They paid $70,000 to store it for 18 years ! I gambled $5000 to buy it ! Was i CRAZY ?

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five thousand mike five thousand miles already five thousand mike going once twice sold ladies and gentlemen oh come on what is that normal one thing i'm a little worried about is the fact that there's so many cockroaches at the front door there that extensive material oh come on what did i just spend five thousand dollars on i can't hear a thing ladies and gentlemen boys and girls pirates of all ages we are here we're at the auctions another one of these days where we're getting to bid in our car online public storage let's see how it goes one of my favorite spots i bought some good ones here in my day some really good ones there's five and we got a few more let's get started and same thing as always make sure you stay in your cars have one device um run the video for the first one here the first one is c 21 c 21 it's a 5 by 10 100 [Music] psych which can we're here it's the second stop 10 by 30. i'm excited because i love 10 by 30s got to get my video edited so we're just multitasking the one good thing about these auctions where we just sit in our cars we get to do stuff like this is that a business it was not like a business though it's um it's an individual since 2002. [Music] i'm gonna do one more round and i'm gonna go to the next door okay okay here we go yes second door mike get 250 you get 300 500 forty five hundred four thousand mike you get forty five hundred one four thousand one hundred forty one hundred marco forty one hundred marco forty all right we just got this unit for five thousand dollars sitting since 2002. it showed a little bit of office stuff etc etc but i'm a gambling man it's been sitting since 2002. i believe there's something really good in this unit i just have this feeling it's what i do i look for these units we're about to take a look all right ladies and gentlemen oh come on what is that oh what did i do what did i do let's see oh please be something good in here okay so i don't see my exact model but i see these things selling for a little bit of money in here what did i do folders that's a lot of computer stuff did we get michael paper trays this is not what i felt it to be right off the bat there's a whole box of these oh pat electronic device let's see what this is i'm gonna have to jump down okay i see a bunch there's quantity of 20 in here i don't know what the heck i'm looking at so okay it is a it's a wire there's 20 of them in there okay 20 of those what in the world did we get here i don't freaking know um oh my gosh look at that can it be this one this one is 900 bucks i gotta find one that literally is seven inch binders taiwan okay so that's a garbage box we need more like that one please be more though what is this circuit boards what did i get myself into i gotta look this up now i have no idea what i did but module let's see what this is let's drive over to the other side and we're gonna see what's on the other side so okay those don't look very valuable what is all this stuff uh uh so the same thing all right so hopefully these are worth 200 bucks a pop because we'll get our money back in those in no time there's all these things right here they're like brand new but what are they hmm interesting now those look crazy where are they can we even see this in here cad dock so [Music] so i have no idea what these are they just say caddock on them they're old computer parts but i got cases of them cases there's like one two three four five six seven eight nine ten cases of them or so 2400 per case i don't know what the hell they do i'm taking this one home i'll research it see what i got there i'm feeling like there's going to be some money in here but it's going to be a different type of sale than normal one thing i'm a little worried about is the fact that there's so many cockroaches at the front door there that i'm not gonna just static sense of material oh come on there's a quantity of 432 line feed resistor okay oh what is this wow okay i have no idea what that is i don't really want to open it guys let's see if we can just get one to slide off oh wow these are these are bucks right here look at that line feed resistors i don't know what that is but i i have a feeling that there's money here not your quick i'm gonna buy a storage unit and slap it and make some money but this right here is something that you're not going to see every day and there's a whole there's just tons of them whatever they are let's see what this says wow i don't think we can even see in here at this point guys let's look at the manifest here line feed resistors okay 4 000 of them in that one package there's got to be something really expensive in here somewhere we'll have to come back another day because it's getting too hot for me oh what are these compass components oh wow okay oh what are these more of these vq systems system tray parts whatever those are i have no idea so much stuff here i just want to look and see what's in there because i want to find whatever this was what goes in these and what were they making those seem like expensive pieces micro so much to look through here i don't know i guess i'm going to call it a wrap because like i always say uh you make the profit once you buy it i've learned to slow down a little bit not be in a hurry we'll take these two pieces home for research we'll list those and we'll see what we do what's in this i don't know i want to see what's in one of these let's see i'm just people okay we'll find something in here i know we will something in here will have value like that well that being said guys we're gonna call this a wrap and i'm gonna go on home there's nothing i could do here the cockroaches worry me and i gotta figure out what did i just spend five thousand dollars on well i'm whoo i'm sweating my storm up first off nothing adventure nothing game you guys see me buy a lot of crazy units and everybody wonders whether i make money or not but the fact is quite often it pays off this is not your normal stuff but it's all new and i still believe that there's a chance to make profit i just got to find the right buyer we'll see i'm gonna go home and try to do some research see what i can come up with and yeah you guys tell me what you think in the comment section below
Channel: Storage Auction Pirate
Views: 9,765
Rating: 4.8442478 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage, abandoned storage locker, storage lockers, storage hunters, storage wars, treasure hunt, how to make money, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage auction, auction hunters, extreme unboxing, locker nuts, what the hales, curiosity incorporated, storage auction pirate, storage wars full episodes, American pickers, pawn stars, storage pirate, storage stalker
Id: muj9CcRSc6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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