Live: Overclocking i7-8086K Past 5GHz

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okay we should be live probably uh we were testing audio on the secret side channel where some of our patreon backers helped out make sure the audio works thank you very much for that so we are live i think let me know if there are any issues i am going to send out a quick who eat and let everyone know we're live so while i'm doing that just let me know if everything seems okay i'm seeing seeing tweets so that's good or mentions in chat all right so uh twitter we are live oh scene 8086k so that's what we're doing today you're going to be live overclocking let me know audio sounds fine they say all right cool thank you very much so uh what we are going to do is overclock an intel i7 8086k i haven't done a ton of work on this one i've done enough to kind of figure out loosely what my parameters are for overclocking i want to see how far we can push it so what we know for sure yes it's already deleted i'll get to that in a moment i want to let some people join into the stream first make sure we've got people watching and then i'll start explaining everything the setup's really cool though so basically uh yeah overclocking the 8086k we didn't want to do a full standalone review of this processor because it's an 8700 so if you know like especially stock they're the same thing 80 86k 8700k same thing in stock basically the voltage to sustain a set frequency much like ryzen 2000 is lower with 8086k than with the 8700k but other than that the frequency is the same stock so it overclocks better so that's the thing with the new cpu and uh that will answer bill on cello and with the first donation you seem to seem like you're on every stream thank you so much for being a consistent watcher of ours and super chat backer the cpu we are using today is not in fact 7980xe it is the 8086k i7 cpu so it is a special bend version of uh of the 8700k which many of you are likely familiar with so let me uh let me just make sure everyone's kind of aware of the stream and i will tell everyone we're live and then we're going to start playing around with this thing and see what it can do all right so what we have is asus bios next to me and i'm just going to reset i think it's already been reset to default but let's just do that again and i'll show you what we're working with if this yeah so 8086k uh we currently have two sticks of corsair memory in there later in the stream i'm probably going to change out to this memory this is some g skill trident z black which uh this helped us get top five world records with the titan v and the 7980xe this is really good memory we've already tested it we know it can do four thousand megahertz so at some point in the stream when i'm i'm kind of stuck on the cpu settings we'll likely switch the memory and just see how much extra distance that can gain us so let me let me just kind of answer a couple questions in chat as we get rolling i see a lot of people are are rolling in right now so uh yeah we're giving everyone a minute to get in because it should be a pretty good stream alex five euro says how is it going steve it's going pretty well thank you for asking looking forward to seeing how the cpu does we're going to push for i don't know i'm hoping we can do at least 5.3 gigahertz i see some a couple of you in chat are talking about your overclocks one of you uh ek dromi you say you have yours at 5.2 so i want to see if i can beat yours today we're going to go for 5.3 uh and i'd like to do 5.4 but i don't know that that's going to be possible that's that's pretty hard to do for cooling we don't have anything really special or exotic on here so that's going to be probably our limiting factor at some point i'm not going to be able to do 1.5 volts i don't think for example still letting people roll and it's it's building up fast though we're at 8 40 i think watching now up from 400 a minute ago or so uh so a couple messages finn dog two dollars let's get this nuclear reactor going we'll get there i took the i9 out so it's not as nuclear it's like a baby nuclear reactor with 8086k uh just to let you know i guess how this um the kind of power consultant we just shot a video a little bit ago on the power consumption and thermals for the 8086k and with one of the higher frequency and and voltage settings i think it was drawing 250 watts at the eps 12 volt cables which is a whole lot of power for what is a six core cpu so uh it is quite power hungry a couple more questions before i get started how do you have your 8086k already i got an email saying i won yesterday uh intel sent it to us so i i don't know i thought didn't they already sell them though i thought you could already get them on like amazon and new i uh you don't have to win it uh okay so all right two two quick super chats and then we'll get going we're at a thousand viewers now i think that's good to start overclocking so last two super chats before we get going and do some housekeeping stuff nori rivera 10 says let's get all the memes out of the way did you use google translate for the dryer oh really someone remembers that seriously is snowflake and midnight okay from the fire yes they're fine uh nvidia clearly sent out those technicians and shout out to bot crusher and zeta so in order the dryer comet is related to the washer dryer combo we had in taipei we've none of us had ever used a combo washer dryer makes a lot of sense in a country where or especially a city where there's not much space in the apartment we couldn't read it we needed help actually dennis from linus tech tips helped us a bit with translating that thing so thank you to dennis for that and the cats are fine from the fire yes actually everything's pretty much fine except for the entire breaker panel which was replaced tech therapy five-year-old can you overclock an 8086 4.77 megahertz 9k to 5 gigahertz is there actually an 8086 non-k i'm actually not familiar with it uh brynn palmer 5nz says better to get 8700k and hope to hit five gigahertz then pay the x for the 8086k or uh and get the five gigahertz guarantee so yeah that's something i would be talking about today is is this thing actually worth it and uh i guess we can kind of tackle that first so one more thing bill won chilo says 5.4 gigahertz on his at 1.45 volts that's a high mark to beat but we'll go for it so all right we've got enough people in here let's do some of the housekeeping stuff 8700k versus 8086k is a great question i think it's like 420 dollars for the 8086 versus i don't know 330 to 350 for the 8700k that's pretty big price difference the way i look at it is it's the same cpu intel bend it so they are doing effectively what someone like silicon lottery would typically do when you buy from them if you would buy a bend 8700k from silicon lottery it's really not any different if you would not do that and you're not planning on overclocking or not planning on overclocking and holding a high overclock like 5g plus for a long period then no it's not worth it at all because that's the whole point of the processor but if you're doing any kind of competitive overclocking it might be worth it it's just you know worth is kind of a tough word because the value in terms of if you're benchmarking competitively yeah i guess so but uh if you're just playing games going from 4.9 to 5.0 to 5.1 not a tremendous difference in that even the 5.3 not a tremendous difference but enough of one where if you genuinely enjoy that type of thing of overclocking and just getting a higher number makes you happy then yeah it's worth it so that's that's i don't know it's a little wishy-washy but uh in general i would say probably get the 8700k it's fine if you're legitimately going to overclock the 8086k might be worth it but it is quite a price jump because at that price you start buying higher core count cpu so you're balancing guaranteed high frequency versus do i want more threads and that's going to come down to your use case all right so let's uh let's get started here let's get some baseline stuff a quick note we have our the limited edition foil shirt that i'm wearing now the orders will close today we are almost out before even starting the stream if you buy any products from the gn store as always while the stream is going i will shout out your first name and where you're from when i see the email come in we'll stop periodically and go through those and get obviously a lot of overclocking in between but the limited edition foil shirts with the gn anniversary logo the 10-year anniversary logo will close for pre-orders at the end of this stream and at that point i think that's it we're going to be out of stock so if you want one you got to buy it during the stream otherwise we're not making any more so once they're gone they're gone let's get this thing started all right so we currently have an asus maximus board it's a maximus x or 10 if you prefer and all i'm going to do is enable xmp i am not going to do anything special and i'm saying yes to the prompt beyond that and the reason for that is we want a baseline so i want to know how much we've actually improved by the end of the stream not even going to increase the fan speeds it's not necessary any way for what we're doing but i will once we start overclocking so all this is set to auto right now and we'll go through some memory and all that other stuff later this is resetting everything okay so let's do that it's doing some pre-show testing and a lot of blue screens were happening so hopefully i've saved this all some time so this is restarting with just auto and xmp and that's gonna give us our baseline for uh for fire strike i think we're gonna use fire strike today the score i would like to hit by the end of the stream is going to be let's go with 24 000 points in physics so we're just going to run fire strike physics it'll be way faster that way get a lot more benchmarking in there will be a lot of blue screens during this testing i'm going to warn you now it's the nature of overclocking i'll do my best to minimize them i've pre-tested some voltages just to speed it up but you know i apologize there will be blue screens we'll have plenty of super chats and fun things to go through though while that stuff is happening so i will be sure to read your questions whether they are in chat or super chat when we have blue screens just to have a bit of fun while we're doing this so let's get our baseline in i am i'll go through the components as soon as i get this thing running so we're just going to do physics and let me get a hardware info up just kind of baseline thermals and then i'll tell you about the configuration the hardware configuration so let's just pop up one of these and maybe core four so we'll have two cores to look at once this is done and uh it should be okay these clocks are probably correct all right just making sure the restored defaults worked properly we don't want to loop we do want windowed so okay first baseline benchmark here with the 8086k what do we want to do about this glare you got it nice okay cool so we are not doing direct capture every time we've tried that with overclocking the capture card eventually loses the the benchmark system because it crashes a lot and so that causes issues so yeah we got a benchmark going all i'm doing right now is just making sure the thermals aren't insane so the reason for that is because i've deleted the cpu we've applied liquid metal our sponsor for the stream is actually thermal grizzly uh who provided the conduct not liquid metal and there's a link below if you want to pick up the liquid metal we use from them we also use cryonot for thermal paste in a lot of scenarios and it's something i might apply later in the stream if we need thermal headroom but we're pretty good right now physics is a really short test so we're only hitting the 40s i'm pretty okay with that and for our physics score here's what we got eighteen thousand seven so i'm gonna start a notepad file and uh baseline for first test eighteen thousand seven that is our 8086k oc stream so what we're trying to do is get to 24 000 points to give you an idea of what that means there is let me pull it up i have a a chart from someone so there's a hardware bot submission i'm just going to read you his submission this is from lefty 23 i just picked one that was at an achievable level so lefty 23 i got 25 000 for a physics score and that was with an 8700k but the frequency was pretty high it was 5.5 gigahertz so i don't know if we're gonna make it but uh i think it'll did i say 25 here's 25. so we're going for 24. basically i'm going to shoot just under that because i don't think i can hit 5.5 but i think i can maybe get to 24 000 points so that is our objective today and uh we are going to let's see i think we're gonna just go ahead and yeah i'll walk you through the components so we come on the other side of here and i'll show you the components we have just so you know we're working with as we get started i have to crawl under all the lights remove this one i guess andrew is going to go handheld on the camera i think so uh give us a second while it shakes and gets moved around okay so everyone uh give shout out shout out to andrew for hanging out to account with a bunch of cables sticking out of it so here's our system kraken x62 this is just a standard test cooler we like to use because we know how it performs and we have a lot of them so these are currently not at max speeds they don't need to be but they will be in a moment so coolers cracking x62 and i've got it plugged in to usb so that we can actually read the the liquid temperatures if we need them here's probably my favorite thing and this is really stupid but this is just a a power and reset button and it's just connected over there so i can actually reach it without having to it'll it'll speed up the stream a lot basically so just connect it in it's a really nice benchmarking tool you just hit power reset you can make one on your own if you wanted to cpu is under there obviously 8086k for that it is deleted i scraped 100 of the silicone adhesive off which is a big contributor to thermal performance almost more than liquid metal in some instances depending on the application and it's also got liquid metal thermal grizzly conducting out on it a very fine layer that's working pretty well from thermal testing 1080 ti ft w3 the titan v will be broken out again pretty soon i have a use for it coming up and i just put it under a water block but for today 1080iftw3 and then we have two sticks of vengeance lpx memory this is not the best memory i have but we're going to start with it and then just because it's stable that is 3200 megahertz cl16 and i think it's two by eight gigabytes going with two sticks instead of four is going to help us out a lot in timings later on and what i'm going to do maybe later if i remember is swap this memory from g from the corsair kit to g skill and push it up to probably i don't know at least 3 600 but i know it can do 4 000. it just depends on the imc and the 8086k and the motherboard asus rog maximus x and then the corsair ax1600i power supply for the power supply which is in single rail mode so that we don't hit over current protection because we might otherwise so that is the bench system and we can uh we can move back and start overclocking it now that everyone knows what's in there big thing though is that yes it is deleted and it does have a liquid metal on the cpu is this where you want the light or should i reposition it and if we move the light again just remember the fan is on okay all right so that's the system uh let me uh let me get this started and i'll go through some of the super chats that just came in so we're just gonna go for something basic i think on 8700k we know 5.0 4.9 pretty doable for at least one of those so we have two things we can test we can do kind of we do like lowest voltage that is stable at a given frequency or we can do uh damn it we can do highest uh highest frequency that we can just push and who cares about voltage so i think we're mostly going to be going for a higher frequency today but there is something to be said just like the ryzen 2000 series the 8086 case is uh it performs in a way that you can hit a target voltage between the 8700 or 8086 and on the 8086 you'll be at a lower a target frequency you'll be at a lower voltage for a given frequency on the 8086k which is one of the big things that i think is not discussed and it's something we talked about in the video we filmed earlier today it'll go live tomorrow and that video talks about how using liquid metal and using scraping off all the silicone adhesive all that stuff it's not just about performance you can also use those techniques to reduce your noise levels instead so we were able to reduce noise levels by 10 dba at a given frequency because we were able to cool it better and you'll see that in tomorrow's video so all right first thing i'm doing let me just show everyone we have xmp on i'm not going to change memory until we put the g skill kit in later we're staying at 100 bclk for now we might be able to push this to 101 maybe 102 later 101.5 and that'll be useful if we get stuck on our ratio we're going to leave a lot of this stuff auto for now multi-core enhancement will be overridden so i can leave it alone [Applause] this is changing to sync all cores and we're going to start let's just start at 49 because for sure that will work and that's going to give us a 4.9 gigahertz clock and then we'll move up from there so establishing baseline overclock and from here i'm going to disable svid support so cpu svid support is a protocol that is that can be used from uh for communicating between the cpu and the vrm and disabling it is just just helpful for a few reasons one of which is over temperature and stuff like that digit plus power control this is a panel most people don't really pay attention to so this is present on basically every motherboard just asus has one of the more complete ones and it's named specifically so what we're going to do here is uh just increase the llc so load line calibration will help us keep a stable voltage i'm sure a lot of this is is kind of review for some of you guys but if you don't know what it is hopefully i can provide some insight today so uh llc load line calibration if we put it at seven it will definitely hold the voltage i type in for v core but there's a good chance that it overshoots and over volts beyond what i specified so if i type in 1.41 it might jump to 1.44 sometimes which can be dangerous i'm going to put it at level 6 for now we'll increase if we need to later for stability it will typically stay about what what i specify at level six it might dip below it so that can be a problem later on potentially we're going to disable spread spectrum for overclocking this is just a a vrm noise reduction option and then we are going to let's see we need to get some of the power stuff so current limits i didn't mention that a second ago when i changed it uh cpu current limit is really important you want this maxed out for overclocking that's something that's easily overlooked on a lot of motherboards and with some cpus if you don't max these out and you start pushing high clocks you might actually clock drop even without knowing it because you're hitting a current limit not a temperature same for ram it's not going to hurt it it'll be fine so we're good there just some basics before we get started let's back out of this menu cpu power management menu i'm going to max out the power limits here just in case and all those are fine i think we got most of the stuff i need right now okay so next thing we're going to leave the the cash ratio alone for now i like to typically keep this about four ticks lower than my uh cpu ratio core ratio so if i go for 49 i'll set it to 45 typically but we're gonna leave it alone for now and uh voltage core voltage let's set that to i don't know i'm only going for 4.9 so for my blue screen let's just see if it's stable at 1.3 that'd be pretty pretty good voltage to be stable at and the last thing i need to do is set the fans to max speed so i'm just going to disable all the fan controls which will max it to 100 and i think we should be good to go to get our first uh reel run in there let me just double check to see if i just need to disable any uh power saving stuff c states disable those just in case they should pretty much be over in any way all right so 4.9 gigahertz is our first test we're just gonna see how that does and uh let me uh let me catch up with you guys i see chat's been rolling fi someone says 5 gigahertz 4.9 will need at least 1.37 5 needs 1.4 depends on the cpu keep that in mind uh you'll be surprised i don't know if it'll be perfectly stable on this what you're saying is true sometimes but this cpu from the limited test i have done so far needs significantly lower voltage than the 8700k at the same clocks even with liquid metal on both so my 8700k one of them with two one of the 8700ks uh struggles and does 4.9 at about 1.4 i don't know i think it's 1.42 volts or something like that might have been 1.45 for 1.42 5.0 is 1.45 plus and this thing should be able to do that same frequency at a much lower voltage we'll see how much lower here that was a really bad 8700k we had another one that's 1.4 volts for 5.0 just to give you some baseline so 1.4 volts 5.0 is what our good 8700k does on the same motherboard so we're going to go windowed uh i will worry about stability at the end we'll do one full 3d mark pass i'm not going to overclock the video card today i don't think depending on how the score is looking anyway so let's just run this window remember our score to be in physics is 24 000 points for the physics score that is the score to beat today we're at 4.9 you can see here i should note this about the bus clock but sometimes you'll see the bus clock jump around it depends on the motherboard like right there dipped to 99.9 that's probably a rounding error more than anything but every now and then you might see a board that goes down to 99 and that will impact and your frequency and creep variance and what you're seeing here so that can sometimes be the impactor of that result thermals are good we're in the 40s 50s it's pretty high ambient temperature right now so that is going to be a factor at some point let me um let me get some of the super chat comments i see we have a lot of them score right now twenty thousand six sixty eight getting there already first one so i was stable for that while i do super chat what i'm going to do is a quick stability test and the reason for this it passes yes one pass that's like a 30 second test so i'm just going to loop it and this is going to be for thermals and it's going to be for seeing if it does crash if we leave it alone for a while because if it crashes uh then we'll need to increase the voltage it's not that legitimate of an overclock if it if it crashes after 30 seconds so i'm just gonna leave that running while we do some super chat and some other uh other chat interaction just to make sure we've got an idea for where our baseline is so all right questions here there are a lot of super chats thank you very much for sending those in we have one from yummy alex two euro love your content just showing just giving some love thank you very much we appreciate it two euro will go towards uh some fast food at the end of the stream uh bill juanchillo two dollars my guess is 5.4 gigahertz at 1.45 volts i think that's what you said yours does so if i'm correct in that that would be a good mark for us to beat we'll see i don't know silicon lottery plays a big role in this stuff that thing's still running by the way so it's looking okay so far will there be a this is a normal chat a random frog will there be a gold foil version of this shirt this is our limited edition anniversary tear down shirt it will not be as available for sale anymore at the end of the stream random frog asks if there'll be a gold version in the future i don't know we've talked about it uh we have a couple ideas if we do one it will almost certainly not be this design we want this one to be kind of special so we have a couple ideas will there is an option for different color foil but i can't commit to anything right now uh certainly something we've considered though martin uh with bardo chow wicks sorry 4.99 thank you very much say hi joel hi joel uh and can't wait to see what this overpriced 8700k can do that's sort of valid yes also are you sure it's not a 7980xe quite sure we haven't tripped the breaker yet uh slideaways 247 247. five dollars can you daily 1.45 volts on ryzen 2600 x or keep it under 1.42 supposedly it's written somewhere but i can't find it can you run two aio rads in one custom loop two aio rads in a custom loop uh i know super chat's limiting on character account but if i understand what you're saying i are you asking like for example the fractal or the ek semi closed loops where you can expand them because you can expand a closed loop if it has like a quick disconnect on it so i hope i'm understanding that correctly if that's the question then yes you just have to buy one that will work with it and you have to make sure that the the pump is powerful enough to push that much liquid that's the biggest concern some of them come with their own pump in each block like a gpu block cpu block i think alphacool used to do that so that would be the the most sure way to make sure you have the pump speed required to do what you're asking about i hope i understand that question as for ryzen 2600x overclocking i haven't worked with the 2600x since we reviewed it keep that in mind i would always advise checking out review to see what we got there for overclocking and what voltage we set it at because what whatever we put there is what we were comfortable with for 24 7 for the most part and i can't remember it because we write a lot of content but that would be my recommendation um as for voltage though ryzen does have different voltage requirements than intel uh with ryzen 2000 series i like to keep it like 1.4 and under you can go over 1.4 it's normally fine just be really careful about the soc voltage that's the one that kills imc's uh or the soc technically on amd ryzen chips that's the dangerous voltage um core voltage it's nice to keep it around 1.4 plus or minus maybe like point i don't know zero two or something like that uh so okay next question is from alex i'm i'm gonna limit this to maybe two more before i move on to the benchmarking alex two euros what's a good fire strike score for personal rigs that is a great question um it depends on your parts let me let me pull up a quick chart that we have and just get a good answer for you so what's our what do we call like a good price for the average personal machine maybe like a thousand to fifteen hundred bucks would be kind of in the mid mid to high class of machine so let me just pull up our compiled gpu benchmarks sheet and see what our scores are there for synthetics synthetic gpu benchmarks okay so to answer your question correctly i'm just going to check our actual data so if anyone wants to play along at home while i'm doing this fire strike benchmarking feel free to let me give you some some sort of ballpark numbers we had a 980 ti and 7 700 k with a total score of 14865 and a physics score of 14652. so with our 7700k i think at 4.5 gigahertz it seems like it does between 13 900 and 14 600 depending on the other components like the memory uh and the clocks and all that stuff but that's kind of the range for the 7700k for physics and with this machine we were already at 20 000 points for physics score so that gives you a good baseline 4.5 on a 7700k it's got the two core differential as well that's a big player in fire strike fire strike scales pretty damn well up to at least 18 cores at like 16 a bit better so hopefully that gives you a bit of an answer if you want another card let's pick a lower end one 1050 ti was at 69 69 points for total score and same physics score because it's the same cpu so you know 7 000 points for 1050 ti and then we have a 1080 ti ftw 3 the card that's in here total score 28 20 800 graphic score of about 30 000. hopefully that answers your question pretty well all right let's uh i'll get back to the superchats i see there a lot of them thank you very much and i'm also going to send a quick tweet and just say uh don't miss our 8086k live stream and i'm going gonna let everyone know we're pushing past five gigahertz now okay so we are going to start pushing that and i'll read through all the store purchases in a moment as well once we get to the next probably blue screen or something so okay this has been stable max temperature was 61 on one of these cores it's definitely pushing it um i mean it's like it's fine there's plenty of overhead but i'd like it to be lower and part of that is because room ambience high with the stream machine and the benchmark machine going at the same time so that's going to increase our temperatures by like four degrees on the cpu so i'm doing now restart back into bios [Applause] and we're just gonna we were at five gigahertz 1.3 stable i think which is a really low voltage for that frequency and that's because this is a bin chip so as a reminder our worst 8700k stopped here and it also required a voltage where it says 1.3 now of about i don't remember 1.42 i think something like that is pretty rough uh we have another does 1.4 at 50. so what i want to see more than just how high can we push it is how high can we push it while keeping the voltage low that's part of my goal today so we're going to leave this at 1.3 if i were just trying to get a high frequency what i do is set that to 1.45 right now and just type in 54 for the ratio and see if it's stable but i don't want to do that i want to see what's the lowest voltage we can sustain at a given frequency as well so let's just leave it here this is probably going to be too aggressive and it might blue screen but i think this will this will give us a good idea of the voltage requirement for an overclock on this thing uh someone's saying he's probably on the latest bios yes i'm on the latest bios for this motherboard uh let's see just reading some of the chat comments uh prime95 someone asked so you prime95 especially with a couple things about prime95 with uh the abx versions anything after 26.6 it's a really good benchmark it's awfully aggressive and it will crash on probably the voltage and frequencies that i've been setting because it's a lot more aggressive on the cpu and it's avx so it's way hotter so prime95 is a fantastic benchmark it's really good for stability for 24 7 because you're pretty much guaranteed it will fail if it's going to ever in prime95 with 8k ffts smaller ffts are hotter so if you do 8k custom run with small ffts in place that'll be about the hottest you can do but uh i'm not i don't care about 24 7. i care about a high score so stability doesn't matter to me as long as it's stable on fire strike so we are not going to be using prime95 today although it is a very good utility windowed mode disable all these and let's get hardware info up just just for uh some monitoring if you if you want to play along at home and kind of get some software going yourself or maybe this inspires you to do some overclocking later i can highly recommend hardware info 64. it's probably my favorite monitoring application and it is free so that's great too it just has i mean this is just to give you an idea this is hardware info 64 and this is all the stuff that it tells you and most of it's pretty damn accurate actually so there is a lot of information in here this uh this page right here is particularly actually now on one where is it this one this is a really useful page if you ever like see your clock dropping and you're like i don't know what's going on my temperatures are fine but it it's dropping from 5.0 to 4.4 or whatever check out this section and if it says like yes in any of these columns then go find that toggle if it there is one and disable it so a toggle for power would be a great example there's a power limit turn it off we did that earlier so we're not going to hit that thermal limits you just got to get a better cooler but or deal it and throw some conductive not on there or something like that they are sponsored for the stream today their link is in the in the description below along with our store link but anyway physics score 2962 so we're about 100 points higher that's basically within variance for fire strike but the important thing here is for one run we're stable at 1.30 pretty damn good and 5.0 gigahertz so that's pretty crazy let me let this run for maybe about two minutes or so just to kind of see if it's real if i were to run prime it'd probably crash but you know whatever we're doing fire strike today so okay so we're just gonna keep an eye on this see if it crashes let me get through some of these so a couple super chats that i need to go through did i get yes i got that one i got alex's question bill on cello five dollars i wish i had an 80 86k my guess is 5.4 gigahertz for yours i hope so too uh nasty with a knife five canadian thank you very much we've seen your name around here a lot i appreciate your continued support uh nasty says i purchased a signed modmat and a limited edition shirt yesterday thank you very much for doing that anyone else who wants to grab one it's in the store in the link in the description below you go to our modmats are a highly durable four foot by two foot modding surface and freedom units if you measure that way and uh it comes with wiring diagrams that we use pretty regularly actually and it's it's resistant to things like water it's fine with thermal phase and fine with liquid metal all that stuff so i actually love the product we did a great job with it if i say so myself disturb medic 167 five dollars thank you for reminding me to order a an le foil anniversary shirt today or yesterday uh hoping your 8086k does as well as mine i hope so too uh michael kelly five dollars love your channel great stuff thank you very much michael jack reitman five dollars if we see our in electricity and the stream suddenly goes out is it safe to assume no gn for a bit please don't burn down your house we'll try not to this time uh that was the fault of the electricians thank you very much and we weren't even running any benchmark machines in fact this is something i should have pointed out the load on the panel that time was super low because that was actually right when we left for taipei so i think i don't know we had some idle computers for remote access or something and like a router and maybe a printer but there wasn't a lot of load on it so that install i think by the uh electricians augustus five a i don't know what that what that means on youtube i don't know if that's australian or what uh five dollars a how do you think overclocking will be affected if the flat earth is approved correct i'm not going to count on that adam schumann senior five dollars here's a donation to a vibration proof table or cat treats your choice probably cat treats but we're talking about a better table for the uh for the next rendition of the video set i'll talk about that more soon uh it's it's really i mean all this will stay the same but we have a move coming up so this is still stable let me just kind of see what this thinks okay so hardware info which tends to be fairly accurate uh via the motherboard readout there's two sections there's a cpu readout you can see the headers up here and there's a motherboard readout via this readout for the motherboard v core where'd it go 1.3 pretty damn close that's with the llc6 load line calibration 6. if we did llc7 it might spike up a bit and do maybe 1.31 instead or something like that so that's pretty good uh measuring at the back of the socket would be the most accurate but i it's a huge pain to set that up so we're not going to do that today and it's not really stream friendly so we're pretty stable here again it probably wouldn't be stable for almost literally any other benchmark but for fire strike or i shouldn't say for any other benchmark but for games uh it is stable so that's fine for me we're at like 2900 earlier for at five gigahertz 1.3 volts i think so let's just kind of leave that there let's restart see what else we can get okay so we've got a five dollar donation from rnx bike thank you very much no message with that slideways twenty four seven five dollars for the aio i have an h-110 and an h-55 lying around and i was thinking about combining them on the same loop on the same pump what does soc need to be under depends um ryzen 1 if i remember correctly it was advisable to stick around like 1.2 or something like that or under and uh ryzen 2 i can't remember what our final decision was on that because we had conflicting reports from amd and from over from exo seers they tend to trust the exo-seers their their job is killing stuff mostly components so um 1.3 and under is definitely safer do not use anything like 1.4 uh try and stay away from 1.3 plus so that would be my rough guideline for ryzen series as for your loops um if you are handy and you can you know chop the tubes off and run a new tube between them i'm sure i guess you could do that yeah uh one of them with the for the pump might be a little weak probably stick with the h1 i don't know i don't remember if it's acetech gen 5 or what for 110. actually 110 is um might be cool either way you can cut the tubes off and run your own tube and that would achieve what you're going for i think i just don't know if it'll be enough power from the pump uh brendan five euro can i get a happy birthday shout out it's yuzi happy birthday uzzy thank you for the five bucks and i hope you have a good birthday whether it was today in your time zone or yesterday and last one i'm gonna read before we get back uh teex graphics to canadian hey man thoughts on the fx 8370 i have one in one of my machines in my main machine it is in there because it's one of the worst processors we have uh it's under volted and underclocked because the motherboard it is plugged into has serious brm thermal issues like 100c plus when it's barely doing anything so not my favorite processor i don't know it was kind of okay when it came out sometimes at the price depending on the price uh sometimes it was fine ryzen has blown that thing away though if you if you want to stay with amd it's like miles ahead of it uh intel outperformed it quite regularly especially in ipc especially in single thread so the 8370 was an okay stopgap solution for amd but it was not a good processor sort of for it has not aged well i guess it was fine as a processor i mean i'm using it daily for years now and it's done okay but you know there are better processors i guess that's what i'm getting at but it was fine it just wasn't something i would call good 51. so what i'm going to do i'm going to keep pushing we're going to stay at 51 1.3 or we're going to move to 51 1.3 we're at 51.3 i'm just going to keep doing this until it crashes at which point i'll increase the voltage then we'll know our volt frequency baseline uh someone says so who is this uh two things nathan five dollars thank you surprised that you didn't lose any electronics in the building when the panel failed were you just lock here was there a reason for that i don't know i mean i hope we haven't lost any electronics i haven't tested every single thing but that was certainly one of my thoughts as well we have anything important is behind a a ups on an interruptable power supply so we have um cyber power not not higher power pc but solar power and apc ups is on like everything so i would imagine and line conditioners and things like that so i would imagine if anything were to die it would be one of those and then hopefully it would protect the uh the actual components so i don't know i haven't seen anything yet it's possible something died uh we have a lot of stuff i don't always turn all of it on so yeah i'm not sure not looping window mode physics test to launch hardware info we're at 5.1 on an 8086k for anyone wondering at only 1.3 volts right now let's see if it crashes that's the real kind of the big thing here a lot of people i think forget about is that it's not just how high does it clock it's how low can you get the voltage for a given clock because that will reduce your power consumption significantly and your heat significantly actually i have a table that we'll be publishing in tomorrow's video that talks about all of that so uh it's a very you should definitely tune in for that video tomorrow subscribe if you are not subscribed and you're new here because that will help give you some some great information on voltage frequency and thermals and power and noise actually got all of them cores are still doing okay right now it's a short test and it is indeed 5.1 gigahertz see what our score is for five point one at one point three twenty one thousand one thirty three so score to beat is twenty four thousand if you recall so that is the score we are going for twenty four thousand today and so far we are at 21 133 at 5.1 gigahertz uh 1.3 volts pretty damn good and also llc is still six right now okay so let me uh let's push up a bit more actually i'll go through the bio settings again for anyone who's just tuned in i'll try and make it quick if you've already been here just uh if anyone wants to overclock and you need some ideas of what the heck all those things do in bios i'm not the best overclocker someone like buildzoid is great for that at actually hardcore overclocking their bower is both of them are experts but i i've picked up a lot from them so hopefully i can give you some great starting points for your own overclocks so let's go through some of the settings i'll go quickly first of all fans are maxed out so that's important today and that puts our cooler at about 51 decibels if you're curious and then our uh i've only enabled xmp i haven't changed any of the memory so just cl 16 right now we can improve that later with different memory 100 bclk this setting base clock affects a lot of things affects basically everything so if you increase this to 101 it would also increase the effective dram frequency so what i want you to do is look up here 3200 right now is what it says if we go to 101 you'll see 32 32. i know this is review for a lot of you guys if you are familiar with it we'll get past in a second so you can see it affects pretty much everything and for that reason i do like to try and avoid uh adjusting bclk until the last second because i normally don't want to introduce all the variables of memory and and cache ratios and stuff multi-core enhancements are relevant we're overriding it today uh sbid is a an interconnect or protocol i suppose between the vrm and the cpu it's used as a communication hub and i think it does a few other things i'm not familiar with but that's the main one so like over temperature would be an example over current protection on the vrm cores you go per core if you have some stronger ones but i'm going for all core just because i prefer that it's easier you could bin individual cores if you really wanted to go crazy dram we're ignoring all this stuff right now and then uh this is a great menu i already showed it earlier digiplus power control it's on basically every motherboard asus has a special name for it but any motherboard look for your power settings doesn't matter which board it is hopefully they have some you want to max out your current limits and set load line calibration i would recommend generally speaking setting this to the not max setting so like gigabyte i think calls on like turbo extreme stuff like that set it to the second highest one and check what the voltage readouts are in hardware info you should check back in the socket but this is easier and good enough so going to the extreme settings can sometimes it will cause an overvoltage scenario rather than an under voltage scenario which is less safe in the former and then the rest of this is all pretty standard and later on i can talk about it more if we need to so let's go to 52 at 1.3 see what's still stable i'm expecting a crash at some point here because we're getting pretty aggressive uh let me just check some of the streaming information for chat and all that stuff youtube okay all right 23 21 viewers thank you very much for tuning in uh i just saw a comment pop up in chat john says hey steve did you damn it got pushed i see did you just buy this retailer was it a special sample there's the blue screen uh i don't know if it was special it was a sample sent to us by intel i would imagine it's not i don't know i don't think it's special but it's from intel to answer the question basically we said you know i don't particularly want to review this one i'm very interested in the processor anyway so what if we do an overclocking live stream because i think that'd be fun and i want to see how high it clocks but from a review standpoint it's the same architecture as coffee lake it's pretty similar to an 8700k it just clocks a lot higher so overclocking livestream made the most sense to me so we just had our first blue screen of the night hopefully not of many but we'll see and that was at 52 for the ratio so our ratio of 52 5.2 gigahertz at 100 uh which you know let's kind of not let it get away from us how high of a frequency that is 5.2 is a great frequency to be at for this kind of architecture so we're going to go to 1.35 see if that's enough for 5.2 it's a .05 increase in our voltage okay let me get through i'm scrolling up to find the last question i did uh you know what we should do is some of these store shout outs so anyone who grabbed something from the gn store today while we're streaming oh my god that's how do i uh we've got a good amount of orders take me a minute to get through them thank you very much um uh as i was saying almost scared to now because i don't know how long i'll take but this limited edition shirt we're closing sales at the end of the stream we've basically sold out of our stock for sure we're going to uh but we'll have enough to get through the stream probably so we'll close sales at the end of the stream if it's out then it'll be grayed out you won't be able to buy it it's not like you'll be able to buy one that's not there but if you pick it up or anything else in the store mod mats whatever uh we have like the modmat's a great tool for building computers if you pick that stuff up during the stream i'll shout out your name first name and where you're from and uh what you bought so we'll get through those in a moment there's quite a lot of them thank you very much fire strike is uh what we want here and let me just get this looping hopefully because we're at 1.35 and 5.2 that's like i said before that's pretty damn aggressive and i i repeat myself a lot in streams just because i know people come and go but uh you know just just for perspective again i've said this already but our best 8700k is doing 5.0 and we're already 200 megahertz beyond that at a lower voltage or 8700k 5.0 at 1.4 volts on the same motherboard with the same settings and this is 200 megahertz beyond it and it's 0.05 volts below it so pretty damn good all right let's see how see if this blue screens or not and if it does not then i will let it run a stability test while i by which i mean just looping this not prime and then i'll get through some of the orders that came in thank you very much for the pickups it's okay there it is that's it that's a run it was stable for 30 seconds which is all we need right now but not quite good enough 21-7 come on windows 10 all right okay is our score actually going up 21 773 i would say that is in fact an increase 5.2 gigahertz 1.35 volts llc six and i'm gonna make a note for myself five point uh two gigahertz 1.3 volts let's just put it over here uh actually it's called dnf did not finish okay so there's our notes let's get this running for a bit see if it survives for more than 30 seconds okay so i've got a few things to read through for those of you who picked up shirts and things like that uh one question in chat i just saw scrolling by oh we've got sergeant zeta one of the mods in chat hey zeta thanks for joining zeta has a uh a twitch stream he does sometimes you should check him out uh zeta feel free to link your own streaming chat if you want uh he's he does some streaming as part of our patreon community as one of our mods strozabytes also in chat i believe strazobite has a youtube channel of their own you can check that out as well just click on uh search their names trezobyte for that and thank you both of you for being here so okay this thing's running let's see if it's stable or not 1.35 is kind of pushing it so let me read through some of these orders mark andre from canada uh picked up a limited edition foil tear down shirt and the gn blueprint shirt large you might have gotten the last one of those or very close to it we're almost out of those blueprint shirts again it's our only non-black shirt i think and i was really happy to add it and i'm glad to see people like it we're going to order more as soon as the stream's over probably got one from roger from florida that's in america sort of i got a limited edition foil shirt uh and that's that's what you picked up thank you very much roger this thing's still surviving what's our temperature right now it's 5200 frequency you're doing fine thermals are in the upper 50s kind of 60s sometimes so we're actually okay right now on those uh gn store okay let me read a couple get through some more of these daniel from california purchased a limited edition foil shirt thank you daniel we sincerely appreciate it this is a a fun product i'm hoping we can do some more limited edition stuff in the future i'm not positive what it's going to be yet have some ideas i have some ideas for non-shirts as well you'll see more of those soon raphael from austria purchased a limited edition shirt thank you rafael alexander this is still stable it looks like stable as far as fire strike physics goes not the most uh abusive test alexander from uh is that massachusetts picked up a a foil shirt as well thank you alexander got a couple more to quite a few more to go through uh chris from where is this uh uk from the uk got a foil shirt thank you very much chris for your support and uh jacob from illinois got a foil shirt as well kevin from uh new york same thing foil shirt it's a popular item today adrian from switzerland got a two limited edition shirts and i'm gonna probably pause after this one so that we can get back to the content i really appreciate all the support i'm gonna try and you know mix the the appreciative shout outs and the actual content so no one gets too bored uh connor from florida purchased a foil shirt and let me do like one more because some more came in christopher lars christopher stop there from washington picked up a shirt as well and let me do one last one for now and tyler from virginia picked up a limited shirt i was just in virginia the other day actually uh okay so driving through so uh what we have here is in the 50s still we're doing actually pretty damn well for an x62 stable 5.2 1.3 volts in fire strike yeah just to show a point let me um let me just kind of illustrate why this is not a good way to see if your overclock is stable in real life so to speak because if we were to run like anything else i'm fairly positive this will crash or drop cores oh yeah big time so let me just illustrate to you why fire strike is not a good stability test you know fire strike for purposes of what we're doing we're trying to get a high fire strike score so the only thing that needs to be stable in is fire strike realistically though we've already dropped threads here so we've dropped one two three four five of our threads with prime95 which is pretty similar to blender so i'll illustrate that here as well uh with blender if we get a render going here i'm i don't know we might drop threads we might blue screen or it might be stable blender is not as abusive as prime but it's pretty damn close prime's a great synthesizer for uh for applications like blender it's avx it's abusive it's a worst case scenario but blender's more realistic so let's just kind of it's it's currently collecting everything it's going to start rendering in a moment and we'll see if blender is any easier on it than prime but probably it won't be too happy uh yeah someone asked about will we overclock the gpu as well the answer is no sadly probably probably won't tonight uh mogbish 100 nok is that norwegian kroner thank you very much magbish we sincerely appreciate your support i hope you write down your settings of your highest stable oc for the rest of us i will there will be a follow-up article at least there might be a follow-up video uh it's looking pretty good actually typically blender fails within 10 minutes i'm not going to give it that long to fail today just because it's a stream but typically it fails within 10 minutes if it's going to so that's a good stability check but yeah i'll write down the oc settings once we're all done and publish them on the website if you want a quick reference we'll probably do a follow-up video as well so you can check it on the channel if you want a short form version and this also will be archived for a later reference and let's see bill wanchallo five dollars wow that seems like a really good chip yeah it seems pretty good so far but again remember we're crashing in prime it's just it's surviving on fire strike we'll see what survives blender ultra vlogger two bucks you're the best thank you very much ultra vlogger that sounds like you are the ultra ist andreas five dollars can you start a weekly gofundme to upgrade people from older amd and intel i'm a disabled vet and can't afford it and see if amd would pitch in i don't know if we get away with weekly uh so typically we don't really do giveaways but there is something that i'm going to be contributing a modmat to so like on the youtube channel as a rule uh i don't i know what you're saying is different like i actually like that idea just to you know separate that first i like that idea but just general rule we don't often do giveaways and the reason is because i really like having you all here as like genuine people who like the content and not people who are just flooding in to try and get something for free and dilute everything so i really support all of you being here without you know actually needing free stuff all the time um but as a break to my rule i am providing a an autographed mod map one of the signed mod mats to the um what do they call it wholesome giveaway or something cooler master and uh cooler master corsair ton of vendors all the vendors got together on that pc master race subreddit and started a giveaway so we're gonna provide a mod map for the giveaway maybe two of them um i don't know what the rules are honestly i just told them i'd give them one i'm sure it's on the pcmr subreddit though if you want to join in and and try and win whatever they're giving away uh so that's the that's the exception my rule we're not really gonna announce it on the channel or anything this is kind of a quick side mention ben two bucks just got here how are these looking versus 8700k great question this still seems stable by the way 5.2 1.35 or something like that uh what am i at right now yeah that's right 5.2 1.35 still stable so that gives you a pretty good uh starting point to your question as for the rest of it again recapping but 8 700 case we have one that does 5.0 at 1.4 we have one that does 4.9 at 1.42 roughly give or take like .03 i guess mostly give 0.23 not take um so that's our 8700k this is an 8700k but it's been binned or pre-selected is the more appropriate term and it's 5.2 1.35 right now and it seems stable i'm gonna give blender it's been going for four minutes now i'm going to give it maybe another three and see if it crashes in that time and that'll give that'll let us know how genuine this overclock is versus is it just a benchmark clock uh adam okay five dollars tell andrew he is a great cameraman and amazing at 3d renders nice thank you he says nice thank you uh adam's one of our patreon guys uh to and another reviewer i think and and uh his check reviewer terry says five dollars just to thank you help you with the fire damage yeah thanks it'd be nice if the electricians would do that uh sean dowd two dollars let's see that 5.5 yeah i don't think so we'll try for 5.5 gigahertz phoenix 1861 planning to update the modmat as new architectures come you know i don't know um i suppose it's an option we we have a medium mod mat that i've mentioned in the past briefly mostly to patreon backers we have one it's getting sampled right now so we're making in the stage of making samples manufacturing is a really long process even for like non-electronics so um yeah we're getting samples made for a medium version it's pretty cool it's just i'm getting a couple made to make sure we have the quality that i want so it'll eventually be out though and that has some cool stuff on it that's different from the big one but if you want a big like table covering size and this is what we think the the best modmat on the market so this has been running for five and a half minutes it hasn't dropped threads let me just check the temperatures while we're at it because this is the longest burn we've done so far so temperatures are getting up there our peak was 75 sometimes those are just spurious jumps so let me move this over to the left here so a lot of people like to look at the maximum column when they're talking about temperatures in reality you shouldn't do this what you should do is log the temperature over time allow for enough time for steady state to be achieved normally half an hour is pretty damn safe and uh the max can be a spurious jump so it can just be a spike it might have hit reported 75 for a million or well yeah i guess a thousand milliseconds for like a second might have reported that but in reality we're in the 60s and this can often be from when you're just starting the render or the application collecting all that data so realistically we're in the 60s to 70. it's getting warm but we're actually doing really damn well and that's because the voltage is only 1.35 right now so uh another two minutes on this see if it if it dies if it doesn't we'll push up to i guess 5.3 gigahertz uh reverend arrow two dollars i don't need giveaways in fact you're taking my money thank you i guess i guess we i guess we do takeaways and i guess we're robbers uh there are a lot of store purchases i'm going to read as many as i can in between overclocks i'll probably push a lot of them to the very end of the stream but i'll do my best here so for shout outs while this thing's running the last few minutes of its stability tasks let me go through those david from kentucky picked up a limited edition foil shirt thank you very much david oh by the way for all of you ordering the foil shirts um we are they are pre-folded they're in a nice bag and everything so presentation's good it will also have a card in there with uh some notes on washing it's a delicate item i've actually watched this one a lot and dried it a lot as benchmarking based can't get away from benchmarking haven't made any charts yet probably should but it survived really damn well as you can see so it's been through the wash a lot some of you were asking about foil foil is inherently a delicate item but we are including a very clear card with just some notes so you can make sure it lasts a long time so just to address that question if anyone had it this one survived quite a quite a bit of washing and i have notes on the website as well with how you should take care of it because it's you know delicate item so uh held up extremely well though next one's from hollis from california picked up a limited edition shirt thank you very much hollis uh charles from california we've got a lot of california people today limited edition shirt thank you charles uh thank you james from uh north carolina actually we've been up for pizza before uh who gave who picked up a limited edition shirt as well thank you james good to see you around gabriel from new york limited edition shirt uh it's very popular item caleb from north carolina as well uh also limited edition shirt let's see still stable really that's cool all right eight minutes 40 seconds all right i'm gonna read this last one then we'll move back to overclocking eric from uh is that ontario eric from ontario canada picked up a limited edition shirt as well thank you eric okay get back to the stream so uh stream time we are currently stable at 5.3 our score and fire strike is currently 21 773 and did i say 5.3 i went 5.2 and we have 1.35 volts uh so 5.2 1.35 really damn good chips so far 21 000. my score to beat and fire strike is 24 000. i don't know if we're going to reach it but we're going to try pretty damn hard we've got got a long way to go right now so we're almost at 22 000 we need another 2000 points which is going to get exponentially harder as we go uh gpu is not going to help out there so even switching to a titan v is going to be irrelevant because we're only doing physics testing right now but i do want to do a rip ltt 2 stream if uh actually i'm curious how many of you have seen or saw our rip ltt stream or saw like the aftermath of it with our follow-up anything like that if you know what rip ltt is just type hashtag rip ldtn chat just so i can get a gauge of how many of you know what it is we're currently at 26 messages a minute so that'll be my benchmark hashtag rip ltt if you know what that was um because we want to do a second one and i need to convince linus to challenge us and uh you know i don't want to say he's scared but i think he's scared i think i think he that's a lot of rebellion i think he's uh frightened especially with this response under sea lion seeing lioness in a few days actually so i'll probably lay down throw down the i'll lay down the gauntlet gently there for him to pick up and challenge us back i don't want to be i don't throw it might scare him but uh okay so we've gone up to like 45 messages per minute uh it's definitely more than that but i think it's like averaging over a longer period that's a lot of repel tts just gonna sit here and take it in for a second so i'm going to be seeing lioness on on saturday actually for his ltx thing his line at his uh ltt expo if you're near vancouver um i think that's yeah it's in vancouver you know stop by i'll be in there come say hi bring something if you want me to uh sign it or whatever you know a couple of you wanted mod match sign that's a lot of repetitions repel t-shirt when you know let's get things respond what do you see oh that's a lot of messages a minute 149 messages a minute from 24. so a lot of you have seen repel dt i take it thank you very much that was a that was probably the most fun i've ever had on a stream uh we'll do that again soon that was a 7980xc and a titan v and rip vince lucito i don't think so uh vince lucito is kingpin if you don't know who he is when when you're looking at fire strike scores if you ever like you know i i think i can get to top 100 and you want to compete and you look at the scores and you see uh kingpin at number one what you're really shooting for for top 100 is actually top 101 because he doesn't count because it's impossible to beat him he made the roboclocker that we saw at computex um and it's it's like the most insane overclocking setup i've ever seen he's claimed four at least world records with it now so uh it's very impressive his work is extremely impressive it's world it's the best in the world for some of these tests and sadly we can't count him as a uh as a competitor because it's just impossible to beat them so no there will not be a rip vince lucito but i have asked uh evga actually if they would be interested in flying out at some point and doing a live stream overclocking with us so i don't know if that'll happen it'd be really cool though i don't know tweet at like at what is his twitter name let me see what his twitter name is twitter evga jacob f uh if you want to see like kingpin come out here and you want to show evga that you're interested in it tweet at evga underscore jacob f on twitter there's a blue screen and uh he will just tell him like uh i don't know fly kingpin to gn or something like that for an overclock stream all right so this is crashed clearly so i tried 5.3 it's the highest we tried at 1.35 volts that's really really aggressive volt frequency aggressively low on the voltage and aggressively high on the frequency so not surprised let's see if we can do 5.3 at all let's go up a bit i'm just going to go up by 0.05 once again 1.35 to 1.4 let's do that all right okay so got a couple more of these to read through super chats wishbone five dollars is it possible to cover the in let me interrupt this killer jellyfish i need a bigger mod mat four feet by two feet you need a bigger one i think like we'd sell like 10 of them if they were any bigger how much bigger does it need to be i mean like are we talking like wall size or like like car uh sunscreen size this booted this time uh okay so anyway wishbone five dollars was saying is it possible to cover shoot i just scrolled past it it's possible to cover an entire motherboard with thermal grizzlies non-conductive base for better out-of-the-box thermals and liquid metal and cpg but it's a good question you would need you need something to conduct like anything out of it because just covering it and paste like first of all uh you don't need to cover the entire motherboard i'm sure you know this obviously it's probably a joke question but hypothetically covering the whole motherboard doesn't gain you a lot in most instances in almost all instances does a motherboard is um like fiberglass and copper basically that's what it's made out of and it's a lot of layers of it so it's a natural heat sink and this is why if you have an ssd like an m.2 ssd one of the best ways to heat sink it if it's dual sided is to socket it and put a thermal pad between the motherboard and the modules on the underside and obviously the the controller is ideal to sync not the modules but whatever and that'll sync it into the board which is a natural heat sink uh but the answer to your question is basically now um because you're you're gonna end up blocking more air than you will be dissipating through conduction in terms of heat uh okay so let's run this let's get hardware info up and that's always it's an interesting challenge where you put heat sinks on stuff it'll help but if it's not like a proper heat sink and it's just obstructing air it'll actually be worse even if it is thermally conductive more than air is but uh air flow hitting something is always the best to actually run vrms without vrm heatsinks in a lot of cases just by blasting them with air so 5.3 we're trying 1.4 we'll see if it lives are you still planning on reviewing the ic graphite pads you know i got an email about this recently i need to reply to as well and the answer is i hope to but we're slammed right now so um i'm trying there's a lot of travel right now so doing my best to get to everything i still need to do thermal pads on gpus and stuff like that we're pretty behind but i'm working on it hashtag i saw linus crying from rep ltt i guess uh okay so is it running oh yeah it ran cool i read one of these brewman nz five dollars i'm going for an sff build so temps and therefore voltage are important will you be able to do an 8700k versus 8086k measuring at the same gigahertz that's a good we could probably do that i think so um the thing is again it's voltage like like you said so same frequency same voltage they're gonna be roughly the same um the thermal paste isn't really different as far as i'm aware the ihs isn't different the silicone adhesive isn't different especially if you're deleting them so it comes down to voltage and what we've done so far actually tomorrow's video will have some given frequency benchmarks just with 8086k same idea though given frequency benchmarks versus different voltages so i think i did like what was it 1.4 1.45 uh 1.35 volts so i did all those you'll see it tomorrow's video and that should give you a baseline for thermal differences between them same idea with 8700k it's just it's one cpu instead of two so this survived twenty one thousand nine ninety two for the physics score and uh that is i've got just got a text from jacob from evga who said lol what happened uh jacob what turn on my stream okay i'll answer his question in a few minutes give him time to join because people tweeted at him i think good job guys uh 21 21-992 is our physics score jacob if you're joining in i'll answer your question via text in a in a moment um just give them some time to join in uh so 21 992 it's really not going up that fast if i want to hit 24 000 i have to do a lot more than just the cpu i think this is a really good cpu though llc6 okay so let's once again just do a stability test so loop run jacob if you've tuned in has he answered uh i missed the rip altitude what happened it was it was probably my favorite stream we ever did that's what happened um that's what repel the t was and i was asking everyone to spam it in chat so i knew how many people had watched it and we really wanted to do a ltd too basically the gist of it was this it was a friendly competition with linus that apparently only one of us was competing in even though he knew about it in advance and uh linus his team knocked out one of our top 10 scores on fire strike and i was like no that's that's not okay and he did it with titan v and a 7980xe so i pooled our resources mostly buildzoid and put everything under liquid thank you ek for that and uh we beat his score by quite a bit i think it brought us up to number four at one point so that was what repel dt was and jacob if you've tuned in now i asked everyone to tweet at you about flying kingpin out here at some point it doesn't need to be tomorrow but uh you know we're looking at an office option it'd be a good opportunity for you to come out bring him along and do some overclocking together bring some ln2 in or something like that it'd be fun but uh sync it up with the next time he's in the states i guess if you're if you're watching what kind of build are you planning doing for the new nas i'm not sure i've got a lot of extremely helpful emails from all of you who watch that and know a lot about raid and network attached storage and all that stuff so i'm going to i'm still reading through them i'm not replying every single one i am reading them and i'll choose after i read through all those ten dollars from dvd blackjack thank you very much no message that magbish 100 norwegian kroner almost anything with limited edition in the name sells well because that is the only reason i bought the 8086k go figure still resisting the still resting in the package though well uh apparently they're good chips based on what i'm seeing here so uh ben grogan two dollars live rip ltx overclock off that'd be fun i don't know if linus will have the time to do live overclocking versus each other but i have some ideas for the future i haven't figured them out yet but i have some ideas for live overclock offs like you're talking about devin five dollars made a purchase for the limited edition shirt and incorrectly filled in my address oops i sent an email with the correct address sorry lol no problem it's cool we have a guy who does a great job with support if you do have a problem like that just email support he will make sure you get the thing that you bought don't worry about it just send an email with your order number and the correct address we'll get it fixed for you no no worries at all 5.3 gigahertz is running it's dropping every now and then to 52.96 um i saw a little flicker that looked like some corruption but it's holding relatively and we're still in the 60s for temperatures so we're doing okay right now let me uh let me pop up one of these and we pop up one of the hotter cores okay so we've got two cores open this is just a temperature readout it's just to kind of what i'm going to do is look at these sort of mentally average them after a moment or two of running this is frequency just make sure that's fairly stable and then we'll know uh if this thing's actually any good for it for the clock that is another one two dollars from nathan what cpu did you rip ldt with that was the 7980xe as you damn well know you guys and your memes uh luke norman ten dollars got a deleted 8700k maxes out at 5.2 gigahertz at 1.43 volts but temp peak at high 90s low 60s during gaming using an h115i pro cooler uh will a custom loop get the max temps down the 70s so it depends custom loops can be as effective and i mean that in like uh almost ineffective can be they can perform the same as a closed loop if they have similar pumps you can definitely push a pump too hard if you have too many big radiators so there's a lot of factors at play but if you get a good pump and would you say you have h115 h115 that's a 280. so if you get a good pump a 280 radiator and good fans it will be better if you get good fans it will also be better and you don't need to buy all the other stuff unless you start sizing up the radiator what that will do is just give you more liquid to soak the heat into so uh sort of the the thermal saturation point we'll call it will be pushed out farther so i've found with a 280 clc we tend to hit steady state liquid temperature at about 15 minutes of really intensive prime burning and with a bigger radiator like a 360 or 420 you start hitting the the steady state point later so if you're dealing with spurious up down voltages which is what happens when you're gaming especially if you have an adaptive voltage offset not a an override if you have an adaptive voltage offset and you're gaming gaming is not like prime or fire strike it will sort of drop the voltage as you hit menus and loading screens and places where you don't need the frequency or the uh the voltage to sustain a frequency a given frequency so if you hit a black loading screen for example you're not rendering anything so the point is if you're playing like a game having those bigger radiators can help because over the period of of playing a game for half an hour an hour it's taking longer to hit steady state it's a pretty minor thing the bigger thing that will actually fix your problem is just better fans uh honestly and i don't if you have like the stock corsair fans you can definitely do better you can even keep the same radiator keep your cost way down 280s are great h115i is great just put good fans on it and that'll help a lot um also the uh d-lidding helps a lot okay so we're pretty stable here at uh this is like there we go okay so we're bouncing up and down a little bit the scale is awful it looks way more exaggerated than it is for example the top to the bottom of this peak is like one megahertz um i shouldn't have done that i guess whatever and our temperatures are looking okay too so we're gonna we can push this now a bit further and see if we can get i don't know 5.4 i guess i think we're going to start hitting a wall the sickness 550 is that a disturbed reference love gn please call out av techie a tiny channel reviewer 1.3k subs i guess mostly cases i try to help him out uh ideas great guy too well av tacky there's a shout out justin murphy 4.99 i'm starting to think you guys are being sabotaged with all these issues lately question is it ltd or cooler master i don't know cooler master should be pretty happy right now because we just reviewed that h500 exceptionally positively i like that case so i'm going to go with linus that is definitely rational 54 is what we're going for for the multiplier cpu ratio 54. and i'm going to get to the store orders in a moment the rule is if you buy something during the stream we have the limited edition shirt that will no longer be available as the stream ends it will be gone forever uh i think this is gonna crash we'll see i i'm going to try and read every first name and where you're from for that for any purchases from the store mod mats shirts whatever but some of it's gonna get pushed to the end so right now we're pushing for 5.4 gigahertz someone uh i'll get through some of these questions there's some good ones here 5.4 1.4 volts i think it will crash we will find out though gerald two dollars thanks for the great content thank you gerald for the two bucks alex two dollars time for bed almost 130 here 19 point 19 463 on fire strike by the way nice good job uh depending on your components that's you know that's pretty good score tiger bob 20 bucks wow thank you will you sell a new hat design possibly something with the graph logo yeah we had uh it's not a new design we don't sell these currently but this is the graph logo on a hat so i don't know if there's interest i guess let me know in chat i'm i we we don't sell as many hats as shirts and other things so uh if you like this one do let me know because it's kind of like it's not discontinued but i'm not actively ordering them so there's interest i'll order more certainly um we can do other colors and stuff too we can do different designs all right i'd buy a hat someone says this is not booting so now i get to use my special button over here and that's just a reset button that i wired up to the motherboard so it's a bit faster i think i hit reset yes it is cycling right now there we go all right so let me read through more of these tim ll voting by on a hat yes blue jean shirt and the cube i like the graph logo the most yeah a lot of people like that one i'd buy a hat okay so there's enough interest we can order a couple i guess um are you going to ltx yes i will be there if you're there come say hi i think lioness has me on a uh like a q a panel with him did you see this blue screen or did it just go black i think it just went black just went black so let's we're going to try booting again just in case it was a fluke point four or one point four volts tim ml two bucks thank you brendan five dollars live rip ltt at linuscon buy one of his shirts and hulk hulk hulk hogan the out of it i that would be embarrassing probably mostly for me because i don't think i'd be able to i'll i'll like pre-cut it with scissors ryan johnson two dollars buy d-lid buy or delete 8700k now or wait for i-9900k i don't know um the answer to this yeah that's gonna crash to answer this always for me is are you happy with your current system uh for example we have a rendering system that is actively frustrating us that would be a point at which i would say stop waiting and just buy if you're pretty happy with your system and you don't have noticeable things that are bothering you or slowing you down uh or like if if you notice that the system is a problem in any way then just buy and if you're pretty happy with it just wait that's how i do it everyone kind of approaches that differently but i think most the youtubers will tell you the same thing we're trying 1.42 volts at 5.4 gigahertz uh our multiplier is 54 right now so right now we're just trying to get its boot mb two dollars what's your take on gigabyte 370 aorus gaming 7 thanks x370 i think that board was fine the x i honestly don't remember that board very well the x470 is super overkill though in a good way so x470 is a good one uh buildzoid from uh actually hardcore overclocking has lots of pcb analysis videos he does work for us as well but he also has his own channel actually hardcore overclocking where he talks about all those motherboards so definitely check him out he might have done one for us on that board but i don't remember um yeah sorry i don't the i can tell you the x470 version of that board is really good though the vrm is like insane uh mostly the cooler though totally unnecessary but nice to have mustangs by matt five dollars i missed the beginning are you using a rocket cool kit i used it on my new i7 to get 49 10 megahertz at 1.325 volts um so i am i use the rocket cool kit to de-lit it and i'm using i cleaned the scraped off all of the silicone adhesive that's a big deal with d-litting it it does just as much as the liquid metal then i put thermal grizzly conductor not on it which is linked below if you want some as they are an advertiser for the stream today um so yeah i use the rocket cool kit it's it's a good cheap kit like it does it does well and it's affordable so i like that one okay 1.42 is what we were at let's try 1.43 and just see if we can get this thing to boot at 5.4 gigahertz this may be starting to hit our uh limitation did bill join join in chat finally the chat works for me bill zoid said bill zoid's in chat he's actually hardcore overclocking i don't know if chat lets you click on people's names if it does click on his name uh okay so and let me see is build messaging me at all no okay gotta make sure so i know how much he's judging me uh got a two dollars from adam i figured did i already hit this one or did you just say it again tell andrew he's a good cameraman and 3d modeler it's weird it's the second time thank you adam thomas uh five bucks we're just trying to get this stable right now guys hand with me so uh thomas said thank you best technical info out there love patreon discord thank you for joining we like having the community i have an x99 rampage five and 6800k would that work well for a home server even without ecc i mean yeah uh if you need ecc you probably know that you need ecc so it depends on like what your server is doing i guess i'm not an expert on server hardware i'm not an expert on xeons or on ecc or anything like that but i can tell you that if you need ecc you would know it and if you don't then it's fine like the 6800 6900 both good cpus um they're great for like uh if you want a box that just sits there and compresses stuff for example uh two dollars from adam again says i missed that sorry we appreciate it anyway adam 20 bucks from alex any chances of pink gn kid-sized shirts for those of us with families that is very specific uh i will be honest with you right now there's not a plan for that i don't know honestly how much of a kid-sized audience we have i mean i guess i do our 13 to 17 audience is a lot smaller than our 24 to whatever the range is 24 34 something like that and 35 plus so um i don't currently have any plans for it if there is interest going forward like in the future uh sure we can definitely add them you know the squeaky wheel gets the grease remind me every now and then we can look into that stuff as we grow and as we get uh more viewers with kids who want something like that but no current plans 1.45 was no good for us i'm kind of hitting my comfort zone here so you know what let's let's just leave it at 1.45 and let's go down to let's go to 101 bclk let's go down to 53 core ratio and see what that does that'll get us to 53.50 megahertz so it won't quite be 54 but it's pretty damn close got more things to read uh the martin one two three what cpu is that also cube question mark uh the cpu is the 8086k thank you very much meme masters all over chat today uh try removing memory osc i don't there isn't a memory oc right now um tomfoolery five dollars learned how to de-lid from gm oh yeah i guess the cube reference in that previous one was for our teardown cubes these things right here this is the medium-sized one these are awesome so they're like 3d laser engraved cubes that have our teardown logo on it same logo that's on my shirt actually except in 3d and let's see if we can uh so you can see it's 3d i think that's what that reference was to we've actually i think we sold out of these we have more coming in this month yeah there you go that's a great shot so you can see like screws in there there's like little screws that hold in fake pcb components so there's blower fans uh mosfets vrm components all that stuff we have this on the store on store the big one is in stock i think this one is out of stock though but we are working on getting more in so if that was your reference with the comment cube then hopefully that answers it i think we only have two more super chats for me to get through um so i can look at some of the store shout outs and we can get this booted by the way so 5350 booted not stable but it booted uh thank you strezza and sergeant zeta very much for the cube link in chat tomfoolery uh five bucks learned how to deal it from gm videos went from 65c idle on a 3770k to 27c maxes out at 58c at 100 in prime gave my old cpu new life that is great to hear i'm so happy to hear that you guys get anything from all this stuff uh overclocking is a lot of fun it's something i'm happy to bring more awareness to like you shouldn't be scared of it just be really careful of of voltages just kind of do some research on your architecture make sure you're staying within a reasonable voltage and mostly be careful of the the soc voltage on ryzen and the sa system agent voltage on intel those are the two that you need to be careful of those are the two that can kill stuff or degrade stuff the most easily if you're if you type in something too high but other than that don't be afraid to overclock i'm glad to hear that we helped you get interested in d-litting it's not difficult it's a lot of fun there is inherent risk with it but if you follow the guides you'll be okay ryan five bucks i guess i should have specified on 8700k versus waiting for 9900k this is a new build that i'm getting parts for first desktop build wow but anxious thank you um first desktop i don't know when the 9900k comes out i am not even under nda so um so i have no idea when that's coming out and if you are uh waiting for an indefinite period i don't know it depends how patient you are that's that's just becomes a really personal question at that point i am not that patient with that kind of stuff like if i want a new computer if i'm building a new computer whatever i'll typically just do it um the performance difference will likely not be well is that gonna be the eight core that might be eight cores it could be a significant performance difference but we don't know what the price is going to be so if it's like more expensive than i don't know it's all speculative i would say it's probably going to be more expensive anyway so i don't know i definitely don't feel buyer's remorse it's a few months out probably so i don't have a great answer i would be inclined to say don't wait if you are wanting to get this done now it's really just comes down to that but don't feel buyer's remorse components are always going to be obsolete like the minute you buy them uh they'll perform well for many many years you can be good for five years on an 8700k or whatever and yeah it's just it's the nature of the beast the stuff is new quarterly almost physics score 23 000 223 that's really promising if you remember so this is largely because of our memory change at this point we have bclk of 101 now so if you're wondering where the heck did we went from twenty one nine nine two to twenty three two two three pretty big jump for only a 50 megahertz increase we went from 5.3 to 5.35 so the real change here is the base clock which went from 100 to 100.1 to 101.0 and that increases our memory frequency and a couple of other things so what this is telling me 24 might be achievable with uh change in memory so we can try doing some memory tuning i'm going to switch over to the g skill memory in a moment see if we can push that a bit further than this one let me get through a couple more of these nicholas 20 bucks wow thank you will you directly say it's very very demanding will you directly say hello sandy to my wife also tell her that nicholas loves you priceless there you go it's a little bit hopefully oh you take that the right way it's coming from nicholas i assume your significant other yes husband okay it's coming from nicholas all right martin two bucks i'm at the coolest cube ice cubes damn it i thought ice cubes still doing that mean everyone wanted an ice cube added to this thing this right here this this is one of my favorite systems we've ever built everyone wanted us to add an ice cube to this reservoir to try and get an extra couple megahertz out of the clock so if you missed that live stream that's the reference to cube i guess uh and this will come back into use at some point i have some plans for it let me read the last two before i switch over two bucks bill one cello with uh interchanging capital letters tell andrew he's a good cameraman 3d modeler five bucks from dudley uh my cat schrodinger it's a dangerous thing to name a cat wanted me to send some money for snowflakes to get some catnip thank you schroedinger we appreciate you making your uh your human send us money for our overlord okay so i'm gonna switch the memory i don't know we probably don't really need to show this on camera but all i'm doing is pulling out the corsair stuff which is right here and i'm going to drop in two sticks of the g-skill memory that i know does really well corsair's gotten us pretty far for the stream but we need more i do have 4 600 megahertz courser kits here but it gets to be an imc debate and then you're going to be watching me change memory timings for six hours which no one wants so we're just going to go with something i know kinda what the parameters are so i'm not a memory expert but i can do the basics all right so we just switched to the g skill tried and z black boot this thing up and start tuning memory try and get our 24 000 score out of fire strike that is the score to beat yes 5.35 gigahertz is where we are right now so we were at 101 bclk it's actually been a very smooth overclocking stream so far 101 bc lk uh knock on wood and that was 5 53 x 1.4 volts 1.45 volts something like that pretty damn good though 52 was really good 5.2 gigahertz that did super well uh okay memory time so a couple things here i want to get through the last uh oh i got through the super chats nice okay so the store uh has few orders i didn't know what i was getting myself into thank you very much though so i promised everyone i would read first name where you're from and what you bought uh i want to do as many as i can while we're doing the the most exciting tasks in the world memory overclocking and then um or timings tuning and and then we'll get through a bunch at the end i think so uh diogo that's an interesting name from california got a limited edition foil shirt the lightweight raglan hoodie which we just restocked by the way if you've wanted one they are now in stock and another limited edition shirt thank you very much diego got one from uh michael from ohio limited church thank you michael george from uk limited shirt back button backstage backspace doesn't work apparently joshua from texas limited edition shirt modmat thank you very much joshua you're one of the few who bought one during the stream this time and a keychain and the mod mats will be in stock very soon they should be on the way to us uh limited edition shirt from andreas in germany thank you andreas let me get back to the memory overclocking in a second give me a moment guys i did say i would read these uh gn modmat autographed thank you very much william from uh is that germany no no u.s but it looks like it's oh gotcha yeah uh us sorry sorry about that i saw de and i just jumped to germany chase u.s purchased a limited edition shirt let me do a couple more ben from the u.s limited edition shirt that's very popular item we could call to close the sales today i guess jeffrey u.s also pennsylvania good state got a limited edition shirt okay all right so what i'm going to do is reference our previous overclocking thing rip ltt was where i got these numbers so the hashtag rip ltd stream is the last time this memory was uh was really pushing numbers for us and we had it at 4000 7980xc mind you we have 4000 megahertz v dam 1.85 pretty aggressive tcl 16 16 for trcd it's 16 for trp 26 for trash so let's just start setting some of those i don't know if we're going to do 4 000 but it kind of depends on the imc i know the memory can do 4000 i don't know what the cpu can do uh let's just train it a bit first so we'll boot it at 36 and let's do 16 uh where's what else do we do trcd we can do 16 uh trp uh acts time ras act time i think we did 26 last time for t ras pretty damn aggressive and command rate one uh a couple other settings we can do here 16 16 26 frequencies at 3 600 right now what else do we have we had secondary timing so uh trrd underscore s4 and trdl is six let's just see if those hold on this uh this cpu ref cycle time t ref what did i have for t ref last time 32 727 nope that's the wrong one i think you have uh t rfc or something like that trfc i had 300 and 32 727 for t refi there we go t refi 32727 that's the refresh interval i think i'm going to stop here i have some more written down that i can set but i kind of want to stop here and just see if it even boots so let's do that are we still at 101 we're still at 101 bclk i think yes okay 53 101 bclk 1.45 volts for the core i haven't done anything with cache yet i should probably do that but one thing at a time i think dram voltage we're going to need to increase i don't know 1.5 why not do that first let's see what that does dram can take a hell of a lot of volts you're just talking about the imc surviving at this point but i don't care about it because i'm just overclocking for a bit so it just needs to survive the overclocking oh yeah this is a great point from a buildoid actually hardcore overclocking said if anything 8700k chips probably now range 4.9 to 5.1 since all the better chips would be 80 86ks that is absolutely true uh a lot of the uh all the 8086ks are bend 8700s so uh that's true there are it's cycling right now i'm just going to let it cycle a few times see if it uh trains the timings it's working so we'll just give it some time to think about its life but yeah 8086k is our allegedly limited edition um intel pulled a bunch of 8700ks off the line pre-selected the good ones and called them 8086ks and that's what we're working on today so that's where that cpu came from which means that probably 8700k might be a bit lower on average frequency now the martin five dollars will you consider value-added features when picking cb platform eg will you pick ryzen 2 or obtain accelerated steam library on hard drive with intel i mean if i care about those things yes i like if i want streaming capabilities i'll consider ryzen like as in a machine that stream is a streaming pc while gaming that i would consider rising or high-end intel so this is clearly not booting let's do a let's do a hard reboot see if we can figure it out i just hit the reset button so we're going to let it cycle a few times see if it trains and if it doesn't then i'll drop the settings a bit it might be going into safe mode right now turned on yeah safe mode okay so i need to mess those timings a bit it would appear no big surprise these are uh my weakest point i'll drop this to 100 first just to reduce the variables a bit and then go back and look at the timings make sure i didn't type anything in incorrectly or too aggressively so far we're doing really damn well we're at 23 000 points in fire strike my score to beat today is 24k so we're not far from it at all i think i i might just try a less optimistic memory setting ten bucks from dixon ice cube in rez with a hashtag not on this one you bastards i used to close loop cooler this time no ice cube for you all right this is not booting once again just hit that reset button see what we can get to uh okay got an order and from caesar from the u.s limited edition shirt thank you very much caesar got one in from thomas i think i saw your name earlier super chat maybe thomas from the us graph logo shirt that's a good one we're almost out of those too i think that was the tri-blend graph logo limited edition shirt from logan i think in the us christian from california limited edition shirt this is still let's try a boot again reset one more time before i do a hard boot thomas from the us picked up a foil tear down shirt from indiana and stone from uh us also picked up a keychain and oh yeah i haven't actually talked about these too much the uh mouse pad the blue and white mouse pad that we have on the site um is technically hasn't really been formally announced but we're making a mouse pad we're gonna make more later so that's on the store as well uh we those are in production already it's having trouble so i'm gonna hit the red button this is like the best button in the world on these things it is a safe boot button if your motherboard has it so it's just gonna basically boot without applying any of the overclock settings and it'll sit and wait for me to go into bios so that we can get this tuned properly okay so while that is sorting itself out jacob from new jersey limited edition shirt ryan from uh the us massachusetts unlimited shirt michael from from us limited shirt thank you guys stephen from the us limited shirt also thank you very much we appreciate all the orders all right so made a bit of a dent uh f1 so we're in safe mode right now which means none of the settings are actually applied it's giving me a chance to fix my egregious errors that i've undoubtedly set upon the bios dram timing um let's do let's let's reset some of these lower timings that should still be 32 7 damn 32727 is what i want for that one auto for the rest 16 16 26 that might that number right there might have to change it works on the x9 299 motherboard with 7980xe don't know that'll work here technically it's kind of outside guidance but we're gonna give it a shot so i've removed the secondary timing settings going back to just primary read some of the chat stuff for a moment so yeah a couple people i think asking about what we're at right now will there be an archive of the stream yes we are at 5.35 gigahertz right now so um uh 5.35 achieved by 101 bclk that's promising and a nope system posted in safe mode 101 bclk 53x multiplier and 1.4 something volts is what we were at up until then 5.2 was stable like 1.35 or something to that effect 1.4 really good uh volt frequency curve on this chip all right so this did not like my setup um let's do let's do a bit more voltage let's do 28 let's see how that does okay uh we've got more we've got a new we have a new meme andrew it's happening sergeant zeta five dollars kindly communicate to andrew that he is a skilled camera operator and three-dimensional graphic artist andrew says oh no put it in a bucket of frozen mineral oil yeah all right not liking that one either let's hit that safe boot button i actually hit the retry button a bit so retry is another good button it basically does memory training i don't know if i i was going for a retry and i might have hit a safe boot but anyway retry is a great button on boards if you have it our memory video recent one talks about memory training and part of memory training is just booting over and over and over until the cpu sorts itself and figures out some timings because there are a lot of times that are not exposed to us even on stuff like asus boards where you see it like everything you would think um so there are a a lot of really low level timings that get tuned by the cpu as you're cycling and uh cycling can sometimes make it work itself and and find a stable timing reverend arrow two box oc andrew to improve video and 3d graphic art what oc andrew uh okay is it gonna boot come on you bastard it's trying it's just cycling right now i hear that heard the fans spin up a bit all right so anyway we're at 23k going for 24. just need to get it to turn on it's a bit of a problem and you know what i should do is just boot with xmp and just see what's going on here it's still cycling let it let it try a few more times then i'll boot uh manually per olaf from sweden limited edition teardown shirt thank you per olaf from sweden thank you ryan from australia that's going a long way for that that tear down shirt much appreciated ryan uh brandon from texas got the jan blue and white microfiber cloth mouse pad one of the first few tom from ohio picked up the decal and stickers on the store two large stickers going to ohio thank you and john from california picked up a teardown shirt thank you very much hey it turned on it's probably safe booting but we'll see almost definitely okay so what we're going to do is very simple i'm going to get rid of all the stuff i'm not positive about and you know what let's just do this let's do auto now let's do xmp yes okay now we're doing 101 and we're doing 53 and all of my power settings should still be in there yes they are okay my voltage should still be here yes all right so let's do just that that really isn't asking a whole lot so that's a problem then i might switch to two other sticks of memory uh okay so oh it sounds like it's booting this time excellent andrew from kentucky picked up a limited edition shirt thank you very much andrew different andrew uh james from what is that wisconsin picked up a limited edition shirt it's booting okay we do fire strike again it's at 3 600 megahertz with no real tuning right now maybe that'll be enough for 24k uh matthew from canada picked up a limit a teardown shirt foil andrew from new york picked up a teardown shirt as well thank you very much adam from uh us picked up a lightweight raglan hoodie and a keychain thank you adam all right three mark here we go it's been a little while since we've done one of these now because i was trying to get stuff stable a whole lot has changed but maybe it's enough 24k is what i would like to see by the end of all this for the physics score only and we can get a bit by closing all these applications run it full screen all that stuff but just running it like this for now cpu is getting jumping up a bit temperature this time read through some more of these uh jeremy from canada picked up a shirt as well david from new mexico picked up a graph logo shirt got some variety in there all right i'm gonna check out chat to build zoid's talk and he says if i remember correctly ek ones are basically supremacy blocks the vrm block tacked on i think i know what you're talking about and if so that's true uh so we got one i was wondering if surrounding the liquid metal with tim when d-litting would be a good idea to prevent spill or does liquid metal react badly with tim just don't don't put a ton of that squares lower don't put a ton of liquid metal on there you don't have to worry about spill and like conformal coating or captain tape or nail polish work better if you are worried about spillover there are instances where you'll kind of coat the entire thing i've seen it for some overclocking setups i'm sure build zoid could maybe identify uh when you might want to coat like everything with thermal paste but um no i i wouldn't recommend it you just you know don't use a lot of liquid metal you'll be fine let's run this again let's run this without some of the stuff in the background and see what kind of real score we get run all right okay so a couple more super chats oh hey these are uh yes got this one got this one got the andrew meme that has popped up now brendan five bucks were you doing some downhill mountain biking your arms are tan as and your hands are super white and you've got a big booboo on your forearm that's extremely um uh what do you call it observant of you there you go uh yeah i mean i wear i wear gloves and then like this part's not covered by armed guards yeah i was doing i was i was doing some downhill biking last weekend actually i'll be doing some more coming up that those videos will be going to the gm steep channel this uh this season i'm saving up a lot of them i'm going to start scheduling downhill mountain bike videos on the gn steve side channel 23 217 run it one more time just so we get an idea what kind of variance we have run to run here so that was 22 500 23 200 it's a bit of jumps uh am i getting spammed on discord or on my phone everywhere oh i need to give bill zoid mod status so he can answer questions faster uh yeah so we've got that running another pass what do i create moderators channel uh i don't remember where to create moderators community settings i think that's it yeah that's it okay moderators actually hardcore overclocking damn it no match was found actually hardcore score 23 339 there's your variance so 22 500 239 that's quite a bit um so we're getting really close about 700 points away from what i want to see tonight why is it not finding you that is super annoying let's try a channel link maybe uh build zoids in chat by the way actually that's actually hardcore overclocking i believe there we go gotcha okay build zoid you're added as a moderator now you should be able to respond to questions faster all right how did you and bill join me uh someone i know in the industry pointed me to one of builds white's videos quite a while ago around the rx 400 launch and i messaged them and i was like do you want to analyze some pcbs for us and he said yes uh okay so 23 339 i don't know let's just play around and bios the memory and see what we can do yeah so uh the mountain biking question was good because it lets me point to the side channel and i'm going to start uploading a bunch of downhill runs not going really editing heavy on them yet but mostly just trail ride throughs and i'll be at whistler briefly after linus's expo after ltx i'll be in in whistler doing downhill park so if you're out there come say hi uh okay so let's just do the simplest thing and increase this a bit let's increase that to 37.70 see if that boots let's see if it's stable okay just always wear your helmet stevie i i i wear quite a bit of armor neck brace full face helmet everything uh okay so replaced him with whipped cream you know that would probably be more thermally conductive than some of the stock thermal paste we've seen in the past uh acrid acid two bucks over the years i've developed a fine set of okay that's we're gonna stop reading there cat herder five bucks you might improve your viewership and score if you featured cats in this live stream hashtag give a snowflake snowflake is a scary variable to introduce near like a streaming computer on the floor and a benchmarking computer she would be fine i don't know how the computers would be she likes to crawl like under benches or really anywhere anywhere she can that gets a lot of attention from everybody so although she's good for a-roll shots for like news uh unfortunately she's she's a bit of a liability when we're doing live streams run test what are we going to get i want twenty four thousand points uh bill wenchallo five bucks it would be kind please inform andrew of his impeccable performance in the art of arranging 3d objects andrew says he likes this new meme i didn't say that and and that he uh he would like to see it continue i think that's what you said right all right let us see that 4 600 megahertz that is what's making me want to get a new build snowflake will leave the cable now she should leave the cables alone but she'll crawl into stuff next to the powerslide damn lower score starting to hit heat issues too with room temperature at this point so that's always a concern let's run this again just for uh sake of variance get rid of hardware info okay see how that does why isn't dry ice used for cooling you mean like now or always uh probably probably obvious why you wouldn't use it like day to day there you go um but uh i'm not using it here because i don't know i don't have any plugs in a closed loop cooler it seemed easy all right so we crashed there so close it's always these last this last like hour of just fighting for for the last 10 of the score that i want when the pressure is on uh okay so that was not really stable so let's do some of this where is okay so i had four thousand acres this is on x299 vdam 1.85 tcl 16 trcd 16 trp 16 26 somehow for this one um i don't know how that was stable but it's having trouble here uh what else did i have command rate should be one rrdl trrdl six four okay uh wow that's a very high rough cycle time refresh cycle time let's try and bring this i think this is stable at 300 on the other system but i just said to 500 for starters because that's 660 right now which is super high uh under that one what else we have refresh cycle time 300 rtp rdl got that rtp auto t5 do we have t fought anywhere f-a-w four x one time forty two hello forty might be fine uh seeing the one got that twr twenty four right to read delay i think that's this one let's leave this alone for now and then rwdr at all at six rwd rw d r r d r d r d r d w r okay rwdr six is what i had last time six dd6 don't know if those are gonna be stable this we'll see we shall see if it will boot i need to go up on the uh voltage also build if you're still there feel free to ping me on discord if you have suggestions for the memory sounds like it's trying it's cycling at the reset button uh retry okay it's it's retrying see it boots into safe mode or not okay um andrew i don't know what to do about this the store order thing the shout outs for store orders thing i gotta find a solution for it there's a lot of orders today thank you all very much obviously we're uh ecstatic about it it's a lot of things to read i'm trying to also overclock this and keep it entertaining so bear with me a lot going on um yeah so we're having trouble with those settings it's not too happy with them i'm going to safe boot and remove a bunch of them and i don't know what to do next i guess i really just want to tighten the other timings this kit should be pretty damn good i wonder if i maybe just voltage maybe that's what it really needs do you think amd would ever do a low-cost threadripper apu 10 bucks from jacob apu i don't know um i don't think so i'm going to go with no right now because all that die space is kind of dedicated to being thread ripper that's like the whole point of it is a lot of cpu cores and stuff like that a lot of cash a lot of cores start pulling that away and giving 40 percent of the die to an apu i just i don't see the value really um no we don't want 13 volts i want more volts than coming out of the power supply uh yeah i don't i don't really see it to be honest um i could see why you would want it just so you don't need a gpu to boot uh and see video but it doesn't seem like it fits the product oh okay zeta's saying andy has a white paper on a theoretical exascale tr4 based apu well there you go i don't know if it would still be like proper threadripper at that point it's just if it's just a tr4 socket i don't know uh apparently there's white paper out there for something though okay we're gonna get rid of those timings what are we out on the cpu now 30 uh 53.50 is where we are right now we're at 53.50 megahertz for the cpu at 1.45 volts for thereabouts so we're doing pretty damn well uh it's just the memory it's what i'm trying to do and this is always like the most boring part um i'm also not the best at it so it takes a bit longer but we're going to get somewhere eventually so dram timing let's get let's try 36 right here and just see if that boots i'm just kind of changing things one at a time right now see what what it'll take we got a um a couple things here uh two bucks bill wanchallo get yourself some taco bell after the stream thank you bill i don't know there might not be any more streams if we get taco bell uh jay jardin five bucks save us five hundred dollars on bench with that 4600 ram kit you have to see if it is worth buying we've done it um did we publish that information we might have done something with it the problem with 4 600 megahertz ram is you need good ram which they they should have guaranteed you need a good motherboard you need a not just a good cpu but you need a cpu that clocks high on the core because obviously that's what everyone wants but also has basically a bend imc so you need a cpu that has two bend like good components and uh 4600 is really hard to achieve even like you can't plug and play 4600 you can't if you have a really good cpu sure but the trouble with it again is just that you're talking about something where it's like uh yeah sure um it requires too many good components to realistically work out of the box you can kind of tune it it'll work eventually timings are really loose it's like i don't know sealed 20 or something maybe higher so yeah tough to say you know to what extent you would really want to work with those kits sometimes there's more value to having like cl 11 or 12 than 4 600 megahertz too david two bucks just blow really hard on the cpu easy overclocks bill on cello two dollars wow andrew great moves keep it up proud of you andrew says h3 h3 reference of uh the intro clip ian two dollars can you please grow out your beard hashtag tech jesus uh not currently in the plans i guess all right top stable frequency so far 5.35 gigahertz and i might just make this kind of easy and um in a second here and limit what we're doing with memory and uh just see what we can get because we only need 700 more points and fire strike to get what i want so i don't know we might not need to go ham on this uh let's simplify things a bit i want to bring the frequency down this time i'm just i'm changing one thing at a time see if it becomes stable from one of those changes okay does anyone know a good way to check what dye is in your memory kit the best way well you google search it um some kits are guaranteed b die or whatever but they're not always guaranteed so the best way is to carefully take the heat spreader off and look at it and then look up the number on it and uh it should be online somewhere you'll know it's b-dai e-dai whatever it's booting this time so i don't know didn't like the frequency and my timings are not very good right now because i was loosening them up to try and figure out what the problem was but let's just run a fire strike run anyway it's been a little while see if our score's gotten worse from all that or better because i have not really improved anything but i've gotten it booting physics not looping windowed no turn all those off physics run custom okay all right so we're at 23 something three 300 three hundred i think is where we were and i want twenty four thousand someone's asking about the processor uh the processor is deleted the cooler is a kraken x62 does the heat spreader come off by pulling no uh it does on mine because i deleted it so heat spreader is held on by silicone adhesive and that silicone adhesive sits around the outside of the dye so what happens is you you put it in basically like a mini vise and pop the ihs off and uh i'll show you where the silicone adhesive layer is on this g5500 i have in front of me in a minute so our score 23 100 all right good so it hasn't gotten worse not really anyway i'm gonna run one more because there's some variance mentally average it and uh then we will get back to the memory now that i know the problem was the frequency to some extent okay so this is a cpu it's a g5500 to answer your question no the heat spreader doesn't just come off and the way you know this isn't always true but you can typically tell if it's soldered or not by looking uh we've got a blue screen by the way by looking in the corner or around the edges and if you see like let me find like a point in utility here we go if you see some uh black glue like material sticking around the edges there then that is silicone adhesive and basically the vise will apply pressure against this ihs so braces against it it pushes while the substrate is braced not moving and eventually the glue breaks away on some dies like the apu's the ryzen stuff it's more risky because there are actually small smds under the ihs whereas with intel it's a bare ihs so it's actually more or less completely safe to do because there's not a real chance of uh of hitting any smds because there aren't any all right let's just see if it does this one more time hopefully that answers your question though i actually have some other cool props here i should pull out but i have a bare gpu that's not soldered to a pcb that's pretty cool damn it if you didn't catch that fire strike does a thing or it'll recheck all the settings um okay well that works too that's actually faster so okay let's get back in the bios kind of have an idea of what the problem is now so maybe we can make some progress we're at 22 100 so damn close is it uh tomfoolery two bucks just wanted to say tech jesus thanks for the two bucks tomfoolery okay here's my other cool prop uh i'll show that off in a minute okay so what do i want to do draw bclk uh increase dram voltage where's sa do i have sa in here system agent voltage there we go so 1.35 let's try that that's quite too high so it's 1.3 let's do 1.3 let's see how that does system agent might help out a bit kind of pushing high on everything at this point steve better buy tasty food with that money are we voting on what you get for dinner yet i like this meme which means it gives me something to greatly look forward to after streams i love doing the streams i also love getting food after them because for some reason this is a lot more uh demanding than doing the the videos we do like the shorter videos which is just a lot of testing so all right this is while this is like sorting itself here's the prop i was talking about uh okay so this is i don't sorry one sec i don't know what gpu this is i got this in 2012 from a an engineer in the silicon analysis lab silicon failure analysis lab at nvidia's old campus so 2012 that was my first trip ever to california and first trip for business obviously to california uh and so he had a great lab we have an old video of it where he gives a walkthrough i think his name is howard marks and if you just search the channel for silicon failure analysis lab it might come up it's an old old video um the quality is not very good by our standards today it's 2012 whatever but the stuff in the lab is really cool and this is one of the chips he give he gave us so this is he's he of course uh being an nvidia employee obviously promoted nvidia a bit and said uh some kind of spiel like you won't find these many places it's a failed nvidia gpu so okay whatever but the cool thing was that it's a non-soldered one so uh this is more or less what they look like i mean it's yeah it's so you got the bga back here obviously not socketed to a board so there's your substrate there's all the ball grid array uh and then you have some really small smds around the border like caps and stuff like that silicone adhesive or actually you know what yeah this is adhesive and it's for that little metal bracket they used to put on the outside and then the gpu die so that's one of the problems just remembered that from showing the cpu a minute ago this blue screen once and it's just booted now and a blue screen again so clearly uh what did i even change this time s a and i o voltage that's it no that's like not great news um what should i do should i try the coarser memory with tighter timings maybe 23 000 we're at really want 24. but yeah that gpu is pretty cool i'll check chat and see if anyone commented on it but see if there any benchmarking tools for linux there is uh there's a great benchmarking tool by feronyx yeah phronix has a really good benchmarking tool and it's it's just got like everything in it it's free to use i think build zoid says the gp looks like fermi uh it's probably accurate from the time all right okay build zoid you i see you're in chat any suggestions on what we should do i need like 700 more points i know it's doable i'll check discord and see if you messaged me uh i could use your help at this point so you might want to give up on one t command rate okay let's try that any other thoughts mr actually hardcore overclocking that's two i guess what are your other thoughts there's your memory screen so buildzoid ladies and gentlemen helping us out right now he's messaging me on discord uh bill zoid runs the channel actually hardcore overclocking he does some videos for us as well with pcb analysis of vrms and components like that we are actually haven't announced this officially yet but i've been talking to him about uh potentially trying to get him out here to do some kind of videos together in person so he's saying you should be able to do like four thousand fourteen fourteen fourteen twenty eight two t one point eight five so let's try yeah bills i'd like to get 16 stable first so maybe we should just see if this two this one t command rate is what was causing my boot failures before we move to uh cl 14. um here are the other settings for anyone who wants to see them and for build zoids to correct them this i want i want uh tr e refresh cycle time to be 300 or so i know it can do it it's at 510 right now refi should do 65 000 okay is it refi is that what i a refresh interval okay cool got it uh so t 16 tcf okay trfc 240 he wants let's try that this might be a bit aggressive but changing the 2t i guess will help a lot what was the other suggestion you had tifa and tcwl uh t where is for act one time t-fa sixteen oh wait one point eight five i want for the volts eight five build zoid thoughts on i o s a voltages things like that there they are if you have any thoughts on them so bill zoid again is uh an expert overclocker does great work he does liquid nitrogen overclocking he does some live streams the livestream's very solder stuff together so we're getting his help right now just as a phone a friend for the last 700 points i need seems regular that we got the ln 2 guys in to help out for those last few points i'm just going to try booting with that while i wait for his further thoughts we're still at cl 16. i just want to get it to turn on right now i own sa should be fine as is build zoid says they are 1.3 right now if you missed those for anyone who doesn't know system agent sa is the voltage on intel motherboards that you tune when you are starting to push memory clocks system agent voltage and ios i o voltage sa is more sensitive than i o in that if you push it too hard you'll get imc or integrated memory controller degradation on the cpu he's saying the chip should do five gigahertz encore you know that's a good point i haven't touched encore and i should and that is definitely a very good point all right we have a a lot of we got a blue screen build zoid we have a lot of uh store orders i'm gonna have to try and get through at some point too hopefully once this thing's running benchmarks for stability okay there we go so let's uh let's see you know let's just go to 100 bclk just to simplify things and build zoid anything in here that you want to reduce the aggression on while we're looking at it got a blue screen last time i'm at 1.85 1.4 whatever for memory voltage any thoughts mr bz got six for all these i don't know if that's gonna be a problem that's the settings i had for the x299 motherboard with the 7980xe for our rip ltt stream worked on that one uh dropped to 3866 i think our memory clock's already low it's not 4000 right now i think it's currently set to 3600 so 38.66 would be an increase at 3 400. let's go to 36. let's try that just need those last 700 damn points in fire strike to call it okay what's chat saying steve showed a g200 tesla 2.0 chip is that what it is i know that's what it was someone said your ram bin sucks this ram is actually done pretty well i might try the other two sticks i don't know unless you mean the imc bin set tertiaries back to auto quad channel imc uses a completely different set of times for those yup good call all right so let's go back to auto on the tertiary timings this is a dual channel cpu x299 i guess treats differently being quad so tertiary i currently have set all the six and we're gonna go back to auto on those [Applause] okay all right here's hoping something stable so dram timing control tertiary gonna go back to auto auto auto auto auto okay those are done uh okay let's try that this is the hashtag rip ltt memory kit yeah so this one did really well on the quad channel platform uh and again i'm not a memory overclocking expert so we're in the area where this is what i like to do with like the um with the overclocking streams i knew i could hit 23 000 points and i thought i could maybe hit 24 000. so what i like is setting a goal that's just outside of my reach through methods that i know forces me to try and do things like memory overclocking so i can learn more about them because it's my weak spot so like choose kind of like just outside of reach goal and then fight for it and hopefully learn something that's that's kind of the way i try to do these the ram is capable of four thousand it's done it and i've only got for reference builds and others i've only got two sticks in there right now so i don't know if the other two might be a better bin than these two but they've all done four thousand before okay see so fire strike get out of here steam windowed mode fire strike and we're going to do physics only let's click away see if it tries to okay first time running three mark in a little while kept crashing hopefully it doesn't do it again we'll see uh okay so we got some super chats reminder douglas earlier said are we voting on what you get for dinner yet we got some other messages wishbone two dollars flash and overclock an old atari jaguar uh bill wanchallo two dollars i vote mexican food dick carlson sck20 swedish corner i don't know read bill joy's comment love from sweden yes he's messaging me uh five dollars from anathema can you show a close-up of your fire strike setting so i can mess with my 8700k to compare for like for like it's really simple i'm opening 3dmark and we're going to do it anyway because it crashed uh opening 3dmark i'm clicking benchmarks and then the page is white and that's it i don't know i might need to reboot it's reboot for that one yeah that's a reboot for sure all right i thought spilzoid increasing voltages it uh basically just the application crashed so it wasn't a blue screen this time so that's good steve can i sponsor you to review my vacuum cleaner no get out of here uh yeah so the question about fire strike settings super easy i open fire strike i click benchmarks and i click fire strike not extreme not ultra and uh then i'm just the only thing i'm changing when i do custom run is i'm disabling all the graphic scores and then this is the really important thing that you need to make sure you do it's a dlc feature actually they started selling um so yeah uh just disable the graphics settings tests i mean and then uh that's it and then you'll run just a physics test it's a lot faster because if we ran graphics it would run those first and it wouldn't fail until like three minutes well two minutes in maybe maybe we should change memory maybe we should just change the memory modules that are in here all right bill droid is typing right now let him reply try bringing trfc up okay and if uh if it's still bad we can change memory i'm gonna do 300 or something let's try 300. let me know if you want a higher build zoid all right so yeah on course i should do encore i haven't done that yet let me do that on the next boot so yeah we're at a 5.35 gigahertz i really want the last few points super close super damn close 5.35 gigahertz and the bigger news is one point three something volts 1.3 volts was stable for sh actually let me pull up the notepad file anyone who's kind of bounced in and out of the stream for the last couple hours uh here's what our results have been so far score over here clocks over here so the biggest item of note 5.1 gigahertz at 1.3 volts that's super good on uh effectively a bend 8700k like that's it's this part that's impressive it's the voltage that's impressive because this is like 1.4 plus on 8700k so anyway let's see if it crashes or ideally let's not uh yep really doesn't like anything now i'm going to switch memory and just rule out uh that variable and see if this is like see if 3d mark needs to be reinstalled maybe got corrupted or see if it's just the overclock doing this it's just the overclock that's easy but some i've had 3dmark corrupt sometimes when doing a repeatedly you know crashing and blue screening and stuff like that all right so i'm restocking the corsair memory one more stick okay that's in let's get into bios okay got a couple more five dollars from dre g no going to dinner hashtag uber eats oc all night long james mcleod five dollars canadian thank you uh how much hotter you know okay how much hotter would an nh d15 100 be doing this test over x62 i'm not sure they the nhd15 is really close to high in clcs i don't think they'd be too distant but i haven't tested this specific setup all right so um i need to reset the memory to auto and then xmp and this is always annoying so we're going to go 53 and 101 and everything else should have remained as it was now let's get a dram time control okay so now those don't look like they reset but whatever let's just see what happens see if it's if it doesn't crash this time buildzoid said maybe do max mem to improve ram stability yeah we could do that i suppose a windows setting for that one uh just looking at the store orders i'm gonna try and shout out a few more do these as quickly as i can while it's booting devin from tennessee foil shirt thank you very much devon for your support and picking up a shirt kristin from nevada limited shirt thank you tim from new jersey picked up a uh tear down shirt leon from texas or leanne uh picked up a tear-down shirt and a blueprint shirt thank you i think we're super low on stock on those blueprint ones glad you got one though refreshing them soon we got an order from uh ly modus from uk picked up a teardown shirt a lightweight raglan hoodie thank you and a blueprint shirt in uh in the heather blue color and we're out i think we're at a large on those we might be out of exile i think we have a few mediums so hopefully we can get more in soon all right so we have the other kit back in here and i just want to see will this damn thing stay alive or is like fire strike corrupted or something yeah i'm going to turn off windowed we really don't need that on at this point so let's just see if it survives for the first time in like over an hour uh okay soon from denmark nice grabbed a raglan hoodie that's the two-tone hoodies we have that we restocked recently and the teardown shirt thank you very much uh year year jeer from finland hopefully one of those is correct tear down true and one of the mouse pads thank you sir iaco or jaco from finland man finland representing tonight tear down shirt as well got fire strike physics running by the way super exciting it's not crashing james from the us there's a name i can say a tear down shirt and a mouse pad thank you james very much 23 228 okay we're in business it's alive all right so build zoid if you're still there if you're not asleep yet we have the course air kit back in it's a 3200 megahertz cl 16 rated kit it's not as good as the g-skill kit in theory but you know maybe we can just get the last couple hundred points out of this one since the other one was having issues so if you have any suggestions i'm going to get that dram timing page back up 101 bclk let's push this up let's try 34 megahertz what's our voltage uh dram voltage is not high enough let's try like one point one point uh point damn it 1.6 there we go just the 3400 megahertz the only change i'm trying to make right now buildzoid let me know if you got any thoughts other than maximum we've changed memory kits okay we got an order from luke from hawaii very nice picked up on modmat autographed thank you luke very much we appreciate that look forward to going through and signing a bunch of them for the next round alan from uh us tear down shirt and a tear down statue in large thank you allen okay we've booted we've booted we're at 3400 megahertz things are looking good so far fire strike is no longer just a white screen can't get much better than that no no okay run all right let's see what we do and check some of the chat for a bit 5.3 gigahertz so far he's trying to oc memory now yes we're at 5.35 5.35 is where we are right now that desktop makes me die inside yeah well i don't know test machines all day see if you still care all right it's running it hasn't died yet uh steve i think you need to drink some water before your voice fails you later i just just drank some we're good thank you for your concern okay 23 271 hey it worked all right nice let's get the timings going now coarser coming through with a kit that i thought would be the uh not the best kit today we've got that 4 600 megahertz kit maybe i should run that with um with just lower frequency actually just in case andrew can you ask if patrick's still here can you ask him to hand you the 4 600 megahertz kit yeah um corsair kit or just the whole tray okay guys so we're slowly creeping up on everything here just tightening timings kind of one at a time got the frequency boosted things are looking good we might get that um we might get what uh what we're going for here 24k points what size ao 280 actually 280 millimeters is next 62 maxed out imagine doing this minus the solid state used to take ages yeah i know that i unfortunately never really had to do that uh so um i don't know let's let's boot this up someone said something i want to mention alex temple and chat as this video shows it can get very high clocks at low voltage yes as i've said multiple times it's expensive but it's an enthusiast part the fact that he's he thinks it's marketing exclusively shows he doesn't know what he's on about i'm guessing that's talking about someone else in chat because i haven't actually said those words uh and so i'm assuming that's replying to someone else but i don't know um okay and bill droid says that's fun when cleaning the memory kit makes it clock higher yeah like if it's dirty dirty contacts okay andrew is seeking out the uh 4 000 megahertz kit which we would run at just lower lower frequency i think it would let me get away with tighter timings though what temperature and clock monitoring software is he using i like hardware info 64. how big is the industrial chill are you using you know what that's uh that's an intel thing your hardware input 64 is great free super good can you explain some of the timing settings uh yes we have a video on a lot of them we're making we're actually researching right now for the secondary and the tertiary video are you using the hero x motherboard yes there is the new bios i don't if they released it yesterday i don't have it i have the one from like before that fire strikes running guys surviving i put ice in the reservoir it's not gonna help me right now 23 400 getting there oh man only 600 points now okay that's exciting looking forward to this uh okay we got some comments five dollars from filth e casual is it necessary to seal when deleting for liquid metal and installing an upright case no it is not socket the uh socket the cpu into the motherboard when it's flat and it's not going to move don't worry about it at all is it one of these yes patrick out yeah yeah that's understandable being that it's nine o'clock uh okay guys we got a memory delivery it's gonna be one of these yeah thanks so this is so far still working i'm gonna keep pushing this one we got up to um while you're in the other room 23 400 so it's actually getting pretty close now okay let's try that see how many points we can get out of that i think bildroid's talking about uh contact cleaners but the sentence yeah i used alcohol out of context is uh probably accurate to how most people feel about overclocking memory just realize i need to push the cash ratio so i don't know should do 50 but let's do 48. okay try that see how that does for us uh filthy casual i got that question rnx bike five dollars i vote italian food maybe sausage raviolis and alfredo sauce sounds like you know what you want for dinner that sounds pretty specific uh tomfoolery two dollars i've got a kid on the way gn1z1 gianna onesie okay so i changed the cash ratio finally i tightened the timings to 15. i was answering someone earlier about what the timings mean we have video on the channel that's somewhat recent it's in the last week or two on the primary timings check that out we've got some even results on secondary timings and working on the tertiary and secondary timing videos uh over the next week or two so maybe it'll run let's see doing pretty well stressor bites says adult gn1z1 and sergeant zeta says get that man some ravioli chat chat is on point today uh okay so while that's going let me do a couple more of these store orders thank you again tyler from uh us a tear down shirt and a modmat thank you very much tyler we're so happy to see those mod mats going out we really like the product i'm super proud of it use it every day and i'm glad to see that people are getting to try it out and also gerald from the us bought a teardown shirt okay 23 417 okay so it's not crashing 600 down points let's tighten the timing some more and let's try and increase the frequency do one at a time i think we're still at 101 bclk gpu shouldn't be bottlenecking us because it's just a physics test so it's basically 100 cpu load i could do per core overclocking and try to push some of the cores higher but that sounds like a recipe for taking a lot longer 34 34 let's go to 35 35 and now let me boot with 28 might not let's see finally it does feel good to finally uh stop crashing and blue screening looking forward to the 24k don from australia picked up a teardown shirt thank you don going a long way for that one happy to ship it out there ian from the us a lightweight raglan hoodie stickers and decals and the gn blue and white microfiber cloth mouse pad two of them thank you very much sir you're again as i said earlier one of the first few who's picked those up we've been working we've been uh working on that mouse pad since we got the sample in and it's still looking good tracks fine so i'm happy with it all right let's see how this does yep that's the trick with fire strike it's gone for 24k 24k it's finally making progress someone says just turn everything up to 11. if only it were that easy uh someone's asking if it's deleted yes it is deleted and it's got liquid metal on it's got thermal grizzly conduct not that oh that looks like a crash but it was a loading screen uh conducting not on there yeah thermals are great right now for i mean for what it's doing 5.3 plus gigahertz sergeant zeta two bucks comfy pajama pants with gn logos all over when andrew when are we gonna are we gonna get get designing that one she had pajama pants wait do the little guys go in the sole of the feet too on the sole of the foot sole of the foot yeah good question they go everywhere according to zeta 23 okay so we're not really improving at this point um let's switch i mean this kit's doing well so i don't really want to switch it but yeah let's keep let's keep with this kit even though i have a better one in front of me uh this one's doing well so i'm just gonna push the frequency until it fails okay how reliable is d-lid kit odds of killing cpu uh pretty damn reliable i've never had issues with there is inherent risk there's more risk with the ryzen apus than there is with the intel cpus because the ryzen apus have small service mount devices smds under the ihs as opposed intel doesn't have that many and they're mostly on the underside of the substrate so that kind of goes into a hole so they're not really at risk there's always inherent risk but by like a rocket cool or dare bower deladimate either one of those they're pretty damn good at keeping it safe i've never had a problem with either one just be careful make sure you use it correctly that's the big thing is take your time with it you know don't don't rush for no good reason okay yeah let's push the mesh up or i called mesh cash 50 see how we do with 50 and 3600 one of those might cause a crash clown biggs a gn toolkit would be cool that would be cool uh gary wolfe plus one on the onesie suggestion i too have a forthcoming child unit you have until mid mid-october or else grimmy uh two bucks canadian new knock tool fans fan reviews when heart you fam uh noctua fans yes so finally got some progress on the fan testing stuff but there's a lot going on uh no eta right now something i'm still kind of working on i might have to send out some of our fan testing stuff to an engineer friend of mine for some troubleshooting help because one of the well the custom pcbs isn't doing exactly what i want it to so if we can figure that out then we'll be ready to go but that's the hold up right now five bucks erin plus one on pjs do it it'd be cool all right uh i'm reading some of the other comments mod matt onesie mesh underwear sounds pretty nice actually ice put ice in the water hashtag gn pjs build a mouse mat that's something we're looking at actually seen a lot of out-of-stock items in the store uh yeah sorry i don't know there are a lot of orders today um we just got like actually let me ask our distributor we just got a bunch of the blue teardowns shirts in like the this shirt except the older blue one twenty three four five two damn so close what do i have to do for those last few points i think i need to push the cpu higher like the core might need yeah i might need to do that i don't know how much memory is going to get us i'll do some more memory timing stuff and see how it does black stickers please i have a white car i put them on the um on the window that's only where i put mine if you want a bumper sticker but we could definitely look into black stickers it wouldn't be hard to make them um i could certainly do that thank you for the suggestion uh okay dram timing so let's see if this can get us anything builds away did you raise the encore clock yet yes i raised it to 50. trash 28 is the lowest possible for coffee lake running fire strike twice can boost scores you can also bump pclk by a few decimals let's try all those things uh build zoid here are our settings it's 15 15 28 that's the lowest we can do he's saying um what did you want this at earlier like 220 or something let's try that and okay there's that let's boost pclk if we can to like 101.5 that might push a failure 240 is what he wanted on that oops i did 220. how about a desk fan that says gn when it spins you know there's where'd it go you know those anti-static wrist traps it might make sense to sell some with gen print encore encore encore yeah it's at 50. um you see okay just messing with multiplier yeah i'm just reading some of the chat messages reading some of the suggestions on overclocking we might be kind of stuck i don't know so i think what i'm to do is um i don't know 51 encore see what that does go go go go i think it did not like the 101.5 let's do 100. uh what if we push for a higher voltage we have the thermal headroom let's try that try that with 101.5 assuming it wasn't the memory that caused the crash oh and uh trfc changed to 240 from 220 to 40. okay and encore it's kind of breaking the rule changing a whole bunch of stuff at once encore 51. okay let's try that are we on one tee i thought it was on 2t i need to double check i switched memory kits so that might be it okay so see if it even turns on uh felix from berlin a limited edition foil shirt thank you very much felix looks like it booted so far yes uh jeffrey from texas pick the base shirt thank you very much jeffrey from texas a lot of people from texas tonight actually new york phillip picked up a modmat thank you phillip that'll be out there within the next couple weeks we're getting them in very soon finally this one this run was a bit delayed um due to a holiday joseph from the us oklahoma picked up a shirt okay let's run fire strike see if it see how it does if it's 23 400 again i'm gonna be out of ideas other than pushing the core higher okay so it crashed last time with settings similar to these i just increased voltage a bit and it's going to run physics zechariah from the u.s picked up a modmat thank you very much from ohio austin from california picked up a shirt okay good that was a black loading screen i thought it was a crash i might go down uh nicholas from new york picked up a shirt and a keychain thank you nicholas robert from bayern bavaria germany picked up a t-shirt and a gm blueprint shirt and the heather material all right so what is it going to do 23 745 so close we actually made real progress here guys so that's plus 300 or so points finally making moves we're stuck at 23 400 forever i want 24 000. we're like 200 away damn okay getting there i probably should have run that a second time i've been 24. all right so so damn close we're fine it's good it's good like to finally uh not get stuck anymore with boot failures took a while thank you for bearing with us those of you who are still here all i did was increase the voltage what was build zoid's i think it's build zoid shirt on his store keep calm and right he's v core or something that's basically what we're doing right now uh okay so what am i gonna do frequency let's try frequency there we're going to hit a blue screen at some point builds out any thoughts if you're handing out still pin them to me on discord please we're pretty damn close thirty three uh twenty three thousand seven forty five was the score looks like it's failing the boot with thirty seven hundred megahertz memory so we'll go back down to 36 and find something else to tune you can swap in the 4 600 megahertz corsair memory or if memory is not going to help can try and push frequent the ratio higher i guess we can push for 54. [Applause] just more more v core order from carlos from the u.s picked up a shirt thank you carlos okay 53. uh this is what caused it to fail just now let's go down a tick let's try this let's try 54 i think it's gonna crash i'm gonna push more voltage because it's within thermal tolerance so whatever and it's just for benchmarking wouldn't recommend these voltages for 24 7 use at all okay what are the chances of frying the ship i don't know i should be fine what are the vrm tabs looking like these kinds of voltages uh good question i mean it's only running for like 30 seconds at a time and as long as it's under like 120 degrees celsius it's fine so this board is pretty built out uh i think belzoid did a video on this one maybe might be on our channel actually i'm not sure but it's pretty built up motherboard big vrm so it's fine it has kind of a bad heat sink but it's only running again 30 seconds at a time what did i just change i went to 52 so it did not like 52. i'm gonna try more voltage and i might put a fan on the vrm but it seems fine we try e uh we try higher bclk drop multiplier and higher mesh we can try that that might work let's try that approach so let's try 102 bclk let's try 52 multiplier which will put our frequency at 50 [Music] what do i do 53 what is that 53 would be 5400 let's try 52 frequency will be a bit lower and let's try the higher mesh 52 and let's see if that boots i don't know if that'll be a lower score it's 50 megahertz slower technically but everything else is faster all right we're trying we got a couple super chats alex five bucks my count was in reference to someone else oh yeah yeah figured also any reason you don't do more open loop content too time consuming not enough interest space i don't have enough space uh we're kind of maxed out on our benches open loops take a lot of space cleaning them takes a lot of space so we can do it but you know uh need a bit more space which we're working on that looks like a no-go i'm gonna leave it alone for a second but it looks like it's not gonna work marco five bucks limited edition foil gn logo protection they'll fly off the shelves okay that button not work okay safe boot once again man so this is overclocking guys this is what it is when you get stuck so so damn up close dude where are you at i took an hour and a half nap and came back you're still going uh welcome back we are at 53 50 megahertz on the cpu we're at 23 745 points on the fire strike physics score i want 24k and um i think that brings you up to speed memory has been a big thing for us i'm actually considering yeah i'm going to swap the memory right now just why not we are kind of hitting a core limitation but maybe a bit more frequency would help i think we're going to be limited on the imc bend at some point some extent though 3200 that's not what i want where's my insane kit 4600 can we show this label just to let everyone know what we're working with right now we're not going to run this at 4 600 for a number of reasons so it's really small but on that label you'll see 4600 c19 19 26 26 46 those are some timings i'm going to run this lower like way lower and hope that the chip quality which is guaranteed on these is enough that i can run tight timings with a lower frequency rather than high frequency and loose timings okay there we go i want this i want this damn score okay so that's that corsair kit we've talked about it before manual versus offset for volts which is better that's a great question offset's really good if you want to keep some of the power saving features because what offset does is if you tell it to offset by x 0.1 then whenever it's doing something the cpu will still pull whatever amount of voltage it thinks is appropriate for that task and then offset it by point one as opposed to a manual override where just always pulls whatever you type in so if you're like actually using it daily offset makes a lot of sense because uh it will consume less power and you'll get the same end effect it's just sometimes it's a bit less stable so that's the trouble with it and leave all these alone so we're going to try 15 even though it's a cl19 kit and we're just knocking around that uh yeah we're gonna run it here where it was and was it unstable with this it might have been unstable because the cpu settings i'll check in a minute i think bclk might be unstable on this one yeah we're at 5.35 gigahertz we're just swapping memory see what we can do are you going to restock gm logo key chains are they out of stock if they are the answer is yes um we have a a lot of them actually coming in right now they're in production so they'll be here within probably three weeks or so we're gonna have a whole bunch of them in stock i'll make sure that everyone know in a news video or something like that we're restocking a lot of stuff right now we sold out of tons of stuff in the stream oh interesting someone says there's a known bug uh be careful using hardware in 464 that board to look at your vrm temperatures doing so it can result in the bsod i didn't know that but we haven't been using it for the last few runs so so that's kind of good and bad the bad is that i don't have an easy scapegoat all right we're going to drop the bclk see the good news here although this kind of sucks at this point but it's getting there good news is that i have clear courses of action so not totally lost so that's where you want to be 101.5 and let's drop this back down to 51. okay try that okay a couple more super chats easier five bucks great now i want to chan onesie two and some pajama pajamas uh two dollars from douglas seems like gn pjs are in demand could you do a geekbench run on this thing i don't have it installed i don't think shh mimi hi steve 350. hi shmaimi wishbone uh gave two bucks thoughts on google yeti console next january 2025 plus i have no idea what that is do you know what google yeti is i'm sorry i don't know but i'm gonna look it up when the stream ends because i haven't heard of that there's a lot of technology every day i can't can't keep up with it all okay i booed it that's good all right so 10 bucks from david oh what does cpu cash ratio actually do cbo cash ratio so that's like uncourse everything but the core so that's going to affect like the interconnects and stuff like that how fast things can communicate you have mesh ratios on the i9 cpus that are interesting to overclock as well same reason uh david 10 bucks question about my 6850k do you think 4.5 gigahertz 1.385 is too much honestly i don't remember the 6850ks safe voltages um imc isn't great because i can't push uncore past 3.2 is this the case with most broadwell e-chips i i wish i had a good answer for you i can really only like remember the last two generations or so that's pretty close but um we never worked on the 6850k it was uh i was buying all my own intel chips at that point i still buy a lot of them and that one at the time it came out it was too expensive for us so unfortunately i don't have hands-on experience with that one and overclockers forums are really good places they have complete guides if you ever need an oc guide you have a question what's the safe voltage for my cpu look up the cpu and then overclock guide and there are really good forum posts with people who who do that stuff all the time is it gonna work maybe once it starts running it's typically okay two dollars from servant xf xsf to help with getting more space check discord i will do that i'm way behind on discord messages i see a lot of them uh five bucks from eric who said i wish i had money for right now for a foil anniversary shirt looks great thank you hope you do something similar again we will for sure yeah that's a downgrade okay so why what did i change oh the ratio's down that's right the uh core ratio i reduced when i increased bclk which we just reduced and i didn't increase the core ratio try and wrap this up at some point eventually i guess uh okay surprised you guys can do this without music i mean as much as i'd love to listen to music right now i also don't want to be demonetized so kind of live your life based around that okay 53 see what that does that'll pick it back up a bit uh alan from california purchased a tear down shirt thank you allen joy anna from new jersey picked up a tear down shirt thank you very much and allison from new york picked up a teardown shirt as well gamers nexus how can you explain what the turbo boost power time window in xtu is my understanding and i would need to open xtu to look at the exact setting the time windows for turbo boost i think have to do with uh how quickly it will boost or exit boost and how long it'll hold that boost it's useful for like the hades canyon knockover clocking for example i think that's i think that's what it is i'd have to open it and look that's an old one you can listen to stock music yeah great thanks a lot can't wait to listen to like elevator music song three and it's a very successful sequel elevator music song 4. we can listen to some some what's that guy's name he's like all over youtube kevin oh yeah kevin mcleod or whatever his name is floyd whatever i listen to some of his music some of his pretty good kevin macleod for four straight hours it might be a bit much this is a good uh we got two bucks from sweaty small snack gn shirt damn 23 543 okay at least it's going up jan shirt and white please we could probably do that 23 5 4 3 frickin going back up uh five bucks from sinful griff if you didn't have to worry about what did you want uh if you didn't have to worry about being demonetized who would you be jamming to right now um maybe parkway driver trivium i've been listening to in flames lately mostly stuff from the 90s for them uh it's old swedish band i mean old by nature of like metal core they're pretty old all right so that that got us somewhere we made progress let's do more on the frequency here see if the cpu imc can handle it uh maybe try 14 one of those is probably going to fail but let's give it a shot what socket type is the i7 series your oc now uh lga 1151 i think someone says great taste i'm going to see trivium on july 23rd vip tickets nice what are your expectations on 9000 series cpus worth it or another disappointment uh not sure i don't know really anything official about it or unofficial i don't really follow leaks so you probably have seen more than i have damn okay so that was the memory in flames brings me back to my high school days yeah they've been around uh a while cloud connected in flames a lot of people liking flames apparently in flames parkway drive trivium used to listen to a lot of maidens still do occasionally uh where did i i was at 36.54 oh i also did the um i did a lot of things at once so let's leave the frequency where it is and let's bring this back up to 15 and see what that does i saw in flames years ago with the faceless three inches of blood and between the buried and me bt bam is good uh protest the hero is really good too ire yeah ira's really good album uh okay so it might boot all i did was go back up on the time it's 15. damn yeah newton flames is pretty bad someone says i haven't listened to any new in flames uh they're founder left in like 2010 so i would imagine since then they've changed style a lot all right so we're going to go back down on something or up on the voltage or something like that let's do this 0.8 try that more voltage i don't have much experience with intel to do with amd is intel cash ratio similar to hyper transport you can kind of think of it that way yeah uh bclk well yeah or like infinity fabric or something to that extent i guess kind of it's encore google's project yeti is an ouya for cloud game streaming i don't know what i think of that game stream is kind of the future of service providers i think at some point 1.8 volts isn't that too high no because that was dram uh dram can take it it's it's a question of whether the imc can take it and it probably can't for a long period of time the dram can totally take 1.8 1.5 we've done uh imc will not like it for long-term use but we're just doing an overclock session so it really doesn't matter damn man yeah i think we're kind of at the limit here this is not liking anything at this point so where's our score 23 745 i don't think any gpu stuff is going to help me what else can i even try we can go back up on the frequency here and then we can do let's try 14 14 again all right five bucks from hardcore jason gamer's nexus where tech and metal unite texas represent okay there we go booted no it helps overclocking double bass which ram slots you're using i'm using the ones you should be uh two and four do you know when b450 motherboards are launching no okay what what do i need to do at this point what is it unhappy i guess i'm happy about that 14 it's 15 15. and i think cash ratio 52 let's try that that's not really going to do a whole lot her core let's try this see if that does anything that might be a that's that's probably a bit aggressive actually uh because what does that calculate out to so if i do 54 it calculates out to 54.81 with the 101.5 so let's see 101 and 53 puts us at yeah so 54 puts us at what 54 okay so i'm going to try 100 i'm going to try per core i'm going to do 55 no no 54 54 53 53. let's try that so so the cpu is actually doing fine it was the ram i was having trouble with i think the cpu is just kind of at its limit here uh which is like 50 350 megahertz apparently david five bucks canadian high steve would you recommend replacing an r9 390 with vegas 64 should i hold off until navi i don't know when navi's going to come off so same thing i said earlier where if you are happy with your current system then keep using it and if you have points where you like you know that you have noticeable things you can improve with a different gpu then just upgrade now because i navi's not around the horizon immediately if you want amd there's no immediate timeline for it which means it's a little while out i wouldn't recommend necessarily vega 64. i like vega 56 a lot and it can more or less become vegas 64 especially if you're willing to flash bios on it and apply an overclock like it's within single digit percentages of vega 64. so i like that card 56 i like a lot 64 i never particularly liked the price and they kind of killed their own value yeah i don't know this is uh this is more or less done i think to quote uh it's quote kingpin from computex when he was working on roboclocker with the titan v and had been pushing it for seven straight hours under ln2 all day like running around trying to get a fire strike score and he was just having trouble with stability just like we are here and he was going she's dunsky steve she's dunsky i think she's done steve he kind of kept saying it he got us to work though every time he said his system was was done he got it to clock up some more we have a video of that we have a video of the um i think i called it like 5.7 gigahertz overclock or something memory problem uh yeah we have one with with kingpin in it with me that was pretty fun nope okay apparently the memory problem wasn't catastrophic no not done all right so it's running damn man downgrade again i don't have a ton of ideas here this memory is really good so i don't know maybe the imc might be a bit limited on the cpu that's where we get into talking about bending this the cores and the imc you can only do so much uh with what you have so don't know i've got memory timings to where i'm pretty happy with them as far as i know timings right 100 that was at 54.54 okay so maybe that was pushing it a bit let's just do one point like uh yeah sure let's see 1.5 volts let's do it don't know if we can have a thermal headroom but it feels like we are can you um pass me one of those noctua fans right there either one thanks so i'm just going to plug this fan in and stick it on top of the socket where the vrm is just in case that's getting issues at this point we are demanding a lot of it at 1.5 volts now i'm just going to try and sit this kind of on top of it somewhere there we go just sitting right on top of the clc tubes so that'll help the vrm at least might cool down the socket marginally fire strike's dead come on i like how firestrike just says dot dot dot when it can't launch benjamin from texas picked up a shirt thank you benjamin colin from uh us picked up a shirt as well eduardo from california picked up a shirt and a blueprint shirt and the heather material thank you sir andrew from arizona picked up a a uh tear down shirt okay let's go back over here fire strike we're at 1.5 now we have two cores at 54. oh man we have the rest at 53. yeah this is looking like again the quote kingpin that it's dunsky uh what you say for vega 56 and 64. would you say the same when 64 is only 7 more i mean i don't know if it's 20 price difference i guess maybe 64. i like 56 more but if they're about the same price the thing is the performance isn't really there but like even the i don't know 20 bucks maybe i might do it you can tend to overclock 56 a bit higher in frequency because there's less thermal density uh a few cores to worry about but yeah other than that i guess maybe it's worth 20 bucks or something not worth a hundred though okay i think i'm gonna do like i gotta limit it at this point because we're not making a ton of progress so uh let's see i think this memory is good no point changing that imc might not be great so i think what we're going to do is back down on the per cores or change which chords on like maybe do 54 on just one of them and that's just not going to get us a ton though let me probably come down on this a bit we can go up on s oh sa is not really going to help us at this point frequency that can go up maybe 3 700 that's not really worth it either i'm looking for stuff to get us like hundreds of points gains uh i think we're going to be under because we've lowered bclk so there we go that'll help that 53 [Applause] try 101 54 on a single core and see what that does okay someone says i'm on my second 8700k the first one lasts in three days why build suggested running back-to-back without changes i've done it the problem is it has to complete the test and right now it's just crashing so we were successful for a while but i've gotten more aggressive with it because i'm really really trying to close this out so um it's not liking that 54 multiplier so i'm gonna drop that back to 53 and i think we're going to stop touching the multiplier at that point that's going to be it that's just bclk and memory which i can't do a lot more with so 53 1.5 okay okay all right try that two bucks from irish giant what ice cube are you using none right now tacos for dinner 442 from abe lincoln thank you abe lincoln good to have you here i've heard about you bruce lane five bucks greetings from atlanta put in an order for a foil shirt and can't wait to keep up the awesome work and good luck thank you very much bruce for your support okay it booted will it survive or is fire strike just like gone this happens sometimes fire strike will like corrupt itself sometimes it comes back sometimes it needs to reinstall yeah no i think that's it i can't uh can't push it any farther and we're at you know let's final thing go back to the settings where i got 23 745 if they're even still stable it's a different ram now and um run two consecutive runs and if that doesn't do it then that's that's gonna be it for the stream until uh i have another idea for how to improve it later and we've got to break out the titan v anyway so it's good to have a round two okay so i don't remember what exact science got us there previously but i'm gonna drop mesh or whatever it's called on this platform encore to 51. we're going to drop this back to 1.47 which is unnecessarily high as well and memory should be fine um might need to go 101 on bclk 5353 yeah let's do that 101 on bclk and let's give that a shot that should at least maybe pass gerald from florida picked up a uh teardown truth thank you sir marco from switzerland picked up a shirt as well thank you marco christopher from the us grabbed a keychain and a shirt mario from florida picked up a shirt as well it's going to ask me to do a restart on this i think yep okay so restart my pc matthew picked up a modmat autograph thank you matthew for grabbing that excited to get those out and a shirt as well uh mikkel from france picked up a shirt autographed modmat and shirt for sebastian in the us thank you sebastian okay i booted here we go see see if we can do it see if 3d mark even loads might be dead it's giving me more than dot dot dot this time at least it's again a blue screen there's windows screwed up like what's going on damn i don't know three mark might need to reinstall which i don't really feel like doing right now yeah okay so i don't know i think we're stuck i think i think we got to call it at um 23 745 everyone remember that i'll come back and we'll beat it in our whenever our next stream is so a couple things uh really happy with the stream overall we're stuck at 23 745 super close to the goal pretty happy with it uh i will come back and see what we can do in the future for another one of these these oc streams are a lot of fun just put a titan v back under a water block so i have plans for that once i'm back i'm gonna be in uh in vancouver for linus's thing ltx this weekend so uh we're still getting work done but i'll be up there probably do a couple videos with some of the youtubers up there so keep an eye out for those subscribe of course and uh what else is going on we have content on the pipe surrounding the 8086k tomorrow we'll have a volt frequency content piece which i actually i didn't go as far as here so we'll probably recap this too but big takeaway here again is that at a given frequency you can run a lower voltage which is lower heat and power so we're at like 1.3 for 5.1 gigahertz which is crazy good and that's just because it's a binned 8700k so that's what that comes down to really good chip though performs well up until 50 350 megahertz and i'm just stuck and uh i don't know i don't know what to do at that point onward so uh let me read the last couple chats and things had five bucks from david hit that 24k and get some kfc do you like kfc at this point i like any kind of food at all uh carl dennis and we will get that 24k in the next stream gives us something to come back for carl dennis 10 bucks thanks for the awesome live stream keep doing what you all do thank you for the support carl and for uh enjoying and watching the stream gn pjs hashtag shout out to sergeant zeta shout out to the best cameraman and 3d modeler andrew uh for something that got binned by intel that's relatively disappointing i did okay i guess i can't really i don't know i expect a bike check on your g on steep channel i can do that for sure if the cat is present 24k it will be possible yeah probably um how many unread store emails do i have i don't know like i can try and shout out everyone with store purchases there are a lot of them it'll take a while um let me go through a few i i try and do these quickly so uh cody from pennsylvania picked up a shirt and uh shawn from us grab a shirt by the way guys uh for the next streams make sure you subscribe and keep an eye on our twitter page twitter.comgamersnexus so that's where i will announce them we'll try and announce in the news videos as well this was a really fun stream we'll definitely do more of them subscribe so you can catch them um i don't know if i'll stream while i'm at ltx at all but i'm planning to do like an onstage q a with linus where it'll be fun we'll have like two opposing uh or different viewpoints on something so i think that'll be a lot of fun to talk about like uh for example we can provide the viewpoint of a large you know like obviously very successful outlet and a smaller outlet with two different types of content how we approach things like youtube being a problem uh and how youtube changes and stuff like that so that'll be a lot of fun but anyway uh subscribe if you're not i'm gonna read through some of these orders now and uh we'll have another livestream where i try and hit 24k somewhat soon in the next couple weeks but otherwise thank you very much for watching if you're gonna tune out i get it let me read a few of these and then we'll we'll close out officially so daniel from us picked up a shirt thank you daniel we got oh man that is a mustangs by matt oh grimes i know you from georgia picked up a shirt thank you grimes mark from the us picked up a shirt as well let me just let me simplify this it's not a shirt i'll specify tyler from pennsylvania thank you very much for your purchase on the store chris from florida grabbed a couple of things justin from us grab the shirt tommy from texas picked up a modmat thank you very much tommy love seeing those sales because they're big and they take a lot of space and we're proud of them wanting to get used but also they take up a lot of space uh william picked up a shirt i just said i would cut that phrasing prism from uh us picked up decals tear down crystal for michael in the us there are a lot more of these but i can do it i can do it quickly the next five minutes uh jacob from virginia was just there not long ago uh picked up a shirt as well jeffrey from the us thank you sir for your store purchase and supporting us during this very long stream william u.s picked up a key chain and shirt we got uh sean us picked up a shirt as well making a dent in them all right i'm gonna check chat for a second for however many of you are still here uh okay so any questions recapping we did 50 350 megahertz for thereabouts uh on the cpu that's what we had it running at with memory at 36 something 101.5 bclk and then we got stuck jacob picked up a shirt as well a lot of us orders today nora uh from the us thank you priscilla from the us picked up a key chain and a shirt thank you very much brian from us picked up a keychain i believe that was shirt for brandon in kentucky nice we're almost through and thank you very much for the support on all this this was uh this was an insane live stream last forever lots of fun uh jason from us picked up shirt and who else we got you have the back button worked on this mouse it'd be nice stefan from germany picked up a couple of shirts we'll be in germany at some point for gamescom uh limited edition shirt to jose in chile i think that might be one of the first chili orders i've seen alan u.s picked up a graph logo shirt those are almost out of stock now austin from the us grab the shirt a couple more i think it's like maybe 15. ryan from colorado grab the shirt ryan also from massachusetts grabbed one thank you sammy from finland just reading all this the store purchases from the stream guys thank you for your patience michael from ohio grabbed a shirt got about 10 or so more ray u.s grabbed one peter from canada robert from kentucky thank you all of you guys uh jeremy us picked up a hoodie and a shirt the raglan hoodies that we just restocked they're probably low again modmat nice modmat going out to isaac in the in alaska that's got a long journey uh brian and virginia grab the modmat as well that one's not quite salon and we got william in uh us picking up a shirt come on mouse help me out here okay one two three it's like eight or nine i'm gonna miss counterbait brayden from canada thank you nicholas us grab the shirt alexander us thank you jacob australia i feel like i should just say every name possible at this point cover all them omar from uh queens new york grabbed a couple of shirts okay we've got five left see the end adrian from uh ireland nice picked up a mouse pad a graphic shirt and a limited edition shirt four more michael from plymouth us picked up a mat and a shirt uh we got nicola from us grab the shirt and gregory us lots of u.s orders lightweight hoodie i guess probably everyone else is asleep right now you asked for rob for a limited edition sure okay that's it any more orders i'm not reading that if we got them all if it was in there cool uh okay so last few things in chat here just to catch up steve you got lots of folks watching you out here in alaska bro that's awesome i didn't know we had an audience out there i'm glad to hear it uh glad to hear we can we can uh provide some value to you all so a couple things i saw some questions here do you have a full cover block on the cpu on the vrm no i had a fan on top of the vr at the very end but it was actually not a problem and uh yeah so it was fine but no i didn't have a full block on it uh what is your relationship with the with zotac over the 980 extreme review i will never forget that video yes so they haven't sent us anything since then i got a 1080ti amp extreme from a viewer reviewed it didn't do it was not well designed thermally sent them that link and that was the last time i worked with them or talked to them actually haven't worked with them since the 980 ti extreme review last couple things from super chat two bucks irish giant what cameraman and 3d modeler are you ice cubing too many memes eric jackson five dollars awesome stream these definitely take a lot of effort oc to stress fly at home alone huh maybe a uh maybe some spare ssds with fresh windows installed next time yeah probably that'd be good just you know just in case we have a windows death i don't know if windows got screwy here or not all right so that's it guys thank you so much for watching it was a crazy long live stream longest we've ever done 53 50 megahertz anyone skipping to the end looking for a summary that's it that's what we hit 50 350 megahertz ram was okay uh everything else i'll do a recap video probably so yeah thank you for watching subscribe for more remember this shirt okay last warning as it said the whole time this will not be available ever anymore after this stream ends i'm going to give it like 10 minutes after the stream ends if you get your order in you'll get one after that 10 minute window that's it we won't allow or like you will not be able to place an order they'll be gone like it's a limited edition for a reason so closing it at the end of the stream thank you so much to all of you who picked one up uh we look forward to sending them out to you but we are keeping it limited so closing it out in about 10 minutes get your orders in thank you for watching subscribe for more i'll see you all next time you
Channel: Gamers Nexus
Views: 1,515,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamersnexus, gamers nexus, cooler master, cooler master seidon, cooler master liquid cooler, cooler master seidon tear down, cooler master master liquid, liquid cooling computer, liquid cooler tear down, cpu cooler testing, cpu cooler benchmark, inside liquid cooler, inside water cooler
Id: GjkS3IdMT34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 229min 52sec (13792 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 12 2018
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