God's Wake up Call || Romans 7:7-13 || Pr. Randy Skeete (Part 13 of 21)

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[Music] lord how are they increased that trouble me many are they that rise up against me many they be with say of my soul there is no help for him in god but thou o lord at a shield for me my glory and the lifter up of my head i cried unto the lord with my voice and he heard me out of his holy hill i laid me down and slept i awake for the lord sustained me i will not be afraid of ten thousands of people that have set themselves against me round about arise o lord save me o my god for thou has smitten all mine enemies upon the cheekbone thou has broken the teeth of the ungodly salvation belongeth unto the lord thy blessing is upon thy people god is good and all the time i welcome you to this evening's presentation and when i see you i mean everyone connecting youtube facebook right in this location thank you very much for your ongoing interest in the truth the bible says ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free error sets no one free error is a form of darkness and imprisonment only the truth is light and freedom let me say immediately uh let me first say sorry for overlooking a very important thing i have not mentioned thanks to all those who have sung i have not mentioned that i've enjoyed your singing thank you very much god bless you may you continue to use your voices for the glory of god who gave them to you so once again thanks for all those who have sung from august 7 to today what is it august 17 i believe i thank you very much for worshiping god with us in song singing is a form of worship that's why when you stand to sing you're not standing to perform you're standing to worship god when you sing not to perform performance is what people do in nightclubs in church you worship musically you don't perform how are you nice to see you it's 7 12 so i'm a little late starting tonight so i have to move quickly but i'll do everything in my power to release you before 8 o'clock as has been my practice i believe let me say welcome again to all the countries represented by those listening whatever country you're in god bless you without end and particularly the host country of the united states and the host church faith international church we thank god for their work and their love for evangelism and i thank him for the singular honor of speaking for him it is a tremendous privilege to speak for god our subject for this evening god's wake up call what did i say god's wake up call as always if you don't need one of these that's very good but if you're using one make sure it does not ring and again i come i compliment you for being so conscious and preserving an atmosphere of reverence i have not heard a phone ring i've heard them ring in several churches but i've not heard them here so far and i believe that will continue favor number two while i'm speaking pray for me and say lord put your words in that man's mouth and i say that every night i've said that for years each time i say it i mean it i want to speak god's words my words are not helpful spiritually the words of god will change your lives the words of god will bring back that child that left the church the words of god will change the hostility of your spouse the word of god will change the tyrannical attitude of your boss the word of god will heal you [Music] and so i want to speak the words of god jeremiah chapter 1 verse 9 then the lord put forth his hand and touch my mouth and the lord said unto me behold i have put my words in thy mouth that's what i want god to do for me tonight and fear number three i want you to think as you listen isaiah 118 come now let us reason together saith the lord let us pray our father in heaven we come into your presence as needy children of yours we need your grace we need your mercy we need the protection of your angels we need your forgiveness in the name of jesus christ father receive us because we cannot come to you in any other name where we have offended you forgive us their god and implant within us a deep perfect hatred for sin and a love for righteousness i present to you all those who are listening wherever they are father bless them because you love them open their eyes to see the truth soften their hearts their god to accept it i humble myself before you father it is my desire to speak the truth help me to do that give me your words grant me your spirit use me that god as an instrument bless every nation represented by this congregation in some nations father life is very very difficult have mercy upon your people in those places and guide the minds of the leaders their god that they may act righteously hear this humble praise merciful father and at the end of this service let everyone know that he or she has heard from you i sincerely offer this prayer in jesus name amen what's our subject god's wake up call go with me to genesis chapter 17. genesis 17 we read a few verses and i read from the king james version of the bible genesis 17. in this chapter god has appeared to abraham and when abraham was 90 years old and nine the lord appeared to abram and said unto him i am the almighty god walk before me and be thou perfect god came to abraham that's what that verse tells us and god has this discussion with abraham and he tells him that cyril will bear him a son in verse 16. in verse 17 then abraham fell upon his face and left and said in his heart shall a child or son be born unto him that is a hundred years old and shall sarah that is 90 years old bear abraham laughed when god said he'd be the father of a child and abraham said unto god verse 18 or that ishmael might live before thee because that's the son he had because of an adulterous relationship with another woman and god said sarah thy wife shall bear your son indeed and thou shalt call his name isaac and i will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant and with his seed after him and as for ishmael i have heard thee behold i will bless him i will make him fruitful and will multiply him exceedingly twelve princes shall he beget and i will make him a great nation verse 21 but my covenant will i establish with isaac which sarah shall bear unto thee at this set time in the next year having delivered the message he came to bring i want you to read verse 22 very carefully and he left off talking with him how does that verse end and god did what went up from abraham now it is obvious that he came down when studying the bible reason honestly honesty is essential for correct bible study the bible says and he left off talking with him and god went up from abraham meaning god came down the bible doesn't give us the details of how he appeared but abraham talked to god there was no lightning there was no thunder there was nothing no earthquake nothing spectacular god spoke to abraham then he left in chapter 18 god came back again this time with two angels with him you know the story abraham fed the angels then one of them told sarah or abraham he'd have a son of course sarah laughed abraham left in chapter 17 sarah laughed in chapter 18. then the two angels in verse 22 went down to sodom the bible said abraham stood yet before the lord and abraham drew near and said will thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked verse 23 of genesis 18. and abraham has this discussion with god and he bargains with god to spare sodom and gomorrah and the other cities and god said in verse 26 if i fight in sodom 50 righteous within the city then i will spare all the place for they say and god went down to 45 to 40 to 30 to 20 to 10. in the last verse of that chapter read carefully now god has ended his discussion the bible says and the lord did what went his way as soon as he had left off communion with abraham who finished the verse now and abraham returned unto his place so abraham and god met somewhere there's no earthquake there's no lightning no natural phenom no fireworks nothing of the kind god came in 17 spoke to abraham and he left off talking with him and god went up from abraham genesis 17 22 the last verse of chapter 18 and the lord went his way in other words he went back up are you following me as soon as he left off talking with abraham and abraham returned into his place we have two clear-cut occurrences of god coming down to speak to a man and we don't have fireworks nothing spectacular go to exodus 3. god's wake-up call chapter is our subject exodus 3 we'll read from verse 1. exodus chapter three from verse one now abraha now moses kept the flock of jethro his father-in-law the priest of midian and he led the flock to the back side of the mountain and came to the back side of the desert and came to the mountain of god even to horeb and the angel of the lord appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of the bush and moses looked and behold the bush burned with fire and the bush was not consumed and moses said i will now turn aside and see this great sight why the bush is not burned and when the lord saw that he turned aside to see god called into him out of the midst of the bush and said moses moses and he said here am i and he said draw not my hither put off thy shoes from off thy feet for the place where on thou standest is holy ground moreover he said i am the god of thy father the god of abraham the god of isaac and the god of jacob finish that verse and moses did what hid his face why because he was afraid to look upon god moses realized that burning bush was how god came to him and he was looking at the bush trying to determine why it was not consumed it just burned when he realized it was god's presence then he hit his face we have a third occasion of god coming down to speak to a human being there's no thunder there's no lightning there's no earthquake there is nothing but it's god now go to exodus 19. in exodus 19 god tells moses to prepare the israelites because he's coming down we saw him come down in chapter 17 of genesis nothing spectacular we saw him come down in genesis 18 both times to speak to abraham nothing spectacular he came down into the wilderness of midian spoke to moses nothing really spectacular now god is coming down again in exodus 19 let's pray father as i enter this portion of the message speak through me clearly god because i'm speaking directly about you in jesus name i pray amen verse 16 of exodus 19 and it came to pass on the third day in the morning that there were thunders and lightnings and what else a thick cloud up on the mount and the voice of the trumpet walk exceeding loud so that all the people that were in the camp come on tremble now scholars estimate there were two million israelites that exited egypt and were in the wilderness now this is the same god who came to abraham in genesis 17 and there was nothing spectacular this is the same god who came to abraham in genesis 18 there was nothing spectacular this is the same god that came to moses in the wilderness of midian in the burning bush nothing really spectacular now the same god comes down and there are thunders and lightning and the thick cloud up on the mount and the voice of the trumpet exceeding loud so that all the people that were in the camp trembled two million people shaking verse 17 of exodus 19 and moses brought forth the people out of the camp to meet with god and they stood at the never part never part of the mount right at the very bottom verse 18 and mount sinai was all together on a small because the lord descended upon it in fire and the smoke thereof ascended as a smoke of a furnace and the whole mount quaked greatly what does quake mean what was going on give me one word earthquake there was an earthquake there was fire a loud noise a thick cloud on the entire mountain because god is coming in his glory chapter 20 of exodus god speaks the ten commandments look at verse 18 of chapter 20 and all the people saw the thunderings and the lightnings and the noise of the trumpet when they saw all of this the bible says they removed instead of far off they backed up i hate to say they ran away but essentially that's what they did they just backed up they backed of the bible says they removed in verse 17 of chapter 19 they stood at the nether part of the mount in verse 18 of exodus 20 they stood off far off they left the original position and backed all the way up why when they saw the glory and the magnificence and the terror backed up they said to moses speak thou with us and we will hear let not god speak with us lest we die it's look you talk to us because if he talks to us we're dead what's going on i'll tell you the reason for all the thunderings thunderings and the lightnings and the thick cloud and the noise of the trumpet like the blast of international war the reason for that was god came to declare his law god brought down his law he's about to announce it himself and the law is a reflection of the righteousness of god you see in chapter 19 god let's go back there let's look at what people call the back story let's look at the background of 20. in chapter 19 we read that last night i believe verse 4 god told moses you have seen what i did unto the egyptians and how i bear you on eagle's wings and brought you unto myself now therefore if ye will obey my voice indeed and keep my covenant then he shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people for all the earth is mine and he shall be unto me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation these are the words with our shall speak unto the children of israel let's go back and analyze what we just read god has given israel one condition on which to be special to him you shall read the verse again or the verse is you tell me what that condition is you have seen what i did unto the egyptians verse 4 exodus 19 and how i bear you on eagle's wings and brought you unto myself now therefore if pause on if if introduces condition if you will do what obey my voice indeed come on and keep my covenant and we know from exodus 34 28 the covenant the ten commandments the foundation of god's covenant the ten commandments god said if you will do this then you'll be a special people to me what is the condition for a special relationship with god obedience of course only through christ because what god calls us to obey is a divine law listen to me carefully no human being without help can keep a divine law now when god told moses speak these words to the children of israel verse 7 says that moses came and called for the elders of israel israel and laid before the faces all these words which lord had commanded him read verse 8 with me now of exodus 19 and all the people answered together and said what all that the lord have spoken we will do now keep in mind these were the same people who had forgotten god when god go to exodus three quickly exodus three our subject god's wake-up call exodus 3 we read 13 and 14 or perhaps just 13. it's 7 30 i'll go very close to 8 o'clock you have exodus 3 13 and moses said unto god behold when i come unto the children of israel and shall say unto them the god of your fathers have sent me unto you and they shall say to me what what is his name what shall i say unto them moses having lived with the israelites for a while he realized that to a vast extent the israelites had forgotten god that's what spending time in the wrong environment will do for you you keep hanging out with the wrong people you lose your love for the church you lose your love for god you lose your love for prayer you lose your love for bible study and generations in egypt had created in the israelites a forgetfulness regarding god and so moses told god i need a name because they have forgotten you these are the people a few weeks later who said all that the lord has spoken we will do god had to show them what it is he wanted them to do he was taking them from egypt where there was idol worship human sacrifice the son was a god the moon was a god the cat was a god the hawk was a god the rivenai was a big god everything that moved virtually was a god that's what they were accustomed to now as a matter of fact before god brought them out of egypt he said put away the false gods and they refused you read that amazingly in ezekiel chapter 20 they refused while they were still in egypt god still brought them out because he made a promise to abraham i'm trying to describe the people who said all that the lord have spoken we will do and anyone who says that is functioning under the old covenant which is the old covenant we can do what you say which means the old covenant is not so much a matter of time it is a matter of attitude towards god's requirements i can do this as we say i've got this no you don't and so they said all that the lord have spoken we will do in chapter 20 god comes and with his own voice he shows them what he expects when they realize the holiness of god the standard of righteousness required of them they backed up moses talked to him if we try we're dead we can't do this and they proved it a few chapters later when they worshipped the golden calf at the bottom of the mountain god came with thunder lightning a loud noise an earthquake why to impress upon the israelites the sacredness and the importance and the grandeur of his standard of righteousness the ten commandments that walk them up to their condition we need help let me say it again the law of god is god's wake-up call because it shows us what god requires of us that law of righteousness is reflected in the life of jesus christ there is no difference between the life of christ and the law of god christ's life was an expression of the law of god the law of god is a written version of the life of christ love for god love for your fellow man but because we have fallen minds god had to itemize how to love your fellow man don't kill him are you following me you said god but how do i love my neighbor don't steal his goat how do i love my neighbor don't steal his wife or her husband how do i love my neighbor don't lie to your neighbor how can i love my neighbor god don't covet everything he has or she has how can i love you don't have the other gods before me how can i love you father don't make idols don't bow to them how can i love you don't say you're christian and behave like a like the first cousin of the el zibab don't do that how can i love you god keep the sabbath holy ah you're not with me you're not with me let me say it again israelites had gone so far from god you see in abraham's time abraham did not need a law written on stone where was the law written in abraham right here noah had it right here adam repented he had it right here seth right here shem right here methuselah enoch enos mahalil noah right here after some generations in egypt god had to come to the israelites and speak the law and write it something he did not have to do for the patriarchs prior to the flood and even after the flood the law of god woke up the israelites to the true condition it's like a young boy who says i can jump and he's in his bedroom saying i can jump high then you take him to basketball court and show him how high the room is and then you tell him now you jump and he realizes that he cannot jump high the law of god is god's wake-up call that we need help in order to live up to that standard of righteousness god has given to us our subject is god's wake-up call it is the function of the law on the heart of the sinner informing him or her you are a sinner and you need help because the law is not an instrument of salvation are you with me let me pray again father as i enter the relation between the law and christ guide my speech father if i'm about to say something wrong shut me up in jesus name i pray amen i'm not joking about shut me up go to psalm 19. psalm 19. you know that first but let's read it verse 7. psalm 19 verse 7 our subject god's wake up call we have psalm 19 verse 7. those of you watching on the internet remember those decision cards make a decision to obey god make this ask god to give you the power to obey him because as i said earlier what god calls you and me to obey is a divine law and only divine power can enable a weak human being to keep a divine law psalm 19 reading verse 7 the law of the lord is perfect stop what's wrong with the law nothing absolutely nothing what's wrong with us everything forgive me for saying that what's wrong with god's law nothing the bible says the law of the lord is perfect romans 7 12 the law is holy just and good romans 7 14 the law is spiritual psalm 11 7 7-8 the law is eternal psalm 119 verse 172 the law of the commandments are righteousness let me say it again there is nothing wrong with the law of god there's everything wrong with people let me tell you something else about the law of god as i try to give you the relationship between the law and christ go to first john chapter 5. let's read verse three first john towards the back of the bible first john chapter five we'll read verse three you have that first john 5 verse 3 you have it who has the king james version can i see your hands anybody anymore nobody nobody nobody oh you do all right i want to ask the reason you don't have it so that's okay for this is the love of god that we do what keep his commandments now whatever version you have you have finish that verse what does it say his commandments come on are not grievous the word grievous means hard or difficult or burden his commandments are not grievous they're not hard what ezekiel 36 now keep in mind god says his commandments are not hard go to ezekiel 36. we read verse 26 our subject god's wake up call 20 minutes to eight i hope you're listening carefully and i believe the spirit is trying to reach many many people with the words of truth ezekiel 36 reading verse 26 a new heart also will i give you and a new spirit will i put within you and i will take away what come on i will take away what the stony heart out of your flesh i will give you a heart of flesh a soft one now how is the heart of a natural sinner described as stony or hard here's what the bible gives us the law of god is not hard the heart of a sinner is hard go to second corinthians three let's read verse three second corinthians 3 verse 3 our subject god's wake up call second corinthians 3 verse 3. for as much as you manifestly declared to be the epistles of christ ministered by us written not how not with ink but with the what spirit of the living god keep reading not on tables of stone but on fleshy tables of the heart in other words god this tables of stone and god wants to soften the heart so that he can make an impression on that heart with his law now first john 5 3 the law of god his commandments are not grievous now here is the problem the law is perfect i'm carnal romans 7 verse 14 for we know that the law is spiritual but i am carnal the law is spiritual is holy it's just it's good it's righteous it's perfect i am carnal for the law and me are for the law and i to agree one of the two has to change are you following me if the law is wholly just and good and i am carnal the only way the law and i can correspond or get along is is if one of us changes the law must either cease to be holy and be just as wicked as i am or i must cease to be wicked and live up to the standards of that law god's law cannot be changed matthew 5 17 think not that i am come to destroy the law of the prophets i have not come to destroy but to fulfill in other words in my life is a fulfillment of god's law god cannot change his law that's why christ had to die but he can change us are you with me to bring us into harmony with his standard of righteousness god cannot change his law because the law is good the law is holy the law is spiritual the law is righteous the law is perfect if you change something that's perfect you're saying it was not perfect we must change and christ does that now the relation between christ and the law the law shows me my condition it's my wake up call but the law can't change me it's not the law that died it's christ are you following me the lord didn't die for me christ died for me the law is not an instrument of salvation the law is the righteousness of christ the law is a standard when obeyed the law preserves spiritual life because there's life in the word of god and the law is part of the word of god now jesus christ is the one who changes me he changes my heart so that the law of god appeals to me now and i don't want to steal i don't want to kill i don't want to bear false witness i don't want to worship things made out of stone i don't want to go to the witch doctor as christ changes me he places in me a heart that loves his law the bible says of jesus i delight to do thy will oh my god yea thy law is within my heart but there are some who say the law has done away with has it really been done away with and here's the verse on which they base it go to romans chapter 10. romans 10 is the quarter the eight if i have to go past eight i hope you'll allow me romans chapter 10 we read verse 8 verse 4 sorry romans 10 verse 4 romans chapter 10 a powerful book verse 4 for christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth people take that verse and say ah the bible says the law ended but when you study the bible you must study here a little very little come on line up online what else precept upon precept you cannot build a belief on a single text romans 10 4 says for christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth go to james chapter 5. you read verse 11. james five verse eleven do you have that not yet james 5 verse 11. you have it now what does that say you've heard of the patience of job keep reading and have seen what the end of the law that the lord is what yes merciful and pitiful the law is the lord is very merciful pitiful and very merciful james tells us look at the prophets in verse 10 look at job look at god as we try to understand what the verse means by the end the end of the lord in verse 10 the writer says by the way who was the half-brother of jesus take my brethren the prophets who have spoken in the name of the lord for an example of suffering what affliction and patience now what is james saying look at the prophets examine their lives and watch a conclusion they suffered affliction and they were very long suffering they suffered james you say look at the prophets isaiah jeremiah and when you look at them and you examine them what's the conclusion what you learn they suffered affliction and patience next verse he says he goes to job behold we hold them blessed who endure you've heard of the patience of job when you study job what conclusion do you come to says james he is or was patient now he applies the same thing to god you've heard of the patience of job and have seen the end of the lord that the lord is very what come on the lord is very what merciful and pitiful what james is saying when you look at god you see you look at the prophets verse 10 you conclude them they're they're patient and they suffered look at job you conclude he was patient look at god the end of that examination is he's pitiful and very merciful that's what end means the outcome the grand culmination and so we read in first timothy chapter 1 verse 5 but the end of the law is charity out of a pure heart in other words what does the law point to that's why god says the law is summarized in two words love for god love faith fellow man not that the law comes to an end the word end the greek word tell us means the culmination the purpose the grand finale what does the law point you love when you look at the prophets what do you arrive at what conclusion they were patient they suffered when you look at job what conclusion they arrive at he was patient when you look at god what conclusion they arrive at he's merciful and pitiful that's all it means not that god ends because if you say in romans 10 4 christ is the end of the law the greek word therefore end is the same greek word in james we've seen the end of the lord are you telling me god ends it doesn't end it does not mean cessation it means fullness of outcome go to romans 7 let's take another look at god's law his wake up call romans 7. let's read from verse 7. romans 7 verse 7 are you there let me pray father i'm on the downside of this message continue to be with me i pray please in jesus name amen what shall we say then is the law sin god forbid if the law is not sin what is it what's the opposite of sin righteousness now paul said what shall we say is the law saying god forbid which means the lord's righteousness he says nay i had not known sin but by the law for i had not known lust except the law had said thou shalt not covet now this is what satan is trying to remove the function of the law as an identifier of sin and so he has moved upon christian preachers to say the law has been done away with if that's the case there is no way to know what's right and wrong in the sight of god because the bible is clear paul said i had not known lust there was no way for me to know lust except the law had said thou shalt not covet what is he saying it is only by the law that someone can know what is sin in the eyes of god remove the law and you remove sin the devil wants that and so christians say there's no law but here's what they're saying you look at the law thou shalt have know the gods before me they have no problem with that that's not what they mean has been done away with because they go to church to worship this god presumably the second commandment thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image they have no problem with that that's not what they mean when they see the law has been done away with because they don't worship the idols most of them commandment 3 thou shalt not take the name of the lord thy god in vain you ask them is this done away with if they're honest they have to say no commandment 5 honor thy father thy mother has that been done away with no thou shalt not kill 6 thou shalt not commit adultery thou shalt not steal thou shalt not bear false witness thou shalt not covet none of those have been done away with what they mean is the sabbath has been done away with that's the law they're targeting and in order to get rid of that they say the law has been i am under grace not on the law listen to me carefully someone under the law is someone in violation of the law when i drive through my city and i see a policeman i don't panic are you with me he's the why because i keep the law i have not had a traffic ticket in about 20 years i don't speed so when i see a policeman hiding in the bushes as they do in my state perhaps in the euros i don't panic i just keep driving i am not under the foot and the condemnation of the law but if i were a bank robber and i'm running out of a bank and i saw a policeman i would probably lose control of my bodily functions because i'm under the condemnation of the law when the bible says under the law it means under the condemnation for disobedience a person under grace has been lifted from being under the law and now lives a law abiding life from the heart as jesus lived those who say i'm a new testament christian let's look at the new testament with jesus when the rich young ruler came to christ what must i do to inherit eternal life jesus said unto him why call us to help me good none is good save one that is god then jesus said thou knowest the commandments don't commit adultery don't kill don't steal don't be false witness honor thy father thy mother that's what jesus told him in luke 18. he said what must i do and jesus said that's what you do that's jesus that's the new testament what did the brother of jesus say in james chapter 2 from verse 8 if he observed if he keep the royal law according to the scriptures thou shalt love thy neighbors thyself you do well but if you have respect to persons you commit sin and are convinced of the law as transgressors here again we have the law as the thing that points out sin for whosoever verse 10 of james two shall keep the whole law and yet offend at one point he's guilty of all now this is about 20 years after christ went back for he that said do not commit adultery said also do not steal do not kill now if thou commit no adultery yet if thou kill there would become a transgressor of the law now verse 12 says so speaky and so do as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty the brother of jesus tells us you ought to live your life as though you understand one day you'll be judged by that law that you say does not exist so speaky jim says live as if you realize the standard in the judgment is the law of god and so the wisest man who ever lives said let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter fear god and keep his commandments for this is the whole duty of man when you abolish the law you've abolished the whole duty of man for god shall bring every work into judgment with every secret thing in the judgment the standard is the law of god and so the very last chapter of the bible revelation 22 verse 14 blessed are they that do his commandments revelation was written about 60 years after jesus died and the writer is saying by the holy ghost because all scripture is given how by inspiration of god the holy ghost directs john to write blessed are they that do his commandments that they may have right to the tree of life because adam lost that right by disobedience we gain that right by obedience to christ and so jesus said of himself in john 15 10 if he keep my commandments he shall abide in my love even as i have kept my father's commandments in the new testament and abide in his love remove the law and no one can identify sin remove the law and no one can be convicted of sin because the law is a convicting power the law shines a light on our weaknesses and it points us to jesus my brothers and sisters god's law is his wake up call remove that law and no one will ever realize that he or she is a sinner and therefore no one will feel the need for a savior i say it again remove god's law no one will feel the conviction of sin and no one will feel the need for a savior but jesus came and died because the law was broken god has a law and when he comes back he will take home with him those who've lived obedient lives by the power of his grace yes obedience is possible through the grace of christ and to destroy those who have willfully violated god's law i say again when christ comes the loving jesus he destroys sinners who willfully violated his law and take home with him those who through his power have lived a righteous law abiding life who've had no gods before him who did not worship idols did not take his name in vain kept the seventh-day sabbath honored their parents did not kill commit adultery steal bear false witness or covet other people's possessions this is god's standard of righteousness it has never been done away with it is not hard to obey when the heart is given to christ the bible says in first john 5 3 god's commandments are not grievous they're not hard the problem is this is hard let jesus change this and you will be attracted to righteousness let jesus change this and you will love the law of god how many of you will say with me father put in my heart to love your law can i see your right hand or any hand put it in my heart to love your lord keep your hands up father in the name of jesus we ask you lord as an act of grace rewrite your law on our hearts so that we may serve you willingly lovingly and joyfully give us love that god for right doing and right doing is defined by your holy law please god soften the hearts of stone who seek to destroy your law i office prayer for my heart dear god knowing that you will do everything to save people and god may your spirit right now move upon the hearts of those who listening that those who need to make a decision to lay down their rebellion against you and to accept you and to make a decision their god to live an obedient life by the power of jesus christ do that in the lives of those who need it father and bring us back tomorrow to hear your word again we thank you for hearing and answering us in jesus name amen god bless you come back tomorrow and as i always tell you try to bring someone with you god is good and all the time [Music] beloved of the lord you
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Keywords: Seventh-day Adventist Church (Religion), East-central Africa Division of SDA, Pastor Joel Osteen, TD Jakes, DivineRevelations Spiritlessons, Pastor Steven Furtick, Elevation Church, Saddleback Church, Nick Vujicic, Tony Evans, Billy Graham, Our Only Hope, Emmanuel TV, TB Joshua SERMON, Priscilla Shirer, Grace For Purpose, ABOVE INSPIRATION, Ted Wilson, Dr. Ben Carson, Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN), Doug Batchelor, Mark Finlay Sermons, Randy Skeet, Berry Black
Id: 0rfMeFh5elM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 8sec (3008 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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