Make a Business Listings Directory Classifieds Website with WordPress

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hey there everyone I'm going to show you how to make a business listings directory website also known as a business classifieds website just like Yelp Foursquare Zomato Yellow Pages I'm going to show you how to create it using WordPress and the listings Pro theme step-by-step before I give you a quick demo of all of this good stuff here's a quick agenda that you will also find in the description below so I'm going to show you how to install the web design the home page setup listings category creation listings features adding locations and listings blog setup contact page email management PayPal payment setup so you can get paid and pricing plan customization so here's a quick demo check out this awesome page here you've obviously got a search bar of the thing that the user can search for and also by city services listed here you can short list some favorite cities and you can also shortlist some favorite listings if we go to add listing you will be able to configure your pricing plans just like this and then if we for example hit continue on one of them you'll get the submit your listing page and your user will be able to enter their title description city and other information to submit their listing for you to approve onto your listings website now this is brilliant it integrates with your payment processing and there's a range of other awesome features that we're going to show just like I showed you all of this good stuff the latter part of the tutorial will be done by a colleague of mine his name is Hart and he's an expert with business listing directory websites so thanks heart for your contribution I'm going to link to his channel in the description below but without any further ado let's get started so now that I've shown you a quick demo of the business listings website here's an agenda of what we're going to cover in the tutorial so you've just seen the preview we've done that next I'm going to show you how to get online so this is getting your own dot-com web address where people can log on to your listings or your classifieds website and search for things and to get online you need obviously your dot-com web address and also you need something called web hosting and that is the thing that allows your website's files to be seen when someone goes to your website it's where all the images and text are stored and I'll show you that in a second it's very easy then we're going to install WordPress which is the content management system that we're going to be using to set up our entire website and installing the web design and then I'm going to actually hand it over to one of my colleagues who's going to show you how to do the rest of this tutorial he's an expert he's done this many many times he's going to show you how to create your business listings directory or your classifieds functionality and everything else you need to have a fully functioning website so that you can do anything you need to do and all of that's going to be explained step-by-step so the first thing we need to do now is to get ourselves online because without that we cannot install our website and start creating so I'm going to show you the best way to do that now just open up your web browser and go to WWE to calm forward slash discounted and hit enter I'm going to explain what this is in just a second so Hostgator are a very well-known web hosting company and they offer 24/7 support they've got great a customer portal and great customer support basically they're very cheap and what they allow us to do is to host our website in other words the reason I'm seeing this website right now is because it's hosted it's not just a name but it's the data and the contents behind a website that's why you need web hosting and it's really really cheap so just click on web hosting and by the way I use these guys myself for I've used them for about 10 to 12 years you can use any web host you want but you may not be able to follow this tutorial in its entirety so I really recommend these guys so click on web hosting you'll have three plans to choose from you can have a quick read on them but thankfully we only need the cheapest plan which is this hatchling plan let's click buy now now with hostgator you can easily and cheaply tick off both of the essentials your web domain name which is your address on the internet and like I said your hosting so for most of you you won't have your domain so enter your requested domain in this box and it will generate a response to let you know if that domain is available to register so for the purposes of this tutorial I'm going to register myself a domain called listings demo and com so now let's just see if that's available it is perfect and currently they're having a promo where you get a free domain which is perfect otherwise it costs about $15 for a domain so it's not very expensive at all it's an investment but luckily at the moment there's a promo for those of you that already have a domain name and you just want to connect your hosting up click on this tab here and just enter your existing domain ok so I'm going to register this domain myself for the benefit of you guys and show you this entire demo on how to make a business listings website ok you scroll down and you don't need privacy protection you can disable that if you don't want it I don't use it myself and you'll see that the more you subscribe for upfront the cheaper your web hosting gets and just give me a second I'm going to show you how to make this even cheaper so just for a second scroll all the way down deselect additional services I'll explain why later and enter a coupon code called big promo b.i.g PR o mo and click validate and when you scroll up you'll see that that coupon code actually gives you a bigger discount across the various billing cycles now I normally subscribe for one year or two years at a time because it's super super cheap look at that you can host your entire website for about four to five dollars a month which is peanuts okay so now that I've told you that just go ahead and fill out the rest of the details what I'm going to do is just pause my screen while I enter all of my details here including my credit card information and then I'm going to show you what to do next so let me just pause my screen and fill all of that out perfect scroll down like I mentioned before you don't need any of these add-ons these are all additional options and to be honest I'm going to I don't use any of them myself but I'm going to go through them one by one now site lock monitoring you don't really need that it's a service that it says it can protect you from hackers but we can I can show you how to backup your website and make sure that it is protected so that your WordPress login is protected professional email you can access your email address at your chosen so a professional email address without this add-on it's all included in your hosting package so you don't need that either this is just a gmail sync by the looks of it like I said backing up I can show you how to do that you don't need to pay two dollars a month and you don't need any of this stuff either so basically all you need to get is the core hosting package which is a few dollars a month I've showed you how to use a coupon code and when you have when you're happy with all of that go down click on the agree Terms & Conditions button and hit checkout now you're going to receive an email in your inbox and I'm going to show you what to do next to install WordPress on your brand-new hosting account and on your brand-new web address let's go so next what will happen is you should receive this email in your email inbox from Hostgator notifying you of your new account details and the important pieces of this email is this link to your control panel we're going to access that in a second it also gives you your username and password to log into your cPanel now all that really is is your hosting control panel and the only reason you'll need that right now is to install our WordPress platform so we can start building our business listings or classified directory so what I need you to do is to click on the control panel link and then enter the username and password in that email so you'll find that over here just make sure if you're copying and pasting that there are no spaces at the end of your username or password otherwise that won't work and then hit login there we go we're now in your Hostgator control panel and like I said we're now onto the next step and that is to install WordPress on your hosting account so there should be a link here called build a new WordPress website or you can go down to something called quick install and then click on WordPress so now your domain should be automatically listed here when you access this page if you've only got one domain leave the directory field blank we want to install WordPress on the root domain not on a directory okay so click Next oh just before I do that let me just show you something see all of these upsells you don't need any of those I'm going to show you how to build your entire WordPress website by following this tutorial you don't need any of this stuff it's actually really really simple all of this stuff is absolutely free so click Next give your website a title and this can be changed at any time so let's call it our business listings classified give yourself an admin user name it can be anything into your name if you want to and your admin email address once you've done that make sure both boxes are checked and then click the install button and WordPress will be installed for free onto your domain there's the username we used it's generated a new password and now what I want you to do is copy this information onto a clipboard there we go and now I'm going to click the login button now a lot of you may not see this WordPress login screen this is the login to WordPress which like I said is the engine behind your website but you might not see this and there's a couple of reasons for that so let me just show you what those reasons could be if you go to our website in the frequently asked questions area you'll see that there's a couple of sections I've added why doesn't my website not load or how do I connect my domain and hosting so the likely scenario is that Hostgator have not yet activated your package and therefore after you've installed WordPress even though you've installed it your web address is not connected to your domain yet and therefore the the page won't actually show so what you need to do in that case is go to and click on the live chat and let them know that your website isn't loading and to help you out and their probe and they're usually very very helpful another reason is that you could have bought your domain from somewhere else and there's some information here on how to connect your domain to your hosting account if you've done that first things first this login page the way you access this is your domain comm - WP dash admin so I want you just to copy and paste or just note that so will be your domain forward slash WP dash admin that's the login page now let's use our username and password and I'll show you how to change that password in a second and login fantastic you're now in the engine of your WordPress website now I want to show you something cool if I just hover here and go to visit site this is now live to the public actually it's not yet I lied I'll show you why in a second there's a coming soon notification here which means that only you can see it because you're logged in but will deactivate that in just a minute and I'll show you how to do that but your website if someone goes to your domain you'll now have a page that doesn't look like much because we haven't started building it yet but now here's the fun stuff and we're about to start building your business classifieds listing site and we're going to do that step-by-step we're going to first do some initial settings and configurations and I'll get into that right now and after that we'll start getting into the into the meat of this tutorial which is to set up all of your listings and all of that stuff okay so we're going to do some initial configuration if you just hover over the tab here and click on dashboard it will take you back into your WordPress engine now the things I want to do before we start is I want the installation of WordPress to be a clean installation right now by default there's a lot of stuff that's installed and so an example of that is if you go to plugins and click on installed plugins now we've only just installed WordPress but there are a whole bunch of plugins and you'll see them listed here that I've that are installed by default and to be honest that adds a lot of clutter and we don't need any of that stuff so I want you to click this box here click on the drop down let's deactivate apply wait for that to all deactivate and now click on that box again and let's now click on delete I want to delete all of the plugins just for your information a plug-in is a thing that allows you to extend the capability of WordPress so for example if I want a very nice photo gallery there are plugins that I can install that will allow me to add this beautiful photo gallery for your website there are also other types of plugins like maps and contact forms and security plugins all kinds of things anything and everything there's a plugin for it's it's it's very similar to an app for your mobile phone think of it in that way it allows you to extend what you can do with it for now we don't need any of these okay now after you've uninstalled and deleted all of them go to pages and click on all pages click on this check box here we want to move all of the default automatically installed pages to trash and then click apply similarly for posts go to all posts let's click on the trash button for that one perfect and now I want you to go to settings and general you can change your website title here you can add a tagline if you want or you can leave a blank and if you want to save that just go to the bottom and click Save Changes now let me just check another thing permalinks okay I suggest select custom structure remove everything in here then click on category then click on post name it'll give it'll display this custom structure just save that and I'll explain what that is to you okay so what this is is when you create a post say you created under the category of bedrooms and under the category of bedrooms there is bedding so the way this post will be structured is it will be your website four slash bedrooms forward slash beddings now within bedrooms being the category if you have for example bedside tables then it will be under the category bedrooms slash bedside tables so in other words what I'm trying to say is it'll be a common-sense and logical structure URL structure to your website and not just an arbitrary structure that we had before so I highly suggest that this structure here and become a parent when you start creating content that fits into certain categories so it'll be very clear not just for human users but for search engines so I'll just change that save that sorry and that's all done now we've now got a clean slate to start with if you visit your website you'll see that it is a blank slate and now I'm going to hand it over to one of my colleagues who's an absolute expert when it comes to setting up business listing or classifieds websites and he's going to take you through exactly how to do that step-by-step from start to finish from scratch and so you get an end product just how you saw in the demo at the beginning of this video so I'll now leave it to my colleague take it away so guys first of what I would like to thank emediacoach for inviting me over here to create this amazing video tutorial on listing pro team now in this video I'm going to use listing pro team to create an amazing listing website you can add infinite amount of functionalities to this listing website and I'll just show you how this listing website is going to look and what are the various demos which we can achieve using this theme so first of all you have to go to slash this thing and this is the theme which we are going to purchase so it costs very low just $69 and it comes with immense amount of functionalities now this theme is so great that even yellow pages of Serbia has been using this so I really recommend you you can see that it has got more than 12,000 sales and the websites using this theme are approximately 25,000 plus plus there are so many comments the rating is like 1971 ratings in all our almost five-star 4.80 average rating so this theme is really really good within just a span of two years it has reached such heights so I definitely think that if you want to create a listing website or if you are thinking to create a listing website then this is the theme you should go with so I'll just show you my agent of this tutorial now don't get shocked by seeing so many well it's because I've just divided this video in two simple steps so that it's easier for you to understand and within just two hours you are going to do all of that so don't worry about it and in fact it's going to take less than two hours so let's get started so as you can see that five steps are already done we have already given you an introduction domain hosting wordpress configuration and important settings so these all things are already done now the next thing is theme setup so like I was showing you you have to go to this listing pro WordPress directory theme using slash listing and then you have to add this to your cart and purchase it now what happens when you purchase is that you will get a downloadable file plus an API key or you can say an activation code so when you download it and you will go to the support tab here you will see an API key here or purchase code here so you have to copy that code and using that code will be activating it but before we do that let me show you how our website is going to look so this is one of the demos made using this thing Pro theme now as you can see that in whichever city you are it will automatically generate that setting name here plus it will give you such suggestions then you can enter city then these categories then locations there are infinite possibilities you can even create a listing you can even add membership plans for example you can ask users to create a free listing or painless thing so this is really professional like if you are even planning to sell on ads or sell on premiumness things in your listing website then this is one of the best themes to go with because this comes with almost all of the things which you will be requiring to create such a website or to create to achieve those functionalities so let's get straight to our dashboard and then you have to go to appearance and then click on themes now here you have to click on add new and then you have to upload that theme file which you download it from theme forest so you just have to drag and drop it here and then click on install now but you can even select browse button and then install it using that way so once you do that you will see that the theme was installed successfully and now you have to just click on activate button to activate this theme so once you have activated the theme you'll be seeing this screen now on the screen you'll see that there is this option ready to begin the setup and there are these steps plugins the moves content and ready so we'll go through each one of them one by one so let's click on start and now it is going to ask us that this theme requires these all plugins to install so we don't have any option we have to install them all so let's click on yes I am ready and it will begin installing all of these plugins one by one into your WordPress website now these plugins are very important for a WordPress website if you want to work with less thing protein and that's why they include that in the theme files itself that it is a must you need to install them now if you don't know what a plug-in is then a plugin is something which adds additional functionality to your WordPress website just like a theme add an additional look into your WordPress website just like that a plug-in adds an additional functionality so now as you can see all of these plugins have been installed and now it is going to ask us that which pre-built demo site you would like to install now if you want you can skip this step but I will recommend you to install this classic because the reason why I wanted to import the pre-built website is that way it will become much easier for you to build a website for example if you are building each page one by one from scratch then it is going to take so much of your time plus you'll be needing time to understand all of those things one by one but using a pre-built demo the demo will be imported to your site directly and then making any changes you can see them live onto your WordPress website for this listing demo team so let's click on accept and you can choose any one of them but I will recommend you to use this classic one because it is the mean demo and it contains almost all of the features so now you need to click on import content so that all the dummy content will be input to your website directly now don't worry you can delete all of this content manually and trust me that's not too much of it it says that it exists the enough content which is required to at least give a basic look to your team so as you can see we have successfully installed our theme and we have even imported the demo data and demo content so let's go to our website once and you'll see that our website which was just looking very basic earlier is now looking very professional the images I don't think so the images have been imported because they were just included for the sake of look we need to upload our own images but other than that you can see that a lot of things have been directly imported the website is already running fine we just need to add some images correct the categories and change a few things I am going to teach in this video and we are good to go so as you can see all of these things are already there so I'll tell you how to modify each one of them so that it will become a lot more easier for you to manage your WordPress website with listening protein so let's go back to here now you have to activate this listing Pro theme if you want to use its full functionality so like I told you if you have got this theme from here because this is the only place from where you can buy it so you have to go to the link in the description and buy this theme from here now since you have already uploaded the theme I expect you have already buy the theme now in order to get your key you have to go to support and then at the last of this you'll find an option to view product code now since I am not logged in I won't be able to show you that so you just have to click on view purchase code and a code will be shown to you and then you have to enter that code here now once you have entered that courier you just have to click on activate and your theme will be activated so as you can see it saves me valid license key and my team is activated now so now let's go back to our list and check what it's done and what are spending so if I'll go to this now I've added the listing Pro theme plus I have shown you the theme set up so let's market dance now it's asking now the seventh step is to change homepage or home page setup you can see so let's go to our home page so in order to access your home page you have to go to pages and then you'll see all of your pages so let's click on whom and then click on edit now this is our home page and this is our front end editor that means unlike any other websites which use code and all we have a visual builder here so you can edit almost anything using this visual builder so I'll show you how all of these things work so this is basically WPB clip each builder now this is a page builder plug-in and using this plug-in which was automatically installed you can just create pages by just using drag and drop functionality onto your WordPress website so as you can see on the top it is showing us the locations then the column element then listening posts then video testimonials and then blog grids so I'll just scroll down from my home page you'll see locations and then this content here which is the columns one and then the post thing exactly like it's showing location then column element then post then video testimonial and then blog great so then video dos see this is the video testimonial and this is the blog grid and currently we only have one post name hello world so as you can see this is actually our home page so if you want you can edit anything so let's go to locations and then click on this edit button here and as you can see you can select the locations which you want to show so Boston Chicago Denver Los Angeles New York now currently only four locations are being shown Boston Chicago Denver Los Angeles so if you want you can even enable New York and then click on Save Changes and then update the page I'll show you in life that how making an edit here will reflect on your life website so I have just added a new category and do this section here actually a new location into this section here so let's see how does it appear so as you can see New York has been added here so similarly you can select or deselect any location if you want so this is all about locations now moving on column elements of I click on edit I'll be able to edit all of this content for example if L scroll below see here this was an image and this is claimed promote converts so if you want to edit this content you can do that using this thing here claim promote convert plus their description you can edit all of that content from here now if you want to add the image to the left side you can just click on this plus icon here and then choose any image for that left side now since we don't have any uploaded image in our media library you have to select it from your computer so let me do that so I just selected a random image from my computer and uploaded it here so I'll just update it and if I go to my website and refresh it you'll see that an image has been applied and will appear here so let's check it out so as you can see the image is appearing here now since the image is not converted into a proper size it's not coming properly but if I want I can just add a spacing in between of these so you can modify all of that content from here now the next thing is listing pools so you can even edit less thing post like I told you everything is editable so you can basically choose which type of layout do you want so currently it's ListView if I make it grid view and then I can even select different styles now since this is a very precise tutorial and the theme is extremely large there are too many functionalities too many combinations shall be only explaining you and showing you a few of these styles and few of these methods so that when you are creating it yourself you can just explore all of these styles for example if I'll show you an example of all these five styles one by one I'll just feast five minutes so I don't think so that would be relevant to you as well as me I'll just give you an example of how these things look and then you can go and try out all these styles for yourself that will be beneficial and will save time for both of us so let's check out style number three and you can edit the button text here button link here so let me add s and in the link I'll just adding a temporary link here so now let me click on update and if I go to my web page here and click on refresh you will see that this thing here will change now so currently you saw it was about a list and now it is going to become a grid so as you can see earlier it was coming in a list form one two three but now it's coming in a grid form one two three and the button which I added here is coming here so this button can be used to enter something like view moonless things or promote your business your ad new listing so you can create any type of button from this place now since these listings don't have any images I'll show you how you can edit these listings and create images so that your website looks good but the current import which we did the demo hood doesn't include the images because images are set to copyright and it's not good to copy a copyrighted content so let's skip that part and now similarly you can edit this stuff as well and this stuff as well this is not a big deal so I don't think so there is a need to describe them but you can just go out and press on this edit button to each one of them and test it out that how does it look now if you want to add your own element then don't worry you can do that you just have to click on add element and then you can select all or you can see any kind of element you can make a roux a section and I can image whole box button JavaScript HTML Google Maps then these all things locations testimonials feature box listening-posts listing by that means the author video player so there are too many options you can use any one of them to add a new element similarly if you want to delete an element you can just go to this button here and then they click on this cross button to delete that element from any page so this is not just for home business common for all pages because we are going to use this editor WP Bakery page builder in all of our pages so this was all about home page editing now the next thing is creating listing categories so let me tell you how to do that so in order to access listing categories you have to go to listings and then click on categories as simple as that now here you have to enter the category name the slug slug is basically the URL then it does it have an appearing category then its description the image URL that is actually the icon then again an icon and then the banner so these are the different type of icons category icons for archive and search fees and this is an icon for the homepage banner so you just have to select all those things and then click on add new category and then your category will be added so let's go to any one of these categories which are already made so that you can view that in a live manner so I'll just click on edit and all of that information will be shown here so as you can see that it's name is restaurant the slug is also restaurant I recommend you to use the same slug so that it helps in SEO then it doesn't have any peering category there is no description given it's not compulsory but I will recommend you to add a description that will definitely help you on SEO and then category icon for archive page so they have actually selected in the image so just show you what this images they are already selected in image if you want you can just click on insert image and then select any of your own image so if you have some icons stored in your computer its bleed if you don't have any icons and I'll show you from where you can find one so just go to Google and then search for free icons now it is going to display you a free a few websites out of which I am going to tell you which are the best ones so flat icon is one of the websites which I have trusted earlier icons eat is also very good and then there is free pic so these three websites I'll definitely recommend you anyone can use it you can see almost icons for all types and they are all downloadable and it's really really good so just go to free pic or you can go to flat icon annuals again all type of items for example you want - for restaurant or hotel so let's search for hotel and you'll see a lot of icons are related to hotels so you can choose any one of these icons if you want doing this go to any one of them and then click on the download button here and you can directly download it and then go back to our website here and then just upload it similarly there is this website called as icons eat this website also has some great icons and you can select from any one of them as per your own requirement so once you have uploaded all of that you just have to click on update or save so and use it and by doing that everything will be saved and you'll be creating a new category so let me just do one for you so that it's easier for you to understand so currently we have automotive hotel real estate restaurant services and shopping so let's add a new category name the education so I've skipped all of this thing I don't need to add a parent category I don't need to add a description but I will recommend you to add a description now I have to insert an image so let's go to this website here and then search for teacher because I want to add something related to education and then first I have to find this image and I just have to click on download and then I have to select the size and then I have to click on download okay so only this size is available for free so that's sufficient for an image which is for a icon image cause icons are already smaller so this is the image now if I'll just go to this and I have to click on insert image upload and I just have to drag this here if I want I can also select it from my own computer so once you do all of that you just have to click on you just have to click on add new category and it will be added now this is how you can add a category so we have already created a listing at let's market done now the next option is to find listing items so in the same process I've also shown you how you can find listing icons now if you want you can create your own custom icons using or any such other website but I will recommend you to go with these websites you can just go to free pack or I can see it any one of these websites and find some really good icons so let's mark this also done now in the other feature I like to explain you a few things so currently we have a hotel see we have just added education now there was something called as hotel already present restaurant already present so there is this option here features so what is the feature for example in a hotel what are the features this is the hotel has a Wi-Fi this is the hotel has a parking area does the hotel as a theater this is the hotel has a cafe does the hotel as a restaurant so these are the features of hotel what are the features of an education does then Institute provides free education does the Institute has a library does the Institute has a hostel in the campus does the Institute has a staff room does the Institute has a staff room so these all things are the features of an educational institute and i already told you the features of in hotels so anytime someone comes to your listing website and adds a hotel listing he'll be shown all of these options and he have to mark that yes my hotel has a Wi-Fi my hotel has a parking area my hotel has a pool so I hope you are getting an idea of what I am trying to say here so I'll just give you an example of how you can add features into your putt press website in the listing team so you just have to click on this features tag here and then here you have to add the features now in features you don't have to add all those things like images and all because these are just the features so let me add this so for example our first feature is parking area and just click on add new feature it will be added and then we have so as you can see that I've just added three features into my feature stag years so let's go back to categories and now you will see that when I go and click on edit this button here in features I can add all of these features so I can add a hotel should have or you can say a hotel should shown a Wi-Fi feature a parking area feature and a swimming pool feature so this is how you can attach features to a particular category you can use the same feature for other Institute's or other categories as well for example and Institute also may have Wi-Fi a restaurant also may have Wi-Fi so you can include all of these features for all of those categories as well so the features is also done don't worry about anything because at the end of bezel things I'm going to show you a live demo all of the features which we just created so like I already told you in the start I've just created too many steps so that it's easier for you to understand but in reality if I do four five steps at one then we'll be able to give you demo because they are all connected to each other so let's finish these series first and then I will be giving you a demo of how this works so now comes adding locations so we have created category we have created lessening icons we have added the features of the categories and now we are going to add the locations that where is the service available or where is the place available so let's add a location now to add a location you have to follow the same steps you just have to go to less things and then click on locations and here you have to enter a location so like you already know these or locations are already available if you want to add more you can just click here and add she can add as many as locations as you want and all of these locations will be shown on to your create a listing page so you can see that I just added Last Vegas and it has been added now let's go to here and then click and then market done as well so you can see how simple these all steps are and that is the sole reason why I have divided this whole tutorial to so many steps so now the next step is form field options now I'll show you how to do that so to do that form field option just have to click on this form fields here below the listing tab and now you can add fields that what type of information you want to take from user for example I want to take multiple type of information so I'm just going to tell this computer tell the system let what information is required for example I just created an education type of listing so I'll be showing you what type of fields are required for education so the first thing is text and I need so I want the education Institute's description and this data is of the type text and you can select the category so this was for education to have selected education category and then I'll click on publish and I'll just go to form fields again and then I'll click on add new field and now I'll add here is it free so this is the question basically and then I'll select a checkbox which is basically a switch on or off or you can say yes or no you can select all of these options as well but since this is just a short video I'm going to show any one of these move because I have already showed you text now I am going to show you a switch if you want you can select checkbox and add options if you want you can select multi tag if you want you can select radio if you want you can select drop-down so there are too many options available and you can enter all of these options which you want the users to see when they go and create a listing so let's go with checkbox switch on and off and select the category in which it's going to be shown and then let's click on publish so I will show you what is form field option then how does it work so let's mark it done so now the next step is to get Google API so I'll tell you what is the reason of getting Google API and why do we need it so if I go to my website right now and I go and click on any of this listings then you'll see that the maps in this listing are not working properly you know like all the maps on my website are not working properly and the reason for that is since I am not connected to Google API it's not working very simple so let's connect it to Google EPA and see how does it change that so you have to go to theme options and then you'll find this option here map settings so just click on it now here you'll see that a Google Maps API key is added but since it's not working we have to create a new one now if you don't know how to create one you can just go to this link here they have already given you a link so let's open the link in new tab and then it is going to ask me to create an API key I have to go to Google cloud platform console and then I have to click on the project drop down and select or create a project then I have to select an epi services credentials create API key so let's do all of that so since I have so many of the projects I'll just click on new project you have to create a new project for yourself as well so I'll add it I'll name it you can name it anything it's just for your own understanding and then you have to add a location that where it's located so let's click on this and then click on select and then click on create now congratulations you have completed the first step and now you need an EPA for maps so in order to get a Maps API and then you have to click on Maps JavaScript API and here you have to click on enable then you can go to credit n chills and just you can do this then API key and then you have to just copy this API so this is a very simple process you just have to follow which I did and your API key will be created within just a minute and then you have to come here paste this API key and then click on Save Changes and all of these changes will be saved so congratulations your API key has been added now let's go back to our tutorial list and we have added the Google API now now the next step is to add a listing so this is what we all have been waiting for because this is going to clear most of your confusions and questions so in order to create a listing you have to go to listenings and then click on add new so guys this is the place from where I can add at this thing inside your WordPress - good now we can also add a listing as a normal viewer or you can say a normal person was registered onto that website so I'll show you that as well with a few minutes so here you have to enter a title so let's say the name of our listing is so let's have a name of the listing is China Motel now here you have to enter a description now I don't want to type and waste your time so I'll just use sample text so let's say this is our website's description this is our listings description and let enter okay so you have entered it now you have to enter a tagline so how will they take an and look so I'll just show you so if you go to any of the current listings you will see a tag line so this is basically the tag line of a listing so you have to enter that so let's enter then you have enter the address of the hotel now since this is not an actual location I am just using a dummy location so I'll just enter something randomly and you'll see that the map will automatically select that location now if you want you can also go and manually enter latitude and longitude from Google Maps if you don't have the address listed and the pin will be shown there so that's how easy it is and as you can see the maps are also working perfectly now here you have to enter your phone number so for now I will just enter you have to enter your authentic phone number your whatsapp number then your email address and here you have to enter your website then your Facebook profile URL Twitter URL lengthen URL Google+ URL you can leave them if you want YouTube Instagram YouTube video there are so many things you see this option here watch video so this is the YouTube video actually and you help enter the link if so let me just copy this link for now and I'll paste it here so that our listing also has a video link and you can also see these icons here social icons and submit review these are the social icons whose link is going to be connected from here then the website phone number address so all of these options are available here and then if you want you can upload an image gallery so for now I'll just select something from our gallery so let me just enter a few images so all the images will be uploaded now make sure that you impress the images are now make sure that your images are compressed pop properly so that they don't eat too many of the server resources otherwise the website is going to slow down smash it is one of the good plugins I'll repeat it again smash it is one of the good plugins you can directly install onto your WordPress website and that will automatically compress images if possible I also show you that in this video so let's wait and watch now once you have added all the images you just have to click on save featured gallery this one looks odd or okay so now let's click on save featured gallery and all of these images will be added to our listing then if you want to show the price status you can show it an expensive moderate pricey then price from natural prices from 2000 to 3000 and if you want you can verify the listing make it claimed or not claimed then if you want you can also add frequently asked questions so let's ever first question is [Music] how many rooms are there so you can even add an answer to it and create multiple questions like these and multiple answers so I'm just creating some random questions so that our listing looks good and I can show you all the features of this website we are going to make and you can even add multiple questions if you want like I told you and then you have this option here to add your business hours you can remove it you can modify it if you want so you just have to click on this plus icon and that will be added if I'll make it Monday and I'll make it and I'll just click on add it will be added so this is how it works adding your business ARS then if you want you can even add your business logo if you have so for now I don't have a logo but let's use this icon this looks good as a low but this is not our actual lower this is just a sample now once you have added all of this information you still want to do something or add some some stuff you can add it here this thing is going to be displayed here so this is our website's description and this will be picked from what we enter here so if you want you can enter here you can even enter links here you can add headlines there are so many things which you can add to this block in which all will be shown here and then at this place you will see this option here to change your permalink to add categories now if you remember correctly we have made a lot of categories earlier so you want you can add those categories so let's say I added into hotel and then you can add tags now tags are very beneficial if you want to even further mark each category belonging to a particular text let me add it China so suppose this hotel is related to China theme so I've added a China tag so that those people who are looking for hotels like China they can go to this particular tag and search something related to it if you want you can add locations so let's add in to LA and there is this option here featured image now feature M is a featured image is very important for your listing I'll tell you why so just wait and watch for now and then if you want you can enable or disable reviews or comments so as you can see in any listing at the top you'll see this option right to review so if you want you can enable and disable that as well and then once it's made you just have to click on publish and the listing is going to be published and I will exactly show you how does that look so let's click on view list and now it is taking us to the list so as you can see that all the images have been added to the top which I added in the gallery field so all the images are loaded it looks very professional and very beautiful let's say these all images belong to this hotel imagine how good it is going to look so it's a very powerful theme you have this option here of watch video then the the text which I entered the epic use which I entered these are also available people can also rate us and write a code review so there are a lot of features available and it looks so professional and so great you will see this option here the maps are working perfectly now without any errors you will see this option closed now because the ours are exceeding because there are different dots but if you want you can go and change it then price range is also available this option is available to report any errors if there are any errors and if you want to send the message to someone you can send it now it's coming admin here because I am logged in as admin but the users own image and users own name will become in here so like I told you a lot of features are available when we try to create a listing just think how beautiful it looks to create a listing like this now if you want to add a review you can add it I'll just show you how to do that and then let's click on submit review if you want you can also add images ok so since we have created the listing ourselves we cannot post in a review but if we logged in from another account we will do it we can do it so for now let's skip this part but I hope you are getting an idea of how this thing works so let's go to our website now so that's it about adding a so this is how you add a listing so let's mark it then now from front end if you want to add a listing then you can go here and then click on add this thing and you'll see the same features from the front end you just have to first select a price plane now since it's free it has limited features but you can change these packages as well so let's click on continue and then you can add the title category description logo and if you want you can go to the admin area and enable what is available in a free plan and what is available in a plate plan so I hope you understand how this thing works I'll show you how this happens as well so let's go to our websites dashboard and then you can go to subscriptions and from here you can see if anyone is already subscribed or not and then you have to go to pricing plans and from here you can edit the plan so this one edit now you have to enable whichever thing you want to add or show in that plan so for now I'm adding all the things because I want to show you how to add a listing from front end as well so that anyone who comes to our website as a visitor and want to purchase a plan and add his or her own listing he can do that using this way now from here you can see people listing all package if you want you can do that you can enter the description the whole thing I'll show you this all in detail pricing pan configuration so for now let's skip all these details you have already seen how this thing works and let's click on update and it's updated now so if I go to this plan here this basic one will you'll see everything will be mark No so let's click on refresh and now we will see so as you can see everything is available now since everything is available there is no need to see the things which are not available so let's click on continue and now you are going to see a lot and lot of options so well scroll down you'll see City title tagline address website phone number working ass category price range description fa Q's Facebook social media length in YouTube and storm URL tags or keywords images business video business logo all the options are available now once you have added all of that you just have to click on save and preview and that will be added that said that's how easy it is for people to add a listing from front end so I've shown you now that as well so now go back to our list and let's mark it and since it's already done now it's time to show you how the editing of home page works so now in order to change the home locations you have to go to your website's dashboard and then you have to go to theme options now in theme options you have to click on banner settings so I am already on that page now now as you can see our current website has this type of banner so look carefully at this this is the type of search bar we are using this is the type of category we are using please take a closer look at the colors because in this option in this section I am going to show you how you can edit all of that so just wait and watch so as you can see we have this background image here this is our search bar with two options and this is our category section so now if you look closely at this option here you have to select the top header style so currently way so currently we have this type of understand if you want to remove these categories you can do that by just selecting this one and the categories will be displayed in this manner so if I just click on Save Changes I'll show you exactly how does it look so they'll go to the speech again once I've saved and I'll refresh it you'll see the header design has been changed so as you can see the header design has been changed and now the categories are coming like this so similarly there are a lot of options available you can select a big map here instead of this kind of background image in oil you can select categories which comes like this you can select categories which comes like this so there are a lot of experiments you can do by choosing any type of header you want now there are a lot of options with search style as well currently we have this type of search bar you can select a transparent search bar a complete byte search bar i divided search bar so there are many options available with search bar as well now coming to category Styles you will see this option here to change the type of category searches this is something transparent color background with another colored background and then this option here where there are no blocks and just a common colored background now if you want to change color in this particular thing then you can choose the background color of the category and what is the whole color of the category as well if you want to make it transparent you can do that as well so there are a lot of options available you just have to go and be creative and create your own style as per your own choice now you can change the text color as well that you can select the banner height opacity for banner background type static image or video banner even video banner is available that's amazing trust me video banner can add a lot of value to your listing website currently I don't have any video I would otherwise I would have shown you how would that appear and from here you can select the banner image if you would have done video then you'll have an option to select the video as well so for now let's stick to static image and if I scroll down then there is this option here could see listing on off honestly I don't know what does it do but probably if I'll just go and make it off I'll see the difference now I realize what I do so you can do that you can do some testing yourself since I don't want to make this video very long I'm just sticking to some of the basic things so that you can learn the basics and then test it out yourself then there is this option here banner taxonomy you can choose it should be categories it should be locations or it should be features currently we are thinking with categories because our homepage already have locations options just below it and other options thus below it the directories or not so for now let's stick with categories only if you want to change or remove some category or add some category you can do that suppose I want to add education category and currently you can see we only have these three categories these categories and there is no education category so if I'll just refresh it and if I reload it you will see that one more category has been added so as you can see education category has also been added so that's how simple it is to add or remove categories from this place here now if you want you can even add drop-down you can even add placeholders for such thing currently there is this placeholder example food service ba ba ba Hotel example food service ba ba hotel so you can modify that your city this option here your city then search top title search main title search main text banner arrow image options on so there are a lot of options available once you've done all of that you just have to click on Save Changes and you'll start seeing the reference so this was all about making any modifications to the home location so you can see the home page settings and the other things let's mark it done and now it's time to show you how to create a blog post so in order to create a blog post you have to put your WordPress website you have to go to pose and then you have to click on add new now here you have to enter a title so let's say our title is and then I have to enter some description so let me just mark a few parallel this I've added a few content to my blog post if you want you can even add images so let me do that so that our first thing will look good there are a lot of images available in the gallery right now for me so I am selecting it from mini library but you can select your own images you can even select the image size and these all things from here I also add a featured image featured images basically the image which represents this article so suppose if I copying so suppose if I'm showing some wear this article then featured images mostly ablai or likely to be shown with that as well you can add categories to this you can add text to this there are a lot of options available now once I have done all of that if you want you can add a banner image as well then you have to click on publish and that set your blog post is published and you can go to view posts to view how does it appear on your listings demo websites blog so as you can see this looks very neat very professional and very clean if you want to change or add this image in the background here you can just go below insert image media library select a good image let let me select this one and I'll just click on publish Amin and I'll go and refresh and I'll see a background image here as well so currently the size of my background image is not correct but you can do that you can do the modifications if you want so that's how you can create a blog post for your listing flow website so let's mark it done so now it's time to set up the contact page of our website so if you don't know where our contact page is located then you have to go to pages and then click on all pages now here you'll see this page contact if you don't see any piece then just click on add new and then I'll show you what you have to do so you have to give that page a name contact and then you have to go to page attributes and then select this option here contact page so this is how you create a contact page for your website now you don't have to write anything here or add any banner or something like that because the template of contact page has been already already provided by the theme so I'll just show you how does the template look so let's click on preview and this is how the contact page looks currently and now if you want to modify it what you have to do is rather than editing something on this page you have to go to theme options so now you have to select contact beach so here you'll see this option here contact with so let's click on it and here you have all the options to edit all the data on the contact page so suppose you want to edit your address phone number email this form the SMAP and you just have to go here showing height contact information then title for contact information address your address your phone your email if you want to social links on or off and then you can add your Facebook Twitter Google Instagram Tumblr YouTube link and Pinterest or VK URL and here took and then you have to click on Save Changes and everything we'll be reflected here now coming to form and map you just have to click on form settings and then here you have the option to set the title of the forum the message success message or failure message now if you want to make any changes to the contact map and you have to click on this button here and then you have to select the latitude and longitude which you can find from Google Maps and then you just have to click on save and all of these things will be updated now I don't think so I need to show you each and everything by writing the data itself because this is very simple you know you can change it using just some a few mouse clicks so this was all about how you can change contact page on your WordPress website in this thing Pro theme now let's go back to a tutorial and let's mark this done now it's time to show you how you can set up the blog page so if you don't have a blog page yet then you take then you can go to pages and then click on all pages now here you will see this option in your blog if you don't have a blog page then don't worry I'll tell you how to do that but before that let's take a look at it so this is how our blog page looks these are the options here and you can see there are a few dummy posts available and this is the post which I just created a few minutes ago and now I'm going to show you how you can modify all of these things and this page as well so if I go and I'll click on edit feet and you will see this option here that we are currently editing the page which shows our latest posts so there is no option to edit anything so how to create a blog page well just create the page name add blog or anything what you want then go to appearance and then click on customize now here you'll see this option here home page settings and then in the post page you have to select the page which should be your blog page so currently we have selected the blog page and that's why everything is think perfectly on the blog page now coming towards editing you have to go back in the dashboard and then you have to go to theme options and then you have to go to block settings so as simple as that you can even select block settings from here as well if you are already in this place now you can select the type of block view you want you want to have it a grid view or list view so let's click on list view and save and you'll see that the changes are reflected here so just sort of fresh it and you will see that the grids which we had ordered currently have been replaced by this thing now now you can select the grid view style if you want you can select place view and list view style so there are a lot of options if you want to add a sidebar to the right like we already have if you want to modify it you can select further at left side sidebar there are lot of options then if you want to add more details then you have an option to select the sidebar style as well then block detail template so there are a lot of options like I told you in the block page itself now suppose you want to edit the content of the sidebar so if you want to edit it you have to go to appearance and then you have to click on widgets now here you will see this option in a default sidebar listing detailed sidebar testing archives and paths so as you already saw this option there listing detailed sidebar should be shown there or default sidebar so you can see searches recent post recent comments so it is recent post recent code comments archives categories meta archives categories meta so this is our default sidebar now if you want to remove something let's say I want to remove meta I want to remove our type and I want to add let's say I want to add add and I want to add a text so I'll just drag it here and enter the site Ella's and I'll just use some dummy text so now you'll see that a lot of text has been added to the sidebar of this page as well so as you can see the test richard has been added so this is how you can modify the whole of your block page there are a lot of options available in sidebar as well you can select great view post your any type of you like you want you'll have all these options when you create a block page you have to just simply create a blog page and the theme options settings you can modify it and that said that's how simple it is so coming back to our video let's mark it done and now it's time to show you how you can edit the menu and the header options so if you don't know what the menu is I'll just show you so on our current web site you can see these options here so if you want to add anything to here like you want to add any more lengths you want to add submenu all the things that possible on this theme so in order to add a menu to your WordPress website in the listing demo in the listing protein you have to go to appearance and then you have to click on menus so currently as you can see there are many menus created if there are nothing if nothing is created and what you can do is you can just click on create a new menu and you can name it something and then you can click on create a menu and it will be created so for now let's stick to the menus which have already been imported so go to this one top and then I'll click on select now as you can see we don't have any options in this menu and it has been displayed only on the top bar menu if I go to any other menu like this one main and as click on select you will see that this menu has been desu played by on the homepage and this also does not have any links so for now let's add a few links to it so let's click on view all and you'll see all the pages of your website on this and now you can add them to this menu so what you can do is you can add contact blog dashboard home to your menu you can rearrange them if you want so let's make it home - good blog and contact now if you want to add some menu then what you can do is let's say you want to add this one as a submenu to contact page then you can just slightly move it over here and you can go you want to add this this this you will - you want to add all of these to some menu then you can do that by dragging them slightly to the right you want you can even change the sequence like I told you and then let's click on save menu remember that this menu is going to be displayed only on the home page if you want to display it on inner pages as well on the top bar menu as well footer as well mobile menu as well then you can do that by just marking them here so once you have done that you can go to your website and then you can go to the home page and you'll see that this menu has been updated on the home page home dashboard contact and blog so you can see that all the pages which I added here have been added here as well so that's how easy it is to create a menu you can in fact even add custom links you can add your blog posts you can add your categories there are a lot of options and menu as well now this is only appearing on the home page if you see it carefully like it was mentioned now if you want to add it now if you want it to appear on inner pages as well on the top bar menu cell then you just have to click on save menu and I'll just go back so as you can see now it is appearing on this place as well so that's how easy it is to add a menu to anywhere on your website and this theme you just have to go to my news and do all of this now coming back to head how are you going to edit this header section of their website so what you have to do is in order to edit the header you have to go to theme options and then click on header now again this theme provides you a lot of pre-built layouts which you can use for header I'll just show you and this is also very easy to use you just have to select them so as you can see they are they there are a lot of header layouts available our website is currently using this one as well as this one for the home page so you can select any one of these if you want there are a lot of options available for all of these headers and there is a lot which you can do with this coming below you'll see this option if you want to enable or disable the top bar you can select the colors of these all bars you can select the transparency opacity header background color had the background color inner pages had a text and border color so you can play with this and create your perfect theme and modify it according to your own choice and preferred colors here you can add your social media links and then you have an option to header layout you want to make it full width or box so full width is basically this thing here when your logo is starting from the very end of the website and the last button is on the very end if you selected in a box mode you'll see that the content is starting from here and is ending here see this thing here this is wool in a box the website has been divided into a box so that's how the box mode works and if you'll scroll below you'll see the home page logo so from here also you can change the logo of your website logo for inner pages your Fair icon so currently this is our fair I can if you want to edit it or change it you just have to click on upload and select and I can then click on select and this is now your five favicon if you want to select the page header background image you see this image here on all the pages if you want to remove that and uploading in their image you just have to select that image and then click on Save Changes and I will show you these changes immediately so as you can see this is our contact page the background image has been changed that's how easy it is to change the background image and you can see the favicon has also been changed so this was all about how you can completely transform your header of your WordPress website do the menus and all of these so let's mark this also done and now it's time to do the email management so I'll tell you what the email management is now our website is going to have a lot of users a lot of users are also going to register on our website we are going to add less things and do all of the stuff so there is email management required so that they can also receive email and you can also save email so what you have to do is you have to go to this email management and theme options and here you will see these options email address email from enable emails so you can see if you want to send someone email or an email will be sent on your behalf then it will be sent from this email here which you'll enter and you have to enter your name here so this is how email management is done if you click on yes you will see a lot of options again so there are whole lot of options and I'm not going to explain you each one of them in detail but I'll just give you an overview of how all of these options work so you just have to click on enabling emails and now you can select all type of emails which are going to be sent and received Nell recommend you to create do it yes because email management is required suppose someone comes to your website and create a listing and you don't know that there are ten listings added today there are five listings added today then there is no purpose of the website you are not able to track these details properly so in emails are required you can personalize them you can remove all of the extra content you can change them complete ts per your own choice you can see there are a lot of emails available because a lot of people are getting emails for each type of update for example on the top subject for new user notification content for you new user notification subject for new user admin notifications content for new user admin notification so now someone comes to our website and signs up then this is going to be the email which is which will be sent to them and this is the email which will be sent to us the administrator of the website now this thing here someone submits a listing then this thing is going to be shown to them so currently it's size is not big I'll just show you okay so now it's appearing so this is how the email is going to appear so this is customized HTML if you want to edit it you can click on this text button here and then you can edit it now there is a lot of basic coding involved you'll just learn it as well as you work with it you need to have a very basic knowledge of HTML if you want to edit it otherwise you can just go to as well and you can edit it directly from here as well as you can see I'm already doing it so that's how easy it is to make all the changes and do all the stuff so this is how you do the email management in the listing pro theme now coming back to our sheet let's mark the school management done you will go and you'll see that there are a lot of options for email management and you will see there is email management for almost every single step whenever you want to receive an update or send an update so I'll recommend you to go and check that out because not all of them are going to be useful for you but a lot of them are going to be useful for you so you should definitely check it out as well so now let's come to payment so suppose someone comes to our website and create a painless thing then how are we going to receive the payment so let's discuss that as well so guys now we have the email management and now it's time to do the payment setup and PayPal integration so so I am going to tell you both of this in continuation so let's go to our website and now here you have to say like this option payment settings on you have to click on it so as you can see these are the options for payment settings submitted listening should be approved by admin I'll recommend you to do it yes because what happens is sometimes people don't submit a high-quality listing the content is fami they are just trying to put spam content on your website damages are not good quality the textual content has spelling mistakes and so many errors so what you need to do is you need to click on yes so that you have to approve them so you can this go to listings and then you'll have an option that are they published or are they in the draft mode waiting for approval so you can do that so using this way you can manage your listings and then then you have this option here enable page submission if you want to enable it you should do it yes in ml recurring payment if you want to make it a subscription-based service then yes then notify users before 2 days 3 days 5 days before the billing cycle currency for paid submission you can select USD euro they are almost all the currencies available then currency position for pricing plan left right according to the symbols of that particular currency or checkout page you need to select a checkout page so you have to need you need to select the checkout page payment filled page so you can see all of these options are available here since we have imported the demo checkout pages even check out so payment checkout payment filled in payment success then you want to provide coupons to the users you want to do the invoicing so all of these options are available as well and once you do all of that you have to click on Save Changes and now it's time to set up the paypal or stripe or any one of these things so let's click on the PayPal here and here you have to enter your you have to enable it PayPal you have to make it sandbox all you have to make live sandbox is basically the test purpose and then you have to enter your username you your password of the EPI username API password API signature and people the same email so this is basically your sensitive information so I'm not going to show you my details of this I hope you understand that but what you can do is in order to get all of that data you can just do a simple Google search so you can do a simple google source of PayPal API credentials and you'll see a lot of blog posts which will explain you how to do it you can even just go to directly the sling and this hole and they'll give you your all of these details which are required to fill in yeah and it is going to be connected it is very simple so I don't think so I need to show you anything about it you just have to fill in these details which will be provided with from the PayPal side similarly you can select stripe and and stripe you can just select it live and enter your secret key and published key you can select why a payment or direct payment those are also good options you can select to check out that is also a great option on and you can go to text settings to add any kind of text if you want to add if you hand of GST if you have service tax where text in your country then you can add that if you want so this was all about female payment settlement PayPal integration and now it's time to show you how you can do the pricing plan configuration I already introduced you about it a few minutes ago so let's go to pricing plan options here so here you will see a lot of stuff paid claim on of pre category selection for plans month and NBA P month and year base plans so you can provide them different type of plans on monthly basis yearly basis or you can select pre category selection for plans that means the plans are created as per category you are providing some costly categories and some cheaper categories here you are providing them a monthly based plans yearly base plans or listing based blended power this thing you are going to charge $100 for this thing you are going to charge $50 monthly in the early based plans will add time limitations to them and there are a lot of stuff involved then you can even add plane paid claim on and off you can even add paid claims on north so there are a lot of options available in pricing plan as well now if you want to modify the plans or you want to see the plans then you have to click on this option here pricing plans and you'll see that there are already two options available since you have already imported it so if I'll go to my website so this is our pricing plan and currently we are providing two things one is basic and - nothing is written since the both are free I'll just remove the earlier one since we don't need that and currently now we only have one plan and that is this one and this is providing us all the facilities suppose if I go and edit this one then I can on and off something if I want so I will just remove this option of hiding here so that all the features are shown so this is our current plan right now free plan and I'll show you how you can add a custom plan of yourself now if i want i can limit functionality of free plan but since it's a demo video i am not going to limit any functionality let people use or any one of the features anyway because this is just a test website if you want you can add a background image and usual things so let's add a new pricing plan from here by the way if you want to add coupons then you can add it from here as well this is a great place to add coupons now this is adding a new pricing plan so give it a title so first one was free and this one is pro if you want you can select a background image and you can add custom fields if you want now what you want to give in pro plan so I want to give all of these features in the pro plan so I'll just mark them all so as you can see among all the features in the pro pen now you want to make a package or you want to pay per listing so the benefit of packages that you can add let's say 10 listings in a package so you will make a complete sale of a whole package suppose someone buys a package then you'll be able to purchase 10 listings all together 20 listings all together so for now let's paperless thing let's do it paperless thing if you want you can add a description and you can add a detailed description actually but right now I'm just adding a shorter one you can change the title background color so as you can see this one here has a black black background color if you want to change this one then you can do that I mean it green since money is green then you can choose the price so since I was using you versity I'll make it 49 USD for per listing and the duration what duration it is going to be lasted for so for now let's keep it unlimited and you can convert that listing in to continue the free plan after expired or the hot plan there are lot of things available you can test them out if you want I hope you'll understand by just reading the names all of these things so once you're done all of that you just have to click on publish and now you'll see that this listing has been created so pro plan basic plan now both are available and both are providing a lot of features so that's it that's how you do a pricing plan configuration so let's mark it done and now it's finally time to do the demos and ad management and how everything works so let's try it out if actually works or not this website so I'll just copy the URL of this website I'll open an incognito window and I'll enter the URL and now this is our website now if you want to edit it I have already shown you you can go to home page and edit all of these images and locations and all of these stuff so this will look a lot better you can add featured images to these things as well and they will also look good you can change all the images from the web site since the demo content was not import hadn't imported the images correctly so this is not cooking the best way it should but I'll make sure to modify it so that it looks the best so in order to add all this thing you just have to click on add listing and now you have to select the free plan or paid plan file click on this one it is going to ask me for payment information and registration and all of that stuff in the end but since I don't want to go for a paid plan because I hadn't connected my PayPal properly so I'm not sure this will work but if you correct if you collect Li connect the people it's definitely going to work and it's very easy so for now just for testing purpose let's go with a basic training basic plan and here you to enter your title and the tagline let me copy some text so that I can edit it in the description and phone number walking as a Gert category is it free yes a lot of options and different categories as well let's make it a restaurant then price range let's make it ultra high and then the description FAQ so I did too epic use you can add your social media URLs and if you want to add keywords you can do that and then if you want you can even upload a video when there are so many options I don't want to do all of that you have to enter your email for sign up so I will just add halyard rate of Amelia who's calm so as you can see that the listing has been made successful and now it's time to check it out so I'll just go to my WordPress websites dashboard and go to listings you will see that the test listing which I just created is in pending state right now I can go to preview it I can make any changes if I want and I can also approve it and disapprove it or whatever I want to do so in order to do that you just have to click on edit and then you have to click on publish and that said this will be approved and added to your website that's how easy it is to create a listing to edit the list thing so I hope you understand the whole process of how this whole website works and how all of the features of this website works if you have any questions or any suggestions you can directly comment them below and you can directly ask them we are always there to help you you can email us to hello at the rate of if you want to ask anything personally and one things and in the video I told you about one thing smash it plug in if you want to compress images that's a free advice I want to give you so you can just go to plug-in and then search for so in this search for smash it and you'll see this plugin is ranking here as much image compression and optimization they keep on changing their names so one plus many wrecked installations five-star rating 4500 reviews compatible latest updated perfect just install it and compress your images so that it takes less time and less resources on the server so that's it for this whole video so I really hope that you enjoyed this video if you have any questions or something like that even just ask in comments or hello at the rate of you can just mail it to us over there we are always there to help you so thank you for your time and go rock your website
Channel: eMediaCoach
Views: 16,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: make a directory listings website, make a business classified website, create, make, business listings, business classifieds, wordpress, emediacoach
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 2sec (6122 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.