DOUGO Breaks Steering Wheel Off Combine.

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so if you follow me on instagram you probably know that the hydro blew up on our other combine or other 98 seventy last night get the head off somehow and drag it we can't start to combine it's gonna be drugged back an approach how we steer a comma and that's not running I have no idea we're gonna have to try something nobody's mood is too happy will this combine off get this head off go down there take that head off of a combine that can't be started drag it out of the way get this time buying down there put that one's head on this combine and drive it back home here and put it all on a trailer and switch this thing over to corn and put corn heads on get that ready go join me he's dead what happened you tipped it over it happens to him every time about two hundred amps of jumpstart ability again I'll hook up that thing correctly so I gotta get this out hook it up to the trailer put the Bobcat on it so we can raise the feederhouse back up manually after we lower it [Music] this is for documenting your life I will show my runny nose that's definitely going in the footage here's what we're gonna use for our pull tractor to pull the cut dead combine MT 755 hopefully that works it should work hello is anybody around just this anyone know who this is got to remove these driveshafts so that we can pull the combine without turning any mechanical components I got the head down on the ground now he's gonna pull the combine that works pretty good so now we're gonna use the pork bladder the skid loader in those Forks on here to lift the feederhouse up very slowly they're the same he stopped just dropped in so it should be good here we go mission conflate so far now we're supposed to steer this thing without it running are you kidding me don't steer I'll bust the whole steering wheel off before that steers we're moving are you kidding me holy cow good Wow how am I gonna get it into the approach get under the other way other way instagramming right turn more oh good grief [Music] ten-four tell me when to start steering and it takes a long time unbelievably hard to steer yeah doin it I'm doing my math dagger like I said I can't steer it oh my god pull it forward is that what he said try going just a little more I'll give it my all [Music] you gotta be kidding me I think it's gonna be sitting right here for them [Music] ooh ground soft there pickup can get by should be good till tomorrow no I guess now we get pull it forward and get it back out of the ditch so yeah go get some more clocks now I guess to do what rolling down this hill yeah we gotta throw blocks behind it when it starts rolling [Music] is [Music] I should keep blooper I could sure go for a mellow yellow' right now I've come for a different battery [Music] Koller good well drought complete combined unhooked from header but now we got this header there that's in conveniently-placed so we're gonna go get the other combine let's climb this big ditch here and get her off the road currently on the way to go get the other head well this is a heck of a predicament here I'm gonna go ditch jumping never a fan of this type of behavior this is how you wreck things it's not supposed to be ruined look I didn't even hear any loud bending of steel or anything I think we're good it's like that nobody even knows we were here except for the combine laying and approach day two so two day series here go make him steer that thing now [Music] he's really laboring I know the feeling buddy it's pretty tough pretty much even oh my god pretty much impossible to steer that speaking are you just busted hearing he just broke the steering wheel off I'm really sorry for laughing so much but various you should see him in there he's so bad right now oh he's discouraged this affects trade-in value don't go sure turns nice now huh oh wait the wheels aren't turning I told them it was tough yesterday told him it was all I had and then he just went freaking monkey man in here to jerk the little steering column right out of the cop ID truly is impressive how strong guzzle really is he busted the pedestal all to pieces so now we're currently winching it to the trailer and hopefully it the tires are at the right angle let it go it's before we have a problem and have to break some hydraulic lines loose or something so I am just coasting along here with it in case you have to pull it back [Music] so being that the steering wheels are Balcom I was currently trying to drag the trailer around position it that we can just drag the combine on with its wheels turn so the truck blew out the whole ring in his quick coupler for the hydraulics for his winch and his trailer come on tractor drive there we go and so we're going to use his truck to drive and try to pull it on and I'm gonna pull the truck try don't think to work but we'll try it hopefully then we can at least get the combine on there and let the truck drive everybody fix stuff [Applause] [Applause] the opportunity for YouTube videos on this farm are endless we can tell you that right now after seeing everything we do something hey guys thanks for watching this video appreciate it don't forget to subscribe like follow on Instagram snapchat Facebook I think that's it you know that's it hope you guys enjoyed it
Channel: Larson Farms
Views: 680,478
Rating: 4.904531 out of 5
Id: YbFiNRi9kGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2019
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