AN EXPENSIVE MISTAKE II John 3; 16-17 II Randy Skeete (Part 24a-b)

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[Music] oh we is when jesus is [Music] mercies [Music] me tenderly jesus is calling our next song will be song number 8181 does jesus care is is as the day light the [Music] till it nearly breaks is my the next song will be song number 152 is sweetest tell me the story of jesus resting alone in the desert it is [Music] oh tell me the story of jesus right on my heart every word tell me sweet says where they land again he tell me the story of jesus right on my heart every word was our next song will be song number 532 day by day 5 32. day by day and with each passing moment strength to meet my trials here lovingly eats every day the lord himself is navy with a special mercy for each other all my kids he feign will bear chimi he was named treasure he's a church that on himself he late as your days your strength shall be in measure this the pledge to me help me then in every tribulation so to trust that promises o lord that i lose not faith with consolation offered me within the holy word help me lord when [Music] the days the moments fleeting till i reach the promised land so okay good morning happy sabbath welcome to our bible study for for this morning today we are handling a very interesting topic developing a winning attitude um we are studying how to make friends for jesus throughout this uh quarter and we're going to have a very good discussion today on my side we have one of our pastors pastor ekka i would ask him to say hi to you to all our viewers all right and actually that was to my left to my right is elder george commander good morning and happy sabbath all right um we're going to start with a word of prayer and before i pray i'm going to request our viewers those who are able to um to interact with us if you if you can send your questions if you have a question or a comment send it to the number that is on the screen below 76320 and then we will uh read your comments and try to answer the questions that you may have let us start with a prayer i'll ask pastor ekka to pray for us amen amen thank you very much this this morning we are looking at a winning attitude how do we develop a winning attitude what what constitutes a winning attitude i would add a word here win some i think winning and win some i was looking i was looking it up and they sound to be the same now what do we understand by the word attitude attitude you see the word attitude has been spoken about in many aspects of our lives and if you are into commercials uh and you're into uh the common uh you know knowledge of the world right now you'll hear that attitude is everything how you react or how you take something and you react to it determines if you'll be successful or not so to me attitude is how you react whatever you perceive or how you perceive things that come your way yeah in in the us we always hear that someone say he has an attitude or she has an attitude or you have an attitude and it it sounds like it it already has a negative connotation um how how how can we how can we uh for for the viewers who are watching and they probably have had a negative experience with some attitudes how do we get them out of there get to up a level ground and then we get into win some attitude yeah you see so many and so much has been written about the you know attitude and i was reading a book that was mainly based on the way to have a good attitude or to be able to gain a winning attitude and you know sometimes it's hard to be able to change somebody's attitude and i think it also starts with you to know that you know how you react to things and how you react to other people determines how they take whatever you're saying if you attitude is bad as people say people will be shut off and they won't take whatever you think you're saying but if you have a good attitude you are able to relate to people on a personal level that helps you and them to be able to accept whatever you are telling them earlier you mentioned what is attitude as i would say attitude is an internal disposition that impacts the way you behave and how you portray to others so the thing that that we often say that attitude is everything what i've come to realize is that sometimes you have an attitude but you do not know that you are portraying an attitude you think all right the way i feel inside i'm going to put a face on the outside but people can sometimes sense from just your your disposition that you have an attitude and sometimes you tell people oh why have an attitude and they say oh i don't have an attitude but you can see that they have an attitude they know within themselves that they have an attitude but they're trying to max the attitude so that's why we have to be very careful with our attitudes because our attitudes can either bring people closer to us or drive them away that's true and when we say if someone has an attitude we mean a negative attitude a negative attitude yes because once we establish there's a negative attitude then there must be a positive attitude and today we're going to be talking about positive attitude exactly now jesus what kind of an attitude did jesus have as you have been studying uh this this topic what kind of an attitude did jesus have there are times when jesus met with different kinds of people yes for example there is the the canaanite woman yes whom jesus met and when the canaanite woman brought the the daughter who was demon possessed and jesus looked behaved as though he wasn't so much interested in this in in this woman and what happened there and how can you how can we understand jesus attitude in that specific setting you see the story doesn't end there because what we see here is jesus coming or meeting a candidate woman a woman who wasn't even a jew but now this woman is in need of healing the son was demon possessed and you know needed healing and you know the mother cries to jesus and the disciples you know are trying to tell you know jesus you know what jesus if you're not going to heal these you know do whatever this woman is requesting please send her away but we see jesus goes to the extent of uh you know telling her you know what you know i didn't come you know for anybody else you know to paraphrase but to the children of israel you know i cannot just give you the food or the blessings that are meant for the house of israel and give them to you and so jesus here is not just you know trying to portray a a a negative attitude but there is a test of faith that jesus is looking uh to achieve and to be able to uh to show how faith works it's a lesson to us that you know as we persist and as we even sometimes look at some situation where we might think oh this door is locked and you know there is nothing this person is so different or they're so negative but jesus knew that this woman ultimately had faith enough to persevere because we see at the end of it she tells jesus you know what you might even say call me a dog you know some writers say that this woman or jesus called this woman you know a small purpose because puppies are the ones that you know can be able to eat from the table of their master but this woman didn't care said you know what whatever falls i'll take it you see jesus portrayed and wanted to teach us a lesson on faith it might seem like he was negative or but all along jesus knew because he is god he knows everything that this woman had afraid enough to be able to win and to be able to receive whatever she requested wonderful wonderful now those who are watching you can send us your comments or questions and the number again is 763-200-1193-763-200-1983 i'm looking at at the phone right now and i will uh fill your questions we will answer them now our our text comes from first peter chapter three and the verse is verse 15. peter tells us but sanctify the lord god in your hearts and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asked you a reason for the hope that is in you with meekness and fear sanctify the lord god in your hearts and be ready always he says be ready always to give an answer to those who ask about the hope that is in us is it that our attitude should portray hope at the base of it there has to be hope there has to be meekness and uh and and the fear of the lord what what what do we understand by that guess that that text here is what i think when you have a personal relationship of christ it transforms the inner response that you have to outward situations yes most times i think our attitudes are affected by outward stimuli and because we are responding to the outward stimuli if if it is a negative stimulus that we we have received we tend to respond negatively so when i have a problem with a sister the moment i see the sister even if i was happy my attitude changes because that person has appeared in my presence so it's an outward stimulus now when i have a relationship with jesus it impacts everything earlier you ask the question what was jesus attitude jesus's attitude was one of acceptance and affirmation jesus accepted people as the way and he affirmed in them the good things now when we look for the good things in people inspect of the bad acts that they perform we will see people created in the image of god people who are still at the mercy of christ if they are alive it means that christ still has are still giving them another opportunity and because christ has given them another opportunity we as well must give them another opportunity just as much as we are receiving on a moment by moment opportunity from christ to get our own situation right amen you made a very good point there jesus attitude was of affirmation he accepted everyone we have the story of the samaritan woman the woman at the well and this woman as we are told in the in the story she came to the well when nobody was there because she did not want to meet with people and maybe let me add that people had an attitude towards her because of her reputation that's right right sometimes people may have an attitude a negative attitude let me qualify that way a negative attitude because of how they know you the story they have behind you of whoever you're connected to and all that but we see jesus treating her differently what do we learn from that story in regards to jesus attitude and the way jesus handles him to the point that he she she she is very excited and she goes out and actually brings those who had an attitude towards her you see the story starts with the disciples of jesus coming and finding jesus uh with this woman at the well and immediately they are like amazed what could jesus be jesus doing with these women number one this is a jew jesus and a samaritan woman you know you know otherwise and you see there was these kind of a negative kind of a connotation and a negative kind of a thing that people had uh placed on the samaritans because historically they did not do what they had been instructed to do and they you know watched you know they they interacted with the heathens and all that stuff so there was a background here that we see but above that jesus did not see that because we see jesus is coming to seek and save the lost he's not coming for the good people he's not coming for the people that have already accepted and have been changed he came for the sinners and this is an opportunity to be able to show you know if these women can be able to change if these men can be able to change and turn away from us their scenes then there's nobody that cannot be saved and there's nobody that is disqualified from the kingdom of god us is to be able to accept and so jesus in his accepting spirit when everybody thought that samaria he was not a fatal ground for the message jesus saw an opportunity and that's the mistake that we make that sometimes from the stories that we've heard and from uh how people have you know pictured or have framed certain people and certain places in our communities we take that as a people of god to say that there is nothing good that can come from this village there is nothing good that can come from this place but jesus and as people of god we should be able to see everybody as a candidate of heaven and everywhere as a fatal ground for the preaching of the gospel wonderful wonderful we're talking about making friends for jesus making friends for jesus any other comments you have on absolutely if you read john chapter 3 verses 3 and 4 the bible makes an interesting point it says he left judea and departed again to galilee but he needed to go through samaria it says he was going to galilee he had left judea his the ultimate destination was galilee but there was a need for him to go through where miriam the mirror was a place that jews would not visit and brother josh makes the point that sometimes in our minds we have people and places that will write off from the gospel that's right jesus is here showing us that no even those places that we think his people are not present or his his holy spirit does not have the power to influence he can influence so jesus is telling us as we attempt to go to galilee we need to make our stops in samaria because there are people in samaria waiting to receive jesus ours is not to determine who will make it to the kingdom ourselves to be messengers just to go where the spirit leads exactly yeah there's another story that comes to mind the story in mark chapter 14 yet another woman and this woman goes to a feast where there are in in the house of one of the one of the leaders or one of the was he a pharisee yeah simon and as they eat as they make merry as they enjoy themselves a woman shows up and starts pouring perfume on jesus feet and everybody sneers and looks at her and says and actually uh one of the disciples said this this perfume could have been sold yeah and actually the money should have been given to the poor jesus remains silent and lets them express themselves but then jesus intervenes how how do how do you explain jesus attitude here how how how um how is it um how does it appear and what do we learn from this for ourselves i'll i'll repeat and say that attitude is everything you see jesus will leave 99 of us who are so good and concentrate on these one individual who need salvation amen and if we understand that we've been called by to the least of this which includes this woman who didn't deserve to be in the presence of jesus but she goes ahead because what she's doing here is ceremonial it's not just that she is washing jesus feet with this expensive perfume she is anointing the body of jesus before his death what she is doing here is the greatest act of it all the attitude of jesus jesus understood that this woman needed a savior and she has come at the right place and the part is the attitude that jesus portrays is that he tries to teach them a lesson that to be able to be a candidate of heaven there are certain sacrifices that we'll have to make there are certain things that will have to do in other words what separates us from those who do not know the lord is that we'll know the right hour to do the right thing for the lord sometimes we just do not care about how we serve and how we do things but jesus accepted this woman and was receptive to the acts of this woman because he understood that she is all in and she needed a savior and she was ready to receive and to be able to be counted to be the truth among the children of god wow i have a confession to make yesterday please please go ahead you know before i make my confession let me preface with this statement sometimes we think in our human wisdom that we understand and we know better and that we know how it should work here is my confession that's deep at the beginning when we were planning this evangelistic series my mind was on an end house in person meeting and i always adopted why are we having a zoom series did it make sense to me but as i began to follow the weeks of the pre evangelistic series and i got the feedback of how many persons were reviewing how many persons were making comments and this morning i learned that someone is getting baptized in australia yeah someone in zambia in kenya now the lord has just told me you don't know anything yes that's right and that's why we need to check our our our attitude our attitude we don't know what god is doing the amount of people that have been reached by this series would never have been reached have we had it in person in this building in this building but watch what god has done so we must never think as humans we know the methods and the ways and the thinking of god god truly moves in mysterious ways very mysterious ways wonderful yeah i have one comment here that uh our attitude should be characterized by humility acceptance love meekness yes affirmation and truthfulness yes and the person goes on to say that yes we should speak the truth but we should always speak the truth in love how do you balance that how do you balance that because we see these are three women now the first one that we talked about is a canaanite woman yes far far out there we have the samaritan the samaritans were enemies of the jews and the third one the one at the feast was a jew and jesus looks at them and and the the way he accepts them and and treats them is with love because we see that their lives were changed drastically how can we learn how to give the truth but in love you see something that came into my mind when i was starting this lesson a summer of the things that i've learned in my career when i came to this country among us the things that i learned about in every profession they teach you to have interpersonal skills i must admit that what most of us as children of god lack are interpersonal skills to be able to interact with people on a human level or on a human basis that's why we take the truth we know the truth we know the sabbath we know the health message but the way we present it we present it in a way that love is missing because number one we do not have the love of jesus in our hearts who converts us to see the other person as a child of god that's why we condemn people and you say you know what this person will never ever accept the message this person is doomed forever but you are not jesus christ my brother we have to develop interpersonal skills and love should be able to move us because love and truth are inseparable if you love truth you'll have the love of god if you have the love of god you'll be able to present the truth of god because you know that there is god in heaven who is interested in every human being these two things love and truth should always go together wonderful yeah and the testimony that you have just given is is really wonderful you know attitude matters a lot when we started the evangelistic series we didn't know how it will turn out we didn't how can you do a zoom evangelistic series or a youtube evangelistic series or a facebook evangelistic series we didn't we didn't even know how baptism was going to to to take place but as we got in by faith and with a positive attitude facing the truth in love the lord has brought us thus far thus far the lord has been faithful and here we are reaching many millions around the world by his grace attitude matters a winsome attitude is the best thing a christian will ever have a win some attitude um i think our time is running out maybe let's let's uh wrap up now our closing comments here view us if you have any comments you still can send we may not be able to read them uh here and any questions we may be we will definitely reach out and give you answers but as we wind down now uh let's let's wrap up our thoughts here on attitude how do we make disciples how do we make friends for jesus uh using attitude [Music] so i would say first we must be accepting of people in the conditions they are in we must attempt if we are unable to but if we make every attempt to love them unconditionally then we can present we can accept them as they are we can present to them god's truth but finally let us realize that whether they accept or are converted is not for us to determine see too often we're looking we are people of instant gratification we want to see results now so when i present the message i expect people to say yes i accept jesus immediately no i like the way paul says it he says some we only saw the seed some will come and we're not we're water and we're not sure so i might just be so in the sea that little someone else will bring forth the harvest ours is to present god's truth in a spirit of humility love and acceptance and allow the holy spirit to do its work of conviction and conversion wonderful elder george i'll say that one thing that has amazed me as i studied this word is the love that jesus had for us because he says when we were yet sinners he died for us he didn't wait for us to turn away from our weakness to turn away from our gossip to turn away from uh dislike of people he loved us when we were yet sinners sometimes we want to crush people we want to attack people and tell them you know you cannot be a christian you cannot be a true christian because you're still doing this but jesus is still in the business of changing all of our sanctification is a process let us be accepting let us show the love of god to everybody our goal is to draw as many people to christ as to show people who christ is and he will draw all men all women all boys and girls to himself because he is a loving god wonderful wonderful my final my final remark is matthew chapter 24 verse 14 which tells us that this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world to all nations to everyone in other words friends will be made for jesus yes in all the world as they have been made in this evangelistic series and will continue to be made our attitude matters it does we need to have a winsome attitude present the truth in love a lot of love yes the love will bring in those we're trying to to to reach and the truth will change them it is the truth of god it is the holy spirit that will bring the truth home to every single heart yes my friends all those who are watching in youtube and facebook and through any other platform we want to encourage all of us as we make friends for jesus speak the truth in love and that's how we can bring friends for jesus may god bless you amen and at this point we're going to have a word of prayer i'll ask elder george to close us with our prayer let us pray everlasting god in heaven in the name of jesus we thank you lord you've reminded us that attitude is everything how we react and how we perceive other people determines if they will accept you or they will decline whatever we are presenting to them my prayer is that everybody who is listening here today and those who are in the point of making decision to follow your lord that we will be able to present this message in love because lord you died for us all your goal is to see us inherit your kingdom bless us thank you for your word and remember us all in your kingdom forever in jesus name let everybody say amen amen amen amen thank you very much hmm happy day uh welcome to trinity's evangelistic series this is the last day i'm glad that you're all here so this is the divine vocals with harmony sisters we're going to be presenting a song titled i've been dreaming of a city i hope you'll be blessed by it and you'll be touched by it as well i've been dreaming of a city far beyond the sky when the suffering's over kept my wings and blood when jesus says it's over me dreaming sometimes me heaven i must walk to the day i'll be dreaming of jerusalem [Music] [Music] trouble [Music] i shall see [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] i'll be home [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] um [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] m [Music] my [Music] [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] yes [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] um i must tell jesus [Music] jesus can help [Music] i must tell jesus [Music] i must tell jesus i must tell jesus jesus can help me [Music] jesus [Music] he is quickly i must tell jesus i must tell jesus i must tell jesus i must tell jesus can't help [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] is and he will help me over must tell jesus i must tell jesus i must tell jesus i must tell jesus jesus can help [Music] it's only jesus who can help us he is on our side him number 375 work for the night is coming god calls us to work is brighter is is done walk for the night is coming walk through the sun and soon is calling when one walks no more walk for the night is coming one for daylight flies walk till the last is this time we are going to 522 my hope is built on nothing less that will be our last song this evening this morning and then we'll hear our district pastor giving us announcements 522 my hope is built on nothingness my hope is built on nothing less but jesus christ when darkness seems my uncle holds is when when he shall come with thoughtless to stand before may god bless you good morning and a happy sabbath good morning once again church good to see you good to see you on this beautiful sabbath morning i'm glad that you're here and i thank god for he made it he has made it possible for us to come and worship him this morning in spirit and in truth you look awesome you look nice oh i want to break this lol because i see everybody is in a mask very quickly remove your mask and just give your neighbor a smile and then give it a say and wave and say it's nice to see you from a distance don't shake hands just wave say just give a smile just give a smile thank you thank you thank you thank you very much for coming to worship god this morning and for those who are still coming i want to remind you that we have an overflow at the fellowship hall it's been said for us all to worship god this morning in spirit and in truth and in the very special way brothers and sisters in christ i want to also take this moment to welcome those who are watching us via facebook and youtube wherever you are just know that you're in the praises of god and know that this is the day that the lord has made that we should rejoice and be glad in it and i'm very very excited because i've seen the hand of god since we started this evangelistic campaign on august the 7th we had a team every evening interceding on our behalf the prayer warrior team every evening they never missed even one day one night and i know that god has indeed answered our prayers he has protected us from the covey 19 from other sickness we have seen his mighty hand and i praise god for that he has taken care of our speakers and our guest speaker during this time on zoom we had the children ministries program going on during this time of our evangelistic campaign we had the youth team ministry going on on zoom various speakers talking to our youth it's been a three-week powered from above and today we are here to climax it and to see what god has for us and i'm so excited we are going to witness baptism by imagine and i praise god for that hallelujah immediately after the sermon the baptism of cabinets will come forward and take the vows they will take the 13-point vows and they vow before god and before us who are here here in church and our brothers and sisters will be watching through live streaming we'll have baptism and i love it i love that after that we'll have fellowship meal and from three to five we have some music extravaganza and then after five we start doing the the appreciation and we'll hear the word of god from pastor randy's kid give us giving us the last message around six o'clock by seven will be done so the summon will be around six o'clock tonight then after today tomorrow members of faith church we are having a wedding for brother daniel onyangori and sister wilta nyabuto there's a wedding only for the invited guests and you know where the venue will be let's keep on praying for the young people who are contemplating to get married through the holy matrimony let's pray for them they was going around saying that marriage cannot work in the 21st century i'm here to remind you marriage still works hallelujah it works and the young people are following what god instituted in the garden of eden so there's this wedding that is coming that is tomorrow and then next week we'll open our churches that is faith church and ramsey will partially open our churches in the morning from 10 o'clock until the summer is over that's here in faith church and in ramsey and we'll follow the guidelines that has been stipulated we have done it well here for the last four set but since we began this evangelistic series we have done it well people have followed the guidelines and i was very excited that also here in church we were doing the kovid 19 testing i did it last evening and i waited till the last minute so that when it comes on monday at least the campaign will be over so we've done that here in church the testing has been done we have followed the guidance to the letter and i thank you all for add yelling to those guidelines praise god for that therefore members of faith church and ramsey see you next week in church to continue worshiping our god in spirit and in truth after the prayers we are going to have the giving worship worshipping god in tithe and offering the deacons will wait upon us who are here in church uh it's good to worship god in our in our giving they will wait upon us here in church and also for those who are worshiping with us via youtube and facebook we'll present to you the catch-up number that's ramsey sda offering and the faith church sda it will be on the screen then we'll hear the song special song and after that the preaching of the word now i want to invite you i want to invite you if you are able wherever you are you can kneel down as we talk to god in prayer you are able to stand stand but uh get your best position so we go to god in prayer he has been good to us we want to thank him and we want to worship him in prayer so invite you to kneel down with me as we seek the lord in prayer eternal heavenly father the lord of all the creation and the redeemer of mankind at the cross called calvary we are all gathered in your presence on this beautiful sabbath morning to worship you because you are god to adore you because you are our creator and to express our love and gratitude for what you have done to us in our lives we thank you heavenly father for the gift of your son jesus christ who came dwelt amongst us we be held his glory walked in the dusty streets of jerusalem and jericho you did many things for your children to a point of dying for us on the cross of calvary and because of that death on the cross we now have access into your presence that's the reason why we can come to you boldly for we are rest assured that we'll find mercy and grace thank you father god for the holy spirit you promised to send to us your spirit to be our guide to be our teacher to be our comforter to be our helper to help us in times of our needs we thank you the spirit of the living god and we thank you in a very special way because you gave us work to do for you you gave us the gospel commission to take the everlasting gospel to the ends of the earth and for the last three weeks we've been here trumpeting the gospel called to the dying world hope for the dying world that there is hope there is hope in christ jesus we don't we don't need to live in a hopeless and helpless situations that when we encounter you we have hope we have help we have protection we have providence we have assurance of eternal life we thank you we thank you heavenly father because we have seen your hand leading us one day at a time you have protected your servants who have been standing here to preach your word those who did through zoom to the children ministries to the youth ministries those who spoke every week the musicians you protected the the communication team everybody who has come here not even one who has fallen sick of kobe 19 or any other related sickness and that's the reason why we are here this morning just to say thank you father god we love you so much we adore you you are god your omnipotent one the else shall die the the god who was there who is there who will continue to be there and we thank you father god this morning we thank you even for the souls who have decided to be baptized i know the devil will try to fight but i thank you lord because you have assured us the protection are they start a new walk with you be with them go with them and before them assure them that you will be with them to the very end of the age i thank you father god even for those who who lost their jobs that you have assured them that you will provide to them those who've been sick you have extended your healing hand and you have healed them in the name of jesus christ father god i thank you because you are jehovah that healeth we thank you because you're the god that provides we thank you because you have assured always to be with us i thank you father god even this moment now that you're going to speak to us through your man servant passed around his kids put your word in his mouth speak to us through him let that word that comes forth this morning be a refreshing to our soul and we may see you again in a new way we commit this divine hour into your able hands this day we surrender it to you we glorify your holy name we worship you and we adore you in jesus name unless god's children say amen and amen and amen hey hey man um today's story i'm gonna tell about two boys and uh their father so one day there was this father who was a farmer and uh he gave his two boys two chickens and told them to go to the forest deep into the forest and kill them and then so the kids they all journeyed there they went to the forest and one of the kids killed the um killed the chicken and then one of the kids one of the other kids did not kill the chicken and the dad told them stay there till it's dark till it's late don't come back until you're sure that your chicken has been killed so they all stayed there until the evening and everything kept on playing around and all that but as time came by as time went as when they went home one of the boys did not kill the chicken so he got home with his chicken and the dad asked why is the chicken not dead i told you to go kill the chicken go dip in the forest and then the kid said i didn't kill the chicken because you said go deep in the forest where nobody can see you and then but there's always somebody who can who's watching you god is always watching you whenever you're doing anything wrong or anything right so the dad said that's what i wanted you to learn i want you to learn that we shouldn't do something because no one is looking at us we should do something because it's the right thing to do and uh that's the story for the day thank you all right let's pray thank love for this day thank you that you helped us yeah you made us learn that we shouldn't do anything because it's not because it's because we're not being looked at but we should do something because it's the right thing to do and we should always do the right thing and aspire to do better in every aspect of our lives lord in jesus name i pray amen so so hmm are you looking for the fullness of the blessings of the lord in your hearts and life today claim the promise of the father come according to his words in the blessing as the lord commandeth you bring and precious overflowing as the lord commanded you bring your vessels not a few he will fill your heart tonight is and according to this promise with the holy ghost and thought he will reverse bring your vessels he goes he will fill he will fill your heart today the floor and so so the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life for god sent not his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved he that believeth on him is not condemned but he that believeth not is condemned already because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten son of god and this is the condemnation that light is come into the world and men love darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil for everyone that doeth evil hateth the light neither cometh to the light lest his deeds should be reproved he that doeth truth cometh to the light that his deeds may be made manifest that they are wrought in god god is good and all the time your masks have no effect on your voice god is good and all the time happy sabbath everyone i welcome all those of you joining us via the internet youtube facebook i say happy sabbath to you whether your sabbath keeper or not because the sabbath has blessings whether it is observed or not we are living right now in holy time can you say amen there are blessings associated with this day that god placed in this day because he blessed it which he did not do to the other six i am not suggesting he cursed the other six i'm not saying that at all i am simply saying god blessed this day the seventh day and so there are blessings in this day that the world is benefiting from even though the world at large does not recognize god's day thank you very much for coming thank you for loving god thank you for loving truth is there anyone with us who is not a seventh-day adventist your guest raise your hand you are a guest you are not a seventh-day adventist you are a guest just raised your guestly hand anyone all right i know there are guests watching via the internet thank you so much for joining us and i say sincerely may the lord bless you bless your families and place a double blessing on your children we're grateful that you have joined us this way god is good and all the time psalm 100 verse 5 for the lord is good and as i told you i think the first week of the meetings when god blesses us he's good when god punishes us he's good when god answers our prayers he's good when he does not give us what we want he is good psalm 145 verse 17 the lord is righteous in all his ways and holy in all his works in other words everything god does is good that's why the bible says he that cometh to god must believe that he is first then that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him in coming to christ we must believe he's good he's just he's righteous he's long suffering he's forgiving he holds no grudges he cleanses sins we must believe that then we believe he's a rewarder of them that diligently seek him why must we first believe he's good and just and right because sometimes he will do things we do not understand we see it through human eyes and we may run the risk of charging god with unfair behavior so first you believe that god is always right let me say publicly in my life god has never done me anything wrong and so i want to clear the name of god with regard to my life god has never done me anything wrong god has never treated me unfairly as a matter of fact god has not given me the punishments i deserved psalm 103 verse 10 he hath not dealt with us after our sins not rewarded us according to our iniquities and so i want to just say to god that i thank him for his stubborn love for me that elastic love that wraps around me i thank him for that and i recommit myself right in this desk to lift him up by lifting up truth and to call people everywhere with the last breath in my body that if they do nothing else in life they make a decision to obey god who will say amen all right our subject for this morning an expensive mistake what did i say an expensive mistake if you're not using one of these please turn it off i believe mine is turned off i did that in that waiting room if you're using one please make sure the sound is down i was in a i've told the story many times you may have heard it i was in a hotel in boston waiting to speak for an event in that hotel and i was in my room walking up and down reading the bible on this thing and a little advertisement came up at the bottom as they always do i'm sure you've seen them little ads at the bottom and it said how to date asian women now i'm reading the bible are you with me on this when you read this that can't happen can you say email that cannot happen with this but it did say truly how to date all i had to do was take the tip of this finger or any of my other nine fingers and then touch it and it would open up a wide menu of asian choices but i uh i tell you whenever you can read one of these please read one are you with me god is good and all the time god bless all asian women by the way and the african ones and the european ones okay and the hispanic ones are latina all right favor number two while i'm speaking pray for me and say lord put your words in that man's mouth how many of you have come every night to the meetings can i show him anyone has come every night can i see ah god bless you i have also come every night to the meetings i thank god for the ability to come every night i have come by god's grace well i i said who has come every night i wanted to see who has prayed for me and said lord put your words in that man's mouth who has done that god bless you anyone else god bless god bless you and you you and you and you any other use and you anybody else just ah god god bless you god bless you god bless you my handsome pastor anybody else god bless my little brother god bless you little preacher all right now for those of you who have sinned i want you to make a promise to pray for me this time are you with me so repent and pray for me while i am speaking today can you say amen to that it's a serious request preachers need help you're looking at about 205 pounds of dirt that's what you're looking at dirt cannot preach truth i need spiritual help are you following me so when i say pray for me this is no joke and i mean my friends also on the internet ask god put his words in my mouth jeremiah chapter 1 verse 9 then the lord put forth his hand and touch my mouth the lord said unto me behold i have put my words in thy mouth that's what i want because my words cannot save you but the words of god ah they will transform you into the very image of god and favor number three think think why aren't you keeping the sabbath think what bible verse do you have for the first day of the week none think think from noah up to now god has never had the majority doing what's right the majority of following sunday you better ask yourself perhaps i'm in the wrong direction think think think isaiah 1 18 come now let us do what reason together saith the lord let's pray father bless me with truth bless me with the spirit of truth dear god because they go together where i've sinned against you forgive me do a deep cleansing work on my heart right now dear god tell me what to say i'm asking you publicly tell me what to say and by the enabling power of your son i will say it take my carnal nature by the throat and choke it into submission let only your name be glorified father because human beings love attention stifle that in me bless all those listening a special blessing on our guests we thank you for this holy day which most of the world ignores but father by the time this message ends let new decisions be made to obey you bless the countries represented by those listening bless the leaders god in your own way your mighty almighty way guide the decisions father as you bring everything related to the plan of redemption to a glorious culmination bless those lord who are affected by covet 19 in the name of jesus who took our diseases to the cross matthew 8 17 heal them the god i ask you directly father i do not command i ask heal those who are listening who may have been affected by covet 19 touch them and let that work of mercy leave them to come to the foot of the cross and for the rest of us father keep us from that sickness i pray in jesus name let god's people say amen and amen let me tell you a few things about god which you perhaps already know let us go to first timothy chapter 6 verse 16. it is 20 minutes to 12. i must go past 12 obviously i'll release you by 12 30. i hope first timothy chapter 6 we read verse 16 referring to god first timothy 6 reading verse 16 the bible says of god who only hath immortality the bible says god which also includes all members of the godhead alone have immortality immortality is natural to god god is a source of life christ is a source of life that's why he said at the tomb of lazarus i am the resurrection and the life we read in verse first john 5 11 this is the record that god has given to us eternal life and this life is in his son the next verse says he that have the son hath life he that hath not the son hath not life jesus says in john 14 6 i am the way the truth and the life jesus said in john 5 40 and you will not come to me that he might have life god is life itself which means that god cannot die god divinity cannot die one fact about god let's go to james chapter one let's read another fact about god our subject an expensive mistake james chapter one reading from verse 13. and i read from the king james version of the bible my good brother could you turn this on and point it towards me please you have james 1 from verse 13. let no man say when he's tempted i am tempted of god for god cannot be tempted with evil neither tempteth any man but everyone is tempted when he's drawn away of his own lusts and enticed then will not have conceived we're bringing forth sin sin when it is finished bringing forth death the bible is clear god cannot be tempted neither does god tempt anyone so when you read in the bible god tempted someone the word there means he tried or he tested god does not tempt anyone to sin and the bible says he cannot be tempted we've uncovered two things about god god is immortal god is the very source of life god himself is life every living thing depends upon god for life if divinity cannot die two god cannot be tempted three hebrews chapter one let's go to verse nine fact number three about god our subject an expensive mistake hebrews 1 we'll read verse nine why are you looking for it let me say another prayer quickly father continue to be with me there god it does not take the carnal nature long to lift its head again push it back down in jesus name i pray amen hebrews 1 verse 9 thou has love righteousness and hated iniquity god hates not sinners you want to say amen god does not hate sinners god hates sin the strongest force in the universe is love and the force that comes right next to love with regard to strength is god's hatred for sin his hatred for sin is a perfect hatred as his love for us is a perfect love thou has loved righteousness and hated iniquity god hates sin now three things about god one what did the bible say what did we say god cannot die he is life itself two talk through your masks two god cannot be tempted three god hates sin the only thing he hates he does not hit the prostitute he does not hit the drug addict he does not hate the liar he does not hit the murderer he does not hit the spousal abuser he hates what we do god hates it so much that he devised a plan to get it out of us and that plan required god to suffer that which he naturally could not experience i did not say that clearly let me say it again that plan to deliver us from sin required that god arranged for him to experience what was not natural to him god cannot die god cannot be tempted jesus christ equal with the father came as a human being and as a human being he died as a human being he was tempted as a human being he came face to face with sin as a human being he felt the urge in himself because he had fallen nature he felt it of course by the power of his father he resisted it and became an example for us jesus christ who while he was man was also god because the two natures were blended and so while in his humanity he was tempted his divinity suffered being in the very presence of that temptation let me say again while christ in his humanity was tempted that act of temptation was a stress for the divine nature because the divine nature cannot be tempted but it was blended with the human and so the divine god suffered as the human jesus experienced what human beings experienced as a man jesus died divinity can't die but let me tell you something about jesus the bible says in hebrews chapter 2 verse 9 who was but we see jesus who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor that he by the grace of god should taste death for every man let's look at that statement that statement microscopically hebrews 2 verse 9 says jesus tasted death for everyone what i'm about to tell you you'll find difficult to believe even though christ was a man a human like you and i are he experienced what no other human being could possibly experience in the human condition the suffering that jesus experienced in gethsemane no other human being could have endured let me say it again on the cross there were two other men enduring the same thing are you with me there were two other men enduring what christ was enduring on the cross and so to a large extent they experienced what he experienced but of course he went a step further because the father turned away from him that's why he cried out my god my god why has thou forsaken me and these two men did not experience that but in every other way physically they felt what christ felt the nails in their hands the nails and their feet and the bleeding in gethsemane what christ suffered no other human human being has ever suffered as the sins of the world weighed upon him it was so bad jesus prayed father if thou be willing go with me to luke 22. let's read it for ourselves luke 22 reading from verse 41 our subject an expensive mistake 10 minutes to 12. we have quite a bit of time left luke 22 reading from verse 41 keep in mind as you read what we're about to look at that luke was a medical doctor so he made certain observations that matthew mark and john would not make luke was a medical doctor he's called luke the beloved physician verse 41 of luke 22 and he was withdrawn from them about a stone's cast and kneeled down and prayed saying father if thou be willing remove this cup from me and being in agony he prayed verse 44 he prayed more earnestly and his sweat was as it were great sweat drops of blood falling down to the ground the distress he was under was so great that christ began to bleed through his skin three times he prayed father please get me out of this which means that christ almost went back and leaving the world to perish he almost went back it was so tough for the son of god and the father had to watch it and every time he prayed if thou be willing to remove this cup he added nevertheless not my will because the father's will was that he suffered that for your sake and mine how many parents understand what i'm talking about when you stand in that hospital room and watch your child sick with wires coming out of his mouth and his ear and his nose and you are suffering more than that child jesus suffered in that garden he died completely to self in the desire of ages 6 94 paragraph 1 the servant of the lord makes an interesting statement she says in gethsemane he tasted death for every man let me say it again jesus experienced death while he was alive now you explain that to me because i can't explain it christ experienced death while he was alive because the word said it was god's arrangement that he you see someone who's dead feels nothing oh death where's thy sting when you're dead you don't feel that sting christ felt the sting he said my soul is exceeding sorrowful even unto death what he was saying is i am experienced death even while i'm alive my soul is exceeding sorrowful even unto death he experienced death while he was alive which is what all lost sinners will experience whether destroyed by god at the end of the thousand-year period revelation chapter 20 read that whole chapter jesus christ tasted death now the bible says the dead know how much nothing yet jesus experienced death in order to know death and experience death he had to experience it while he was alive and i need to hammer that point because our subject is an expensive mistake and that mistake is sin and what jesus christ suffered in the garden what he's having on the cross is part of the payment for this expensive mistake i'll tell you something else about this expensive mistake go to john chapter 14. let's read from verse six our subject an expensive mistake john 14 reading from verse six i hope someone has said lord put your words in that man's mouth if you pray that prayer god will answer you because that is his will jesus says unto him i am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the father but by me listen carefully now if he had known me he should have known my father also what jesus is saying what i experience my father experiences he says in john 15 he that hateth me it is my father also as with the son so with the father by the way as with the son so with the believer what i'm trying to tell you is that what jesus suffered the father suffered now catch this jesus tasted death in gethsemane the father suffered with him in desire of 80s page 8 23 paragraph 4 ella white writes christ tastes or feels the walls of every human sufferer you didn't get what i said or what i read let me say it again christ feels the words she goes on to say when fever is burning up the life current he feels the agony if you have a fever christ feels it that's christ that's how close he is to you when i suffer christ feels it now when christ suffered the father felt it now go back to gethsemane christ is bleeding through his skin he's begging for mercy he wants the father to get him out of it and the father is in heaven the father watches his son suffering bleeding father father get me out of it and the father can't get him out if he gets him out we're lost and as jesus suffers the father suffers what jesus tasted the father tasted it could very well be and i don't want to speculate about the bible the father suffered more than jesus let me explain when jesus actually physically died his suffering ended the father continued to suffer let me say it again when jesus died he said father into thy hands i command my spirit and when he said this he gave up the ghost so he died his physical suffering ended with death but the father still suffered as he watched his son and his head drop onto his chest dead on the cross he watched them take the body down he washed and put it in a tomb the father continued to suffer while christ's suffering ceased for the period of time three days he was in that tomb sin is an expensive mistake let's look at the father's response to sin one of the weaknesses in our understanding of god in the plan of salvation we tend to view god as harsh but not see sin as cruel let me say that again we tend to see god as harsh we do not see sin for what it is here's what the bible says about the punishment for sin and you know it say it with me the wages of sin is death let's look at the wages of sin in minneapolis or minnesota if you steal a car do you get the death sentence no if you steal some bananas from the supermarket do you get the death sentence no the death sentence is usually for death or treason against your country in god's legal system he has one response for every sin whether it is murder or stealing a banana god has one response for sin and that response tell me is death this does not tell me how harsh god is it tells me what a terrible thing sin is that the only proper response god can have is death because sin is a threat against the universal government of god if sin were to be allowed to continue indefinitely sin's highest expression would be the termination of god and his kingdom let me say it again let me pause so you can redirect your attention okay can you hear this now all right let me pray father the devil is busy doing what he has to do i want you to outwork him so that the truth may be received by your people in jesus name i pray amen i said if sin were to be allowed to continue indefinitely and it has been around for 6 000 years the culmination the end point would be the destruction of god's universal kingdom and the death of god himself now listen to what jesus says about satan in john 8 44 year of your father the devil and the lusts of your father you will do he was a murderer from the beginning what beginning the bible says in revelation 12 7 there was war in heaven what is the purpose of war to destroy your enemies to destroy your enemies when satan launched a war against god his object was the destruction of god the overthrow of god's kingdom and the setting up of himself in the place of god but he did not realize if he had succeeded in killing god he would have died because all life is in god are you following me if god dies all life ceases but sin gives us a disease kind of witnessing and so the bible says he was a murderer from the beginning when he launched his attack against the creator jesus christ the devil's desire is to kill and to destroy god and god's people therefore the only response this is the malignity of sin the destruction of god god has one response for sin and that is death not because god is statistic sadistic or cruel but because sin is a horrible horrible thing at any size whether it's a little sin as we classify them or a big sin when adam and eve sinned they created a problem for god they made an expensive mistake and that mistake led to the death of jesus christ but i want you to look at something else about the goodness of god and how he dealt with this expensive mistake and he shows the love of god let's read romans 3 6 23 again for the wages of sin is what death let me pause so that can sink in the wages of sin is death ezekiel 18 4 the soul that sinneth finish it for me it shall die if it's clear that the wages of sin is death say amen all right now which means christ came to do what to die is that the wages of sin yes he came to die but follow me closely the bible does not say the wages of sin is resurrection death and resurrection he doesn't say that the wages of sin is only death not death and resurrection resurrection is god going beyond paying the wages of sin and providing a way to enter eternity let me say differently everyone who's lost will have paid the wages for sin they rejected christ's payment they pay themselves by eternal destruction everyone who's lost will have paid the wages of sin but they're not in god's kingdom christ died and in dying he paid the wages of sin but if he had not arisen from the grave while his death would have paid the wages of sin no one else no one could have been saved in god's kingdom because we are saved not only by the death of christ but it must be combined with his resurrection which means that god went above and beyond the payment for sin i say again the payment for sin is just death from genesis revelation when god spoke to adam he said of every tree of the garden thou may freely eat but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it for in the they thou eat us thereof thou shalt surely die and rise is that what the bible says no thou shalt surely die case closed the resurrection therefore is god going beyond just paying the price and providing a way for those whose price he paid might have a place with him in his kingdom can you say amen and so we said god's dealing with sin required that god go above and beyond he provided a way that we might enter eternal life which was his will for us before adam our first father sinned my brothers and sisters sin is an expensive mistake and calvary's cross exists to get sin out of us let me tell you something else about god and his dealing with expensive mistake we found out one god cannot die jesus became like us that he might experience what in his original condition is god he could not experience two god cannot be tempted christ became like us that in his human condition he might experience temptation something he could not experience in his divine nature we learned that god hates sin really the father suffered with the son we learned that god went the extra mile christ not only died he rose from the grave god can let's go to ephesians not ephesians philippians 2 let's read from verse 5. our subject an expensive mistake we're looking at god's response philippians 2 verse 5 let this mind be in you which was also in christ jesus who being in the form of god thought it not robbery to be equal with god but made himself of no reputation took upon him the form of a servant i was made in like as a man and being found in fashion as a man he humbled himself now read carefully and became obedient unto even the death of the how many times did we see death in the last in i think that's verse 8 how many times did we see death seven how many times do we see death humble himself unto death even the death what does that mean even the death of the cross if i die by inhaling gas i die fairly painlessly if someone gives me an injection of some lethal substance that just shuts down my heart i die painlessly if i die in my sleep i die painlessly that's not the way christ died the bible says he humbled himself and became obedient unto death even in other words jesus christ when the bible says even the death of the cross what is saying to us god decided that he would save us at any cost to himself any cost to himself including the loss of jesus are you thinking god was willing to save us even if it meant losing jesus he humbled himself and became obedient you don't obey yourself are you following me you obey someone else are you with me if he became obedient unto death someone told him go and die are you with me he obeyed someone who told him go and die of course he agreed the only obedience god accepts is obedience from the heart he became obedient unto death but that command to die was not just die any common death even the death of the cross so while the father was willing to lose jesus to save us jesus was willing to be lost to save us your man is muffled because perhaps you're thinking of what you're hearing let me say it again christ was willing to go to the grave and never come back if that's what it took to save us the father was willing to send him knowing he would never come back if that's what it took to save us he humbled himself and became obedient unto death eve from the death of the cross that death that all lost sinners will experience which the bible calls the second death from which there is no return that's where christ went that's what an expensive mistake required you know when jesus we see that in the most popular verse in the bible john 3 16. and i love to talk about this because you can't talk about god's love too often say the verse with me for god so love stop whom does god love in that passage you read the world okay paul's this side that he did what stop god loved the world so much he gave his son now here's how the verse could read for god so loved his son that he said forget the world i love my son too much to sacrifice him for the world ah what god said i love the world too much to hold on to my son if losing my son will save the world wow is a very appropriate response listen again to the most popular verse for god loved you so much here is you here's jesus here's god now what do i do says god these people sinned my son did nothing they're sinners they follow the devil he is equal with me the only thing they created is a catastrophe by sinning he created the universe for me here's the creator here's one equal with me here's one who has been with me together we've never been separated throughout eternity here he is and hear these wretched sinners who don't like me which one do i give up god said i'll give up the one who's just like me to save these wretches so i might make them like him listen to jesus on the cross my god my god why hast thou forsaken me here's jesus again here's the world and the father looks at jesus and the sinful world the world is a cesspool of sin and this jesus the thief on the cross said this man hath done nothing or miss he never sinned here's a sinless lamb but being treated like a sinner and here is a sinful world and god said no i have to turn my back on one of them let me turn my back on my son when he did the son felt it that's why he cried out my god my god why hast thou forsaken me an expensive mistake here is jesus in the garden of gethsemane he said father if thou be willing remove this cup from me which is the suffering for sin remove it from me and the father says here's my son he never sinned equal with me hear these sinners right now as he's suffering they're drinking alcohol and smoking dope and but while he's suffering the garden that's what they're doing now here's the cup of suffering one of them has to drink it shall i drink it shall i give it to the innocent son who's never done anything wrong or should i give it to those who deserve it and god says to the son you drink it so they don't have to drink it christ died so you don't have to die no you will sleep are you with me you will sleep he'll wake you up christ died that you do not have to die christ suffered that you do not have to say what am i saying here is the chair in the courtroom where the condemn sits that's the chair right there the condemn sits there there's the judge here's the attorney and jesus the father tells the condemned person get out of that chair you tell jesus you sit in it then the father pronounce his sentence by the authority that i have i sentence you to death that condemned man can go free your death frees him an expensive mistake my brothers and sisters when christ was on that cross and the father turned away it was the first time that jesus and the father had ever been separated i told you that a few nights ago it was the first time parents what do you feel in your heart when you send your little girl to college that's the first time she has left the house and you want to visit the campus every weekend because you miss your girl and you keep calling the dormant she wishes you won't call so often huh because you miss your child you suffer this emptiness syndrome you raise these children you saw them crawl you saw them walk you saw them play the first game you saw them you now they're gone and they're married and you feel a sense of emptiness they're gone the emptiness syndrome jesus and the father had never been separated throughout all eternity until that cross even when christ walked the earth he was with his father what did jesus say in john 8 29 he that have sent me is with me the father hath not left me alone for i do always the things that please him the father is with me but at a cross for the first time there was a separation jesus felt it when he said my god my god why hast thou forsaken me and since the father feels what the son feels the father felt the separation sin is an expensive mistake and as i have said before and repetition is important when you consider all that we have said this morning when you have the boldness from satan to say no to christ you deserve hell and so the bible says how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation and this salvation is for you if you're 12 years old this salvation is for you if you're 112. it is for you in your freshman year in college it is for you in your first day at work having gotten your bachelor's degree in finance this salvation is for the grandmother this salvation is for the grandfather it's for everyone because sin does not care about age sin affects all ages the same way it destroys the plan of salvation affects all ages the same way it saves and so my word to you is your breath in christ my word to my friends online make a decision respond to this love of god as he dealt with our expensive mistake respond with a decision to give your life to god let me bring something else to your attention with respect go with me to first corinthians 6 we'll read from verse 19. first corinthians 6 19 let me pray again dear god continue to be with me i pray i haven't got much longer to go if i've said anything i should not have said forgive me father control my mind father please that these final words may be the words that finally bring someone over the edge to your side in jesus name i pray amen first corinthians 6 19 know ye not that your body is a temple of the holy ghost which you have of god which is in you and you're not your own ye are not your own pause that text is not from revelation or daniel the second half of daniel or from zephaniah or parts of ezekiel or isaiah this word is literal ye are not your own the next statement says for your bought with the price therefore because you're bought with a price glorify god in your body and in your spirit which are christ's let me say it again you are not your own i do not belong to me i literally belong to god and god says to me here's my receipt signed in blood this is proof you belong to me where is satan's receipt for you god has a receipt signed with the blood of jesus the devil is trying to kill you but he kills us nicely with drugs with worldly ambition with uh whatever sexual perversion he kills us with professional sports so we have no time for jesus he kills us with uh video games he kills us with violet movies he kills us in all sorts of ways he kills us that's the way he tried to kill adam and eve he said god doeth no in the day he eat thereof then your eyes shall be opened ye shall be as gods knowing good and evil he told them the nice things about sin god says all i can tell you my son is that i died for you that's all i can tell you i died for you here's the receipt and i still suffer for you today as i watch you following someone who's trying to kill you while i'm trying to save you i died for you that's all i can say says god and so the bible says in first john 4 19 we love him because he first loved us somebody listening to me maybe receiving the last call from god to make a decision to follow him let me say it again i have no prophet someone you see every time someone dies that person's probation has closed are you with me every time someone someone dies that person's probation has closed while you live and breathe make a decision right now father as i listen to one expensive mistake and your response i give my life to you because it is legally yours and it is lovingly yours here's my life father i'm 13. but at 13 i know what's wrong surely at 13 i can know what's right here's my life father i'm 60 i look back over my life how i should have been dead god i should have been dead why am i still alive surely you've brought me to this point finally to bring me to the place of surrender father here is my life lord i've been promiscuous all my life you've kept me from disease let me not push my luck any further here's my life father i have stolen your tithe all my life yet you've kept the roof over my head i still have transportation father i want to stop that here's my life father i've lived with this man for years he's not my husband the fact that i have two children for him does not make him my husband let me make it right in your sight here's my life let me move out live an upright life even if it is loneliness father i have failed to raise my children properly because i was pursuing a career i will carry this guilt all my life i come to you to say sorry for not raising them for you i cannot change the past forgive me god here is my life do all you can with me for the left the time i have left here's my life as bowed eyes closed dear god we have sinned against you we have sinned jesus took our sins even though he never sinned the bible says in first peter 2 24 he took our sins into him we have sinned and we bow in your presence and say we are sorry as we listen to an expensive mistake father our hearts have been touched our conscience is cut by the sharp edge knife of truth and as we feel that uncomfortable conviction by god which is supposed to save us we yield to that conviction father and we say god from this point forward we want to walk step in step with you hand in hand while your head's about keep them bowed and your eyes are closed if there's someone listening to me whether in person or on the internet i'll have to see you by faith you know you want to come back to god you know that you've been avoiding god drifting from god you know you need to come back to god and he's calling you right now if there's such one who will say father i am coming back i want you to raise your hand i have drifted i'm coming back and keep your hands up i am coming back just raise your hand don't be afraid just raise it i am coming back to god raise your hand do we have cards you need to get some cards to those keep your hands up unless it's physically uncomfortable for you keep your hands up we'll get you some cards there's a voice in one ear telling you take your hand down or don't make that decision the other voice is the spirit of god telling you it's the right choice keep your hand up i am coming back to god seriously i'm coming back keep your hands up we'll get the cards for you second call i've been listening to these messages for three weeks i know in my heart i've been convicted to make a decision to be baptized whether you're present or online and you want to make that decision finally to be baptized if you're present raise your hand if you're on the internet make that decision i need to make a decision to be baptized do we have the cards are they coming this second call is for baptism i have not yet made it i'm making it right now in the presence of heaven and earth here come the cards all right if you raise your hand saying i'm coming back to god take a card i'm coming back to god take a card move your hand so the person given the cards can see you that's right move your hand here two sisters right up front right up front row number four right here right here right here row four right here take a card fill it out i'm coming back this is for coming back to god we're in the back there's someone back here we need someone else helping so my brother doesn't run around the church someone back here ah thank you pastor god bless you all my brother here someone in the back to the left we're in the back to the left needs a card i am coming back to god that's the call at 12 30 i'll be done in 10 minutes i'm coming back get that person to god fill it out appropriately anybody else and coming back most people who leave god stay in church physically but have left god i am coming back raise your hand take a card the rest of you should be praying for the spirit of god to move mightily in the lives of those who listening i am coming back now second call i need to make a decision to be baptized have not yet made it i am making it now if that's your decision raise your hand on the internet make that decision in your heart i am making a decision now to be baptized i have not yet made it i'm making it now just raise your hand and for those of you who decided to come back to god re-baptism might be in your decision put it on the card put it on the card i have a strange call to make it's not strange but i'll make it it could be you're not progressing spiritually for this reason someone has offended you and you have not yet forgiven that person make a decision right now by the grace of god to tell that person here's what you did here's how it affected me but god has touched me and i forgive you listen to me again make a decision right now to say father i will go to that person or call or text who offended me deeply and i will tell that person here's what you did here's how it affected me but god has touched my heart and i forgive you who will make a decision right now to forgive someone that you've not yet forgiven and you know you should do that let me see your hand you know you ought to forgive somebody who's hurt you let me see your hand god bless you i mean that from my heart god bless you sister god bless your life god bless your life someone else i need to forgive someone and on the internet make that decision make it you can take your hand down someone else this may be the barrier to your spiritual growth because the bible says if we do not forgive we cannot be saved anybody else i need to forgive someone and the person you need to forgive may be sleeping right next to you every night your spouse god bless you god bless you final call i need to go and tell someone i am sorry for what i've done i need to go tell someone i am sorry for what i've done can i see your hand make that decision i hurt someone i stole someone's money i borrowed didn't pay back i've done something father give me courage to go say i'm sorry let me see your hand on the internet make that decision please someone there are little things that block our spiritual growth and we wonder why am i not progressing in christ these may be the reasons why a refusal to forgive a refusal to confess and for the rest of us who will say father i recommit my life to you right now can i see your hand i recommit my life to you like now can i see your hand don't be afraid i recommit my life to you nice your hand stand with me and we'll pray on the internet recommit your life to god it is just a decision made in the heart 10 seconds father thank you for life thank you for mercy i recommit my life to you right now because the life belongs to god in these trying times in which we live it has always been the case really from adam's center now the only safe way to live is to live with your life unified with jesus christ father in heaven we thank you for your word we thank you for your response to one expensive mistake we thank you for how much you've suffered through christ to save us we thank you for his life his sinless life we thank you for his life of suffering and trial we thank you for his death he voluntarily laid down his life we thank you for his resurrection conquering sin hell death the grave and satan we thank you thank god for his intercession in the heavenly courts we thank you for the ongoing work of conviction of the holy spirit of god we thank you for the protection of the angels who are also interested in our salvation father thank you for the decisions that have been made this morning wherever they have been made consolidate those decisions their god with an application of more of your spirit in the lives of those who made these tall choices now god i commend and commit everyone to you wrap your arms around us may we live every day conscious of the cost of our salvation you paid the price even though we made the mistake thank you for that love dear god and the decisions we've made today let no power on earth change our minds those going to confess they've done wrong give them the courage of jesus those going to forgive those who've hurt them give them the courage of jesus father and let righteousness triumph in your people hear this humble prayer save us when you come in jesus name we pray let god's people say amen and amen god bless you enjoy your lunch we'll see you this afternoon what time oh the pastor has a few words to make oh yes yes yes those who are being baptized we need to give you the vows please come forward pastor thank you those being baptized please come forward right here as the pastor administers the vows very very important and those on the internet please stay with us and witness this part of the service please stay with us my friends on the internet and witness the taking of the vows and the actual baptism and please stay with us please and support us as we go to this very very part of the service god bless you all god bless you all there's rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents can you imagine how much rejoicing there is over so many who have come to christ and let us join in heaven with the rejoicing god bless you all as you come and the pastor or someone will lead us in the vows so so um so good afternoon everybody the song we are about to sing wonderful words of life was requested by one of our viewers in puerto rico her name is karen moringlani and we want to sing with her in mind as we appreciate the gift that she sent we are thankful let me who was all life and beauty wonderful christ the blessed one gives to all wonderful is beautiful words sweetly echo go wonder who was wonderful wonderful words wonderful thank you very much for giving yourself to be be baptized there's joy in heaven we are going to take the baptism of vows and i'm going to read the adventist vows which are 13a number and every time i read the vow say yes i do raise up your right hand and say yes i do we have our 22 cadences to be baptized the first question is the first vow is do you believe that there is one god the father son and holy spirit a unity of three eternal persons do you believe thank you very much number two do you accept the death of jesus christ on calvary as the atoning sacrifice for your sins and believe that through the faith in his shed bread that you are saved from sin and its penalty do you believe do you renounce the world and the sinful ways and have accepted jesus christ as your personal savior believing that god for christ's sake has forgiven your sins i've given you and your heart you accept number four do you accept the faith by faith the righteousness of christ your intercessor in the heavenly sanctuary and accept his promise of transforming grace and power to live a loving christ-centered life in your home and before the world do you accept do you believe that the bible is god inspired word the only law of faith and practice for the christian and you covenant to spend time regularly in prayer and bible study do you accept do you accept the ten commandments as the transcript of the character of god and liberation of his will and it's your purpose by the power of the indwelling christ to keep this law including the fourth commandment which requires the observance of the seventh day of the week as the sabbath of the lord and the memorial of creation do you accept amen amen number seven do you look forward to the soon coming of jesus and the blessed hope when this motor shall put on immortality and you prepare to meet the lord and will you witness to his loving salvation by life and what to help others to be ready for his glorious appearing do you look forward for his soon return thank you very much number eight do you accept the biblical teachings of spiritual gifts and believe that the gift of prophecy is one of the identifying marks of the elimination church do you accept so amen amen number nine do you believe in church organization and it's your purpose to support the church by your tithe and offerings under by your personal effort and influence do you believe thank you very much number do you believe that your body is the temper of the holy spirit and will honor god by caring for it avoiding the use of that which is harmful abstaining from all unclean foods from the use manufacture or sale of alcoholic beverages the use manufacture or sale of tobacco in any form of its form for human consumptions and from the misuse of all trafficking in narcotics or other drugs do you believe in that amen do you know and understand the fundamental bible principles are stored by the seventh-day adventist church and you purpose by god's great grace to fulfill his will by ordering your life in harmony with his principles do you 12 last but not the least do you accept the new testament teachings by baptism by baptism by mansion and desire to be baptized as a public expression of faith in christ and his forgiveness of your sins do you accept amen lastly do you accept and believe that the seventh-day adventist church is the laminate church of the bible prophecy and the people of every nation race and language are invited and accepted into the fellowship and do you desire to be a member of the local congregation of this worldwide church amen thank you very much for accepting to take this vows we'll keep on teaching you more and more in the days to come may i turn now to the members brothers and sisters in christ who is the first person to move to accept this kadness into the family of god in our local churches subject to their baptism almost has been moved i see by the sister there anybody seconding amen all in favor by a show of hand amen and i believe those who are watching with us over the internet you are accepting these people to be baptized we have other people over the internet uh who have decided to be baptized we'll get in touch with you and contact your local the church all the city and the place you where you are to be baptized in the days to come we are going to baptize this candidates will stream it via youtube and facebook you can sit down and watch you can go out and watch and we have adhered we are going to adhere to the covey 19 the principle the principles and protocol the candidates have signed this form we have taken their temperature we have asked them these questions and as we baptize them we will provide to them a new brand new face tower to use during baptism and keep it as a souvenir the baptism kindness candidates will be given a brand new tower to use during baptism and keep it as of souvenir the officiating ministers will use a mask face shield graphs and a gown as a visible protective barrier to reduce the chances of transmission of coveted 19 virus all candidates have been encouraged to have family members to escort them and help them change changing clothes after baptism all changing rooms will be cleaned and sanitized sanitized after each use and before it is used by another baptism candidate and family free covered 19 testing is available at the church now that's before and after baptism event to be provided and your information will be communicated to you thereafter let's keep on praying for these candidates and i thank you very much for coming for your prayers and for the support may i pray for these candidates father god these are your people who have decided to be born again who have decided to be baptized by mansion they have publicly confessed that they are going to be a new people they have stood before your children they vowed to adhere to the principles that have been laid before us how i pray that lord you may be with them you may protect them as they start a new journey with you as members of the family your family we will support them we will walk with him we will train them we will teach them will empower them we will show them what is right what is true and what is noble as now they go to be baptized may your presence be with them and i am grateful because there is joy in heaven for seeing all these 22 candidates who are going to be born this afternoon we thank you and we adore your name in jesus name amen amen thank you very much god bless you let's go we'll be guide led by the the deacons to the rooms where we'll change let's go through design thank you so guys so um yes 6 14. so i checked promoted that litsy i can't help you this one sound the battle cries lord let's pick a different song five twenty six why'd you do me like that bruh just god sent his son they called him jesus he lived and died is and life is worth a living just because he lives enjoy because he because i believe just because is 6 32. is is until the day god calls if we recall the will only bring us until the god it's the almighty the king of is so gently sustain surely his goodness if with this is oh god my father there is will be great is thy faithfulness praise thy faithfulness is is faithfulness mercy and love is thy faithfulness praise thy faithfulness faithfulness the two is thy faithfulness praise my faithfulness i see is faithfulness morning faithfulness missing three or four wow is the glory is us free as if they like them could die for thee we will be true to thee till death know we will be true to thee today we will be true to that was not how it does on a hill far away suffering and shame is all right those who are moving let's be reverent let us pray our father and our lord we thank you very much for the opportunity you have given us this afternoon we thank you for the messages that we have heard and at this time we have we are going to have baptism we want to invite your presence with us here and we pray that as we begin this event that you your holy angels may surround us here dear father in heaven and as we continue with the process dear lord we pray that you may keep each and every candidate that is here and all those who are uh watching to be safe their father in heaven taking all the precautions and lord we pray that anything that is left and done that you may do it for us dear father our lord may be glorified forever suffering and is all right because you have accepted the lord jesus christ as your lord and savior we now baptize you in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit foreign so before us we have our sister sonia yakundi sonya yakundi because you have accepted christ as your personal savior we now baptize you in the name of the father the son and the holy ghost amen approach gladly gladly bear then you'll call me sunday forever laid because you have accepted christ as your personal savior we now baptize you in the name of the father the son and holy spirit all right before us we have sandra yakundi sandra because you have accepted jesus christ as your personal savior we now baptize you in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit before us we have nancy nagaka nancy because you have accepted jesus christ as your personal savior we now baptize you in the name of the father the son and the holy ghost amen in prayer is to the crossways to the precious before us we have faith faith because you have accepted jesus christ as your personal savior we now baptize you in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit amen lord to the cross bleeding sun sarah because you have accepted jesus christ as your personal savior we now baptize you in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit amen is to the precious my before us we have mercy mercy because you have accepted jesus christ as your personal savior we now baptize you in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit amen bleeding i need to hear myself tell me the story of jesus tell me the story of jesus sweet says in jesus in the name of the father the son and holy ghost amen is is jesus all right before us we have abigail mossetti abigail because you have accepted jesus christ as your personal savior we now baptize brother the son and the holy spirit amen see tell me tell me the story must be wife to pastor fred o'camera sister miriam because you have accepted jesus christ as your personal savior we now baptize you in the name of the father the son and the holy ghost hey so oh jesus my friends under oh mogire sister catherine because you have accepted jesus christ as your personal savior we now baptize you in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit amen my soul from lord jesus christ jesus jesus christ as your savior now baptize you in the name of the father the son and holy spirit amen take my life and let it be oh amen is before us we have sister chantel yandusi sister chantel because you have accepted jesus christ as your personal savior we now baptize you in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit amen treasures oh foreign to before us before us is a young man by the name adrian momani brother adrian because you have accepted jesus christ as your personal savior we now baptize you in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit i shall around in the cross be my glory ever we now baptize you in the name of the father the son and the holy ghost me ever all right before us we have brother cadiro brother cadiro because you have accepted jesus christ as your personal savior we now baptize you in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit amen ever beyond the river one six three all right before us we have brother samwell nagaka brother samwell because you have accepted jesus christ as your personal savior we now baptize you in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit amen okay so all right before us we have brother andrew matara brother andrew because you have accepted jesus christ as your personal savior we now baptize you in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit amen faith i received my sight and now i am happy all the days the amazing i received my all right we have brother franks on dara brother franks because you have accepted jesus christ as your personal savior we now baptize you in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit amen holidays all right before us we have brother john monari john because you have accepted evia we now baptize you in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit amen is oh all right before us we have brother edwin murguire brother edwin because you have accepted jesus christ as your personal savior we now baptize you in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit amen is oh all right before us we have brother victor nebuta brother victor because you have accepted jesus christ as your personal savior we now baptize you in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit amen we shall be done all right do we have anyone else who would like to be baptized at this time any more candidates we don't have anyone all right okay thank you very much for being with us at this event this afternoon we're going to present the certificates the baptismal certificates so please you have time to get some food we'll have a music extravaganza in the afternoon as well and we'll culminate the whole event in a special god bless you and we're going to pray and then we will close those of us those of you who are watching online we welcome you in the afternoon again so that you can you can see what is happening at this location shall we pray you have shown us the power of your word our lord we thank you for being with us throughout this baptism event we pray that as we break for lunch and as we shall be coming in the afternoon that you'll be with each and every one of us protect us provide for us bring us back safely dear father and continue to show us your goodness and your mercy in jesus name we pray amen amen oh see you in the afternoon you
Channel: 2CBN TV
Views: 52,509
Rating: 4.8011298 out of 5
Keywords: Seventh-day Adventist Church (Religion), East-central Africa Division of SDA, Pastor Joel Osteen, TD Jakes, DivineRevelations Spiritlessons, Pastor Steven Furtick, Elevation Church, Saddleback Church, Nick Vujicic, Tony Evans, Billy Graham, Our Only Hope, Emmanuel TV, TB Joshua SERMON, Priscilla Shirer, Grace For Purpose, ABOVE INSPIRATION, Ted Wilson, Dr. Ben Carson, Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN), Doug Batchelor, Mark Finlay Sermons, Randy Skeet, Berry Black
Id: oOtiuyoZ2uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 32sec (4172 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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