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went into hebrews 3 and he's kind of stole my thunder there because i was going to read all those chapters but let me read you from the um hebrews 3 and i'm coming down from seven to eleven and he says wherefore as the holy ghost said today if we will hear his voice hard not your heart in the provocation in the day of the temptation in the wilderness when your fathers tempted me prove me and saw my works 40 years wherefore i was grieved with that generation and said they do always air in their heart and they have no not known my ways so i swear in my wrath they shall not enter into my race let's get practical with it god plead moses plead jesus plead john the baptist's play and every leader that we have uh come in contact with is pleading not to harden our hearts what should have been a victory of freedom from all war sin oppression would have resulted in a perfect rest but what happened is our forefathers harden their hearts did everything that was evil in the sight of god and reap the consequences of their action but wait can we blame them why because the same offer is on the table today you realize the same offer is on the table today god is saying to you and me harden not your heart you see what god did over all those years for the people of israel what they did is harden their heart jesus is pleading us to give him our hearts and he will give us peace and rest but like our forefathers before us we harden our hearts and listen to the enemy of our soul because of disobedience it was nothing else more than disobedience to god are we being disobedient today our for our forefathers lost the way of all the generation that came left egypt let us make let us not make that mistake their errors is our learning point of of whatever comes our way let us remember this that god promised us rest in god doesn't break any covenant he never will he's up to us to be obedient in all that god said we should do let us remember this line harden up your heart manny man thank you so much elder dan we'll move to elder in kiwani hey [Music] i'm gonna ask a volunteer to read for me galatians three actually let's start with hebrews four verses eight to eleven hebrews 4 8-11 says for if jesus had given them rest then would he not afterward of spoken of another day there remained it therefore arrested the people of god he that is entered into his rest he also had ceased from his own works as god did from his let us labor therefore to enter into that rest lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief amen thank you so much i apologize i had to take off my video to decrease the noise but i'm still here have bear with me so that it i remember um i read that you know the first time i actually saw this first and tried to like really think on it um i was at work and this um this visitor had come to see someone can you hear me okay yeah okay great visitor had come to see someone and um he was like oh you know you're christian i said yes i'm a dentist and then he said okay well um i'm not a dentist but you know we don't have to keep the sabbath anymore and i was like you know no i disagree with you he said okay i'm gonna get my bible when you have a break come find me anyway so um he actually came and found me and he's he brought me to hebrews 4. and he said you know um see it says right here we don't have to keep the center what do we my question to the class is in this verse what tells us that we so have to keep the seventh day sabbath that's my second question in hebrews 4 verses 8 to 11 what tells us in this verse or what the why doesn't this verse tell us that we're not supposed to keep the sabbath this is straight from the lesson maybe the question isn't clear um all right go ahead elder no the question i don't think is clear yes um so i was trying to decrease the noise bear with me folks i'm multitasking here um well i would say um when we look at this verse it says i'll read from another version so we can understand better god rested in verse 10 after he finished his work so everyone who enters god's place of rest will also have rest from their own work as god did so let us try as hard as we can to enter into god's place of rest we must try hard so that none of us will be lost by following the example of those who refuse to obey god in this verse it's not saying that the sabbath rest is now fulfilled what it's saying is that there there is an end time rest that is coming for us erect from sin in the interim we can rest in god because of what he has done for us and look forward to the end time rest however our sabbath rest still continues a lot of folks will use this verse to say is talking about the sabbath rest no it's talking about the ultimate rest the end time rest which is in um we have as a promise to god so now some may say this promise doesn't apply to us but in galatians 3 26 versus uh galatians 3 verses 26 to 29 it says for you are all sons of god through faith in jesus christ for many of you who are baptized into christ have put on christ there is neither jew nor greek neither slave nor free and the verse continues here we see that when we talk about christ there is no jew nor grief they exist but in christ we're one people so this verse applies to us all and i'll end with this reading instead the text suggests that end time focus on god's special rest has been present since creation and that the celebration of sabbath rest offers a small weekly taste of the end time rest indeed for the jews the sabbath has been understood to be just a small precursor of the world to come the sabbath-like rest that remains for god's people echoing god's rest on the first sabbath in earth early history means that we can cease from our own works and trust in jesus for the fulfillment and that concludes thursday's lesson hey manny man thank you so much ella in kiwani i'm gonna go back to elder mercedes so you can finish your point elder mercedes under mercedes hi sorry about that i was sort of trying to find the mute button yeah so um as i was talking earlier on with regards to uh actually the type and the anti-type that was referred to um between these these the flame lamb and oh and the lamb of god um one of the things we we actually learn has to do with god ensuring that his people uh understand what ever he is bringing forward so again the symbols that will place um in the sanctuary service where the slaughter delam pointed to our savior jesus christ and i just want to throw out a question and my mouse is just giving me a problem here the question that i want to ask is what should this teach us and again as we reflect on every lesson for this week um what should this teach us about why we must rely only on grace and never works um again we saw this symbol the sacrificial lamb that was uh placed in the the the ritual and then we saw that jesus came and died for our sins so that we may have life and have it more abundantly so uh as we reflect on this my question is what should it teach us about why we should rely on grace and never works i think the question was answered about jabari i brought it up but to repeat first of all it took the it took it took help it took the the god himself to sacrifice his life on the cross and we can never repay him for that sacrifice he can never repay him you know and so um and that's why it's taking here that we rely on grace it's just because we are saved by grace nothing else not any work that we can do we can't do anything to save ourselves and so that's what they're referring to here yeah thank you so much aldebarb and and electrophyre for sort of clarifying or going over that definitely god has given us eternal life it's a free gift and there's nothing we can do to earn it jesus has already pre paid the price for our sins and we just need to uh accept that and allow him to continue to work in our lives to transform us into what he would like us to thank you so much elder nurse we'll move to elder emily good morning everyone and happy service you know as i as i look at friday's lesson i am reflecting on at a statement or a thought that was given in our early morning prayer session the facilitator who was sister harris said when god gives us instruction obedience is what brings the blessing and when she made that statement i could not help but note that statement because that statement is a very impactful statement and as i studied the lesson i realized that when we come to god we must come to him in faith we must come to him with a faith that produces obedience and we notice in scripture that abel believed god and what did he do he obeyed as we look at um hebrews 2 and verse 4 it says by faith abel offered unto god a more excellent sacrifice than cain by which sorry by offering a more excellent sacrifice than king by which he uh obtain witness that he was righteous god testifying of his gifts and by it being dead yet speakers you know this is very powerful he offered a more excellent sacrifice than kin we have to realize that the sacrifice was not um because of any goodness of him but it was a sacrifice that was offered in obedience god required alan and abel offered the lamb and this takes us to the lesson because in the lesson i would like to read um the second note in the lesson and it says can you dear youth look forward with joyful hope and expectation to the time when the lord your righteous judge shall confess your name before the father and before the holy angels and he continues he says the very best preparation you can have for christ's second appearing is to rest firmly is is to rest with firm faith in the great salvation brought to us at his first coming and the note ends by saying you must believe in christ as a personal savior we do not have any way around it to have salvation to have the rest that god gives us it is a matter of believing in christ but we cannot believe and just tremble when we believe something has to follow as the bible says the bible says but without faith it is impossible to please god for he that comments to god must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him so brothers and sisters the rest that we're supposed to have in jesus christ it comes by believing and it comes through a belief that produces works that produ produces obedience and i know that the time is running but i want us to look at just maybe one question in the lesson and the question says how can we abide avoid majoring in minor in our christian life and what keeps us focused on the big picture offered in god's word can we attempt to answer that question anyone how can we avoid majoring in minors in our christian life anybody how can we avoid it you know go ahead we avoid majoring in minors when we spend quality time with god sincerely praying daily to him and doing the work that he called us to do and also ensuring that we seek his counsel at every time we have to make a decision um just just staying connected to him and he will guide and lead us as we continue our christian walk with him yeah and i was gonna i would add to that there are certain things in the bible we will not understand and we will not understand until we see jesus face to face and so we have to we have to focus on the main points we know that jesus died in the cross to save us we know that there's nothing that we can do to repay that to pay that cost and and the things that we don't understand put it in his hands and he if he doesn't if we choose not to reveal it to us then we just take him at his word i mean what we understand what we know we follow and you leave those things because i mean certain things they're not salvific and it will not save us so we leave those things alone and we stay on the basis thing that we know he came he died for us and if he accepted as our personal our personal savior and lord we will go to heaven with him amen thank you thank you very much brother bob and as i conclude i need to make a correction i think i said hebrew 4 2 4 it is philippi 11 verse 4 where the bible talks about abel offering a more excellent sacrifice but thank you for your comment one of the thing we things we have to do is we have to focus on god and we have to depend on the guidance of god's holy spirit amen and if we do that we could never grow so may the lord bless us as we endeavor to rest in the lord that we obey his command we depend upon the guidance of his blessed holy spirit and thank you elder we have two minutes to show the mission spotlight so i'm going to go right into it right now i just want to thank everyone for um participating in our lesson study this morning can you see my screen everyone oh yeah yeah yeah we can now [Music] vietnam is one of the most visited countries for tourism in southeast asia it offers so many exciting things for its visitors from the breathtaking vistas of halong bay to promising business opportunities in the city hanoi is the place to be for tourists and locals alike with a population of 9 million living in the city there is only a small number of adventists yet this is an opportunity for the church to reach more people for christ the adventists here constructed a seven-story building as an urban center of influence in hanoi to meet the needs of the local community on our first floor we have a bookstore that is open to the community where people can come in and purchase books that can help them to grow in their walk with the lord we have english language school that we are able to build relationships with individuals we are reaching out to the community by ministering to children that are needing help with their education the church meets here in the building on a regular basis from healthy cooking classes to a running club that meets every sunday morning they have a lot of fun with their community the center's activities have allowed them to build strong partnerships and even friendships with government officials an opportunity has arisen for us to partner with the religious affairs committee of vietnam and we are teaching emails there on in their building the 28 of their staff members all the way from receptionist secretaries to the top of the religious affairs committee through these activities the center's workers and volunteers hope to be a shining example of christ's method of ministry [Music] they want to share and introduce christ's love to everyone without this purpose this building is only a building like any other the center of influence is just that it's a place to provide influence a place that influences the community it's a place that provides space and opportunity for the church to meet and mingle with people to build relationships friendships to build trust and to win their confidence and when the opportunity arises to offer them a relationship with jesus christ with growing demand for their services this ministry is also facing some serious challenges that the challenges are are real it's a city of 9 million people the church here in the hanoi area is small so we don't have a lot of manpower to draw from in working the center of influence here we need volunteers to fulfill the calls that we have out we need volunteers from the local church [Music] to partner with us in the ministry we have calls out for international volunteers to come we have not had a lot of response from that yet and so um we're still needing people to come and do ministry here from abroad despite challenges and setbacks god is still using his workers to bless others some of the students in the center's english class have gotten a glimpse of christ's character through their teachers they are all really patient really really patient that's what i cannot see in some other you know language center or something oh i feel refreshed because the teacher here you know that they is friendly generous and they try to close their student here to see people come to the language classes and then they they start coming to church and you know that god is at work he is doing things god can work miracles so we're looking forward to seeing what he has in store for us please pray for this urban center of influence in vietnam pray so that the lord of the harvest will open hearts and send more laborers to this place if you feel impressed to serve visit to browse open calls from around the world please support projects like this through global mission [Music] amen church beautiful praise the lord we are past our time at this time i just want to thank our elders who um facilitated the sabbath school lesson study this morning and for all others who are online with us we thank you so much for coming and please join us again next week saba god's willing this time i'm going to ask um someone to close out if you're impressed please go ahead and do something father in heaven give your thanks this morning that you allow us another day to dive into your words lord to see how great you are and to see how merciful you are you promise us law that you will take us into rest lord but first our faith have to be strong we must believe lord in you because without faith in you our lives are nothing so this morning bless us lord to renew our faith keep us on the right path this morning lord and this your holy sabbath day lord i ask your blessing upon every individual here this morning lord online and in the world today in jesus name i pray amen amen thank you so much elder dawn have a blessed sabbath everyone all right god oh [Music] one day [Music] [Music] no no more sickness [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] see [Music] glory glory [Music] glory [Music] when we [Music] rejoicing that will be [Music] see jesus [Music] we will sing [Music] the torrey [Music] [Music] [Music] okay yesterday we had rehearsal but now we can sing it for real come on help us sing this song here we go the lord is my shepherd everybody the lord is my shadow he goes before me he [Music] [Music] thank you jesus my cup's [Music] jesus [Music] people of god sing hallelujah [Music] he's my comfort [Applause] somebody just shout jesus right there he always guides me he always [Music] his joy is refreshing this joy is refreshed it restores my soul storms [Music] say this with confidence mercy [Music] [Music] face to face [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody say your spirit your spirit lives [Music] my victory thank you jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] hey is [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] he's my comfort he's mine [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] one more time hallelujah [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] happy sabbath happy sabbath meadowvale those who are joining from home those who are here with us thank you so much for joining us in worship we are so blessed to be able to be back in church our church looks so beautiful and we are thankful um this is meadowvale 70 adventist church my name is lanice knight and i am a part of this church for at least 14 years and this is my home i am truly blessed to have such a great church family our pastor pastor asha dane duncan he's not here this morning but we um he's here in spirit he told me he has to preach somewhere else pastor ivani henry is here with us we're truly blessed to have her always dedicated and here to serve us and we also have our pastor or preacher here this morning i will introduce him later we will start with prayer and then opening him we'll go to our children's corner and then we'll continue let us stand for prayer great loving and eternal father we thank you so much for bringing us here this morning what a blessing it is to come into your house and worship father we ask that you will forgive us of our sins and our unrighteousness father and i pray father that you will just refresh us dear god and baptize us in your holy spirit father i pray for the preacher who is here to serve us lord i pray that you will anoint him and prepare him father i thank you for each family that is represented here those who are represented whether on youtube or facebook father we thank you for them we pray that they will be blessed as if they were here with us in person father we thank you for all that you have done for us throughout this week and we thank you for the sabbath where we can rest their god and we pray for those who are sick that you will continue to be with them and continue to heal father god and we pray for all the families their god who are not able to join us anywhere father because whether they don't have the resources father we pray that you allow your angels to encamp around them dear god and so father as we worship you today help us to worship you in spirit and in truth in jesus name we pray amen you may be seated and i'll ask you guys to sing with me five to four tis so sweet to trust in jesus tears so sweet to trust in jesus just to take him at his word just to rest upon his promise just to know the said the lord jesus how i trust them how i prove they're more and or jesus jesus precious jesus oh for grace to trust him more [Music] oh how sweet to trust in jesus just to trust his cleansing blood just insanely faith plunge me neither he link cleansing blood jesus jesus how i trust them how i prove they're more and or [Music] jesus jesus precious jesus oh for grace to trust him more [Music] i'm so glad i learned to trust the precious jesus save your friend and i know that thou art with me will be with me till the end jesus jesus how i trust him how [Music] jesus oh for grace to trust him more [Music] amen and now we'll go to our children's corner is holy she is nine years old and she heard about jesus at a seventh-day adventist boarding school in southern india perry as teachers and friends call her already loves reading psalms 23 her favorite bible passage the lord is my shepherd i shall not want though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for you are with me perry has been walking through her own valley of the shadow of death her father a truck driver was killed in an accident when she was one and a half years old a while later her mother abandoned her leaving perry in the care of her grandfather after the truck crash killed perry's father her grandfather searched for answers and her aunt told him about jesus she was an adventist and she told him that jesus always hears our prayers the grandfather who lives in a small hut is 82 years old and has poor eyesight he also has little money to support his granddaughter at the aunt's recommendation he agreed to send perry to study in the fourth grade at the james memorial higher secondary school while perry gets a christian education her relatives are helping pay for tuition and other fees perry smiles brightly when she thinks about studying here she likes living in the girls dormitory although it is an old rundown building 100 girls can fit but they still need more room this school needs a new dorm so that more girls can come here to study so the children and faculty are praying for a new and bigger girls dorm during her time here perry has seen several students get baptized and she tells her grandfather about the baptisms and her new love for jesus when she visits during vacations she knows that jesus hears her prayers for her grandfather and he can answer them perry loves reciting her favorite psalm from memory in the tamil language [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] happy sabbath church so wonderful to be back in the house of the lord today on this blessed sabbath day we have many people here today so we want to praise the lord with you those who are watching at home on the different forums we want to praise god with you today amen church amen it is a privilege to be alive this morning one that we do not take for granted and so we are truly grateful and thankful that you all are here with us to worship the lord pastor duncan as sister lenny said earlier could not be here with us and we're asking you to keep him in your prayers as a minister in the different parts of god's vineyard at this time i'm going to invite you to stand with me as we go into our intercessory prayer please stand those who are here with us and those who are at home please take the position of praying to a holy and a righteous god let's pray together most gracious righteous heavenly father it is indeed a privileged lord one that you have given us today to be alive and to be in your house and those who are at home and we do not take this for granted and so father as we come we praise your holy and righteous name you are the king of kings and the lord of lords the one who made heaven and earth and the one who made us and so father we praise you we thank you we also recognize lord that we are sinners in need of your grace and mercy lord search your hearts even now and see where we have failed you throughout the week and even before and lord we're asking you to forgive us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness we know lord that when you cleanse your people we are cleansed indeed and that is something we will never take for granted in a special way lord i lift up our speaker pastor donaldson lord at this time that you will use him in a mighty way that you will empower him with your holy spirit he has spoken in this church before and you've used him mightily and lord we know you will do so again i ask lord that you encircling with your righteous angels from heaven as he speaks to us and lord may you speak through him help us to hear the message in these last days lord we need a word from you and you have given him a word so help us to hear the warnings father and to stay connected to you knowing that you're coming is even at the door we thank you for his beautiful wife who is here with him we pray father that you'll continue to bless her bless our ministry and as you hold up his hands lord i pray that you will indeed bless her and her family father god we want to thank you for pastor duncan the pastor of this church the work that he is doing in this part of the vineyard lord we praise you and thank you for his ministry we ask father that you'll be with his wife sister elisha and the children at this time continue lord to watch over them and use them in a mighty way father so that your work can go forward with power lord we pray for our youths and our children only you know lord what they're going through they just started back to school i pray for your divine protection upon them lord that they will find favor in the eyes of their teachers and professors lord and that the parents will raise up the little ones to know you may they grow in the fear and in the admonition of the lord lord we thank you for sister buchanan who is with us today we haven't seen her in a while and all the other shuttings lord we lift up before you this morning we ask your blessing upon them lord and those who are sick we ask for your healing hands to touch lord we know your coming is soon and we're asking you jesus to help us to not just be ready but to stay ready bless us all guide and protect us and help us lord to share the gospel message to those of our families and those whom we come in contact with so they too father can have the same hope that we have but what a day what a day that will be when our jesus we will see that's the hope that we have today so lord keep us holding on keep us looking up and keep us totally surrendered to you today is my prayer in jesus holy name amen [Music] [Music] [Music] under [Music] his wings they're my souls [Music] even through the storm i can trust him here [Music] i find strength [Music] safely on my [Music] oh [Music] rise [Music] i can [Music] trust me [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] safely foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] please [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wheels [Music] [Applause] hey is [Music] oh [Applause] hey [Applause] bye [Music] each shall cry [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] hide me under his wings amen under his wings i am safe he that's the lord shall hide me under his wings and because i know he shall hide me under his wings i'm reminding of the song that says i give myself away so he can use me how many of us want to just give ourselves totally over to god sometimes i know it's hard because sometimes our carnal mind and our our selfish thoughts tell us that we can do it on our own we get a couple of wins and when we get those winds we're like oh we got this and we're reminded that god is in control as he always is so let's give ourselves to god so he can use us i give myself away i give myself away so you can use me i give myself away oh lord i give myself away so you can you use me see here i am here i stand lord my life is in your hands all my dreams all my plans [Music] see lord i place them in your hands i give myself away oh oh i give myself away so you can't use me i give myself away oh lord i give myself away so you can use me take my heart take my life [Music] as i live sacrifice see lord i'm longing to see your desire you're revealed in me you can help me sing this say i give myself away [Music] we gotta believe it this morning oh lord i give myself away so you can't use me i give myself away oh lord i give myself away so you can't use for me i like this fight it says my life is not my own to you i belong i give myself i give myself to you oh my life is not my oh to you i belong i give myself i give myself to you if you could just help me sing that one more time oh my life is not my own to you lord i belong i give myself i give myself to you [Music] oh my life is not my own to you i belong i give myself i give myself to you i give myself away oh lord i give myself away so you can't use me i give myself away lord i do i give myself away so you [Music] can't use me the song says i surrender to you see everything i give to you unlike this party says withholding nothing withholding nothing lord all that i have withholding nothing i give it all to you with holding nothing i i i saw a rander all to you [Music] everything i give to you help me say withholding nothing [Music] withholding nothing yeah yeah withholding nothing yeah no holding nothing say i surrender all to you i surrender all to you every everything [Music] i give to you say i surrender all to you cause everything i give to you [Music] withholding nothing [Music] withholding nothing withholding nothing [Music] withholding nothing all that i have i give to you withholding nothing everything i have lord holding nothing i'm a broken child withholding nothing i give you my heart lord withholding nothing see i surrender all to you [Music] everything i give to you [Music] [Laughter] withholding nothing [Music] withholding nothing withholding nothing withhold nothing [Music] hallelujah [Music] uh [Music] amen amen thank you so much dale for blessing us thank you brother melvin for coming back and serving us and so happy to see all of you i know um sophia and lauren is always here we have venesia who wanted to come to church for so long but now she's here praise god and we have our edwards family our emily family sister dowers and i don't remember your name but we're so happy to have everyone here sister anne i always see you when i go from my walks but here we're back in church together it's such a blessing to be here i have people messaging me saying you're so blessed to be able to still go to church and we are blessed and so we give god praise for having us here today to freely worship we have a pastor here who is serving us today our own pastor ashur day and duncan is not here today but he called me last night and he's like everything will be good pastor kevin donaldson will be here to serve us and for sure he's here today with his beautiful wife desiree she's so warm and approaching when her husband was giving me a little trouble she was like stop it just be nice you know so we are happy you're here serving with your husband their son shane is not here with them today he's in new york serving and pastor kevin donaldson is not new here i'm sure everyone saw him before he preached here before and he's back again to serve us he also serves in the hamilton east church and the gta zimbabwe church and so today he decided that he will come and serve the meadowvale 70 adventist church and today he has a sermon for us a sermon from god and we are excited we are happy to have a sermon today for us and he will be focusing on amos 9 verse 9. if you have your bible you can read with me and it says for i will give you the command and i will shake the people of israel among all the nations as grain is shaken in a sieve and not and so we are ready to be filled i hope you have your notebook and your pen so that you can share with someone else what you learned today and so we expect you to be ready open up your ears and whether you're watching online be attentive ask everyone not to distract you and you still have time to invite someone to join us on facebook on youtube just send them the link and share so that they can be blessed and so pastor donaldson you are welcome here and we're ready for the food you have that god has given you amen thank you very much and i say happy sabbath to everyone i was saying before the mic came on that it is a joy to be here are there some churches that you go to and when you get there you feel a little bit awkward because it's your first time and then you have churches where you go and you feel like you have come home and this is one of the churches that i come to and i feel like i have come home having spent some time here in the past with your one of your previous pastors and of course with your first elder but i say happy cyber to everyone and join in welcoming you as i always say it's always good to be in the house of god but i always say it's even more important to know that we are in the presence of a holy god what do you say and so this morning that's the joy and the pleasure and the benefit that we have to be in the house of lord and in the presence of our holy god i take the opportunity to express my appreciation to your pastor pastor oshidayan duncan a friend of mine for allowing me the opportunity to share with you when to do so in his absence quite often you have to think twice before you allow someone to speak to your congregation when you are not present because these are some strange times what do you say and so we want to thank him for that thank your first elder who is a very very good friend of mine a colleague a classmate and a family friend we go back way back and it is always good i would also like to recognize all of you some of your names i remember i remember brother emily and quite a few but instead of getting myself in trouble i will just say hello to everyone and of course uh thank you for your word of introduction i think you mentioned the name dale for the minister of music did i get it right did he say dale uh what a wonderful voice what a wonderful blessing that we have received from his ministry of music may god continue to bless you as you minister through music on his behalf this morning or this afternoon rather i will take a few minutes of your time to share a word and it is my hope which is my prayer that that word will resonate with all of us and that it will be something that motivates and galvanize and provides us with impetus as we face the final days of earth's history which are clearly upon us if you would agree and so i'm just going to ask you at this particular time just to bow your heads with me as we pray father god you will speak cause us to hear tend to the dropping of your words we pray in jesus name amen and amen and so i want to remind you of what you already know i want to remind you of what you already know which is the fact that when it comes to prophecies when it comes to prophecies there are a number of prophecies contained in scripture that are two-phased they are two-faced meaning they carry a den and a future application two-phase carry a den and a future application for example daniel's prophecy in chapter 12 and verse 1 concerning the time of the time of trouble is also a two-phased prophecy the first part being partially fulfilled centuries ago when the king of the north spoken of in uh chapter 11 verse 40 of chapter 11 the king of the north uh the remnant that is of the uh of whose kingdom the ottoman empire that is finally fell in 1922 that would be the first part of the fulfillment of daniel's prophecy uh when it relates to daniel chapter 12 and verse one two phase one part already fulfilled and the other part as we will find out later on yet to be fulfilled and so is referred specifically to the ottoman empire spoken of in chapter 11 and verse 40 and that empire finally fell in 1922 and it is important to know why it fell because that empire was symbolic of a false system of worship a false system of worship which somewhat symbolizing one that exists today you're asking me what it is i'm talking about i will tell you in clear tones what i'm talking about i'm talking about a false system of worship that uh exists today and which was instituted by the roman catholic church in direct fulfillment of isaiah chapter 14 verses 12 to 14 where the old serpent the old devil satan having been expelled from heaven declared that he would seek to be like god and have the people of of the earth worship in a manner and a time contrary to that which god established at creation did anybody miss what i said i said the daniel's prophecy concerning the time of the end in daniel chapter 12 and verse 1 was a two and is a two faith prophecy the first phase being fulfilled uh finally in 1922 symbolizing as it were the ottoman empire symbolizing a false system of worship that exists today which is the roman instituted by the roman catholic church and it all came about simply because of what we read in isaiah chapter 14 verses 12 through 14 where the old serpent the devil having been expelled from heaven declared to god in a conversation that i want to be like you i want to be like you and so he's behind this system a false worship existing today contrary to what god established at creation another another two-phase prophecy that i will quickly reference is that again of daniel concerning the kingdoms of babylon media persia and greece all these empires once ruled the world and were eventually toppled in successive order as prophesied by daniel with a future aspect or part of that prophecy yet to be fulfilled that part being the destruction of the anti-christ coalition the anti-christ coalition which is basically the ten toes of the image of nebuchadnezzar are the ten toes of the image nebuchadnezzar saw in his dream which is yet to come together to fight against the kingdom of god and which according to daniel chapter 2 and verse 44 will be toppled as babylon media persia greece were and ultimately ushering in the second coming of jesus and setting up his everlasting kingdom in case you missed that i will go over it again because what i just said is that there is a second two-phase prophecy of daniel and in that two-phase prophecy that was the one concerning the golden image statue that nebuchadnezzar saw in his vision and it represented babylon media persia and greece and they came as were prophesied ruled as were prophesied and were toppled as a prophesied but he said there would still be a part of the prophecy to be fulfilled and it was symbolized in the foot or the the the toes of the the image which was supposed to be iron and clay which we are waiting for they are coming together of a coalition known as the antichrist coalition to challenge the people of god one final time but i'll still reference one more two-phase prophecy and that was so eloquently read by our sister it is that of amos in amos chapter 9 and verse 9. but i will come back to that later nevertheless nevertheless beloved friends on our way on our way to amos 9 and verse 9 i will invite you to stop with me for a season at our supplementary texts or supplementary second thessalonians chapter 2 verses 1 two three that is because in ii thessalonians chapter two verses one two three we find a prophecy which was first prophesied by daniel in chapter seven and verse 25 27 of his book then further validated by jesus in matthew 24 10-13 and now being tapped into by the apostle paul in ii thessalonians chapter 2 verses 1 2 3. let us therefore let's walk through these pages and connect the thoughts of daniel jesus and paul in order to proceed to the rest of this message staff that can't polaris support through verse nine giving and under the title from all over the world time and it was just from the heart of all of you out there daniel in his two phase prophecy of daniel 7 25 to 27 if you can go with me daniel chapter 7 verses 25 to 27. daniel in this two-phase prophecy says and he shall speak great words against the most high and shall wear out the saints of the most high i want you to meet to me and the thing to change by himself and they shall be given into his hand and time and dividing religion at all at first but the judgment and they shall take away his dominion to conquer and to destroy it until the end verse 27 and the kingdom and dominion and the greatness of the kingdom under the heaven the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the saints of the most high whose kingdom this is an everlasting kingdom and all the minions shall destroy us and obey him acted as a trigger it inspired my curiosity and it made me want to study and to understand more about this god since i was a child i always had the desire to read the bible daniel daniel in daniel chapter 7 25 to 27 says he says that there will be a power that will challenge the truth and authority of god's words and oppress the commandment keeping people of god that's what we just read in short he says there'll be a power that will challenge the authority and the truth of god's words and oppress the commandment keeping people of god but jesus tapped into that it is matthew chapter 24 verses one two three where we find jesus tapping into that matthew chapter 24 matthew chapter 24 versus 1 i think it's 10 to 13 i'm looking for yes should be 10 to 13. do we have it on the screen not yet matthew chapter 24. she should be about 10 to 13. so let me get it up while it's coming up not yet matthew 24 10 to 13. here we are we find jesus tapping into this particular prophecy of daniel daniel chapter 7 25 to 27 there will be a power that will challenge the authority and the truth of god's word and oppress the people of god jesus taps into it matthew chapter 24 verses 10 to 13. here's jesus commenting on that in a different context and then shall many be offended they would tell the truth because they shall betray but not comfortable was that they had the truth from the bible but many and i continued my search through a foreign endure one day i bought a computer and they say [Music] i felt that god was telling me look you're searching for the right church i'm going to help you get there i'm going to help you through your first steps while browsing the internet i began to find people who taught the bible some did not speak according to what the bible says but one day i found a man that taught things as i saw them this teacher's name is alejandra so that night i listened to him until three in the morning and i had to go to work at eight shall be saved but what jesus says oh by the way there are people at that time there are many will be offended they say oh and and beyond that many will betray one another daniel says will be a time of trouble daniel 12 verse 1 such as never was can i tell you that the church is not exempt from any of that the church is not exempt jesus and many shall offend be offended and shall betray one another but let me let me let me just take you back to our supplementary text and how paul taps into this as well i said it was ii thessalonians chapter 2 1-3 second thessalonians chapter 2 1-3 in this verse are verses of scripture second thessalonians chapter 2 1-3 paul taps into what daniel prophesied he taps into jesus's thoughts pertaining to that particular experience which is to come and here is what paul says now as he taps into it second thessalonians chapter 2 beginning in verse 1. now we beseech you bridging by the coming of our lord jesus christ and by our gathering together unto him in front of my apartment that he be not soon shaken or be troubled neither by spirit where he lived nobody i got the address let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition let me explain to you what was happening to the church at thessalonica why paul penned these words paul had raised up the church in thessalonica and had moved on to another location but after he left there were those in the church who began to teach contrary to the truth of god's words and the folks in the church at thessalonica became confused many began to become discouraged started losing faith paul saw the need to write and to say to them don't be shaken in mind or in spirit let no one deceive you because there's a particular event that will occur and this must occur before christ comes so don't let anybody tell you uh you know contrary to that in fact they were even writing letters pretending it came from paul that's how much they wanted to convince the folks that they were forging paul's signature sending letter and purporting that it was coming from paul to create problems in the church paul had to write and address that but why is that important why is that important 2021 how different it is how different it is paul saw the need to write and encourage the virgin at thessalonica then similar to how we need to be encouraged today as a result of what's happening in the world resulting in many individuals including church going individuals many christians and many who have long professed to be seven day adventist christians seemingly losing hope today i'm going to tell you something i'm going to do something give me some time but here's what i find interesting beloved friends here's what i find interesting i find it interesting that almost every christian whatever your denomination is whatever your whatever faith affiliation you subscribe to i find that almost every christian knows the parable concerning the ten virgins five of whom were wise and five of whom were foolish given by jesus every christian i think knows that problem it's like the abc of parables everybody knows it the foolish the foolish hear me i'm talking 2021 now i'm not talking about the church at thessalonica i'm talking about the church here at montevideo i'm talking about my church in hamilton and my church in burlington and our churches in the conference and around the world i'm talking about seven day adventist christian more than anybody else watch watch what i'm seeing i'm seeing a similarity as it relates to that parable of jesus pertaining to the ten virgins five of whites five were foolish i'm seeing a similarity why did jesus say five were wise what qualified them what criterias they meant to be to be considered wise what criteria did they meet i tell you what it was they were being guided by the holy spirit they were able to discern the times and more importantly the fact that in as much as they knew not the time that the bridegroom would come they knew the importance of being ready and ensuring that there was sufficient oil in their lamps meaning the holy spirit's guidance as well as a reliance trust and faith in the word of god that's what made them wise that's what made them wise the five that were foolish was to the contrary or the converse if you want to put it away regin hear me i declare to us today that not only are we as i said before like the thessalonicans need to be encouraged as they were by the apostle paul but similarly the essence of jesus's parable relative to the 10 virgin is now on full display in this last in the last days of the church's history considering that many hear me hear me hear me many many professed christians are losing faith including seven day adventists at a time when their faith should be encouraged by the signs we see all around us and when they should be doubling down on their faith and rejoicing rejoicing at the prospect of jesus is soon coming considering that everything around us is telling us that we are nearing home ain't no time to be discouraged in no time to be losing faith signs are telling us that we are nearing home we should be rejoicing for those of us who are migrants immigrants when you are going back to your country and when you see the landscape coming to view and the mountains come into view you get a feeling of excitement you say i know in a few minutes the plane will be touching down when they when the pilot says our flight attendant prepare for landing you feel as if the four-hour stress on your body is gone anybody know what i'm talking about because you see the landscape coming to view you see the mountains and you begin to see the houses scattered all about and you're saying oh i'm almost there a feeling of excitement and enthusiasm come over you but we're seeing signs that we're in earth's last days and people are losing hope when you should be excited and rejoicing that you're nearing home i don't get it friends i'm going to tell you something that you would have heard before and i'm going to repeat it for emphasis covered 19. what's going on kovid 19 what is this what is this about confusion in europe confusion in north america confusion and continents of africa confusion everywhere asia everybody's confused everybody asking what's going on i'll tell you what's going on i'm going to tell you what's going on before i tell you what's going on let me say to you that there is a flip side to everything there's a flip side kovi 19 yeah there's a flip side and with kovic 19 there's no difference but i want my seventh adventist virgin brothers and sisters to hear me clearly on this point those who are losing faith hear me and hear me well flipside covers 19 has been a blessing a blessing to many people oh yes zoom folks all those people who had shares in zoom became instant millionaires youtube and all the other virtual platform oh they're rich beyond measure now in fact there are people who are earning minimum wage who are allowed to stay home and get more money staying home doing nothing then if they have to go to work a blessing to many some wishes will continue because it's good for them but you the flip side in fact before i get to the flip side let me bring the church into kovic 19 can the church benefited too oh the church of pastor how did the church benefit will they tell you that many people now are hearing the word of god people who are were not able to come to church now can come to church online hello i have more people attending prayer meeting now than before kovid because they could stay in their home and attend for everything the church has benefited for that in fact i have benefited well how am i i'm because i could stare and preach with you all day everybody's in their home nobody will get tired they just go to the fridge take a drink and come back so i could preach for three hours nobody has to be looking at their watch as a pastor i gotta go so i benefit i could preach as long as i want even me benefit but you have a flip side to call with a flip side there's a flip side friends here's the flip side the flip side takes us to my third or my foundational sermonic texts amos 9 and verse 9. if you can put it on the screen for me i would appreciate that flip side because amos in amos chapter 9 and verse 9 specifically about this time it's on your screen it is about this time 2021 this prophecy is about this time folks time of the end is what amos prophesied about in this verse just before the coming the second coming of jesus and he prophesied this prophecy concerning those who profess to be of israel saying lo i will command and sift the house of israel among all nations like as corn inner is sifted in a civil yet shall not the least grain fall upon you kobe 19 you know there's a spiritual side to it and it's split in two parts hear me and hear me well on kovid because covet 19 is linked to amos 9 and verse 9. you know there are some people you'll never see them back in the church they're gone they are gone all over the place some have left the adventist church saying that the church is not preaching enough prophecy some have gone looking for exciting church programs and entertainment they're gone they're gone well what is that about amos 9 and verse 9. god said i'm going to sift them out i'm going to shake this thing up but he says the real folks the corn will remain by the way thank you then jesus says said other sheep i have which are not of this fool them also will i bring so this shifting brother emily is to make space to make space for those who he wants to bring because there are some people out there in darkness and as soon as the light reached them they're in john prophesied about it john pepper said about it i think it is in revelation chapter 19 and verse 1 where he says i i saw an angel come down another angel came from heaven having one foot upon the sea and one foot upon the waters upon the earth and the old earth was enlightened with his glory can i talk to you about what's happening it's a flip side kovid the devil thought he was going to be able to shut down the church and he was going to cause division in fact there is division in the church right now because if you are vaccinated and i am not vaccinated you have an issue with me in the church we understand the world we understand the world he has long had the world divided but not the church where brothers are pitted against brothers and sisters over vaccination he wants to divide the church it was one third of the angel that he brought down to him he went there in heaven he was there we know what he did and he caused a division [Music] he wanted to use it to destroy the church all the dirt the doors are closed no they can't keep church anymore by the way i want you to know that in a very short while the church will come again under sharp focus by the powers that be because you're going to have to have your vaccination to come to church it's on the steps of the church it's on the steps of the church when they say a ceremony is waiting ceremonial i'm not saying everyone is happening in church so if i'm getting married and i want to have my ceremony here well if i'm going to accomplish the sermon when they say i must be vaccinated well i'm already in the church because i'm doing my ceremony in the church so they are actually already putting a hand in there just going to just broaden it a little bit in fact somebody told me that in manitoba it is now mandatory that church gathering folks must be vaccinated so it's coming division in the church over vaccination the devil work but joseph said to his brothers he said you meant it for evil and god meant it's a good so i'm gonna use this cody thing and just do some sifting some you know shake it up a bit see what falls through and what remains because i'll give you another text to prove that in a minute said i'm gonna shake this thing up because guess what jesus says is coming for a church without spot or wrinkle i'm gonna clean this thing up i'm gonna clean it up almost nine and first time i'll clean this thing up we did it before when did he do it 40 years it took him well he didn't need 40 but it lasted 40 because when israel left egypt a mixed multitude came out some israelites are married to some heathen and he allowed them to wander in the wilderness two generations after generation died off and by the time they got to the promised land it was israel and the commandments were restored and they were back where they should be i'll be temporarily he shook it up then clean it up what left egypt one point something million clean it up and allow israel to go into canaan he said i'm gonna shake this thing up because jesus is coming and he's coming for a church without spot or wrinkle you only make sure when the shaking happens you're sitting in the bottom of the street and i receive you don't come out because this is the church this is the church of god the seventh-day adventist church is the true church of god saying it somebody's running brother come come listen to this see this hear this don't go but don't let them take you with them don't let them take you with them well let me just do this i'm mindful of the time i started after 12 i have another presentation at 3 but i just want to preach this thing with clarity and as much as god allowed kobe 19 to affect and infect the earth and as much as god allowed covet 19 to force the church to go virtual whereby many across the world we're not attending service and hearing the gospel are now able to want you to hear me and this my friends want you to hear me in this and hear me well that the enemy of god's church and people is also using kobe to deceive many many who because of insufficient oil in their lamps many who lack discernment many who have now lost and are losing faith are now being sifted out as promised by god and prophesied by amos that's what's happening in front of us it's happening right now we have to be able to discern the times discern the times folks and this is just the beginning of what is to come just the beginning jesus said many will be offended and shall betray you oh we're going to see some of that we won't see some of that we're going to see some of that it is the same apostle paul who in writing to the church in testosteronic second thessalonians chapter 2 1-12 and he encouraged him saying as i encourage you today beseech you virgin by the coming of our lord and savior jesus christ and by your gathering together unto him that he be not soon shaken in mind don't be shaken don't be shaken he says don't be shaken in mind can you put it on the screen for me again second thessalonians chapter 2 verses 1 to 3. he says don't be shaken verse 2 don't be shaken in in mind or in spirit yes yes don't be troubled you look through the wind and you see what's happening you listen to the radio you see you hear what's happening you see it on tv you hear from your neighbors and your friends and your church men but we know what's happening but don't be shaken don't be shaken just know that the time of trouble prophesied by daniel in chapter 12 and verse 1 is at hand don't be troubled because a wrap top wrapped up in that he's a mighty word because the bible daniel said and at that time shall michael stand up you don't have to worry what's gonna happen just stay in the lord stay in the lord he has a thousand ways of doing one thing stay in it and stand back and watch the salvation of god battling ours the battle he always let god handle it let god handle it still out of it and just be faithful to god just be faithful yeah so he says don't be shaken don't be shaken in mind and be troubled neither by spirit now by word just be faithful friends at the result of kovitz 19 and how it has impacted the church there are many like i said before we will not see back in church and many more who are simply being sifted out and covered 19 beloved is revealing to us that there are many who are never and are not a part of israel and as much and as such must be shifted oh you didn't know that there are many who've been coming who are never really a part of israel el paso could you say such a thing pastor you dare say such a thing oh you're judging people pastor no i'm not judging people i'm not but i go with the word i go with the word because paul said it paul said it and i'm going to tell you where to find it paul says all of israel is not israel i think it is romans chapter 9. turn with me as i try to find that verse i know i had it somewhere here romans chapter 9 and verse 6. pastor kovid 19 is revealing that there are people who are never really a part of israel oh yes that's why the shifting god said was going to sift them out and in romans chapter 9 and verse 6 please bring it up on the screen here paul it says not as though the word of god had taken non-effect oh it's not that the word that they've been hearing didn't take any effect they heard it they've been hearing it but guess what they were never really apart for they are not all israel which are of israel sometimes you wonder you preach you see some things and you hear some things and you see it in the church are you wondering where is this coming from just coming from the brother did this coming from the sister well listen it's just a symptom it's just a symptom of your sickness can i tell you the truth and and god said i'm gonna shake this thing up and sift them out and pause it because they really were not a part of they really were not a part of let me try to close this let me try to close this paul romans he wrote to the church at thessalonica sister emily he said don't be shaken no mistaken but the good thing about paul writing to the church at thessalonica then is that through the ears it has been preserved for writing to us today how do i know because in romans chapter 15 and verse 4 he says understand that all things that were afool written were written for what for our learning for our learning it will stand the test of time as the church at thessalonica benefited then it stands the test of time for us to benefit don't be shaken just understand discern just just be in the five the five wise the spirit was guiding them they had discernment they were leaning and trusting and acknowledging in all their ways none of the five lent are leaned on their own understanding none of them none of them let me close now let me close now let me close now i'm all close on a note that we must never miss because we have come to a place and a time in the world and more so in the church where amos 9 and verse 9 is in full force and as such i said to you today that this is not the time to be running east west northern salt this is not a time to be joining fringe groups and bashing the remnant commandment keeping people of god this is not the time to be separating yourself from the people of god this is not the time to be looking for exciting church programs this is not the time to be looking to be entertained in church this is not the time to be discouraging others from coming to church and supporting the cause of god but instead this is a time to ensure that you are putting enough oil in your lamps this is the time to ensure that your anchor firmly is firmly held on christ the solid rock this is a time to be putting all our efforts into presenting the gospel of salvation to those in darkness all because signs are telling us that we are almost there i'll give you one more i'll give you one more is it on i'll give you one more and i'm done amos nine and verse nine i'm gonna shift this thing up i'm gonna shake this thing up all of israel isn't israel i'm gonna shake it up the prophet says we'll shake it up eleven more save them most of them but even as god is sifting the evil one is trying to sift too hello so we have i think it's luke chapter 22 23 to 25 see if you find it for me so here is jesus i'm wrapping it up now i'm not going back up there so here is jesus ella here's jesus and he's looking at calvary he could see he could see it he could see it he could see it he knows it's going to happen in a few days time he knows and right beside jesus stands peter jesus what's happening oh you remember all i was preaching but the son of man must be crucified and placed in the earth and three days we'll be raised again and this is uh i haven't come here to be a king on earth and remember what i'm teaching the time is at hand remember when i told you that whatever they'll do is do quickly yes yes yes it's now what do you mean what do you mean oh they're gonna kill me man jesus to peter or they're going to kill me yeah you're crazy kill what not while i'm standing here that's why i'm standing here i will die for you jesus just oh simon simon did you find the text for me allah i think it's luke 22 or 23 somebody about please if i could find it on the screen it will take me home jesus says peter said what while i am here kill you jesus you have to kill me first and jesus oh simon simon simon peter he never desired to sift you like a wheat he never desires to sip you like a wheat and he got him eh he got him because a young lady looked at him and said well you were with jesus and peter became a jamaican he said i don't know the man i don't know the man but he used some words that made his sense and much longer jesus didn't jesus say the devil desire to sift you like a weed you could find it man in this damn it you should find that text quickly my av guys help me put it on the screen so that my viewers can see it standing there beside jesus he says kill you you have to kill me first and just say oh peter the heart is willing but the flesh is weak the oldest ever want to see view and it never sifted him when the crew the third time peter realized he got me he got me folks would ever want to see you he wants to sift you but emily if it's 30 years or 40 years you've been in the church oh he hasn't given up on you yet he hasn't given up on you yet he wants you no matter how many years you've been here he still said we can get him but i want to say something to you is my singer's still here is he going to do the song for me somebody else will but folks here's what i say to you a lot is happening now confusion fear worry anxiety all of these things are facing the people of god but the signs say we are almost there we hear the words to jesus of jesus as i close paul says don't be shaken in mind or spirit don't be troubled and jesus says when you see these things look up for your redemption joy nigh stay in the ship it won't be long god bless you [Music] watchmen blow the gospel trump paid every solar warning whosoever hears repent and turn and live blew the trumpet trusty watchman [Music] every captain may be free sound it louder every hilltop glow me shade and sunny [Music] full salvation [Music] every captain may be free [Music] so detained details all things are ready [Music] blowing [Music] every captain may be [Music] very longing to be free [Music] commissions every captain may be free president donaldson thank you so much for allowing the holy spirit to use you we need to hear these messages today we are living in the end of time amen and i can surely say that i am truly blessed please do come again pastor going to invite us now to stand as we pray to close out let us pray most gracious righteous heavenly father lord we thank you we thank you so much oh god for the message and the messenger your servant pastor donaldson and we thank you for his lovely wife being here with him to support him and to encourage him lord in the ministry father what a word our hearts burn within us as i listen lord and as we all listen at home and hear because we know lord that what was said is true the shaking lord and so lord we're asking you father to keep us faithful keep us looking up keep us staying in your words every day reading and praying and reaching out to others so they too can have the hope that we have some of us lord have family members that need to come help us to reach out to them and and explain the prophecies with them lord so they can make the decision to give their lives completely to you father again we bless you we bless you father and we thank you so much for the message in jesus name we pray amen amen [Music] all right guys [Music] oh [Music] one day he will [Music] no more heartless no more sickness [Music] no more [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] he is coming soon [Music] r glories [Music] [Music] soon [Music] [Music] rejoicing that will be [Music] where we are see jesus [Music] we will sing shall the torrey [Music] [Music] [Music] remember to keep [Music] that our lord commands us to seize me
Channel: Meadowvale SDA Mississauga
Views: 137
Rating: 4.4285712 out of 5
Id: KDhW48UKB5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 47sec (8567 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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