WHAT Happened At The Grain Site Now??

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uh eric i thought i took your credit card away look at you i would have bought three if it was me oh so you can let the cat out of the bag that you're not the guy ordering everything what we uh now can start driving them over like years ago just lay them on the duels and stuff and then take off and yeah you got an extra one now my plant one yeah oh we got one now for the shop truck because the old lincolns weren't lasting their batteries just weren't lasting any longer i'm not letting you put one of them on this gun no i didn't order a lock and loop what do you say to me so many milwaukee parks here i don't even know what to do with them [Applause] back of the cab ready we're loading up we're getting ready for fall harvest yeah repair truck who needs the tool storage compartments when you got a whole back seat to fill up the smaller tools are here the bigger tools in the cab hey eric what do you want him for i don't know he was saying are we in trouble is that where the is climbing up the shot we're setting up the shot all these lubes are in the way eric that's empty pretty much so you're putting one on huh yes so he he loves the lock and lube they have their place i will admit yeah what makes me so mad is when this big thing don't fit in the right areas i know you know i know that's what irritates which is never but i know it is a good tail it's really good it is a good tip it's just what are they 20 minutes 29 i don't know last i checked 29. worth it where did we get them amazon yeah link in the description they're really nice for the stubborn zerks or the damaged desserts or any zerk i mean they work perfect all the time so we're gonna have one gun set up with it two with normal tips i might put three locking loops i figured does it fit in the holder see it doesn't even fit in the holster oh yeah yes never mind false alarm false alarm loader up there come on motor up there load it up hey nicky you bring food i did oh gosh i'm so hungry yeah it's kind of early why i mean where you going you sure look nice thank you i'm coming here i like to look nice hey you want to tell them about pee cake solutions how they're looking to do some tunes oh they are yeah they're always looking to do that yeah tune let them know larson farm sent you a description discount no no discount sorry no but they are a good tuning company great solutions talk to mark let him know chet sent you he's a nice guy he's awesome yeah you can't hear over that thing just like to have a 30 second clip of me standing here [Music] so we've had a uh a bit of a discrepancy debacle misunderstanding so we're kind of going for the industrial look industrial look here and i don't know what dan randy helped i'm off the ceiling i'm having a little pain and didn't know that we were going for the industrial look and the nice i-beams that we left exposed on purpose have been textured they were told no they didn't mess up we dad just didn't tell them that we didn't want that sprayed so now it's been textured and primed so i don't know what we're gonna do now so now the discussion is either we try and get it off and keep it the way that they were which it's like a dark blue or we let it paint them and if we paint them my vote is that we don't paint them the same color as the wall i think that like black would be really cool but anyway so we got two hours to decide that before the guy shows up to start painting and so that's why i'm here early yeah so we got that going on he it is he is coming today to paint here and then it's ready for doors and trim yep no we're not gonna get that done before fall harvest we are hoping we gotta get the bathroom here done and some electrical cords for we gotta hire guy that comes up from texas and staying in here we've had a year to get this done and here's where we're at it's taking a really long time it's taking forever there's another i-beam that's been over sprayed which once again ain't the mother's fault no one told them and i don't know why dad and randy helped do this i'm pretty sure they got sick of taping the ceiling and decided let's just paint those i think that's a good assumption actually we got work to do yeah discussions to have yeah remember guys if you like this video please give it a thumbs up it's a great way to support larson farms did you enjoy talking to all the people that knew you actually i did i liked that a lot yes we went to big iron yesterday and got to meet a bunch of followers fans subscribers yeah whatever you want to call them awesome people yeah yeah we got to meet a lot of people you didn't get to see it but we sure did so his dad made up his mind then what tires we're gonna put on this combine we putting the little ones on it's gonna look really disappointing but i think it'll be the best decision then we can sell the big duels but you never sell we never sell anything i don't know what you're talking about yeah but you always talk about selling everything oh my lord [Laughter] words of wisdom do all of the plastic and taping at one time don't ever ever do this yeah i agree because now the plastic we're trying to tape to has spackle all over it looks a lot like this and the minute you put your tape on there what happens it doesn't stick falls off pulls right off and ruins the tape are we having fun this is great oh yeah i can't wait well we got what an eighth of it done we did that side or eric did that side and so we're 10 done give or take we used up 60 of our plastic i'm not sure if we have anymore what tape is low tempers are high low tape low plastic i wouldn't say patience is low or high it's not high what is it in the middle we're right now oh my gosh we're gonna speed this up and you guys can just watch this all really quick and easy [Music] well i'm glad that the job is done you know what's going to be even funner we did do a test area right up behind that plastic which you can't see maybe too well washed it off with a sponge so after he's done painting i think we'll be able to revive it right yeah we should be able to revive it with a sponge and a lot of hours by you not me you him him i'm just here to get paid i don't actually do work you know i really wish i could ball up him every time that i watch a camera recording of him being dumb dad just notified me that we have to go climb legs and service legs and stuff like that okay no resistance whatsoever new behavior it's a new behavior he says style the tires talking listen closely listen hydrated [Laughter] dehydrated oh my children just look away close your ears no hey straw hey straw you get i knew that was coming you can only hit him once or twice before he unleashes his full doggo strength steering wheel breaking my fire i have my plier and i will use it so where do you want me to climb first and fall off of i'm doing this one what's on that one where do i gotta go craft auger why don't you go up that one and then what eric stays on the ground then you know i don't know what to do in life what now damn sunglasses are so cheap yeah maybe you should buy some oaks i don't want to spend 80 bucks on something i'm gonna lose well you care about them if you spend money on them in my opinion yeah go up on the other end of this cross auger and check the belts are we gonna have to refresh our duct tape no response so we got duct tape on that so it got kind of rubbed the hole so we put some rhino liner on there that's what we call it i don't know really thick rubber and then taped it on it's been like that for two years please don't do that how's it going up there i thought i told you to climb up the other one i'm waiting until i got a grease gun oh we just got some of them that's the heavy one to drag up there i gotta check belts i need oh my so basically we just gotta check spouts for holes anything we see that's wrong bearings which are good here in this case if they're greasable bearings we'll grease them gotta check belts motors my end's good how about yours we're all good here so you're uh your bend's good okay we got two ready bends so what i believe the plan is for this year is that these two bins right here are going to be soybeans along with that bin over there is also going to be soybeans and i believe everything else is going to be corn soybeans are kind of rallying we're thinking of storing corn here and haul soybeans into the elevator just because all the corn has come back here to get dried through the dryers where soybeans come out of the field normally dry and you can haul them right to town so being our ben we don't have enough bend space we can't store everything here and soybeans this year is what's going to be going to tell not all of them but some of them so we're going to check check a valve up there to make sure this works yeah we should the labeling is getting bad and you know how you do it not having stuff labeled around this site i agree okay so this is auger so these two handles adjust are you listening i'm talking to you not the camera these two handles adjust the valve on the auger these two adjust either dumping into this grain bin or to those two grain vents so these are the ones we're gonna try to make move like they should [Music] i don't know is it working there ain't no marks so we gotta tension the grain like bucket belt i think we just checked the tension of the bucket i just loosened the other side so you have to break out the small set of wrenches for this job because the hardware is big stuff so then you use your small wrench now we gotta open up this other the secret door the cubby door no that's the smurf that was my favorite show the teletubbies about the teletubbies skinny ones that lived in the forest those are the smurfs aren't they well they did too also but they weren't skinny and they were short seven dwarfs no stone watches it all the time used to they were friends with the trees if you took a tree out they cried lord of the rings oh i know what you're talking about there too but that's not it proto frodo that don't sound right what was that show that big red dog show clifford clifford yeah it wasn't that neither clifford the big red dog you remember that no you don't i watched uh blue's clues oh you were one of them kids huh and what was the other one happy hank what's the little hardware guy oh bob the builder yeah it was close happy hey so from the internet searching that i did this is supposed to not be able to be pulled past right here she's alright she's pretty loose tighten it up please you want the big wrench to hit them with or just little ones yes [Music] so okay so getting better not to go out past it yeah but this leg was last year was the first year new so it has stretched a lot and i'm amazed that it didn't stop stop spinning lose traction so this i would still say is pretty loose we'll give her a little bit more so now it isn't running in the center of the trunk so dad's going to tighten this wow look out there's a big that was the ouchie shielding there who put that there it's gonna tighten that and that's going to center the belt on the pulley keep going yeah just a little more that's good so now she's running dead center on that pulley and nothing will change it should stay like that until the next time that we adjust it but it's stumpy it might be too tight or too loose how much did you tighten it an inch guys are stuff shooting me in the eyes so dusty wow the sparks and that heat should melt that down you sure about that well maybe you can go a little higher sealing up the shielding for the starlings because they always got too big of an opening and then they build nests see that bird nest there student game calling you out actually it's every other company that does the same thing i don't think they'll get in that little crack there though you don't think so i think unless they can sit if they can sit there they'll get in there then every time you turn that on after they build a nest the belts shoot off standing around slacking again huh no i'm holding a hundred pound door up because the thing is too big it's growing in there and it just won't go kind of hard to do this if you don't have lube in the can no lube [Music] no lube there's no loop [Music] [Music] you know the craziest randomness stuff happens when the camera is not rolling this is look at this mess what just happened just tension the other leg belts here and told them hit the button fire it up well the leg hasn't been ran we don't it's the dryer leg so it doesn't get ran all year while it filled full of powder and we fired that up with no doors at the bottom and it shot all over him and all over me and that used to be a nice tool bag and milwaukee impact oh my i'm gonna go ahead and ride off into the sunset yeah you're taking off i suppose leave this mess for me good luck thank you you want to fire it up or what we got a letterbox that's maybe better out here than in the overhead stand back boys is going to be a mess we're clear [Music] the first time was more of a surprise and everyone's standing there all of a sudden just this cloud of dust and everyone's running not knowing what's happening people were running [Music] you can't drive into the wind with this you might want to back up the whole way i dumped it by the guide wire by the pole power [Music] so [Music] well we're calling it a day here we got it cleaned up attention to 20 foot pounds on this one and 25 foot pounds on the other one is what the book said to do this is a little different style than the other grain leg so we got that done and we're gonna call it day so thanks for watching guys we'll see you next time [Music] um you
Channel: Larson Farms
Views: 276,329
Rating: 4.9689126 out of 5
Id: lLt6gcxDdpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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