Free Christmas Jingles - Free Jingle Friday

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[Music] all the jingles we create on the show are created with music radio creative own production libraries and adobe audition presets save time and create your own jingles like a pro using presets breakers breakers bangs bushes and really really music basics find out how to get your free production starter pack starter and now here's mike and isabella wow merry christmas almost merry christmas welcome along to the live stream my name is mike russell and i'm isabella russell there she is with her tinsel well i'm a little bit festive i've got a christmas jumper on how does it look you have redeemed yourself a little bit though yes thank you [Music] all right let's do this let's make this happen so we go live this time every week although we will be taking two weeks off yay after this session well yeah two weeks off i was thinking yes two weeks after two years we will be back we will be back ready in the first friday of january so nice and early we will be there but if you're just joining us soon then welcome along to the show remember you can get a jingle mate we'll tell you how in just a moment but this is so exciting isabella let's start the christmas music [Applause] sing along now everyone's singing at home of the year [Music] oh just getting started isabella is the most wonderful time of the year kylie minogue um how can we play that on a live stream thanks to our friends at licht forward slash licked they've given us some free licenses so we can play christmas music on this show without a copyright strike yay so if you would like to license awesome christmas tunes for your show make sure to head on over to mrc dota fan forward slash licked it's l-i-c-k-d and get your license in there it's super easy to do it and they have some really nice releases like kaylee minogue kylie minok yeah okay this one this one yes so um yeah we are a show where we produce jingles i'll try and get a christmas library isabella so we can make uh christmas music but of course this is how you can get involved in the show how do you do it go to forward slash script that's the one and if you would like to have your script not just recorded but also produced with some awesome christmas christmas bangers free christmas bangers then super chat yellow all the way yellow or above is the way i can't even say it yeah just hit super chat hit the dollar symbol on your youtube account and super chat yellow color or above and you'll get a produced jingle but otherwise yeah we'll just do your free voiceovers yes we will but we're now down over there hello hi merry christmas thank you so that's what we're doing we're in the business of making jingles remember to go to the one and only that's why we're taking your submissions yes and i'm pleased to say that um the script submissions are working so we had a little bit of a hiccup last week but it is working and it's uh truly properly working which is good wonderful we are receiving your stuff hey we're receiving yours we're receiving your stuff indeed so it's the last show of the year of 2021 but i realized something isabella what did you realize okay so next year is it's actually said 2020 two oh no isabella shared a meme earlier on i did actually yeah 20 20. so does that mean like it's like you guys should i should i see if i can find it sometimes speakers can speak it's kind of like you get a die hard one or no die hard and then you get die hard too well we had we already had 20 20. and now we get 20 20 two all we got is blur at the moment hang on i'm working on it and i'm doing it i'm working on it she's working on it she's working a camera centralized a bit bit to the right bit to the left but that that that's it that's it i'm not quite sure what i'm going to see there no no you talk and i will do my vote here i will try she's kind of whizzing around i am whizzing around we can't see it isabella just follow isabella on um whatever it is i don't know that she's dead it's there there it is okay the moment you realize 2022 is pronounced 2022 right i mean this is just such a i know it just did she just got me and took your goals earlier on i was like oh no here we go again no no no no no we don't talk about that stuff on this show we just we just play christmas music and we enjoy and maybe we review a little bit the year gone by but how about this one a classic from the pretending i love the one yeah i love the way it plays can i be like crash all over it can i crash it yeah can i just crush it so this is cool and actually look i'm playing them from adobe audition these songs and you can see the fade in on this track it's really cool so this is a pretenders 2 000 miles licensed thanks to our friends over at licht over to you is go on so yeah just wanted to say oh hang on talk to the vocals and now oh my gosh here on ftf the pretenders [Music] you know i i nearly nailed it you nearly did but i kind of was going to say that that's cheating because you you kind of talk and then you can see exactly where it's at so you are not relying on your inner musical instinct well that's what i used to have when i worked in radio even in the old days we had a system called myriad that could show you the the intro and it would show a yellow bar going across the screen until you had to be quiet and the lyrics would start isabella yeah that's just just how it works but now now we have adobe audition where we can see everything which is cool yeah well there you go there you go so uh there are so many different things so i kind of wanted to to say so yes it's 2022 so it's the last um show of the year and it would be great to kind of maybe look back a little bit i don't know if that's possible what do you think oh yes do do a review of the year and also shout out to the chats as well because we haven't really been paying attention to the fact that we've got i've been paying attention doug we've got tim fantastic moderators um bjorn as well who's usually there so big shout out to bjorn and a merry christmas we've got neil fraser who just upgraded to myriad 5. i wonder what miriam 5's like that's nice who got vibes live andre's in the house as well david winterburn cliff pearson who thought i was very professional talking up to those vocals there thank you bmw's sasquatch shadows uh we've got dev trend as well we've got sean in the house just jameson and so many others as well right now oh that's wonderful so i was going to bring a um you know 2021 stats for the year okay go on and you know what i mean it's obviously thanks to you because you are a wonderful watcher we've got nine point nearly 9.4 million views in 2021 whoa um what else i can see we've got from nearly 42 000 new subscribers so thank you if you've subscribed thank you every forty thousand of you that's amazing if you found this channel this year actually if you did find music radio creative this channel or what you're watching now if you found free jingle friday this year in 2021 i'd just like you to type 2021 into the chat box now wherever you're watching we'll see it just type 2021 if you actually found us this year because you're very welcome well this calls for a little uh poll then i think instead of um oh go and do a poll in the meantime isabella while you set up a party i like po polls i would like to shout out i would like to shout out some of my favorite youtubers who bought me joy this year mr beast oh yeah and preston plays nice brilliant youtubers uh mr beast has just in a world that is uncertain at the moment just brought me a little bit of joy i did enjoy his um his squid games video in real life i thought that was very very clever very well put together and also i i just got into preston plays because it came up as a suggestion because like our kids are just watching games all the time and uh and apparently there was a squid game in minecraft video and uh and that was rather good as well so uh yeah some good good stuff uh and did you know that the minecraft videos alone on youtube have hit something like one trillion views thanks insanity something something crazy that is absolutely crazy and i've just started to pull by the way so you should if you are watching us on youtube you should see it appearing in there and you can click and uh you know there are some options uh options for you in there so it will be interesting interesting to see so get polling get to the polls hey we've got we've got some really good stuff going on in the chat here people are just actually rather than typing 2021 people typing the year they found us that's a great thing actually what who's the earliest person who can put the earliest year that you found uh mike russell isabella russell or music channel has been going since 2010. about then yeah but mrc's been around since like five or six so it's like it's old school we got here uk tardis saying 2019 rob's back from 2020. uh we've got john in the house from 2021 uh new thank you john uh just jameson joined us in 2021 kev the care of laurie as well solo express tv marilyn but i would be interested to see uh who can who can honestly handle their heart say uh the year they found us and go back the furthest who would it be way back way way back so i was just going to um look at different stats i'm just trying to see um [Music] you know kind of different stats as to what is um yeah you know um so your top video for the whole last three let me guess can i guess go go on okay so the top video for the last 365 days yeah for the last year yeah go on have a guess okay how to remove uh vocals from a song in audacity no oh no um no actually it does not even make um the top ten it does make top five okay and no it doesn't even make top five so okay number one uh by miles is adobe audition cc tutorial for beginners getting started followed by how to remove background noise in premiere pro and finally how to make your voice sound better and in audacity so well so those are three top videos um in the last 365 days so there you go how about that that's very very cool yeah indeed isabelle i really love it i love you throwing these stamp bombs yeah of all the cool stuff yeah um yeah like it would just be interesting to get some more if you have any do you have anything i've got more hang on i've got more i'm i'm bringing them all out uh so um sorry it's just loading i was also gonna ask you as well do we by chance um because i'm sure we might get some christmas jingle requests in today in our paid upgrades do we have a christmas uh library production library that i can access and use oh you're so prepared you know i love how prepared you are today i will i will send you a link shortly but there is yes there is a full christmas library actually uh if you uh if you as a watcher are looking for christmas um sound effects and bits like that make sure to head on over to and there is a whole section devoted to christmas so we have everything christmas starting from what's that 2014. you're killing it yeah you're killing it you're killing it that's really really cool so um hang on i'm getting you the very prepared mr russell getting you your christmas doing all that good stuff i'm gonna also play i've got another track that i might play i mean i can start it now it's it's a great christmas track again we're able to play commercial music thanks to our friends at licht have you seen have you seen licked isabella have you seen what they do yeah they essentially have a catalogue of well-known tracks that we as creators youtubers whatever if we're on facebook instagram we can license them and we can use these tracks in our creations and it's so convenient to do so and no fear of a copyright strike so we can actually play copyrighted music legally on social media platforms uh obviously read the terms and conditions to find out which uh apply but uh yeah it's so much fun and uh i've got one more i've got the pogs and kirstie mccall they've got some really good christmas tracks up on licked forward slash l i c k d m r c dot fm four slash licked and i want to show you something actually an audition that really annoys me about music tracks so have a look at this i had this same thing in radio but it was nowhere near as accurate so look at this at the start of the kalimanov track that i played at the start of the show there is about a 1.7 second silence before the track starts that's a big no-no right it's a big no-no and you'll know if you work in radio how annoying it is if you push the button for a track to start and the track doesn't start instantly underneath you that's quite off-putting so i wanted to show you a little tip a little ninja hack that i've used for a long time and i don't know how many other people know it can i show is yeah go on then okay if you want to trim your music in adobe audition in particular so that you've got a tight intro and a tight outro and it starts instantly you will never know particularly on tracks like this that kind of fade in like that it kind of goes like this it's like let's play that a little bit of that hang on fade it up see it's like a slow fade in or a drum roll in like that so obviously i don't want to kind of chop it too tight and cut off part of the track so quaint ninja tip is to hit shift and d or hit this icon go into the spectral view and look at this now you can see in spectral view all of the black is complete silence so first of all all of this can go and then you can see here when you zoom in further that actually the track does not start until there this is just kind of background noise before the music actually starts so you can safely trim this and then if i want to be neat and tidy and make it all flow perfectly what i would actually do at this stage once i've made that that sort of big trim there is i'd grab this little box handle at the top and i'd do a little fade like that so we get a nice smooth fade in and now when i scrub that back that means when i hit spacebar in this instance the music track starts pretty much instantly and we can do the same at the other end using spectral it's much easier to see when a track is finished as opposed to you know if you use the waveform you might cut the track off about there which would be incorrect as you can see from spectral view there's still audio information going on to about i'd say till about here you can probably actually if i wanted to be really you know preserve most of this track i'd want to cut there i just placed another little fade out there to really clean this track and keep it nice and clean and that's just a kind of mikey ocd i want the track to be trimmed and to start instantly uh ninja tip using adobe audition that was good i was i was i was very impressed so um as you might be wanting to mikey check your email and download that christmas library that you are supposed to have today i've got an email from you with a snowman saying free jingle friday starts that's nice but i can see there's a link uh now if someone like hears our christmas music imaging library and wants to buy it for themselves to use this christmas this holiday season uh where would you recommend they go um and at the front page there is a link to our christmas um christmas collection uh so to speak and everything christmas is there so those jingles that we will be making there is a production library called christmas music and sound effects and that's where they come from but we also have individual music tracks so you know the traditional stuff like the you know deck the halls and 12 days of christmas and um what else the holy and the iv we have all of those beautifully um created by our musicians um and available to you on royalty free basis so if you're looking for really nice quality music to either play you know in your um in your jingle or it could be on the podcast and you're looking for something a little bit more than the production library kind of stuff then there are the individual songs that you can purchase we've got the old line sign and silent night and you know we wish you a merry christmas all that cool jazz so that's cool some really creative scripts coming in i can see our latest super chatter is uh phil uh they're in the wonderful australia uh who's uh yeah made an awesome donation and it's going to get the jingle produced a very topical script from you there phil uh thank you also to uh other super chatters as well this is absolutely amazing and actually i think i can see oh i can see the poll wow so the poll you set up in youtube so for those watching yeah yeah so there is a poll on when did you find a free jingle friday now and we got yeah well if you like so uh we got most people are saying they found us last year isabella in 2020. actually the same amount as 2019. the same layers there's the same amount so it's kind of evil evil evil even evil people split seriously what's wrong with me today i cannot it's an evil split so like 20 20 because i was going to say oh no now it's gone up so 2020 is now in the lead and i was gonna say that kind of ties in nicely with the uh you know stay at home kind of thing a lot of people discovering stuff or you know finding new ways of working so welcome uh to our 2020 uh visitors and beyond and thank you for sticking with us for such a long time so we're doing something with hopefully we are doing something good too to keep you here and uh just a quick reminder as i can see many of you have joined us since we've last said it if you are here for free jingles in fact free christmas jingles then you are in the right place make sure to head on over to forward slash script now get your script submissions in you have 11 minutes left to get those scripts coming in and if you would like to have it not just recorded but also produced in super chat yellow or above is the way just as so many of you have already done you can also upgrade at forward slash script as easy as that and it is your last opportunity to get those jingles in 2021. we're back in 2022. i've just jazzed up my led lighting it wasn't looking cool enough now i'm in the holiday mood that's festive right green and red that's got to be right yeah it looks orange though yeah that must be the strange white balance on my it must be the strange white balance on my camera but it's kind of crispy hang on no trust me that is red in here well reddish yeah it's orange well that's the official lifx holiday effect so i'm going with that okay okay see i like my i like my um north pole mood you know more of a kind of you know spring frankly sprinkly whatever you can't speak today whatever it is we like it whatever it is you you get the vibe right so uh it's it's right there so yeah can i show something by the way am i able to show something oh no before you do i just really have to tell the world about this can i please i know what you're going to say mike forbid me to tell you go on and he's just like no you can't tell them in case we can't go and whatever else but i'm literally like screaming inside me can you guess what it is probably can't really so i will tell you can i just tell you is that okay can i just tell the world yes i can can i go on i'm so excited so so i've got this email i've subscribed in ticketmaster so there is just one person in the whole world that i really really really wanted to go and see the concert of all right like really really like please can i go and that is mika and i've just got like a notification this morning to say he has a concert in london so he's like oh a doorstep and i was like quick getting in and then i'm looking and it's like oh no just standing tickets so i went into the venue side that's that's organizing it and they were literally i kid you not there were just eight sitting tickets left even though the tickets have been released like 30 minutes before right and i'm like okay quick quick so i'm trying to get them four tickets you know seating and it says somebody has just booked this so you've got to select different tickets i'm like oh no so there was just you know a little bit more i needed to move us you know a little bit out of the edge and i was like and it's gone through and i was like i've got the tickets that's amazing so student fm reckoned that it was going to be adele you know because oh we like a bit of adele here do you know we did see adele live before she was the famous famous adele stop name dropping isabella i know but it was this is the lowry in manchester i still remember it it was you know that girl and her guitar and she was very shy and she wasn't very confident on the stage but she had this beautiful music and beautiful voice and i still remember her having her um cds in the bag and she was like i will sell them after the show it was just the sweetest thing in the world and now look at her and now look at her but no it's mika honestly and i'm literally just ready to start bouncing on the bed and say yeah we're getting excited about that sorry so isabella i have to show this this is kind of like an early christmas present to my kid at mrc look at this isabella finally let me get this look at that look look at that isabella finally let me get it thank you uh that's uh yes but for anyone who doesn't know that is um uh i can actually say the brand name now because there's a lot of research it's a wharton 4900 n clock and uh they're not cheap uh but you wouldn't let me get the bit well no wouldn't let me it's like you could couldn't justify the big version that they have at radio stations with the big digital displays so i got look look it's so cute it's like a mini version it's like it fits in the palm of my hand i mean how cute is that so it's not quite as expensive as the big wall mounted clock but then in reality i don't really have a space in our wonderful studio here to mount a big clock like that so this is perfect it actually sits on top of one of my studio monitors and for me it's fantastic because it means i can watch timings when we're starting live streams and things like that and also isabella also i've wanted this for ages i've used a little app in the chrome browser but it's nice to have a physical thing and you know not open a million apps also i can back time using that clock just like i used to in radio so i'll be watching the dots tick round on this clock and when it reaches 25 past one here in the uk and 40 seconds i'm going to start the pogues and kirsty mccall because that will mean you have exactly four minutes and 20 seconds left to get your script submissions in what do you think is about i can do all that now that's such a random thing but you know what i'm glad you're happy merry christmas i'm not getting you any other present is that all right what well that that is good enough seriously i'm just you would not believe how thrilled i am to have a digital studio clock and the thing is when it eventually arrived so can i tell a little bit of backstory just a short piece just you can but i kind of i'm disappointed it's not on the view like i'm i'm just like yeah but it's something you've got to have somewhere on the view no it's not got to be on view because the time in everywhere in the world is different so if someone sees that it's like 24 past one you know that's no good to someone who's just waking up in america or someone who's about to go to sleep in india and also when i'm filming videos like that would be not helpful right particularly if i did lots of cuts you know it actually cues me very nicely into my next statistic so um right can you guess the top three locations that our viewers are tuning from us top three india uk you've just nailed it you're not supposed to get this i know my i i know my viewers what can i say you know you do it's us india and the united kingdom followed by philippines and canada yeah uh and then the split gets really really tiny as in like you know there is a australia i need to give a shout to australians and germany after that so it's australia and germany after that and then there is just a lot of different countries including nepal how cool is that that's super cool i love that okay bang on time then we'll start the pokes and kirsty mccall when this song finishes script submissions close so are we supposed to talk about this oh isabella hang on wait a second it's like a radio station just give it 30 seconds to establish itself i did such a good job as well [Music] [Music] let's just let it get to the fun bit all right it's such a slow beginning it's all right let's go to bed it's a good song i like it it's great this is [Music] i love you baby i can see a better [Music] isn't that sweet when all our dreams come true i mean from me to you isabella that's exactly what i would like to say to you at this time of the year and now it's the merry bits yay come on let's dance [Music] oh yeah there it is [Music] you've got two minutes and 37 seconds i've no idea what you're talking about there we go [Music] feel a little bit like alan partridge for those uk viewers sitting here playing music like this here we go [Music] [Music] that's the radio edition [Music] all right we've got just under two minutes one minute and 40 seconds to be exact we can fade this down and leave it playing and by the way if you would like to license any of those songs for your youtube creation all the links are actually in the description oh yeah the video so you can get the links there or head on over to licked l-i-c-k-d to get that in full disclosure it is our affiliate link it is our affiliate link so if you want to support the show use our affiliate link um or just simply use any of the links in the description so that's cool uh just jameson's asking what's the song title so it's called the fairy tale of new york uh by the plagues and kirsty mccoll so there we go one more time i mean it does it feel like christmas now um i just want to say that christmas is in like eight days i know that's nuts now actually isabella here's a valid question in the last 45 seconds 44 actually um so i wanted to know from our lovely audience because they know these things um what internet radio stations that we could access on sonos are currently playing christmas music on heavy rotation i would love to know it um if you can suggest a station we might put a couple of stations on this afternoon and over the weekend here at mrc towers so you could recommend one i've been doing a search for this i've been searching for radio cracker i can't find that and then i found original 106 i think it's based up in scotland and that's quite cool but they got quite a lot of adverts so it's like you get like three christmas songs and then a bunch of ads so if anyone's got a good christmas-based internet radio station uh that we can tune into no and that is it look time is uh time is done time is done the responses uh as in like the script submissions are closed that's it if you got in if you are one of the lucky let's have a look how many of you have submitted scripts today i've lost the count if you are one of the 60 scripts that we're submitting to today then you've got in for the last uh jingles of the year how about that so um so a couple of things actually just a few reminders may i may i may i yeah yeah okay so just a few things before you will uh answer the awesome question and i will start preparing everything for the recording um so first of all um thank you so much for supporting us in 2021 we really really appreciate that and so many of you actually according to the poll have been with us for many years so this is awesome thank you thank you if you are already music radio creative customer i just wanted to put this reminder out there that from this month and all the way through 2022 we are going to be trying grow a huge forest okay so every single order placed at a music radio creative uh store actually plans a real life tree and in one of the the nine most needed places on earth that needs reforestation and uh we are pledging and hoping that we can plant over 6 000 trees now i'm really pleased because we already had 518 which is amazing and every single order you place in our store at automatically plans that tree so we then uh contribute make a donation automatically towards a company called tree nation and they uh plant trees like the teams really go out there and actual trees so please help us support uh this wonderful course you can buy anything in our store head on over to and anything you do buy does plant that tree so that's my first reminder second reminder uh just before i hand over to mike is just to say that in the very first instance we are going to record all the script submission upgrades and super chats and then at the very end we are going to record everything else so don't worry if you haven't heard it first we will get there eventually today on the show and lastly if you have not done so already you have a very important job right now and that is to click the thumbs up button on this video or on facebook when you are watching us live um it would mean a lot to us it just shows your support so get clicking those thumbs up please absolutely and now it's time to do the ask me anything i've got a bit of a christmas themed question coming up just before we get into the production of your scripts and recording of your free voiceovers let's do an ask me anything session isabella [Music] oh yeah [Music] okay merry christmas how do you make your voice sound like santa let's figure it out inside adobe audition right now the first thing you'll notice is i have created myself a multi-track session okay here we're working inside a multi-track session and i've just got one track it's track seven because i deleted all the others and i'll call this santa voice and the best thing is when i set this up with some effects over in my effects rack here i'll be able to save this and recall this session file anytime i want the voice of santa so first and foremost i'll hit record here that's my voice and then i'll try and do my best center voice now first of all the the biggest tip i can give you in getting a good santa voice is get it right down here from the diaphragm okay that's that's how we start isabella that's how we start but how do we finish with the effects i'll show you in just a moment so let's record [Music] merry christmas from the north pole this is santa okay it may not be the best santa you've ever heard but soon we're gonna make it sound a lot better so the first thing i'll do is i'll go in and i'll put an ever so slight pitch shifter on and i'll just bring it down by all just one semitone and already it's sounding a lot better i'm going to boost the volume a little bit by grabbing this handle here and then we'll add on a little bit of amplitude and compression we'll add on some dynamics processing make sure this voice is nice and compressed so that we we get a good sound so again ratio of about four threshold of minus 20 make up gain of about 7 db maybe a bit more and then a limiter to make sure we don't go too loud christmas from the north pole this is santa so you can see the pitch shifter has just pulled me down a little bit so made that voice deeper like santa's voice dynamics has just crushed it out obviously i'm not gonna get anywhere near the man himself but i'm just trying to emulate it using effects in adobe audition and then i'm gonna go on and i'm gonna add some reverb and we'll go to studio reverb is always my favorite here to use and i'll just add a little bit more decay which basically means the reverb goes on for longer just over five thousand milliseconds so just over five second delay uh and we'll keep the dry amount that's all of the original voice signal and we'll push the wet up a bit more merry christmas from the north pole this is santa and if we feel like we've maybe pulled the pitch down too much we can actually just push it back up uh to zero semitones and we just play by sense so this would essentially minus 50 would be minus half a semitone basically merry christmas from the north pole and you know what that might be absolutely fine and with that i think we're pretty much done so we've got pitch shifter pulling it down ever so slightly just a subtle voice deepening here uh dynamics of course to add some compression on and a bit of studio reverb with about a five five thousand millisecond or five second decay uh and full-on dry signal and about just shy of 40 of the wet signal uh that's on the default studio reverb settings by the way and then you can go ahead go to multi-track mix down entire session and you've got pretty much the voice of santa so if you want to make some some santa jingles this year that is how i would suggest that you do it [Music] very good [Music] so i have a question to you now on the back of that and you're going to hate me so what you know this is going i guess with the the thing that santa you know is a man what if he's a woman or could sound like could that be what you do mrs claus and mrs claus would be a different tutorial um however if you would like to know more i suggest you go and check out and maybe consider purchasing my christmas adobe audition prefix presets so there are there are there there you go there's there's something you didn't expect us in there there is like there's the ice ferry there's elves there's everything in there it's the most amazing fantastical set of presets for this time of year and isabella where can you go if you're interested super easy head on over to mrc dota fan forward slash presets that's as simple as that mrc dota fan forward slash presets will get you right there and if you wanted to check all the collection of christmas courses oh yeah just head on over to and right there on the front page there is a link to our christmas uh wonderful christmas collection of things we've got like wonderful jingles uh we release them every single year we've got a brand new collection of jingles and those are pre-made high-quality jingles that you can tag either with your name or show name podcast name whatever you want um and it's like great way to get awesome jingles on the budget but there is you know music and all sorts of that's so cool just before we get into recording out of focus there that's better uh just before we get into recording shout out to kringle radio sky radio netherlands north pole radio magic fm bucharest romania heart christmas and blind cafe radio uh all have been suggested in the chat and others sorry if i've missed some suggestions those are those that i saw recently uh that mentioned they are doing heavy rotations of christmas music so we'll get you on our festive playlist nice i like that yes we do like a fl festive festive playlist festive payless that would be ghost flesh to payless nice i like it coming up with some really genuinely good ideas here right barry real crackers all right sure let's crack on then and start crack on so we got we got some jingles to record these are these super chats uh so uh yeah let's get started all right um okay sorry what is crazy hot and super cool all at the same time it's as clear as a bell stop stop what are you recording oh uh sometimes the tabs don't update wait what are you doing i'm totally not in the festive frame of mind i'm looking at the 12th of november which is not healthy that's way out of it i was like why are there not many christmas scripts in here like what's going on and then yeah it's you first so yes we explained why i barged in when it's supposed to be what's happening there isabella over to you yeah thanks okay that atmosphere never takes a day off even during christmas week that's why rudolph is still the lead reindeer today and guess where rudolph gets it and guess where rudolph gets his info that's right here is andre happy birthday blind cafe radio from mike and isabella russell keep on raising kane that's in there twice should it be i don't know probably not okay across lennox here oh sorry lancashire what am i thinking i've got scotland on my brain at the moment sorry across lancashire ramsbottom stubbins holcomb village helmsmore no helmshaw and blackburn this is eastlang's radio with chris crook i think i'd have preferred scottish names there actually personally no comment don't get me started waking you up with the hottest hits in the city it's tss indie radio okay so that's a wrap for 2021 brought to you by delta and omicron politicians and rising interest rates welcome to 2022 and whatever comes next 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 happy new year from purple penguin radio nice expat life merry christmas from radio gorilla we love you no really we do merry christmas and a happy new year to you all from everyone at broxilla radio it's the christmas special so stay tuned for more great christmas music here on ferry fm ho ho ho thought i'd miss that didn't you i did expert live episode 100 merry christmas everyone stay safe have fun tech talk the podcast where professionals of the industry have the floor there you go it's uh mr never reads the notes here nice i was like is he going to do it or is he not but he did well done well no only only because you did the real-time update in the google doc and made the note bold yeah yeah i don't know so that was a clever thing to do i did very clever thing to do there you go so that was really really good um so now mike is going to clean his session file and make it all nice make it all nice pretty bright and pretty and he's going to load it up with all those cool sound effects for christmas oh yeah and we are going to go from there there they're there christmas imaging work parts go on it's nice uh thank you to uh corney who says nice first time watching thank you so much corney i hope you are enjoying and uh yeah just wanted to say to everybody who has just tuned in if you haven't done so already make sure to give us those thumbs up it really means a ton to us and it just kind of you know boosts our morale it does give us a boost we're getting boosted by you boosted by our wonderful wonderful uh audience i like that absolutely there we go uh so yeah so that's that's really cool so are you ready to to do your pretty much here we go just trimming up but yeah i mean we kind of messed about and giggled in this session so i'm just gonna i'm just gonna take it off as it comes yeah actually it was all my fault so it's all your fault i'll just take it i'll take it as it comes yeah just you know that's it get on with it it wasn't like that really you know get on with it it wasn't like that no it's fine isn't it it's good so let's get this in to the right place media browser i'm actually going to go ahead and um yeah i need to get that you sent me over a christmas package didn't you i did uh i certainly did i should hopefully have oh yes look look at that i do christmas imaging work parts look at this so what i might do is i might drag some of this stuff in oh look there's so many beds here and stuff right you drag the stuff in and i've got a couple of things to say can you go yourself quiet yourself down there so you don't distract me you don't want this music bed in the background that's all right go on say your things public service announcement i will just say my thing so i just wanted to say as part of our kind of you know closing 2021 um video you know as the last thing uh we do before we kind of fully sign off for for the year so there are actually a couple of things not one thing but a couple of things so first of all um just to say that even though we are going to not have free jingle friday that doesn't mean that our team is not making jingles so oh yeah in fact we make jingles all through the year we have clients in many different parts of the world and some of those parts of the world don't celebrate holidays and for them it's business as usual and we are here for them too so if that's you and you are like oh you know i don't need jingles and are there going to be any voices able to record yes we are around you know all the time we we have uh quite a few clients in that part of the world where christmas is not a thing and uh we go all the way so so don't worry you know just head on over to and place your order as usual there is a cut of time to guarantee kind of delivery before christmas so we say place your order before 21st of december if you definitely would like to get it before christmas uh especially that christmas falls at the weekend this this year so it's kind of well it makes it easier a little bit for us but i guess trickier if you know if you wanted something for a specific time but so just heads up on that front but also um another thing to say what is coming in 2022 on uh this youtube channel so if you are a subscriber and maybe if you aren't if you are tuning in for the first time you're wondering should i subscribe should i not we have some amazing videos coming out um actually it's quite a lot of cool content i know in the past mike has been very much mr adobe audition guy and he still very much is there are videos coming out weekly um now and they will continue coming out in 2022 but a big addition to what we do and what we are trying to to bring to you and help teach the next generation of audio creators there are a lot of videos coming out using audacity we recognize that that's a that's a big platform for many of you many people start in audacity and really you know need help in those initial stages and there is a ton of content coming out to you so that's the the biggest thing in 2022 followed by quite a lot of content for video creators who might be working in premiere pro and looking to get that sound nailed right there is a ton of cool stuff coming out there too so watch this space and if you have not done so already click subscribe there is more content coming to you 2022 than ever before so let me just say that looks like subscribe now subscribe now subscribe during christmas week oh this could be quite cool let's let's pull that over there eventually okay now we're gonna need to bring in some christmas music this is all coming from the christmas production library here at music radio creative which i love so let's start to bring in a little bit of christmas music there so we can really make this week eventually even during christmas week that's why rudolph is still the lead rainier today that's the one and we've got rudolph the red-nosed reindeer playing in the background from our library and yes and yes oh i gotta take that back again here we go today and guess where rudolph gets his information guess where rudolph gets his info that's right that's right you guessed it right here is andre here is andre here is andre okay and then we just need to do a a sort of fake reverb out there on the bed i think that's going to make it perfect maybe even a little fade on this as well let's see how that works probably a little bit over enthusiastic there with that reverb here is andre and i'm going to bring that in just slightly earlier and fade this off a little bit earlier as well that's it and then we need to fade this out and we probably also need to fade this so it's not quite as strong let's see here is andre there we go what we got here happy birthday blind happy birthday blind cafe radio from mike and isabella we'll save that one because that's a christmassy bit oh we've got so much christmassy stuff silent night let's keep that one in i like that one actually so okay mike and you guessed it isabella russell keep on raising k we'll put some echo on that keep on raising okay there we go and let's fade that out and then we're going to now what is this let's see what we've got here across lancashire let's try that again shall we so is this christmas themed and blackburn this is eastlang's radio with chris crook i think i'd have preferred actually do you know what uh that is uh this is eastlang's rape let's just see here holcomb village oh okay so this is gonna be one of these [Music] so we'll bring that in and this as well and we might just need the help of a music bed so let's bring something with nice beat something like this will probably do the trick exactly as we should desire oh that one's not loading let's try this okay no that one's too scary [Music] [Music] across lancashire ramsbottom stubbins holcomb village helmsmore let's fade that out let's make this a little bit more s little slick this [Music] keeping it on the beat as much we can i'm sure and blackburn and blackburn and then that's going to be the stage where we'll then get out of that bed this this let's bring that in boom this is east radio let's bring that up oh actually bringing the beat back in there could actually work quite nicely let's see let's try that this radio with chris crook and then let's place that up there and see how that sounds with chris crook that's quite cool actually i like that so we've got this across lancashire ramsbottom stubbins holcomb village helmshaw and blackburn this is eastlands radio with chris crook i just want to make sure that flows a bit better and blackburn and blackburn this is eastlands radio with chris crook better there we go let's bring this in over here what we got here play waking you up with the hottest hits in the city it's tss indie radio that's cool so now we're gonna go back and this is uh they're not requiring any uh christmas theme as far i understand it so let's go ahead and bring in uh some of these static pads just to make a cool jingle let's zoom in on this that's gonna work nicely waking you up let's go here waking you up with the hottest hits in the city that's it let's put that there it's tss [Music] [Music] [Music] zoom and we got this this is uh got a duo bit at the end and i think that this will be somehow christmassy so let's try it what do we got here okay so that's a wrap for 2021 brought to you by delta and omicron oh hang on no this is not we're not doing festive stuff here necessarily so let's go back up let's get let's just get a few of those and let's go ahead and grab some musical stuff again let's see what we can make use of [Music] there let's move that up there maybe a bit too busy that bit i think [Music] quite like the vibe of this one i wonder if we can make it work okay so that's a wrap [Music] and then we'll bring this up here one brought to you by delta and omicron that's cool and then we'll put this here fade this up a bit a bit more over there brought to you by delta and omicron politicians and rising interest rates there you go put that there politicians [Music] and we need a bit of echo and a bit of tension here for a bit of a countdown going on next ten ten nine nine eight next ten ten nine okay let's just try and get this all on the beat if we can so just got to keep going with the beat here that's ten ten nine nine eight feeling quite good about this ten ten nine nine eight eight seven just gotta keep doing the right thing here eight eight seven seven six eight eight seven step six it's quite you know you can tell if you got it on the beat or not seven seven six six five just gotta keep going like this six six five five four whoops not volume increase no five five four four three three two two one oh we can actually play with the beat there that could be good four four three four four three three two nearly there let's try that and that three three two one and then the big shout at the end which will come in here a bit of false reverb to end that bed off i think [Music] that's nice i like that there we go all right uh what do we got next we got something here let's bring this in expat life merry christmas from radio gorilla we love you no really we do that's cool and we've got some uh sort of lone effects over here that we haven't used yet in fact we've got more sound effects than i think we can ever possibly use which is always good here we go expat life merry christmas from radio gorilla expat live merry christmas from radio gorilla we love you no really then that's quite a sinister no really we do do we love you no really we do we do we do and then we'll do it i think there should be a longer pause after no no like no merry christmas from radio gorilla we love you oh no really we do merry christmas from radio gorilla we love you no no as i'm i'm in between no and the rest of that sentence so no we love you no really we do no really we do gosh taking directions now okay hang on let's like otherwise it kind of loses okay okay okay no really we do gosh better seriously being directed here yeah radio gorilla we love you no no really we love you no no really we do okay better thank you good okay let me just save all this there's so much to save right now there we go okay on to the next jingle which is this one right here so let's bring this into play right about here christmas okay so we're going for the christmas effects here merry christmas and a happy new year okay we're gonna go for some christmasy stuff again let's bring that up merry christmas and a happy new year to you all from everyone there we go let's bring this up here well from everyone at brazil radio perfect okay fade off there and we'll bring uh this one in here let's move these up a little bit so we're not sort of overlapping as it were let's see what we've got we've got quite a lot of interesting stuff here to use so let's try some more christmas effects if indeed this is christmasy the christmas special yes so we've got it's the christmas special so stay tuned let's bring that in here the special especially so stay special so stay tuned for more great christmas music that's cool so let's bring that here and this here uh let's see what we can do here it's the christmas special actually that might be better over here it's the christmas special so stay tuned for more great christmas music here oh okay we don't want to go too heavy on the echo so let's do let's vary this a bit on very effort and then the ho ho ho uh definitely needs echo so let's put that there it's the christmas special actually might take a leaf out of my own book and uh pitch if that as well just ever so slightly nothing too crazy here oh that's nice ho ho ho and then two more jingles to make here before we get onto the free stuff uh so let's bring these guys in 100 merry christmas oh yes more christmas wishes it is the most wonderful time of the year so let's bring this in here and see what we can do expert live expert live expat live live episode 100. well that's nice i like that and let's uh let's make that wild so let's do something like that and we'll also with this we're going to have some fun because we're going to go like that just a subtle little thing there that really makes it kind of stand out merry christmas everyone stay safe have fun there we go so let's bring these up here and bring that down there everyone stay safe have fun stay safe everyone stay safe have fun and actually what i'm going to do here is just fade that off have fun there we go and final one here tech talk the podcast and here we will be uh getting rid of the christmasy stuff bought in got way enthusiastic with the christmas jingles here let's bring in go back to sound effects there we go so we've got this the podcast whip tech talk and we'll actually double that okay let's bring this in here and [Music] okay let's go for something a bit longer at this stage [Music] and maybe we'll just bring that uh over here [Music] cool very good and that appears to be your christmas jingles how cool is that well we'll always mix them down my goodness it's um yeah it's a funny one i've just noticed i have this massive like this is terrible i haven't cleaned for christmas properly yet can you say oh no oh no don't worry you'll get there you will get there i'll be here with a duster later i'm like oh no all that dust but anyway so you're going to do some of the three jingles isabella right i will i certainly will and i was just about to mute you and get on with it go go go all right i'm ready so i'm muting mike bye mike sorry it always feels very weird all right recording hello hello isabella russell here doing recording of free jingles on the 17th of december so here we go playing your favorite feel good anthems of all time your radio station your feel good show all the biggest hits all day every day on flavour99 your internet radio dj bright wishes you a merry christmas and happy new year enjoy the best whoa okay i will give it my best shot but seriously chris i am making no promises melee i really hope this worked all right um not my best uh hawaiian i guess christmas day 6 p.m uk time bopping colleen freeman not dead a two-hour live show with your requests flavor 99 your flavor it's a christmas special 90s and naughtiest party bangers with dj jets with dj jester playing all your 80s favorites this is tim brown's christmas day special millennium radio hits of all the new millennium happy new year merry christmas may your 2022 be bright and prosperous with god's grace and good health happy holidays more of those christmas crackers with ian m with danny claire and fran this new year we are bringing in 2022 with all your favorite party classics stay tuned to 107 to 107.5 fm funkytap thursday funk it up thursday christmas special presents james brown this is the game show with leon only on jam radio merry christmas and a happy new year we are wishing you a wonderful christmas day dj westy bone the party perfectionist on the steel wheels merry christmas from buds to blossoms learning institute may your season be bright and prosperous you're listening to a global program special you're listening to a global progression special in the mix with nigel barlett christmas messages from across the miles on christmas day only here on saint fam community radio back with you on monday morning this is the rock show and it's time now to look back at this day in music with day jewel this is izzy from and chilling with dj access you're up you're up you are the man in the winter we will keep you warm with all your favorites all day long delta and the next one is in dutch um oh no it's probably german all right yeah kikten [Music] tv no it was dutch i think and it was probably not right thanks for all the different languages today honestly i feel so international the queen and freddie mercury special with tim danes jamming the greatest old school music throughout the universe on the triple m show amazing stuff so uh we'll do it we will just do it i am mike russell and these are my free jingles for free jingle friday on the 17th of december 2021 this is soundproof radio christmas merry christmas from fresh now till new year gcr guernsey christmas radio ho ho retro means we bring back your hip hop favorite uncensored like it was originally made playing more variety of music weed nights on the cat this is the generation mix with dean mona with dean montierre dj naomi the scratch queen the management of quintessential international arena wishes you a merry christmas and happy new year no matter what your holiday we hope yours is the best yet season's greetings from channel 109 wake up to jesus this is dom holiday's weekly 40 with dom holliday this is house nation ivan powermix presents house nation the best music in the club enjoy the music ivan's retro chart show probably the best retro chart show on champions radio uk alex is berlin around the christmas tree here on the coffer radio show featuring siegfried and andre slash podcast welcome dj john in the mix no kids beyond this point you wouldn't want them cursing at the next family dinner would you this is mike and isabella russell we wish we would like to wish all k we would like to wish all kaikeyama's listeners a merry christmas we're playing continuous christmas favorites right through christmas day here on totally 80s fm starting off 2022 with 24 hours of nothing but trance let's go the top wireless station the new stereophonic technology bringing you great but i do like happy new year from everyone here at grampian hospital radio welcome to 2022 the nursing flow merry christmas from all of us here 80's forever radio and now kirsty mccoll counting down the top songs of 1994 here's your host rob green you're listening to burwell radio your community voice burwell radio ping pong merrily on high time to jingle your baubles radio shiver the biggest throwbacks your music your way you are listening to the station that is filled with memory makers for the love of music wati killer wants to wish all the viewers and supporters a merry christmas and a safe and happy new year and that is it well well well so uh before we will like you know crack on with our closing thingy preamble yeah um yeah um so what are your hopes uh for 2022 let's not hope 2022 but if that makes sense right that's so cool yeah oh my goodness you put me on the spot there is one of my hopes for 2022 really what you mean in in business or in life or i don't know just throw anything at us i mean it's like you know just a question i think that's a legitimate question last show of the last show of the year you know kind of like it would be a silly thing to just say all right that's it goodbye you know we finished recorded and that's done right it's like kind of give us something more like i need to squeeze that in minecraft for 21 as much as i can right i think that audio is a very powerful medium and i hope my hope for 2022 is that audio in some way can unite us all around the world i hope that somehow by making sounds doesn't matter what country we're in what religion we follow or don't follow it doesn't matter where we come from what our background is what we think or what we feel i hope that audio can bring us together i know that sounds really cheesy and it would have made a great clip if you didn't cough at the start but uh happy 2022. the cough ruined it all you've got a cough button as well sorry but never mind yeah no i just want to say i mean seriously i really hope that we can find audio unites us because and what i mean by that is that you can listen to a great song and enjoy it together with friends you can listen to a song in your home uh you know on i don't know the isle of jura and someone else can be listening you know on well let's say this time of the year christmas island just off the coast of australia and you can both listen to that music at the same time and feel the same emotions feel the same vibes and there's something about music in particular and musical audio and sequence of frequencies that really pulls us together as a human race so that's my hope on a deep level obviously i have loads of personal dreams myself but yeah oh yeah is that like an official christmas list yeah i've got official dreams by myself but you know that's the big one hopes and dreams what about you oh that's a big one so just before i answer i just wanted to kind of take this as an opportunity to interact with you the wonderful viewer watcher who has been with us for some of you many years uh some of you are new but what are your hopes and aspirations for 2022 uh put it in the comments now and we will read some of those in just a minute uh and as for me wow i've kind of had to top the the thing you just said it's like oh that was deep you know i'm still kind of i literally it just came from my heart i was just like what do i want and then i just looked into my heart and just said it nice you do the same all right i know okay i'm doing the same uh so for me i'm just going to obviously as you said there are the personal the deep personal lists and you know the family and stuff you know obviously they are they're super super high um but when it comes to you um and you know what we do here my hope truly is that through what we do we can inspire the new generation of audio creators i think it's a wonderful thing to get into and i think it has the power you know as you said it has the power to unite it has the power to bring very important messages to the world and sometimes and you know we live in the world where we need those important messages more than ever so i'm really really hoping that through what we do we can inspire the next generation of confident audio creators who can go out there create some awesome things and change the world through what they do so lovely i love it isabella and um with that as i'm fading out there uh we've paid for it so we're gonna play it again just a little bit to end off uh it's got such an epic intro it sounds like a disney song doesn't it amazing yeah it's kylie minogue most wonderful time of the year here on free jingle friday with my russell [Music] how am i going to play now gone melvin you look like kylie [Music] it's the most wow isabella all right we're getting out of here shout out to oh hang on i can't i don't have my glasses download the jingles from today fjf thank you to mary to vince mike colin andre steve rob and so many of you tuning in today happy holidays and a wonderful new year we love you see you in 2022. bye all the jingles we create on the show are created with music radio creative own production libraries and adobe audition presets save time and create your own jingles like a pro using presets breakers breakers bangs bushes and really really cool music business find out how to get your free production starter pack at starter you
Channel: Mike Russell
Views: 569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PbwTpaQjZ6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 55sec (4735 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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