How to make an easy WIP Project Bag with Vinyl and a Zipper | Fat Quarter Shop

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(upbeat music) - Hey, guys! I'm Kimberly from the Fat Quarter Shop and I have a really cute new WIP project bag that can be whipped up in three hours. You're gonna love it. I'm not a bag person, and if I can do this, you can do it, too. I made all of this in three hours, from start to finish, even designing it. So what you're gonna need is for your exterior fabric, which is the pink, a yard, and then the inside lining, which is the blue, a fat quarter. I use an accent thread for stitching the bag. I used a white thread for quilting the back. You will definitely need wonder clips, a rotary cutter, ByAnnie vinyl, ByAnnie Soft and Stable. I'm using the 18 by 58 inch size and a 24 inch ByAnnie zipper. I'm also using a long Creative Grids ruler and a 16 1/2 inch Creative Grids square ruler. You will need a square ruler that is larger than 13 1/2 inches to trim down your vinyl, since vinyl is a little bit tricky to cut. Super easy, and let's get started. So my bag measures 16 by 18 inches and on the inside, there is a lining that is quilted, and I am using ByAnnie Soft and Stable because I want the bag to not be floppy. I want it to really hold and be sturdy, just like this. So it's very easy to quilt through. From your lining fabric, you're gonna cut an 18 by 20 inch rectangle. You're gonna cut the same size of the Soft and Stable and your exterior fabric. You're gonna make a quilt sandwich just like this. Then what I did is I quilted this. You can quilt it any way you want. What I did, I found my 45 degree angle on my ruler, my Creative Grids ruler, and it's right here, and so I just start with the line. I'm using a friction pen 'cause it disappears with heat later and I just drew lines an inch apart. And so I drew the lines this direction, and then I drew the lines back this direction, and then I went to my sewing machine. I just used an Aurifil color, either 2000 or 2021, just a plain white, and I quilted it, and it's nice and not floppy. So that's gonna be your first step and then the only other thing that you need to cut for your bag out of your fabric are six two-inch, with the fabric strips from your exterior. So that's all you have to cut from your fabric and next we're gonna cut our vinyl. So now all we have to do is cut our vinyl. So I'm using ByAnnie vinyl. The reason that I like this brand is if you put something plastic in your bag, it's not gonna rub up against it. It's a really nice quality vinyl and I'm gonna be giving you lots of tricks of tips and tricks of working with vinyl, and this is actually my first time working with vinyl, and I came up with lots of tricks, and it's actually a lot easier than you would think. So you just open your package. And when you unroll it, you're going to have this tissue paper on top. It is very important to keep the tissue paper. Do not throw it away and I'll show you what you're gonna use it for next. So what I like to do is just unroll it, put something on the side so that one side stays down, and you need a 13 1/2 square for the see-through portion of the front of your bag. I'd like to use a square ruler, just because it helps center it. So we're gonna do 13 1/2, so I'm just gonna line my 13 1/2 inch up around here, and I'm just gonna cut. And this stays nice, because it'll just roll right back up. The tissue paper will stay in. You can just put a little washi tape here to keep it in place, so you can use it on your next project. Now this is where it gets a little tricky. You've gotta turn it around and cut it. Now I'm gonna move the paper off because it's hard to cut with the paper on it, but I'm gonna save it and we're gonna cut something with it in a second. And then I'm going to just put this ruler back on, and this is hard to see. This is probably the only thing from the whole bag that I thought was hard, was cutting this. So you just line your ruler up, 13 1/2 and 13 1/2, and cut. So now you have your vinyl for the front. So super easy cutting, not very much cutting for this bag. Super easy. So I'm gonna set this aside and from here, I'm gonna cut this into some strips, because it's helpful to use in strips. They can be anything you want. I'm gonna do like 1 1/2 and I'm just gonna cut a lot of strips. It doesn't have to be straight. It doesn't even have to be even. You're just gonna need some strips and so I just do it now to save time, and we'll just put these strips right by our sewing machine and using this paper is going to help you use the sewing machine feet that you already have so that you don't have to go buy a Teflon foot or anything fancy. It makes this bag very achievable for anyone. What we're gonna sew first is our zipper section. So it's just this top section and I'm just using the two-inch by width of fabric strips. I'm not trimming it down. I'll trim it down later. That's just an extra step that I took out, and I am using a 24-inch white zipper ByAnnie. ByAnnie is my zipper of choice always. The reason I like it is because it's got a really wide area right here and you can cut the zipper. They're amazing. So you're gonna put one of the fabrics right sides down on the zipper and here you're going to want to use Wonder Clips and not pins, and you're just gonna Wonder Clip this down. So we're just gonna put these little Wonder Clips all the way and then we're gonna go to our sewing machine and I'm gonna give you tips on stitching. First, we're gonna stitch this down and then move to the next step. So I'm gonna use pink thread throughout since I'm gonna be doing top stitching and I don't want to have to switch between my threads. So I've just got a matching pink and I'm gonna pull the zipper pull down to start. And I'm just using an open-toe foot and what I'm gonna do is put that toe right where the zipper is. So you can see the zipper, the center, and you're just gonna stitch and you're just gonna keep that right on the edge. And I'm using a little bit bigger than a 2.0 stitch. Okay, so now I'm getting to the zipper pull section. I'm gonna zip that back up and by doing that, you won't have... You won't have a little crooked stitch. Okay, so that is how it's looking, and we're gonna go back to our sewing table. Another thing for me to mention is when you're using a ByAnnie zipper, you do not need a zipper foot. So I'm making this project as simple as I can for beginners so that anybody at home can do it and you don't have to run to the store and get a zipper foot or a Teflon foot or any of that stuff. So you saw that I just used a regular, open-toe foot. So from here, I want to press. So I'm going to press right on this seam. I do use steam and I'm pressing this down to get it nice and flat. And you can just trim off this edge if you want. We're gonna trim all this down later, but since we're gonna trim it down later, we're just using width of fabric so that you don't have to trim twice. So now what we're gonna do is go to the sewing machine and we're gonna do a top stitch in two spots so that it keeps the zipper down really nice and flat. So let's go to the sewing machine. So when I made my bag, I did two top stitches, one right next to the zipper and one a little bit away, and the reason why is it keeps the zipper down and flat in the back. Just put your foot right on the edge. And we're just gonna stitch all the way down. I'm gonna go nice and slow. By keeping my little edge right on the edge, it keeps it straight. And this is just gonna give it a really classy, nice look, and your bag will last longer. So it looks really nice and straight and I'm gonna do one more stitch. Now you can see from the front where that zipper ends. You wanna make sure that you're stitching on top of the zipper, not over here, because the point of it is to keep this zipper down. So I'm just gonna go a little bit further and I think I'll use the edge as a guide. And you're gonna see this on the front of your bag so you want it to be nice and pretty. So you can see that I have secured this zipper all the way down and it's not gonna flop around. Now what you will do is you're gonna do this side the exact same way. So we've made the very top, which is your zipper, and that is this portion of the bag. Now we're gonna work on this portion, the bottom portion of the top. So we have vinyl and we're gonna add a two-inch strip to the left and the right first. So to work with vinyl, you need a couple things to just keep it flat on your table. So I've got the two-inch strips, some of those two-inch strips that we cut. You're just gonna cut it in half and we're going to add it to this side. It's square so it doesn't really matter what side. So what you're gonna wanna do is first, I'm gonna add the tissue paper in a second, but just to get going, you cannot use pins with vinyl. So use Wonder Clips, and I'm just gonna clip this down, kind of getting the fabric lined up with the edge of the vinyl first so you've got a starting place. I'm gonna trim the bottom and you just don't need this piece. So you don't wanna put pins in vinyl or you're gonna poke a hole, and then that hole will not go away. And then you're gonna take some of these strips that we cut off of the tissue paper and add them to the top. And when we're sewing at the sewing machine, we're gonna stitch on top of the tissue paper, not on the fabric. So we've got this side done. I'm add a couple more pin, I mean, Wonder Clips. No pins, no pins, guys. Then we're gonna go to the other side and do the same thing. Now if you didn't use the paper, you would need a Teflon foot, which is super expensive, or on the bottom of your foot, you could put Scotch tape, but I haven't found that that works very good. So this is the easiest solution and since the vinyl that you get from ByAnnie already has the tissue paper, it's great. And now we're gonna go to our sewing machine and we're just gonna stitch on each side and you can do a 1/4 inch, doesn't have to be exact. So I'm just gonna use the line on my machine for the 1/4 inch seam. You can do 1/4 inch or 3/8 or whatever you're comfortable with I'm gonna use about a 2.0 stitch length and you'll see that you're gonna go right through this paper, super easy. And then we'll just go to the other side. Do the same thing. This is how the bottom is looking. You're going to go to the side with the tissue paper and just pull it off. To pull the paper off, you can kinda put your thumb right here and just pull right on that seam and it'll come off a little bit easier. And then the other side will just come right off. Now what we need to do is I'm gonna press to one side. You're not supposed to press on the vinyl, so I've got my iron on low, and I'm gonna get mostly on the fabric. I'm just gonna iron right on the fabric edge, try not to touch the vinyl, and then you can see it's sitting down. And now we're gonna go to the sewing machine and top stitch this down. So now what we're gonna do is top stitch the vinyl down and this time, we're just gonna do one stitch instead of two. And you're gonna use your tissue paper again and you will just put your foot right up on the edge of your fabric and go back to a 2.5 stitch length. So it's okay that the tissue paper kinda went catty corner. The only purpose of the tissue paper is so that your foot doesn't stick to your vinyl, and then you're just gonna do the same thing on the opposite side. So now you'll just remove your tissue paper and then that's gonna hold the vinyl down so that it stays flat. If you didn't do that top stitch, it might waver a little bit. Now what I'm gonna do is just trim the sides and we're gonna just do one more on the bottom. So you've got another 20-inch strip. We're gonna do the same exact thing. So you're gonna do this, and we're gonna do the same exact step we did last time, and you're gonna stitch this down, press, and then once you press, you will do a top stitch, and that will be the bottom of your bag, and you can see that this tissue paper doesn't go all the way to the end. Just add another piece and keep going. So I'm using a 2.0 stitch length and I am just going with a 1/4 inch seam. I'm just using the guide on my machine. Okay, so we've added the bottom strip and I'm just gonna trim the little edges off, and that's what's great about this bag is we're just using strips and then cutting off later. Lots of less work. So we've got the bottom and now we wanna add the top. So you can see, the top is bigger. We're gonna trim it down, totally fine. So I like to just put it in the center and just pull this down, and we're not gonna trim anything off yet. And then here, we're gonna go to the sewing machine and we're gonna stitch with a 1/4 inch seam across. Okay, now we're gonna remove our tissue paper one last time. I'm gonna press this toward the top, again, not touching the vinyl with my iron and I'm just using a low heat. And I'm gonna go to my sewing machine and we're gonna top stitch this down. Now you're gonna move your zipper pull to the center. This is very important. If you don't do this, you're gonna have a zipper with no zipper pull. And I'm gonna leave this just as flat as I can with my hand and I'm gonna trim the edge. Then I'm gonna use Wonder Clip to hold that in place. We're gonna turn and we're going to cut the other edge also. Okay, now what we're gonna do is go to the sewing machine and just stitch this side down so that this doesn't flop around when we go to our next step. And I'm just gonna go over this a couple times and that keeps it... So now you have the top of your bag done and we've got the back that we did at the beginning. We're just gonna lay those together and then we're gonna trim the backing to be the same size as the top. So we made our backing bigger than the front so that when you trim it down, you're not gonna see any funny edges from your quilting where you start and stop. So now I'm gonna use Wonder Clips and I'm gonna clip all the way around to keep it in place. We're gonna go to our sewing machine and we are gonna baste this down about an 1/8 of an inch away before we put our binding on. So here you can make your stitch length super long so that you're just basting this down, so that when you add your binding, it stays in place. So all that's left on your WIP project bag is using your remaining two-inch strips to put binding. You can click the description box or watch Lisa Bongean's video here and you can put binding on your WIP project bag. It is super cute. I can't wait to see the bags that you guys make and I would love it if you subscribe to our channel. Thanks for watching and I'll see you next time. (lights buzzing) (camera reel clicking) (scissors snipping) (upbeat music)
Channel: Fat Quarter Shop
Views: 153,953
Rating: 4.9288521 out of 5
Keywords: project bags for cross stitch, fat quarter shop tutorial, fqs flosstube, easy vinyl bags
Id: 7cSJ_bMozwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 22sec (1402 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2019
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