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hi my friend it's pat sloan here and our last day of the month of july we have our tidy up challenge so i started thinking it won't be a good challenge to finish up the month of july and because i did a lot of scrapalicious things i think it would be nice to challenge you and maybe myself today to look at our scraps and determine if we are using the space for them efficiently are they are they just dumped someplace in a basket are they dumped like jammed into bags if you have stuff jammed into bags it takes up a lot more space than if you just laid them flat it's not like you have to go and iron them everything just get them out of the bag and lay them flat and put them back in you will see they take up so much less space you might also have been saving maybe a size of fabric that you have never ever used like some people like to cut it into sizes so if you are one of those and take a look today and see well yeah i am using that or like no i've cut these you know one and a half inch squares and i have never used them so then you know you move them on so that you don't have them taking up precious space in your home because we want you to have your most efficient workspaces at least that's what i like i mean i don't want stuff being bulky when it could be compressed down just by tidying it up and laying the things flat laying the pieces of fabric flat try it just try it i should have a baggie sometime and show you the difference for another day okay i want to go a little bit back over the basket of blooms um probably what i should have done yesterday on the video because not yesterday was one of those days you know i tape these every day for the most part i don't tape a bunch of them on one day i'm taping the day before you see it and just like you some days are great days other days you're on the struggle bus for whatever reason it might be and to be very honest yesterday i had a massive headache i have some of my neck is bothering me so i've gotten exercises for that and doing those gave me a headache and i had not anticipated that so when i got ready to do the video it was you know i was not playing i was not on my a game so if you were making the quilt and you noticed in the video the leaves were somewhat gigantic they weren't the right size because i didn't pre-cut them down to the size they were supposed to be and i didn't notice that until 10 p.m yesterday evening when i sat down to start working i was going to sew for about a half an hour and i looked at these leaves and i'm like these are totally the wrong size i didn't cut them down from the charm pack square so that is what real life is like uh particularly when you're struggling and not at your best uh it's hard to read directions and so sometimes you just need to not do it but because i'm doing daily videos i did it anyway and so now i have to show you that these were the leaves i showed you which were massively big so i had to cut out the size that it was supposed to be and so now i want to show you that and a couple other things so here we have the top part now of the basket of blooms so here's the pattern and now i'm like all good i don't have giant leaves the size of the flowers which would be super cool but not fitting into the space for the quilt now there are stems here and this actually the basket is further down as you see and then there's stems that come up right like this there's a center stem and the stems that come up so i want to talk to you about those two stems because they are so in flip but you have to be on your a game because you don't want to make them identical they need to be reversed so like this one goes on this side and then when i'm doing the other one you know it will be need to be turned eventually to be like that so just when you're playing around with it just you know be thinking what you're doing so here is the the square the process for getting this is to sew you're going to sew straight corner to corner corner to corner and here is this one i didn't cut it away so you can see i did corner to corner and then when you would flip it now the whole the whole square stays the same size as that green one it never changes so i would have this open and then the other side would have been all green okay so like this there you go see and then would you take the smaller one and it goes on the other side and again you're sewing corner to corner and that will fold across to be like this so here's the second one corner to corner now i have not trimmed away these parts but i will do that next not here but that's the next process so these will be ready and then i can work on getting getting the center part sewn up i do want to tell you that i had cut some wide strips from the pattern but i hadn't sub cut all the smaller pieces so that's what i did last night as well it's because and then these are all need to be sub cutted to do the scallop um so one of the things that i kind of observed last night when i was working on this is that i probably wish i had taken the pattern and sub cut everything so since i was cutting as sewing in sort of sections right now you know i would just allocate enough time in a week you know to sew one section not having it sub cut meant that i had to rethink back into the pattern again because i didn't write this pattern and i um you know so i had to rethink things and that was a waste of time if i had cut everything in advance and used all the alphabetties which are these little markers which are super fabulous so i just clip them on there next time when i'm doing a pattern like this i will do this sub cutting first and then go on to go on to just sew in parts that way i know where i'm at i know that it's cut i trust that i cut it and i don't waste time rereading the direction every week so that was a learning thing for me because i've been doing so many samplers you know and that uh not like a picture quilt like this broken down okay the august calendar uh i don't have it to show you because i'm in process while i'm videoing this to get it done so today is the 31st and it is if it's not up it will be later in today so check over in the link below all the links are below yes yes yes yes and the other thing i'm going to do today i'm going to take the liberty box the liberty box guy and i'm going to take this project and cut it up just like i described what i was doing for the vaseline blooms i'm going to cut this whole thing up so that i can just sew but i want to cut it all at once rather than trying to you know just do the heart or whatever yeah that's a good i think that's a good plan for these type of projects for me now might work differently for you but for me i think that's what's going to work best all right kimberly at the fat quarter shop made an announcement for the make-a-wish how much money was raised it is outstanding just outstanding you are an amazingly generous community she and her husband kevin are amazingly generous moda fabrics also mark done the owner donated to make a wish for this event like he has done for years so it was a hundred and twenty thousand dollars and a hundred twenty thousand and thirty seven dollars i mean just crazy good down below again is a link to the article at the fat quarter shop where it shows you some of the children whose wishes um were granted now i didn't i don't know if they've just been granted or what it is but you know they're all there they're just darling just wonderful wonderful one fella is no one little girl she's waiting for her wish but they told her what's coming and they show you this little chart that she's done it's just so cute okay we had a question that i thought was um oh yeah no first first first let me show you lois over in our community called along with pat sloane at facebook if you're not there once again link is below but you must come over because lois did what i would call the ultimate upcycle challenge for herself and the link is right to the article so that you can look at it but what lois did was she bought a bunch of aprons so here is like you know they thrifted she thrifted a whole bunch of aprons and then she challenged herself to to make a bunch of quilts with them and she didn't just make squares i mean she made some spectacular spectacular quilts like this one with these aprons so when you go over there give her some love for this challenge because man this was a cool one she did like such a neat job okay so the question i had i had a q a question today and i thought it would be fun this was from jane and jane asked about mixing neutrals like mixing beige white cream gray how does that work mixing those up so i think that's a kind of a question that's too broad it's too all-encompassing because for me mixing white and gray and cream all depends on the pattern it depends on what i'm going to put them into what they how they'll play together you know i can't just say to me my the way my brain works is i can't just hold a pile like this and say okay you know yeah they're all going to go together it depends on the pattern i also thought i would just show you a little bit here about what what those backgrounds look like together and so here's a lot of like this has got a like a natural color on this one and these are all more white here's like a pure white uh and so these guys are kind of more in the pure white family and then here is cream and then here is sort of tan and i also had these where they go i had some funky ones oh these were ones that my friend sent me from australia and they have almost like a gray background they're like pinky and so if you just put like these next to each other you may like it you may not but it really doesn't tell me anything doing this about how they're going to work together in a quilt because i don't know the quilt pattern if i know the quilt pattern that makes talking about this a whole lot different now she also asked about gray so i just pulled you know a handful of gray fabric and it's the same deal like white and gray i think you can visualize white with everything right so it's really a matter of do you like let's see like these guys like do you want to do a quilt block that has some florals and the little platypus guys um here we'll take the kangaroos whoops okay so like or the cockatiels there we go so like i think those would go in a great block you know what does the block look like is there another color in the block will it be adding pinks and greens too like does this go with this shade of gray here's a totally different shade of gray do you like it with that one it's like well what are you going to do with all of this you know here is a really light gray with flower pots now those to me just right away why i'm going well they they don't really blend as well for me and they're also very both light it's like it worked better when i got more contrast so that might be a hint for you but first of all that looks great together i mean first of all to make these work and maybe maybe your question if jane maybe if you asked your question again where you narrowed it down some then we do have a pattern in mind that you're trying to put a bunch of different things into what i find is that if i have smaller pieces in a bigger quilt i can move around different shades and they sort of uh blend towards each other versus a smaller quilt with big shapes then there's a hard contrast go from you know from this to this next to each other versus these being apart and smaller so i'm not sure that that helped any but if you have a more detailed question on this like you're showing me a quilt block and showing me a group of fabrics that you're trying to put into that quote block or to make a quilt with that blo you know block repeated then uh i can be more specific to what you're working on so if you have that you can either tag me at the group go along with pat sloan or you could that way everybody can enjoy it that would be really good all right so take a look at your scraps make a little um tidy up today of some sort with your scraps have a scrapalicious weekend my friends we will be rolling into august i love you see you online
Channel: Pat Sloan
Views: 13,648
Rating: 4.9775462 out of 5
Keywords: picking fabric for a quilt, messing up quilting
Id: _M0fK_18d0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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