MYSTERY HALLOWEEN QUILT 😈 The Bat Block 😈 BEST Halloween Project! Bats & Boos Quilt

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[Music] [Music] hey guys i'm kimberly from fat quarter shop welcome to the 2021 mystery bats and booze sew along this is a completely free sew along just go to our blog the jolly jabber the link is in the description box below to download your fabric requirements so grab your fabric that you want to use this is a free four part series and today we're working on the first part which is the bat block and then you can come back each monday for the next three mondays to get the remaining mystery blocks so let's get started to sew along with me go to and download your free pattern we're on week one i am using the holiday essentials collection by stacy itsu in the halloween colorway and i'm using a bella solid which is 9900-98 now when i'm sewing with this because there is black i'm going to use a light gray thread because that will not show up on the black and it won't fight against the whites this is our fill 2600 and on this block i am going to use h200 triangle paper and what we'll do is we're going to cut all of the fabrics out and then in your quilt you're going to make four bat blocks but today i'm going to show you step by step how to make one so i'm going to start with taking a medium design board and putting alphabities for all the letters that we're going to be using today so we're working with a through k so i put that on there this board has batting on it so it's not going to move around as long as you don't flip it over so i have that started and we're going to start with cutting the background first and again we're going to cut everything for all four blocks and we're just going to piece one block so i'll set this right up here i've ironed and starched my fabric and if you buy the kit from us there is enough fabric included if you start and our fabric requirements also give you enough if you starch the ruler i'm mostly going to use in this series is the cgr24 by creative grids it's six and a half by 24 and a half and i can get most of my cuts from this one ruler the first thing i'm going to do is i have my white fabric which is bella solid 9900-98 i have the fold here and i just folded it in half to make it quicker and i'm going to cut two three and a half inch strips so i do straighten off the edge i'm using an endurance blade so that it will cut nice and crisp and it's always good to start with the new rotary blade with each new project so i'm going to do two three and a half inch strips to start and then we'll just be sub cutting from there so we need to cut eight three and a half by four and a half inch rectangles so i'm going to turn this this is all still lined up trim the left side when i trim i make sure the selvage is completely taken off and you can see the little dots you just want to make sure those are gone make sure you cut through all the layers and you can see that you have all four layers and we're going to cut four and a half twice and then we're going to throw this away so you can see that i cut eight rectangles because of the way i had the fabric layered and i'm going to put the letter a on top the next cut is eight three and a half inch squares so i'm just going to move this and you can see when i'm moving nothing is moving because i've ironed this nice and flat and i've also starched if you have any questions on starching we have several videos we can link below to show you my starching method so again getting a clean edge making sure you go through all your layers and cut three and a half twice so that is eight fabric b squares that i'm going to put on my design board and so when i'm sewing at home i do the same thing i kind of leave this out of the way and pull it in each time the next fabric c actually uses half square triangles and we're gonna cheat and use the two inch half square triangle paper that's listed right here so i'm not gonna cut that yet i'm gonna wait i'm gonna move to d and cut four two and a half inch squares and i can get that from right here so i'm just going to cut two and a half inch squares i'm just going to kind of cut all four sides since it might have moved and you can also use a rotating mat to do that so those are our d's now our e's we need to cut 16 one and a half inch squares and i know i can get 26 from a width of fabric so i just need to cut one and a half inch strip once now it's pretty clean so i'm not going to do another cut i'm just going to do one and a half making sure i'm lined up all the way down and then i'm going to set this out of the way and we're going to come back to it to do the half square triangles when we get to fabric i which is the other side of the half square triangle cut a clean edge and then rotate if your cutting mat is really nice and clean when you rotate you're not going to have any problems if your rotating mat starts to have divots when you start moving your fabric it will kind of bump so here i'm going to actually start at the six inch go to the four and a half the three inch and the one and a half and i have cut 16 one and a half inch squares now this i'm just going to set aside and we might use it in another block in the future just save that put this on my design board with the fabric e and now we're going to move to fabric f which is a polka dot and we need four three and a half inch squares so this is our polka dot fabric and i'm going to just take a three and a half inch square and cut it right here with layers so that we get four and that's going to save all the rest of the fabric so i will just make sure this is ironed i've got four layers that are not wrinkled it's important to not have wrinkles you can use this ruler and i'm trying to save as much fabric as possible so what i will do is get enough to do three and a half by three and a half and just cut that little section off put this aside for next week rotate and line up the three and a half here and here so that was pretty easy and we can put that on our fabric f our next fabric for g h and i is this bat fabric and we're going to start with this folded on top of each other so we have four layers so my fold is here my selvage is here we're going to start with cutting one three and a half inch by width of fabric strip and see if that is going to give us enough for g and h and if it doesn't we'll just come back and cut another strip just move this aside and we're gonna cut eight three and a half by four and a half so line that up and then we're gonna do four and a half four and a half now you might ask why am i doing this with the fabric laid out flat instead of doubled over and i kind of just pick and choose as i go what i would like to do so there's not a right way there's not a wrong way i'm just showing you different options you can try so this is our g for h we need eight three and a half inch squares so just two more cuts at three and a half and that is our h using the alphabets is really great because then you don't have to think when you start piecing your block you don't have to think oh which one was g was it this one or this one it helps you stay non-confused now for i that goes with i and c we need four squares of h 200 triangle paper so we're going to cut that first so i go to my triangle paper i do keep my triangle paper with a little washi tape on the end and the reason why is washi tape will not leave residue and it's going to come right off so i need four of these squares and the way that i know that is we have put you can use two inch half square triangle paper and it tells you four squares on c and four squares on i so that would mean four squares on the paper so i'm just going to cut directly on the line as accurately as i can roll this back up and the washi tape will go right back on so you can reuse it so now what we need to do is we need to have one piece of this that will work with this so i just pick a corner and cut so just cut around and then we can set this aside and then we're going to pull the white back out and do the same thing just find a corner and cut from one corner and that means you're wasting the least amount now from here what we like to do is put your fabrics right sides together now if you're working with a solid there isn't really a right or wrong side so i'm just going to put the salvages together right sides together put this on my paper and pin just don't pin where your dotted lines are and that will save you time when you get to the sewing machine a little bit and then i show you how to make these so with this what i will do is i'm just going to put c slash i and if i need to know where that goes it's on the paper so if i leave go to lunch and then come back i won't have forgotten and then just put that on your design board and we'll move to the next fabric so i just put it on my design board you can actually remove the c and i now and you'll know exactly where it goes and you can put this on top of another one because it's not going to move and you can see this kind of moved a little bit that's okay we'll just fix it now we just have to cut the j and k our last piece for this week is a cobweb print and this is a fat quarter so you've got one layer so for this we're going to cut one three and a half inch strip and one two and a half inch strip create a straight line and then we'll cut a three and a half and then a two and a half and then sub cut so that's three and a half and now we're going to cut two and a half and then we will set this aside for another week first we will cut the four three and a half inch squares from this strip line up the top of your ruler with your fabric make a straight cut and then we're just going to cut four times at three and a half at the end of this strip this is a pretty big piece so keep this with the other fabric that you have and we might use it in a following week and we might not but it's definitely big enough to keep so these are our j's so we can put that on our board just move these up a little bit put your j and from this strip we're going to cut four two and a half inch squares now if you don't want to cut towards yourself like i do a lot you can cut on the right side or whichever side you're if you're right-handed it would be the right side if you're left-handed it would be the left side and turn it and then cut now here you can cut two and a half two and a half two and a half two and a half or you can cut a five inch rectangle and then sub cut two and a half that is seems to be the way i cut the most i feel like it goes a little bit faster i can't prove that but for me it does and so it was easy right there to cut all of this to make four blocks it didn't take very much time but i did try to take my time and not go too fast so that i have it accurate pieces and with this block i am going to be using color 2600 by aurifil so let's move to piecing the blocks we're going to start with making our half square triangles and this will make enough half square triangles for all four blocks i'm going to do that since it would be easier to do that than to just stop and do one we're going to stitch with a regular needle right on the dotted lines with a lower stitch length than you normally use so if you normally use a 2.0 stitch length use a 1.5 and try to stitch as closely as you can to the dotted line and you will just go all the way around [Music] another thing is when i stitched i did use a foot that has an opening where i can see my stitches and it makes it easier for me to see where i am moving once we have all of this sewn we're going to cut on the solid lines i like to first cut the outside just cut directly on the line and now we're going to cut this line and then this line so i'll first cut here and you can either leave it in place and cut here or turn and cut this way and somehow that stayed together so we're gonna then cut these center lines these center lines do not have to be accurate because those are your seam allowance so you don't have to cut as perfectly on those and this one looks like i am just missing a little tiny i didn't push hard enough and this is where your kids can earn chore money i like to take them and just pull the paper off there's several ways to do this you can just pull the paper off now that really small stitch length helps the paper come off nicely you can also fold a crease and then pull so whatever works best for you i'm just going to pull all the paper off first then we're going to iron so we have eight half square triangles for the block i'm making today we only need two so i'm going to put these on my design board for my other blocks i'm going to set my seams which means putting your iron nice and flat on your fabric then i'm going to follow the arrow on my pattern and press towards the black batts when i'm pressing i try to just press nice slow and not move my iron too much and then you're going to see that each of your triangles have little dog ears we're going to clip those off real quick we're going to clip those off and then move to assembling the block so here's our design board that we started with since it's taking up most of the room i'm going to start another one and have my cut pieces here and what i'm assembling at the sewing machine on this one now it you could just do one design board but this one's kind of full right now so i am going to on page one try to do both of these steps around the same time to save time so the first thing is we need a d and k so i just take a d now leave this on here so that you have it for next time pull a k and we're going to put our half square triangles that we ironed here blacks towards the center and that is going to give you this i'm going to go ahead and lay out these three fabrics so that i can sew this one seam while i am at the sewing machine so i need one f and two a's and then i will set this aside put this on my board and this block is going to finish at 10 and a half inches unfinished so what we're going to do is go to the sewing machine i'm going to stitch this seam with a quarter inch seam i'm using a quarter inch foot and i'm going to sew these two together also and chain piece these and sew straight down this line so first i'm going to pin and then we'll go to the sewing machine i like to use really fine pins the thinner the better some people prefer thicker so it's all personal preference but i do find i get much better results if i pin it's a personal preference lots of people don't pin so whatever works best for you put these right sides together and this design board will save you a lot of time in your sewing room and we do have a video on how you can make one so we're going to go to our sewing machine and stitch down these three seams we are going to move our stitch length back to a 2.0 as i get to my pen i will remove my pen and not sew over it and i have all three of my pieces chained pieced together and we're gonna go iron now i will press and i will pay attention to the direction of pressing that the arrows are on my pattern i will leave them chain pieced together you don't have to just makes it easy for me i'm pressing toward my a k and d squares now this one we're going to set aside for the next step these two since they're chain pieced together stay that way so we're going to put them right sides together and pin so i will pin on both ends and then the center and once i get the ends pinned these seams will nest so if you just put your finger right here and press they will lock because we've pressed opposite directions and put a pin right there and we're just going to sew a quarter inch seam right here so set your seam press according to your pattern [Music] pull your design board back out and we're going to make sure we have this place the right direction and what i'm going to do is actually put this right sides together we've already sewn this i'm going to pin we're going to go to the sewing machine stitch this a quarter inch seam and instead of getting up to go back to the iron what i'm going to do is press my seam with my seam press roller and then at the sewing machine attach that up here just to save time just turn my fabric press down put it back on your design board put your fabrics together pin in three spots and stitch that final seam you will make one of these for each block so here i just peek to make sure my points are looking good before i iron okay set your seam press according to your pattern and this will be seven and a half inches square and if you want to check that you can put that on your ruler and it's seven and a half inches square and if it doesn't measure exactly seven and a half inches it's okay just move to the next step we're moving to page two one partial right wing unit one partial left wing unit and two corner squares so we're gonna focus on making one one and two and we're going to do those all at the same time just to save time while you're piecing so i will kind of move this out of the way we're going to get a fabric b right here draw on the wrong side again solids don't really have a right or wrong side i'm using a friction pin it will disappear with heat later i'm going to put that on top of a fabric g rectangle right here align it just like this and we're going to pin that in place i think pinning twice really helps because it keeps all the three corners and this straight you want to make sure you're doing that because if you if you pin and you're kind of like this just pretend you're off and then you go open you can see it's going to be short so it's really important to be really straight here so i'm going to pin twice and i'm going to just do each unit and then put it on my other design board so we've got that now we need to put an e on the bottom right so i will take an e square draw a line i'm using this creative grid seam guide just makes it nice and easy this goes on the bottom right so what i'll do here ta-da move that out of my way right there and this will save you a lot of time by doing all of this sewing all at once so this is our partial right wing unit we're going to place it on our design board over here and then we're going to move to this and we're going to make two of these so we also need fabric e squares draw a line on the wrong side [Applause] take fabric h squares put it on the bottom right corner in fact on this it really doesn't matter you can put it on any corner you want because it all comes out the same since it's square pin that twice put these on your design board and by pinning when you put it on and off your design board it's not going to move so get that on your design board and then we're going to pin this one after this we will move to these steps but i'm just kind of consolidating to save time which is what i like to do at home because the faster you go the more you can sew so again draw a line on another fabric b square this time it will be aligned this way and here check your corners check one two three four so you can see right here it needs to be moved over a tiny bit and now it's aligned perfectly and we're not going to make that mistake we just did so now that this is down nice i'm going to flip this up out of the way a little bit get another fabric e and it's always helpful when you're doing this just keep it the same direction as your pattern and you can double check if you want so we've got this the right way these the right way and this the right way so we're going to go to the sewing machine change back to that open toe foot we used with the triangle paper use a 2.0 stitch length and stitch directly on your lines the more accurately you stitch directly on the lines the more accurate results you will get if you stitch too far to this side it will not come all the way over if you stitch too far on the other side it will be too big so that is why it's important to try to sew as directly as you can on the line and by doing all of these lines at one time you're going to save yourself some time [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] now you can see on my sewing machine bed i do have washi tape right here i've lined it up with the end of my needle it goes straight across and if you don't want to draw your line you can follow the end of the tape so you just keep the intersection right here where the white and the black me right on this tape now we're going to trim a quarter inch away from our seam there's two ways you can do that you can take scissors and just cut a quarter inch away and do that or you can cut with a ruler so whichever way works best for you i at home always do a ruler but some people prefer the scissors and that's what i used to do a long time ago so that's what we're going to do is we're going to cut these a quarter inch away and i just use the quarter inch line on my creative grids ruler and then here you definitely don't want to do this because you'll chop this off so just move it out of the way and trim now i'm going to lay these back on my design board the same direction they are on the pattern so that i iron them the correct way so this one i'm going to press towards the black and towards the white following these arrows these are going to go towards the white and this is also going to do the same thing towards the black towards the white um now we're going to build this piece and this piece and again i'm going to try to do it the same direction as the pattern so this one is right here and this one is right here so that looks correct we're going to now do this one right here and this one right here and i'm going to pin them together and we will sew those seams with a quarter inch seam also so when you're pinning it doesn't matter if you pin with the black on the top or the black and white on the top it really doesn't matter we're going to switch back to our quarter inch foot we're going to press these towards your square away from your rectangle so we're going to press them both that way i'm going to set my seam first and then press our final step is to build our block with all of the pieces we just did and just make sure that we lay them out the correct direction and then this is going to be your fabric j square and so you can see your bat wings are forming here just double check it against your pattern and then we will place our fabrics right sides together and pin i'm going to show you a little trick on the top piece so first i'll pin this now here you can be super picky and get this to line up exactly or you can just let it go because it's white i'm going to give you a tip on how to make it line up exactly so first when you're looking at this piece it's a little crooked right here so i am going to trim a little tiny piece off to make that straight edge just cut a little tiny piece off from there i'm going to draw a quarter inch line at that intersection this is for people who want your pieces to be perfectly exact you do not have to do this do the same thing here and if you touch these two lines and pin in place it should line up so first i will pin each side and then i'm going to use a pin put a pin right where that line is you can see it's right in that line put it in the second line right in that intersection and pin we're going to stitch with a quarter inch seam all the way down [Applause] so and ta-da it lines up we're going to set our seam and on this we'll press towards your wing so i will move that so this lines up right here and this point is not chopped off right there we'll press towards the wing on this side and the bat is looking really nice and feisty he looks like he's about to bite us and we're going to do the same thing on this this end now if you want this to line up we can do that same thing or we can try to wing it and that's what i'm gonna try to do now right here this one this seam will nest right here so put it right there put it right in here where a quarter inch seam is and pin and we have one last seam for our block and it did line up set your last seam press toward your fabric j square and just put your iron right on the crease if you just start ironing from top down it's going to have a big bubble right there and now i'm going to take my pretty little bat and i'm going to trim the edges i like to do that so it gets all of the little threads off and just makes it nice and pretty on the edges this is a step that you can skip if you want to and you can see it's just getting little slivers off barely anything just make sure you don't cut off too much because if you cut off too much you'll start cutting into your seam and that is your first block and our mystery bats and booze quilt along oops and i forgot to show you this bonus piece we are offering the bats and booze mystery quilt along as a cross stitch along so check that out too it's also free and we sell the fabric for it and of course the thread set what i will do now is take my pattern everything stays on my design board you can put your block on top of it and your pattern on top of it and then when you come back all you have to do is finish the last three blocks and then join us next monday for block two of our 2021 mystery bats and booze quilt along i hope you've enjoyed this subscribe share and like the video you
Channel: Fat Quarter Shop
Views: 74,984
Rating: 4.9616098 out of 5
Keywords: fat quarter shop, bats and boos, quilt along, quilting, halloween, halloween quilt patterns, tutorial, fat quarter shop tutorials, quilt patterns, quilting tutorial, free quilt pattern, bat quilt block, halloween quilt, halloween quilt block, mystery quilt, mystery quilt along, fat quarter shop quilt along, quilt along with me, how to, cute bat, mystery halloween, cute halloween project
Id: 5E0Qj-ENjps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 36sec (2736 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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