Sabbath AM || FAMILY TOGETHERNESS WEEK OF PRAYER || Living Fruitful Love || Sept 11

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okay it's a beautiful sabbath here under this wonderful edifice and i do say happy sabbath to one and all wherever you are on whatever platform they are on happy sabbath may god bless us bountifully today and as we seek to honor him in singing trust that wherever you are you will join your heart our hearts will be joined together welcome one to welcome all and i'm happy to see all of us that are worshiping face to face we're going to pray at this time i ask you to stand wherever you are once you can our loving father great god and king of the universe honor praise and glory be unto your muchless name it is your holy sabbath o lord you have created this sabbath day from creation and your children have come to worship you all over the world graced us with your presence this morning as we seek to honor you in singing is our asking in jesus name my name is beverly rodney and for a couple of minutes i'll be joining with you sing honor praise and glory to god our first song of praise number 394 far from all care we hail the sabbath morning far from all care we heather sabbath morning though my remember thy holy lord lord of the sun peace strong bear from day to and i say praise the lord and wherever you are let's join our hearts in singing again number 388 don't forget the sabbath the lord our god has blessed of all the weak the brightest of all the we the best number 388 don't forget the sun but the lord our god has blessed of all the wings the brightest all the weakness it brings reports from labor details of joy divine it's means day of sacred the children's dearest friends is day number 109 marvelous grace marvelous grace of our loving lord marvelous grace all for loving lord grace that exceeds our sin and our gift and uncovering is that is greater than lord or sins sin and despair like the sea was cold threatened the soul with infinite is oh you that are longing to see his face will you this moment his grace receive grace grace god's grace grace that will fight on and cleanse within grace grace god's praise grace blood is greater than known or praise the lord the god be the glory great things he hath done and indeed his marvelous grace has spared us to be here on this beautiful sabbath morning so wherever you are whichever platform you're on let us praise the lord together because his grace indeed is greater than anything else in the whole wide world until this afternoon let us keep in touch with christ and now turn over to our wonderful home scarlet lodge happy sabbath everyone it is such a wonderful privilege to be alive and to be in the house of the lord this morning what do you say to be able to join and the different platforms it is such a privilege so i just want to welcome every individual and whatever platforms you're on to our family life week today it's the end of our family life week and we give god thanks all around the world we know that the families are in trouble especially at this time when the burden of life is so great but we have a god that cares and we are so happy to be a part of his family amen so i just want to welcome everyone this morning and as we worship may the blessings of the lord fill our souls and may we experience joy and gladness this morning we will sabbath school will come under the caption fruitful love the joy of family life fruitful love the joy of family life and we know that no um love is unknown and it's also a verb okay so in order for the known to work the verb has to be applied amen so as we recognize the fruit of the spirit and god's will and his purpose for the family may we just allow god's holy spirit to give us the power at this time so that our family lives can increase in love and in duty sister white says in the book the advent is om om is to be the center of the purest and the most elevated affection peace harmony affection and happiness should be the persevering cherished should be perseveringly sorry cherished every day until these precious things abide in the heart of those who compose the family so the plant of love must be carefully nourished else it will die every good principle must be cherished if we would have it thrive in the soul amen so by god's grace and as we enjoy this family life week may you know our family flourish because of what we will learn and may not be just for a week but may it be may we cherish the love and the affection with our families our our biological families our church family so that we can enjoy the peace the love the joy that god has in store for us this morning i'll invite sister rodney to come and as we continue to praise the lord with the hymn number 191 and it's love divine 1 9 1 love divine all love excelling joy of heaven and earth come down fixing us thy humble dwelling all thy faithful mercy crown so all of us now will be joining together not only with your gadget or your books to sing but with your hearts to praise the lord love divine or love joy of hand to earth come down fixing us thy humble dwelling all thy faithful mercy's crown jesus thou art all compassion pure unbounded let us i you received we would be always glory is us see thy great salvation perfectly restored in please change from glory into glory lost in wonder and praise praise the lord amen and we know that in order for us to cultivate love we have to be connected to the source of love amen at this time we invite sister nikeda to bring us the memory the um scripture reading which is from first corinthians 13 versus four to eight sista nikita turkey is oh all right we really had a little zone problem thank you so much sister nikita but let's just um go with with it again thank you for the efforts this but the sound was a little bad it says charity suffereth long and is kind charity envious not charity vaunteth nothing self is not puffed up does not behave on itself unseemly seated not our whole it is not easily provoked think at no evil rejoice not in iniquity but rejoice in the truth bear with all things believe at all things open open all things endure at all things charity never fail but where there is prophecy they shall fail whether there be tongues they shall cease whether there be knowledge they shall vanish away but we know that love endureth forever and as long as it is cultivated on the right foundation and is nourished it will be a good fruit at this time we invite um brother andre greene to petition the throne of grace on our behalf especially the family at this time that is in turmoil we ask that brother andre will lift up the family along with the other challenges that we are facing at this time let us pray everyone heavenly father the giver of good gift the one who made this earth from nothing and after completion you say it was very good we come on your holy sabbath just to honor you just to glorify you just to say thank you for another day so many persons have not lived to see this morning but because of your grace and your mercy we are he we are here and for that we say to god be the glory great things he has done we know that the family plays an important role in your creation the family play an important role in spreading the good news of salvation we recognize that the families are under attack the enemy also has launched an attack on the family where homes are being dysfunctional where there are no fathers or no mothers but in the mighty name of jesus we pray that you may bro you may bring back the family into unity lord we asked at this moment that you may go in each home that has been interrupted by the enemy so many lawlessness is happening in the family so much molestation so much inference so much abuse when the mighty name of jesus we pray that your holy spirit will go in each family and that you will teach them the fruit of love lord we come before thee because only you alone can put the family back together only you alone can turn things around we are in a dna age that it seems like we do not head from our foot but we know that we serve almighty god we serve a god that will take care of us in the midst of the storm lord we honor you we glorify you and help us not to get discouraged as we are seeing the signs of the time has been unfolding help us to look unto thee who is the arthur and the finisher of our faith troubles times are here lord but help us to rest assure that greater is he always with us than they who are against us we pray for the sabbath schools all over the world we pray for our brothers and sisters who are being persecuted for the faith that they have in thee lord help us to understand we have freedom to worship thee now but that freedom is coming to an end help us to gird our alliance in your word help us to fortify our lives in accordance with your will because this freedom that we have lord of mercy is about to be taken away and only fitted after features will survive only all of us who put our confidence and our trust not in politician not in man-made um whatever inventions but those of us who put our trust in the almighty god will be able to stand so lord we pray again for the family and we ask the lord to mow us in the fashion that you want us to be and help us to know that it's not far from now we are going to a land or never grow whole we are going to a land where joy will be overflowed from eternity unto eternity lord until that day help us experience a little heaven down here because the family is is being asked to demonstrate heavenly principles so lord bless the homes bless the parents of in difficulties send back their children to school many want these devices many are not working many have no food to give your children but lord like you provide for elijah when he was in the wilderness we pray that we provide for the families who have nothing to eat the families who are wondering if they'll be on the road tomorrow because they don't have the money to pay for the rent lord do something for your people and this morning with confidence we are going to wait on you and we shall not murmur because our bread and water indeed is sure thank you for all that you have done and what you're about to do in your precious family prayer let's praise the lord praise the lord everyone yes we thank god for the power of prayer because if we do not know how to call upon the lord these days we are in trouble and i will take this opportunity to tell those who really are not aware that the jamaica union is having uh 100 days of prayer they start over two weeks ago and i tell you it is powerful it is a blessing so for those of you who can join they start at 5 00 a.m in the morning you can go to youtube and just type in jamaica union 100 days of prayer and you will really be connected to a powerhouse and i tell you it will make the difference so i invite you to join and be blessed at this time i invite sister carol taylor to bring us the mission story good morning sabbath school the mission story is entitled rescinded resentment imagine being seven years old and running for your life in a jungle how might that affect your life as a boy jimmy developed a deep resentment towards the authorities because of his experiences at one point lost the jungle he thought he would die he decided that if he ever survived he would join an armed resistance movement to get revenge after two years of separation jimmy found his father in a refugee camp in thailand but his father did not agree with jimmy's plan saying it would not help to take up weapons instead he urged jimmy to become a pastor and tell his people about the love of god and the hope of eternal life it was not easy for jimmy to give up his anger and deep resentment but he saw his father's peace and joy as they attended a seven-day adventist church in the refugee camp he read about the conflict between christ and satan in the bible he realized his father was right and decided to forgive those who had around him jimmy became a seventh-day adventist pastor and later resettled in united states he soon discovered that many adventist refugee families who had who he had known in refugees camp in thailand were now scattered across north america they were trying to find find seven day adventist churches but did not know enough english to understand the messages or participate in the services many were becoming discouraged jimmy longed to visit and encourage them in the faith he wanted to help them to organize small group so they could worship the god of heaven in their own language with much prayer jimmy planted three churches but working full-time to support his family he did not have time to fund have sorry but working full-time to support his family he did not have time or funds to travel to help many more to help any more of the 2000 current adventist refugees scattered across the continent but god knew my heart and my needs said jimmy who now serve as a pastor in the carolina conference and as a current church planting consultant for the north american division divisions adventist refugee and immigrant ministries god had been leading all the time and he already had a plan jimmy added a 13 sabbath offering that was collected in 2011 provide funds to reach out to refugees in north america the funds allowed jimmy to visit refugees family scattered throughout the united states and canada helping them to organize congregations in their own language and to serve their communities through his work 55 current churches have been planted across the continent over the past decade all this was possible because of church members gave and jimmy and others like him allow god to replace their resentment and forgiveness and love this thirteen sabbath this thirteenth sabbath sorry this quarter year thirteen sabbat orphan will again help to share the gospel with refugees in north america division thank you for planning a generous offering amen thank you very much sister taylor uh may you continue to go from strength to strength as you seek to serve the lord in whatever capacity you are called we see here where god can use even the violence of person to become his servant amen we see how he has turned jimmy aron to be a serious missionary and to do great work for him and we are reminded that as we give that we may not be able to go where our phones can go but in given we can help to spread the gospel so please put a little aside for our 13th sabbath which will be coming up in two weeks time so that you can help with the gospel gospel work now we are studying some very powerful lesson this week as we look at the lesson we see the end we see oh the entire history or a part of the history of israel and we know we see that it is an example of the christian walk with god and as the israelites were miraculously delivered from the egyptian bondage they passed through the sea they at manor and you know we see the journey that they go through god wants us to realize that as its people we are also on our spiritual journey and at this time i'm going to invite our beloved eldar mccallum to come and tell us about the journey that we are on amen happy sabbath oh we remain at the true governmental summer festival but those who are here there must be liquor fire still in the bone and the green you know you know i'll do the mask you could hear something a little better than that happy sabbath brothers and sisters god is good all the time i don't know about you you know but as the bible said in first corinthian 15 and verse 19 if in this life only we have hope in christ we are of all men most miserable and if there is a time these takes are really not is now welcome to those who in the media world i trust by god grace that something will be said this morning that will bring blessing to your soul we are at lesson 11 and as i said before if he's in this life only the topic is longing for more go ahead my sister that's a question eller green more of what longing for more all right for people longing for more can mean several things but from a christian perspective we are longing for more where we see no more evil where we can just don't have physical resistance i feel but we can rest in eternity so we are longing for that day where we have complete eternal race is that anza question sister by feel it said in hebrews i think his hebrew is a level where it is the faith chapter he said all these look for a city where the builder and made is not it don't made by man it is made by who almighty god it don't matter what will i achieve here it will not satisfy our soul so this longing for more is for us to reach to that heavenly canaan that i think it stirs the lessons speak about this longing for more is for us to be complete in jesus christ because this christian journey is not about work it's about allow god to live out his life in us that's where the christian journey lies in a brazilian no matter what you do come in my sister it don't matter what you do you cannot work to be saved you just have to allow god to live out his life in you go ahead my sister amen amen amen amen looking forward for it we have to my sister because i believe all of us is looking for a better land a better home some place where righteousness will reign forever as elder green said the memory text said now now these things took place as an example for us that we might not desire evil as they did anybody want to help me sister rodney can you help me on the memory text i'm gonna get help from those who are here i don't know they are trying to get the mic around so go ahead and tell it to come because many times when you stand and speak those who and the platform will not hear us you know why sister ready go ahead i just go ahead where you are and we will practice to see if we can get the mic around after this one sorry for those who on the platform many times started with them yes they start having deaths a whole lot and today god wants us to understand that when we when we follow in the footsteps of god when we do his will and do the things that he asks us we will not end up like them yes we will not end up like them so we should look at the examples of the children of israel are god's people back then and take heed because i think we have better examples today we have the example to follow are we are in a better position than them somewhat amen and to support your point hebrews 8 and verse 5 says who serve unto us who serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly things as moses was admonish of god when he was about to make the tabernacle far see said he that thou make all things according to the pattern shown to thee in the mount so the whole journey of israel from egypt to canaan is a is a is a physical spiritual journey it is a journey that happened in the physical but the lesson for you and i today is to understand that it's all for our example for every one of us we have come out of egypt all right i thank you very much i'm going to refreeze the question this statement for every one of us we should have come out of egypt you know and that's why when you go over to sunday we speak about baptism into moses we understand that when we come out i came out of egypt there is a channel that we have to travel you know there is a channel if you notice what happened to the children of israel first as we go over to sunday where sister sister lads is getting ready to come and emphasize on it also you know notice what happened to the children of israel first when they leave egypt their first stop and many of us especially those who are watching who are not christian must understand when you disciple god to go with god that there is out for you he will not ease up he start at the beginning and he will not ease up because even when you seem to be out of his hand because if you notice what happened with the with the children of israel when they leave egypt fiera could not be comfortable the enemy will not be comfortable with us when we leave egypt and decide to go with god and you're talking about problem problem will come left right and sent to children of god but remember that god promised that he will give us what peace that will pass all understanding sister by feeling then sister large will come i see we have a new edifice is it is it um example of what was shown and how it should be built and everything and um in the days and in the present i i pause to answer your question because the the sanctuary that was built in in the wilderness were built to practice the sacrificial system so because of that it was designed a certain way specifically for that system that system don't practice anymore because if you remember the sanctuary service when you look at the the top of it if you even left the tabernacle like i come down to the the newer one where maybe you can explain more quicker and faster in the salomon temple if you notice you have the courtyard where the first part of the sacrificial system take place where the priests work we don't have that function anymore because you don't have to bring any lamb to to the sanctuary for all of that to take place you understand me then you have the holy place where the priests go into you have the most holy place where the high priest go into that function don't take place anymore you know that function now and that's why i said the journey is a spirit is a physical and spiritual journey that function takes place not by our dependence upon jesus christ so the physical structure that builds now in the world to host the people of god don't have to carry that's that those three apartments are those two apartment you know because those functions don't happen anymore everywhere in the church where the pastor went we can go to all right and every member have the right to right sister rodney but back then in the holy place only the high priest could enter that century and today you know in that holy place our high priest is presently if you follow the judgment message is presently in the holy place making intercession for you and i sister lodge now here we see on sunday that you know god himself gave the instructions yes and that helped us to understand you know that we don't just do as we please because we serve a god that is a principal god a god who has designed the hurtly thing according to the pattern of that which is in heaven and that is to tell us that there is a link between heaven and earth so god is very much interested in what is happening here on earth especially when it comes to his affairs because it is a pattern of what as industry is going on in heaven so if we think that we can just do what we feel and it will please god then we are only fooling ourselves because he has already laid the example of how we are to serve him amen and as we continue to look at the baptism of into moses we remember what happened i think is this realistic you remember what happened when they reached out the red sea pharaoh behind them and you see why this christian journey have to be completely dependent on jesus christ because you must understand that as you plan to leave sin the devil is behind you and he will not ease up and the only person that can make a way true for you and i is jesus christ there is nobody else and that's why baptism is important for us to enter into the church of god ella a question hello um i know what baptism is are we baptizing as far as the holy ghost what does it mean but moses baptism are baptized into moses it is not literally uh uh deep under the water is a spiritual journey through the red sea remember that we for us to be baptized we have to immerse they did not immerse spirit physically but they were immersed spiritually because the water in our sense covered them because there was two walls and everybody have to travel through it so it's not a literal deep for them you know and and that's why i said you have to even even though we take the literal deep the true baptism and that's why jesus said you're baptized by the the water and the spirit if we don't receive the spiritual baptism you way where that symbol of god is raised upon us our baptism is is i i i don't know i hear past most pastors said that you've got some person go wrong as with everyone come up dry they bring compass with them i don't truly know what that's saying so good so but but it said that it is meaningless but nobody know if it is meaningless apart from christ so i cannot brand you you understand me say it is meaningless nobody know apart from christ uncle christ alone no you know as we go over to monday in a ritual and sacrifice a little green and this is where sister by field were asking about the the sanctuary and you will see here the sacrificial system you know to how god instructs the children of israel to deal with sin elegy all right so when you look at monday's lesson ritual and sacrifices um and as elder mentioned before it was something that god put in place to point of what is to come and just imagine in the 21st century where we have to find out our water sheep or whatever it may be maneuvers coming by flower no mostly some fine go to sheep so the everything that happened back then it was pointing for the ultimate sacrifice who who was and who is of jesus christ so we see here that alas mentioned earlier that guy the man of principle is a man of principle and he organized everything and everything must be done at the given time so we know when they come when they did the sacrifice then their sin was forgiven so we are grateful to god now that we don't have to go through the whole kind of the protocols of getting forgiveness we can go to jesus directly because it should have blocked because of the blood of christ no we don't have to practice these anymore and it led me to say that there are some people who practice some of these principles that are called good neck and all different types of nexus are large when christ came and he has done away with those sacrificial practices the only thing we need now which thank god we have is the blood of jesus christ ahead sister lodge in laying hand on the the sacrifice it the sinner had to totally confess the sin it's not like you know you are going to just lay your hand and the the sin that is is is going to kill you you have to confess it so therefore seeing that you have laid your hand on the sacrifice and confess your sin with sincerity why is it then that they didn't just let they the the the animal go because you have already confessed your sin and laid on the animal if you notice what john 1 29 said it said when john saw jesus coming john said behold the lamb of god which taketh away the sin of the world i think it is in hebrews he said that there is only one thing that can remove sin and his blood the animal blood was just a symbol of the true lamb of god if you confess and the lamb until the lamb die there is no sin removed from you because without the shedding of blood there will be no removal no remission of sin so they could not let the lamb go at that point sisterland the process have to follow through because the process is is a replica of jesus christ so you have to follow through with the process but remember that the process don't truly move sin and that's why it's important now bridging that we understand yes the animal was literal but it was only symbolically moved today is the same way we pray to jesus christ symbolically but is literally moved by jesus christ you know because it's only jesus christ that can remove sin so the blood of jesus christ the lamb the lamb blood was just a symbol or a replica of jesus blood i think i have sister by feeling in brotherhood coming to church on a saturday or a sunday is it still a ritual or you have a choice it can be both but the difference between a and a sunday one is command by god and one is a choice by man that's a different i see there but although the sabbath is command by god for many of us it is a ritual you know it is not so much coming to have a spiritual connection or because of both of us because the next thing in a virgin we study about the sabbath during this lesson the next impressions about keeping is not saturday you know and for many of us that's when sabaki even start not friday evening proceed but maybe friday night or saturday morning you know what's sabbah keeping is not just saturday sabbath keeping begin from sunset because we must live at all time in our readiness to meet our god and that's what made us a true sabbath keeper because it is not by works it is by the power of god brotherhood it is not it should not be a ritual for us it should be a connection which it can be it can't be vice versa but it should not we should not just see it as a ritual i should say we should see it as a way of life because christianity should be a way of life it is something that is like oh you cannot do it all your food that's how christianity should be to us or even more than that brotherhood i was just re-emphasizing what are they among them ritual and sacrifices all of these others pointing to to the real sacrifice which is jesus you know because as they have said um you know the bible says that there's no forgiveness of sin without the you know so all of this was just you know a symbol like like an example you know you know um before um before jesus who um would sister rodney and then ella green you know i am looking at the last question at the bottom of monday and it says think about how bad sin must really be that it took the sacrifice of the self-sacrifice of one member of the godhead now we have to leave sin alone in our brethren we have to leave sin alone our sin is not good sin is bad sin is wicked sin is of the devil satan and anything that is sinful we are to run from it we are god's children and we are to live sin when we see sin we must run from it and we are to purpose in our hearts that we are not going to practice sin right because sin is not good sin will destroy us because if it takes the god almighty create god who created the universe to come and deliver us from sin you see how wicked it is when we look around and see what is happening sin no good and as god's children let us by his grace which is available leave sin alone and cling to jesus amen ella green thank you brother james all right um when you look at i think sister um sister bifi has a question about uh ritual son they are or are stabbed there um we must understand the word ritual is not a bad thing it's not a bad thing because ritual is basically a prescribed way of oh you do really just things so communion will be a ritual but just a context we have to be mindful of because a ritual can be done as i mentioned some people engage in ritual like witchcraft right that is a ritual but the ritual itself is not bad the word ritual is not bad but it's what that what we do will cause it to be bad okay the example of the example of rest i want to start until he come if you notice what happened first in hebrews you notice one of the first thing that i believe we have to do to to experience this spiritual risk it have to start from a physical point of view first and if you notice what hebrews 4 and verse 10 said for he that is entered into his rest he also had seized from his own work as god did from his so yes we understand that hebrew four is talking about the spiritual it's a step typical thing but we must understand for us who are who are natural to enter in the spiritual realm there are some physical things that is required for us to do you know we cannot yet work on saturday and say we are resting in jesus and we are keeping the sabbath because it is no more a physical recently a spiritual race so i do as i can and the sabbath and i'm at work and i i am making furniture and i'm making sure that sister rodney peeled me start the evening before sunset and uh and i'm calling her i say i accomplish the job sister rodney and all of that brethren we have to cease from god did not tired when he sees here in hebrews no it was an example for us to depend on him because it no matter how much we dress up on sat there and come here now we truly cannot keep the sabbath now for us to keep the sabbath is that gift from almighty god every victory that you and i gain is a gift from god it is not of our self everything that we achieve of ourselves the bible said is is filthy wrongs so even this and that's what challenged the world in the bridge and the bible says certain things are spiritually that's what challenged the world because the world don't understand that because when they said we cannot keep this about they are right because the sabbath is spiritually discerned for us to keep the sabbath we have to receive the power from god so it is not we so much that keep the sabbath it is god that kept the sabbath through us ella rodney here we see that um the two combined together rest in christ by faith because when we have that rest in christ it will spelled out by keeping the sabbath day holy so you have the spiritual rest and you have the physical risk and you have the rest that shows that men can see the the sabbath carlos sign we are assigned to the world that we are being obedience to god by keeping the sabbath day holy and therefore by this our faith in christ carrying us along so every day we get up and we exercise our faith in god and that's the reason why those who does not practice this race by faith in christ during the week you cannot keep a good sabbath yes so therefore we start the exercise of keeping this about from this about finish we start to plan and act according to the next sabbath coming so therefore the rest in christ is not just a sabbath but his faith in christ jesus amen and that's what the israelite wasn't they did not have yes and there's a reason why they did not enter into the promised land and we must understand as head and jail agreement we must alberta hears as we must understand that there's somebody here in hebrew as i learned was not the literal sabbath it was the rest for the children of israel through the wilderness to the earthly canaan and that's we are here traveling because the tourist this sabbath the seventh day of the lord thy god is not so much the truest the true race is in jesus christ which we will receive at the end of our christian journey when the bible said from one new moon to another from one server to another when we receive that rest moses was not able because i want to say because of the people them sin and the people that might believe and if you notice what happened to them everyone that was of age i assume that were responsible for their sin who were full of and believe everyone died in the wilderness none of them enter into the rest which joshua have to finish i'm talking about the earlier race we just have to finish along the way none of them entering it and moses get dropped oh not because of his sin but because of the leaders of the god church you know we have to understand it it is a serious thing when you take of god work by your hand like a few it is a serious thing when you become god in god church moses were not playing god but moses were trying to different god in god church and he was the one who suffered the consequences because what moses said even when you are defending god it must be occurring to dos say the lord god said to moses coming sister he must do what speak to the rock but because the people didn't get from the last knows us would have said and the people didn't get him so upset didn't they remember what god said you know when him look at the rock sister i feel and he would not be so angry because he was tired he was very tired that's why church don't belong to one person amen amen we have to learn to balance the thing sister rodney and wednesday you know and wednesday you know harden not your heart don't be as tough like ella mccallum sister rodney wednesday okay we have three minutes so you take two and i take one well the lord is telling us every night we heard we had you must listen to him when he talk right anybody give us instruction we have to follow yes as simple as that yes because that uh if you're going to speak about that you can mention moses when god gives a command that's what he means when god said to do something we have to go and do otherwise as simple as that we have to do what god says amen right and he gives a warning and he plead to god's people not to repeat the mistakes of their ancestors and fall i'm sorry and fail to enter into the true rest we are looking for the kingdom of god to come we're looking for jesus to come and if we follow certain things we're not going to make it yes are we going to keep our eyes on jesus and make sure we obey his words accordingly as we are going to make it amen as i close on thursday i want to close the and thursday it said that the heavenly sorry conquering a heavenly city and i don't know about you sister-in-law but i'm looking for that city and i understand that is not by might nor by power but it by it is by the word of the lord only way you and i will conquer this heavenly city is by trusting in jesus christ you could have lead you could have been fluent member it no matter what position your whole in the church of god yes i believe that the church is the gateway to heaven because it is the only institution that god set up on earth and i believe is this seventh-day adventist church but i want to say to you that as much as your commerce the gate without you have a ticket not a vaccine card without you have a ticket stamped by jesus christ as the bible said he is the way and the life choose him today have a blessed day amen what a beautiful lesson i want to thank elda mccollum for thee abel way that he has brought across the lesson and let us bear in mind that the sabbath rest foreshadows the eternal rest amen the sabbath rest foreshadows the eternal rest that jesus desires for us in heaven's promised land then and only then our hearts will be in permanent peace our rest in christ today is preliminary to the glo to the glorious day in which we will be at rest with him in eternity amen so when we keep the sabbath we must remember that we are in training for the greater rest so here is where we learn to be in the presence of god how to conduct ourselves because this is not it one day the promised rest will be ours if we are faithful today amen so let us be faithful and allow god to lead us to the promised land at this time i call on personal ministry so i want to say a pleasant sabbath to um everyone you know it's a great privilege for us to be in the presence of the lord to worship him and to adore his holy name as god's people you know we are called upon to do uh mighty work in this semi you know all of us have to pray for the church and for it its leader that god will inspire the people actually have called to lead that you know we can come up with innovative way of spreading the gospel um to those around us and we give the lord thanks for our series that you know had finished um last week and we know that it is still going on online because person are still going on youtube and they are are still listening to message that i've been preached and we can all say no it was a great program in terms of the message that was spoken and the message that you know is fitted for over time so we are all called upon to still share you know the the zoom link for that series each of the nightly presentation so a person can still benefit we are so in our personal time you know still tell somebody about the goodness of god and cheerleading because there's so much that you know we can do to spread the gospel as a church uh the mandate has given to the person minister to mobilize the church but all of us as god's people we have a personal message to do and we sometimes you know are very lethargic in doing god's work what we have to pray for the spirit of god that god spiritually fall upon us because when god's spirit fall upon us totally you know we cannot keep silence and because you know why we love to do the work of god is because the spirit of god isn't as yet fully endown on us and we must all fall a day when god's spirit you know fall upon us because one day there is going to be a mighty evangelism work in god's world and as the day of pentecost so let us all put our self to be ready to be used by god because god gonna use his people mightily again because the time that we are living dictate that god going to use us mightily and also we the lessons are still here and you can see the sister riding in the summer school the bad school leader and get sign up and give someone your friend or your family a neighbor a lesson so they can do it so we have to do it on a personal level to meet those that we can meet need meet those that we are close to and those who we can trust um in this side i know turning over to sister rodney or she will give updates on the bible school so i am just continuing where elder dixon has left off that almighty work is coming for us to be to be done and we are not to wait until that time as a matter of fact all of us now are called upon to do something not because we're in a pandemic it doesn't mean that we are not to we have to just sit down and don't do any work you have neighbors that you can give a lesson to we have several of these lessons what are they we have the seven steps we have sure guide we have family life we have the believers and let's talk about it so let's take up the work man let's start a lesson take one of these lessons and go to your neighbors talk to somebody the coming of the lord is so near and we can't afford to sit down there will be no starlets crown in heaven so let's go the bible school is ready to go we still have our schools functioning right now do something that god's word can go forth okay so we also can take our stories and like you know we don't want to be present with someone we can study with somebody online because you know that's what the where the world is editing also and that's god's people you know we have um work to do and that work is not so much to get person to the church but to get person into heaven so all of us must work together to see that each and every one of us get into heaven and we can do that by you know encouraging each other as we are a person not being able to come to church we must try as much as possible to see those you know who we can call um during the week and those who we can encourage because all of us know you know need some encouragement because you know we are facing a very our time so with that today i want to welcome each and every one um to church this morning those who are here in the physical sanctuary and those who are worshipping online you know it's a great privilege for us to worship and to magnify the name of jesus and i want to say a special welcome to those online those on our zoom platform our church members and our visitors and those under you youtube we pray that as we worship god in the beauty of oldness that our art will be filled and we will be rejuvenate and we will be revitalized as we face this com upcoming week so as we worship god today let us all lift our heart and thought even word and forget about the things around us and focus totally on god so i say a special welcome to you all amen let's praise the lord and i just want to join elder joseph in welcoming someone who has not been at the church for a good while and that is queen by feel and guess what queen by feel is celebrating today and we sell it we celebrate with her amen and we we we we we thank god for her and may the lord continue to bless her with help and keeper amen we just want to thank god for everyone who participated in summer school this morning we had sister nikeda who did our memory our scripture reading we had brother green who did the prior sister carl taylor mission story we had um order held up mccallum who did the lesson and elder joseph that did the welcome and as we looked at the the caption this morning fruitful love the joy of family life let us remember that this little memory gem that we learned in school it says little deeds of kindness little words of love make our earth and eden like the heaven above and that is what god intends for our home to be little heaven and earth and it can only be like that if we tap into the resources of heaven and we ask the holy spirit to teach us how to be loving and how to be kind so that we can experience joy unspeakable in our own so brethren as we come to the end of summer school this morning i have been your superintendent sister lodge do enjoy the rest of the suburb please stand so we can pray to close our father what in heaven we glorify and we magnify your name and we really thank you father for this grand opportunity that despite of all that is happening in the world we can worship you we praise you we honor you and we glorify your name and as we worship you today father may our hearts be cleansed so that our worship can come up as sweet incense and the blessings can come down we have so god that your holy spirit power will be in charge of the rest of the day's activity and at the end may your people be blessed in jesus name we pray amen we have sung this song for so many years but it still has new meaning every time listen to these words not of works nor tell of good deeds for not have i done to merit god's grace all glory and praise shall rest upon him because he was so willing to die in my place suffering oh that i had to lay at his face his table up alive till god vision for me is for the cross that he bore i will be is i will i will glory i've come to fight to look back again there is nothing behind me all the treachers i used to love have all faded from a new day ahead of me all my heartache is over far foreign look back my feet the redeems are rejoicing heavens and jails are look around there unhappiness so see no reason life will give you a broken tree turn around don't look back again face that's a new day before you place your heartache in jesus hands i've come to fight rejoicing heaven's angels are singing i've come to fight to look back to fight too long foreign happy sabbath everyone please listen to the following announcements our bible class continues at 4 pm followed by our ey service or sunday and wednesday night services begins at 7 15 pm on our vrs platforms also our friday vespa service begins at 6 30 pm please remember are sick or missing and or shouting members and remember especially brother largely mother darington laggy in your purse remember that he was in an accident his home so remember him in your first and when you can please give him a call also board meeting will be on this on the 19th of september and our business meeting will be on the 25th of september after vesper for a back to school initiative we'll be dis having a distribution of packages next sabbath afternoon after church so our children can get some books for back to school and if you have textbooks at home and you are not using them i'm asking that you if you want to share them with somebody you can learn them for a year to use and they return them instead of having them at home and not using them so if you know someone is in need then you can share your books with them also i know bible school graduation will be on the 2nd of october at 3 30 p.m so all by the school persons who participated in the bible school program gradation will be on the 2nd of october at 3 30 pm and september is designated as senior citizens month and we know that they normally have a senior cities seniors and grandparents day but because of it we can have that right now so we are asked to celebrate earth or seniors in our churches in our various churches and the theme is recovering and resilience and the church is asked of a special program on that day to recognize our seniors and that is also community relations day so the ejc seniors association is asking that we do acts of kindness for our seniors take pictures and also indicate if we have centenarians or near centenarians to register them and send the information to the ejc senior citizens association and we know that we have brother duane brother dwayne is 99 this year right we have sister ebert in her 90s also so we can recognize from the family life department committed husbands forum part two will be on the 18th of september at 7 30 p.m under the theme the myth of marriage and it will be on zoom on youtube and i don't know how much of you especially husbands have been following these programs i have been um i have been announcing them so we have the committed husband committed wise and committed wise forum will be on the 25th of september between seven to nine pm so as i announced now if you are interested and you don't remember the date are you want to get the zoom id you can contact me if you're interested and we know sister bye feel like your sister by feel is at church and she's celebrating her birthday today happy birthday to your sister bye phil and i know that sister beverly rodney will be celebrating her birthday sometime during this week to the end of the week and i do hope and pray that god continues to be with you and to bless you as you you go through these days we are not getting any older you are getting younger younger every day as you pass the 50 mark going back younger last but not least a big congratulations to yashina robinson for placing in the top five in the little genus competition and i'm going to tell you a little bit about this competition somebody sent this to me and when i look at the age group two persons came to my mind yashina and shania but then shania age wouldn't would be would be over the age and yashina is not at the age because it's 8 to 11 years old and yashina is seven and i said but i know yashina can manage this competition and i caught i got a phone number for the lady and i called and when i caught i spoke to the lady and lady said she's pretty young and i was just there talking to her and while i'm talking to her and she keeps asking me some questions and she said it would not be fair for her to be in this competition because she's so young up against others that are much older than her and i keep saying to her i know she can do it and the lady keep questioning me until she finally said to me is this your child and i said no it's a child from my church but i know she can do it and each time she asks me anything i keep saying i know she can do it so she said okay then have you spoken to the parents and i said no i haven't and she said well talk to the parents and let me know so i spoke it tajina and she said okay and we enter in the competition and she said boy i really think that she's really young for this and i keep saying i know that she can be because we know our children at balcon drive we have some very brilliant children and i am really good at this being in the top five among a whole lot of children from all across the different parishes we know that she has done exceptionally well and this morning we want to say congratulations again to yashina and continue to pray for children virgin we need to pray them up and pray that they will stay in the church and keep shining wherever they are and at this time brother pharaoh will play that little piece that she used to go in the competition some persons might see before but who has not seen before they will see no and i just implore that continue to pray for them so that god will keep them these are the announcements for today other sales of the city hello jamaica my name is yashina robinson a student of the saint jude's primary school nervous scared frightened timmy reluctant to speak holding behind a mask that wears a smile but hearts ripped into imagine being a child who fears his own parents imagine being a child who has to live with the fear of getting bitten every single day of their life imagine being a child who does not want her mom to leave for work because she knows that she will be sexually abused by her caretaker as soon as her mom leaves this makes it clear that the topic i am going to address today is child abuse child abuse may be defined as the physical maltreatment sexual molestation or neglect of a child jamaica has too many cases of child abuse and this is heart rending children are special gifts and should be treated as such we should be cared for love nurtured and appreciated not mistreating how can you stand aside knowing the truth and do nothing you are killing your future stop look listen this cannot continue let your voice be heard report stop them save us please help stop such vicious actions because it takes a village to raise a child mommy daddy grandma grandpa uncle auntie anybody listen please we need you help stop the violence against us today thank you so much yashina all right okay so we will know our healthy by sister taylor happy sabbath everyone this morning health tip we will um look at nutrition we'll look on a little about nutrition and it says nutrition is the process of providing or maintaining the food necessary for health and growth and there are some classes of nutrition that our body needs and that is carbohydrates fats vitamins minerals fiber and water it says nutrition nutritions sorry nutrition are substance that allow your body to make energy build and maintain tissues and regulate bodily process processes if you eat a healthy diet filled with a variety of high nutrients food you are more likely to enjoy good health than if you eat a poor diet that is lacking in nutrients a healthy diet throughout life promotes healthy pregnancy outcome and support normal growth development and aging it helps to maintain a healthy body weight and reduce the risk of chronic disease diseases lending to overall health and well-being the bible says whatever we eat or drink we should do to the hannah and glory of god so let us keep our body healthy whatever we eat our drink whatever we eat our drink we must do to the glory of god have a wonderful day amen this morning we have come to the holy mountain of god we're approaching the holy mountain of god and we want to send up our petition we are expecting god to hear and answer our prayer please sir eternal father and our king the one who made heaven and earth and the rulers of them all we stand in the midst of your presence this morning asking you to help us that we may not melt away with the problems around us but because of the belief that we have in god we will stand firm you have seen what we are passing through we have seen the economical crisis as stressing the whole world we have seen the current vices we have seen starvation we have seen debt and our right hand on our left hand and lord sometimes we are afraid of what is happening but by faith we come to you this morning and help us to chose you we are we'll be with families that are moaning all over the world in jamaica and some of us that are in the church we pray this morning that you will be with the family of pastor click on which have powers we accept the will strength their hearts and minds and help their father that they will remember that as long as we live on this earth we will face these things but a time is coming soon when there will be no more because jesus is coming to put an end to sin and destruction to starvation sickness and death help us their father that we will not fade away with these things but as you surrounding us with your mercies help us to believe in god transform us we pray and help us that we will live like we are living in the last days that's what ever happen if any of us should pass and our soul will be right with god grant us your peace and your blessing lord we accept the will continue to provide for your people make our way out and help the father that some are falling by the wayside and some people even now don't even know the next meal but you are the great provider and we totally depending on you we actually will be with the family of the church and help us that will have one mind and one determination is to be with jesus when he come that we will not suffer with these things and then when he come we will suffer again but this suffering will lead us to trust in god and to draw closer to him that when all these things shall be over and sin and death shall pass away we will be in the kingdom of god to live and to reign with him and to praise him for more in jesus name oh come let us sing unto the lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come before his presence with thanksgiving and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms the church is now called to worship i love that truth that i feel when i get together with god's wonderful people come come holy spirit i need this presence oh let us pray loving eternal father we thank you for your mercy and your blessings o lord as we come once again to tabernacle with you we pray that thou will come in our midst and bless our heart this is our prayer we pray with thanksgiving in jesus holy name amen i love that tree that i feel when i get together with god's wonderful people love that truth that i feel when i get together with god's wonderful people what a smile just to see your happy faces praising god in heavenly places what a truth that i feel when i get together with god wonderful people the proof happy sabbath everyone the privilege is mine to welcome each and every one of you to church this morning whichever platform you are han in the sanctuary on youtube a special welcome to you all and to our visiting friends your present makes us happy and your present makes a difference and i hope that you all receive a special blessing that the lord has in store for you today and to our regular member continue to all of the banner for the lord our soon coming king the hoping in him is 245 more about jesus shall we all stand more about jesus i will know more of his grace more of his love who died for me more more about jesus more more more about jesus let me learn more of his holy wilder spirit of god my teacher be showing the things of christ to me more more about jesus my lord more more more of his saving fullnessy more of his love who died for me more about jesus in his words hold in communion with my lord hearing his voice in every line making it faithful say in mine more more about jesus more more about jesus more of his saving fullnessy more of his love will die for me more about jesus on his throne riches in glory all his own more of his kingdom sure increase more of his coming prince of peace more more about jesus my lord more about jesus more of his saving fullnessing more of his love who died for me episode church scripture reading is taken from galatians 5 verse 22 and 23. that's gallatian 5 verses 22 and 23 and it reads but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace long-suffering gentleness goodness faith meekness temperance against such there is no law here in the portion of god holy word amen now the lord as we pray may your house be transformed by our love may your souls be refreshed from join us we come to let us pray almighty fathers is our god a bulwark never fail eternal god and our heavenly father we come before your present this morning we come with our hearts full of gratitude and thanksgiving giving you thanks and praise for the privilege to be here this morning giving you thanks and praise for your loving kindness and your tender mercy towards us giving you thanks and praise for brought us safely to another week we know it's nothing good we have done but it's only because of your love your grace and your mercy for while we were yet sinner you die for us on calvary cross and because of that reason we are here dc this morning and this year blessed and peaceful holy sabbath day of rest the day that you have set aside for us to worship to praise you to glorify you to magnify you jesus you are worthy their stone cannot tell oh good you are all worthy you are and jesus this morning we just want to say thank you for your shedding blood we want to say thank you jesus for calvary because if it wasn't for your shedding blood where would we be this morning oh god in a time like this god you will give us privilege and you give us opportunity in spite of our circumstances in spite of our challenges in sweat of all what is going on around us oh god oh marvelous you are and this morning as we worship whether whatever platform virtual platform we are on jesus we are worshiping you and we want to say thank you god for this great privilege you offered to us so as we come we ask for your cleansing we ask for a transformation we heard that you blocked out our transgression and sent your sweet holy spirit this morning to be with us to tabernacle with us to be in the midst to be in this place and around this place help us jesus this morning just to feel your warm present that voice in the midst of us oh god said my child we are here to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves we don't want to present this morning proceeding before you god we ask that you take over and take full control be with the one jesus be with the man's servant that he had prepared to deliver your words today through the medium of your sweet holy spirit to your people we pray jesus this morning that he will find judgment in our heart and it will help us never never jesus to be the same but to keep holding on unto you who is the hearter and the finisher of our faith our deliverer our problem-solver our burden bearer jesus you are inheriting to us because jesus when we look around us when we look around us and see the church sometime that we are in jesus who has who has jesus would it be without you and where would we be without you this morning so god we praise and we lift up your high and holy name jesus we celebrate family life week and this morning jesus we present our family all the family before you our church family our immediate family our relative our friends our family in the community the community people jesus this morning we want to let them know that they are our neighbors and they are our family too so jesus help them touch them this morning jesus walk on their door touch and knock on every one of them door and help them to know that time is running on old this is the time we need to seek a friend before we need one this is the time that we need to run to jesus before it is eternally too late oh god this morning we pray that you cover all the family we pray that you provide for all the families we pray jesus at your saturate their home we pray that the despot angel run on about give them strength and give them courage jesus because you are a family man and you make family you are the one who make family put us together as one family so jesus unite us as one be with the person minister leaders be with our hell as our pastors go right down to all our floor members our visiting friends those are on youtube twitter what's up wherever you are this morning we pray god that to be with each and every one of us and bless us jesus bless us in a very special way so god be with us now saturate us now us afresh and revitalize us as we listen to your world today as we worship you today we praise you we glorify you and we honor you and we say thank you jesus thank you thank you jesus thank you thank you for everything thank you for your blessing in jesus name we pray with thanksgiving amen amen praise the lord is peace so things change dynamics change people change but god is still god he will never change he's still god when we're going through hard trials and he will take care of us he's still god when we have happy times and he rejoices with us he is still god i thought that it could happen to anyone i never dreamed that i would carry this heavy burden on my knees i never thought that i'd be standing just where i stand today i've never known this kind of heartbreak i never felt this kind of you're still gone when my last hope has disappeared you're still gone and i know you may still gone and you're holding me right now my heart can't find the answers to the reason for this trial but lord i know your ways are perfect and you've been watching all the while for to me you've proven so faithful jesus time and time again and i'm learning lord to trust you even when i don't understand you're still gone when my eyes has disappeared my heart and finds the why for to me you've proven so faithful time and time again and i'm learning love to trust you even when i don't understand you're still gone when my eyes are still gone when my last hope has disappeared you're still god and i know you'll make a way somehow you're still gone and you're holding me right now still god and you're holding me right now okay so we know that our god is still god even though times may get difficult for us sometime but he is still god because we are proven time and time that you know we have been in this perspiration and god deliver us and you know we can say some of us are in dire situation and we know that one day god will reveal us from all or problems that we are going through i'd like to also say that our michael williams he has sent his love to us and we is also doing well and we hope all of us will come to pray for him as the country to be trained and counted a full christian pathway as we come together for italian offering today those online and those who are here we pray that god will continue to bless us and he will continue to be with us and if you don't have anything to give we know that god will bless you because you know we can only give from what god blessed is blessing us with and we continue to pray that god will come to provide for us the next things of life we know that he will continue to provide that with health and it's strange so we can give to his cause so as we give today let us give with a grateful lord because god love our cheerful giver let us pray lord we want to give you thanks for your many blessing towards us we thank you for help and we thank you for strength oh lord as we have come to live in a difficult time you know that we cannot find sometimes food to eat sometimes we can't find money to pay our bills but we know lord that you are god who will provide for your people we know god that you are the god who created this vast universe we know lord that you are god who will never leave us nor forsake us we know lord that you are god who provide for the spirals and the animals and we know that you will provide for us because we are the upload of your eyes so we say lord intervene in our situation we pray to be with us and he prayed and may continue to sustain us with health and with strength we pray that we can sustain us financially and lord we pray that he may open up doors for us so we can live and come to be faithful to you in jesus name we pray amen so we are called upon those who are online to give to your online banking and also if you have your tithe offering and you are difficult in reaching the church we ask that you may call those numbers that are displayed on the screen and we will make or save available um to collect your tithe and your offer and represent content continue to help with the sustenance of the church and also a church building um it's almost you know five weeks since we the work of caesar uh as you know that you know we are not only the person that is in construction on the conference they play a very major role um in the in the construction of our church so we are waiting on them to make some final agreement and put certain things in place because they are doing other structure like this but we pray and hope you know that we will be able to move forward as reckless as possible um to get certain things out of the place so we can start back our church billionaire we pray that god will continue to bless us and continue to guide us as we continue to give to his cause may he bless us allah's islam his son as we sing we give thee what's that on oh do you know what time for them hello boys and girls welcome to devotions on the go this is auntie andrea in our last devotion we looked at how god fulfilled his promise to calm our affairs when my daughter adriel had a program to plan and lead today we look at another time when god fulfilled his promise in the life of someone i know one of my friends shared her story with me recently about how god took care of her husband's needs her husband was ill his medication was finished and he needed to have it refilled when she called the hospital she was told that there was no more of that medication however trusting god to provide as he promised she went on down to the hospital she had prayed earnestly for god to take care of her husband's needs she traveled the long distance from her home to the hospital because she believed that god would answer her prayer and what do you know she got the medication which her husband urgently needed god had fulfilled his promise once more this promise that he fulfilled for her can be found in philippians chapter 4 verse 19 which says my god will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in christ jesus boys and girls our god is faithful he keeps his promises just as he provided for the persons we read of in our bible stories he provides for us today just as he fulfilled promises in bible times he fulfills promises today so let us trust and obey him always he will fulfill his promises in our lives let us pray father in heaven we thank you so much that we can trust you to fulfill your promises in our lives help us to claim those promises and believe in you and trust you in jesus name we pray with thanksgiving amen amen well boys and girls join me again for another wonderful lesson from the word of god amen everyone we serve a god that will still fulfill all the promises that he has made has god been faithful to you this week huh yes man if you don't believe so check some family members who are unable to move or check your neighbor who has he or she is having some difficulties some people can't walk they can't talk they can't do anything unless somebody help them so god has been faithful to all of us so whatever platform you are on you can type in god is faithful because he's faithful we want to know that he has something in store for all of us and as we are celebrating our family week the family is very very important do you agree yes another church we do not take anything for granted we make plans for our children the husband the wife the youth wherever you are we ensure that we cater for the spiritual need of god's people and possibly physical needs once we are able to and this morning we are here to hear from the lord we are here to be fed the spiritual food and the lord has ordained someone to deliver his message unto us many of us who are here at church know him maybe some of you on the different platforms also know him he's a friend he's a brother he's someone that you can talk to and he has a passion for the work of the lord i pray that as this person is getting ready to come to proclaim the word of god that we pray that the holy spirit will descend upon him like a dove and give him the word that we are in so need of our presenter for our family today is elder vernon mccallum let us pray that god will use him mightily before he comes to us we have a recorded special we are going home i can't wait to sing this song many times in my childhood i've traveled so far the fathers arms would slip around me and gently he says my child we we there is nothing to hold me i caught a glass praise god now the twilight is fading the day soon shall it lord i get homesick so holding but the father hasn't let me oh home there is nothing to hold me praise god going home praise god we are amen praise god we are going home somebody need to praise the lord somebody need to praise the lord in their living room somebody need to praise the lord in the sanctuary this morning god is good all the time god is worthy to be praised what do you say i don't know about you but i trust by god grace that i will make it whole i trust by god grace today is the final reading of our family together next week of prayer it is a time when the church is praying for the family and i want to say to you that the family is where everything started god create the first two man one man and one woman but i say that way sister lodge make i say that way you know make it clear one man one woman and and and what happened satan from beginning start to attack the family and you and i need to understand that the devil is smarter than the ruler was put together and he know who is in tune from who is not in true okay if you notice what happened in the first family he don't check the man he recognized here in some family you have the woman who are stronger than the man but he recognized here that now eve looked like the weak fence and he walking through that door i said that to say to us that for many of us we need to understand that satan is looking for a door to come in our home sometimes it's our children it may be the husband and it may be the wife but wheresoever the fence is weak the devil will enter because he's watching for our opportunity to destroy the family he know that god is coming back from satan family the church is the family of god he know that there's no doubt about that so because of that he allowed the church to be at odds against itself every step of the way and we get caught up in it many times because from the moment one of us go up on one side and the other side the bible said god is not the art of confusion so you know what happened we are alone and we don't even recognize that you know my brothers and sisters so that's why you have the tagawar in the church because what happened when it become confusion time the god take out himself because he don't dwell in the midst of confusion because he gave us the right to make our own choice and decision so i pray today that the family will wake up and as they said smell the coffee put them put your children your husband and your wife before god as the bible said prayer without season so we have something to pray for we have something to pray for i want to say thanks to the leadership of the church and in particular the formula life department which have asked me to present today and god behave they started wednesday night where they look at some of the fruits with elder gibson and friday night brother perry presents some of the fruits also on today i have thomas with the responsibility to talk about gentleness and self-control and i add in knowing god gentleness and self-control in knowing god let us pray heavenly father i come before you in the name of our lord and savior jesus christ this morning it is now your time allow your holy spirit to work like it have never worked within the airwave of this church speak to those who and zoom those on facebook wherever they are oh god you know that you have bring them to hear from you today so i ask oh god that you will take me out of the picture and use my advice like you have never done before to make sure that we all live with the blessing we come in need of so lord empty me so you can use me to do your will in jesus name i pray amen and amen if there is a time there were if there is a time we need to know god for our self is no and you may ask the question why now more than ever i will say to you because the world is in trouble and the church at large forgot who is in control we forgot to set up kings and remove kings many of us forgot some of the great promises that god made to us in the bible in other words the bible inner in some of us is outdated i couldn't believe my 20 years in the church i will hear adventists said that you need to push back against the asian texts and they're not saying it in a corner over there it is on the internet they are preaching saying some texts are audited but i stopped by to tell you that the word of god is the same yesterday today and forever it will and cannot change because as long as there is a heaven and a heart the word of god will remain in death they forgot texas like isaiah 43 2 and 3 which says when thou processed through the water i will be with thee and through the rivers they shall not overflow thee when the walk is through the fire thou shall not be burned neither shall the flame king open d god is saying today my brothers and sister you don't need to worry about what is going around you all you need to do is keep your eyes on jesus christ because there is going to be some troubles what are my brothers and sisters don't think it's going to be so modest sailing i want to say to you according to what the bible said and then and and i think it's matthew 24 we speak about all the signs on the last day of it 19 is nothing yet we don't reach the place where some is falling on the left side when on the right side and dropping dead and you understand and still praising god so we are only at the place with the foot man now so he said if you go through the fire he will the flame will not come up and you and i want to believe that's what shadrach meshach and abednego claim they remember that their god tell them that the fire have no power over them so there is no demon in hell will allow them the power they will not bow to the king no no because with jesus they have poured over the fire furnace and they stand with god and guess what fire become air conditioned don't ask me how it work that's the god that we serve my brothers and sisters verse 3 said for i am thy god the holy one of israel die savior there is nothing in this world can save us but jesus christ everything the enemy plan have a danger at the end of it it only looked good on the surface there are none of us that see it and want to see remain alive because he don't want none of us to make it to heaven home so the only solution to the world problem must be jesus christ and him crucified the world have no answer for the kov 19 crisis the crisis have been changing like a suit or clause every day you hear about the different variants no they are even confused with their vaccine they are quarreling if you should take two doors three doors one doors roll but yet still the church of god is following babylon method and guess what the light of the world which is supposed to be the church of almighty god is getting dim the health messages which have been the backbone of the seventh-day adventist church become a king of the past the church is afraid to talk about the health messages i yet to see many of our leaders stand up and talk about the power of the health messages to god people all they are talking about taking the vaccine i don't say they don't do it i yet to see it the only message a matter of fact what i hear my leader saying the only solution is the vaccine not evil god i don't know if i am the only one who is hearing it but i stopped by to tell you that my jesus is the same yesterday today and forever he will not change the blood and calvary over 3000 you still have power it's still work it will never for some of us the vaccine become our messages in the church of almighty god that's what is the message now i have been watching carefully and when i see our leaders stand up to speak i have seen my president in press conference and i hardly hear him mention the name of god my leader which we have teach for years that the bible is the only way if the bible said it i will believe it and i will do it that has gone through the door it is true the gate no so the message is and virtue we must understand the deception i'm not standing here talking against vaccine i'm standing out here talking about person forcing you to take vaccine that's what i'm talking about i cannot speak neither but i'm good about vaccine i don't know anything about vaccine but i can speak upon the word of god to let you understand that god forced none of us to do anything and anything that you see man is putting their hand to if there is no choice in it it must be the devil work the only way out in the world today is the vaccine i have yesterday i have read something which said that denmark is walking back it's the only country that opened up back from this boxing thing and they said the only reason why they open up is because of the vaccine where is god where is almighty god sister lodge they said the only reason that helped them to open her back is almighty god and the rest of the world need to follow suit sooner or later you hear say the power of god and the blood of jesus christ it's only a myth it have no meaning you have to turn to man with deliverance my brothers and sisters i want to tell you that you need to trust god whether you think boxing i don't think boxing it is jesus christ on him crucified there is none of us vaccine myself can see him but they said it is the vaccine that allowed denmark to open back up and guess what is that even everybody in the country have received the vaccine so what happened to the recipe for them i think it is best if i get back to the message that i was asked to preach you know i think i want to finish this part for some of us the vaccine and the for some of us vaccine and kovid 19 is our two angel messages so we left all the three angel messages now go go go take go go take it don't take it i don't take it that is the message that we are preaching now two set of people not a church today one is saying take it and one is saying don't take it so that the devil set us up to war in the church of god sister lodge and guess what i was on conference zoom couple weeks ago i think it was when ella gibbs were going there to present it and in the chat i realized it's a quarrel and got sabbat over vaccine so i'm not saying something is fury to your virgin i'm saying that god people need to open their eyes and don't get deceived by the devil because by the time that they were done with us we will be fighting against i remember paul and barnabas was in the country i forgot the country note and they are saying that but paul baptized and this baptists and paul asked them the question can i save you and i want to ask the question today can it see it you know if you take it you have to depend on jesus and if you don't take it you have independent jesus so the war should not be among god people we got a message from god to preach to the world babylon is falling no babylon is in pretty close and nobody do ever see him anymore while the man i've seen he's working undercover and the family i think it was last week i see him at a place where he's just playing with some pretty children because he understand that to deceive the world he have to get the children then from early we all and nobody don't see him we caught up with babylon messages so we get caught up like the pharisees and sadducees and forget that they are a mix of setup people they're the one place acquiring heaven and then so we end up right now with this vaccine story i want to jump to say that i believe that the school of eating is real brethren i'm not saying that we must take it lightly but i'm saying that i'm really disappointed to see how we forget about the power of god in our life between the church of the living god i will not see nothing yet so so as a church so as the church is in trouble and now our leaders cannot address the church of god anymore without telling us to take the vaccine we are in trouble so automatically the church of the living god can only think to the leaders because the leaders don't give them a choice i yet to see a leader said either the vaccine are disordered one way out something is wrong my brothers and sisters that's what i'm saying to you something is seriously wrong god created the first pair of human being on the earth and when there was no sin he gave them a choice why today there is something come up in the world where we have no choice there is a story in the book of kings second kings chapter 1 and verse 3. i just want to read there i think it was a messiah i forgot the king name but he felt sick and when he fell sick he said to his trusted servant pack your bag and go to baseball and find out if i'm gonna die and i elisha not elijah elijah the tits by the bible said arise and go up to meet the messenger of the king of samaria and said and say unto them is it not because there is a god in israel i think that's where i want to stop and go to the message is not there because a god in israel why you have to sin to be healed today the church of god platform become seize a platform where we must stand up and preach the plain though said the lord we are preaching caesar message because the vaccine don't come from the church but elijah elijah elijah is our senior is there a god in israel why you passed the guard in israel and left god or the gun checked them with the vaccine the the the topic today is gentleness and self-control i think i need to leave what i have and get here in knowing who god is galatians 22 galatians 5 22 and 23 speaks about at least nine fruits speak about the fruits of love joy peace patient kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control today fruits is gentleness and self-control in knowing god who god is that is our fruits for the day gentleness have a spiritual quality that is often included with other virtue of flu other virtues fluid by the love of god in paul in poor letter to the member of the church at ephesus he stated with all humility and gentleness with patience bearing with one another in love so one of the the first attribute that you have to add and that's why the fruits of the spirit work together you have to admit the fruit of the spirit with this gentleness it is love because if you wonder and i really have love for some people you can't deal with them sister by you you can't be gentle ella because some people were hard to deal with like ella makino so it will be difficult for you to deal with me without the love of god say you won't be gentle and be patient with me like oh sister writing a patient with me you will be on my back and my shoulder you understand me but when you have the love of god you will be patient you will be changed with everyone that you come in contact with because it's not you but it is almighty god that is in you that is teaching you to be gentle with somebody else i want to suggest to you and i that for us to be to bear with one another in love we have to be true we have to truly know who god is it's okay to love our wife and our husband until they hurt us everything is okay he's honey not talking to you sister randy and ella randy everything is honey but as soon as honey done something wrong you wonder allah says syncrober no everything it is okay so long as everything is okay for us to be gentle and loving but as soon as well you said you have the spirit of god remember that the bible said god died for us while we were yet what sinners why we were against him and we have to learn to love the unlovable we have to learn to love the hypocrite then we have to learn to love the fighters them we have to learn to love those who hurt us and if we don't love them we cannot be gentle with them and that's why the bible said in psalms 18 and verse 35 thou has also given me the shield of thy salvation and thy right hand had holding me up it is only god can hold you and i in this troubled world it is only god who will have to be in control of our life as a family because if god is not in the family there will be trouble at home it's only almighty god today we forget about the power of god in our life and it is only the food man upon us it's only the food man jeremiah 25 jeremiah 12 and verse 5 make us know it it asks the question he said that if he if the land think i'm reading at the wrong place he said that if thou has run with the footman and they have weary d then how can thou can't run guns surrender and how can thou contain with horses if it's only the beginning of sorrow it is the first time the world have seen covet 19 i've seen the whole world plunge into what it is today and it is not the complete reaction or the plan of the enemy to support us and instead it pulls us together they pull us apart because what we fail to do what we're supposed to do because as leaders of god church the first thing that we should be doing is to make sure that the church is informed about quote with 19 and the vaccine so people can make their decision for themselves the people don't need nobody we can't tell them what to do we are not now robotnik if god himself never do that why should man come and tell us what to do the church in f is a vision made up of jews and gentiles and a conflict mixture of ideas and custom paul shared with the ephesians that harmony in their church is only possible through the present of knowing who god is so we understand why the problem in the church because many of us don't know who god is and as we get into trouble instead our return to god remember who was brothers virgin and friends we know who have money sometime after recalling marina get your repair in our bedroom and that is why kobe 19 struck us and we do the same thing because it is a knee-jerk reaction it's a reaction is that where we live all along instead i will go to god and pray before we call our sister by feeling reject sister but we don't get you we check on jerusalem father god ever do our clothes but as a family we need to put god first in everything allow god to be god in our life he said that basically believers must be filled with the spirit of god exhibit god love through the fruit of gentiness among several other fruits as i said the nine of them work together so we have to do that like the ephesian church every family even if both sports are from the same ethnic group conflict confliction contain difference of opinion and custom that often clash in process of negotiating everyday life no matter how your skill and that's what the reading is saying no matter what happen difference is going to be there but you have a message and you have a purpose and we need to stick by our message and our purpose we need to let the world know that the differences and the uh end of class and fight is not of god it is of the devil the only reason why you can't see eye to eye especially in the church and in the family it's because we put the devil in the mirror instead of god and we end up in serious serious trouble it says that yet if we are filled with the spirit of god we too can relate in our families with gentiness rather than abuse of anger and self-ambition and this is where the first angel messages coming of the tree angel message only if we stay in line with the word of god the spirit of god can work effectively among us there are too many private interpretation among god people a friend of mine tell me that he went to the last general conference session when they were disgusting women are the nation and he said what disturb him a pastor friend tell me he said what disturb him all the argument everybody say you can't trust me i'm not lying virgin the man said everybody said you can't trust me and he said he was surprised and that's where we are no brethren you notice even this crisis you find very few people who are telling you to do and not to do come up with bible text so you just need to do i trust me so you now have no connection with god for yourself you need to do what trust me too many private interpretation in the church of the living god revelation 14 6 and 4 said and i saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth and to every nation kindred tongue and people saying with the lord vice fear god and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment is come and worship him that made heaven and earth the sea and the fountain of water my brothers and sisters if there is a time the the world need to hear of the gospel is now the blood of jesus still have power the life of jesus still for you and i to pattern for us to live a holy life the cross still meant something today because nothing and no one can change the blood of jesus christ he's still a power to move our guilty sin and the gospel wrapped up in jesus christ life date and resurrection i don't know about you but i'm looking forward to seeing my lord birth the eastern sky and i show this is my god i'm looking forward to it my brothers and sisters i hope by god by god grace not by man but not by me but by god grace i will see him and don't run away from him but shout this is my lord we are living in the judgment hour if you notice the first message the first part of the message talk about the gospel we have something to preach brethren we need to stop preach babylon message stop tell people to do what caesar said we must do allow every man to make a decision for himself give him the facts so at the end of the day because ella mark said we have a message the last part of the message said what babylon we are living in what judge meant time we are teaching for years that the lord is moving to the holy of holies and he is dear petition on our behalf are you ready to meet your god what if your name should call today is it well with you and your god we need to get people ready to serve dear god stop take the lord platform and make it seize a platform so true gentleness is to fear god and give glory to him by letting the world know that we are living in the judgment oh people see god in your life they will want to my brothers and sisters have you read the old testament and remember that every time israel are living in accordance with almighty god the neighboring nation know that god is in israel camp nobody don't have to tell them i cannot remember the struggle but i remember elijah there's a story elijah and a king and the king is saying these are in farmer in in in my camp and and one of them will serve and get up and said no there's no informant here but there's a man of god in israel everything you talk in your bed chamber he tell the king of israel so you can't beat him why the children of god has been defeated today is it that we forgot that there is a god in israel this fruit of the spirit himself his country is this fruit of this fruit of the spirit with self-control reveal character reveal the character of god in our life when we have true gentleness and self-control it reveal the character of almighty god in our life it is a choice that you need to make there's a choice that i need to make they are available the nine fruits are available they are not man made they are originally from the hand of almighty god they are untouchable process you see for many of us why so many things affect us it's because we forget the health message and god promised that if we live in accordance to him there is none of the egyptian disease that will come upon us but and that is one of the reason why i couldn't take sight because i know there are many israel who still eat like egyptian so that's why you have allowed israel to make their own decision if i can say no mania was killed said no because all of us immune system is not at the same place so what i need to preach is to tell israel that they need to get back to israel practice the eden message because of my immune system your problem you have one to my god look at what god sure moses when moses acts and when moses is in contact with god in exodus 33 18 moses asked god show me thy glory what did god show him god show him what the lord god is merciful gracious long suffering and abundant in goodness and truth the victory of the christian life when you know god you will practice the attribute of almighty god the family is in trouble today because we are looking at the wrong place for answers god still have the answer to earth problem that's what i want to say to you my brothers and sisters i don't know i feel like close i'm going to jump ahead of it god still have the answer to earth problem so i say to you today pick the fruits of gentleness and self control pick the fruits of gentleness and self control picking the fruit this fruit you're picking the power of the holy spirit to lead out in your life because if god is not in some of us life you can ask sister ferguson who drive on the road and and some of the bad driving them sister by feel you know i i have a tempo to and say god help me you know because you you know you care you know because there are somebody if you don't have the holy spirit to touch you before the thought become action we are in trouble and it is the same thing at our home because some of us wife are now you know and someone was husband disgusting you know so so so you see when one get up the next one after knew if it got done and keep the fire at the right place so you can said honey like sister rodney you know but but but i'm saying bridging for us to really accomplish this christian journey we have to have the holy spirit within our lives so i said pick this fruit i want to say to you and i in this time you need to know god for yourself may god use us today to do his work to choose to do the right thing the thing that will make him please and together as a family we will march home to eternity we cannot do it by ourselves i think it's zechariah or zephaniah who said not by might nor by power but by my spirit said the lord of hosts the victory as man we are failures no matter how holy or how skill you think you are you are failures and your family will show you the result think about it for many of us the one catch the husband went away and asked him about the wife and i asked the wife what are we about the husband and the green and the children what are you we know who is the true person at home but if you and i allow god to lead out in our life to take control to be the centerpiece remember that there is no problem in earth history that god cannot solve the reason why we come up short is because we don't trust him the bible say if we arcs with wavering faith we ask amiss we ask a miss we have to ask by faith trusting that god is able so as you go today my brothers and sisters place your faith in almighty god the blood of jesus christ still have power to heal every families have a blessed day so we have listened to the word from the lord and i believe that our hearts are watered and richly blessed and we'll be concluding our service by singing number four nine three and as we sing this song i know definitely that there are persons that will be rejoicing that they have joined online today that they have come to worship the lord on the different platforms like a woman at the well i was seeking for things that could not satisfy we're here today to be satisfied by the word of god and i know that the blessing will be ours 493 kindly stand once you can like the woman at the well i was seeking for things that could not satisfy and then i heard my savior speaking draw from my will that never come and bread of heaven feed me till i won't so my children if the things this world gave if i lift it up heaven feed me fill it up today mark the end of our family together in this week of prayer we know the families in chuba one we are the other and the only solution to the family is to be filled by the spirit of almighty god today we're going to not just access sister rodney to pray we're going to ask the lord rodney to pray also so join us in the rodney we are going to pray for the family you know we're going to have the prior pray two way by sister nella rodney one prayer for the woman and the young ladies in the family the children the girls and the next one prayer for the men and the boys and the family the young men because what is going on my brothers and sisters only god can help us it don't matter what we do as i said before this world is in confusion this world is in confusion and they keep on changing their plan every day why only god know what is going on and i encourage us as a family to trust god he is still able mr rodney most holy father we know that thou art able to fix every problem there are on this earth we are coming to you in confidence because thou art the great and mighty god all we realize that the families are in problem great problem but problem solver god will come to you at this time we're asking that you will look down in mercy and compassion upon every family represented on this earth more so the family of god we pray today that he will visit the family and look at the women the young ladies and the girls and there are some that are being buttered and bruised there are some that are hurting deep within there are some that are crying night and day in silence oh lord the problems of the females are more than we can imagine and even now there are some online different platforms that are in tears because they don't know what to do there are sicknesses among the women even the little girls they are great diseases there are abuse of all sorts and there is no one to turn to but jesus and so we call upon you lord have mercy upon the women of this world upon jamaica and upon the church we pray that he will intervene in our situations and lord help us to reach out to one another and be there to assist father god of the universe help the women of this world we pray in jesus name mighty father which we thank you again for another privilege to come to you that we can make it right father your call upon the men to be example in leadership but lord we need jesus to lead us first and that we can lead out our right there are many are searching for answer but lord it is not outside the bible it is in the word of god so help us that we will stick to the word of god we will listen for the advice of the holy spirit whispering within our ears give us direction and told us how to live for jesus how to lead our families and how to lead god's church jesus just need only a few good men men are poor park filled with the holy ghost lord we have seen some mighty work that i've done in the past by men of converted heart and lord it still can be today because god is the leading and so help us that we will follow the reading and walk in the footsteps of jesus christ and that those who think that they are unable following christ they will realize that we are able because we are allowing the lord to lead us we have said that we will be with the children and the young men of this church help them their father that they will never go by their own way but as jesus is leading us we will follow and then we can be successful lift us spiritually we pray this is what we want is to be spiritual we are in it can be life and peace through jesus christ our lord thank you again for this week of family revival because we surely we need to be revived and lord we pray that the men will be converted and treat everywhere as good their children good and i hold the church good and lord help us therefore that on the other side of this world when jesus come when the whole family of this earth will join with the family of heaven and then there will be one string of harmony right through the universe and lord we ask that lord will help us that this also will experience it down here when we will have one string of harmony in the church in the home and lord it will be well with our soul we will enjoy life in christ because we have to practice it from here bless us we pray and thank you for your man servant that delivered today may you help him that he will continue and that he will speak for god your heavens fall in jesus name um happy sabbat i would like to thank everyone that take part from wednesday to friday and also today continue to enjoy the program bible class 3 30 followed by a y vesper and also online worship um social thank you oh think about his love think about his goodness think about his grace that's brought us through for as high as the heavens above so great is the measure of our father's love great is the measure of our father's love you
Channel: Balcombe Drive SDA Church
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Id: f1zS950a3Io
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Length: 204min 16sec (12256 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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