LIVE: Join us for a FINISHING TUTORIAL and MORE! - Behind the Seams

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[Music] hey guys good morning it's june 25th 2021 i'm kimberly jolly from fat quarter shop and i'm so excited that today is the finishing for socialites so socialites has been our free program where we gave you 36 different blocks for free in three different sizes and today i'm going to give you tips on working with triangle paper that is in a bigger section i'm also going to give you tips on how to sew your blocks together in a chain pieced fashion and then after that i'm going to go over all my quilting progress with all of my friends like lori holt lisa bonjean corey yoder riley blake and at the end i am going to do a strip set demo and i'm gonna talk about how i do my strip sets which is pretty different so that'll be super exciting for you guys to watch i'm gonna jump right into socialites and i have already pulled all my finishing out so this is my finishing pattern there are a lot of different layouts that different people have put online so i'm going to follow mine but today one of the questions that we get a lot is how to when you have a lot of foundation paper for example when you have a big piece of fabric and you need to do it how do you keep it flat so i'm going to go over that today and if you are just refer to your pattern but if you're doing the three inch size you'll need three inch paper if you're doing the six inch block you'll need six inch paper so that's h 300 or h 600 and then the larger one we don't have triangle paper that big so today i just kind of wanted to do a little demo to start with how when you have all this how do you keep it how do you keep it where it's accurate because if you're just doing two it's really easy to keep it nice and flat but if you're you've got this big thing what you need to do is the key is to keep it 100 flat when you're working with it so you can either pin it or have a flatbed surface now at home what i have is i have my machine inside a cabinet and because it's inside a cabinet when i'm sewing my top is flush with my machine bed so i have added this so steady to my table to show you the best way to get accurate half square triangles and this time i'm using a bigger piece than i need this would be using all of one fabric but i'm going to go ahead and show you how to stitch all of this and keep it nice and flat and it's just a technique you can use for lots of things not just this quilt so when you're working with half square triangle paper just make your paper a little bit bigger don't get too small so a quarter inch is good i'm going to use a smaller stitch length and i'm going to show you how i do triangle paper okay now when i stitched i tried to stitch exactly on the line and you can tell i did now you need it to stay flat so you just flatten it so i'm going to do all the lines one way first so keep it flat do the next line now here you can either go all the way over here or you can go this way i'm going to just keep it flat and go this way but the key is keeping the paper and your two fabrics as flat as possible and that's why having something like this will help and a lot of machines do come with a bed and then i can go back and just flatten now you can do this with pins too but i find that if you just flatten with your hands you're going to get the best results and just to show you if i did it this way which is what i do mostly on camera there's no way to get it flat so you're trying to flatten it as you go and you're not going to get the best results which is okay if you're doing a couple but if you're doing a whole sheet you need to flatten as you go now when you're doing triangle paper you can pivot and turn but i never do that i just flatten i don't know i just have never preferred to do that and so from the top camera you can see it's just as flat as when we started now if you started seeing ripples and your paper was puckering up you're going to have smaller half square triangles so if you do it with a flat surface it's going to work out and i'm going to keep going just turn and flatten so so and if you get over here you could roll this up kind of to get it out of your way that's not going to hurt it okay so then just make sure you hit all your lines and i did so i'm going to move this out of the way and then when you look at it it's flat here and it's flat here um and then you just cut it apart i'll just cut it apart and show you how i cut it apart and that's how you do half square triangles i just wanted to show how if you're doing a lot at one time the key is to have a flat surface and then here i'll probably just cut and do little sections so i'd probably cut there i don't even know what i'm going to use these for the most important thing is to cut directly on that solid line so right here i can see there's a tiny bit of white right here right there so i want to get that off because that'll give it i don't want it to be too big and then from here just cut as accurately as you can right in the center of that solid line and then these are going to be your seam allowance so you don't have to be as accurate and then you just pull your paper off you can bend it if you want it first paper will come right off if you've got your seam allowance small enough and then you would just press and we've done a ton of pressing all of these weeks so that's my tip on making your half square triangles where they're accurate now if you got this all done and you turned this over and you had a big old lump or something you would want to make sure you either start over or trim down or something so that's my tip for you today that's my first tip i've got three really good tips for you today so this is my first tip my second tip is i'm going to talk about chain piecing so let's see okay i'm going to leave this here and then i'm going to answer questions real quick and then i'm going to go back to this chain piecing thing does your jukey automatically cut the thread it does on the foot hold on a second the foot of my jukie if you hit the back of your foot on it it will cut the thread what colors do you recommend for building a thread stash i love lori fabric and bonnie and chemical fabric so it depends what you're trying to do for me i really prefer to just stitch with color 2000 color 2600 in color 2024. so if you're looking for piecing what you're going to put your blocks together with those are the three colors i would start with if you're looking for thread to top stitch or do um pretty stitches i would buy one of the boxes so aurafil does the different boxes of thread with designers so i would do that okay sorry guys ashley says when ripping the papers off i'm always worried i'm going to stretch the fabric it won't stretch the fabric just make sure you've got a tee tiny stitch length is there going to be a liberty box yes soon i can never remember what size paper you should compare to the finished size so we do have a free printout just search half square triangle paper diagram or chart high score triangle paper chart and that should help you because it's got different columns that should help you betty says i have a question on how to incorporate six inch blocks in the backing i started out with six inch and then i changed to nine inch your suggestion would be greatly appreciated okay so what i would do i would do a big piece of backing pretend this is your backing i would do a big piece of backing here a big piece of backing here and then i would sew some blocks together and then a solid fabric and then you have a strip in the center sorry guys okay so the directional lines on the paper are just recommendations yes the little arrows are just recommendations i never follow them it says you forgot to change your stitch length no actually i stitch i changed it before i started sorry guys i own this so steady and i love it i always use triangle papers yay and this machine the juki the juki actually comes with um a bed but we lost it so that's why we showed this though daddy because i can't find the other one for the nine inch block what size of square do we need to cut to make the half square triangle 10 inches or cut it 10 and a half and trim down either one if you cut it 10 inches it'll be fine but if you cut it 10 and a half you'll have way you can you can um you have a little bit more wiggle room i like to use 50 weight that comes on a thread cone which do you recommend color 2000 that's 99 what i use and i've actually gone through a cone and a half this year i'm actually when i was sewing yesterday i'm almost out of my bobbins and one of the things that i love to do is like wind 30 bobbins don't ask me why so that's one of the things i'm going to do tonight when i watch dateline um good morning from san marcos yay that's where i went to college i love fqs and all for you all you do for quilters yay thank you is there going to be a sew along with mary and bright christmas not that i know of okay a question on the kaleidoscope kit how much background is included lori had a note that if you use foundation papers you need more yardage yes when you get the kit from us you get enough to do it either way so you get enough to do the foundation paper because that's how i piece everything so yes which triangle papers would be a must if you can't get them all h200 h250 and 300. there is an awful summer cold thing going around my husband and his family are all sick so far i've managed to avoid it it's not coveted it's um so i can tell you what i have i am very allergic to trees and grass and i went to the cemetery went to my dad at my grandparents cemetery on sunday and i went for a really long walk on saturday and there was cottonwood in the air and cottonwood is like where it goes off of trees and so kevin and i are both sick our kids are all fine but somehow the kids didn't go on that one hour walk with us so maybe we shouldn't have gone on that walk okay so this is what i do to chain piece now this is gonna be kind of confusing i think but i'm going to try to explain what i do now this is going to work for this three inch size this will not work for your nine inch blocks because you will have too much bulk i do want to remind everybody that we're going to have an auction where i auction off the six inch and the nine inch block so they're going to be all blocks that i made with this fabric we're going to auction it off for make a wish all the money goes directly to make a wish middle of july more information to come this one i'm going to keep just because i we have to keep one of the quilts so i have taken the large design board by lori holt and i've laid out every row in the order exactly even how the direction of the half square triangle i've got everything going the right way i've double triple checked myself and i'm going to show you how i chain piece of quilt and how i can have this quilt pieced together in like an hour or two now it might confuse some of you guys but i'm going to try to make it explainable so i'm going to change my foot away from this open toe foot to a quarter inch foot i'm going to switch to like a 1.5 and i'm gonna go back here and this is row one and row two and i'm literally gonna pin as i go so you see all those seams i'm gonna put them right sides together pin at the beginning and the end and you can see this pink block is tiny bit smaller than the blue so i'm going to move that pink to match the blue and then there's a lot of seams in here so like this pink needs to hit that pink now at this point you could just say forget it doesn't matter but to me it matters so i'm going to put my little pin and the point oh my my piece is coming apart i'm not gonna do that now because my piece is coming apart okay so then i'm gonna stitch [Applause] i'm gonna go back right sides together [Applause] keep going and i do keep this on top just so i can refer to it as i go and i don't cut my thread in between i just keep going and then same thing just keep going now like i said this is going to work for really small blocks which is why sometimes i prefer to do small blocks [Applause] and then go back now i guess you could pin the whole line if you wanted to [Applause] and so you can see that this square slightly bigger than my block so i just pull this up to the top start stitching and i'm going to pull and make it work so from here i'm going to pull right here and it's going to flatten it out and then this one and then that's going to be the end of my row and it's nice when you can see that i've i've trimmed all my blocks so when i'm sewing this together it's nice and easy there's not a lot of thread everywhere [Applause] okay so from here i'm going to take this keep it make sure i've got it all in the right way and i'm going to cut it and just stack and keep it kind of in the same row order and then you just keep going so i'll do one more row so i'm gonna pin now i see someone is asking why would it not work for larger blocks now it could work i just think it becomes too bulky so when i do larger rows i usually just do row by row i think it just gets to be too too much but it definitely will work for larger it's just you're going to have a big old chain and the reason i've cut it apart when i put it back on my board is i feel like when you put when you're trying to put blocks on a big long chain it becomes kind of messy now here you're gonna see that some some seams meet so i'm going to just try to get those little points to meet and i kind of feel like if you make your blocks accurate when you get to the piecing and put it together if it doesn't go together perfect it's fine because your blocks are that's where you can make your mistakes is in your finishing and of course this block is kind of scrappy i mean this quilt is scrappy so if one block is turned slightly different it's not going to matter [Applause] so like for example we have it laid out where the block goes this way but honestly if you put it this way it doesn't matter and we did do a fat quarter bundle of all the fabrics we used in the half square triangles if you want to get that if you used homestead [Applause] two more okay let me do this one [Applause] okay so from here i go back lay it down and just do the same thing just kind of keep it all lined up and this is the way that i can be really fast you just have to kind of stay organized which can be kind of hard when you get all this going and so i'm not going to go through and make sure every point matches at this point i mean you could but i'm going to show you they probably are pretty accurate if you've been accurate when you're piecing you're going to see it's pretty accurate here and then you just keep adding i mean i'm not going to sit here and do this whole thing but you it wouldn't take me very much longer once it's done you can either press all your rows this direction and then this direction and then pin it and do rows together at the same time so that's what i would do is i would have all the rows together and then i would press one one but i would keep it on the design board even though at this point your blocks will be hanging off your design board it'll be okay because you'll still have your room and you can either go this way this way or open whatever you prefer and then you just pin it together and just sew it and when you get to that point you can sew like these two together these two together these two together these two together then press and then do your remaining seams so you're getting up and down to press not as often so that's my biggest tip for you and then for your borders if you want to see how you do borders you can check out our beginner series where we talk about borders and of course i've done borders and lots of videos and when we do the socialites you can use tips from that that i'm going to do in two weeks and that will kind of give you tips on how i do my borders now i do do my borders a little bit different than everybody and i always think it's best to do whatever works best for you um so we have some super chats that peggy wants to say thank you to valeria says i love everything you teach and listening to stories of your sweet kids thank you for being you oh thank you i've got a cute picture of the boys coming up and then marianne says thank you for the tutorials they really help a lot thank you i really do try um to come up with a lot of content this week was a little bit harder because i haven't been feeling that great but yesterday i powered through i need to take a drink when will the cranberries and cream fat quarter bundle ship we'll put that as a follow-up i love the strawberries and rhubarb are you doing a quilt with this line i've made three i made the baskets and blooms that i showed last week i made the designer mystery quilt for 2021 and i made something else that i can't remember now but i have already made three things with that quilt sorry three quilts with that collection i just want you to know i just want to know when you sew your piece together and it's one one is a bit bigger do you put the bigger piece on top or the bottom okay so there i don't pay attention to that i just pin it whatever size is on top and i pull it now some people say you should put that bigger bulkier side on the bottom because your feed dogs will pull it in better i don't do that i just do whatever is on top or whatever i like like on this i just go in the exact order but that's how i learned so i made it work you know sometimes when you learn things then later you learn oh there's really like a real reason why you should or shouldn't do that but if it has worked for me i just keep doing it have you received the white and white fabric you like no we um it's not um it's still going to be about a month out patricia says thank you kimberly and fqs for socialites my very first quilt along and as a new quilter i've learned so many things thank you we hope you have that's great is there a trick for using directional pro a triangle paper in a block okay so what i do there is if i need four i just make four and then i lay it out and hope they all go the same way if they don't then i'll just make another one and just kind of peek to make sure i've got it the right way will kitty corn ship soon yes we already have everything online so should ship it's all online and i have lots of kitty corn to show you i'm going to think i'm going to have three quilts with that when i'm done do you so standing up on camera yes in real life at home absolutely not um i'm fine i sit on a chair i'm finally chain piecing i'm not sure why i hold back but it does make things easier yes it does i like to do two rows together at a time than join them yes and you should do whatever works for you especially like if i was working with nine inch blocks i wouldn't do it this way because i think i would make too many mistakes so i do change what i'm doing based on you know what project and kind of if i have a ton of time i'll go slower these small blocks are so cute thank you where do you lay out a quilt with larger blocks on a table so at home what i would do is i have a cutting table it's smaller than this but it's still pretty big and i would just do it the same thing i do layer just like i have these layered i would do the nine inch blocks and layer them on a table and then i would just get like maybe put them in a stack and take them one stack at a time i make it look so easy oh thank you well i've been doing this a long time do i sell this cup yes i don't know the exact name but it's um lori's cup my happy place tumbler how high is the table base of the machine from the sewing table to the sewing bed depends on your machine so i had a cabinet made for my sewing machine and i actually when i had the cabinet made took both my sewing machines so it's mine's not flexible so if i ever change sewing machines i'm not going to have a table that works but there's a lot of tables that you can buy that are like koala i'm going to sit down there's different tables like koala or horn and they're they're adjustable where they are on like a spring and they'll you can raise them up and down have you ever sewn janet ray nesbitt's crazy star unit no i haven't can fqs have a master set from triangles in a roll and tiny sizes for the ones that love to do mini we can do that when we come out with more of our small sizes we're still working on some smaller sizes well let's see no we can do one we can do it one two three four five six yeah we can do a six pack with half inch one inch one and a quarter one and a half and one and three quarters and two inch we can do that is there a trick to get seams to line up when pressing open i struggle with it pin pin pin so um you saw that i pinned these two and i kind of eyed it i eyeballed it but they came out pretty good and i really when i i'm honest when i when i get to finishing and putting quilt together i don't look at the seams i hope they match up but i don't do a lot of ripping out when i get to this point i'm more perfectionist within the block and when i get here what happens happens gretchen says your tutorials your tutorials have given me more confidence in cutting and piecing thank you thank you i do try when you make blocks and start to piece them in a design do you trust your instincts if one of them looks off like too light or too dark or do you just work with it if i lay my quilt out and i'm actually going to talk about this with the riley blake designs what i do is when i have when i get to that section but what i do when i have a quilt now this one right here i already know it looks good because we had a digital mock-up of it and designed it so i already know it all looks good together but if i've done something where i design it myself i put all my blocks on a table but more spread out so i can see i take a photo i take a 10 minute break and then you look at the photo and you see if anything sticks out and if it does you fix it and um you know if it's for a gift i might just leave it because most people who receive a gift they don't care if it's perfect so i'll look at it but i think the best way to see if your colors are good or not is by taking a picture on your phone or stepping really far back my room is not big enough for me to do that so i have to do it on my phone and then give your eye a break and go back to it um craft kind of planned life i have a sew steady on order from my new brother machine i can't wait to get it i wish i had it to make my quilt up with these nine and a half inch blocks yes those they're great and those so steady tables they're the company's just called so steady and i just buy it directly from them we don't sell it or anything and um kevin cracked the one i have at home so i need to get a new one he didn't mean to and i never even told him he did but i do need to get a new one does more starching help make nesting your seems easy or not so i just start when i first get my fabrics ready i um don't start you after that are you going to show how to attach sashing for serendipity yes the video is going to be on july 5th monday july 5th i'm gonna show how you cut it and attach it what fabric did i use for socialize so right here and we still have plenty of fabric left i used the homestead fat quarter bundle i used a background skew that we're sold out of it's 20708-36 it's coming in stock in august because it's my favorite white on white and if you need more fabric for the half square triangles there's a bundle called social likes accent bundle or something like that when is the strawberries and rhubarb mystery quilt shipping block one is shipping next week what is your best-selling foundation paper triangles on a roll for sure h 200 and h-250 for sure and then i would say after that our flying geese paper two by four you have a loose pen on the table so be careful i have blue i found a pen this more i don't even know where it is but i found a pen this morning in my bathroom which is really far from my sewing room just randomly in my bathroom and i thought well how'd that get in here i actually have no idea how i got in there but yesterday i will say one thing that you know when you're sewing at home and you're playing with stuff i do find that you're either gonna be like really accurate one day or really inaccurate or you just keep doing the same thing over and over and yesterday i i broke like five pins um because i sewed over them so i was just going so fast i was just sewing over pins and i thought oh i better not break this machine before tomorrow could you do a video on how to use rulers for left-handed people well i'm not left-handed so no but i think doug liko is and he did some video there are i think doug lico did some if you look at doug lico's videos i believe he's left-handed learning to pin like you do by pinning fabric to the right of the needle i've always pinned to the left and have trouble with presser feet jamming with the needle i made my socialized quilt in two sizes so i'm going to have to get creative with my layout yeah a lot of people have finished and don't forget we do have a giveaway so you can enter to win a 500 200 or 50 gift certificate from fqs just share your photo um with your completed top it doesn't have to be quilted or anything and just put it on instagram with the hashtag socializeqal and tag fat quarter shop and as long as you post by july 16th we're gonna pick a winner and announce it on july 19th pins and needles grow legs and hide themselves all over my house okay i'll tell you all funny story so this is so funny that it's embarrassing i don't i would never even admit this to like a real person that i know in real life but since you only like my internet friends i feel like y'all won't tell anybody so i went into starbucks yesterday and i haven't not been feeling great but emma had to be my boys went to basketball camp this week and emma went to dance camp or whatever so we went to we were kind of running late because whatever so i went to starbucks and she didn't want starbucks so i was like well i have to go in and get it because like it's for me i'm not gonna make her go get it so i go to starbucks and i have pain i didn't have like pockets in my pants so i put my phone like in my pants but i thought it was like in my underwear so that it would like hold my phone and then i walked inside and then my phone just i had all my drinks because i buy more than one drink and my phone went all the way down through my foot and i was like well i'm getting kind of chubby but at least my phone could still go through my pants anyway i didn't know anybody about starbucks and i was glad i didn't i was having one of those days yesterday and then i thought well i'm really glad emma isn't in here because she would be so embarrassed because sometimes i do stuff just to embarrass her because i mean that's what parents do is there a random draw for socialites it is um random number generator do you have a video on how to choose the best fabric for a pattern i don't think we have a video on that we can add that to suggested lists what would be a good background for socialites instead of white on white what would be a good background for socialites instead of white with blue and green i would say using like a bella solid or a kona cotton or maybe blossom or kisses those are really good tone on tones can i trim down the one and a half by three inch foundation paper to one and a half by two and a half no because the the you can trim down the two by three to the one and a half by two and a half but you cannot trim one and a half so it's let me see you can trim down one and a half by three to one by two but you can't yeah i think your sizes might be off but you can if you have a bigger you can cut down i think that size is a little bit off that's funny i love your real life stories yeah yesterday i was just like oh my goodness um i just wanted to thank you for the way you and lori write patterns so clear and concise it spoils the person makes me reluctant to use other patterns yes it spoils me too because when i use another designer's patterns i really have to like sit and take notes and i don't like to have to take notes will fqs carry the tula solar flare kit if it is pre-packaged by free spirit we will um i haven't heard of that one i'll have to look that up and come and write that down and come back to and give you an answer next week foundation paper is wonderful yay okay so i am going to take a quick break gather all your questions you have on social lights when i come back i'm gonna show you all of our sample maker quilts um so that you can see how ours are looking now all of ours are pieced according to our diagram and our finishing instructions but you can finish yours however you want and i will be right back [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] yay so now i'm going to show you all of our sample maker quilts and of course i'll show you mine when it's all done mine's not done yet because you just saw me put the blocks together just to kind of show you the different looks you can get from this free sew along the first one is using quotation fabric by zen chic it is made by theresa she did the three inch version and all of these were quilted by mike at here's her backing so that's the first one and as we went we showed the blocks so now you can see them finished so that's the first one the second one is figs and shirtings which is one of my favorite lines and there's something exciting coming with this that i'm going to talk about later that pat sloan is doing with this collection deborah made this one and this is also the three inch version and i love the three inch version because you can use it as like the center of a table you could use it as on a picnic um i just love really small blocks and again mike quilted it that's also three inch the next one is using the shine on collection by bonnie and camille and sue made this one i love the binding on this and this is the six inch version so all of these are moda fabrics and this is a feather design i love feather quilting and mike will know if you send your quilt to him he'll know which like if you say i want to do the quilting that deborah did or sue did this is he'll know which one it is so that's six inch this one is also six inch this is folk tail and i love this quilt because look at the binding she used scraps on the edge which that's a labor of love i'll tell you that it's a lot of work so terry made this one six inch version and this is a baptist man quilting there's a couple different versions of baptist fan and on this one i did want to point out she used the same half square triangle fabric throughout so you don't have to use different fabrics like i did you can use one and that kind of gives it a focal piece and i think this is upside down let me see no she did on purpose okay so let me show you what she did so on the sides she did this and at the top she did this and this so you can change your half square triangles and then that is the back so those are the six inch version now this is the really big version this is the nine inch version and this is grunge with cider by basic gray so we're just going to go top to bottom and then go back around because it's too hard to we'll just go all the way up and this one's very modern i love this one i don't even like modern and i like this one okay and then we'll go this way and i do have it a little bit upside down and she did the exact same thing with her flying geese on the outside so her and terry must have got together and they did their flying keys different too okay so then we'll pull it and we are upside down that's okay it's too big to worry about if it's upside down or not so okay and then i'm gonna i'm going to answer questions and then we are going to do one more sewing demo so we're setting up the machine real quick what pantograph would you choose for the serendipity quilt a flower we have we picked a flower so when i send my quilt which is behind me this is the serendipity charity quilt the biggest thing with that quilt is because the background is navy and the fabrics are not you've got to get a thread i don't like my thread to show so um gina found a variegated thread that will blend in it's kind of gray i'll have her do the same exact pantograph just smaller because i like my stuff smaller do you find that you sew more in winter rather than warmer i'm so far behind because it's beautiful outside um i find that i sew all the time as much as i can i'm not an outdoor person and the reason i'm not an outdoor person is because i'm allergic so last week when i went on that one hour walk i'm paying for it this week so i try to stay inside i'm kind of a homebody too like for example my daughter's going to this big national dance convention it's at a water park i'm like good go have fun i'm not going to the water park i'm sure some mom will be there i mean she's 14. there will be moms everywhere i'm not going to the water park you're not going to catch me dead in the water park are you getting more finishing kits for 2021 mystery quilt no they're all gone but we do have the finishing pattern separately will you be getting laurie's project bag panels when they come out of course i get anything that's lori's what size does the three inch quilt end up being let me look at the pattern real quick when is the next sew along it's going to be in 2022 and it's going to be later in the year because we're going to have charity quilts i think that it's i took the papers out um so the next sew along will be in 2022 but we're gonna do so alongs in between but the next socialites will be late 2022 or middle okay so your three inch blocks if you do the border the same as what we did it will finish at 27 inches square the 6 inch will finish at 54 inch square and the 9 inch will finish at 81 inch square will the b kitty corn quilt suggestions yeah i have three today actually what is it called the quilting pattern um so the quilting pattern any of the quilts that i just showed flat on the table mike can answer that question and the quilt behind me gina at thread graffiti can answer that so um we don't usually say the name of the pantographs we usually just show them what is the smallest side strip length you would use for scrappy binding and is it best to sew the strips together on the diagonal so for me scrappy binding would never happen that's too much work at the end i would probably go with 10 inches like maybe 10 inches and i would sew on the diagonal for bulk but i actually don't ever use scrappy binding will you be doing scrappy september this year i don't know did we do that last year yeah sure i guess yeah i guess we did i don't know i swear shine on fabric could be used on any quilt design and i would love it yes and i have something that i should that i sewed recently that you're gonna see that you're gonna love is there a trick for using directional fabric in a block so i had already answered that i have an eliso mini even on the silicon pad it comes with i cannot leave my iron on for very long before it starts to scorch any suggestions i don't know um i haven't used that one i would definitely email the manufacturer though because i haven't used that one is there a video on how to use five inch triangles with a layer cake we have tons of layer cake videos i don't know if we have that exact video i had to cancel so sampler but i still want sherry mcconnell's blocks when is its release it will release after it ships so um we just shipped out the meso sampler so in a couple of weeks just keep watching the what's new page will you get in more crystal lane backing sets no you can just buy it by the yard because that fabric is now discontinued so i can't cut more am i going to visit lori holt yes in july i'd love to have a cushioned kitchen mat with a lorry hole design any chance she'll make one cushioned kitchen mat i don't know but she's in the chat so if she knows what you're talking about maybe i don't know um i'm learning so much from you regarding accuracy but i do have a question on the riley blake along how do you line up the seams in the sashing and corner blocks i'm going to do a demo next do you have a set of on the roll triangles to do a whole quilt or do we know how many rolls to buy with the queen size quilt with a different sign you i would always just buy one roll one roll is going to give you hundreds of triangles if once i run out i just buy a new one i never buy more than one at a time so one question that we got is the riley blake designs blog challenge it just ended so the first thing i'm going to do is show you this week's block this is a free sew along and all of the blocks finish at 10 inches square so here's my block for this week it's 16 free blocks and this block is lori holtz and you can see my sashiko stitches what i am going to do now is i'm going to show you all 16 of these blocks in case this is something we're going to zoom out a little bit in case this is something you want to maybe do and it's completely free so i'm going to show you all my blogs and then i'm going to do a demo on chain piecing actually i'm gonna do a demo on strip sets now these are not in any particular order i'm just showing you kind of when i get done i like to show you all together this fabric is prim collection by lori holt i just picked four of the fabrics sorry guys so i'm going to show you all my blocks and then i'm going to do a strip set demo and all of these are designed by different rally blade designers and this has been a ton of fun so i'm gonna finish this and then show you it finished i don't think i'm gonna have it finished next week but i might we'll see on the very last day that they released the last blog they did release the finishing instructions okay so now what i'm going to do is do a little demo and strip sets now strip sets now if you're gonna do the way that i do strip sets you need more fabric because i cut everything bigger and trimmed down and i'm gonna do a little demo and show you and this is something it took me several years to come up with well maybe not several years but a long time to perfect so earlier this week riley blake came out with this and on the sashing you're gonna see there's you can make all of this in strip sets sorry guys and the best thing is they wrote it in strip set instructions so this morning well yesterday i started all my fabric and i started piecing some of the blocks so i started piecing these and i'm going to show you how to do this the kimberley way and one of the questions that we got is how do i get everything to match so i'm going to show you everything that i can think of for chain piecing and also for putting blocks together into a final quilt and just give me like two seconds i'm gonna take a little medicine because i'm coughing like crazy the first thing i do is whatever size it tells you to cut i cut a quarter inch bigger no matter what so fabric c is two and a quarter inches so i cut it two and a half so all of these strips i cut a quarter inch bigger sorry i'm almost done so this is cut two and a half this is cut one and three quarters and this is cut two and a half so that is one quarter inch bigger than the instructions say in the cutting that's what i always do now i did decide in my blocks i used the aqua chick i decided to use the aquaflower in my sashing just so that it would pop a little bit of color to the blocks now when you're done you're going to get this look but i'm going to show you how to get here and you'll do the same thing on any of these other blocks and i'm going to show you how to pin and get everything to look nice now the one thing that i do that's going to be the most wasteful is you're using with the fabric strips but i do not like to use the fold sorry i don't like to use the fold because it's inaccurate and i just don't like to use it so i'm gonna have to make a lot more strips because i'm not going to be able to get three ten and a half inch wide i'm only going to be able to get two per strip but i'm going to sew these two together so to sew these two together i'm not gonna pin or anything i'm just gonna use a quarter inch seam and i'm gonna go really fast what and then i'm going to press toward the green so to do that i'm going to set my seam press to one side now this is where i used to mess up i would forget at this point i need to trim down and then i would add the next piece and then your piece is totally wrong so this is what took me the longest time to figure out now this is this is going to take you longer and it's going to use more fabric but this is what i do and i love it gives me perfect results so at this point i go back and it says that my b should be one and a half so if you take one and a half minus a quarter inch i should have one and a quarter here i'm gonna have one and a half but i'm going to trim that down and what i do here cut it down and it's going to come out exact now it's you're going to think it's wasteful but if you try it you might love it and then add this one so set your seam again press toward the green get it nice and flat and then i'm going to trim the left and the right sides so that it is the right size now this is something where i would try i would try it before you do a whole quilt like this now you're going to notice that when you look it starts waving right here that is what happens when you do strip sets so that's why i cut down so from here to here this was cut two and a quarter so if i take two and a quarter minus my quarter inch this should be two inches so this is where you're going to see the impact you put the ruler on that two inch line and you're gonna make that two inch hit exactly the green so see how it's off here you just pull it with your finger and now it's exactly on that two inch and you cut it flip it around it should be five inches wide see how it's waving over here it's like waving over here so you pull it and it's going to come out exactly well do it again now this is going to seem excessive to some people and it is but i just i like my stuff to be exact so this is what i do and then i just pull until it's exactly on that line and then it says that i need to sub cut into five by ten and a half inch rectangles so again my method because i cut the center center out you're gonna need more strips so ten and a half this is where i don't use my mat i use this ruler and i'm going to line up the 10 and a half here and pull this down and then you sub cut these you're going to need some one and a half inch strips so to do that i would just cut at the six four and a half three and one and a half so that's how you do that now i'm going to show you how you do the brown so for the brown i have my outside nine patches the brown so it says to cut that two and a quarter so i cut it two and a half i'll do the same exact thing i cut this bigger i'm gonna add a cream that is cut one and a half i'm going to trim it down just same exact way i did this after i trim it i'll add the brown to the next size next side and then trim that down into sections so now i'm going to show you one of the questions i got was how do you do i'm going to first show how you would do the top and the bottom row and then i'm going to show you how you can attach to a block so i would do there are five sashing rows one two three four five i would sew all of those together first now to do that because of the way i pressed i'm going to pin and you can mask do this but that's what i will do tonight i'll probably get this quilt together tonight i am going to talk about how to lay out your fabric blocks too but i would first start with your sashing rows get all five of your sashing rows done and then i would do all of your block rows after that sew them all together um and you can send it to your quilter i think this one's gonna look really good if i um not sure what set which um quilting i'm gonna do okay so i'll and you could kind of mass do all of these but you're going to see it fits together nice [Applause] and then you'll press towards the white and it's going to look nice because and you can see it's all nice everything matches up but i did take those extra steps to cut it bigger trim it down i know it is not for everybody but i love it it's so awesome but i do want to show you we got several phone calls about this people want to know how do you put the sashing to a block and i'm going to show you that right now and i'm going to show you my method so this is block one i'm gonna put it right sides together now you're gonna see a quarter inch off so the first thing i do and it doesn't really matter this block is not directional so it doesn't matter what side i'm going to first put that at the bottom go to the top pin it now what i do is i put the smallest width on top whatever the smallest piece is so this is my smallest piece this is going on top and then i'm going to pull with my fingers put a couple of pins and i'm going to pull as i sew and then i'll iron and you'll see that you won't even be able to tell so just start right at the end and if it's feeling really wavy you just pull with this finger back it's not feeling too wavy though because i put the pins in but if it is i just pull and it will work itself in now like i said you're gonna press now here okay see how it's wavy if you just start pressing right there you're gonna see all those waves see all that wrinkles press your seam down all gone so if you would not have pressed that down it would have been wavy and then here do the same thing press toward your white your big white piece big white rectangle i guess and then as so what i like i said is i would do all of these rows together at one time all of your block rows at one time and then you just put them together and and because of the way you've pressed and you'll pin in each intersection and then sub pin and i would always put the smaller size on top what i'm going to do though when i get home is because riley blake did this layout i'm going to start with that so i'm going to take all of my blocks and lay them out not overlapped i'm not going to put the sashing in though because that's too much i'm not going to like put all the sashing and then i have to pick that up i'm just going to lay out four blocks by four blocks right next to each other they're just gonna touch so for example when i put this on the ground it's not in order but i'm gonna put them just like this so like that's how i'm gonna put it on the ground with no sashing and then i'm gonna step away from it i'm gonna take a photo of it take a break now this is obviously not how it's laid out but i'm gonna first lay it out this way to start take a photo give myself five minutes come back look at it as a whole look at my phone to make sure it's not like there's not too much brown in one spot or too many um flying geese or too much pink i just look and like this you don't want this next to this because look that same center is right here so just look at it like maybe you lay it out then go do all your sashing rows then come and look and then sew it together and i love this quilt so that is my demo on strip sets and i am using this as the binding so my four patches are going to look like this my sashing is going to look like this and then this is going to be my binding which is going to tie together my blocks again this is a completely free sew along hosted by riley blake designs on their blog okay now i'm going to answer questions before i go on to everything else the pokey little pineapple i love that you have directional arrows for seam allowances everything fits yes i am all about the arrows such a helpful tip because my blocks don't come out exact yes it's great for beginners um sometimes i think that was the hardest thing when i started was to really understand the seam allowance everyone talked about how perfect it needed to be and when i started i used like a sewing machine from walmart and so i really didn't have like a quarter inch foot or anything like that so i didn't really know how to perfect it and it just came with time so i used to do little tricks to make it work if we want to use four fabrics to do this quilt how would we figure out how much yardage so what i did is i just started out with one yard of everything and if i need more i buy more no i think my background i probably started out with four or five yards now for the backing i haven't bought a backing fabric yet i am going to when i'm done see what i have left and decide what to do hi kimberly and friends how much fabric would you suggest i buy if i like a collection but don't have a project in mind lab quilt and queen quilt fat quarter bundle half yard bundle for queen choice for backing on riley blake challenge i have not decided yet so um what i like to do on my backings i usually don't buy my backing fabric up front because what i'm going to do is on the back i'm going to see what fabric i have left over and probably do some kind of star for the back and then do do a probably do some type of star with my name in there mine like a label with my name sewed in and then add some stuff so i'm going to use up what i have and then buy because i don't i don't know i just don't like to spend a lot of money on the backing so anything i can use that's left over from the front i'm going to do before katie says because i i know because i'm only used to it so my patterns other patterns are confusing and not as informative i feel like i started with a filet mignon so now everything else seems like a sirloin that's funny are the prim fabric still available yes appreciate pressing instructions and patterns so much i'm working on the sampler spree and i have to make one and a half by two and a half inch flying geese can i do this with the foundation papers i have one and a half by three can i trim it down you would need yes you can but what you need is ise 774 which is one by two but you can trim down you can trim down i love the background fabric i'm stuck in the red of white on white as i'm worried they won't go or be too much of a pattern but this is darlene thank you a lot of my um fabric choices i get a lot of help from lori holt so um she gets a big shout out for me because she always helps me and she really is the one who helped me i used to be like i used to just want to buy everything like pre-made pre a kit so i didn't have to think and she really taught me different tricks of how to kind of step out and and do what you love and don't be afraid to do it what starch did i decide on okay i haven't so my nanny she does all the like shopping so she bought more of the starch i've been using because i haven't told her i want to switch so now i have so much starch that i need to wait a little bit but i am uh going to probably switch what has piggy been up to oh he's so cute i'm going to show you a little update soon what can do that now so i'll show you some pictures of piggy so he had a little incident but he's looking better so that is how he looked for three weeks that is a little flower cone and that is the face he gave me for three weeks because he was pissed off there was another no other word for it pugs are super like super um very dumb like they're very i'm stubborn and so he was just so pissed off but yesterday i let him take it off and he was so happy so his little thing has healed and that's how he looks all healed now you'll notice on the top of his head he's got like it looks like hairspray on his hair but that's like the medicine that he's been um having so he's better um he gained a ton of weight when he went to that the place he went to so i had to like kind of put him on a little bit of a diet too so he could because now because he was super fat when he came home and i was like oh no and then the next photo i'm going to show you is just a fun photo my boys went to basketball camp this week and they loved it and so on the left that's will he's one of my twins his twin is in the middle peyton and then my youngest side my youngest son who's year and a half younger is on the right and that's christopher and they're so sweet they had so much fun this week and then next week i'll show some pictures of emma because she's going to dance so i'll show a picture of her next week okay piggy wants to say thank you for all the super chats we've got trisha annelle carmen maldonado thank you for teaching us so we can become better quilters thank you i love teaching you friday's my favorite part of the day i feel so bad that i have been coughing everywhere but i made it today leona says thank you for answering my question and for the great teaching you provide to me every time well thank you for watching uh randy thank you for being here while not feeling well i actually feel great today compared to wednesday wednesday i was like i don't know i was like i gotta i gotta get through live stream but i i um i'm very committed and not much will will get me down suzanne mcallen i love super fridays feel better soon oh super fridays for super piggy that's a good word susannah says thank you for all you do i hope you feel better soon thank you me too so what i want to show you now is we're we're doing a video of the week segment where we show you a video that we've we've posted in the past just to give like new life to old stuff so in 2019 we did this and i did show it to you last week but i wanted to show it to you again we did this video it's a free pattern and i just wanted to show it to you one more time so we'll turn it around and it's the flag and so this one would be great with bonnie and camille fabrics or lori holt fabrics you could do this is the flag so you could do scrappy here you could even do scrappy whites and you can use flying geese paper it's a free pattern and then over here we used essential dots and bella solids which are listed on the pattern but you could do scrappy i would kind of leave the white unscrappy but this could all be scrappy and so i just wanted to show you this pattern again because it's free there's a free video we'd love for you to watch it this weekend and then on the back we put an essential dot and then serendipity if you watched on monday we did a live tutorial and i went home and i actually finished this yesterday so i have my rows together and if you join me on monday july 5th i'm going to do a tutorial on cutting the sashing and borders and i'm going to probably attach like a couple maybe one or two sashings to show you how to do it and you'll use that same technique for sashing as you would the border but i just wanted to show you i finished this it was a lot of fun this is where i was breaking all my pins yesterday but that's okay and then i wanted to show you the scrapbook of quilts book we're going to be doing a pillow along that joanna figueroa is hosting and so this week she did tell us online all of her themes and i'm going to give you a little sneak peek okay so the different there are six themes so so the first thing is going to be patriotic so she's going to tell you that week what the theme is and what pillow to make with it so the first one's patriotic i am going to be using the shine on collection and scraps from my stash of bonnie camille fabrics for that one so that's what i'll be using for that one for halloween i'm gonna use all holo z fabric because i love that collection and i don't really decorate my house i'm very cutesy for halloween well kevin does a little section but um that's not my section so i'm gonna do all hallows eve for autumn there's a there's a theme called autumn i'm gonna use the cozy up collection by cory yoder there's gonna be a christmas pillow and i'm gonna use christmas morning by laila boutique there's a two color quilt and that one was the biggest struggle on picking but i ended up going with aqua and cream from the fresh fig favorites collection and then there's a neutral pillow and that one was also really hard for me but i did the same thing i used fresh favorites neutral so that's something super exciting to look forward to each week i will be showing you the pillow how it looks gina is thankfully quilting all of them and piecing my pillows and putting the binding on so that i can meet my deadline so that's super awesome so um now i'm going to answer questions on any of those i received my scrapbook of quilts i love it thank you i have an idea kimberly can you write a book with your tips and tricks for quilting and fqs crew chips on quilts i will buy that book that's a good idea do the red stripes work with triangle paper yes and just look at that pattern um i don't know we could find out the size of triangle paper you need for that quilt i don't have it on top of my head i love a holo z fabric collection yes so i bought a bunch of that background and i have a bunch of layer cakes and i have so much of that fabric and really when i did those pillows what i tried to do was use scraps so i tried to not have to buy anything so the cozy up that i used is actually cut from another kit that i'm going to do later in the year so um i tried to not buy anything i've purchased the triangle papers but haven't used them this helps a lot thank you i look forward to watching you you're the only tutorial youtube that i watch oh thank you i have my people that i love to watch too and so i get really sad or depressed when they don't um when they don't post so i get it how much yardage did i buy for the riley blake challenge so for the riley blake quilt i bought one yard of all the fabrics except the background i bought five yards of can you tell us the location for the retreat so i'm planning a retreat with primitive gatherings for the stars and stripes quilt if you want to use triangle paper you would use h 200 and h 500. is this an itsuma published book yes scrapbook of quilts is published by itzo emma is it too late to purchase the 2021 designer mystery no we still have it in stock i think everything's still in stock oh lori says thank you oh big shout out to you too yes i haven't even really talked to laurie this week because i feel so sick i haven't even been able to call her because i'm like coughing all over the place what would be the finished size of the riley blade designs challenge quilt let me i'll find the paper and look i recently started using the taylor clapper and it really helps helps the seams lay flat yes um 62 inches square thank you for all you do especially the starching method has changed my quilting forever yes and a big thank you to lisa bonchin who came up with that you could call your book kimberly's clues or clues if you don't want to be cutesy that's funny if i were to use a layer cake for socialites could i starch them and have enough room for the nine and a half inches so if you were going to use a layer cake for socialites i would use that for either the three inch blocks or the six inch blocks for the nine inch blocks you need more fabric than that having straight strip units comes with proper ironing i used a ruler to make sure the strips are straight before seaming yes that is very true and like somebody like lisa bonjin she doesn't ever cut bigger and and cut down that's just what i like to do um kathy likes to use flatter she thinks that works well what's the difference between modern and traditional fabric and patterns that's all very subjective traditional to me depends on the fabric and i consider star blocks it that's kind of subjective is there a quilt show if so yes where and when there's going to be quilt festival in houston in october november 20 21. i don't know the date so thank you kimberly i can't believe you're doing it the sick i hope you feel better soon oh that's the story of my life oh i i'm i'm a fighter how much yardage do i need so i started with one yard and the skus i've listed in a previous live stream i don't have them with me right now i love your triangle paper sometimes i sew a bunch just to have them on hand oh that's cute will you be making triangles on a roll paper for nine inch blocks no because i think that's too big i don't think you need it i think i would just cut it bigger and trim it down with a nine and a half inch square ruler do i starch my backing fabric most of the time i do i try to i should if i'm in a real big rush i won't just start you make your iron dirty no but i don't iron it until it's completely dry what are strip sets so strip sets are when you're sewing a long strip together what quilting did i do on serendipity so you can contact gina tell at thread graffiti and she can tell you the panograph can i find out where i am on the list to get so sampler email service at and so now i'm going to move to sample spree which is the next sew along that just started and talk a little bit about it and give you some tips so this is the book it's a brand new book that's published by martingale the author is susan aki it has a hundred blocks all the information on this so along is on the moda fabrics blog they have this free printout that you can put what week you're on the color you're doing and what blocks you're using and then put your tips before you start just to kind of keep yourself organized so this is a free download that can help this you do have to buy the book so some sew alongs i show you are free some are not um and this one is designed by susan aki and then this keeps tabs of where i'm at and what i finished so this is available free so one thing i wanted to start off with this is a hundred and like four blocks it is a lot of blocks so what i would encourage you to do is make it your own so if you watch this week sherry mcconnell came out with a video talking about different sew-alongs and tips for it and i would suggest you watch that because she talks a lot about make it your own but also on this one that's a lot of blocks 100 blocks not everybody can keep up with that so this week they provided this free on the moda blog and this only uses 60 blocks so if you want to do fewer blocks you can do this now i will tell you this setting i would never do because it's on point and i hate on point and i hate to use the word hate but i mean on point we don't get along my own point block i cannot get it on point quilt to be square so i would rather make a hundred blocks do a straight setting than this but it's up to you make it your own so this is week two now on this i'm using the stitch collection by lori holt the background fabric i'm using is 9940 pewter and to be completely honest lori picked all the fabric for me and told me where to put it my biggest tip to you on these blocks on every block i have pressed everything open and i've used the wooden clappers so that everything stays flat and i would say this sew along is more of an advance so along just because there's a lot of blocks and it's really fast but if you watch shara mcconnell you'll see that she's doing hers in a different order and doing a different amount each week so this week was yellows and golds so the first one was easter baskets and i would say my tip for this block is for all these corner squares i used precision seam align glue so i've been using this a lot so that's my first block and i'm going to give you just tips on different blocks just because it's fun the second block is block 12. it's called patio pavers and this was um i had to take a nap after i made this one because my first vlog came out like this so this is called strip sets gone bad this is when i think i'm being cute and i'm doing strip sets i'm cutting bigger i'm trimming down and i was like wait it's not six and a half so see when i made the strip sets you're supposed to sub cut them wider and i didn't do that so when i say strip sets can be tricky this is what happens sometimes when you do strip sets this happens to me all the time so that was not great but i thought i would show you anyway so this i just use strip sets but just be careful you read the instructions but anytime i do something like this big mistake i'll take a nap or go clear my head this is block 33 it's called antique tile and the same thing i did strip sets for these and then i did strip sets for these meaning i made longer strips and then sub cut them and i cut i cut them wider trim them down just like i just showed you this block is block 39 it's called friendship and i use strip sets for these and i used h200 triangle paper for these the next block is called here and there it's number 58. i use squaring a square paper to do this so it's it's so emma ise 778 and what you what i did there is i made sure this square in the center and cut covered the entire paper and then i just added the two corner squares so it would be accurate but you do have to cut your center square bigger because you're not adding these so you need that fabric to cover so that was my cheat there and i did do strip sets here and this one um you just have to kind of be careful with your color placement this is one that's easy to get kind of off this is block 76 it's called premium prize and here i used the quick half square triangle method where you cut one square larger one square smaller so i cut this yellow square six and a half i cut the cream five and a half i um it's the uh eleanor burns method so i did that and then i trimmed it down so i used the small flying geese ruler by quilting a day for these and we're trying to incorporate this background into a couple of the blocks for variety so i'll show you how we're doing that like here we do it on a couple others the next block is block 84 coxy's camp and i used for this i used the square and a square ise 778 which is the two inch and then i did strip sets here and you'll notice that i added other colors instead of just yellow and i'll show them to you all together at the end this is block 90. i love blocks like this it's so easy i can do this block in 15 minutes i use triangle paper um two and a half inch triangle paper for this this block 93 it's called hourglass i used h200 for this i did some strip sets here this one's my favorite for the week it's called depression it's block 97 this i was able to use h300 and then when i added this i used my pursuit my precision glue that's like my new best friend and i love this block something about this block i love and the way it's so flat is i use the clappers this one is number 103 it's called rolling stone and i fussy cut this little piece and i use precision glue for here and for here and then here this one is called new four patch it's block 105 and here i used two different uh half square triangle paper i used h300 and then h150 and it kind of does a little claw but i want to show you all of these blocks together and you'll just see that we try when lori and i did this we didn't do just yellow we did some yellow with red some yellow with blue some yellow alone some yellow with pink because we want our quilt to have a lot of variety in the end and then i'll show you next week's i haven't made next week's yet i'll just kind of put these on top so we did mix in like the green like we didn't when we did an accent color we didn't do the same color accent if that makes sense so we mixed in different colors throughout so that your quilt will be balanced so let me know if you have any questions on these i'll show the backs too but these are small blocks and i get better results when i press open on small blocks i just have to use a smaller stitch length what is precision glue so it is a product that's been around a long time and i had gotten so many comments to try it so i tried it about a month before i ever talked about it it's glue and i've been using it only for corner squares only for corner squares i haven't used it for anything else um it basically just keeps it in place so i don't have to pin and remove pins as i'm going and i have really loved the results of it will you be using peach as the sashing okay so sashing i have not even thought about sashing i will probably think about sashing when i get i'll probably think about sashing when i get further along i haven't even thought about sashing but it definitely will not be a solid i will definitely be using something from the stitch collection or the b background or the b basics collection i won't use a solid can you help someone can you get someone to help you hold the quilts instead of slide it's hard to see the whole pattern um we're kind of working on that i don't really know i don't have an exact answer on that but we'll keep that in consideration why don't you use the fold of a strip because i because i don't think it comes out as accurate and i just don't like to because i don't think it's as accurate and i don't want to have to sit with the iron and get that crease out i don't want to have to take the time to do that i'd whether i'd rather use extra fabric and have it perfect than to have to sit and try to starch that crease out eta on riley blake clap clappers lord help me i don't know soon i don't know no idea i keep getting a different answer but we're trying to make our own so we'll see how that goes how do you glue so you can iron the seams open um i just do it on the corner i'll show it in a video i showed it last week but i'll show it on a video what is the quilt behind you the quilt behind me is called serendipity it's our charity quilt that we have raised eighty thousand dollars for make a wish for i love the look of onpoint blocks yes they're beautiful i just have never been able to get an on point blocked on point quilt to look good and i yeah what's the difference between the clapper and the steady betty the steady betty what is the study buddy um let me look and see what steady buddy is so the steady betty is a board that is kind of it's just a flat board to iron on but it's not going to give you so that's just to iron on the clapper you put on top of your block to make it flat if you don't have a stash how much fabric would you buy for this sew along for this one i would just start with the fat quarter bundle and i would start with five or six yards of a background any triangle papers flying geese papers used in the scrapbook of quilts book yes i don't have a list of all of them um the next sew along i'm going to show you is american quilter sew along this sew along is completely free blocks and if you want to put it together into the quilt you do have to buy the finishing pattern so this is block number three it's hosted by lisa bongine of primitive gatherings and she did put up a video last night and here is my block three so in the very beginning of the sew along hold on this is gonna draw me crazy um in the very beginning of the sew along she did instructions on how you do the stripes so this will change each each week there are 20 different weeks so you'll have 20 blocks for this i use triangle paper h100 when i stitched this i used our fill 2600 which i'm was thinking i would need a darker gray right here but it doesn't show and the way i determine a thread is when i pull at my seam you should not see your thread so i use 2600 and a super small stitch length and your setting for the quilt will be in this book and i have not decided what fabric i'm using for my background yet i have plenty of time to decide i just these are darker colors than i normally use so it's harder for me to pick so these are the first three blocks and you can find all of this on lisa bonjean's blog i am using the american gatherings fat quarter bundle that is now sold out and i'm not sure what i'm going to use for my sashing yet the quilt is going to come out to be 67 by 70. she is raising money for hogs for heroes all that information is on her blog and all her videos i've thought quarter shop donated 750 so if you're doing this and you're participating and you're getting the free blocks in exchange for the free blocks i'm sure she would love for you to donate to her cause the next quilt i worked on was the lori holt red sampler quilt along so we'll first pop up her three blocks and this week's blocks are all from farm girl vintage book so we'll show i'm going to show okay so the center block is chicken foot the block on the left is pinwheel and the block on the right is farm fresh flowers so i'll show so we're going to show her first block and i love that chicken wire fabric it is sold out and i had not enough of it at home because i really really wanted to use that and we are sold out until september so i tried to emulate her look and you can see when you're looking at that block she has four different reds so go back to her block and you'll see she has four different reds and you can see she alternated prints where there's like busyness color it's all alternated so i tried to do the same thing i obviously have different fabrics because i'm using scraps i did use a different fabric here than here which if you go back to her photo same thing she did but i just didn't have any of this fabric right here so i used this i made it work and on this one i used for this i used h400 and for this i used h200 and i did press this block open because it's just a lot of seams and i felt like it would lie flatter now her block her next block is the pinwheel block and it's the six inch version and so i did the same background and just a similar color as her and this is my block and i just use h300 and it's really fun i love when she has a simple block like this because i'll do that one first then i'll be like oh i only have two left but then like that compared to this is like this takes ten times longer um so i did do this one first i totally cheated and i used h300 and then her next block is the six inch farm fresh flowers which we're going to pop up and you can see she did a dark in the inside a medium on the outside and then a light on those corners so i tried to emulate the same thing i think this gets a little lost in it but i had not enough time to fix it yesterday and i thought you know what it'll look good in the ending so to do this i used the two inch square in a square paper but when you do it and you're not going to cover all four corners you have to have this block be bigger because otherwise you won't have enough so that's how i did mine is covered the whole square in a square paper and then just did three points instead of four so i'm going to show you my three blocks together and then her block again this one looks prettier let's see so i'm excited that i'm all caught up so and then we'll show her three blocks so you can see she's got the prim really dark reds in hers and i haven't used any of those really dark reds i've gone with some of her lighter reds and for her finishing she is going to be using the cover of farm girl vintage 2 and i wanted to let you know that she's going to be using these two rulers hold on i got to take a drink do you have that that boat sorry guys sorry sorry sorry i'm gonna never watch this video because it's gonna be so embarrassing so when she finishes this sew along and puts it together she's going to be using this setting and with this setting she's going to be using the cute cuts 14 and a half inch trim it ruler and the cute cut seven and a half inch trim ruler so we have both in stock at fat quarter shop but she is gonna show you on her channel how to use the ruler so i'm gonna not do that since she's doing it but i'm gonna use the same technique she's using and then i'm gonna show you so by row month four this is a block of the month it uses the so by row book this is published by riley blake lori picked all the fabrics for us this is her shabby fabric but she redid it using some of her basic fabrics and i took all my blocks home and sewed them together and when i go to her house i'm going to take all my blocks that need the embellishment and she's going to do it for me and on this i just pressed i didn't press open or anything so sometimes you'll see i press open sometimes i don't it kind of just depends um on what i'm doing this next sew along is completely free it is hosted by corey yoder of coriander quilts she is a moda fabric designer and she used the spring brook blossoms collection and this is block three which is month three she's doing two blocks a month now you're going to see right here i did not want to use this fabric right here it's a white with it's too light and too medium for me i can't i can't i can't stand it so i changed this this fabric that's my first one and then this one and this is the same fabric that was here and i hate this i don't like any kind of fabrics like this so i probably should have switched that out too but this one i cannot wait until this quilt is done because it matches my kitchen and then i was thinking well where am i going to put a quilt in my kitchen so i'm not really sure where i'm going to put it i'm thinking i might need to incorporate yellow somewhere else in my house besides just my kitchen so this one's free and i'm using that same white on white dot that we're waiting on because i love it so much another thing i worked on because oh my gosh i have been a busy little b is i have been having so much fun working on the 2021 swirling stars quilt it's this year's scrap buster so each year we try to design something that will incorporate the use of the leftover scraps so as i sew on all these sew alongs i'm showing you throughout the year anything that's left over i'm going to put into here now on this one i'm going to do a demo july 9th on making a small block and a large block it's going to be a pre-filmed premiere because i'm going on vacation with my brother and his family and my mom so this week i sewed ahead the pillow for the scrapbook of quilts pillow and my leftovers this is cozy up so this is a six inch block that i made and then this is a 12 inch block that i made and i have shown my other blocks previously but i um let's see i'm going to talk about this a little bit oh this is one that's previous so what i'm trying to do with this i'll talk about it with let's see this one what i'm trying to do with these is use each of the print fabrics only one time and then just do a different background so i have different backgrounds on it depends what i have on hand if i have enough left over i'll use that if not i'll just pull something from my stash of backgrounds that matches and what i do is like if october i'm done i'm done if i go all the way till december i go to december but i think this one i'll probably be done with in october or so but i love it i i just love it this is probably going to be one of my favorite quilts another thing that was released this week is summer soiree so pat sloan just just announced that she is going to be having a free sew along and anytime there's a free sew along i try to support the designers and sew along because gosh you know i need to make like 100 quilts right so it's going to be july 7th to september 29th on pat sloane's blog i love to make this is pat and this is her supply list so it's going to be completely free she has all the fabric requirements and she's going to be using the figs and shirts fat quarter bundle so this is the colorway she's going to be using she's using 9900-60 as her background and then she's picked some backing options for you now these are going to be 12 inch blocks and i am not sure i'm going to make them six inch because i like to make things really hard so i'm thinking i might make them six inch instead of 12 inch or i might be crazy and make them three inch and i think i'm going to use the kitty corn fabric um and i'm gonna show you a lot that i have done with kitty corn in a little bit but i love this fabric so this is what i'm thinking i'm gonna do and the reason now i think what she's doing is beautiful but anytime i'm doing a sew along i want to do it a little bit different than the designer just to give you some different options okay so now i'm going to take another little break and then i'm going to come back make sure you pop in any questions that you have for me so that i have lots of questions to answer when i come back [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so we now have a little section called back from the quilter and this is my laundry basket quilt mystery 2021 quilt so this is it from the front and then we're going to show you on the table this is a completely free sew-along on laundry basket quilts blog except i made my blocks half the size and it's really i i think it came out great i can't wait to put it in my house and then the back i used one of lori's 108 inch wide backings i took a sweet water label that has my name i added a border folded it over and sewed it down this is the tutorial i'm going to do next week that's one of the ways i put a label on the back of my quilt sometimes i will sew it in this is actually sewn on top but because gina quilted it on top no one can take it off and so my name will always be on there and this is how i like my quilting i like it to be tt tiny and this is a feather pattern and gina asked me what what i wanted to quilt it with and i think i took a photo of something that was on my couch and sent it to her and said how about this so you can find gina at thread graffiti and then another item i haven't even seen this one get to see it for the first time so look at this beautiful quilting so this one she had to do bigger because this is minky fabric which is that like soft stuff this is c3 ivory so whenever she does something with minke she has to go bigger and this i made this oh my gosh i cannot wait to go home today because my kids are going to fight over this it's going to be awesome i'm going to show it sideways so that you can see it sideways and then i'll show it from the front but this is just the kitty corn panel it comes pre-packaged i didn't do a thing all i did was send it to gina and this is how it looks and i'm not a cat person but i love it it's so cute and on the binding i put 86 54 41 which is an essential dot and that's what's great about these panels you just my kids aren't gonna know they're just gonna be like oh my god that's so amazing um and my kids will fight over any of the quilts that have this so i have two to take home today that they can they can decide on what what to do i love this quilting so these are like little let's see these are i think they're little pumpkins do y'all think they're pumpkins i think they're pumpkins and then this one is another pattern using kitty corn now this one i took a free pattern do you have the pattern so the pattern is called holloway it's a completely free pattern and we have a free video and i'm going to show it to you i'll show it to you in the front camera in a second but on this one i wanted something a little bit modern but i am obsessed with this fabric can you tell so on the back we put that same fabric c3 ivory gina quilted it and jocelyn designed this and it's a free pattern and it uses fat quarters so from the front this is how it looks and it uses half yard bundles so let's see i don't we're gonna print the pattern real quick so i can tell you a little bit about it but the fact it uses i think let me look and see how many fat quarters it uses 16 fat quarters and what i did is i bought the kitty corn fat quarter bundle which can you go to that on our website go to kitty corn fat quarter bundle half yard bundle so i bought the kitty corn half yard bundle that's already pre-cut that came in this week and that has 25 but you only need 16. so i'm just gonna use the leftovers for something else and my kids are gonna love it it's pretty big let me tell you the size of it it's a really nice size 60 by 80. so i am a little bit obsessed with the kitty corn fabric and um teresa made this for me so thank you to theresa because i wanted to make it and didn't have time let's see the next section i wanted to send a thank you i got some clappers as gifts so i got this one from oss quilt works and it has my name and i've been using it and i got a second one look at that i got it from four quilters candy sue terry and peggy i don't want to say their last names just in case they don't want me to know and i don't want to show the letter because it has their address um but i'm so excited so now i have like eight clappers it's so amazing so thank you so much kevin is like oh my gosh these ladies love you so thank you so much the next thing i was going to show you was a blast from the past this is one of my favorite books it's called fat quarter baby and if you look in here all of these names have significance so hannah is my niece emma is my daughter elizabeth was what kevin wanted to name emma's middle name but katherine won obviously my name my best friend from high school sarah who writes books andrew is my brother's middle name christopher is one of my sons hunter is my nephew james is kevin's name and then oh kevin and then matthew is will's middle name paul is my father's middle name peyton is my son ryan is was our best man in our wedding and we really wanted to name one of our sons ryan but that was just weird and then william is named after my son and my dad so there's 10 boy and 10 girl quilts so this is a table runner that you can make this is an so these are like a blaster in the past so this is an older collection it was a windham collection and the baby quilt that goes with it is right here it's so cute so if you're looking for something fast and this can be unisex i mean it doesn't have to be girl or boy that's just kind of how we wrote it and then i have a little follow-up section where i'm going to answer questions um from the previous week so one of the questions that we had was designer mystery block one is shipping next week finishing kits and backings will ship later seamsticks pre-cuts so we had a question on the andover seamstress collection which is designed by laundry basket quilts we had the yardage in stock somebody wanted to know when the pre-cuts were coming and they arrived this week so they're here now and kitty corn is available now and i want to show you something that came that's new that i'm really excited about that i think a lot of you don't know about yet and then i'm going to answer questions so 108s are very popular and fig tree came out with these they're called 108 woodland florals when you look at them they will go with a lot of her collection so there's black taupe red cream this is definitely my favorite aqua and green and then i'm gonna make it look pretty so for the front you can see all the colors so these are all new and um i don't know i just feel like it didn't get a lot of press and um this i want to let you know when we get 108s because they're made in a different country than other fabrics they're a little bit harder to get so i would say whether you're getting them from us or your local quilt shop get any 108 you see now so this is one one one seven five it's called woodland florals i would get them now before they sell out because when they sell out i can't guarantee that they will be back and then now i'm gonna just answer questions how much smaller is the other kitty corn panel there are two okay so the regular panel that comes on the bolt that we cut ourselves is 23 by 36. the big panel is 54 by 90. and on the bottom of it does come four little panels so when you um it has four little labels is what i mean so that she cut that off for me before she quilted it do you sell these at that quarter shop how much per yard yes they are all online just search 11175 when will the koala me crazy lion ship can you look up what that is i don't know what koala me crazy is but maybe i should be koala me sick today let's see okay that's dear stella we will follow up with that company and give you an answer next week because i don't know would it be a good idea um i think that went away okay i'll just go back are the 108 softer this one is this one is a really nice quality and it is soft would it be a good idea to have the templates for the pillow sew along yes oh my gosh yes because i made that oregon trail and oh my goodness so i'm all about making my block exact i went oh i want to leave them they're pretty um so the one so the the on the template what i was trying to do was i was trying to come up with like a way to save to make it look perfect let me tell you if i didn't have those templates i would have been able to make it how many yards do i need using a lap using 108 inch take the shortest side add 10 inches divide by 36. is the fat quarter baby book still available for wholesale orders yes how many are okay do you know where i can get a pattern for the star that's on the kitty corn and pumpkin panel can you pull that up and then i will look and see what what it's called because i'm sure we have a free pattern or something the star oh the star is an applique star that's uh that's not a quilt block that's just a star go to the other panel let me see the other panel oh yeah no i don't know i think it's just applique pieces so i don't know if there's a block for that when will the christmas version of under the stars block of the month ship that is shipping one month late the serendipity quilt is my most favorite quilt along oh thank you i'm afraid mickey will bunch up when quilting i agree and i don't quilt anything myself so i just trust gina or mike to get that right i need some suggestions for old made fabric yeah i don't know that you just need to find a pattern oh holloway haul away that pattern that i just showed you in the kitty corn fabric that's free that uses those big pieces that would be perfect for old maid when doing quilts with different blocks do you cut all the blocks first and cut and then sew or cut one block okay basically do i cut everything and sew it depends so if i'm doing a lori hold quilt because it's an it's so emma book and there's a lot of instructions in it and a lot of photos i will cut all three so when i do the red sew along for the week i cut all three and sew all three at one time for so sam for sampler spree that book has less detail and kind of jumps around the book a lot so i do those one at a time but i'm going pretty slow so i'm probably going to have to change my method so it kind of just depends if i wanted to get a 108 inch for my stash how much should i get three and a half yards or three so nice joining you for a change thanks for inspiring me to make better quilts oh thank you when is mid midnight magic 2 shipping we will put that in next week's update section to get a date can i back my cotton top with flannel yes you can is there a special requirement for shrinkage so if you pre-shrink your cotton with like starch or you pre-wash do the same thing with flannel just treat the flannel the same as you would for the cotton but it will shrink at different rates so um you might be okay with that kathy would love to learn how to prepare a quilt top to go to the quilter and what do you ship it in a box or padded envelope gosh we're spoiled here we um we just we uh they pick it up but what i do do it doesn't matter if i ship it in a box a plastic envelope it goes in a trash bag so every time my quilt is sent you just get a kitchen trash bag rubbermaid whatever white trash bag put it in there so that no matter if it's in a box plastic envelope whatever it's less likely to get stained so trash bag was is what i say now i text with my quilter so with mike or with gina i just text and we he'll text me a pantograph or she'll text me a pantograph i say yes or no they both know i like it really small um and you know you can probably email with them to pick your pantograph is the 108 inch backing the same quality it is slightly different but this is a really nice quality 108 can sometimes be a bad quality this is really nice but it is made in a different country so it's not exactly the same how many quilts am i doing um i have in my book 30 for the year and i've probably finished 12. so i've got about i don't know a lot 18 going something like that can the laundry basket quilt be made in queen or king um i mean you'd have to draw that out but you'd have to make it bigger but probably if you doubled the size on the american gathering sew along after the flags are made will there be enough fabric to make a star border prob you're not going to have very much left over from your fat quarter bundle so if you are wanting to make a star border or something else i would buy something different for that extra fabric i used to use trash bags but now i use clear bags after one quilt got accidentally thrown in the garbage oh that sounds horrible when will the quilt for woodland be available we will add that to the follow-up section and get you an answer next week janine says number 36 social like vlog finished at three and three quarters so i have to resew it but i was checking the measurements at each step and a little dumbfounded at white didn't come out wrong come out right um there might be a section in there where you need to trim down a unit so just double check that you're trimming down where it says trim down i made the 36 blocks and it was a very good experience of practice cutting and putting it together thanks for showing all different designs and sew-alongs high from mexico city thank you do you know if lori holt will be doing a cross stitch pattern that matches my happy place quilt yes the answer is yes will you be getting the pink metal be laurie cross stitch stand back in once it sells out it's gone but she's working on her next color so when we get those made they're super expensive so we can really just afford them that first time if we have to get them reprinted we can't afford because when you buy a lower quantity it's too expensive for us as a smaller stores or smaller you know what i mean like we're not like walmart so we're going to next color how did lori and i meet i was kind of like a super stalker no not really i was at quilt market and i loved her i loved her stuff i always told the owner of riley blake brett and cindy i always told them oh my gosh she's my face she's my favorite designer i love her i want to meet her and she was at market i just walked right up to her she was like she had like all these people like they were just sitting there at lunch and i was like hey laurie i'm kimberly i own faculty shop she just i was talking really fast and she kind of looked at me like i don't know who that crazy lady is and i just kind of bugged her and i was like i'm gonna become friends with that lady somehow i always believe go after what you want she's awesome like i was like she's awesome i love her colors i want to learn how she does it i just figured out a way to weasel myself into her life suggest another fabric line other than kitty for the pat sloane sew along honestly if you find a fabric you like it will look good because it is a very easy quilt it is very beginner and you can do anything with it so i think any line will work i wouldn't go with like a cafe or tula pink that would be a little too bold but anything that you have that you like will work i'm doing the american gathering too are you starching yes who did you say you watched and talked about the sew-alongs sherry mcconnell of a quilting life and she talked about the five things to do when doing a sew along and she talked about how you organize how you pick how you can make it your own one of the number one questions or complaints we get is you go too fast or you go too slow or it doesn't fit my timeline or it doesn't fit my schedule and really when you do anything in life make it fit your own schedule if somebody is doing 20 blocks a week and you can't keep up just write down a schedule that works for you make it fit your life do that with anything i'm making the sampler spree fit my life because it's my job but if i was at home and just normally sewing i would just go slower when were you thinking about sewing the rose or is lori going to come out with block placement in the setting oh the sampler she's going to come out she is going to show you her block placement when it's finished and she's going to be showing all of that in her videos so i would refer to the lori hold youtube channel she comes out with videos every friday any word on happy days fat quarter bundles we will add that to the follow-up section for next week because it has not arrived yet and the last question is do you know when urban farmhouse gathering 2 is shipping so we will get an update on that and then there's a question if you could buy two bolts of fabric what color would you pick for versatility i would pick 20708-36 because that's my favorite white-on-white dot and then i would probably pick 9900-200 because i like that background it goes with most of the designers i like i'm doing the spring brook blossom stitch along but i'm making all my flowers into sunflowers oh that's awesome i love the generous fabrics in the monthly sewing kits thank you i just ordered the kitty corn fat quarter bundle i can't wait to get it me too i ordered it last night and i was hoping it was at my desk before i got to work and it was how often do i clean and oil my machine i did that yesterday actually and yes yesterday my machine was really loud so i i oiled it are you attending the garden of quilts in utah in september so lori is only doing one class this year i'm gonna try to go it depends on my daughter's dance schedule so as long as there's not something interfering with my daughter's dance schedule or my son one of my sons is gonna start playing football so as long as it doesn't um conflict with those i will be there but my kids if my kids have something i'm always there any update on christmas in july it's going to be christmas in august because everything's behind have i ever watched behavior panel no have no idea what that is i'll have to google that i love how you want to redecorate another part of the house to coordinate with a quilt i can relate yes i've almost gone overboard with my yellow and white decorating i think i'm annoying kevin because he's kind of been looking at me like can you stop is the merry and bright fabric in yet we'll look real quick it says i see other stores have it we load our fabric the same day we arrive it we get it and it is in stock so yeah it's all in stock yep it's all in stock and online i love your live streams thank you for doing them thank you for watching i'm still like i still think it's crazy that you guys watch i sometimes think why do they watch me i'm crazy um acorn precision glue is out of stock well it'll be back soon i have a ton of it on order and i don't have a date we'll put that on the follow-up section but i order i have a ton of it ordered so we'll add that and i'll i'll have to reach out to them today to see how do you square a sawtooth star block so i would use triangles on a roll piece it normally and just trim the edges what stamped what stitch length do i use for regular patchwork half square triangles and binding so i do a stitch length that's probably too small for most people when i'm stitching a regular stitch length i usually do a 1.5 now when you see it on the camera it looks like it's on a 2.0 because of the angle but when i stitch with a regular stitch length is 1.5 super hard to pull out so if you make a mistake it's super pain in the butt my triangles on a roll i usually do 1.2 for binding i'll use like a 2.0 so guys thank you so much for watching um i really appreciate that you guys watch we're always open to suggestions put any kind of comments you have for me in the comment section i'm always you know the way that i did the strip sets today that was completely done just because you guys suggested it and i figured i could do it so anything i can do to help you guys in your sewing room i'm going to always do i'm going to always show you anything that i think might be helpful for you guys so the more comments the better i hope you guys have a great weekend and i'll see you next friday [Music]
Channel: Fat Quarter Shop
Views: 50,740
Rating: 4.9472294 out of 5
Keywords: fat quarter shop live stream today, quilting show off, quilting items for beginners, sewcialites, fat quarter shop, livestream
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 40sec (8620 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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