IELTS TOEFL Vocabulary: The News Media

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hi everybody welcome to write to the top I'm Adam in today's video I want to give you some more vocabulary to help you build your idea banks and get ready to write about different types of topics today we're going to focus specifically on the news media now I didn't want to focus on the media because that's just too broad I can give you too many words for that I'll make another idea Bank ebook eventually about media and advertising and all that but this today we're only looking at the news media and again the news media is very big thing these days especially what's going on in the world and just in case you're not sure what an idea Bank is what I'm talking about when I say idea Bank there's a link at the corner here you can watch my video about building ideas building vocabulary getting ready to talk about or to write about any topics for the IELTS or TOEFL essay if that is an issue for you so we're gonna look at a few different words today so what are we looking at first we're looking at mass media consumption mass media mass means to a large number or a large audience so a lot of people consume they take in media they buy newspapers they pay for cable television they listen to radio on their car it's a big business but it's also very informative right so it's all works together mass media consumption there are three three main types of media or media outlets outlet is the channel or the company that presents that information that presents the news okay there is mainstream media mainstream media means that the majority of people consume this particular type of media so for example CNN Fox BBC in terms of newspapers there's New York Times Washington Post and canada's The Globe and Mail in England that's the independent or the Guardian these are mainstream these are what most people read or watch or listen to etc then you have alternative alternative means smaller companies that give a different perspective than the mainstream they don't care as much about politicians they don't care so much about advertisers they want to deliver the news that they think is important okay so these are smaller companies so for example like sites like political or HuffPost etc these are more alternative and then you have your fringe outlets fringe means on the outside right so they're outside of the main idea of media these are usually very extremist news channels that they have a very specific message that they want to spread it could be right-wing conspiracy theories it could be left-wing conspiracy theories all kinds of a little bit crazy news if you want to call it that you have to be very careful about the things you read and see and hear on fringe media outlets alternative media you should definitely read mainstream you should definitely read try to read or listen to more than one outlet just be careful about the fringe listen to the mainstream listen to the alternative make up your own mind and then move on from there so who is the consumer of media well when we're talking about people we're talking about a target audience so for example CNN has a target the sorry CNN's target audience are Democrats liberals people like that Fox Fox's target audience right-wing conservative Republicans okay so everybody has a very specific target audience and they cater or they curate their news to that audience because they know who's listening they give them what they want to hear what they want to consume another thing that the news channels need to be aware of our demographics basically this is statistics about the population what are the at what's the average age and in this area what type of people live in this area what type of people live there ages ethnicities religions political leanings all of these things make up the demographics they explain what type of people are in different areas and then you adjust your news to that and then same idea segments of the population so a segment means a part of the population so certain segments of the population are very anti-government certain sections segments of the population are pro legal marijuana for example each of these segments has a particular belief and advertisers who want to get the attention of this segment will go to this news channel and they know okay I know this this segment of the population watches your channel so I'm gonna advertise with you my products for that consumer okay so all of this has to go into the calculation and the same with political leanings political leaning so leaning means like going towards one side so if you have right-wing leanings or left-wing beginnings or if you're independent all of these things affect what kind of news you get affect how the news channels cater their information to you what kind of ads you're gonna see etc so how and where so we're talking about source what is your source of muse is it television is it Radio is it print the platform when we're talking about online media we're talking about platform like social media or like a CNN website or other different types of websites format are you watching it are you listening to it are you reading it are you doing getting your information some other way format basically the way it comes to you so we have television radio internet or online and print these are the main channels of media and altogether they are referred to as the press the press includes all the different formats all the different sources and all the people working in media the reporters the anchors the pundits which I'll talk about in a moment as well and then we have networks networks so for example in the US again there are a few major networks like NBC CBS ABC they have channels all over the country and they're all connected so they have syndicated shows so if a show becomes very popular in a certain part of the country the network's will send the Kate that show and show it in other parts of the country eventually it will become nationally syndicated means all the channels associated with this network will show this show at this particular time and so the syndicated shows are done by the networks the networks are the big companies and then there's small companies that work with the network's or called the affiliate stations so for example CNN is based in Atlanta but it has chat it has affiliate stations in California and Dakota etc all these different places okay so now I want to give you some good verbs to use you should always collect verbs especially because they give you a lot more range in your writing so what is the function of media so first of all it is to present information to present the information to the target audience and if you want to be a higher end word disseminate disseminate means spread so they disseminate information or a good simple but very useful word is inform I hardly ever see anyone using the verb in form in their writing everybody writes information very few or rarely do I see inform good verb to have basically to inform is to give information media seeks to influence they want to shape the public's opinion they want to help you think the way they want you to think but you have to be very careful shaping public opinion every media outlet in the world in every country tries to shape public and CNN tries to make you a liberal Fox tries to make you conservative there's a difference between shaping public opinion and propaganda propaganda is controlled media dissemination there's only one voice and there's only one message and they just pump it out pump it out pump it out basically try to brainwash the audience right so in countries where there's a Thorat aryan government or dictatorships they will use propaganda and democracies it's called shaping public opinion there's a slight difference there they get depending who you ask spin can be a noun or verb but to spin means to take a story to take a negative story and try to work it to make it look positive so you're spinning it from the negative to the positive to source I mentioned source before so - source means to get the information from a reliable person a reliable source or to get it from somewhere and reliable I mean the media is a major function of media is to deliver PSAs public service announcements if there's an emergency if something like a storm coming or an attack coming from an enemy the media will let the public know about it what the media should avoid is media bias it's it rarely it does happen that they avoid this but media's should deliver facts they shouldn't try to shape your opinion they shouldn't tell you that this is correct because you know where we believe more like this side so we look at this side of the story every media outlet should give you both views and let you make up your own mind it doesn't really happen much but that's in theory what the media should you and yellow journalism that is when they make they just try to sell you big stories they want to grab your attention get more advertisers so yellow journalist journalism is sensational we only tell you like or somebody there's a mass shooting or there's a storm that killed a lot of people every day things are still newsworthy they don't really talk about because people are bored the advertisers don't come okay that's another thing that's very hard to avoid these days so now let's look at each of the media sources a little bit separately so television and radio this is called broadcast media because they broadcast they send out the I guess the the waves radio waves airwaves etc so again broadcast can be a noun or a verb there is a broadcast of the impeachment hearings the the channel will broadcast the hearing air again noun on the air means live you can see it now air time means the time that somebody is on the air okay and two air basically means to put on television breaking news B's happening right now it's very they think it's a very important news story so they will interrupt everything else and give you that information but television and radio are at the mercy of at the mercy of means they are very very dependent on ratings if not enough people are watching then advertisers don't come if advertisers don't come they're not making money if they're not making money they go out of business so media is still a business first so they are dependent on ratings sponsors and advertisers if they lose all of these they go out of business online a little bit different you have blogs well you the whole internet is basically called a blogosphere anyway you can you can read blogs or you can listen to podcasts these are recorded blogs essentially online though because there's so much information online that new sites and blogs and all kinds of people who are presenting information online rely on headlines so big bold print and it's often clickbait clickbait is something that really draws your attention you want to click on it and then they take you to where they want to take you once you are there they hope to catch you but to get you to that page they have to attract you with the headline they had do you need to click so bate means like a trap like a attraction you use bait to catch fish you use bait to catch consumer attention then make them click unlike television which is very controlled by there are a lot of rules online is a lot is a lot more freelance anybody can post information on the internet if somebody becomes popular it doesn't matter what ideas this person has he or she can become very famous can become very influential can even become very rich it is much less regulated which means there's a lot of misinformation and a lot of fake news a lot of things that are presented as fact presented as news which are in fact not true so you have to be very careful about consuming online media print basically means newspapers magazines tabloids tabloids are basically yellow journalism they just want to put big attractive headlines to catch you a lot of it is lies a lot of it is photography of famous people and not very positive situations I guess you could say all of these together are called periodicals because they come out at a regular period every day every week every month quarterly means every three months semi annually or biannually twice a year annually once here they rely on articles that's what you read in the newspaper serials a collection or a series of articles about a specific topic columns are regular articles that are appear every week or every month usually by the same person or about the same topic an op-ed is an opinion editorial this is where the newspaper editor tells you what he or she thinks about a certain topic and tries to influence your opinion editorial same idea now a lot of print media is see very drastic decline in circulation circulation means how many copies are being sold so as circulation goes down a lot of these print media outlets go out of business or they switch to a digital online platform okay a few people in the media you have journalists these are the people who get the stories you have reporters the ones who basically say the stories or rewrite reporters are generally journalists as well an embedded reporter is a reporter who's put into a situation for example if there's a war sometimes you'll get a reporter in the war zone with a camera telling you what's going on and you can hear the bullets and the bombs around this person investigative journalist does the job of a police officer basically he investigates or she investigates something to try to uncover secrets and anchor this is the person delivering the news on TV on the news channel the one sitting there reading and talking is the anchor editor make sure that everything is approved copy editor make sure there are no mistakes and they're writing or the the information pundits these are experts who are brought in to give their opinion about a certain topic legal experts political experts business experts to talk about their field and all of these people that you see on TV we call them it's slang but we call them Talking Heads because all you see is their head and all they do is talk so you see it on the box on the TV and you see a head talking so they're just a funny way to call them call these people and lastly a few legal issues you have to be very careful with the media to avoid slander libel and defamation in in other words you can't say something about someone or about a company or a group that is not true that is called slander or libel if you say these things and you you harm this person or this group's reputation that is also called defamation and that person or that company can sue you and get a lot of money from you because you hurt their reputation maybe you hurt their business or livelihood etc okay so there you go a whole bunch of words there are many many more but this will get you started on your idea bank make sure you build vocab think of different topics that you might be asked about create questions for yourself again the link up there go find out more about the idea Bank and that's it if you like this video give me a like don't forget to subscribe to my channel and come back next time I'll give you some more tips grammar vocab writing etc okay see you then bye bye
Channel: Write to Top
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Keywords: IELTS, TOEFL, English writing, writing skills, language test, English grammar, English vocabulary, essay writing, test tips, English test, word choice, English skills, study tips, IELTS high score, TOEFL high score, lexical resource, language skills, collocations, how to write in English, IELTS high band, IELTS writing, TOEFL writing, academic writing, academic vocabulary, writing samples, synonyms, IELTS Reading, TOEFL reading, high band score, vocab variety
Id: IIcVZsxA-nk
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Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 02 2020
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