Bible Class || St. John's District of SDA Churches || Sabbath September 11, 2021

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use for any member to hop off the bible class because you know it is not at your local church this is a district program same pastors and the same elders will be participating so we have met at our ls council and we thought that it would be necessary at this time initially we were looking at our new converts newly baptized but there is evidence that many of our members need to refresh ourselves on these doctrinal issues so and um the bible makes it clear that we need to be united on doctrine so we are going to ask that you spread the word and that you join us each sabbath afternoon at 4 pm on the same zoom platform as we come together for our bible study in the this we believe series so thank you again for uh starting with this inspiration pastor richards and the thanks everyone for joining i know that some of the persons because we sent out four would be just coming on now and so in another few minutes or so we would expect that our numbers would still go up somewhat so just call up someone and let them know that we have started we have started on time and that we are expecting members from bendon members from time america's members from saint john's to be on this platform for our bible studies at this time immediately after our bible studies today um we will be staying on this platform for a y at least for this sabbath afternoon um the aois they're in discussion as to whether or not we will just have one platform for the afternoon program which would be beneficial to the whole district and how the churches would all participate in it but um we will finalize that as it relates to the ay how we will proceed but at least for the bible studies every week for at least the next six months until further notice we will be on one platform as a district uh we i want to uh persons can also join us live on youtube so so we will be streaming the bible studies on youtube live and the information is in our uh whatsapp groups so you can check with the whatsapp groups and you will see the information if you are not intending to participate in terms of opening your mic and speak you can also join on youtube and i think on youtube you might be able to participate by putting questions in the chat so so this is it we are beginning live with our bible study or this we believe series and we have very appropriate person to share with us this afternoon and so we want to give him as much time at least the hour to share with us on our first belief believe number one um we have understand that is the study the scriptures the bible itself and so we have this afternoon um the pastor damian chambers pasadena chambers and i go a long way back from as far back as west to this college before it was university and then we worked together in the 10th city circuit where he served he and his wife joined my wife and myself there and we worked together there and then pass the chambers we worked together at the central jamaica conference where he served as communication director and i as family director and we worked with the media program the radar programs and so on pastor damian chambers is an uh the committed man of god um a man of integrity and christians must be people of integrity what he says is what he means and what he means is what he says he's supported by his wife roxanne chambers and both of them are now training young people at northern caribbean university where pastor chambers is a professor in the religion and theology department and sister chambers is associate dean of women um they have three children jahim uh janae and jalil and so all of them are children so so thank you pastor chambers i know you had your rush out of our appointment that you you just had uh and it was a sacrifice to be on with us thank you for joining us um i'm gonna just have a short word of prayer and hand over to pastor damian chambers who will lead us in today's study heavenly father thank you for this service thank you for the blessings we have received since this morning thank you for this wonderful opportunity to to go through step by step these principles that our founding advent believers have prayed about and studied and and engaged into debates and discussion about that we could have the privilege to be united on these principles and we know the discussion continues so we pray that as we pick up these doctrines and as we discuss them we pray that it will be greatly beneficial to all that will participate bless pastor chambers as he leads out today and may be a rich experience for everyone who participates in jesus name we pray amen amen welcome again everyone and turn over um to pastor damian chambers who will now lead us into today's study thank you very much pastor dennis um and abu sabha to everyone that was our pastor richards and today saint john district of churches i'm privileged to join you in your first bible class on the fundamental belief very important study and um we have lots to to cover i know some some of you have graduated from the school of basic doctrines but um you you can help with questions and and i'm sure when we get to heaven we'll continue to be studying these teachings so please feel free to join i'm just taking time to share the link with my family so that they can join as well all right um [Music] so let me bring up my poor points that i'm going to be using feel free to ask questions um if you post it in the chat i will definitely be seeing it that we can um address it right quickly word of god right so we're starting out with this topic the word of god and let me just quickly explain to you why why did you study doctrines this is a question i teach i teach the class at mcu i got a human life and i always ask my students this question at the beginning of the class um why is it important to do theology because that's what we're doing basically we are we are we're doing theology we are studying doctrines and about that why is it important to to study doctrine so clarify what we believe anyone want to just post in the chat why is it why why why do we bother to study doctrines i think we studied adoption because are you hearing me yes i'm hearing you right i think we study doctrine because you know the scripture says these are they which testify of me so i believe every part of the bible is a reflection of jesus and his character so it's important to get the doctrines correct so that we can become more likely okay very good doctrines need to be correct thank you very much um you're right i always like to say it this way if you do not have correct doctrines it's difficult to have correct behavior because our behavior is yes i i think you should hope in the by the class with a prayer yeah but you should that's the dustin i think you should no sir when you come on you should give me a prayer yeah i appreciate this suggestion sir but pastor already prayed and i accept the prayer by faith to start the bible study okay all right thank you right so um we studied doctrines because as i said in order for us to have correct behavior we need correct doctrine right now the world is in a crisis and the church is in a crisis because even though we are all seventh-day adventists we are all behaving differently in this crisis am i correct well we're seeing even though we claim to believe the same things right now we are having different responses to the crisis am i correct you can post in the chat i'm watching it we're having different responses isn't that right sure yes we do yes so it means that it means that we are not all believe in the same things that that's that's part of why we are having different response and and there are also different levels of understanding that affect that so it's important that we never realize so the reason why don't clarify doctrines um there are there are three i'm going to give you number one we clarify reductions because we want to make sure that any incorrect ideas that we may have are dealt with individually as we go through these documents we may have ideas that we don't we didn't know we have those ideas until the problem comes up but as we go through the doctrines it helps us to clarify those ideas the second thing is that pastor before you go on yes was there a time that the church had perfect doctrine or perfect teachings interesting question very good question wow the bible says that the path of the just is that a shining light that shines more and more onto the perfect day so because you use the word perfect i have to say no because um we are so limited in our understanding in terms of doctrines the church is seeing the best days today in terms of within the last um 50 years because of the knowledge we have come to benefit from the experience of those in the past so we continue to grow but in in if i should compare let's look at the same administration alone for example if i should compare the past but no we are seeing better days no in terms of understanding but it is not because we are better than the previous generation it is because we are benefiting from their research and their understanding but interesting question thank you for that all right so as i said the clarifying doctrine helps to clarify correct behavior it was socrates who said that um an unexamined faith is downright dangerous if we do not examine the basis of our faith it's a dangerous thing because it means that we're building on shifting sun we also study doctrines in order to help us with if we're going to teach all things what jesus commands us we must know all things and so it helps us to be able to teach others what we believe now when we're studying doctrines one of the first doctrine that normally um must be looked at is a doctrine of revelation and why is that so because the truth is if you if you want to study law you go to you go to law books if you want to study bioscience you go to nature or you go to the bioscience books but if you want to study about god where do you go where do you go to study about god question to the class the bible to the scriptures you say to the scripture yes okay very good is that is that the only source no you have your prophetic writings you can find it you can see it in nature yes yes very good thank you very good yes you're correct and that's what we're going to be looking at um as we move along that's what induction of revelation the doctrine of revelation suggests that god has revealed himself to us and we have a duty to discover or to uncover that revelation so let so in in in the realm of theology theologians will tell you that there are two um there are two types of revelation general revelation and specific revelation general and special okay so general revelation are those means that god used to reveal himself to us that are available to everyone okay i'm gonna invite you quickly to find some bible texts for me quickly um persons who are who are who maybe you have your your your phone or your tablet i'm going to please put facebook in the chat it will one at a time quickly psalm 119 verses 1 to 5 romans 1 19 20 romans 2 12 to 15 and genesis 3 15. we're talking about how god revealed himself to us the person who finds psalm 19 can read go ahead and read something [Music] this is psalm 1199 psalm 19 verses 1 to 5. okay psalm 19 1-5 and it said the heaven declare the glory of god and the feminine show it is handy work day on today utterance speech and night and tonight show it knowledge there is no speech no language where the voice is not heard the line is gone out to all the earth and their word to the end of the world in them had he set a tabernacle for the sun which is as a bridegroom coming coming out of his chamber and rejoicing rejected as a strong man to run a race that's it amen thank you so much so question is it possible to know about god outside of the bible yes nature okay islam is telling us that the heavens we could speak the heavens speak in every language and what are they speaking about they are speaking about god the heavens declare the glory of god thank you so much and somebody read from romans 1 verse 19 and 20. because that which may be known of god is not is manifest in them for god had showed it unto them for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made evil is eternal power and godhead so that they are without excuse amen thank you so much so that text again is confirming the fact that the bible says that god revealed himself through nature with such convincing evidence that they are without excuse one final one before i comment give a final comment on this romans 2 verses 12 to 15. are we asking yourself the question can people know about god without the bible so romans 2 12 to 15 for as many as i've sinned without law shall also perish without law and as many as i've sinned in the law shall be judged by the law for not the heroes of the law are just before god but the duels of the law shall be justified for when the gentiles which have not the law do by nature the things contained in the law these having not the law are a law unto themselves verse 15 and last which shows a work of the law written in their hearts their conscience also bearing weakness and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another very good very good thank you so much so so right now we are we have actually highlighted several ways that god revealed himself outside of nature has anybody um based upon the text we have read so far highlight another way that god revealed himself to us outside of justice through our conscience right romans chapter 2 is telling us that people without the bible the word law they refer to reference to the the revelation of god in the old testament people without the bible who sin without the bible still have a conscience towards right and wrong because god writes it in their hearts and genesis chapter 3 verse 15 we should all know that passage is telling us that even though we are lawful captives to satan god has placed enmity in the hearts of man towards evil giving him the opportunity to respond to the grace of god so in every man's heart there is the ability and opportunity to respond to the voice of god okay so god remembered himself through nature through conscience you could say through history or providence um you know god repeat himself through probably properly interpret to the normal activities of everyday life can you testify with me that there are some situations in your life that you you face and some thing that you see that you know that if it had not been for the lord was on your side that would could never happen do i have a witness to that sure sure pastor that is how god revealed himself to us through providence joseph was able to say to his brothers you meant it for evil but god arranged everything for good the bible says that that god all things work together for good for them that love god that is that is that is how god revealed himself by working through the circumstances of life so i i i took time out to do that because i know um we want to be able to identify the voice of god um in every aspect of life that he speaks to us so that's general revelation any question and general relation okay i have a question and that question is is general revelation enough to reveal everything about god is it is it sufficient to reveal everything about god no all right somebody said no any explanation i think you can see god's true to you to the lives of people you you you hear it god speaks to prophets and priests and rulers and i i i will refer to all the steps because the bible says all scripture is given by god and it's profitable for doctrine to reproof constructive perfection for instruction in righteousness so i think just general okay all right so there is a debate that goes on continually yeah there are some who feel that natural nature is enough to reveal the glory of god and there are some challenges at that part one of the things that i would say is that it would be insufficient because for example if you're studying nature alone to find out about god then then what would you do with a hurricane what would you do with a tsunami or or with a tornado that destroy innocent people how do you explain that since i mean the the skies declare the glory of god but what would disaster natural disasters say about god in order for us to properly is somebody responding satan is the prince of this air yes yes pastor one of the things i i would say too is that there are some specific directions that that as christians that we are able to enjoy because of specific revelation um that you probably would not would not be able to to enjoy um knowing the name of god um those particular experiences that that would say um we use a lot of term for instance that we get from the bible um that god is a provider god is a protector um all of those things we learn because of specific situations and uh you know uh also in direction as to how we ought to operate under certain circumstances regarding our family life regarding um one another though shall not commit adultery and all those things that would help us to understand how to live in our relationship with one another some of those things we would not have the specific um direction that we need in order to to be where we are today so i think it leads us um some some way along the path but i think we need more than that to be mature in our relationship with god excellent excellent thank you for that pastor that is and as part of this was talking there i reflect upon the the people that paul met at athens they were worshiping the unknown god you know through through revelation from god through nature and whatever it is they were they they knew that curious god there's a god but they don't say the unknown god and paul was not explaining to them um what happened in a process and the reason paul could do that it is because of the knowledge of the bible so very good another another reason we need more than general revelation it is because of our sinful nature sin has affected not only nature but our nature and cause us to have a of a distorted view of god that needs um clear and specific revelation in order to clarify those points as possible that is pointed out that's what we get notice special revelation and i and i did that to help you to understand and appreciate the bible because sometimes we take it for granted we take it for granted that the bible leaves us one among many books or you know um god can repeat himself any other way but the bible the bible says in hebrews chapter and one somebody quickly read that from a place hebrews chapter one verses one to two and the other passages we we know very well we kind of quote them simply god who at sundry time and in diverse manner speaking time passed unto the fathers by the prophets art in these last days spoken unto us by a son whom he had appointed heir of all things by whom he had made the worlds yes yes so god speaks full stuff that's reality god as speaks has spoken and he continues to speak so that's a doctrine of revelation doctrine of religion suggests that god is speaking to us he has spoken in the past and those revelations belong to us um before i even move move deeper into the special revelation i must add to what passage then it says about the relationship between special and general revolution you see um let me remember if i ask you a question is it possible to know everything god wants us to do merely by our conscience you know um i i i have upset other person said boy you know the lord told me that you know i need to do this and i've heard pastor richard i've heard persons say the lord told him to do things which i believe with my little knowledge i have i what i once i heard was those things are in conflict with the bible you know so so um the conscience needs to be sharpened the conscience needs to be enlightened and to be educated to know the will of god and the way to do that is through the bible all right so let's let's pick it up yes i believe that um some people generally get conscience mixed up with emotions you know and this is one of the reason why before i when i listen to people who say that god speak directly to them and tell them to do things i i i generally measure it up with the word and if i don't get a confirmation from the world then i will not accept such a statement to them because let me say we are emotional beings and sometimes our emotional emotions tell us things and we think a god we are here from that is so true my brother and i tell you i tell you this i was amazed recently i hadn't i i i stopped debating vaccine online but but what i had a discussion with somebody who said that you know god don't only speak to the bible but today he can speak through individuals and give information and i will i don't stop i didn't bother to to continue pastor chambers not to prolong that but um i i didn't pick up who spoke a while ago hit the nail right on the head right uh the person who just spoke before you're there a big big okay yes that's such an important point um as a psychologist and as a counselor um uh even when you're related to family matters you will see well let me put it let me just nail on it a lot of person who are not well mentally and emotional i'm not saying god don't speak to people but but we used to say when we did of course the the integration of psychology and theology that there is a thin line between being highly religious and being mentally there are some people who hear voices and they claim it is god and it's not every voice that you hear is god so it could be your emotion it could be your passion it could be um it could be it could be your hormones [Laughter] and you feel so strongly about it and that is why if you read the spirit of prophecy you will see that there are times that you can't even trust your feelings that the revelation that is there in the scriptures about how you ought to relate to one another about what you should do as a christian you must believe that more than even your feelings that's right that's right so much thank you so much pastors for that um yes it it yes your your your conscience needs guidance and that's why when you come down to general revelation you need a combination of factors to help to guide you um in making a right decision including the bible and when when when there is none clear directly from the bible use a combination of of what the church says what what respective individuals say and what you feel the lord is saying to you based upon your experience and circumstance all right quick you know let's look at how the bible came to us and so how the bible came to us because this is a challenge that unbelievers usually put to us about the bible's history and whether it's reliable and you know did men mess with it and do we really have the word of god today just to give you a quick overview in the past before the first written um document which would which would go to moses um there are there are little variations in the date but the truth but the fact is that most put in between 1300 and 1600 bc right before that information in terms of god's will were transmitted through oral tradition because um the writing that we have today did not exist at a time but um there came a time when god told moses he's not the first prophet as such but um internally the first prophet who wrote god gave moses specific instructions to write down what he told him several times he told moses to write it down in a book okay um he also told jeremiah the same thing write it down in a book of course but then the book that we talk about is a scroll made up um of papiros where they put together form a scrolling a writing material but one of the problem is that those writing materials were not very um enduring and so they still had to be copying them and and and so on so there is possibility of um mistakes being made in transmitting the information but you know i don't want to get too deep into that the point is that these men of god um can somebody read from a quickly numbers chapter 12 verses five to six numbers twelve verses five and six i wonder finding it i'm saying no that the men whom god spoke to based upon hebrews chapter one the bible says that in the past god spoke to the fathers by the prophets they themselves knew that this word was from god if you notice some of them would say thus saith the lord or the lord spoke or that the hand of the law was heavy upon me and i saw the lord showed me evidence that this is not just them putting together things but god spoke to them number 12 verses five to six have you found it yes and the lord came down in the pillar of claude and stood in the door of the tabernacle and called aaron and miriam and they both came forth and he said hear know my words if there be a prophet among you i the lord will make myself known unto him in a vision and will speak unto him in a dream very good so plainly god speak through to his prophets and the people in those days knew the time wanted me to go into that that the prophet spoke were god's messengers and what they spoke had authority to be coming from god people knew that right but the fact is that not not every prophet who spoke wrote the quran here not not every prophet who spoke wrote but what the bible says is that whatsoever things were written were written for our learning were written for our benefit um paul says all scripture is given by inspiration from god and is profitable for doctrine for proof for correction and peter says that the man of god did not speak in their own accord but who men of god speak as they were moved by the holy spirit the question is no that brings us to the question of it appears pasta chambers is frozen not sure if i'm the only one seeing it yes yes roster all right see you coming back on all right i'm not sure what happened there but the internet went back so question anybody answer the question how does inspiration work you're all private i would say inspiration you cannot do your own thing you have to work according to the power that is working within you all right fair enough but we want to discuss the level of freedom that that the author has had and let me quickly because the time is going to quickly point out that there is evidence to show that god was in charge of the process yes but um the authors themselves had some freedom because because when you look at the manuscripts for example what you'll find is that some manuscripts are well written while others are poorly written so you'll find for example like the apostle paul who was a well schooled apostle he his writings are more put together than than peter and john so you find levels of literacy here which shows that the profits while they wrote they had the freedom to express um through the channels because through their level of education and through their thought process but at the end of the day what they wrote become the word of god all right it's important to note that because the reason the reason for that is because when when we have modern signs like biblical criticism looking at different manuscripts and seeing differences then some people can lose their faith when they realize that um for example the the king james version the manuscripts that were available to the to the translators um were very limited for example when those who translated the kingdom version they had about no in know is 30 about 10 manuscripts i understand with 10 to 12 manuscripts they had available but today you have close to 6 000 manuscripts that have been discovered since that time and you can compare certain terminology and so on whatever um the message and content of scripture is there even some portions of scripture it's question and so on but the prime minister yes i also believe that the culture in which they have grown up also have something to do with the way they have actually wrote excellent excellent so some of the determinants the terminologies were borrowed from the culture and from the language around them yes and when i i think the point though that the bible thought inspired that word inspires yes yes yes but god didn't spread their thought and express it answer your points or a certain deviation and i might write it according to either a level of academic our education very good very good is that everything your wife says yeah but but pastor dave was making a point earlier on when he was talking about inspiration what i think is that people are still being inspired by god but i know you're going to point to that the key toward if if you want to test whether or not that inspiration is true is we have to rely on the bible because the bible is it is what we use to test everything yes and maybe maybe you want to make a distinction between inspiration and illumination you can't clarify that okay you get the point we get a point all right so anyway it says that the bible is not god's mode of thought and expression maybe often say such as statistics an expression is not like god but god has not put himself in words magic in rhetoric and tried in the bible the writers of the bible were god's pen men not his pen and one example that comes to mind even is that is the ten commandments the bible tells us that the ten commandments were written with the finger of god and yet within the same bible we have two not very different but there are variations when moses wrote it in exodus and when you present it in deuteronomy there are side variations so it shows that there's there's a lot of freedom that the author has to express what god says what the meaning um comes forth all right um we covered some of those things oh yes your ears are different they but um but then faster yes in the end it has the same meaning yes yes pasta i'm hearing you yes would would someone write into a scribe a jeremiah writing through a scribe would that affect the outcome of what was written very good point of bringing up there because matter of fact there is evidence to show that most of the bible writers use scribes and yes um it does affect the grammar because if you notice most of the scripture is written in in the not in the first person but in the second and or even third person um so scribes wrote you know my my son is my son he's not 10 year old as yet but he said he asked mr daddy who wrote deuteronomy and when i was i said he said no he said must be two persons because deuteronomy include the death of moses so he can't be moses alone the man is doing heavy biblical criticism yes let me understand that too but listen you see when we look at the chronology of the bible because the first five book was contributed to moses did not necessarily mean that um if that is the order that the book were written in you know the canaanites this is another bible are as a big factor into all people actually think of the the world canonization or the book are listed and we generally get that right yes i agree in principle that all the books are ordered they're not necessarily written but in regards to the five books of moses you can see chronology you can see sequence you can see that deuteronomy was written after exodus you know so um [Music] what your point is well taken matter of fact matter of fact there is proof to suggest that the jews the order of the books never really matter much to them because you see today we have books like these where we have pages one to twenty five or one to a hundred but in those days schools were simply put rolled up together and put in a cylinder there is no sequence um what what they would do to try to keep some some sequence is to put the beginning of the end of a book when they put the first last few lines of a book would be put on the next one on the first page of the next book so that they know that this is this sequence but it was not a big deal but the point about the scribes is a very important point because remember no all right for example today if you're publishing a book like pastor richards our positiveness um you you are not going to print it yourself you're going to employ a printer to print it or you're going to employ other people to do stuff for you back though in those times writing was just an arc a skill just like printing today so it it would not necessarily be be you it wasn't writing was not a personal skill as how it is today because those aren't those those material were not necessarily available to everybody as such so so easily let me just say easily um so definitely a scribe will come into play there all right so that's how the bible came to us then look now at the content of scripture the content of scripture the scripture does not only include prophecies but it also includes narratives parables poetry laws um [Music] and prophecy and the gospels again time won't allow me to give this sequence and and so on and and one thing we need to be aware of by the way is that both the old testament have a different history from the new testament you know when when when we're studying bible ancestry it's two different um of the sodium different in terms of um you know the old testament was with the jews and then the christians adopted only adopt the old testament but they also added the new testament so it's two different um history which we'll have time to both go into so i'm going to close off though i'm i'm just just indicating the pastor which is we end at five o'clock right yes sir okay right so i'm gonna close off with this um let me ask you for your opinion what are the main if you if you're gonna categorize the purpose of scripture in terms of a function what else would you identify with i know earlier we talked about guiding the contents and giving instruction what what would you say the scripture is for [Music] thank you so much for that uh password chambers trust that i'm being heard clearly i'll let you a little low i'm a little low let me try to turn up is it coming on any better okay so um just before i touch the question that you asked there was one quick thing i'd like to sleep in as brilliant so um inspiration and the process of inspiration the inclusiveness of our including scribes i'm guessing you're not here me i see you leaning over can i leave and rejoin if you're not hearing me clearly yes master richards you you you um yeah if you're on your phone maybe they they value has gone down by some interruption and rejoin yes um faster um i would in response to the question you just asked for the chambers um i the bible is necessary um as it relates to the plan of salvation um so so from the old testament into the new testament we see um god seeking after man from man's sin um there is what we call the proto-evangelium and the coming of jesus christ is a continuation of that process for man's salvation so the bible is a necessary tool to guide us on what god expects of us and god's plan to save man i lost my time very good so so primarily the bible is about jesus the revelation of god we have a book called a revelation of jesus christ that's what that's what the bible is revelation of jesus christ um for salvation i must never forget that right almost never forget that pastor richard you're back all right thank you sir am i being heard better now is it clearer ready clearer much clearer just wanted to quickly touch on the idea of the whole inspiration and person saying you know i'm scribes you're involved etc that's why what you projected on the screen is that inspiration is still neutral in the greek meaning god breathed now my understanding of that is that god is not forcing the process but god is teeming with man by permission to guide him in using his skill ability cultural background surrounding and every instrument available to him to communicate as best as possible the divine message now while money is open to using every medium at his disposal whether i describe our culture whatever affects that the content is guided by the holy spirit because coming into that process of theories it's coming into connection with god so you know allow the holy spirit to guide your mind by permission to ensure that what is given is fitting with that which god intends that's the message so the method may include all that is available to man but the content god assures that there is quality assurance where the what the content is concerned and as you relate to the purpose of scripture dr dennis hit it on the head it's about a relationship with god the only way that you can have love is when there's clear understanding as what is expected in that relationship knowing who you're dealing with and knowing also yourself so scripture guides in that relationship so that we can understand who god is understand what is his requirements and how to be in covenant relationship with him amen very good very good so so salvation paul says he jesus make us wise unto salvation scripture is also given to instruct us in the righteousness paul says if you follow it the man of god may be made perfect thoroughly furnished onto all good works number two number three scripture is here to give us hope hope and that's why the prophecies are there to give us hope that when we meet upon situation like this pandemic we go to scripture for perspective because without perspective we're in trouble you know i i um my wife know that if if she tell me that she's gonna come meet me somewhere and don't give me a time i am gonna be restless i'm not gonna wait indefinitely you probably come here i know sipping you know i like to know where i'm going and stuff like that so when you when you when you meet upon stuff like this a pandemic like this you can easily give up if you don't understand from scripture that jesus says no these things are going to happen but the end is not yet so be not troubled be not deceived scripture is what gives us hope enemies of these crisis we also get hope from what we learn from from the experience of others when we see how god delivers shadrach meshach and abednego from the fire i mean when we see how he delivered daniel from the lands then we have hope to know that he will deliver us also in those situations so scripture is very powerful um for our growth and spiritual maturity as part of richard's point of view so since time has run over let me just remind you what we've covered this evening before you before this is very important because before you when you started you spoke about the church being in problem because of doctrine because of teachings and if the teaching from the bible is to bring correction to the church is there is there something that is happening within the teachings that has caused this trouble that is because you have to look at it you have to look at it quickly and you have to look at it carefully it is very important is there an invasion or are you serpent why we do not have correct understanding globally true in our in because if this is israel and the israel is to teach others then something is wrong all right excellent question i will have time to respond in it but does it answer your question and to be fair to you i don't think it is teaching that's coming from the church to our sabbath school because i've been studying sabbath school less than four years now and i'm not i'm here to see anything in there that is is off or conflicting with scripture but i think what has happened is that because of the increase in medium of communication and accessibility globally every member have the right to go anywhere to watch the youtube video they want to watch and i believe that some wine of babylon people people become drunk when they drink and they drink from from babylonian wine and and sometimes bubba don't unwind refer to other denominations but no there are people within with what themselves adventists who are teaching babylonian doctrine i won't have time to expose some of them no but i'm glad to bring that up that that i don't think it's the fault of the church and what it teaches i think sometimes we wondering from other um fountains that is true pastor that is true and i believe so also one other thing that really brings all of these errors within the church circle is that some people still want to lean to towards the world and still be a christian and that will not work so you see because of that they they generally bring certain liquor information within the system that that that gives us leverage to do things that are not really the concrete point as to what the scripture would want us to do and and i want us to know but it's just that you know just leaning towards the world and still be a christian is where the danger lies very for excellent point that that puts in a compromising position compromised position thank you the point is of this lesson the point of this doctrine is that god has spoken and he still speaks and we need to hear and listen to his voice and my word of advice to my um brothers and sisters is to read the bible this is this is what paul gave to timothy when paul says listen perilous times will come the only solution that paul gave to tibet was to read the scripture and the prince of scripture and i'm going to give the same challenge to us as believers as we close this bible class the truth is that many of us brothers said if we admit to ourselves many of us are not reading the bible as we should we read it quietly we read ellen white we wanted internet but but but but we it takes another discipline brothers and sisters to dedicate those moments those quiet moments to the scripture and because there's so much medium so much to get your attention it will become more difficult but i'm saying to you in order to maintain your sanity in this crisis you have to take quiet time every morning and go to the bible and say lord what will you have me to hear today and listen quietly because i said because of our society is it difficult to do that but that's the only thing that's that's there's a chapter in great country which is a great controversy that it's called or oh somebody pointing out there the scripture is only safeguard i am telling you you won't be successful by going to try and study this method of satan because anyway i tell you something we won't be able to predict his methods but if you spend time to read the word you will have wisdom that excel beyond your age and your your profession yes yes sir i think i'm reading there's a difference between reading and studying so yes of course we can read because we are we are we are literate yes but to study something you have to go in-depth you know so that's the vast difference in in understanding certain things all right very very good point but i think we have to do both because what happens sometimes sometimes we get bored with reading the bible because we think that's too simple i'm not going deep enough what i'm telling you there is great benefit from simply reading and reflecting on the scripture yes there are times as subsequent says we need to take one scripture and consecrate our minds at the task of understanding what it says but the reading experience is also important because it helps us to have that conversation and have that time with the holy spirit and with god to help us to grow spiritually so we are we are to study we are to read it we have to memorize it and we ought to be what the bible says where said that serious because of course yes we know that we are supposed to read on a daily basis so we just take a time out that's a flip-flop flip-flop and just read that thing and say yeah read the bible for the day that's fine that's how i mean but then you know you have to think special effort sacrifice have a specific spot in your home where you know right so you can sit down and you can meditate on the word and you read and study to show yourself approve that is a difference that's that's why i said you read it because you wanna say yes may read that chapter for the day but when you study it you go in-depth it's like seeking and looking you're sick for something you pull up the wall please because you're going definitely for something you look for something are you the surface you can't find it i don't sleep but when you seek after that's why i said if you seek me you shall find me but if you look you know you're just looking towards your god why we can't bother but this seeker said why god never find it today may i speak after you today now read the word today we want you help if you understand your word to the minority read it and put on the bible and say slap blast bomb be done so that's why i say that there's a difference in reading and studying the word yeah yes but you still need both of them because in order for your study to be fruitful you would have need to gone through the bible at least once to know the content i i read through the bible regular several times but when i'm studying now to dig deeper as you say because of my knowledge of what other scriptures say it helps with without my study um at this particular time all right um if there are no further questions um if you want to talk about different versions of the bible and what their what why do we have different versions um you know that can be explained but if there are no other questions i'm going to go back over to pastor dennis all right thank you thank you very much pastor chambers thank you everyone for um joining for this bible study we're going to be continuing next week same platform same time at four um 4 p.m and as we continue to share in the studies of the world so please bear that in mind tell your friends and join us for our this we believe bible study we have to um try and wrap it up now yes go ahead last last versions of the bible love to know that please yeah well all right i think we have to bring back faster chambers we are running a little bit behind time if you pass i can't give you one sentence is that the original i mean that's the original they they was they they the the tradition that most people know of is the king james tradition but what happened is that when the keynesian version was being translated there was a set of manuscripts that they they had and they knew that most people knew but since the 1800s we have discovered more manuscripts and we are more discovering other manuscripts and able to compare with the king's information and to and to and to bring about the best um versions um based upon their field of manuscripts as i said earlier the king james translator has had about those manuscripts available now we have close to six thousand so that's why you're gonna whatever reason you're gonna have different versions but they all benefit us in helping to know clearly what god says all right all right thank you very much um pastor chambers um thank you for taking the time off to share with us today i know that it was beneficial to all those who are able to join in uh blessings to you and the family um that we're gonna ask you to just do the honors and offer the prayer final prayer as we close off here and we will hand over to sister hyman and the team from the ay team from the bendan church as we move into ay thank you let's pray father we thank you so much for your word thank you lord that you are interested in your our development and growth that you have revealed yourself to us you have given us knowledge in nature through speaking your conscience you have written the law of god upon our hearts and you have given us your word through which you continually speak to us help us lord to take heed to your words that indeed in these last days we'll build our lives upon your word as a man build his house upon a rock that when the floods come and the rains beat our lives will remain firm because it is built upon your world bless this district of churches best pastors denis and richards and the leaders and grant us how do we continue to study and to obey we'll help others along with ourselves to be a part of your kingdom we shall come we pray in jesus name amen amen thank you god bless you sister heyman or sister brown we're gonna turn over to you at this time okay pastor good evening everyone and we're gonna be going into our song service now our young people will be doing the preliminaries and immediately after that of course we will take the presentation so i'm going to ask the person who is known for song service to go ahead just to know thank you happy with everyone all right our first song is king number 93 all things bright and beautiful all things bright and beautiful all creatures great and small all things wise and wonderful the lord got me them all each little fur that opens each little bird that sings he made their glowing colors give me their tiny wings all things white and beautiful all creatures great and small all things wise and wonderful the lord god made them all the purple headed mountains and the river running by the sunset and the morning that brightens up the sky [Music] all things bright and beautiful all creatures great and small all things wise and wonderful the lord god made them all the cold wind in the winter the pleasant summer sun the ripe fruits in the garden he made them everyone all things bright and beautiful all creatures great and small all things wise and wonderful the lord god made them all he gave us eyes to see them and lips that we might tell how great is god almighty who has made all things well all things bright and beautiful all creatures great and small all things wise and wonderful the lord god made them all our next song would be common though fault that's number 300 found a very blessing to my heart to sing thy grace streams of mercy never ceasing call for songs of loudest praise teach me ever to adore thee may i still thy goodness prove well thy hope of endless glory fills my heart with joy and love hear i raise my everneezer hither by thy help i've come and i hold by thy good pleasure safely to arrive at home jesus taught me when a stranger wandering from the fold of god he to rescue me from danger interposes precious blood oh to grace how great a dead sir daily i am constrained to be let thy goodness like a better find me closer seal it for the course of all final our final song is him number 219 lord all right few hundred and nineteen lord i want to be a christian right lord i want to be a christian in my heart in my heart [Music] lord i want to be a christian in my heart in my heart in my heart lord i want to be a christian in my heart lord i want to be more loving in my heart in my heart lord i want to be more loving in my heart in my heart in my heart lord i want to be more loving in my heart lord i want to be more holy in my heart in my heart lord i want to be more holy in my heart in my heart in my heart lord i want to be more holy in my hearts lord i want to be like jesus in my heart in my heart lord i want to be like jesus in my heart in my heart in my heart lord i want to be like jesus in my heart amen amen and this time we'll be going into our opening hymn which is six five three lead them man god to thee kim 653 we invite you to join with us in your own homes as we sing this hymn [Music] let's go again with this [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] me [Music] bright and fair fast [Music] temptations [Music] need them my god to [Music] and in this [Music] [Music] them [Music] well [Music] me to be [Music] good afternoon everyone um this evening the privilege is mine to welcome each and every one to our ay um service this afternoon we are happy that you are here we are happy that you are here to worship with us and to engage us in this afternoon activities as he said it is always good to be in the house of the lord we are always glad to have visitors we are also very happy to see our members across the from diamond acres from bendon also from our our our mother church saint john's we're all and all the churches as well so we are we want to welcome you all here this afternoon and trust that you will find something meaningful in the presentation that we will present by our pastor this afternoon thank you and welcome wishing you all a great afternoon unknowns that they will see immediately after all right yes [Music] the scripture reading will be taken from mark 10 verse 14 but when jesus died he was much displeased and said unto them suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not foreign good day um good evening church um the aoi emblems the aim the advent message to all the world in my generation the motto the love of christ compels us pledge loving the lord jesus i promise to take an active part in the work of the youth ministry of the church doing what i can to help others and to finish the work of the gospel in other words [Music] byfinder law the pathfinder law is for me to keep the morning watch do my honest part care for my body keep a little eye be courageous and obedient walk softly in the cemetery keep a song in my heart go on god's errands song [Music] let me go with that one adventist youth far we from every land and sea together we pray and work and play in happy harmony we have a faith to share with others everywhere a message of love from god above to show the world we care adventist youth adventist youth adventists to you good evening everyone it's my pleasure this evening to be introducing to us the speakers for this afternoon pastor roy dennis and of course his wife mrs kisha dennis sir dennis pastor roy dennis is a district pastor for the saint john's circuit of churches so so for all or visitors who are online you might not know the organization of our church so this district comprises of the saint john's church the bend assembly adventist church and the diamond acres church pastor dennis is a trained psychologist and counselor and he and his wife who is an educator and she currently is the vice pre principal of the jose marti technical high school today they will share in the program this afternoon so pastor dennis will be focusing on parenting giving some tips for parents we have new parents and we have not so new parents but i'm sure the information that will be garnered will be quite helpful in addition to that we know that we're living in stressful times and today even as we focus on family togetherness day together with god we recognize that we really need to be strengthened in the inner man even more as we face these challenging times and so we know our youngsters of course going back to school you know having to go online it's rough and challenging so we have an experienced educator in the form of sister dennis who will be sharing some tips and so before i ask pastor dennis and his wife to take over we're going to be hearing no from sister kaylee thompson as she sings for us at this time after which the next voice you will hear is that of pastor dennis and his wife sister keisha and then he saw dennis so kelly at this time you may unmute and go ahead [Music] [Music] [Music] gave a [Music] [Music] [Applause] give or give away [Music] there is something all can give you [Music] [Music] thank you sister kaylee thompson give or give away good afternoon everyone and uh thanks for the privilege mr hyman and the ays for sharing this afternoon thanks to sister dennis for joining as we look at parenting and also preparation for back to school so how are we going to do this i will start out since the dennis will help me with the first part and then i won't help her with the last part so so we do the first part together and she will take over after that all right so i i i'm sure you'll forgive me because you're used to hearing me all the time all right so thank you let's pray as we get into this afternoon's presentation heavenly father we pray that you will be with us even as we discuss this very important topic of parenting and also with the anxiety of back to school we pray that the right words will be said to encourage someone today especially those students who are not certain of how they will approach their education we pray for teachers and we pray for school administrators we pray for parents we just pray for everyone in this nation and all around the world who are faced with the anxiety back to school so many have not been to school for one two years and are being left behind we pray that this year they'll get back in the system thank you lord for hearing our prayers in jesus name amen amen all right so we're going to share our screen here i'm going to share this screen at this for the first part here um as we talk about a little bit about parenting so this is this is just a simple presentation on parenting right way and we are looking at um just two principles that the parents need to bear in mind um that we should observe as we seek to parent our children all right so just two key principles so step one we are saying now how to get your child to obey that's that's the focus on parenting the right way and i have more than one presentation so i'm parenting the right way um this one is focusing on how to get my child to obey and you get your children to obey we want we all want obedient children we get our children to obey by um right parental practice um i i preached at berry hill this morning it was on parenting too incidentally and it was passing on the legacy um your religious beliefs and practices how to do that well the focus this afternoon is how to get your children to be obedient and this same principle came up this morning um in in the passage i shared from moses that by your practice you must leave the command so you you you get your children to obey by um your parental practice what do you do how do you approach there's a presentation that we have on parenting styles um you know right practice is important in parenting we are told that weary parents focus on punishment why experience focus on rewards well i have i i have as a part of premarital counseling i offer the couples a family genogram what a genogram is is that it's a simple study of your family background and one of the questions i ask in a family genogram for the couples uh one of the questions listed there is what type of disciplinary measure have been administered we ask about where they grow up and what type of administ uh disciplinary measures and they will answer uh most persons will say they get beatings especially the males will say they were b and um and and i have had men who have been beaten where they have scars and cuts and so on and their bodies and they will say boy if we might have never beat me so i wouldn't be where i am today so so there are different views about the use of this trap um some people say don't spare the rod and spoil the child well this afternoon i am giving you two alternatives to beating um you know and and yes my view about beating is that if you can avoid it um there are two principles i use on that that is ellen white that it should be last resort this trap should be last resort and the and the dr james dobson that says if you're going to uh administer corporal punishment use the soft part of your body on the soft part on the child's body so that both the parent and the child will feel it so i i don't believe that you should go with the bulk belt buckle and tie up the person with rope and so on weary period parents who want to exercise control will do that but remember parenting is not about exercising control to show that i am the mother i am the father parenting is about establishing relationship some parents have gotten their children to walk the straight and narrow away but when the children walk out of their homes they will never return and they lose their children some of those children elope i've known enough adventist children who elope that is they go and run away and get married and their parents don't even meet their husband or wife because of how they were treated so you don't want that you want that when your children leave your grow up and fly out of the nest you will still have a good relationship with them if you kill them with leaks chances are you will lose them right so weary parents those who don't know what to do they will punish but there's a difference between punishment and discipline punishment is done in anger punishment is to exercise control punishment is to hurt discipline is to correct in righteousness discipline is is is to correct in righteousness discipline is done in love so advent experience must discipline and not punish and usually to um with discipline um the children should it should be communicated with them what it is that they are being disciplined for so they should know what it is that they have done because sometimes we take for granted that they know what it is that they have done wrong and um they get a beating and they don't know what they're being beaten for so with discipline you have that conversation so that they have an understanding of what it is that they did that was wrong and white is that they need to be corrected right so so that's the difference there so so why experience now focus on rewards so we're going to share with you know this is appearance that um what this reward is about we see it being employed in the old testament with um with nebuchadnezzar when he had the dream and um and the the wise men he couldn't understand the dream um so he said to the people to the wise men if you are able to interpret the dream then you will receive gifts and reward let's see what the bible says all right it's coming up but if you tell me the dream and explain it daniel 2 verse 6 you will receive from me gifts and rewards and great honor so tell me the dream and interpret it for me right so nebuchadnezzar couldn't remember the dream and neither could he interpret it so he says if you tell me what the dream is and if you interpret it you're gonna give get gifts and rewards so there's this is an incentive system um in psychology um one of the first courses that i did with that would be social psychology and i was doing the masters there and we looked at the positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement so two methods can be used and and more in today um society positive psychology is where the focus is so the the parenting we recommend more positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement so so how negative reinforcement if you if you consider the experiment with a wrap negative reinforcement would mean to shock them you know and and and see their response positive reinforcement is to expect them to do something and every time they do it you give them an incentive so so shock them or hurt them when they don't do what you should eat right or you leave a piece of cheese so you have a choice now to say how do you get the person to behave the way you want them to you hurt them or you give an incentive um you know and so we are saying we recommend more positive reinforcement than negative reinforcement a behavior that is rewarded whether positively or negatively um is reinforced and will be repeated for example if the child is doing the wrong thing to get a sweet and you give them this sweet for example they cry for a sweet and you'll give them a sweet then what you're doing is that you are reinforcing a negative behavior because what the child is going to do when they want us they're going to cry they're going to cry because when i cry i get the sweet appearing to understand the the matter of positive and negative reinforcement will do something like what my wife did now when my son our first child when we go in the supermarket he would cry for us and and and when he cries he would not get it and one day when we went in the supermarket and he didn't cry she gave him a sweet and and said and say um this is this is this is for not crying today doesn't mean that every time he doesn't cry he's going to get a sweet but but he knows that anytime he cries he will never get us so so positive reinforcement is it is what can be used um and sometimes we reinforce things without even knowing that we are reinforcing something um and i grew up where when did when the jute box is blaring with reggae music children in their homes would hear and dance and and and sometimes even though it's christian home you would see the parents get around and people laughing i said look at the boy putting it down i'm putting it up but when he's a teenager now and he wants to follow the song system you don't want that but you are the one who reinforced a negative behavior by laughing and encouraging it when he was a little baby so he grew up now thinking that dancing and carrying on is good because the parents were there laughing and cheering him on when he was dancing to the song right so so so you see how without even knowing it you can reinforce behavior behavior that is not rewarded are you know our start become extinct for example the same child dancing and instead of laughing and gathering wrong people to watch him you don't pay him any mind because he's dancing to his own system and carrying on you don't fear many minds and so he realized that you don't give any attention to that beef but when he's reading his vibe you see him sit down reading his bible or you see him reading a story book a good uh you you said you know you give him something you may be something a gift or you you you give him an encourager or you sit with him and ask him what he read about this story and give some attention to that behavior what you think he's gonna do he's gonna want to read the story book some more and so you give attention to good behavior positive behavior and you starve negative behavior from very early with your children so we have the the the reward system um pastor martin barr will talk about the ww and rr principle for the reward system the ww means when the behavior is wrong you withhold the reward so you don't give anything for example with the child dancing and carrying on you don't give no attention you don't give no gifts the believer is wrong when the behavior is right when they're do reading the story book and doing their assignment you give attention you'll give a reward right so the wwe is when the behavior is wrong you withhold the reward that's a reward system um and this is demonstrated in numbers chapter 20 verse 11 and 12 god withhold a reward from moses because of a wrong behavior what does the bible say numbers 20 verses 11 to 12 then moses raised his arm and struck the rock twice with his staff water gushed out and the community and their livestock drank but the lord said to moses and aaron because you did not trust in me enough to honor me as holy in the sight of the israelites you will not bring this community into the land i give them those of you who lead anything with people will know that leadership that is and many of us would say boy we sorry for moses because really the people where every little turn they turned the people who wanted to go back to each other and they would give moses no ends of trouble and and so the people wanted water god told moses where to get the water god said speak to the wrath moses take his brother strike there up and god says listen because you did this you will not enter earthly canaan you will not enter earthly cana and some people say boy this is bad this is bad um why because we are associating earthly canaan with heavenly canaan well the good news is and we're going to read two texts to show is that god didn't take away every canaan from movies moses but god says listen as much as you would want to make it into earth again and having led these people for 40 years you will not because you struck the rock helen white tells us why god dealt with moses this way because ellen white says the rock was jesus so so while they were going through the wilderness this pillar of fire and pillar of cloth and rock that gives them water and mana coming from all them it was jesus who was leading them and he was going to give them water and he said just speak to the rock and they will get water moses take the rock rather than struck the rock god was not pleased with it and god withhold an incentive from moses he says you will not get to go into earthquake but as i said before thank god god did not withhold heavenly kingdom what the bible says here now in matthew chapter matthew chapter 17 verse 1 to 3. matthew 17 verses 1 to 3. and after six days jesus taketh peter james and john his brother and bringeth them up into a high mountain apart and was transfigured before them and his face did shine as the sun and his raiment was white as the light and behold there appeared unto them moses and elias talking with him all right that's long after moses had died let's read one more from jude chapter jude one it's just one chapter and verse nine so jude verse nine and let's hear what the bible says yet michael the archangel when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of moses just not bring against him a reeling accusation but said the lord rebuked thee all right so michael when he came for moses to resurrect moses he came into conflict with the devil who want to keep moses dead and he and and and overcame the devil and moses was resurrected that is why in the previous passage now matthew 17 1-3 we could see now moses and elijah appearing now standing to support the son of god the same son of god who stood to support them in the wilderness moses now when he became flesh was coming back from heaven representing those who died in christ and would be translated and elijah representing those who never tasted it came back to encourage and strengthen christ so we'll see that withholding reward now is not necessarily has to do with your eternal destiny but while we are here to correct and to guide people our children and other persons that we have to relate to a reward system can work so the wwe principle withhold when the person is wrong there are our principle reward when the person is right so you give a reward when the person is right and we're coming down we're going to turn over to sister dennis shaw so so the first principle we are saying now your parental style how you relate your practice what you do how you relate to your children is important first corinthians 3 and verse 14. if any man's work abide which he has built there upon he shall receive a reward okay so the bible makes it clear so so here we we the review now the prac parental practice now we say um instead of corporal punishment one of the alternatives that we want to mention we could go into several others with the presentation on on different parental styles we do that but this one we're just focusing on one that one of the systems that you can use is a reward system the reward system is divided into two um parts the withhold the reward if the person has done wrong and give the reward if the person has done right so it is www withhold when wrong and rr reward when right and we shared with you some examples of how this can work um how do you give reward incentive system we have um verbal reinforcement um the the bible talks about it when the talents were used properly well done good and faithful servant you know a pat on your shoulder my mother would rub your head um i still love my head being robbed my wife will tell you that yes i love it so so so i get used to that that that's saying um you did well i appreciate you um so you have verbal reinforcement gentle touch and so on activity enforcement take out the child somewhere that they like when they do right all right um uh and token reinforcement give them a gift no no as we withhold the what we normally say you don't withhold rights you withhold privileges you don't with all needs you withhold wants so let me say that again you never with all rights with all privileges what are the rights if you read there's a little handbook that i have from the children services that tells us the right of children the children have a right to an education so don't stop the child from going to school as a form of of discipline so don't stop them from going to school um um my wife will talk to you about that um don't withhold their food their meals if they if you give them two or three meals a day don't starve them right daddy i heard a woman she said listen um her children if they don't be here she know how to deal with them no food to eat don't start everybody on fasting don't starve your children don't withhold um don't we thought don't prevent them from family worship you don't separate them from family worship so you don't withhold don't don't with all your love if you look at the children's services handbook i love that one and even right a child every child has a right to belong so so so don't with all that you you with all privilege you can withhold cell phone you can withhold ice cream and cake you can withhold um the privilege to go to a party uh and so on those are privileges so you don't with all rights you with all privileges you don't with all needs you're with all wants right so the ww are our principal um close off with this one um so five love language that that that's um the parental uh practice um and and the five love languages um are words of affirmation that's how you you you show your love to your practice of showing love and giving reward acts of service receiving gifts quality time and the physical touch so that's all your go ahead sister dennis right so we all we all receive and give love differently and so it is important for us just like how you would want to know your spouse's love language that you spend the time to know your child's love language so that we can love our children than the way they want to be loved so so you have you you have persons whose uh love language words of affirmation so for them um compliments means everything you don't need to worry about giving them tokens you don't need to to to worry about even touching them or that type of thing if you send them a text message if you write them a love note and and and leave on the table that for them means everything words of affirmation or we can also do acts of service for our children so if your child's love language is acts of service and you know that probably their duty is to to wash the dishes and this particular day you recognize they had a hard day at school or online um classes and they're always diligent in doing the dishes and you recognize that probably they are tired or something then you could do the dishes for them and that's an actual act of service and for a child whose love languages acts of service again that means everything and then you have those that are receiving gifts and here it's not even about being materialistic for a person whose love language is receiving gifts the simplest thing you're you're going through the through the through the through going by the supermarket you know that your child maybe likes a particular a particular thing i'm different from everybody else probably like a doughnut are probably like uh um the other day my daughter she said mommy could you try and see you could get dark chocolate and she did research and she recognized how healthy that dark chocolate is and so um but in this case the dark chocolate was expensive um but um it doesn't have to be something expensive it's just the idea that you thought of them and you brought them something and then they are persons who love the quality time so it is not about the quantity of time it's not about spending a whole lot of time together it's just the mere fact that you have three children five children six children and you this child's love language is quality time and maybe when you're in the kitchen you call this one in the kitchen they don't have to come in there to do anything but it's just spending time together and they know that this was my own time or if you're going running out on the road and you decide i'm going to take this one with me today and give them some alone time and focus on that one then that can mean everything and then of course there are those who love physical touch as pasta would say a rub head a rubbed back you know um holding hand for a hug um for for for for for the physical touch so those are those are those are things that we can do and they they're inexpensive things that we can do to show our children how much we love and appreciate them but it is important for us to to know what it is that is the child's love language a lot of times we want to love persons the way we receive love so my love language is words of affirmation and and and and so uh but pastors love language is is acts of service and so i can show him with all the words of affirmation i want to um he's going to really feel loved when i do something for him all right and so it is important that we love people the way they want to be loved and not the way we want to love it right so so you would want to think that all right we have two sons and we have a daughter that the daughter would be the one who wants to be hugged she don't want nobody to hug her none at all she she so the the middle one who is our second son is the one who and he wants to come up under your arm and fight even as a father to hug him and mommy and he pushes his head in her lap and if he passes by you you're talking about you you have to give a hug or a touch or something but he don't care about any gifts yes so you when you're buying gifts and he's not jealous of the others when they get here but um our daughter loves gifts so she's looking in the bag when you come like my wife says she wants the chocolate um she wants you to bring something for and she loves time it's quality time so so so um she wants to talk and so i make it my point of duty that when she wants to talk no matter what you want to talk about just to stop what i'm doing and to listen and sometimes she tell me all sorts of stories about what i said boy you appreciate with her because you just listen to all those things but that's all she wants to talk and and i know i i realize that and so i just make myself available so so parental practice we're not going to spend much time on the other one so that sister dennis will get the rest of the time so step two so the first one is parental practice this one is get your child to obey through right examples right and my friend used to say values are more often taught than caught rather caught values are more often caught than taught so it's not just what you say and how you your parental style but how you live um so so uh your practice what you do and and and um we are saying now uh your example how you live and so the texas deuteronomy chapter 6 says that we must have his commandments in our hearts we must share his commandments with our children and we must muddle his commandments in our lives and my final word to you and then i hand over to sister dennis from the pen of inspiration ellen white says the training of our children constitute an important part of god's plan for the demonstrating of the power of christianity solemn responsibility rest upon the parents to sow so to train their children that when they go forth into the world they will be do good and not evil to those with whom they associate child guidance page 21. all right so those are two things you need to bear in mind um your parental practice and you know your uh your your principles that you live by your examples that you set for your children all right so it's back to school time so dennis will take us down through the importance of all right back to school preparation okay um all right let me move over you've seen the full swing not mine stay beside me all right um so so so i i thank you sister sister hyman um yes you pronounced my maid name um very very well um thank you so very much for watching yes many persons don't bother to say it because they don't they have they may have challenges um pronouncing it um uh and then saw our brother ashani james um online and so ashani it's really nice to see to see you i am i am happy to see you um all right so you know we we would have the truth of it is um for those of us as as educators we have gone to two weeks already as it relates to to back to school and for some of our children this past week you are probably out for orientation and then come next week it is it is full-blown um teaching and learning again and this is really a critical time and i know that many of you are are worried um many and i see where many educators many teachers many administrators principals persons who are trying to take their leave so that they don't have to do another year of online teaching and learning because it is really draining and then i know for parents and students that you are you are probably nervous and overwhelmed and and maybe even scared about this whole matter of going through another year of teaching and another year of being online um this has really shown us that this is a time when we really need really need god more than ever before and i know that the practice for us has always been to have to have a have a purr and i know that as a district i have joined into the the different per sessions that we have had um for back to school and some of the schools are catching on i i was invited um last week to anchovy high school they had a back to school per and fasting session and i was invited to speak there and um another school in clarendon had their staff development and for that staff development they had a prior session also because persons are recognizing that the minister of education is not sure what she's doing the the the school administrators are at a loss as to what to do and um teachers parents students we're just we're just we're just unsure and these are the times that we really need to depend upon god to see us through but he is able and my assurance for all of this is that we did this last year so this time around we are working from a little point of experience and we can do this so i want to start off this afternoon by asking you to just type in the chat um you know um in communication studies we would have learned that our language is dynamic and everyday words are being added to our vocabulary and some words have come into play as a result of covid19 i just want for you to type in the check any of those words that have come up as a result of covet 19 corona time any word new word that has been added to our our vocabulary we find ourselves utilizing a whole lot no because of the whole profit 19 pandemic quarantine thank you so very much um sister davidson thank you anybody else quickly pandemic yes and i hope it's that it is that you're it's not a mystery it is not a misspelling and that you are really playing on that word and also saying plan demi because i know that there are some persons who are talking about that protocols yes stress was always there so telling me stress stress was always there but it has been compounded as a result of of this of this what else social distancing virtual yes what else curfews yes lockdown no movement yes platforms yes so we yes i see you know that we're in our part of the zoom generation and sometimes we are becoming zoom logged and um our screen we're screened out yes any other word media medium yes because they are different virtual yes virtual online that already so these are words that have been added to our our vocabulary as a result of of cov19 the virtual space yes thank you so very much and then we see other things that have come up such as you know self-care that that that's a big thing that has come up face to face and and and we just use the f2 f to to to to to to demonstrate um that word thank you so very much um brenda brenda thomas for for that all right digital divide brother williams you're gone deep no because yes this is not a big thing where persons are not recognizing that indeed there is a digital divide um there are some people who are more affair with the online and there were persons who thought they were really good with online and are suddenly recognizing that oh my god i really don't know anything about this internet and and and and all these technologies the new normal new normal that has that is now becoming the norm all right um pasta is typing something six feet apart mental health yes all of this modality and physical and social distancing disinformation and then also as he says this information there's also information overload all right and so all of these have come into play as a result of of covered code with 19 mask all right sister davidson you can all go ahead and continue to type as the words come up to you but i'm going to call on a few persons so sister davidson i just want to know a little about how quarantine has impact how it has affected you um i'm sad with everybody quarantine um i'm not sure i'm more about introverts so i think i'm probably so you're in your elements you're happy to be at home right that's okay i understand i'm an introvert um too so sometimes yeah yeah i'm predominantly um a a a a a a an introvert with a melancholic temperament um my coloric side only comes up because you have asked me to do a presentation or when i need to lead out at work um all right so so for you quarantine is not has not worn out on your on your on your on your head all right um um nicholas you brother williams you mentioned mental health um could you tell us how proven 19 has affected your mental health are others around maybe brother nicolas all right taking some time to that's brother with him yes brother williams taking some time all right let me take one more i'm sister is it sister rose for physical and social distance yes teacher well it's um it's it's it's it's more observed by observation what i would have observed right so it's not necessarily for you but for others what i would have observed happening around me in terms of persons not relating well to the the new norm someone use that term the new norm that we have to operate in i'm not being able to socialize and some people we're social beings generally and i think a lot of persons don't know how to manage when you're asking them to distance themselves um distance themselves socially so people find it difficult if not impact impossible to function in a normal manner so it's what i'm observing happening around me yes yesterday i was um commenting to a colleague of mine that i don't think we start to see the fallout in terms of the mental issues as yet because it's almost like a disappearing river it's happening it's moving underground but whenever it comes to the surface it's probably gonna be too late to deal with so if we don't have interventions now while it's running underground then we're going to have issues later on yes yes and and person i continue to talk about that because especially in light of the way we see where a lot of persons are probably having relatives dying and they are not getting the the the the closure that they they need and and the opportunity to to grieve and mourn as we are accustomed to and so we do say that um five ten years from now we're still going to be feeling the effects of this whole um plan demi pandemic all right sister rose last person and then we will move on okay sister dennis um we read the physical distancing i mean you know that we are physical beings and we want to hug our friends and you know just up with our friends our you know whoever we meet and this time you have to be staying away from even those that are close to you because you don't want to you know catch this thing that is going on and so it's it is really affecting most people because as you say one of the love language of people is touch and you can't get to touch them so it is going to affect those person whose love language is is touching yes yes yes thank you so thank you so very much thank you very much for for sharing um so for the past 17 months we have been operating in a new normal that seems to be becoming the norm and now online teaching and learning is here zoom we're hearing a lot about zoom some of the other some some schools are using different platforms some persons are utilizing zoom some persons are utilizing blackboard some people are utilizing the google suite um for persons who are probably not online some schools are put into place um self-paced folders where the where parents or children can go by the school pick up these handouts and try to do the activities in a bit to keep up with what is happening and then of course the ministry of education has implemented the tv and radio broadcast classes where they have created now two additional channels where you can watch monday to friday and then you would have the actual classes taking place for primary school and high school um students but everything is so different and some of our children are struggling just yesterday i spoke at orientation and while i was there telling the children you know that we can do this and i believe in you and you're going to finish strong i saw where some person some of them typing in the chat i don't like online learning when is school going to open make a field this year god help me and i was thinking in my head oh my god here am i trying to encourage these children and they are just not fearing what is being said because the truth of it is they are overwhelmed parents are finding it difficult too because you have to be balancing your job and possibly you are working online and trying to familiarize yourself with the online platforms while at the same time you still need to be monitoring your children and so you are finding it difficult so three points this evening that i want to say to help us as we step into this new school year one we want to create a schedule create a schedule scheduling is so important in this time organizing yourself so that we know what is the next thing we are going to be doing so have a schedule know your children's timetable the timetable that they're getting at school know this timetable let them send it to you on the phone if you can print off a copy and display it somewhere where everybody can see so you can know the times that they are supposed to be at classes and which class they are supposed to be have a schedule work within your schedule so i know that probably before you were able to get up by you know that it is devotion family worship and that um break fast and then you are off to school not because we are all there at home still have that schedule in place have a time where there's wake up have a time for for for for breakfast have a time where everything else is off and it is school time school related time and then when school is over um please schedule some time for play don't let it be a case where they up out of online school and then the next thing they do is move to games online that's far too much screen time give them some time so then go outside walk around the house um sit on the veranda um play board games do something else um other than the screen time but schedule this in so it doesn't just up on you schedule play time schedule family time and schedule self-care time more than ever before self-care is very important and self-care is not vanity it is to maintain your sanity and it is not just for the for parents it is also for our children yes and and what i see here is that it's calling for more participation in terms of the you know to keep the structure going that where parents would just allow especially their teenagers just to do their thing um that no um you might think that they are big enough so i can't just leave them but the parents don't need to ensure that you you have to keep the youngsters on top of their schedule um that they are keeping in line with what is expected of them indeed um last year when we had the lot on roshane um our eldest was in fiform and i thought it would have been an easy transition for him because if anything were to be wrong with my phone rasheen would have been the person to fix my phone and they're always on their devices and so i was thinking okay they are they are already in the online world we usually always talk about the fact that this generation of children born with chip in their head and they just know how to use these smart devices and so we thought there would not have been a problem for him to transition from the physical classroom to the online classroom but we were so wrong um we are recognizing that there's a difference with them playing games utilizing their food and knowing how to manipulate the online teaching and learning platforms and so we had to to to to be a team in waking up a particular time um going to bed a particular time checking to make sure that the sbas were done and i know parents that you know pastor will tell you that the goal of parenting is to take our children from dependents to independence and so the way you will relate to your grade one child or your grade six child or your grade eight and nine child uh may be different from how you will relate to your grade 11 child but it is also important that you know your child and that you recognize that not just because they are in grade 11 they may not be at the independent stage that you want them to be and they still need your guidance and your supervision all right and it's in your interest to help them because if they are not able to succeed to fly out of the next they're gonna stay with you and give you trouble so it's better that you just spend a little more time and have a little more patience to help them to settle there and if you're gonna quarrel and fight with them uh at that stage it's going to be a problem so just exercise the patience i go to russians door in the morning and knock him off and do you have a class and um as a matter of fact in the summer it was working and the second day after i started working he was what half an hour olympi he woke up late so i told him i would be there to support him to ensure that he wakes up on time after that um after a while he was able to get into the routine and so on so so just be patient and and be consistent with your team all right and so number two is communicate more than ever before we really need to communicate communicate with your children communicate with your child know what is happening with them know what is happening in their minds so when they come off the platform don't just ask the general question like how was your day because we know especially if it is maybe like a male child where their words are already limited and they're just gonna tell you it was a good day or get it all right but be a little more specific what were some of the classes you had today what is it that you learned in science class today um what new concept was taught um share that with me and parents it is not about being bright it is not about being able to read you don't have to worry about any of those things it is about wanting to have that conversation opening the lines of communication and listening to them so i always say to parents you don't have to know how to read um the the information uh the newspaper let them read it to you and when they come up call a word that you don't know you tell us i've gone for the dictionary dictionary we'll find out what a word you're meaning to we're going to learn this together but while you are doing that you are developing that communication between both of you um opening the door for conversation and you're also helping them to reinforce what it is that was taught or what it is that they learned in class that day so ask them specific questions build rapport with them all right remember parents that boys learn differently from girls and so whereas we have rhea not having a problem to sit down and have her classes from eight to eleven then break for her lunch and then come back on from 12 to 2. raheem finds it a little difficult to be sitting for that period of time because uh boys tend to be more active and more physical than girls are and so we have to also be patient in this light and understand this communicate with the school know your children's form teacher get the numbers be in the what's up groups keep up with all the announcements that are coming out we're not able to be there physically and so we have to depend a lot on the devices we have to depend a lot on on utilizing these different mean medium media for communication so if the first time you know that your child was not attending online classes at the end of the school term that time you're late so you you need to communicate um and no matter if there are even angels like my children because because you know what anytime i just communicated with a teacher was a friend and i realized that my son had missed two classes and and we thought he was going to class he he was just frustrated with the online thing and so we had to be monitoring him so so so so communicate with the school or else you will find a term passed and you realize that your children weren't in class or they were late for class or they didn't turn in their assigned maybe they didn't know how to upload their assignment and you needed a little help it's better to get that help up front and they can upload their assignments rather than you allow the term to pass and they didn't send it in because they didn't know what to do and the whole term and they didn't get a good credit all right and and what happens to for some of them um is that probably they have a little wi-fi it's just so sometimes they are trying to get into the class or they get bumped out of the class and probably just out of sheer frustration because there is they didn't want to go in the first place so the first time they bump or then just say you know what one port of class so then don't go go they don't try to get back into the class and so we need to be there to try and see how best we can help them to be consistent so communicate with the school communicate with your form t with the form teachers if it's high school communicate with the different class teachers communicate with the guidance counselors a number of of agencies a number of bodies like the past students association and ptas and other entities are always trying now to see how they can help so if your child doesn't have a device to see how they can get a laptop or how they can get them on a self-paced folder don't just sit down at home and not have access to education and just leave it like that yesterday when we were ending our our or orientation session we were dividing them in classes and a young man said how do i know which grade 11 class i'm in and i said whatever grade 10 class you are in son that's the grade 11 class that you're moving to he said no he's going to understand i first may have come back from last year march that means from grade nine when that child left in grade nine is the first him coming back for grade 11 so he doesn't know what vocation area he's in he did no work for great 10 he did no sba preparation in grade 10 but because the ministry of education says there's no space we can't repeat them he's coming back for grade 11. all i could say to him was baby when you get off this platform call me because he's going to have to he's going to require special attention so do not just sit down for a whole term parents a whole year student and no contact reach out um i'm in situations where i mean sometimes somebody called and said we'll call and say i would like to donate five laptops five laptops to the school i would like to donate some tablets to the school if you had already contacted your guidance counselor the guidance counselors would have your name and so as the knee as the as the gifts come up then your needs can be met please reach out and say say something to your pastor because you never know maybe as a church maybe the conference can be able to assist in these areas don't just say you know have no device or you know have no internet you know have no access to these things and you can help them and just have them at home playing away let us see how we can access the assistance that is available to us and the third point is to be consistent and we have been mentioning consistency along the way because that is what is important be consistent online stick with it understand yourselves as students i'm speaking to you in particular understand yourself and how you study know yourself and know how it is that you study study actively and not passively and especially with online um teaching and learning now i hear the children complaining that um they feel like the teacher is giving more work than when they were face to face and that may very well be true but um it is important that you study actively and not passively active study is where you study by asking yourself questions and seeking out the answers passive studying is where you just sit on and just read like you're reading for pleasure all right so study actively and not passively study where the brain is rested study life subjects so english air english b social studies history uh study like subjects or you could also mix it up and you can do a reading subject with a practice subject so if one night you're doing a history then it could be the same night that you could practice so much so that you can mix it up also create a study time table and schedule every single subject so that you you cover everything and you don't just study what you love because sometimes when you love a particular subject or you love a particular teacher you find yourself wanting to do very well in that area and remember that your assignment time is different from your study time so what is it that you need to do as you step back out create a schedule communicate and be consistent i want to say to you this evening god has not given us a spirit of fear but of one of love and of power and of a sound mind and with that sound mind it is the opportunity for us to think it is the opportunity for us to to learn and understand don't just sit down and um allow your the uncertainty of this time and fear of what is going to happen to overtake you but to recognize that um he has said in his word that the plans that he has towards us are plans for us to prosper so already he wants for us to be successful what he wants is that we do our part philippians 1 and verse 6 is my favorite bible verse it took me through my college years over 20 years ago and it has stayed with me it says being confident of this one thing so if there's one thing we can be confident about it is that the same god who began a good work in us will stick with us will stay with us will carry us through until the day of jesus christ the mere fact that you're still alive there is still hope the mere fact that you are up and about and you are able to start another school year means that you can do it again don't worry about what happened last year just commit in yourself that i'm going to do better this year and so create your schedule communicate with all the necessary persons and be consistent in what it is that you're going to be doing and let us finish this school year strong i look forward to hearing the testimonies come next year when you're gonna say you see that year 2020 when there was plenty plenty of trouble but in 2021 i came back and i won by the grace of god place your hands in jesus hand he is more than willing and able to see you through god bless you all amen amen amen amen boy it was wonderful just sitting and listening and taking in the wonderful counsel from pastor dennis and sister dennis i tell you it's a whole lot a mouthful but i have learned a lot and i'm sure the brethren the children the the students everybody is encouraged so that the truth is even as we go on even in these rough and tough times very still when i love that text also sister dennis that he who has started that good work is more than able to complete it so with all the social distancing with all the um curfews that is going on with all the mass that we have to be wearing with all the online so many things happening at the same time but we serve our god with able and then as parents we were also encouraged we recognized and we're reminded that in terms of um i like that the rr principal pastor then there's the wwe principle i tell her it was a wonderful presentation it seems as if we should have started much earlier because i'm certain you would have wanted to take some questions somebody had um written i saw a question where somebody was making a reference to the questions said something like this often time you hear reference don't spare the rod and spoil the child and then it continues to say it it said that the bible encourages beating i don't know if you'd want to say anything on that question that was being asked it was actually in the chat if you could just um address that shortly before we go into vestas just so once again yes um as i did indicate that um what the bible advocate is discipline and not punishment and um ellen white also amplifies that that discipline and not punishment so um my approach is that i don't rule out um corporal punishment totally but um it is not the only means and it should be the ellen white says it should be the last resort so if if you can speak with your say you you have a child they have different children with different personalities if you have a child that when you speak with them and say take up this cup they will they will respond and take up the cup and and you can say to them if you put the cup on the without putting it on the placemat on the table and it spills it will wet the tablecloth and they will understand that and even if they make a mistake and they are sorry for it you don't have to spam it yes because it's a conversation and if there's understanding and relationship and they are growing and and so on you don't need to some parents if you told them and and they make a mistake and we all do make mistake and the spirit is on the table cloth the parents are going to still be there yes even though they understand and they are sorry for it and they apologize and and it's not something that they are deliberate and intentional about so some parents need for everything and that is hurtful to the children as i tell you many parents lose their children so um there are some children that um they sometimes they have to get um eating distraught right but if this trap is used it should be last resort and it should not be used in anger that's one you should not hurt them you should not and you should not use anything that will cause cuts and scars to be on your children and so on so so based on their age maybe you would want to as pasta indicated earlier that time james dobson um says you know you use a soft part of your hand and you utilize the soft part part of their body which would most likely give you a button the bottom so that both parent and child would be feeling would be feeling and that also is a biblical principle where it says that you know when we do something wrong god also he feels that the hurt and the and the pain in chastising in chastising us right so so basically we are saying um communication and correcting in righteousness is the way to go and if last resort strap has to be used it should not be used to cause cuts and bruises and scars and it should never be administered in anger um so that's basically what i would say on that thank you so much thank you so much and you know i also like another part that you did mention about in terms of not with folding privileges that is so very very important was it sister denis who mentioned that yes but you know sometimes as as as parents you know we become angry with our child and then we would want with all those things but as you rightly mentioned the handbook for children there are certain rights that must remain no matter what happen no matter how anger or upset you are ensure that the rights are there what you can withhold is the privilege but the rights must always be upheld i want to thank you so much pastor and sister dennis i tell you it has been a wonderful afternoon i have been blessed and i know others have been blessed we're going to be going right over knowing to our vesper thought and so the person to do that for us is sister rochelle mcdonald so i'll turn over to her just now thank you good evening sister hyman and thank you so very much pastor and sister dennis i was truly blessed and we could have closed with the thought from sister dennis who mentioned that with god there is always hope and this week i am really thankful for that thought we have come to the end where we the sabbath has ended and we are now on a new day a new week now when i thought of this week coming coming up it was an attempt on my part not to say when i think about all the challenges that are ahead but her sister dennis remind us remember with god there is always hope and as we go forward this week our theme for family life day was together with god let us go with god this week let us examine ourselves let us know ourselves better than anyone we can fool others but we can't fool god but let us as we go forward let us examine ourselves and be determined to draw closer to god brethren we see so many things are happening we see persons dying but brethren we don't know when it is our time so let us together with god examine ourselves and together with paul be clear or exclaim as he did in second timothy 4 verses 6 to 7 for i am not for i am not ready to be offered and the time of my departure is at an i have fought a good fight i have finished my course i have kept the faith henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the lord the righteous judge shall give me at that day and not to me only but unto all them also that love is appearing but brethren by god's grace we too can exclaim like power we have fought a good fight but of ourselves we can't do such but let us together with god examine ourselves and be determined to be faithful so that if anything should happen we might not be able to proclaim at that very minute i have fought a good fight but it will be well with our souls at this time we're going to go ahead thank you for another subway i want to thank you for your messages that you have given to us lord i ask god that you will help us apply it to our daily lives as we go into another week when i ask that you will go before you lord and that we will align yourself with your will right i ask god that you take away anything that is not going to help us to improve and be better persons then i ask god that as you also leave our lives there that will prepare for your coming lord indeed the signs are telling everywhere like that something is happening and that something even great is going to happen like i ask god that you will help us to be witnesses to those alone lord by the lies we live lord and i ask god that we hope help us lord to hold unto your unchained in hand lord lord i ask god that as we go to the different times now that we remember like that you must place our trust fully in your lord and we must rely on you thank you for everything thank you for another summer being like i asked god if we have done anything like that is not of you learn that you forgive us turn and that you will claim this life thank you for everything and help us to have a good evening i pray amen amen back to you sister jaimon amen thank you so much thank you so much i can tell you that it was a well spent day a well spent afternoon we have been fed by the word of god we have been fed by uh the information from pastor and sister dennis and you have wrapped it up well sisters mcdonald with that wonderful purr and that word of encouragement and so as we leave this platform this evening just want to encourage us to remain faithful and true to god knowing that he was kept us in the past he will continue to keep us even as we go in the future and so we'll sing our song guide and guard us oh ho father let's go will i go guide and guard us oh father till our mother's a birthday us with thy holy spirit fillers with thy righteousness [Music] so wishing you all a good week and so until next week as we come back on this platform for bible class not sure what it will be like for a y but i know that god is gonna be with us so do have a good weekend thank you diamond acres for having us on this platform this afternoon god bless you be safe and let us remain faithful amen have a good week everyone thank you so much bye okay
Channel: Diamond Acres SDA Church
Views: 214
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: _pNf1lI15mU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 153min 10sec (9190 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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