I PAID $3375 FOR MILLIONAIRE DOCTOR'S STORAGE UNIT ~ why did they leave this behind ? TREASURE !

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I've already get it giddy and excited cuz I feel like this is gonna be a gold mine ladies gentlemen boys and girls pirates of all ages it is Wednesday we tell doesn't split my eyes I'm exhausted here at the auctions that this real quick scheme I'm tired I didn't stop packing last night to midnight midnight I was done on that haul wrap after getting home was in 100-degree weather working the 25 that was in dollar unit we're here at the officers taking a break this morning then we're gonna go and load and get ready to go pick up another load there's some of the competition all right ladies and gentleman we are here and we are about to go look at this unit I paid three thousand three hundred and seventy-five dollars there was a bidder who had somebody show up then the person ran me up and I'm unmuted he's like Oh at least I made him pay some of the system that we're using here these auctions right now are not foolproof because I think I don't mind paying what I pay so you should be here present and only be bidding because you want to not be getting a number to log on and be able to run somebody up but anyway let's take a look at this three thousand three hundred and seventy five dollar unit there's only one reason and one specific reason only I bought this storage unit right here and here is that one and one only specific reason why I bought this storage unit look at this dust laser Jimmy you tell me right now you look at this unit right here at ten by thirty full floor to roof what would you pay for a unit like this I'm digging it already I am digging it let's let's just what do we got here do we have art oh I gotta cut this open and look in mm I've already get it giddy and excited because I feel like this is gonna be a gold mine come on be a priceless painting this is good right here I don't know what I could just I have a feeling that this piece of art right here look at that wow that's something paint on the other side but then on this side is a Native American painting signed H M or HW Strudwick Wow Wow we got another HW Strudwick right here I don't maybe this is the person's art now we see - that's the first thing that assumption that comes to my mind is we have personal art from this owner and we have another H W Strudwick right here unknowing what these artists to be the first thing I do is pretty much look these up once I get off the phone here because I have to know what these are here we have two more HW Strudwick s-- oil paintings very old very very old with the level of dust in here where we have your blankets what what is that that right there what is that it looks like the lid comes off it's got a small chip there there is a beaker in there pots and pans all right so we are about halfway in this unit and I could just see nothing pretty much boxes I can't see a whole lot of other stuff yet I don't know what's gonna be in them but judging by the signs of what I can see and the way the furnitures wrapped the type of boxes you can see art oh baby this is gonna be a good one look at this nothing but old stuff boxes packed etc etc etc here we are in the back I'm seeing tons of Records right off the bat I love saying right off the bat whoo it's gonna be a good one this will be a very good unit right here guys this is already Persia Liam vase what is that word right there look at this look at this look at this look at this look at this look at this all these things you see records records records camera princess house in the bag I could tell you right now with my expertise I last saw a grandfather clock that's a good sign right there lamps jars kitchen sewing machine what do we got Oh drugs nice that's great all the neosporin you ever wanted to pick so we'll give those to Uncle Michael we got tic tacs and foot flaps and sterile lights Oh more drugs just lovely okay and then we have matches and soap not bad I like the way this looks you see the way you see this hoarder type status look ladies gentlemen storage doctor there he is look how skating here this man's been losing weight hit the thumbs up if you like the weight the storage doctors been losing it's like a stick you look like a stick figure walking this way no look at this storage unit doom oh snap wait till you see the back bro this unit this is yeah the whole unit fuck there's put tons of records back there all four of these are the I think is a family's name stud Rick all I did was look in there and that's it look it's a good thing you've been losing way buddy it's a bro I'm actually more juiced about this dinner the whole back is just boxes back there I think it's gonna it's a family heirloom type locker these are old people they must have passed away oh I need a unboxing right here it says jade on it could this please be a jade statue no their name is Strudwick it's on every box like a moving company I'm wondering if one of us packed them at one point all you guys want to see - oh you guys want to see - oh you guys want to see - please be some good and don't be clickbait to me there's some serious Jaden be careful with that be very careful pulled out one piece at a time like just like oh ho oh my god Allah how many lips is it take to get the center of a Tootsie Roll Tootsie Pop come on be like the world's most priceless J - ever seen just be careful Oh what is oh shoot it's got swans I think I got me a thumbnail right there it's been looks like it's been repaired right there but this looks like it's a really really there's a lot of this is like kitchen stuff and drugs yeah open up the next drawer these two and then the top this one here is that another piece of jade right there we have to see this is these are the stands for no this right here and this right here or Jade no okay that's good second stay here this box needs to come home yeah it's Jade happy - oh it's beautiful no it's roses it's rose turtles what is it oh those are Jade there I don't know what kind are they California Jade expensive Jade this is the jack jackpot thank you cowboy for running me up every time you do that it pays off ladies and gentlement really do much more in this unit right now I don't have I wasn't equipped for this but this is rugs that says where I think like I'm just in street I just want to know what's in every box now what if they're a handmade Native American Persian rugs that isn't even really a thing but okay they're just they're just bathroom rugs first box I opened two Jade statues and then this one says extra fragile I know it's gonna have a hard time sleeping tonight so I just like cheeseburgers in the house this is very nice this is a top for something here is the parts for the grandfather clock no it's not a grandfather clock what is this it's a salt and pepper shaker I learned that recently it's a grinder gourmet brass grinder look major handsome African statue this is gonna be so much to go through like I can't even have time to sit here and go there look at a seashell I think I hear oh man look at that made in Japan a picture frame yeah there's no way to sit here and open up every one of these I just wanted to get a good idea of something else you know what I feel in here all the sudden right now I feel like this is - unit I might get my first ever Rolex I said on the call right now I'm gonna call that what I've seen so far I'm thinking that there is some type of role that decision made in Japan that's a good cos Japan not China no offense of China but Japan is where the money's at scrapp what do you think that is computer and then there's a freaking Indian head and then there is up is that kryptonite that's a mixed bag guys this is weird huh this is gonna be breast all of these lumps please be a million dollars in here I wish for a million dollars in there is all of the oil um guys and girls I'll add an oil link I speak cheaper yourself thank you some type of fish yeah there's a fish Tita okay no it's not as we went to Paris or sucked into the us-russian alright that's all I just want to look in this one time and I needed to see another Bob this is gonna be hard for me to sleep tonight because I've pulled out jade and nothing but collectibles in two boxes you saw drugs you saw the Tweaker beaker and the family history art this lockers minute Bjorn is I can already tell you this will be in my top 25 storage Ian's about question and number will probably get better as the truck broke down getting it fixed Clint came to help me we're at the post office we're gonna do our dropping off all of our daily packages thanks - clintus the last few days have just been hectic ever silly we're back to option I told you guys soon as options come the pirate will be hitting them hard and harder than ever I'm gonna be looking for the bestest units things that I'm gonna be able to keep my abit self busy during potential of another quarantine as well as I need videos and to keep the options rolling everything else we've been selling stuff I got a pack all this up here we've brought stuff home from the $34,000 unit and we got the Cookie Monster over here making ads what are you listening clamp Lobby codes ooh cafe : that sounds like a fun place to go huh I paid 900 for these if you watched a video there today we're already listing them we're starting high nine hundred bucks a set I know it's a little bit ridiculous I paid 900 all of them but they do have value and I might I believe that maybe one out of all of them will be worth nine hundred and pay for it but nonetheless quints make an asset we're gonna get ready to get the rest of the stuff shipped out and start the process of getting eBay flooded again and start making stuff for the auctions we do on YouTube don't forget if you don't already subscribe pirate auctions link for the video is in the description that is the only place I will hold a live auction it will not be on this channel I want to keep iterating that so in case anybody wants to attend them to get some great deals on the stuff that you see on these coming videos that's where you're gonna find it it'll be on my eBay storage auction pyre or will be on pirate auctions the oxygen
Channel: Storage Auction Pirate
Views: 12,528
Rating: 4.9234695 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money, abandoned storage, watch storage wars, found money, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage units, storage auction finds, abandoned storage unit auctions, auctions, asmr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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