Living Quarters In The Shop???

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hey everybody like I promised I'm going to maybe do some shooting today what we got going on upstairs here in the upstairs of the shop above the office and above the garage this is the parts room I showed you that in the shop tour [Music] showed you a little bit about we got going on in the living quarters here we worked up here yesterday did some sheetrocking insulation running some heat tubes we got to build a false ceiling right here for heating ducts and returns and stuff like that so we got to build a false ceiling across here finish sheetrocking this is going to be a kitchen at some point possibly anyways it's wired and plumbed for that we've got a bathroom up here for shower and everything so people don't have to walk downstairs because we kind of asked the guy that lived up here last fall in actually this room right here is what he lived in last fall it wasn't finished off he had a bad not that it wasn't a big deal because we're normally I was working so all he did really in here was sleep and watch Netflix videos when we were getting mud picked out of the tracks and so he just kind of chilled up here when was a weekend or a non-event or something like that he's hanging out up here he'd go visit relatives that are in the area he was from Texas this is where he stayed I'd say it's like five star rating hotel room right anyways we want to get this finished off for when we get him back probably next fall hopefully he comes back and we have a lot of guys come and hunt friends other family members this would be a great place for them to stay well they're out here hunting hopefully we'll get this bathroom we're gonna have a toilet shower vanity little closet it's gonna be going in that corner there three bedrooms and the kitchen area but we have boarded off so no one falls through goes downstairs into the offices of the shop so we got this boarded off keep dust out of there because it can about imagine sheetrocking what it looks like up here hopefully we can get this done or done enough so that we can finish it off before next fall maybe in the summer if we don't get it finished but we have plenty of time we're quite ahead on the equipment servicing we got some time to burn on that so I appreciate you guys watching and hopefully I can keep it somewhat interesting today and keep the guys in line Eric whoever stays in this bedroom get a nice view of us getting here early in the morning and waking them up wonder what they'll feel like when the big s 790 fires up right outside of the window it's 6:00 a.m. so right here is the heating and air conditioning unit it's a high flow or high pressure something high topping the unit anyways we're gonna have a dampener in there that will control flow to the downstairs and upstairs so that one don't get heated more than the other or cooled more than the other anyways we got to come up from these T's across through this wall right here that is why like I said we have to build a false ceiling right up here to cover all that up then them little tubes since it's a high pressure system these little tubes they're all ten feet long or 15 feet long they all have to be equal lengths so that every room gets equal flow so we'll have one going into this room one in there one in there one in the bathroom and then four of them which we got that one mounted right there four spaces along this wall blowing into the kitchen slash whatever room this is gonna be dead space I suppose I don't that's just a little update on what we got going for the air conditioning and heating for the upstairs which there you guys might also be interested I know you've seen the video like the video had questions about the planter marker there again but there's the wrecked one and kibble just actually brought out the new parts for the marker more parts ordered gonna probably have to order more but we got the bulk of it so we can see what else has been tweaked direct or if we need new bolts or something like that but we got the major parts here also what they sent out and I didn't actually know we were getting a new ladder apparently for the s 790 I guess you get a folding ladder when you order tracks I don't know I wasn't told that but apparently I do because everyone is sounds like a lot of unneeded work to do but whatever suppose they think we're really gonna be modern with it which we probably will be this is what is this fall so they are gonna be working on the tracks again like I said all the bogie wheels are leaking oil they don't know why is what it is I guess they're gonna come and fix and work on it to try to figure out what's going on with all the seals got maybe installed incorrectly at the factory not really sure that's still on hold that job with putting tracks on until they figure out what's going on apparently this here step right here is what gets replaced into some sort of folding ladder I really don't know it wasn't told anything about that but apparently you've got to replace the ladder run no one reasons maybe somebody at kibble can explain it to me also guys don't forget to check out our sponsor egg cam solutions agricultural chemical solutions they would appreciate hearing from you guys getting the price from them double check your local prices because I can almost promise you he will beat them we do a lot of business with them so go check them out their link is in the description so just like everything plans changed they get two trucks on the road now so you got a finished feeling this one and start filling that one so we have a hooked up these hoses that we can just air trucks up in here without starting the truck just like that pretty slick [Music] now we're loading out of the side draw to top everything off that's a little faster my face is cold holy cow so Eric and Randy are gonna be doing some truck in a day I will not be but I'm helping them get loaded up for the first time that I get to go back to sheetrocking I think so let's truck here what we call big black five axle truck can all 88,000 right now because how we can be 10% over because the roads are all froze up here in nice bowls a month or so road restrictions will go on well then we can't all that I'm not sure on the exact cones that we can haul we try not the hall during road restrictions just because he can't haul as much the seven axle truck what we call the hammer the orange one that's ninety seven thousand five hundred all year round you can't really overload that one too much because it's just so heavy until Road restrictions also come on we've got this one ready to go floated up for Eric I can open this tarp control by myself one hand now I'm gonna close the tarp tarp is closing you know this circle tarp system you have to leave this remote open you close the remote the tarp stops closing but it shows you there how close the carp is which is nice there we go now you can close it all right I'm going back to the shop buzz I'm cold I'll be testing the beans they're perfect moisture right now 13 testing out of this other band that's testing it's like they're getting or filled up pretty good got a camera up there when we actually use the overhead they have remotes in the truck that they can open and close that overhead spout there and they can load themselves because they got a camera and the screen and a remote all in the truck there we go 11 8 11 9 well pretty dry [Music] I wonder if they'll both make that corner down there one of them did he forgot his sunglasses had to run back running looked painful when he's got a torn hip flexor muscle that's closed down there stay inside why are you always love me so much you come I do and hugging me hey hug your dad hey hey hey hey you're not upstairs healthy huh oh I've been up there a few times and now you're so far behind with your little screwer yeah that you your I got the rest of the native screw all day long screw off all day long well that you get read you know let's look at being up the camera okay you got her done yet Tony okay I knew you won inches [Music] [Laughter] your old body don't mend you gonna dust me out here I'm ready to hold if you're ready to saw here we stand [Laughter] thank you net drew poke it into the wall there there we go there we go we're good does it have to be that paint that's nice that way I got tapping on building don't even have to screw it does it look good that light is so bright I can't see can't believe you busted the corner out of that piece yep I'm on this side what do you want any more times do I have to bend what are we doing I've never seen more one-handed workers there doesn't light golden the camera I blacked out I think it shut off look at that I really like the Rotozip so what are you doing now waiting for you to nail this up making a ceiling in here now false ceiling boy you're doing good yeah it's nice and tight you're 1/8 inch long a pinch too long at least hang on let me market you got it nice and tight yeah man there dusty well that's what I mean it's terribly broken make sure to short it I've never seen a situation situation the drill bit is stuck up in there take a layer that yeah pull it through the other side of the wall your lenses all full of sheet rock dust there you go yeah that's something who's unloading those two by fours whose unloading those two-by-fours nobody sorry gonna be me did you get it fixed Wow look out for your eyes well you only get two pair I mean one via nibbler I have a nibbler yeah you do today good shot let's start the insulation on fire yep the joys and Cheer left hand sheer yeah you're making me so nervous now gold booing just go away there we go we're back are you about done yet that's quite something there what's that perfect I don't know I might say that it's quite jaggedy oh yeah we're cooling zone how do you feel that would be me standing on your air hose stops down my holes it took him to five o'clock to actually get out of the office are you gonna help me unload those two-by-fours I loaded them you can unload them yeah me and the old guy and I was faster than the old guy hey no give us a place [Music] everybody's gonna be a critic now so would you like to talk about these polls before I show people well they are the way they are because I followed the beam of the building the roof but yes you're right they're not level but that is because yeah why wouldn't you make it level looks like I was following the beam like a not very smart person with glasses on no no it's like I suppose you could say that on what is it rearview mirror hindsight is that you kind of say insulation big bag on there and you'll never know I could most foam it yeah it'll be fine nobody's up here anyway yeah the job yeah good helps hard to fight yeah it's the truth do you like that color it's bad enough paint it prints purple who's this one my brother my glasses on so I can't see very well look out they're left to come through we got it yeah I get clubbed the assembly line isn't working the best I'm here to take my wood here take my wood I'll take these boards you can keep your wood no Eric you don't need to elaborate leave it alone so much potential can you imagine if there were stairs here how much work that would be to carry them all up here yeah what your legs can't walk no one can take more than two holes in the drywall before are you doing this reason shuttle bus job let's watch Doug on how still glued to the platform is there something I'm here [Laughter] brain is just waiting right now for helping getting loaded and here we are don't do that I'm gonna drop it Randy's waiting for you yeah I know long come down so that I can push it back up here Oh [Music] thank you late did you see all the Karma that was getting - I did that last video it was perfect hey guys so it's a couple days later we have pretty much got this place sheet rock we have to do this ceiling right here we had to take the sheet rock back off of in there because the shower has to go in first I guess and the ceiling needs to be done so they're coming with a shower than that this Thursday gonna put a shower and then we can finish this room completely they got to do some duct work here then we can do this ceiling and then it's time for the tapers we are pretty much done here now as far as we can go until the people we are hiring to work up here get their projects done but looks pretty good I think it turned out really good good thanks for watching this video I hope that you enjoyed it I know I didn't show too much of really the process it was hard to make content for this project because there's only so many screws you want to watch me screw through with the sheetrock might have gotten a little boring but here's what it is thanks for watching this video I appreciate it don't forget to subscribe give a thumbs up in another future video I'm sure you will see more of what we got going on in here see the finished product hopefully in a couple of weeks or a month or something like that but see you later guys
Channel: Larson Farms
Views: 187,636
Rating: 4.9784012 out of 5
Id: Gv-zmFNouBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 4sec (1324 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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