Listingpro Directory Theme full tutorial for Theme Options, also add picture for category & location

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hello welcome I'm going to do a tutorial on the listing Pro theme I did one the other day for the installation of the theme and go check it out it's under my videos today I want to go over the settings for the theme how to put a picture into a category or an icon into the categories do like headers header images so let's get going the enter your dashboard under WP admin and we'll start with listings let's do the categories we're gonna create a new category get all the ones that came with your download your your demo stuff let's go ahead and make one it's not your in there you can go where it says name create a category let's call it uh let's call it Detroit let's call it Mexican restaurant then you don't have to make them small they don't have to be capitalized it's your choice I just make the slugs usually non capitalized if you want a parent category let's say it's under restaurants you can put it there and it'll be under here and then for a description right you know whatever you want fine usually right it's good to write a good description in there that helps with the the bots for the search engines when they scan your your page so it should help you out you definitely don't want to just leave it empty it looks better if it has writing for images I usually wait because for some reason if I put an image now it doesn't show when I go in there when I save it it's like watch this so now you see others restaurant there and below it is this line so you know the other ones have that this is Mexican restaurant this is under restaurants it's a subcategory of it now notice there's no picture so now I'm gonna do this edit I gotta go back and do this so it's it's not like it's a huge thing you have to do now if you want to put a category banner for the top you can do this it'll look bad well here let's do this one usually we want to do something up there it's about 300 pixels tall by around 1350 1400 wide I would even go up to 17-under to be safe so I already insert that one that guy is gonna be running all across the screen now remember we had SEL press that we did in the last video and you can add features too we don't have features I'm gonna do another video for that so now you have here for that Co press you can go ahead and enter your category and the name or however you want that to show up and then down here put in a description it can only be up to 160 characters long so now we're going to do update that'll save it I'll go back to categories and look so now if you want to see that category well you got a lot to put something in there see there's nothing up there so that's how you add the picture that's the main thing I wanted to focus on also we're going to get down here to categories locations so you can want to add a new city there's two ways to do this you can manually add it or you can like Google at it for you now for the directories that I manage I let Google add the city and location one of them is a worldwide directory and the other directories a local regional one so the regional one is not bad because it helps out that whoever's listing creates their listing and it makes the city because we have approximately 350 cities in that area that we do for the local so there's 350 cities if we make a list that's going to be huge and what if we don't have listing in each city it looks terrible so as listings get put on the city gets created automatically by Google and I'll show you how to do that when we get down to the theme settings but you can create your own city if you want it to be one city and then turn off like Google create new cities now to put a picture in the city you go here like let's say let's do Boston which ones on the let's uh let's select New York because it's already on there that's where I go New York edit and I want to add I also had problems when I created a new city the picture wouldnt go through with it I had to go back like I did with the category category picture ride to go in there and do it some location image let's go ahead and put this lady in there and of course you can write a description to do all that you can make it like if you're in a state or let's say you're in a country you put you can name it as the country and then the state and her jurisdiction and then the city that's all up to you how you do that or you know that's on you I suggest letting Google make it for you a lot of the pictures in there let's go here update okay back to categories we should refresh now there should be a picture it says New York see now there's that ladies in there so that wasn't difficult now let's go down theme options see this click on theme options if you notice I am running the child thing that's you should be doing that too so everything gets attached and working with the child theme so you have to upgrade you don't lose anything so here we go we'll start with general settings general settings pretty much covers like the colors like in here and this and it all it runs across the theme so your inner pages let's set that up let's start with this you can do this in a couple ways well there's many ways really but you can do transparent which transparent where it was green will now be black you see the mouse over it'll show that and you can do this transparent too if you want make those transparent they have a little bit of a darkness has the mouse-over room so yeah you can do that oh sorry about that or you can go ahead slap colors in there and this one here secondary if you want to go back to default just click default see how it's a little difficult to see there that's just the way it is you can enter numbers here for a color so like let's say you wanted that color to be the same as this one go in there copy it then go down here paste that and now you have the matching color there would be no no mouse over action nothing or you could do this too so you can also do this you can lure it you can get the hue down on it so you can make it just change up the color a little bit by doing that now we're going to go to the password feel for user signup form on for an able offer disabled let's turn it on user name field for instant registration on instant signup during listing and review submissions show ID user name field for user resident registration let's enable it page title that's up to you this area unless you know what you're doing stay out of it this is for a custom CSS and J's code there may be a time when you have to put something in there but leave it alone don't erase anything don't do anything with it that's no touch no leave alone leave alone current location on banner you can turn that off now when I reset watch these are going to change and this will change to explore your city see ya explore your city so if you want it to show a city you click here on here's another one I said I set up the directories I managed with GOI PDB and it seems to get a little bit of a better location than the other ones this is this one works too but the I usually go with either one of these GPS I don't mess with some guys do and some people do but not me I usually leave it like this now I refresh it'll show the city that my VPNs through again thanks ya see my VPN shows Saginaw so now we're gonna go to the next step and always make sure to save whatever changes you do save if you make a mistake and you did something in here you can always reset the section don't hit this one this will reset everything this one will only do this this one is only here the next one is everything so leave this one do not touch only this one this one is good so I'm going to reset the section to show you now it's back to the way it was from the factory and you can do that with any any part of the settings theme options next I'm going to use our dashboard this controls what the members the people have listings and so forth they see on their dashboard now if they don't have a listing they don't see listing control things like discount offers things like that they won't see it so we're going to go here dashboard options on you want it on because you want them to be able to access the dashboard they need to be able to access this okay enable/disable reserve a booking you can enable it they won't get it once they get a package you've permitted it that's for reserving and so forth that goes through that service time kit that's another one for reservations and things like that that go through the service they won't see it unless you permit it in the listing plan that they choose saved on and off not sure but leave it on invoice options I'll leave it on packages on dashboard leave it on that's so they can upgrade their their package for their listings so they want to go from a free to a premium one they can pay you the extra and do that ad campaign you definitely want that so they can create ads reviews you can turn it on you can turn it off I'll leave it on bookings on dashboard yeah go ahead and leave that on that's going to make sure it's in their dashboard foodservice menu on dashboard leave it on menus image gallery image menus on dashboard yes so they can edit and delete the pictures they have if they want announcements on dashboard you can leave that on they won't be able to do announcements on once they paid you for that plan events on dashboard I'd leave it on discount offers and deals leave it on my profile on dashboard on and the rest you see where they're at save now y-you remember none of the things will show unless they have that in their package like coupons unless they have a listing they won't be able to they won't even see it's there in the dashboard so now that I've saved that I'll save it again to make sure I did we run the next one typography this is where you can pick your fonts and things like that for across the board on the page myself I usually leave a pretty much standard it's not too bad of a color scheme but if you want to get in there you can find wherever things at by doing it carefully like the body font navigation style I mean it's all pretty much written out for you and of course if we made any changes that save we're next to the header header is this if you want to be really simple make it transparent save should all be transparent now boom and then if you go to one of your inner pages or listing or something you go to Los Angeles where you do this now see you can change all of this - we're gonna do that next there you want to change your colors now remember something your inner page header color is this one that's for your pages on the inside like listings the categories locations that's four in there your main page your home page this is this one that's the header background color for your home page header text and border color that's this one that's for the border on both of them header layout you can do it full width or boxed boxed is I think this shrinks down was boxed myself I leave it on full with and then for your inner pages well here we'll do this one for now see that one's kind of light blue so let's go ahead and make it green there you go and because they're full-width everything's flowing with if you want to change that logo up here you can do it right here for your inner page logo for the inside pages that goes up there and that's also going to be the one that shows on mobile will be this one so you know you think you can put whatever you want there I'll put this here this one's not too big so that's all you put up there that's all little show this is your favicon that's what goes up here we'll change it for the heck of it put a beer thing there this is a page page header background image now if you notice these say Studio kriti oh that's because they have it on their server and you need to make sure you save whatever you want up there on your computer everything needs to be on your computer your server on your site you want to have it in your control so if your domain names like Chicago comm you got to write Chicago you know it's got to be here not their name now that's gonna be a little pepper up there you see yeah pretty cool huh so I click that go to the home page say and the inner page we also change it there see it's a little pepper you click it'll take you home now we're gonna scroll up or the next thing banner settings banner is up here so you can do a map you can have all these choose from I usually like this one and this one but you can pick whatever you want so if you want to change it let's do this one so you see how this is now we're gonna do some changes there we're gonna do that one and then let's go down here and let's pick let's pick the round ones and the category the background color is what's in there so let's go ahead do that yeah and then the hover color is the color that see that's hover you want to change that let's make it purple let's go all the way out that's ugly category text color let's make it ugly too let's go that bright red roof they can't see you there boy they need some glasses banner height oh do you see see how the banner is it moved it was in the middle so banner height let's say we want it to be 500 see that way wider you can you can adjust that set opacity opacity is the covering yeah you can call it a dark see how dark it is you can barely see the picture it's there we're a Laura let's go to five all you see up here it's got the beard mug up there that we changed see that's how you do that you can you can you don't have to go that dark I mean you can do seven which is dark but still visible the reason you do that it's because you really don't want the picture being super strong because if you put it down to one it's really strong on your eyes so yeah super-bright that banner background type to get static image or you can do a video banner if you undo a video banner you select video and do a static banner there you go see how that one is you need to get one on to your server just click and then you'll have one here and then you make sure it's wide this one here I don't know exact width but I think it's around I think the width is around 1800 pixels wide by around 700 tall so if you want to be safe go with around 2300 pixels wide and 750 pixels tall courtesy listing this is something that's kind of different you click on and then you got a pic an ID for the listing so if you're going to do this you have to go into your listings you have to go over here like this and they're supposed to be a short code might not work for me because I'm doing it local you know what I'm gonna mess with that and then I'm going to make a video on that you probably won't use it all it does it's actually kind of silly it when people look up here they'll see this picture is by so-and-so so if Mike's pasta place wanted to sponsor in the header it'll say that up here I think you're better off getting somebody to say hey and then make a great big picture of them up here saying this month sponsor or whatever so we're going to turn off that now you see these those are select listing categories so let's get rid of a couple let's just get rid on see if we get rid of all of them they're all gone god so now let's just say you want let's eat click in there in your category show up so let's say you want Mexican restaurant services and hotels and that's all you want select listing categories for drop-down and search that is for in here so you wanted to be tall you just leave it the way it is I think if you do it this way yeah see if you do that and you select the ones it only shows the ones you select location default your city that's right there search top title let's uncover the best place to drink shop whatever that's right there search main title in your city that's all this you can get rid of that if you want just by doing this or you can write whatever you want in there see that looks cleaner without it search me that is the search that's right here myself I take that out I think it looks pretty dumb but some you know some guys like banner arrow that's this arrow if you want it leave it you know myself I get rid of it I think you put good pictures in for the the categories that catches more attention than the little arrow I've cleaned it up you can do whatever you want in there so you can you can right now that'll be in there so we're to save that we're gonna go here next map settings this is the this is the demo key it doesn't even work right really so don't even you need to get other google map API or you need a matte box API I strongly suggest the matte box API because then you can go on select different map and map box is a lot cheaper and matte box doesn't require you to give them a credit card to get the API key once you do that then it'll show locations better blog settings you need to get in here if you're gonna do blogging so you need to this'll like set your grid view are you into a ListView and it's different styles you see blog grid view style blog template full width where you can have a sidebar on the left or the right blog detail template I'd say I have a right sidebar cuz you want X you want you want full exposure for your listings you want your customers to be seen all over the place on your site you know you want them out there especially on your site blog sidebar style sidebar one or sidebar - lets go look to save listing settings this is for the listings you know responsive view this is free or mobile I'm gonna have to do a thing on that cuz you're gonna have to create a page for mobile and if you do that you click here and you have to put that webpage here you know I ain't gonna do a video for that I'm just gonna do this click app via homepage for after you and then you have to make a home page for there then once you do that you need to come down here and you need to select slider to that's for your homepage for mobile sorry go to default map location just that's for your location or whatever you want so if you're in Australia and you want it to show Sydney then you put in the geo coordinates for Sydney listing orders that's how they're going to show new random add listing only by logged in users yes I strongly suggest you do this select timing format that's up to you contact URL you can put whatever you want in there to create a contact page on here change plan button this is for our user dashboard so they can change their plans listings per page this is like for the list when they do a search we're gonna read you like 15 if you want you can do more than that this is a default image for listings that's the one that goes in the bottom right on the the listing page when you're editing the listing but it's one that shows also on your desktop for the Westin itself like this that's your default I usually do a 400 by 400 let it fit itself but you can do that if you want featured image from gallery and you can enable or disable this for your map puzzles gonna show now let's change it let's make it coffee you have a pending or publish their posts will have to get approved by you alright let's save all that listing detail page layout this you can adjust however you want you just move those things out or you can move them so you can do this with it you don't put the YouTube video all the way down here move that up here then I will rearrange it on the page sidebar that's for the sidebar listings list the sidebar in the listings additional detail page you can make it on the right or left video display options on shows beat YouTube videos off embeds them on makes it a Papa this is for the design of the coupons I mean that's up to you and this would be like the ones for the sidebar and so forth leave this one on because if somebody does something that's like this somewhere that's not yours or something that you don't want then somebody can report it listing archive view this is for like inner pages so this is what it's currently set at so when you go to the category search see I'm gonna get a map over here now so let's do this let's go with this one background image will do this it's not gonna fit right because it's too small child categories show or hide let's go show display style content area are full with we'll just go with content area for now you have to mess with it then here's how your listings a look like these you'll see it changed now you can do over it sideways that lets go this is all going to change yeah sure I'm at we call we go so we've saved all this listing submit and edit this you just have to go through these are pictures that show them and this is things for the listings basically directions on how to do it what to do where it just helps them this is all self-explanatory this is for when people go here into add listing this section listing submit and edit is for all of this see all this and you also have the philipot that we'll get to it well Phil ABAT won't work unless you have a Google API unless they change that there is a philipot you can use to but you have to have yes is all like self-explanatory single location or multi leave it on single because otherwise people have ten restaurants they're gonna list all 10 under the same one and pay you for one you wanted to pay for all 10 give them a discount for doing 10 restaurants but you know you got to make a living also it's only fair there is a fill about thing I forgot where that buttons at oh this is for your your social media you don't want it off just click here and it's all gone leave it on there you can select which social medias they can choose from let's save that it's on general location add locations by admin or out of locations by Google remember I mentioned that to you earlier location center listing settings you can do this as well this is the setting I have I don't use a Google thing for here I leave this one blank and then general location pattern within region or without reach with region or without region I usually do with region because I knew a world wide one save reviews this for the review section you can turn it off if you want so they can't leave reviews for the listings but you can leave it on only by logged in users so when they they login not only do you get someone new on your site as a member and also make sure that they're legitimate you don't want somebody that's upset with somebody leaving negative reviews anonymously that's that that could lead and there many legal problems leads forms this is four on the page on the listings for like if the contact number now I usually do it only for the claimed ones so on equal show that's only going to be for the claimed ones it's alike ones that are not claimed this is the lead form see yeah but because this one's not claimed oh it is claimed Ilse so it's basically just messing with this is all common sense claim on this is for people to claim it you can make a thing here but whatever you want given directions or if you're going to charge them listings nearby this is gonna be for what's gonna end up in your sidebar if you put listings there can make it for a hundred miles away or kilometres or filtered by a listing category yes or no once you do things Google Adsense that's if you're going to be putting ads for Google you know through their Adwords and Adsense stuff you put in the code they give you here and then it'll show on the page I'm down with listing settings author archive this is all self-explanatory if you want a picture therefore the author archives my listings listings per page it's all self-explanatory let's get down to the important stuff price plans paid claim I do it off you want to turn it on where they got to pay for their claim there you go I recommend doing it off it's gonna be hard enough getting people to list you make sure that you'd get them on for free and then you give them a deal they give him a good deal and make some money they're gonna stay they're gonna keep giving you money to make them more money free category selection for plans that is for making a price plan for plans I leave it on now you can I mean you could turn it on are you gonna have specific pricing for a plan so if you want charged hotels more than a hot dog place then you can I don't suggest it month and year based plan I usually do the early so I would just say yes search filter this is important pretty much leave it the way it is this is for the distance of them away from from the person doing the search on your site so if they do a search in here that's going to show how far away it is you're somewhere it's kilometers and you want them to be able to look 200 kilometers away you can do a minimum range of 0 maximum rage 1000 additional filter options you can enable that if you want that just enables some more filter options but disable it search settings I can show what field that's if you want to get rid of that you just turn it on equals hide which is kind of weird but that's the way they have it the same goes for location you can turn it off or on say now you won't have the what field this will be gone yeah by this is enable typing in there if you want enable typing locations by admin or I do out on locations by Google as you've seen already before payment important stuff here submit listings should be approved by admin yes and Abel paid submission better believe it defaults no but I leave it on enable recurring payment if you turn this on they still have to agree to it so you know and and give them time give him five days that's how many days before they're gonna get an email saying your listings getting ready to expire in five days and I want to add that the only ones that work for a recurring payment if they select yes when they do the listing is stripe apparently the PayPal connection to this theme doesn't do recurring payments all right currency you can select if you're in the US dollar place or you want to take dollars you do that euros you have all you have many different selections here these currency position for pricing left or right that's up to you checkout page edit your listing now see here's one that's a little tricky so when they go check out you need to move this down your payment checkout so when they go checkout they'll see that you don't want it to submit your listing you want to make sure they could pay they want to edit it and they want to be able to preview it then pay you fail payment page if it's failed they didn't pay their credit card bill Thank You page you just make a page and there's already in there there's pages that are already here these were all made by the demo data you go in there and edit them on and off coupons if you want to be able this is for a checkout so you want them to be able to get a discount where you create a coupon turnaround for yes invoice if you want a certain number for it to start you turn it on you put the number of the invoice you want it at otherwise just leave it it off now the rest of this you have PayPal settings so if you had PayPal or John the way that is disabled it strike I don't know why an stuffs in there so you want to use like direct payment this is where they pay you or do a wire transfer just turn it on and put directions you write your directions in here click Save that'll be a payment option if you're gonna do stripe turn this on you don't have to be on live or sandbox sandbox equals testing live equals that have you test it your money is going to be charged your credit card you test with sandbox means it's going to be tested and it's just a test it won't go to your credit card it's going to make sure the system is working save that will leave a stripe enabled email management this is if you want it to send out emails you gotta go through and set up what you want each email to do and if you see here it'll say for admin admin notification user notification this means it's coming to you this means it's going to the customer if you leave this the way it is like your a username and password on and website URL way it says leave this do not touch that leave that because what that'll do is put your webpage name there and then in here is me the messages that's the title for the email and down here is the actual message and it's got all the different things privacy settings privacy policy is do you wanted him to be able to have to check something when they're signing up or you know you wanted everywhere for legal reasons to put a lawsuit of happy now so and make sure your privacy policies and Terms of Service are solid and put everything in there on review submission on lead form on listing claims on contact for everything you better add in your Terms of Service about you have to create a page it says terms I think you better put your Terms of Service about reviews you know because people leave some nasty reviews to try to hurt a business just to be spiteful so you have to make sure you put it in there and then here's the company logo and this is for the invoice information that's all self-explanatory add options this is for the ads you put all the information you want there now here spotlight ads you put how much it's per day if you want or you can do it by click I just do it by day I usually do a zero point or fifty I usually charge 50 cents per day piece it's not a lot but it adds up because they usually select all three and it's a dollar fifty apiece each all day and get 30 40 of them going you know it adds up that's every day ad duration how long you want them to go for this is going to be gone I think they already got rid of that I don't know why they still have it there form capture you got to have a Google account for the forms if you wanted to have CAPTCHA URL config is for the URLs on your site very importantly see price plans a perfect price plan you want you want to make sure that you know author page when they go they're gonna get the listing out there or whatever contact that's how they're gonna get a halt to you and remember all this information you see on the screen that's just from the demo version this is all hosted locally it's all I don't even know where in guy and man Troy is form settings I mean the rest of this is all pretty much self-explanatory contact info for the map on the form setting this is for the contact form how they're going to contact you this is very important now make sure all your stuffs in their proper your email and everything contact math that's up to you if you want to map you don't have to have a map in there no sense paying extra people to look at a map send me a message remember if you get a lot of traffic you got to start paying for that app api's footer bottom of your page you can select something like this but then if you do that then you have to go like if you select any of these other ones that are not super simple like this one like this one it's gonna show pretty much blank now so you know this one's the gal that stuff that other ones get a pretty much blank down there you know why it's blank because you have to go into the widgets and put things in down here so you're gonna have section 1 section 2 section 3 section 4 wherever it's laid out here on the one we chose so you got 1 2 3 4 and then you can increase that to it's 4 columns where you can put all the way to 6 if you want we're gonna leave it at 4 and then the colors there so we want to put something into footer C footer sidebar that's what they named it there's four of them so let's just go ahead and put I'll just keep it simple let's just do an image if you want to put a title for it we're gonna put the little peppers because they're small here you select the size of the image you're gonna put down there okay and if you want to link to an image you can do that here we're going to do this ring keep it real simple and then if you want to put like contact information you can do that there if you want to put your your navigation menu we'll put a navigation menu here in footer sidebar one now you got a pic so we're gonna pick footer and here you can write menu so now we should have the pepper and that little menu down there we have really set up that menu so nothing in it see that so he put stuff into the footer menu it'll start showing here in the line I'm not going to make a video how to create menus because there's thousands of menus how to make a menu on WordPress videos already on YouTube there's no lack of those so let me get out of here let me go back to here options object you know I don't know what this one is come on click it that's a new thing they just put in import and export this is for importing and exporting this data this is not for saving your entire theme this just saves your settings from here it's real easy to do if you'd use a updraft back backup it'll it'll save all your stuff but if you upgrade the theme usually you want to you're going to definitely want to come back and go through everything but you can also save your file from here it's like you can download data file or copy data and then you just save everything that's in here and then when it says import file you just paste that stuff into here and once it's in there you just hit Save Changes and it'll put everything back to the way it was but I'll make a video on upgrading for the next upgrade they have we're gonna upgrade this YouTube theme that I've been working on so we've gone through all of that and I think that's a long enough video for today so you make sure you've done your saves and after you near saves like we've done so much go over here to SCO press if you're using SEO press and I'm gonna show you exactly why I like it now click there see where it says HTML sitemap click that and you see this one click that that just cleared your sitemap so everything's fresh now let's do another thing let's go over here to settings and go to permalinks make sure it's on this one click Save and save changes again do it twice what this did it just cleared up your sitemap and everything for the search engines for when they come looking through your things so made sure everything was in place I don't know how to really explain it good but that's what I've read and it seems to work because the sites I work on they're ranked not ranked too high yet because we're not that we have been out long but we're doing good for being newer so that's everything for today remember always backup always after you do all these things get in there go to your updraftplus and back always always do a backup remember backup always every time you do changes and make sure you have it set for remote so it goes up to your Google Drive see how quick that is I'm gonna go ahead and stop the video y'all have a great day and thanks for watching and please give me a thumbs up or follow cuz I'm going to put a lot more videos out
Channel: bored nerd
Views: 7,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: listingpro directory, wordpress directory theme, listingpro, listingpro theme, cridio listingpro, directory theme
Id: ZlPgaN56EgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 30sec (4050 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 09 2018
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