The Best Pre-Built Cable Management We've Seen | Origin Genesis Tear-Down

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I don't want to do this anymore oh no my customer crushed his head trying to drain the computer [Music] we already showed you the many downsides of the 6600 origin PC next to me in our full review which is on the channel already like the flaking paint evidence right here oh that's actually it's so bad it got under my fingernail and it cut me but also we need to look at how it's actually assembled and what the quality of the what the qual what the quality of the assembly is so this thing it has it has a couple of flaws but it also has some things they've done really well before that this video is brought to you by thermal Grizzly thermal Grizzlies hydronaut and cryonaut thermal paste are high performing thermal interfaces for use on CPUs and gpus you can bring an old card back to Peak Performance by replacing it and doing preventative maintenance and thermal Grizzlies Hydra knot is ideal for water Cooling and Air coolant for new and old cards alike kryronaut paste is one of the top performing pace for extreme overclocking with CPUs and gpus and has been used in several world record scoring machines learn more at the link in the description below so for example that's it it's kind of heavy so we're gonna go for the pivot approach for example the cable management as we said in the review extremely meticulous and actually really well done this deserves praise this is a lot of zip ties this was someone's probably two hours worth of work of zip ties along the entire computer so there are positives and we need to look for the rest of those one of the things we're going to do is tear open the entire loop we're going to drain it we're going to check and make sure they've got all the thermal pads on the video card components because that would be an easy place to skimp cut some corners and cost and we're going to check on the water blocks and make sure there's no Gunk build up in there okay so the first thing we're gonna do is get rid of get rid of this side panel oh my gosh so internally well actually just if you missed it we have a separate review check it out the separate review talks about the uh performance problems the number one just quick recap for you it was one gigahertz below the actual specified clock speed that AMD sets on the 5800x3d and that's because no one had origin ever thought to check what the frequency was on the CPU they installed and additionally it had some severe noise issues it had the paint issues and uh otherwise the build quality on the software seemed like they were okay so that's where we are that's that's a quick recap we'll go for the finer details first and then Zoom back out finer details they have cable Combs on these sleeved cables which is pretty nice these allow them to Look a Lot cleaner a lot neater than they would be without them that's a nice small touch small attention to detail which is good that's why it's so weird they missed other attention detail things like CPU frequency this uh cable 24 pen it's the same thing it's got sleeving and they put zip ties on it back here to sort of conically Bring It Back in uh to a smaller size when they route it through so that's a nice touch this one they've done much the same it's routed confidently they are running uh to an adapter cable and this is a 30 series adapter so it's not the one that people were concerned about to the same degree at least for melting it's much lower power consumption too now this was our gotcha we sometimes like to add a bunch of weird features that the vendors offer but that they don't typically sell and it's to see if they screw up and miss one so this is a dual 10 gigabit if we look at the back of the card here dual 10 gigabit Nic which is actually useful to us internally at some point so we'll get use out of it but it was really just a trap and they succeeded they they noticed it they put it in and it was installed including the drivers which is honestly all we were looking for can we trip them up with their own options so good job by Corsair and origin there of course her own's origin if you didn't know now for some other cable in before we move on uh up top they've got a fan cable routed this I think is going back to the hub we talked about that in the review we had criticized that they decided to plug this into cisfan instead of CPU fan functionally there's not necessarily A Difference unless your Motherboard BIOS ends up reset at some point and it's a motherboard that complains about CPU fan being absent which is present on more boards than you might expect the bottom of the motherboard so all these cables down here are also routed very neatly whoever did the cable management on the system did an excellent job and it's extremely meticulously routed very clean they chose basically the most efficient path to get a cable out of sight that was available and that is awesome work now the question we have to really ask ourselves in this teardown is pretty simple so let's just pretend none of the issues we talked about like with the frequency were present in the original review that leaves us with the build quality because we're assuming that the system otherwise was perfect this system at six thousand plus dollars is around a two thousand dollar markup from buying the parts and doing a DIY approach doing DIY isn't the only option there's a reason people to exist we are completely in favor of pre-builts if that's what you want to buy or if you have someone asking you what's your recommendation what should I buy so you don't have to be their technical support for the life of the system that they get because we all know if you build it the minute something goes around it is your fault so that's why I like pre-builts for people I know because if they ask me what do you recommend I I can I can ardently say nothing they all suck but at least I can probably Point them towards a couple of the ones we've liked like ABS was overall good that one time we looked at it skytech has been hit and miss they had one hit they had one big Miss but the goal is to find things that make sense and pretty builds can't make sense the problem is like for like pricing day to day when this was built and priced out it's two thousand dollars of markup and that's ignoring whatever wholesaler or cost or whatever benefits origin might get being owned by Corsair and buying bulk so strictly as a consumer it's two thousand dollars a difference and what you have to ask yourself is is it worth two thousand dollars for me to have the time back that it would take to build this and I think for almost everyone that answer is probably no it is not worth it with a few exceptions and the main reason is this Loop I think this is in and of itself very intimidating for a lot of people who've never built a loop before where now you're looking at it you need all these compatibilities between the tube size the fittings uh the actual blocks res pump all this stuff if you've never done any of this that could look like okay that's that's maybe a week of research if you're not familiar with any of it at all whereas if you are at least somewhat familiar you're talking about a day of work to build the system and make it look like origin did and it saves you two thousand bucks that seems pretty damn good to do the savings that is so for the fans this is a uh Bazaar the fans are really loud as you saw in our review the the main problem I have with it it's it's obviously completely unnecessary but not in like an Overkill it's over performing way more of in an it's Way Beyond like the medicine returns and it might actually be diminishing that it might be like a uh regressing at this point because they're pulling air in through four fans up front if you look here in this corner what we have and I'll draw it out for you is intake coming in here and where does that intake go right it's not going to come back here it's hitting fans that are exhaust they go straight out that's actually okay in this instance because there's a radiator Behind These so they're pulling in the coolest possible air and immediately shoving it through radiators which we're okay with there's going to be a little bit that escapes sort of out the side hits the rest of the system so that's fine too but this air basically in and out immediately and some of it goes up here these fans are also intake there's another one two three of them and there's a fourth fan back here that's exhaust this fan is probably most beneficial to the vrm so you've got a nice vrm cooling circuit here and otherwise these two more or less meaningless this amount of fans is it's it is not uh quantity doesn't really equal quality in this instance so way Overkill here and a weird configuration that Nick is probably going to run a little warm but there's just so much air in general circulating around it will probably be fine plus it's got a real heat sink on it so that's kind of the recap of it power supply breathes from the bottom simple stuff and uh now it's time to drain the loop unfortunately all right so first big complaint there's no drain valve this is really frustrating because Corsair makes water cooling components they're trying to be known for it uh they brought over a ton of former EK people to work at corsair's Water coin division so it's really bizarre for them to not include a part that is at most a couple bucks for them because they make it in a system that's got two thousand dollars of markup built into it now you take that attitude and you apply it to too many things your markup starts going away but this is like this is just an ease of Maintenance thing it would reduce Corsair and Origins maintenance overhead long term unless they're not planning to be around to support it long-term a drain valve would support their Endeavors because a customer would be able to maintain their system better or bring it to a shop that can do it okay oh yeah that's gonna work okay [Music] step one to Corsair maintenance throw another arm uh oh of course this one's the hardest to get off okay that was less disastrous than I thought but in the seconds leading up to pulling it I was thinking actually nothing matters because it's all content anyway how do I convince origen to put drain valves on their computers I know I'll use legal terms like liability oh no my customer crushed his head trying to drain the computer [Music] so here's where we are this has been a huge pain in the ass and it's because I want to preserve all the cables as much as I can on the back to follow the routing and show you all the thing that they did well and because of that the most obvious solution to me would have been to just honestly pull this out install my own drain and run it but then I'd have to disconnect half the cables so that makes it hard to review so I actually do something now we're going to take the CPU block off they have the right amount of torque on all these screws it was all tensioned down equally so that's great news it's a Corsair block which makes sense and we're going to remove this check out the paste application make sure they removed the remove this before installing sticker and then we'll check the um the presence of Gunk and the micro fins I love that the last hour plus is going to be reduced to five minutes and headed in where is this going holy you guys are insane what is it Daisy chained wow that cable is pretty chewed up holy crap so this cable was like completely wedged in there which is intentional I guess to hide it but it is very chewed up which one is is that cable yeah this one okay so this is the RGB cable this is it's really good Cable Management I'm super impressed so there's where it's going I think I don't know if it looks like a fan but we'll find out no that's RGB uh yeah that's the RGB cable oh my God okay well unfortunately it's tied in all these zip ties I guess the easiest thing to do is no more RGB oh man that was super worth doing holy crap they're all faced application was done by Machine this is pre-applied on the blocks so they basically took a retail towards their water block including the thermal paste and they stuck it on top of that 5800 X 3D I don't really have a problem with that that's fine that's an okay approach the GPU we're going to take apart and see let's take a look at the CPU thermal paste spread is pretty good I mean they got everything so that's great they didn't I mean like I said it was machine applied so it's kind of you can't give too much credit because retail part but certainly credit deserved overall and uh even the tension is fairly even with the pressure distribution pattern we're seeing being standard for Verizon so all of this looks pretty good as a starting point anyway we got it to a workable State basically hinged the fans out here while leaving them attached and now we can see everything so that's good so in terms of build quality how this all came together I honestly you know it's just it makes it all the more sad sort of that in the original review we had those major showstopper issues with the one gigahertz frequency drop and uh issues with the noise because without those two things the assembly quality is actually really good so good job origin for for doing this whoever's building these things as in physically assembling them you did an awesome job back we've kind of lightly looked at but let's do it in more depth this is excellent work it's it's a little bit of a double-edged sword because I mean everyone who's built a computer watching this uh if you've done any kind of real-time cable managing I feel like the next build you do there's about a 50 50 shot you go I'm not doing that again and it's because like you can put all this time in to make it look great but the minute you have to maintain something it kind of sucks because you go through and snip everything or undo all the velcro and pull the one wire through you want and then you have to redo it all but that is uh no has no bearing on of course there's quality of work here Origins so I think they did well with this the SATA drives are always kind of a uh hit and miss point we check on pre-builts because I'd say about 20 of the time or something we have at least one of these two cables halfway pulled out but those are all good to help set it was secured on a crate this is on every cable tie Point possible and they've got a I don't know what I'd have to I'd have to open this up to see what that if that's just a um if that's part of the EPS 12 volt and if it is maybe it's just capacitors in the line I guess or if that's a different cable I can't see going somewhere like for the LEDs but either way really good management here uh use of velcro straps here along with zip ties now as Patrick said in the core review even with all of this they still couldn't really get the door to completely close we already talked about that in the other review stuff these back under just make the point but it still doesn't really close cleanly you can see right there and uh even if you push it it's got some resistance so even coarse hair I couldn't get that perfect and the end result is as we said earlier the inside of this panel gets some abrasion over time but not the biggest deal now for the rest of this they have all these wires really neatly uh managed over here this for the fans and some of the LED wires are in this grouping as well really meticulously managed this is probably the best cable management I have ever seen and we've pulled apart a lot of systems so great job to the team for that really unfortunate again about the stuff that went poorly here's the NZXT USB hub um I mean that's that's fine they needed it from somewhere they did not connect to anything that they're not using meaning there's no stowing of dead end cables down here it's kind of hard to pull them out for the camera but you can see everything's got a place it's all connected somewhere except for maybe like the random one-off and a piece of a SATA line but looks pretty damn good to me and you can see here too there's the rest of them uh it's actually another set of some of these cables so those they could have plugged in more I think based on what I'm seeing but since they're not going to use they didn't bother and that answers our question that uh bump in the line I saw earlier this capacitors so that's all that is okay we're gonna do quick disassembly you can see these are stuck together uh I just full sort of disclosure here I've not worked with any Corsair custom blocks in quite a while so I'm not sure if those are connected just via um a socket that we can disconnect or if they're actually soldered together we'll find out but either way for now they're stuck together and we're just going to pull apart this card 30 series I'm going to use one of our tear down tool kits and one of our mod mats attract screws although they look like they might all be the same that would be nice and you can grab these on if you want to support us and get some tools to work with for your computer at the same time okay back plate I do have two is a little bit unfortunate I guess looking at this so they have two thermal pads back here but if you look at it you can actually see this was originally an Fe card an Nvidia card and nvidia's FV card they put a lot of thermal pads on that it's emerging uh they put a lot of thermal pads on that Corsair is not replacing so this there is actual purpose to these thermal pads on the Nvidia Fe design uh some of these areas run really hot because even though these are just capacitors and you've just got some filtering around here on the opposite side of these is a vrm including the inductors and the mosfets which are about the hottest components on the board maybe next to the GPU and all that Heat's going to come through these at some level because they're on opposite side of the same sheet of copper and fiberglass so anyway I would have liked to see them replace a pad there this kind of comes down to a fan of like well it's the kit it's it's the kit they used but in this instance the kit they used is something they make okay this is the fitting so yeah I think this what this comes down to is they're installing it as the kit is provided however they provide the kit gpus are incredibly sensitive if you ever do some kind of thermal paste application on a GPU like for water block just uh the the key thing is you have to make sure every area of the die is covered so it's not like a CPU or you have an IHS or okay if you miss a millimeter it's not the end of the world it's going to spread the heat anyway because ultimately the Tim for a CPU is between you know the CPU itself the silicon and the IHS not what you apply but in this instance you really can't miss any spots they'll burn up hmm all right they should have cleaned off that GPU a little more so um the GPU did fine in our thermal testing so this is not a major complaint from us but they did in fact leave a good amount of the residue so these are different materials this is a phase change material it's not quite a thermal paste but it's close to it it's used in Mass manufacturing of cards left over from nvds Fe they didn't fully remove that before they applied their own paste which wipes off instantaneously so I should have done a better job cleaning it it worked out okay as long as I'd be concerned about is if it doesn't so here's the wiring to answer that earlier question they do snap together so that's nice and then what we care about now is the rest of the thermal pad contact all the memory thermal pads are contact and you can see the imprint the mosfets on the i o side are all contacting so they're good there the inductors these pads don't really leave much of an impression they could almost like is a self-healing kind in that sense so I think they're probably making contact it seems fine they don't and then on this side pretty good contact of these two mosfets good to like these four a little bit lacking here in the middle which is just for a pressure distribution so that's going to be more a result of where the mounting hardware is than anything else but overall it looks pretty good to me now I want to see in the block for residue look at that big brain so a little bit of of debris or sediment in here there's a few pieces there a little bit there a little bit on here uh it's really not bad but you can see the the beginnings I can scrape it off and it's it's flaky and it's not just droplets so you see the beginnings of some sediment forming which is common with uh with dyed coolant doesn't always happen but I would also say that it's showing evidence of maybe requiring additional service after a couple years or something so really what we're looking at right now is basically a question of did their decisions with um almost did their decisions for water cooling come back to haunt them in any way oh it is torque six okay so our toolkit has one of these as well okay that should be it here you go all right this was actually really worth opening there's the sediment so keep in mind even though we've had this for a while it doesn't have that much uptime because we basically ran it for some tests turned it off ran it for some tests and with longer use with more fluid running through that block I think we would see more of this debris build up where I mean you can see like once again that's not a droplet of water that's flakes of Fallout from uh from the coolant uh so yeah I think um I think the colored coolant is causing this and either they need a better mixture more meticulous then throw a loop cleaning or just to switch off of it but it's definitely not the worst we've seen I do think it would require maintenance though in a couple years if you bought one of these okay so that's it that's it for the teardown We have basically two sides of this story so the review itself talks about the part that really matters which is you buy the pre-built you open it you plug it in now what and the answer was unfortunately bad fan curve really poorly configured um that is not like a softer glitch it's just total oversight or I I'm gonna go with the oversight as the most charitable incompetent as maybe the worst aspect of it depending on like it was this fan curve something that was pre-designated as a good or desirable fan curve that's incompetence was it just uh we kind of click the button that says quiet and then it's quiet okay a little more forgiving there but either way six grand totally unacceptable so it doesn't really matter the one gigahertz drop was bad oversight uh it's really strange as I said earlier because there is so much good attention to detail here in the actual build that it's it's a complete mismatch of principles to have this really terrible lack of attention to detail absence of understanding and dearth of knowledge relating to the actual performance of the component they're selling the CPU but then all of this meticulous detailing on the interior I'm assuming it's different people working on it and different skill sets or different Sops or teams or whatever so maybe that's why but the end of the day courser talk to us about it we included their statement in our original review which is up separately and um hopefully they're gonna fix it but for this one the only really the only things I see that I would keep an eye on would be the the residue build up in the blocks and then beyond that the last kind of major not really but major enough criticism would be a drain valve really cheap for them to add amazing quality of life Improvement I mean torso origin if you're listening like on your list of things Steve complained about versus difficulty to address drain valve very low difficulty but very high perceived value because not many of the comp competitors for pre-built fully water cooled systems are doing drain valves I looked around online a little bit we didn't really see much so easy way to just be able to say hey at least ours is easy to maintain and upfit keep going long term because it's not this big pain in the ass take the loop apart and drain the whole thing if you want to do a cleanse or change the coolant color or whatever it is so that's kind of the lowest hanging fruit and most difficult stuff is the stuff we complain about in the first video which is all entirely rated to probably training and process is to identify defects in builds via software or whatever stuff that we've built internally they say they've built it but they clearly weren't leveraging it properly it doesn't matter how many tools you build if you don't have the knowledge to use them so that's it for this one thanks for watching uh great job origin on the build itself too bad about the rest we'll check back with them after they've had some time to adjust and see if they can fix it but we're impressed I mean the the build quality is great so that job was done well all right subscribe for more go to grab something from our store like the mod mat or the toolkits that we used in this video and we'll see you all next time
Channel: Gamers Nexus
Views: 397,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamersnexus, gamers nexus, computer hardware, prebuilt gaming pc, high end gaming pc, water cooled gaming pc, origin genesis review, corsair prebuilt review, corsair genesis review, origin genesis benchmark, origin genesis worth it, water cooled prebuilt
Id: Bhw0ZnlWrxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 24sec (1764 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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