Editing Your Photos in Lightroom Classic | 100k Giveaway Livestream

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do [Music] all right i think i got this set up i think i think it's working the right way for once all right what's up y'all this is my first time officially streaming on the m1 mac the m1 what is m1 max macbook pro so i finally got my whole setup set up and everything and it looks like it's working well so yeah here we are streaming on the macbook pro since everyone's always wondering about how it does and everything but yeah we'll jump into it in just a moment i want to make sure that a little bit more people get in here and again this is like one of our normal streams just editing the photos you all submitted we'll be doing q a during all of that and also we'll be doing the giveaway for the x100v pretty much at the end of the stream now you don't necessarily have to be in the stream to win but again hanging out and being a part of the whole process is nice there's jesse in the house welcome to the stream what did i miss the giveaway announcement no so i'm gonna be announcing the winners during the stream guten tag from new jersey haven't missed anything i just just started literally just started however the biggest news outside of the giveaway is i'm pretty sure my wife feels like she's going into labor so just just a heads up if this stream ends short that's why so it's going to be our uh our fourth our fourth baby sometime soon so yeah just you know if i have to all the sudden go you know why but she was like you know i don't know how long you know how the contractions kind of start at first and it's like a longer process before you get to like the very end so she was like i don't know how long this could be happening before it like gets real so she was like go ahead and just stream and we'll see what happens so yeah um i might have to dip out but for now we're still gonna go as planned we're gonna go ahead and just stream everything and get everything edited and yeah so again for the giveaway there was a sign up it's us only you had to submit a photo you had to follow chasing stone me and fujifilm on instagram so all of that stuff counts if you didn't do any of the steps you do get disqualified we wanted this to be very kind of niche towards the community that follows me and watches my videos and stuff fujifilm was really they like to make sure that people are involved rather than just being like let me give away something hold on let me fix my camera i wanted to do auto shutter speed in case the lighting was crazy but because of that the shutter speed is crazy so we may just have to kind of we may just have to deal with it and see how it goes san francisco sf in the house it's early y'all y'all just woke up yeah i can never this is always the most annoying natural light is mad annoying i'm using the the new fujifilm 33 f 1.4 for this i had to stop it down just now because it was a little too too much light but you need a wireless microphone yeah i always step away and then like i'm sure y'all can barely hear me i have like a mic right above me i tried to use labs before while streaming and it just ends up not working it just doesn't work well at all but yeah let's go ahead and see y'all's photos look at all these beautiful submitted photos oh is my is my setup blocking itself i was trying to set up obs yeah it is blocking it while i was um it's like a new setup on the macbook pro so not everything is set exactly the way i want it to be gotta give everybody some space there we go there we go and then we'll just scoot this over here and we're good to go setting up a nice stream is always like the most annoying hands down the most annoying i love it yeah that new 33 is good i've only used it like once um but so far i've been very happy with it john tried the xe2 recently and wow it blew my mind i might have to catch up the fuji book oh that's cool i've never used any of the xe's you have any tips for faster focusing on the gfx100s in studio in studio no um i've used it at weddings but i don't know i mean the best things you can do for the gfx to get faster focusing is to not have it doing so much that's at least what i've found so far with weddings the less the camera has to think the better it's going to perform so like if you have continuous eye auto focus on and all this stuff on it's just going to be slower because it's you know it's medium format and it's a lot for it to think about where i tied the imaging emma imagine imogen i don't know how to say it i think it's so great yeah if the ai stuff is crazy y'all i don't think i'm gonna edit photos anymore like it saves so much time and again being a father of four like saving my time is more important than sitting here making sure like everything is and obviously i go back through my photos to make sure they look okay but i'm not going to sit here for hours and hours editing yeah i see my photo yeah illuminates with soft light only to focus in the studio if the studio's dark have you tried the new tamron i haven't i actually have not used any third-party lenses at all yet in studio i'd have a modeling light and stop down manual focus yeah don't tell anyone i'm here watching dallas well i said a four hour presentation at work [Laughter] your father four yeah well the fourth one should be coming i was telling everyone at the beginning of the stream my wife actually felt like she was having contractions so this stream may end up ending early we'll see um so yeah the fourth one should be coming maybe today how many images go through today it's only 75 actually it's not that many or no this is saying 69 because there were a couple jpegs um jpegs did disqualify folks so i took that out as well just signed up for pick time because you love it awesome yeah pig time is great actually i literally just made an extra like 500 bucks based off of some of the sale automations that they have in there it's really awesome what's up john congrats got three myself and a granddaughter so you need to catch it yeah i was just thinking about that like once my kids get old enough and start having kids like i might have mad grandkids i don't even know if i'm ready for that it's too many kids how to get your presets so i'm supposed to have a chat bot in here and that's supposed to work but it generally doesn't but yeah i have them on my website y'all i'm gonna try i'm gonna try my best to get the capture one natural feels out this month um last i checked the fujifilm the nikon and the canon pretty much looked like they were done so i might go ahead and release those i still need to work on the sony one just signed up for honeybook awesome oh yeah there goes if you're interested in the preset there it goes there's a link for y'all in the chat let's go and start editing again here and edit some of these have you ever tried newborn photography i did when i first started but it's it's not it's just not it's it's a lot it's not for me i get all my wedding tips from you you've helped me become more confident awesome that's awesome that's what we need that's what we need in the wedding industry everyone's always worried about people bringing the price down but honestly i'm more worried about people hiring photographers who are cheaper but don't know what they're doing and then having a bad experience like the couple has a bad experience and ends up blaming like the wedding industry in general oh you know what to what we need to talk about because i get emails from people all the time who buy the preset and they're like oh i don't like how the preset looks um and i think they they expect to be able to just slap the preset on there and their photos are going to look perfect but that's not that's not how a real preset works presets are for like a color base and then after that you do need to edit on your own to get the look you want so when using the natural fills preset you apply the preset first and then always deal with white balance white balance is basically the main part that is going to change up the actual look of the photo itself so like that's what you saw me do here on this photo i applied the preset and then i white balanced to make it feel right for the photo and this is the result that you're getting from before and after do you find big differences between lightroom and capture one with fuji raw files mean i don't know i've i've been half and half on capture one it's a great program and it's really good when it comes to like really dialing into photos but it's such a sensitive and like picky editor like i i swear you move the sliders even the tiniest bit and it makes the hugest changes so for me it's like i'm just trying to edit and edit quick which is why i stick to lightroom but i haven't seen anything that was like life changing i'm also i'm not really a pixel peeper type of person i feel like it's a waste of time to sit there and pixel peep if the photo looks good and you edit it well like you know i don't think there's any point in like digging in all heavily and being like oh goodness it has to be perfect there's a time and place for that but especially in wedding photography most of the time is not the time for that like you're just wasting your own time doing all that so perfect example right i applied my preset and it's just like a blue mess but that's mainly because the photo itself is pretty much super blue so i'm gonna try to auto white balance and see what it wants and that's not so bad and then from there i'm gonna make adjustments that i want to make which tend to be turning up magenta what might happen here is um i like the blue but i don't want so much blue on the couple so i might end up warming up them i'm debating if i want to warm up everything or if i want to warm up just a couple thanks to you this year so we successfully captured two weddings and two allotments awesome great job congrats on that most people do not know how to use a preset you always have to tune the photo with the preset applied to make it reach the point exactly because every photo you take is going to be different every um lighting situation that you're in is going to be different it's never going to be the same across the board i like a little bit of a brighter exposure lighting is always all over the place is foot placement and walking photos a thing you check while culling not really um a lot of those like super extra rules about like where to crop and stuff like that depending on what i'm shooting and how i'm shooting i don't really does it just select it by itself yo so that's what we've needed all this time and then i'm gonna what was i gonna do i was gonna warm them up so i'm gonna warm them up a bit i could pull the shadows up too it looked like he wanted this shot to be a silhouette but i can also play around with that if i like i could really pull it up some and you can see the couple more so the biggest thing when you're doing adjustments like this is remember that the adjustments you make are only on a section but then when you make adjustments to the hole it edits everything so basically i warmed them up a bit and i raised the shadows a tad and now i'm gonna warm up the rest of the photo just a little bit because they're already warmer so if i warm up the photo too much now they're going to be even warmer because i've warmed them up separately because see i can totally i can do this i can come in here i can just blow that exposure up i can what can i do i can where's my graduated they like changed everything so i'm i'm a little lost here it goes so we're gonna do this here and then i'm going to save the sky just a little bit so it's not totally blown out i don't want to do it too much though and make it look unnatural i'm gonna pull that back just a bit wait what did you do how did you do that that's the new um the new selection tool and lightroom it's really good it auto selects stuff it's crazy so okay the warmth is good remember i warmed them up separately so now i'm warming up everything else because i want it to still be blue and so see this this is why this is why you shoot raw y'all because look at the before and after so again the preset gives me the color base but the look was me editing and that's that's the point with presets is you have to know how to edit still a preset's not gonna it's not gonna do this to a photo it won't it's not gonna do that you have to do it yourself like look at that drastic difference we can get out of that photo and so if i wanted to i could keep it a silhouette shot um because it's underexposed and also the iso is low it's at 80. so that's for fuji that's like the low setting that's below as low as it can go that's also why i can change it so much because he didn't blow anything out and most everything is saved in here so i have so much room to edit and not have the photo just fall apart there's a sky option now too yeah i didn't want to do the sky option for this one because it was it was going to cut it off here probably and it would be like blatantly obvious but they put the same yeah photoshop also has the same option now where you can just select the subject could you give a little critique of the photos as well what would you have done differently yeah i could do that you can also do select subject and then invert selection to select everything else yeah lightroom's on another level now yes i would also like you to put an input to the picks yeah cool let me go back then but yeah this is why you shoot raw look at that look at that drastic difference from before and after that's why you shoot raw so if you are not a photographer who shoots raw yet and you're wondering why everyone says to shoot raw this is why because when you know how to edit you can change the photo however you want to i like the sky in the raw if you retrieve it will be nice i feel like so the with everything being super bright if i darken the sky itself so let's see let's make another selection and we'll just select this guy and like i said it's probably gonna cut it right at the horizon there yep um but what's gonna happen is like it's just gonna be like really drastic i mean that orange in it is nice and i can warm up the sky alone but i don't know that that just is too much for me i kind of like it here with that natural light look and that that's always the huge debate everyone's like natural light versus flash with flash photography you get to save the sky with natural light you get blown out skye um okay i'll do small critiques they're just gonna be quick little critiques nothing crazy um again my wife may be having a baby at any moment so i don't want to take too much time um so this first photo i mean it's pretty good overall i think depending on how many shots were taken during this time because obviously this is like a walking shot i may have tried to see if there was a better expression throughout the shots and that's why two as a wedding photographer you tend to overshoot mainly because of expressions because this expression between them right now is like whatever you know it's nothing it's nothing that makes the photo like wow come on lightroom there you go but you know like he's just kind of like okay we're getting married and we have our dogs like he doesn't care it seems like um that's my only big scripe for this photo everything else looks fine um this photo i really love that he made them get in the water especially your boy got his pants on still and he's just in the water um the background's great and i love the lighting especially again the way i was able to pull this photo up this was a great lighting choice shooting this cool was questionable it may have been auto white balance because i know the fuji this is an xt3 which is the main camera i use so i'm very familiar with it it tends to want to blue with its white balance so i probably would have shot in kelvin but other than this i love the shot um great expressions also a part of the giveaway too was to make a shot that was kind of like my 10 favorite shots which again those aren't like my poses it was more so to just get some interactivity between the videos i make and stuff so this is basically a chest of chest i like the uh the hand hold here and the hand by the face and who knows they may have just been like messing around but it's cute it brings some more intimacy into this this is your general looking at the camera shot i think the only thing i can say here as far as the critique is just you may have tried to even out the space a little bit so you could have gotten a little bit more of the dress um half the time if you're gonna shoot the whole body like you may as well try to get a little bit more of the dress in there y'all drop your insta as your pick goes by oh cool do it do it no links though just do the the at cause i think my bots gonna block all your links any tips on shooting weddings in the rain snow cold for the whole wedding party so as far as cold you have to be very very very cognitive of keeping them out of the cold as much as possible the worst case scenario is if the couple themselves is like i don't want to take photos outside that's the worst case scenario but generally generally it's just going to be trying to keep them out of the cold as much as possible so like take your photos outside still but you know be quick about it don't be like okay we're gonna take photos and then you know take forever taking photos the wedding planner oh yeah yep i know that i actually i was just talking about that some planners are really good and they're like they're not rushing you but they're like hey we only have a couple more minutes so see look here's our selection tool we click select subject and it just auto does it and boom there it is and then from there i can make my adjustments to just them people hit me up on instagram okay okay so i'm just gonna raise the shadows on them a little bit and then i can drop the shadows and the whole picture overall though it's a pretty good photo can we still submit or is it too late it's too late yeah the giveaway was before the stream so we have everything dialed in and ready yeah classic shot um one thing i personally like to do is i like to have the groom put his hand in his pocket i'm not a fan of this just like random hanging hand i've never been but again that's all personal choice i don't think it really makes a difference i feel like some people think that putting the hand in the pocket makes someone feel like they're uninterested for me it's like just get rid of the hand half the time everyone's sitting there asking you what to do with the hand anyway so it's like for the guys all day i'm like yo put it in your pocket that's it put it in your pocket forget about it put it in your pocket and tell tell everybody early i always give everyone rules so for like the groomsmen in the groom i'm like here the rules for the day if you have two arms up when you're doing group shots unbutton your jacket because it's going to start pulling if you're standing let's do hands and pockets if your hand is hanging put in your pocket and then i do that early on so that then they don't ask me what do i do with my hands because they know and it's cool because they'll remember throughout the day they're like oh yeah and they'll put in their pocket like oh you'll see them forget sometimes and then they'll do it by themselves it's really cool here we go a nice shot this is like a dancing shot good old sony them sony sony cameras be sharp um i had a second shoot for me recently with sony and everything was just so like it's almost too sharp you know like when sharpness looks unnatural like that's that's where it be sometimes [Music] thank you i was feeling defeated i wanted more time yo i hate that feeling and see that's i i'm planning on doing a course and i want to talk about that type of stuff because i cannot tell y'all especially if you're like newer to wedding photography nearly every wedding i come back home from unless it was a bomb wedding there's like definite moments of the day where i'm like or like i could have done that or i should have made this decision or like i had no time so i did what i could near every wedding and that's honestly just kind of a part of being a wedding photographer unfortunately so i'm trying to there's something weird going on here with the warmth like i want to warm them up but the background i like kind of where it's at they feel like they're white balanced a little different than the background and i don't know why that is so let's go ahead and do an adjustment to them this subject select is life changing like for real all right so there they are um i guess i want to warn no i don't know what it is that feels off to me is it magenta magenta man the oranges are like do they use off camera flash it doesn't seem like it i mean this is better there it's just she she's looking too orange but it's hard some yeah like the magenta's too much auto mass subject selected yeah it's so good pc versus mac what's best i don't know i don't really have an opinion i have both i like both um i was recently using a pc for longer for like the last three years and i felt really good about it um i don't know which one is better i like the mac operating system no off camera flight yeah this doesn't look like off camera flash does color space matter in lightroom it does we're talking about like srgb versus rgb it's like too much magenta but i want to add magenta to him if anything and see i i don't like having to do this can i just select one subject oh yeah you can still brush she has too much orange magenta going on and again that's just a skin tone difference happening i think try going to the color calibration panel and switch the camera profiles i don't know that that sounds like it's too much because it's still going to change the whole photo i'm more necessarily talking about the difference between his skin tone and her skin tone so the camera profile is not really gonna that's just gonna the issue will still be there just in a different place so you see how like i'm pulling the magenta back on her it yeah okay i couldn't tell if it was happening because i was pulling it way back but that's my exact point like even with me pulling it way back here it doesn't feel off because yeah he has like a almost green tone to him and she doesn't so i'm just trying to get it to match a little bit um i could deal with this too but i hate i hate making adjustments there because this this is where again this is the area i don't try to get to when it comes to wedding photography when you start nitpicking this hard you waste so much time on a single photo she went to a cheap tanning spot maybe i'm not sure but yeah that's good for that this is a nice dancing photo got the hand in the pocket gets rid of the awkward hand for this shot though i don't know if hand in pocket works just because there's so much motion it makes it almost kind of weird christina cooper what camera is this uh xt3 can i have your preset you can go get it on the website if that works the link will pop up in a moment the biggest critique on this one again is just spacing and i do this myself all the time but like if i wanted to straighten this photo which i'm always a heckler for that stuff then you're like starting to catch the edge of the dress but i i do this all the time sometimes too i look back at my photos and i'm like what was i doing and got the thing all tilted weird because you were trying to get the whole scene but you didn't realize that you had everything tilted all weird so that happens a lot also my other critique here and i'm assuming we'll see when we edit but when you have like brown skin especially darker skin underexposing like this is like not it's not i would have raised my iso and opened that f-stop buff some if you could have because it does look like it's one of those zoom lenses but yeah i would have i wouldn't have stopped down i would have shot it wide open i had a family shoot recently where one member was extremely fair-skinned and it took a long so long yeah hey anson in the house but yeah let's see let's see how this photo holds up let's see how it does but yeah you see how we're basically losing the side of his face there like it's there but you can barely see it and if i try and raise the shadows too much it's just gonna be like total slop so that's always that's my biggest tip always come on lightroom lightroom it's just watch out for underexposing with brown skin always oop hold on [Music] do okay we're good she's not having a baby yet [Laughter] for all y'all joining in i was talking about earlier my wife is pretty much like she thinks she's going into labor so if you see me just disappear and the stream ends that's that's why it's just i'm on like high alert right now um yeah so there's a lot of orange going on right now and that's also with brown skin hard to deal with so when you have like brick and brown skin and orange and it's just it's hard but that's why i came down here to hsl and turn down the saturation on the orange just a little bit so that they're not looking too orange i might pull back the temperature just a tad here's our before and after so it's not horrible again it wasn't underexposed too much but i just i try my best to not underexpose with brown skin especially darker skin because you're gonna you're gonna lose all the detail real quick other than that it's a great shot i think and see people do i would if he would have been looking at her it would have made the shot better too but again sometimes people are weird in front of the camera and they keep looking at you and you're like no do what you're doing it was like his wife she came into the room i was like oh god she just needed to grab some real quick is this a new preset nope same same old natural feels preset i don't even know if i'll ever make a new one honestly y'all i'm probably just gonna keep the same because again i i believe in this preset it's my preset i use it so you know it's just how i'm gonna do things here goes a walking shot on some good old canon i wonder if i upright auto with it yeah pull up that bottom a bit this is also for brown skin this is heavily underexposed i generally say not to underexpose so heavily with brown skin but the bokeh on this lens looks crazy let's see what otto wants to do yeah that works what oh that's why it's camera shake what happened [Music] what so generally again i'm not like all about settings and stuff which is why i don't show mine just because i don't think you can learn from the settings unless you understand what's happening but so this this would be a great example of let's figure out what was happening now from the settings because so we have this shot and it looked pretty dark so i don't know if it was night i don't know what it looks like it was daytime so i don't understand why it's so dark but this person here is shooting at iso 1600 which is super high and down at 1 50th of a second for the shutter speed so it must have been dark but it looks like it was daytime or at least dusk i i'm surprised that it had to be 1600 iso like like really but that's what happened to the photo like i could immediately see it there's camera shake at 1 50th so that's why this all looks kind of blurry and muddy like that to help with that i usually tell my couples be in this moment with each other exactly looks like the sun was on the other side of the building but there's no even if the sun if the sun was out and it was on the other side of the building it shouldn't have been that dark to be at 1600 iso like being on a an nd filter that would make sense but as a photographer like using an nd filter is rare but yeah an nd filter is the only way this makes sense i never let myself go lower than 225 i i'll shoot down at 150 but it's mainly for like details this is the sigma art so yeah it's stopped down to 2 8 which is fine but yeah this this hat that's the only answer y'all and there had to be an md filter on this or something because to be at 1600 iso during the day at 1 50th of a second and have it be as dark as that that had to be an nd filter there's no other option but as a photographer that's why i just say like there's no point in having an nd filter unless yeah like matthew's saying hybrid wedding photograph so they have the indie filter because they're doing video how much do you use the histogram not at all i'm the worst i don't even know why i have it open honestly but yeah this is a great shot it's just camera shake everywhere so because of that like on a pixel peeping aspect it's not the greatest so like for me i would black and white this because that kind of it i like my black and white to be kind of like moody and filmy so since it's already kind of soft it's gonna add to that grainy filmy kind of look anyway and that's usually that's one of the aspects in my photos that determine if it's going to be black and white or not is how clean was the shot if the shot wasn't that clean but it was a good shot it probably gets black and whited [Music] uh oh okay so for instance let's go ahead and export this also hey christina we just did your photo a second ago i'm critiquing the photos as i go as well so if i export this and let's let's see if the m1 max can handle this can handle streaming and exporting at the same time let's make a new folder cool so i'm gonna dump it in there i'm gonna do full res so no resize to fit 300 resolution sharpen for screen and then it's going to open an exposure if y'all don't know already i do my sharpening and grain and exposure rather than in lightroom which is why on the website you see that i sell both the natural feels preset itself in the natural field sharpening in green but that's for exposure it looks like how are you doing m1 are you good it looks like it's good [Music] yeah it streamed and exported at the same time the export was kind of slow though but so here is exposure let's resize it so here's the photo after just screen sharpening was added from lightroom and yeah it is a little soft but that's fine and then i have my black and white grain and sharpening so i add that on there which you'll see it adds a little kick of contrast and it adds a bunch of green to give it like a film-esque feel so here's the before uh-oh never mind it's like freaking out that's the only the thing with the m1 max macbook pro is that like some of these programs like exposure right here when they're not made for it they don't work the best like they struggle a little bit they're fine oh there's an update available but yeah they're fine they just kind of struggle it's beautifully beautifully composed yeah it's a great shot um the settings were just kind of all over the place if it was a hybrid shooter they would have been at 150th and 24 frames a second which makes sense which is why they switch exactly hey john where can i submit photos for future episodes generally i will schedule episodes out and on the link for the episode you can submit there there'll be a link in the description here goes someone with the wide shot wednesday great shot the only so when i pull off a wide shot wednesday the only thing here that would be quote-unquote wrong is that generally you want them to hold hands on the same side so she should have been holding him with this other hand and then she could have put the flower here um then you wouldn't have her like reaching over her own body other than that though great shot i love the location you see i cropped it in just a bit um if anything i kind of like to have the sky in there but crop it in like that you see how i don't know this side where it ends kind of kills the mood of the wide shot wednesday whereas when you have that cropped in it looks like this building goes on forever almost that's half of the thing of the wide shot wednesday there was a photo i took a long time ago and i don't know if i have it anywhere i took it on my iphone it was dope it was like street photography but um it was somewhere in new york it was like in manhattan but it was right where the bridges crossed like the brooklyn bridge and the manhattan bridge on the manhattan side where you have like whatever highway that is but you're like under the highway so i took this shot and it almost looks like a film because the the bridge and the floor kind of cut off the shot in the middle and there was someone walking and that's kind of that's where the inspiration for the wide shot wins they came from for me is just having this like really wide shot where you see how this almost looks like the um the letterboxing for movies so have the top and the bottom letter box the frame itself and then have the couple centered in there i wish i could find the shot it was so good you would think it'd be saved in my photos somewhere on my phone but like i'm pretty sure it's like lost lost in time which is always the saddest let's see we can do years that was probably like oh my goodness so long ago so long ago i'm not about to flip through all my photos but it was hands down one of my favorite shots one of my favorite shots ever i think someone on their twitch channel had a little giveaway or like a a contest and i won it with that photo it'd be dope if i still had it but again i'm not i'm not gonna do that to y'all and sit here going through every photo that i have but yeah i used to do i used to do a lot of street photography at my phone it was fun on one of your hard drive you found it have i showed y'all before i feel like i have it going through these other photos i'm like it i swear i have it actually i forgot how much i used to actually take photos on my iphone like i legit used to be a straight up iphone photographer oh wait it's not this far forward is it now there was one photo that i did there was street photography with the pillars and i i definitely lost that photo i think that was the one i showed y'all this other one was like an iphone photo but yeah i don't i don't know where it is somewhere deep in the archives of my life the archives of my life wow so much so many photos okay let me stop wasting time let me stop wasting time i don't think it was this far forward my sightseer bag is out for delivery yeah um we haven't even edited this yet what camera is this this looks good okay so they're in shadow so i want to raise the shadows and then i'm going to drop the exposure a bit white balance is looking good to me i don't i don't really want to touch too much yeah no this this shot that's what i really love when like everything just looks good and you don't have to do anything to it [Music] yeah no great shot i love i yeah i love symmetrical long so this was a great a great choice for a location for a wide shot wednesday great job gerb here's a kissing shot my only critique here is this hand and again like i said i'm not the biggest one to sit there and critique like where you crop stuff but this just fully feels out of place they may as well have been holding each other like there's no point in having the hand on the pole and again when it comes to wedding photography it could have just been there like that's what happens sometimes it's like people are just in the middle of doing something and something happens so you take the shot so just just remember that any of my critiques are never like i'm not the type to be like it has to be perfect i'm like the furthest thing from that type of photographer for me everything is all situational and overall how the shot looks so again i love the emotion between them i love her hand on his head it's just like why is your arm way over there y'all should be like embracing each other so that's the real the only real critique yo the lighting i think the lighting's good y'all i'm about to open this but open this thing wider would someone recommend affinity photo i've never used it so i don't know much about it personally why using f 2.5 not 1.8 for more shallow bokeh probably um to make sure the photo's sharp because again at the end of the day especially when you've been shooting for a while like you start learning that bokeh is not it's whatever you know like personally and it's no offense to anyone because i was like this myself caring so much about the background being blurry and totally blown out is a very starter photographer type of thing you start learning and especially in wedding photographer that a sharp photo is more important than the background being fully blown out and stuff which is why again people ask me all the time on fujifilm they're like why are you shooting with the f2 lenses because they get enough bokeh and they look great and because they're f2 i can just shoot wide open and everything's nice and sharp and it's good like i don't really need to stop down too hard whereas this is like a cognitive choice i have the light which is why they're at iso 100 they definitely have the light because the shutter is at like 800 so it was bright and they're like let me stop down some to make sure that my shots are nice and sharp you know like you you learn and also too the way with background blur and bokeh a lot of it is how close you are to the subject so if you have a long lens and you're close to the subject it's going gonna blow out the back even more even if you are stopped down so it's one of those things where it's like yeah seasoned wedding photographers will start choosing sharper photos over blown out backgrounds if your composition is seen is on point you don't need to blow out everything that's true too because yeah that's that's one of my pet peeves about listening to some people talk about wedding photography they're always so concerned about like oh blow the background out and dirt shoot with a 70 to 200 so you can blow the background out how about you regulate your backgrounds you know how about you pick a place that's nice how about you if you know you're in a room that's dirty tell people to clean it up so you don't have to have random stuff in the background that you're concerned about blowing out like that that's what it is for me i'm just just regulate it a little bit it's not that hard hey john is the mac mini still good for photo editing yeah video editing very low level video editing but because yeah the m1 mac mini right now is kind of like my family computer so i have them using it i use it a little bit but yeah it was great exactly you don't get the option to redo many of your photos on a wedding day you need to make sure people are in focus bokeh is always second exactly and also too like you'll get bokeh like you'll get it it'll be fine you know i had to learn this the hard way we used to shoot everything wide open and would miss focus because of the shot exactly that's whenever i shoot with the gfx i have to remember that because i got so used to the xt series and being able to shoot everything just like wide open all the time and so you know i'm like rocking the 80 the 81.7 oh this is jesse's photo nice i love how wide this is but um yeah i got so used to shooting wide open all the time that i would be rocking the 81.7 and just be like oh dang i'm missing half the shots and it's like yeah cuz you're on a medium format camera shooting at 1.7 like stop down bro so i'm cooling this photo down the warmness was a little too much for me as you all know i like a nice [Music] a nice cool edit i like my greens to sit in that kind of cool green but what happened now is the couple is a little bit too cool so let's subject select let's see how good this thing is if it can pick out the subject in this small oh wow y'all so good that's crazy not having to paint in stuff it's crazy so yeah now i'm gonna warm them up not too much and then what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna warm them up a bit pull the shadows up on them a tad and then i'm gonna warm up the whole scene a little because again i don't want the scene to be too warm but i do want them to be warmer probably cropping on this just a tad um so this is the [Music] oops this is the uh spoon spoon pose with the the bear hug over the top and those are usually cute because even when you do this pose you usually don't have to tell the person in front to hold the hands that's like a natural thing to do when someone has their arms like over you you want to embrace them too so they tend to bring their arms up they're gonna be automating us out of a job i mean you should see that imagine ai that thing is crazy like i sent it like four 700 photos in five minutes it was like complete your photos are edited and i was like yo um this feels good to me i like it there's our before and after yeah you see those greens that's my that's my greens them nice and cool subdued and you know sat desaturated also this is something i need to start doing more often um my second photographer who was in the last um behind the scenes video she tends to do this a lot too like she'll shoot with the 23 vertically and like super far back i for some reason i tend not to do it but whenever i see shots like this i just love how much environment is included in the shot when you're shooting with like a 23. it's just it's so good oh wait are these doubles i didn't even realize that let's delete this one delete from disk can't wait for that c1 preset yeah i need to go ahead and just release it i'm like being extra about it being perfect but honestly like it's it's only gonna be as good as it's gonna be and it's it's good like i feel like i can release it do you do same-day edit photo on your wedding shoes oh no that's too much so this was golden hour sunset now if i auto white balance it's going to make everything super blue oh no it didn't wow great job lightroom but yeah for this shot in our yeah i already white balance is gonna be the thing that's why honestly i'm i'm half and half on golden hour everyone's always like oh yeah golden hour i don't know man sometimes things look too orange i'm just not a fan of everything being too orange i'm very very picky about that stuff um how are you hello hello when are you getting sponsored by gnarbox so i i don't i was never actually sponsored by them but i did work with them my review video um i guess that was sponsored i mean they provided the product and i had an affiliate program but they stopped doing it so i'm actually concerned with the state of gnarbox i hope they're doing well maybe they just stopped the the um the affiliate program because they just weren't trying to do it no more i don't know to me i was curious about what's happening because especially with the the markets right now and everything being like backed up and stuff i was like i don't know is it too late to send you a cop yes we're not taking any submissions during the stream um what am i trying to do so i cooled them down so i could warm it all up and not have it feel too weird yeah that lighting on this is my main issue honestly this is another this is another one of those black and white great shot though chest to chest golden hour for me is more about light direction than it is color yeah the shadows and stuff like that because your white balance is always ah yep it's happening y'all sorry we're black and whiting it we're taking the easy route y'all the photographer cop-out route we did it it happened my wife has been wanting to get one for our business holy smokes but also want to protect our couples yeah then art like i can't tell you all enough because a lot of people they'll be like oh it's so expensive it's really cool it's really worth it not only does it um does does it back up your stuff but you can set up like folders it checks your files too to make sure that it's actually backing it up correctly so you're not going to get like corrupted files and you can make it truncate all the photos so what i have it set to right now is that when i back up my second photographer's photos and my own instead of you know how every camera has some kind of folder that all the photos are in so there's like a folder hierarchy of at least one or two folders so the gnarbox gets rid of all that just pulls in the files only and then i can tell it to back up into a specific folder that i call wedding photography and it backs it up there by date so now when i go on to my gnar box to try and see what i have backed up it's just all separated by date and then all of the photos from me and my second and everything are just in one folder it's nice great shot let's keep going here goes another one of those situations where like the horizon was tilt for whatever reason sometimes when you're looking to the viewfinder it just it happens i do it all the time so yeah because of that we're gonna lose so i'm using these pillars in the back to straighten it oh here let me show y'all the whole process we're gonna we're gonna do the whole process on this photo here goes another weird settings thing i have to stop myself from delivering full albums in black and white sometimes black and white is good i love shooting in black and white speaking of do you sync with your second the time of the day i try to remember to but sometimes i forget and it's the worst i hate when i don't sing oh it's the worst do you shoot on kelvin or auto i'm generally on auto white balance however if the scene ends up looking too cool or too warm in camera then i'll switch to kelvin so with this shot if i would have cropped it we would have lost like from all the way up here so i'm gonna fix it in photoshop the shot was just so like tilted and i hate a tilted shot dutch tilt is not my friend this is a nice chest to chest it looks like a maternity shot um hand here is clearly giving the maternity vibes so if you didn't know it was before this helps out and that's why usually when i'm posing couples i say to stay away from the stomach because the moment you do that you're like is it maternity which it looks like this is now the settings here i don't understand what happened with the settings this is another thing where it was during the day we're at f5 which i can see stopping down to make sure it was sharp but this is a f 3.5 lens oh you know what it's probably because of the zoom okay that makes sense but yeah this iso needs to come down this shutter speed needs to come down because yeah you can see the photos just all muddy mainly because of the camera i don't know what camera this is we can let's see yeah an 80d so it's just an older camera so it's iso is not going to perform the same but again it's a shot that can be saved it's not horrible it looks good the lighting overall is decent in it lightroom is hating okay i was going crazy because i mistakenly set my wife's xt3 to 12 hours ahead of my hometown it's the worst yeah i forget the sink all the time it's like the first thing i do on a wedding day is forget the sink oh yeah that grain is pretty bad actually it's pretty bad but yeah see i'm even i'm getting beach balls now streaming in editing in lightroom and it's again because lightroom is not optimized for the m1 as best as it probably could be yeah this is unfortunate this is a great shot but that 6400 iso is what kills it and again with if you have a couple [Laughter] oh oh black and white time i mean it's it's fine it's doable but yeah that shutter speed could have came way down to like 1 over 200. and which could have saved the iso at least to like a thousand there's no way it was that dark and i get you at f5 probably because the shutter or the um the zoom so zooming up this is one of those i feel like you could have been lower though but yeah iso when it when it comes to exposure triangle and understanding the exposure triangle the biggest thing i try and teach is i like to teach it in a practicality sense a lot of people try to teach it on a math side and i'm just not a math person so for me it's practicality so for me when i'm raising my iso the main thing i'm thinking about is how much grain am i adding so the only time i'm raising my iso is when i need the light and i'm trying to be you know like i regulate it now i'm not one of those people who are like always shoot at iso 100 for the best image quality i can't that's just being too extra i'll raise my iso quick however you know i'm i'm regulating it some people just be cranking their iso up because they're like i need more light or they don't understand it too much iso will equal too much grain so you always should be trying to figure out what you can do on top of the iso so again with 640 of shutter speed you could have come way down and still had a sharp photo love that background yeah it's a beautiful shot the location is great oh god yeah that green hurts i'm usually not even that picky about that stuff but it's just like it's bad i had a second a couple weeks ago that gave me reception photos all shot at 256 why how much you put on noise reduction on high-end so i don't the lightroom noise reduction is not really the greatest okay so a photo like this again like i was saying earlier i straightened it and i lost a lot of the photo so we're gonna right-click it and edit it in photoshop would you recommend a low level speed light for this spot uh no because again based on the settings and they're outside it looks like it's light enough the settings shouldn't have been set like that like there was no reason for it to be set like that um so that might be a case again of and this is why you shoot in manual that could have been the camera deciding that it was best depending on what setting it was in or it could have been you know just not fully understanding the attributes of each of the settings i tend to use the lower iso to bring back the photos and post later my sony files let me yeah and that's another part of it too it's like knowing your camera you gotta really know your camera like i know personally i don't really like to go over 2000 iso on my fuji and that's just what it is doesn't mean the camera is not capable and it doesn't mean you can't shoot at a higher iso and get you know good files but i just don't want to shoot it are you are you doing it photoshop you doing the thing looks like you're just chilling to me photoshop you good yeah the m1 is kind of struggling trying to stream and do all this stuff at the same time is it doing it are you are you doing it should i try again oh no could not be edited because adobe photo could not be launched but it's it's right here it's launched but it's launched it's right there lightroom are you for real i see preparing for file for editing yeah it's having a hard time streaming and i wonder if i have the settings in obs wrong hi from malaysia i love your work so much your preset fits my style awesome thank you so much okay yeah that's what was happened it was lightroom lightroom having issues well we might have to skip it i was going to show you all the whole process i usually do if i have to save a photo like that but oh there it goes what camera do you use to live stream that's this is my xt3 with the new 33 1.4 on it i can't wait for c1 preset but crossing fingers for fuji if the fuji one is gonna be the first one to come out we got the philippines in the house hello welcome to the stream all right finally it did it um so if y'all don't use photoshop or no the content aware feel is ridiculous this is the only time i use photoshop ios or windows well not ios but yeah this is mac i'm currently on mac os but i use both systems um the m1 max macbook pro though is beasty i think i'm gonna switch over is lightroom telling me it's not yo what's this oh it couldn't be edited because photoshop's not launched bro it's i'm in photoshop editing the photo right now i don't okay brazil in the house welcome to the stream oh we got russia hello hello dubai in the house welcome do you usually fix up skinny or photoshop i peek that portrait from your video with phil in there i usually don't if i do touch up anything i'm doing it in lightroom look at how good that was it's a little noticeable here but again like for the most part no one's looking at that you know again that's the whole pixel p like no one's gonna do that your couple's not gonna pixel peep unless it's super obvious it's fine any quick thoughts on the 33 it seemed like it was focusing really fast um the bokeh looks generally pretty good it's light but yeah the focusing felt super fast but i've only used it once so i don't really i don't feel like i have enough information to say much about it i need to use it more how did you straighten i straightened it in lightroom and then what i'm doing now is in photoshop is i'm filling in all the spots that were like left over i i also when i straightened it i just did it by hand i used this little building in the back to kind of figure out where the lineup was of it being straight there so i fixed it with photoshop and yeah unless you're crazy like right here is the only place that's kind of noticeable and you're probably not going to see that how did you i i did cut off the photo but i fixed it in photoshop what content and where i feel so this is what it looked like so you see all that white is where it was cut off but is it still trying lightroom what are you doing look it just opened it again but that so this will answer your question so so i straightened it and all this white was what was left over and so it comes to photoshop like this and i use the content aware fill to fill in the spacing to get this then i just hit save and it should hopefully go back to lightroom but with lightroom freaking out saying that photoshop wasn't open i don't know what's gonna happen now favorite lenses to use for weddings it's generally the ones i'm using um the 33 might be the new one in there but 23 f2 35 f2 the 50 f1 and the uh 16 well you know what no i won't say that the 16 2.8 is good but i like the 16 1.4 better and i need to go ahead and just buy one okay we're quitting out of photoshop and our photo saved too many times yeah so let's delete this one and so here's the final version again unfortunately that that um that grain kills the photo even black and whiting it won't really save the photo it's a little too muddy overall however it's a gorgeous shot but yeah that iso is way too high and i'm not i'm not sure why that happens because it looks like it was during the day that's why again y'all settings are important seeing my settings isn't really super helpful but you know knowing understanding why you're doing something is is a big deal okay i'm gonna need to speed up a little bit because we're like an hour in my wife could be going into labor and i'm like over here chilling here's a nice silhouette shot i'm gonna bring these shadows down to save the silhouette bring the exposure up some is this straight no okay i feel like i want it yeah like this do you ever feel the 50 f1 is too tight for wedding situations no but again i'm not i'm only using it for long shots like there's very specific shots that i'm using it for when you're talking about like getting ready where you're in like a hotel room or something the 50 never comes out ever great shot this is the chest the chest again with the pole holding just make them hold each other i don't this pole like there's no point in having the pole there here's a nice looking at the camera shot nice hand placement overall pretty good it is a really nice shot i think that's mostly camera limitations there yeah that's what an 80d is pretty old but still i think bringing the shutter down in the iso down some could have made it a cleaner shot overall bring this orange down just a tad yeah nice nice direct looking at the camera shot i would have maybe come back a little bit it's a little tight we see a little bit more space like elbows right at the edge when you put the pictures on screen in your full vlog type videos is the f-stop you put at the bottom what you use no that f-stop at the bottom is just the definition of the lens so that you know exactly which lens i'm using that's mainly especially for all my fujifilm people um so yeah it's just like the name of the lens it's like okay i'm using the you know 50 f1 i may or may not have shot it at f1 i don't usually share my settings again my pet peeve with sharing settings is sharing settings doesn't teach you anything unless you understand what the settings are i hate it i hate it so much people what were your settings what were your settings what were your settings why because instead of under trying to understand what the settings are and why they are they just think you can set your camera a certain way and that gets the shot and it's like no it doesn't work like that here's a great wide shot wednesday also we got some we got some uh sensor dust or something here because they're at f11 which my my cameras are like that too i got sensor dust all over the place but here's a great example right this is an example of when you understand what's happening so one of the biggest things and i used to do this personally is photographers be forgetting because they're like oh you shoot wider open so you can get blurry backgrounds but if you're shooting this wide there's no point you're not gonna have a blurry background you know on a 35 mil that far away from your couple there is no blurry background so you may as well stop down and get the whole thing in focus and that was one of those like overtime it took me like two to three years to realize that like getting closer to your subject is half of what brings the blurry background so there's literally no point to being wide open when you're so far away like go ahead and just stop it down it'll be better for the shot yeah this is a gorgeous shot look how sharp everything is too look at the clouds so good f11 i love this composition with them way off in the corner yeah yeah wide shot wednesday for the win this is the great also too they're like within the composition they're open enough that your eye is drawn here because it it's it just stands out the color difference between like the cloud and stuff but yeah that's something big to learn early on is if you're shooting white just stop down a sharper photo is more beneficial than a blurry background your couples will appreciate a sharper photo and they're not gonna again no one's gonna sit there and nitpick your photos but if a if a photo is out of focus too heavily because you were trying to shoot wide open a couple will see that and be like why is it blurry versus just having a tack sharp photo so again the blue black background the blurry background your couple's not gonna care about they're not like they're just gonna be like okay whatever that's just how photos look i guess nice walking shot this is what i was talking about earlier compared to that first one you see how the emotions here are a little bit better they're like looking at each other and smiling um it does feel a little forced but some couples are like that um it's hard to get them to like naturally just walk together and smile um and the biggest thing is how you kind of direct them into it instead of trying to be too heavily on like okay now look at each other you have to direct it in a certain kind of way to get it a little bit more natural so they're backlit so we're gonna pull them shadows up and then i'm just gonna brighten it up it's too much magenta for once pull these oranges back a tad and then warm it up magenta is also still too heavy that's good there hi from germany apart from your great editing and camera settings are you taking care of invoices bills taxes by yourself or outsourcing i'm doing it by myself um right now i use honeybook and that carries the majority of what i do random question what lens are you using for streaming this is the new fujifilm 33 f 1.4 it's good too look at that look at that background blur oh yeah so good i don't have an nd filter for it i'm mad i i bought all these nd filters and then you get a new lens and it's like that's the one size you don't have great now i gotta buy another one here goes the before and after you see the white balance difference there white balance makes a big difference in your photos again people are oh i tried the preset and i didn't like it you gotta edit the photo the preset is just the color grade and the color like it's the colors you still have to edit question for you usually magically focusing i am not i use autofocus but i don't use continuous autofocus unless it's like a shot like this where the couple's walking towards me or something here's a great shot um again i would have got more of the dress like all this dead space i would have brought this over a little bit more even if you didn't get the full dress like i would have centered them up and had more of this coming out but see here's another example y'all these are wedding photographers they know what they're doing f4 why because maze will get it in focus also it's 24 mil you're not going to get blurry background on a 24 millimeter so may as well stop down yeah it's a 24 it's a 24 f 1.8 and they stopped all the way down to four main had to do that they could have shot it wide open but again at 24 mil you're not getting a blurry background so that's my shot yeah yeah it looks good too bro you got to get step up rings yeah i yeah this is the money shot yeah this is a great shot um white balance is hard because of that um that lens flare this is one of those if it were my own wedding i would probably black and white this because yeah this that flare just yep it's black and white y'all there it is i did it i'm sorry florida in the house hello photographer 101 just black and white it but yeah because there's so much dead space on that side like it makes me want to crop in so like i was saying i would have rather have saved more of the dress in the photo rather than folks especially at 24 mil other than that it was a gorgeous shot bring up the highlights get that lens flare in there a little bit more i had one color one black and white on my ig for this shot oh nice what's your uh what's your instagram you got miami in the house florida's in the house just moved to number 32. what's up john were you doing a live edit video for your brooklyn wedding no because i finished it already because i used the imaging ai and it was like bloop it's done and i was like yo i delivered i delivered that whole wedding in three days because the ai editing just blew through it it was crazy y'all and then all i had to do was go through and touch it up well let's go check out the color edit so i can see how bad i am um [Music] david that's my brother's name his birthday was yesterday david leafer photography there we are is it like deep down in your photos oh wow youtube support team oh what happened oh y'all oh y'all it's official it's official can you tell them if the photographer had the camera position at waist height or 24 millimeter for the player uh it looks like it's aimed up a little bit i wonder what photo of mine they chose oh yeah nice let's go y'all look look at what i just won look at look at it y'all i'm i did it yeah i just made the rangefinder rising 30. [Music] rising 30 stars i did it i was selected yay [Music] let's see do i know anyone on here i don't think i know anyone on here [Music] oh phyllis felicia willis let's see what my little page looks like i thought the official y'all was the baby it's like i didn't even stop yo yeah my wife just had a baby while i was hanging out streaming do you always use an external flash for weddings not always pretty much only during the reception [Music] yeah y'all it hands down was the hardest thing picking 30 photos it was the hardest thing but i think going through my portfolio and really honing down on like 30 photos that i thought were like my best work really made me for once look at my photos and be like you know what i'm actually a pretty good photographer because most of the time i don't i don't like my photos like i'm just being honest i have a hard time even considering myself a good photographer this is my money shot this is what i was talking about earlier with the uh wide shot wednesday you see how they're holding hands on the same side so he's not crossing over his body yeah i'm honestly surprised that i was chosen for this honestly like really actually let's see the wppi did they post anything on instagram doesn't look like it i wonder if they're still rangefinder mag congrats i've adopted some of your techniques and my process is awesome that impossible yeah it's real i just i'm i'm so picky about my photo i just i'm always just kind of like eh my photos are okay i guess you know like they're whatever but again my wife could be going into labor so let's keep going nice shot the only thing is the composition here like we don't need all this floor space i think it would have been better if we would have seen a little bit more of them other than that though i do like the shot also it's it's kind of i don't i don't like the dutch tilt but again if you all have watched me enough you know i have a pet peeve against dutch tilt a huge pet peeve against dutch tilt okay uh-oh the internet my stream we are our own worst credits it's true oh do i have stuff open that i could like close it will probably help got too much open so one tip for the natural feels preset is if you're using flash and it looks like it sucks the life out of your people turn your highlights up because what's happening is the highlights being all the way down is kind of sucking the light out of the highlights and if it's flash that's where a lot of the lights are coming from oh no so just bring the highlights up a little bit so you don't take the life out of the flash this shot probably would look dope in black and white just because of the contrast oh wait okay it's back i don't know what the issue is wow bad habit i haven't seen you in a hot minute the m1 max is like freaking out i don't know if my streaming settings are like maybe i'm using the wrong encoder hold on the whole stream's freaking out i had it set to the software encoder so i switched it to hardware and i'm hoping because it's the m1 max and it's supposed to be beasty was this two photos by the same person hold on oh no okay whatever you're doing it's working yeah i don't i don't know what the issue is all right let's continue hi john i was distracted dealing with the wrong people but i'm back your videos are helping me get back on track awesome that's good to hear oh it's a jpeg i'm sorry sorry y'all no jpegs i'm about halfway through y'all want to do some drawings you want to drew you y'all want to do one of the drawings number 34 is yours oh we're almost there we can start out with the big drawing and then we'll do the other two maybe we'll wait here let's let's get through a couple more photos we'll do the first drawing neff good on good old nikon uh did you see how the preset saved the sky look at that boom let's get our corrections in there 27 is mine is this 27 i know we're 19. and so again i don't like the if you just raise the shadows you see how it pulls it out of the background i don't like that so i'm gonna drop the shadows down i'm gonna raise the exposure a little bit and then we're gonna do some selected edits so we're gonna select our subjects and we're going to raise the shadows on them alone just a bit so it's not too too much um i'm also let's go ahead and just select the sky i tend to not do that but because it's easy the stream bit rate is lower than recommended bring these highlights bring the exposure just a tad again i want it to feel natural so sometimes too i like to pull it lower than i want it and then i'll go back and raise the exposure on the whole picture white balance feels overall pretty good where can we submit for the drawing the drawing it was it was like a couple of weeks already so the submissions are all closed i had to switch over to my photography channel but i can't comment my instagram name is i just tagged you in the lens flare show oh nice so there's our before and after maybe a little too hot uh maybe magenta a ted but yeah just like slight adjustments for selective edits are always good you don't want to do anything drastic so that's um that was a spoon normal spoon great shot i love how they're looking off to the side too great shot here's a nice wedding shot good expressions overall pretty good yeah this this also might be another selective edit just because they're backlit like i could just raise it like this but that's that like super bright and airy where it's like a little too much y'all i can't get over how good this selective edit is thank you for the good information i am new to the wedding industry got four weddings this season and decided to jump from sony to xd3 trying to get used to the new process for the raws yeah it's a little different but it's not too bad so i'm gonna raise the shadows on them since they're backlit just a tad and then i'll go back and i am going to raise the exposure overall but again i don't have to do it as much because i've already done it so it just helps them pop out a little bit more the selective editing change thing yeah i tend to not do selective edits a lot but i might start doing it more often now because it's so easy yeah it's like so easy to do selective edits right now it's kind of ridiculous actually i used to not do it because it'd be like oh here we go let's do selective edits um here goes another wide shot wednesday again for critique at least if you're trying to do it the way that i do it generally this arm length needs to be much longer that's the only thing in this shot other than that it's great i love how you shot up into the sky like that i want that line to be straighter i don't know why lightroom thought that was straight everything is so green preset available for capture one yet not yet but i really want to get it out this month i really really need to get it out this month hold on let me let me fix my um my bit rate real quick all right i think that should have fixed it here's louis i think i think you shared some photos from this wedding before i feel like i remember this couple either that or i'm crazy freezing yeah i had i had to fix my bit rate it looks like using the hardware encoder was the better choice i was using the software one before slowly taking your advice for focus at home thanks for that awesome is what xd3 yeah the fujifilm especially the xd3 tends to lean on the magenta side which is why i think i like magenta so much the photos tend to be very magenta we're gonna raise the shadows because they're backlit and just a little tiny papa exposure this was clean yeah iso 400 50 f2 wow shout out f4 but this another this is another great example y'all no sir not with you on live oh cool another great example of wedding photographers knowing what they're doing shot this at f4 why because there was enough light and again a nice sharp photo of the couple matters more than having super blown out background which this is the type of shot which you could have blown out the background but again it just it doesn't matter as much it doesn't especially in wedding photography great shot beautiful shot i like the little hand in pocket that's great good stuff here's a nice walking shot good maternity maternity walking shot what camera is this xd2 i knew it i don't know how i was like this feels like an xd2 file okay i think i had my settings set up the wrong way before let's see if um the m1 max does better now with streaming since i'm using now that i have it set to hardware i guess technically that means it should be using the actual graphics card and supposedly the m1 max has a super beasty graphics card so um 23 is mine thanks for editing yeah no problem hey john i'm piecing together a kit for events do you think the 1814 could replace the need for the 16 and the 23 yeah it definitely could i've never used it but if i was gonna do anything like that i would definitely do just the 18 alone it gives you enough space for like um like the wideness but also it's like not too wide to take portraits on so yeah i would definitely say that 18 is probably a good middle ground the shot is like so green but i'm trying not to be like magenta magenta man oops 28 millimeter equivalents are perfect yeah what's your take on pricing on the website i'm a fan of it but again so pricing on the website is it's a it's a middle ground right you have to really know why you're doing it so if you're putting like your starting price or your full price on the website half the reason is because you're trying to get rid of price shopping people um you know you just want the people who want to work with you and are not going to be like watch your pricing this is a gorgeous shot 16 f1 point yeah god the 16 1.4 is so good audio's very out of sync oh no i don't think i can do anything about that it was fine before us i don't know what happened um yeah i i think i need to upgrade to the 16 1.4 the 2.8 is okay and all but the 1.4 is so sharp um but yeah so putting putting your pricing on your website helps get rid of price shoppers but the downside is it can change your conversation from value to only price and that's something that you don't necessarily want to do um couples need to understand the value of what they're getting more so than just what it is and what it does yeah warm this up and bring out that sky let's do some selective edits select the sky boom do it there it is uh oh did it select them too i can't tell yeah make it crazy yeah i don't miss too much we can plop that saturation up a little bit though make that thing pop again i tend to not edit like this but since the selective edits makes it easier like may as well put a little bit of effort into it there's that before and after but yeah so that that's the thing with putting your price on the site it really depends on what you want if you don't put your price on the site you may get more inquiries but it may be people just being like what's the price whereas if you put your starting price then you might get less increase but you'll get less of people being like what's your price so it really depends if wide means no blurry background why not just go with the xf-16 or yeah 16 2.8 oh true well for wedding photography at the end of the night that 1.4 comes in for a wide lens that's the biggest thing there um but you can even see again they get it they stop down to 2.8 and it's sharp that lens is sharp so good great shot oh here's another wide shot wednesday so this arm length is almost too long they also i think the reason why this feels long is because i can't see their legs and mainly it's not that i can't see them but there's there's no like walk you have to see that like walking leg bit you know what i mean so it doesn't look like they're really moving it almost looks like he's like trying to pull her because he's not walking so that's the only critique i have for this shot particularly um let's go ahead and hit this with auto they're backlit so we'll pull the shadows expose a tad ooh is this a tilt shift what is what lens is this what is that what is this [Music] 55 f 1.8 z a what does that mean sony fe 55 millimeter 1.8 za what is that no it's just a lens that's crazy looking music is always a vibe yeah i'm i have to if my vibe ain't right i can't do it i just like having it for the sake of transparency it feels more right for my clients having that information yeah exactly and it's really it really is just a choice per photographer i don't think there's a right or wrong it's really more based off of your business and how you want to conduct it could have been freelance true i am horrible at freelancing i wish i could do it yeah that looks great actually i love that it's like it looks like a tilt shift hi john i love your work and content how do you price your wedding shoots and mini shoots it's kind of a long process i'm not really gonna go into like the whole thing but za's the zeiss oh that's probably half of why it looks like this looks crazy um the biggest thing with pricing though is just remember like you don't necessarily have to justify your price to anybody you know you can you can make your price what you want to but it just needs to be based off of realistic factors like your actual experience and stuff like that don't just go around crazily setting prices just because you want to get paid more you have to be realistic about what it is you're actually offering your couples there's our before and after and see like i was saying again the biggest thing that makes it is not the preset it's the white balance with the preset you can't just be like here's a proof sir great that's a great shot i like it yeah again if there was some more leg movement this would be super epic so it doesn't look like they're just kind of standing there she has a little bit but i would have loved to see him in the middle of a step you may have answered this already but where did you get the 3314 from can't find out so here's a hop tip y'all i'ma give you all the secret ready here's the secret moment lenses moment they sell fujifilm gear and i don't think everyone gets that yet so everyone be ordering from like adorama and b h and all these people go to moment lenses that's where i got it from that's where i also got my um my 81.7 let me let me drop the link for y'all that's the secret i don't think there's that many people on their site buying fujifilm gear especially not the expensive stuff there's no way that's like the professional stuff no one's buying that so like right now i'm kind of mad because i pre-ordered the 2314 the new one from b h and it's back ordered go figure um moment doesn't have it on their site though because if so i would have switched but yeah that's how i got it because they probably have stock and like barely anyone's buying it you gotta you gotta be crafty about where you get your stuff from beautiful shot again my only critique is i don't like dutch tilt but and see this photo because it's so tight we can't really straighten it so it is what it is the white balance is so good though canon white balance is so good oh there's no okay so you see i didn't have to do anything to this shot and so that's half of the natural feels preset is if you're if your shot is good and the white balance is good you shouldn't really have to do much to the photo i ended up getting mine from b h just a few days ago oh wow moment is great i learned recently they have everything yeah if you shoot fuji moment has a lot of stuff they also sell film stuff on there but to john branch's point they had it in stock on black friday yeah moment is out of stock oh dang but yeah i was able to get mine fairly early mainly by going through them i didn't see the 23 1.4 on there though so beautiful shot love the hand placement also we got the bride on the right side here so you can see the ring hand that's always important like when you do your couple do them like that groom on the left bright on the right presets are fire used the presets for my first job and made it so easy awesome what's your favorite lens of all time oh my goodness that's hard to say i i don't know if i can answer that okay i think we're about halfway yeah let's go ahead and draw let's draw for the 100 the x100v we'll do the the grand prize winner what i get so much email so much spam email it's so annoying did you edit any sony aps-c raw files you want to see how your presets will do i i don't know if i have but again you can always send me a raw at some point but yeah let me go ahead and draw for this draw for our grand prize winner let's see what happens here we go oh is it going to draw all three at the same time boom oh no okay winners to draw three auto prize allocation okay i can can i do one at a time allow repeat winners no so i'm gonna draw one for the fuji x100v i think i'm doing this right here we go all right so i have joke joe quinn if i can say that correct i mess up everyone's name joe quinoa go no lasko i'm so sorry i'm the worst with names um let's double check i don't know if i have his instagram hey will's in the house what's up welcome to the stream let's see if they're on instagram let's see oh i don't know who this is i don't know where they're instant so first off let's check the rules let's see if they submitted a photo [Music] i'm hoping the name is on the photo what's the best way to do this i'm not seeing a photo [Music] he's on my story i like don't even know i just be sharing people's stories and don't even know who it is [Music] [Music] is he i don't know who this winner is i should have taken everyone's instagram names great job i don't know who anyone is [Music] okay we'll sit on that for a moment until i figure out who this is so i can figure out if they're actually a qualified winner or not [Music] yeah i don't i don't know who this is how how did put me back at the first photo [Music] this is gorgeous too great shot trying to figure out who this is because none of these instagram accounts look like photographers i don't know who any of these people are i don't know this grand prize might be a disqualified person because all of y'all followed the rules y'all got your name yeah like if it was under his name it should have been in here somewhere oh no never mind it's not sorted by that i don't remember seeing a photo okay let's keep going ugh so good didn't even have to touch that photo again if it looks good in camera if anything like warm it up a little bit danny garcia you don't see your photo if it was a jpeg it got deleted because per the rules it was all all raw files all right it was raw maybe we'll run into it i gotta figure out who this is because i'm not seeing i'm not seeing an instagram i'm not seeing a photo like i don't know who this person is hey john i didn't see my photo it was raw and on xd3 did i get it i mean if you submit it and it made it in it should be in there i just downloaded it from the thing 67 is mine you said couple or people doing one of the top 10 poses that's correct i don't know why i can't figure out who this is like i literally am seeing no information [Laughter] the worst internet's like i am i'm not a detective i gotta figure out who it is so i can see if they're eligible for the win here we go some white balance warm it up much better um they're backlit so we're going to subject select yes aim got it on time got it in on time and raw the photos not in there none of the photos are there hold on yeah i didn't have a lot of photos it was like 75 photos or something so i'm pulling the shadows up on them just a little bit to make them pop out some nothing to be too drastic there's our before and after okay let me figure out what was happening are y'all just not seeing your photos are they literally not there here goes the bottom half of the photos because yeah they should be there i just i downloaded it from dropbox actually where's my finder at and there were only a couple of jpegs [Music] um these are all here's millie oh yeah yours is a jpeg gorgeous shot though i would have brought this arm up somewhere or put it in his pocket actually let me see if oh yeah here's his oh it's a jpeg and it's tiny great shot though yeah we'll have to redraw that's what happened that's why i couldn't find it that makes sense for resubmission john i see you stayed with adobe colors when editing will you ever apply any film simulation profiles no because they they're not the same they're not the actual fujifilm film simulations has your camera settings on your xt3 chain since you last since your last video on camera settings not really but i i that video is old so i'd have to go look at it so i'm not sure should i invest in fujifilm xc200 from shop or xd3 secondhand i'd say xd3 i'm not familiar with the 200 but i would definitely say the xd3 yeah millie it's in here it's a jpeg though this is it here but yeah it's a it's a jpeg how do i get my first wedding that's that's one of the big questions it's a lot but really it's presentation overall you have to have a good website you have to have a decent portfolio like there's a lot of parts to it yeah i'm i'm not sure how you sent it but this is a jpeg did you like did you export it from did you export it from like lightroom or something so the only feedback i have for this photo is it's a little too tight i'd like it to be just a tad bit wider but other than that that's a great shot this is your spoon shot i'm gonna redraw this um i'm gonna redraw the winner let's see so this time we have trent and i'm gonna double check is there a photo here oh yeah yeah if you x if you export the photo at all it's going to turn it into a jpeg i'm not seeing a photo for trent let's look them up [Music] oh no millie i'm so sorry i don't who are these people winning the thing no it's a different trend but see this is the main reason that we were a little strict with the giveaway because you know you do a giveaway on youtube and all kinds of randos come out of nowhere like you're doing a giveaway they don't even watch you and stuff i'm pretty sure the directions were not followed hi from germany how can i send a photo we're not taking photo submissions right now these were photos put in for a giveaway so no submissions right now i'm about to redraw again yep time to redraw one of these days we'll find a winner okay hold on before i even say the person's name i'm gonna now i gotta go look okay i think i think we might have a winner for once we might have a real winner [Music] trying to get my hands on a fujifilm yeah so yeah this was the uh so that's who we drew brad here brad woolgar woolgar that's their photo and yeah so that's that's the x100v winner and i'll have to get in touch with them that's the thing too if i can't get in touch with these people and they don't accept the thing then i still have to redraw oh brad's in the house yeah [Music] yeah i can't show the drawing because i didn't want your email along on the internet for everybody to see but yeah we're gonna keep editing and then i'm gonna do the drawing the next one's for the um the flat lay the flat lay mat where were we at here this is another backlit situation where i don't want to like jump the exposure up too high i think there we go brad's admitted a cannon and we'll hopefully be submitting a fuji photo in the next yeah exactly i'm having trouble choosing my aperture at some shoots that's why i love when youtubers add these settings and images so i can't get a feel for it any tips on choosing so see that's that's what i was talking about before and this is why i don't this is why i don't share settings is this the focus is just missed so obviously y'all know what happens to this is it gets black and white immediately um but yeah as far as settings there's there is no right aperture there there is none again when it comes to settings it's about understanding what the setting does and i think i think that's missed a lot when people talk about settings in the exposure triangle no one talks about what it does they're just like oh yes set your i mean people talk about what it does but i don't know i feel like people don't make it just like stupid proof you know like very baseline so again if we're talking about aperture your aperture if it's higher lets in less light but it makes your photo sharper so it's all a situational thing there's there's no right aperture it's all situational so i know if i need a super sharp photo that i turn my aperture up however i understand that i lose light by doing that so it comes down to what your situation is and why you need that attribute and that's that's all there is to it um unfortunately i can't really give an answer for like this is the right you know app because there really there isn't a right aperture it just depends on the situation it depends on the lens it depends on what you want to get out of the photo and that's what it comes down to with understanding settings because again if i sit here and tell you like oh f2 is always great that also depends on your iso and your shutter speed that change is also what happens for your exposure so it's not just the aperture alone and what's the perfect aperture but basically a general rule of thumb is stop down a little bit if you want the photo to be in focus especially if you're shooting on full frame and with a lens that is super fast so if your lens goes down to f1 don't shoot it at f1 all the time because you're probably going to miss the focus shoot it at f 1.4 shoot it at f2 um but there there is no right aperture it's all it's all based off of the current moment in the photo so yeah for me this photo wouldn't be savable at all i can black and white it and it does give it like a cute kind of vintage feel but it's the focus is like totally just off yes learn camera technique don't copy and if it comes naturally and you can use it creatively but yeah there really there's no there's no there's no right setting that's why i get that question all the time all the time especially on my videos they're like oh could you show the settings i just i don't believe that settings help people honestly half the time especially if you don't understand what the settings are and why i i personally feel like they actually hurt photographers more than they help now if you understand it and you understand settings and you want to just kind of see and be like oh maybe this is why they chose it because that's the thing settings can always be interpreted too like there's no way you would ever know why you know like i can look at this photo and be like why were they at iso 1600 it's pretty bright outside there was no point to that you know the shutter speed is at a thousand ten thousand a thousand you know what i mean like they could have brought the shutter speed way down to 300 350 and then because of that drop the iso way down f4 is fine you know they probably wanted it to be sharp but you see i'm saying like i even can't i can't look at the settings and know why so me showing you my settings isn't going to help you especially if you don't understand why all that does is make people think that oh that's what i have to do to get the photo and set it to f what no that's not how it works lighting is always different the situation's always different the lens and the camera is always different there are no perfect settings so i don't sell the settings i don't think they help now when i do a course i'm going to show my settings but for that i'm gonna be explaining what and why i'm doing it and then also show the settings so i'm gonna give the whole thing and my full wedding day videos i have now i'm not really explaining every aspect of everything i'm just kind of like this is what i'm thinking generally this is what i'm doing generally i'm not like whoa because this room is dark and the window's here and da da da da da so i'm going to set it like like i'm not doing that so at the end of the day the settings they're not going to help so yeah that's that's my rant on settings i really i don't think they help people i think they deter photographers to thinking that you can just say hey set it like this and then get the photo and this that's not that's not photography the focus is off so i think the focus for this was just missed because that f4 that should have been sharp also though at 1600 on a fuji camera like you're gonna get muddy but yeah you can see it it's like back focused it's a great shot though beautiful couple how do you call photos or do you send them all to the clients to choose from i call it myself i usually just pick what i think are the best shots um i've been using narrative select for all of my culling recently this is a great shot too make sure the camera profile is in there hey john i shoot fuji but i pref pre-ordered the sony a74 does it make me a traitor yes no you know shoot whatever you like it doesn't matter this is a gorgeous shot too here's the before and after i had to pull the exposure it's a little overexposed again too when you're editing think of all the settings they're like a cohesive thing so you see i'm pulling the exposure back but then i'm lifting the shadows to keep them still kind of bright in there but see like these settings make more sense it was super bright so they're at iso 100 you know 400 of a second they could have stopped down a little bit more and not had the photo be as blown out and had it be a little bit sharper but again there's no there's no perfect anything the shot's good is the gorgeous shot you have any thoughts on the new ddr5 for your content creating uh no i haven't really looked into any of that at all as far as computer parts and things are concerned here's a great shot yeah this is another case this is why i i put hands in pockets do you see like it just seems like he's just kind of like here i am standing here and here are my hands here they are here i am here we are today um that's why i tend to put the hands in the pockets at least it doesn't get that filler just like okay here we go so for this they're backlit so we're definitely going to be doing selective edits had to step out for training did anything get announced yes we announced the uh the x100v winner it was um not you i'm sorry jesse it was brad brad was in the house he was actually in the stream too which was cool uh so we're warming this up trying to get the white balance feeling good and then now we're going to do a selective edit i never win drawings either i've never in my life won a drawing for anything i like never sign up for him because i'm like i'm never gonna win i never do win and when i do sign up for it i'm just like yeah um so pull up the shadows a bit and then we can expose more then i can drop the shadows of the whole photo because since their shadows have been pulled up some um i could save the sky some but the sky looked like it was totally blown out i don't think i don't think the sky is savable in this one and again i usually don't care if the sky is savable yeah also there's nothing happening in the sky so there's no point in being like oh let me shave the sky it's a clear sky nothing's happening there's nothing to see here's our before and after i keep cropping in on it i feel like because there's not much going on for this shot and it's just like a portrait of them together i would have shot this a little bit closer because we're not really we're not gaining much from it being wide like that sign up for things just to pad the pool right though the only time i've ever won something i had to like physically do it um when i was in college and the nintendo 3ds was new i won a smash brothers melee little tournament thing and i got a free 3ds but like you know like i had i i had to win it you know like i fought other people for it so that's that's the only time i've ever won anything um this is off camera flash warm it up a bit here's our before and after that hey i'm upgrading from nikon to the z6 i already have a 518 and an 18 to 140 can i use them as the new with the new body or replace with the mirrorless compatible lens um yes you just have to have an adapter you can use anything with anything really it's just if you think the lenses work for you this is a great shot here warming up a tad smash main it's usually well so i haven't played the new smash in a while um but the newest smash i made kirby um in melee i used the main young link and then i went to um falco what version of lightroom is whatever the newest version of lightroom cc is um so this is this is just distracting me for whatever reason just get rid of that i tend to not be extra about that stuff but it's like too much are you editing on the m1 pro or max or this yeah this is the m1 max and the stream is actually going well now that i'm using the hardware i was using software before and it was freaking out because it couldn't edit and also software stream but now that i'm using the hardware it's been flawless so far so before and after what buttons are you pressing on your keyboard so generally what i do when i'm editing is i hover my when you hover your mouse over something it allows you to move the slider by like 10 you see it going up or like by ones um and i'm just using the up and down arrow on the keyboard so nothing's crazy hey that's my photo enjoying the stream yeah great photo here's our before and after oh i didn't i didn't straighten it ice climb ice climbers wobble when you get caught in a wobble your whole life passes over your eyes and you're just like what have i done i'm super late but i loved your edit of my photo awesome let me hit a here's a quick brb hello i have returned 35 f2 35 f2 so good it's so small so i love those f2 lenses here's a nice walking shot expressions are nice see there's there's the hand and pocket so now there's not an awkward hand fairly affordable on the used market yeah yeah and see that's the thing everyone always asks me why i use the f2 lenses since like because they're priced well they're like extremely awesome cameras or lenses and they're super cheap for the quality you're getting out of it yeah this was a clean photo the preset just kind of was like bloop again when the photo is good the preset just kind of lays on it and it works do you use a mini stream deck oh so i have my setup there's a couple of things going on so i have i have a stream deck not the mini i have just the normal size so i have that i have the cam link 4k but i recently got the atomos x cast which i need to go ahead and do a video on it i don't know if y'all can i don't think i can raise it up this is the x cast so it uses um the atomos ninja and it connects to that and it's like a streaming thing but the cool thing is it's multi-camera so if i had another camera set up i could do multiple views and i could switch so like right now if i switch to something else that's why it's black because i'm using the switcher so yeah i want to start setting up like a multicam or something but the xcast is pretty cool for what i've used it for so far really it's just an extra change extra chain in the loop for like no reason but it's cool oh this is a cute shot too expressions are great that's a great expression right there that's what you want iso 252 so the photo's pretty clean again i tend to center my crops mainly just because for me like if the couple's the focus i don't think there's anything wrong with a center focus everyone's always like oh center focus it's so boring i okay i guess i take more photos like um we're probably gonna adjust for them yeah i know my keyboard's probably mad loud isn't it click editing photos yeah i don't want to pull up the shadows too much so i feel like it's not straight there we go oh nice i'll be looking out for the stream setup video oh yeah i see i need to do more of that type of stuff like this is what i use and things like that because i have a whole setup you know like i have a whole studio for stuff it's not really a studio but it's just a big room you know oh it missed his hand though can i i can add to it that was pretty good though is my oh yeah the auto mask is not turned on i was like why is it okay i thought it lost the the fact that it got everything though except for his hand it's pretty good okay so we're gonna raise the shadows on them a bit just a bit and then we'll bring everything up in the rest of the photo so they don't look it doesn't look like i did an adjustment on just them that's the thing you want to the biggest thing when you're adding adjustments like that is you want to make sure it doesn't just look like yeah i added the adjustment only on them and then it just looks so obvious it just looks bad because see now that i have shadows up on them i can drop shadows overall and i can always come back and raise it a little bit more if i need to but the thing is you don't want it to look crazy obvious if anything you just want it to look like there was maybe like a fill reflector or something like that here's our before and after i appreciate you editing my beach image wedding pose video inspired me love your feels preset thank you so much yeah it was a great shot that was the shot i just did right who was that karen yeah it was a beautiful shot it looks great yeah expressions were good too great shot this lens is crazy some of these lenses man um because uh it looks like this was shot in kelvin so we're gonna be probably otto's gonna cool it down yeah and then that was too much i'm gonna warm it up just a bit and this is where it feels good right there that natural natural feel are you a reflector type of guy i'm not really i'm i really i'm like a thousand percent natural light like all the way natural light um now reflectors i there are definitely times when it's needed and again i don't try and act like ha ha who needs flashes and that's a bad attitude to have as well i just like to work with natural light and make sure i understand how to use it rather than shaping light which is another part of everything you know there's nothing wrong with shaping light but um oh god this is going to be white balance this oh no see what auto white balance wants to do oh it did wow okay okay auto white balance it did it pull back those magentas because it's the camera was trying to do too much and then yeah so again this photo had a lot of direct flash you see how they you can tell that the highlights have been totally sucked out of the photo so i'm gonna bring that up a little bit drop the shadows whenever i have a photo that shot with flash like this where you can clearly tell that the subject's being lit up by the flash this is especially at receptions then i always drop my shadows a bit because the background is pretty much just dark anyway warm it up a tad yeah there's our before and after yeah the camera the camera had no idea what was happening it was like oh god see these are the situations where you shoot kelvin if it looks like this in your camera shoot in kelvin so i just i added some orange but it's feeling a little too much i warmed it up just a little too much i think yeah that's a little bit better even now the highlights are still feeling like that's a little bit better are you going to edit all the pictures a minute yes i am all of them except for the the jpegs um yeah actually we're almost done it's about time to draw for the second winner i keep i don't know if this counts i'm gonna edit it real quick but per the rules for the giveaway i wanted a couple for the photos this is a cool little kind of like shot of the reception kind of going on it's a great way to take a photo of like when people are eating or like a speech or something without it looking horrible with people eating do you use a master lightroom catalog for all photos and have similar catalog for each year generally yeah generally i'm doing one catalog or i'm doing like per quarter or per like month but i generally like to just have one big catalog hey john i straight up forgot to submit a photo i'll try it next time i've been watching for a year and these videos really helped me i have great difficulty talking sometimes and this video helps awesome i'm glad i could be of help great forehead to forehead shot yeah this is a quick easy edit warm it up a little bit looks great here's our before and after all right let's go ahead and let's draw for the next person okay draw winners we're going to pick one person for the flat lane mats here we go i'm pretty sure i saw this person's name yeah so this is the photo we haven't edited it yet it's actually coming up soon but javier morales is the second winner for the flatlay mat um for that we're going to be getting in touch with chasing stone and they're gonna get you whichever color you want for your flat lay mat which those things are game changing y'all seriously so that's our that's our second winner come back there we go congrats congrats let's keep editing nice shot hey is this here in north carolina no i'm shooting at a a venue that has a door kind of like this [Music] that direct sunlight though ugh direct sun might be rough sometimes do you split tony i don't can we still submit nope so no submissions for now um everything was kind of beforehand during like the giveaway time because this is so direct light sometimes like i might actually black and white this one like i don't mind the way it looks there's there's the before and after i feel like a black and white would work better that sun was killing yeah it's direct i hate days like that too where it's just like clear skies and the place you want to take a photo is just like blasted with sun this shot actually works a lot for that at least though because they're looking away from each other so they're not like looking into the sun and squinting and stuff i'm actually curious what it looks like it's black and white [Music] so what do y'all think color black and white and i think yeah the color kind of takes it yeah the color kind of takes it you're in north carolina so am i near wilmington nice neighbors [Music] why not use split toning i don't know it's just too much it's it's too much for me personally i feel like it adds too many layers to editing and it just like i like photos to have more of a natural kind of look when you start split toning that's kind of like what they do in movies when they're like color grading like um i was just watching some stuff about the matrix like the older matrix and you know like every time they were in the matrix everything was green and every time they were outside of the matrix everything was very blue so like the overall casting of everything had like a green cast to it split toning is like that it just it starts getting too much into like too much editing area i like my stuff to just kind of be nice and natural i tried black and white yeah i do i like the color better as well because see like i have this photo here it looks great it's kind of natural looking it's cool we got the wide shot wednesday looking away from each other is great the moment i come in here and start split toning or even that's why they call it color it like everything starts getting weird like all the colors change too much it's it's too much you know like now i'm only changing the mid tones so i can make everything like it's a very stylized thing for certain stuff i would say personally so landscape photography it's probably hype um for portraits of people i just don't see it oh goodness thank you for that super chat i'm a photographer videographer here in greenville yeah i've been watching your videos for a while and recently found out you're in nc also yeah maybe we can work together thank you thank you so much i really really appreciate that i'm hoping to do an actual workshop like a physical in-person workshop here in north carolina which would be hype oh cute where is this i feel like i know where this is i mean there's mad places that are like that though this is the the wall bouquet one of my one of my go-to shots always i always do a wall bouquet now do you all see how the colors almost changed with the exposure and that's one thing to keep in mind how much light there is does make a difference with how the colors look true essence for that did you did you submit a photo because with a beautiful super chat like that i'll go ahead and edit your photo right now while you're still here oh no that's nowhere i've ever been minus next please don't judge the white balance too harshly i mean again when white melissa is in camera it's kind of whatever especially if it's auto white balance cameras lose their mind sometimes oh goodness y'all thanks for answering my question thank you so much thank you for the super chat i appreciate it i'm still we're still over here waiting on this baby here's our before and after so again this was a clean shot hi can i still submit no there's no more submissions right now this was also for a giveaway so it's like it's not just editing photos it was also for the giveaway yeah while bokeh shots work great especially with columns because it just makes everything feel so big you know because of that the bokeh that's going on here it's just so good do a workshop i definitely yeah i i've wanted to do one for a while actually um where's my i have a wall bouquet shot i did with columns i feel like what columns you almost have to uh let me see if i can find it it was an engagement shoot was it this year wow crazy are you using presets and i would like i would love to attend the workshop yes i'm using a pre it's my my personal preset which i do sell as well yeah see same shot great job so mine mine has a little bit more compression because i'm using a 50 mil on crop sensor so it's more like an 85 also that's why you can't see full body whereas here we have a 50 on a full frame so you get more of the couple versus mine being a little bit more of a close-up but again the columns with a wall bokeh shot it just gives this like depth to the photo that's like super awesome yeah that's awesome shot also too the posing is great too because so you have hands and pockets you have ring hand showing and you also have cute legs that's what i call this cute legs oh also you have his leg up so it gives some movement to the whole photo so yeah this is a great shot i see what you mean now but i don't judge the white villain um but yeah this this is another case where i would shoot in kelvin the moment the camera starts doing this i immediately start shooting in kelvin because the camera is just like i don't know what to do anymore oh this is fuji what is this good old xd3 oh with the 16 is that the 1.4 it is 61.4 is so good y'all the one time yeah i need to upgrade the one time i used it the 16 2.8 is not sharp even at it being at 2.8 i feel like i'm always just like not happy with that lens like ever subject select it really is though like i might start doing way more subject select edits y'all with the super chats thank you for your high praise on our photo this in itself is helpful i hope you can see uh thank you thank you so much i'm feeling pretty good about this edit i don't want it to be too warm [Music] yeah and you see if i go too much magenta it like it's hitting a little too hard so this is probably about where i would stop it look at that white balance difference again white balance makes a huge difference nice so see this this i want to automatically just black and white just the whole vibe of this photo feels like it should be black and white i feel like color won't do it justice the only downside of obviously is you can't really see his face because just his hat and the sun but that that's what happens do you underexpose one stop not really i try not to not saying i never underexposed but i try to get a correct exposure for most shots ah i'm just it's so cool give it a 16 by nine movie crop let's see if we can help him out a little bit [Music] since his hat i'll include the hat and see how that looks uh what are we doing first off i need to zoom back out so i can actually see it yo streamlabs is mad late so the reason i want to zoom out is to make sure it still looks natural and it doesn't look like all weird when we get into the next bts i filmed some um so it's more about editing which takes forever y'all again sadly i didn't i wish i would have but didn't know anything about it honestly next time oh okay submit what you did and else wow thank you for the stupids thank you so much recently purchased the blackmagic 12k so if you want bts he's like i got that goodness if you want that real stuff yeah definitely shoot me an email that doesn't that doesn't look bad i think we can do it then i'll just raise the shadows a bit more yeah so we did that and now we saved his face just a little bit so you can kind of see that there's the person under there at least i love that your black and white preset is based on across probably the best yeah across is so good i actually want to export this and see what it looks like with the grain and everything on it yeah my stream is doing much better now that i am using the hardware encoder instead of the software it was struggling before it's like exporting and streaming like no problem yeah so a kick of contrast and a bunch of extra grain yeah that's a cool shot cool couple been watching your stuff for a few weeks now not really into wedding photography personally your stuff is just straight up good thank you so much do you always use photoshop for editing i don't this is uh lightroom and then grain when i'm adding the grain and sharpening that's um exposure the the program's called exposure i'm not i'm sure that's hard for someone who doesn't know the program i'm like yeah use exposure what do you mean john it's an actual program this is a great shot very christmassy nice chest to chest got ring the only thing here and this happens a lot her hand is just a little too stiff she should have just been like grabbing his arm a little bit more naturally so she doesn't look like she's like here's my ring here's my ring hand look i'm engaged i'm married you know like hand all stiff it looks like she placed it there like that's the only the only thing but sometimes catching those things and making your couples comfortable in that area is hard it's like that's the the hard part of photography like the little things like that that stuff can get mixed missed all the time let's see if we can auto white balance this is one of those challenging challenging white balance also 4000 iso but see 4000 iso makes more sense here because it looks like it was pretty dark so like in this case there should have been a flash or something this is generally how i like to edit something where like it has all that ugly tungsten light everywhere i just cool it way down but yeah generally with it being this muddy i would probably black and white this stop this down [Music] though to get more focused depth and hey john any recommendations on a monitor for photo editing should i go 4k so for photos i don't think it's really necessarily like needed to go 4k um half the time photos aren't even in a 4k resolution anyway unless you're shooting with something just like crazy so i think 2k like 1440p is fine uh create virtual copy it's black and white the white balance was already like everywhere just because the tungsten light and stuff and again it's at 4000 iso it's already grainy so it may as well just black and white it shoot the lesbian couple for their wedding next year how do you how do i go about this with posing and things so that is actually not my area of expertise however the posing is nearly the same um it's just figuring out where you want the dominant person but other than that it's basically the same thing iso 1250 this is another we needed a flash case and see with the tungsten light i'll just pull it way back like that the benefit of being a computer programmer when i started streaming can i still participate we're not taking any submissions right now yeah this would be another photo that would be black and white it mainly just because of the high iso san antonio we're almost at the end so i'm gonna be drawing that last winter soon nice wide shot wednesday this is actually super cute um again though this is the reach over the body i would have changed the hands but i love her like this is like i don't know if this was she just walking like that i don't know that pose looks good that's good i like it the cactus in the scene right here this is good come on lightroom there you go [Music] so first i adjust the magenta based on how green the skin tones look to me again it's a personal kind of eye choice i'm heavy on magenta and then after that i'm gonna warm it up until the skin tones feel about right bring that exposure up a tad and it's a little too magenta i just told them to walk and she did that yeah that's that's great this is like very natural looking too it's cute i don't think i've ever seen anyone do something like that while walking i'm like having issues with the the shadows just since the sky has so much going on let's go ahead and let's go ahead and get extra with the sky again i tend to not care but may as well may as well may as well do it get the extra skies got a call so i missed some of the stream [Music] hey john all the way from kenya why don't you use the radial filter more often i just don't i don't like to do a lot of edits so even what you see me doing now with all of these adjustments and the selecting adjustments the only reason i'm doing it is because lightroom has made it easy now with the select tool because if i had to paint that in myself i wouldn't do it at all like i really wouldn't i uh i i've learned editing from a very much wedding photographer perspective so for me speed is everything speed over everything like i could sit around and make a photo look perfect and stuff but for me that's just a waste of time because i'm a wedding photographer i'm editing like a thousand photos and i need to just edit them like that so i tend to not do any of that extra stuff that's a great edit though look how epic that shot looks this is good that's good stuff if anything see if anything what i really would do is we would select the subject [Music] wow it's so good it missed the flowers there and so see what i would do normally if i was painting this in myself i would just go over the top of whatever that plant is in the foreground because that little bit ain't gonna matter it's whatever so like we're gonna we'll raise the shadows on them right and that way i can pull the shadows back down on the whole photo so that this cactus doesn't feel crazy so now there's too much shadow on them so now we need to come back down to where it feels good but now the whole scene isn't like too much shadows missing but they stand out it's a little too much there it goes that's where it feels good loving these edits and images any joy with the capture one it's coming soon i need to get it out this month at this point like i just have to do it here's the great reverse spoon this is also one of my favorite shots i always love zooming in on like the bride in a reverse spoon that white balance looks good i'm happy with that [Music] that looks great love how you made them stand out more thank you for heading yeah no problem that was a great shot awesome photo yeah streamlabs is so late oh nice so here's a here's the like a little bit of an inversion on a spoon but this is great love the location too is that a 50 good old 50 f1 50 f1 so good no lightroom i don't know what you're doing on the xd3 yeah 50 f1 so good shot at f1 so good so sharp that's what i love about the 50 f12 you just shoot it at f1 you're like haha who are you shooting f1 wide open yes i am oh look at the preset on that i think for once there might be too much magenta which is rare to hear me say but [Music] actually maybe i was wrong maybe the magenta was good maybe it was too warm that i was feeling um let's see can it do it it's gonna block out this because it's gonna think that's not him yeah that's what i figured and again like i said if it were me painting it i would just paint right over it because half the time the adjustments i'm doing anyway they're not even that big of a deal so i'm just gonna pull them out a little bit with some shadow raise the exposure of a tad uh and the shadow on them taken out was a little too much there we go there's our before and after you probably have answered this in a previous video but what is your average wedding turnaround time i have mine set at 30 days but still feel rushed i quote four to eight weeks for my couples um i generally like to be within the four week range however eight weeks is like safety so like if there's a lot of life stuff going on or anything what is orf olympus wow i don't think i've ever edited an olympus photo but look at there it works just fine on the natural fields preset preset good for everybody everybody i think your stream is a little delayed also check that the server you're streaming too yeah there's usually an issue i i always have some kind of issue like that so i wanted to warm it up a bit but they're a little too warm to me so i'm dropping the oranges a tad yeah that was my first time editing an olympus photo uh the magenta no it's good yeah i'm happy with that something something feels a little off to me here's javier's photo javier was the one who won the uh the flatly mat this white balance looks yeah it's too warm but it was probably shot in kelvin and at this time of day the camera was probably wanting everything to be too blue so that was a good choice this is another one of those cases where it's a little too tight for my liking it's like cutting right at his like it's too it's just too close [Music] uh-oh lightroom [Music] can't remember if i submit it i'm almost done at this point but if you did submit it should be coming up soon here's our before and after it looks like there was a flash used maybe oh yeah probably especially at iso 100 it looked like it was pretty dark outside here's a nice motion shot if you click reset photo it should get bigger was it ever bigger oh why is what why was it like that i've never seen a photo have to do that there we go now all my critiques are gone this is a great shot yeah i was like why would anyone shoot it like that this makes more sense this to me is black and white like color color's just not gonna do it justice just the way the motion is and stuff i don't know something about it just do you think you'd ever get to the point of outsourcing for your edits to not feel like you're drowning oh yeah i outsource most of my weddings now also if you haven't seen i've been using that imagine ai um which learns based off of your own editing style and then edits for you over ai and it can turn around like 700 photos in five minutes um so yeah that will be what i'll be doing in the future yeah i turned around like a 7-800 photo wedding in three days using imogen ai or imagine imagine a i don't know how to say it is it possible to send a photo now or you already got many of them yeah i um this this was submissions only for the giveaway so i'm not taking any photos right now but if i get back on my stuff generally what i do is one stream a month where i'll either take your photos or do critiques or different things like that yeah this is a great shot love the motion awesome shot beautiful smile there's that before now you see like i like to keep the photos looking generally the same i don't like things to change too much i just want like a nice clean look to the photo what that's insane definitely yeah the last live stream i did i live streamed me doing it live and i mean between like uploading it was crazy like really it was crazy so now i know for the future i'll submit a photo for the next yeah yeah definitely jump in there for the for the photo edits and critiques is this this is jpeg it already has an edit on it here's a great chest to chest shot just trying to balance out the warm versus the magenta this photo is overall pretty cool 56 good old 56 one two you can click reset for this one too and the photo will have why are the photos coming in i've never i've never seen that oh see yeah there's no there's nothing yeah this one has nothing on it i've never seen that before where the photos come in like already cropped in this one's just a tight shot and that's fine it's like tight enough to feel like it was supposed to be tight here's flame she always submits such amazing work needs to be warmed up again my only gripe with this photo as far as critiques is the best tilt but again that's that's just me i don't like dutch tilt y'all this subject select is crazy i'm gonna be able to do selective edits like way more often now because yeah the problem is like i can't even straighten this either because if i do i'm gonna lose the bottom of the dress and fixing it in photoshop is gonna be much harder it's not gonna just be like oh yeah go into photoshop and whatever imagine ai is incredible 1k picks and trial opt john did live 705 minutes took 5 minutes yeah it's it's insane it really is oh this is jpeg as well folks not listening to the directions nice cute expressions great shot pull shadows up because they're backlit and then i think yeah the magenta is a little heavy other than that it looks good dutch dutch tilt yeah for once for once i actually feel like it's too much magenta and again that's rare for me to say i'm always magenta man so but that's because it's like a fuji camera it looks like fuji cameras lean on the magenta which works for me because i love magenta so manny ortiz got his own beauty dish we need a jbiv product i don't even know what the product would be if i was going to make something directly for um photography [Music] nice shot this is just a nice classic chest of chest yeah i don't know what i would do as far as a product that's a good idea though actually get the white balance right i think that's around where i would like it it's our before and after i think sony did on purpose in case you don't have enough space on your sides then you can jb of hoodies get magenta man hoodies or something yeah if i was going to release a physical product i would rather be something that has to do with photography nice what is this shanghai where is this that background's dope that's crazy hoodies something with magmod hey bro please can you check out ai build and presets and share thoughts magenta man this is a great wide shot wednesday it looks like this has flash on it it looks like it has off camouflage whoa y'all did y'all see that difference just by putting the preset on it so that's the preset with no edits on it collab with how fast that would be dope i'm an affiliate or not even i'm an ambassador of hold fast too so i don't know if they'd be interested in doing something like that it may be possible actually oh imagine yeah i did a whole video on it i just use i use it all the time well not all the time but i just started checking it out yeah they look like this looks like off-camera flash oh is this a jpeg this is a jpeg is this raw i don't know [Music] it says dot raw but i if it was raw it wouldn't be jumping so drastically with the white balance i don't i don't know this seems like a trick png oh where'd you see that oh yeah okay i was like this ain't no raw file that's a dope shot though beautiful but didn't listen to the direction deleted i'd be down for a jb of sightseer bag oh that you know what maybe i maybe i'll hit them up the thing is though like if i was if i was even gonna pitch something like that to them like and i'm not trying to act like y'all just need to buy things but like y'all would have to show up because i'd have to have the proof to be like look my viewers really want this i talk about this thing all the time if you let me help you design a bag that would be exactly the way i wanted it on a wedding day that would be dope actually i would love to do something like that time for adjusting my exposure now that everything is kind of settled in i would pick yeah that would be dope in all honesty that would be really cool or like maybe like a full jbiv set of hold faster like the whole fast in like a specific colors i don't know something like that cute shot with the 16 one everybody has the 1614. y'all are over here hurting my feelings i should have got the one for what have i done so here's another case i don't know if this is a maternity shot but if it's not again usually with the spoon you don't want to come around the stomach everyone's first the first thing you want to do is go around the stomach but if it's not a maternity shot tell them not to come around the stomach like ev everyone does it i've seen multiple people and as a photographer you just have to tell them not to do that if it's if it's not maternity other than that this cute expression is great he's probably whispering in her ear or something very great photo and yeah i need to y'all about to make me go ahead and just buy the 16 1.4 yeah a jbiv hold fast setup would be so hype that would be so hype but i'm sure that's a lot of like paperwork and stuff as far as like how the deal works with something just branded by you like that first photo shoot oh great job that's pretty good yeah i'd definitely be in for a bag but i already used a money maker yeah the bag would be awesome or like even a set of like three different pieces from hold fast oh wait let's look at the before and after cute great job this is fuji good old 35 f2 1614 is my favorite lens but recently realized mine is de-centered oh no how do we send our photos right now i'm not taking any submissions um we had the submission for a while and it was um this for a giveaway as well but there'll always be another stream yeah this photo pretty much looks good where it's at fuji's be like that though like the sightseer romographer special edition and a pouch yeah yeah that would be hype y'all got me thinking now like that would be really cool actually this might be a black and white photo this is a good shot the only thing that's missing here is the fact that like they're kind of turned away from the camera and that's that's why i initially want to black and white it because with them turned away from the camera in black and white it makes it feel more of just like a like a mood of what's happening happy 100k thank you but it makes it feel more like a mood of what's happening rather than like oh nobody's looking at the camera and i can't even see anybody kind of and i feel like everything's missed it doesn't feel like that as much do you also own sony i feel like i remember you saying no i've never shot sony ever actually like i've literally never shot it but no i love this shot this is a great shot but yeah i think it works better in black and white just because you you you're getting more of like the feeling of like here i am hanging out with like my kid or my nephew or something like that whereas in color i feel like the whole photo's lost because you can't really see anything good old 35 1-4 i think this is our last photo what other brand you shot before i started on canon i had a canon 6d was my first camera and that's what i shot my first couple of weddings with um this is going to be a because they're backlit but honestly because the background is lit up so much i might just leave it how it is yeah i don't want to select too much there's our before and after what makes me switch to fuji when i switched to fuji i was really i wasn't even looking for fuji but since using the 6d i needed a dual card slot and at the time canon was just about to drop the 6d mark ii and i was really hoping it would be dual car slot but it wasn't and around that time i had met my mentor and he shot fuji and he gave it to me and fuji just felt right it felt good it also was like small so between it being a smaller camera a lighter camera um it's just feeling good to shoot all of those factors really made me like jump ship also technically it was cheaper than canon because between the f2 lenses and stuff it was just so much cheaper so those were kind of all my factors all the factors of switching over to fuji and then you know there's other stuff like the color science is great they're just nice little snappy cameras look at you all submitting these photos this stuff is good y'all this is beautiful that's a good stuff what's your best lens to shoot with i i love to be on like a 35 mil so the 23 or that new 33 but i'm still getting used to it how much will i pay my second photographer it depends on you um but i do anywhere between 35 to 50. i recently got robbed and they stole oh no that's horrible yeah these are beautiful photos y'all here let's do this last drawing this is for the lume cube mini what's your favorite of these nine i think personally it's a choice between the um this wide shot wednesday with the cactus or this uh wall bouquet those two kind of stand out the most to me just the overall vibe of the whole photo this one is a third pick for me expressions are really good these great photos though they're all awesome photos what's the next time you're gonna edit photos i'm not sure but i usually put the stream up on this on the whip on the youtube page uh here's our last draw oh look at there it's jesse you won something for once where's jesse's photo oh i can't see it because it's a wrap where's jesse's photo oh yeah there it goes there it is oh let's put our let's put our winners up there so i remember we had we had this one we had jessie's which one was javier's photo i'm like forgetting already oh yeah um i'm all over the place i'm so lost there boom there are all the the photos from the winners there they go beautiful shots great stuff so yeah jesse's getting the loom cube mini we got the flat lay map for javier and then bradley got the grand prize x-100v yay i wish i had sound effects i need to get a sound board and press it and have people screaming back love the shots and edits thank you so much yeah these are these are great photos they all turned out really awesome and thank you all for participating in the the giveaway and just like hanging out on the channel and enjoying the stuff also this was cool so the the rising 30 just got announced i don't know if y'all saw that um but yeah so i'm announced as the rangefinder rising 30 which is pretty cool it's like a competition of like up and coming wedding photographers in the industry my wife didn't have the baby while i was streaming so that's good but in that case i am going to have to jump off and see how everything's going and probably like help make dinner or something just need that c1 preset so i can share the magic with others yes see padding the pool oh yeah just patting the pool yeah so i'll be emailing all of you all so keep an eye on your emails um that's how i'm gonna get the information so i can send this stuff over to you um and then javier i don't think he's in the stream but for the chasing stone stuff i'll have to get in contact with them because they never sent me anything because they want to send the color that you want so we'll be doing that but everything else i already have so i can send it off myself my newborn just crossed two months oh yeah those first weeks man it's such a ah can i make a short from your review of my photo yeah go ahead do it do it i'm on that caption one preset as soon as yeah it's it's the fuji one is pretty much done i just need to package it up and get it out there congratulations to the winners thank you john for doing this giveaway and thank you all for hanging out too any new presets i'm i've been converting my preset to the capture one to capture one i think so that's kind of my overall plan with the preset is i want to keep transferring it to more programs i don't think i'm ever gonna make a different preset um right now like i really like the natural fields preset it's again it's what i use so i'm i'm not just selling a preset that i made to be like here's something to sell it's literally my preset um so i think what will make more sense is just to convert it to different actual um different programs so right now we have it for lightroom if y'all saw on the website i was able to to um edit it or convert it so that it's for the old lightroom too so we got it for newer lightroom we got it for old lightroom and then we're gonna have it for capture one and then i'd like to do something else there's another program that i used to use a little bit or yeah like if i could it i could get it in exposure so you get the not just sharpening and grain but the full natural feels preset and exposure like that's my plan is to convert it to like every program not every program but like the big programs if if possible so that's kind of the plan but yeah we did it we got through the photos we did the giveaway we got some amazing winners and some amazing photos thanks for hanging out i'm gonna go check on my wife and see if she's doing okay and y'all probably see an announcement of a new baby branch at some point on the instagram or something but thank you all for hanging out so much thank you all for believing in the channel again if you have photography friends who are new to photography and want to learn something or if you know someone who's trying to get into wedding photography definitely send them my way um and yeah what is it december now we're almost in the new year so we'll see what what the year has for us i'll be using that loom cube mini for a wedding this december nice yeah i'll try and get the emails out to y'all as soon as possible so we can go ahead and get that stuff shipped out asap but for now i'm hopping out and i will catch you all next time all right peace you
Channel: John Branch IV Photography
Views: 18,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fujifilm, Fujifilm gfx 100s, Lightroom classic, wedding photography, wedding photography editing, live stream, fujifilm gfx 100s wedding photography, wedding photography education, fujifilm medium format, learn wedding photography, editing gfx 100s photos, gfx 100s in lightroom classic, fujifilm gfx 100s lightroom classic, fujifilm gfx 100s review, wedding photography tips, fujifilm gfx, fujifilm wedding photography, fujifilm gfx100s review, medium format wedding photography
Id: ABvLYwbV8Lk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 231min 56sec (13916 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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