LIVE: We Bought a Bag of 79 Mystery CPUs

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start streaming [Music] we should be live it's been a little while uh let me know if you can see and hear everything okay we haven't streamed since about august of last year and if you haven't been around uh long enough to remember this we used to do regular liquid nitrogen overclocking live streams and i'm planning to bring those back i was just talking to joe stop ponzi from bearded hardware about that uh and uh i gotta get on a call with him and plan when we're gonna do an ln2 overclocking live stream okay let's see is this is it working is uh what's chat saying once we're on the same [Music] same page for the audio quality i can get going with the task here let's see cool okay i saw someone say hey steve so maybe it works maybe it doesn't i have no idea yet uh okay cool i am seeing i i do see that someone says because we're three minutes late they will now unsubscribe i hope we can i hope we can earn back your subscription um thank you for taking the time to type that into chat though and boosting our engagement all right so let's see what's chat saying i can hear and see you all fine i am going to choose to believe only that chat comment and ignore all other ones about audio because i have been trolled in the past about audio problems and i'm gonna believe the first one i saw that's that's generally how you should do things just blindly take everyone at their word we have a bit of a different setup here this is uh a tv very technological and it is mounted to a super cool stand that i basically picked up more or less on the on the side of the road for free so um that's cool but that's in the background we're gonna try and use that today maybe for some chat playback and when i'm looking through um ebay listings for the cpus we bought uh let me just do a tweet and tell everyone we're live i have to remember how to do streaming this i'm i'm excited for it though it'll be fun to do these again this is our first one in the new studio we are live first time in the new studio which we moved into in late last year uh okay so i've sent out the tweet um nice to see so much space for steve to move around and yes the first time we did live streams was actually back at the house uh probably 2017 and we actually we did the rip ltt stuff then you remember that andrew yeah andrew's on the camera today and was the one who had to navigate the forest of tripods and like a 10 by 12 basically bedroom that we had set up a live streaming set in i wasn't able to get liquid nitrogen delivered there um don't know why but they really didn't want to bring a 180 liter tank into my garage so uh we won't talk about that all right what's everyone saying there's a humming sound but probably nothing you can do about it um it's the air conditioning i mean that's the biggest problem with this space is there's an ac unit straight above the studio i'll just turn it up and then when i start sweating later everyone can hopefully know you'll have to inform the people to join later why all right let me give you the steve how long does it prep take to prep for a live stream i don't know maybe two hours last night and then probably an hour today hour and a half today um most of that was just us remembering the things we have to do so hopefully we got all of them uh i am going to read all the super chats today at least up until a point so you can send in super chats i will read it i'll be getting them on a 30 to 60 minute delay if you have computer questions you're trying to buy something you want to ask or tell us something send it in via super chat i'll get it for you and then also before we get started with this five or six pound bag of cpus um the i could have set it down a little gentler but i think it's a lost cause we are also doing a promo right now where for the next five days but especially today during the stream because we'll shout some of the orders out if you buy something from we are giving 10 of the total store revenue that's all of the the gross revenue from the store 10 of it to the kramden institute which handles e-waste processing and pc refurbishing why would we connect e-waste processing to a bag of 79 cpus that i bought for one dollar per cpu uh i don't know but we're gonna find out we'll see if the connection makes sense i thought it did so you can buy something like a modmat which by the way i think we only have i don't even know i we will probably sell out of these over the next two days and we're not going to have more for a couple months so if you want a modmat go to and grab the volt we are down to very low quantity for these we've got the coasters and stuff too okay let's get started with the cpu bag since andrew's kind of pointed over here anyway so let me check on chat what's chat saying uh let's see ellen to the ac well chat hasn't changed much in a year okay uh so the context of this i want to show you some video clips we filmed this in 2020 in march we were uh we were in taiwan in taipei and went to guanajuato digital plaza which is a super cool market we've done two or three videos there in the past so you should check them out if you haven't um and i think you could just type in like gamer's nexus taiwan computer market you'll find it and super cool place it's this huge sprawling plaza of all types of computer parts there's a lot of used stuff so stuff like these bags of cpus you can find there you can get some really cool old hardware like we bought these thermal probes that just haven't been made in over a decade and this i was walking by this is an unpublished video so we never aired this it was uh i think it was mostly just we kind of needed some more shots to really tie it all together and we couldn't get back to taipei after march of 2020. try and guess why uh so we never got to go back for our extra shot so you are going to see some uncut a-roll and um this is the contact so i was at this yeah we got it i should send kfc a bill we got this um uh night mark or not nightwork it's actually just a market uh and the thing that caught our eye was this box of cpus how's that looking on the screen andrew like for uh reflections and stuff not too bad you know i turn off the lights over here we need an overhead projector too just to really get that vibe okay uh so this was the context of what got our attention across here and um they were charging 50 taiwan dollars each i believe is what that says and uh that was is almost two dollars per cpu and um i thought it would be a fun video clip if i basically bought all of them so we talk about it for a little bit to the camera and i go through some other stuff like this is a box of random motherboards i think we bought some of these too we'll do a different stream with that stuff we then go through the shop we look at uh random like cool heat sinks let's see this wall was really interesting uh you see there's modern parts like like these uh liquid coolers and there's some laptops there's all this cool stuff behind me and um we looked around the shop for a bit but let me show you what happened if if i can find the exact where did i bring the box of cpus to him so my mandarin at this point was exceptionally bad and i did my best there it is did my best to tell him i want to buy like hey you know that box of cpus outside i want to buy all of them uh there it is okay so that guy works for the store and here's the this is the full context for the video we're doing today so uh i picked up the cpus and i said i want to buy all of these uh and we negotiated on price for a little bit and we came out to about a dollar for cpu he had to count them all though he had no idea how many were in there the answer is 79 that's how many cpus we bought and um you can see like the perfectly good brand new ones behind them that i had no interest in uh so let's let me do show you one last section i'll check on chat in super chat um so basically his employee goes through all the cpus counts them he asked me if i want him to double check the count as if i'm worried he's gonna he's gonna short me by by one old cpu oh there was a there's the there's the real reaction you can see how he really feels about me wanting to buy a box of old cpus i remember this is where i picked up the box and i just said ho jong which is just like very heavy and he said yes very very zhong so um that's the that's the story he showed us this guy was super cool i i maybe i'll run something on gnx just for this he got out some old hard drives we like did some phone translation for a bit and long story short i walk away with happy with a couple kilograms of cpus and they didn't even stop me in the airport so that's i actually was worried about that let me check on the chat saying steve seption steve pointing out steve pointing is killing me all right um so now now we can go through the cpus now that you have the context of where they came from and we're gonna price some of these out should i get these back on andrew yeah okay i've got a list of them patrick went through the cpus a couple years ago and i still have the list but we're gonna update the pricing what's the best way to do this okay i think that was pretty efficient so a very um the very uh mixed i don't know i think i think we can all guess that the value of these considering i paid about 30 ntd or about a dollar each u.s there you go that one's easy e6600 good start i think patrick may have actually labeled all of these that'll save us some time okay let me check on super chats now that we've got the dump of parts on the on the table uh so we've got how many people hanging out in chat right now 2600 people awesome thank you for joining for our first stream in like a year and uh you know send the link out let your friends know hey if they're they're live for the first time in a while and they're going to look through some random cpus what are the super chats kc uh m-s-t-e-r-p-c-e twenty dollars thank you that helps a lot says keep rocking and being awesome kc masterpiece thank you the gamer reborn sent in five dollars and said hi steve i'm getting ready to build my first custom pc this year and i'm super proud of my part list that's awesome to hear i'm also a first timer to a stream so hi guys hello yeah so uh being confident in you your list of parts you've selected is probably the most important thing i i think this is a good opportunity to throw this out here where um a lot of people get really excited about posting on reddit and telling other people that they were wrong and all the stuff they chose so if you feel pretty happy about the parts list even if you chose something that we've reviewed negatively or someone else online is saying you shouldn't buy as long as it works well and you're happy with it it really doesn't matter that much you know the reviews are there to help and the commenters are there to help but um but ultimately if you're proud of your parts list that's great to hear uh pinak sharma sent in uh 100 i don't know that currency marker i'm sorry and said create a new home server do you recommend having independent nas security system and home assistant or a single beefy system with virtualized containers that's a good question i will preface this with i'm not a server expert but wendell is and then i do have an opinion on it though just as sort of just as an enthusiast so i like independent systems that are somewhat isolated because i i operate my technology in fear and that's because i respect its power to go completely wrong when you've done nothing to cause that so personally i like to isolate those systems because then only one thing can break so maybe you lose your your nas goes down for an hour at least you haven't knocked out what else did you list your security system and and your home assistant if the home assistant stops working because of some software bs going on at least it doesn't kind of you don't have to take down the rest of your home setup to fix it so that's that's just my opinion on it uh all right last one i'm gonna read before we get to this is jedi master shark sent in five dollars thank you said so you flew to taiwan and you bought a bag of cpus we flew to taiwan again this is from 2020 and we did a bunch of super cool factory tours that you should check out and then we bought a bag of cpus thank you very much okay uh let's let me ask the chat here let's get a shot of the table and chat please please help me pick which one we're gonna look at first uh i don't know how we do this type one for this one type two for this all right yeah so that works andrew says spam one for this cpu spam two for this one with the black cover on it's a mystery three for this one and let's do four for this one and then let's see if i remember any of those all right let's see what uh what people are saying what are they choosing operate and fear is apple's motto yeah more or less hey i like how apple has built this ecosystem i remember talking to a neighbor probably like two decades ago and um i asked him why he likes apple so much and this was when apple is much less prevalent and he said uh i like my mac because whenever something doesn't work i know it's my fault not apples and i was like oh that's a that's a scary mentality it's like all right i'm seeing a lot of twos here for i think that was the mystery one there's some sevens we haven't chosen a seven yet all right let's start with let's this one's very specific fourth one from the top right who's top right which one is the fourth one let's go with this one oh commander's in chat sam uh awesome to see you sam thanks for coming out it's always cool to see people who've been part of the streams for so long come out when uh when we have the first one in a while so uh this is an amd athlon 64. i think we're gonna find a lot of these and unfortunately these have pins on them which is sub-optimal uh so this is our our one dollar athlon 64. i'm curious what these are worth i like that there was at least a bit of a pin protector in there let's see let's get a shot of this if you if you can that actually looks really good twitch plays cpu yes but it's not twitch don't get me permabanned from youtube i'm just kidding youtube doesn't know who i am uh so that's actually that's more true than just than sad so avon 64. what are our thoughts on this chat what's everyone think wouldn't the poll be easier no there's 79 of them how do i describe them uh let's pull up ebay where i've searched for cpu and let's type in i can barely read this uh it's got so much paste on it athon 64 x2 i don't have the number amd athlon 64 x2 what what model is this let's see so i have a list here i can search this control f uh ad04 there we go zero zero uh oh the list has broken oh i think that's it cool all right i think i think we got the part this is a 4400 this is a 4400 plus so the msrp for this cpu that i bought for only 30 taiwan dollars about one usd msrp was is this accurate 581 dollars no way athlon it's been so long on 64 x 2 400 plus msrp i can't scratch my face because i'll get thermal paste on it oh it's already on the mouse that's some uh that's some 15 year old thermal paste on the mouse now that's a good mouse too it's it's not a good mouse price history i don't think we need the price history i just need the one time uh what did this sell for well it's um 39 on amazon right now don't think it will sell for that much what's chat saying about this one it's steve's get rich quick scheme that'd be cool it's more like it's more like get about a day's worth of food budget slowly scheme this is you're not getting rich quick on this or at all uh what are people saying so i should remind everyone that even though the msrp was at one point many hundreds of dollars that doesn't actually really matter oh here we go we got an anatech review man written by anandam himself uh why did he not where's the price chat help me out help me verify the msrp athlon 64 x2 400 plus help me find the msrp on the like the original original msrp oh oh man i think that is right i think it was 581. let's read so let me just read um the anatec athon 64 x2 let's see and attack athlon 64 xt review is this it i think this is the right one nope 4800 400 plus okay there we go let's get the conclusion uh so he said on the desktop side we are very excited about the athlon 64 x2 he says uh at a price of 581 dollars the 4400 plus is more reasonably priced of the two of the x2 cpus he said he's concerned about the availability of the lower cost x2 cpus and uh then said the 64x2 will be faster than anything else intel has for desktop wow i'm going to go put this in my system right now okay so what's chat saying i've seen some 250 dollar marks for that must be for another one thank you ebay for recently sold we should do that let's check out the modern pricing 4400 plus i'm not expecting just to be clear to walk away from this with like we're not going to be selling these it's not worth the time i'd rather make art out of them where is uh where is sold i feel like ebay has moved things sold items fifteen dollars oh that's a forty two hundred plus there you go twenty three dollars really why keeping old systems alive i guess that makes more sense assorted amd socket am2 cpus seven dollars and that's shipping from canada that's probably coming straight from linus's warehouse okay let's see what else what else is there uh so we do have some pluses i don't know if this is the 4400 plus or if that's one of the other ones in this pile but that is one of the cpus let's look at the next one uh 6300 core i think that's a two duo let me read it first then we'll show intel core 2 duo 1.86 gigahertz 2 megabytes of cash man they actually listed the specs on the ihs that's nice that would be sick actually should we like do something with these what if i did like um i have an idea uh what if i have an idea here we are doing the promo for e-waste recycling charity efforts uh i have an idea okay so we have 79 cpus i don't really know what to do with them once we're done um and we also have all of these so i i and i have a box of other ones somewhere else because just basically um i'm gonna i'm gonna level with you chat i have a problem when i see a box of old cpus for cheap it's very hard to resist buying it so we have enough old cpus and i think i think uh i think we could do without these so for store orders during this stream i'm going to randomly mix in cpus with those orders if there's more than 79 orders you might not get one it's not a guarantee so you're going to buy something from the store just do it because you want something from the store that should be your first goal but i'm going to go ahead and just randomly mix some of these in they don't have any value just to be clear so don't buy something because you're trying to get value it's really more of just if you think it'd be kind of neat to have a random old cpu maybe you want to put it on the wall or something like that or just say like hey i saw this in the stream so we'll do that we'll we'll mix all these in uh for orders done during the stream on store okay that'll be fun because then uh then you guys can help me get rid of all of this and i think patrick will be very happy because he'll have more space to put other things like cpus that are testable okay uh oh yeah also there might be some um there might be some bent pins on them they might not work i have no idea okay uh so that was a core 2 duo let's look up what specific one this was i'm gonna have to tell our distributor that he needs to mix uh cpus with the orders i don't know what he's gonna think about that like what do i need to pack them specially like do they need esd foam no they probably don't work uh tortu duo why is everything so faded core 2 duo there are a lot of core 2 duo's and this one specifically is q six four eight q six four eight oh nope it's not maybe not in the list maybe maybe this one's oh he did oh it's a 6300 he wrote it on here excellent 6300 e 6300 that's what the cpu is uh i'm thinking the value is not going to be good on this one so this is a an e6300 core 220e 6300 that's um that's about what i was expecting i can break even or i can just ship it out in a box and then you can get a dollar maybe uh do we have sold oh these are sold items okay so what what would be our best bet here this one went for three dollars these are lga 775 that was the second socket i built and i think maybe the third i think that was the third uh q6600 is what i bought it was a quad core it was one of the first and that was a that was probably one of my best pc builds currently i'm using an fx i think 8700 moving on the core 2 duo e4400 did a lot better oh a lot of six randomly assorted uh core two duos for seven dollars okay all right so we got about a dollar here let's set that aside in the high value pile i gotta go to the next like streamer poker tournament be like i've brought my own chips uh yeah q6600 would be awesome if we haven't in here let's look for so this is an e60 300 as well let's look for something interesting here let's do this okay chat now is your time to shine um i need you to choose one let's go with um a point of the upside down ones this one's got an interesting qc mark on it so let's go with qc mark chip is number one this is number two the unprotected chip with pins is number three and that's four tell me which one we're gonna look at next oh thank you i'm on fx 8350 i've forgotten the names because it's a decade old now 8350 i appreciate it also it's it's underclocked and undervolted at home because um the motherboard i have uh the motherboard i have the vrm was overheating when it was running stock so i had to drop the clocks a little bit and then drop the voltage 8350 i actually it was a i had a 9000 series for a little bit but i pulled it out because it was too much for the vrm on the crappy board i bought okay what are the numbers saying steve has a little bit of pace on a socket fine normally it depends if it uh interrupts the pin to pad contact and if so you can spray it with crc and it's oh there's some up there the red can up there you could spray it with contact cleaner uh it'll leave some residue but it'll get the the paste out i'm seeing a lot of threes people really want to see the cpu number three which is the exposed pins one let's start with that then so first off let's have a good look at the pins is that a dead bug or dust that one is dust uh the pins are salvageable i think there's a couple bent ones in here um let's see what the cpu is athlon 64x2 and as for which one this is let's look this up this is another 4400 ad0400 iaa this is the 4400 plus i don't think the other one was it was a different it was a different one so this we already looked this up this one was i think it recently sold for 20 or something uh formerly 581 dollar cpu so if we get a time machine i guess i can go back in time and scalp this otherwise uh it will go to one of you okay crc contact cleaner is a must-have 100 agree let me do a sidebar on this i think i think we can have a good educational moment for anyone who doesn't know what this stuff is so this is what i like to use for cleaning sockets and cpus um and anything that like that's such a mess that using rubbing alcohol is not really going to be good enough so there's a couple types of contact cleaner a lot of them leave residue especially if you're spraying thermal paste off something because it it doesn't doesn't disappear it's got to go somewhere so it'll leave a residue which is kind of annoying but it gets stuff clean really fast and if you're joe saponzi from bearded hardware you can take an amd 3950x and uh go outside standing over concrete to spray the vaseline and the thermal paste off the pins and what you do is because you are unbelievably strong and don't know your own strength you spray it once and blast the cpu to the pavement and then you spend a few hours on bending pins i'm looking forward to him coming back out here i'm not looking forward to him working with another one of my cpus with pins on it okay let's do uh i hope joe's watching let's do let's let me do a quick demo here i'll show you anyone who doesn't have this stuff so for this i would just use rubbing alcohol on this personally um but just to kind of show do the demo here ready uh you just spray any of the paste that's on the edges will sort of liquefy and then you take your rag and you know very easy you can do this with rubbing alcohol but the reason i like the spray is because it's really easy to get into all the cracks around stuff much better for pins uh in a motherboard if you get like thrown paste in the socket especially an amd socket work like pga where it goes in that will clean it out really well there's a couple versions of this i don't like the one that's a blue can i don't know what it's called i just know i don't like it and definitely sold in the u.s uh very common in large like home renovation type stores and um the reason i don't like it is because it leaves a lot more residue than this can does so anyway what are people saying uh what's what's the let's go to super chats here so we have a couple ones and i need to read and then we'll get back to the next cpu um let's see david five dollars thank you also has a cat avatar i think which is uh instantly a bonus said have you ever considered quote a man bun uh don't know how to respond to that i don't really think of things outside of computer hardware in general so sometimes you have to be creative with drying it i guess a single serving friend ssf five dollars my annual troll just to hear you mispronounce my name damn i should have read the message first because i'm pretty sure i said it the same way i said it every other stream good to see you back i relay canada two dollars you guys should complete stuff like this on gnx i don't know what that is gn extras hmm that's valid yeah we do have a second channel called gen extras which i guess is now called gnx because i like that name um huh yeah we could probably at least pull the clip i was showing and do a quick cut of it and just upload it that makes sense uh let's see next one andrew maurice uh coleman says since two dollars says love all the content thank you uh well w-a-l-a-p-a-117 greetings from the philippines watching your stream because i can't sleep better monitor or better gpu what to buy first currently 60 hertz and a 1660 super i would go with a gpu i think uh but i am not much of a monitor snob i mean i do we have it in this room still yes um i don't mind monitors for example like this one i got this for pretty cheap at a um a storage unit that was being liquidated and had a bunch of computer stuff in it and it's like 1080p and it's perfectly fine so i don't know i i use high resolution stuff for for work like i use ultrawides for work so if you're working with a lot of spreadsheets and you feel like your monitor is slowing you down i guess do that but for gaming i would probably do a gpu first next one let's see nori ss says der bauer is recovering from the c19 can you wish him a speedy recovery why did their bower send you i guess i guess a speedy recovery roman we're working on his um his romans alder like contact plate if you haven't seen that it is supposed to sort of flatten out or actually it's supposed to not bend the cpu really interesting result we just ran all the thermals for it i'm looking forward to producing the video next week uh mad crow maxwell five dollars i think he says all these old cpus retro build went i don't know i'll pull one out of the cup here later we'll see if it works and then maybe we can do a retro build uh penalty armor says it's the indian rupee marker and three system it is uh this was for the question about should you isolate or combine all of your different systems and technology uh menial marsai five dollars thank you says when you search ebay you should use recently sold instead of for sale did that we got that one thank you for the message uh moss stains by matt 10 do you still have the penguin pro i sent you yes hang on i'll be right back this is actually this is pretty cool um we have oh nice we have a section of the studio that we haven't built out yet and i have all the old set props back there so we're going to figure out where to put them at some point and this new in box intel pentium pro processor i believe is what mustangs by matt is talking about so yes also super chat just came in from um alexander schlickenmeyer who says are we doing name miss pronunciation now i think i got that one but thank you okay all right we'll come back to super chat in a second let's do the next one next cpu put that on the coaster so that was the that was an e6300 i was just using the demo okay chat the time has come let's start doing where's a sharpie let's start doing a grid let's do it this way you ready for this this is like next level interactive live stream okay you don't just get these anywhere one oh i started writing upside down and i i've realized i'm not going to be able to complete that task and now i've committed to putting a one so i have to flip it two three four let's do this let's make this interesting i'll pick a few different types let's get one of these in and then let's get in how about whatever this is all right chat this is your time spam the numbers for me one two three four in the meantime i get some super chats uh mirror devry says would you jump from 5600x to 5800x3d i do primarily gaming on this pc uh it's an x570 with a red devil 6900xt wow that is a high end card um i like the 5600x still you're not missing out on a ton of gaming performance but with the 6900xc you will get an uplift for sure i think the question is how do you feel about spending that much money today and recommitting to am4 socket instead of waiting till the end of this year to get ryzen 7000 i think i personally would wait but ryzen 7 000 you'll be buying ddr5 and you'll be buying a new motherboard so it's not quite that cheap i guess one three one no sixes are not an option five is not an option you've been disqualified one two one four four the system could use some work but uh but it's good enough i think i think i saw more ones and fours than anything else so we're gonna do one and then we'll do four all right let's see what it is how is that possible i flipped it over and it says four the blue shop towel is magic intel what the hell is this core 2 duo oh boy that's not a good start 6320 i believe is what this is let me put that out to get a shot can you see this okay from there in terms of the lettering let's take a look at this one do i say 6320 is that what that is e6320 we have a few different versions of this is this the qhe or the sla4u sla for you okay let's see what one that is i should mark these off as we go this one is uh this is not the engineering sample but apparently we have one of these and there is a qc sticker on the bottom what does that say is that real no okay 2008 is when this was last checked interesting okay well so it's got a um a qc sticker on it and i said it is an e 6320 let's see do i get my dollar back or are we in the hole on this one uh uh let's see 63 20s oh nope that's that's entire that's two laptops for 89 that's not a good sign uh that's a laptop oh no that's a 6600 okay well maybe a dollar maybe somewhere in that range if we're if we're doing okay how's chat saying i like this are you are you streaming with pen and teller because of the flip and the choose a number is this the number you chose it's a four on the other side yes i work on i work on magic tricks in my spare time that's also how i have to deal with reviewing certain products to performing magic tricks because they don't work out of the box uh who's next got that one got the pen and pro question 5600 question the next one is from apostrophe uh who sent five dollars thank you and said do you think pcie gen 3 will significantly affect rtx 4000 series great question i have a z490 and 10 850k and i'm curious how much i would limit future cards very good question so first of all we are definitely testing that because a lot of people are going to be on gen 3 still as for the rest it's hard to say because the 4000 series doesn't exist yet for us anyway significantly maybe like a 40 90 you will probably start to see some impact because gen 3 to gen 4 we're starting to see a little bit of impact there where previously there wasn't much on the 3000 series and a gen 4 to 5 is not much really that that direction but three to four or three to five there was so i think if you're on a 40 90 or something then depending how you define significant i would expect you'll be in uh high enough impact where it'll start to feel bad but i don't know we'll see when it comes out maybe it depends on the architecture too how much it's even exiting the card i have to go fetch stuff but i do think yes probably it will start to impact it okay um let's see next one is from tech left behind says uh that's a that name is very fitting for this pile of cpus tech left behind says with these old amd athlon chips they reused plus numbers a ton there's two there's four different x2 400 pluses on different architectures and dies thank you that answers a lot about the pricing we saw on ebay so in that case i still don't know um which one i have specifically i'd have to go look up the part number i think or plug it in but probably easier to look at the part number next one deep fried lettuce yes excellent they tell you to eat healthy and that's how you do it deep fried lettuce says hey steve just want you to know uh i'm incredibly happy to see frequency spectrum plots for your fan tests can't wait to see it for the 120 fans me too we're still learning how to do it though um i think for the steam deck we did a pretty good job the we're working on sort of fine tuning the binning so the bin width so to speak of the frequency bins on the chart um i think we need to fine tune that but i'm pretty happy with where we are right now and we've got some other really cool projects i can't talk about yet underway for that um let me jump to this red super pink super chat and then we'll go to the next one in a minute so ahmet embosta says could you also suggest pc cases for extremely dusty environments oh my gosh greater than 999 parts per million airflow cases literally are impossible to use here without daily dusting that is a real pain yes silverstone's mammoth let's see if silverstone mammoth i think it's called the mmo1 i am sure it is all kinds of expensive but is that a is that a review by steve from hardware unboxed i think it is it is a review by steve from hardware unboxed i wonder if he remembers writing this one uh this is the mmo1 so for your question there you can that's what i was looking for i don't remember if it has a an actual hepa filter in it or if it just has a really dense filter but you could this thing is like it's not high air flow but it is very high dust prevention so i think they were just shy of um of like actual ip high dust ratings but i think this would do your your uh dust management pretty well so okay next one next cpu uh chat voted for four after that so let's look at four um where did i put wait one second chat voted for four and one last time was this your number getting better at it i'm going to be on penn and teller 4s next okay let's see four we have a lot of athlon 64s this is an iphone 64 x2 but it's a different number this time let's get a shot of that and then i'll go look it up so let's look this up this one says athlon 64x2 ad05200 uh oh i don't think it's in the list uh oh i'm gonna have to actually look this one up a d is this a serial number or is this a part number five is due to zero zero i a a five d zero oh there it is this is a dual core so it says athlon 64 x2 dual core 5200 plus 2.7 gigahertz uh oh yeah frontside bus i forgot about that 2 000 megahertz fsb completely forgot about frontside boss uh i remembered i was reminded of north bridges and south bridges with amd's x670 recently it's one of those oh man i've been building computers for a long time uh athon 64 x2 5200 plus there we go we're in the we're in the money now seven dollars someone got for one of these this one sold for a hundred maybe even in a box that's just collector value i guess i don't know uh is this the same did ours have a plus does it have a plus it does okay i should note that um this is not like this is not like buy sell flea market advice for how to buy a bunch of these and then flip them i'm just curious so assuming i'm looking for the right things we got seven we got oh there's a non plus twelve dollar one there's one for twenty all right there's one for 9 cents got quite the range the pins look pretty good so if i sell it untested probably will at least fit in a socket maybe i'll get nine cents maybe i'll get eight dollars say that one's pretty good okay let's look at some other ones have you found any lga 2011 chips hell no no way we bought these for like a dollar each definitely not uh museum piece yeah there you go with the with the box especially so we had how much did the bag of cps cost him um about 79 dollars hey do you want to play the video again for context oh yeah we should um we do have a lot of additional viewers here let me give you all really quickly because we already did this once context we had this unpublished video from when we went to taiwan 2020 march uh where basically this box of cpus 50 ntd so almost two dollars per cpu and we looked at it saw it on the side of the on the sidewalk so you know how much they care about that they're like please steal this we've had this for a long time so i brought it in this was the guy that was a great place to jump to this was the guy's reaction when i said i would like to buy all of these and he is like why would you want all of these uh and that was pretty much that's how we got these cpus that guy was really fun to talk to about the uh the old hardware he's sold so okay that's how we got here try to find the oldest huh that's gonna be a little difficult let's do the next one let's do a number three i should put these back in their things where did i put the one oh i guess it doesn't really matter this one's not actually labeled okay all right let's see this one is it a core 2 duo it is this is the same one i opened earlier or i have a lot of them that's the 6320 okay let's look at this one this is an e 5300 so one it's it is actually genuinely i know these like don't have much value in terms of function these days but the fact that stuff that cost anywhere from hundreds low you know maybe a little under 100 to high hundreds like that 600 amd one we were looking at uh is now a dollar is kind of crazy because ultimately the raw materials at one point were worth a lot especially the silicon see so this is 2.6 gigahertz let's look up the e 5300 pentium e they say 5300 i'm not i don't have high hopes here a lot of two of them i don't know if you can call that a lot really like that's kind of generous you're like got this huge box filled with two processors uh nine dollars and it was twelve percent off they did a lot of seven there you go for seventeen dollars okay getting some value about two dollars each a lot of 12 for 14 not as good value this is e 5300 also so um what i'm gathering here is is unless we have a lot of these and we sell them in a lot of at least two we're not gonna get much for them like i said earlier uh these have no real value i don't know if they even work we just saw them on the side of the road and taiwan bought them and if you are interested in maybe getting a piece of whatever era history one of these comes from we're going to throw in these 79 cpus at random and orders from today there's no guarantee you'll get one it has no value but it's just going to be a throw in at random for any orders from the store um these mod mats that we're working on today for pc building wire diagrams grids for screw tracking all that stuff we don't have many of these left and it will be a few months i think till our restock so you'll want to grab one if you've been wanting one uh also we've kept the pricing the same on this for like three or four years now even though my costs have gone up a lot so i definitely appreciate the ongoing support for those next one let's see and then we're gonna lay out four new ones for chat to choose from oh this is a different one it is a core two duo there's a there were a lot of core two duo's that intel sold 6420 i want to see what chat thinks about this uh so far is there a phenom x6 that would be awesome uh yes there are a lot of lga 775 chips and as some of the uh some of the people who are commenting are saying you know these are these look like they were pulled out of like pre-built or office workstations and that is very likely for many of these okay how's the super chats going so we got one from louis sayers one british pound no message thank you nonetheless uh carlos de villa says 10 says can i get one signed for you for my display case i don't think i have a great process for signing and distributing them to specific people sorry um that would have been interesting though but we we do signing streams or at least we have a lot in the past occasionally so keep an eye out because we've normally done stuff like mouse mats and mod mats things like that but it would be fun to sign some just old hardware and distribute it that way tech max power one british pound no message thank you louis sayers two dollar or oh there's your message now it says you could make them into keychains i could uh that would be a lot of effort and uh i think i'd rather i'd rather set up some kind of more formal process for that but i do like the idea and i think there's something there but what we'll do instead is distribute them randomly among the orders and then uh whoever gets them can make them into key chains one or the the one that they get okay dr gizmo 10 thank you says i'm really enjoying this stream so far uh-oh well we've gotten to your question so i hope you don't ruin it for yourself since i just bought the hourglass t-shirt i hope i can get one of those cpus maybe you could sign it too which would be cool that's two requests for that uh i don't think i'm i don't think i can do that it's gonna be a lot of because i'll have to clean them all first and then the signature will probably come off really easily anyway so paul taylor says not purchasing newer stuff and leaving it on a shelf is in itself a form of e-waste from a certain view not purchasing and leaving it on a shelf uh i'm very confused by that comment i don't know if it's just the writing i think i understand where it's trying to go but if you're saying like it's e-waste not purchasing it and leaving it on a shelf no because someone someone else who wants to use it will buy it and all you do if you don't need it and you leave it on a shelf is create artificial demand so they manufacture more to keep up with the demand that everyone's creating for products they don't want i don't know if i agree with that comment uh next one oh i got that one uh kaluke i think two dollars says what is your favorite pizza topping i am not answering security questions how about that not as dumb as you think i'll just start start using that for my answer to all the security questions like i got you bank i'm not answering that trick uh let's do another round of four okay chat no we got to mix these up there's too many too many that look like they're probably core two through hours there's a lot of things that look like core two to us do i have any more amd's cpus there we go there's an amd one there's an amd one there we go we got two that i think are probably andy and two that are intel do your worst chat let me do another super chat here uh gorpan says what is your opinion on copper pad modding a gpu how many times do i have to say i'm not answering security questions that's not a security question copper pad modding a gpu do you mean like copper shims like um like when you get a small copper place and you plate and you shim it between like the vrm and the heatsink i'm not sure if there's like a more modern thing copper pad mod gpu i copper modded a gpu i'm pretty sure these are what you would traditionally just called copper shims copper thermal pad that's a stretch it's not really a pad it's copper um i'm just looking at google i'm not trying to take the piss out of this comment there um i gotta look at chat here for these answers uh my opinion on it is it's worked great in the past you have to be really careful with it though because if you get the shim uh thickness run you can definitely put a lot of strain on the pcb you could potentially cause bad contact or crack something we've done it successfully i haven't done a copper shim mod in probably a couple years now but you still need at least thermal paste on either side of it so you're going from one interface which is a thermal pad to potentially well to definitely three maybe two if you don't use it but you should use paste so it's not necessarily efficient good question though they were fun when i did them i just don't know they're always worth it okay uh there's a lot of numbers in chat 1.5 is not a valid option you've been disqualified you're no longer allowed to vote uh let's see oh someone in chat commented said i've never seen a pizza related security question well i guess i guess i guess the life i live on the internet is just a lot more exciting than i don't know i feel like i've seen that one a lot uh let's see what newer games would you like to try i like that question but let me get the cpu first threes a lot of threes why does everyone like three is this like a social experiment oh because you can't see the pins okay i like that andrew's got it i think uh so a lot of people chose three was this your number oh my god how does he do it so this is a very clean cpu look at that that's like that that's a beautiful ihs right there it's been cleaned or was never used let's take a closer look we've even got the pins protected once we pull this off they're all just smashed flat no they look pretty good there's the pens i think this is a sempron uh let's see is it chad said someone in chat said it's another athlon x2 to which i say no it's a sempron uh not far off although at the time you would have been but now they're about as useful let's see what sempron is this do we have multiple i think this is a 26 this is a 2600 this is a sempron 2600 plus pretty confident in that uh what was do we have the msrp easily accessible wow eighty-five dollars when did this launch sempron uh-oh i forgot what i said centron 2600 plus release date august 2004 for the cpu and the original value the original msrp was 85 inflation calculator uh let's see 2004 and it was 85. seriously 122 dollars today it's worse than i thought uh so what is it worth now there's the that's the real question so now af amd sempron 2600 plus let me get the cpu out there anyone wants to take a look at how nice that ihs is in a minute so most recent sales got one for thirty dollars got one four this is the same one x one thirty i don't think so another one twenty six hundred plus just like wait i'm a little is this a laptop one is it a 2600 i think so there's a 2600 non-plus for 65 60 wait oh my god i'm so dumb i i see the problem with names now i thought andy was inventing new numbers every time they released the cpu uh for example i'd never heard of seven before the new ryzen 7000 series coming up and now that that number's been invented probably nvidia will steal it so uh spoiler r5 2600 very different from 2004's sempron 2600 don't mix them up but now that we're on this topic 65 dollars for 2600 actually seems pretty good especially if you already have the entire rest of the am4 platform i liked the 2600 when we reviewed it especially versus the 2600 x uh really good cost savings like 50 cheaper for that letter and great value cpu that was where the tide started turning to be back and forth between intel and amd really heavily so i do like the history of that cpu unfortunately not what we got that's like 85 dollars what that looks more accurate to me uh and so does that that actually looks like the cpu we have so anyway we're we're going to forget about the part where i forgot the multiple 2600s exist for a second it became very obvious as soon as the prices were were shown okay what is chat saying i mean we've got some in here that honestly seem like i think if you did this as like a side hustle to make some money he like randomly picked up a few kilograms of cpus and then then wheeled and deal cpus at wherever you could ebay it seems like you could make a few bucks on it but it seems like a lot of work to do so so i don't know that's i guess depends where your supply comes from especially if the seller accidentally mixes in an r5 2600 when they think they're putting a sempron in there that'd be the the best possible outcome a couple store orders i'll shout out so kevin uh from belgium picked up a modmat thank you kevin picked up a signed one too i will have to get out to the warehouse and sign a bunch of these thank you for ordering one of those we're probably very low on mod mats actually at this point we had andreas from switzerland to pick up a modmat it is always awesome to see people all over the world hanging out in the streams uh uk we got an order from i'm going to do my best here and apologize in advance i think it's parthiapan or parthipan part part i don't know how to say that i'm sorry uh from the uk picked up a mod mat a wireframe mouse mat and an hourglass silicon sand shirt the only how to pronounce thing results i'm getting looked like they were all generated as soon as i typed that search phrase in so i apologize i did try to find the correct pronunciation i think i'm going to click on it and it's going to be what is the one that's everywhere on youtube emma says have you seen that one for pronunciation and it's just a robot voice yeah and it's like every word that's ever existed and half the time the pronunciation is wrong uh next one is from maxime from canada picked up a modmat as well thank you okay let's get over to chat oh you forgot the atari 2600 thank you yes that i would have been extremely happy about finding that's given me an idea though um i'm gonna go grab something that we also bought in our taiwan trip from the same market and andrew will figure out what to show to keep you all entertained i'll be right back i'm going to unmute it just in case i exit the range of the mic because it might send feedback through so one second i'm getting something cool okay i think i'm unmuted can you still hear me okay check this out we bought this at the same market this is actually in my opinion way cooler than the cpus this was from a seller at guanajuato digital plaza in the nicer building there's two buildings oh no actually he's in the older of the two buildings uh which is actually where a lot of the cooler stuff is and check it out we got a i think he repaired it too i'm pretty sure that's what his shop does hey steve what monitor is that people always ask that in the streams and they ask it so frequently that we actually stuck the monitor name to the front of the monitor so i'm going to answer it it's a gigabyte ad27qd so uh this is what we picked up andrew can you are you able to read this it's just like show how uh so he shrugs uh i forget what we paid for this i know i remember looking it up after and being like we overpaid but it was still cool so i think everything works to my understanding we need to um probably try and hook this up i've got a tv now we need to probably try and hook this up in the kitchen or something for some office gaming but anyway the good old family computer from nintendo uh i was thrilled when we saw those there famicom and uh is it dragon warrior is that what was on there oh no dragon quest four good old famicom that was actually really cool we should uh we should do something with that i think patrick and i bought it and intended i'm fairly certain it works um i think our intent was to clean it and do a video on that and then we're like the atari refurbishing video we did it was like kind of mixed views not great so we decided not to but now that we have gn extras that would still be a cool project for that let's see just put a sticker with the name of the monitor on the back well i'll look at you with your smart solutions to our problems then i wouldn't get engagement how about that uh all right so what's next big big spoon 4.99 thank you says sign the cpus i'll take one with my barmat please i'm not gonna be signing them i'm sorry um ten dollars from jason says shirt twinning today nice the hourglass shirt although i think i'm wearing actually the disappointment 21 uh back version of this but we do have the hourglass front with a new back on the store uh i liked working on this one a lot andrew did the um the sort of sands of time designed to represent wastes of sand that we kept saying all year in a gpu shroud i'm sure nvidia loves it uh next one is from uh jump to the cpus after this one is from arturo who said did you guys ever read my email i don't know that doesn't help me find it uh we get a lot of emails i don't read all of them um i don't know might have to check other inboxes next one or last one before i jump back is from i'm going to go with the hakko uh battery five dollars or yeah yaakov maybe uh no message though okay let's let's go for the next one i'm just gonna pick one of these i think this might be a core two duo but let's just see what do we got here oh it's not a core 2 duo any guesses in chat let's take a look at the cpu here so pretty obvious it's intel try and take a guess i'll give you some options uh core 2 duo core 2 quad uh what else do we have a celeron pentium take a guess i feel like that was like a it's like a jeopardy question or something let's see what does uh what does chat think it is hard watching all that good gear when so broke i mean i'm sorry to inform you this is not good gear it was it's not now uh okay what what are people okay i see a quad core someone's guessing you're i see a zeon gas here that is uh very optimistic i want to go with i would love to have some old server cpus in this pile old server cpus are really fun to work with i don't know why patrick and i've always really liked building systems where like a weird dual socket boards that have repurposed x79 chipsets like the juan and jetboard that we did the review on actually i've seen some celeron pentium pentium 4 celeron okay let's review it is that legible for the camera i think it's a pentium d uh pentium d it says 925 i don't know if we're going to be able to get a good angle on this one but take my word for it if not andrew says can kind of see it good enough for me uh someone said i just heard the pentium jingle yeah i don't know is this o5 nope oh six uh pentium d we do have a few of these which one is this 925 925 pentium d so it was 74. when it launched i was going to say where did the cpus that price go but i guess we do still have a penny about that price today g70 400 i think is the model number uh 74 dollars let's see the penny 925 let's see what we can get for it pentium d 925 oh there we go a few have sold for four bucks so there's still no value mostly because i don't know if it actually works i have no idea if any of these work nine two five three gigahertz got another one for a dollar getting the investment back uh 388 for that one there might be different bins of these lga 775 comes back once again this socket was popular there's a lot of 775 in here okay next one got an amd cpu oh that's a good start it looks kind of like a looks kind of like when you use a seed to randomly generate a map and then you have like the minimap that gives you a preview of the world it's going to generate i would do really well with like one of the rorschach tests like how are you say that what do you see uh it looks kind of like the like command and conquer map generation seed this man is troubled i don't know what any of that means speaking in don's athlon two uh let's look up this one ouch one of the chat deep fried lettuce and chat said still higher returns than bitcoin uh has he had a good cpu yet i think so i mean not today but the um 4400 plus was pretty cool we had one of those then we had one that i think was not quite a 4 400 plus okay uh let's see what did i say this is this is a f on two a d a adx 620 athlon 2 x4 620 go figure that's the name 99 dollars when it launched launched in quarter four of 2009 and it is a quad-core cpu this might be the only quad core we've encountered so far nice uh let's see this is a chip harvest from deneb phenom 2 with l3 cash disabled okay cool so based on patrick's quick notes here from when he looked at this two years ago uh before we kind of abandoned the content and it's here now the notes from him just say um he said i think he's quoting a review or something he said quote chip harvest from phenom2 with all three cash disabled so as many of you likely know intel and the nvidia they can bend down or bin side bin cpus or gpus when part of it in the silicon is non-functional or not up to par so you don't get a full rejected piece of silicon from the die cutting process so you're improving your yields sort of you're not getting the yield of the chip you wanted but in this case they were turning off l3 cash either because they were as this says harvesting the chips so they're taking something that is somewhat broken and reusing it and creating a new skew entirely around the defect which actually works great for everybody because it reduces the actual waste that just gets thrown out it can improve the value for consumers and then the company obviously can sort of better subsidize their other products or they can completely abuse it and rip everybody off it depends on the market conditions but it's been great in the past so uh this is a quad core nice let's look it up athlon 2x4 620. this is the best one i think we've run into two x4 620 there's probably multiple steppings of these and i'm not going to go i'm not going to go that far got the uh six cents nice there's one for ten dollars uh 31 off there's one for 10 there's one for six dollars i should be looking closer at these names but that is not the same thing i reviewed that one that's that's new it well not really but relative to these it is much it's about a decade newer so okay what was that one three dollars now 760k did not retain that much value a lot of people excited about some of these amd chips uh 1800 plus was great at that time okay cool let's do a couple super chats do the next one uh 1999 from one super chatter named jimmy thickes t-h-i-c-c-u-s says currently using a 2009 12 core mac pro as an unraid server nice with three server grade six terabyte drives that are mounted using i see why the super chat has come in now that are mounted using tape because the screw holes don't line up and uh one parody drive it was a chore but i managed i mean i'm not going to make fun of you for that because uh that is also how i deal with computer problems when i don't want to like swap the whole system and the hard drives in one of my computers right now are stacked on the floor of the case i think because i didn't want to put screws in so it's not even that the holes didn't line up it's that i didn't want to use screws for the drives so they're all just sitting on the bottom and when one of them spins up it's probably bad for the other ones but uh i'll fix it later i think it's been like that for eight or nine years now and it's been fine so we're all right alpha beta says how do i read this in the least the least rick roll way possible alpha beta sent 499 and said we are no strangers to love you know the rules and so do i got rick ashley in the chat uh bart simpson wow we got a lot of famous people in the chat today bart simpson sent five dollars and said love you steve you rekindled my love of computers after 20 years away it's awesome to hear when people either get into computers because of youtube videos or get back into it so that's great to hear um 20 years away quite a bit has changed in some regard but not much in others i mean it's still the actual assembly process is probably pretty familiar but then a lot i mean cases 20 years ago versus now the cable management wasn't even like a thing on the marketing checklist yet so quite a big change there okay uh next one is from h new zealand five dollars thank you i am about to custom glass loop nice a red harbinger case uh cross desk in new zealand uh wish you could ensure i don't stuff it up good morning from new zealand well good morning custom glass loop uh building i have not done i've seen some really cool stuff though where i forget the name of the company it's a small company uh they've tweeted at us in the past and it was about i think it was like basically non-mass produced blown glass tubes with really cool like spiral loops and cool reservoirs and things like that where it's like if you have the money to pay for it it's not i mean it's expensive but in terms of what you're paying for it's labor so that stuff looks really cool i have not personally built a custom actual glass loop and uh i guess for h in new zealand if you when you finish that loop tweet a photo of it to us because i'd love to see it uh let's see alexander slickenmeier who earlier tried to trip me up on the pronunciation of his name sent five dollars and said holy crap yes you're right one of only a few to get it right the first time thank you uh i've i've seen the word alexander before uh hold on random question i know a while ago you swore off single-use plastics uh my mouse pad was in single-use plastic was there a restriction there so i didn't like swear off completely it depends we worked really hard to get rid of them for the mouse mats not the mouse the mouse pads are different story i'll get back to mouse mats so these are just rolled in the uh unprinted cardboard box which i don't have immediately accessible that's fine though and um so we don't even print on those boxes it's just kind of a waste of ink in my opinion it recycles better if it's barren uh we got rid of them for that we got rid of them for the coasters so these we saved a ton of plastic because the factory wanted to individually wrap every coaster and there's four in a pack massive waist and we worked with them to get them protected in a form-fitting small box cardboard box no custom printing on it really and still protect them with a a paper wrap instead it's recyclable as for the mouse pads so some things we still have to use plastic and normally it's the things where depending on how they're shipped to us we don't have many options for keeping like a bunch of i mean just shipping crap off of the product so um bar mats are a good example where bar mats we still have to because they're big and they're like a soft pvc they sort of attract dust especially cardboard dust so for that type of product where it attracts a bunch of dust and it's just it gets gross if you don't wrap it that's where we had to use them but we've been working on eliminating them for almost everything tool kits for example where we have these drivers that used to be individually uh wrapped in the first one or two production runs i think i've talked about this before this isn't i'm not trying to do like a store pitch just some insight um so the factories in our experience when we've said we don't want to use plastic to wrap it they are extremely resistant to it because everybody else in the factory uses plastic so they've got processes for it so i can respect it from that angle but it's also like that's so much waste if you can do it without so for these we actually changed the way we had originally they were using plastic on the handle to protect it because we had printed on the handle originally and if we shipped without plastic the problem was sometimes they would put the handle that we caught all this in qc but they would put the handle into the tool bag while it was still drying and so the plastic would help prevent sort of the ink getting on other things we end up remolding the molds completely and basically carving it instead so it costs more uh but it's way better solution we got rid of 10 single-use plastics per toolkit so anyway yes uh i've been trying hard to get rid of them and basically everything but then i've also come to learn that uh there's some things where it's like oh yeah you're kind of you risk ruining the product or pissing off the people buying it if it's certain things that just attract a ton of dust or whatever anyway that's the story for that uh sidebar though so next one malcolm says socket 744 or 932 high-end expensive unused m uh socket 744 is this a question are you asking me which one or 932 high-end expensive on used m uh i hate it when i don't understand the question i don't know if it's even a question there's no question mark i'm sorry i tried single serving friend ssf more downhill content when you nailed the name okay good i hope i said it right the second time i don't know i'm trying to go do some down hill mountain biking later this summer so maybe after that that'll be on the side channel if i do it uh all right i think we already did this one unless i have multiple that look like the uh map generation seed last one for this pile we're going to speed this up too and probably not go through almost i think there's a lot of pentiums here this one is a core 2 duo and it is a oh it's a different one it's an e6750 so tor 2 duo to duo e 6750 is that what i said recently sold sla 9v is that what this is yes this is the same exact one i just opened uh sold as recently as about 14 days ago wow socket 775 still killing it out there i guess uh 11 dollars and free shipping that's not good value that is like you throw it in the envelope and hope it gets there and if it doesn't you just refund them uh intel core to do each six dollars a lot of for 13 okay it's getting worse i'm going to stop looking if i don't inform myself the problem doesn't exist let's see i don't understand how super chat stickers work yet they're kind of youtube does weird stuff it's like opening pokemon cards is it i feel like there's a much higher chance for value the same chance for nostalgia though sort of uh okay let's see i got that question already the revolution cafe hopefully there's a pentium g3258 in the pile i don't think so that was an awesome cpu it's the only pentium that is unlocked for the 20-year anniversary of pentiums now more than 20 years yes uh yeah no this super chat great point so the g3258 if you weren't around for it that was so cool i forgot the corn and the core count the frequency i want to say two cores i don't know um let's see pentium g3258 what was i remember it was a really interesting part because it was unlocked two core two thread 3.2 gigahertz stock and um this i think was when scott watson was still working at tech reports still running tech reports i remember i pretty sure i remember his review of it uh but that cpu was cool because it was very cheap it was oh it was msrp like i'm gonna say i frequently saw it for like 50 or something maybe 70 i don't remember and uh you could overclock it it was basically like the cheapest entry to a gaming pc build wasn't going to last you very long with two course two threads but um great entry point and fun to work with i do remember that cpu it is for sure not in this pile techie ben thank you steve for the great work positive goals and kindness to cats in the local community no problem thank you for uh reminding me i got to get back in touch with cat angels and we do something with them soon uh drain james transom 617 says hi steve did you get a lot of good applications to your job postings hope so your company and team are the standard thank you we had a lot of great applications i went through them almost all of them up until the end where we had sort of made a decision at that point and then closed the the opening but uh yeah a lot of good applications it took a very long time to go through them all and work with people and sort of figure out where the best fit was but we have already filled that position and uh you all should know more soon i'm sure uh alpha beta said no alphabet is the same one who did the rick astley thing earlier it's gonna happen again uh never are you laughing andrew's laughing never gonna give you up we're gonna lose so many viewers if i read the rest of this never gonna let you down i'm not gonna read the rest of this someone's gonna i've already given you enough you can use ai to make the whole song with my voice now kinsey would you use i3 12 100 over 10 100 for office work great question um i don't think so for office work 10 100 is perfectly fine the 12 100 will age better and depending on how good you are about closing software you're not actively using the 12 100 would handle that better too but i think a 101 is perfectly fine for um for for office work depending on what that means to you got a super chat sticker in from uh man this is why super chat stickers they don't tell me the if the name from erican alp dot dot if youtube doesn't tell me the rest of the name i can't do much uh sent in a jumping dog with fireworks super chat sticker thank you okay let's do a bunch of these at once so i am going to let's let's do the let's do the identify core 2 duo's game it'll be easy for the ones that have core 2 duo written on them is this a core 2 duo no this is a pentium d and he wrote 200 on it i don't that's promising well that maybe that was the i don't know we'll see what that means in a minute this is a pentium no there's a celeron okay e this is a celeron that's probably a celeron he wrote 200 on that one too why e 2140 e2140 maybe that was the msrp sold for at some point nine dollars in may that's a now that is a good-looking dell computer right there i don't think wow you know say what you will about dell but they've certainly committed to a certain design because that doesn't look much different than today yeah okay well anyway the 200 written on it was was uh not accurate for today maybe at one point not now okay let's go through so we got a 2140 we have an e2100 here's what we're gonna do chat i want to read a bunch of these names as i go through them and i'm going to check chat in a minute or so and uh if one of these names jumps out at you is really interesting spam the name and chat and then i'll i'll do some more looking at that one for help me pick the content basically all right let's see got some qc stickers on these this is an e6500 this is a pentium i think that says g840 pretty sure help me out chat with which one to look at e 1200 this is an e 5500 is there any amd stuff to balance this there's some amd stuff this is an athlon 64 x2 and it looks like it's a 4000 series athlon i can't read that one that one looks maybe interesting there you go some pins on that so we got pga it looks relatively protected actually and this is an intel cpus pga intel celeron 1.7 gigahertz that one might be interesting i'm gonna set that aside uh and chat you can just call it pga celeron if you want to see more about that one okay does this have pins the stills have pins all right we're getting into some kind of cool ones here let's see this one has got a really scratched up ihs this is an intel pga pentium and it's pentium four 2.8 gigahertz part let's take a look at that one that's kind of cool i think we have another i'm just kidding this one i picked up is not interesting at all all right let me see what chat's saying if any of these interest you all let's see uh hey my first real gaming computer came with the core 2 duo e6300 it says mirage dive i don't remember what my first uh gaming system the pre-built i had was it was either a north gate or an e-machine uh pentium d-945 is the oldest cpu i had e6500 is the most interesting so far someone says um let's see pga celeron there's some there's a lot of interest in the pga celeron what's that this one or the other it's the penny pga celeron okay let's look let's look at that one so this is sorry i'm moving the camera everywhere this is a celeron it's the model number is it c09 or something it's kind of hard to read some of these after they've been under a an oxidizing heat sink for like 20 years uh sl 69z i think is the code sl 69z so this one released in quarter one of 2002 the cpu that we got for a dollar the msrp is listed as not applicable so i don't think patrick was able to quickly find it in his pre-show notes and uh if you know in chat what this sold for let us know or maybe it was just in oem only and that's why it's not applicable so it's a intel celeron product code sl69z model is presently unknown they've written on it 1.7 gigahertz slash 128 so i'm guessing that's cash uh is that one point i can't read the voltage one point something five and the price of this one sl69z intel celeron sl69z this reminds me of how this is a long time ago one time someone from intel emailed me and was like do you have i forgot what the cpu was do you have xyz cpu and i was like i think so oh why and he was like we need one we don't have one in the lab like oh i guess you can borrow it i don't know it's kind of you just like make another one [Laughter] run one off in the 65 nanometer fab uh all right so i'm not really seeing much here was it just is it a socketable mobile cpu or are these just similar names we've got a an msi motherboard i think with the cpu for forty dollars is the closest i'm seeing kind of an interesting one though okay cool uh it looks like oh patrick was able to find one previously so in 2020 patrick found one of these on ebay for three dollars i don't know if that was the sold price and i was very hopeful or if that was the actual sale price is the microsoft keyboard choice this is from chr0 choice or chance i've used that model for 15 years it's seen me through most many games almost time for its retirement thanks for everything uh its choice honestly like this keyboard's ancient i used it for like you said for gaming uh i thought it was a nice keyboard that was sort of before i discovered stuff like the logitech g series g11 g15 whatever and um i like it for streaming even though it's not a particularly good keyboard because uh membrane stuff is just it doesn't create as much noise so for streaming it doesn't pick up as much on the mic if i have to type a bunch for something so it is choice all right let's do a few super chats to break up some of the cpu opening for a minute uh i think i might have to i might have to cut the super chats at some point and stop reading like we'll read all the ones that are here now but i'm not gonna be able to take more at some point soon um let's let's see we left off at the uh rickroll comment uh next one martin parker i'm gonna go through a bunch of these fast i can martin parker 20 gbp thank you hey how old of a cpu do you think you can use and still get windows 11. why would you want that and a 30 90 ti stable i don't think i've ever seen a big youtuber cover this i'm not sure um i mean by stable i guess the only instability would be windows 11 itself not liking your hardware i'm sure they have minimum requirements uh to be honest it's not something i've thought about just because i don't really want to use windows 11 right now next one is from adam lynn uh let's see hi steve patiently waiting for chances to buy signed merch got a desk pad and mouse mat signed by yourself and tech odin that's joe stapanzi doing the overclocking streams with us uh p.s can you say hi to i think this is just pronounced piddle fish hello um so yes tech odin i need to get back out here uh we we will do definitely some more signing streams at some point in the future now that we've got the setup working on and i don't think we've really dropped frames obs has zero frames dropped uh i will elect to believe obs because i want that to be true and it hasn't always been true don't touch my food five dollars okay all right all right review the razer power supplies in all caps maybe the razer power supply fans and aio we need to see how laughs they have a power supply is it in a pre-built razor power supply oh is it the usbc charger oh razer katana why are they i okay laser kata is it new razer katana psu that's not new is it oh maybe it is new okay we had articles apparently about its release in 2021 coming out with someone in april asking if it's still happening do people care that much about razer power supplies that you're like actually wow okay i'm just surprised someone would be like is it like i'm surprised someone remembered it it was announced in october and they were asking in april if it's coming out uh razer katana chroma powerfully colorful what does that mean power is this are we am i a real streamer now i'm reacting to things live i've made it this is the end game uh power your pc with the performance and style it deserves meet the razer katana an ultra efficient platinum rated or better what there's only one that's better why wouldn't you just is it like we we can hit titanium on half a percent of the units so we can't call it titanium but we can say or better like just commit to your marketing language it it sounds fine when you say platinum rated it sounds like a stretch when you say or it sounds uncertain when you're like or better we don't know we didn't test it uh power supply designed to support the ultimate cpus and gpus in your pc includes addressable rgb okay premium power efficiency get the clean power output you need to build the best gaming pc with the latest gpus so you can run your favorite games the way they're meant to be experienced not the way they're meant to be played because then we would be sued by nvidia but the way they meant to be experienced platinum rated yes you've told me that where's the or better this time platinum rated or better designed to maximize highest efficiency electrical performance okay reducing heat and energy use yes great thank you then we can reallocate it to the rgb leds instead modular by design i would hope it's by design a silent powerful argb fan powered by razor chroma i would love to sit in the marketing meetings i think this happened because they were like the other ones are two lines and this one's only one it looks weird how do we make it two lines and uh saying that it was modular by not accident sounded weird so they went with by design it comes with the cables you need to support the power requirements your system requires let me um just uh let me just read that one again the razer katana power supply comes with the cables you need to support to support the power requirements your system requires do i really need to review this like have we done enough i think we've done enough stone's gonna come and i would be like hey uh so i have this power supply that chat was interested in you testing and reviewing here's the marketing language what do you think and he's gonna be like do we need to review this uh okay all right well i've certainly i've been convinced i'm glad it comes with cables that's good um and i'm also glad that it supports the requirements that i require wow all right how's chat reacting to this one fully modular would have worked for the two lines yes excellent point uh from listen bird uh let's see what's chat saying about this one oh there you go you were actually saying something instead of leaving the room for 15 minutes not a real react streamer is that what it takes i can do that too all right i want to be a real streamer uh oh i locked the door i wasn't sure if i had my key that might be a real streamer uh what's chad saying about the razer one i need to read some of these when it explodes or sparks rgb rgb makes your computer faster that is well known who wants a disco power supply uh it exists only on paper and will reach something between platinum and titanium if it doesn't blow up okay that's uh oh i like this one you can play your games the way they're meant to be experienced or better strongest marketing language i've ever heard that's uh you're like your boss tells you you need to hit a certain word count and you start repeating the word requirements three times in one sentence let's see okay i think people are really mean to the razor some of these i can't read it's got the cables your computer craves uh i'm looking for some i've heard you have requirements so we put requirements and requirements so you can require while you require i'm pretty much uh i'm pretty convinced that's how that's how the marketing meeting went okay well anyway who brought that one up i have to thank them it was a super chat uh razer don't touch my food is the one who brought that up thank you don't touch my food for making me aware of the razor power supply i didn't know that existed um okay let's do a couple cpus are there any interesting ones left in this pile this one's open that's a celeron g540 so we got a celeron representing there this is a pentium dual core e 5200 this one looks interesting it's got an amd socket protector and i think it's an oh wow oh this is actually super interesting i like this one this is cool so this is some engineering uh this has engineering history let me figure out what it is and then i'll i'll show you why it's cool it is intel confidential all right so it's an engineering sample if they ask me for it back i'll say i don't know where it went uh actually that'll be true it'll go to someone who bought something on the store qmt oes i think is the model number here so here's why this one's cool check this out uh let me get obs open so i can actually see the shot okay look at the surface of that ihs so that's not a mistake that's not like a gouge mark this is actually intentional i'm going to put this down over here so that mark if i point something out to you where's the lighting good pretty good so what you're looking at here is um i don't know how they made this particular one but for cooler testing one of the best ways you could really do a test is get what you might refer to as an accept and a reject temperature and um you would mill a hole into the surface of the cpu ihs as shallow as you can embed a thermocouple wire into it so you can actually still see some paste in there in that milled hole so this is a nickel-plated copper that's why you see the copper exposed in there and once you embed a really thin wire you can don't have to but you can do the same on the other side on the this is why you call it accept and reject on the cold plate for the cooler that's contacting it and it would allow you to do some very at the time advanced um actually now it's pretty standard too thermal testing for things like thermal interfaces you could also do this for testing the cpu t case you could do this if it was before a time when software would expose the cpu die temperature to you so you couldn't rely on something non-destructive you would have to do a little bit of destruction to get that temperature and know that you're running at an okay spot thermally and you could also use it for testing cpu coolers if you wanted to see what is the t case or the temperature of the ihs the case while you're running a heat load with different coolers on it so that is actually super cool we'll send this out in one of the orders randomly as well even though i actually really like it but we'll we'll send it out there and uh this is something i wanted to do in the past but we normally found better methods and still really useful way though to just trust your measurements you're getting so that has some cool history to it it's an engineering cpu it's probably in a test lab somewhere previously was there questions about thermocouples did someone i see a lot of people saying the word thermocouple and i'm not sure why i don't know if there's a question about what that is or uh i'm i'm trying to figure out why a bunch of people said the word thermocouple okay i'm not sure more scratches on that cpu than my car's body work it is pretty scratched up definitely wasn't an engineering lab uh i don't know if there was a question about thermal couples but just to just that turned out weirdly educational for just one dollar one of the chat users said yes yes did i like that um just in case someone uh um i don't know if there's a question about thermocouples it's it's a really normally thin wire you can do larger ones i don't see any near me for xoc stuff but um nope there's the amd bike pedals i don't see any thermocouples in here um yeah it's just a thin wire and has a probe on the end of it you use it for as simple as water temperature air temperature attach it to something that's how we test mosfet temperatures a lot of the time now more people are saying thermocouple am proud of chat though they're spelling it right they're not saying thermal couple they're saying thermocouple so excellent job thank you you made me proud chat uh let's get some more i'm gonna go through some more super chats then we'll look and see if there's any more really cool cpus like that one oh there you go the revolution cafe says are you ready andrew let's talk about that gold cat in the background what is there to talk about i don't know what andrew do you know what they're referring to no we're not really sure what you're talking about sorry i tried um huh well maybe next time uh john 10 says i hope i get an athlon 4x2 i did a sweet build with one of those years ago for a friend it will go with my co go well with my coasters we've definitely seen a few of them i think there's a an extremely high distribution of quartu duo's in this pile and then maybe some pentium ds james yan said it seems let's see i need to catch up on chats for sure so let me run through a bunch of these really quick it seems you bought a bunch of cpus from 2008 or so uh some of them go back to like 0.201 uh cole dix says still designing a pc case question mark could you make it one with removable removable optical drive slot now we made a video a while ago it was an ask gn if you want to just search the channel for sgn where we talked about why we decided not to make a computer case at least right now next one uh chat is still saying stuff about thermal there's like they're just spelling thermal thermocouple really poorly now we were i thought i thought we were cool uh what was the one i just answered super chat needs to not scroll oh there was a gold cat only that i could search for that yes okay cool thank you let's see cameron cash it says could you make a video on the 3 400 watt power supply linus got his hands on uh i don't think i'm not really that interested in that one we've done enough power supplies that explode or are like dumb wattages so i think we're good there right now so are you going to liquid nitrogen overclock the oldest chip uh i don't think so i'll probably just get joe up here and we'll overclock something new let's see um says have everyone on the team sign a few each i can't do that this time could do some kind of charity auction for a random sign cpu someone will want to collect them all no but we will do uh we've done charity auctions of cool like team signed things before either through our own ebay page or through crammed in institute which does e-waste processing recycling tech education stuff like that so keep an eye on the news videos i normally announce that kind of stuff then um next one says look out for xeons to use on seven seven five and seven two seven seven one mod i don't think we're gonna see as eon but i will keep an eye i liked uh like i said like older server hardware um yaakov terry any pentium or sorry any phenom for x4 960 t's so far with unlockable cores none so far okay five dollars thank you what are your thoughts on uh the super chat says what are your thoughts on cheese and ketchup sandwiches you know i already said i'm not answering security questions today i don't know why you keep asking me security questions andrew do you have any thoughts on cheese and ketchup sandwiches there is uh there are cheese slices and there's ketchup in the kitchen i mean i'm gonna be hungry after the stream so it's it's you or me next one is from bloonface love the channel the content lgr collab with the sealed pentium pro when that might be fun i haven't thought about like using it for something i like being a steel box though i don't know um pc thanks for the recent retro gaming machine video i picked up a cheap 10400 and msi z490a yesterday is way better than my old third gen h81 yeah uh so the video that pt is referring to is the 10 100 i think is it the 10 100 video i don't know if i'd call that retro maybe there's a different video that we did we had to have done something else that's not retro but uh anyway we did a 10 100 video and it's a good cpu for this 10 100 10 400 10 100 you can see view for the price right now uh ca luke says okay then what is not your favorite pizza topping uh bicycles energy saying says hey steve did you get my letter and a personally deleted 2600k ihs with some of the cpu still attached from a couple of years ago yeah i we got we did that fan mail thing to a po box a couple years ago at the old office i'm not sure specifically if yours was the one i'm thinking of we did get the loaded 2600ks we got a couple that have been deleted and then relitted stuff i don't think any of them were liquid metal i don't know if that was really a thing at that time but um yes we got a lot of those i don't know not specifically 2600ks but a lot of deleted cpus some k's in there too uh next one actually on that note i wanted to do a project at some point mabel film it of um putting some of the the like viewer letters and fan mail and stuff like that in the hallway on the wall at some point i think that would be cool ben grogan what thickness do thermal pads become more uh viable than a thick thermal interface blob good question um i mean i think once you're at like 0.5 millimeters you're probably wanting to use something more rigid than uh than thermal paste you could use thermal potty uh evga likes using that that works really well and it's good up until maybe about a millimeter and then it starts to it doesn't really hold shape that well but i'd say half a millimeter if not smaller martin parker are gigabyte products like lit candles am i safe to buy the ones i watch while in use am i safe to buy the ones you mean like um like the stuff the gigabyte products we're using i i can't explicitly speak to the safety of any of their products but um the only ones we've really had blow up from gigabyte have been those specific two models of power supply so i mean generally speaking components that actually blow up or catch fire are pretty rare far more common than i feel comfortable with the last few years but still overall rare uh papa tater says thank you for the channel and all you do thank you for supporting us we're making good progress here on the super chats uh let's see there was the super chat sticker from erican alp electricity machine five dollars hi steve love gn and the work you guys do i was wondering is there a 7980xe in that pile i hope i hope that's a reference to like the first meme that was ever on this channel uh it was the first live stream meme we ever had people kept asking what cpu i was overclocking and i got sick of answering 7980xe and then every stream after that apparently until now has had references to it so i've learned my lesson and no i don't think there will be one the great i can't read like uh gebo i'm gonna go with kawaii uh anyway sen 666 thank you said hi chat back to you steve uh let's see you got a couple super chat stickers astronomical potato i was about to read that in a really stupid way because there's a space between the letters uh will you be up all night till the sun all night to get lucky why why is that one the meme song went from rickroll into is it daft punk yeah yeah i only use his first name we're good friends scott snyder i have a g3258 and gigabyte z97m will send your po box if you want to l on to it to death i don't think i do um the problem with the stuff that's been out for a few years is my memory or my skill with overclocking or working on it fades rapidly because we work on so much stuff so it starts to take a couple days of prep work just to do anything even meaningful uh next one fbygy love what you guys do for pc building community i wish i found you guys before uh oh getting a dell pre-built but a few hundred and some and some adapters later and it does what i need at least that's uh stunning praise for dell chr zero five dollars is oh i got that one uh wubsy says i find it so great you support crammed in we need more like them yes there are probably great e-waste recyclers and pc refurbishers near you the refurbishing part's important because uh that's where they take something that is otherwise still pretty good and just fix it like replace a ram stick replace cmos battery stuff like that okay why does youtube suddenly say no data but the stream is still going everything looks fine nope it doesn't say no data anymore and we have zero drops frames great interface uh mr rayne says says my dad saw the stream and asked me if you're that guy who takes computers apart i said yes and he said he recognizes you imagine that he's 53 by the way i mean computer building is a is a pretty i think widespread hobby at this point too so that's cool um haddocks ten dollars review the cables oh the razer ones we're almost through these super chats by the way so then we can move on i i review why is this still on the screen this needs to we need to not promote razors we need to not encourage them i kind of i kind of want to learn more though uh discover which lighting effect suits you best okay this is a lot of work some developer worked really hard on this oh my gosh wow imagine if razer had them work on their software suite instead of this it might work okay anyway back to this uh m3rk viper no message one dollar thank you john hall says spending the afternoon waiting for my main gear build to come in hoping it's going to be great glad i caught your review of it and went with them over nzxt i've looked at on dxc in a little while i probably should um i'd be curious what chat i just look at normal chat with cat cat the message i saw immediately when i looked at chat said cat origin story and then i called chat cat i would be curious what chat thinks about uh nzxe bld if you have experience with them recently it's been a while um okay uh yes so the main gear build the one we reviewed was pretty good and do we have another one no we didn't buy another one of those yet but we do have a 6600 pre-built that i bought the most money i've ever spent i think on a review component ever and i bought it because it's fully custom water cooled and i'm very curious to see how it shipped on a pallet so they did a good job there um a little bit of a nightmare if you were to ship it to residential i'm sure but uh anyway that'll be a fun one to look at it's not main gear though let's read the last of these super chats i'm gonna cut off the super chats here i will not be reading any more after the ones that are currently in right now and then we're going to start working i'll get that one i'm not making any more exceptions then i'll start working through that a couple more cpus and we'll close it out uh camaro 85 says the new intro outro you have at your videos where the gm logo turns around i love this mesh pattern black and dark blue i want to see that on a t-shirt please and more new shirt designs please we can definitely work on more new shirt designs um the logo is super cool we have like a transition animations as well for between certain shots andrew's worked on some cool templating for things like chart highlights and highlighting other things in the video so yes thank you uh mark viper says messed up the last one people started saving thermocouple because you asked a question and they thought the answer was thermocouple okay i don't remember what i asked but at least now i know the answer uh zelkatus has any plans for doing any local events not um you're gonna see one in a video but it was a something we did sort of as a one-off with no notice but um not currently although i would like to do some more cc said ice cube in the radiator please cece's been around in the super chats and in the streams in general for a while now and also remembers some of the oldest memes that one was that ice cube and radiator originated from the house when we were uh i think it was the rip healthy t stream i needed the cbu to be or the gpu to be a couple degrees cooler and chat started recommending putting an ice cube in the reservoir which given the thermal mass of a gallon of water i'm not sure what's going to help uh silly sailor you should do a build with one of these i miss seeing a sound blaster card in a build we actually why didn't we get one of those we got one of those recently someone sent it to us in the industry i think i don't know i think they just sent it to us for like a wall prop uh the suspect last few years are you going to do a follow-up on the artesian debacle i want to i have a lot of really cool information it's just a matter of taking the time to piece it all together i'll try that on one of the weekends where i have some time dennis still using a pentium d processor in a dell computer for playing audio loving the old processors yeah that's cool i mean if you have a use case for old components like building something to just process your media center playback or something uh that to me is one of the actually patrick likes us a lot too on the team we're just trying to get use out of older components and figure out like is there some task i can give to this computer instead of going and buying some pseudo disposable like 200 media box or whatever toby t says hey steve uh okay i had to read the rest of this to see where i was going hey steve i fell asleep to your videos so many times i can't imagine not criticism uh also i like your videos when i'm awake thanks i don't know how to feel about that next one sys288 says sometime i listen to your news as a podcast when walking to work is there a chance you'll do a deep dive into the pci lane sharing and handling on the next gen from andy and intel love from denmark uh is there a chance yes definitely that might be something that we talk about more as um normally technology like that i like to allow it to get some wider coverage first so we don't have to do quite as much initial education to get everyone up to okay this is what we're covering today um but yes i think they're i mean a chance yes i don't know if i'll get to it depends on who on the team is available for that kind of stuff last one last super chat i'm reading detonation ems uh says i i was trying to figure this out i think they just got the letters backwards i love ng nexus gamers not just for its honesty and reviews but for its meaningful work bringing e-waste issues into the spotlight thank you yes i think we've brought it into the spotlight pretty well today allow me to spotlight the problem the e-waste problem has been spotlit i think that's the spotlighted i don't know okay that's gonna be it for super chat um let me run through a couple of these and we'll kind of close out here so let's just uh let's just flip them over like we're like we're playing a card game or something uh let's see this one is a core 2 duo e 4500 that's an e 1200 i'm looking for anything with some provenance here e 3200 e 5200 that one's a little more interesting e6300 how is it going up the numbers keep increasing and i'm randomly grabbing them uh oh my gosh is it still going up e65 6550 i don't think it's gonna go up past that i'm pretty sure it stops there intel doesn't uh they hadn't invented nine yet uh intel e6550 i'm just curious also we can get razer off the screen well it's in a compact there you go with the box and the heatsink worth more apparently 26 dollars or you could get 10 of them for 18. my hopes have been shot once again e5300 e 3300 all these for a dollar imagine that and it doesn't take much imagination why uh e6500 pentium g620 i was looking for anything super interesting before we kind of wrap up e2200 uh core two duo i think that's a 6300 again penny md what is this oh it's the penn md 925 we've had a few of these now oh that's gone okay uh e5200 core 2 duo e1200 he i think that's his 4 600. there are so many core two doors this is ridiculous okay this can be faster these don't need to be no let me check a couple uh okay pantium from 2004 is there anything else interesting for sure the most interesting thing in this pile was this one and then probably that athlon which was one of these there's a lot of pentiums and core 2 duo's penta e2220 dual core e5200 e5200 why are there so many e5200s tower of intel yes it was uh spot enlightened for the past tense of spotlight thank you that makes so much sense let's see e2160 i think i think we've basically gone through all the interesting ones like the amd uh cpus they're running e6700 i haven't seen that one yet maybe there's one more and then the thermocouple one e6700 there you go great value excellent eight dollars all right cool i think i'm good here i've seen enough let me just check patrick's list and see if there's anything i missed i will sort his list by it's a spreadsheet i'm going to do sort by price for the ebay price that he was able to find a while ago the highest value one he found so the engineering sample and the engineering sample with the cut for thermal probing he classified those as probably the most valuable he's right pentium 4 model 511 was the best one in here somewhere and he had that listed as 10 at the time he had searched it pentium 4 5 11. it's lost value uh anyway i think that's kind of the list so let me look through his notes for anything particularly interesting uh let's see there's one quad core uh oh yeah he marked the the athlon 4400 plus hero one of multiple amd cpus to use this name uh we had some 5200 plus as one of them had the highest frequency out of all the the 5200 pluses that were launched let's see oh we have a china only overclockable version of the e6500 somewhere in this pile and we have an e 5200 that's also highly overclockable so i think that pretty much covers the interesting ones all right any final super chats no that's that's good we got throw them all today sweet well i think we're good here yeah i'm really excited about this we got the the stream set up working i don't think there's still time but i don't think we crashed or dropped any frames or had audio issues so i'm excited about that because uh we're gonna be able to do some more i have a couple streams i want to do so one of them i want to do a pc build working with patrick on it because bps customs sent us a terrible computer case and i think that'll be fun because patrick and i will be very frustrated with the case based on what i've seen so far so that'll probably be in the coming week stay tuned for that we don't we just kind of pop these up when we feel like working on them but someone's a no no spark cpus uh not even a mips uh solution we have actually a spark system that will probably show once we get around to building one of our new sets where we want to have some old stuff in the background for just some something cool for a shot anyway uh that's it for this one thank you all for joining us for coming back to the stream it's been a while happy to be here and subscribe for more you can go to to help us out directly the promo we have going uh in terms of the cpu distribution at random is is over basically now so thanks for watching we'll see you all next time you
Channel: Gamers Nexus
Views: 355,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mystery box, mystery bag, cpus, cpu, budget cpus, cheap cpus, livestream, stream, gamersnexus
Id: ozi2C3pcFZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 45sec (8625 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 18 2022
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