#022 60x40 Shop House Walkthrough! (Shouse, Garage with living quarters, Barndominium?)

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what's up guys it's christian today i'm bringing another update video on my 60 by 40 shop house we've gotten our appraisal done we've closed on the loan and finished up a few more things so let me show you around we're going to start off in the master bathroom real quick so you can see we got some trim up here to cover the screw holes and we got the trim done down here we also got this mirror done so you can see we got the three mirrors in here now real quick just in case you haven't seen it i'm going to show you what the shower looks like just in case your first time tuning in on the channel if you'd like you can go back on all my other videos and i basically do the same kind of walk through and explain everything that's done you can see it's a nice sunny day outside well for the most part looks like you got a storm coming in all the fields are starting to turn green down here it's really pretty so that's it for the bathroom nothing's changed here in the master bedroom but just another quick little pan through here just in case this is your first time tuning in okay so you can see now that we got the doors here we got it on the closet and the bathroom also on the bathroom downstairs those turned out really good you can see i just have a dresser and a little shirt hanger right now we still got to go through and build all the cabinets and everything for here in the closet and also the closet downstairs this is just a temporary setup but it works for now so we'll run out onto the deck real quick so you can see we got the railings done now now this is just a one inch gas line and then just some mounts that i bought online and we just threaded these and then you just thread them on and screw it in now for as far as these are these are just this is just a quarter inch cable and then this is basically a lag bolt that has that we've crimped it on and one's a left-hand side thread and one's a right-hand side thread so basically you start the lags and then you clamp your cable in there loosely and then you can tighten this side left and then tighten this side right and it stretches it out and tightens it so the original quote for railings out here was about six thousand dollars and with how i did this i was about 600 so saved a lot of money here and i love the way it turned out you can see through it really well it doesn't obstruct the view or anything you can see i got these little orange things hanging down here and also right here that's so i can my hammock goes all the way across right here so you can sit up and watch the sunset or just enjoy the weather out here super excited for summer you can see we got the tongue and groove wood done well basically done we're still going to trim around the window we're going to trim around the door we got to do the corner piece here same over here but yeah this this deck turned out really awesome another shot from here now if you're following along you'll know that we're going to be doing a soffit ceiling in here but just haven't had time so that's about it on the deck you can see as far as siding goes we got most of it done we got like the dryer vent cover on and the bathroom vent covers on you can see i'm still missing a few battens right here and that is because they are out of stock everywhere i can't find them anywhere so as soon as they come back in stock i'll put them back on and get this place painted but until then there's not much i can do so now that you guys have seen the upstairs so real quick i'll show you guys the storage room just in case you haven't seen it now there's a bunch of stuff in here eventually it'll be clean and organized and all these tools will be downstairs in a toolbox in the shop for easy access and then we'll keep like the snowboards in here winter storage stuff like that this also could turn into like an office or even a small bedroom if i really wanted to you can see it's got the hvac vent and it's also a sealed door so it'll stay warm or cold in there now you can see in the shop we got two full-size trucks in here still tons of room so you got a dirt bike down here pool table a big couch and a table it's really nice being able to hang out here in the shop have friends over and not have to be actually inside the house so this shop space is is working out really good so far so this is basically the laundry room washer dryer just another wash basin here not too much has changed you can see we got the bi-fold door on here i still need to get the doorknobs for it but that's an idea of what it looks like it really gives it a finished look in here see the new shop dog here his name's jett what's up buddy so that's about it for the shop we'll run inside real quick and i'll show you around in there okay we are in the downstairs living now you can see we got the tv mounted up here now this is a 50 inch tv it's on swivel mount so you can turn it around and face it in the kitchen or whatever now we've been looking for a couch we got about eight feet of room from this timber to the lvp right here i'm trying to find a sectional it's kind of it's like a really particular size and i found a few but i don't know still just just waiting for the right one to pop up and then i'll grab it you can see we got some more stools here for the little island this is also a movable island i got a video on how we made this on my channel if you want to check it out so you can pop it up on these wheels and you can roll it around so with this being a small kitchen if you if we're like preparing a big meal or something we can roll this island right over to the sink or whatever if we need to just get it out of the way we can there's a quick little pan through here for the people that haven't seen it also super clean just sent me out these products they reached out to me so they just showed up today i'm super excited to try these out and i mentioned something about doing a giveaway to some of my subscribers so if you guys would be interested in maybe trying out some of the super clean stuff drop a comment below and let me know you can see here got a few plants here okay we'll move on it's funny you can see so one of these door me and mason just put these doors in and we got done doing it and we realized that we put them we turned the lights on right here so we didn't notice this as we were doing it but these are one of them's upside down so it's not a big deal we just got to pull it out and we just got to flip the little mounts around kind of funny actually we got completely done with it and about an hour later we realized that we did it backwards so you can see we got the bedroom door on the bathroom door on downstairs so here we'll show you the downstairs bathroom real quick just for those of you that haven't seen it i'll show you the shower real quick tile turned out amazing in here it's a pretty small bathroom but i think it turned out awesome we'll go into the downstairs bedroom now so if you've seen some of the previous videos mason helped me build this entire house this is his bedroom down here he's renting it from me so you can see we've tried to put some plants around i'd like to get some more but this is what we've got for now so he's got his tv mounted up on the wall his king-sized bed and then he's kind of just got like a temporary clothes stand in there as well same story we haven't had time to actually do all the shelving and stuff like that in here and we also still need to put the bi-fold door in here but that's about it for down here we'll run outside real quick and i'll kind of show you around a little bit out here and for those of you that haven't seen it so a ton of dirt has been moved you guys can kind of see the if you've seen some of the previous videos you know how big of a dirt pile this was we've still got a little bit of a hole right here we need to fill but pretty soon this will all be grass super excited for that so we'll back up and i'll show you the front of this real quick and let me know what you guys what color you guys think we should paint this shop i'm white would be not white would look really good because all the windows and doors are white maybe even a gray some people have emailed me and said that like a black would look really cool and i i do agree with that i just wonder if if it would look weird with black and then all the doors and windows being white but let me know what you guys think i should do or what you think would look good so you can see back here we got the ac unit set we got the cover on here so that's about it for this backside and also if you if you want to see the floor plans for this place i designed them on my ipad and i'd be happy to share them with you i'll leave my email down in the description below so just shoot me an email and i will send those to you [Applause] you see we got mason's four-wheeler out here it's a little bit muddy so he's gonna spray it off and with the pressure washer before he takes it in the shop also his dirt bike so here's the front corner of the shop now you can see down in this planter box we got some a couple plants down here my little dog jet he likes to run through here and chew on these so i don't know how long they'll last but we're trying it out we're gonna get some some bigger plants to place through here this is just what we had down in my mom's garden that we transported up here pretty cool also the tongue and groove is done down here we got the vent covers on for the furnace and water heater so that's what that looks like and we'll also be doing a softest ceiling right here too on the patio just as soon as we get time so we'll move back and just kind of get an angle of this for you guys that want to see it so we're also missing a few batons back here not much we can do about it other than just wait for them to come in stock but yeah we're getting closer and closer there's still a couple more things that we need to do and then i mean there's there's actually a lot of stuff we got to do out here i want to do we're going to do some road base out here on all this where it's just big rocks and do a concrete pad out here in front of these garage doors still got the grass to plant i'd like to do like some railroad ties and stuff around here but thanks for watching everybody you can check out the instagram at create underscore 208 there will still be more update videos coming out but probably not as often because not as much stuff's changing around here and i don't want to make videos where there's not a ton changing but if you have any ideas or anything that you think would be cool for us to do up here drop them in the comments below like i said before we still want to do gates and flowers and stuff like that tons of yard work and landscaping to do um but yeah thanks everyone for watching the last video has like 130 000 views right now it's super crazy i appreciate all the nice comments and i'll talk to you guys later
Channel: Create 208
Views: 1,116,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diy, construction, house, home, building, finishwork, howto, idaho, outside, 60x40, gravel, atv, dirtbike, pool, barndominium tour, barndominium home, barndominium home tour, barndominium cost, barndominium home walkthrough, building a barndominium, how to, house tour
Id: zXFvLnLxJ1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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