How to Make a Listing, Directory and Classified Website With WordPress - 2017 - ListingPro Theme

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here what's up guys this medic from and this is a very special video because for the first time we are going to create a listing and a directory website which we haven't done earlier in any of this video okay so guys this is the website which you have created it against you on your screens this is an amazing beautiful super awesome super professional web site and let me show you this this is Foursquare calm and as you can see at the background there is a full width image and at the top there is a professional search bar and our below that there is there are few different categories and here this is the here also at the background we have a full width image then on that we have a professional and really awesome looking search bar and then few categories so for our website which also we have put a background image a professional background image really awesome beautiful image in the background and a awesome professional beautiful search bar on top top and then we have few categories or so basically what I mean to say is that we have followed the procedure the model the design of this big companies which spend thousands of dollars on research and development to find what really works for them and if that works for them then this should also work for us okay so basically we we have followed that design now let me show you how our website looks like so this is the side section which we have seen now when we scroll down we have this section region section okay so we have our different regions for your Los Angeles New York or Chicago when you click on Los Angeles you see listings which are basically based or located in that particular place okay now when we scroll down we have this section this is a very basic and very important section which is claim and get started today it you know motivates the user the visitor to put their business to register their business on our website and we can promote their website and we can also make customers convert to this to their listing ok so this is really important then we have this listing we have two different listing on top page and as you can see ad is written these are besides all the three because these three are our ads and we are also providing ads so suppose someone wants to promote that listing promote their business then they can pay some extra money and we'll put these kinds of ads on our website for them this is not Google ad or something this is our listing only but we have provided some premium facilities for these guys because they are paying more so from this website you can also undo the amount of money from your clients after giving them good service okay now at the bottom we have this testimonial section at the left side we have a video testimonial when you click on this the video plays and at the right side we have a text the normal testimonial section okay then we have this footer the basic footer copyright and your address phone number social icons and so on okay so this is the search bar when you click on this you already get this options and me when you type something you know you can get all these options different options below this so let's select hotels and click on search okay so this is our listing search page again and awesome in professional page as you can see at the right side we have the map and we have some markers over here when we click on this marker we get this thing this thing calls up the name of this business the address and so on same thing over here and here we have those different listings we can also sort it by different criteria or your where if you want to show only those listings which are open right now then we can click on this open now and if you want highest rated then we can click on so we can sort it by different criteria so okay now let's come back to our home page scroll down and open any one of the single listing to see how our single listing looks like okay so we are opening this the mark hotel okay so this is how your single listing will look like at the top as the header we have different images these images are actually uploaded by the user the visitor or the one on this listing okay they also put this thing the title subtitle and we can we're going to put this thing this tick mark besides their name so that we can say yeah we have checked everything and this is a genuine person okay we can also submit our rating which is very important the user or the owner of this listing can also provide our video link so that you know to YouTube or to any different platform so that they can have know the people who are visiting this listing they can be satisfied to see that video kay then we have our description over here and we have some different features so you can put in features and with different icons which really looks beautiful okay then we have some facts it asks does it has car parking and the answer is yes so you can have different facts you can have many multiple facts so there this is how the rating looks like query awesome really professional you can have your you what you want to say you can have it over here you can also upload some images so you basically want to so show that yeah I went to that place and this is these are the images from that place so this is the German place this is a genuine listing not only that even different users different visitors can rate this particular review okay so they can say yeah this is interesting hell all loved and so on okay and this is the sidebar at the top we have this time table today it is day off okay so because it's Sunday for these guys okay so then in Monday this is the timing and so on okay then we have this map over here we have the address phone number website you can hide the phone number if you want it's all up to you then this is the pricing it says is this moderately moderately priced okay then we have some additional details for example you can provide additional details whether you're you're listing all your business has bike parking and so on whether you accept bitcoins or not so you can provide different options to the user then you have a contact page where if the user or the visitor is seeing your listing he wants to contact you then he can mail to the admin so basically the website owner the admin is the middleman between the visitor and the listing owner okay so this is really important then at the bottom we have this ad section as I told you can charge premium prices to different customers and we can feature their product for example or your inside bar and at the home pages as you saw earlier okay so this is how a single listing looks like and when you click on this button which says add listing we'll see how a user will be able to add the listing okay so let's see that page also very important page it has to be something good okay when we when someone does that they get three different options three different plans they seek advanced and professional like we get everywhere different plans with different features one free to plan having this feature another one having that feature so basic plan has some feature and most of the important features are not available and then we have advanced plan which is recommended by the admin over here so we don't have all the features in in the professional plan which is $10 per listing so for providing one particular listing they will have to pay $10 obviously it's all up to you to change the prices and change all these features whether you want to enable them to add your features or not you can also make this thing free so you can have this instead of $5 the basic plan can be for free it's all up to you okay so let's select this one the advancement and click on continue yes once you do so you'll be redirected to this page this is a page where the user will be putting the title subtitle the city phone number all the details which are required for showing a listing on your website and here this our image this is really full this is really awesome great done grid work done by the theme developer you know this is the image where it shows the weather you are putting your title and subtitle Geo it will be shown on the website your contact details will be shown oh you're similarly they have repeated this procedure and this really makes this theme awesome you know outstanding and when they click on save and preview they'll see a preview of how their site or how their listing will look like on the website and after they when they are satisfied they can check out they can pay the price and you're dead listing will be sent to the admin and you as an admin of the website owner can accept or neglect that trading or you can provide some suggestions you can you know for example the images are not so clear so you can quite some suggestions give man give some really good images so that you know you'll convert more customers I will show you how this checkout thing at the end of this video ok so basically I think we have seen everything now let's get started I hope you guys liked this demo website this demo website is really awesome as I showed you we are following some really good design and model by different giant companies ok so the next step is to get a domain name and hosting account ok so open a new tab and type in slash TMD once you do so you'll be redirected to this page this page is a TMD thisis the cloud hosting if you are following me or for if you have seen my earlier videos you know that I follow and have been with Hostgator for last five to seven years and I am really satisfied with them but this is the hosting provider which I came to know about them recently and I just signed up with these guys and these guys are amazing man these guys are so good as they are so professional let me show you let me show you the difference between them and most of the hosting providers out there in the market for example they have three different plans for cloud hosting summer rain and storm I have used I have signed up first on cloud and let us see what is so special about these guys these guys use SSD space if you're if you're if you have even basic knowledge of computer you know the difference between SSD and HDD but if you don't know that then don't worry you can go and Google and see the changes let me show you first of all you can drive in SSD you versus STD you know web hosting and let's see the results what are the results for example let's open this image as you can see the first thing is speed higher is better and as you can see this SSD is way way way higher than HDD and here also it is very higher than HDD and let us see it it is it says lower the better say it is 0.04 milliseconds so in all the cases SSD is way better way awesome then HDD so this is the main thing about this website and not only that that is not the only thing you also get a free domain premium support you get a wild card SSL what's that that is something really amazing I recently signed up with these guys and they gave me a free domain name shake calm which I am really happy about that and as you can see my demo website has a ssl certificate so not only my main website which is nice shake calm has an SL SSL certificate but also my subdomains and different domains which I linked with this particular hosting I get this thing the SSL certificate which costs around 40 dollars in open market if you see so you're saving $40 on each domain okay so that is just mind boggling man okay then we have this Pamuk spurt send money back gaurantee 60 days we also have six core CPU running our data centers over there with 6 gb ram we have unlimited domains we can you know you can sign up unlimited domain to this particular account you can have unlimited bandwidth so these guys are really amazing pipes by now you know the difference between them you get a free SSL that is that two wild card XSL you get a free domain it has SSD space what else do you need man this really boosts up your website you know because site speed is really important if you know basic things about SEO one of the most important thing is side speed if your site website takes a very small amount of time to load then your site will be ranked higher in Google so this is important now you can select any one of this plants you can go with rain cloud or strong cloud as I said you earlier I have signed up with storm clouds so let me select this one and click on sign up now now type in the domain name which you want for free for example you can type in any domain name obviously and if that is available you will be read you can go to the next step but I as I said I already have a domain I already have a sign up for this thing so I'm just showing you guys okay so I am typing mayor shake calm okay now shake sha k-h okay now click on proceed now this is the checkout page some really basic information about yourself first name last name email address phone number just put all this information over here and the second one is the payment information you want to pay by credit card debit card or PayPal both the options over here okay so you can select any one of them and the third one is first purchase information which data center do you want so my I am selecting Ganga poor because that is the nearest to me you will also see which one is nearest to you so you can select that in USA you can select the Chicago one okay for Indians Singapore will be more nearer to you and more nearer the hosting server that better that is okay so select Singapore and then you can select the period and selecting twelve months you can select fourteen months 36 months whatever you want select twelve months you don't need all these things so don't take mark any of them and it sums up to 154 dollars which is an amazing offer okay now after you satisfied just tick mark this and click on checkout yes once you do so you will receive an email from PMD hosting this email is really important okay so this is not just any random email address this is really important make sure you save this email address copy and pasted or somewhere write it somewhere down save this thing in your computer in your local computer this is really important because it has all the important information which we need if we fell in any problem then this is the email which which can save you these are really important information you have your FTP cPanel username password you have your name servers your server IP okay you have your FTP address you know cPanel link everything is that in this particular email address so make sure you don't delete or don't do anything stupid with this email address save this thing and keep this thing secure now what you have to do is here at the bottom we have the control panel link open that link in the new tab basically this link is your website name slash cPanel so my asset name is Nick dot concert is male shake dot-com slash cPanel once you do so you will be redirected to the cPanel now what you have to do is just a copy and paste your username and password from your FTP cPanel username password and paste it over here and obviously click on login now this is the beautiful cPanel by tmd amazing super awesome now what you have to do we have to install WordPress on our website okay so fall down and search for wordpress this is the one click on that ok now click on install now WordPress is free which is awesome ok now select HTTP www don't have a select HTTP right now don't worry about that I will show you how to do convert this to HTTPS really important really easy in fact now select the domain name on which you want to install your WordPress so I am selecting my domain name and delete this WP indirectly make sure everything is empty nothing is there oh yeah now we have sites and site name description you can leave this for now because we can change these things later on in WordPress so not that important then we have account admin very important now here just don't let it be to admin and password or else your website will be hacked within few days you know because there are so many hackers waiting for you so you know change it and make something different and something difficult for anyone to guess for example I am typing mayor shake and NSS capital ok then password also you can have a mixture of alphabet and numerical you can have some uppercase and lowercase alphabets also so that you know the difficult the alphabet the better it is okay now here it is the email address make sure your the email address which you're providing is active and you have access to that email address ok now select the language obviously we will select English then at the bottom click on install whereas as you can see it took few seconds just few seconds to install WordPress on our website so now what you have to do is here you have the admin site URL this open this link in a new tab and you will see that you are already logged in signed in so don't worry about that okay now you see we already have an SSL certificate or job but if you don't have this thing then what you can do is just click on settings over here and here you might have HTTP so after P just type in s okay so it should be HTTP colon slash slash your website name in both this WordPress address and site address okay and after you do so just click on Save Changes and after that hopefully you will have this SSL certificate now what we have to do we have to install the theme on our website so which team is great with that many themes here in market frankly speaking but the thing which we have used and the most important and amazing theme according to me is the listing protein which you have used in which I you see how these are the the Mercer which I'll show you that was the listing Pro theme really amazing so for that what you have to do open a new tab and type in slash listing okay and press Enter obviously you will be redirected directly to this page the listing pro team page this is amazing thing believe me guys is just awesome you can go ahead you can check the ratings and so on you have the link now block TOCOM slash listing goes there check all the ratings get satisfied then purchase within an amazing super awesome team it was awarded as weekly top seller as you can see over here I know it has really been performing very well more than thousand comments and more than 100 ratings with with 4.76 average rating which is amazing it is the number one bestseller introductory and listings since April 2017 which is just amazing so this theme is just amazing you don't have to think too much about this because I have selected the same after doing a lot of research as so many things but this is the theme which I selected so make sure you purchase this theme and download this thing once you download this thing let me show you how it will look like so let's open this theme this is how it will look like you see a zip file okay what you have to do is just click on extract files unzip this thing I have already done that so here it is and this is the file you have to upload on your website most of the people just upload the file which they downloaded from the theme folder that is not the file which you have to download you have to extract that and under that you will see this file mostly in all the cases when whenever you download a theme from theme falls this how you do it you unzip that file and under that you will have the main theme file this is the one okay so this is the file we'll be uploading so come back to your website click on appearances now click on add new at the top you have upload theme click on that now choose file okay so this is the five which we have to choose listing Pro click on open now click on install if you see at the left bottom corner if you are using Google Chrome you can see these progress 5% 6% uploading so it will takes you a few minutes just a minute or two so by the time what you can do guys you can subscribe to my channel there is an amazing channel you can see all my videos there are many videos available for e-commerce social networking website I make a lot of videos and I really put a lot of efforts in making these kind of videos the quality is really awesome of the website which I make maybe the video call it is not not that good but the quality of the website which I make is just outstanding so make sure you guys subscribe to my channel you can also give a thumbs up to this video because you know as I said I put a lot of effort and as you can see the rim service awesome so if you like that make sure you give a thumbs up and any doubt you guys have any very anything starts you know in your mind then you can post that question post that down below in the comment section and I'll be more than happy to help you guys I'm here to help you so if you see any error if you see any problem go ahead comment in the comment section below I will try to sort it out for you guys okay so it is still loading let it load you oh yes so our theme is successfully installed now it's time to activate the themes as they're going to activate you can cancel all these things okay now we just have to go with the flow just click on let's go it will automatically you know install all these plugins and few pages will be created automatically don't click on this skip this step okay make sure you install all this plugins so just click on continue and all the plugins will automatically be installed for you guys this is awesome man ok so as you can see the progress the composer is installed and then we have ads and so on everything is getting installed done success it will take some time few minutes maybe a single minute or two so let it load not just click on this give this step because you don't want to import any content just click on skip this step since ready we've your website just click on view your new website ok so this is how your website looks like right now now let's start creating this website and let's convert this website into something awesome like this okay so for that what you have to do is click on this link oh yeah you know Howard this my blog whatever it is written you will see this that's what option click on that now first thing is to activate the listing Pro because when you don't activate it you will not get most of the features most of the awesome features you can get this activation link from ThemeForest or you can also no message the theme owner theme creator they will give you the purchase code so it's really easy for routine forest you will see the purchase code or you can all comment below the theme they will give you the purchase goat ok so I will put I put in my purchase code click on activate then I'll continue this video press when you put in the code and click on activate it should say valid license key if your P is valid okay so my key was valid I put that code I click on activate and it says valid license key now it's time to create our homepage and start doing the fun thing okay so for that how are your under pages and you will see this option called add new just click on that now we have to add a new page which will be our home page ok so just type in the title as homepage ok and click on publish ok now we have to open our setting new tab so what we can do is how are your you see this rusev site this open this link in a new tab ok so as you can see it looks exactly the same and nothing has changed because we have just created a page which is named homepage but that is not technically our homepage okay so let's make that page our homepage so click on customize and your use if you have this option static front page just click on that select a static page and under front page select homepage ok and you as you can see there are so many pages already created we didn't create any of them you just have created the home page but there are many pages which are already there which is awesome you know and when you select this home page as you can see you already have this image obviously you can change this image but you also have this search bar and everything so don't have to create all this thing you already get it only by selecting a single page okay so once you are done just click on save and publish and click on this X button okay guys so this is awesome we have our search bar which looks really cool we have all this things we have this image in the background now let's start creating the categories and so on because as you can see in the demo trees and all these things so let's starting that come back to your dashboard here you have some blue things low options or your under listings you'll see different options you there are categories to just click on categories okay there are many categories for example one of them is hotels so the under name you will type in hotels okay leave this luggage blank it will automatically be filled by this okay now you can select a category item for example when you click on know your you see there are different icons he also you know catch every category has a different icon so you have to select a category I can I have given a link in the video description below go to that link it will direct you to my website there is a post which I have written I which have typed basically and you will see all the important links so many different all the images which are almost all the images which I have is used in mother said you will find everything over there this is the post you will see a direct link to this particular post so don't worry about that okay here it is listing pro theme when you click on this you will be redirected to the theme you have Hostgator if you want to use Hostgator I'll also provide tmd link over here and obviously you can click on this button to subscribe to my channel and here is the image is download so make sure you download all the images which I have used in this video just click on this download button and everything is be done for you don't worry okay so come back for your and categories and under category I can click on insert image and click on select file ok and this is the email file which you will get if you download those images from my website list images listing Pro this also know that solid yeah this one this is the one now we have to extract this thing and you'll get something like this here it is and now under categories here it is ok so what do you are creating decorating Hotel ok so let's select this one but click on open super fast upload ok so just click on insert into post you can also have a category banner that's not so important and we can also add features but we'll do that later now it's time to add categories just click on add new category hey guys so this is how it looks like as you can see it is Hotel slug is Hotel as I said slug is already filled now count no products because we haven't added any listings so come to 0 we have the icon warrior so similarly you can create as many categories as you want this is easy super easy I would say okay now let's start creating the features as I showed you features like you know car parking or not you can have an icon and decide say I can rule it will be saying car parking so that really looks cool you know so first feature ok let's make that only car parking because we are talking about car parking so car parking is our feature ok now this is awesome man you can have some description about this thing I don't know why you have that but you can have some description you can put some description now you can select icons from font awesome website now lets open website in a new tab font awesome dot dot io / icons / okay when you just open this link in a new tab you will be redirected directory to this website okay now what do you have to do for example this is what card so we want a car icon so here in this search bar let this page load it is taking a lot of time cancel all these things ok guys so you in this search I just typing car okay yes so many car cars and so on so this is the one we use and it says car okay so it says as you can see the name here this is the code so the code is car but before car you have to put FA which stands for font awesome so it will be F a - car ok click on add new feature and a new feature has successfully been added this is awesome man we see the icon oh you're the count is zero because we haven't uploaded any listing we haven't done any listing so it was obviously show zero and similarly you can create as many features as you want and we'll link all these features to different categories for example let's link this to the category which we have just created just click on go to category so here we have just created the hotels category so click on edit ok and here when we scroll down we have these features just go that search for car parking here it is just select now when the user will put the one who is giving the listing when they will put car sorry hotels in the category they will get all this feature as options over here ok so make sure you put your features under each categories okay you can put one feature under multiple categories obviously now click on update now you can also create tags which is also very easy tags can also be like Hotel food now restaurant and so on just type in hotel leave everything blank click on and you have a new tag which is awesome now we can also kitchens in fact you have to add locations for example let me add Mumbai MC Mumbai will love Mumbai if you have ever been to Mumbai you are awesome ok so you can have a location image from here you can upload a location image for example here is as you see we have Chicago and different things over here so there's an image ok so basically that is what it is so click on insert image and again in that same file which are given you you'll see all those images you will see under cities ok we don't have Mumbai right now because we haven't used that in our demo assets so we will select Chicago click on open I click on insert into post and let's change this to Chicago okay man fine okay now click on add new location easy super easy it was really awesome and now you can also do one thing for example you don't want to add too many locations because he already have this option for this search option so don't need to add too many locations but whenever you want to do that you can just do that oh yeah okay and that sometimes you know you have a state and you have a city so what you can do you can type in master over here and you can create a new region as maharashtra and when you're creating mumbai what you will do from your parent location you will see Mara's for select models or so basically you are saying that Mumbai is under maharashtra so someone when someone selects maharashtra they'll also see the results for Mumbai because Mumbai is under Mara straw common sense okay guys so this is how you do it now we have form fields as I showed you form fields were let me show you able to form fields were let's open any one of this okay let's scroll down and see where it is where it is okay here it is so these are basically the you know those form fields okay here it will be shown additional details except Android pay yes or no you can select that okay so let's add a new form field click on add new field obviously and let's select first one accept credit card okay now here you have text different things now when you you know posting this kind of question accept a credit card obviously there are only two options yes or no so we won't select text or you will select drop-down okay now here you can put in yes and for the next option you can put a format and no okay so now then they will select this option they'll get two options yes or no so for a credit card they can select yes we may offer credit card we accept credit card or if they don't accept credit card they'll select no so really simple stuff okay and here you have to select which categories you want to I know have this form fields for so if you want to have this form field for all the categories you can select select all but we have only created one single category till now so we are selecting this thing and click on publish okay so we have created category feature tag location and form face everything which is needed now it's time to create a listing so how click on all your listing under listing click on add new so just select this thing copy this title pasted over then this is the description copy it paste it over so basically now you know where all these things come from so the thing which you type over you will be displayed over your fine and this is the title so it will be displayed over here now here you can select the category we have created only one category till now which is hotels so obviously you can select only one you can also add a new category from here for example restaurants or whatever strong sigh hope these fillings right I am not good at that okay so we have two different carriers now you can select create multiple categories from your only and also it from your both the options you have now you can have a tag when you type anything you get this tag if it is already created if it is not created you click on add in it will be created okay fine now here we have different options first one is business tagline this is the business tagline legendary sushi matched for in your town okay now put in the address location okay copy this location from you let's copy it from below okay copy paste here oh you're fine and you can put the latitude longitude for that the website called light long dotnet lat/long dotnet I guess or the conduct net I think yeah it is dotnet and you can put this address or your click on find and you'll get this latitude and longitude just copy this latitude place tutorial copy the longitude and paste it under long to do easy ok putting the phone number whatever it is fine email address fine website the Twitter my Twitter is Twitter calm real layer you can follow me on Twitter Facebook ID and google+ youtube link basically know my youtube link for fully it is slash nature shake major shaped fine okay you can also have a video URL as i said this is it will be shown over here when you put our you is it will be show no you're fine and you can also upload image gallery so let's upload some images okay let's come back to this categories not categories listings sushi do we have sushi yeah this is the one select all this images click on open okay so uploading speed is awesome as I said SSD really works man it is really awesome ok now click on safe we should gallery now here it is show price status okay let me show you this is the one so either you can select no not interested prefer not to say all you can select this moderate pricey for a waiter's price from $10 $200 whatever you can put it just don't forget to put the dollar sign or who P sign or euro whatever sign you want to put claimed or not claimed this is claimed hearsay because we are creating this site so we can say yeah this is cleaned okay now here it says this is the fact which is speciality select copy' speciality and you can have this face this question so this thing will show up all your okay then there's another fact it says history okay so you can click on this add new now you have this second one click on all your and select all this thing from your and paste it over here now here you can change the timing your business all and so on and you're getting the features option if you remember when we created feature we linked feature with the categories so basically because of that we are seeing this option so select this car parking yes we accept credit card here also extra fields if you remember while creating extra fields at the bottom we had the category we selected all so for that we had we are getting this option if we had not selected this we would not get this option both the options okay so we accept credit cards there fine okay fine guys now location Chicago because we all have only one location right now now you can have a featured image okay if you leave this I think oh now first we have to put a future image let's put a featured image let's select any one of this select this one this maybe this one like this looks beautiful I don't know what that food is but this looks beautiful okay now click on publish okay guys so successfully we have created our first listing which is awesome we have created the categories features types locations form fields everything and finally we have created our first listing let's see how it looks so ok so just right click on this view post and open this link in a new tab okay man this looks killer it is awesome man it is awesome as you can see really professional neat and clean we have the price everything which we had put additional information except credit card you know we have this thing already or yours so as you can see man this really looks awesome okay you have the car parking or your the features and everything so this is amazed I will love it because this is how your listing will look like now let me take some time I will pause this video and add some listings so that I can show that on our website because you know you don't want to see a blank website and I can't show you the same steps creating categories again everything again then creating a listing that will really waste your time a lot so I will pause this video I will create some listings manually and then I'll be back see you soon guys welcome back guys as you can see I have added two more listings we had sushi Cagiva whatever that is and I have added the mark hotel and core wellness so that you know we can at least see how our site looks like one listing in whole website will look really terrible so I have added two more now what we have to do we have to see how our listing page looks like so let's see and change that so for that scroll down in your dashboard you will see this option theme options over here click on that alright as you can see there's so many different options earlier now what we have to select we have to select this listing setting the first option is add listing only by logged in users obviously it should be off it is off let it be off because you know vo we want a lot of users also to be able to add a listing so that they can already know they will when they add a listing there you know automatically loss you have created an account and they are logged in so this would make this thing off then you can see this format and so on how many listings should be there per page you can increase or decrease this according to you then you have your upload your map pin if you remember we on top of map we have this marker so you can change this marker with any red marker or anything you want so this is the marker which default marker now listing view okay if you remember in the develop site how we had the listing at one side we had this map and the other side we had the listing so this is the that type one side list map other side listing let me show you again if you if I example let's see restaurant here it is as you can see guys we have map we have this thing so this is the type we want to select from your so make sure this is selected and this one is selected because as you can see or your this is the design and this is the design so both the thing will be second one listing page layouts the second one listing page layout the second one fine and I think after this we should click on Save Changes okay all this change changes have set now next option is listing and submit and edit now here as I showed you or during the demo site that this is the image when user is adding a listing so we don't obviously want to remove this image we want this image to be here if you want to remove and upload your own image I don't know why would do that but if you want to do you wish you can do that but I do not recommend obviously this images are really good let it be how it is okay you can change this quick text and all these things from here if you want but I would recommend let it be everything here is so perfect that I don't want you to change anything from your if you have this different options for example you may not need for example it is image uploading so if you don't want the user to upload image then obviously we can make this off if you don't want the website to show locations then you can put it off so there are few options which you may consider but I still don't know don't think so that you should consider that because we want images we want the map you want all the things all the important things are there nothing is like any random thing or such okay so make sure everything is in oh your or you can change according to your need now let's see the review option it's fine let it be instant signup what does this mean by the way if the user is giving a review he will you know instantly we power of prompted to create a account or the account will already be created for him okay leaves form will be how it is listing claim we want to have this listing claim make the make sure this is alright and make sure this is on so that you know someone can if someone else just creates a website at this creates a listing and uploads it you're not the guy amount of the real guys has not added that listing some other random guy has added they're listing the real guy can claim this kid this is not his guy this is mine okay so we want to enable these things once you are done everything just click on Save Changes okay so with this we have successfully done all this changes over here now let's see how our home page looks like now just click on refresh and see the changes nothing changes actually and we don't have if you see we don't have this category I can show you like we have in the demo website let me show you for example oh yo this is not there so let's add that ok come back again oh your theme settings go to panel settings ok banner which search should be ok banner height is 6 10 I would recommend that size because changing that size mixer and a lot of mistakes were there you can change it you can change this image or you can select you can just delete this and upload your own image if you want ok now here you have to select those categories which we want for example we want hotels we want restaurants you want so it says we want shipping or shopping mode about this if you don't see of any category over here it basically means that you haven't added any product to that category ok so if you don't see go check your category whether everything is there or not if you don't see any category it means that category is empty you haven't added any product in that ok select listing category stock done in such what does this mean for example when you click on no you and the search bar you have different listing categories ok so we have to select these things now so again we are selecting the same four because this is the only four which I have created ok now you can sell change all this thing for example here it says example food service barber hotel here as you can see the placeholder example food service bar where you can change all these things ok for example if you're creating a real estate website you might need to change this thing ok now you can change all these things if you want and after you're done just click on Save Changes fine now again let's come back to our home page refresh and I hope everything is fine now everything is fine except that I can because I haven't I have created this catalyst but I haven't put the icon that's why I am NOT saying not a issue you if you put the icon as I showed in the categories you will obviously see that okay now let's add these things this location ok so again come back oh yo now what we have to do we have to go to this page and here you see edit page open this link in a new tab now click on back-end editor ok now click on add element now we have to add the locations so search for locations this is the one location select this and select all the locations which you want yeah ok so let's select four locations any four click on Save Changes click on update ok now come all your refresh the website and let's see how the website looks like now ok you can see we have four different images over 4 different different regions over here but I have only one with image this is basically because I have only put this thing for as featured image while I create and I created always then put the featured image so basically you have to follow that which I have showed earlier this is just a quick shot that so that I don't have to waste a lot of time ok so this is the one which I showed how to put this icon and I have also shown you guys how to put this featured image so make sure you see that and also think featured image now this is not how it looks as you can see this is the look we want so again go back to that page it is still loading again now click on this pencil button and here this is box do you make this as abstracted view and click on Save Changes click on update it and now that changes should be done click on refresh ok so we have that design but I said we don't have the image because I haven't put any featured image that is why I'm not seeing anything now I this is also we have to put a heading and a subheading ok heading our subtitle and title so come back again on this page on the home page and now click on this button this pencil icon this will edit the row ok so click on that here you have row title just put that title over here and you have row subtitle just copy this thing from your row description paste it over you can now change the color of the title you can change the background color for this row the whole row ok I'll show you that that will come later on you can Center or left align whatever it is now click on Save Changes click on update again coming back to your website now we should CD title and subtitle after we refresh the website hopefully so as you can see now we have the title and subtitle this is awesome we have successfully created this category now let's see the next section which we have to create this is section claim and get started today section ok so again come back to your website this page home page editor now click on this plus button to add a new element now search for column elements ok this is the one listing pro column element select this ok now we have to select this left image this this image I have given this image in that folder so click on this plus button click on upload select the file and let me see where that file is this is the file ok video preview know this one yah I have named this wrong so this is the file basically select this click on open ok now click on set image now you have these things over here it is written claim best way to start managing your business listing is by claiming is whatever but it is everything you can make some changes if you want okay first call them title second column title third column title if you want to make some changes you can do so now click on Save Changes and you also we have this style title and subtitle so copy this again click on this pencil button to make some changes in the row row title fine subtitle or description and this time we also have to change the background color for example if you see over the top one is white the bottom one is not white it is different color okay so come back over the color which I have used is code is a hashtag e F F 3 F 6 okay this is the color which I have used you can use any color make sure this light gray type color okay that will look good now click on Save Changes click on update and I hope everything will be alright now come back to your home page click on refresh and hopefully everything should be fine okay okay everything is fine except that you are getting a box over here we are not getting this full width okay the background color should be full width but we are getting a box so again come back over here click on this pencil button fall down scroll down row type oh okay where it is okay here it is Center content you have to select full width' center content click on Save Changes update and hopefully this and everything will be fine just click on refresh and everything should be fine because we have changed that setting oh yes it looks cool now everything is fine the top one is white the bottom one is Holika light blue if you know how Cobb Lou al Cannella okay so it is light blue now let's see the bottom section this is the section where we have all these things ok so again come back this page the home page now again click on this plus button to add a new element and type in post search for post and we have decided this one listing posts now just select whether you how many posts you want we have three posts so we'll select three and if you guys have noticed if you guys are seeing how easy it is to create a website with this then everything is ready made everything is created for you guys you just have to you know add this element and make some changes so don't have to do anything ok everything is so damn easy you're seeing a lot of time we don't invest you are not wasting time on anything you're you're getting everything ready made it just have to change the image and the text and so on fine guys now what we have to do we have to add this title exclusive paper exclusive listing in our directory whatever it is click on this pencil button to make changes in the row row title no this is not the row title row title was exclusive I'm really ok click on Save Changes click on update obviously and let's again come back to our website refresh the site and everything should be fine hopefully successfully we are saying pressing only to a listing maybe that listing does not have a thumbnail okay that's why it is not showing so not a problem let this thing be showing okay so we are seeing both this listing over are you fine now what we have to do let's see what is the minute this is the video testimonial fine now click on this plus button search for testimonials and you should select not client one this is the one video testimonials now you have to select the video preview image this is also given in the file everything image all the images are given in the file this is the one just select this thing click on open now click on set image ok now you can put in any video URL you want you know so I'm not putting anything now we have the testimonial title author name author company and so on so this is the testimonial title people talking about us just typing over here this is a guy we should change ok just copy pasted over here this is the company what is this company DX media I don't know what that is with this thing is copy pasted over your you can you know upload this guy's image avatar from your that is also given you know everything is given basically in the file this is the one author avatar just select that click on open this thing is amazing just click on set image now here you have to type the testimonial content ok so this is what it is just copy this from the demo website paste it or your click on Save Changes have anything no we haven't don't have anything else now click on update and I hope that this if nothing goes wrong our website the home page will be complete now we'll move on after this if everything is fine ok and this one if you remember so the first section was white then we had that light blue color then white then again for this also we should have a light blue color so again come back to that page last this one with video testimonials edit this row and again put that color make sure you put the same color okay so that was hashtag e double F 3 F 6 okay fine this is what it was big on st. she ate this update and everything should be fine and we should complete our home page hopefully okay I don't know why I do the same mistakes again and again again I forgot to make this thing full with ok again come back I'm sorry guys now click on this pencil button again scroll down Center Center select full-width Center content click on Save Changes click on update and click on refresh ok boom now successfully we have created the home page congratulations guys the main and the most important thing you have achieved if you're following me obviously you have achieved this thing and we have created the most important most crucial thing now let's select this thing let's see how the if you see in the demo side there is a menu and we have a menu area so let's see how we make changes in the menu and let's also see how we change the header ok so again come back to this this file the theme file your area header option there's three types of header this one is selected the third one and this is the one which are selected the blue one we when select this white one you can also select this one okay but I selected this one so after you do so just click on Save Changes okay now we have to see the menu settings so for that here you see appearances at the left sidebar power appearances and select menus click on leave fine so we have to create a new menu let's give it a name main you can name it anything main menu main menu one whatever it is just have two for its your for your understand that you should know okay this is the meaning you are talking about you don't have to put all this thing this is already there in the homepage in the menu so don't worry about that you just have to put this thing Explorer and all these things so first thing is Explorer when you click on X or you are not directed anywhere you just stay on the same page okay so for that we have to click a custom link in the URL type hashtag so basically when you do that you are not very directed to anything that becomes a link but that doesn't no redirect you anywhere so that is important Express no it is explore slow now click on add two menus find us now we have all the categories under diet ok stay over here but not this carrier these are basic categories the post categories we had listing categories ok we are not seeing listing categories don't worry there is an option we have a screen option click on that and we have listing categories where we have it where we have it man categories I hope this is the one yeah it is the one so just select this select all the categories which you want in the menu click on add to menu and add this thing over here so that you know it all comes under explore we want all these four things to come under explore and select homepage menu and inner pages menu ok if you don't select this thing this thing will not show up okay after you do so just click on save menu come back to your website refresh and everything should be fine we should see those changes over here we had success as you can see explore and we see all those changes over here now let's see the footer settings over here in the footer we have this address and all these things so let's see that again come back for you and you have to select this thing the theme option and however his our theme options you get footer somewhere find that here it is select that ok you can also click on this theme option and from here select footer so both the ways so guys here is the footer option you can change the footer top area background color footer top area background color from here you can see this is the color you can change both this color and this color if you want then you have facebook URL you can put in your Facebook you are a lawyer if you want okay you put in all your url so yo then you have the copyright information if your website name is something else then instead of listing progess type view over sending for example block dude and obviously you can type delete this and type in your address or from you and your phone number and your team information if you don't want this thing this team information you can just delete this okay and you can change these things also for example what does it say it says proudly listing pro by video studio again so instead of previous studio suppose you want to buy mayor shake so you can put in a your shake okay and here if you see credo studio is linked to some page okay this is the page okay the credo calm so i want my website over your sword I'll do is www dot block to calm fine it's GG and target blank it means that when someone clicks on this link it will open in a new tab okay so after you do so just click on Save Changes come back to your website refresh and things should be fine hopefully okay everything is fine we have major shake which will redirect us to block to calm you have this block to lower you make all those changes it will appear over here so we have successfully edited and created the footer section now let's see the add section okay as I said ads will be displayed on your home page on single listing at the bottom if you saw that demo website when I was showing I showed that everything okay again come back to the theme options here you should see this thing adsorption okay here it shows use everything about this okay now random ads now you have to select the pricing okay random ads is just puts an ad price over then you have detailed page ads okay then you have talked in search and tax so many basically when a person in search something for example is searching for a hotel in Mumbai then if you if any user has you know subscribe to this package $50 package then their their product will be at the top you know you see this everywhere whether on YouTube on Google you type anything and you see two or three ads at the top so basically that is what it is you can change the pricing from here you can change the ad duration okay for how long you want this thing to be you can change everything from here whatever you want and click on Save Changes okay now let's add some ads so here it is now click on add new okay now we can put in any title for example let's put in for sushi catchy bar I don't know whether I'm pronouncing it try the wrong sushi sushi catchy bar okay now select this listing we want this listing or EUR and select any package for example this guy or this company has opted for $50.00 top in search ok so when anyone searches for something their website or their listing will be at the top ok so they're spending their investing $50 and they're getting the returns now click on publish for example let me show you in our website just click on all your select hotels click on search we have dated only one that's why we are seeing it even if they are multiple then this one will be shown at the top with this sign add and rest all will not have this sign okay so this is what it means your when user is searching for some category at the top this thing will be shown because this guy's paying more money so this is what money works fine now we have successfully created as and seen how ads work now let's create Contact Us page okay so again come back to your website and here it is appearance says no not appearances well first let's see whether a Contact Us page is already created or not so just click on pages and let's see this no contact us page so first we will have to create a Contact Us page click on add new give any title you want and from template you have to select contact page make sure this is very important okay you put any title but you have to select contact page from template click on publish okay now scroll down go to theme options under theme options go to contact we do we have that contact contact contact - ah here it is contact page click on contact page okay now here you can make changes over here in the title of the contact information your address your phone number you have to put everything you are if you want to show social links you can put on or off it's all up to you now select phone settings okay so title for forum contact us you will see what this is first let's see all the options then you see the page contact us which which we have created success message for when the person has successfully filled the form you will get this success message your message was sent successfully it will be in tile even touch as soon as I can okay so you can change this message if you want okay now we have contact map setting okay this is the latitude this is the longitude you can click on Save Changes if you guys don't see the map by the way on your website I'll give a video link in the video description below so you can watch that link you watch that video and hopefully you'll that will help you because a website requires an API from Google to show map on your website okay so that link will surely help you make sure it was that me or you watch that video if the contact doesn't if the map doesn't show up on your website fine so everything should be fine you can select your latitude and longitude from the lat/long dotnet website as i showed you okay now let's see how the page looks like oh yes so this is how it looks like you have the address and everything if you remember it can change this thing from here also as i said you contact information you you change anything from your all the changes will take place over and if you don't see this map go and watch that view that will help you we have this contact for more you so all these changes from you can change it from here okay so with this we have completed the contact page now let's see what is left I think okay let's add the contact page over here in the menu for that again come back to your dashboard our appearances go to menus and now at the top you see contact by a page if you don't see click on View all your you see Contact Us page so that here it is it is automatically on Como you click on save menu now come back to your website refresh the west side and you should see that here it is Contact Us page so that is done contact page is done now let's see some email management stuff again come back over here on the dashboard theme options under theme options you will see email management click on that okay so basically what is email management when a person signs up for your website she'll get a certain email at a certain message when a person adds a listing he'll get a message when a person when a person's listing is approved he'll get a message or email a mail from your website so basically those are the settings you should see oh you're the first one is email address make sure you put a proper email address because they will receive email address from this particular mail address okay and your name should be there or your my instead of my blog type in your company's name for example so if they're receiving mail from blocked or calm the first one is new registered user okay so subject for new restore user your username and password on website URL so basically of their username and password will be sent to their email address and they will be asked to login in the website with that email address and username which is awesome a great premium feature and this is the mail they will get welcome to our website website URL em this will be changed website URL with your website name for example welcome to negotiate you can log in now you double-o credentials username will be given password will be given they will logging in with that okay similarly the next one what do we have new user registration same thing submit listing now from this thing whenever you have this tip style option what do you have to there is a issue I hope this guy will the theme person will solve this issue as soon as possible actually when you see this thing when if you don't change or make the changes which I'm going to show now a user will receive this thing from you this style whatever it is a code but we don't want him to see the code so what we can do is just select it it's simple don't worry just select everything control X to cover to cut everything now click on all your text now here is where we put in all the HTML code not in the visual thing okay now click on your click on ctrl + V that will paste all the code earlier now we will get a proper formatted message okay so for all these things where you have div and where you have any HTML you have to do the same thing just cut all the thing and paste it in this text section you have few different term I guess there are six seven messages so you have to do the best thing for all of them so that they don't get a weird code but you know they get a real message from you that will really be awesome okay so make sure cut everything from visual go to text and paste it over there you're also cut everything go to text paste it over your if you don't if you are facing any problem if you are stuck up anywhere in the tutorials go ahead comment in the section below I will be more than you to help you guys okay so don't worry if you are stuck anywhere I'm already there to it you know these things you can't you don't have to change all these things this is fine this is fine all this thing's fine so basically as I said when the anyone is making a claim and their claim is approved then they'll get this message your claim as superior claim unless thing and URL so that listing URL will be given for example your claim on listing on this particular hotel has been approved okay so make these changes click on Save Changes very important guys this step was make sure don't miss this step and do everything properly okay so we are done with email management now the pricing plans if you remember when we clicked on ADD listing' we were redirected to the pricing plans so for that first we have to create a plan three or two or four different plans ok so again come back to your dashboard scroll up to the top and here we have pricing plans just how is that click on add new price plan okay so basically we will be creating two or three okay so first one let's say basic or let's give a free also for example a free plan then update plan than a premium plan better than the paid one so this all in free plan you check whatever you want to allow the users to have access to for example if you want to your user to show his contact information okay you can check mark this you can take mark this you can take mark this whatever you want if you want your users now if you want to allow your user to upload a video you can have that thing you can select all this things okay so for example now for free you want to give only four features rest all you don't want to view this feature to the free plan they will have to upgrade to the paid plan so that they can access the different features okay now we have to select the package type okay whether you want to charge them for per listing or a whole package okay so when you charge for whole package if they're if you're charging $50 so for $50 for particular amount of days they can upload or they can put in any amount of placing which is not recommended so I think it's all up to you if you if you think package is good for you you can select that but I will go for pay per listing okay fine so they will be paying a certain amount for per listing you can select the background color of the box okay select some color like this let's select this blue color okay now your price as I said for paper listing for example it is free okay solute is 3 so we don't have to put in any price over here okay empty fill will be considered as free blend to make this thing empty duration for 30 days it doesn't matter when your they are getting a free plan okay fine we can put 30 but for examples or now we can say key you are using a few plan for 30 days that is enough now you have to pay and upgrade your plan it's all up to you guys if you want him to allow free access throughout its lifetime then you can just leave this thing in blank okay now here it says check you if you want your users to continue with free land after expire so after even after expiring after 30 days if you want your user to just continue with the free plan you can take mark this if you want to make this as hot plan you can take mark this but not obviously hot plan free plan can you don't want a free kind to be hot plan okay now click on publish now we have this free plan let's add a basic plan now basic plan basically will be better I'm sorry what is OK huh basic plan will be better than the free plan obviously there we gave 4 options now let's view some more oh yeah now we are giving for a few more options and for this thing will be charging same background color we will see what this background color is when we see the the website ok now for here we can charge for example $2 per listing $5 per listing hundred dollars per listing it's all up to you it's your website bro do whatever we want which sends obviously ok so select the price select the duration okay so for 30 days okay so we didn't 30 days he has to do this thing okay this doesn't make any sense because this is a free blank if you want your user to be to go with for example after expiry if you want to use it to go with free plan just take mark this if you want to make this hard plan yes I want to make this hard plan just tick mark this thing click on publish if you're not understanding anything don't worry when we'll see the output of this plans you'll get everything okay so just follow me and don't worry I will show you I will clear all your doubts now click on add new price plan okay now let's make this premium professional whatever you want to name it and your we won't allow all the options we want to give access to all the options okay paper listing or paper package all up to you change the background color now this is premium so obviously it will be higher than the basic price okay con okay I'm sorry now we have this duration price will be $5 severs $2 this will be $5 okay now we can also view some mode is to this pour that okay one plan is already a mod that's hot plan so we don't wanna mark this thing also now click on publish so with this we have created our three plans three awesome plans now we have to create a page where we can show this three plans okay that makes sense now go to pages how our pages and click on add new now create a new page pricing plan or whatever you call it pricing and planning or different plans whatever you call it just click on that and click on publish actually we didn't have to create this flat page because we already have this page select your plan just click open this page in a new tab to see that pricing plan is the name okay so we have this thing or we didn't have to create so you can delete this page price and plant age which we have three teachers down because you already have a page which says select your plan page so with that we have and as you can see this is the vibrant color which we were selecting the blue and you know when we tick my listing this is allowed and these things wouldn't be allowed okay now let's see the payment option because after this the you will be making a payment okay make sure when you click on ADD listing' okay you are not redirected to the submit listing here we are directly related to the submit listing which is a problem just go back now we have to make the payment changes so that you know it does not happen that way now after coming to the dashboard scroll down theme options and select payment okay payment settings okay now the first option is submitted listing should be approved Badman yes obviously we will first approve then and now we have enable paid Commission's okay submission yes currency for paid submission you can select your currency from your left currency position PayPal and checkout API select live sandbox is basically when you know your website is in development stage and you just have a testing situation going on but we will make this all life both the thing okay check out page makes your payment check out page is selected okay failed payment page select this payment field all these things are already created to memory just select the page Thank You page to select this and select the assign queue where is it payment success time fine payment sisters of scientists see whether we have a thank you page we don't have so basically it will be a payment success now click on Save Changes now go to PayPal settings click on enable now open your PayPal in a new tab okay guys so this is your PayPal home page scroll down and at the left hand side you'll see selling tools just click on seller preferences from your new window will open okay here you have API access for you as you can see API access which a button or a link which says update just click on that and click on or select this one view API signature now it will authenticate whether you're the real guy so you can select receive an SMS or whatever you can select your mobile number click on continue ok I got the message if you hear that find now click on continue now you can click on show and it will show your username your password your signature ok and you can copy all those things from your paste it over here ok username password API signature this click oh on clicking these things signature and so on and the last option is PayPal the saving email address put in your email address obviously don't put in my email address or else I will start getting your money or if you want to use your generous enough then you can do that just click on Save Changes then you can also make stripe settings enabled in fact I would recommend going for stripe but unfortunately stripe is not yet available in my country in India so that's why I am NOT able to do all the settings but if you guys are in US or Germany or these kind of countries then basically you'll have this thing you have this stripe option make sure you use this stripe that is more recommended because in stripe we have the SSL certificate and because of that you can make payment or the user can make payment on your own website on your website ok so that is awesome now we have direct payment if you want to receive direct wire payments and you can make this enable and instead of your full name and mailing address you can put in your address then your bank account number Swift code and so on fine you can put all these things if you want to receive direct payment ok but I just make it this civil tax setting ok if you want to enable tag setting valuated takes just name the tags and tax rate okay and you can enable this thing I am just disabling this and I think everything is fine now click on Save Changes and I think this was the last step hopefully now again coming back to your website just refresh the website first guys after doing the payment setting now when you click on add listing page at this button you should be redirected to this page pricing plan so let's do that I have clicked on add listing and let's see okay so it is redirecting us to the same page so this is awesome we are successful now let's see how it works so basic plan let's click on continue okay we having the basic plan now the submit listing is current coming so this is good okay just put in any title subtitle whatever it is I just don't like doing this man typing and all this stuff so I'll just put in anything title tagline anything I said anything tag lines with tagline put in your city your phone number this is my phone number you can call me if you want website you know my website obviously vlog to thought-form the awesome website full address Mumbai is enough Mumbai Maharashtra India okay Munich what is that Germany Mumbai select your category I am selecting I am selecting hotels and when you select hotels as I said you will get this option features you will get this option additional option here also so first we see how to add listing from the dashboard now we are seeing how to add a listing from a user's point of view okay price range you can self moderate price Li whatever you want put some description this ok so just put any description put any fact I don't like this typing stuff so I'm really sorry just put in anything I don't want to waste your time also just typing all this thing again and again just put in all this URL oh you if you want to put a business video you can do that you can also upload images let's upload some images and select any listing thing select this one banners not banners mission ok so like this click on open all these things are uploading now click on save and preview ok this will redirect us to this page now as you can see you guys now the user can see a preview of their listing and now if they like it they can pay and publish if they don't like it they can edit so suppose they user likes it and it says pay and perish so he'll be redirected to the checkout page that is fine isn't it ok so we will have to select this thing and you'll also have to select the PayPal it is only showing their PayPal because I have done this setting if you want to go for stripe which I recommend is stripe is that in your country go for stripe that is awesome having a check out on your own website is very important ok now click on proceed to checkout whereas as you can see we are redirected now when the user pays everything will be paid and in the dashboard you will see under listing just go to listing here it is typical instead of title we put typical so here it is it is showing pending if you want you can go ahead click on edit and click on publish if you want if the user has paid the amount and if you have received the amount then you can go ahead and do that ok just click on publish if you have received their amount and your that you will learn over your in the moisés click on that ok if there's there's no success invoices right now so if there is any user C or your if there is any pending if there is any failed you will see all those things over so when you receive a success payment you can no just let go that listing again you can approve that listing for that website ok guys so with this we complete this awesome tutorial I hope you guys have enjoyed it it has helped you guys I hopefully and there might be many flaws and many you know ups and downs in my video don't consider that please I'm trying to improve myself day by day and I've worked a lot really hard for making this on research and development and so on and I hope you guys have enjoyed this video make sure you subscribe to my channel so that you don't miss anything because soon I will be creating a new video on multi-vendor ecommerce website which is all awesome really awesome and it is in so much demand in fact every day I get messages man created a video on that so I'm working on that and hopefully within a month I will try to make that video so make sure you subscribe to my channel so you don't miss anything make sure you do thumbs up to this video also share this thing with your friends if you know any friend who you can share this video with okay thanks a lot for watching guys see you soon
Channel: Nayyar Shaikh
Views: 149,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wordpress, how to make a listing website, how to make a directory website, how to create a listing website, how to make a website like olx, listing website, how to make a listing website with wordpress, how to make a directory website with wordpress, listingpro, listingpro theme, listingpro wordpress, listify theme tutorial, listify wordpress theme, listify theme, classified website using wordpress, how to make classified website in wordpress, real estate website, listify review
Id: sRbUsQXyEOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 32sec (5492 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2017
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.