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hi i'm donna jordan from jordan fabrics today we're going to make a table runner and it's called starburst this is a pattern for me and my sister designs and i was playing around with making the patchwork over the weekend and this is what it makes this really cool star shape so we're going to make three of these and then we're going to put them onto a square background and that is what's going to make up the table runner now to make this you do need a special template but what's nice is that the template is included in the pattern so when you open this up we've got this nice paper backed template already in here i don't think i've had a pattern before where the template was included and it's very convenient the pattern uses either two sets of charm squares or yardage i'm going to use charm squares to make mine so i have these nice colorful charms from robert kaufman called painterly petals and the only other thing we need is a yard and a half of a background and i'm going to use this it's a white on white there's just a little hint of color so it's not a completely solid background the first thing i'm going to do is open up my squares and separate them into two color stacks so you can see the pattern has clear red and green ones now mine have a lot of multi-colored fabrics and that's okay because my sample i made it doesn't have two clear colors and it still has a nice nice starburst there so i'm just going to sort of separate mine into two color stacks and i'm not going to worry about it too much if the color stacks are not real different all right i have two different color groups here we've got pink and yellow here blue and purple there and i'm going to sub cut all of these squares now i can't give you the sizes of the sub cuts because it's not my pattern but i have made a lot of me and my sister's designs and they're very easy to follow and now i'm going to cut some background everything is cut now we have small background squares two different stacks of our colored squares big background squares and we're going to take all the small pieces over to the sewing machine all we have to do is make some four patch blocks so they're all going to go like this darker square here lighter square here two background squares so let's pull off the pieces for our first block now i'm just going to put these right sides together and these right sides together stitch down here so i'm just going to slide them over use a careful quarter inch seam and i like to leave it on the machine i don't cut the threads off i just leave it right there and stitch the second pair now we're going to open this up and finger press the seams toward the darker print away from that background same thing on this one now we can put these right sides together and they're still attached so it's very easy to keep them in the correct position and that intersection matches up very nicely because the seam allowances are going in opposite directions so we can stitch right down here and we'll give the seam allowance a finger press again it doesn't matter which way this one goes just put it to one side and the block is done so i'm going to do that with all the rest of the blocks even though we finger pressed them we still want to give these a nice little ironing so i use a dry iron and then a little steam now we're ready to use that little template that came with the pattern so we're going to take one of our blocks here with this lighter fabric in the lower corner there and we're going to put the wide part of the template on top of that light fabric now you may be wondering it fits anywhere on there where do we put it see these little lines that are on the template we're going to line those up with our seam lines now hold that template down firmly along this side here and cut off the excess there and then we're going to cut this second side here so i'm going to move my fingers and hold it down firmly there cut that side now i'm going to have to turn everything around because i cannot cut left-handed so i'm just going to spin this and if you have a spinning cutting board of course you can use that now but you don't have to now we trim off these two sides so here is what we have now we have a nice wedge and this one has the light fabric on the bottom so we're going to cut half of our blocks like that the other half we're going to cut them using the same method but we're going to have the dark fabric down here where the wide part of our template goes and we're going to cut this the same way and then we're going to end up with half of our blocks with light on the bottom and half of our blocks with dark on the bottom i've got my stack with light on the bottom my stack with dark on them i've got both stacks ironed in half and we're heading back to the machine we want to stitch both of these short ends so i'm going to stitch right along here the edges are all lined up there and i'm just going to use a quarter inch seam and stitch right along here and it's really easiest if you do this to all of them in one long string because that way we won't get a lot of extra loose threads that we are going to end up having to trim off later so i'm just putting these one after another and leaving about a half inch between each one and it doesn't take very long now i'm still going to leave them all strung together in a big long string and i'm just going to spin this around start at this end and sew that little seam there so it's just a tiny little seam and then the next one will come so this saves a lot of thread snipping and it keeps everything nice and neat it goes really fast now i can trim these apart really fast and once those are all trimmed i'm going to use the exact same procedure with the second stack now we need to go back to the ironing board because we need to almost flip these right side out so here's what i'm talking about this little teeny seam here i'm going to open it up a little bit i'm going to kind of finger press it and smash down that little corner so that it looks a lot like that now i'm going to flip it so that that raw edge is on the inside and if you have a little pokey tool like this there's a lot of similar items you can poke that out and get a nice sharp point there and this seam allowance should line up with that fold that we made earlier so that's where it's going to go just like that now we're going to turn it around to this other seam here so i'm putting my finger inside here and i'm opening the seam and i'm kind of finger pressing it squashing it a little bit up against my finger especially where that seam allowance is there because it's kind of thick and i'm going to go all the way towards the point again and squish it down a little so it looks a lot like that now when i turn it put those raw edges in it's very easy to poke that out look what a nice point you get there now we're going to again line this seam up with that little fold that we've got there from earlier and pat everything down now take your iron give it a little steam press slide this one into place and that is what it looks like we've got a nice little square there and then kind of an odd shaped piece up there i have five with the big part light five with the big part dark and now we're ready to make our first starburst so we're just going to alternate these light dark light dark light dark light dark and then i'm gonna make sure i like the order these are in i don't want those two together so maybe we'll switch this with this one so they're on opposite sides and we've got a pretty nice blend there so now we're ready to stitch these together so let's start with these two pieces here this is the raw edge both these are raw edges so we're going to put these right sides together they are the same length and we are going to stitch along this raw edge with a quarter inch seam but i'm not going to start stitching here i'm going to start stitching down about half an inch so i'm going to slide this under here and then i'm going to go backwards to the end and then go forward all the way to the other end and then i'm going to backtack about half an inch now the reason i'm doing that is because i can trim these threads off and when we open this up there are no threads no loose threads there and no loose threads there so always start about a half inch down back up go to the other end back up so this seam allowance this is going to get opened up it's going to get pressed open you can either do it now or you can wait and do it at the ironing board either way is fine so this one it's going to fit right here so we're just going to take the next piece which is this one and stitch it on exactly the same way and i'm gonna keep adding pieces till i get all the way around the starburst okay this is my last piece here so let's sew it on to this side and now just that one last seam there we'll put it right sides together i'll get these last three last few threads off and we'll take it to the ironing board so look what we have here now we've got a nice star shape in the middle a nice star shape around the edges and i did finger press it so it's pretty flat but i'm going to go ahead and dry iron first and we'll steam it up there wow that is a lot of fun i've got all three of the starbursts done and now we want to take our background squares over to the ironing board i'm going to fold this in quarters and then give it just a little pressing so that i can see these fold lines because that will help us center up our starbursts on the background so i just did a gentle fold so you can see those lines there so these fold lines they will help us center this and line this up so i've got a fold line here going to that tip and a fold line here going to this tip but i've got it a little bit too high because these fold lines should be coming in to the middle there so it's very easy to get this exactly centered once you've got it lined up perfectly put some pins in i'm probably going to want to put a lot of pins in here so this doesn't move while we take it over to the sewing machine i've got it all pinned on and i'm going to edge stitch it so there are options here you could do a zigzag stitch you could do a decorative stitch the pattern just calls for edge stitching which means we're going to stitch very near the edge of the star here i'm going to stitch about an eighth of an inch away from the edge you could do a quarter inch if you want and every time i come to one of these seams then i'm going to pivot pivot all the corners so you'll notice i'm using a very light aqua thread you could use a thread with more contrast if you like because it will outline your starburst a little more all right i've gone all the way around the outside there now i'm just going to move to the inside of the star and this is a lot easier than i thought it would be i thought it would be hard i thought this this starburst might move but it's just staying put very nicely very fun and easy sewing around here okay that is the whole block so all i'm going to do is make three of these and we'll be ready to put the runner together all three blocks are done and if you've made it this far you are now at my favorite part of every pattern the part that says finishing so from here on out we're on the home stretch the steps are the same no matter what project we're making we're going to quilt it we're going to bind it we're going to enjoy it the first thing i did was stitch all three blocks together and i ironed it nice and flat i always like to iron everything before i get ready to quilt now we're going to make our quilt sandwich that means we're going to put our backing right side down and i'm using a blue grunge here which has a little bit of texture then we're going to put the batting down and then we're going to put our runner top right in the middle here and i like to whenever i can put my runner top a little bit crooked on my backing that is if i'm going to quilt this on my machine i don't have a walking foot i can't drop the feed dogs and it's a lot easier to quilt it if the backing is not on there straight now i'm going to pin all around the edges once you've got all those pins in you want to take it right to the machine and we're going to baste around the outside edges so you can use a long stitch and this is just to get everything to hold together until we're ready for the binding so i'm very close to the edge with a long stitch all the way around the outside now at this point i like to cut off the extra batting and backing you don't have to do it now you can wait till you're done quilting but i don't like to have a lot of extra bulk at my sewing machine so i'm going to get this out of the way so i'm just cutting it pretty much even with the raw edge of the top here i'm going to quilt in this same light aqua blue thread that we used around the edge here it won't show up very much there but it'll give a hint of color so first i'm going to go between the two squares then we'll start around those starbursts now i'm going to quilt down the middle of the blocks and i can still use this faint ironing line that we put in when we were centering the starbursts on the background so i'm just going to go right across the middle here now i can go the other way and hit all three blocks in one long line now i'm gonna go around the outside of the starburst and that'll kind of help give it a little bit more dimension coming around the last leg of that star and there really is enough quilting now if that's all the quilting you wanted to do it would probably hold together just fine but i think these blank areas need a little more so i'm not going to mark it with any sort of chalk or pencil or anything i'm going to make lines that go right along this patchwork here and instead of drawing it you can use your same pokey tool press your ruler down there and it just makes a little divot there so you only have to see it for a few minutes so it doesn't have to stay there permanently so i'll finish that over on this end here and i'm just going to do that between the other rows of patchwork so it's not adding much quilting but it's going to hold together very nicely then i can put the binding on and the runner will be done i've got the whole runner done here very very happy with how it turned out it was so much fun to make now you'll notice i added a little more quilting around here and all i did was go one and a half inches outside my previous quilting and it just it filled up a little bit more of the blank space now on the back side you can see these big starbursts with the quilting and even though my back was a little bit crooked to make it easy to quilt the grunge doesn't have a one-way pattern so it's perfectly fine if you were doing a stripe or something with a one-way pattern you wouldn't want to put your back on there crooked putting the back on their crooked makes it very easy for me to quilt this on my regular machine where i can't drop the feed dog and i can't free motion i really love learning new quilting techniques and i had never tried this where you fold the fabrics and stitch them all together and it was really fun making these blocks and what i like the best is that once we got all this part done we didn't have to try to fit in extra patchwork around the edges to make it square we just put it right down on top of the background and then quilted around it it's so much fun thanks so much for watching our tutorial today on how to make this starburst runner we hope you enjoyed it and thanks so much to me and my sister designs for coming up with such an awesome pattern now before we're done a giveaway i've made a number of these quilts they're called cutting corners let me put it on the table here so this is actually made from just one batik fabric and it gets cut and it gets turned and you get this kind of waterfall effect this one looks like a hot summer day like you can just jump right in the pool and it's got these bubble quilting patterns all over it dots on the back side now it's very easy to enter our giveaways all you have to do is click the link below that says giveaway and put in your name and your email address and you might be the next winner now if you like our videos and you want to support us the best thing you can do is subscribe to our youtube channel that really helps us out happy quilting
Channel: Jordan Fabrics
Views: 304,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Quilt, quilting, quilts, 12 block, log cabin, fabric, fabrics, pre cuts, table runner, table runners, sew, sewing, log cabin 12 blocks, Jordan Fabrics, Jordan's, jordan, floating point, Floating Point, Donna Jordan, Matt Jordan, Patterns, 4k, Batik Bali Batik, bali batik' sister's choice, tutorial, let's make, vlog, quilt shop, quilt store, EASY, FAST, SIMPLE, GENIUS, MAKE, STITCH, cut, chop, charm, square, squares, howto, win, giveaway, me, and, my, sister, sisters, love, artsmcrafts, craft, artisan, home, made
Id: TjS-TXxjByU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 25sec (1525 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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