Realignment Sale.

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if you want to see what we do on Saturdays stay tuned [Music] where are we going daggers place I guess we gotta go prepare for a stupid the workmanship is unbelievable unbelievably great yeah anyone that was special made for my wife heavy-duty reinforced first two small boys I'd like to climb on stuff see that big no thickness wouldn't break it can't do you want to say what we're doing here what are you doing here Douglas realignment realignment yeah liquidating some equipment here and sleds there's another wonderful piece of furniture Douglas made you see that hideous I don't know where to start maybe with the openers why don't you come into work no more that's where I'm starting he's all for sale 1999 dodge Dodge she's a good one she's pretty good not much rust we weren't this antique the key to being a good camera woman mm-hmm you see that's not how I roll though I'm a commentary they hear you breathing behind the camera the lights are still [Music] can you get two in the corner we're you having another episode stand back [Music] [Music] what happened there it's gum off' I'd undo that tape carburetors off we acquired all these snowmobiles back when I was 14 13 12 something like that yeah and we'd all get them all going ride the heck out but now for the last five years or more or 10.we Hey there she goes we're good - two or three amount and then the rest some of these haven't literally ran for like six years so it's time to sell and maybe get him me or else I could just get a wheelchair Howard what come on Douglas can I really feel the spine adjustment you can do it [Applause] we should take the club's out give her some give her stop it just a little bit not too much remember when we lit my glove on fire with when we were eating it and the exhaust backfired caught my glove on fire I was running around trying to put my glove up you're gonna do it I don't just so we're all clear here this is not a safe way of doing things I advise not just squirting different chemicals roughnecks stuff actually [Applause] I'm waiting literally blowing remember that time you made me buy that cheap piece of Menards buckets that thing and well I found the ratchet back at the bottom of already choke plate along with that socket right along with this socket it's a little bit rusty there it laid under there for a year and I found it come on the magnet up out of the water like this I thought my gosh it's a miracle and then the guts are gone it was short-lived from these that's what some gaps in there not like that you dipstick you haven't noticed does obsess from the diamond plate in the shop it continues at his house these were all built by he was slave labor catcher all this fuel I'm good for you dude don't even show nobody's this ready yeah there you go barely spell buddy a kitten couldn't even get full off of that little bit [Music] yeah I got a little in there too much in there it looks like Oh shake so bad Oh too much having she called us Roughnecks not a roughneck I know a few roughness a good thing yeah I know a guy that likes to rip steering wheels off that was not a roughneck read the comments on that video people think you're wrong well I'd like to see them in the situation that we were in I would agree with you one never knows until it's him I don't remember it running some quiet [Music] what were they well it wasn't good that asked if I was 18 and I didn't know what that man so I said yes and and then you saw yeah I've never seen anything like it before all right huggers that seemed like it I think they were performing stars it's got pretty big across stay away what's going on what do they get out of that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] because she blew out every light moment three times we did let that happen yeah that's because poor guys from certain dealership said here's this knockoff thing they usually don't work yeah put all new a light lobster let's not try one let's put all new light bulbs in and you fired it up and blew them all right [Music] yeah and so they going snapchatting [Music] that's correct it's federal offense I've tried to type in XE and it put in triple exes look at that purple triple see that ten times an arrow purple triple holy criminy okay just so you know that's too fast [Music] [Laughter] [Music] and we wonder why it smells like gas up here you have that smell around corners if they really have you actually have to see if you believe that a person devar is that a technical Google oh that's right night a deterioration of the bone in the nose most of the time the whole nose just shrunk up and they ran around sneezing and snot flying it was horrible by the way we do not there is no more hogs on the farm when was the last time you had hogs sub-lists oh wait so there is no livestock on the farm the barns are still there but they are not in use we were to finish the regulator ground for that matter which side of the thing gets bolted to where's the way out so no we are talking about everything being for sale obviously when this is on YouTube most of it probably will already be gone and it would be very difficult to sell things off of youtube in our opinion I wouldn't know why people wouldn't drive from California to get some snowmobile to you exactly they use them every other day out there so this is just a lifestyle for fun our Saturday not a selling everything to every Tom Dick and Harry from YouTube right that is it Carrie Tom Tom I know what Tom but that fell right to the bottom of the engine compartment oh of course two ways putting it on and I put it on backwards from what the pictures showing [Music] this is called the pliers yeah everyone is so don't know what a player's is turn around Douglas let's see your players you mean the only piece of equipment you have to have fire who wouldn't know what a player is a hammer it's a rabbit I've killed rabbits with it before [Laughter] oh boy get the magnet what kind of trouble hit my pass oh did you see that what we're gonna do is we're gonna put one bulb in to see if it blows up and not everyone likes our nature is calling oh dear Lord when one goes they got to go together and hold hands or something I think it worked I think it's safe to put the rest of the bulbs in remember what I said about us not being Roughnecks I still plead that we aren't but said table here broke hood flew down towards the ground and it was like new so besides the hood it's not running right I think it's this car because we pulled the spark plug wires off and it died when you pull these two off but it ran the same when you pulled this one off which means this cylinder is not player incorrectly so you're gonna do a quick herb job on that one to put the handles on first [Music] yeah it's cuz it smells so bad discounted price on this one because [Music] right there's a discount here now so nice good thing it wasn't recorded then it would have just been one big it's huge it's all swollen can barely straighten it anymore it's never been hurt before in her life all right [Music] girl sitting so pretty this one is discounted for the seat this one is discounted for the broken nests that happened today from this poncho and this one is full price we got a hot dinner right here oh just kidding we got another split seat package on them all we go all to go for a three thousand [Music] it's supposed to be an air filter disgusting do you like to share with the last what you're doing old wore-out and your toothpaste buy new ones you get a gross garbage make alright do it spin Fred for the world here oh my goodness that is Ted is a proud son right now 92 I paid 200 bucks for these darn pant bibs oh they were great do you realize that's 28 years ago yeah many miles on these all right I got a go suit up now we're going out bein as I say which 10 we're going small a little short well it's only been six years since I've gotten them very nice though I have a matching jacket too I think we should go to the mountains with duggle duggle would die in the hole yeah he would unless I stay on the trail trails so whupped out you can't even ride it I was very disappointed in the trails when I was out there I don't go ten miles north yeah so we're gonna go for a rip so see you later let's go [Music] do you want to say it's an outro do you have chips or crackers with salsa hey dad look Pro our rush 800 for sale 3x1 sweet let's buy it tomorrow well you'll have to Tipu it so thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed our crazy buy it from day don't contact me about snowmobiles have them are already sold thanks for watching don't forget to subscribe and like [Music]
Channel: Larson Farms
Views: 307,662
Rating: 4.9084063 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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