Home Free Evangelistic Series || The Source || Pastor Wallin O'Connor || September 11, 2021

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[Music] [Music] [Music] good evening everyone it is now time for praise and worship and i invite you to sing along with us because our god is good and our god is great and our god is wonderful so let's sing of the goodness of god [Music] for your mercy never fails me all my days i've been held in your hands [Music] of the goodness of god [Music] all my life you have been faithful all my life you have been so so good with every breath that i am [Music] of god all my life you have been faithful [Music] all my life you have been so so good with every breath that i am i will see of the goodness of god cause your goodness is [Music] goodness is running after it's running after me with my life laid down i surrender now i give you everything [Music] your goodness is running after it's running after me your goodness is running after it's running after me with my life laid down at surrender now i give you everything your goodness is running after it's running after me come on sing your goodness is your goodness is running after it's running after me with my life laid down i surrender now i give you everything your goodness is running after it's running after me one more time your goodness is [Music] me your goodness is running after it's running after me with my life breakdown and surrender now i [Music] you have been faithful [Music] all my life you have been so so good with every breath [Music] of the goodness of [Music] my god you have been faithful [Music] all my life you have been so good [Music] of the goodness of god i will sing i will sing of the goodness of god we will sing we will sing of the goodness of god oh i've heard a thousand stories of what they think you're like but i've heard the tender whisper of love in the dead of night and you tell me that you are pleased and that i'm never alone you're a good good father it's who you are it's who you are it's who you are and i'm loved by you it's who i am it's who i am it's who i am oh i've seen many searching for answers far and wide but i know we're all searching for and [Music] good father it's who you are it's who you are it's who you are and i'm loved by you it's who i am it's who am [Music] by you it's who i am it's who i am it's who i am you are perfect in all of your ways you are perfect in all of your [Music] [Music] in ways of your ways you are perfect in all of your ways you are perfect in all of your ways [Music] you are perfect in all of your ways you are perfect in all of your ways you are perfect in all of your ways [Music] [Music] you're [Music] who i am [Music] [Music] it's who you are it's who you are it's who you are and i'm loved by you it's who i am it's who i am it's who i am [Music] it is now time for our theme song i'm no longer a slave to fear [Music] you unravel me [Music] with a melody you surround me with the song [Music] of deliverance from my enemies till all my fears [Music] for i am a child of [Music] to god for i am a child of god from my mother's womb you have chosen me love has called my name [Music] i've been born again to a family your blood goes through my baby i'm no longer i'm no longer [Music] no foreign safe to fear [Music] for i am a child of god [Music] use with the sea so i can walk right through it my fears [Music] you rescued me so i can stand and sing i am [Music] is [Music] [Music] you split the sea you split the sea so i can walk right through it my tears [Music] you rescued me so i will stand and see i am a child of god [Music] foreign [Music] i am a child of god [Music] foreign god [Music] so [Music] [Music] good night and welcome to our first night on the series home free we started off this morning and what a bang that was power packed spirit filled or evangelist o'connor took us through the topic can you trust god and this evening will be no different he'll be taking us through the topic the source so sit back at home listen for anything that you're not clear on in the sermon we're asking you to put the question in the in our chat and our communication team will collect those questions and at a an appropriate time our evangelists will be answering them but we are hoping this evening that you will be blessed invite somebody invite somebody and we will continue for the next three weekends on your on this special special home free evangelistic series so pray for the evangelists pray for the team as we go forward i'm just going to invite us now to borrow heads as we pray our father we're so thankful that we are so privileged so privileged to have freedom that we can delve into your word like this we're thankful that you have chosen two special evangelists to take us through this series we're hoping tonight dear lord that somebody will be touched somebody will be filled as we proceed in jesus name thank you for hearing and answering our prayer in the lord's name amen [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] the praise team sang a beautiful song it said i'm no longer a slave to fear for i am a child of god what a blessing to be called children of the most high god has been faithful he is faithful great is his faithfulness [Music] oh god my father [Music] is no shadow of turning with thee and now change is [Music] great is [Music] faithfulness [Music] for tomorrow blessings [Music] is [Music] new mercies [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what a powerful powerful song powerful message in song amen great is thy faithfulness one of my favorite hymns praise team did a phenomenal job today amen we had a good time in jesus name this morning we saw two brothers and i say that probably two brothers give their heart to jesus this morning we are grateful to god we are here on the home free series and somebody asked pastor why did we call the series home free well we live in a state of bondage all the time we're shackled by sin and circumstances but we have a promise from god that he has prepared a home for us and we don't have to put a deposit down we don't have a million dollar balance to pay all we have to do is surrender our hearts to him and we get to go home free because somebody say amen as we're here on our journey a journey to freedom journey to home journey home free we invite you to bow your heads with us as we pray father god [Music] we thank you for what you have done today indeed lord it has been a phenomenal day in your courts we ask god that even now you will come down again and speak to your children some of us are in various parts of this world but the good news is god no matter where we are your spirit can still reach us and so father take these feeble lips of clay bless us we pray in jesus name amen i'm just going to ask for the tech team to turn on these uh tvs here you know it's funny all year long everything will work fine the moment you start preaching the gospel everything goes awry and for some it would throw you off but for me i rejoice because it lets me know the enemy is upset and him upset makes me happy because god is about to do something transformational amen while they're working on that let's turn our bibles to nehemiah chapter one this home free series we're going to be spending time pastor beckbeck and myself spending time in the book of nehemiah nehemiah chapter 1. the bible says the word these are the words of nehemiah the son of hezelia and it came to pass in the month of chislev in the 20th year as i was in sushan the citadel that hanani one of the brethren came with men from judah and i asked them concerning the jews who had escaped who had survived captivity and concerning jerusalem and they said to me the survivors who are left from captivity in the province are great are in great distress and reproach the walls of jerusalem are broken down its gates are burned with fire and so it was when i heard these words that i sat down and wept and mourned for many days i was fasting and praying before the god of heaven and i said i pray o lord god of heaven o great and awesome god you who keep your covenant and your mercy with those who you love and observe your commandments please let your ear be attentive to and your eyes open that you may hear the prayer of your servant which i prayed before you day and night for the children of israel your servants and confess the sins of the children of israel which have sinned against you both my father's house and i have sinned and we saw and we have acted very corruptly against you and and have not kept your commandments and statues nor the ordinances which you commanded your servant moses remember i pray the word that you commanded your servant moses saying if you were if you are unfaithful i will scatter you among the nations but if you return to me and keep my commandment and do them though some of you were cast out to the furthest part of heaven yet i will gather you gather them from there though some of you the bible says are scattered to the furthest parts of heaven yet i will gather them from there though some of us are scattered to the furthest parts of heaven yet i will gather god says them from there and bring them to the place which i have chosen as a dwelling for my name now these are your servants and your people whom you have redeemed by your great power and your strong hand oh lord i pray please let your ear be attentive to the prayer of your servant and to the prayer of your servants who desire to fear your name and let your servant prosper this day i pray and grant him mercy in the sight of this man nehemiah when we read the book of nehemiah we learn that nehemiah is an interesting character if we take the first four few verses one to ten on its face value we look at nehemiah and we would even uh suspect that nehemiah must be a worker within of the house of god he must have some sort of of high position but but we will find at the end of verse 11 we haven't gotten there yet we'll find at the end of verse 11 nehemiah's position is not what you think it is as nehemiah is there of fulfilling his duty fulfilling his task nehemiah gets strangers he gets not strangers rather but his friends coming to him bringing him a report as to what is happening in the land can you imagine you are among the third wave of captives to leave your homeland you left just as daniel and the others before you left your homeland and now you're serving not in the babylonian empire but you are serving in the middle persian empire you're serving king artixerxes and arctic xerxes is not known to be a compassionate man and as you are there serving in the medo-persian empire you realize you have some friends coming and when the friends come you always want to hear what's happening at home nehemiah asks how's it at home and the report from his friends are well it's not too good the walls are broken down the city is in distress the people are scattered their spirit is broken they they're having a difficulty managing under these circumstances this sound a little familiar to us today you see we have something called covet 19 that that struck and tore the world apart in february and march rather actually in january of 2019 and it decimated the planet something as simple as a virus a spread all across the world it's it's funny the only two things that spread fast are coveted and gossip as covid went out airplanes stopped flying trains stop moving bus stations became empty and vacant countries who have never locked their borders began shutting down and everyone began to live in a state of isolation grocery stores had lineups the first lockdown we were in here in toronto there was a shortage of toilet paper of all the things to go fast it was toilet paper not food not gas toilet paper the city was in a state of distress what makes it worse is that during covert 19 over this last two years we've been living with this we've seen depression on our eyes anxiety skyrocketing internal squabbles at home skyrocketing physical mental emotional abuse skyrocketing just like nehemiah's day the walls of our cities the walls of our our our communities the walls of assurance that we used to have are broken down our churches are empty our pews are unoccupied and our people are fragmented and scattered across the blade across the plane and yet still god gives us his assurance that even when we're scattered from the east to the west he will gather us together one day and for that i say amen i can't wait for the gathering of god's people to come together and worship again and as nehemiah hears these terrible words nehemiah assumes an attitude of prayer you see brothers and sisters when we combat difficult situations we cannot go at it with just education alone you can't tackle it with just your skill set there are certain challenges that require one solution and one solution only getting back to the source nehemiah recognized that the city was so terrible that is nothing he earthly could do it takes a divine action it takes divine movement it takes a divine unction in order for something to happen and so nehemiah engages in not just a small moment he doesn't engage in just a day or two the bible says several days of prayer and fasting and i will add to that if i have the liberty to not just prayer and fasting but feasting on the word of god you see there's some hope in the bible the bible says if we could turn to the following slide not this one here i'll go to the next one after this one the bible tells us in first peter 5 7 that we can cast our cares on him because he cares for us nehemiah had the assurance just as we spoke about this morning that god is a god who is trustworthy so he can go to him with his cares i will encourage us this evening if we are finding ourselves in a depressed state if we find that we have so much stress and anxiety we have assurance today that there is somebody who listens somebody who has an ear somebody who's not just hearing what we're going through but has the power and the ability to take us through that journey and let us come out of the end of that tunnel triumphant in jesus name the bible says we can cast our cares on him because he cares for us there's a song that we sing in church often does jesus care when my heart is sad and then does jesus care when the days are long does jesus care when we're often mourning but the refrain says oh yes he cares i know he cares and i'm here today to tell you as a living witness that even in my darkest hour when my father passed away in 2003 i know that jesus cares because he had my best friend behind me running as i was going through uh uh a a pane of glass a door a glass door in college and i tore open the door and it tore open my arm and 55 stitches had to go into my arm i'm bleeding out on the road and i don't even know it and god is so good he cares so much that he had the security van pull up next to me in order to take me to the hospital the doctor going off of shift was as we were going in he was coming out but sees what is happening he turns around and goes back into the room and as he's stitching up my arm i can see his eyes are closing but something transformational happened even on that up another table i began to recite all the psalms that my father and i would memorize every morning at 5 00 am i didn't like it then but i appreciate it now every morning i would recite the psalms with him and i would say i would lift up my eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help my help comes from the lord i would recite psalm after psalm after psalm as the doctor is stitching me up and i didn't feel one pain to this day does jesus care absolutely he does the next slide please the bible tells us how precious also are your thoughts towards me oh god how great are the some of them go to the next one if i should count them they would be more new in number than the sands of the sea i awake and i am still with you i am here today to encourage somebody that even though the old brute the devil is lashing at us left right and center we have a god who loves us enough to put so many promises in his word that there is not enough for us to saturate in a day it takes years and years and years multiplied by years just to get through half of the promises of god and he makes it so numerous that they're like the sands of the sea have you ever tried to count sand when i was a child i picked up some sand and i'm sitting there it took me a while to try to find one grain let alone it that's how many promises of assurance god has for his children next slide please it says behold genesis 28 15 behold i am with you and will keep you wherever you go i can remind myself that as nehemiah is praying to god nehemiah is reciting these passages of old that he knows because he's going to god because he's got a heavy burden in front of him next slide for me please thy word psalms tells us 119 105 thy word have i hid sorry thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path you see my brothers and sisters just like nehemiah we have to recognize that god's word is a lamp unto our feet what does that mean it means god's word illuminates our feet so that we know that what we are standing on is true and secure we stand on the promises of god but not just illuminate our feet for us to have courage in what we stand on it lights our path so that as we walk we know which way to go when the enemy tells us that god has abandoned us and forsaken us god's word reminds us that he's loved us with an everlasting love when the enemy tells us that god's going to leave us hungry and and desolate and alone god's word reminds us that he's the bread of heaven when the enemy tells us that we're going to go thirsty in this weary land god's word tells us that he's the fountains of living waters when the enemies when the enemy tells us his lies and he stinks up our environment with his putrid lies god tells us that he's the lily of the valley when the enemy tells us that we're all alone god's word tells us that he's the friend that sticketh closer than a brother his word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path nehemiah knew that his challenges are great he knew that he's going to have to go before a king that is known to be merciless so nehemiah connects with the source i wonder today are we willing to connect again to the source just before the series last night to be exact we went through a wonderful transformational prayer service and we heard a testimony of a young man in school i'm not going to call his name because i didn't ask his permission but this young man said that as he was studying heaviness came over him and he picked up the word of god and began reading the word of god in his heaviest moments in his darkest moments and the word of god began to make his situation lighter so much so that his grades improved dramatically just by reading the word of god my brothers and my sisters tonight if you take nothing else from this message take this it is time for us to connect back with the source and not just for the blessings that come but when we connect with the source we get the peace that passes all understanding when we connect with the source we understand that god will see us through and he is faithful and he is just great is his faithfulness oh god our father there is no shadow of turning with thee thou change is not thy compassions they fail not as thou has been thou forever will be when nehemiah connected to the source he invited his friends to join him as they were praying and as they came in for prayer nehemiah recognized his position if we go down to the last verse of nehemiah chapter one his final words were for i was the king's cup bearer you see nehemiah didn't say i am the king's cup bearer he didn't say i will be the king's cup bearer nehemiah's words were i was the king's cup bearer you see when you connect to the source who you were no longer matters when you connect to the source the mistakes of your past no longer matters when you connect to the source all the hiccups and all the things that people may remind you of that you've done in the past no longer matters you can stand before men and kings and declare i was a backslider i was a sinner i was a this i was a that but when you connect to the source you could say i'm no longer a slave to fear for i am a child of god there's a difference between i was and the i am and god wants us to live in a fearless state because we are not who we used to be we're not what we want to be but we are children of the most high as i invite the singing evangelist to come and to bless our hearts tonight tonight we need to connect and reconnect to the source there is no other hope except jesus there is no other way except jesus and our only my only goal is to connect people to jesus i wish i had a million dollars to give you but i can't i wish i had the gift of of healing i would walk around in the hospital rooms and touch people randomly so that they can be healed but that's not what god blessed me with he blessed me with a big mouth so that i could proclaim his truth and his truth is he's coming again he's coming again and we could link up with the source not just spiritually but physically in his presence when he comes again tonight in the chat on the link go to the decision card and i'd like for you to click click on that decision card and fill out that card with your name your number so we can contact you and make your decision for god tonight sure if we could trust in god that is faithful that is true that never lies and we connect to the source who will lead us to life eternal then tonight is your night to restart your life [Music] tears so sweet to trust in jesus just to take him at his word just [Music] upon his promises to know the same [Music] jesus jesus how i trust him [Music] jesus jesus [Music] jesus oh for grace to trust glad that i learned to trust him praise us jesus [Music] save your [Music] will be jesus jesus [Music] jesus jesus brush us jesus oh for grace to trust him won't you sing with me say jesus jesus [Music] [Music] jesus jesus precious jesus oh to trust [Music] to trust him lord i pray o for grace to trust [Music] amen amen oh for grace to trust god [Music] i'm giving god thanks because someone has given their life to jesus come on saints of god someone has said yes to jesus it's your turn [Music] it's your turn won't you click on that link wherever you may be if you're not here in toronto you're watching somewhere else in the world still click that link we'll connect you to the closest pastor to you so that he can study with you and you can be assured of your position in heaven like nehemiah connect to the source today [Music] jesus has stopped by so that you and i could have the assurance of salvation all for grace to trust him more father god we recognize lord we recognize that the enemy is upset things are happening god beyond our control but god our trust is not in princes or kings our trust is in you the king of kings and the lord of lords tonight god someone has declared that they no longer are slaves to fear [Music] that they are children of the most high lord there's someone else in the valley of decision somebody else who's wondering should they make that step holy spirit nudge them over to the winning side of jesus because we recognize god we don't have much time so tonight lord in the name of jesus break every shackle and every chain that is binding your children and allow them o god to come home to you tonight lord it's a night of victory because jesus you are king lord for those of us who've been walking with you we also want to reconnect with the source some of us god have allowed stress and situations and circumstance to unplug us from you but god reconnect the power again allow us dear god to feel your presence near because god this is the first day of the rest of our life we thank you and we praise you in jesus name amen and amen i'm going gonna ask that we sing it one more time sing it one more time jesus jesus oh jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus to trust [Music] amen we have spent a great day with god [Music] we close tonight but tomorrow night we want you to tune in at seven o'clock as we continue our home free series we're gonna go into nehemiah chapter two and tomorrow night the title is good news how many of us like good news no no no no we don't sound like we like good news in the chat how many of us like good news if you like good news i want you to type good news in the chat and then i want you to spread the good news that there's good news happening tomorrow tomorrow night we'll see you 7 p.m i was going to say bright and early but p.m is at night 7 p.m sure in jesus name go with god he loves you we love you in jesus name [Music] you
Channel: Scarborough Seventh-day Adventist Church
Views: 573
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 35sec (3575 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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