Elder Miriam Millen || Give Me this Mountain || BTSDA Online || September 11, 2021

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[Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] happy sabbath everyone to all those who are viewing from facebook or youtube and for those of us who are in the sanctuary the lord declares in jeremiah 29 verse 11. he says for i know the thoughts i have towards you says the lord thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you an expected end what an assurance my brothers and sisters and so with this assurance let us forget about ourselves concentrate on the lord this morning and worship him and i take this opportunity to welcome you to sabbath school this morning remember sabbath school is a heart of the church this is where we spend time reviewing the word of the lord and sharpening our skills as we work for the master as we think about worshiping and adoring his holy name at this time i am going to turn over to sister bev who will do for us our song service i want you at home to take your hymnals and wherever you are you are going to sing to the glory and honor of god this morning over to you sister bev happy sabbath everyone before we start our song service we are going to pray so let us be reverent before the lord most can riches and eternal heavenly father we truly want to thank you for this another holy sabbath day of rest i ask oh lord that you will tune our voices that as we sing let us sing to your name honor and glory forgive us of our sins o lord we pray through jesus name amen our first song we'll sing is hymn number 88 i sing the mighty power of god that makes the mountain rise [Music] i see the mighty power of god that made the mountains rise [Music] i seek the wisdom [Music] [Music] i seek the goodness of the lord that filled the earth with food he formed the creators with his word and then pronounce them good lord of the wonders [Music] [Music] there is [Music] throne creatures [Music] but god is and for this we are going to sing praise to the lord 2 4 9. [Music] [Applause] is [Music] excellent greatness praise him praising every joyful song praising praising jesus [Music] [Music] is [Music] jesus our blessed redeemer [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] safely through another week god has brought us on oe 384. [Music] [Music] says [Music] [Music] [Music] eternal [Music] of grace [Music] take away our sin and shame further [Music] [Music] may we feel the present snare may thy glory meet our [Music] oh [Music] [Music] may the gospel joyful sound concrete [Music] till we [Music] amen amen safely through another week god has brought us on our way my brothers and sisters especially in this time that we're living in i know we are longing for more but as we long for more we need to understand that we cannot give up we must hold fast hold fast to the promises of god hold fast until jesus comes and so this morning for our opening song we are going to stand wherever you are you are going to stand with your hymnals in hand and we are going to sing lustily this morning hold fast till i come number 600. [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] you shall be given come enter my door sit down on my throat bright grounds are evil [Music] is [Music] kingdom restored come enter my joy sit down on my throne [Music] yes this is [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] you shall be given come enter my joy sit down on my throne [Music] praise the lord my brothers and sisters we must hold fast hold fast till jesus comes i want us to take our bibles in hand and we are going to be looking at what the lord has to say to us this morning from first corinthians 10 verse 6 to 12 let us hear what the lord has to say to us this morning even as we are longing for more and we have sung and declared that we will hold fast until he comes now these things were our examples to the intent we should not luster for evil things as they also lusted neither be idolaters as were some of them as it is written the people sat down to eat and drink and rose up to play neither let us commit fornication as some of them committed and fell in one day three and twenty thousand neither let us tempt christ as some of them also tempted and were destroyed of serpents neither murmur he as some of them also murmured and were destroyed of the destroyer now all these things happened unto them for examples and they are written for our admonition upon whom the end of the world are come twelve and last wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall this is the word of the lord at this time sister arena will petition the throne of grace on our behalf but before she comes we are going to powerfully sing this morning empty me dear lord i pray me dear lord i pray empty me from all impurities from inward sins and carnal weakness empty me dear lord sister arena let us pray germany father thank you for carrying us safely through another week as we go in our sabbath school lesson today we will understand what we have studied during the week and we will go go home with another new learning and another capability of learning new things today in a name i pray amen happy sabbath everyone for today's mission story it is entitled rescinded resentment and the story is being told by jimmy shu a 51 year old man imagine being seven years old and running for your life in the jungle how might that affect you this was jimmy shu's life in the southeast asian country of mayanar previously known as burma as a boy jimmy developed a deep resentment towards the authorities because of his experience at one point lost in the jungle he thought he would die he decided that if he ever survived he would join an arm resistance movement in order to get revenge after two years of separation jimmy found his father in a refugee camp in thailand but his father did not agree with jimmy's plans saying it would not help to take up weapons instead he urged jimmy to become a pastor and tell people about his love for god and the hope of eternal life it was not easy for jimmy to give up his anger and deep resentment but he saw his father's peace and joy as they attended a seventh-day adventist church in the refugee camp he read about the conflict between christ and satan in the bible he realized his father was right and decided to forgive those who had wronged him jimmy became a seventh-day adventist pastor and later he resettled in the united states he soon discovered that many adventist refugees families whom he had known in the refugee camps in thailand were now scattered across north america they were trying to find 70 adventist churches but did not know enough english to assimilate among the people jimin longed to visit and encourage them in their faith he wanted to help them to organize small groups so that they could worship god of heaven and in their own language with much prayer jimmy planted three churches but working full-time to support his family he did not have enough funds to travel to help any more of the 2000 current adventist refugees scattered across the continent but god knew my heart and my needs said jimmy who now serves as a pastor in the carolina conference and as a current church planting consulter for the north american division adventist refugee and immigrant ministries god has been leading all the time and he already had a plan jim added a 13 sabbath offering that was collected in 2020 in 2011 provided funds to reach out to the refugees in north america the funds allow jimmy to visit refugee families scattered throughout the united states and canada helping them to organize congregations in their own language and to serve their communities through his work 55 current churches have been planted across the continent over the past decade all this was possible because church members and jimmy and others like him allowed god to replace their resentment with forgiveness and love this quarter year 13 sabbat offering will gain help will again help to share the gospel with refugees in north american division thank you for planning a generous offering [Music] thank you very much sister evan uh today to do our lesson review we have brother robinson and we're looking at a powerful lesson this week longing for more i invite you those on facebook those on youtube feel free to share in the chat and i know we have brother allen sister allen sister joy bailey and many others who will also look at the lesson in the chat and respond to some of the issues that you probably have or some of the thoughts that you will share this morning but before brother robinson comes to us sister gay indra gay will do for us the special to prepare our hearts to participate in a powerful lesson today over to you sister indra [Music] say had me blinded to the things of the lord i didn't know the peace of jesus wasn't away salvation pleaded until i just stared in him completely by reading god's words or sweet to rest in the arms of jesus all sweet to know i'm safe from all arms [Music] just to know we have saved me with his mercies forgave me oh ask me to lean on jesus strong arms is building me a mansion is perfect rest needs no expansion i can hear there and some choir starts to sing amazing grace there will be sunshine and laughter enjoy ever after as we march around the walls of jasper meetings with jesus face so i'm sweet to rest in the arms of jesus i'm oh to know i'm safe from all arms just to know we have saved me with his mercies forgave me oh sweet oh how sweet oh ask me to lean on jesus [Music] foreign [Music] good morning church i want to say happy sabbath to those who are in the sanctuary with us this morning also want to say happy sabbath and good morning to all those who are worshiping with us and many different platforms this morning firstly let me trust you had a a very good week and as we review a very interesting lesson this week each and every one of us will learn something from the week's lesson the topic is long in far more let us pray eternal god as we review your words once more the lesson that we have studied help dear lord that you will send your angels to tabernacle with us once more and the words that we review this morning each and every one of us will find words of comfort words that will help us to continue on our journey for us these mercies in christ's name amen as i mentioned before we're looking at lesson 11 under the quotas overall topic rest in christ the lesson this week is longing from world and when i when i saw the topic at a glance sister tomlinson i started to think what are some of the things that we as human beings long for what else about those things we long for rest and that to me is more spiritual but on the material side what are some of the things we long for we look for money love and i have that tight class intimacy i have community everyone wants to be part of a community but are part of the church some people are part of many social groups the kiwanis etc people and for purpose everyone needs a reason to get up each morning people want to contribute to something worthwhile in life to serve others we are so young for what happiness right people somebody mentioned already people long for money i know what i what i realized is that those individuals who long for money want more money and if you look at our offering financial institutions seems to me that they are craving for more money and more money we long for peace all of us need peace we land for driver money and all of us long forward freedom yes sister and in this time all of us are longing for the day when call with 19 will be no more of course but the rest that we what we are what we all of us should be longing for is what rest rest in in jesus when we looked at sabah's evelyn there was a nice little story there that speaks to a museum i refer to it as the queen's museum of art in new york city that hosts the larded architectural model of a city it depicts all the buildings of new york it covers some nine thousand three hundred and thirty five square feet one large room much larger than even a church here better body it's approximate 100 feet by 93 feet it took 100 craftsmen three years to build this model it is very detailed copy of the city of new york but it's still just a copy and when i look at this you know he said it took three years and 100 craftsmen and it is detailed the thought came to me creation itself that god built this world created this world in what six days and when you talk about details what are some of the details that we can see in creation brother what the sun moon and stars mankind mankind our physical image what are some other things that we see nature right the seasons spring summer out of winter in a sequence and earlier on in this quarter study we look at the rhythm of things god created things without rhythm and it took six days much more detailed than even the museum that we looked at and as i said before it is just a matter it is just an example right it is not a real thing this week we look at the link between some earthly models copies and examples and how they fit into heaven realities sunday topic was baptized in moses and this baptism here that we speak of is not a literal baptism somebody tell me what this baptism baptism in tears the children of israel were under the authority and divine leadership of moses during oneness and solidarity in the early stage of the exodus from egypt to canaan they marched under the same banner that was what a cloud they eat the same food what was that food mana they'd drink same spiritual water from where from the from the rock in corinthians 6 10 6 to 10 and i think we read that passage this morning we saw the word example what was paul trying to communicate here to his corinthians virgin he was trying to communicate the goodness of god to their ancestors that they should learn from their mystics the word use is typos are type a not the original god gave moses the blueprint an example of how to build earthly sanctuary in the wilderness as a model of the heavenly sanctuary especially right god is deeply involved in the affairs of his people what we see here he provides for our physical and our spiritual needs as he did for the children of israel so there's nothing to her about god will continue to provide for us we are not moving from egypt to canaan but somebody could tell us where we are moving from we the children of today sister tom listen we are moving from earth to heaven all right as i refer to it as the new jerusalem in the kingdom of heaven and god will not leave us our forsakers on this journey he will finish all his promises why did many of the israelites that leave egypt did not make it to the promised land that's barabani they were rebellious they forgot how god has kept them in the past yes and so they wanted to have their own way and refuse to continue in christ yes this is a timeline all right so that is an example for us right we should not make say a mistake and as i said before these are two examples for us remember god will not change his side of the contract i want to to repeat that god will not change his side of the contract he doesn't say one thing yesterday about our body i last year i even had a creation and we'll change it men are blessed said they had people will change their contracts as i look at the the the thought here that the last part which asked us to look back at the experience and think about good examples we can learn and bad examples we can learn from the israelites in the exodus i am looking at an example we can learn notice how god made a way for them he made a way for them to cross the red sea he made a way for them he allowed the clothes to guide them and this is a good example for us today we are going on our journey and we are to understand that god will make a way no matter how rough it seems no matter how rugged the tides are god will make a way for us we just need to hold fast yes sister thank you for that thought he will not change his his plans for us all we need to do is to be steadfast to continue to hold in his street and he will make a career yes brother bonnie as we look back at this story 12 the israelites leave egypt the glamour that they had done there was that easy to live and when you look at the nominal churches they are going to church actually from we are we are settled and you are you are you are able to eat what you want to eat or to understand doctrine that is paused to really leave that it's not easy so i'm just thinking of poor moses leading these people from this this country where they had everything to their fingertips now as we look at the churches today we find the same situation personal comfortable in whatever they group on most persons without them i grew up on this and to really use the scriptures and to win them it takes a lot of work a lot of hard work but as you rightly said the conditions that lord gave he will never ever change yours to suit anybody so it is their oppo all right um thank you brother bonnie mother we look at rituals and sacrifices and the first thing came to mind is that these rituals um as well practiced by the children of israel there would be no need for them if there was not that sindhin came in in the garden of eden um the old testament system of rituals and scriptures and sacrifices as seen in liberty course are more examples of what we view on the sunday these rituals and symbols points to new testament truth what is a ritual anybody what's a ritual a ritual is a particular thing done in a specific way the people could not do as they like right they had to what how it was done was the sacrifice done anybody how was the sacrifice done firstly they had a what a lamb a partners islam and islam represent who it represents jesus so each person had to bring aspartal islam and the sinner would raise his head and the lamb depicting here that the sin was transferred from what from the sinner to the lamb and what was the next step the lamb was slain and the priest would take some of the blood touch it on the horn after altar and the rest of the blood would be thrown around the altar right what is this show picked in by that money is it that in those days the animals came in quicker the animals yes um i'm gonna think that they would um come to person quicker than than no because based on our population know if jesus hadn't come water what a task to get blameless animals to use yes i i look at that how cruel it was and and i also looked at the number of christians that we do have today suppose all of us firstly some of us could not find the resources to buy that lamb but it was a bloody affair brother bonnie right but jesus cycle is at calvary what i am seeing you know is that there is no remission of sin without the shedding of blood yes so the blood was vital yes and we are to be happy today that the blood of jesus has ransomed us because when we think about the sin thing there is absolutely nothing that we can do we can't do any form of work that could pay for our sins and us and remove our sins so we we are really thankful to god that he sent his son jesus christ to shed his blood so that our sins can be forgiven so to my sister when jesus came the system was reformed he was the lamb all symbols and rituals point to are centered on jesus johnny baptist said behold the lamb of god yes and peter told us that we are not redeemed by corrupt things like silver gold but by the precious blood of jesus christ pay the price for you and me he is our high priest he's our light our living bread god used animals to be killed a sacrifice for us to unite to to unite us with him until jesus comes his only son his only begotten son right he's sent to die for us to reconcile us with him the father until they looked at the example afres how does the symbol and type apply to the biblical concept of race the people of israel that left egypt die in the wilderness except joshua and caleb why as you mentioned before there were rebellious they didn't live according according to the words and direction of of moses they want to further their own sense of thoughts and imagination but i have been lacked faith faith in believing that god what he says he will do he will do i think they lacked faith and because they lacked this faith they went astray and so they were not able to see the promised land yes they lacked fear and of course we said before they were disobedient there were rebellers there were rebellious and never experienced god's plan of rest for them it was god's plan for all to enter his rest his tourists was because of their disobedience they did not joshua did lead the next generation into canaan but they did not still get that spiritual rest in the days of moses god's reviewed of our spiritual risk to his people but they too were not ready for it god invitation and promises have not lapsed what that means that offer of true rest is still there for the generation of today all we need to do sister tomlin is to be trusting god and to be faithful to god you see if we remain in him if we abide in him then that that promise is for us he will give us rest that true rest that we are longing for but we must do our end and that is remaining faithful yes sister and i'll recap what you have just said since god people has not yet entered into that rest we have to hope that if we remain fearful we will enter that rest through jesus christ if christians would come boldly to the throne of grace humble ourselves through grace that rest the israelites fail to find we start to experience it when not in the future but in no since that time listen right and i want to repeat once you come humble borrow ourselves for all maker our king that rest will start to enjoy no what is rest there are two rest the first verse is what i say rests as in sleep right but there are two words that we refer to one you have the eternal rest that will help when jesus returns are we looking forward to that rest oh yes we are looking forward to that race and the second verse is what this sabbath day of rest right basis is a symbol of god's goodness to us so when we worship i will give thanks any sabbath right it is for showing that we are grateful for god's goodness towards us how can we get at rest through the grace of jesus christ in salvation that is a gift towards mankind and philippians 1 6 says being confident of this thing that very thing that he he which had begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of jesus and when we looked at harding not your heart how can a person hurt your heart sister tom listen when we hear the voice of god speaking to us and we refuse to listen then we harden our hearts when we turn our back against god when we turn our back against his commandments and decide to do things our own way then we are hardening our hearts okay thank you very much and by not accepting and repenting from our evil doing because of israelite and faithfulness they failed to enter god's true arrest and of course remember we're looking at examples so we really don't want this also to act to happen to us the acceptance of god's salvation and doing his work as an emergency and i want to repeat that as an emergency don't don't put it out it's a plan and warning for all of us we should not make the same mistakes as the israelites do there are consequences i i realized in in the weeks lesson the word today is mentioned here what does that mean whether we're mentioned today no it means no no so no time to angle with up our procrastinate today is the day of this today is the day of the lord don't make and i continue to repeat this don't make mistakes as the israelites do because i looked at conquering heavenly city and this is this is where all of us should be looking forward to that tourist joshua did not give israelite rest as we saw before that spiritual race that was promised to moses and the children of israel in exodus still remains tourist is still reserved for god's people true rest is the reserve for who fasting us no it is reserved for god's people our eras is not reserved for the jewish people but are those who who believe who accept jesus as our personal accept jesus as our personal saver and remember here we're talking about the the end time risk and the end timers is much more important than even the rest that we get each night the rest in the arms of jesus um and the sabbath race that we now enjoy is a precursor is a precursor to that end time race god rest any sabbath day on earth history means we should observe it god rest and the seventh day in the creation story means also that we should rest on the sabbath yes something you know just struck me just no i mean it came more forcefully to me you know that the sabbath is indeed the day of rest when we look back at corinthians and all the mistakes that we were warned not to make you know it just it's like something hit me just now and say you know what this sabbath day we are resting from our labors when we when we come out to church we are worshiping god we are forgetting about the stress of life we are forgetting about the host chores we are forgetting about our our professional duties and we are concentrating on god the creator and the redeemer of us all and he just struck me just know that look here pauline the sabbath must be kept and it doesn't matter what people want to say doesn't matter the arguments that they will bring against keeping the sabbath it is important for us it is a model it is a type it is it is a copy of what we will experience when we go over yonder when we reach that heavenly canyon we are not going to be worrying about work and all those things we are going to be resting in jesus we are going to be happy and this is what is happening this is what we are experiencing when we forget about the cares of life when we put aside all the other things and concentrate on god you know you really come home to me forcefully just know and i i am really happy i am really happy for this lesson yes and just to summarize what you have just said sister tomlinson sabatia first is an example is a type that hypo is a model of what we will enjoy when we go to go to our heavenly paradise and let us always remember that god didn't come to remove the sabbath subbed their first he worshipped on the sabbath he he enhanced the sabbath there for us how can we help others to find true rest in jesus and i see my first elder is here how can we help to help others to find true rest in jesus anybody buy firstly our lifestyle yes by our lifestyle we should not only say it but we should do it leave it i have my my my old school motoring is deeds not words right i think people will learn more from already sister families yes balor robinson that is why i firmly believe that christians should not go around complaining every little thing and i liked when i looked at the the summary for friday or we talked about sometimes you having your troubles and everything you bring it to somebody else and you see if as a christian it doesn't mean that you're not going to have issues where you find friends to talk to but if as a christian everything you go around complaining complaining your face is dull the world is on your head then you are not pointing people to jesus you know because persons are going to say boy if you are a child of god and you look so and you can complain so might as well i stay where i am so yes our lifestyle our attitude can point jesus to um people to christ but we must also point people to christ by the word because you see people need to understand the word of god and digest it and when i understand the word of god and digest it they will fall in love with jesus so the word is very very important to point people to christ yes yes very money personalities are the all mark of christianity and um we are faced with different problems and struggles especially in this time like for like for me talking to people about taking a vaccination is a problem no so many persons get so upset and talk to them about it so it is politicalized it is um google eyes people look at google or because you can't read that's why i tell you some stupidness and while you're talking to these people sometimes you find yourself getting out of your mind trying to put your pleasant mind in them now when you look at the the the the rest of address it is a very very important rest this rest does not mean that you go by putting up the drawer box and lock up yourself it is designed to worship the creator yes now when we when if we are at home in our homes on a sabbath the community knows it's a robinson family they are baptist yes you're going to find the adversary to test test test you but you must be able to live the life that lord wants you to live to show not there that you are set apart from them now one of the problems we know is the family structure from the structure and sometimes up here don't look back and say boy sometimes you know certainly that they wouldn't make certain step because trying to put this with the family in this cfcf zone to watch it all that's what it's not the easy thing not a easy thing so sometimes you have so much curious on your head all to this one to do this and to do that i create problem but our system tells us that the word of god is so important and if we if we feel that the word of god then it did help us to put things in perspective yes and i went to those keep that by saying with all that we have said in terms of how we live pointing others to jesus we must always continue to keep sinners in our prayers i will i will close up this about the review without a poem that is in the teachers quarterly and i'll i'll put that on the screen i'll put a turn screen that the individuals who are watching can actually enjoy enjoy that poem with us because i think it wireless encapsulates all that we have studied this week are we ready taking are we ready could you just put the poem up for us and and somebody just read it for me please thank you very much just let me rest in thee oh lord nor strive nor fight nor strain against the burden of the days that bring me tear and pain let me remember that thy hand can lighten every load and in their presence i shall be safe on less darkest road for thou has said that thou art near to all who need an aid then foolish mortal that i am what shall i why shall i be afraid thank you very much and i want to use this opportunity to to thank brother robinson for so ably conducting the lesson review this morning i hope that those of you who are online you were writing in the chat and you know i am sure there were persons there to respond to your questions or look at your thoughts now even as we study this lesson i want us to go back to friday and i'm going to be reading this thought because i think this is something that should resonate with us all he says we are not always willing to come to jesus with our trials and difficulties sometimes we pour out our troubles into human ears and tell them our affliction tell our afflictions to those who cannot help us and neglect to confide all to jesus who is able to change a sorrowful way to path of joy and peace self-denying self-sacrificing gives glory and victory to the cross the promises of god are very precious we must study his word if we would know his will the words of inspiration carefully studied and practically obeyed will lead to our feet in a plain path where we may walk without stumbling all that all ministers and people would take their burdens and perplexities to jesus who is waiting to receive them and to give them peace and rest he will never forsake those who put their trust in him and this is taken from signs of the time page 161. you know i really love this and as i said earlier on as children of god we are to be in the habit of taking our burdens taking our perplexities taking our issues to god because sometimes we pour out all our afflictions on men and they cannot help us but god is not slack concerning his promises and if he says i will do it he will do it and so we are to take our burdens take it to the lord and leave it there god is able god is able and this morning even as we are going to be transitioning from sabbath school i want us all to remember that god is able and we are to trust all the promises in the bible with the full assurance that every single one of them god means can you dear youth look forward with joyful hope and expectation to the time when the lord your righteous judge shall confess your name before the father and before the holy angels the very best preparation you can have for christ's second appearing is to rest with the firm faith in the great salvation brought to us at his first coming you must believe in christ as your personal savior and so this is a message to the youth this morning you are to believe in christ and take him as your personal savior it is not enough to be a part of the seventh-day adventist church it is not not enough to be attending church but you must know christ for yourself you must develop a personal relationship with christ and then in the end you will find true rest my brothers and sisters we are going to stand no for those who are in the sanctuary and we're going to thank the lord for his promises and we're going to ask him to continue to help us and to guide us into becoming what he really wants us to be let us pray father in heaven we're so thankful this morning for the opportunity to study your words your words of life and beauty we're thankful lord that you have shown us the example of how we are to live and you have provided for us models of what we are to do so that we can receive that eternal rest i pray god that you will cover us under the blood of jesus christ and that no destruction of the world will cause us to lose focus of you but we will reach a stage in our lives when we will continue to look up knowing that our redemption draweth nine we ask you lord to continue to bless and keep us and as we continue to worship you today may our worship will be from our heart heart of love a heart of willingness to serve you father we just ask for your continued coverage over our lives as we give you thanks in jesus name amen my brothers and sisters as we transition from sabbath school into divine service i am now going to turn over to sister yanique who will give us the notices for today [Music] happy sabbath church happy sabbath church to those of you who are in the sanctuary and to those of you who are online hi happy sabbath to you all i ask that you listen very attentively to the notices [Music] this week church family as some of you may be aware we have again been saddened we have lost two of our members we lost sister doral hawthorne and we lost brother boston allen sister hawthorne was ill for a brief period she was hospitalized and she took her rest this monday and we were still reeling from that news when on wednesday in the day we heard we learned of the passing of brother boston allen and for those of you who may not know brother boston allen is the father of elder roger allen so as a church family we are grieving for the immediate families themselves in the church they are grieving and not only have we lost those two we as sister miriam will keep me up we would have lost six persons so far since summer since the summer or so it's it's a lot for us to deal with brethren but i just want to remind all of us just to surround each other with love and compassion these are serious times that we are living in we are losing our loved ones left right and center but just continue to pray up each other we pray and ask for the holy spirit to be with us so that we can continue to try to make it through these times and of course we are still mourning the loss of pastor clegg horn and just just continue to pray brethren just continue to pray as we we try to deal with these times and as i talk about per i want to remind you of the jamaica union conference 100 days of prayer if ever time we need to pray it definitely is no and the 100 days of prayer is being brought to you on zoom i believe the information is being displayed on the screen for you to see just know but for those of you who may not be able to join on zoom you can join in on the jamaica union conference youtube page it's daily at 5 00 a.m summer you might not be able to wake up that early set an alarm on your phone and join in as we pray for the nation on to some more lively news or happier news we have those who celebrated their birthday this week we have sister casey case who celebrated her birthday on the sixth if i remember correctly and also sister janet grant my mother mommy if you're watching happy belated birthday to you cancer be nicole and empower tv sister casey case celebrated her birthday the sixth and mummy sister alisa clark celebrated her birthday on sunday and we have young sister zafirah who celebrated her birthday yesterday as well as sister casey and campbell a lot of september born people celebrating their birthday and we just hope they enjoyed their special day safely and we ask for god god's continued blessings over their lives we're just going to sing happy birthday to them [Music] happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to you may the good lord bless you may the good lord bless you may the good lord bless you happy birthday to you happy belated birthday to all i just want to remind everyone today if you have not yet subscribed please subscribe to our youtube page and please click click that bell icon it will give you the alert of whenever we publish a video you know that we publish videos every day with our very special alpha a lesson for all and the team has been working to ensure that we understand our daily lesson review and i also want to remind you to like and follow us on facebook and follow us on instagram where we post all our latest developments and remember to be dd's and no it's not what you mean don't laugh it means digital disciples once a video or aura a flyer is posted share with your family share with your friends and let us use this means that we have to spread the gospel through all the world the thought for today comes from joshua 1 verse 9. have i not commanded you be strong and off good courage do not be afraid do not be dismayed for the lord your god is with you wherever you go to have yourself a wonderful sabbath and a wonderful week and i am again delighted to have this very special privilege to welcome all of you who are in church today and those who are online this is the official welcome now so to those of you who are in church i'm going to wave and please wave back to me although we are few those of you who are online wave to the tv screen i am waving to you give me a smile sister allen elder bailey smile happy sabbath to everyone and welcome to btsda online we want you to have a wonderful time with us and though you cannot be here with us in the sanctuary we promise to have today's we want to have today as a blessing to you all let us now sing or a welcome song [Music] everybody smile everybody smile let us greet somebody in jesus name let us tell them that we love them in jesus name tell them we can work together in jesus name everybody smile jesus loves you everybody jesus loves you [Music] happy sabbath again my brothers and sisters it's always a delight to be in the house of the lord worshiping in the beauty of holiness we are told in some 150 praise he the lord praise god in his sanctuary praise him in the firmament of his power praise him for his mighty axe praise him according to his excellent greatness praise him with the sound of the trumpet praise him with the sultry in half him with the timbrel and dance praise him with string instruments and organs praise him upon the lone sounding symbol praising upon the high sounding symbols let everything that hath breath praise the lord praise he the lord and of course i know i am hearing the virtual praises those of us who are in the sanctuary let me hear you praise the lord let me hear you give god the highest praise he is indeed worthy to be praised now i want us to go to the back of our hymnals go to the back of our hymnals and we are going to do the call to worship it says i will praise you o lord among the peoples i will sing to you among the nations for your mercy reaches upon the heavens and your truths unto the clouds be exalted oh god above the heavens let your glory be above all the earth the church is no called to worship [Music] praise god from all all blessings praise here below praise him above the heavenly lord praise father son and holy almighty god we are truly grateful this morning for the opportunity to praise you praise you for your mighty acts praise you for your excellent greatness and as we praise you this morning we pray that blessings will come down in copious showers upon us we pray in jesus name [Music] at this time we're going to open our mouths as we continue with our praises and we are gonna sing to the honor and glory of god and to do that for us this morning i'm gonna turn over to sister bev who will lead our song service over to you sister bev thank you sister marston tomlinson our first song that we will sing is hymn number 474 take the name of jesus with us child of sorrow and the foe it will joy and comfort give you take it then wherever you go [Music] precious name oh how sweet [Music] earth and [Music] if temptations run together breathe that holy name in pearl precious [Music] precious [Music] o the precious name of jesus joy when he's [Music] oh precious [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] in precious precious [Music] [Applause] [Music] for e alone is worthy [Music] is [Music] god victorious [Music] is [Music] [Music] is worthy to worship and adore the lamb of god victorious [Music] [Music] [Music] of jesus [Music] he is [Music] the next song we'll sing is we have come in his house to gather in his name to worship him [Music] we have coming to his house gathered in his name to worship we have come into his house [Music] worship him we have come to his house [Music] [Music] jesus christ let's forget about ourselves concentrate on him and worship [Music] let's forget about ourselves concentrate on heat and worshiping let's [Music] worship [Music] let's just lift up holy hands [Music] concentrate [Music] concentrate on him and worship christ the lord worshipping jesus christ he is here hallelujah [Music] is [Music] he is here listen closely hear him call it your name he is here can touch him you will never be the same one more time he is [Music] is i will bless his name again he is here please [Music] he is here you can touch him you win and the last song we will sing is is a voice make a difference [Music] when he speaks he relieves my troubled mind it's the only voice i hear that makes a difference and i'll follow one day at a time please makes a difference when he speaks he release my troubled mind it's the only that makes voice difference and i follow one day at a time [Music] [Music] and i fall [Music] indeed god's voice is the only voice that makes a difference and as we know that god's voice makes a difference we want others to come and taste and see that the lord is good and that is why we are admonished as disciples of christ to sound the battle cry and this will be our opening song number 614 sound the battle cry 6 1 4. [Music] so [Music] ready steady pass the world along onward forward [Applause] [Music] strong [Music] [Applause] in [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] of the mighty throne [Music] [Music] and [Music] ready christ is captain of the mighty throne [Music] [Music] the things that i love and hold dear to my heart are just borrowed they're not [Music] jesus only let me use them to brighten my life so remind me remind me dear lord roll the back on memories now and then show me where you brought me from and where i could have been [Applause] [Music] remember i'm your man and humans forget so remind me remind me dear lord nothing good have i done to deserve god's own son i'm not worthy of the scars in his hands yet he holds a road to calvary to die in my stead why he love me i can't understand [Music] where you brought me from and where i could have been [Music] remember i'm hill man and humans forget so remind me remind me the lord [Music] so remind me remind me [Music] i will sacrifice a free offering to you i will praise you i'll praise your name oh lord for it is good let us pray their kind compassionate father i want to give you thanks for for whoever is going to get the offer in their libraries and keep them help those who would love to give you my prayer amen the information will be up on the screen for those who are online and the con and we'll collect the offering [Music] do [Applause] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] baby [Applause] all that we have is [Applause] [Music] the scripture reading will be taken from joshua 14 6-13 i will read in your hearing then the children of judah came to joshua in gilgal and khalid the son of jeffery the kennesaid said to him you know you know the word which the lord god said to moses the man of god concerning you and me in kaddish barnard i was 40 years old and moses the servant of god sent me from kurdish borneo to spy all the land and i brought back to him the word was which was in my heart nevertheless my brethren who went up with me made the heart of the people melt but i holy follow the lord my god so moses saw on that day saying surely the land where my foot has stood and shall be inheritance and your children forever because you have fully followed the lord my god i know behold the lord has kept me alive as he said these 40 years ever since the lord spoke this word to moses while israel wandered in the wilderness and now here i am this day eight years old as yet i am strong this day as one day that moses sent me just as my strength was then now so is my strength for a war both for going out and for coming in now therefore give me this mountain of which the lord spoke in that day for you heard in that day how the anama came were there and that the cities were great and fortified it may be that the lord will be with me and i shall be able to give them what as the lord said and joshua said bless him and gave hebron to caleb the son of jeffena as an inheritance this is the word of the lord [Music] [Music] glorify thy name glorify thy name [Music] [Music] is [Music] burdens are live [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let us pray eternal god or a heavenly father or a creator or redeemer or friend once more dear lord i come humble before thee we are nothing without thee but we are prince and princesses once we humble ourselves today i want you to watch me cleanse me of all unrighteousness as i intercede on behalf of your people today want to give the thanks dear lord for all your goodness towards us to our who truly we that has been we have not been faithful but you have been faithful to us want you the lord to wash us once more and make us whole i want to give thee thanks for the many blessings that you have bestowed us upon us during the course of this week we are to give the thanks for your shelter you have keep us far from the pestilence the corona virus that is causing havoc not unonly us here in jamaica but throughout the world but you have clawed us under your wings you have sent your angels to protect us and for that we want to give thee thanks we want to give the thanks for the showers that we have been getting i want to give the thanks oh lord for providing for us oh god but more so to give us that hope more faith that at the end we will find tourists in thee we want to put all those who are in the synagogue before thee this morning and our brothers and sisters who are worshiping us online or visiting friends who are watching online this morning i want to ask you to give them that special touch a touch that each and every one of us needs in this time we want to put those who are sick before thee those who are at home might be in bed are in our institutions or hospitals within this country as we battle the virus i want oh god to strengthen us and to know that all true healing comes from thee i i want to ask judy allah to give our medical practitioners or nurses or doctors and all the other individuals who work within the health system a special touch this morning i know they are physically limbed and some of them are feeling it mentally also i want to ask you to give them that extra strength as we continue to fight the virus and for those who lead help them to lead us in the part of righteousness we want that oneness even at this time as we go through these challenging times oh god intervening arabia have once spoon you actually know they like to touch the one who will break the bread of life today cover us cover her dear lord under her wings appear like that the word uttered by her today will be not our own words what words from your children i also dear lord want to put before thee those who have lost their loved ones this week the church family is mourning we want you to give us that peace that peace that positive understanding help us as members of this church even it's challenging times to get closer to the knowing their life that what we are fierce you know is russ things that was things that were prophesied before that will come in the last day but we have hope of a brighter tomorrow we have hope in that eternal risk and that should give us comfort we want to once more give the thanks for the things that you have done for us before the things that you have done for us today and will be doing for us in the future continue to abide with us and help us to realize that we are in the final days and just a little longer if we should continue to hold on we will be with your own earth soon we want to thank you once more for all your blessings in jesus name amen amen [Music] all of our hearts [Music] [Music] god [Music] [Music] this morning we need to hear a word from the lord and to give us this word is someone who is qualified to do so she is not qualified simply because she is a baptized member of the church she is not qualified simply because she is the first elder of this church she is not even qualified because she is an ardent church goer but she's qualified because she's a committed sinner saved by grace i speak to you of none other than elder milling elder milling is on a road she's on a journey and she's desirous of making it into the kingdom of heaven and part of her mission is to help others to taste and see that the lord is good she has a word for us today she is determined to sound the battle cry and even as she comes to sound the better cry i pray that you will breathe a word of prayer in your hearts for her as she comes to prepare our hearts for the message sister zaina will do the song of meditation and the next voice you will hear is that of god's servant sister elder miriam million [Music] [Music] i faced a mountain that i've never faced before that's why i'm calling on you lord and i know it's been a while lord please hear my prayer i need you like i never have before sometimes it takes mountain [Music] sometimes a troubled seat [Music] sometimes it takes a desert [Music] to get a hold of me [Music] your love is so much stronger [Music] that whatever troubles me [Music] sometimes it takes [Music] to trust you and believe [Music] forgive me jesus i thought i could control whatever life would go my way but this i will admit has brought me to my knees i need you lord and i'm not ashamed to sometimes it takes mountains [Music] sometimes a troubled seat sometimes it takes a [Music] desert to get a hold of me [Music] your love is so much stronger [Music] that whatever troubles me sometimes it takes mountain to trust you and believe [Music] sometimes it takes mountains [Music] to trust you and believe [Music] sometimes it takes a mountain sometimes a troubled seat [Music] sometimes it takes a [Music] desert to get a hold of me your love is so much stronger [Music] [Music] it takes [Music] to trust you and beliefs [Music] it takes a mountain [Music] to trust you and believe amen amen sometimes it takes some mountain what a beautiful song thank you so much sister cena for blessing our hearts and for reminding us that god will use whatever it takes to get our attention sometimes a mountain sometimes a troubled sea sometimes the desert but it's because he loves us and he wants to save us happy sabbath church happy sabbath church and happy sabbath to those who are in virtual land you know as i said last week that sabbath is a happy day i know i know it's very difficult brother robinson for us to be happy having lost six members of our church so quickly one behind the other i heard about sister orthorn last sabbath after church was dismissed and i tried to call her i didn't get her so i called somebody who i know would know what is happening with her and the person related to me that it was just the morning he spoke to sister author nancy sawathan was calling him to take her home so you know how shocked i was when i got the news that she had passed because on sabbath she was bubbly she was talking she was laughing but sister arthur and left us in the wee hours of monday morning i'm told and brother robinson when you think that it couldn't get worse we were in the middle of a funeral service for little kristoff when we got the news that brother allen's father had passed and of course we know christoph is a cousin of elder allen and i'm told that it's actually three members of the family that have died somebody says when it rains it pours and so for all the grieving members this morning the talkers sister clara's family uh kristoff's families uh sister or thorne brother william and brother williams and all those who mourn sister sherwood who whose husband was buried uh just a couple of days ago we want you to know that we grieve with you and we are praying for you and the lord will give you the strength you need to go through these very difficult times no the topic that i will be speaking to us on today is give me this mountain give me this mountain let us pray or father in heaven another time your children are sitting at your feet to be fed by you hide me o lord behind your cross take away every stain of sin all of my life take self away from me may i be crucified now and may jesus be seen high and lifted up in all his glory today so that your children can be comforted so that your children can find strength so that your children lord can be encouraged to continue on this journey knowing lord that will it will not be long from now when we will all rest in your eternal kingdom be with me now as i speak to your children in jesus name amen amen i want to thank brother morris for so ably doing our scripture reading this morning now if any of you here is a friend of mine on facebook you would have observed that i was doing a study of the book of joshua no every time i would complete a chapter and i would make notes i would post on facebook and i would also send it to the church group initially i didn't send all the chapters to the church group because initially i didn't do that it's after the thought came to me that i should send it to the church group but from joshua one to the end i have that study on my facebook page and you know what a wonderful book to read of course you know joshua one of my sons his name is joshua and that's a very special name because that name actually means god saves yahweh saves so one morning as i was going through joshua and i was reading joshua chapter 14 the words the words that are my caption today just jumped out at me give me this mountain gave me this mountain in my mind i wondered sister tomlinson why would somebody ask for a mountain knowing what mountain represent you know as i would go through the study each day and that is why i decided to that's how i i'm studying i document sister thomas because i want to ensure that for every time i read the word i get something from it and so for all the chapters that i would go through i would try to find what lessons sister bev i can learn from this particular chapter so what i would do i would put a summary of the chapter and then i would put the lessons that i learn i do this because i just don't want just to read and study i want to be able to practice them and you know sometimes we we i want to go back to to remind myself of these beautiful lessons so this day in particular i ask the questions what can i learn from this statement why would caleb ask for a mountain how would he conquer the mountain now based on the scripture we know that was read by brother morris we know that these famous words came from caleb many many years before god promised abraham in genesis 15 verse 18 to verse 21 that his seed would inherit the promised land god later confirmed his promise with isaac in genesis 26 verse 3 and then with jacob in genesis 28 verse 13. let's fast forward to moses in exodus 6 verse 8 verse 4 to verse 8 god not just reminded moses of the promise but god was about to make that promise a reality so what did he do after over 300 years in egyptian captivity god set his people free he delivered them he miraculously brought them through the red sea but guess what what should have taken of watch a journey that should have taken them 40 days took them 40 years why why because of their rebellious ways their ungratefulness under their disobedience however god remained true to his promise and when we come to joshua 14 we see israel receiving the inheritance tribe by tribe judah which is the which was the biggest tribe received its inheritance first and caleb caleb who was from the tribe of judah stepped up and reminded joshua of the inheritance that moses had promised him now when we read the king james version the request that caleb made may seem like a strange request in verse 2 he said now therefore give me this mountain where of the lord speak in that day for thou heardest in that day all the anakims were there and that the cities were great and fenced if so be the lord will help me then shall i be able to drive them out as the lord said so without any background knowledge yes this would seem like an odd request however if we read a little further we will see that the name of the place is ebron and ebron is a hilly terrain all right so the place that caleb asked for was ebron and the terrain is very mountainous yet yes i'm sorry yes the physical setting was mountainous however if we take a closer look at verse 12 we will see that caleb had more than the physical mountains to contend with there were far greater challenges let us again read verse 12 now therefore give me this mountain where of the lord speak in that day for thou heard it in that day how the anakims were there and we're going to pause here and do a little flashback to numbers 13 verse 33. let me read that for us and there we saw the giants i'm reading from numbers 13 verse 33 and there we saw the giants the sons of anak which came of the giants and we were in our own sight as grass grasshoppers and so we were in their sight no if we know the story well we would remember the spies that were sent to spy out the land and we know that 10 came back with a bad report and two and that's caleb and joshua came back with a good report now the words that i just read these words were coming from the ten spies the one who brought back the bad report now i want us to pay attention to the name anakim's in joshua 14 verse 12 and the words son of anak in numbers 13 verse 33 yes they are one and the same so the first great challenge that caleb faced were the giants in the land let us continue reading verse 12 and that the cities were great and fenced the cities were great and defense and we will stop here for now the second challenge that caleb faced were the great and fenced cities the cities were heavily fortified brother robinson but there is something else that makes the story much more exciting caleb is 85 years old but listen to what he said in verse 11. as yet i am strong this day as i was in the day that moses sent me as my strength now for war both to go out and to come in at this age caleb would have survived 40 years of wandering in the wilderness he would have fought valiantly for the five years it took to take over kenyan and he could have said it was no time to take off my my warring boots my army boots caleb did not ask for an easy job the terrain was hilly and infested with giants it would not be easy for for it i'm sorry it would not be an easy feat to tear those fortresses of the anakins down this would be the most difficult part of the promised land it would be the most difficult to subdue and here at the advanced age of 85 caleb is saying to joshua give me this mountain as i sought to find answers to the questions that i mentioned in the introduction of this sermon i found the answers that i needed in verses 8 12 and 14. in verses 8 and 14 we read that caleb holy followed the lord and in verse 12 this is what caleb said as he asserted his confidence in god if so be the lord will be with me then i shall be able to drive them out as the lord said and even as i studied i still wanted to know what it means to wholly follow the lord six times it is mentioned in scriptures that caleb holy followed the lord and you know when i read this that um it was mentioned six times i i ran to hebrews 11 to see if caleb was named in the in phase hall of fame while i did not see caleb's name mention was made of that time during which caleb existed and i'm sure that caleb would have been in god's hall of fame when it comes to faith now i can just imagine if caleb if he were living in our time the inscriptions sister abdomen on his tombstone here lies a man who only followed the lord and i'm remembering this song that you know you know when i was growing up i hated funeral songs but you don't have any if you don't have any songs in funeral song because you know we're just scared of dying and when we hear those songs we think of death but there is this one i remember we are only remembered by what we have done it's been a while since i've heard that one all right and caleb we can remember caleb as a man who wholly followed the lord what will people remember about us when we pass from this life this is what jody shea had to say about holy following the lord wholly following the lord can be bottled down into three words trust and obey trust and obey holy means what all the time it is not a part-time devotion to god holy is not in the river on the bank not that type of christian living holy means trusting god in the good times trusting god in the bad times it is staying true to god even when you can't understand what he is doing holy trust in god is when we are in good health we trust him when we are sick we trust him holy is holding on to him despite the havoc that corvid 19 is creating right here in jamaica and the world at large we have the delta variant we have the move variant and i am told i read brother brother robinson that all those two variants are in jamaica both the delta variant and the mu variant our brothers and sisters our members our fathers our family members the young the old are dying this morning steve and i were talking and i said look here kovid is no some persons don't want to be associated with kovid you know something here people attacks that may have covered when corvid is no respecter of persons the prime minister of england had it i i remember at least one of royalty one in in in the royalties had it i think it was prince charles right the the the prime minister of canada his wife had it trump had it right and and and look here it goes from if we come to jamaica people in gordon halls got it everybody right so it is not respecter of and you know you know once upon a time it was more people with underlying conditions the older folks now young old everybody kovit is no respecter of age color or class but holy i'm still talking about holy holy is holding on to god no matter what no matter what no just this week brother robinson and i've been talking about this and sometimes i wonder if i should still talk about it but i have to i'm just talking about the times in which we live and we have to keep our eyes on god and i got to call this a comment from jody and you know i just want to tell my church family members or those of you watching i want you to pray for my daughter because she's under the attack of the devil because she it's just she's just moving from one illness to the other what is happening now is that she cannot swallow she can hardly breathe sometimes she spent all night saturday night in the hospital and they did x-rays and they said the next test for them to do is to put a camera in the the stomach just down the throat to see if anything is there but she has not eaten sister babe she has not eaten any hard food from um from sabbath and even drinking is no becoming a problem and you know when she spoke to me she's studying she's working you know i stopped and i said you know i was just thinking about it and the tears were just coming on i'm like we've been praying for joy we have been having praying fasting sister thomas you know we've been praying there is a medical team i mean 70 adventist medical team thank god for pastor gordon who saw the post and he and he got his team together and they are working with her right you know um she was given medication to sleep because we know about the sleeping problem and you know the medication will only work for a while and stop and there is this medical missionary that is helping her with natural stuff but nothing seemed to be working and last night as i was preparing this sermon she called me and she said mommy i just called you to find out who you're doing and i said to her naturally i'm going to ask how are you doing she said mommy i don't want to stress you to my problem but she still has not eaten she's still having pain and i felt just a bit like i wouldn't come here and appreciate it i felt like i should call pastor and say to pastor please get somebody else to do because that is how i'm feeling but then i had to preach to myself i have to hold on i have to hold on brother robin so no matter what i got to the point of thinking my sister down there welcome nice to have you i'm not seeing probably or somebody i know but because i'm not the other day when i was going away i brought it up and i gave it to her as a gift and now i'm starting another one i said i'm going to give shane as a gift i want my children to be able to hold on to the precious promises of god no matter what it is all the way god is not satisfied with halfway it is wholly holding on to him no matter what caleb would have witnessed god's mighty hands at work in the parting of the red sea the manor the water from the rock he would have remembered how god saved the firstborn of israel when the death angel passed through egypt he would have remembered the wars of jericho coming down caleb knew that god was true to his promises he promised them the land and he believed so even though there were giants in the land caleb believed god even though the fortresses seemed impenetrable kele believed god caleb conquered the mountain which was filled with giants and wall cities he did not ask for an easy piece of land difficulties did not deter him from wholly following the lord you know i saw this question as i was preparing my sermon last night and i'm going to it's a quote quotation i was looking for the writer but it's anonymous it says you don't trust god until you trust him for the impossible and i'm going to say that again you don't trust god until you believe him for until you trust him for the impossible jesus spoke about a mountain in matthew 21 verse 21 verses 21 and 22. he answered and said unto them verily i say unto you if he have faith and doubt not he shall not only do that which is done of the fig tree but also if you shall say to this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea it shall be done and all things whatsoever he shall ask in prayer believing he shall receive we know jesus wasn't talking about a literal mountain the jewish people used it as an idiom to mean overcoming a difficulty to often we allow our mountains to talk to us but jesus is saying today that we are to talk we are to speak to our mountain when caleb said give me this mountain he was saying give me adversity the mountain may be bigger than me but it is not bigger than my god so when we speak to our mountains we come in the name of jesus sister indriya and so we are given authority by jesus to speak to the mountains in our lives so that they can be removed caleb also knew that as strong as he was remember he said at 85 i still have the strength i possessed 40 years ago right but he knew that he needed the help of god and he also acknowledged this in verse 2. if so be the lord will help me then i will be able to drive them out as the lord said who said it who said it the lord the lord he said as the lord said god doesn't call us to claim our mountains alone if god allows you to face a mountain he plans to help you conquer it if god allows you to face a mountain he plans to help you conquer it my brothers my sisters we too have a promised land to possess and yes like caleb we are faced with mountains and the terrain is going to get even more mountainous as we get nearer to the land we have many giants to conquer there are strongholds to break down listen to how paul describes the giants in ephesians 6 verse 12 for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places i don't believe that there has been a time such as this before i know that we've had pandemics i know we have had epidemics but i have never read in the pages of history sister tomlinson of a world like this one we know have in some parts of the world when a baby is born when a baby is born you cannot call the baby boy or girl you cannot say he or she if you notice well i don't know i i saw you say usain bolt recently they got to him he and his wife twins and they they named the babies and of course they were referring to the babies by their six and somebody said why are you doing that to the children they are the ones who are supposed to come and choose who they want to be have you ever seen a time like this have you ever seen a time like this no no immorality is at an all-time high the other day i was saying to um it's mean that when we look at how crime is committed in jamaica if they are if if they start told sister injury a killing woman or a woman you notice that there's a killing of a series of women and i'm not talking about just concentrated in one area it's right across jamaica remember a time when we had our children dying i said to esme and i said you know what you some demons you have the demon of the one who said killed the woman the one who said killed it but this is what we're talking about principalities and powers and rulers of darkness the hearts of men getting desperately wicked i actually saw a post where this young this guy was boasting about a girl whose head was chopped off and he said that the girl played him the girl fought for some years no good amount of years had two of them believing that they were the main person and after he would have spent so much on the girl he decided that enough was enough and the girl head was chopped off and she was set on fire no not even the movies we would see that when we were growing up so we we have come to a very very terrible time sister white says though that in this time we need men men who will not be bought or sold men in their inmost soul men who are in their inmost oh i'm sorry men in their inmost souls who are true and honest men who do not fear to call sin by its right name men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pool men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall in essence we need men and women who will wholly follow the lord so we are we have come to a time when pastors and those who speak in the pulpit are going to be in trouble because if they dare speak against a certain lifestyle some will lose their license some might not be able to travel i remember we at jordan's conference they were supposed to have some i think it's a camp meeting at a particular location and they invited uh somebody who had changed some persons who have changed their lifestyle to come and it was not to come and speak and it was not permitted it was not permitted so this is a time that we have come to and this you know i saw sister sharon post this week that some of us it seems like we want to draw persecution to ourselves before the time but we don't have to join before the times it's a injury because it's going to come it is going to come and god's people are going to be persecuted we are living in the time of the end last night i was listening to a sermon that pastor samuels um did he did it some time before it was a rebroadcast and he spoke about this point in history that we are struggling as the word of god said we are struggling to keep up brother thomas with the foot man and as the question was asked in scriptures he asked the question if we cannot keep up with what is happening no if we can't keep up with the food men or are we going to keep up with what the horsemen oh and the swelling of jordan thank you sister tomminson how are we going to keep up with the horsemen i have bad news for us today i shouldn't be bearing any bad news sister yannick but i have bad news for us today as bad as this epidemic is there is worse than coving to come there is worse than coffee to come i saw a young lady i didn't watch all of it but i think it was just a cheryl who posted it in the group and this young lady she was warning i don't know which denomination she is from but if you listen to it what she's saying is true we have moved sister indriya from the the lord and many of us are feeling are are feeding the people and feed good messages where you see time getting better where is the time getting better chicken chicken went up this week guests came by where do you see time getting better it is time for god's children to look up it is time for god's children to look up i am sorry that i have to be the beer of bad news after all that we have been through this week i felt like going under a rock when i heard about the other boston's island i'm like man i can't take no more and i heard sister mr crying out can't take anymore but it is going to get worse we have lost family members to cover 19 but if we believe the word of god it is going to get worse and how will we fare how will we fear will we call in fear will we be among those who fall away because the sifting is going on will we be sifted up out will we be sifted out or will we like caleb say give me this mountain paul goes on in ephesians 6 to tell us how we can like caleb fortify ourselves to conquer the mountains to conquer the giants to break down the strongholds he tells us what to do in verse 11 and in the same verse he identifies who we are fighting against i am at this i'm a bit uncomfortable with the vision that this covered thing is causing in the church and the leaders are aware and we are addressing it we actually had a meeting where the the president of the union called all the leaders together the pastors the church leaders all the different leaders in the different organizations and that was high on the agenda because we have to admit that it is causing a problem there said we are allowing satan to use it to divide us and satan knows that divided we are going to fall the president of the union of the of the of the world church came out and he said this is the position that the world church is taking we have included if you want to take the vaccine the church is not preventing you from taking it and if you don't want to take it sister india then nobody is forcing you to what could be plainer than that but we find that satan is using people against people we are not dealing with the issue we are cutting fighting against each other and that is what the devil wants he wants to divide us i was talking to to a good friend of mine about it uh sister thomas and he said sister million do not look at people do not look at people and and how they behave and then you're gonna start hating them look at the source look at who is behind it and this is what paul is saying here he point that out from the get-go it is the devil and when we recognize that it is the devil whether i am pro vaccer anti-vaxxer said devil get thee behind me i am not allowing you to make me eat my brother or to hit my sister ah i want to see my sister in the kingdom i want to see my brother and we are going to help each other along it's time we stop this nonsense and get on with the business of god it is time to proclaim the undiluted word of god and to let people know that they need to come out of babylon they need to repent because the kingdom of heaven is at hand and so paul tells us who is the source the source is the devil put on the whole arm of god that he may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil he tells us that what the armor is made up of and if you read verses 14 to verse 18 you will you will see what the armor is made up of notice how paul uses the war imagery remember where we are coming from uh caleb said give me this mountain there were giants to conquer conquer and there were strong holes to break now break down and paul gives us what we should wear the spiritual armor that we should wear for this war fear i stand earlier i said earlier that i hate to be the bearer of bad news but i also have good news i also bear good news today we will not fight our battles alone caleb said it he said the lord will help me because god said the land is ours so how god goes to the land is ours and and we will not be able to conquer these giants what the lord says he means so if i can't conquer the giants it means that the lord is going to help me to conquer the giants jesus after he had given his disciples the gospel commission assured them and us by extension that he would be with us always even to the end of the world you know when i started thinking about the sermon it was conceptualized when i was away i didn't want to come brother robinson to give another message you know because we have been trying to comfort the virgin to help them to go through these difficult times i wanted to look at it in the light of the three angels messages and that's what i'm going to be doing in the concluding part of this sermon as god's children as god's remnant church we have a special message for the world ours is the message brother bartley to call humanity back to true worship to call humanity to worship the creator of heaven and earth horus is a message to warn people to get out of babylon and to flee for their lives oars is a message to let people know that their allegiance should be to god and what god said god doesn't want you to hold on to some of his word and leave some out he says what you are to keep all of my words god's people need to call people humanity to let them know that god's word stands forever people must understand that babylon is a counterfeit system counterfeit one cannot know what a counterfeit is unless you know what the genuine is and that is why many are going to be deceived you have to know the true thing in order to be able to identify the counterfeit and so that's why we are saying that you have to wholly follow the lord you have to study his word you have to dig deep in the word so that you can be fortified you know pastor samuel said in mr manasseh he said you know we're talking about the milk and i honestly believe that you know for some persons especially they are not for faith they need the meal but he's saying it's time for hard food too it's time for hard food because god's people have to be fortified we have to know what we believe if we don't know what we believe then we are going to be led away what will make the difference for god's remnant people is that they will strive to obey all of god's word and we keep and we keep saying as leaders that the the vaccine is not the mark of the beast i dare stand here and i know i'm speaking to people probably all over the world the vaccine is not the mark of the beast if you are assembly adventist christian you should know what the mark of the beast is the mark of the beast is not a vaccine so if you are saying that the vaccine is a mark of the beast then you do not know what your church believes and we our beliefs are based upon the word of god the dust set the lord the true test in the last days of earth history will be that a test of loyalty will your loyalty be to god or will it be to the the beast and we know that that's a system the babylon system that the tree and the tree angels messages speak about the creator of heaven on earth or the beast will you choose to worship him on his holy day or will you wander after the beast with its false system will you choose to worship him on his holy day or will you wander after the beast with its false system i dare say that god's children at this time should be fortifying ourselves for the difficult days ahead when caleb asked for a mountain he was 85 well advancing age but he said i have the strength that i had 40 years ago today an 85 year old man cannot claim to have the same physical strength but guess what spiritually spiritually we are supposed to have that strength we are supposed to be so uncut as a songwriter said will your anchor whole we are to be anchored in god as we progress in our christian experience in times of trouble no wishy-washy christian will be able to stand sister yannick these are not the days for any prosperity messages as i said before no feel-good message brother thomas god wants his people to know that the days of the end are upon us and he wants us to run with the message notice how the three angels move with the messages they move with alacrity they move with speed and so god's word is to be spreading throughout the entire earth like wild fire if we get out of ourselves and more into the work of god we will have no time for division if we get out of ourselves and more into the work of god we will love one another and build each other up yes my brothers and sisters caleb was confident that god will help him fight the battles and jesus assures us that he is with us even unto the end of the world today i put forth a new challenge you see this challenge on it on on facebook where they're having people stepping up on crates and hurting themselves well this challenge that i'm about to put to you and every you know i don't know people just love to be on bandwagon right today i put forth a new challenge who among us in the sanctuary today in virtual land who among us will confidently ask god for this mountain notice the notice the use of the word this it suggests a particular mountain each of us in here we have a mountain we have a mountain brother robinson we have a mountain they say without any cross there is no crone we have a mountain who is going to be assertive enough today to say god like caleb give me this mountain yes kovit has shown us that we we know how to seek new and novel ways to spread the gospel we risk our lives when we go to the supermarket to buy food we risk our lives when we go to the doctor when we go out i'm not telling anybody to blatantly take off your mask and go what have you but we should be spreading the gospel we should be going out there to let people know that there is a savior and i i see i see i i'll mention sister tomlinson and sister christine sister christine as on the line issues sister tomlinson she has a respiratory problem and i see them out there almost every day attending to the needs of the less fortunate covert is no excuse it is no excuse for us not to share the gospel with others not to reach out to people in their time of needs so many people are stressed out so many people are stretched out so many people are hopeless and in desperate need of a savior i challenge each person listening to me today that in the coming week you will deliberately reach out to someone that in the coming week you will say lord give me this mountains mountains are hard to climb there are giants there are obstacles yes there are well fortified walls put up by the enemy of souls but victory is ours when we like caleb learn to trust and obey won't you claim your mountain today god bless you let us pray father we thank you for your words today lord we are making the decision to say to you lord give me this mountain recognizing lord that whatever giants there may be whatever fortress whatever stronghold that you are there to help us conquer these mountains help us lord to deliberately set out to not just bring the world good news or salvation to others but to demonstrate by our actions by taking care of the needs of those around us physically mentally in whatever way we can so that lord we can reach out to them and let them know that there is a heaven to gain and a hell to shun lord we commit to you now we need your strength we need overcoming power through your holy spirit but lord we are holding on to your promises and one of them is that you will be with us even until the end of the world thank you today again for your words in jesus name amen [Music] what a message holy full of the lord you don't trust god until you trust the impossible we are to be anchored in god as we progress in our christian experience like the three angels we are to run with the message of god we need to tell others to leave babylon and worship the true and living god that created heaven and earth when we get out of self we will get and get more into the work of god then we will love each other who can confidently ask for this mountain god bless you sister milling as you continue to sound the battle cry as you continue to live a life for the lord and allow him to use you as is as his mouthpiece to close off we are going to be singing a most fitting song this afternoon number 367 rescue the perishing number 367 rescue the parachute rescue the perishing care for the darling stretch the city from sinai [Music] jesus is merciful jesus will save the lord there is [Music] he will forgive rescue the perishing care for the dying jesus is [Music] the perishing duty strength back to the narrow way patiently [Music] jesus [Music] let the words of our mouth and the meditation of our hearts the acceptable in thy sight oh lord our strength and our redeemer we thank you for joining us at church today and we pray that the lord will continue to bless you let us just take a moment to reflect on the words that have just been fed to us and do remember that we are to keep the rest of the sabbath holy god bless you [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: BTSDA Online
Views: 371
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: mbU47lxfkz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 182min 35sec (10955 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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