Live Sabbath Service | Grafted Church

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all right shabbat shalom everybody let's start right with the word of prayer our father our king uh thank you for the sabbath thank you for allowing us to gather here and and father i submit everything that i'm about to say to you and to your judgment father um i pray that my heart is correct i pray that what you have been showing me that i um i can relay that properly help me to speak with humility but but also with boldness father father i pray a blessing over every family represented in this building tonight and even the the people watching online i pray that their families would be blessed father father your kingdom is forever and ever and we thank you for your anointed salvation yeshua hamashiach amen so i wanted to start tonight with a question who in this room or listening online is perfect perfectly walking out scripture perfectly walking out the love that we're commanded to walk out go ahead and stand up and be recognized nobody nobody willing to take that no perfect husbands no perfect wives no perfect moms no perfect dads no perfect teachers let's remember that none of us can make that claim myself most of all i have a lot of scripture to read tonight i'm sorry but i'm gonna have to use my phone it's not my favorite way of doing it but it's just gonna have to work for us so i want to start in romans 8. paul says for those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh but those who live according to the ruach set their minds on the things of the ruach for the mindset of the flesh is death but the mindset of the ruach is life and shalom for the mindset of the flesh is hostile toward god for it does not submit itself to the law of god for it cannot so those who are in the flesh cannot please god however you were not in the flesh but in the ruach if indeed the ruach elohim dwells in you now if anyone does not have the ruach of messiah he does not belong to him but if messiah is in you though the body is dead because of sin yet the spirit is alive because of the righteousness and if the ruach of the one who raised yeshua from the dead dwells in you the one who raised messiah yeshua from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his ruach that dwells in you verse 7 and i want to read it now in the king james it says because the carnal mind is enmity against god for it is not subject to the law of the god or law of god neither can it be that word flesh there i always had thought flesh like skin but that's not what it means it's what's inside of you it's it's your meat it's your brisket what's inside of each and every one of us is hostile to the word of god every single one of us has that battle what's inside of us is that enmity with the words of god we all are on equal footing there we're all on that same plane we're all in that same fight each and every one of us so where does paul get this idea of flesh being hostile if we go back to genesis 6 starting at verse 1 and this is our lord speaking he says now when humankind began to multiply on the face of the ground and daughters were born to them then the sons of god saw the daughters of men were good and they took for themselves wives at any they choose then adonai said my spirit will not remain with humankind forever since they are flesh so their days will be 120 years so we see this separation of god's spirit and flesh and mankind so why if we go down to verse 13 it says then god said to noah the end of all flesh is coming before me for the earth is filled with violence because of them behold i'm about to bring ruin upon upon them along with the land because of our flesh we humankind brought forth violence and evil into the land so much so that god had to send a flood to deal with it our flesh what's inside of us is at enmity with the word of god as i was preparing this i was uh you know trying to think of the examples and how to say and i i came to a memory i think god showed me i was little i mean four i remember this event vividly i was um i was running around our house and we had a like a separate carport and there was a like a stack of scrap lumber around that and i was running around barefoot and i ran across that stack of scrap wood and i stepped on a nail while i was running stepped on a nail and it went into my big toe and i was running so like the my momentum just carried me forward off of it right but there was just and i was shooting blood out of my big toe and it wasn't like a finish nail that would have been easy it was one of those big nails and i i was thinking about it even now i'm like that hurt that really really hurt so as i was telling you that story how many of you cringed just a little bit yeah there's another time um i was older i was probably sixth or seventh grade and we lived out the middle of nowhere and i just i had freedom to roam i ran everywhere and we lived kind of down in a valley so i was running toward my house going downhill and you know when you're running downhill and you're just got these big long strides you're just going all out and i hit i hit a rock or a tree stump or something i came down on it with my heel now i didn't realize this but at that age your ankle bone and your shin bone aren't completely connected so what i did is i drove my ankle bone up into my shin bone and it went like this i split it and again because i'm running maybe that's my lesson is to slow down a little bit i went tumbling down this hill having split one of my bones which i did not know was possible again did anybody feel that as i'm telling that story to you like oh have you ever seen those funny videos with the dad playing ball with his son right and he throws the ball to that the sun hits it of course it's a line drive right to dad's groin and the mom who's usually filming is laughing i get it but every man who sees that or hears it we kind of cover up a little bit we almost can't help ourselves but we we feel those words we feel the pain even if it's not ours even if you didn't experience you didn't step on the nail like i did but you experienced that with me even in their stories in our bible think about abraham who at 99 years of age got circumcised and it wasn't like he went to his doctor's office to get that procedure done so again every man in the room covers up a little bit and some of the wives are giggling again and i point all this out to say that that even in the natural there are some words some stories that when we hear them causes our flesh to react there are some things some topics that when we talk about we have a physical reaction to that to that word or concept or that story i want to talk tonight about three words three concepts that i will suggest to you our flesh hates but we're not called to be mastered by our flesh we are called to master our flesh so the first word is judgment the second word [Music] obedience and the third word is submission now our natural selves what's inside of us does not like those words because those are not words that are natural to us they're not things that we would voluntarily do in the normal and it's not things that our culture tells us to embrace or even encourage i want to tell you tonight that we have to learn to not only accept these words these concepts that we need to embrace them that we need to look for them to look how to master them as skills preparing us for the kingdom in james 1 it says this starting at verse 2 it says consider it all joy my brethren when you encounter various trials knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance and let that endurance have its perfect work so that you may be perfect complete lacking in nothing happy is the one who endures testing because when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life which the lord promised him to love him in matthew 5 starting at verse 10 it says this it says blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when people revile you and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely on account of me rejoice and be glad for your reward in heaven is great for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you i want you to know that your messiah used radical extreme obedience and submission into judgment that saved our souls remember he had all authority he tells peter this like that he could call down a legion of of host to save him but he didn't for our sake he is king messiah and he laid that down for every one of us radical over the top submission obedience not afraid to face that judgment you remember yeshua praying in the garden and in matthew 26 it says going a little farther he fell face down and prayed saying my father if it's possible let this cup pass for me yet not as i will but as you will you know um i would like to think that in case of an emergency i would act bravely and boldly you know we see these new stories of heroic stories and you know the man that runs into the birding building and saves the lives or pulls somebody out from a car wreck and they go up to him on the news afterwards and why did you do it and in typical manned fashion he says i really wasn't thinking i just did it i just reacted but yeshua knew what was coming could we do the same if we knew that we were going to be taken falsely accused imprisoned arrested tortured and ultimately give up our lives would we be as brave if we had time to think about it i get that adrenaline reaction rush into the to the thing i understand that but when you've got time to think about what's coming your way would we be so brave would we be so brave for other people i hope that we can begin to accept these words these concepts and not only just like accept them but we can see that they are gifts from god that when he calls us to these things when he calls us to be submissive when he calls us to be obedient when he calls us to face judgment that we see that these are actually gifts from a loving father they don't sound much like gifts and they certainly don't sound like fun yeshua in john 7 24 tells us do not judge by appearance but judge righteously now how many of us have been in some biblical discussion and somebody spouts off with don't judge don't judge me you can't judge me a lot of times they're quoting from matthew 7 and they quote the first two words of a whole chapter about judgment and they just simply say don't judge but we need to embrace judgment we need to seek it out in our lives i hope i pray that everyone in this room and everyone listening has people in their lives that will give them righteous judgment people that you can go to and say hey i don't know what i'm doing here can you help me out or someone that will speak to you truth even if it's hard and say what you're doing is not right and then that we would embrace that judgment and say you know what i'm going to consider this i'm going to pray about this i'm going to try to figure this out thank you for being honest with me thank you for telling me because i might have just gone on doing this thing not knowing we're called to that we're called to to love our brothers enough to do that kind of thing but we should also be seeking it out do you have people in your life that will tell you the truth even if it's not pleasant even if it's going to disagree with your flesh because your flesh isn't going to like it especially if com somebody comes up to you and says you're doing this wrong your flesh is not going to like it it's going to rebel against that don't judge me who are you who are you to judge me now we've got to take it a step further and what if unrighteous people judge you what if people out there in the world judge you how are we to respond to that you're supposed to embrace that as well you're supposed to hear that out because they might be right see we are god's image bearers out into that world it's easy for us to be godly here we're all on the same page we all want to do that but we're called to something more we're called to be an image bearer out there where there are godless people where there are people that their only standard is whatever they're told on the news they're only they're living according to that flesh and we're called not to do that we're called not to live by our flesh so even when those people come to you and they say i don't like what you're doing you have to listen to that you need to weigh that out because you might not be representing god appropriately it's easier here it's going to be harder out there if i am going to receive judgment it calls into play the other two words right so when i step down when i'm done speaking and i go to lex and i say how was that tonight let's say lex says you know what it was okay but you move your arms too much when you talk worry okay alex i receive that i hear that and i will do differently next time because it's not just about hearing the judgment it's about taking action and obedience and submitting yourself to the judgment so next time i'll stand with my hands in my pockets and be very still and then they'll say you look kind of like a stick figure move your arms a little bit but not crazy we have to be willing and we have to be seeking out judgment for ourselves i have a few people in my life that i trust for judgment one of them is my wife when i get home tonight and i or usually we do this in the car but she's not here tonight when i get home and i'll say how did i do tonight how was that message now i couple different responses but if she doesn't say anything at first that's bad because that means i was totally disconnected and she just wasn't even connected to the message at all that's not good or she could start out by saying well that's a bad word because when she says well you could have done this or well you missed this opportunity to say this but i respect her judgment over what i've said i respect the judgment that i get back and feedback from the people in this room because i want that judgment i don't want to just be stagnant i want to get better at what i'm doing up here i want to get better at walking this walk in life but if nobody is ever willing to come up to me and say hey brother i love you but or well you could be doing this a little bit better and i challenge you to do that better it's always hopefully in love and with the right attitude towards each other but even if not i want to receive that and weigh that out i want to study out what these people have said even when they say things that are ugly i'm like okay father i'm going to submit this to you is this really what is going on is this a truth that i am missing out on or is this just somebody that's angry we have this mindset in our culture that we're afraid to correct each other we're afraid to talk to each other if the conversation is hard like i don't care about the weather how are we walking this walk are we getting closer to the kingdom or are we just drifting along aimlessly be willing to submit to judgment seek out people that will offer you true judgment you may not agree with what they say but at least consider it pray about it and then make a step forward from it in ephesians 6 it says this it says children obey your parents in the lord for this is right honor your father and mother which is the first commandment with a promise so that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth and continue in ephesians 6 at 5 it says slaves obey your human masters with respect and reverence with sincerity of heart as you as you would the messiah as you would obey the messiah not just under your master's eye as people-pleasers but as slaves of messiah doing god's will from the soul serve with positive attitude as to the lord and not to men and we all get that concept of children obey your parents children honor your father and mother that's easy especially if you're the parent but we're told to honor our masters now we're not walking in this time frame and in this culture but i would equate this that when i go to my job i obey my boss josh is shaking his head because he's in the military and he knows these concepts much better than i do even it doesn't matter if i agree with him or not he's the boss and now i'm also called to do this joyfully to do this as though i'm serving messiah not just my boss tim what kind of an obedience was yeshua willing to walk out on our behalf we are called to be obedient radically crazy extreme obedience and we're supposed to be happy about it because in how we carry out our lives how i do my job reflects the god that i serve so if i go to my job and i do a half-hearted work and it's sloppy and it's messed up what am i representing about my king to the people i work with because they all know that i love god they all know that i keep kosher and that i don't work on saturdays but do they know that i've got a work ethic like i'm working for my god all the time or am i taking extra long breaks am i slacking off goofing off not not giving my best effort because if that's the case well that and that guy corey who says he loves god he's no different than any one of us he's just as lazy as we are in that obedience even to people you don't like you represent your king i mean i'm sure everyone here at some point in time has had a job where they had a boss that was just a jerk for better no better words there you're called to be obedient to that boss as though you're serving messiah it's not so pleasant is it how's your flesh feel about that how's your brisket thinking right now it's probably thinking like it ought to bolt for the door because we don't want to hear these things and we certainly don't want to do them in exodus 24 at verse 7 it says he took the scroll of covenant and read it in the hearing of the people again they said all the adonai has spoken we will do and obey in leviticus 18 at verse 4 you are to obey my ordinances and keep my statutes and walk in them i am adonai your god so you are to keep my statutes and my ordinances the one who does them will live by them i am adonai even our covenant promises are linked to obedience now my obedience will not get me into the kingdom no way am i saying that that is strictly a work of the blood of my messiah but do you think i'm going to be a rebel and enter into that kingdom no plain and simple no your inner parts are that rebel the stuff that is inside of you is that rebel it is at war with the word of god and that's the same for every person in here every person that's listening online we all have that struggle right none of us are perfect we agreed to that straight away right none of us are perfect so don't look at your brother who is having a struggle and say man look how he's struggling you got struggles too to look at a sister in faith and say look how she struggles you got struggles too and maybe because you've advanced past that certain struggle doesn't mean that you're free of all of them just because maybe that struggle doesn't mess with you doesn't mean that you won't have another have you ever tasted rotten meat that's a weird question i get but or it's nasty have you ever cooked rotten meat maybe accidentally smells that's what's inside of us it's rotten and it's rancid and we need help because if we're left to our own devices if we're left to follow where our flesh tells us to go we're going to produce some pretty rotten fruit and i know this personally because that's you know how the first 30 some odd years of my life were what's inside of us is that war it's hostile to the word of god the word submit [Music] means to place yourself under control of another to yield oneself to lower to let down to put under to reduce this might be the hardest one of the three because it requires us lowering ourselves when all the world is talking about pride and freedom of expression and freedom and liberty god's word tells us to submit to humble ourselves in genesis 16 starting at verse 7 it says then the angel of adonai found her hagar by the spring of water in the wilderness next to the spring on the way to shore he said hagar sarah's slave girl where have you come from and where are you going she said i am fleeing from the presence of my mistress sarai the angel of adonai said return to your mistress and humble yourself under her hand we know that sarah sarai at this time was not being very nice she was not being a godly woman at all but the angel of god told this slave girl you have to go back and you have to submit yourself you have to humble yourself and that word humble there in the in the hebrew it's anna and we see it actually earlier in scripture at genesis 15 it says then he said to abram know for certain that your seed will be strangers in a land that is not theirs and they will be enslaved and oppressed 400 years enslaved there is ana humbled submitted do you ever wonder why the israelites came under slavery that's a question that i ask and i don't know that i i mean maybe there was some sin there that led the whole nation into this slavery and i've heard some teachings that kind of make sense kind of answer that question but what if they went into slavery simply that god could free them and glorify himself in their story are you willing to submit even to somebody that's not godly even to somebody that's not kind or nice and trust that god is in control and that he's going to take care of the situation that's a hard one right now my flesh is screaming because i don't like that that word submit just kind of makes me angry even to hear it or say it but we're called every one of us in philippians 2 it says do nothing or yeah philippians 2 starting at verse 3 do nothing out of selfishness or conceit but with humility consider others as more important than yourselves looking out not only for your own interests but also for the interest of others have this attitude in yourselves which also was in messiah yeshua look at others as more important than yourself we read this this week with my discipleship guys and we discussed like that's a hard one even in here in this room of people that i know and love that's a hard one but what about out in the world can i esteem the people at my office is more important than me can i esteem the guy that just cut me off in traffic is more important than me or does my flesh rise up how's your flesh feel right now we are called to have radical extreme submission we are called to trust that if we are submitted to somebody that's not nice or not kind or not even good at all that our king will take care of that for us that we will receive a reward in heaven as long as we keep our obedience and our service and our righteousness carrying the banner and the mantle of our king out into the world i mean what kind of man would suffer in obedience and submission to a group of people that hate him what kind of man would would suffer torture and death for a group of people that hate him well there was this one guy and he endured all those things and he had all the authority and power to change the circumstance but he didn't and now he calls you to take up that mantle he calls you to carry out god's name and his his reputation into the world with submission and obedience to your king romans 13 it says let every person submit himself to the governing authorities for there is no authority except from god and those that exist are put in place by god how are your political affiliations you are called to radical obedience radical submission even to people that are not godly see the challenge is not looking for excuses for how we can avoid being submissive or avoid being obedient but how do we do it in such a way that god is glorified that he receives honor because of our actions what if he put you in that place to say all right this is going to be hard i'm going to test your metal out a little bit here will you be obedient will you serve this person who's a jerk like you're serving your messiah will you be that obedient will you bring the name of god of yahweh into the world and see that he is honored and respected because of your actions if you're going to do that one of the first things we have to do is we have to win this fight then we do that with the spirit of god but make no mistake you're in a fight it's all in here in titus 2 it says urge slaves to submit themselves to their own masters in all things well-pleasing and not back-talking not stealing but showing all good faithfulness so that they may do credit to the teaching of god our savior in everything maybe god has put you in that place where your boss is a jerk so that you can bring honor to god maybe you're in a marriage and it's not so great but you still have the opportunity to bring honor to god in it in ephesians 5 it says also submit yourselves to one another out of reverence for messiah i'm going to stop there for a second everyone is required to be submissive every one of us and our flesh hates it and if you feel that angst if you feel that anger just because you know the next verses i'm here to tell you that's your flesh it's fighting back right now against what it's about to hear it's fighting back against what it's going and what i'm saying because this isn't natural this isn't how the world has taught us to live every one of us submitted what would that look like if we actually walked out some of these concepts even in this room we esteemed others higher than ourselves and if we were submitted one to another i wonder what that would look like i think we should practice here where it's pretty safe and then we carry these things out into the world blessed are those that revile you or blessed are you when people revile you so going on in ephesians it says wives to your own husbands as to the lord for the husband is the head of wife as messiah also was the head of his community himself the savior of the body but as messiah's community is submitted to messiah so also wives to their husbands and everything husbands love your wives just as messiah also loved his community and gave himself up for her to make her holy having cleansed her by immersion in the word messiah did this so that he might present to himself his glorious community not having stain or wrinkle or any such thing but in order that she might be holy and blameless in the way husbands ought to love their own wives as their bodies he who loves his wife loves himself now you could go to just about any church on any given day and the pastor's talking on this and there are a few words that when he hits like submit you'll see people have a physical reaction to it you'll see it now i'm not here to judge that or condemn that because i know what that is that's the flesh inside of you reacting to something that it doesn't like and and i think we do a disservice when we talk about this sometimes when we we say well the wives have to submit i just told you how yeshua had to submit even unto death and the husbands are called to love their lives their wives like that so it's not just one is being singled out to say submit it's both the husband and the wives are being called into submittance am i willing to submit even unto death for my wife i hope so i hope i'm that strong in first peter starting first peter chapter 2 at 11 it says loved ones i urge you as strangers and sojourners to keep away from fleshly cravings that war against the soul keep your conduct honorable among the gentiles then while they speak against you as evildoers they may from noticing your good deeds glorify god in the day of his visitation for the lord's sake submit yourselves to every human authority whether to as a king as supreme or to governor sent by him for the punishment of those who do evil and the praise of those who do good for this is god's will that you silence the ignorance of foolish men by doing good live as free people but not using your freedom as a cover for evil rather live as god's slaves honor all people love the brotherhood fear god honor the king slaves with all respect submit yourselves to your masters not only to those who are good and gentle but also to those who are harsh for this finds favor if for the sake of conscience toward god someone endures grief from suffering undeservedly for what credit is there if when you sin and you get a beating you endure it but if you endure when you do good and suffer for it this finds favor with god for you were called to this because messiah also suffered for you [Music] leaving you an example so that you might follow in his footsteps we are called to face judgment to be obedient to be submissive for the honor of god i want to imagine again yeshua in the garden when the soldiers come for him he willingly went with them and even rebukes i think it's peter who attacks this guard right he even stopped and he healed one of these men that was coming to lead him essentially to his death could we be so submissive as to do that could we be so obedient to god as to to love somebody that hates us go back a few hours in that same night and yeshua washes the feet of the man that would betray him i'm talking about a radical extreme kind of love and obedience and submission to our king that he demonstrated for every one of us can you imagine that i mean we've done like feet washing ceremonies before but could you imagine no one that the guy who in a few hours is going to betray you with a kiss and you're washing his feet you're blessing him so tell me again your excuses for not being a submitted believer tell me again your excuses for not being a submitted wife or your excuses for not being a submitted husband or an obedient believer tell me your excuses that will equal what your messiah did for you when you did not and do not deserve it i can't think of a single excuse i can't think of a single what if you know what if my husband's a jerk what if my wife is mean what if my boss is nasty be obedient submissive and carry the banner of your king well there are no excuses i'm sorry i see none listed in scripture that says be obedient unless i see no excuse for a husband loving his wife it says love her unless i see no excuses for loving each other brothers and sisters i see no reason given that we're not supposed to have love that we're not to submit to one another to walk in obedience and submission and humility with each other this is so radically different than what the world teaches this is not living your best life now this is crazy yet your king your messiah calls you to it and he offers us no excuses for not in galatians when it lists off the fruit of the spirit it says that at the end of that it says if we live by the ruach let us also walk by the ruach let us not become conceited provoking one another or envying one another in ephesians 2 at 11 it says therefore keep in mind that once you gentiles in the flesh were called uncircumcision by those called circumcision at that time you were separate from messiah excluded from the commonwealth of israel and strangers to the covenants of promise having no hope and without god in the world but now in messiah yeshua you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of messiah for he is our shalom the one who made the two into one and broke down the middle wall of separation within his flesh he made powerless the hostility the law code of mitzvot contained in regulations he did this in order to create within himself one new man from two groups making peace and to reconcile both to god in one body through the cross by which he put the hostility to death and he came and proclaimed shalom to you who were far away and shalom to those who were near for through him we both have access to the father by the same ruach so then you are no longer strangers and foreigners but you are fellow citizens with god's people and members of god's household you have been built on the foundation made up of the emissaries and prophets with messiah yeshua himself being the cornerstone in him the whole building being fitted together is growing into a holy temple for the lord in him you also are being built together into god's dwelling place in the ruach this obedience this submission this willingness to face judgment has purpose it's not wasted it's for the glory of god and his kingdom and so that his temple will be built up so that it's established inside of us but our pride our arrogance even our strength will work against this radical obedience even unto death with joy reflecting the king we serve and everything we do i don't i fall so short of this one of my favorite verses is matthew 25 23 and i say this to you guys often it says his master said to him well done good and faithful servant this implies that you were a servant lowly humble submitted obedient because you don't get the well done good and faithful if you're not those things it doesn't say well done prideful arrogant servant in philippians 2 therefore if there is any encouragement in messiah if there is any comfort of love if there is any fellowship of the ruach if there is any mercy and compassion to make my joy complete by being of the same mind having the same love united in spirit with one purpose do nothing out of selfishness or conceit but with humility consider others as more important than yourselves looking not only for your own interest but also the interest of others have this attitude in yourselves which also was in messiah yeshua who though existing in the form of god did not consider being equal to god a thing to be grasped but he emptied himself taking on the form of a slave becoming the likeness of men and being found in appearance as a man he humbled himself becoming obedient to the point of death even death on a cross for this reason god highly exalted him and gave him the name above every name that at the name of yeshua every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth and that every tongue profess yeshua the messiah is lord to the glory of god the father therefore my loved ones just as you have always obeyed me not only in my presence but now even more in my absence work out your salvation with fear and trembling there was purpose in messiah's suffering there was purpose in his submission to people that hated him there was purpose in his obedience to his father and that purpose gives us access to the kingdom but now the king requires something of you and it isn't easy it isn't natural but he requires it i think when i read something like this i think of my wife see i gave her every reason to walk away from me i was the worst kind of man i was the worst kind of man but she prayed and she prayed and eventually god smacked me hard enough that i woke up and i began this journey of repentance i began this journey of making right all the wrongs at least as best as i could some of these things could not be undone it was almost 13 years ago that's how long we've been married this october don't tell me why you can't be submitted to somebody don't tell me why you can't love somebody don't tell me why you can't walk out this life with humility esteeming those around you is higher than yourself maybe they are jerks maybe they are just not good maybe you [Music] carrying god's banner before them maybe your prayers maybe your demonstration of god's love will turn their lives around maybe you'll save them from hellfire because that's where i was going i know it if she would have believed what the world told her about be strong don't put up with this then the blessing that is my family my daughters and my grandchildren wouldn't be here now because she loved me when i was despicable when i was rotten just like yeshua loved you when you were despicable when you were rotten he is worthy of all honor not you let our life demonstrate that that we're not seeking our own honor but his he is worthy of a bride that is spotless let us seek to do that to be that let us esteem one another higher than we do ourselves and let us carry god's banner his mantle out into this world and not fight it the way it fights but by being radically unbelievably undeniably obedient to him and submitted change the world change one person's life maybe how much suffering did he endure for you how much suffering are you willing to endure for somebody else if you could all see the inside of me and if we were walking around and we could all see the thoughts just like yeshua could see the thoughts and he could understand what people were thinking and what was in their hearts would we still love each other we're all the same kind of broken we're all the same kind of ugly but the spirit of god that dwells in you that's beautiful it's amazing it's wonderful that's what we're to show the world would you pray with me one more time please father i'm i'm sorry for the just the ugliness that's inside of me and father i want to pray like david that you would just purge that out of me father i pray that i would lay down my own ambition and pride and selfishness to serve to love people to encourage people knowing that they're in the same fight as i am not looking down on anybody not not thinking more highly of myself than i should father i pray that the words i spoke were true and honest and that they uh agree with what you've been showing me this week i don't claim to have this all figured out i don't claim that i'm walking this out exactly right i know i'm not so father i need you i need your spirit i need your help because you've called me to something that is wonderful and amazing but also really hard and challenging help me to do that with joy father no excuses father i'm sorry for all the excuses i've made father i love you and ultimately ultimately father i pray this not my will but yours in yeshua's name amen thank you
Channel: The Grafted Church
Views: 849
Rating: 4.9245281 out of 5
Keywords: church online, sermon, Bible Teaching, Grafted Church, yeshua, messianic, hebrew roots, sabbath, torah, Lex Meyer, live sabbath service, sabbath church, Bible teaching, second coming, end times, prophecy, bible prophecy, Luke 17, days of Noah, days of Lot
Id: vuKT-ALwICg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 59sec (4319 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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