple prayer that you prayed tonight welcome to the kingdom of god amen praise the lord amen well let's go ahead and conclude our worship service tonight par part of this and really what completes our time of worship what completes our time of worship is our giving of gifts that's what completes our time of worship we're not giving to manipulate god into doing something for us god has already done everything that pertains to life and godliness he's already blessed us he's already healed us he's already prospered us he's already provided the victory for us our giving is out of a cheerful heart our giving is to show gratitude appreciation and thanksgiving for all that jesus has made available through his finished works so what happens is this is an opportunity for you to look at how good god's been to you for you to look at god doing things for you that you know you didn't deserve for you to look at how god's mercy and grace has shown up in your life for you to remind yourself of the ditch you used to be in and how he reached and pulled you up out of that ditch the favor that he showed you even when you did not deserve it and now is the time where you can take a gift and say lord i want to worship you with these gifts you know the bible says to give glory to god and he says to bring an offering and to worship him and the beauty of his holiness i mean my whole mind has changed where my giving is concerned i give because i love him i appreciate him it's just an amazing thing and and things have changed in my life because i've accepted the responsibility of giving out of a cheerful heart instead of giving out of necessity and i give grace-based giving you know teaching we did the grace-based giving way and god has been doing such amazing things and he wants to do that in your life as well it's so important that when you spend time in the word and you you spend time submitted to the teaching of the word that you respond that's i can't tell you how important that is he can't multiply what you eat and what you consume and what you keep he can only multiply what you give and when you sow and give into uh the word of god being grateful and thankful for what the spirit of god is doing in your life through his word and through his presence and spirit god says if you'll honor him he'll honor you if god's word carries weight in your life then when you pray your words will carry weight in heaven and i'm telling you god is so good about honoring us and the bible says we should honor him so let this be a time of honor a time of worship and a time of gratitude for what god has done amen well praise the lord if you need an offering envelope raise your hands the ushers will be more than happy to assist you tonight if you're uh giving through the stream you can text world changers space and the amount to 74483 or you could call the number 1-866-477-7683 you can mail to 2500 burdette road college park georgia 30349 or you can go to the website and log on to or and if you have a paypal account you could use it there especially if you're going you know logging in or streaming in from another area or uh if you're here there's a uh qr code you can put your phone up uh hit that qr code it'll take you immediately to text to give you can just put the amount in and hit send i think it's also on the screen for those of you who are streaming as well i can't tell you how amazing it is when we begin to worship god through gift giving and there's a lot to be said about that and really working on some amazing teachings that are gonna help you out praise the lord amen praise god well um we'll pick this up on next wednesday and this coming sunday we're gonna this is gonna be so interesting we're still on that end time teaching but we're gonna talk about um the character of the end times society you know the bible says that you can tell when i'm getting ready to come when you start looking at the character of people when you start seeing when they start behaving like this and when they start doing this and when they start doing that he says that's when you can tell that i'm about to come and certainly there'll be nobody online or in person sunday that won't be able to relate to the list that he gives concerning the last day's character of society and i think you need to know this because if you've allowed those kind of things to infiltrate your life and your character uh you might want to ask jesus to help you and he will help you and and do some of the things that that need to be done well praise god well we love you we thank god for you i'ma ask pastor ken to come and give us the benediction and uh love you guys hope to see you soon amen [Music] i'm a world changer changing the world everywhere i go you know i'm a world changer anointed with the power of the holy ghost i'm a world [Music] world changer [Music] you
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 75,600
Rating: 4.9059305 out of 5
Keywords: creflo, creflodollar, worldchangers, taffi, taffidollar, grace, megachurch, collegepark, atlantachurch, sermon, gracelife, tbn, pastors, church, pastordollar, drdollar
Id: Yr-ftU0dfWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 46sec (2986 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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