Confessions and Right Attitude Towards People

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and be glad in it because god is good and he is worthy to be praised happy friday glory be to god i want to speak all as well with you today i don't care what it looks like i don't care what it sounds like i don't care what it feels like god has got your back and all is well with you and your house so let the redeemed of the lord say so you and i are the redeemed of the lord and whatever we say is so praise god hallelujah get yourself stirred up this morning get yourself stirred up this morning go find your one of your favorite gospel songs or praise songs and uh you know turn off turn it on on at your lunch time or or you know before before you go to bed my some of you might have prayed about before you go to bed you might not be able to sleep i'm just telling you that god's got your back so in the name of jesus get rid of the fear the fret the panic the anxiety god's got your back somebody says well yeah i believe you have my back but right now i need him to come on through well let me tell you what you do you take time right now and call things that be not as though they were every time the contrary seems to show up whatever's contrary to the word you speak the word out you say the word out praise god you know what the devil really hates he cannot stand a christian that's full of joy in the midst of situations that don't appear to be situations where you should have joy and he can't stand it and it just gives me great pleasure to do stuff he can't stand praise god hallelujah so in the name of jesus all day today remember this god's got my back hallelujah and declare that several times throughout the day and um i don't know whether you're going into work you're at work you've already been to work god's got my back praise god and uh neither death nor life nor principalities nor powers nor things to come nothing shall separate me from the love of god praise god and that's that's where you got to get to it's like wait a minute i'm in this thing i'm in this thing for the relationship i'm in this i'm a christian for the relationship i'm not a christian you know to see how how i can rub on the genie lamp and see what i can get from god i'm in it for the relationship you know god has already done enough for all of us that if he doesn't do anything else he's already done enough and he is worthy to be praised glory be to god he is worthy to be praised somebody need to praise him today somebody need to just take take anything that's going on in your life just put it to the side just a little bit and just just go ahead put god at first place and praise the lord you know the bible says seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness watch what happens and then all these other things shall be added unto you just for a moment dismiss all of the stuff that you got at first place and go ahead and put god at first place i dare you to praise him i didn't i dare you to say thank you jesus for something i dare you to just lift your hands up just a little bit and say to god be the glory i tell you to get any parts of your body in action right now to just thank god and praise god and i'm talking about doing it right at home you don't need no music i love to have an organ you don't need no ham an organ you don't need no background clapping man there is something about the genuine joy that rises up on the inside of a believer hallelujah where you can say father i thank you father i praise you and i'm telling you you should not allow the circumstances around you to steal your praise hallelujah now some of you might think well you sounded real religious and pentecostal this morning man that's the truth satan is after your praise satan is after your praise he is after your thanksgiving and he's after your praise and he wants to stop you from praising god he wants to stop you from thanking god and i believe this is a great friday to let him know you are not going to steal my praise god has done too much for me praise god he lifted me up when i thought i was down forever he healed me when i thought i was going to die glory be to god he redeems us from destruction glory be to god he's a vindicator he's he's a he's a heart regulator you remember that in the baptist church the heart regulator hallelujah glory be to god now now is the time now is the time today is the day to let heaven earth and hell no glory to god jesus is my lord and i'm going to praise him i'm going to praise him in my car be careful about that now you get the praise and god in your car people next to you think you're waving at them praise the lord hallelujah hallelujah some of y'all might have to stop on the side of the expressway and get out and do a little shout right quick some of y'all might have to go to the bathroom and get on the stall and i call it a stall praise glory be to god but i'm going to tell you something he is worthy to be praised you remember from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same he is worthy to be praised glory be to god i i feel a chill bomb right there right there glory be to god i'm telling you he is worthy to be praised our god is a good god our god is a powerful god our god is a delivering god our god is a healing god our god is a providing god our god is everything that we need pertaining to life and godliness and he is worthy to be praised so once again no i don't know what's going on this friday evening or morning or wherever the time might be just put it to the side just for a minute and just going into a praise break glory be to god and just thank you lord thank you lord i just give you praise something happens in the realm of the spirit when you thank you lord i just praise you lord oh lord i'm not what i want to be right now but i'm not what i used to be somebody need to shout about that because you know we used to be crazy thank god we're not what we want to be hallelujah but thinking that you're not what you used to be there's some stuff that you used to be you're not there no more holy ghost came and took the desire away from you and gave you his desire and and and he you know thank him thank him lord i'm not what i want to be oh there baptist thank you god but i'm not what i used to be because of the power of the holy ghost working on the inside of me giving me a desire to do what pleases god hallelujah you know you just got to back up just a little bit every night and then you know thank god for knowledge thank god for what we learned thank god for what we understand and all you're getting good understanding but every night then you just gotta step aside and say just lord i gotta praise you i got to praise you i i was uh i don't know when it was i think it was monday or or i don't know when it was but man i tell you what i was uh i had went to my wellness center to get my weekly you know uh glutathione boost and i just sat then and uh the nurse walked in and she said hey how you doing pastor i said if i had ten thousand tongues it wouldn't be enough to praise god like i want to oh if i had 10 000 times it still wouldn't be enough to praise god like i want to praise god you know sometimes you get to thinking about how good god's been and you're just you just you know you get ugly faith and and you just you just just want to praise him god is worthy of that praise and i'm telling you right now it's not a waste of time i'm telling you right now heaven receives your praise and i'm telling you in the name of jesus mountains move because of that praise situations change because of that praise hallelujah glory to god things are reversed because of that praise and while people looking at you and and and calling your names and thinking something wrong with you accusing you of being drunk and high look at them a bunch of religious fanatics i'll never forget something i believe it was i believe it was a carlton pearson years ago said something like this uh no no it was andre crouch andre kraut said something like this he said they call us holy rollers and what they say is true but if they knew what we were rolling about they would be rolling to my god if they knew what we were rolling about if they knew what we were shouting about if they knew what we were praising about if they knew how good god has been if they knew how deep of a whole we were in if they knew how deep in debt we were if they knew how the verge we almost killed ourselves how we almost died of a sickness and disease if they knew it then they would be rolling too praise god y'all have to forgive me this morning but i tell you what i'm about to dance on this this this desk praise god because god has been good to you and god has been good to me and i'm not going to sit back and let the devil steal my praise hey hallelujah glory be to god glory to god thank you jesus he's awesome he's magnificent he he's he's he's glorious hallelujah he is the majesty you are our majesty the king and he's worthy of every praise that we have amen praise god well let's let's get our confession going on because you know some of you have a magnificent weekend coming up and uh you might as well praise yourself on into that weekend praise yourself on into that weekend whoo glory glory glory glory glory somebody said i remember this too you know i used to be a baptist preacher praise god i still am listen to this uh and this is so true you can't tell it like i can tell it how good god's been to me i can't tell it like you can god's been so good to you i i can't tell it like you can tell it but guess what you can't tell it like i can tell it how good god's been to me god's been good and you know the greatest thing we can do is let somebody know how good god has been so i don't know i don't know what your encounter is today we're going to talk about having right attitudes uh with people and towards people but maybe maybe somebody passes you today and says hello maybe just tell them praise the lord they look at you like what and all praise the lord praise god and you mean it praise god somebody say what time is it praise the lord two o'clock amen praise god and let's just give him praise all day today world changes nation let's just give god praise all day today let's acknowledge him and give him praise because he's worthy to be praised every time you look around go around your house and realize oh my god i got a place to live in open refrigerator and say whoa glory to god i got some beanie weenies in there hallelujah you need to praise god you need to praise god he is worthy hallelujah to be praised glory to god now now get yourself out of that ditch get yourself out of that ditch man give god praise give god thanksgiving yeah i know it ain't perfect right now but i tell you a good way to get to that place where you want to be put your little stuff aside and praise the lord amen come on let's make these declarations psalms 91 i declare that i will dwell in the shelter of the most high god i declare that i'll find rest in the shadow of the almighty i declare that god is my refuge and my fortress i declare that you are my god yes in whom i trust and with great confidence in whom i will rely i declare that god will rescue me from every trap and protect me from every disease i declare that i am covered and protected by his outstretched arms i declare glory be to god glory be to god i'm just praising god for what he's doing i declare that god's faithful promises are my armor and my protection yeah i'll say that god says some of you who have been going through months and months of irritation from the devil today is the expiration for what you've been going through hallelujah today is the expiration for what you've been going through you better praise him i'm telling you you better praise him i declare that god will rescue me from every trap and protect me by his outstretched arm and will protect me from every disease i declare that god's faithful promises are my armor and my protection i declare that i will not be afraid of the terrors of the night nor of the arrows that fly in the day i declare that i will not dread any disease that stalks in the darkness nor any disaster that strikes at midday i declare that because god is my refuge and the almighty god of my home no evil can befall me and no player can come near my dwelling i declare that god has ordered his angels to guard defend and protect me and my house i declare that god is that i declare that god's armies of heaven will keep me from falling i will walk unharmed and kick anything that is evil from my path i declare that because of god's love for me i will call upon him he will set me above all my troubles he will deliver me from all my fears and he will honor me with his presence and his power i declare that he will reward me with long life and he will show me his salvation all right your psalms 91 equip and in the name of jesus our praise has paralyzed the devil whatever he was intending on doing the praise and the and the worship that we entered in today has paralyzed the devil come on i set my course for my life today with my words i declare today that i will not be defeated discouraged depressed disappointed addicted sick tired lazy or weary today i'm the head i have insight i have wisdom i have ideas i have authority i have health i exercise my authority today with my words and i decree a thing and it is so greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world the same spirit that raised jesus from the dead lives in me as i speak words today they come to pass they go before me they bring the things to pass that i desire and they stop all attacks a assaults oppression poverty pride fear unforgiveness lack and insufficiency from coming to my life god is on my side today and therefore i cannot be defeated his favor surrounds me as a shield i expect favor today from heaven and from earth jesus had favor with god and man and as he is and so am i on this earth therefore i have favor with god and with man i expect favor i expect favor i expect favor in my home favoring my job favoring my business favoring my ministry favor with my finances and favor in every deal i'm involved in i have the wisdom of god today i will think the right thoughts say the right words make the right decisions in every situation i face today my mouth speaks wisdom and my heart is filled with understanding i ask for and receive an abundant supply of wisdom and understanding today from god today i have the wisdom of god and all is well in jesus mighty name your day is set your day is set praise god your day is set come on let's talk about keeping the right attitudes towards people because there are some people in the world today they got a bad attitude and you will never remember what i said you'll never go higher than your attitude you'll never go what happens is when people are broken they want to go and and and have a bad attitude towards other folks hurt people like hurt people you know that broken people like to try to break somebody else and that's why you're in the lord and god will help you to do what you need to do look at this scripture in romans 12 16. let's look at this right how to keep a right attitude towards people now remember what grieves the holy spirit is how we treat one another that's what grieves the holy spirit is how you treat somebody said oh boy that crazy thing you did that greed god maybe so but what really grieves the holy spirit is how we treat one another when we say bad things to one another when we're rude to one another when we you know somebody's you know you know you want to be judgmental of somebody who committed adultery but you don't want to be judgmental of somebody that's got a bad attitude with a waitress at a restaurant hmm a bad attitude to that that's just as bad having a bad attitude you know you better do this so i ain't gonna leave you no till that's a bad attitude and we gotta keep the right attitude where people are concerned so that we won't stop things from coming into our life amen so look what he says in romans 12 16 this is so important having right attitude towards people can't go around talking about how saved you are and how much you believe god you have a wrong attitude towards people and you don't demonstrate that that's not gonna work people just look at you and say something wrong with you you you bipolar or something like that you gotta have a right attitude with people and you gotta ask god to help you to maintain a right attitude where people are concerned so that that says everything about what you say you are you say you're a christian you say you love god oh all we got to do is sit back and look because if if you got a wrong attitude towards people dude take that t-shirt off that says i'm a christian come on man you can't do that your life has constantly got to be working towards having the right attitude towards people because you're the living epistle that people will begin to read romans 12 16 says be of the same mind one toward another mine not high things but condistant to men of low estate be not wise in your own conceits be not wise in your own conceits let's pray this little prayer right right right quick lord thank you for speaking to me today forgive me for the times i've acted like i was better than other people i'm sorry for that behavior and i don't ever want to do it again i ask you to convict me when i start to act this way and and to show me how to quickly change my behavior i really want to be an example that will make people want to know jesus so help me to change any part of my behavior that does not give a proper impression of your holy character in jesus name now let's make this confession out loud together i confess that i do not have a superior attitude about myself i have the mind of christ and i demonstrate an attitude of love and acceptance to everyone i meet when people walk away from me they feel like they have been accepted embraced and treated with respect every day the holy spirit is teaching me more about how to give others a sense of value about themselves i thank god that an attitude of superiority has no place in me and that each day i am getting better at reaching out to others to benefit and to bless their lives i declare this now in the mighty name of jesus i have a right attitude towards people hey man that's our witness right there that's our witness having a right attitude towards people so i'm i'm challenging folks you know constantly going around and telling people they're saved and they believe in god and there's no fruit you can't judge me i can judge you like i judge a tree if i got apples on that tree i can judge that's an apple tree if i've got oranges or or something i can judge that's an orange tree i can do the same thing where you're concerned we got to understand that you can't call yourself a certain type of tree and continue to yield the the fruit that doesn't correspond to the to what you said the kind of tree you have so we got to just constantly lean on god to help us with our attitudes and none of us are perfect nobody has a perfect attitude but the place to start we can all get to that place to start where we're leaning and depending on god to help us to have the right attitude towards anybody whether they're black or white male or female whether they're you know different denominations whether they're different political parties we got to learn how to have the right attitude towards people and uh i'm telling you that that's that's a big deal right there there's a big deal and and remember when i told you don't don't rent space in your mind to somebody else's issues and problems if they're broken and hurt and don't want to get better and they just want to be mean don't don't don't rent space in your mind don't let nobody stay in your head for free all right remember your peace if it costs you your peace if it causes your peace it's too expensive if something that's surrounding your life is costing your you your peace is too expensive do not allow your peace uh to be affected by somebody else's refusal to be healed of the brokenness that jesus has already died for them to be healed with so when you meet mean people and you meet people with wrong attitudes you meet people who say just ugly things and nasty things and they just want to be nasty and ugly and all that kind of stuff first of all realize they're broken they're telling you a lot about themselves and secondly uh realize that's a opportunity for you to pray and you know be a blessing and be a living epistle uh to show that this is how we should treat one another and uh i tell you what you're gonna have a great weekend believe it praise god believe it with me in the name of jesus you're gonna have an amazing weekend and i'm praying for you in jesus name cannot wait to sunday man i'm gonna talk about you know the the the five occupations of the holy spirit how the holy spirit is our teacher and our corrector and our god all these kind of things gonna be so cool hey guys i love you so much have an amazing day today enjoy life today and somebody says well i don't know how well ask god to help you to enjoy life ask god to show you how to live today ask god to show you how not to do something to hurt yourself lord help me to not do something to hurt myself today and uh he will and you will find out that you have an amazing loving friend in the lord jesus christ uh hey guys uh enjoy yourself you know maybe it's the day where you can have a cheat meal today go ahead and get you a hamburger or whatever you gotta do today and just be happy today make your mind up right now i'm going to be happy taffy and i love you we pray for you and all is well have a wonderful weekend god bless
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 31,391
Rating: 4.9172416 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 59sec (1679 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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