How To Make A Membership Website With Wordpress 2020

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hey guys my name is Daryl and in this video you're gonna learn how to create your own personal membership websites using WordPress now in this video I'm going to teach you how to make a membership websites where your users can come and purchase a membership either on a monthly basis or a yearly basis or even offer a free trial for your users to decide you know if they want to join your membership website and of course we'll be using a drag-and-drop builder with tons of templates to make it really super easy so here's an example of course of some templates we can choose from we'll be using a free theme in this video to kind of help you all learn will be using also a drag-and-drop builder now let me give you all an example of what we're going to learn in this tutorial to help you decide if this video is for you or not so right here I want to access my courses and of course you guys can offer anything you want you can offer videos digital downloads you can offer cooking recipes or whatever you want to offer so here I have courses now I am a paying subscriber so I have access to Heather's courses so you can see that we have videos we have content right here and you can offer whatever you'd like you can offer again digital downloads videos basically anything that you want to offer your members now let's say I'm not a member what's gonna happen if I am NOT a member when I click on courses well let me just go ahead and give you a quick example really quick right here so I'm going to go to a different browser right here and pretend you know that I'm just a regular person shopping around and I want to join Heather's websites and I wants to get access to her courses so here when I click courses and I'm not logged in you'll see that I'm brought to this page instead so I'm no longer brought to that page where I can have access to her courses now I have to actually sign up and then I'll become eligible to watch one of her courses or participates in her membership service so we have a free service where people can join for free or we can have a recurring plan and then we also have a lifetime plan so depending on what you want for your website you can offer a free trial you can offer a recurring monthly basis a weekly basis even a yearly basis or you can offer a one-time payment which they'll always have access to your courses so we're again will be using a drag-and-drop builder very similar to you know just a drag-and-drop builder in fact I can give you a quick little example of it right here I'll just click on this edit with Elementor and just show you how we can you know just change stuff so Heather's amazing courses and then of course we can move it every one so I want to move this right here and so on and so forth so again you don't need any experience it's a drag-and-drop builder it's very simple to use so you want to go ahead and make a membership websites where people can actually pay you on a monthly basis a daily basis yearly basis whatever you want in fact I'll be showing you how you can integrate stripe and PayPal on your website so people can pay you for your membership as well because I know some of you might not know the money side of it the finance side of it so I'll be showing you how you can actually incorporate a stripe and PayPal with your membership websites so you can start making money that's why you're watching this right you want to make money so if you're ready to learn how to make this website let's go ahead and get started all right everyone let's get started so the first thing you have to do is purchase our domain and hosting so obviously your website comm or my membership website com after that we are going to install WordPress and again WordPress is the most popular system out there it powers actually more than one third of the Internet so once you learn WordPress you really learn a valuable skill after that we are going to install and use a free theme after we kind of learn the basics of that we're going to install a plugin which will allow us to embed our membership service that has a small fee after that we are going to create a membership website and I'm telling you guys within about an hour we're gonna be able to have our membership website fully operational up and running now there is a link in the description of this video it'll take you to a page where real printers are hosting and it'll take you to this page right here and this is Sai Chrome calm and psycho calm again is probably the fastest actually it is Adi fastest in fact I have a full another video where I tested psych round against I think was against let me see right here we tested it against 14 different companies and sycron came up as number one as the most fastest and they're liable with the best uptime as well so that's why I personally recommend the service because I've actually used it I've tested it and I know they're the best so you might see other videos where they say Oh buy this buy this buy that and they don't really test it no I really did test it I watched it for for the 30 days you can see right here you know since September 6th to this October 5th and cycroid came up as number one as the fastest because I want you all to have a very good experience with your membership website and again you can call them 24 hours a day you may run into problems in the future I mean every website and then randomly just sometimes has problems and that's okay you know you 24-hour customer support you'll call him they'll fix it right away now of course we have three plans we have the startup to grow big and the go geek and in all my videos I recommend the grow big because with the grow big option you get unlimited websites hosted rather than it rather than just a single one you know he'd also get more traffic to so it also handled it's a stronger server it's a good one you don't need the go geek this is for people like myself that are total nerds and have no life so I think mostly you just need the grow big right you know you don't need staging and you know PCI compliance herzen so I just get the girl big will go with the girl big right now all right we'll click on order now and go ahead and give your domain a name so this is what people are going to type in on the search bar when they go to your website so I'm gonna put in Sderot Wilson membership comm and let's see if that's available let's go and take a look alright it is available awesome okay so once you're here you're gonna go ahead and put in your contact information you're gonna put your client information and you'll put in your payment information right here as well all right and right here you're gonna put in your purchase information now right here we have a period now in all my videos I recommend the 12 months because the 12 months you actually get a very large discount in fact you went through my link you actually get 70% off and remember you always get a 30-day money back guarantee so it's not like this is a one-time deal breaker like the shark tank you know you can cancel anytime you want so if it doesn't work out for you within 30 days you can always get your money back it's not a big deal I mean not unless you're really really broke like myself alright so once you're done with that you'll go to extra services and guys I'm just gonna recommend this get the domain privacy what that does is that it protects your personal information so people from other countries aren't gonna send you a bunch of spam and and viagra offers and sex offers for dirty websites just get the domain privacy okay it's gonna protect you against a lot of spam and people will not be able to see a personal information all right now I already have an account with these guys I have an accounts but I'm actually gonna purchase a new account with you all and once I do that I will go ahead and make you on the next page so go ahead and fill this out and I will meet you on the very next page all right guys so I purchased my hosting package at Sci crown and I'm going to login to my hosting account so right here you'll click on proceed to customer area now right here this is basically their setup wizard where they're basically they want you to install WordPress and everything but right now I just want you to click on I do not want to set up right now and Rob makes on my login I want to show you actually how to install WordPress by yourself without using their setup so you'll always know how to install WordPress so this is your account and right here you click on my accounts you'll click on you know setup this is just basically your account right here so if you ever had problems with billing you go to billing right here if you want to add services you can go to add services and you can you know just browser on your account have fun and you know there you go alright so we're first gonna do now is we're going to install WordPress onto our domain so I here click on my accounts alright and right here we have our hosting account now we're here once you click on manage accounts well let's see right here if we can go to it looks like they're making us do this right here so it looks like I think we have to do that by default so it looks like that's probably a new service they added so right here we'll just you know just go ahead and click on launch setup wizard so let's go ahead and just click on I don't need help right now and then we'll click on confirm and then we'll click on confirm and complete setup so we're basically saying I don't want to help right now it looks like they're kind dirty they're trying to help their customers that's all cuz installing WordPress for the first can sum up be a little complicated now right here you click on my accounts and then click on go to cPanel right there alright and we're going to install a wordpress on our own so right here I'll click on pro Cee'd okay and this is your cPanel I'm sure you've all heard of C panels before I know it looks a little scary but don't worry about it all seem to do right here is we'll click on either WordPress or I think it's called soft a coulis it's the same thing so right here let's click on WordPress and this is an auto installer so we're just going to install WordPress on to our domain so right here just click on install now right here you can see the domain right there alright and then scroll down right here we have a site name and don't worry about all this we can change this later in the theme customizer here I'll go ahead and put patty-whack which is my dog and I'll put patty-whack or one two three here go ahead and put in your admin email make sure this is an email you have access to because this email right here will be the email where if you forgot your password that's where it's going to go right here we have the WordPress startup but I want to click that I don't want that and here I'll click on install and I'm going to install WordPress on to my domain it says like three to four minutes guides but it takes literally like five seconds it's really really quick ok so I installed WordPress now right here I'm click on a - WP dash admin ok so I was brought to the backend of my WordPress websites and congratulations guys we have successfully installed WordPress now if you want to take a look at your website you click on visit site right here and this is your site how it is live on the Internet so this is it this is exactly what it is and you know this is live on the Internet now there's a few things I want you to do first so I want you to go over here to settings and go to permalinks and right here I want to change this to post name and the reason why we do this is because it'll change it our website to you know your website - about us or - contact so it makes a little bit more sense to do that so right there click on Save Changes now if you ever want to change your password in the future over here under users click on your profile and if we scroll down right here we can see account management and new password so right there I'll generate new password so if you want to change something that's how you would do it in the future and I want to change this to midnight I like midnight I like I like seeing where I'm clicking at it likes make a little bit better see that we got the the pin color right there that's like a C that's like the pin color and then we got the blue color coffee that looks really old and ugly this one likes I think this one looks the best it's my favorite okay click on update profile now what we need to do is install a theme so right here go to appearance and go to themes now right here click on add new so when you install WordPress it always gives you a theme now how WordPress works basically is there are various themes and these themes are basically the decor and style of your websites now over here click on popular there's various various themes right here but one of the big problems is is that a lot of these themes you have to learn how to use the theme I like to use themes that have page builders embedded inside of them making it a lot easier now I have done tutorials on this one right here on various themes tons of themes but we're gonna use the Astra theme the Astra theme I find is probably one of the easiest for beginners and it comes with a lot of various templates other themes do as well I mean there's there's there's no right or wrong answer but I feel that Astra is perfect for this tutorial so we're gonna click on install once we select a theme and click on activate now right here it's saying thank you for installing go ahead and install these starter site templates I'll say sure I'll go ahead click on get started now if you ever want to get to that screen over here under appearance we have Astra options and right here again the same thing get started okay just in case just in case you don't know where to go so right here we have different builders and a new one that I really like is Brizzy and I will be having a full tutorial on Brizzy in the future but for this video we're gonna be using one of the most popular free page blurs out there that's called elemental and of course we have different different styles of you know of templates now they do have a pro version so the pro version will offer you more templates and it'll give you a little bit more flexibility as far as add-ons go that link is in the description below if you want to go ahead and purchase it but for this video we can use it just with the free version we're gonna have to use the pro version but their pro version is actually very good so if you want to check that out we can do that now of course there's various ones like we're here we have coach motivational speaker landing page the ones without the agency is the ones that we can use so you know just go ahead and take a look maybe you could mess around with it but for those of you I would like you all to follow the motivational speaker now I know most of you won't use this but once you learn how to use this you can use any template you want and then you can basically you know you can venture off and do your own thing from there but I just want to teach you the basics before you go off so right here it'll say install plugins now the contact form 7 is a contact form plug-in so it allows you to fill out a contact form Elementor is a page builder and this right here ultimate add-ons is one of their plugins they created I'll talk more about plugins in just a bit so right here just click on install plugins plugins are basically applications for your website that's really all it is like you know the iPhone has applications the websites also have apps so right here go ahead import this sites and basically saying that it's going to delete everything and I'm like that's fine our sites empty anyways it doesn't matter all right so it is importing our website so we're just gonna wait for a few seconds it's actually pretty quick and with our hosting it's even faster and of course you can kind of look at it you know this is the site's pretty cool you know it's pretty pretty nicely designed website alright cool it's done so done view sites and there we go so now we have our website up and running cool now there is one other thing that we want to do before we before we go and venture off to do other stuff is that I want to install a plugin now you see right here how this says not secure right here and if you go to another website like you know go to Yahoo you see how has that little secure icon I want to give that to our website so how do we do that we're gonna install a plugin so right here in a dashboard we're gonna go to plugins and go to add new now again plugins are basically applications for your website so this one right here helps improve your SEO this is a contact form this right here allows you to sell products this one right here is for security this one right here is for Google Analytics now the one that we want to install is called really simple SSL and you can see it has over 1 million active installs and this is going to force the SSL to appear so right here you'll click on install now and click on activate now right here just says we're ready to migrate your SSL I know this might being a little complicated but you'll only need to do this one time ok so right here click on go ahead and activate SSL all right and now we can go ahead and click on refresh and there you go now we have that lock right there so we have the secure icon right there pretty cool right now I'll just go ahead and have to enter in our credentials again so on with paddywhack one two three and again we can just keep working as usual so now we can see that we have our you know our stuff is logged in and everything's ready to go and our website is secure and the reason why I made you do this is because for one of our payment processors a little bit later we will need to have the SSL secured so that's basically why we have to have that so let's go ahead and just mess around with this front page right here we have our front page now right here we can just you know we can design it and decorate it I'll click on edit with Elementor and this is basically the page builder guys so this is just the you know how the site's design and everything now let's say you want to go ahead and add a section just click on this plus icon we can you know we can drag or we'll click on this plus and then maybe add in 3 little icons I'll click on this little nine icon right here and here we can kind of drop in an image box just drag and drop over here I'll drag in an icon list and click on this again then we can add in something right here like social icons so it's a it's a drag-and-drop builder and it's very simple to use I'm not going to go very very very far in this page builder because I already have two toriel's made you know made specifically for this page builder but you know I do recommend using their block system so right here we have the templates we have blocks and these are like sections so instead of like designing everything from scratch we can just insert the sections that they've made for us so you see right here there's the section also right here we have templates so over here under pages these are various templates you can use as well they do also have more two more templates in their pro version and their pro version actually pretty good it has a lot of other modules if you want to go and purchase that there is a link below to purchase that as well but it isn't required for this video so it's it's something that you can do a little bit later or you can just check out but I highly recommend the pro version so I'll show you little bit about the page builder you know we'll little mess wrong with it a little bit more once we design our pages but you know this is basically how you would design stuff you know you can you know change stuff around you can you know move this to like that's you know you can you can kind of design it however you want so I'll click on update right here and then we'll click on a view page okay so here's our menu be about the ebooks the courses the blog and the contact now really quickly I just want to make one page before we go on any further I want to show you how to make a page so right here I'll click on plus new and click on page and right here we'll do something like we'll make we'll actually make this our we'll make this our page where people have to purchase something on so the registration page register now okay and right here I'll click on publish now we do have some other options right here and I want to talk about really quickly right here so right here we have content layout now I think this is probably the most important one now right here I'm going to go to preview really quickly now you don't have to follow me here I just want to give you the this is like a crash course of how to use the page builder so later on you won't have that much problem so here you can see that we have the the title right here I don't want the title and you can see it doesn't go full width so what I want to do right here is I want to disable the title and I want to change the content layout to full width right here so full width stretched or we also have full width contained as well so right here I'll click on publish and I won't click on X and here I'll click on preview and now you can kind of see the title is gone and now the content is full width right there so right now what I want to do is say ok I've basically I've designed the page now how do I actually make it beautiful right here you click on edit with Elementor and now we can actually design our page so I'll just grab a template really quickly so of course same thing right here you can grab a temp or click on these icons and you can just drop in some text etc but I'm gonna go ahead and delete all this so I'll right-click and delete and I'll just use a template just to give you an example so right here we have all these various templates I'll just say I want to upload this one I'll insert it okay that's inserting and voila so now you see the content is full width and we can just basically say you know change this page and there you go so now you can kind of see that it goes full width and the title is not there so that's why we specifically made these options alright but um we don't really we don't really need this right now so I'll just go ahead and delete all this I'll just leave it like that make a beautiful website we'll just leave it like that all updating like that all right cool and we delete that so we don't need that all right so we'll come back to this page a little bit later once we actually kind of install the plug-in so I'm gonna go over here to let me see there I was weird well we'll come back to that there's a reason why it's not full width anymore alright so I'll go to home now the next thing that we need to do in order to make this a membership website is we need to install a plugin now there is also a link in the description this video and it's going to take you to purchase a plugin now I'm gonna go ahead and meet you there really quickly okay so this is the plug-in that we will need to purchase in order to have our membership websites now I'll be very honest with you all I've used probably for memberships I spent maybe $200 and I found that this one was probably one of the best ones out there in fact it's the number one best selling plug-in on code Canyon and I do my research you know in fact you can go to my account right here under my downloads and I really did purchase a lot of other plugins you know I purchase a are member I purchased this one I purchased member press and I found that this plug-in right here member Pro alter member Pro is the best one in fact if you go to code Canyon and you type in the best one this one right here comes up as number one it is the number one best-selling plug-in and it's very simple to use that's why I love it and you're gonna love it too so it is $39 and that's basically what you'll be required to pay and yeah I mean that's pretty much it so once you have this plug-in we can get our website up and running and ready to go now right here click on Buy Now of course you'll go ahead and purchase it you'll go to the process and once you do that it'll be available under downloads so right here you'll see the plug-in so I'm gonna go ahead and download this plug-in so right here I want to click on install WordPress file only okay so I'm gonna go back over here to my websites right here now I'm gonna go ahead and upload the plug-in so right here we go to my dashboard go to plugins and go to add new and you know all these notices are really annoying really super annoying so I'm gonna close all those notices your she notices guys on the backend just delete them all you know they're so annoying they're like oh don't forget to do this it's like shut up you know I I don't I don't need to be my mom you know come on what do you say stupid so right here you ha you'll see the choose file and we're gonna upload that plug-in on to our website now obviously these are not free plugins cuz it's a lot of a technology and stuff that goes into it so they're not free you know and you'll see why in just a second so right here under downloads we're gonna go to code Canyon or it's called code Canyon code Canyon here code Canyon ultimate membership Pro Plus plug-in stuff thingamajigger alright and I'll click on open and install now and the good thing about this plug-in guys is that it actually creates all the pages for us and it basically automates everything for us so we don't have to make all the pages from scratch now I have use member press in the future or sorry in the past and although I do like member press it is very expensive and they don't make the pages for you and it kind of is a little bit complicated this plug-in I found was a little bit more easier so right here I'll click on activate plugin okay now you'll need to enter in your license so right here it says check your license section and you will need to enter your license onto this plug-in right here you can get your plug-in or you can get your member your your license by going to your account right here and going into license certificate and purchase code and if you click on that then the actual licenses will show up right there now I can't show you my license because I don't want to ever want to take mine but that's where you get your license so wouldn't you do that you're gonna go ahead and copy and paste it and put it in right there okay so I went ahead and I activated my plug-in I put in the activation code and now I click right here on ultimate membership Pro ultimate WP alright so let me go ahead and just talk to you about what this is and how you can use it so first off we have users now right here obviously we have no users because no one signed up to our website yet so we have no users ultimate affiliates this is for another plug-in that they have we will not be using this in this video this is for something else completely different and they're just trying to upsell us so we don't want this either levels now the great part about this plug-in is that they have already given us levels and they've already created the plans for us so right here they've created a free plan so you can see right here we have a free plan and the billing type is free recurrences one-time and this is the link right here I'll show you how to embed short codes in just a second here we have a one-time a one-time payments of $10 all right and that's the code right there and of course we have recurring so this is for recurring payments so let's just go through this is go through the first one right here I'll click on edit right here so here we have the slug which is the link the label which is what's going to show we have the access type so we have lifetime limited and a date range so generally you probably want to put for free you know you can put lifetime or you can even put limited for maybe a few days right here saying I want this to be free for just seven days and after that they're gonna have to purchase one of other plans or they're gonna have to do something else we can always go ahead and do that as well so right here we have the custom WP rule this this is just the default register option for most users you're gonna leave that as default you wouldn't want to kind of it's a little bit more complicated but you can basically have certain rules for different user statuses but generally anyone who registered on your website we want to have the default register option available right here special weeks so again right here we have special weeks level work and base off server website time you won't need to mess with this that's why this is additional access settings now billing options right here we have free or payment if it is a payments how much does it cost well I'm just leave it as free for now okay show in subscription plan so we do want this to show up in our subscription plan I'll show you where you can get that in just a bit here it says free basically this section right here is what you're going to tell people about it so this is free free for you know whatever you want to talk about and tutorials and then the price text so how much does it cost we're just gonna put a sign up now and save level alright so that's basically just a free version now right here we have managed plans subscription so this is basically what it's going to look like so right here we have the free signup now remember how we just type that in free level tutorials you know content tutorials this is the second one and this is the third one all right and we there's different various styles for these so we have this one we have this one you have this one right here we have this one right here now you don't have to take off all of these so if you do want to take all these that's an option but we can also decide to take one course at a time so for example I'll go back over here to levels and let's say you only want to offer one plan you would just take the show cord right here and embed it into your site and I'll show you how to do that right now all right so let's go ahead and do that before we go ahead and login really quickly right here so let's go ahead and do that so right here I'll click on I'll click on courses and right here we have my courses now I want to edit this page really quick so right here I'm gonna go to edit with Elementor okay so here my scroll down now let's say I want to go ahead and put that shortcode somewhere where I can offer them a ten dollar course or a free course so right here I'll put like a free course and then right here you can add some description on it and right here I'll click on this and we'll take this text editor and I'll take this text and just simply just delete all this stuff we don't need any that stuff and I'll just paste the shortcode right there now right here I can put something like join now now this is one way on how to do it and I personally don't like this method so I'll be showing you another method that's a little bit more professional and cleaner but I'm just showing you how you can embed these and then we'll talk about a secondary way and then we'll talk about the tables as well so don't jump the gun I know this might seem a little weird but don't worry about it will will I'll show you different ways and better ways so right here I'm gonna click on preview pages and now you see that we have the join now and if someone clicks on the join now that we brought to a registration page where they'll go ahead and sign up for the service now if I click on this right here it takes me or it takes me to the same page because I'm already logged in there's nowhere for me to go I'm already a member but let's go ahead and talk about if we're not a member so let me go ahead and go back over here and I'll go too I think the domain is what was it a con it was almost the domain it's going to take a look really quick it was Darrell Wilson membership so I'll go to Darrell Wilson membership calm and here I'll click on courses and now you can see I have to join now now I'm not logged in so if I click on join now it takes you to a registration page and here I'll go ahead and register for it and I'll register for free and I can make an account so this is basically saying if I want to register on the page this is how I would do it alright so let's talk about another way on how we can do this so maybe you don't want to have that little dinky you know how we have that how it is right here like this right here I mean the join now it doesn't like that professional maybe we can even add a button there now we can so what I found the best way to do it is to actually just take the link right here so click on join now and we'll just simply copy this link right here we'll just simply copy that and now we can actually go back to our websites and we can actually use a button from Elementor so right here we have the buttons right here and I'll just drag it right there I'll eat all this stuff now right here we can put like join now you know sign up for free signup free and right here I'll take the link so I'll go ahead and paste that link now this is if you decide to use the page builder you know the the plug-in also has their own way of doing it but this is just another way on how to do it so I hear a click on update and of course I'm sure you all know you can design the color of this you can design everything that you want so I'll just put a green one I'll bet agreement I know that's really no I'll do black it'll do black that's way too tacky there we go alright so now let's go back to our website right here go to courses now I'm a scroll down right here now you can see that I'm not logged in and someone who just comes to this website can click on flat for free and there you go now although register for the sites they can go ahead and register for free etc and we can also change this register page as well you know we're not limited on that if you like this page we can change it as well if you choose to do that so that's just one of the ways on how you can basically incorporate your plans onto various parts of the websites now there also is the subscription plan showcase so again same thing this will actually take all your plans and put it together on tables and you can design these tables to however you want them to look or I'm sorry to their templates or you can go ahead and go through this method of basically making your own tables so I'm just trying to you know just trying to open up your head your brain to different ideas and how you can implement your courses you can use the page builder or you can use their templates now there also is pricing tables in the elements or pro version so when you do go to the models over here you will see pricing tables and those pricing tables can probably help you with better design in decor but for most of us or using the free version we don't have that option so if you want to go pro you can go ahead and do that the link is in the description below alright so let's go ahead and keep going so I've just basically shows you on how you can you know embed your plans now let's talk about levels so let's talk about how we can make different levels so right here we have recurring and again they give you the demo of basically how to do that so right here we have the slug they have the level label which is just for you we have the axis type so we have a regular period once a month okay and then right here we have the billing type payment right here they're gonna be charged for maybe $10 a month and we want this to be ongoing and then right here we have a trial trial period price so we can basically say if you wants to have a trial period of a few dollars we can go ahead and do that as well now we can also do 0 and what 0 will do is basically say I'll give you guys a 7-day free trial so right here you can see that we are offering $0 and this gives them a certain period of seven days so right here we can say something like you know free seven-day free 7-day trial or access to our courses and then right here will do free seven-day trial all right and then I'll click on safe so now if I go to the subscription plan case you can see that right now it says seven day free trial and it says sign up and after seven days then they're going to be forced to pay whatever fee that you want all right so let's go ahead now and maybe let's go ahead now make one from scratch so I've shown you basically how to make a free one how to make this one and then we obviously are recurring so let's do something of well do basically we'll do a I guess you want to do membership so we'll do a recurring one so right here I'll just do recurring recurring plan and then recurring and then right here we'll set a regular period of we can do maybe once a month which might make more sense because some months have 28 days and 31 days so usually the month-to-month is better because that will basically work with the calendar after expire move to will put them on the free plan so what this means is saying if they decide not to pay for their service anymore then we'll kick them off and put them on a plan but we can also force them to basically or not force them but we can cancel the membership if they decide not to pay we can also give them a grace period but I'll talk more about that a little bit later right here we have payment type so I want this to be a payments and I want this to be how much money should we charge them I want to charge them $20 a month on going with no trial period so I don't want them to have a trial period so I'm just not gonna fill any of this out if I do want to have a trial period I can say you get a three-day trial or I'm sorry I put 0 there sorry yeah put 0 so I'll give you a free trial for how many certain period days 4 days or you can put weeks for months or years and therefore now this status basically or this condition has a four day free trial but I don't want to offer that right now I want to just basically say you have to pay right now so this plan that we're making is charging people right away and right here we have our now what this says by subscription plan that's basically talking about the showcase so you can make various plans and then add them to the showcase you don't have to have each plan in the showcase so right here I'm gonna say no I don't want to add this in the showcase so this right here get get instant access to all our courses our video courses join today and then right here I'll put how much should we put 20 hours a month or 20 a month and I'll click on save level so now right here under a subscription plan case you're gonna see that this the the one that we just made doesn't show up because it doesn't we didn't add that to our showcase so if you do again want to do that remember just go over here and then we can go ahead and add that to the showcase okay and then it'll display right here so $20 per month you see that and again if you want to take this table somewhere we can just take this whole table and we'll just go ahead and copy this whole table okay so that's basically how you can make different plans so I hope that was pretty clear it's pretty simple to understand I don't I don't think I can go too far into it because it's pretty simple now let's just quickly add this to our page all right so let's go back to our website right here and we need to make a sign-up form so remember earlier I made that signup page let's go ahead and do that I'll go over here to register now and this is going to be our official page where people actually register on so right here I'll click on edit with Elementor and we'll go ahead and use let's see right here how we can do this there's various various various ways on how we can do this tell you what we'll do we want this to kind of match the the solid the core of our website so let's go ahead and I'm gonna copy this template you don't have to follow me here you don't have to follow me I'm just gonna do this really quickly I want to take this banner right here that's what I thought that's what I want what the banner you know what that it's already looks good so I'm gonna save that as a templates so right here in their settings I'm sorry this icon right here save this template and I'm gonna put right mr. register page and click on save all right now this is saved as a templates you can do that for any page that you wants so right now I'm gonna go back to my pages okay you're not to follow me here oh now you do so right here this is a page that I made and now I'm going to edit this with Elementor and I'm gonna upload that templates so right here I'm gonna close this click on this my templates and insert the template alright cool now it looks like we need to change this page templates this page template is contained we want to change this to probably full width so let's go ahead and do that really quickly page layouts Elementor full width and save let me go ahead and do that to the Pythian customizer so I here a view page edit page and then right here I'm gonna go ahead and select this page there it is full with stretched alright now I'll click on View page there we go alright so now obviously it stretched across the screen that's what the template means so alright and now let's go ahead and embed that link on to our sites so right here instead of my story I'm saying get instant access to our porches and I want to go ahead and I want to take that and I'm going to go ahead and paste it in there and I'm gonna delete all these other ones I don't want these and now this is pretty cool this page template really works now because below that we have feedback in reviews and what can I do for you these are basically kind of upsells so in ways this really does match well so right here I'll click on update and preview changes and now you can see that we have these signup forms right there we probably want to go ahead and get rid of one obviously because now starting to break down maybe we need to get rid of you know get rid of one or whatever but it looks like after three it starts to fall down a little bit but we can do here is we can probably make this page or make this one full width so right here I'll click on this icon and we'll click on stretch section full width let's see if that'll work right there let's see if that works let's see if this works right here I think that might work you know I'm a genius let's see here does that work preview changes yeah we might have to see if we can stretch it full width see if that'll work let's see if this works now there we go and now what we can do here is go to style and I'm sorry layouts and I believe we can set the position of this really quickly there we go and then right here style as well so you know I'm just a perfectionist guys you know have to follow me there I'm just you know I'm just trying to find out different ways on how to make it look nicer so you can see it looks a little bit nicer than before so right there we have our plans now let's go ahead and go back to our site and let's go ahead and kind of fiddle with the settings a little quickly so you go to view page alright no we're not done yet obviously we don't have the pages redirected they're not protected but it's very easy to protect the pages in fact I'm gonna show you how to do that just the bits so right here let's keep going so let's keep going to the options right here so you know how to do levels we know how to do affiliates so I've shown you how to do levels we just made one I've showed you you know the showcases the users let's talk now about payments so how do we make money with the sites well bank transfer is the worst one and we're gonna take that off we want to select PayPal you want to select a stripe these two are the best ones on this list because they're free and they're very simple to use so PayPal we're gonna go ahead and turn this on right here now what's your PayPal address so for those of you who don't have PayPal you go to and make a free address or make a free account and when you make a free account it's going to prompt you to basically make an account so right here you can go to sign up and you can simply just make a personal account or business accounts click on next and you can even make your account for free you're gonna go ahead and put in your email and whatever email you sign up with so remember this whatever email that you use that's the email you're going to enter over here and when someone pays you guess what it's going to go directly into your PayPal account and you can withdraw to your big account voila you made money alright so I already have a PayPal account obviously I have one for a long time so I'm gonna enter it right here now merchant account ID we don't have to have that now right here is the redirect page after payments so this is actually pretty important so this means if someone does pay you and sign up what page you want the them to go to after that so right here I click on Save Changes and we're gonna make a page really quickly so right here under pages we're gonna click on add new this is gonna be the Thank You page and right here we'll go ahead and select the option so disable the title and I want this full width stretched actually we'll just do full its contained and it'll do publish now I'm gonna click on Elementor and I'm just simply going to to grab a templates and we're gonna make that our thank-you page so I must scroll down right here now of course you probably want to design your own homepage from scratch but we're not gonna do that in this video because you know there's just it's I don't want this to total to be all about making pages I want this at all to be about memberships so I do have for the tours Elementor but it's pretty self-explanatory so what we're gonna do here is we're just gonna go ahead and grab one we will grab I'll just grab this one right here and this is gonna be thank you thank you and then that's it so this is our Thank You page okay that's it you know it's just thank you you know we can change the colors obviously to match our criteria of our website but that's just an 8 you know that's just we made a quick Thank You page so you're gonna go ahead and make your own Thank You page feel free to take the time to do that once we do that we're going to go ahead and then we're going to basically make the setting saying I want people to go to our Thank You page after they've purchased our plans so right here PayPal redirect to the Thank You page and voila save okay that's it we're done so we've set up PayPal congratulations now I hear again payment services will click on stripe now right here it says once settings are all done activate the payment for further use so right here we'll click on save now there is one thing that we need to do now for those of you who don't know it's stripe is stripe is a free payment option it's probably one of the best ones I personally use it a lot of my people that might feel like companies they pay me through stripe so that's basically how it works so you're gonna go to stripe com so right here stripe com do you see that and of course you guys can all see that I have you know I have a stripe account so right here under dashboard this is my account right here now what you'll need to do is obviously you'll make a free account they do have some you know you have to go through the process of verifying your account and everything but rest assured it's free and this service will take the money and deposit it directly into your bank account so you'll need to go to the account and the profile and you need to set all that up okay so I'm not gonna go into making an account because it's free and it's just you just got to do the steps they want you to do now once you do that I bet you're wondering how do I link this with my membership websites right here you can see it says secret key and publishable key what you're going to do right here I'll just test out up for now is go to developers and go to API keys and simply just go ahead and take this right here oh it's asking me for my password so right here it says publishable key and secret key you're gonna go ahead and copy and paste this stuff right here and that's it it links directly to your website so right here publishable key and then right here secret key and that's it and it will actually create recurring accounts for you so right here we'll click on Save Changes and there you go it's saved now if you want to make a live account so this right here says for testing data if you want to create a live website where people can pay you live with their credit card you'll just click off test view you'll take that off and then there you go just go to API keys and this right here is now your real information so if someone gets this information you can add it to your websites and then they can basically or you can basically add in stripe and then when someone pays you guess what it's gonna show up right here so it'll tell you you know how much money you have in your accounts when they heyyou etc okay so that's exactly how you link stripe to your website so right now it's officially linked people can actually pay us right now on the websites all right so payment services so we have our payment services all set up bank transfer take that off that's horrible you don't want them that's no one does bank transfers anymore what it was who would do a bank transfer like like the disaster we don't want to do that all right so the next option right here is inside lockers so right here you can kind of see they have different pop-ups and everything but I personally don't like this option you know the content is locked etc locker with form theme zipped I you know I I got to be honest guys I didn't really use this too much and I just didn't really feel I didn't really feel that I was gonna use it all too much but you know if you want to go ahead and mess around with these settings you can do that but for this video we don't need to have this option so I'm just going to skip its showcases so there's different ways on how you can design your register form your login form subscription your account page and everything so you saw earlier the registration form now we can change this to different styles so earlier we have this one we have this one and this is going to be your registration so you can go ahead and kind of mess around with this and see what you want on your sites so you can kind of miss all of these they have a lot of different templates I feel the best for let me see here I like that one this one's kind of clean you know blue basic let's see here standard I like the green one was a green one out of the placeholder theme I think this one's good I'll use this one right here I like this one that one's good so basically saying this is now going to be your template for your registration page and you can find that under pages going to all pages and simply going over here to the register page and right here I'll click on View and then this would be the actual registration page now the reason why we can't see it is because we're not like we're already logged in so if you do want to see it you'll have to copy this and go to a different browser okay so I know that that can be a little inconvenient but it's right here you can see that's I'll just refresh this page this is the same page and I'll refresh it and now you can see the register page has changed as well okay now I want to talk to you about really quickly on how you can basically have the ability to kind of customize everything and basically how you want it to look so over here under showcases right here we need a registration login subscription plan I've shown you how you can embed the short codes anywhere so what you can do here is basically take those short codes which would be right here you can basically edit the page of Elementor and then you can design your specific page however you want your registration page to look your account page to look whatever page you want to look so simply design the page such as your login form this is the shortcode you can design the page from scratch by going to add new and page you know make the for how you want it to look and then embed the shortcode anywhere on that page and I'll show you how you can assign the pages next okay so I'm basically showed you all how you can design any page basically you know just simply take this and then this would be your subscription plan this right here the next one would be your account page your members page so if you want to design it from scratch you go to add new page element or make the page and then put the shortcode anywhere you want okay so we'll talk more about how you can assign pages a little bit toward the end of the video and then we'll talk about obviously the most importance on how you can restrict pages social login we're not going to do social login I'm not going to make you all create an app for its coupons you can always create a coupon as well so let's say for instance you want to give somebody a coupon code let's see generate so I'll just put like Darrel 10 this gives you know 10% off your membership this is great for Facebook this is great for putting in on social media right here we'll just say you can either offer a dollar amount or a percentage so this right here would give 10% off this right here would give $10 off so it's a pretty big difference and then you can also give a date range of these coupon codes so you're saying this coupon these coupons are only good for a week and a half right here a target level you can you can select what plan you want them to be available for so you're going to say for our gold membership this quantico will give you 10% off only our gold membership but I'll just put all of them and then right here you can say this coupon code will only apply to your first month just once or if you have a lifetime access it'll apply it to the lifetime axis if you have a monthly subscription it'll just apply to them the first month but if you want to apply it to the entire thing you can put forever so this basically would give you 10% off whatever plan you want and then that basically tells you how many coupons were used all right and when people register it will show a coupon section and I'll talk more I'll show you at the end I'll show you at the very end here we have lock rules I'm not really going to go too far into this because I want you all to use the pages this is more of a kind of like a kind of a global feature but we'll talk more about how you can restrict pages and make it really easy payment history you can see your orders right here notifications these would be notifications such as emails so you can kind of go through this you can kind of edit them and make them however you want them to look but I again by default they do a really good job at it I would really just leave a blank not unless you really know what you're doing magic features well here we go we have some magic features they have other various options you can go through I'm not going to go into any of these because this is horrible can end up being five hours long if that were the case and I know most of you don't want to do that right now are here we have general options now this is a very important part of the video so we talked about how we made a register page how we made a subscription plan page and everything now we made a custom register subscription plan didn't we so we would need to do right here is select this as the default one so remember earlier how he made the register now as our subscription plan page so that now is the default one and that's very important because next we're going to create rules and those rules were basically redirect people to those specific pages so you want to make sure that when you do create a custom page that you need to assign it here or else it's going to assign them to the default one that comes with the plug-in so that's a you know it's a pretty important part that you might want to consider also default redirects so after logging out do you want to create a custom page for them after registration do you want to create a custom page after they register or after they login now these are pretty much default right here so after they login it lets take them to their account page and everything so again when you do create custom pages you need to assign them here and they will display right here okay so if you create a term to the service page you need to assign that everything else remember we did make the register page so we need to basically change that so again I cannot stress that's very important because you don't want them to go to the wrong page alright so now let's talk about how we can restrict content so let's talk about courses so right here let's just pretend that this right here is is our courses page and here there are this is basically the page you want to protect so we're gonna add in videos so let's say for instance right here we have a video that you made and you want to protect those videos or you want to offer digital downloads or whatever so over here I'll just take this you know I'll just I'll make a quick little video right here I'll just delete this really quickly I'll just say this is our protected content so this is what people are paying to see okay and then I have a video right there or you can make whatever page you want obviously this right here obviously was earlier so this is no longer going to be our courses page this is going to be our protected page alright if you want to add anything else you can go ahead and do that if you want to offer digital downloads I do have a tutorial on how to basically embed zip forms so what you can do here is I'll show you really quickly now I'm not going to show you how to create a zip zip file but I will show you how you can add them to your site because you might want to add files as a part of a you know a part of a membership right so to add a file I use the zip folders and you'll go to media and go to library now you'll need to basically create a zip folder so whatever is it for that you have you're going to create that on your own and then you're going to add it here so I'll go ahead and do that in fact the the Downloads that we used was a here I'll use this right here the bloom plugin you know so maybe you want to offer a certain file so here we go the bloom plugin I'm gonna go back over here to my pages or I'll just go to visit sites go to courses and I'll simply go ahead and embed that in alright so right here I'll just put a button right here now you need to take the URL of the media and place it right here under the link so let me Oh should I should have gone back over here so media the library I'll select this file and when you take this URL okay this is the euro that you wants and paste it there and click on update now whenever someone comes and they click on this button they're going to receive that downloadable file and you can test this by simply just going to view page and clicking on the button there you go see now the file has downloaded for the user okay now let's talk about again the most important how to protect this page so over there you are up here you'll click on edit page now you're brought to this page right here now this is again it's probably the most important part so right here show the page only for who all users registered users users on the free plan this plan or the recurring plan or this one right here so whatever plan you create you're gonna say ok users that the users that purchased the recurring plan will be able to see this page now if they are not a member of the recurring plan so they cannot see the page I want to redirect them to the register now page okay so now basically saying that if they are logged in they're going to see if they are I'm sorry if they are on this plan they will be able to see the page if they are not then they can no longer see the page so let me give you an example right here I'll click on View page now as an admin you're already basically an admin you're already a member so right here click on courses we can see the courses however let's take the same URL and go to a different browser and see if that's available so right here I'll click on paste and again that's the same exact page and now you can see that it's taking them to our subscription page that we created so now you can see that it's taking us to this page where we have to purchase the plan right here so they'd have to purchase this plan now obviously that pabe looks a little messy and it's not showing them exactly where to go but right here you can kind of see okay you know it took them to this page and remember you can design this page however you want it to look but you know so your user can make a page or make an account so I'll say okay so you'd probably want to tell them that you know they get access to certain pages on your plans you know so make sure make sure you're very thorough on that so obviously it was for this one right here I'll sign up and then I'll put Darrell Wilson 99 and then this would be our email I'll put my other one my secret one tacit ro3 yes I'm a Starcraft player I was and then I felt the other one was just I don't know it's just it sucks a new one I don't know it was a good one I actually I liked it just got really old really fast and now you can see right here that we have payment type so they can either pay with PayPal or they can pay with stripe and right here I'll go to I'll just simply just go to register and safe now your users will be prompted to go to PayPal and where they can go ahead and they can purchase this plan and then once they are done filling out all their information it will redirect them to the Thank You page for right now I'm gonna click on cancel and return to Darrell Wilson see that's something weird there I'll just click on back twice alright so basically let me go and do that again there we go sometimes you know PayPal is weird it's supposed to go back but that's a PayPal problem that's not our problem you know and I hear I'll click on stripe so I'm saying okay I want to pay with stripe and they'll go to register and then there you go now right here we can actually show you what this looks like so obviously you'd want to change the plan name to recurring doesn't normally look right right so right here on sir on our information this is a really modern form you know it's really modern it looks great you know I like it you know so Hiro puts 10 and then 22 1 2 3 remember me and then I'll put a phone number one eight eight eight three three three four four four four hopefully that's nobody's number all right and then right here I'll click on pain now now remember I'm in test mode right now so I'm just testing this now if you want to take it off test mode again I showed you how to do that earlier so go back to that part and pay now okay so it looks like it's saved before obviously so I'll need to make one more again so sorry when I did the PayPal it registered as meeting council have to do it one more time so here I'll do Darrell Wilson one two three PokerStars I don't want it's my really old one paddy whack paddy work one two three had to told you all my password and then register and now let's go ahead and do this one more time all right so it looks like now it was correct everything works and right now the money will go directly into my stripe account in fact we can even take a look at our stripe account to see if the payment was made so right here dashboard refresh let's see right here Oh view test data there you go today we made twenty dollars all right congratulations we just made money awesome so you can see it's working it connects with stripe this is Toral's awesome better make sure to give me a thumbs up and a thumb and and everything else we've just successfully created our own membership websites so whenever you go to your pages on this on this on your website you need to make sure that you assign the pages so let's say for instance you want to protect the ebooks page you go to ebooks you click on edit page right here it says show page only for who show page only for certain people so this is how you protect your plan and again you can basically say if they are not a member we need to redirect them to the register now page okay and this right here the this is basically say this is our global section so well click on this it'll take this to this page again okay so this right here is more for global and if you want to get very in particular about each and every page you can go ahead and do that right there that's why I really like this plug-in I think it's really good so the ebooks page is the one that we're working on before and this right here will just basically say you know the these are the the main ingredients right here and um yeah I mean that's pretty much it I mean that's basically how you'd make a membership website they'd have to be member to watch the page I showed you how to integrate it we tested it the payment works that's basically it guys so you have any questions guys about anything feel free to let me know in the comments below also make sure to check out the Elementor pro there is a link below and also the Astra pro if you want more templates that link is also in the description below hopefully by now you can get your membership website up and running I really appreciate you watching this video make sure to give it a big thumbs up and a tell your mom tell your friends that was a great video and I will see you all in the next video everyone take care
Channel: Darrel Wilson
Views: 151,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: create a membership website, make a membersite site, start a membership website, membership, wordpress, darrel wilson, how to make a membership website with wordpress, membership site, create membership website, wordpress membership plugin, membership plugin, wordpress membership site, wordpress membership
Id: qRla6vr3KBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 19sec (3919 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2019
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.