Behind the Seams: Celebrating National Jelly Roll Day plus live tutorial on how to trim up blocks!

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(upbeat music) - Hey guys, it's September 18th, 2020, I'm Kimberly Jolly from Fat Quarter Shop. And I have a ton of stuff to show you today. This live stream will probably be two hours. So I've got a lot of stuff for you. I'm gonna have to break it up into bits, so that it all makes sense. But tomorrow is National Jelly Roll Day, and we have a coupon. So, we're gonna show you that coupon, that coupon will be good today and tomorrow. And it expires tomorrow at midnight Central Standard Time. So, that is your coupon, at the very end of the show, I'm going to show you a bunch of jelly roll quilts that you can use. So if you buy a jelly roll 20% off at Fat Quarter Shop, I've got lots of patterns for you. And a lot of them are free. So, I wanted to let y'all know that upfront, but what I'm gonna start off with is just talking about how to make a block bigger and trim it down. So, this is going to be very advanced. If you're a very new quilter, it might throw you off. You might hate it. This is something I'm super nervous about doing, cause I've never done this, but I'm showing you exactly what I do in my sewing room. You might not like it, you might like it. But what I'm gonna do today is just show you what I do. And then you can take the parts that you like and apply it in your sewing room, but don't feel like you have to do it this way. I know that a lot of the things that I'm about to show you wastes fabric. So I'm gonna tell you that upfront, but a lot of you wanna know how I get things accurate, and I'm gonna show you that today. And next week, I'm gonna also show you different tips with the Sewcialites first block. In last week's livestream, I got ahead of myself and thought that this was the 25th, (giggles) but it's not, I just got a week ahead. So I apologize for that mistake. I was just, (giggles) so excited about Sewcialite starting. So, Sewcialite is going to be a free sew along, and it's gonna start next week. So I'm gonna kind of start with different things that I do in my sewing room first. So, this idea, is not mine, it's Lori Holt's. So, Lori Holt told me to do this eight years ago, when I first met her, and I thought she was crazy. I was like, "Uh no." But now that I'm really trying to use scraps more. I finally, after eight years listened to her, and she sent me, a label maker for my birthday in March. And I thought, "You know what? I'm gonna finally do what she said to do." Because she sent me that label maker. She just sent it to me because she thought I needed it when she came to my house. And I was like, "I'm not gonna buy a $50 label maker." So she bought me one, I put a link to the one that ... An affiliate link below, to the one that she bought me. And I got these little bins at Michael's. We also have a link to those below. When you get the bin, it will come with like a tray and the top. And I just throw that tray away cause I don't use it. (closing container) So what I'm doing here is I am saving two and a half, three and a half, four and a half, five and a half, and six and a half inch squares. So when I'm done with a big piece of fabric, and I will be showing this throughout Sewcialites. And I'm done with it. For example, if you subscribe to our Designer Mystery Block of the Month, you will know that you get a lot of fabric leftover because we want to do that in case you make a mistake, that you don't have to call us to get more, that you have enough to make some more from. A lot of you guys this year are making six inch blocks, and you're making the 12 inch, and then you're making your own six inch, which I think is great. If you're not ready to do that, you could trim it down, and put it in this box. Now my rule is, it only goes in this box, if it is a hundred percent starched. So that I know, if it's starched or unstarched. And then I'm gonna take these, and do something really fun with them with Lori. She's got something fun coming up that, I'm gonna be able to incorporate this with. And I don't try to make a square out of every single ... Like with my leftover fabric, everything. I basically take the fabric, see which ruler ... The biggest ruler that will fit on my leftovers and cut that, and then cut smaller ones. So, I have a lot of different sizes, but I don't try to get five squares. I just try to get what's left over. So this is a new thing that I'm doing. And I started it like in April. So these are kind of my leftovers. They're great to use with any of Lori Holt's books, because they're scrappy. It's also great to use with our foundation paper piecing. We have a six inch and 12 inch. It might not work with the 12 inch because the pieces aren't that big, but you could definitely make log cabins, or economy blocks or pineapple blocks, out of these leftovers. So that's the first thing I wanna show you. So let me know if y'all have questions on that. I'll kind of show you, let me show you one in the upper camera. So for example, this one, if I rifle through it, you're gonna see all different kinds of fabric. So that's Fig Tree, Fig Tree. These are leftover from my scrappy September table runner. I'm not sure who that is. Fig tree, Bonnie and Camille, Bonnie and Camille. A lot of these are from the one that I made this weekend. And then this stack is kind of my leftovers from when I did Moda block heads. So these are Minick and Simpson fabrics. I might have two squares, of the same fabric in here. That's okay. Just whatever I can save, I save. I've seen some Sweetwater, there was Fig Tree. This one is got a lot of Lori Holt on it. This one has Edyta's fabric. So when I did the Edyta free sew long, I saved all the leftovers from that. And then here's Lori's fabric that is leftover from something I'm gonna show you. Kind of in the middle. So this is kind of just a way to, if you want to save your scraps. (closing bin) It's one thing that I do. So I was gonna show you that now again, Lori Holt gave me that idea. So that is not an original idea that I came up with. That is her idea that I am using her knowledge, for my benefit, I guess. So that's kind of the first thing, but I did wanna say that, sorry, I dropped something. So kind of what I do is I always have these rulers. These are my must have rulers. And I use these every time I'm in my sewing room, all of them. So what I do is when I'm leftover, I cut ... These are the rulers that I use to cut my leftovers with. I just cut around all four sides. So I don't have to think with a bigger ruler. And like I said, I'll put it on my fabric. So for example, if this is my leftover fabric that I have from our project, and that's all I have left, I will put that on there. And I would either do one, three and a half inch square, and one, two and a half, or I would do two, three and a half inch squares. So I kind of just ... And then that makes it where you don't have to think if you have a bigger ruler, and you can save whatever you can before you throw away just the leftovers. So that's one thing. And these are all tips on how I get really accurate blocks. I use endurance blades. The one thing about them is they're really expensive and they only come in a single pack. So I wish they came in a multipack, so you could use ... Save a little bit of money. That's the only downfall that I would say. I change them maybe every eight hours or so. So endurance blade helps me be accurate. Another thing I do is I use cones of thread, and I will show you, this weekend I ran out of my thread. It took me, what month are we in? September, it took me eight months to do it, eight and a half months. So I started this January 1st. And I use color 2000 for almost everything. Like Lori Holt uses white. She uses like color 2024. So, it's really personal preference. Each designer, each person who sews, does what they feel most comfortable with. That's my color 2000, but it's okay if you use a different color, and you can use whatever you're comfortable with. But I was so proud of this. I was like, "I'm gonna show my leftovers." (giggles) - [Lilly] Yah! - So, I do that to save money. And I bought these off of Amazon. We'll have to put an Amazon link to them. I think I gave that to Ashley, but I bought these just straight off Amazon. And you put them on your machine, where your thread goes, and then you put this on top. And it keeps it from moving around too much, because I'd never knew, I actually never knew how to do that. And I was scared of using cones. And I saw Gina Tell on social media posted about this. And so I copied her. So thank you, Gina. And she was like, "Oh, I just ..." I texted her, and she said, "Oh, I just got them off Amazon." So that's what I did. And it does help it stay on your machine. So, I use cones now. Of course, if I have some smaller spools, I will definitely use them, but this is a way that you can use, this is, I don't know how much it is, but it lasted for 8.5 months. So that's pretty awesome. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - So this is one thing that I do. Another thing that y'all had asked about was my needles. So, I got these little containers they're called Iris. I got this idea from Lori also. So you're gonna see a lot of what I'm showing you is from Lori, but I'm giving her credit. (laughs) She had these in her house, and I thought, "Well, I'm gonna get some like this." So, I have had these for probably five years. I basically went, and just bought a bunch of needles, and just throw them in here. And I haven't had to refill this in forever. I generally use 80/12, which is right here. I also have a couple of others, like 90 and 75. This is like a 75 you could use for applique. So I basically will save money by just buying a bunch of these, and then not have to feel ... I don't want to have to worry about buying needles. So, when I use this up, I'll just buy a bunch more, and then I don't have to think about it. And speaking of that, another thing I do, to save time, because to me it's all about time- - [Lilly] Oou! - Is I wind all these bobbins at one time. So this took about 45 minutes, and I wait. So, basically I probably didn't do this since January. These are just colors that I have wound that, I would use on applique or top stitch, like a pink, navy, red, green. If I'm sewing with, let's see, I'm like a civil war, like a civil war fabric, I would do like a darker gray. So I don't have very many in here cause I don't really so with that. So I bought all of these bobbins off of Amazon. They go with my Juki, and you can see that a lot of them are not even Juki brand. They're a little bit thinner. They're not as heavy basically, but I just bought a huge pack. And when I'm done with all of these, this section, I wound all the bobbins at one time. So I don't in between projects, start, stop, start, stop. This is gonna last me for say nine months. So this is something I've always done. This is kind of like a little thing. (bobbins falling) It's not supposed to fall out when you turn it over. But, (laughs) I have more in here than you're supposed to have. You're only supposed to have like six, but so that's why, but I don't know that they make this anymore, but I any kind of bobbin holder. You could obviously just put bobbins, in something like this also. And you can see kind of, I've got threads, they're going everywhere and that's okay. But this is one thing that saves time. So I'm trying to show you kind of what I do, what saves me time. And this is, Oh, Lilly brought this for me. This is my 80/12s. And I use the Schmetz brand. I can't attest to anybody else's needles because I've only used these. So I've gotten some questions on other brands, but I'm kind of one of those people that I use it, it works, why change? So, there's that. And then I'm gonna take questions in a little bit, but I'm gonna keep going so I can show you, what else? So these rulers are very important. This is like, if I was quilting and didn't have these, I would just walk out of the room. I would say, "No, no, it would take too long." (laughs) Okay, the two sewing machine feet I use are here. This one came with the machine. And this is just like an open, it's just open. And so if I'm going to do quarter square triangles, or triangle paper I use this one, and then I use quarter, inch, foot, that's it. These are the only two feet I use. Of course, I could do a walking foot if I'm doing binding or quilting, but I don't ever do quilting. And I haven't done binding that in a while, but those are the only two feet that I use. I don't use special feet, I don't spend money on that. This is also something that I use a lot. It's a new seam roller by Lori Holt. She based it based on a dough roller. So she took an antique dough roller, that she has cause she has like 50 of them. And we mailed it and we had this made, and it's awesome, and it does save time. So I wish I had this 10 years ago. The last thing that I do, this is the most important. So can we show from the front camera? Well, let me, yeah. So basically this has been. I have had this ... Let me say I got this at home goods, super cheap, super inexpensive, like a long time ago. (giggles) Lilly, how many years have you worked for me? - [Lilly] Two and a half. - Okay, so I probably got it like four years ago, something like that. So before Lori sent me the label maker, I just kind of had these in wherever, but then she sent me the label maker, and I was like, "Oh, I can put the sizes." So I put one inch, two inch, three to four, and five to six. (twisting container) And I also have a seven, I just haven't labeled it yet. So this would have like one inch, one and a quarter, one and a half, one and three quarters. This would have two inch, two and a quarter, two and a half. This would have like three, three and a half, three and three quarters. So it's kind of the range of one to two, two to three, three to four. And then these are just my extra rolls that I have leftover. Like this is probably, yeah, this is four inch. And then when I'm done, okay, go to the upper camera. Thank you. One of the things that I do is, when I tape, I tape it using Lori Holt's Washi tape, but sometimes you won't see the size when you roll it up. So when I close it, I usually just write a little note. So it's easy for me when I pick it up to find the size, and these save me a ton of time. The one that we're gonna be featuring today is the two inch roll, which is right here. And it's triangles on a roll, it's my favorite brand. - [Lilly] MMhmm. - And I'm gonna show you how to use that. I'm gonna see if I have one that's already opened this. One's already open. Yeah, this one's already open. So, you can just get a simple bucket, organize them, use your label maker and stay organized. And so let me take questions. That was just a general overview of what I use most in my sewing room. I tried to think of ... Because so many of you are asking how I get accurate blocks. And so all of these tools that I just showed you, are essential. I don't really use anything else. The only other thing I can think of that I use, obviously is my rotary cutter, which is the ... Although I do use the ergonomic. I learned on this Rotary cutter, and I don't know how to use any other. I really stumble, if I try to use another one, Lilly can attest, I probably cut my finger off. (giggles) And then I also use these two things, the scissors. So, I use the yellow Omni grid scissors. They are extremely sharp. So I have cut my finger, like basically like that several times. They are very sharp, they were very expensive, but I will say, you're paying for what you get. And it's really good quality. And then these are some newer scissors that, we put in the Sew Sampler box. And they are really nice because they're sharp, just like these. So, I use these scissors and I use the starch. Let me show the starch real quick what I do. And then I'm going to take questions. Sorry, I'm talking a lot. - [Lilly] It's okay. - So, what I do with starch, put these over here. I brought a towel, Lilly brought a towel And I'm gonna show you how I starch. I've learned this from Lisa Bongean. So Lisa Bongean came to film with us, probably eight, seven, six years ago, long, long time ago. And she had just come up with this method. I had seen it on her Facebook, and I was like, "Can you show me?" So this is Lisa Bongean's method, I'm using it, but I did not invent it. A lot of these things, I didn't invent, a lot of these things are things that I've learned from other people. And so if you like them, you should try them. This is a fabric that I had, from yesterday's video, and it's not starched. So I'm gonna show you how I starch, and talk through what I do. We do have several videos on this, so you can refer to those and we can link below. So, from the top camera, this would pretend, this is my irony board at home. This is the starch that I use, it is Niagara original hold. I used to use a different one that is now discontinued, Niagara bought the company Faultless. This one is called original hold, I like the feel of it. The only thing that I don't like is, it has a dura fresh scent technology. So it smells like flowers. So if you don't like the smell, that would be my only downside for that. So, I have two drying racks, but pretend this is, pretend I'm in my sewing room and this is my ironing board. I take this, and I saturated. So I'm gonna show you what I do. I completely cover. Now, you wanna do this in a ventilated area, which is why we're only doing a small piece here. And when you look at this, it is 100% saturated. So, it's soaked. So then you would take this, and put it over a drying rack like this, and let it hang in about eight hours, it should be dry. So that is how I get the fabrics, that look like this. After this dries, it will be very firm and crisp like this. So all of these are what I'm gonna be showing you today. These are leftovers, from the project that I'm gonna show you, and they're starch already and dried. So there's that. Okay, so now I am gonna answer questions. (laughs) And I'll move this to the side. - [Lilly] Okay, the first question here from Lindsay Z, "Do you suggest beginners do this type of storage too?" - Yeah, I think so, I think it's good. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - And one of the things that helps me with the boxes having them is, in my stash, I have starched and unstarched. And I have all these little scraps. Well, the little scraps, if they're in the box, I know they're starched. So I don't have to think. If I have yardage, I'll try to put a note like inside. I'll put a little sticky note inside starch to unstarched. Sometimes I can just tell that it starched, but I can't ... If I worked on something one month, and I have leftovers that I'm gonna use in five months, I'm not gonna remember if I starched that or not. (giggles) I mean, most of the time I have, but it just kind of helps me know, "Yes, this is starched." - [Lilly] Mhmm. From Elizabeth Hershey, "If you starch, does that mean you always wash your fabric first?" - I never wash my fabric ever. When you starch, your fabric will shrink, a quarter to half inch on one side, and the other side will stay the exact size. So if you have a layer cake, and you starch it, one of these might be a layer cake. It will come out in nine and a half by 10. So if you're working on a pattern that needs that full layer cake, you can not starch. You can starch to jelly roll because it will shrink across the length, not the width, but your charm packs. If you need that full five inch, you can not starch. But it does basically the same thing as washing because it shrinks it. And a lot of people ask, "Do you wash, after you have it quilted?" No, I don't like the way it looks when it's washed. - [Lilly] That's funny. From Teresa, "Do you plan to sort by color as well? Like Lori does?" - No, because I don't have enough stash by color. (laughs) Hold on. I dropped something, no, I don't have enough. I don't have nearly as much as she does, but what I do have in my, "little container," that she helped me buy. It's a little Hutch. I have a lot of background prints, so I have like some yardage, cause I don't really have a lot of yardage, so I will keep those by color, but I don't have a whole lot. So, if I had what Lori had, yes, but I don't, I don't have the room for it. - [Lilly] Mhmm. From Laura Ashcraft, "Do you cut strips?" - No, and Lori does. So Lori cuts strips. That's a little bit outside my comfort zone. I don't know why. And you know maybe that's what I should do because I have some extra bins. Maybe I'll do some strips and some other bins. I haven't done that yet, that's a good idea. - [Lilly] Oou! - But yeah, I haven't. - [Lilly] From MJ. "Do the endurance blades last that much longer than a normal blade?" - They do, they are much sharper. When they first came out, I'm gonna be totally honest. I was like, "Oh, whatever," that's like, (laughs) I don't wanna spend that much money. I was just like, "Whatever, that's a lot of money." And then we had put it in Sew Sampler box. And so I said, "Okay, well let me take one home and try it." And ever since then, that's all I've used. I feel like, especially if you have a lot of layers, five layers say. It's gonna cut through it like butter. And it's like, if you're using a regular blade, you might have to cut it twice. And again, in my sewing room, my goal always, accuracy and fast. So because what you're gonna see right here, I made in Sunday, Sunday one day, actually not even a full day, like probably four hours. - [Lilly] Ok. Okay, from Sheila Timoshoke. "What if your thread holder lays horizontal, Are you still able to use cones?" - I don't know the answer to that. - [Lilly] I think some people use like- - Oh. - [Lilly] A cup next to it. - Yeah. Okay, so you can buy a stand- - [Lilly] Or a stand. - A stand, I'm gonna let her answer too, but there's a stand. You can put it like behind your machine, and then pull it up and do that. And then what were you saying, Lilly? - [Lilly] I've just seen people who use, like, they put their cone in like a coffee mug. - Oh, in like a cup? - [Lilly] Yeah, like a cup and then they run it through- - They pull it over. - [Lilly] Yeah. But I think you have to have like that little- - This little thing or that thing. Yeah this goes up and down, but it would definitely have to be behind. You couldn't put it like that, I don't think- - [Lilly] No- - I mean- - [Lilly] I think it would go off- - Unless you're, got a husband, who's an engineer, who can (laughs) build a little insert. (laughs) - [Lilly] Okay, but if anyone else has suggestions, let us know in the comments. - Yes. - [Lilly] Okay, from Lori Mills, "What stitch do you use to piece together the pieces?" - I do a straight stitch, and I use like a 1.5 stitch length. And we're gonna go over that when I start stitching, and it is tiny, and it is very, very hard to pull out. The one thing I didn't mention was my Clover seam ripper. This is the only seam ripper I use. I've broken a couple of them over the years, maybe two- - [Lilly] Oh! - Over 10 years. They're great quality. I rarely have to use it. But when I do with that small stitch, it takes forever, to pull the stitches out. But this is the seam ripper that I use. - [Lilly] Mhmm. From Roberta. O'Brien, "Do I align my bobbins with Aurifil thread also?" - Yes. Yeah, so I use Aurifil. Now I have some friends like Anne Sutton. She uses pre-wound bobbins that she buys pre-wound. Well, she doesn't like to wind them. And then she uses Aurifil on the top, and the pre-wound in the bottom. Do whatever works for you. I just use Aurifil, I love Aurifil. That's what I have in my sewing room, so that's what I use. - [Lilly] And a few people are asking if we sell the pre-wound bobbins for the Juki. - We don't, so you can get those on Amazon. We can put a link below. I didn't even buy the Juki brand. I just bought like a pack of 25, or a pack of 50- - [Lilly] Okay- - I mean, years ago. So I just bought something really inexpensive. - [Lilly] Mhmm. From Loyola Grabow, "Where did you get the plastic storage container for the needles." - Okay, I'm gonna read you the name, I got it off Amazon. Iris, I-R-I-S, it's got like a little, can you do the upper camera? - [Lilly] Oh, sorry yes. - It's got like a little heart, can you see it? It's got a little heart in the corner. You can't really see it. - [Lilly] Kind of. - So, it says Iris. And it measures, let's see, six and a half by four and a half. And it's like maybe an inch, inch and a half high. So we can try to find it on Amazon, and put a link. I'm gonna take my needles. Take those needles home. (giggles) - [ Lilly] From Mimi Fraser. "Hello, from Nova Scotia. I have to give a shout out to Teresa Williams. Thank you, Theresa for your excellent service and helping me track my missing order that Fat Quarter Shop shipped to me a month ago. Great service. - Thank you. - [Lilly] Thank you. - We have had a lot of USPS issues, so I'm just throwing that out there. For whatever reason, we've seen an uptick in, lost packages, packages taking longer, and we apologize it's out of our control, but we do apologize for that. - [Lilly] Karen Augusta Johnson says, "Is there any issue with over-spray with starch and close to your machine?" - I don't know. I don't starch in the same room as my sewing machine. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - So I starch in a bathroom, open the windows. And when I'm done starching cause it will be a ton. I should've brought a picture. I shut the door, turn on like the shower vent, or the vent, if you take a shower that takes the moisture out, and keep that door closed so that I'm not exposed to all those chemicals while it's drying. And that dryer, is that what it's called Lilly? - Lilly] I think it's an air extractor. - Air extractor. So that helps it dry faster. And I don't want to hear the noise. So, I just shut the door too. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - But I don't know. I've never starched near my machine, I don't know. If you starch the way I do, you can't just leave it on your ironing table. I mean you could, but I wouldn't recommend it. It's gonna take forever to dry. The more it hangs- - [Lilly] Mhmm. - The basically the water, or the liquid, kind of drops out of it. And then it just air dries. - [Lilly] From Shirley Zones Hoover, "When searching larger pieces of fabric, how much can you get done with one can of starch?" (laughing) - Oh, I don't know, maybe a layer cake. I use a lot. So I went through, what did I tell you, Lilly? Or the beginning of the week, like four? - [Lilly] Yeah, several cans. - Yeah went through like four, six cans this weekend, but this weekend I was powering through. Let me tell you I'm getting stuff done. - [Lilly] Oou. - I am starching the Charity quilt, that we're going to be doing. Thank you, everyone for donating. We were at over $4,200, I looked right before it starts. - [Lilly] Wow! - I do check that number every day because it makes me so proud, to know that my customers are so nice to give money to Make a Wish. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - So I'm gonna be sewing that along with you guys. So I have all that starching, so I have about 20 cans right now. (giggles) I buy them on Amazon by the case. I used to buy them at Costco, which is where I would prefer to buy them. Kevin and I recently thought, we really need to go to Costco, because we're going back to school. We got to get all these snacks. And we went to the Costco parking lot, and we were like, "Yeah, no, we're not going in there." It was definitely not social distance. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - And I'm not comfortable. Lilly knows I haven't even been to Hobby Lobby in like a month. I really don't go anywhere that I don't have to- - [Lilly] Mhmm. - Really don't. I mean, I was thinking about maybe going to dinner tonight, just to get the kids out of the house- - [Lilly] Mhmm. - But I don't know, I'll have to email them. The problem with Friday nights is wrestling is on- - [Lilly] Oou! - WWE. (laughs) And depends if the match of that night is good enough. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - And they usually had announced the match like yesterday or today- - [Lilly] Mhmm. - And then yeah. So hopefully it's not a good match so that my kids will go to dinner. And we go to a place by our house. Then we go really early so that, we're kind of by ourselves. - [Lilly] Mhmm. From Brenda So-and-so, "Do you iron after the starch fabric is dry?" - So after it's completely dry and it's crunchy, let me find my fabric. It will be ... This is how it came off of what I starched. Oh, this is my binding. I can't cut into this. - [Lilly] Oou. - This is my binding. I'm gonna send to Gina. Let me put that aside. (laughing) So this I would iron, I would iron and the wrinkles will come out right away because it kind of takes the wrinkles before. And then I do use steam. So when I do the next block, you'll see exactly what I do. When I do the next step walking through this one thing, I will show you. - [Lilly] All right, from Mary Pankanen, "Can I use the Olfa blade in a Friskars cutter?" - Yes. So you just have to make sure the millimeter size is right. So like 45 millimeter, 28 millimeter, 60 millimeter- - [Lilly] Mhmm. - I noticed there's a new one out, that is a weird millimeter. A weird size, and I don't know I was gonna look that up, cause I was like, I don't know what that is. - [Lilly] Yeah, I think 45 is the most common, right? - Yes, so I use 45 mostly. If you're gonna do a lot of layers, you could do 60, which is thicker. I don't use 60 because there's no 60 ergonomic, and I really have a hard time, holding it if it's not ergonomic. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - And the one that I use at home is actually blue, because everything in my sewing room has to be cute. So, blue I'm waiting, you guys were so awesome because I talked about how I really wanted a pink one. And I guess like a long time ago they had a pink one that was the limited edition. - [Lilly] Oou! - So it's so awesome. And so I looked it up, it's really expensive. So I was like, "Oh yeah, I don't need a pink one." (laughs) people are selling them on like Etsy or not Etsy, eBay. - [Lilly] eBay, yeah okay- - And I was like, "Oh yeah, I'm not paying for that." - [Lilly] Yeah. (laughs) - But I think that's awesome. I want them to do a pink one, or aqua, or something, but ergonomic. - [Lilly] A sparkly pink one, sorry, that's what I want... - Oh yeah, absolutely. Well, Lilly wants sparkle. - [Lilly] I want the sparkle. From Bernadette Canis. "Do you unfold your fabric when you starch?" - Okay. So, let's show this. Can you show the upper? Okay, so pretend this is a half yard, it's not, but this is just a leftover right here. So it would be folded. I would starch on my table, folded over starch. And then, when I put it on the rack, pretend my arm is the rack. Then I would look. And if there's anything spotty or missing, I'll spray it. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - If there's a bunch of starch, and then there's one hole that doesn't, I'll just spray it. So I am a little starch crazy. So yes, I do fold it layer together. Now, if you're going to do a background print, that you have a lot of, I do those in bigger prints, are bigger cuts, but I just kinda in my mind, figure out what's gonna work for me. You can do half yard cuts. You could do ... I mean, last weekend I did 98 inches wide, three times, cause it's for a big quilt. So I just cut it, and then spray it. And then on that, say this is my rack, what is it called again? Shower rack, drying rack- - [Lilly] Drying rack- - So, say this is the bottom of your rack, and this is the top. And it's got a big thing. I take it and I open it, and I put it all over, and then it hangs off this side, this side, this side and this side, and I just let it dry. And the drying racks are very inexpensive. You can get them at Amazon. There's different, you can get like a $19 one. You can get a $60 one. It's just, you just want them to be plastic. If you wanna make your own, you could get PVC pipe, and just use PVC pipe. - [Lilly] Mhmm, from Lori Mills. "Do you press each piece as you go with an iron as you're piecing the blocks together? Or do you use the little roller in between?" - I do both. So I will show you kind of what I do. - [Lilly] Okay. - As we do the block. - [Lilly] Okay. - And it also will depend how much time I have that day. - [Lilly] From Linda Gillespie. "Is there a trick to make bobbins wind tighter, like slow down or speed up?" - Yes. So what I do, when the thread is over here, let me just do it. Do we have an extra bobbin? Yeah, I'm gonna show you what I do, because that is a very good question. So these are the cheap little bobbins that I got off Amazon. And this is what we have at work. So, I'm gonna just wind the bobbin. So what I do is I put it on here, pull my thread through the top, and every bobbin and every machine is different. This is just what I do. I put this on here. And when I wind, I do not do this. I don't let it just go. I put my finger right here, my finger right here. - [Lilly] Okay, Oh yeah. (machine rumbling) - Okay, the bobbin maker doesn't wanna work. Oou! - [Lilly] This Juki gets camera shy. - Oh my goodness, really? Okay, it's not working, but what I do is I hold this finger here the whole time- - [Lilly] Mhmm. - Because it keeps it tight, and it's not gonna jump off. Because sometimes your thread will just jump off, and then everything will get all crazy. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - So I keep my finger on that section. And that's how I keep it from making an ugly bobbin. Something to thread it while you'll ask the next question. - [Lilly] Okay. B Clark was asking, I have a 60 millimeter ergonomic Rotary cutter. Did they discontinue making it? - Oh, maybe they make it now, I didn't even realize it. - [Lilly] I think the 60 one has been around for a while. Cause Corey Yoder uses that one. - Okay, well then I was just wrong. - [Lilly] And they do also have the endurance blade, a 60 millimeter one, for that. From Gail Stafford. "What's the smallest size piece of fabric you keep as yardage." - If I have a little bit left, I just put it in those squares. The smallest yardage I would keep is probably half a yard, or three eights of a yard. Because this little piece that I have right here, this is my leftover. This was just sitting in my sewing room. I don't know what collection this is from. Oh, it's from early bird. This was sitting, cause it's Scrappy September. So I'm using this as binding for this, because I didn't want to have to buy anything. I did end up having to buy a border because I didn't have enough fabric- - [Lilly] Mhmm. - Or it didn't have one that I liked the way it matched. - [Lilly] All right, and then the last couple things here. Oh, let's see, Mike the Long Armer was saying, you can lower the thread, pull to half high to wind the bobbin. - Oh, this thing. - [Lilly] Yeah, I think so. - So, he's saying you can lower it to here. - [Lilly] Yeah. - Oh, that's a good idea, I haven't ever done that. - [Lilly] Yes, and then I think Nova was asking if we made sure the bobbin clicked, when you put it on the machine. - I did, it didn't- - [Lilly] Okay. - That machine is the devil. (laughs) We got a new one. And the only reason we haven't used it yet is, because we were going to film an unboxing- - [Lilly] Mhmm. - And that just feels so weird about doing the unboxing, that I just don't know if I'm going to do it. I don't know, it seems very ... It doesn't seem like me. So I think we're just gonna like call it a day, (laughs) and just not do that video. You guys had asked for it, but every time I think about it I cringe, because I think that it's gonna look, I don't know. - [Lilly] Oh, but yes, this is the camera shy Juki, and it was winding bobbins yesterday. - It's- - [Lilly] Not today. (giggles) - When we turn the camera on, it doesn't work. - [Lilly] Yeah. - I'm not kidding. - [Lilly] Especially live. Okay. We have a few super chats here, that have been coming in. First one of right before we started the show, was from Jim Craddick for $20. - Thank you- - [Lilly] Thank you so much, Jim. And then our next super chat is from Mary Lou Lyon, which I saw at the beginning, Mary Lou was having trouble doing the super chat. So thank you so much for, glad it got it to work and glad you, put in the super chat. She also put a little pear that says, "Goool!" - Oh, thank you. Sometimes I have trouble doing super chat. So I get it. - [Lilly] Mhmm. And let's see, the next one was from Valeria Bauer for $19.99. And Valeria says, thank you for being such a wonderful teacher. - Thank you. - [Lilly] Thank you Valeria. - I am super nervous today I told Lilly, I was like, "Oh, I'm so nervous." (laughs) Because I think what I'm gonna show you guys. I think y'all are gonna be like, "What is she doing?" But we're gonna see, we're gonna try to make it work. - [Lilly] Oh, I think it's gonna be great. (giggles) I think it's going great. From Sylvia Chick Park Bunani, just a very nice comment. She said, this is a masterclass and making life easier. So appreciated. - Thank you. - [Lilly] Yay! Also, people are chiming in that their Juki is act up as well or their sewing machines act up - Yeah, the one I have at home is golden. I've never an issue. So, I thought about bringing that to the set, because I know it works. I have had that machine for probably eight or 10 years. I don't know. And then taking the new one home, in case it has issues. But then I was like, no, but I love my machine. I don't want a new one. - [Lilly] Okay, and then a few new members that have been joining throughout the stream. Amy Valley, new member, welcome Amy- - Thank you. - [Lilly] And Carrie Palomadis welcome, Carrie. - Thank you. - [Lilly] And Karen Summer. Or Summer? - Thank you. - [Lilly] Welcome Karen. Oh, one more super chat that just came in right now, from Brenda Connolly for $5. Brenda says love Fat Quarter Shop and all the videos. Thank you for all you do. - Thank you. Okay, so I'm going to take a little break to go potty. So, I'm gonna let Lilly come, and show you what she's been working on with the Journey to Nebula. I'm probably gonna take a couple of breaks, since this one's really long. So that when I get into this, I'm ready to go. So, I will be back in like two seconds. I gotta get my mask, sorry. - [Lilly] (indistinct) you're good, I'm trying to grab everything. - [Kimberly] I could even make it an hour this time. - That's okay. (giggles) We're 45 minutes in. All right. Hello everyone. I'm Lilly, in case we haven't met yet. Let me just pull up here. Okay. I think I can control the cameras now. Let me see, yes, okay. So this is my basket for my Journey to Nebula. Journey to Nebula, for those of you who may not know it is a skill builder Sew Along happening right now, with Jaybird Quilts is leading up to, a block of the month called Nebula, that starts in January. And so, yeah, we're doing a few patterns from Jaybird using a couple of her rulers, and I'm joining on the sew along. So the last two weeks have been making a table runner. So here's my finished table runner. I'll go to the top camera. So, this is the Seaside, table runner, from Jaybird and I actually just finished quilting and binding this last night, actually even piecing it. This last chunk here wasn't even pieced. (giggles) I did quilt it myself at home, I just did straight lines. Cause that's what I can do confidently. I feel very confident about my binding now, which is something. Cause I haven't felt as confident about binding ever, very excited about that. And I'm really happy with how my table runner turned out. I was very worried at first when I was piecing the first couple of rows here, that it was looking extremely busy, (giggles) but now that it's all kind of together, I'm like, "Okay, it looks like cohesive. It looks put together, there's a theme." So that's my table runner. And this next week, what we're gonna be doing for the sew along, just push it that way. Is we're going to be working on Lucky Charm. These next two weeks, this week is the cutting for the Lucky Charm, and the stuff I'm using for that is, check it out Kimberly, I can go to top camera from up here. (laughs) So I'm using a Charm pack from the Liana fabric collection. I'm using Liana throughout the whole skill Journey to Nebula. Liana is by Kimberly Kight, a Ruby Star Society. And then this is also from Liana. It's like the golden checked fabric, golden line fabric. Cause it's a rose gold. If you guys can kind of see a little bit better. Oou! And yeah, so that's what I will be using to make the Lucky Charm. This fabric is just for like the back of the pillow. I'm gonna do an envelope back. And for that cutting, we will be using the Hex N More ruler. Oh, hello, that's my reflection. (laughing) Yeah, and we will be using it to cut, the shapes. All right. So, that's it for this little intermission right now. We can chat a little more later. Lori, I see your comment. Thank you so much for your compliment, I appreciate it. Sorry, question from Lisa Clark, "Hi, do you hand bind?" No, I tried hand binding once, and I didn't have the patience for it cause I'm not fast at it. Cause it was my first time doing it. So, I just machine bind my quilts, yes. Okay, intermission one, done. (giggles) - Thank you Lilly. (giggles) Okay, so what am I gonna show now, I'm gonna try to break it down. So, and this was me kind of getting ready for next week Sewcialites. So this weekend on Sunday, I made this table runner. So, this is one side, and this is the other. It is from the brand new Bonnie and Camille book called Quilt Bee. This is called Wish table-runner. And so, you can see that it uses this block. Can you do the upper camera? Sorry. So this uses this block and in the book, it's here. And I wanted to do one more thing for Scrappy September so that I really kind of got the full effect of Scrappy September. And I had taken some fabric home and I thought, I need to make room for it. So I dug through all my stuff. What I do with layer cakes is I'll pull out fabrics as I need them. So I had some leftover Bonnie and Camille layer cakes, I think four different collections. And I just pulled colors that matched what Bonnie had done, because I loved what she did, and I needed to bust my stash. So I thought this would be a great way to show you how I make this block, which is called a Cat's Cradle, the Kimberly way. Now you need the book to make it. So you got to get the book. I'm just gonna show you a tip from what I do. And, so you can see all my points match, everything matches. And I don't even think I used the same river once, I'm gonna be totally serious. Now the back, what I did, is, I pressed open all the blocks, and when I got to assembling the blocks, I press to different sides. Now it would look a lot better if you would have just pressed open. I was in a time crunch because I had to go get Emma from dance, and I want it to be done. So, I normally, if I would have had time would have pressed this open, but I didn't because I didn't have the time in it, I needed to get done. Now, the only thing I bought for this was the border. And the reason why I'm gonna show you on my phone, real quick, let me look it up, let me find my image. This is how I pick fabric for borders. I just have to find the image. This is how I pick fabric. This is called, Put it on the Floor, ask Kevin to come in, see what he thinks, get his opinion, and then text this to Lori to get her opinion. (giggles) So, this is the fabric that I had that was big enough, because I don't have a lot of big fabric. So none of those worked, because they're actually can't tell, but they're pretty strong prints. They're like stripes and dots. And they were just way too strong for border. So I did have to buy this. Now, when I put a border on, I do link the fabric I don't do with the fabric. So that waste fabric. It saves me time because I don't have to do the seam. So that is one thing that I do it wastes money, because you're getting a longer piece, but that's what I do. So this is the top. And again, I made all of this in four hours. This now not this this I made the next day. This is the backing. And this is how the backing is written in the book. And you can see that I use the leftover lights. So I did lights here. I did this because it matches the border, because I did length of fabric. So when I did this, I didn't have to piece it, because I already had the length and this is gonna be my binding. And I did have this in my stuff. So we are gonna talk about pieced backings at some point, I'm just nervous to do it. That's the honestly the only reason I haven't done it. I might feel more comfortable, (giggles) after I do this video though. I did forget to put a label in here. I forgot, so I'm going to take this home, add a label and then send it to Gina. So, I'm gonna show you again. Let me see. I'm gonna show you how to make it this right here, that little block- - [Lilly] Mhmm. - This, this, this, and this. Now what I'm going to show you is how I do it. It wastes fabric. So please don't comment that it wastes fabric, because I already know it wastes fabric. (giggles) It saves time, and it is accurate. So, I'm gonna show you what I do. Now, you need the book to make this. I'm not gonna give you the requirements for this, because I'm not gonna give away their pattern, but I'm gonna just show you what I did. So, this is some leftover background fabric, this is the rainbow white on white from Shine On. And I had this leftover, from my Shine On block of the month, which is the cover quilt of the book, which is right here. So I made this quilt, I had this leftover, I used this on that table runner, and this is all that I have left. So I have this. This is from the layer cake. Or actually these are bigger than layer cake pieces, which is why I have more. But these were just scraps that I had. And I'm gonna show you with this fabric, what to do, or what I do. So the first thing I do is I will always line up. I will try to get the most out of my fabric by, lining up a corner, wherever that corner is. So I'm gonna pick this corner, right sides together. And I'm gonna press, on that corner only. So I've got my iron over here. You're not gonna be able to see me iron, I don't think, but, just press it down. Yeah, there we go. I do use the Oliso iron. They're harder to find right now because of delivery, or manufacturing issues or whatever, but that is the iron that I use. So this is my corner. I'm gonna first make, a half square triangle. So I'm using my triangle paper. I always make triangles paper with triangle paper, I never make it without. As a disclosure, I do own the company triangles on a roll, but also I bought it because I love it. So, I've been promoting this triangles on a roll forever before I ever owned it. So, I only need one triangle for the corner. So, I'm going to take my ruler, put it as accurately as I can on that line. That's really important that you're not cutting here or over here. You're want to be right on that line. Take the time. And that is gonna be what makes it accurate, if you don't cut exactly on the line. It won't be accurate. When I'm done, I roll it back up. Use Washi tape. I use Washi tape because it will not mess up the paper. So, if you put like regular tape, it's going to kind of peel your paper. So I use different Washi tapes, put this back in my bucket. And I only need one for this demonstration. So, I'm just gonna cut one and then set this paper aside. And then I'm using two inch finished. So, I'm gonna save this. And I would just put two inches on there, and set it aside, put it in my bucket, and I can use it next time that I need just one. So I'm gonna put this on the corner. Again, just any corner that's kind of what I do. So you'll see that a lot of times when you see my fabric, you're gonna see corners cut off. So you can see, I cut off a corner here, and I cut off a corner here. You can pin or not pin up to you, I'm gonna just pin. And then what I do here, to save time. This is what I do. Now, if you would've used a ruler, you would probably save more fabric. But that's what I do. I'm gonna try to show y'all exactly what I do. And, now I take this, I go to my sewing machine with this foot, because that way when I'm stitching, I can see. I'm gonna put my stitch length at a 1.0, or a 1.2. That is tiny, that is a lot tinier than you need to. So you don't have to do it that tiny. But that's what I do at home. I would recommend 1.5 normally, but I do a tiny, tiny stitch. So I stitched right on that dotted line. You don't wanna stitch to the left, or the right, or anything like that, cause it won't come out accurate. (machine sewing) And that is the speed that I sew at, at home, fast. I have the little, there's a little speed thing. And one of my kids thinks it's funny to move that speed thing. It makes me mad every time, but it is always as fast as it'll go. And this is how I get so much done. (machine sewing) Okay, so here it is. Can you zoom in a little bit, Lilly? - [Lilly] Yes. - Sorry. - [Lilly] It's okay. - I guess I can do it, I don't really know how. - [Lilly] Mhmm, do you need this? - [Kimberly] (Indistinct). Yeah, that's good. - [Lilly] Give (indistinct). - [Kimberly] Yeah, that's good. So then I just grabbed whatever square ruler is closest to me and biggest enough. So, this is too small, so this one works, but basically I just grabbed whatever. I'm gonna use my brand new cutting mat that I have. It's called Kimberly's Cuts. And what I do is I put my ruler, I cut two at a time. So I line up the ruler here, which is right on that line. And then right here, I have to put my hair and the thing. So, it's very important to cut accurately. So I will cut once, and twice. So I line it up once, but cut twice. And then I will rotate, with my mat, and do the other one. And just cut, you just line up the paper. You don't worry about measurements on your ruler. And then I just cut the center. And then to pull the paper off, I fold to one side, and then when you pull, it'll come right off. Now, if you have used a ... So you can see my ... When it stops blurring, that's how small my stitch length is super tiny. So if you don't have a tiny stitch length the paper will pull sometimes your stitches out, or the paper will be harder to pull off. From here, I'm going to iron. So, to do half square triangles. Now, normally, I would do like a ton, so I would lay them all out. And then I would set my seam, which is right here. Just put the iron on it, about five seconds. That's going to lock your seams in. I usually do all of them. Wait a little bit, press to one side. Now, I'm gonna press open. But what I do is I press to one side. I do leave the iron on quite a bit, but you see when I'm ironing I'm not doing this, just press. And then here, before I press open, I will clip my ears, because that saves time. Because, I will show you on this one. If I just clipped twice, if you press open first, then you have to clip four times- - [Lilly] Oou! - And you've just lost five seconds. So, I always clip, and then press open. And then I do this with my fingers on the floor. Lilly's gonna pop up the picture of my floor- - [Lilly] Oh, yeah. - [Kimberly] Real quick. This is how my floor looks, any given day. So that is what I waste. So you're going to say I waste, that's not very much waste. (sighs) Now, there is one piece there that I saved later. I don't know that one had just fallen off the table. That big pink one. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - So, that's kind of how my room looks, at the end, I gather up all my scraps. I don't vacuum all that. I'd kind of grab it, throw it in the trash. And then I vacuum, or actually I don't vacuum, my son Peyton vacuums he's the queen, he's the king of vacuuming. So to press open, usually I will finger press, and then just do that, and I let it sit. I use steam, and I let it sit. So now you have got ... Perfect. These now measure two and a half. And if you put your ruler on it. It's exactly two and a half with triangles on roll paper. Some paper is more accurate than others, but this gave me a perfect start to my cat's cradle. I only need one, so I'm going to set this aside, because I only need one for this project. So, now what I'm going to do is, you need two triangles that are gonna go here. So normally you would cut that, at two and seven eighths. I'm not, I'm gonna cut it at three and a quarter, or three and a half. And in fact, I'm not even gonna cut an entire square. I'm gonna put this three and a half inch ruler on the corner. Because again, I moved to a different corner. I'm gonna cut twice, instead of four times, because I don't wanna have to worry about, trimming that down, because I'm going to trim it down later. I'm making these side triangles bigger. So I go three eighth's to five eighth's bigger, whatever saves the most time. This is three and a half. Normally, these would be cut two and seven eighths. But I don't... here... And I'll put this right here so I can see what I'm doing, following. So these are gonna go right here, so we'll show you. So right here, we're doing this. This is your half square triangle. This is your corner triangle, and another corner triangle right here. They're supposed to be cut two and seven eights. Again, I go up a lot, and you see that I didn't cut it an exact square, because I'm using scraps, and I saved myself by just cutting two sides. So, now what I do here is gonna be crazy. I'm gonna switch to this quarter inch foot, and what you're supposed to do. Let me zoom in a little bit. Oh, we're only, I'm sorry. - [Lilly] It's okay. - Okay, so what you're supposed to do, is put them together, and line up this right angle. Sorry that thing is moving, that was me- - [Lilly] It's okay. - But what I do, is I put it here. So I have some hanging off here, and I have extra here. And that is how I'm gonna get a perfect block in a little bit. So I just put it on here. Now, if you had two and seven eighths, you couldn't do that. So this is just my way, cut it bigger, do that. And then I'm gonna do a quarter inch foot. I mean a quarter inch seam, (machine sewing) make my stitch length the 1.5 (machine sewing) And then here, you can see, I've got extra here, and I've got extra here. Now, if I have time, I will get up, and go to the ironing table, and iron this, if I don't, I will use Lori's seam roller. - [Lilly] Oou! - And it's nice and flat. I will take this and trim the little dog ears off. And I'm going to leave this, because this is going to be, sorry the mat is kind of the same color as the fabric. This is going to give me the ability to make a perfect block by having that extra right there. And then what you're supposed to do, on the next one is put it right here, so that you've got a straight line at the bottom, but I don't do that, I pull it down, because then I can cut an accurate block layer. So just put those together, and stitch, and you can see this has a jagged line. That's okay, you just put it to the edge, and press. Oops. And sew, not press. (machine sewing) So quarter inch seam. So, now I'm going to actually use the iron, cause at this step I want it to be really flat. Press the one side, press this open. I do burn myself a lot, I will tell you that. Cause I use my fingers a lot, I burned myself all the time. So that's nice and flat. So. Now I'm gonna take a bigger ruler. And if you normally would have made this block, the right way, this would not be there. These extra pieces would not be there. Let me do it on this mat so you can see the color difference. - [Lilly] Ooh yay! - So if you were sewing this normally, you would have two and seven eights, and two and seven eights. You would have, this would be exactly a quarter inch away. So you would, if it's off, you have no room to trim it. And this right here would not be there, all this extra stuff. So what we're gonna do now, is we're gonna trim this, but we're only trimming the side. This is bias, so it has bendy, and it will stretch. This is not bias will not stretch. So this is very moves around a lot. So anytime I'm working with bias, the bigger I can make it. And the more I can cut it down the better. So, I'm gonna take a ruler that's long enough, for this side. Now this is the tricky part. You're not gonna measure here, which is this, you're gonna measure on this only. Cause this is your accurate piece, and you kind of move your ruler around. And what I've got is I've got it perfectly straight here, and I've got it right here at this quarter inch. So you gotta be exactly a quarter inch, and this needs to be straight. If you do it any other way, you're gonna have a weird block. So you just have to be careful when you're cutting. So, along this quarter, inch away, that's what I love about creative grids, is actually there's a dotted line right there. I put my hand on it. I keep it from because this is bias. And if you move it a little bit, it's gonna move. And I chopped that off. So when you saw my floor, you saw a lot of this, that was what was on the floor, part of it. Now we need to add a white to the outside. Normally, this would be cut four and seven eighths right here. This would be cut four and seven eighths, but I'm not gonna cut that. I'm gonna take a corner. And I'm gonna cut like five and a half. And I'm just gonna use whatever ruler is closest, and your, oops. So, I literally five and a half and cut. Saves me time, I'm not cutting the other side. It's close enough. Cut across the edge. And because it's bigger, it doesn't have to be exact, set this aside for a different block because we're only making one. Now this is bias. So it's stretchy, that now you can really see the stretchy. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - This is not bias, it's not stretchy. So anytime you're working with bias, I would recommend using pins. So you're gonna have this, and this. So you can see all this as bigger. I will find the center. It doesn't have to be exact. You don't have to line anything up, because we're gonna trim all this. We're gonna trim this later. So you don't even have to line anything up. You just need to make sure your white covers your color. You're gonna pin. Probably pin three times. And when you're stitching, you will stitch with this side up, so that when you get to this intersection, you can put your needle right in there. And you know it matches. Also, well, let me do that first and then I'll show you where your trim. So, I'm gonna take a quarter inch foot, go straight down. (machine sewing) Slow down when you get to the intersection. (machine sewing) And right here, you've got a little tail, cut that off. You can cut it off before or after, but definitely cut it off. Cause it takes some of the bulk out of the back, open it, and it matches. So now what I will do is iron. Set my seam. Let it sit a little bit. And of course, if I was doing this, I would be chained piecing. So I would have like 20 of these, press all the seams down at once. And then I will again, press to one side. First I put the iron edge, right on this crease. And here I don't have to cut the dog ears because I'm gonna do that next. So you don't have to do anything there. You open your seams. Run the iron along it, let it sit. And again, I'm not jerking the iron around, and there you go. So now I will show you, how you trim it down. So you need a four and a half inch square ruler. That's why I have all these rulers because, it helps. Okay. So if you would have made this traditional way, you would not be doing this. So what I'm gonna do is take four and a half inch ruler. Creative grids is all I use. Now, couple of things you have to line up, right here, they always show this white line. Okay, yeah, there you go. So you can see this white line, that white line will go across your half square triangle, which is right here. You should see that you're not gonna cut anything off of there. Cause there won't be anything. This line is really important right here. That goes right on your crease, and you're going to trim. So I'll do one, two, turn the mat. One, two, and you have a perfectly, normal four and a half inch. You don't have any waves. If you're working with bias, you'd normally this block would have had a little bit of waves here, here, here. That's how you get it perfect. You waste fabric, you cut bigger. You trim as you go. So, now I'm going to be happy to answer any questions, and hope that I haven't confused you. And just make sure when you do this, do one at a time, don't do all 20, do one or two, get the hang of it, and then go on. That is one thing that I always do and have forever. I don't know who taught me that. Maybe Debbie Taylor taught me that when she taught me how to sew a long time ago. Whatever quilt I'm doing, no matter what it is, I will make one block first. Make sure I like it. Make sure I have the measurements, right. And then I will go from there. The other thing that I do do that, I'm gonna show you is this. This is my scribbly scratch. (giggles) So, I take the book, whatever book it is, I start doing scribbly scratch. This is how I converted my pattern to work with my scraps. I didn't make it exactly as the book, because I had smaller pieces than the book, because not all my layer cakes were big enough to make two. So I always, and you'll have asked how I do a wide backings. I'm gonna show that in a video, because I'm gonna get myself confident to do it. But this is what I do. I have this piece of pad of paper and then the other side has scribbling scratch. Oh, this is scribbling scratch on a different backing. I use both sides, make my notes. That's how I calculate backing, is just write it out. Ok, now I really will answer quesions, I'm sorry. (giggles) - [Lilly] It's okay, Calling Cassidy, and a few other people have the same question, says, "If you buy a quilt kit, and want to make these triangles, which you buy extra fabric in bundles, or pre cuts, or how do you figure that out? If you're going to need extra to do this?" - So, you would kind of write out everything on that piece of paper. Do the math, see if you have enough, if you don't, then you can't do it. I always have a precut that's bigger. So if I'm doing something that's a five inch square, I will buy the layer cake, starch it, trim it down. All those leftovers will go in the boxes. So, I'm not wasting because whatever's left, in that layer cake, that I bought extra will go in here. So I do buy extra. And our kits that we cut at Fat Quarter Shop, do usually come with a lot extra. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - If they're cut by a manufacturer, or someone else that we buy it from, they might not have enough. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - So it's kind of something that you have to do with time. This was all meant to be scrappy. So I had pulled, I mean, I don't even know how many collections this is. I just pulled. And then I had a lot of backgrounds. So I thought, well, let me use those up. So everything here that I showed you was all used from my scraps, except for the border. - [Lilly] Pam Weaver says, Kimberly, did someone show you how to do that? Or did you just come up with this tactic? - I just made it up. - [Lilly] Oou! - Over the years. I sew really fast. And the reason I came up with it is, because I like everything accurate. And I did ... When I sew, I sew, y'all saw how fast I sew, it's gonna be wavy, cause I'm not going to cut. I'm not gonna sew 100% accurate all the time. And if I sew really fast, then I trim it down, I can make it any size I want. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - If I didn't do that, I'd have to sew slow on the machine. And I don't have time for that. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - So yeah, I made this up, a long time ago, and it took me a while to get it down, because when I was cutting, sometimes I was cutting off the wrong, I wasn't using the right side to cut, and it was not coming out accurately. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - So it's not, if you try this for the first time, it's not gonna work the first couple times, it's gonna take a while to get used to, this is something I've been doing forever. - [Lilly] From Kim Halleran, "Why do you press the seams open?" - The reason why is right here. So on the top camera, we can see, that all of this is going to have intersections. Now, if I just put this up next to a square, I wouldn't have to press open. But because of this intersection right here, you've got fabrics here, and here, and here. You could technically go different ways, but you're gonna have a big bulk right there, and you're going to see it bump. You'll see it like not lay as flat. I do not always press open. It depends pattern to pattern, but because of this intersection, that's why I did it. - [Lilly] And is there anything wrong with, when you send your machine to a long armer, or pressing it open, pressing to one side. - It does matter. Some people are finicky and some are not. I use Mike the Longarm Quilter. He is, and I use Gina Tell of Those are my two quilters. They like what I do. Now I have had, I used to have a lady do custom quilts, when I used to do, I used to do fewer quilts. So I would do custom, but that costs too much to do. I couldn't do that with all the quilts I make. So, she told me she would never do another quilt for me, because I pressed open, and she didn't like that. So when you do a custom quilt, for example, right here, Lilly, can you show? So like, if you're doing a custom quilt, sometimes they get custom quilting. Sometimes they get close to the seams, and they don't like it pressed open, because they feel like the needle is going to pop in there. So, it's all up to who you use as a long armer, and what they like to do, what their preferences. For me, my quilters and I get along, and they like what I do and I like what they do. So. - [Lilly] Mhmm, all right. I did see a few peoples in the comments saying not to worry about, or be worried about the fact that we're wasting fabric. In fact, some people had some very cool suggestions about what they do, with their little bits of fabric, how we showed right here. Jill Romaine said, I'm saving all my dog ears, and we'll put them into a clear plastic, Christmas tree ball, to make decoration with bits, of all the quilts I've made. - That would be cute, and also like a ball jar. - [Lilly] Oou, yeah. - You can get those really inexpensively at Walmart, or HomeGoods- - [Lilly] Mhmm. - And you can get different colors, and you can just like throw them in there. - [Lilly] Oou! And then Elizabeth H also said, the birds love the little scraps when building their nests. - Oh, you know I've seen stuff on that. That's good and bad, so I'm not sure. - [Lilly] Aah! - I had thought about saying that, but I've heard people say not to say that. So I just didn't like, I am very careful what I say. Cause I don't want anybody to do something that they shouldn't. - [Lilly] Yeah. Okay, and Wilma Evans was asking when you were following the cutting pattern, how do you size up. So you only cut what you need, instead of cutting the whole thing at once? - So, I have to figure it out in my head, and I write it, oh, this one, that's what I did, as I sat at my desk, without my fabric, I wrote it out. I did one unit- - [Lilly] Mhmm- - One unit. So like right here, I did one of these. One of those, I did one, I cut one. I did one, I made sure I liked it. And then I went from my math. So, that's how I do it as I convert it. But, if you wanted to do this the same way, you just have to sit down and think about it, when I'm doing the corner squares, or those little triangles that go off the edge. Again, quarter inch, or three eights, or five eights inch bigger, whatever you're comfortable with. But again, I just use the corner of a fabric cut and go. - [Lilly] Mhmm, all right. Oh, from Dreamers Homestead. OMG, did you color code your pins, to your clothing, to the quilts on the wall? - No. (laughs) so, these are actually new pins, that I had to start using because my Clover pins are no longer made, but I am very picky about the color of these ball pins. I like white, I don't really like red. So I prefer white, and everything in your sewing room has to be cute. So white matches my sewing room- - [Lilly] Mm. - But no, I did not color coordinate. I have been watching a lot of YouTube. And when you watch YouTube a lot of videos pop up, well guess whose videos are popping up to me, to recommend me. And I'm like, "Oh, I need to get some new clothes," (laughs) because I wear the same thing. I don't know- - [Lilly] Aww. - So I was like, "I need to really step up my game." Cause I we're filming a lot more Lilly and I are- - [Lilly] Mhmm- - So with the more we film, the more I'm repeating my clothes, and I want to look good. So, I bought a couple things offline. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - I didn't go in a store. I don't know when this is over. I'm just like going to be a homebody, and never go anywhere. (giggles) - [Lilly] That's funny. - I don't usually buy clothes online. That's one thing that I usually don't do. But if you go in, Denise told me when you go in a store, you can't try it on. So I was like, "Oh, well then what would be the point of going to a store?" - [Lilly] Mhmm. - So, yeah. - [Lilly] It's really hard. From Kimberly Cope, "Extra amazing live stream today. Did you suggest a particular brand of towels, for the starching pressing of cross stitch fabric?" - Okay, for starching pressing cross stitch fabric, there is a pressing cloth by Yarn Tree. I don't think it's in here. But we, Katie uses it when she takes photos. It's kind of like, I would describe it as a foam. That's blue, and it's thick, and you can put it on the top. Now, what do I do? Right here, I just iron it. And if I send it to Lori, she just irons it. Lori uses a vintage iron. The first time I ever met her, or second time, I went to her house, I ruined one of her mats, because, I put the iron like this, like an idiot. Because I'm so used to my Rowenta. But she uses a vintage iron that doesn't use steam. Lori doesn't prewash, she doesn't starch, and she doesn't use steam. And she doesn't do anything like what I just showed you. She does it the traditional way. So, like I said, like Lori and I are best friends. She does it her way I do it mine, and that's okay. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - That's the one thing about life that I think people should be doing right now, learn to disagree. Do what works for you. If you go to a retreat, don't feel like if you're sitting next to Suzy Q, that you have to do it Suzy Q's way. Do it the way that works for you, Because in the end you're gonna be happier. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - So, do whatever you want to do in life, be a good person. And don't feel like you have to agree on everything. Lori and I would never argue over what we do. We just do whatever we want. She probably thinks I'm crazy for what I do, that's okay. (laughs) I can't sew as accurately as Lori. Lori sews really accurate and she sews faster than me. So if you want to get in a room with somebody and lose, I've always thought that it'd be great idea to have a challenge with Lori in the room, me in the room. So give both people something, they have to make it up- - [Lilly] Yeah. - And they have to sew it. And then Lilly video it and see which one people like at the end- - [Lilly] Yeah. - It would come out totally different. - [Lilly] Mhmm, Mhmm. - But maybe when COVID is over, that would be awesome. - [Lilly] I would love to do that- - Cause we could go to Lori's house. - [Lilly] Yes. - Yeah, and do like, that's one of my video ideas. So I haven't even told Lori, so there you go, Lori. (laughs) I'm gonna just come to your house, bring Lilly. (giggles) We're gonna set up the tables. But yeah do whatever you're happy with when it's done. If you like your quilts and your points, aren't perfect. Who cares? Do whatever you wanna do. Don't feel like because ... And that's one of the reasons I'm gonna be really honest why I have been so hesitant to show you guys what I do, because so many people are so negative in the comments. And they say, "Oh, well, dah, dah, dah." So today I'm not gonna read the comments, (giggles) because I don't know that I can handle it, but I'm gonna be doing more like this. So for example, Sewcialites, next week. I took all my stuff home. I'm going to prep it out, and I'm gonna show you next week. How to make a full block, from start to finish all my tips. So when you wake up that morning, don't do your block yet. Wait till I show you what I do. And you can try it, and if you love it, I'm so happy that I was able to pass something on to you. If you hate it, I'm okay with that too, do whatever works for you. Like Lilly, doesn't feel like when she goes home, "Oh my God, I got to make it Kimberly's way," at all- - [Lilly] Yeah. - Because that's not the way that I want things to be. And if she doesn't use the fabric I use, you see, she uses modern that's okay. Whatever, you know, do whatever. - [Lilly] Mhmm. Also it's really helpful to, even for me personally, to see you do stuff on camera, because then I'm like, "Oh, there's a way I haven't seen or tried. Let me try it and see if I like it or not." - Yeah, and if you don't that's okay. - [Lilly] Mhmm, yeah. - But I will say no matter how basic that block is or unit, I always make one first, make sure I've got it right, write it down. I never go straight from a pattern. I always just take notes- - [Lilly] Mhmm. - But that's just how I do things. - [Lilly] And I also will say all the comments throughout this whole live stream have just been positive. Overwhelmingly- - Okay, good. I was so nervous today. (laughs) I was like, when I woke up, I was like, "I just don't know." I was so scared to even told Lilly. Well, usually if I'm nervous, I won't tell anybody, I just hold it inside. And today I was like, "Lilly, I'm a little bit nervous." - [Lilly] Ooh. Okay from Phyllis Sea, "I find open seams are hard to match it seems, what is your trick?" - Okay, so I don't think they're hard. Let me show you how you would do it. Let me find ... Lilly did I throw the triangle? The houseware triangle off the table? - [Lilly] Mhmm. - Sorry. - [Lilly] No, I think you put it to the side. That extra white one, right? - Yeah, I'm trying to find what I did with it. - [Lilly] It's not over here. - Here it is, I found it. Okay. So can we zoom in a little bit, and I'll show you how I do it. Okay, that works. This is distracting okay. So this is open, and this is open. You're gonna put it together, and I keep always a thumb right there. And look, does it match? Yes, okay. If it's over here, it doesn't match. You can see. So, I've make sure it matches. And I pin, and I pin right through that intersection. Now, if you need this to join, if you're putting something to here, if you've got ... Pretend that this has something, well, let me just add something to it. Let me add something, I'll show you. Now this is where, I get crazy. I'm just gonna sew something together real quick and show you how. Sorry I dropped something. And this is not gonna be exact, this is not gonna be exactly, but I do. (machine sewing) I'll show you what I do. Okay. So pretend that we're putting this together. Just pretend, ignore that this isn't the right size and all that, just ignore it. Pretend I'm putting this to this. I will put this together. First, make sure that I'm in about the right vicinity of matching. So, I need to go to the left a little bit. And what I'm doing here is, I'm just aligning the left and the right, nothing else. I take a pin, I poke it directly. Now this, I had my seam set too long. So, you put it right in that hole, where that point is, and your pin is sticking up. I put it through the second hole. Now my points match. You can either leave that pin, or not. Put a pin on the left, put a pin on the right. And that's how you get it to match up. And I think also time, with time you'll get used to it more. But if you don't like pressing open, don't press open. That's still okay. - [Lilly] Mhmm, Mhmm. Okay. Let's see, a few people were asking, if there is a specific size, that you made the blocks bigger to then cut down. - I take what's in the measurement and just add to it. I add about a three eights, five eights, a quarter, whatever I have enough of. - [Lilly] Okay, so it doesn't have to be like an exact, we'll get this thing. - No, I just wing it. - [Lilly] Okay. - And that's because I was using scraps, I just wing it. - [Lilly] And what was the name of the background fabric for the Wish table-run? - It is Shine On, it is a white on white rainbow. It will be out in October, it's not available yet. It is the white on white that Bonnie and Camille designed to go with Shine On. And the reason I used it as I had it in my scratch, stash. - [Lilly] Okay, and then we had a few more questions here about the storing of your stash- - Yes. - [Lilly] From Grindle Holly, "Do you store your starch, large pieces of fabric in containers because of silver fish?" - No, I don't. - [Lilly] Okay. - I don't know if I should, but I don't. - [Lilly] I don't know what that is. - Silver fish is like those little bitty. They're like they're silver. - [Lilly] Aah! - And they're little bitty little bitty insects. - [Lilly] Oh! - Yeah, I don't know, I don't, maybe I should don't know. - [Lilly] Okay. - I usually sew it all up. (laughing) I mean, if I starch it. Okay, so if I'm going to do a project, I starch what I'm gonna use, that's it. So, everything that I used last weekend is either in that table-runner, or in those buckets, everything else has gone, except for those scraps that I tried out on the floor. Those are now just back, and they're not starched. I only starch if I'm gonna use it. - [Lilly] Okay, from Scrap Your Knits, "Are there grips, you can add to the backs of your rulers, to make them less slippy?" - So I use Creative Grids. And if you look on the back of Creative Grids, you can't even see it, but there's a grip there. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - There's a grip there, and there's a grip on the sides. So that's one of the reasons I use Creative Grids, is because of the grips. The other reason is I love, these two sides of the rulers, the dotted lines. So if I'm trying to cut accurately, I always use this side of the ruler, rather than this side, because there's not the dotted line. So I always use the side. With what I was just doing, I wouldn't do that. Cause it doesn't have to be accurate. But if I'm having to cut accurately, I'll use that side. - [Lilly] Mhmm- - And there are grips. So to answer your question, there are grips that you can put on your ruler. There are some sandpaper dots, they're brown. And I don't think they're very pretty. So that there's that, they're by Clover or Dritz, you can get them at Joanne's, I think we sell them. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - I think that's about it, but there are things you can put on your ruler. - [Lilly] Yeah, I think we have a couple options. - And it also, you have to be careful where you put it. Cause if you put it right on like a number or something, then you can't see through it. So it could inhibit like if you needed this line right here. If you put a grippy dot there, and then you put it on your fabric, you wouldn't be able to see that intersection. So you just have to be careful where you put it. And that's why I like this, because you can see through the grips. - [Lilly] Also, sorry for the accidental confetti cannon, the button steps top camera- - She's giving herself (indistinct) the beginning. Yaaaah! - [Lilly] It's for you. It's for you, you're doing a great job. Okay from Bonnie Butlerweb, "Could you do a closeup of the two feet that we use for the Juki?" - Yes. So they both come with the machine. There's this one, and this one comes with the machine, also. And the one that is made by Juki, I will tell you is in centimeter. So sometimes it's not as accurate. You can buy a high shank foot from like your sewing machine store. That is measured in a quarter inch. But I mean, you saw that. I just used the one that, I think this was the one off the Juki. We have a bunch of feet, but yeah, I don't buy anything special. I just have the feet on the Juki, and if that quarter inch, if the centimeter is off a little bit, I'll just go buy a cheap one off. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - Like go to the store and buy one. - [Lilly] Mhmm, okay. From Lisa Clark, "So you starch, then let the fabric dry. And when you go to use the fabric, you then iron out the wrinkles before cutting, correct?" - Correct. - [Lilly] Okay. - And so for the wish table runner, on Saturday, I went through my layer cakes. It was like a stack of this big. I picked the ones I liked. I laid it out how I liked it. I made sure, okay, I'm going to use these. I put the rest back, I only starched what I was using, because I only have enough space. I think I use 48 fabrics. (giggles) So, yeah, I just starch what I use, put the rest in the drawer. And then the next day, when I was going to do the backing, I didn't sew the backing that day because I picked my fabric I'm gonna use, starched it, the next day when it was dry, I used it. - [Lilly] Mhmm, okay, from Karen Porter Jordan, "Do you ever spray the starch on an iron right away to dry it?" - No, the reason why. Okay, no, that's not true. Rarely. So, if I have a piece that's like this big and I need to get done, I will do that. If it's a big piece, absolutely not. It'll just take forever for you to sit there, and it will just take forever. So if I need a tiny piece yes. If I need a big piece, absolutely not. I will let it sit and then go take a nap. (laughs) - [Lilly] Awesome. From Ashley Mass, "Question about your scrap saving method. If you had a two and a half by, width of fabric strip, do you keep that in strip, or turned into two and a half inch squares?" - so right now I've just been doing squares. Lori does strips. So you can do whatever you want. She does strips and squares in the same box. I just have done squares. So either way you want to do it. And Lori is working on something. That's going to be great with that too. - [Lilly] From House of Stitch and Stash, "If you're not using scraps, do you add a quarter inch normally to your measurement?" - Yes. Quarter, inch to three eights. - [Lilly] Okay. From a Jenny, "Can Kimberly do a series on quilt math. Many of us have learned to quilt by following patterns or tutorials, and never learned the formulas and mathematics behind it all." - So I'm gonna attempt to do that throughout Sewcialites. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - So what I'm gonna do is, I'm actually gonna bring a pad of paper. I'm gonna bring my pattern, and we're gonna walk through, a block together. And we're gonna just do one size, and we're gonna do that next week. And I will do it a couple of times. I'm just worried about doing too much at one time to confuse people. But yes, I am going to do that. And what we can do is, I can have my pad of paper, Lilly, please don't let me forget my pad of paper. (giggles) We can do like the left column. I can write the correct measurements, on the right column, I can write the Kimberly measurements. And then way you can maybe take a picture of it, or something. - [Lilly] Mhmm, all right. And then a couple of comments here from Lori Holt. She said, "I never think you're crazy. And I don't like when you think you're wasting fabric, because that's just what it takes." - Oh, thanks. That's my Lori. (giggles) I got to get a new phone, because when I called Lori, it doesn't work. And so I'm like, Oh, we got to get a new phone. - [Lilly] I guess (indistinct) phone, yeah. - I don't know what happened to it. I don't think I have the protection plan anymore. Cause it's three or four years old. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - So I don't think it has, Kevin's trying to look up. - [Lilly] Yeah, I think it, yeah, it depends- - Or his. Yeah, I'm gonna ask him to look it up. I don't think I have the protection plan. - [Lilly] And Lori also said, "Kimberly FYI, I still have six to eight cans of the original starch you used, at my house for when you get here." - I know she does. And one day she was like, "Can I ship it to you?" I was like, "No, keep it please. (giggles) I'm going to use it next time I come." - [Lilly] Oh, that's so sweet. That's like the best gift. - Yes- - [Lilly] For Kimberly, yes. - Starch, she's got the original cans (laughs) the stuff I love. I always think, "Oh, hopefully one day when I go in a grocery store, I'll see it," but I won't. - [Lilly] Okay, and from Sandra Hoffman Schmickler, "Do you use a scant quarter inch, or exactly quarter inch?" - Exact quarter-inch, I never used a scant. Some people do, like Miss Rosie Quilt Company. That's Carrie Nelson, she always uses a scant. Always, I don't. I don't know why, she does it one way and I do it another, I just do it with a quarter-inch. - [Lilly] Mhmm. And I think we have a lot of new viewers. So just to clarify for everyone, where can they buy most of the things that they're seeing right now? - Oh my gosh, at Fat Quarter Shop, (laughs) that's where it Lilly and I work. - [Lilly] Yeah- - And we would love for you to shop at Fat Quarter Shop. And today we have a jelly roll sale. We can pop up that coupon. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - And that coupon is good through today and tomorrow, which is September 19th and 20th, 20% off jelly rolls. You just use that promo code. It won't work on sale items, but it will work on normally priced items. And we also have a contest going on Instagram. It's gonna end on September 29th. And all you have to do is use hashtag #FQSScrappySeptember, and you will be entered to win a $25 gift certificate. And you can enter as many times as you want. So if you do like 10 scrappy projects, you can enter 10 times. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - And the winners will be posted on the blog. - [Lilly] Yes. - Instagram, September 30th. And yeah. - [Lilly] Great. - Okay. So, I'm gonna take another break- - [Lilly] Okay- - And then when we come back, we're going to go over Jelly Roll Day. And then Lilly is going to show you either her stuff, or she can show you some of the new fabrics. She can do whatever she wants, - [Lilly] Oou! - But I'm gonna take, like a two minute break. When I find my ... Oh, my shoes, my shoes are under the thing. (giggles) I'm like, I need my shoes. Sometimes I put my shoes over there, and then sometimes I put them down here. So I gotta get my shoes on. I have some new shoes, look, they're so cute.(giggles) Look at how cute they are, they're so cute. - [Lilly] They're so cute- - I got him online and I love them, Oh my gosh. - [Lilly] They look really Comfortable. - Well, the only shoes I ever wear are these, what is this called? S Barilla or something? Do the top cameras. - [Lilly] Oh, Espadrilles? - That, that's what I wear. In anytime I buy, that's the only sole I will use, because I have 100% flat feet. - [Lilly] Ooh. - And these are that's what ... Anyway. - [Lilly] Look how cute they're, I'm so excited. Oou. - Okay, I'll be right back. ♪ Do to do, intermission music ♪ ♪ I didn't do intermission music last time ♪ - Cause I was nervous and I forgot. Yes, that's what happens. Hang on, let me just put my little switcher up there. Okay, I think what I'm gonna show you guys this new fabric, cause we already kind of talked about Journey to Nebula, in a nutshell, what we're doing. Oh, I'll also show you guys. Sometimes you guys ask what I'm wearing. I'm wearing some orange shorts, kind of lineny shorts, that I bought at Target, this thing I thrifted, but I believe the brand is Zara. And then I'm wearing my Magnolia-Waco, Texas shirt underneath that. Okay, let me grab some new fabrics we have in stock. Oou! So these, guys I'm gonna show you, we just got a whole bunch of Fig Tree, fabric. Ooh! Okay, so I think I'll do top camera for this, and, Ooh, zoom a little bit here. Boop, okay. So All Hallow's Eve pre cuts are back in stock, and I'll kind of just go through each one and show you. A fat eighth bundle of it, is in stock. And the fat quarter bundle. I think the fat quarter bundles are my favorite with how they just look like they're so pretty. And just like the fold, is lovely. And I'm just going to push them that way. And then we have a Honey Bun, which if you guys don't know a Honey Bun, is one and a half inch strips. I love the Honey Buns too. I'm actually a sewing, something for work right now that uses a Honey Bun secret, secret. And the jelly rolls, which are the two and a half inch strips. I also jelly rolls. I put them up in my sewing area, just to decorate with them, cause they're so pretty. And the charm pack. Boop. I need my nails done. (laughs) A mini charm pack. It's so little. And layer cake. Whew! Okay, and I can keep showing, I don't know if you wanna show, the other ones Kimberly? - [Kimberly] You can show those- - Okay, cool. So, honey bun of a Christmas Figs II. That's back, right now. And the jelly rolls. Wooh! Also random tidbit in photo shoots. One of my favorite shots to get is like of jelly rolls, rolling away in slow motion. So cool. I love everything in slow motion, especially fabric. A charm pack. And the fat, eighth, boop. Fat quarter, boop. And, this one actually has a jolly bar, special cut. So that means there's a super cool, jolly bar exclusive pattern in here. If you guys don't know what jolly bars are also, half a layer cake, like that. And then the layer cake, and the mini charm. Yay! And I can grab those on, my way out, Kimberly. - [Kimberly] Can you pull that machine to the left? - [Lilly] Yeah, do you want me to just take it off? - [Kimberly] Yeah. - [Lilly] Okay, hang on. I'll keep it on top of camera. So you guys don't see me struggle with the machine. - [Kimberly] Oh, (laughs) the machine is really heavy. and I can't lift it. (closing containers) Hiya! (door opens) ♪ Intermission music! ♪ (giggles) ♪ - [Lilly] All right. - Okay, so all of these Fig Tree items, do you want to grab them? - [Lilly] Yeah, I'll grab them- - They they're back in stock. They sold out really fast in May, because they sold out so fast Moda reprinted them, which is really, really rare, that they actually reprint something. So that's good that they reprinted, and you can get the jelly rolls on sale today, or tomorrow at our site. So the next thing I'm gonna show you is, (wiping table) clean my ... Sherry McConnell does a free block of the month on her site. So this is the block of the month from this year. And I finished this. So I'm gonna show you on the top camera, what I did. So, Lori helped me with this. I was trying to decide what setting to use. And these two are the November, December blocks. So you can't see them. (giggles) That's why there's white on there, but I use Lori's vintage happy 2 fabric. And so, I sent her a picture from the books, all of her books, different ideas. And we decided this was the best one to do. It is from the Farm Girl Vintage book. It is the sewing seeds table topper. You need 12, six inch blocks, which is what I made from Sherry McConnell's, free block of the month that's on her blog, a Quilting Life blog. And you can see in the center, there's a 12 inch block. So, I just put the fabric. It's now sold out. We're gonna get more in October. That is basically a cheater applique. So I'll put that in the center. And I wanted this to be part of Scrappy September. So this is part of my scraps. And on the back, when I was done, cause I started with, I think I started with a fat quarter bundle. I figured out what size, that I had the most of, cause I wanted to be able to get one square from each. And then I did these and this was all my scraps. So actually when I was done, you can see that in my box only had a little bit left of this, because I put it on the back. Cause for Scrappy September, I wanted to do that. And, this is a label that I purchased from Sweetwater. And I treat it like normal fabric. I just treat it like it's a normal 100% cotton fabric. I just added boarders, trimmed it down, and added to the back. And so, if anybody ever takes it, or steals it, my name is always gonna be on the block, in the back, because it's sewn in, they can't take it. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - So I'm excited that this is done, and I'm, I love it. I think it's so cute. I know where I'm going to put it in my house. - [Lilly] Oou! - We have to leave it at work, until it's over. And then I'm going to put it in my front room. I've got a square table, and I'm gonna put it off center. My tables like this, and I'm going to make it like this- - [Lilly] Oou! - Where it hangs off, for spring. - [Lilly] Fancy. - So that was one thing that I got done that I wanted to show you guys and to share. And then, National Jelly Roll Day, is tomorrow. So Lilly and Nova put together a lot of jelly roll quilts that we have made over the years, and done videos of. So you can use your coupon, at Fat Quarter Shop, buy your jelly roll and make one of these. And Moda will have a lot on their blog this weekend. I'm celebrating Jelly Roll Day. So you'll want to follow Motors fabrics. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - I have all my stuff over here, so I need to just move it a little bit. I kind of have a mess going. - [Lilly] Real quick. I can answer about some people are asking, if we will be getting yardage of All Hallow's Eve. Yes. - Yes. All Hallow's Eve is coming first, in about two weeks. Christmas Figs might be coming at the same time, and in might becoming two weeks after. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - But I know that, the Halloween is coming first. - [Lilly] Mhmm, and then they were asking if the Jelly roll special is for all jelly rolls, or does it only take 20% off one? If you have like several in your cart? - I think it was more than one. - [Lilly] I think it's all of them, yeah. - It's all of them, it's just you can only use the coupon once. - [Lilly] Yeah. - So like if you do, you just have to do one order. - [Lilly] Mhmm, so if you want 10 jelly rolls, put them in the same order. - Yeah, do 10 jelly rolls one order. You can't do five and then another five. - [Lilly] Yeah, okay. - So I'm gonna start showing you ... And you've probably seen all of these, if you've watched me for a long time, but we wanted to put together like a variety of stuff. So the very first one I showed last week, it uses these beautiful, junior jelly rolls, that are grunge from Moda. They are so beautiful. So of course today, they are on sale. These include 20 pieces of fabric. They all have 10 pieces of fabric twice. So you'll see each has, thank you, different colors. So there's this, this is a tower of jelly rolls. And with this to celebrate, National Jelly Roll Day. Jocelyn designed this, it is called Confetti Stars table-runner. This one is made by Teresa, and it is from the Stitch Pink. Should we zoom out, or should we do the front? I don't know. - [Lilly] Oh, I think I got a little more on that (indistinct). - Okay. So, this is from the Stitch Paint jelly roll. This pattern does three blocks. And so, actually from one of those many or four blocks. From the mini, sorry from the junior jelly roll you can actually make two. So this is Stitch Pink, made by Teresa. The next one is scroll down Lilly. - [Lilly] Oh, sorry. - [Kimberly] Glorious Autumn, thanks. This is Glorious Autumn stitched by Teresa. And I'll show you the backings too. So the pink one, pink grunge. The next one is Old Glory, Terry made this one. And you can see the different binding choices. Some people did light binding, some people did dark. This is a completely free pattern available at Just download it, and it is free. The next one is Cool Change maybe. - [Lilly] Yes. - Okay, this is Cool Change, Nova made this one. And so, she made her binding and backing match. And so you can see some people use lights. Some people use dark, everyone does different. This one is Yuletide, also made by Nova. And this time she did different. And the last one is called Silver Linings. And Carrie made this one. Do you know who quilted? - [Lilly] I can find out real quick. - Okay. So that is one pattern, It's free. Let me, fold them up before I move on. And then I'm gonna keep going. This next one is Jelly Roll Jam, Jelly Roll Jam is the very first shortcut video we ever did. It has the most views, and it has the most mistakes. (giggles) - [Lilly] Aw! - But that's okay. This is Jelly Roll Jam. This was made back in the day, when this fabric was out. So this a lot of these fabrics are no longer gonna be gone, no longer going to be available. This is Vin Du Jour by Three Sisters. Cheryl made this one. This is a free pattern at Fat Quarter Shop. So that's Three Sisters fabric, very simple, very easy. And you can tell she's washed it. And so, a lot of you were asking, do you wash? You can wash after you quilt. And it will kind of have that vintage look. And you can always tell which quilts are mine, because I don't ever wash. And I know somebody said, that's gross. And sorry. - [Lilly] Well you wash the ones you use. - [Kimberly] Yeah, the ones my kids use, but the ones I use, I don't need to wash them because I'm clean- - [Lilly] Yeah. (laughs) - My kids may not be! Cheryl also made this one. This is Road 15 by Sweetwater. So this is very old. This is also jelly roll jam. So these were made back when we did that video. - [Lilly] That's so cool. - [Kimberly] So really old fabric. So cute. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - [Kimberly] The next one is also jelly roll jam, Angel made it, and this is Harper's garden, which is actually, might still be in stock. And this one is also has been washed. You want to wash after you quilt and bind, not before you quilt it. And she did machine, binding. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - [Kimberly] The next one is Country Orchard. I think this is Blackbird Designs. - [Lilly] Yes. - [Kimberly] Cheryl made this one. So when we first started doing videos, we've made a bunch of quilts, but now we make so many videos. We can't make as many- - [Lilly] Mhmm, this is Jelly Roll Jam II. - [Kimberly] Oh sorry, Jelly roll jam two. So you can see the difference. Let me show you the differences. Let's see this one. So this one has, this and this that's one block. And this one, this is the block. So this is one block- - [Lilly] Mhmm. - And this is one block, free patterns, free, free, free. This is jelly roll slice made by Cheryl. And this is strawberry fields revisited. One of my very favorite collections ever of all time. I have a quilt with this in my bedroom. In my bedroom I have three Fig Tree quilts hanging on a ladder. Cause that matches my bedroom. This is jelly roll slice also made by Cheryl. This is the same strawberry fields revisited two. So this is a different color way. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - [Kimberly] So, I think they're the same collection. - [Lilly] Yes. - [Kimberly] Let me show you. So you can get a different look, there's one. And there's another, same collection. And this is jelly roll slice, right? - [Lilly] Yes. - [Kimberly] So you can see this block is right here, and then, or actually right here. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - [Kimberly] We filmed this a long time ago. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - [Kimberly] I like this fabric too right here at this. I love that fabric right there. The next ones are jelly belly bars. This one is Fiddled Dee Dee made by Adela quilted by Mike. I love this pattern. So this pattern is a great one for baby showers. And if you wanted to do a memory quilt, or like a wedding quilt, you could have people put their names. You could give them just white fabric and a Pigma pen, and then sew it in after- - [Lilly] Mhmm. - [Kimberly] Or before either one. - [Lilly] Yeah, that would be really clever, Oh my gosh. - [Kimberly] Is this a paid pattern? - [Lilly] No, this one's shortcut quilt. - [Kimberly] Okay, this is a shortcut free quilt. Sorry. It's pretty big. So do you wanna show it from the front so you can see how big it is? - [Lilly] Yeah. - So yeah, it's pretty big. - [Lilly] Ooh. - And then the back, so pretty. This is me and my sister designs. - [Lilly] Mhmm. Oh also the confetti stars were quilted by Mike. - Yes, sorry. Thank you Mike. and he does keep notes, of what he quilts on everything. So if you see a quilt, and you like that quilting, you can just say on the live stream, he watches he'll know- - [Lilly] Mhmm. - This one is jelly snowflake. This is a combination of grunge solids and Bella solids, Angel made this Mike quilted it. The grunge she used is 30150-347. So jelly snowflake is a free pattern, but you can see what Angel did is it uses jelly rolls, completely free pattern, she used yardage. So you can make it your own. - [Lilly] Hm. - And then from the front. - [Lilly] Oh, I love it. - Yes, and then the back is a grunge seeing stars in white. And you can't even see the stars, but there they're there. So they look like snowflakes on the back. - [Lilly] Yeah, it's all of it's just like icy, snowy. - Mhmm. - [Lilly] So cool. - It reminds me of Frozen. - [Lilly] Yeah, I was gonna say it's very Elsa. - Elsa. - [Lilly] Elsa. - This is also jelly snowflake by Zen. This is Zen Chic fabric. - [Lilly] Chill by Zen Chic. - Yep, it's chill Jen made it and Mike quilted it. So I'll show you from the front. This one might be just better on the front. So this is all the same pattern. You just get a different look completely free pattern. Use your jelly roll code to get it on sale today, or tomorrow. This is Christmas Figs II. Teresa made this one. Mike from stitched it. So, this is the one that she just showed you- - [Lilly] Mhmm. - The Christmas Figs II. - [Lilly] (indistinct). - And oops, we're going to put the jelly roll with it so you can see. Thanks, oops, thanks. So look the jelly roll. So now you can actually make this one. (laughs) This is the one that we wanted to make for the video. And it sold out before we could film it- - [Lilly] Mhmm. - Which happens sometimes. And I like this backing, see, this is the kind of backing I like. A dark binding that's that doesn't have too much to it. - [Lilly] Hm. - And a white, backing. This is also jelly snowflake because we made a million of them. This is Hollyberry by Corey Yoder, Nova made it and Mike quilted it. Completely free pattern. This was our Christmas in July Freebie. And we did it as sections. We did different sections each week, and we will do that again next year. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - This is a striped binding. Let's see that Stripe, and then this is gray. - [Lilly] Mhmm, (indistinct). - I think that's another way that you can make your quilts original. You know how I talked about how I piece, I piece different than other people. You can do fun stuff on the back, some people do, I don't really, I just always do a cream backing. That's how, if you pick up a quilt here, you'll know it's mine. Cause it has cream on the back. (laughs) But it's kind of like a signature type thing. This is Country Christmas, Bunny Hill Designs. Nancy made it, Mike quilted it. Nancy has worked for us for 15 years. - [Lilly] Wow, go Nancy. - Yup. - [Lilly] Nancy is the best. - I know, she's awesome. And the back I love it's the sheep. - [Lilly] Ooh- - You see it out there. - [Lilly] Oh, it's so cute- - You see it, Oh there, and they're little sheepy sheep. - [Lilly] Oh my gosh. - I like sheep. - [Lilly] Me too. - Not in real life, but in- - [Lilly] Oh, I go crazy, if I see them in real life. - I wouldn't be afraid, my allergies would go crazy. - [Lilly] They're so beautiful. - Oh, it's so pretty. (laughs) And then this is a pattern we did quite a while ago. Jelly roll tree skirt paid pattern. So this is the low price pattern. It's Jingle by Kate Spade, Kate Spain- - [Lilly] Mhmm. - Nova made it and Mike quilted it. And, (giggles) this is the jelly rolls that I use at home. I don't have it in this fabric. You can kind of see it here. You can see where the tree goes in the hole, but this is what I have around my tree now. - [Lilly] Oou! - I actually bought it from Nova cause she made it and I was like, "Can I buy it?" So this is a paid pattern, and we have a video, and you can watch the video, and we show how you make the whole thing, cut the circle- - [Lilly] Mhmm. - Different tips. So most of these things have videos- - [Lilly] Mhmm. - So that you can spend your weekend, celebrating Jelly Roll Day. - [Lilly] The quilts in the background. This (indistinct) that. - Oh. Okay sorry, she's trying to tell me the quilt behind me. The red and white is postage stamp star. It uses Bella solids. It's a classic and vintage, so we have a video. The block is a completely free pattern. If you wanna turn it into a quilt, we have a low priced PDF for it, and Mike quilted it. - [Lilly] Mhmm, yes. - This next one is huge. Oops, I just dropped stuff, I'm sorry. I don't know what I dropped. Spell Bound at Midnight, it is the name of the pattern. It's Midnight Magic fabric, Jocelyn designed it. Victoria stitched it, Mike quilted it, okay. So, tell me about the pattern Lilly. Tell them about the pattern. - [Lilly] Yeah, so it's a paid PDF pattern. It was released a while ago. So there is a video that goes with it, and the video you'll see the fabric is different from this one. So we've, recolored it in this. - And if you ... Can I have that, the jelly roll behind you that's Halloween. - [Lilly] Oh yeah. - So I think when Jocelyn designed this, she was kind of thinking Spiderweb, and, thank you. This looks good with it. This would be the Halloween Figs II by Fig Tree would look great in this, because it's very, the design fits Halloween. So it's a paid pattern, but we have a video. What ruler do you use? - [Lilly] Oh, let me double check. - I know we use the ruler. I don't remember. - [Lilly] I feel like Nova said the cat's cradle. - The cat's cradle, Oh yeah the cat's cradle Creative Brits ruler. - [Lilly] Yes. - Put this on the cart. Okay, the next one I dropped this sorry. We have the double tumbler ruler. - [Lilly] Oh! - It's so Emma. And this is Uncorked Metallic by Windham. Theresa made it and quilted it, and she just came up with it all on her own. - [Lilly] Hm. - So she took the skinny side of the tumbler, put it on, the jelly roll and made this. So if you want to make, a jelly roll quilt, that is just tumblers. You can use either the chucky side, or the skinny side. And this has a paper on the back of the ruler. And when you get the ruler you take the paper off. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - [Kimberly] So you would be able to see through it. So I'll show you all the colors. - [Lilly] So pretty. - [Kimberly] And she did a really nice, let me show you. Okay, she did it. This is a real, it's not flange. It's actually a sewn border. So look at the accuracy. - [Lilly] Wow! - So she's got a skinny border, and then she put the binding on, and then on the back she put black. - [Lilly] Oh, okay. And Nova said it was the Creative Grids, 90 degrees, double strip ruler for spellbound. - Thank you. It's hard to remember, I can't. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - I try. This is also a video that Lilly and I did, in a livestream. - [Lilly] It was actually last year's National Jelly Roll Day. - Okay, last year's National Jelly Roll Day. I use the seven inch, I know I remember that. The seven inch finished triangle paper, which is right here. It's called high roller. It is called Sweet Christmas. So you have to watch the video for the pattern- - [Lilly] Mhmm. - To know how to do it. And then we have a PDF that you can print out for free. And it tells you different layouts. Like if you wanted to make it, a table runner, or different sizes. And so for this year's Jelly Roll Day, we did the, what's the name of Confetti Stars. - [Lilly] Confetti Stars- - And then this one is last year is called High Roller. - [Lilly] Yes. It was also made and quilted by Denise. - Okay, yes sorry. I missed it. And this would also be great for jelly rolls is our Pineapple Paper. We have six inch Pineapple Paper, and 12 inch Pineapple Paper. We have videos on how to make it or how to use the paper. And there are instructions also included, and it's super easy, and Lilly made this one. I'm so proud of her. - [Lilly] Yay! It was my first big quilt. - And it is by Pinkerville, that is now sold out. It is a Pinkerville jelly roll. And of course she has to have purple on her backing. - [Lilly] Yaas. - You would totally know it was Lilly's. So look at that backing that's pretty- - [Lilly] Yeah. - [Kimberly] Okay. So I'm gonna flip it now another time. - [Lilly] Oou, ooh. - [Kimberly] So she used the combo, of the 12 inch, and the six inch. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - So do you want to see it from the front? Look at those points too. - [Lilly] Yay. - Can you see it better? - [Lilly] The foundation paper, helps with the points, yes, we can see it. - And the quilting who did the quilting? - [Lilly] Gina did. - Gina from Thread Graffiti. - [Lilly] Yes. - It's really pretty. So you can see the quilting here. It's a pretty, Oh, you can't even see it. It's like it's very Tula. - [Lilly] Yeah. I picked something- - it's a lot of movement. - [Lilly] That would kind of look like pineapples. - Oh- - [Lilly] They're like leafy. Yeah. Yes. - Little, pineapples. So that's what I have for National Jelly Roll Day. Let me know what questions you have. I still have a lot more. I know we're going on two hours, but I'm still going. - [Lilly] Yeah. - I have a lot more. (giggles) - [ Lilly] Yay. I'm gonna pop up the coupon again real quick- - Yes. - [Lilly] For people to see it. - [Kimberly] So, just when you get to check out, use the promo code JR20, the terms are exclude sales items, preorders and clubs, not valid with other offers, and cannot be retroactively applied to previous orders. And you can use it one time, and it expires tomorrow Saturday night at midnight, Central Standard Time. - [Lilly] Yes, yay. Okay, let's see the questions we were getting, Mary Gorham says, "So you cut the paper with the same cutter you cut your fabric with, at home?" A few people we're just wondering if you're supposed to switch the rotary cutter, when you cut the paper on triangles on a roll and with the foundation piece. - Should you? Yes. Do I? No. I don't know, it doesn't really seem to ... I mean, yeah, technically you should, but do I? No. - [Lilly] Endurance blade- - Yeah. - [Lilly] I think it, it stays, it's fine. - Yeah, it doesn't. It seems to work good for me, so I don't. - [Lilly] Yes, me too, cause I do that as well. Debra B says, "What cutting table is Kimberly using?" I think maybe she means the mat. The mat is a creative grids mat. It is 36 by 24. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - The table right here was made probably seven or eight years ago, at a local place. And the reason why is I needed it big, and I am tall. And I actually like my tables taller, because I don't want to bend down, because I have a very bad back. And anything I can. So this was custom made by a random guy in Austin. And it's just basically plywood painted- - [Lilly] Mhmm. - It's just two by fours, plywood, not anything crazy, not anything too expensive. But the reason it was done is, because I needed the height, because I like to cut like this rather than like this. Right here I have a really bad back. It's actually hurting right now. I'm actually gonna sit down because it is hurting, because the next- - [Lilly] Do you need help? - Yeah, I'm good. - [Lilly] Okay. - Cause the next part I can just do sitting down. - [Lilly] Yah. Okay, and then Thread Needle was wondering, if we could tell them the name of the fabric, in the square under the Sweetwater label. I think they're talking about the Quilting Life? Your Quilting Life quilt. - Okay, the Quilting Life quilt I used Vintage Happy 2 by Lori Holt. And that SKU in the center I believe is 9130-Vivid. We are sold out, but we will have more in October. I'm just moving everything, so I can sit down sorry. And then I do use these little, I didn't show you this. These are little buckets that I use. I've had these for gosh, I don't know forever. I think I got them at the container store, but I use these to kind of put everything in there. Another thing that is great, this new tool, I'm gonna show it next week. How to use this, I'm gonna show this next week. - [Lilly] Mhmm. Okay, and Inga Kalsorich says, "Do you know when you may have Moda Chambray Black back in stock? - Yes, that's October, November, it is on an order. - [Lilly] Aha. - That one is made in a different country, than normal cotton. And so that one usually has a longer delivery time, because of where it comes from. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - So I wanted to show you one last time before next week, the Sewcialites. So we put together a coloring card, and I just wanna say, it's amazing what you guys have done. So, if you want to see different layouts of this, Melissa Corey did a couple and put them on her blog. So you could just Google Melissa Cory's blog, or follow her on Facebook. She is in our Sewcialite's lounge, which is a Facebook group and she has shown some different options. Other people have taken this, cut out every single square with a Rotary Cutter, and re put it together. Have you seen it Lilly? - [Lilly] I haven't, now I (indistinct)- - People have done it. It's amazing what they've done. So some people are changing the direction. - [Lilly] Aah! - Some people are putting the half square triangles on the outside and all the blocks on the inside. - [Lilly] Oou. - So if you want and you, you don't have this drawn out, you can just take this, cut it apart, put it back the way you want, and you can finish it any way you want. This is a free sew along. It does not ... There are no rules. If you like one block better than another, you can make it more than one time. You can do whatever you want. It's just a free gift from Fat Quarter Shop to you. The fabric requirements are on the blog. My blocks are right here. Actually need to take this one home today. This is a $5 box from Target. Maybe the paper, and every single block is in here. I made, (sighs) the nine inch, the six inch and the three inch. So, next week I will be showing you my tips, and I don't know which size I'll do, I'll probably pick one. I'd probably do nine inch just because, I don't know haven't decided yet, but I'm gonna sew it next week for you. But all my blocks are in here. So, if you're looking for a way to organize, we've got this. We do have a Sewcialites, cute little key chain. I'm gonna put it on my car key chain. We've got that. And we have a binder that's coming and you can put this, and all your patterns in it each week. And so, I'm gonna actually show you, what I do is Nova and Krystal put together, what are they called? Plastic dividers, what are those called? Where you put plastic and you put the paper in? - [Lilly] (indistinct) oh, the- - They're like office. At the office supply, I'll show you next week. Oh yay, here we go. So, it's a binder. It has it just coming in here. Well, actually it has, we're packaging it Sewcialites, (giggles) it says Sewcialites. You can put it on your key chain, or on your bag. And we're gonna have a binder. But what they did is they put them in plastic covers, like sheet covers, paper covers. I don't know. I'll show you next week and you can tell me what they are- - [Lilly] Yes. - And then you can put them in each week. And then I'm gonna show you how, I do my little calculation on how I make my block. Now, all the blocks are gonna be written the traditional way, or the way that you would normally do them, on the videos, not every single week, but some weeks I'm gonna be giving you tips on how I do it. Now, the patterns are not gonna be written that way. I'm just going to show you how I do it, which is a little bit different. And that's okay. But we don't write our patterns that way, because there's no way at home. You would be able to figure out what the heck I was doing. So the videos are my way of just showing you things that you might like and might not like. - [Lilly] Sheet protectors or page protectors? - That yes. - [Lilly] Yes, thank you everyone in the comments. - Yes, sorry. (giggles) I get a little forget stuff a lot. - [Lilly] Well, I didn't remember either- - On the videos. Okay, so I'm gonna show you some new items that have come in stock, since last week. I'm gonna put them all on the table at once. So we finally got this back in stock. This is cut, sew, press- - [Lilly] Yah! - These are quilts by Lori. So there are four different quilts, they're all pieced, and we will be putting this into cross-stitch. But now we have the quilt pattern in stock you guys had asked. So we now have that. Her sew by row pattern is also coming in stock. We're waiting for it to come back from the printer, for Riley Blake, Riley Blake published these. So that will be available soon. Somehow I have this new obsession to flannels, (giggles) even though I don't use them. - [Lilly] Yes. - This is the new Mammoth Flannel. It is one of the bestselling groups that we have from Robert Kaufman continually sells. And there's a lot of SKU's but this is their new colors. They come out with new colors every year and discontinue some. They also came out with Shetland Flannel, which has a different look, it's more of a solid look. This one's more of a polka dot look. So if you like flannel, these are new, something about when I had just been seeing the flannel, it makes me want to make a quilt. - [Lilly] Yes. - So those are new Robert Kaufman, and they both have, well, this one has squares. So, you can see how much thicker, can I see one of the layer cakes over there pretty please? - [Lilly] Yeah. So I'm gonna show you how much thicker flannel is, than cotton. So this is Robert Kaufman, it has 42 squares. Thank you. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - This is Moda, and it has 42 squares and it's cotton. So you can see how much thicker flannel is. So, that is a new layer cake. And then this is what I'm excited about. I'm taking this home. - [Lilly] Woo! - So Lori has had Bee basics and Bee backgrounds for a while. So Bee basics are continuous, I'm gonna flip through every single one. These are continuous colors, that she is going to always be using. And this is a combination of some of the old SKU's and some of the new SKU's. And they're available in a layer cake. And we also cut a fat quarter bundle. And these are great to have in your stash. So these are going home with me. - [Lilly] Woo, woo! - Can not wait to get these in my car, so I can do something with them. So these are more of colored. So these are the colored prints. And like, you can see some are duplicates. So that's the same print. I love these. Oh my gosh these are so awesome. All these colors are great. So again, this is Bee basics by Lori Holt, brand new layer cake. I do think these are going to sell up pretty quick. That's the same. So all of colors, and some new, some old, it's just a combination of the two. We're kind of calling it 2020 Bee Basics, but it's really just Bee Basics, but we just kind of put that. So you would know the difference. That's my favorite, it's the scissors pink scissors. Okay, two of my favorites. Daisies, hearts. So that is brand new from Lori, and then Bee Basics and backgrounds. These are all background prints, but some of them are in the Bee Basic prints that are in this other ones. So these are backgrounds. So if you have been looking for this, which has been ... We don't have the fat quarter bundles, Oh, actually we do, we cut them yesterday. So we have fat quarter bundles of this also, but this is the layer cake. And this is a combination of new and old. And these are amazing. So if you like Lori Holt, if you buy her books, if you do her applique. Sew alongs, this is for you. So this is going home with me too. So cute, and her new colors. Also, there are some new colors of this, that go with the Prim collection. And if you wanna know which ones match the Prim collection, if you're on, all you have to do is go to the collection, shop by collection, click on Prim. And these pieces are on that page. Sorry, the pieces that match the prim, are on that page, so that you don't have to worry about if it's going to match or not, because she designed them to go with prim. And this is the perfect print for backing for me. Something like this. Oh my gosh, this too, is so awesome. Okay, so Lori you and I, we're gonna have to figure out what we're gonna make with this. - [Lilly] Oou! - I know I'm gonna make something. I have used this on so many quilts. We use this on the Bee Patriotic sew along- - [Lilly] Hm. - As the background. The Bee Patriotic bundles, just so you know, we've gotten them in three times. There is one SKU that I'm begging Riley Blake to reprint, so I can make more. So Lori, if you wanna put a little plugin, (giggles) to try to get that reprinted, it would help me. We can make more bundles. We're just waiting where we have everything, but two of the SKU's. This is so pretty. And this one, this is like a little Brown X. I use this, my twins have quilts in their bedroom that say their names, Peyton and Will. And this is the one that's on the background of Will's. And somehow, they haven't gotten ruined yet. So, those are brand new, by Lori Bee basics and backgrounds, and this is the Bee basics, and this is the backgrounds. - [Lilly] Oou! - And also wanted to let you know that, this is the brand new- - [Lilly] Needle minder. - Needle minder, I'm like, "What is the word?" Okay, so it comes with two magnets. So the magnets go like that. It holds it in place. - [Lilly] Aah! - And she designed this, and she also designed the sheep needle minder, for this. So when you're stitching, you can put your scissors on it. So it's really like a scissor reminder. - [Lilly] Oou! - It's not gonna fall off. And then I'm gonna test it with these big scissors. These are very heavy. Well, not too heavy. - [Lilly] Wow. - It doesn't work. - [Lilly] It's still stuck on for a little bit- - Yeah, it'll stick on, but it's not gonna ... But these definitely stick on. - [Lilly] Wow! - And that's what it's meant for. These came in- - [Lilly] Oou! - Super exciting. So this is our Charity stitch along for next year. And we have received both the bag and the charm. I am so glad you got this Lilly. Cause these came in late yesterday- - [Lilly] Mhmm. - And we just loaded on, so it's a butterfly. And these part of the proceeds of this, all goes to our Make-A-Wish, when we get the $20,000. And then this is the new Bonnie and Camille quilt Bee bag. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - So the book, is somewhere around here, I don't know where I put it. I'm sorry, I have so much stuff. (sighs) It goes with the book, and it goes with a table runner that I just made. On the inside, is Aqua lining. Very nice quality, and it has a zipper. So we were excited to be able to get a zipper on the inside. These literally just came in also. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - They're really nice, and so you can go to your retreat, in style. (laughs) so that's what we have that's new. - [Lilly] Yeah. - But this goes with the new book, it just wasn't, it didn't come in with the book. It came in like a couple of days after. - [Lilly] Mhmm, those were also really thick and sturdy- - [Kimberly] Mhmm. - [Lilly] And I'm gonna get one for myself cause I love it. - Yeah, the strap is really nice. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - We had this sample made about eight times. I'm not kidding. We had it made a bunch of times until it was right. Bags were a little bit tricky to make. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - Needle minders are pretty easy, and triangle paper's pretty easy. But when you start getting into bag and sewing, it gets pretty tricky. - [Lilly] From Corrine Burnett. "Are you still planning to do sew along, for the Fig Tree Stitchery Quilt?" - Yes, that fabric is coming out in October or November. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - And I am gonna do that, and I have started making the blocks, and I'm gonna do some tutorials. Some tutorials, some not, but I am going to sew that along with you guys. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - And that is a quilt kit that you can buy at Fat Quarter shop, it's just called Stitchery Sampler. And I think I've made two or three of the blocks, I haven't gotten really ahead, like I need to be. - [Lilly] Mhmm, okay. And then a few people have been wondering, if they make a donation, if they can receive the fabric requirements earlier for Serendipity. - So, we decided that, once we raised, can you get the amount from Kate? - [Lilly] It's 15,000. - It is, I wanted it to be 20. - [Lilly] Oh, okay. - So, once we raised either 15 or 20,000, for Make-A-Wish, we will release the fabric requirements early. - [Lilly] Mhmm, okay. - And I wanted to show you, David is our warehouse manager, and he works with Quilts of Valor. And he also works with one of the children organizations that does Project Linus. He works with both of those organizations, and they come pick up fabric from time to time. And we save fabric, that fits the look they're looking for. And the local Quilts of Valor sent this to us, to show us what they were able to make with our scraps that we sent them. And they donate all of those to Quilts of Valor recipients in our local area. And I thought that was nice that they actually sent us what they made. - [Lilly] Yeah. - So, I'm not sure if that is a free pattern, or something they came up with. I just think it's great that, they're doing something to help others. And also, yeah, we also do Project Linus also. Those are the two local people that we give scraps to. And you can see that we custom put, we pick through everything and give them the stuff that will match what they need. - [Lilly] Okay. A few questions here from Laura Swenson, "Is the bag lining made of plastic?" - No, it is fabric. So it is canvassy fabric- - [Lilly] Mhmm. - And it is the same as the handle. It's not the same fabric. They're a little bit colored different, but the same material, not the same color, but the same material. - [Lilly] From Judy Hakou, "What are the super chats, and what are the dollar figures for?" - Oh, okay. So super chats is something that YouTube provides for people who do live streams. And during a live stream, if you wanted to donate, it's kind of like a virtual tip jar. I just got that wording straight from Lilly. - [Lilly] Yeah. (laughs) - But it's kind of like Patreon, or it's just a way to give us a tip. And all that money goes into the YouTube revenue that we make. And then we get a percentage of that, on our check per se or deposit in our account at the end of the month. And I use that stuff for all of the equipment. Lilly's paycheck, Ashley's paycheck. I mean, kind of my paycheck- (giggles) - [Lilly] Mhmm. - But there are lights everywhere. Lilly's actually looking into getting more lights, and more things so that she doesn't have to move around as much stuff since we're videoing more. But it's all equipment and pays our salary. It's totally not necessary. You don't have to do it, don't feel like you have to do it. We will read all comments. And we will not just pick people who do super chats to do comments. - [Lilly] Mhmm. - Sometimes we do have so many people in the chat that we do miss them, but it's just really hard with a lot of people watching. - [Lilly] Mhmm, okay. From Deborah Greenfield, "Instead of a needle minder, I think I need a phone minder. My phone has slid off my project board several times this week as I was going from place to place." - I wonder if it would stick. - [Lilly] I think you're not supposed to put your phone next to magnets that strong. - Oh, okay, well then I won't. - [Lilly] Yeah. (laughs) It's already, up enough- - My phone's already broke. So what happened was last Saturday, and I had dance when I was Oh, Sunday. Well, actually she had dance Saturday and Sunday, but Sunday she had a photo shoot that was required for her team, or whatever. I don't even know honestly what it was for, but I had to drive her there. So I was making this quilt I drove her there, and then I drove home, and then Kevin went to get her. And then they, they tried to call me, they tried to text me, my phone wouldn't work. And then they got home and they were worried that something happened. And I was like, "What are y'all worried about that?" I was like, "There's nothing on this phone." And then now when I call Lori it's scratchy- - [Lilly] Mhmm. - She's really the only one her and Priscilla, that's who I talked to on the phone. But when I called, it just, you can't hear, it just keeps cutting out. So I need to either get a new phone, or get a new SIM card, or something. - [Lilly] Mhmm, okay, from House of Stitch and Stash, "Dear Fat Quarter Shop, and Lori Holt, please make shopper bags, the reusable bags. So I can put my groceries in it in style." - Okay, she does have a bag in the works. It's not a shopper bag though, but it is much bigger, and it is stylish. - [Lilly] Oou! - And it will come out December, January. - [Lilly] Ooh. - It's actually already at being made right now. - [Lilly] Exciting, exciting. And then we did have a new YouTube member, Cheryl Conquest, welcome Cheryl. - Thank you. - [Lilly] Yay! - So guys, thanks for watching. I hope that I have inspired you in some way, or taught you a new tool. I will be back next week with Sewcialites, and we will do something very similar. Well, I will take the pattern, show you the Kimberley way, and hopefully that will help you in your very first free Sewcialites block. So see you next week. - [Lilly] Bye everyone.
Channel: Fat Quarter Shop
Views: 262,908
Rating: 4.8368835 out of 5
Keywords: fat quarter shop live stream today, quilting show off, national jelly roll day, journey 2 nebula
Id: PbV4lj_tvOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 13sec (8893 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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