LIVE: Mini-ITX PC Build with Weird Spaceship PC Case

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okay i think we should be live so this is gonna be an interesting case to work on today uh let me know if you can hear and see everything okay and i'll walk you through the case once people can confirm but yeah the case is right there it's pretty cool it's called the segotep edi and we found this a while ago but only recently got it in it is mini itx or micro atx and the uh the build we're going to do is a mini itx build just to make sure we have extra space because i haven't used this particular case before and patrick's going to join me a little bit later to help with the build but because we haven't built with it and because it's kind of weirdly shaped we're going with mini itx just to make sure we don't run into any uh issues fitting like a micro atx board even though it's technically on the supported list so that's the case looks like people say they can see and hear things okay uh cool all right so i guess i will walk around through this let me let me tweet out that we're live we are live with a really weird case okay cool all right uh yeah i know it's it's not 60fps uh okay cool i think we're good there's one person who thinks it's really funny to say no sound but everybody else can hear so i guess maybe unmute it i guess that's not not gonna help is it all right so the case i think someone says oh man this looks so dumb but i want one anyway that those feelings were exactly mine when we got this so first thought when we got this in was if this were a little bit more beige it could have been the away shuttle in uh in tng i think it's not too far from it so the enclosure is let's see let me pull some actually you know before i pull panels off let's walk through it externally enclosure is is certainly a very large mini itx or micro atx box but it's obviously done all for looks and unfortunately this uh acrylic dome does not open up i really wish it did so like ideally i think you would push this button here which is just a that's a power button oh it's stuck again this power button uh this is a quality issue on the case that we discovered early so i haven't built in this yet but power button gets stuck sometimes i think it's because the paint uh is too thick and so it has trouble returning sometimes but that's power button i really wish it were like an eject button to open up this dome and and give the thing some airflow but if you're wondering about the source of air there is an option to do some intake down here so there's space for maybe a 120 depending on how the power supply fits the i o is right here and then right there is a um like a projector led with some hot glue on it so that projects onto the surface think this case is 200 we bought it from uniway computers i think they're a canadian pc parts retailer and i don't think they shipped to the us when we first tried to order so they they helped us out when we emailed them directly the case is like 200 bucks and uh it's been around since about 2019 the manufacturer data on this thing is 2019. so someone says macro mini itx that that is probably accurate uh i'm just reading some of the comments because i really want to see what people think of this so let me read some of these while we well people filter in so a seven shorts that looks like a ship from the night from a 90s video game i can definitely see that i mean this looks like the kind of thing that blizzard might have thought would be suitable for the for terran and starcraft or something uh let's see someone says it's a daft punk helmet too soon uh if it had been beige it might have been the first case to complement noctua someone said and then someone else looks like an escape pod from star trek next generation excellent okay so we're all on the same page okay good uh yeah so i buzz lightyear comments daft punk memorial pc it'll match my race car bed perfectly the anvil man said all right i i'm uh i'm happy with these comments i think everybody's on the same page with this thing so let's take a look at this and and see what it's sort of made of and how it's built i already showed the bottom with io and that projector led so it comes apart uh via this panel first there's some screws that hold a few things in but i've taken those out just two screws so this pulls out it gets a little stuck in this corner we've noticed and i'm not at a great angle either but this pulls out so there's the rear panel and then to get the top of this removed unfortunately it's all held in with alligator clips and so that means we want to limit how many times i've taken this apart because those alligator clips don't normally survive too many cycles but the method that patrick came up with was to push from the inside at the same time as pulling and then it's not too hard to remove but you can see the alligator clips there this one actually has already been damaged unfortunately but that's the nature of alligator clips so one two three four five six of those uh the inside it's technically got some dust filters i guess you can call them that let me get this down on the table where you can see it better so there's a little bit of ventilation here where if you look at the front or the top aligns with this if you could fit a small tower cooler in there that would be kind of interesting don't know that it would cool particularly well but it could technically pull a very tiny amount of air from that spot there's some holes on the sides no fans aligned with these so this would only really do anything for you if you're negative pressure and the air is coming in through wherever it can hold back here with a grill on it and not particularly efficient in terms of the the amount of airflow potential in the design in general but you know that's where it's located if you were worried about it technically this dome acrylic can be removed without i think too much heifer i haven't tried it yet but you can see the clips like right there right there right there and those all press and then it should just drop out i think that's everything on this side nothing too interesting so let me set this side panel down front top panel whatever it is functional hood scoop yeah yeah you could definitely if you expanded it a bit someone says more functional more functional events than on a civic type r i'm not familiar with the civic type r specifically but i appreciate i appreciate that the intent of the joke uh so rear fans i think these are 80 mil there's two of them these are pre-installed in the case they're included with it and then uh then you have the actual motherboard tray this forward part of the tray can be removed separately some ssd sleds things like that so this is what we're gonna be building in today and check on uh chat and everything is this live question mark question mark question mark question mark no uh if um i guess during the stream today if you want to pick up one of our mouse mats from the store on they are in stock and shipping now so that's this mouse mat right here we have them in stock these have been super popular and uh if you buy one from the store today during the stream then patrick and i will be signing all the ones bought during the stream no extra charge on that or anything we're just if you buy it during the stream then our way of saying thanks is we're both going to sign it up there in the top corner so uh go to store if you want to pick one up and i'll also read some of the super chats then we'll get building let's see uh looks like something you would send down a ski slope yeah so this is actually we we were sad that we didn't get um didn't get like a snow day any time while this has been here because it would have been great to film it uh because i mean if you look at the so the feet on this thing i think they might be aluminum i'm not positive but i'm pretty sure that's aluminum and uh honestly it looks like the most expensive part on the entire case that's interesting there's like a screw hole under this um under this rubber uh whatever you want to call it i just grip i guess a couple screw holes in there but anyway yeah the the actual like supports on this are pretty good quality pre-recorded confirmed no is that windshield transparent great question so we'll get a shot of it for you but not really is the answer i think that it's um it's it's a window enough that if you have leds in there they'll show through and you'll get some illumination on the dome of this like if you have a blue led or something is what they show in their photos but that's probably about all you'll get you're not really gonna be able to see the parts and that's why i really want this to be able to open because then you could solve some of the airflow concerns and also be able to see stuff how much was the case hundred dollars and i have a link to it in the description we bought it from a um uh i think canadian retailer called unaway computers okay let me read some of these super chats so we had a message from robert mal ten dollars what starship is this shuttlecraft from you know that's that's exactly what i was saying earlier i don't know if it's like a 1701-b or or what that's kind of the that's what i think it's from uh bazingas in chat good to see you bazinga uh no nostra famous five dollars says in bill my style steve steve steve levithan prim good to see you back five dollars said hello gn that case looks epic you know this case seems so far to have mixed response a couple of people in chat have said they uh they really want to work on it someone else said it looks like a toilet uh actually a few people have said that and a lot of people have said that it looks like a spaceship kellroon 20 finally got my 2020 shirt after weather delays thanks again well thanks for picking it up and uh and glad it got there finally thank you for grabbing one timothy greg ten dollars no message uh alexandra stefanika says uh want to compete for the most powerful drone you know i think i can turn this into a drone if we just put some knock to a server 3000 rpm fans on the bottom maybe two of them should do the trick and we might get some some lift from that next one todd says thank you for all the diligent reviews we appreciate your objectivity and no filter approach well thank you for uh for watching them i think there's been a lot of there's been a lot more need for no filter approach in the last few weeks than ever before uh brahmatic says is this your new daily driver i expect to see a picture of you behind your desk with this behemoth rigged up this uh this i i think honestly i think it might be cooler to modded into more of a literal driver like if you build a an rc car out of it i'm not sure how good it is as a computer but uh but we'll we'll see we'll see if it's suitable enough to use for anything after we're done with it i think we're gonna do probably a full review of this case after it's all built and do the a little bit of thermals and get patrick's build notes on it stuff like that but just because it's kind of fun and different uh let's let me do two more of these super chats big al 268 good to see you back sent ten dollars said is this going to be ceo snowflakes new ride that's probably more appropriate i think snowflake would probably try and climb in here if she could find a way in fantasmory says uh careful be aware that you will give that spaceship hyperdrive capabilities when you place a gpu inside of it as demonstrated in the 3060 video yes they they do warp in and out of existence that is actually a feature of the rtx 30 series uh depending on when you're trying to buy one okay so i think we've gone through the basics uh let me invite patrick out here to help me with assembly and we're going to build this thing and it really should be pretty straightforward i hope as far as itx boxes go because this one is pretty large but give me one second andre i guess if you can grab the other mic if you're ready patrick so we're going to work on building this so our components we've selected are pretty straightforward so asus is sponsoring the stream as listed in the description if you're interested in their their motherboards the one we're going to be using is a b550 strix itx board so asus is the stream sponsor with that and they also have an x570 strix gaming itx board that i think is in stock as well that's probably the one i've linked in the description so we're going with itx because we could like i said earlier just to repeat it because more people have joined we could do micro atx in this case but i'm going to really regret this later if i forget to put these back inside the case before i mount the motherboard but um the problem i had with it just to be clear was just concern about fitment in general so micro atx pushes out to about here and uh technically there's space but because this domes like that we we lose height at the edges and i'm a little worried about what that means for coolers and gpu compatibility but um andrew you can hear hello andrew can you hear me okay good okay so patrick's joining me for this and uh i don't know do you want to share your initial thoughts i've already talked about what i think about it so um it seems very divisive uh some people were asking you where they could buy it and some people were asking if they could throw it away yeah i heard the toilet comments yeah yeah yeah it's uh it's strange definitely i wish more of these vents were connected to um actual fan intakes there's a single fan mount inside the case and i well other than the two 80 ml fans that are already in it and i think if we have an issue with the case that may be it yeah uh yeah for sure yeah and i think you were talking about tower coolers earlier um we have tried to select parts that will work with this case and i don't think basically any tower coolers with a mini itx board will work because yeah they're very close to this um kind of beveled edge here maybe a microwave um we have small tower coolers but uh it's so it's too close of a fit i think for a lot of them yeah and one of the things because we're streaming this too we don't really want to don't want to like build it all and then find out it doesn't fit at the end so yeah we're probably using i think the included amd cooler or one of them and we're gonna be building with a 3700x we are the reason for that part selection so we're choosing the parts based on we we don't have a standardized uh case testing bench for many itx or micro atx and the part selection is to create enough heat that we have a good test subject for this case but not so much heat that it's just going to be throttled in all the benchmarks so we're using i think we went with the 3070 right yeah yeah so 30 70 specifically chose the fe model because we were i think you tried to fit a different one um the i think the only other 3070 we had free was um a really huge strix one oh and this case actually will fit very large graphics cards um but only in one direction well yeah i mean it's pretty long this way it's just that that part in particular was so large that this uh shroud started to bump into it at the end so was it was it hitting it uh this direction or this direction it was uh it was fine until right about this corner right here because the shroud starts to come down and limit clearance right and you pull this out i guess for the bottom maybe yeah um that this is just a 120 fan that we had lying around so i was thinking maybe we could do an intake right here and there is steve pointed out earlier there's a big vent in the bottom of the case for the power supply but it extends beyond the power supply so it should be able to let some air in yeah um let's see i guess we can uh i guess we can start taking apart some of the chassis and so like i wanted to take out this front section okay um to give us some more clearance and maybe put a fan in and show people how it's assembled i didn't point out earlier but there's that power button that i was showing at the beginning of the stream where the actual plastic button on top which is over here gets stuck sometimes in there so i think it's probably the paint is too thick on there and it gets caught and it doesn't return but it's just a cheap spring so so that's power button uh unfortunately other than looking kind of interesting there aren't any like functional features that are cool i guess you can maybe count the projection led on the bottom yeah there's a projection led on the bottom and there's these two leds um here that should light up around the power button and i think those are all to be running off of a molex is the the led on the bottom i guess just has some kind of filter installed in it or something to shape the light like do we know what it looks like when it projects uh no their product listing for uh i'm sure i could have found it if i looked around on other pages but sega tap's on product page for this case had a picture of the case and that was about it okay yeah that's but it looks like one of those um things that projects down on the desk like uh asus monitors like something you would find on thinkgeek like 15 years ago right like well okay maybe they're making a comeback thinkgeek i think is owned by gamestop so that means they can only go up they like there's only a craft license right hey yeah no that was a different anyway minecraft license is a money printing license we had someone earlier saying uh and it wasn't necessarily a bad suggestion either so they had a specific um heavy cpu workload involving minecraft that they thought would be suitable for cpu reviews i looked into it and it is genuinely very cpu heavy i don't know that we'll be adding it for this round but you know i guess i don't know at what point at what point are you benchmarking the programming yeah you know versus the product i guess it's still valid because it is that is the game well they were specifically asking about uh java edition i think yeah it's been a long time since i've played minecraft um but did you point out the the legs on this they're like a little bit feel free to somebody was saying they thought the case was made of aluminum and the case is definitely not but these legs are as far as we can tell just solid aluminum and it's a lot of aluminum so somebody asked where the 200 went that's uh that's a some chunk of it is these giant aluminum legs one piece i think yeah yeah it's i mean the aluminum work on the uh like the structure at the bottom is generally pretty nice yeah they did a good job on that and the mold work on the chassis isn't bad either it's unique uh i you know i we've seen like you're seeing some pretty divisive thoughts on it in the in the comments but as far as cases go like at least they did something different um and then i guess there there's a couple things that we noticed we'll probably talk about in the review when we do it a couple things that definitely could have been done a little bit better so andrew worst then oh there it is andrew specifically noticed this earlier today i'm trying to get it in the light but can you see that okay andrew yeah so there's like some oil or grease marks there uh general dirt which is it's because it's all painted white it really shows up there's another fingerprint in here i don't know if we're gonna be able to show that one is that the right angle for you i think it's in there so there's a couple fingerprints and things like that and and just mold marks and like some qc issues where it could have been done cleaner especially this back here this is i well we can get to this in a second but i think they've hooked the reset button into the leds with this uh interesting cable splicer no i didn't even notice that yeah i didn't see it earlier so what is going into it leds are going into it um oh it's going down here oh okay so it's going to the rear the bottom projection led oh wow oh they've got a wiring in there interesting so there's a little pcb and some wiring i can see the world's tiniest inductor in there too you see it ender someone says copy the fingerprints with tape yeah it's always a weird feeling when you uh you get something from a factory and it's still got fingerprints on it yeah all we need now is to know know where the factory is and we have their biometrics for access uh let me get a couple of someone says 50 to the oil smudge it's uh yes it's art okay you need to appreciate the art uh let's see a couple super chats clone fire it says the cat from outer space uh maramu ro sent ron 25 thank you so this case got me thinking if current case design is best for cooling and airflow thoughts on this so just in general uh you know we it always feels like it's hard for a case to really improve for design because it's it's kind of simple at the base level but the the optimal airflow layout for a case depends on the case itself but we've seen situations where inverted or like inverted and flipped orientations like on the raven rv 02 are superior to a lot of standard designs doesn't mean they're always better but depending on how long the case is and where your gpu might start blocking airflow like from the bottom for example if the gpu like on an sl600m is interrupting airflow to the cpu that's not great get a couple more of these while patrick's setting up for the build um sebastian siwik said you're my pc guru idol oh thank you i'd love for you to do a crack in g12 on an aorus 1080 ti with x73 aio currently my project also discount code for mousepad not not today sorry but we are patrick and i are going to be signing all the mouse mats ordered on during this stream only there is no extra charge or anything for that so if you want to get one uh we'll sign all those they'll probably ship out tuesday as for the question about the kraken d12 you know i've looked into it and we back when it came out the first one came out g10 or 11 but we did work with it and um it's not bad it's it's a little finicky with anything past the 10 series i don't know i've had mixed success mostly not success with getting it to really fit properly but uh there aren't many options these days to sort of hybridize your video card if you buy an air cooled one get a couple more of these robert geyer says gaming rig by day rc tank or drone by night yeah we do have another case on the way that fits this comment as well uh swan says does this one catch on fire you know there's always hope i mean i wasn't aware there was so much active circuitry in here that's that is the exact thing i looked at when they asked this question uh paula beard went down and good to see you back regular on joe's streams as well says when you're drop when you're done make it into a cat bed or maybe a litter tray gross not a bad cat bed though uh mike sherry i'm worried someone might become a star child from using this mini itx or micro atx case as someone contacted hal labs the nintendo people david thomas says i've bought a desk pad or mouse pad can i get signatures from all the patrick's of the department of patrick if you bought one during the stream you'll you'll get two signatures on it but sadly only one of them will be patrick's uh let me do like let's see let's see about six more of these then we'll we'll do some building uh will leary said just one week after i finally order a mouse mat you do signing special keep up the good work and solid journalism well thank you we'll keep uh reporting on things and we actually i guess i'll note on this uh topic we have some really cool stuff coming up involving a third-party lab doing an x-ray on something so i think everyone will enjoy that but uh yes the yeah sometimes we do special stuff for streams but they are really pop-up like this so we don't announce most of them so uh you have to keep an eye out ian meltzer says so much long hair so many fans like a not like a long-tailed cat in a rocking chair store i'm not sure about the i don't know if i've ever been in a rocking chair store i don't think i'm old enough yet uh our alien etienne says just ordered a mouse mat so my ltt t-shirt won't be the only merch in my room well thank you we're uh we're happy to be in there and share space with linus but i do hope that you cover your linus merch with ours uh jacob p says what about 80 millimeter delta fans for this build i think that is a bit much but i i do want it to not be deafening um okay so i'll get back to super chats in a moment and uh i guess we'll we'll talk about some of this stuff so patrick's pulled out the front piece of what is basically the motherboard tray and this just has two ssd slides on it you can get two two and a half inch drives there and this is a fan mount for a 120 mil so if you wanted to do you'd probably want to do intake really you could put one in there it might be i don't know if there's clearance on the underside yeah there's clearance so you can do it like that and do intake there's also a fan under this one or a fan mount under this one and the floor of the case that i showed at the beginning of the stream that as long as there's clearance from the power supply as cables would fit um and then patrick showed this earlier there's the uh the wiring on the pcb for the projection lamp at the bottom i think the rest of it just goes to power maybe or maybe these leds yeah there's three leds that i've seen and the reset switch on the front and a molex connector and there's some web of connections between those things yeah web of connection is an accurate description it kind of reminds me of the um that leon lee like yacht case that they uh made years ago the yacht case um did you ever see the train case they did not they did a train case it actually moves they ship it with a small railroad track you put on the track and it actually goes around the track uh i think liam lee at the time i want to say it was like over a thousand dollars which is not surprising but um yeah that was uh they've done some cool stuff but it's definitely that's one of them maybe yeah it was interesting uh i've only ever seen it at trade shows i don't know if anyone actually bought it um so we're only going to end up using two sticks around out of the stream stop okay that should be fixed it froze for some reason okay should be fixed i think i just closed obs and restarted it it was like right when i walked away i think okay i don't know what i was uh talking about specifically when it dropped but it should be back up one person said stream deck you know well yeah it's it's back everybody um okay it's i think it's like a 30 second delay but uh okay cool there's some people are starting to say it's good all right sweet so i'm not sure if someone wants to let me know in chat you'll probably say it a couple times so i see it but what i was what we were talking about we can continue that stream is back up and going okay fans that shipped with the case seem like they um i took notes on this earlier but the screw holes were stripped from the factory oh really yeah i think they just got a little overzealous tightening them down so they come out fine the first time but when you put them back in a few of them are just freewheeling in the in the holes yeah not great you only need two screws per fan right well there was the uh that playstation 5 fan thing where they only used two screws per fan because i didn't think anyone would ever open it up and see that uh people said the audio never dropped just the video so okay um okay cool so we're good there all right um cpu cooler do we have a box we oh it's right here okay will a d9l or u9 fit in there i'm actually not sure um we do have some small coolers and we can maybe do some sort of like i think we'll ultimately install this to keep it simple but we can do some quick fitment demonstrations with others see how i can grab any tower cooler and demonstrate that it does not work but again if the socket was moved this way like with a micro atx board um yeah i think you might actually have better luck with that with the with the tower a little bit more centered on the dome i think so okay um i didn't actually test fit any uh larger boards because we wanted that these cable management holes would be covered up with a larger board and that was our priority someone says what's the chip on the fan blade is there a chip on the fan blade or something like damage or there's uh the molding's a little rough but let me see if we have a small tower or small cooler yeah i don't think there are any chips in here i think it's mostly just not the best mold work yeah actually there's the the same okay if if this is what they were talking about then this is identical on both fans so i think that's part of the molding process rather than something that happened afterwards it'll be fine we don't have a lot of extra 80 millimeter fans lying around at this point so they better be fine so this um unfortunately is not what i thought it was i thought this was the small one but i'm pretty sure that's not gonna fit so we've uh wasted an adventure looks cool though i don't think ever i tested an ar-01 i don't know about this one the issue is that um pretty much any tower cooler is going to have at this point at least a 120 mil fan on it and they're also going to have clearance for um a vram cooler or for ram so 120 mil plus wide and tall plus that clearance is almost always enough to bump into the top shroud of the case the way it's designed with a mini itx motherboard at least i think this is the smallest one i had readily accessible uh yeah close that actually might i'm not worried about freezer a13x from arctic i haven't used this coil i don't know if any good i think that close i think that might well i think that might work yeah i think that fits someone says make it a boat uh how does one clean a gn mouse mat mouse mat's pretty easy um i'm happy to recommend a rocket jump ninja's video on cleaning mouse mats it's pretty good it's like a minute lawn and it works so if you google search or youtube search rocket jump ninja clean mouse mat he's got a great video on it and he basically just throws some detergent on it like the detergent powder and uh scrubs it and just not don't use like a super abrasive scrub it just needs to be cleaned so that'll work if yours is a signed one then just don't clean the signed area unless you want the signature gone in which case go for it but otherwise uh they are pretty easy to clean in his videos good demonstration it's that video came out before a mousemat did but it works the same on all them they're all uh all mouse mats are pretty much exposed to the same type of debris so they clean the same way um gamer nerd debris just like the ones we have in our office gamergunk need special gamer cleaning compounds for it i'm sure staples has them for sale i remember that video oh yeah um do we want to use this cooler if it fits uh if it fits sure okay i think it does the issue i was having was almost always with the corner of the cooler up here so um yeah i mean i think it'd be i don't know if it's better than the amd one or not they're like it's like the same cooler except rotated uh the amd one might be better than this but um we can try this yeah um let's just have a m4 this one may also oh yeah that's a good point it does have a m4 okay yeah this one might agree better with the exhaust fan orientation it would definitely work better with those yeah is the cpu the 7980xe no unfortunately it is not uh okay oh that's a good point i never need to clean my mouse pad i use a trackball why do you have a mouse pad i don't even need one you know we need to start selling this mouse mats that are compatible with trackball mice it's just i'm just covered in adhesive on the top yeah um what are we gonna do for wiring i guess for the uh does any of the wiring in the front of this case need to be i'm going to step over this you need to be routed anywhere uh yeah just and we need to plug in some power supply cables at some point yeah that would help i'm going to start with untangling this i'm going to like that's master wire is this ship like this or did we do this uh i think it shifts other than what i did just now um pitch should look good oh that's kind of that's kind of not great check out that right angle connection on the uh what does this go to a power led yeah so that's the reset button i believe that they just plugged into the to the front for power for the leds yeah there's hot glue in a few places like right there past that test it's just yeah just on the wire yeah it's just on the wire yep no particular reason for it just there where's our front panel connector on this board is that it speaker yeah that's uh yeah that's from pen okay yes this case is uh i honestly do think despite all the sort of easy jokes about it i do really like seeing interesting cases um because you can do a lot with a case we talk about this with the cat one that's in the background of the main set how um there's so much more that can be done with cases than what is being done with cases a lot of the time okay speaker front panel assuming that's power but i'll look in the manual manual oh i guess the motherboard has manual yeah not the case did the case come with a manual no it did not believe me i looked because uh it doesn't come across this way now that we've taken it apart but um it's actually not easy to figure out how to take the top off without instructions yeah because there's no screws visible from the exterior and so it's not clear that the rear panel is magnetic oh that's right i didn't show that actually um so here's the magnets we did actually have an issue with one of the magnets so in each of these corners you can see the magnet for holding the panel on and this goes in the back i was showing the beginning of the stream how it kind of gets stuck in one corner and in that corner up there specifically and one of these magnets came out right patrick yeah just stayed on the case um they're mostly just press fit i think there's adhesive in there but one of them had wiggled loose i think that's going to be usb i hate usb 3 headers yeah well we could borrow uh oh the corsair thing one of those right angle yeah corsair shipped uh right angle adapters for their usb 3 header yeah i actually like that 5000 d i like that uh it's just terrible design it's like so weak all right don't worry usbc is going to solve all your problems this case gives whole new meaning to alienware i'm sure they wish they thought of it and they were used to have some pretty bizarre cases back in the day there was one i saw in the it ended up shipping so i could talk about it but there was one of the prototype lab in like 2009 or 10 there and uh the top of it it was kind of like the rose bowl throne i think the top of it had these slats that could open up except it was all by uh electronics so you pushed like something in software i think and they would open like that to open up airflow problem with that is when it breaks there's nothing you can do to fix it so this is a bit of a downside uh let's see super chat so paul delaney said uh late to the party about this case reminds me of star trek tng era shuttlecraft excellent everybody is on the same page with this that is that was my first thought as well and i guess now i know we can write that comment into the review script and it will be understood i wasn't sure if i should put it in there at first speed racer can i convince you to take back orders for large modmats not yet so we do have another large order that we're working on that's i think it's in transit right now but we're not going to open up orders for those this time we're going to wait till all the modmats arrive and are in stock and then we'll release them for order there's enough of them where we're not going to need a back order period i hope they'll be in stock for a while because we did a huge order on them so you'll be able to basically once they're back up as soon as you order it it'll be shipping out the door uh j ra and i think that's looking like early april for those j rocket b says uh 50 wow thank you says love your work you and your team are amazing yes well patrick's doing all the work right now so we'll say team amazing uh bromatic could you change the boot up sound to the roflcopter sound so it goes when it turns on uh yeah the old uh the old ventrilo text to voice that works on the windows 10. no they probably see it broke people used to also do like the sprinkler goes and then gu hchchch leviathan prim will snowflake be able to nap on top of it once it's built probably yeah well she's pretty good at balancing yeah that's what i was looking at too uh juan carlo oh this scroll wheel scrolls up when i try to scroll down juan carlos says would you consider doing monitor reviews consider yes the problem with it is so i spoke to some people from the displayport group and some people work on hdmi certification as well a while ago and we got enough of the knowledge for testing them but i feel like we could do it a good monitor review but the problem is one of uh just time so manpower issue and then the other one is uh i mean just what do you want to spend the uploading time on so not even just time we have to work on something but with youtube other than special situations like conventions for the most part about one video per day seems to be the kind of the max value um until you hit diminishing returns so if it's mono review something else would have to not go up that day uh amaranth says bought the mouse pad too early for signing sorry uh will there be f clock tuning content for the ryzen 5000 series was not able to hit 2000 f clock that amd said was possible we're in the one million subshirt too awesome i'm glad you got one of the 1 million sub shirts uh those were really popular they were gone pretty quickly so um as for the content the comment about f clock tuning so if amd's still saying that 2000 f clock is possible i guess in the purest technical sense that's true but we haven't been able to hit 2000 on any of the cpus i've worked with from zen3 they originally were saying yeah you can hit 2 000 during the review cycle and then no one was hitting two thousand and during the review cycle they're like well wait till the new agit comes out then you'll be able to hit two thousand new jesus came out i still couldn't hit 2000 on ours when i tried it so no amount of tuning worked for hours maybe it's changed it's been a couple months since i've tried it's possible it's changed but quick tuning suggestions i guess would be um vddg io i think that's what it's called vddg i o and vddg c cd or something i forget that there's two uh two voltages i think both called vddg underscore something that's a place where you can do some tuning and try and get it to work a little bit better but i was never able to get a lot out of it yeah the ryzen drm timing guy has like some tool for getting numbers for that stuff too and we haven't tried it at all but i forgot that's yeah there's a new oh what is it called uh uh one one usm yes this is a username right yes yeah clock tuner maybe that sounds right based on his i yeah clock tuner for rising yeah so there's a clock tuner verizon you might try out i haven't tried it i'm not sure if it does f clock but i would assume it does but he did the uh theorem calculator also okay cool uh let's do a quick couple of store shout outs we had an order from morgan in uh virginia who picked up a a wireframe mouse mat that's this one on the desk here thank you for picking that up we are patrick and i will be signing any orders during the stream of these mouse mats and they'll be shipping out probably tuesday because we do need to sign it and then we had let me read a couple others had one from tyler in rhode island who picked up a mousemat thank you tyler uh had one from oliver in australia what is that is that victoria is that what the ic is that is in austria it is in australia vic yes it is it is victoria and victoria australia that's cool well it's always uh good to see orders from around the world we had taylor from new mexico picked up a anniversary mug and a wireframe mousemat thank you okay uh so any further thoughts on the case now you've been working on it for a little bit uh i was gonna ask if we wanted to use the stock paste which i've already kind of messed up so that's fine if it's on there sure if we need to redo it we can just use thermal grizzly or something i think i did put these brackets in upside down so i will redo the tables this i'll give them some credit for this so because this thing comes out that we were showing earlier because that comes out it's actually pretty easy to access the power supply so if you need to add or remove modular cables it's not hard so that's kind of nice although it's still i think maybe a little unfair to call this like a mini itx or a micro atx even case technically yes yeah it's one of those things like uh i think um we talked about that with some of the nzxt's cases where they would make a small front factor case that was basically the same size as a normal mid tower right like i guess like the h210 i think it is extremely dark in there this um gpu power all right so i guess let's we'll install the video card after we get the cables connected i'm going to look up the manual to make sure i don't have to do this again for the cooler yeah i just need to know which way to put the bracket on yeah we haven't worked with this cooler before it's uh a13x it's i think it's fairly new and we're doing a news story about it late last year earlier this year cpu how many cpu connectors this board won there's one cpu and then two um yeah one aio pump and one system fan oh sorry about power connectors oh oh that's gonna be kind of a pain to get to actually the eight pin yeah that might work [Applause] it's not so bad so i do actually to their credit have cutouts and reasonable spots i think these cutouts would align better with micro atx i wish they had a cutout uh actually i wish this one were a little bit longer or they had another one in there to accommodate like all the uh i o connectors i did it right the first time yeah this is gonna kind of suck very uh retro look here the clearance of the fan is not great i can take the fan out if that should help no i wanna suffer for a minute let's have the true user experience i mean i wouldn't take fans out if i were building it in real life i would waste an hour trying to do it the hard way and then take the fan out and have it done in 30 seconds asus makes a flexible pcv got some elasticity to it yeah all that amount of force there is let's see uh it wouldn't be so bad if it weren't toilet white think this is the only color they sell yeah it is which seems strange like they just need to mold blasting a different color i don't know how many of these they sell it's it's hard to find in the u.s yeah i had to buy it through canadian retailer and they were very obviously uh importing it from aliexpress or alibaba but they had it you know available instead of waiting two months um so it's not not particularly easy to get or at least it wasn't maybe it is now okay uh just reading chats okay what's going on for real this time uh okay some comments about 1200 watt power supply a little overkill don't you think yes but it was available so that's how we pick parts a lot of the times is it available okay let me get some of these super chats so i stopped last time at kct who said this build needs tater tots and liquid nitrogen we do have liquid nitrogen we don't have tater tots so so we got about fifty percent of what you're saying it needs uh there's some alan two in there and the big thing in the back but uh case white said can't wait or maybe casey kace white said can't wait to see this pc flying out with elon musk's tesla yes we will we'll charter our flight to we'll send it to mars martin parker so some future alien race will be like what is this how tiny were the tiny was the civilization that built this spacecraft uh well your car will be out there too so we'll have that's true we'll have contacts yeah they'll know that we were in conflict with a much a much larger being uh can we have standardized meme case testing with the yes and cute pet included i'm hoping for objective comparisons of the space and cat appeal i guess we could do that uh i i i gotta say i think of the two cases probably this one is more impressive to me this is the curved tempered glass yeah your cooler master made such a big deal over there yeah and thermal take they both talk about how hard it is the curve tempered glass because it shatters a lot but it's also like all aluminum and uh it's pretty genuinely good build quality so i don't know that case is hard to be i don't remember what it i think it was also about 200. i think it cost us more than it should have it was hard to get in the us one of them was destroyed oh that's right yeah yeah not our fault uh well there was a shipping issue with one of them uh see chronicle cultivation haven't caught a stream in a while hey steve can you get roman to okay everyone to send my wife an oc bracket we never got that 011 mini signed snake juice you know i'll i'll tell him i'll tell i'll tell roman but i think that name change might throw him off and uh all that progress we made on the o11 mini might be might be wasted now for the oc bracket most of chat has no idea what's going on uh project five point four underscore tv five dollars no message thank you rafa a repo man said uh five dollars is this case a star trek shuttle yes the front end of the disney monorail or the submarine from fantastic voyage 1966. all aft comments uh they time stamped it for us i hadn't considered the disney monorail it's the case of the future yeah it's what the i mean it's kind of like those 90s books about what 2000 would look like with flying cars and stuff they do make another more like i think they call the case like the shuttlecraft or something um it's a little more angular it's like a basically just a big rectangle with sled running oh it's yeah is that the one you showed me yeah so that one's really easy where you were saying we put this on top of that one yeah we actually have a tng shuttle if you combine the two of them yeah like 90 of the way there there is really bad uh visibility in here we can turn the leds on okay we have uh sata drive yes yes are we using um that's here we have to say to drive okay i can grab that so i plugged in sata for that i don't need that one i do need the 24 pin somewhere in here i might have set it aside we can get it later okay i guess all right i think our real thoughts on this case are going to be formed when we try to reassemble like get the top panel on it looks like it'll clear though so how much molex does we play it giving us oh yeah so we have three fan headers on the board i've got one right there okay two molex so we have four fans potentially if we put an extra one in um so we can split them or four fans yeah um so and these have molex headers so we could just okay plug those into molex how many fan headers on the board three three and then one's being taken by this wow that's that's definitely i haven't worked with a tower for that small in a long time it's not even the mount i don't think i think it's just flexing at the uh the plastic flexes which is fine but the tower flexes a little too okay anyway that's a story for another day um yeah i think we can do it's mike's problem yeah yeah mike will deal with that when we test it um i think we can do molex maybe for the back too and then plug the cpu cooler into the board and then we'll do i guess one fan up here i don't i think we don't want to do a fan on the bottom down there because the cables okay are going to suck to route but could do it i guess everybody loves molex right because you can daisy chain them and it's perfectly safe let's see i wonder if he can water cool this case jp renoir said no yeah there's there's one mount where you could put a 120 radiator theoretically and it's like fully inside the case body you'd have to modify it for sure like to get the to get like a pump and a rez and everything in there yeah and if you used a clc then your cpu block is above everything yeah i mean it's at exactly the same level as the reservoir i mean radiator you'd just be running the tubes over that way so yeah that's the top just because we haven't shown it for a little while and some more people are in the video in the view account um you could do some cool stuff if you are handy as a modder you can i mean it looked pretty sweet with like the larger glass reservoirs at the back on the sides that would look cool but you would probably need to really need the radiator external too unfortunately yeah so that's the top of the case if you didn't catch it earlier all right i changed my mind i hate molex well it's molex is still pretty new so that's the fact that you haven't made up your mind yet is normal do you think their organization feels bad about the fact that like people use their name as a generic name for the worst connector that they make probably i would that would upset me like you're like we just make the poor pin we make a lot of other stuff too yeah molex actually makes them some 12-pin connectors that nvidia could have used uh but nvidia wanted to make its own special connector because it's better than existing 12-pin connectors that two organizations have already standardized we need a third standard to unify the other two standards that xkcd yeah exactly that's kcd yeah that's punk helmet case yes yes that is that is one of the other common cons you said it's nice to have viewers from around the world yeah send it to jay so he can make it look like it was an accident like as in he's gonna kill it and make it look like like basically hire jay as a hitman for this case and he'll make it look like it was accidentally destroyed in shipping phil take it out back it makes me nervous when andrew moves to get a better angle than what i'm doing don't watch me i'm still thinking about jay the hitman killing cases he's got like phil in the background laughing while he beats the case with that all right so cables were good on except for this this 12 pin yeah this is kind of a mess so you don't like what i've done not you're not here it's the fact that it's the fact we've got this thing for leds that bothers me this is just like it looks like a submarine and it's the build quality and these wires have to be like uh 26 gauge or something yeah it's these are so flimsy i can't see it's 12 volts goes in but you don't know what comes out i guess molex is 12 and five yeah thanks cambridge nexus mod matt we do have the pin out on the mod mat but unfortunately it's out of stock right now but our mouse mats and tool kits are in stock though okay once you pull that up to the nvidia connector i think i actually plugged in two of these we only need one you mean be quiet didn't put a uh they did not include they did not include a special 12-pin connector and their power supply that was shipped i think before these video pairs i'm trying to okay get rid of that cable can you no it's too late oh i unplugged the wrong one oh wait oh it's two do we have one that's just one prob clean it up a little bit um this is cpu that's also two okay well i guess we'll just go with that one though i can't see i it's as dark as the prospect for this case work is a dungeon um i'm gonna let you okay i think i'll find that in it's i think that's fair because i'm the one that put the power supply in first so this is what i get uh yeah i'm gonna let you do that so i can get a couple comments so we don't fall too far behind okay unfortunately we don't have a single eight pin wire they both go to two youtube destroyers has pre-recorded no question mark no period just that's all they said no not pre-recorded so we're gaming on a spaceship now yes natural progression uh let's see i guess i can take this question uh i spare says my knoxville hd15 on my 5600x is running at 90 degrees celsius pace is good mountain is good not sure what's going on room time is 19c airflow is good and it's on a 5600x that's way too high um maybe so first thing i would do is remount second thing i would do is uh make sure that the auto if you're running auto voltage on the board that is not stupid high maybe you can tune it down manually and other than that maybe maybe a small mistake on the installation like try you can try grab the top of the d15 and try to wiggle it a little bit don't apply too much force and if it moves then the mount's not good you set the mounts good so i'm assuming you did that already so check the fans are the right direction uh check the auto voltage on the motherboard those are two things i would do i'd probably remount anyway okay uh let's see you're going about this all wrong just leave the top off and stick the baby yoda in it spoilers just like somebody already said in chat don't get mad at me uh solid snake mouse my purchase can i get rtx on signature from tech jesus uh you you can definitely get the signatures anyone buying the mouse mats today during the stream will get both of us signing them and you can grab them on stored at this is the mouse map as for an rtx on signature uh i i don't think i'm gonna write rtx or any nvidia ip on the mouse mat uh also my handwriting doesn't look like rtx on uh ladies eon says love the concepts of these cases over the meta of tempered glass boxes but they're quite often poorly executed i don't disagree with you i think you are completely correct to say it's different from the meta that's good phrasing i also think that they often are poorly executed when it's like it's kind of like i think this case i'm sure patrick has thoughts on this like a lot of other ones like this sometimes they a lot of them feel like they were just they had a cool idea but maybe didn't want to invest in really making it cool and just kind of threw it together and tossed it out into the market yeah um maybe without realizing the potential especially especially if it's a company that doesn't have any distribution or way to reach a western audience where they can increase their market their addressable market size so like that yeston case is a great example again of a really well executed different case that had a limited market reach uh something like this is probably designed from the outside in yeah i think that's probably accurate yeah they started with the shell and then they said how do we fit a computer in this do you want the uh you know the hd audio plugged in we don't need it if you don't want it in there we don't need it uh i have to find it this is why many itx is difficult it's so difficult they spaces at a premium and not in this case space is on fire sale in this case uh zach f just got the 11 dx l based on your review gm doesn't do fan reviews do they i would definitely appreciate gn's review standards for fans we've talked about it a lot over the years uh i have plans i've had plans for a long time to do fan reviews but um right now we need more space to set up the fan tester that i want to get and the not only is the space expensive to do that but the fan testers are expensive and we'll talk more about it later but i do have plans for the kind like from our perspective the immediate future by which i mean like maybe towards end of year beginning of next year i hope to have a fantastic in uh four fan testing and um the one we have our eye on is the one that fan manufacturers use for validating for putting the number on the box so getting that particular tester means we would not only be able to test the fans for our own charts but test against the claims on the boxes i think that would be really cool but um it's expensive i mean there's uh those the fan testers are they we'll talk more about the price when we get one i guess but i say very expensive i mean like the most expensive single thing we've bought uh let's see how do you think the thermals will be in this not good i don't think they will be good i can blame it on an arctic is that plastic flowable looks like it's flammable i i mean i think all plastic to some extent i don't know i need some old marks on here i'll look around uh michael graziano says i think it's more like star trek voyage or delta flyer thank you for yes let's let's do that let's get let's get an argument going in chat for specifically uh which series of star trek this looks like it comes from i won't be able to argue with anybody [Laughter] tng shuttlecraft we've got a vote for uh michael here said voyager delta flyer it's um this is marked abs so if that tells you anything about whether you can set it on fire or not uh george mitchell said do you know any place that can fix gpus branded 2080 ti d6 postcode manufacturer won't help if you didn't blow it up you should force them to fulfill their warranty their rma if it's under warranty then i would pursue that route i don't know anyone specifically fixes gpus unfortunately um you would probably someone saying the star trek discovery deep space nine ds9 discovery fight fight yeah fight over here right over which star trek comes from it's the pod spock was in tng no doubt discovery but it looks like crap such a judgment on discovery here someone says it comes from star trek attack of the clones star trek's most famous installment right after uh star trek the phantom menace of course kamino let's see um i found where the headers are and i don't like it so they're not going in okay which one's the the uh there's we have another usb 2.0 header and we have an hd audio header and um for anybody that buys this board they are obstructed by this m.2 heatsink down here all right i believe so we need to dig in there um i mean oh yeah i need to check did you check the uh front panel connector yeah yeah i got it they have it marked there's power powers on the page power's in the right spot yeah okay okay so we don't need this cable i guess this can go in here so we want that or is it going to be cleanest that's going to be kind of a weird hmm that's not bad if we run so through there and then up there okay do we have screws for this um we have the case screws yes uh i think if you want to read some of the super chats i highlighted the one i stopped on just read them down but you're gonna have to use the mouse button and the thing to scroll because the scroll wheel is sabotaged also this is disgusting i hadn't actually touched this yet uh the like grease or oil mark on the plastic it's sticky it's kinda gross uh did you read from timothy greg is it recyclable i did not read that one i didn't read the one that's highlighted if that's a different one is it recyclable i'm trying to find out how to properly dispose of the spaceship uh yes it is there's it's marked recyclable on the top shelf so i somehow don't believe that most of this is recyclable uh amaranth 1111 says uh 10 alerts thanks for the response i tried many combos of vddg i o and vddg ccd none worked for me past 1900 got w-e-h-a-w-h-e-a errors left and right even on newest bios on dark kira yeah that sounds like i'm just grabbing screws but that sounds like the issue that andy's been having with that for a while now so uh unfortunately until they have an adjuster that can support this higher f clocks i don't know that there's much you can do it sounds like you've already done the things i would recommend um twenty dollars from michael bowers thank you um 11 years from a bavarian can you investigate why renoir and cezanne apus don't properly support hdmi 2.1 some v550 motherboards list hdmi 2.1 support but only up to uhd 8 bits per color 60 hertz 120 hertz only with uh four to two to zero which looks bad um yeah i don't really know a lot about that um hdmi 2.1 seems like a tall order for any apu though yeah i would i would agree with that if they maybe if andy is making big claims about it it's a problem uh i haven't looked at their marketing for renoir yeah we haven't looked at hdmi 2.1 that much in general no yeah so could we look into it maybe but um that's not something that i'm personally well versed in so i probably would i'd stay away from it until i could study it and i'm not sure that i have time to study it anytime soon damn that's not bad did you want to um do you have anything else you wanted to do in this lower compartment before i seal it off i just put in a fan yeah if the fan seems like it would work i was mostly worried about putting the fan on there because we couldn't initially fit a tower cooler on there oh yeah um so we could still do that i think it would work let's try it they have some uh that particular fan comes with um like uh bolts and nuts so rather than normal fan squares okay okay what's the next question did you want to talk about uh the case stuff from earlier at all or um which case stuff the like we posted that video asking for community feedback oh yeah sure yeah let me what's the question is uh pit boy federalist canadian any luck partnering with a case manufacturer um anyone willing to work with you uh you would be okay to put your design on it like der bauer so um this is referencing we did a video a while ago about how we have an opportunity to sort of make a case with existing manufacturers and i did a whole video on it for those who aren't up to speed talking about the downsides of that and the upsides to answer so i'll take those questions one at a time i guess first question of any luck finding a case manufacturer willing to work with us the answer is yes so i already had a manufacturer i was explicitly talking to when i made the video but after we posted it we had basically everyone in the industry reach out to us and say hey if you guys want to work with us to make a case let us know our pms would be happy to talk to you product managers so basically everyone wants to work with us to make a case uh which which i am a little skeptical of some of that um they some of them i think are more genuinely interested in doing cool stuff with us and some of them it's like more more clearly uh like how do we make our brand immediately relevant type of thing depending on their size relative to i guess the other case manufacturers whose stuff we review so question of are we going to work with someone right now i think my decision is no i i was really leaning towards it originally and leaning towards doing one and we might still do one but i just more and more feel like we don't really need that partnership and if we want to make our own case i think i did some research on how the factories work and you can so one of the problems with making your own case without a partner like an existing case manufacturer is cost because tooling costs hundreds of thousands of dollars so it's very expensive to make the tooling for a case and one of the things i learned in doing research was that you talk to a factory and amortize the tooling cost just like you can amortize the cost of a house and so what they do is they take some amount of the sales value from you to pay for the tooling so you don't have to pay it all up front so that makes it kind of interesting to pursue it on our own and there are downsides to that as well you don't get a team with experience but you also don't potentially get sabotaged by something you don't really want to put your name on so for now though i think my current decision is no on making a case with a tentative like maybe i'm interested later uh mostly because i the more i thought about it the more i was like i don't know that i really want to work that closely with any of these companies i kind of like where we are now where we're completely neutral so that's my biggest problem with it is is any kind of conflict or change of relationship with a company to work with them on a case so right now no but maybe we'll pursue it on our own later um ten dollars from rob s thank you um five dollars from deep fried lettuce any plans to review the yeston 6800 xt or the maxson rtx 3070 i craft both our waifu gpus the max on what 30 30 70 i craft i craft okay i think we've seen those those are the very anime yeah i'm not sure i don't have any plans to review uh more gpus right now i feel like people are kind of burned out on them so um two dollars from a person is liquid metal on laptop worth it or a good idea uh maybe there's some laptops that suck so bad with cooling that would be worth it is it a good idea the biggest problem with it is i kind of hate this fan the way they're doing this yeah i could maybe if you want me to grab one of those that's fine i installed on the wrong side but instead of being four screws which would be quick it's eight screws uh because it's you know it's got the it's eight pieces of hardware so yeah um so uh yeah gp is not planning to do more reviews of right now to answer that question um so another question from kansa five dollars about the gm case uh i keep answering that answered that pretty well yeah um ten dollars from agent rose uh when will the medium mod mats be available again oh same time as the large ones uh early to middle of april we're gonna put them all in stock at the same time no back order period but there should be enough for for everybody i think um i might let you do the next three screws on this okay but it is in the right place now i just was i install it on the opposite side by accident when i was trying i was debating where i wanted the uh the nut versus the bolt to be visible okay and i flipped it over the wrong way i don't think we've successfully used these fans in anything yet they because they can only be installed they're like nice they're ruggedized uh which is kind of cool but they're serrated for you know yeah through some meat that's what you need to do with fans normally i think it's oriented correctly now it is definitely oriented correctly so i haven't finished jay's video she told me about it you put some carrots through it no uh i highlighted the one that i haven't read that one is he putting rocket lake in that no um rocket lake is not available yet for anybody is my 5500xt bottleneck in my 5900xt probably if you're playing at 1080p or something well yeah definitely actually okay uh oh that's right i was talking about liquid metal um i liquid metal the problem in laptops is just if you actually get it on something else then probably with liquid metal and laptops is because i use them uh for travel and liquid metal ages and i'd be worried about having to replace it while i'm traveling although no travel right now but jimmy douglas says the case looks like the bodywork that covers my motors and batteries uh by the way thanks for all the infotainment you folks rock thank you well thank you for the the comment the um the the yeah the bodywork on the it's kind of funny to call it bodywork it's like treating it like an actual vehicle i guess that's what it is though it is it is not bad really uh legendary x590 motherboard that's a that's a someone's username that's not an announcement i'm making it says i have a 9700f that i'm happy with but i want to enable xmp could i just buy z390 for that uh 232 gigabyte 3600 cl 18 volunteer a year before i found gn and cl importance um c390 i'm trying to remember i think it will since it's not a k processor i don't think it's going to let you go above the frequency spec for that processor which is probably 29.33 so you can enable xmp and i think it'll give you timings but since you're not getting frequency you'd be better off running auto timings or we're manually setting them because you can get them lower because the frequency is going to be capped short answer is like yes you can enable accident people you're not going to get all the benefit then you might be better off doing it auto manual i'm thinking a toy story themed pc said by uh jc mark this yeah andrew what's kind of futuristic because of buzz lightyear maybe oh he's getting a new movie buzz lightyear is specifically okay also andrew since you're the expert then do you think this is suitable for a toy story themed pc uh she says no andrews apparently got strong opinions about that subject i want to ask again joshua cohen says data mastermind a few weeks ago it's great also did elon musk make this case and can the pc be shipped to mars we didn't talk about that earlier uh can it be yes do i have the means to do it no but feel free to i guess if you joke about it on twitter enough it'll happen yeah if you if you tell enough make enough memes about it on twitter and tacky on us send him a screenshot of the case when we've got it all built and maybe he'll do it it seems like the kind of thing he'd be willing to spend millions of dollars on uh let's see casey white says well today's mouse mat purchases it be signed the ones ordered during this stream definitely uh will be signed and then anything after the stream uh i guess no because i'm gonna change the sku identifier once the stream ends you might have like an extra five or ten minutes for it um i'll see about if there's a way our logistics guy can make it so that we can sign the ones from before the stream too but i'm not sure about that uh let's see five dollars should i look into undervolting my 30 90 it gets quite hot oh i have no idea how to do it i would the easiest thing to do is to drag the power target down in the negative direction to like 95 or 90 power that would probably help you could also set a custom fan curve that's the first thing i would do uh okay kellerune says i'm looking at my mouse mat now i don't see any rtx sorry it's rtx off good i didn't i didn't want to do an rtx mouse mat because then we'd have to ship a lot more hardware with it whoa and we'd have to get console uh compatibility at some point some of those uh some of the mouse pads are retraced right did you know the led ones no i mean the uh are the renders oh andrew's making some very okay he shook his head we do have some cool actually i previewed it and um in the 30 60 review we showed a really short preview of something andrew's working on it was a low res uh preview of it but that's uh i guess that you you must be using ray tracing on right yeah but nvidia obviously invented ray tracing it didn't exist until nvidia did it i think everybody knows that all right let's see uh uh ray tracing wikipedia let's just see let's just see the exact conditions read through this all right control f 19 7 yep there it is 1 9 7 4. so 1974 in 1976 there was discussion of of uh retracing and um that's actually all wise nvidia invented it so jensen himself jensen johnson himself architected real-time ray tracing so that looks pretty good it does but i forgot i need a setup power cable i hope we got all the power headers firmly connected into the power supply uh that would be they're never coming back out that's have to get a good shot of the uh kale management work yeah this is the patented patrick cable management method where you just wad them all in a corner um if no one removes it's that uh system integrator approach like the cyber power approach oh yeah if nobody ever takes off the panel it's schrodinger's cable management as long as the panel's on there the cable management's both good and bad i'm ready with the uh with the rest of the panel okay um i guess we need to set up do we have any uh spare side of cable careful on the tension you know what i i'm actually curious what chat would say about this i'll wait to say it until i can see the computer um i have thought about in the past i'm not saying i'm doing this right now make that very clear i've thought about in the past doing like a like uh if you order something on the store you get a sata cable because i want to we have more of these we have like multiple bins of these i can't get rid of them and we only need so many uh i can bring them to kramden institute which is a great location that recycles stuff or reuses it but even they're gonna be like steve come on like they'd be like we don't want you taking the whole bin with sata cables so i'm curious if chat thinks they would want an extra sata cable or if everybody has this problem i guess with m.2's popularity probably everybody's uh ending up with extra city cables this um asus has managed to they've put the sata connectors um straight down onto the board like old school style but they've oriented them in a way that if you put a right angle connector on there it would come back towards the ram so you can't put a right angle connector on the uh yeah so that's unfortunate to see the cables no thanks straight really small someone says i already have 20 of them yeah that's kind of what i figured everyone has this problem because they have to send two they have to send multiple of two different styles with every motherboard they have to send the right angles and i have to see some people say they take them and some people saying they have the same problem i have to see if there's like a um if there's a way we can add a uh a check box to check out where it's like yes i want one no i don't like an opt-in and i'll give our distributor a box of sata cables and he can toss him in if the check box is checked he'd hate me for that too well he likes the product excuse me yeah he he likes managing additional steps in the shipping process like why are we shipping these what are they we have to validate all of them to make sure that well no that's why they're free free they'd have to be free that way it's like if it doesn't work then you didn't pay for it okay i take these away you want to use the braided one no okay i think those are from cablemod actually some of them some are from msi the ones from msi actually don't work but yeah we uh we do actually get sata cables that cause issues on a fairly regular basis but luckily we can just put them in the electronics recycling then yep we have enough what's a chance to do custom sata cables no thanks i don't want to like we were just talking about we've done enough um had enough failed cables now that i don't don't want to deal with them yeah if we've learned anything it's that um recently it's that making cables and contracting factories to make cables is did you do business um did you get the fan cable routed and plugged in um yeah it's plugged in was it not routed no i just said it could be through this hole but i put it through the other one it's not too bad all together i can do it better nice i think that fan is going to help a lot actually well that we're probably going to want to control the speed on that i don't know if we want it in there for the review or not the ek fan so we do one one test of each yeah um it does require a lot more careful cable management because this whole forward section of the case could just have cables wadded up in it if right the fan wasn't there so how do you feel about the case having worked on it well i didn't pay for it so it's not bad i think from like a small case standpoint it's because it's not really a small case yeah so yeah as far as many itx building it's there's less of a pain than usual yeah there's a lot of space in it get it there's a lot of space there's a lot of space in it do you get it patrick yeah because it's a spaceship here i put one of these screws on you're not appreciating yeah moving moving immediately fast though oh i see yeah okay i just wanted to point this out to make everybody angry yeah yeah this fan uh so they're not involved and then one of them's backwards baby yoda's crib when you pull the wheels on yeah this is where i uh go to this midnight rhett rhett's retsum yar says does patrick ever not take shortcuts i guess talk it out here if you do it twice it's not a shortcut oh someone's unhappy that you did the screw that way a user named black hole says he doesn't get my space pun i somehow don't believe this praise the cameraman there you go and you're getting some recognition good job andrew i did it are we ready to seal it up i mean i uh yeah it does it so did it clear uh yeah nice wow that's kind of neat i'm looking forward to the cooler more than the case this should be our new cooler test bench very convenient to work with yeah yeah new conclusion all coolers are bad oh yeah that's not going to work here but it's all right yeah like i was saying not a lot of western market reach on this one but yeah or is that what the powers i think that was be quiet does that be quiet could have just as likely come with the case i hope they toggle the voltage to the right that's one this should be auto yeah let's close it up okay seal it it seems like it is going to attract some fingerprints oh yeah i can see many already that's not bad all right chat what do you think is it bad or is it not bad i want to see i want to see the thoughts on how this thing looks how heavy is it it's not that bad yeah it is actually a really light case without the parts in it what does everyone think tell me what you think specifically of the case we'll probably do a review of this later looks all right looks as airtight as a real spaceship that's you know that's uh i like the way you phrased that you belong in their marketing department [Laughter] i like that um they put these sled runners on it and then they had to wrap the runners with rubber so it won't actually slide yeah well that's why i want it to like snow so we can push it around so let's see two people said love it uh someone said bad in all caps said f uh let's see daft punk helmet uh dope af steve eta on large anti-static modmat well that's not about the case but april uh needs a paint job you could do some cool stuff on that i mean since it's since it's coated white it would be fairly easy to customize it uh meh it's it's so bad it's good needs rgb this i think could actually do with rgb all right so i'm seeing i'm honestly a good amount of these are positive looks looks heck and sick someone says no i o shield yeah we don't do io shields here they the systems don't stay together long enough seems like a waste of space in front yeah uh i mean clearly they the front was just so this could exist is it wiping off at least kind of let's not make sure to film it first too unless you already got b-roll that andrew i'll save it for you i think this is a star citizen origin jump works themed case love it someone says i you know i honestly it looks like it's 50 50 on whether people like it or not it's certainly different i think that's a good that's that's that's a good description of it yes okay cool well i'm pretty happy with uh how it came together at least it was there weren't any major headaches we ran into yeah extends new workstations that's right yep he'll he will unironically love it he probably will genuinely think it's like the coolest thing be like yes we we specifically built this for you he'll love it all right uh let me get through some of the the last super chats i'm gonna do cut off my update the um text on the screen uh let's see a vertical bar no more super chats uh i guess i could just need no more super chats so i'm gonna read all the ones that are on the screen now but don't send any more that doesn't fit but um let's do oh okay all right well it's the real stream experience yeah okay uh let's see where did uh case white said just oh i might have gotten this one already but just bought a mouse mat always proud to support dedicated people kill the stellar work thank you uh alex santos i'm not sure what that comment so i'm not going to read it i don't think it's bad but i'm not sure what it means deep fried lettuce so speaking of unique and well made cases taobao itx boutique shops have been putting out innovative designs shame they aren't ideal for gn reviews we can look into them though i have had people say that there's a lot of cool itx cases on taobao so we'll look around and see what's there daniel g said mod crystal patron mousepad buyer today and some support and super chat well thank you that is a huge amount of support all those things i really appreciate it says hello from thoughtfix i'm building a pc now with my modmat ensign toolkit jeez that is a lot of stuff well thank you very much for the dedicated support we appreciate it and uh i hope your your pc build right now is going well i normally run streams and things like that when i'm working on systems as well so peter shukers two dollars no message uh um m-a-1-c-o one dollar in a message heavy palms says captain i'm not sure where this is going power i guess i guess maybe maybe a reference to something star trek uh rowan hurricane says is stretching the tubing a bit a particularly bad thing for an aio will cause a leak that's a great question so the tubing shouldn't really stretch a lot of it's made out of rubber there's two types of tubing for liquid coolers aio specifically that are commonly used there is um a corrugated tubing where it's plastic and it's it's literally like corrugated cardboard and that is it's lined on the inside with teflon and it's very rigid it does not stretch and you should definitely not try to stretch it so it's like the cooler master uh stuff and anyone who buys from cooler master so other brands might might um use them as a supplier so if you have the plastic corrugated tubing then uh do not stretch it because if that teflon cracks what'll happen is permeation gets a lot worse and um and then for the rubber tubing it can stretch a little bit but if it's like stretching on the barbs then there's a problem so try to avoid it little tiny bit of stretch is maybe doable on the rubber ones but i would try to avoid it uh david gillepsis gillespie says looks like a case manufacturer is trying to channel mork and mindy pxl generator says outfit cool 2x80 rads oh yeah we do have an 80ml radiator i forgot about that yeah we do actually have one of those i'd go get it to show the stream but did we have it because it was uh flying around not selling i think that's a good point though they're saying uh avocal 2x80 radiators with ice bear open loop aio definitely actually doable um let's see eric uh five dollars thank you 1650 unlocked by us with ellen two stream when i do have a 1650 unlocked bios i'm amazed that anybody remembers that uh it was like a count i made in a video once it might have even just been an offhand comment a stream but i had considered doing ln2 with the 1650 to make it better than whatever the amd card was that was beating it oh stream yeah okay i think this is our audio might still be going one all right let's see if that's fixed okay stream froze audio is still coming through yeah i don't know why this system does that it did that with the uh stream with evga also we'll have to try and figure that out it's hard to troubleshoot because it's like it takes hours for it to happen it's mostly new ports from yeah we like we just built this streaming system so we got rid of some problems but introduced others uh eric meyer says breaking news steve sponsored by corsair not coarse hair patty said which would be easier getting a new gpu at msrp from an actual retailer or making one from scratch on my own honestly making one from scratch uh if you can buy like a vga gpu package and solder it onto a board it might be faster to learn how to do that it genuinely might be faster to do that it's a cool video out there somebody making a gpu on a breadboard that just does like analog video i haven't seen that one i did see one where a guy uh lifts a 780 off the board and puts a 780 ti on it though that was pretty cool like i didn't know i mean i guess it makes sense but that's a hell of a lot of work manual work uh let's see dragon tech gaming says when do you expect for the latest graphics cards to be in stock with stable flow of production when do i expect them to be in stock is basically every couple days or every week but a stale production and stick well so i guess we break it down a few ways technically technically they come in stock they just don't stay and then technically there's stable production but the the real the heart of your question is when do you think they'll be in stock constantly or readily and the answer is probably not for a long time i think amd was saying they'd expect to have issues with cpus on three cpu production past uh middle of the year past june or july until the console stuff slows down which gives you a look into graphics cards as well okay um so i mean i would just think like end of year or something uh weeds 32 love the hair do you use two in one shampoo no i i start with uh thermal paste and then i use leave-in liquid metal vc jester steve can i talk you into changing your name to patrick uh i i mean how do you know that's not actually maybe this is just an uh like a pseudonym maybe that is my name paul m surely we see how this case is modeled after a toilet you know there have been a lot of comments about how it looks like a toilet maybe one of the like taiwanese yeah it does it does actually look like the ones in like the hotel rooms in taiwan uh when is part two of rams video series coming out i don't know if that was asked as a joke or not but we did actually get uh other patrick uh patrick stone working on that recently so uh hopefully make progress on that let's see we don't have too many more of these i want to read them all though uh patrick g said just wanted to thank you for the content i'm enjoying my mouse mat thanks well thank you for buying it uh we are the ones who need to be thanking you ish is says is it worth upgrading from a 3600 to a 5600 x since i have a 30 70. i'm using an asus prime d550 board huh um it'll it would give you a bit more performance in 1080p gaming if you're playing at like 4k or 1440 the uplift would not be substantial so personally i wouldn't upgrade from a 3600 to a 5600x it is a good jump but i think waiting a generation here is worthwhile you're saying andrew needs to upgrade his personal system andrew though needs to upgrade yes yeah the andrew who has the best computer out of all of us at home yeah yeah i mean andrew what if what if someone else builds a new system and theirs is better than yours he said i'll get that it's like a threat just paying andrew protection money uh craig newcombe said are there any updates to the jan case uh i talked about that in a lot of detail earlier so i'll leave that to the earlier part of this video uh hopes pian said you guys are cool i'll take my money ten dollars you're really that's like bringing all the patrick's to donate it's like reverse reverse robbing you're not yeah thank you um i wish i had a question i could answer or something but we appreciate it nonetheless uh shu you can said which component is generating the heat for liftoff all of them uh so we can talk about that we were originally going to do this cooler because patrick had i don't know if you remember which ones you were looking at but tried fitting a couple small coolers basically all of our tower coolers uh i cycled through a lot of them okay um so now that i'm really fit and we're gonna do this but it's downdraft and the fans on the back of this case are both exhaust and so getting that small tower in there from arctic i think is a better flow path yeah we'd also looked at this um big shuriken literally the name but the clearance isn't great for the um rear i o and this is one of those boards that has like a built-in i o cover and the fin stack is oriented so that it wouldn't necessarily exhaust out the back i think that's how it was set up so the amd stock cooler is for i mean it's a stock cooler but it fits in a lot of cases and in a lot of situations and their new ones are genuinely not bad like i would still it's still fairly high on my list of things to upgrade depending on the budget for the build but it's not like the old coolers where it was like you got to get this thing out of here you know like these are actually you can use them and be okay i think they also don't ship them with a lot of the higher ends if you saw this yeah yeah i mean if it's shipping with it there's a good chance that stock it's fine uh ryan said go on to afterburner and set the fans to 100 for vertical liftoff um i see could probably stand it on its back we i guess we can break our rule and just try to push the power button and if it doesn't turn on we'll fix it later but okay there's a power cable i think on the floor back there uh someone wanted to see it turned on and then we'll do a um a review of this thing later too uh monstrosity said just bought a mouse about the other day throw a sata cable in there we'll figure out what to do with those cables one way or another uh brian heiser said thanks for continuing to make interesting content thank you brian timothy greg said patrick have you played the game valheim do you have any thoughts on the game if so i have not um steve actually mentioned it to me which is rare yeah i'm normally the one that's like watching the game news but uh no i had never heard of it and then penny arcade did two comics in a row on it it's a big guess i guess it must be a big deal now rock paper shotgun's been running a lot of pieces on valheim they rock paper shotgun by the way for people watching if you need like a fun gaming coverage outlet they do a good job i like their i like their stuff like a lot of ours technical stuff so it did turn on i see the ram is glowing uh oh there it is oh it's the secret set logo cool which you can't see because the lights are on but do we have enough room here slack to rotate it oh yeah yeah there's plenty of selection let's try and get it on the grid it shows up okay is that visible at all andrew a little bit if we'd have to turn the lights off to really see that but that's not bad i guess i don't know how hard it would be to make your own someone says currently playing valheim thermal's going to be shite i reckon oh yeah yeah no you're definitely right there's there's no doubt about that smells like a fresh plastic yeah that's why it doesn't say it doesn't smell like fire i guess yeah these uh don't feel a ton of air coming out of these semi-decorative vents in theory you might feel a little yeah there's a little bit of movement down there from that ek fan not a lot of air from those 80 mils though yeah i've been playing um more animal crossing than any other since the past couple of days uh let's see alan leslie said would love to see a piece on boeing folding at home on new gpus we do have a good content piece that was written a while ago on it and then it uh stagnated like we we held got into a holding pattern on it waiting for q a stuff and i don't know i may try and run that piece jaeger matseka 9910's no message thank you uh loop run bunker says sign each sata cable then they'll sell i don't even want to sell them i just want to get them not here just want to get rid of them we've stopped taking them out of motherboard boxes sometimes because we don't have anywhere to put them uh mustangs by matt tuned in late i was filming a turbo swap on a 2020 ecoboost mustang coming to youtube soon shameless plug and yeah that's in the message it says shameless plug any updates on the side of the road mac not yet i need i mean at some point i got to watch it it's it's hard to get to that stuff once we get that far away uh danielle chalet says things are a bit tight this month outside have bought a toolkit have some free google money five dollars well thank you i guess i don't know if they're still doing the free super chats but thank you nonetheless uh to google to you or both paul delaney said yeah it looks like a shuttlecraft from tng put some paper towel tubes on the side and you got the the warp uh nay cells i guess i'm not sure on the pronunciation see what looks like a space toilet well i mean that's better than what people were saying earlier which was just a toilet so i guess the space toilet is an upgrade we're almost to the bottom of these super chats then we'll start we'll do one last look over and close it out uh mr temper tantrum said i guess amd means aerospace micro devices now it's nice but needs some modding send it to jay i think modding i think a paint job would be pretty cool um or is that the light i just saw the flashlight yeah i was just trying to shine something on the back there's a pattern of uh hexagons and stuff here that if you had leds in there right light up but there aren't at least if you got one of those older laser there's like five point laser bulbs that were really bright for case modding of the day that'd be kind of cool to shove on the floor and shine it up if you can diffuse it that's what jay can do we can just send it to him and he can put an led in it and then send it back yeah um i don't know is there i guess there's not really anywhere we can shove something the hand light might fit we'd have to open the case again it would fit yeah if you want to try it but i don't know i guess it patrick can try and shove it in there while i'm reading the rest of these if you want to grab them one um let's see where to stop respectful says also work at dell super impressed not sure if that's about this or uh the working at dell but yeah i was at the um uh farmer's house iii i think the campus that i was at back in the day it was fun i liked working there they uh they had some pretty cool like lab facilities and stuff like that it took many years for me to kind of really appreciate how advanced that facility is deep fried lettuce says i recommend zs cases for itx global website two i will look into that that's referring to the earlier comment about where to get itx cases uh lawrence manassas 299 no no message thank you chris god productions says how was the rosewood cullinan case built in first pc i actually did a review on that a long time ago i don't know i don't know if you were involved in that one patrick i remember working on it a lot though i was here i don't know i don't think i reviewed it or was involved in the review yeah so the cullinan was good when we reviewed it where are you saying andrew put it inside this just like there yeah well this is case modding so it works yeah i like how you can still see the individual bulbs on the headlight that's just the mark of quality that's cool though i think if you got like a more diffused uh light source that would look pretty sweet the world's brightest led fan okay yeah was buzz lightyear included with the case no uh oh dr respectful says yeah we worked around there similar times cool that was right when i was in the biz client lab if that uh if you you remember that right when the consumer lab was getting stripped down for the alienware acquisition uh so you got those in the hot water sad oh that we're in the last few it looks like last part of the scrolling down which is good because the scroll wheel's broken and hot water said shout out to phil's computer lab retro pc youtube channel okay here's a shout out i guess uh dennis two 20 canadian no message thank you purple says uh did you see pny's 30 60 went from 629 to 500 that's interesting uh i don't know if that's whose mistake that is i don't know if it's probably the retailer's mistake but i'm not sure the details toaster chickens uh that's i'm not sure if i would make chicken and a toaster but says think there will be like a g-skew 3080g that has the 3060 anti-crypto added to it once the crypto cards are out that's a good question i'm not sure so the anti-crypto stuff is um done in firmware and drivers and uh could technically be added at a later date without new cards but i'm not sure what their plans are uh epen crap b10 games says steve video idea a complete water quilling build filled with liquid metal send that to linus i think he he would try to figure that would be so expensive that is so much like actually like he hasn't already tried that no i'm sure they have uh dennis perry i've got a 10 year old corsair ax 1200 holds 12.1 volts when drawing 1 thousand plus watts uh old modded seventy nine seventies crossfire from uh oh from okay from the ups but should i replace it with a new one for my 30 90 3900 system that's a lot of hard drives eight hard drives they do take a lot of power uh i i think what is it 1200 watts i think you'll be okay at 1200 it might be a little i think you'll be okay i'd have to i'm not sure what hard drives draw anymore it's been so long since i've looked but from the cpu on the gps standpoint you're fine last four christopher foster says my god what have i walked into what do you mean the future the future this is case design this is this is what it's going to be uh jeremy pruitt says reminds me of a plastic toilet um somehow no disrespect i didn't make it it doesn't hurt my feelings ike 44 hi say hello from mars and the last one jacob salaries upgrade my 1700x or wait for ddr5 i don't think i would base my purchasing decisions on the next ram iteration uh especially because when it launches it's normally not super exciting but the reason to upgrade your 1700x would just be if you're unhappy with your system's performance right now and if you feel like it's still doing everything you need and the only reason you're thinking about an upgrade is maybe because you're you're just bored with it then i would say hold on to it unless you just want to do it for fun as you know something to do on the weekend but from a performance perspective the only reasons really upgrade is if you are getting like a lot of stutters and games or like your production capabilities are hindered or something like that okay so that is all those thanks to everyone who who watched this monstrosity get built it was fun fun working on and i'm looking forward to doing the full review on it too it's kind of an interesting case yeah uh it's different it might not completely kill the parts if we run a thermal benchmark on it yeah i think i think that cooler is going to help a lot but uh i see you've left it not completely sealed because oh yeah because i have to get that light back out yeah but also because uh so i said this at the very beginning of the stream but we're a little bit worried about the alligator clips and them breaking over time so that's probably biggest complaint right now they um they broke yeah over time how many it just won just the one it wasn't i think it was like misaligned so they're pretty fragile yeah it's weird though this is on the bright white setting for the leds but it turns yellow though yeah the cover is turning yellow huh interesting it's like a it's a filter those rear fans were plugged into molex by the way okay when i was on earlier so you couldn't even hear them yet so i i'm thinking they are these are 12 volt point zero eight amp their winds uh so not delta fans no i couldn't really feel that air coming out either so um cool well i think that covers it so uh yeah i'm gonna turn off the the um signed mouse mat sku in a couple minutes uh i'll give it a hard cut off time i guess just so that everyone knows let's give it like let's say about 10 minutes from now i'm going to turn that sku off so if you want to grab a mousemat we'll both sign it if it's spot in the next 10 minutes or earlier in the stream otherwise we're gonna turn that off and uh and that'll be it for that one for now but if you catch another pop-up stream in the future we'll do stuff like this again and i think this was a fun build some background for people watching we were kind of looking at like what's streamable right now we normally stream overclocking but i wasn't really feeling it with the gpu availability and i don't think many of the viewers were either so i mean i just this seemed fun to me it's just like doing not just not a computer build or pc build but just like a weird build yeah so it's still still something fun pc related and and not focused on gpu inventory this way so hopefully everyone liked it but we'll we'll do more of these in the future soon as well because we have more cool stuff coming in so yeah thanks for making the stream fun and uh and for all the comments i'm looking forward to the comment section below debating which star trek series this has come out of but that's it for this one thank you for watching we will see you all next time you
Channel: Gamers Nexus
Views: 272,328
Rating: 4.9021339 out of 5
Id: qYy7FRtUghw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 7sec (7687 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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