How to Make a Scrappy Disappearing Rail Fence Quilt Block - Episode #5 Working Our Scraps Off

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[Music] hi everybody it's claudia from create with claudia hope you're all doing well today is my fifth episode of our working our scraps off series it's a new it's fairly new youtube series i do one episode a month where we take scraps from my scrap bin and make a new project and they're short they're easy they're fun and they're great scrap busters and they're not always quilting related last month was a decoupage project so i try to mix it up a little bit and this month we're doing a quilt block but before we do that i wanted to get into something else i wanted to do a quick shout out to zappy dots to show you the gorgeous top they gave me to take a look at they actually sent me two tops a pair of leggings and i am in love with this top and this is what i'm wearing today it's the v-neck flare and it's the cafe facet and let me write i wrote it down it's the row flowers his row flowers pattern and it's just a great t-shirt i really like it number one i like the v-neck and number two i like the longer arms i do not i'm not a fan of my upper arms i know a lot of people aren't but um this i love that this is longer and also the length is longer i'll show you a picture of a full-length picture of me in it but the length is longer too it's almost a tunic length which i like i don't know if it's quite as long as that i'm not sure exactly how long it is but they sent me this one to look at they also sent me a gray one gray with some dots in it which is really pretty and that is called and i'll show that up on the screen too that is called nightfall by planted seed designs and lastly uh well actually not lastly they sent me two other a few other things they sent me these gorgeous leggings and there's a picture of me in them and that's jupiter also by k facet i love those i don't wear them everywhere because they're kind of bold but i absolutely love them they're lots of fun and then last but not least they sent me these things and i zoomed in the camera a little bit for these last two items these are this is a needle minder it's a magnetic needle minder i absolutely love it uh this is one thing they they sent me as well to take a look at it's perfect especially when i'm sitting at the evening i like to stitch in front of the tv and i used to use the arm chair and i'd use that as a pin cushion this is much better and my family thanks me because every once in a while they'll find a needle like on the floor in the in the armchair and the other thing was this magnetic needle tin love this too it has a magnet in it and it holds a lot of uh needles in it too so again thank you so much to zappy dots for sending me those items but now let's get started on our fun project for this month for the working our scraps off youtube series this month we'll be making a quilt block and i chose white and blue again i've said that a couple months past i have a ton of blue scraps i obviously make a lot of blue quilts or a lot of quilts with blue in them so i'm trying to use up some more of my blue scraps i need to empty some of these boxes to make room for more scraps but anyway this is called a disappearing rail fence quilt block it's a lot of fun once a year i try to do or throughout one year i try to do a scrap quilt i just it i sort of a little bit of a game to me and what i do is i decide that i'm going to make a quilt i choose a block pattern and i just use scraps it's kind of the rule of my little rule that i make for myself that i only use scraps for my bin although sometimes i need to fill in like let um you'll see the quilt i made with this block last year i did need to fill in a couple teals because i didn't have a lot of teal scraps but today we're going to be making a blue and white version of this block so what you're going to need let me tell you what you're going to need so i want to show you really quickly the quilt i made with this block and i'm going to show you a full picture i'm going to show you a quick version of it right now but at the end i'm going to stand up and i'll show you the whole thing because it's really i i'm really happy with this quilt i really love it and again all scraps from those plastic bins with the exception of a couple of teals where i cheated um but here is the block hopefully you can see it let's see that's probably not um let me hold it up like this you can sort of see this is one block like so and i use i made this into like a rainbow uh quilt i used all different colors of my scraps and then um put them all together so like i said i'll show you at the end but this is the block that we're making sort of this square right here and it's easy and fun and a little bit different it looks similar to i think it's i've seen like a disappearing log cabin or something like that or some type of log cabin but this is different in that has a nice diagonal line right down there in the center it also makes it a little bit trickier to put together when you're assembling the whole block but it just use that quarter inch seam allowance that scant quarter inch seam allowance excuse me and you should be good to go so to make this block you're going to need four rail fence block blocks and to make one rail fence you need and the way i did it with mine now you can do any color combination you want but i like that white because it sort of offsets and actually let me pull that back i like the white because it adds that interest there in the center and then the outside it sort of sets off it adds a nice little secondary pattern and you'll see that i showed you the picture um on the screen and i'll show you at the end in the quilt but you could use maybe black i thought about doing that like a fall one with the black instead of the white i thought that might be pretty too but anyway you're going to need for one rail fence block you need three strips a white one that's two by five they're all two by five inches by the way all the strips and i make i that made it easier for me because throughout the year when i got some scraps i would just cut some two by five inch strips and then you need two in the color that you're doing or whatever colors you want to do and basically basically excuse me you're just going to piece those together it's very simple and i have two here i've already done two and i'll show you what we do next but right now what i'm going to do is i'm going to go ahead and piece these together and you to make one of those bigger blocks the disappearing rail fence box you need four regular rail fence [Music] alrighty so here are finished rail fences the ones i just sewed and i'm going to lay them like this with the white stripe on top and then i'm going to show you already cut two just so you can see get a good idea because you're going to cut these on the diagonal but the trick is you're not going to cut them all the same on the diagonal and when i was making my quilt i actually did this a couple separate days so i wouldn't get confused and i did one pile i sort of separated my blocks did one pile when i cut them this way and then one pile when i cut them this way but essentially you're going to cut them on the diagonal one two of them for one block you need cut two of them from the top left corner down to the right bottom corner and that's if your white stripes on top and then for the other two you're going to cut them diagonally from the bottom left corner up to the top right corner sort of like i did with these two here so you can see those a little bit better so i'm going to do that really quickly and just really careful with your trimming better put my glasses on okay there's one and it is a little easy to get mixed up with these so like i said i definitely i actually did these on separate days when i made that quilt because i had a lot of blocks for that quilt okay so here you go now here's this fun ready to be pieced together some more now what you're going to do is you're going to play with these a little bit you're going to mix them up and what you want to do is you're going to pair them up and this is where it gets a little tricky so and you just sort of want to i like to mix them up so that they're different fabrics together you want to pair up so that the white is together like so and the blues are together like so and then you're going to sew down that seam and you definitely want to pin when you're doing that and you're going to sew down that seam a quarter inch and you're going to do that with all of the pairs so i'm going to pair this one up and i'll sew those together let's see we'll pair that one up because to make the larger block you're going to need four of these units all together two like this having two like this and then two like this all right so there you go and you can see how it mixes up and like i said the more scraps you use the scrappier this is and you can really have fun with it and play with it like in in my quilt so basically what i'm going to do next is just sew these together again like this pinning you want to pin i always lick my fingers when i pin you want to get nest those seams and you want to pin right along there so you get a nice crisp corner and when i do that i'll just go take this over the machine and when i'm done with that you're going to press those open and then we might need to trim these down a little bit usually i ended up having to trim them down a little bit because you're cutting all different ways and you're sewing a lot of it's on the bias so they might stretch a little bit all right so here are four blocks and now we need to trim them down because like i said they do get warped they do because you know you're moving uh you're sewing some of the pieces on on the diagonal that sort of thing i trim them down to four and a half inches square they're almost there it just needs a little bit of trimming and i always start with this the uh inner corner and that'll be my four and a half inch mark and you just want to make sure when you're using that's why this ruler is really great for that with the diagonal line i line that up on that seam it can be a little hard depending on the colors you're using like this navy is a little hard you want to give yourself plenty of wiggle room and you just want to wait it's really hard to see with that navy you'll line up that diagonal line there making sure that you're four and a half inches it's very scant cutting it's not a lot you don't need to cut a lot let's see move it up a little bit sorry it's taking me a little bit it's hard to see it's also really humid today so it's kind of sticky all right and then you're going to trim off the edges if you need to but you can see just a little bit of trimming and then you're gonna put your four and a half inch mark there line it up here here and along the diagonal and then you have yourself one of the blocks for this disappearing rail fence and see that's i need to have so there we go so there's one block ready to go and this is how i did this with my quilt is i didn't sew the i didn't sew the rail fence blocks together until i had all of these done and then i started really playing with colors before i finished putting my block together so let me go ahead and finish these guys all right so these are done let me get rid of all these little scraps here and then like i said when you have a huge sack of these it's a lot of fun but we're just doing one which is fun too but and then what you're going to do is you're just going to sew them on opposite sides like that now if you really were ambitious you could play with those center ones like maybe do a lighter and a darker and then you'd have a real fun uh area there and and that might be really interesting even give you more interest as well as this side maybe you if you want to do black and white or black and white that kind of you can really play with these a lot it the colorations are really interesting especially with that diagonal line you can almost make an optical illusion out of them and some of them on my quilted i ended up doing that without even trying but the next thing of course you're going to do is you're just going to piece this together and basically i'll just throw this row and then piece them together like so so i'm going to do that and then i will show you how it turns out the one thing i did want to mention before i start you definitely want to pin at those seams you want to get those nicely you can see here a nice sharp see it might be easier on the white one there you go a nice crisp point there like that and you want to do the same when you're sewing them together [Music] okay so they're sewn together and now they're gonna i'm gonna piece them even more so the one thing i want to point out is i choose one direction just press in and i maintain that throughout the whole block or all of the blocks and in this case i pressed towards the one the side with the white on the outside it's up to you but that way it's going to make it easier when we put this block together because you will know that there's a this this is the tricky part of this block is that seam that's that center seam and you want to pin pin pin and hold your breath when you sew especially when you're done and you open it up i always like to pull back and just peek real quick just to make it's hard with the navy i will say that maybe it makes a little bit harder to see the see it but and then what i'll do is i'll pin here making sure it's nice and flush [Applause] and you're going to sew let me get a pin to point hopefully you can see this you want to sew right where those you can see where the threads uh the seams sew over each other there's a point right there and you just want to sew on that when you're sewing this length together and again pin on those seams [Music] okay so before i go to present let's see we'll take a peek make sure my let's see oh it is i'll take it i will take that whoo that always makes me a little nervous you get a little bump now you can when we press it that'll go away it should you can also fold these over a little bit just so you don't get that that sharp bump in the middle i'll show you that in a second but i'm gonna go press this and then we can take a look at it all right so here it is here is my disappearing rail fence absolutely love it there you can see it on the the diagonal or said excuse me set on point i will talk just as briefly about this center point there is a little bit of a bump there you will get that some people are really good at like clipping the seams so that it opens up and it lays flatter this is flat enough for my taste um a couple years ago i started trying to clip my seams and i'm envious of people that can do it because i cannot because i think about i had like 10 blocks to do and i think five of them i ended up snipping through the whole fabric and had to redo them and i vowed to myself never again so it's not a method i do but by all means look at it it does that make things uh lay down really flatly it's nice but this is not that this bump is not that bad in my book and once it's all quilted and everything you won't you won't notice at all in fact i don't even notice it now so here's the block eight and a half inches square when you're all finished you might need to trim it up a little bit i don't think this one actually matches just fine so i'm not going to bother with it i love the way this turned out great great great scrap buster and i'm going to zoom out the camera and stand up and show you that quilt uh how this block fits into that quilt but this is my disappearing rail fence eight and a half inch block this is my fifth project in our working our scraps off uh series okay so it's really hard in this little studio i just do this into my basement to get the full length of the quilt so i'm going to hold it up and i'm going to flip it over so you can see the whole thing and again i have pictures up on the screen of the whole quilt in various settings because i really love this quilt and this is one that i'm not going to be selling i'm going to keep this one so here's the one side and you can see how the different fabrics work here we go i'm going to flip it over one more here's the lighter with the greens and the yellows and last but not least here's the long here's the longer side so there you go there's my quilt you get an idea of it like clutching it i just i love this quilt and then here's the block that we did today so i really hope you enjoyed today's project it was a little bit different it's the first quilt block we've done i hope you try it and actually make a quilt out of it i'd really appreciate it if you hit that subscribe button i always love new subscribers and that way you'll never miss an episode just ring that little bell too at the bottom when you're subscribing um and that way you'll get notified when i have new videos for the working our scraps off series i do try excuse me i do try to post uh every the fourth friday of every month and again this was episode number five i also have a great facebook group the link is in the description to the video that you can join it's a private group but you can join it's called working our scraps off so head over there and take a look at it it's lots of fun where it's a small group but we're getting bigger and people do post a couple pictures here and there and it's a great way also to be notified of my scrappy projects so thank you so much for watching and have a great day
Channel: Create with Claudia
Views: 22,019
Rating: 4.9445086 out of 5
Keywords: quilt tutorial, scrap busting, scrap quilting, scrap fabric
Id: v_JkahCywZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 5sec (1145 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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