How to Create a Directory or Listing website with Wordpress - ListingPro 2.5 Theme 2020 (Part 1)

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hello and welcome to the overnight coder today we're gonna be talking about the listing Pro theme listing pro 2.5 is just release a lot of people ask me for tutorials and while there are plenty of tutorials on listing Pro the original version I just figured now is a better time than ever to cover the listing Pro 2 point 5 the features everything from start to finish so if you're looking to start a business directory or a listing website you're in the right spot so we're gonna go over that let's jump right in so as you can see listing Pro currently this is their preview on theme for us just so you can see the different options that they have you have classic places pro and restaurant Pro and a real quick and when I say real quick I just want to discuss these different options that you have and what the theme actually does and then we'll go into installation demo import and all the theme features so feel free to check the links in the description so you can you can jump around as needed maybe you don't need to see the details maybe just need to see how to actually function around and some of those theme settings we'll get right to it so if you can see the classic version looks like this I'd prefer the classic version law and some of the sites that have already built for users customers places Pro just kind of defines letting you create and find different places and then restaurant Pro these are just layouts so you of course you don't have to do just restaurants they're just different types of layouts that have already been easily access to templates that they've set up says they're easy process to get you start in two minutes it has a bunch of different fields and things that you can do users can submit listings there's a bunch of different ways you can monetize this website as well which is I think that'll be the key with most companies will just want to start a site we want to monetize or or sometime get those leads and any fashion that we can do that there's dashboards for users and business owners and just a bunch of other different options they claim that you know a bunch of sites use this including yellow pages so their their sub directories are actually using this as well Yellow Pages Serbia and a bunch a bunch of different other other sites are definitely using a solution just like this so let's jump right in there this is the actual classic listing Pro theme so they let you preview the theme and I just want to show you some of the features this is where I'm located so it's got GPS and IP navigation so our relocation so we will actually tell you you know where you're at if you want to discover something near you you don't have to do this you can also you know do something wide-range discover the world or anything that you would like to do there lets you search around kind of let you pick different search fields and you can customize these with with a couple different plugins as well if needed obviously here they've got just some some categories that you can jump right into scrolling down that homepage there just got happening cities this is just default I don't really use the default for stuff like this but you could they're going into you know a little bit of monetization or how to promote business you owners sign up here you know get started today business owners can claim their listings and make sure all their information is correct um in the long run while I start with this I've also found out that I've used the system to import listing so when I first started I didn't have any listings other than testing listings I was able to actually go over and import more than I want to say about three hundred thousand listings that I was able to import from Yellow Pages yo and I could have done a lot more than that or a lot less than that maybe my niche was only restaurants in Detroit we could have done that as well just got to lay out just some of the things you can do a little bit of the testimonials it's got a blog section which I'm not currently using but definitely have that there and just the basic footer but they have a bunch of footer options as well just to show you one that we're working on which again I coded multiple ones of these just so you can kind of see the direction we're going we're doing the same top with the services we're gonna go with the first call to action as business owners get more leads today and you can add free listings you're gonna pay listings and it has a bunch of different features that you can offer with free or paid as well so this is our first call to action making money and then letting people find you know some of the best things in town obviously just a great great great spot sorry you had to see that but just the space for something else that I wanted to add in there and then I decided to use the same format they had on their page as well latest post this is the first site that we're actually gonna use latest posts on and yes I know you see the share stock images but those are great just trying images before you launch just to kind of see what it's gonna look like you know before you go out and buy those shutterstock or or those custom images or before you decide to search for this custom images or use those images from your clients websites this is the first one you that use there and then a little bit more of a in-depth footer here we kind of like the the layout on that one as well let me jump back I want to show you what some of these some of these features look like so if I were to go an automotive you can kind of see that all my automotive things would be here it's gonna map now there's just multiple layouts you can use but here's one in two but they they actually have something where you don't even have to use the map which I've chose not to use in worldwide so you know just having things all around you know the world that makes sense to me and just the niches that we've ran but just so you can see they also offer the ability I know it talked about monetization but here's an ad which you know you can set users to either pay for an ad or if you have your own companies you can set yours to ad which show above the rest rating systems categories obviously excerpts let's take a one I think look at one of these again we're just going over how the layout feels what it does how much you can search here's one of the listing pages with multiple pictures up top it's got a bunch of information even have the book now you know so you can actually book goes on into normally a map here when your Google app is correct and they've also started using open maps so if you don't want to use Google Maps I think Google Maps gives you a three hundred dollar credit a month and so far on my listing pages we're not really going over that three hundred dollar credit a month so it's always free but now they've been more are implemented open mats which is a freer service or a free service that you can use website contact information you don't have to have all this but you can have all this and this just gives you an idea of things that you can do within listing pro at listing here's their payment plan page you can set this up to whatever you like you know different options and features that you can either allow hide you don't have to have a big box like this I think on ours we have like four and then everything plus free but you know you've got the rest here so it kind of gives you a good look and feel of the different types of plans you can have you can also add ads making that ads the listing pages category pages things like that if you're looking just to monetize that way TripAdvisor things like that so that kind of works - pretty extensive but let's go more into some of those features so here I have we're gonna start with the install I've just got a subdomain here so just a blank site I'm gonna go in and I have a couple tutorials on installing WordPress if you want to see how to do it manually or automatically I'm just gonna go over the automatic way make it real quick and easy so we can get WordPress installed and start with importing the theme so I'm not really gonna cover this too much in depth just gonna kind of show you how I'm using one of the managers to create a wordpress site we'll double check that the WordPress site works and then we'll get them to the theme installation from the theme installation we'll go over demo content and importing that demo content nice my details is displayed right on screen I love it we're gonna paste these off-screen don't worry I'll change those no need to a treasure pack my site that's not gonna exist double check that link and make sure WordPress is installed we're gonna go over to the dashboard WP dash admin and login perfect I guess we'll update this now that we're here we might as well perfect appearance themes and I tried this automatically depending on the server that I'm using it might work upload 3-mile already downloaded the zip file from theme forest which we are gonna see here that doesn't work we'll do it manually and I've got tutorials that cover this as well not just uploading WordPress or getting WordPress on your server I also cover and one of my videos covering how to install a theme automatically or manually depending on your theme server sometimes you might have an issue it looks like this one is fine we're also going to go back to themes add new we're also gonna add the child theme so if I make any changes we'll make those two the child theme not sure that I'm gonna make any changes in this video but and just so you can see that we are doing things right we'll install that child theme uh normally this is where I activate the child theme and I would end up deleting the other themes because I don't need them I need the the actual listing Pro theme I need the child theme but all those 2019 themes I would actually get rid of just for times sake I popped up with the easy set up just gonna click start okay so this is a new thing that used to only offer WP bakery support but now they offer Elementor support because I like elements or much more than I like WP be bakery I'm gonna go with minutes or and I haven't done this before but we're gonna know we'll check it work so I'll click Next from here if you like WP bakery by all means go with that this is asking me some of the plugins I want to install these are actually necessary so it's got those yes I'm ready gonna go down adding your plugins that you're gonna need so again you don't need any additional plugins if you don't want there are a few that I would recommend like caching and things that nature I actually use WP redirect just to redirect from some links to other links some things I wanted to have fun with but again in the base install and to do everything that you need you really don't need any extra plugins so if you're a beginner don't get too scared I'm just clicking buttons I make it super easy for you I like the classic view we already went over that I could preview it if I want but it looks like it's selected so I'm just gonna hit accept and then we go into the content you want start this site dummy content I tried to skip this step if you were trying to design it from scratch that's gonna be more from existing WordPress and elements or users or WP bakery users that are really comfortable with just designing this stuff but with that being said a lot of this stuff is gonna be drag-and-drop so you can always drag and drop but there were some things that just didn't function right when I did skip this step and just start I didn't know the shortcodes I didn't know this I didn't know that so for now we're just gonna import contact make make it super easy keep in mind before where my site looked like this we've uploaded WordPress it's gonna look a lot differently my awesome slow server it's just a buddy server we're actually in the process of moving over to site ground free plug my purchase code so I want to take this off screen just so nobody can see my purchase code I don't think they black this out in just a second copy that search code we're gonna paste this on a different screen but it's also got instant mode I'm going to select it to test site and click activate congratulations your site is now active sorry about that so from here let's just check out what else it had ahead dashboard this is a new feature this wasn't on there before kind of just gives you an overall what's going on from the admin side some add-ins add-ons that they they not only are required but some that you can get for free I believe the appointments and the listing Pro lead form our new ones which you could always just click on install but this video this start not going to go over that the visualizer this allows you to enable some other options as well we're gonna leave those alone just take a look at the website and see what it's done I'm gonna refresh this perfect so this is almost exactly like the demo as I look down I see a couple categories look like they're blue light blue so they're not showing up I probably fix that make sure those are white but you can see they show up on their own gray so couple issues here but we'll fix those and there you have it super easy let's see what the I'm listing page does just for kicks demo page already sets up some listings I like it so there you go out-of-the-box ready to go now let's talk about a couple of the features so as we go back here we're gonna see some new things are added to WordPress if you're not familiar with WordPress I can tell you that listing Pro CC matter of fact I'm gonna click on dashboard so you can see listing Pro CC was added all this was added elements or templates goes to Elementor and those have been added as well theme options at the very bottom has a bunch of new theme options that we can play around in as well so listening Pro CC I almost want to say this wasn't here before maybe it was listening Pro because they've added the submit form and multi rating but let's take a look listings whirl or listing these housings will be pricing plans or the pricing plans that you seen that you can set up ads we don't have any ads right now but we can we can definitely set these up as well so let's take a look at some of these features so we can kind of get a good feel now if you're new to WordPress now this video isn't really dedicated to people that are new to WordPress but I already noticed that it says my WordPress site and it says just something after that so right here at the very top I want to change that I want to go into settings and then under settings you can go through all these general settings and I'll show you a couple that are really important with new sites like this one BAM I don't want that there I want you know my site is called view lock so let's just call it be lock and of course this one's not so what's coming sorry overnight coder tagline free tutorial with a lowercase u you can go through the basics my email some of my time changes and just like save another one I like the changes we're living through all I'm just kind of making sure we're there about reading static pages showing homepage if I had a post or blog page I would set that to the blog page which we do so we're gonna save that change as well how many pages are blogs and one show on that page 10 discussion discussion I really don't use as much permalinks I definitely use so with permalinks when I go in to permalinks I like my stuff not to look like this I like it more to have the name in the title so I'm gonna switch over post name and click Save listing pro wizard okay I didn't updates or we're not gonna use that that's obviously a new feature that I was just checking out but no but look at my website remember that title was at the top I just want to get rid of that right so now it says overnight coder free tutorials and has the information I need also when I click on a post my post if you look at the Earl it's gonna be a nice Earl so it's not you know listing P equals one two three you know some query so I kind of like that but if you don't like it you can go with something else more importantly the way to start with these themes is I usually just jump right into the dashboard how I went things look so do I like the header the header is good I'd rather have a menu here and we'll keep that in mind so you know I like a menu here kind of offering some some different options not just if I go to this and incognita this won't be my username that'll be like a sign-in button so I want to show you that as well we're in incognito and I opened up a page so we're not logged and you can see the sign-in button here how does the Sign In button work BAM you can also use next end a social login which will allow you login with like Facebook and Instagram or Google or things like that and that Instagram I'm sorry but we'll be adding those as well in a later date so just so you can see not full menu but it's kind of got you know sign in and add listing page all right I like the kind of way this looks as you seen on my demo site I don't like the happening cities just with what I'm using I don't want people to look at different cities just the way I'm using this now if I was doing like a Detroit based only you know listing well maybe these would be you know places inside Detroit you know whether it was cities whether it was regions whether it was States in the general area you can do whatever you want not really I'm not some really keen on this so in the future we're gonna remove that but as you guess this is the homepage so remove these features you would actually edit the homepage except for the banner at the top the banner at the top the menu that's all gonna be done in theme settings so let's jump right in and start changing some good overnight I'm gonna go down to theme options and I think I just want to work from top to bottom so taking a look at some of these options just so you can see what's going on we're gonna wait for this page load and it immediately pulls up the general tab my primary color well as I can see around here my primary color is that light blue I am gonna go off the wall and pick red I just select you can also put in a code you can also pick from the millions of colors that you can possibly pick or predefined colors and I'm gonna go with that a secondary color you go on a secondary color you want to use it you know where it's used at what I'd like to do is if I don't know where colors use that I'll just grab a bright color so this is the up go all the way up on the opacity and then just pick like like a pink you know that way and I'm just giving you a future reference so if you do something like this you're gonna be able to see where that second color is used now because you're not really gonna use well maybe you will but in most cases I'm not using pink on on most websites so I would use that and just kind of see what I want but for now we're just gonna go with like a darker flag gray black maybe that's fine you can obviously read these and they have a lot of key tips I want to go over down some a few of these like page titles are h1 if you didn't want to enable page titles as h1 you can turn that off it's a sign up user name field a lot of times I'm using these off because my site is secure normally right now you're not seeing a secure site but I really don't like them to fill out passwords here like I'm going to be able to go into their email create the account and be able to do it their currency symbol if you're in a different you know currency bracket you can you can put your currency there just keep in mind this is a few of the examples custom CSS I use this a lot this is where most of my CSS goes I know I could do this somewhere else but I just I want everything inside the theme and this will be more like my custom CSS goes now a lot of you guys might not be using custom CSS if you're not a developer but again I just figured I'd cover this custom JavaScript autumn location for banner you can deterrent take that Auto location off but more importantly I want you to read through these I'm not gonna read them for you but you can set your different types of auto location the key things are remembered here that this one you have to have a pop-up it's displayed to the visitor and if they decide to agree to the pop-up then you can display their location it's kind of like Facebook saying hey can we use this and they give you a pop-up no you can't use that and then unfortunately GPS is not going to work this one user consent is not required in the browsers and Papa's displayed so I tend to use this a little bit more just because you know I'm already giving them a pop up for allowing notifications and stuff so I'm tending not to use the the GPS base I'm using more the Geo IP or IP app I remember any time you make changes just click the Save Changes not the reset section before reset all which will reset all your connections so I am gonna save cuz I've got a red in there and we'll go back and see what it looks like in a sec but just to kind of cover a little bit of the rest user dashboard a user dashboard covers everything in their user dashboard so let's talk about that if I go to the dashboard I'm logged in I click dashboard from the top as you seen I've got the custom red color that I picked and this is everything in the user dashboard right now I've got dashboard I've got announcements so if I were to add a listing and I have my listing up if there's any announcements that I want to add or events that I want to add or coupons or menus that I want to add all I would have to do is come in here and add new and of course these will all go by one by one and we might come to these at a later date but they're pretty descriptive you know if you have an event select event and if you have coupons create coupons you know and it's all select listing these will be all the listings that I currently have which obviously as the admin I have all the listings because nobody's important any listings this is gives you a perfect explanation 40% 646 percent off one large specialty pizza your coupon code and how much it's worth either its dollar percentage or it's a percentage percent coupons start dates and end times those are key if you don't want to offer them all year long just have one day sale that's great click here and again these will show on your listing so the listing that you selected will have a coupon date if you wanted a feature image here you go more importantly listings jumping down these are all my listings I can do a bunch of different things with these listings once I add one listing so that's it you'll have multiple listings but as the admin I tend to maybe a business is one or two listings that they want to add and the things that you can do or edit remove or change the plan obviously if you change the pricing plan you may have to pay more depending on if that pricing plan was more or less and it'll go all into that with more screens but as you can see here I can edit or remove the listings or key in boxes if I get messages you know people people can send me messages invoices I can send invoices to different customers ad campaigns currently I don't think we have it set up but we can add new ads which also require payment reviews this is all the reviews I've gotten on my listings which I think they actually had reviews maybe they don't perfect so no reviews let's go back to I want to get out of here we can see the main page but more importantly if I didn't want some of those features I wanted to remove the dashboard I wanted to remove the listings I want to remove the reviews and the ad campaign and packages and invoices I can choose to do that so you don't want to use that feature I recommend definitely turning it off here's a couple of other ones that will allow you to kind of go through your profile things like that if you want to turn those off by all means these are fine standard like if you just leave them the way they are you'll be fine you know you won't have packages they can still add packages if they fall into that plan but now you know I normally am leaving all this alone until I know exactly what I want and then I'll just remove it from there typography typography is what you want the base of your text to look like so the body font is currently quicksand the styling weight or font weight and style subsets you know font size line height these are things you could try out you know if you're not sure switch them up I tend to use things like lato also I use poppins a lot I use you know just the standard if you just erase everything Arial black you know just basic impact I'll really like impact but test them out look where they are body font your navigation styles heading one style as a matter of fact you can switch your overall color so you don't have to try to nitpick with CSS or anything if you want all your h1 styles to be pink you can switch those to pink matter of fact let's do purple and let's do green and it goes all the way down paragraph and small elements let's just click Save so we can see some of these does it go back over to the page hopefully we can see some of these there you go green green green green perfectly I don't see any purple all for it but again we could to change paragraph text or anything else so just get kind of comfortable you want to I've learned this a long time ago with web design you want to kind of get a color scheme I like to look at color palettes on the internet find out what I like and then use those same few colors whether it's two three four colors and just use them all the time even something like this this isn't black this is like a grey and my color scheme didn't really include a grey maybe it works but you know for the most part I try to use that same like I would switch this to like you know a light green or in my case black red gray darker gray and that would be like my color scheme of three same thing here there's my dark gray but the blue I don't like that so it switches over red and we'll see how to do that soon but stick to a color scheme that matches if I do green pink purple red things as you can already see this is starting to look it's not that bad but if I start putting more colors in here this is gonna look pretty slow I'm really not digging the green there sorry header alright so this is the header layout bunch of different header layout styles as you see now this is the one that I have selected which is just the one with the dark blue box around it it looks pretty basic and this is exactly what I had up there I wanted to do an image in the background this would be the one I use what about if I wanted to use the top bar I'd probably use this one and as I select things here things are changing down here so let's just save that and see what that looks like I'm gonna refresh the page and now this top bar is it's not in the way now perfect so now you can add a top bar notice that my my profile stuff jumped to up here I kinda top our menu I can do things like that and just kind of want to give you the idea that you can pick pretty much you know the style that you wanted let's go with this I was almost similar what I had just a little bit different and you can't really see those changes big change is the menu moved over to the right and now I have a search bar on the left which is what you're seeing which the search is disabled so many will be on the right here not in the center which down with that down with that here's the rest of the stuff that you've got the change and if you're looking at it like I said so watch this so if I have something with a top bar top bar is enabled offer on top our background color top bar color of the inner pages so you can kind of switch the top bar color on other pages other than the homepage and the switch so always double check that when you've added something you're coming back and making sure that you have the right selections below that so fixed header don't want a fixed header fix errors when the head of stays at the top never moves never Scrolls off page yes I want that sure yes I want that don't want to transparent background maybe header color background for inner pages let's go with that same read that I use because I want to I want a red background on all of them the text on side of it and more importantly header is where you're gonna find your logo options so a lot of people have asked me you know how do I do a logo how do I make it the right size and when you upload a logo I'm just gonna go to media library no it doesn't have any in here I guess we're not when you upload a logo it'll be a specific size now you can always fix that by editing the image before you put it in but again this is up to you if you have any problems with this you can also use CSS but I really recommend just pulling it out my Mac does this automatically inside the image editor you don't need any extra any extra plugins or any applications I tend to use Photoshop a lot so because I have clients I end up using Photoshop for most of these which just makes things a little bit more easier for me but again you don't need Photoshop you can always crop it and do your thing there your favorite icon a matter of fact not just the homepage logo but what about your logo for inter pages that's every other page we're gonna refresh this so all my saving my changes were saved but what about the other pages so there's the logo for home page but now that I've got this background don't want a different logo for the inner pages and you can also select those as well so if you wanted a different logo or maybe just one an icon for those pages you can do that I haven't saved this that's where my background page is not read favorite icon favorite icon if you're not already familiar is this little icon up here where the little head is or this icon here it's gonna be your favorite icon and then choose login pop-up style so that login that I originally showed you you can even have it pop up like this or with just the sign in or you can have it pop up with the sign in and sign up button before on this first one it's not a member sign up is down here so you've got two different styles that you can choose from and we're gonna stick with the first one click Save we'll see some of those changes in a second banner is really important this is your top banner they have multiple styles or these images not coming in perfect interesting they have multiples this one is this one is but these are not interesting I didn't remember seeing that before so they have a bunch of different styles whether you just wanted something small simple like this whether you wanted this with categories below and I know that might be a little blurry it is on my screen as well this is the one we currently have this is one with the search bar in the middle icons on the bottom search bar on the bottom by icons below everything everything in the middle you know things like that I kind of like for this I just want to take a look and as I select this notice that some of this stuff down here changed well let's click Save and just see what kind of changes we made and there you go so explore what where I mean I kind of like this I've never used this style before and I kind of feel this is overflowing right now so I'll just have to keep that in mind that I probably only want three or four shorter titles because I don't like the way that's overflowing but perfect I do like the way this top looks let's just make sure that inner pages have switched to red as well as I promised and we're going back to the home page to go back over some theme options how high did you want that banner it's that bear on the hub right now they say it's 720 pics you can fix that you can make it wider you can make it shorter you can switch the opacity of the banner maybe you wanted a little bit lighter if possible the homepage banner image is this one here I like that image you know it just kind of covers everything but you can always switch that as well matter of fact you can also set it to a specific post ID which will show here so let me show you I believe this one has it courtesy listing yeah so kursi listing is on it's referring to post 866 and normally if you have a post or listing that is ID 866 it'll show that image and give them credit for your listing so somebody has a really cool image I can use it help put their listing ID which again let me just show you listings open a new tab listing ID I want you to look I don't want to open one but look down here way at the bottom you're gonna see listing IDs down here that's the easiest way it's gonna pop up a link watch this post number 31 post number 30 post 25 post 32 so those will be my listing IDs 32 if I wanted to use it and it will use whatever featured images use they're a really cool feature I kind of like using that as long as they have like a full width banner some pictures are not gonna work as your banner so maybe having a static makes it easier for you perfect we've got a couple more fields here just allows you to select some categories that are shown in each of the search drop box we're not going to use this for now I'm kind of happy with what it's doing their location default text so before remember when we had that this one doesn't have it I love it so before when we had that top search bar it actually had some things like this let's uncover the best places number one matter of fact this one is used number one best rated let's change that to number two best rated restaurant not that you would ever be number two explored by your city just looking around over 10,000 a lot of times with your banner and your banner options these go with the banner options now the banner that I'm using doesn't have some of these options so just keep that in mind if I hit save we will see that number one best rated let's just take a look refresh number two best rated and again this hangs off a little bit further than I like so I'm probably shorten that down or lengthen it to go on two lines that actually doesn't look bad with two lines but this one does so I'd probably switch that around just so you can see there's my drop-down of stuff that I had where San Jose of course you can find your area just by clicking on a lot I'm in Rockledge I like it perfect so just covering a little bit more of those features that's just some of the theme settings that have helped you get started from top to bottom we've covered the header we've covered the banner now it's time to discuss some of those map options so google map as of now if you ever have let me just show you what one looks like you're gonna see this issue and there's nothing wrong with this site this uses I like that I use something completely different looks like their demo is using open maps and I haven't really used it but I'm sure we'll find it in the theme settings to switch it so a lot of times when you see a Google site you won't see it will say google map or something based like that please do this if you on the site you know it's pretty annoying but that just means that your google map settings oh it is said to open Street I love it your Google map settings aren't right so it tells you hey this is how you can find it go to your developer account I'm not gonna cover that in this tutorial but if you need help by all means just Google you know how do I get a Maps API key and the default is this but they're using Open Street Map which was their secondary free alternative so I'm really doing this so you don't have to you know always go through the Google app I and especially if you're not a coder this works out of the box so I really like the fact that they've set that on default and that's why we're seeing no map no real map issues this one doesn't have a map so it's not showing there this perfect blog not gonna talk too much about the blog but the blog view they're just gonna give you some different views you've got a grid view or list view grid view is when I think I can show you even if they don't have it not sure what page I think we said /blog is the default this is a grid view a grid view is when you take them and do blocks and make grids alright so they've got the grid this one obviously doesn't have a picture a list view and they have two styles to check out both just make sure you like one of the other I'm gonna save and just make sure that saved I'll take a look at it there's your list view so you're gonna add a blog or latest news or what's happening section it's keep in mind you do have the functionality to kind of switch that up and this is just for your blog pages alright blog templates do you want a right sidebar do you want it full width you want a left sidebar blog details you want them on the right sidebar yeah yeah blog sides side bar styles you want blind sidebar style two or one and again I just recommend testing these I'm not gonna go over these with you you would test the features and the functionality of those and pick which ones you like listings this is where it gets more in-depth about your listing and I'll go over a little bit more because it got bunch of listing details in here so mobile view is definitely at view they've created a really good app view in that view too that you can kind of check out when you're looking on your mobile phone I prefer those that were just like your regular standard WordPress responsive you know so we're gonna leave that with you but again I would I would honestly just test all three and see what you like most jumping down a little bit more we're just in the general tab and a lot of times I'm leaving these these the way they are you know the listings ordered by I guess that's important if you wanted to rearrange your listings or your default listing so what do they arranged by oh they arranged by date but you can also do random most viewed most reviewed highest greatest and claimed pretty fully functional over here your listings order well normally that's descending you know the ones you did last or the highest-rated goes down to the lowest but you can also switch that to a sending add listings only plugin users your time format contact support page this is always good to set up so whether your your support pages at forward slash contact or you can put in the full link just figure out what pages you have when I open that up here's my contact page I'm not sure if I'm gonna like it but let's just review it first looks like it's gonna have a map on the Left not in my location but and then some information on the right if you like that we'll take the link will go back into and keep in mind you can also edit the contact page and we'll go into editing pages as well but from there I do like that page while I could do just ford slash contact I'm just gonna add the full link so there's no confusion how many listings per page I know we said how many blog items per page earlier under settings but how many other listings the upload featured image if they don't add a featured image you want to add one for them something custom like when maybe your logo on a red background something like that if they just add gallery images did you want to add a featured image from that gallery image you can always do that again not gonna go down all these you can read them but I am gonna show you the more important ones so listing detail pretty important for me is what goes on that listing page and how I wanted to look so let's just use style 1 let's say you know again test them all but let's view the Arizona luxury Art Club this is what the listing page looks like hey there's a purple we're looking for that so this is what the listing page looks like but if I wanted to switch that I'm gonna close down some of these pages and I wanted to go to listing 2 or listening through and listing 4 and see what those look like I can do that as well now let's just talk about listing detail page 1 so this is what it looks like that's a blog let's close that that's because my personal page this is what it looks like and as you see there's a video here there's a description here there's map on the right there's questions and answers rate and write us a view well if the user has submitted those so look at this YouTube video on the top details and then if the user fax has entered one of these it will show up in this form if you didn't like this I wanted to remove them so review form I don't use I'm gonna put that over here fax I wanted at the top in front of the YouTube video I could I could set that up there and then your sidebar is here it's already got some pre select things that you can pick so maybe didn't want their times in the sidebar maybe you don't want the lead form in the sidebar and as you look back instead of having that lead form let's save the page refresh now our fax should be at the top which they are and the lead form is currently gone you know so always always let yourself customize that page what you want now of course if they didn't add a FAQ just because you have fax and video on the page if the company didn't add the fax and the video well by all means it's still not gonna show up on the page but just to keep that in mind some of these options are just gonna go into some more stuff if you offer deals do you want your deals looking like this or you want your deals looking like this and that's only if you allow those deals to be shown on the page so additional details we're not gonna save any changes here listing archive views so this is really important to me when I'm going down how I want my page to look because there were so many options right now we're set with the map like this and then our details I'm not I'm not really a big fan like half the screen is the map so I might do something like this I might do something like this where it's just a small map a search box up top stuff like that but for now maybe I just go with something like this which is a small map in the corner or on the top and then they use the sidebar on the right let's go back and just take a look at that I want you to see these no weights you crazy for me is that the right page listing page layout oh that definitely switch things up I need more listings that's why no worries but you can obviously get a feel for these as you want let me just go back I want to save that so you can see this one listing grid list how do you want your grid to look so I think on the home page we had a let me just say we'll find a grid list for us and again always just testing these Chicago has two listings New York has two Washington s three let's use Washington this is my grid list this did switch to the one that you seen there's no map on this one I'm kind of digging that so I picked this one here it's got a bunch of options in the middle that you can sort you know switch up take categories by but if they use this search bar these are not gonna show up these are just for that specific city that we picked on right from the home page maybe you like it better like this without the blocks maybe like it more defined like this maybe you want call buttons and show map buttons on them I know these are a little bit blurry maybe you want your listing page like this you know there's there's gonna be reasons that you want different things so let me save we're just gonna switch it to this and see what that so instead of this well you'll have is so and this one I might actually use a sidebar because this is kind of so I'd go back and switch the template to something that did have a sidebar maybe this one or this one and then just fill out that sidebar which can later be done as well listings submit and edit when they're submitting listings this is what you want them to see so when you go and add a listing as a client or as a visitor we're not gonna pay for a listing today so we're just gonna pick the free listing which actually includes everything the rest do which is probably a mistake but I click continue here it's gonna take me to the submit a listing page I'm currently already signed in but if I wanted to start a sign out see what that looked like you can do that as well now these are free to find images so you can switch these it's got listing titles and examples it's got cities it's got things that you can add things that you can add price ranges social media you know and you can always when you're done save and preview this listing and then from that preview you'll actually actually hit submit but for the save and preview you kind of get a feel of what your listing is gonna look like as a visitor or as a business owner so really cool there but these are the theme options these are the things you can choose you can you can limit sizes you can you know switch that image that you seen you can turn the second image off a whole bunch of fields click tips you can turn that off remember all the titles listing title city you can change those if you want to put you know maybe it's not a city maybe it's a state maybe it's a region and these are just again phone number website add business hours you can switch all the text on that now what is it translocate I forget the plug-in that they recommend but there's a I have to go back and look I think it's right on there they're demo page one of the translate plugins that they recommend you use and if you couldn't change the text width right now we haven't ran into any text that we can't change but they actually they provide you know wonderful tutorial on how you can use that as well business videos summing listings yeah location basic information here you can read that reviews you want to on or off you want to instant sign up just take a look at all these I'm not going to go through these we can obviously read these are pretty pretty self-explanatory leads form listing claim when you want them to claim a listing or not and then you know what things are looking like when they do pretty easy listing nearby you can even set this if you want nearby listing so when they search something do other listings pop up or right now it's on their kilometres I don't use kilometres here and then I well I personally don't use kilometres so I would switch that over two miles and I probably would do a 100 mile radius I probably do a 10 mile radius because nobody's gonna want to drive 100 miles to go to a different restaurant I mean that's I mean I don't know about you but I'm not driving 200 miles if I just want to tell you the food but that's me number of nearby listings you can also switch that Google Adsense pretty cool this is a 1 on the listing detail page one listing archive page let's go I think I think I did some demos real quick on view block so you can see here's one so this is one of the ads there and then on a listing page I have another one I actually think I'm gonna remove one no there is so those are just my two types of ads I actually just did a full with that so you can see but if you use Google Ads responsive those actually fill in another one people use a TripAdvisor things like that maybe you're recommending a personal business you can put in some links there I use static images well they recommend Google you know Google Adsense you can you can also just paste in some media you know with a link you can pretty much add whatever you want but yeah super easy their author archive I'm not currently using this except for like just layout stuff so listings I wanted to look like I want but like the about me I'm not not really using this I don't want to show anybody the author's stuff business listings is something different but just for authors stuff I'm not currently using that as you can see you can just disable enable and set things there but again my personal preference to have each individual person as an author pricing plans pricing plan is cool this is just the option for the pricing plans so if you want some of these things enabled so assign plan to expired listings paid listing claim if you don't have this yes you're not going to be able to enable all the features for your paid listing plane so some of these things when you turn them off it disables some other features in here but as of now we're just gonna keep those on on what they are sorry advanced filter not using this as much but I guess you could you know that's just my personal preference and I'm not I didn't find any need for this yet search filters yeah same thing you can choose what you want you know just pre-populate things this is more when you're going in-depth payment big thing for me is I want to monetize this monetizing it first are you submitting listings are your submitted listings that they require approval because somebody just submit a listing and it doesn't need your approval yes or no I can I tend to keep it yes take submissions yes we don't have paid submissions you don't have pricing plans recurring payments will it make a recurring payment this is one of my favorites because after the end of the year or a month a lot of people forget that even all so I might be getting paid two or three years before they realize that hey whoa whoa I didn't want to pay for that I know that it's not transparent but people are doing recurring payments all the time and yeah I appreciate that you don't want to notify them before it expires probably done so zero I'm just kidding obviously all you guys are going to want to set you know hey this is about to expire let them get any email here's some currency options where do they go after they successfully you know go to the Thank You page they go be added listing page are you using coupons yes or no just save if you set up payments and you're allowing payments you need to set up your payment so PayPal just got some basic stuff remember to take it off sandbox and go to live load when you're not testing but PayPal user you gonna user name fi it'll tell you how to get it all right here it's super easy there's a bunch of YouTube tutorials and then receiving an email at the very bottom strike same thing direct payment wire transfers you're using something like this by all means it's secure they only give her out you know you're about the information that you need to send money again I've never really used direct payment wire payments I'm always using PayPal sprite I used to used to check out back in the day but I didn't use it for this site so I don't have a to check out account I'm not paying 100 bucks PayPal and stripe or free tax don't wanna starch tax and once some percentage are do I have to charge tax and what's the percentage sorry find out for your state for you for what you're doing you know what you need if you need to be charging tax just to keep illegal email management we're not going to cover too long just requires you know your emails your email who's it from and then yes because you want to customize your emails right I mean if you're just happy with what this is saying and this is using the short codes for registration it's using short code so when it says hi there welcome to website URL they don't input whatever your website rule is so don't be confused by this people that are new to this it's gonna say you know create overnight or calm or create die overnight so you should be good there but if you just want to type it in you could get rid of that as well for things like you know username is this your login is this you won't be able to do that so just keep that in mind this is how you customize your emails and it's got a bunch of different options it'll also tell you you know what that email is for this is when a new listing is submitted it's as you're listening has been submitted and goes through all these now I know this looks like special code if you come over visual it looks like it has on top and then this is kind of what it looks like and all I did there was I clicked on visual so you can see the visual details not the text or the code details right that look for into some people I'm sure the same thing here that is interesting I just friends my page no no just me so yes do we want to change emails yes privacy privacy options if you have a privacy page which I think they give you a privacy page that you can edit again editing pages this year we're not gonna go over WordPress how to edit pages and stuff I'll be honest with you I have a bunch of tutorials some that go over just editing pages I do want to edit a home page to kind of go over some of those Elementor options but I'll go into this kind of maybe in a secondary video because we're getting pretty long here just kind of going over some of these theme options that you can see the same submission privacy policy stuff invoice you know the logo for the company and voice when you're invoicing people for future things do you want listing pro on there probably not you want your own as this is for the type of ads that you're going to be doing so this is the ad that shows up before everybody else you can set up ads for pay per day you can set up pay-per-click paper days like they want to say for 30 days you want to set it for a year you want to set it for things like that and then not only that this is I recommend testing all this because this is going to be when they go to create they have a listing they go to create an ad in the dashboard this is where this is gonna pop up you know it's gonna pop up with things like create your ad in three simple steps daily updates it won't be a bigger problem to find one but first you want to see what that's looking like I don't even know if all uh copy didn't set up you know I did here we go so 10 50 20 tells me exactly what's going on the payment methods that I want to pay with because I've set yes on all of them so I'm taking all these if I didn't have just like you've seen if I only had PayPal they can only pay with PayPal accept and agree I want to show you something 10 50 and 20 again we can set these 10 20 and 50 so you can you could set all these ads did you want it to be an aside this thing you'd want to be at the top of the search ads things like that so setting these these can all be 10 bucks but it's a different type of ad if you look at the dashboard spotlight ad shows them you know this is just a spotlight right under the banner right here top of the search tablet obviously that's just excellent there easy explainable it's gonna be the top of a surgeon somebody searches you for carpet cleaners you're gonna come up at the top of the search as long as you know it's following those guidelines sidebar you want it in the sidebar of every listing page possible or every listing archive if you have a sidebar that includes that well then of course it would be right there get on top of it here's your stuff that we're talking about and then your information here all stuff you can change right here for me CAPTCHA yes you can use your caption if you're having any spam issues or all config did you want to change any of these things so let's just take a look real quick listing pro I want to go to this one look at this it's got the word listing in here and if I didn't want the word listing in there I could definitely change the word listing and these are some of the slugs that you would change make sense contact page what do we have on that contact page as I showed you well this is the information you had on the contact page I showed you form footer this one was really big for me I didn't like this default footer so I actually switched to something like this just you can pick your Twitter style keep in mind when you select something up here the bottom changes so just keep that in mind my footer has four boxes on it I just want to show you you know where do I put all that I don't see that here if I hit save what you're gonna do is a refreshing the page so we can see the footer and of course there's nothing we're not gonna customize that right now so I'm gonna pick a different option let's go with this one nothing down here right but import/export I'm coming back to that I promise import/export this is gonna import theme settings I don't think this is gonna import you're listing stuff they recommend WP all import when you're if you just want to import a bunch of listings into this because we don't just want to start with six right we want to start with a bunch of listing so you can import listings from Yelp Yellow Pages code genie things like that so just make it easy but let's talk about those appearance widgets let's talk about that footer which is so what you're using like the default sidebar whenever you see search recent posts recent comments like on that blog page this is where it's coming in from I'm sure again I'm not going to explain a bunch of how WordPress works but simply drag something from your list over here into here or drag it off right we all know that what listing Pro comes with a bunch of things like listing recent pros I throw that over here and then also gives me you know some things that I can I can kind of switch this thing up on note them now I want the thumbnail I just want to show coffee categories sure how many posted I want to show and you can go into that but more importantly what we're gonna do is mess with this quarter so just for testing I'm just gonna throw text in one two three four and again you can throw anything in here but I'm more common to do titles and texts Twitter one and then some text here some text there and whether they're links or something like that nature let's just take a look save save save and again you can go in-depth you can put text here you can put images here you can do anything you want but just to recap my four page footer should now have those four spots and of course the only link is this one here so you've got those spots that you're talking about you can also change the background color back on those theme settings it offered you to change the top or the bottom background color we also change this and we can just kind of customize things the way we want what else can we go over that was all the theme options kind of showing you just kind of what you can do we definitely want to go over listings but just to cover the theme options that pretty much sums it up customize I don't think we're gonna use header Elementor that's a good one to go into I tell you what let's leave it at the theme options for now well tighten up this video here and then come back and go over Elementor and this crazy-looking a homepage matter of fact let me let me real quick so before I'm just gonna I'm gonna look at the page I can always tell what page I'm on another thing is if you're new to WordPress again I'm not gonna go over how to add a menu structure but it's right here appearance menu maybe I'm gonna go over I don't add a menu structure so I noticed that this they suggested what was the homepage menu and they have an ER pages menu but they never really selected it to anything so what I mean by that is let's go back to the home page menu click select and again if I wanted something else here I could view I have to have the existing item so I have pages by clicking view all I can see all of my pages my click post I can see all the right posts and the same thing so if I have that page available let's say view all I have the home page available I'll click on the home I click Add to menu and I will add the home page or I can reorder it and put it at the end but wherever I want to put that more importantly the home page will not show up until I sign it to a menu so I assign it to home page menu no if I wanted to create a new menu I could do that you know I could create a new menu I could call it whatever I want assign whatever I want and assign it to the footer menu if I had a footer menu spot so we've saved that menu let's just go back to the home page and refresh and now I have that menu but I'm not happy with the way remember in the header we selected the option to what was that option called let's just go back floating a header whoops not here better later fix header so I'm gonna take that off for now because as you look when I scroll down I can't see it on the white because my header my items are white so BAM it's gone so now if i refresh the page without my floating header my floating header no longer comes with me which I'm kind of liking that better I'd probably just you know switch maybe do something maybe make these in you know pink that way I can see it everywhere on my side not please that wouldn't do that would think a perfect so now we've got the menu that we were looking for footer menu as well if we need it and then we're all set up but more importantly I want to show you how this page is built so pages those of you who have already used WordPress gonna be super easy for you can always edit the page I can always view a page matter of fact I see a bunch of sample pages back here yeah I don't really need I don't need to privacy apology and - payment fails so I'm gonna figure out which one looks best and just use that one I'm the one that's already been sledding in the themes a theme options like under payment I'm sure we'll find a payment checkout page so I don't want to delete the wrong one one of these dashboards probably doesn't work so view both ilaih they both work but one is listing author in the title one is listing author - so the second one that I clicked on I probably don't need because I'm I don't want that I don't want to have to go in there and change the slug I just like the way the first one looks listing author right just removing the pages that you don't need is gonna clean up your site a little bit as well but more importantly what I was talking about was that homepage I'm not gonna get into Elementor but I do want to show you that we did choose Elementor and to edit this page I could either why don't I click off that dashboard pages go into the home page which is here and instead of clicking edit I would edit with elements or do I just click on edit I'm gonna open that up in a new tab close these two and it pulls up the default WordPress editor which imagining isn't gonna show me much so as you can see I can change the if it's reviewable I can change the permalink I see it's just called home that's nobody sees that on the front end we're just seeing that on the back end it doesn't show me much but I can edit with Elementor or more importantly like I showed you I just like to hover over it and add it with elements or element tours got a totally separate video but I am gonna show you just some basic stuff that you've got here the top was the menu that's not editable the banner was editable I showed you that what is editable is this stuff here as I start highlighting in I noticed that I can right click on either this or this edit heading and it pulls up all this wonderful elements or stuff so have any cities and h2 tags that kind of like that Elementor allows you to do a bunch of things which I'm not going to get in-depth with but you can change the style the typography and things of that nature for me more importantly if I click on this I can add different stuff to this let's say you know I didn't want this here I might right-click delete I don't want this claim listing here right click delete but what I do want is I want to add let's find some Elementor stuff or listing pro stuff listing post and maybe this isn't the exact one I want not really but you can see that now you can edit this page matter of fact I don't want this here I want to move this nice I can't I want to move this above this so now I have happening cities I would change that to popular popular spots with my capital P and of course I could I could change all this up you know do exactly what you need in there looks for the listing I don't want to use list view eni's grid view grid view I can change the grid style 5 1 2 3 or 4 5 doesn't do much for me grid style too Oh a little bit longer how many post on one I'm post it's only gonna show the maximum post that I have but you get the gist right perfect so now you can add and remove some features as wanted you can also take this maybe you like that but you'll end it in here no now you've got that but you need a spacer so we won't go into this but we would have a spacer in between those two because it is looking kind of crazy and of course the spacer getting going between the two so we'll move that up here and yeah we're just picking and choosing so always remember to update have a great day that's gonna conclude our WordPress 2.5 listing Pro features we only went over the theme settings installing kind of getting you started we're gonna cover a lot more so stay tuned like comment subscribe and I'll be back with you with part 2
Channel: Overnight Coder
Views: 29,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wordpress, Listing Pro 2.5, Beginner Tutorial, web design, listing pro theme, create a listing website
Id: fKHnrBW8-kM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 20sec (4160 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 07 2020
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