ListingPro 2.5 Tutorial with Wordpress, Categories, Home Page & Elementor Changes. (Part 2)

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hello guys and welcome back to the overnight coder if you haven't already seen the first listing pro 2.5 updated theme and the video that I did for that please check that out so this is just gonna be a follow up or more like a part 2 just gonna touch over some of the features and to get started we're gonna go over some of the creating the categories to use on the homepage just I don't mean with images and then also some of the banner categories as well we'll go over some of the editing on home page with element or the pricing plan fix and then if we have time we're gonna talk about what the users actually see when they log into their YouTube dashboard so let's go ahead and jump right in I want to explain that I followed the last video I came back and I just went through in the last detail and talked about just the theme options so here you'll see what I've modified into just using the theme options setting my select color picking my certain layouts and this is what I came up with so just using the theme options so far just to kind of get a base template you know on what I want color wise and layout wise so I also I want to talk about this footer because yes I did modify the footer as well just to get you caught up I picked the footer option that I had the four blocks on the bottom so I picked this one here and then from there I said the four columns I also selected my colors of course and that's pretty much it here so so we're all on the same page where do those flirts come from I went into appearance and then widgets after I saved this and then I just inputted my footer sidebar one two three and four and inputting them is something as simple as let's pretend that's not there they would have been blank I move over the text I call it footer title one and these are just placeholders this is so I can kind of see what the layout it's gonna look like before I actually pick what's gonna go in there I want to get a visual of it so from here I like the visual editor but text editor is gonna be easier because when I do the visual it left really big spots a really big sponsor the first one in between like the first link in the second link let me show you so I'm actually going to do this I press ENTER another link here and I'll save that but more importantly I want to show you this method where I go into the text editor I have one link here oops I use the BR code another link here and I can continuously just put more and of course these links will actually be linked that link somewhere on my website oops of course I have to have those pages created so I'm gonna say that just so you can see the difference on these and you can pick what you like let's refresh the page as you can see these ones are just a little bit closer I kind of like that layout I don't like the color so I'll come back and do some styling changes on the color for the links I guess it's not that bad but I probably go with something much a little bit darker and then these ones have the big space in between it which I'm not not really but I don't like that you know I like a little bit tighter but yeah so that's where we are with this we're gonna jump right into category so listings categories show you how to add a couple categories so here the name and then I use the category banner to create this so you'll see the hotels home repair carpet cleaners and restaurants I simply just type in restaurants grab my photo stock image which I won't be using but just again as a placeholder click the insert image and then add a new category when it was done now so these are some of the other categories and I kind of like these these would be used for like my banner so let's say arts and entertainment beauty spa and health and medical and all they've done there is selected category icon so here now if you don't have the image that's fine what you can do is search your fun awesome icons I searched your icon for icon eight and input a code you know like f a wrench whatever the base code is for you know whatever whatever the codes you are that you can grab right off Google so super easy there well if you created these for two different reasons number one is when I'm in theme options we're gonna go to the header maybe I lied we're gonna go to the banner we are going to select banner taxonomy from some categories so arts and entertainment beauty in spa let's just click Save for now so I probably want to do four but just so you can kind of get an idea I found that five on low this doesn't I'm not really doing it does two to one so four look really good on mobile and now you can see that these have the respective icons now I'm not too happy with that blue so again I'd probably go over there get the white version of this or or maybe just keep adding but you can kind of see how I can pick and choose what it's gonna be up here as my most popular now of course categories on how much in them yet but kind of simple easy and again it looks a little bit better with four which are the ones that I have icons for already [Music] let's see housing medicals away one medical it's gonna be it for now I really don't feel like changing those around again when you when you load them in just load what you want you know I prefer the oh nice for the white ones but again you know if this was on a white background maybe you prefer the blue you know it's just your personal preference on what you want to do I don't like the way they're they're three different colors but keep in mind this is your project you're just making things look aesthetically pleasing with that being said and that kind of covers your categories and the one category that you need but the second category that I wanted to use was actually on the homepage so what I want to do is jump right into elements or editing and show you how I would use those well the first thing I want to do is just edit this page with elements or it's gonna pop open a real-time updated drag-and-drop loader super easy to use and once you become really familiar with Elementor you'll notice design most of the things you're gonna want for any website so this one actually comes with not only the basic features but you're also gonna have some listing Pro features like the listing notifications these are all things just dedicated the listing Pro alone and they've done a wonderful job integrating this into point five so the first thing I want is categories make this easy I could pick something here I want my category so I hit the plus button I want it all one so I'm not gonna split this up into different columns I am but the widgets actually going to do that on its own so my main column or my main section I want to be one full section and that's right here now I can drag things over but more importantly I can also style this as well which I'm not going to jump into just yet let's take a look at what it looks like so we're gonna click this I'm gonna search because I know it's called categories listing categories we're gonna throw right in here alright so this is what it looks like and I don't like this so the abstract of view you can use again I am going to use a grid view and I'm gonna select my categories my categories matter of fact let's take a look at the other ones box for you too don't like that as a no box view actually I kind of like this one but I only want my four categories of hotels restaurants carpet cleaners and I'll help them repair and again this is this is trial and error you can kind of take a look at what you like and then pick you know exactly what you're wanting one more thing is I'm going to add a heading so I'm just going to click on the heading and drag it over I want to hear matter of fact no I don't want it okay I'll take it we're gonna type in so I did was just double clicked it or come over here most services and then we definitely need a switch of the style so the style would match to my text color which I don't be forgiving color I use awesome these videos are raw uncut uncensored I apologize but we're gonna go with text color we're gonna paste in our code here and then also I don't like the way this is so big so all I did was went over to style I'm gonna change the typography to how veticon just kind of want to use that I can also change the size I don't want to change the size maybe go with 26 something so what I'm seeing here is I can see that this is thin you can see that blue box around it not too worried about that but what I do want so I don't want it too close to here so let's go back let's grab a spacer and throw that spacer and what the spacer allows you to do is control them here or if I right click here in Edit space or I can control sighs that I want and you know 10 looks good it's just not hanging on the top of that so I'm kind of digging that so I have a spacer I have a heading and then this box here is super huge on the top and bottom I'm not really digging it so I can right-click here edit listing categories and then go over to the style which allows me to kind of transform some of things inside the image in this case upper case lower case none more importantly advanced it's going to allow me to drop the padding on some of this and I don't you know what I don't want to drop the padding on all of it I just want to do the top in the bottom so let's unlink all these let's do top mmm no I can't type in a negative sign here it just doesn't work so what I like to do is I like to drop it one use that negative sign and take it into negative 45 or negative whatever you need it so drop it 140 excuse me Ron unhook I love it so now I kind of have the padding and the sizing that I want so it's not all huge there I also can make some other changes to the box so either box inside was you know maybe maybe I wanted to just style it a little bit differently or maybe I wanted to edit the selection so I highlight up here and in my selection here and I can also do some things you know what I wanted it full with whether I wanted it box whether I want stretch the selection style I can change the background color it's like a lightish gray instead of a white so that's kind of how you'll edit the background there and those are the categories that I that I told you that you know that that's why we're using them so I've got an update I'm gonna throw a couple more things in here just so you can see the first thing I want to do is add another box and click on here I'm gonna leave this spot open for a call-out so I'm just gonna throw a spacer in there and put it at like 250 248 I'm happy with that it just kind of run through it so I definitely want something in there I'm gonna come and add another one and then let's send the word list thing to see the features I'm not exactly sure which one it is off rip so I end up testing a few out but let's just see listing entries listing posts char the listening post I think that's it now perfect that is it now I don't want them to look like this of course so I'm gonna switch my list style or my list layout to grid view again now again this is gonna be just my personal preference I've got three in there but it also allows me to switch these up as well so grid style two good stop three four five let's go to great style one kind of digging that I just have to add this to a category so that I'm really funny about them won't be in the same size now they should definitely have a category anyway but as you see is just missing the category that makes it a little bit bigger so I'm pretty funny about that of course you want a heading but check this out so I already have my size and my color my heading so here on the heading if I come up here right click and duplicate just duplicate that heading and then I can drag it right where I want it so we're gonna edit right click edit heading I'm going to the content of that and then just switch that out too so most hottest listings I know let's actually do because I think the random do or latest and of course you can size all these you can Center them you can do anything that you wanted here we're gonna update that page matter of fact you know what else I'm gonna edit the selection going to style I'm also going to give that a background color because what I want to do is keep the Satterwhite for like maybe a call-out and then do these two like a lightish gray and again we can let's just get that call out in there on that I'm gonna call out I don't think it's its call to action suite so we can remove this spacer for now and then of course we can edit all this as well you know you could you could jump in throw in whatever you wanted I believe it has some text yeah it is my title short description area and then you can see obviously where we change all of this maybe the background image let's see what that's gonna look like style advanced padding I kind of like I don't want to link them I do want to link them I want to change them back to zero then I want to unlink them in and just do padding right I was just trying to see what the padding would look like on all of it I think we're gonna do 27 27 those kind of digging that and then we'll just make sure we got a little bit of padding on the top and the bottom which again I probably didn't have to do I would make this title a lot longer if we're talking about aesthetically pleasing it would probably come out to about here on desktop and then the description might even be two or three lines but just so you can start seeing that things like this kind of having me all set again I didn't fill out you know exactly what I wanted here we're gonna click update and that was just a real quick rundown there are plenty of tutorials that go over Elementor but if you're already in listening Pro and you're like hey I just don't want to go over to you know one of the elements or videos it's kind of gonna be perfect for you not only that and involves some of these things that Elementor can use for listening pro so I want to I want to show you a couple of these you know the best thing to do is at the bottom of your page open up a section and just drag meant you know just drag what you want in there so you can see exactly what it looks like so you can see if it's something that you want to use listing post by ID I use this a lot because I just want to show specific IDs really cool there let's take a look events calendar content boxes listing with coupons or just showing your listings with coupons if you wanted that like a coupon section listing entries listing and we do that one skip that one uh-huh it's not gonna give me a good preview blog grids you want the blog on the home page you can do that so now I've got blogs you know again I think we get my title get it down here and maybe even switch it up you know now that we've used the grid style on all of them maybe you know it kind of separated I did four and then three and then you know maybe let's just see what options they have which I'm sure there's some well some options here blog masonry so kind of showing your blogs here I'd fill it in here number of posts I would definitely do four or more because four is gonna give you that look that you have here vlog circle I don't think I've seen this we're obviously not gonna see it today so I'm not sure that looks kind of buggy like it definitely I go from masonary it's a blog circle and we might be working on some kinks but just for kicks I'm gonna update it and just see if it actually lets me see that I've never what blog circle didn't know it was there but again maybe maybe there's some issues going on comment if you uh you know know exactly what's going on or just the new features aren't 100% nice so that is definitely messed up my site I'm gonna go back to blog grid and just make sure that yeah so whatever blog circle was as of now and the theme that I have don't use it all right that just totally jacked it up and keep in mind always always take a look there was a couple features in here that did it's still a great theme I think there's some things in the works you know there there it might just be a combination of things that I already have going on so keep in mind that it doesn't have to be for everybody but whatever they're you just seen how instantly that I kind of jacked it up so just just keep that in mind but there's your home page I'm remove the blog section go with the popular listings I'll probably also fix this one up here you know to add listing now and let them just start submitting their listings so just a little bit of touch-up there I want to go into the dashboard we have a few minutes kind of just talk about what they see and if I go just a user here the main desk we're just gonna show you some things that's been going on you know some of the main highlights as you can see instantly we've got customer leads user views it's going to be super awesome for your customers or your clients when they're listing if they're getting it leads they can just come check the dashboard they're also getting an email so the email will be sent out as well but just a one-stop shop to look at all their customers leads views things of that nature so you've got the announcements announcements I set up one announcement menu I don't have a menu section menu section so the menu section is super awesome if you just you know kind of want to show your clients your full menu I have multiple listing system the admin the site's not live or anything but all the demo content seems to be all my listings so here I can see them or I can click over here and edit them if I wanted to remove them I can also change their pricing plan there's anything associated I sent myself a text maximum message so you can see that a this is a test this is the inquiry form that was right on the new lead form right on the listing which I can also reply to gives me their email phone number and what listing they were on invoices if I wanted to send over invoices I don't have anything there yet save nothing there yet but when I save some listings as a business owner I probably wouldn't be saving listings but again you know as a user it definitely saves the listings check back ad campaigns I wanted to add a new ad campaign I can do it here ad campaigns are just like this you select the listing that you own and which one you want to apply and add - how long do you want to go for or set the days for this campaign just because I'm on paper day and then you're setting or picking the advertisement that you want it's pretty easy to follow because you can see this one's in the sidebar wherever the yellow is you can see that on this one whoops I'm just gonna be in the sidebar this one's the top of the search so really cool they're always showing up at the top of the search for those categories and then spotlight if you had some spotlight placements on your site currently I set up a width and set up but I've got PayPal stripe and bank transfer allowed probably removing bank transfer just going and PayPal and stripe and I can always accept okay now and ready to rock say your clients to be able to do that as well reviews and interviews that you had you can also reply to the reviews it's super simple here awesome hope you enjoyed the video I know it was quick and short just wanted to go over a couple of features to kind of get us lined up for having a homepage and then the rest of the site kind of built out I'm gonna go back over it just kind of fine-tune it with some words and look at the completed project I hope you see you guys has completed projects - so go ahead and either send them to me or post them down in the comments let's see where ya
Channel: Overnight Coder
Views: 10,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: listingpro, listing pro 2.5, listing pro, wordpress
Id: LxYaHYYCzt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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