Advanced Custom Fields & Elementor Pro

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Hi guys my name is Ferdy and in this video I will show you how you can create an advanced website using custom post types advanced custom fields and dynamic content within Elementor pro. Let me explain, I will show you how to create a custom post type that enables you to create a new kind of page to your website like a portfolio or real estate houses, movies, people etc. In this video I will use the custom post type to create penthouse pages, but within those penthouse pages I can only add a title, text, featured image and a category. But I want to add more information like the amount of space, stories, bedrooms etc. That is where advanced custom fields come in, that allows me to create custom fields that enable me to fill in details about the penthouse really easily. When we have done that we can use the dynamic content option within the elementor pro to gather the information of the custom fields and display them beautifully within our website. So one more time, we create a new post type and penthouses. Then we create custom fields so we can fill in a lot of information about the penthouses and using Elementor we will display the information beautifully on our web page. This is applied to real estate websites but also websites like IMDB and So let's take our website to the next level. If you like what you're seeing so far please like this video and if you want to see more upcoming videos consider to subscribe and click on the bell notification and you will be the first who gets a notification when I upload a new video. Now let's get started. So here I have my website with a logo, with a menu and a home page. It is empty I have footer. So what I want to do? I want to create a real estate website about penthouses. So what I need is custom post types now I'll tell you what they do in order to get it we need to go to the backend, dashboard and over here you see blog posts and you see pages, but if you want to create a portfolio we can use custom post types and then you'll see portfolio over here or in our case penthouses or real estate or listings or FIFA players whatever you want to show you can create it using custom post types and order to do that we need a plugin. I go to plugins, add new and I search for custom post types UY and there it is a lot of installs. I click on Install Now and I click on activate, so we have Elementor, we need elementor pro and we need custom post types. So I go over here to custom post type user interface probably and I click on add post types. What is the slug? The slug is the thing you see over here in the URL, so if I say move it over here I see movies over here, so I say penthouses no capitals and there I need the word in plural, so penthouses and use singular Penthouse using a capital at the P, then I scroll down I can forget about this and here at the settings I scroll down and here and has archived I see true because I want to have an archive. So I scroll up and I say Add post type and now over here I see penthouses. Now I go to plugins, add new and I search for Dashicon and I install this one now from Hal Gatewood install now, activate. OK I go to settings and Dashicon over here and then I see penthouses and I can choose an icon that will be displayed over here. So I search for a house and there it is penthouses I like that ok so over here I can go to penthouse and I can go to all penthouses or add a new one. What I also can do, I can go over here CPT add Taxonomies so, I can create for instance the slug so I can say sort of houses plural sort of houses I don't know if that English is correct, sort of house or kind of house, kind, kind, kind and I want to apply it to the penthouses add taxonomy. Okay and now if I go to penthouses I can also create categories. So here I can say penthouses and a new one mansions and residents okay. Now I need to create custom post types. Now if I would add a new penthouse I have not that much options I can give it a title. I can add some text over here and I can set a featured image and of course I can add a category but I want to do more. How can I do that? I go to plugins, add new and I search for add advanced custom fields and there it is ACF more than a million installs, we're going to use this. So we can add our own custom fields like. How many floors does it have half rooms? How many bathrooms? So I click on install now and I activate it. It is activated you see it over here custom fields and I add a new field group by clicking here at new and I call this one penthouses and then I can add a new field, so I add it over here and the first field label I want to have is square foot. How many square foot? And if I say tap, it automatically creates a field name over here. What kind of field type is it? You have a lot of them. I can say it is a number so let me see a number okay. Is it required to fill in? Yes, I can choose if I wanted to be required or not I say yes and if I do so I see an asterisk over here, like its mandatory ok. I close the field and now we have our own custom field over here. I add a new field. Which is bathrooms and also this is a number, the amount of bathrooms and it's not like that of course, it's like this. I close it. I can add a new field and it is bathrooms also a number and instead of closing it I can also say add a field over here extras and then I can have a text area or adjust the text and see how many options there are. I can have a checkbox, a link so since we're talking about link I say text over here, but I want to add a link. So add a field, video I call this video and it is a URL, it's not required. So we can add a ton of stuff. I think I don't have floors yet so I say floors amount of floors or you know what stories, stories, a number and an important one, add a field the price. This can be a number. One more the address/area and this can be a text or a text area, you know what just the text is okay. I scroll down and I think we have everything. Then here at location is very important show this field group if the post type is equal to and then we select penthouse okay. I scroll up all the way and I click on publish. So we have linked all those custom fields to the custom post penthouse. So if I go to penthouse and I add a new one. I do not only see the title and the text over here, then here I see all the other information. So let's get started. So the title of this penthouse is level 49 a level, then I can add a text over here so I searched for dummy text, dummy text, I copy this and I can paste it here and I create a few paragraphs like this and over here I can add images. I can make the text bold. I can do a lot of things and I scroll down and now I see all those other options. So how many square foot is the apartment or the penthouse? How many bedrooms does it have? Five. How many bathrooms? Nine. Has it some extras? Yes it has a private pool and I want to add a video, so I searched on YouTube for best penthouses in Miami and the most penthouse I've got from one video this one so I copy the link address and I place it here. How many stories does it have? It has four stories and the price is 36 million dollars and it needs to be numbers so now points over here because maybe later on we can add a filter and then filter based on the price and if I have points over here then WordPress has no clue what it's going on. So just a number and the address, which is this one. I scroll up and I want to add a featured image and this one set the featured image. What kind of house is it? It is a penthouse. It is one of the categories we created and I click on Add, that's it. Now I click on publish and now it is published. If I take a look over here to the permalink I only see the image I see the title and the text below, nothing else that is what we will do in Elementor but before we work on that I want to create one more penthouse. So hover over new penthouse and I'm going to create the second one. It is called Regailia Penthouse so I just called like this, again some dummy text, copy it, paste it, create a few paragraphs like that and again the same information. The amount of bedrooms 6, bathrooms 10, extras again a private pool. The video is the same. How many stories to and the price 40 million and the address is this one. The featured image this one, set the featured image and also this is a penthouse. I add it and I publish it. So I will do this with 5 more houses and then I won't come back to you. This one is a different kind of house. This is a residence so here I say residence and no penthouse by the residence. I click on publish and the latest one. So if I take a look at all the penthouses, I see seven of them one two three four five six seven okay. Now I go to elementor, my templates. I have a header and a footer and now I want to create a new template. I click on add new and we are going to create the single page for all the penthouses. So I select single and then select post type penthouse then we can give you the name, so I say single page penthouse, create template and this is where the fun starts. This is where the power of Elementor comes in. I can import a pre made template but I will not do that I will start from scratch. So I click on the X and I start from scratch. What I want to do? I want to use the featured image in the background. So I click on the plus over here, click over here one column and there is my section it's already selected. So I want to stretch the section like that, I want to change the height to a minimum height of let's say 600 and then I go to style, background type and now we can say I want to have an image and I can grab the same image as I've chosen or I can use dynamic content and this is where the power of Elementor and that advance custom fields come together. If I click on dynamic which you have if you have elementor Pro, you click over here you can say I want to add the featured image and there it is, please don't mind this gap it will be gone when we when the page is life, so we have this over here. First I want to say no-repeat. I want to change the size to cover and I want the attachment to be fixed, so if I scroll the image stays like that I like that. Now I go over here and I want to have a post title so over here at single I see post title, I drag it over here and there it is fortress of bliss. So I can style this title. I can bring it to the center. I can make it bigger so I go to the style over here. I can change the text color to white for instance and I want to make it bigger by going to typography, I can change the size and I can change a lot of things over here. Let's say 65 and I can change the font family over here to something else, but I use a real way like that. I can change the weight make it bold, really thin. I use default. I can make it uppercase if I want to I use default maybe letter spacing like that okay. What I want to do now? I want to make the background a little bit darker, so I click over here. So I go to the section settings I go to style then we have the background I collapse it by clicking here. I go to the backgrounds overlay and now we can add an overlay. So maybe I want to give a really strong orange look then I can go to the background type, classic change the color to orange and change the opacity over here, but I don't like that I want people to see the house as it is. So I make it black and I change the opacity, so this is normal. I make it a little bit darker so the title will be seen better okay. Then below this I want to add more information. The price for instance I search for the Header, heading I dragged over here below. I bring it to the center h2 is okay. I go to style, text color white and I want this also to be a real way that's already the case okay, bring it a bit closer so I click over here, and go to advanced. I go to margin and I uncheck it and at the top I say - it's close to each other - 10 is okay. Now I go back to content and instead of showing a title I go to dynamic. I scroll down all the way advanced custom field. I click on it and now we will use a field that we have created before. So I click on advanced custom fields and I have a key and now I can choose one of the options I've created. So I want to show the price. There it is, it looks a little bit odd, it's because it is a number. I go to advance before I say dollar and after I say USD with space or I can say point - actually I don't like it. I want this not to be shown as a number but as a text so I can use the points so I will do it later, for now I will continue. I think this looks great. I click on the plus for a new area and one column and I will duplicate it later. I will stretch this section. The content should be boxed and I want to add a icon box, icon box so I drag it over here and I can make it stacked like that and I can search for an icon that talks about stories, so let me see, so I choose this one and now if I go to the title or description I go to dynamic. I scroll all the way down. I click on an ACF field. I click on this again and I search for the key which is the amount of stories and it says four. Then I go too advanced and I say stories and with a space over here. Then I click outside of the area and remove the text and I go to style, not the icon but the content and I want to make it a bit bigger and capitals uppercase. Four stories you know it's just default but it can be a bit bigger, thirty like that. Then I can duplicate this area and for the second one I click over here. I go to the key and I say square foot so I need to change the word of course square foot like that and I need to change the icon, so let's see. I use this one square feet again I duplicated and this time I go for the amount of bathrooms or bedrooms, bedrooms, bed like that and I duplicate it again and this time bathrooms, advanced bath rooms. There's a bathtub like that, so I click over here on the section advanced and its padding, I say 30 pixels top or you know its 50 and bottom 50. So using advanced custom fields and dynamic content of elementor Pro you can create a beautiful page like this. So before we continue I publish it. I click on publish and where do I want to show this at All Penthouses. I publish it okay. Now if we take a look preview this is how it looks. So you see in the background image, you see the title, you see the price, the amount of stories, amount of square foot, the amount of bedrooms and bathrooms. So in that way we can combine elementor pro using dynamic content with advanced custom fields and post types. I hope you see how it works so let's continue. I edit what elementor, the single page penthouse. Right now we see fortress of bliss but if you want to see something. I can click over here on settings, preview settings and I can search for a different one, this one for instance and if I click on apply and preview I see something else. So I click on the plus over here. What else do we want to show? We want to show the address. I can go over here, go to heading, drag it here I click on dynamic content. I scroll down advanced custom fields. I click on it click on the key and I go for the address or the area. Then I go to advanced and I say before address like that click outside of it or I click on it I bring it to the center and I want to make the color grey 555555 like that and then I want to go to Google Maps or to maps and I drag it here below and then at address, I click on dynamic advanced custom fields. I click on it and I click on key address and here you see it and we can style the area so I click over here, stretch the section make it full width and then I click on the column, no margin and no padding so it will be from the left to the right and then if I click over here, I can zoom in more like that maybe a bit more like this, yes I like that and I want these backgrounds to be Dark grey, so I say 555555 I go to the text. I want to be white and change the padding or margin, so top a bit more space and button also Oh like that. So we have an image, a light backgrounds and dark area then I click on the blocks over here at a template and I go to blocks. I search for call to action, let me see maybe this one insert click over here, make it stretched, click over here book us for a visit, something like that and here you can change the text of course and then this could go to forward slash contact and then go to the contact page. So if I would say update and I take a look it look like this. Maybe this style is not the best style but it shows you what is possible. So if I want to change the price how can I do that? I go to the back end, to custom fields, field groups, penthouses I click on edit and then I want to open the field price, edit and I want to change from a number to a text like that, update and now if I would go to penthouses all and I go to fortress of bliss or let me do it really quickly. I open them all ctrl tab, scroll down and do it like this point save. Let me fast forward, so if I take a look over here for instance you see it look like that looks better in my opinion. So now we've created this I want to create an overview an archive page with all the penthouses. So I go to the back end, Elementor, my templates. I add a new one and I say archive page. I call this one archive penthouses, create the template and I can make use of an archive, so I can click on one of these but I want to start from scratch, so I close this and I go to posts and we need to have this one. I drag it over here, you still see nothing. Why we need to go to query and here the source is post but we don't have them but we do have penthouses and now they are shown and by default you seen image, a title, the date, the amount of comments, the excerpt and read more button, but we can change things over here. So I go to the layout I can change the skin if I want to but I use classic. The amount of columns I think two is okay so you see the image is better, posts per page twelve. The image position is at the top. Image size I wants to be medium large so the quality is better. The image ratio you can play around with that point fifty, the image width 100%. Do we want to show the title? Yes and I wanted to be h2. I do not want to show an excerpt. I do not want to show the date and the amount of comments and I don't want to show read more. So the image and the title then I go to style, I make sure to gap be 35 is okay. I bring everything to the center. I go to the content and the color should be orange or 555555 and it can be bigger, not too big 25 okay. Then below or above I want to have a heading. I drag it over here and I say All the penthouses. I bring it to the center and I go to advanced, padding bottom, I create some padding over here. This is one way to do it. There's also a different way if I remove this one, I can go for a portfolio, drag it here below again I go to query, penthouses again order them by date or title. I go to layout. I want to show two in a row. If I hover over it I see the title make it again larger, make it point fifty, show the title when you hover over it. It can be h2 we can have a filter bar and the taxonomy can be kind of houses so then you have penthouses and residence. I want to have a gap of 10 pixels also over here, we can have the border radius like that. Image overlay what happens when you overlay. I think you still should see the building and of course the colour should be black I think that looks nice, like that. The filter bar we can change the style, active color should be orange and then I can say publish. I can add a condition. Where do I want to show this not on all archives because there are also post archives, author archives. I only want to show them at the penthouses archive and I want to add a plus, add a condition. The kind of houses archives all of them publish ok. Now I go back to a single penthouse, so if I click over here or this one I see the information over here and I want to edit this page so the single page penthouse template and I scroll down. I change the background to 555555, yes I make this text a lighter and then over here I want to have a new area again posts. I close this I go to query I search for penthouses and then I can exclude one the current post. So over here I see Faena and that will be the only one you don't see over here. So we can skip the current post which is amazing and I go to the layout and again I want to have it really minimum. I don't want to show that much three columns, six posts image is medium large, image ratio fifty, title is okay no excerpt, every title is an h2, no data, no comments, no read more and at style bring everything to the center and then I go back I go for the heading and I say other penthouses of course they are not all penthouses but all sides about penthouse so I just leave as it is. The style of course orange, it can be capitals a bit bigger, a little bit more margin and yeah that's what you can do. So I click on update and what I want to do now? I want to go to the back end. Right now you see the home page, you don't see that much but if I go back to the back end and I go to my templates and I go to archive penthouses. I click over here its look like that. What we also can do? I add it what Elementor then I go to the dashboard in a new tab so I have two tabs, so I scroll down for a moment, bring this down then I go to the home page and over here I just say copy. I go to a different place. The home page, edit the page, edit with Elementor right mouse click paste and there we have it. So here we can create our home page and if I click on the plus over here, I can grab one image for the backgrounds, stretch it, full width, minimum height of 600 style, background type I grab an image. I think I like I like them all. I like this one or this one, so I make it cover fixed, background overlay, black like that and then I can remove this area, delete bring this back up by the way over here I say stretch this section, content with full width and then you know what over here you can have three columns and then here I can have a title. Find your dream penthouse, bring it to the center h1, style make it bigger make it white and if I go to the section settings, I can say you know let's make it 400, update. So now if we go to the home page, we see this hope here, find your dream penthouse. You can search between penthouses and residences and if I click on it. I see all the information and I can check other penthouses. This is something to do with sidebar of my theme, I should fix that and then here I can go to a different one and if you take a look you see fortress of bliss. The only one you don't see over here is fortress of bliss because we excluded the current post. So if I would go to Bel-Air the only one you don't see is Bel-Air and as I said this should be over the whole width of the website. So this looks great in my opinion if I go to the home page again I go to the home page and I see the title and I can scroll again and of course you can add contact pages. I have a lot more tutorials about elementor related stuff. I can show you how to create a website using Elementor for free or using Elementor pro. I have tutorials about all the different elements of Elementor and Elementor pro, so you can create beautiful things and if you use it in combination with custom post type and advanced custom fields and dynamic content of elementor pro. You can create beautiful websites. I'm going to work on a tutorial where I show you how you can use filters, so people can fill tan even better instead of just using those two options. So subscribe if you want to be updated with new tutorials and like this video if you like it and then you'll see me the next time bye bye. Thank you for watching this video. I hope you let your creativity run freely and create beautiful websites using custom post types, advanced custom fields and elementor pro. Have a great day and you'll see me in the next time bye bye.
Channel: Ferdy Korpershoek
Views: 113,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Advanced Custom Fields, Elementor Pro, advanced custom fields elementor, ACF, Custom Post Types, Wordpress, Elementor, Dynamic Data, dynamic, toolset, elementor pro tutorial, elementor page builder, Ferdy Korpershoek, Real Estate Website Tutorial, real estate website with wordpress, real estate website wordpress free, Pod, Pods, Wordpress Pods, Wordpress Pods Tutorial
Id: 1Tt6wVT845c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 53sec (1973 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 28 2018
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