How to Setup WilCity Directory Theme for WordPress

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yeah everybody just gonna set a few things up here got a demo what we're going to be building today right here so you guys can take a look at it if you're here don't forget to say hey leave a comment below right there in the chat if you have any questions during the live let me know when we'll be happy to answer those for you just gonna have a couple seconds for everyone to join real quick with the will city WordPress theme just a few things we have a nice hero up here we're going to basically be going through all of these settings on the back end so that you can set it up properly and efficiently for your particular type of directory site that you're going to be building all this here let's go ahead and dive right into this so we have a clean WordPress installation right here there's absolutely nothing on it and we only have the plugins that are we've deleted all of our plugins and we have our just our length 2019 theme setup right here so we don't really have anything set up on here so we're gonna go ahead and install we'll city theme on the site so that we can get started now we've already purchased a will city but if you have not the link is in the description below and once you've done so all you have to do is just click download and you can just click on the install WordPress file only if you're looking to build the app and if you need the child theme and all of those sort of things then you can click on the all files on documentation but we're just going to go and stick with the installable WordPress file only we're gonna navigate to appearance themes add new upload and we're just going to drag this right into the choose file and click install now now for some of you who have who are using different servers there may be an upload limit that you may have to change on your server and I've already done that for all of my servers because I have multiple installations of will City on my server so I've already uploaded it because you have to increase it above the the 10 megabyte max that they have for you already so be sure to make sure you do that if you cannot upload the theme or you can always do it via FTP and you can get all that information on your hosts alright so we've got that done we need to click activate alright so we've come up with all of these notifications and they may be a little overwhelming but really we can just ignore these two for right now it's just telling us that we need to install some plugins and we're gonna go do that right now under appearance we have plugins install plugins now here's a list of plugins that will city may want you to or it's required to install or that they recommend for you to install so we're going to go through these c mb 2 is what they use for their custom fields so this is than that you need to have installed contact form seven for contacting the owner of the listings we have the email templates so that you can change what the templates say and design your emails and things of that nature the reduction will work we need this because there because of the way they built a theme that we need to install this and a couple other things the will city shortcodes widgets and listing tools these are all required that you need to have those so that you can actually build your pages and have functioning directories the book comp and creator is just optional if you're going to and have this feature the feature then go ahead and install that I'm not going to do that the dokkan multi-vendor marketplace is something if you're going to allow your customers to sell products kind of like an Etsy or an eBay type style you're gonna want to install that I'm going to use Elementor so we're going to install that as well if you're going to build an app or if you just want to use king composer as your builder for your pages then I would suggest to install that as well if you're like I said King composer is required if you're going to build the app so make sure you install that visual composer just another page builder this will only work on a website you cannot use this on the on the mobile app and you cannot use Elementor in a mobile app as well so king composer is required for that but if you want to use visual composer as opposed to element or king composer you have those options as well there are many options that you can use that you have that allows you to build your pages the way that you needed to look the REST API controller is something that you may want to install if you're said if you're doing the app you don't really have to install right now they will see the Elementor add-on we are installing element or start and install that the will city import if you want to import demos this is not importing CSV files for your listings this is importing the demo content from will city we are not going to be installing that if you're going to be installing the app be sure to install this one if you want paid claims so if you want people to be able to select a package when they're claiming a listing then install this will install that as well the WP bakery add-on the same thing is the element where add-on just if you're using the visual composer and if you're using dokkan install WooCommerce or if you want WooCommerce to handle all of your subscriptions and all of your payment methods that install that as well but we will not be doing that let's click bulk actions install and apply we have all those installed correctly let's go back to the install plugins and we're going to activate these so go to the to activate section click all bulk actions activate you can also do this in your plugins folder or plugins menu right over here on the left alright now that we've got all of our plugins installed when we refresh our page we're going to see all of our new page menus are all of our new menus over here on the left hand side that you'll see over here we have our plugins section right here and once that loads up you'll be able to see all of the plugins that we've installed that are going to be needed from the for the for the directory theme that for will City so here's all of other plugins that we have activated as well get rid of this notice get rid of this notice and then here's a warning for you guys if you have not done so yet please set your time zone underneath of the WordPress general settings so make it to the times just string instead of UTC we don't have to worry about that right now all right so basically we're going to go through these menus one by one let's go to the underneath of appearance we're going to navigate to theme options we have all of these theme options right here that we're alike we're able to set to make our website stand out and then of course of just a couple of settings as well so we have all of our registration and login directory types things like that blog settings all of our Google settings right here we have all of those options that we can set up here I'm just going to go through some of these first we have the Willow Tools menu and if we click on this top menu it's going to install all of the missing pages that we're going to need for the website which is always good because we don't want to go through and it make the page set the template and do all of that we want to just have them do it as well we have all of our claim settings so if you want someone to claim a listen on your site we have all those settings right here if you're going to be allowing people to submit events or for you to show events on a front end you have all of your event settings here and same with listing settings all of your listings and it's here and if you add new directory types they will show up on for the settings under this menu a new menu item will be added promotions if you want to enable people to boost their ads for with promotions this is where you would set this up the quick search form at the top of the website in the navigation bar this is what the settings will be for this we have our notification settings for the firebase reports for people being able to report listings for inappropriate content or things of that nature and then we have the a DAT directory types here so we can add as many directory types as we want and then we can set all the settings in here underneath it will look submission we have a lot of different settings and this is a lot of where you're going to be saying yes this is you know the payments that we're going to accept the current subscriptions all of your PayPal or your stripe settings all of that so this is where all of that's going to be all of these menus on the left-hand side are basically all of the people who want to claim your listings all of the listings plans you're going to add discounts comments promotions that people have purchased these are that's where all that's going to be so let's go ahead and get started with the wool of tools and we're gonna click install so we've automatically added all of these pages that we're going to need to successfully charge people for the listings on the website and now that we've done that you'll be able to notice under will local submission that we have all of our pages are already set under here on the payment pages the dashboard the package page to the add listing page check out thank you cancel these have already been set up and configured for us so we don't have to worry about doing those later on which is always great now we're going to navigate to appearance and theme options alright so underneath of the general settings we have our favicon we have our logo retina logo listing logo let's go ahead and go through all of these for the favicon we have something where we can upload and the top right over here and you're in Chrome or in Safari it's over here but this is what these images are that so that's what the favicon is so if you want to have one of these you can upload it if you don't it will look something similar to what my site looks like now all you have to do is click on upload and you're gonna select a file and let's go and set something up here we're going to navigate here so that we're gonna grab one of these icons from the current site and then once we've done that we can upload it to the site and then we have it's ready to go and if you need help designing them make sure there are about 200 pixels by 200 pixels just so they're big enough because sometimes apps will use the favicon as being able to add it to the home screen of your devices that you use it for like mobile devices and things like that so make sure it's large enough for that once that's uploaded we're going to click select all right and then for our logo we're going to upload our logo so let's go ahead and figure out what we want our logo to be we have our logo aspects we have the Y logo and then we're going to upload the logo here all right so we've got our logo selected there we're going to click select and so the difference for the the retina logo in the logo is the retina logo should be twice as big for mobile devices because things like iPhones and androids are using Retina screens and even your laptops so make sure that you're uploading a large enough logo that you can have it scale down twice listing logos are going to be the default logo for all of the listings that are on your site if they do not upload their own logo so what I like to do is just use something similar to a favicon or something simple so that it will crop it in a circle but it's just something default so that your listings who don't have a logo will automatically just have this the menu colors so the menu color for your website which is going to be this main menu up here you won't be able to see that yet because we don't have a menu but the main menu that's up here is the main new color that we're looking for so we want to make this black the author menu background so when you're on an alter page like a profile page or anything like that then it's going to be this background right here so normally we have a transparent because their hero image will come through so we can keep these the same will keep this one over here the same as well the listing details menu and then the menu background we want to make this a custom one this is for all pages excluding these two so the listing details an author menu this is the menu background so this is what you're going to see on most of your sites right now it's said the dark which is this dark navy and if you want it to be anything else we can make a custom and then we go soft whatever color we want if you want people to be able to follow each other you can toggle this one or off I usually just disable it for my purposes but it's something that it's completely up to you always show full text I usually enable this as well because I like to show all of it instead of just showing the ellipse so I just do that so we'll save changes and see what we've got so far and we'll refresh all right so we've got the white background that we chose we have our logo we don't have a menu because we have not created a menu yet so we don't have to worry about that just yet let's go up to the SEO out of the og image property two listing page I usually just keep this enabled because the listing page will automatically be the OG image which is what the SEO needs in order to show the images when you paste a link on to Facebook or something like that you'll notice that you'll get an image showing up with the link and that's what this is the front end dashboard so once they log in to their dashboard and we don't have this yet but once we once they log in to their dashboard you'll be able to put a little notice up here if you want to you can change this if you want you can keep the same just replace this pound sign with the actual link to your privacy policy just go through all of this and make it pertain to you but this is what they're gonna see when they log in to their dashboard register and login if you want people to be able to register on your website you have to do a few things you have to enable it here but you also have to go to your settings under general and then once you've gone to that you're gonna want to go to any one can register you want to click on that and save the Google reCAPTCHA so if you want people to have to do that I am NOT a robot thing when they log in and register you're gonna want to click enable if you enable that it's going to give you a couple of different things that you have to fill in for your secret keys and if you need more information about this I would just go to Google's where CAPTCHA website and I can post a link in the in the comments below but go to the recruit the Google's work a shore site and then you're gonna paste in your site key and your secret key right here so we'll agree to the privacy policy you're gonna want to enable that especially with the new EU regulations that they've gone on you'll want to have a privacy policy for this type of website so if you have not done so yet there's free privacy policy generators out there or contact your lawyer if you have one and get one made up but I strongly and it would suggest that you keep this enabled and then just link to your privacy policy right here where the pound sign is same thing with terms and conditions always keep that enabled if you can and then just link it to it right here and you can change all of the verbage right there log in to redirect tight basically the self page means it will just refresh the page that it's currently in one wherever they're logging in and they'll stay on that page if you want them to go to a specific page like their dashboard when they're logging in then you can specify a specific page and then you can have and maybe go to their dashboard when they log in no matter what page they're on it will always go to their dashboard confirm users email address which is a great way to enhance your security because if you don't have this enabled people could just use tests at and make an account on your site you'll have no real information about them they won't be able to confirm their email because they don't have access to that email address most likely so they don't need to worry about confirmation or anything like that so there's gonna be a lot of spam spam registrations on your site so I would strongly say that you should enable this and then you can just change this text however you see fit whatever you want to do for your website and they won't actually be able to submit a listing on your website until they confirm this e-mail address which is always a great feature confirmation page basically all you have to do is go to pages here on the left and then you'll go to add new we'll call this confirmation and then we'll go under the page attributes template and then we're going to go under confirm account for will city hit publish now once we've done that and we refresh this page we can actually choose the bleed that page that we just made right here in the confirmation section we directed this page out to create an account so it's a little bit different than when they're logging in redirect so if they already have an account in their logging in you can redirect them to their dashboard or such but if you're redirecting them after creating an account maybe you want them to check out your app that you made or to claim their listing if you're already pre-populating all of the website with their listings you can have it go to whatever page you want to here and you can create it with any page builders and then from there just select it here in the in the drop-down and you can have it go to that page so there's a lot of different things that you can make them see when you're creating the account and then it gets redirected to this login page it's a great way to sell them something or something like that toggle Ola customer can delete account I would say keep this enabled because of those EU regulations with people having to be able to delete their own accounts if you do this there's going to be a button in their dashboard that says delete account and it's they have to type in their password in order to delete it and of course there's that reminder or the account warning I would suggest you read through this and change anything that needs to be done especially the name or any any words that need to be spelled correctly internal welcome message is something they're gonna get sent via the chat that's built in with will city so there's a chat functionality that's on desktop again in the mobile app so they're gonna get sent this right here on their website and they'll get a notification for that so this is a great way to reach out to them initially as well changes however you see fit obviously you can see that we get we can put put links in it so that people can click on links the front end password reset page something on another page you're going to have to create if you go to add new page and we're going to call this one reset password go under these the page attributes template and it's going to be the will City reset password and click publish and then publish and then you're gonna go ahead and choose that page from this drop-down right here now the facebook login now there's a video on will city's YouTube page that shows how to do the facebook login if you want people to be able to sign in with their social media I would strongly say to enable this right now there's only Facebook but I'm sure that Gmail is in the works you would talk a little dissin abled choose your language and then your app API ID in your API secret will all go in these two fields and those will be those will be shown to you on the Facebook developers page and I can link to the video down in the comments below so that you guys can see how to enable this for your website mobile settings this is for when they're registering or logging in to your website from the mobile app same thing here agree to our Terms and Conditions make sure you're changing the spelling if you need to turn page make sure you choose the page that you made for your term terms and conditions and then the same thing for privacy policy once you're all done with this go ahead and click Save Changes underneath of the users we have the default cover image so profiles every person gets a profile when they are registered on the website the cover image is that big image on the website that you normally see with like Facebook and Twitter and things like that same thing with will City if you upload your default cover image you can do that here you can also do the user avatar which is also like their Facebook profile picture in terms of will see things so if you just select whichever one you want that can be their thing and then we had to follow feature if you want to enable or disable that I'm gonna click disable all right from there moving on to customize taxonomy we have the default location featured images default category featured images tags featured images same thing that we've been discussing if you don't upload a featured image for location category tags this is what it's going to pull from but I always suggest you should always to upload your own custom ones when you're making the categories because you'll have more control over that so definitely upload your own when creating them underneath of the listings right here in these three sections but always I mean you can upload these if you want to it doesn't hurt it's always a great fallback if you have if you for some reason you accidentally forget to upload one the listing locations love so if you are using the listen location taxonomy you can make sure that you change this if you want to maybe you're doing members instead of listing this you can change this to member location same thing with member category same thing with members tag now once we save this page we need to make sure that we save our permalinks right here and I'll show you guys how to do that I've got some taxonomy image size this is if you want to do large medium or anything like that we can just set it up right there and then the listing taxonomy page style we can either choose the default ones or we can actually create one ourselves which with the page builder for right now we're gonna keep this default and there's gonna be a video coming up on will city's YouTube page that shows in detail how to create one for yourself they subcategory settings I've normally just left this all of the same but if you're looking to change this a little bit this is the subcategories so the number of columns number of tank sounds that are going to be shown how you want to order these and things of that nature so these are all completely up to you guys if you want to change these or not Save Changes and then we're going to go to the settings permalinks we're going to make sure it's on a post name and click Save Changes and we're gonna do one more time Save Changes we're gonna go back to it theme options and then we're under Google settings now so this is for if you are using the map features with will City you're going to need to have this API enabled so let's go ahead and grab our API and I'm just gonna grab some random one and then I'm gonna delete it after or after this video is on if you need any help definitely click on the documentation it shows you how to get an API so that you can paste it in there just like so there's a bunch of different everybody just on how to do that so let me go and grab one right here theme options and we're going to paste that there all right so we have the autocomplete which we want to just keep that the same where it is local code local language keep all that changes if you need to the local code grid size I've normally just left this all the same maximum zoom value so this is how far the earlier able to zoom out 21 is normal the minimum Z value is obviously one and then default zoom value is whatever you want it to be so normally I'll do something around 16 just for that and if you want to change the default map Center you can go to that long net that long done it type in the address you want to be the center of attention and then from there you can just add it here with the comma separating them right there as you can see right there the map bound feature you can enable or disable this it's for like local businesses and things like that so wherever you want it to start and end it's basically gonna be the top of the map and the bottom of the map so you can choose what is shown map style you can choose whatever you want here or custom if you choose custom then you can paste the code that you get from snazzy Maps comm right in this section but for right now I'm just gonna use ultralight on a single listing page this is where you can enable the zooms and then the default zoom for single listings I usually like to do around 15 or so just because that's almost Street View with Google Maps and I want it to be pretty close for that so we want to make sure that we have the option for that same thing with the event page I want to make this the same 15 Save Changes directory tight on the left hand side now we have a couple different options we have the featured image full width or slider so the featured image full width is going to be whatever they upload for their cover image for that listing the slider is going to pull from the gallery if you have that gallery option enabled it's up to you guys whatever you want to do if you want an example of the slider go to will City showcase calm and you'll be able to see the slider options there I'm gonna keep this featured image full width I relate color you can choose whatever overlay color you want there I'm just gonna give you the same because I like what it is post per page though you could choose however many you want to do here I can make it ten make it fifty whatever you want same for the extra blanked featured image and video thumbnail right here and a coupon image these are those default images we discussed earlier so if you're unsure of what you want to be if they don't have anything uploaded for their featured image the video thumbnail or the general coupon pop-up image it will pull from whatever you have here hey Andrew so the the Matt bound feature it's it's very difficult to explain but basically if you're on the map page where it shows all the listings on the left hand side and I don't have one set up yet but I will on the left hand side they have all the listings and then you have the map on the right hand side basically the map down is the start in the end so the start will be where the map starts at the top and the map bound end will be where the map ends at the bottom so let's say you're in a county in the United States and you're in a county inside of a state the top your county can be the map bound start so grab some that long from the top of your county and then the bottom of your county will be your map bound end so grabs a lot along from the bottom of your county it's a little bit difficult to to show you guys but actually show you guys is an example once we get the the map page and all that set up alright directory type we have those options like said if you want them to be the default featured image default video thumbnail and default coupon pop-up image we have that option right there of course yeah and your answer you it's a live video that's what the whole point of a live video so you guys can chat with us while we do this live time format if you want 2412 basically those are your standard options and then we have the map page so we want to create a new map let's do that right now new page and this is just gonna be I'm just gonna name this members because it doesn't have to be called a Matt page they can be whatever you want to be called you're gonna go over here on the templates you have all these templates we're gonna go to will city map publish let's save this and we're gonna refresh and add that Matt page right here Matt page members search page I'm going to keep that members as well because I want people to be able to search and it will show it on that same page listing search page order by all of your listings however you want them to be sorted on that map page do you want them to be premium listings first and then it goes by date or do you want it to be by title first and I usually like title and I'll usually do ascending so those are the different options that you can have for that same with the event search I don't use the premium events much but if you do then you're gonna want premium events there but for events it's a little bit different you may want the upcoming events first because you want people to see what's coming next and you want to be able to show them the next event instead of maybe listing by title so you have that option and then of course you have the toggle favorite feature enable or disable this and I like to keep that enabled because that's one great thing about listing pages is being able to bookmark your favorite listings and events are their templates for king compose are also I'm thinking I would want the option to have an app so with the building of the app with king composer there are specific widgets that you have to use with king composer in the app nothing else work and it won't look right and it won't function correctly if you're looking to build with king composer on the website I don't know of any templates that have been made I personally use Elementor just because it's what I've been using for the past two years so there's no templates available for Ginga bozer but there are elements that you can use with King Composer that will city has developed specifically for this theme so you can use those but for the most part I of any templates that people have made for King composer pages business hours we have the default opening closed second opening in a second closed if you're gonna be using this maybe for a bunch of banks or something like that and you know that all banks are from nine to five then you can set this but if you're not going to be using it in a traditional sort I would just say to let's just leave a blank the templates I'm choosing are only from Elementor not sure what you're asking there I haven't done anything elemental related with this video so far so this is for anyone building the website with any page builder so this is not element or related just yet everything I've done is global add listing general settings so here's a here's an important part unchecked features meaning meaning the fields that you don't add to the add listing form you either want them to show on the a listing page but they'll be disabled meaning they'll be grayed out so people can't actually fill them out but they'll still be visible or you can just completely hide them altogether and now I'm I'm more of a fan of hiding it all together because I don't want people to think that they can they're trying to like click on the field and then they get frustrated and then they email you saying I can't fill this out and then you tell them well your package doesn't include that they're like well why do I have to pay for this it's just gonna be a whole ordeal so it's just that's just a mess I usually just show say it should not be shown on a listing page when you create a page you choice from a template yes so that is for any template so underneath of the page underneath of the page attributes in the template these are all will city based ones so no matter what page builder you have this is what you're going to choose for specific pages now when I chose this will city map and I'd made it for this you will not edit this page with either a king composer element or WordPress whatever you have you you will not edit this page because we'll City will automatically populate this page with the content of needs let me show you so you see I have nothing on here on the front end and if I update this page and I viewed the page you see that it's automatically generated the map view and it has all my search and stuff on the Left I didn't do anything on the back end everything still says completely blank and it's just a title right here so we don't have to worry about adding content when we choose page templates over here that begin with will city now elements are canvas and elements are full width those are the only ones that have been added because I installed Elementor these are some things that I'm going to be using to build the pages out with use the plan and user info also will city generated pages no you're not a pain you're good you're good I just want to make sure that you everyone understands just so you know that's what this videos for so everybody can can configure the layout of the theme in the best correct way now let's get preview step sometimes I've had people fill out all the information they click Next and then they see their listing as it will be on the front end which is always great they could just see what it looks like they get to make any changes they want to but sometimes that's where they stop and they're like oh cool my listings live and then they just close the page and then they come back a week later and say why don't I see my listing so if you're communicating it correctly then I would say leave this enabled I'm sorry leave this disabled because you do not want to skip the preview step but for me I always enable it because I don't want to do the preview step and just confuses people sometimes so I just do that click Save booking settings if you installed that plug-in that this is where you're going to put your affiliate ID I personally have not done anything with this but if you need to do it then click on the link and you can figure out how to add the booking comm stuff Google Adsense if you're going to be showing Google ads on your website you're going to need to insert the script that they give you into your header use an insert header photo and then you're gonna need the client ID and slot ID and then wherever you want the content to be for the Google ads above the listing content below do not show whatever you want it to be blog this is the blog archive page so if you're using a standard will city blog archive page then you have your excerpt length and the default featured image that you want for your blog's which we've been discussing the same thing for listings events everything you can upload a default image there sidebars so your blog sidebar so this is your blog archive sidebar if you want left/right or none single post same thing left-right or none a single event page listing in the nuru commerce shop sidebar left/right or none these are all pertaining to whatever you want to do usually I disable sidebars altogether but for directory theme it's great because you can show ads you can show promoted listings on the sidebar so you have all those different options social networks is the social networks for the website that you're building this is what you're going to be including so I'm building will city dev that WordPress and maybe I have a Facebook page and a Twitter page so I add my links here and the way you showed these links on the front end is with the widgets section underneath of appearance you have that option to show and you can always disable them here if you don't want to show them you've also said it's for all your social networks right there your 404 page if you want an image background your heading you can have a little bit of customization over here if you want to try editing your 404 page your footer so if you want to add items to your footer you have the option of four three two and then of course you can change the copyright notice at the bottom and you're gonna see those towards here at the bottom let's see if I can get it to show yep down the bottom your copy we're down here and then of course if you add widgets your widgets will appear up here above that that bar so you have those options right there customized URL so if you want to add your parent location term permanently you can enable this if you do that make sure that you save your permalinks underneath of these settings and then permalinks and make sure you save it twice now this is going to add the location so that location right here underneath of listings the lists and locations the parent location so I mean it's going to add that to the URL and then if you want to do more with the single listing settings there's a full tutorial on how to do so right here you can add your listing locations your listing categories and these little percentages to percentages is what you're going to want to add to your site so for example if you want your listing location and the listing category to be on your in your listing permalink settings all you have to do is just paste that in and to make sure you have that forward slash right in there but that's basically all you have to do and as soon as you do that make sure you save your permalinks any time you save anything that has to do with the URLs under advanced settings so we have Google Fonts so if you add Google Fonts to your website if you're using them then go in there and go to the font size goggle calm get the font you want and you can paste this URL right into there if you're going to be using anything different it works great especially we're gonna do it on mobile for the theme color this is gonna be the theme color of your site so right now we have this lovely pink and if we want this to be different we can do blue and click Save Changes will refresh and we've got blue the atom or sidebar if you want to add in a custom sidebar you can just create custom ones over here and it will add it to the underneath of the widgets over here on the left hand side custom CSS codes or any code that you see in the old city group or any any group that has to do with a 10 CSS this is where you're going to enter it there's a couple different places you can enter in like such as under their appearance and customize but for this theme it's going to be best if you add it underneath of custom CSS code so make sure you add it under here same with JavaScript code if you want to add it here you can do that if not use the insert header and footer plug-in right there and then click Save Changes now when it comes to this theme color these preset ones a cyan blue pink red these are all great and as you can see on the front end this is blue but this is probably not the blue you were thinking it was gonna be and if you think about it when you're building an app it's going to pull this custom color not this color I'm sorry it's going to pull this custom color into the header of your app and it's going to be a different blue than this it's gonna be like that bright blue that you see in RGB so what I would suggest doing is clicking custom selecting the color and then you manually selecting whichever color you want or paste in the code but I would suggest you do this just so it's it's the same across your app and across your website make sure you I would just say make sure you do that for now I'm just going to choose that nice coral color and click Save and we can see that on the front end change right there mobile general settings now if you're gonna build them over at mobile app this is something you might want listen to if you're not gonna build a mobile app maybe take a bathroom break but the mobile app home page you're going to create a page for the mobile home app the mobile page the mobile app is Paige sorry about that you're basically going to create a new page I like to just name it app homepage just so everyone knows what it is and underneath of the template on a default template you're gonna choose the mobile app homepage right there and click publish now I know I told you earlier anything that you choose over here on the right hand side this begins with will City you're not going to edit the content but this is a little bit different this is where you're going to edit the content for your homepage now let's go over here let's refresh and let's choose the mobile app home page right there app home page it's secured off key you're basically just going to click this link that's underneath here pulls up this I don't want to translate this page you're going to pull it in from the first one all the way to this to the last letter notice how I did not pull in let me just zoom in on this a little bit notice how I did not pull in these these apostrophes right here you do not need to pull those in just pull in the the letters and numbers from it and we're gonna paste that right in there token expiration means how long do you want the people to be able to logged in on the app without having to read login on their app 15 days 30 days 7 days 500 days whatever you want it to be even choose it here 30 days is pretty standard listings order buy on the app this is all app not website so when you're on the listing page of the app how do you want to listen how do you want to do your order of listings for your that I usually do by title and ascending click Save Changes alright from there we have the email contents now this is that plug-in I mentioned earlier the email template plugin and now so that we have this feature enabled because we have this plug-in installed these are all the emails that are going to be sent from your website to all of your customers based on what they're doing so put in your admin email change your brand to whatever you have and then we have the welcome subject so this is going to be an email this welcome right here it's gonna be an email that sent to them when they register it's gonna say hey welcome give them a little bit more information you can put HTML in here if you want to it's just gonna be a welcome email a confirmation email that we mentioned earlier that they had to confirm their email address I was just not changing this but if you do make sure you're using these percent 2% right here for these dynamic links so make sure you're keeping those I've become an author we have these subsections right here these two are here they're subject and then the message so make sure you enter your subject in saying something like you're an author with an exclamation point or something like that and then you have all of this information right here and you can always add a links right here so they can submit a listing review notification if they get a review this is what the message is gonna say reporting things of that nature so you go through here and make sure that you add all of your your subjects and go through and reread all of these messages so that you know exactly what you want to do have sent to you in the messages for the emails give all these all of these different ones it's great you can control them all which is which is awesome options object you don't need to worry about this import/export this is if you want to import all of these settings that we just went through you can export it down here downloaded data file copy data file and you can just import it all here on the other side so that's a great way to to do all this settings so you don't have to keep resetting them all up all right well that's just theme options there's a lot of different options for that we still have a little bit to go with a couple of other menus but if you have any questions about theme options let me know right now I'm going to take a quick couple second break real quick all right now we have the willow tools we already went through the will of tools and installed all the pages which is good the claim settings so this is if you want to enable claims on your website if you want people to be able to click claim business to fill out their information which is gonna be what this is and then you can approve them or not based on what they filled out now I would suggest doing their first and last name phone number phone numbers on here twice it looks like let's get rid of that one number and then introducing yourself if you want but if you want a paid claim then you're going to click Add field and you're going to feel tight and it's gonna be packages and you're gonna need to make this required make the field label choose a package to claim something like that and then we're gonna go and set up our add listing plans to it later on but if you want to have paid claims then you're gonna need that package is there click Save now with your own pages like this you see how there's a tab up here sometimes there's other tabs so make sure you're always checking to make sure that you've gone through all the tabs to set up whatever you need to set up for the events you can toggle this one and off Tavo being able to comment on events if they submit it do you want it to be immediately approved and then the comma discussion right there if they if you want people to be able to discuss on the thread you can do that as well and then we have our field settings so these are all the fields that people are going to have to type information in in order to submit an event on your website so of course we're going to need the listing title which is always usually the event name you have all of your settings here you can change the section icon and then of course you have your listing title and then you have the label if you want to add a label featured image so this is gonna be that cover image on the events if you want to add that and if you want to make that required or not and then of course you're going to need the event counter because you're gonna need to know when this events going to take place so make sure you have that as well maybe change it from a certificate maybe let's add let's click on the green and then we can actually change it to be maybe a calendar icon or of some sort we could just make it so that it it actually pertains to the events a little bit so we have those options there you can always drag in more information so if you wanted listing content you could do that so if you want to be able to get like some more information like a description you can do that right there just click and drag that right and a little bit and just click Save Changes single content so this is what's going to be displayed on the actual event page the description so if we want that we would definitely want to have the description on there so we have the listing content and we can choose whichever we will want and then we can actually rename the section to be whatever we want so if we want to be like ticket information we can always do that search form so the search form is going to be for whatever page you have the event set to so we're going to go under add new page and we're gonna go to events and then underneath of template we have event plans which is not what we want we have event template we'll City event template that's what we want so we'll do that all of these are going to show so you can actually filter using any of these items now this is a bit much for me for events so basically I get rid of region I don't really need category sometimes you do sometimes you don't cat tax price range obviously not open now recommended now you need to have the one here and you see up here there's a notice you need to have types select two is required field so make sure you have that here and then you have of course most food if you want to keep that I would suggest to rename some of these so like where to look you could just name this location change the radius if you want so the max radius of 100 miles and then a default radius maybe you can make that 10 and then you can change it to kilometers or miles we have that what are you looking for with your replace that with just regular word search and of course we have the event date we can always have that there so we click Save I like to make it pretty simple I don't really have to make it too complicated when searching but you have all these options you can just click and drag right down below they here are search form so if you remember we saw the hero here so the search form right here is going to be what we're talking about the event we can add some fields here so that we can customize that right now we have where to look which is a location and we have category which is always great but maybe we want event date so let's click and drag that down there so we have the event date right there click the see schema markup this is already done for us so we really don't have to do anything else if you want to customize this feel free to go ahead if you're that knowledgeable on schema but for the most part you won't need to change any of that let's see and settings is going to be basically everything that we just did with the vents but it's going to be for pertaining to listings only so we have a lot of different things here and a lot of this is stuff that you can get rid of if you want to if you're not offering that but a lot of this is something that you really have to have so each of these is a section on the form underneath our different fields so we have like three four five different fields right here that people can add so let's do this listing title we obviously need the listing title that's really going to be their business name so you can change that to be business or whatever you want it to be tagline is always nice to have if you want but don't make it required if you don't need to the logo obviously something that you're gonna need so we keep the logo name it to business logo or something like that make it required if you want to if not it's gonna pull from that default logo that we enabled earlier cover image now I usually toggle this off because I like to use the featured image instead the reason for that is the cover image doesn't always get used in all of the elements and in the app but the featured image does so I would just recommend toppling this off for cover image featured image let's go to this now I instead of cover calling this featured image I usually just call this cover photo just because people know what a cover photo is rather than a featured image they're more familiar with that Facebook interface and a Twitter interface for uploading cover photos and you can make this required not if you want to contact information for the business name any of these sections whatever you want so we have the email if they don't enter their email they won't get none if they won't get notifications or anything so that's always something if you want to enable that phone number we have the website if they want to put their address URL address and then we have social networks now they're going to enter their social networks and for all of them if they want but if you want to disable some of them like whatsapp then you can always do that you just click on whichever ones you want to disable so that there's just a list of ones that you can do right there so we have all these options right there and then if you want to get rid of one just click on the X over here on the right hand side you name this social notice whatever you want social URL and then add social so they can add multiple ones that at one time coupon if you're going to or maybe a restaurant site or our shopping site or something like that you want to enable people to be able to upload their own coupons this is a great way to do it and it looks great you can have that so you definitely want to have a title the highlight pop-up coupon image and then it tells you what's suggested suggested and then you have the description if you want to enable those coupon codes so they can actually like use it on your website or something like that the description and then if you want it to redirect to a specific page on your website you can also do that when they click on the coupon for that so there's those options there I don't really use coupons too much but it's great if you want to use it for like a restaurant site or shopping site categories so if you want to have the categories here so they can actually tag themself in different categories on their own the listings so that they can be found easier you have the option to enable or disable and then we have the is required or not and if you want to search for categories using Ajax so this is recommended if you have over like a hundred categories on your website they can actually just start typing in their category and it will start to search for the category if not when they click on the field for the category it's just gonna give them a drop-down and if they're just scrolling and scrolling it's gonna take some time we have the term ID so we can name it we can order this by count or name slug or term ID whatever you want it to be and then I usually do term ID by name I'm sorry order by name and then descending and then what's the maximum amount of categories that they can actually choose for their particular business one two four or five whatever you want listing tags are also great if you want to run like a hotel agency or something like that where you're managing different hotels and you want them to be able to select different features for their for their hotels like they offer a pool they offer our bar gym things like that that's really what this is for business hours they can specify their own business hours you can set the default opening time if you want to do that here as well always open or no hours available or some point out whatever you want to do single price so you can enable the prices so people can actually either pricing here or they can do a price range here so if there's something like a single product they have just one price or if they're like a boutique and they're ranging from $10 to $40 you have that option to give them that way to show them on a front end they're listing the addresses so the region is really for the listing locations if you want to enable us to include locations for your website I usually turn it off because I don't use it but it's great if you're doing like across the for me I'm just doing like a local business local businesses in my County but it's great if you're doing things like cross country or something like that and you want to enable the region and you can actually just maybe title this location or city something like that you can make it required or not or the terms by name whatever you want to do and have the maximum amount of listing cities or regions that you have if you want to enable them to be able to submit their Google address you have it here usually I'll just change that to business address enable this you can set a start deep a starting location so one starting location when they're adding the form it's going to be in some other city besides yours most likely it's not going to be in the one that you're in let's see if I can go to the members page real quick so as you can see right here I'm located in the United States but this is not in the United States right now so we are going to set the default to something different now this not for this but for when they add a listing and then they choose their location address so you can go to lat/long net and you can actually choose a place let's go to New York and we have our latitude here let's paste that put a comma and we have our longitude paste that default dream I usually like to do 16 or 15 as as I showed before and if you want them to if you're using the map feature they will not show on the map if they do not have an address associated with their with their listing now it doesn't have to be a full exact address be a city and state if they want to but it's gotta have some type of address associated with their listing in order to be shown on this map page so if you're doing that making sure you make this required list in title now if we're using the header block we can remove this and let me just go to the top so we have this header block right here and which we are using it let me collapse some of these just so we have some more room to see the header block so we are using that so we're just going to get rid of this by clicking the X over here on the right hand side now up do these the my products my room and the booking com this is if you're gonna be using token the my products so if you are then you can enable this and they can actually select our products to associate what they're listing my room is if they're using like a booking like being able to book using WooCommerce booking on their website you can actually do that with this theme you can allow people to book for different services and things like that want a per listing basis so if you're gonna do that I would suggest keeping this here and then just renaming it from my room to booking or something like that and then create a banner if they if you have this enabled this is where they can add all of their buttons and their banners and things like that video URLs if you want them to be able to upload their own your videos to the website this is where you're going to allow that you can make it required or not you can make it have an add more button whatever you want it to be this is where you can where you can add it and of course the gallery they can upload the gallery of images right here uploaded and make it required or not it's up to you guys however you want to do that let's click Save alright if you need any custom fields that you're making here those are all in this top section you can add as many fields as you want for the listing cart we have new features that were just released we have the total views at the top so we can actually see the the amount of total views let's see if they've got this updated on their site so right now instead of the total views they have the mail us right here you can see that and we have that option if we just click on email us and then there's also the call us but maybe you want to see like total views so they can have they see the amount of total views there can you explain the new import options for the rule of tools sure give me a sec charlie what some of these options be hidden depending on what the package they have chosen allows for yes Andrew and we will get to that underneath of the listing plans right here total views you change this as we want the card body so this is the body right here so as you can see there's an address and a phone number here and we can change the address some phone number to be whatever we want so if we want the website we could do that just change the icon here or if you want the category or if you want a custom field you have all of those different options here and then the card footer so as you can see there's a footer right here and it's got the restaurants and then we have the taxonomy here so there's all of that right there for you guys if you guys want to export the settings for the listing cars and things like that all you have to do is just click on the export copy this and then when you're when you're ready to import it into another site paste it right into the import data and click import and then it's going to replace all your settings you just click OK and then everything should be the same from the other website reviews if you want to allow reviews on the website you could turn it on here if you wanted the reviews to be immediately we're approved once they're submitted you can toggle that on or off if you want them to be able to discuss reviews threads you can turn this one or off and if you want them to be able to upload images to the reviews that they submit you could toggle that on or off do you know why there are two hearts on a card layout top and bottom I don't I have no clue why it's there I'm guessing it's an oversight on will cities part I'm sure they'll be quick to fix it if somebody has brought it up to them you have the score scale one to five or one to ten and then of course you can add your rating details here now this one's already default so overall but you can add different categories so maybe you can put you know customer service customer service make sure you add keys and things like that if you want to make it so they can do quality and then you can do quality there as well so you can have different categories there that they can review based on oh good well then hopefully they have a fixed once they come back from from their Lunar New Year and then we save our changes and that we have all those settings down here as well single highlight box now this is something that is pretty cool this is something that the people are going to see on their own listings they're out there lonely ones it's going to see it and it's gonna be between that menu and the bottom part so let me show you guys an example of what this would look like real quick one second let me pull it up login let's see if I even have it enabled but if you enable this and click yes you can choose the amount of boxes in a per row and then you can do one two three or four let's see if their documentation works no so we have that enabled let's go to I'm looking on another site that I made see if it's enabled no it's not let me enable it real quick and I'm gonna do two items let me add a new section let me save it okay one second guys I'm pulling this up real quick see let's see if I could pull this up room when just to show you guys what it looks like and if you're if you're not familiar with what it looks like okay I've got it set up here let me choose this background color and hit save okay so basically it's right here underneath of the here is what it's going to be so you can have two one two or three boxes here and then when they click on this it'll do a specific action that you choose underneath of these settings right here so let's try it well add a new section because we've got three that we can show we could do add photo video so they can quickly add a photo or a video to their website let's choose a background for that and then let's do add a new photo well add a new section let's say we want to put like a custom link for them to be able to get support so we can always do our our full link and then we can do our support URL there if we want to and then we can have get help and we're going to choose a different icon for that maybe we would want to do a life saver like a life buoy and then we'll do bright yellow just so they know what what they're doing there let's just let's just stick with - for now but yeah so let's hit save and that's basically gonna pop up right here under these sections once we show the front-end single navigation is going to be that bar up here at the top that you'll see let's go to one right here single navigation is going to be right there these right here these tabs right up here and of course it's going to be all of this content on the left hand side column right over here is what we're talking about for the single navigation we have the ability to hide any of these options or show them and then configure them differently if we need to so we have coupons if you show on home means that it's going to show on the home section over here on the left-hand side show on navigation means it's going to show up here in this top navigation right there now there's some times where you may want to show it on the home but not in the navigation for example maybe like your description you really don't want to have to have a link up here for description but you want the description to show down here on the home that's why they provided two different settings so you can go through and showing home if you want or not photos maximum amount of photos whatever you want to do showing navigation yes showing home yes so go through and you can choose whatever you want for here listing features those are your tags as you can see right there and then if you go down to the bottom let's see this thing taxonomy it's gonna be the taxonomy and then you can choose your key here if you have multiple attacks on amis so those were all your settings for they're not really going to go through all of these just because there's a lot of repetition so you'd go through change your name right here change a couple of the settings here and then if you want to show on navigation or if you want to show it on home those are all of your settings for that single sidebar it's going to be a little bit different so it's everything over here on the right hand side all of this settings over here on the right-hand side for the sidebar we have the options to do all of that now if they don't enter any information in it's not going to show so you really don't to worry about hiding it or not hiding it if they're if you're not having it in the add listing form so you have your business hours and you can rearrange these how every one so if you want to plead listing to be at the top just slide that to the top you have the map if you want the map to be towards the top you can do that business hours at the bottom Oxana me at the top just rearrange it however you need it to be and you could click Save Changes the search form this is going to be the search form on like the map page that we showed you right here so we have that right there that we can change you have all of your settings are going to be the same that we mentioned before so for listings we really don't need event date we could change this to search would you change this to location you can update all of your radius and your max miles kilometers things of that nature regions categories you can search by category search by tags search by price range and open now makes sense in this one because people are actually having businesses you can choose those most viewed the recommended ratings things like that remember to always keep the type select to enabled for that and now that we've changed a couple things there you see what it used to look like and if we refresh it's going to show us the new options so we change that the search change at the location and got rid of a bunch of other stuff there we have the hero search form which is going to be the same thing that we saw on this one right here for the event but it's just going to be for the for the listings so once it loads we have the list you know here on the left and we have our ability to add different fields there so we have where to look the location and then we have the category here if we want to add that and of course you have all of these available fields up at the top schema markups the same it's already done for us so we could just leave it the way we want if we if you like said if you know more about schema if you want to change a few things feel free to do so alright that is all of the settings for listing settings does anybody have any questions for for that it's impossible to change the error message' shows when there are no listings under those search terms I think you notice bad use of English one yeah there is a little bit so there are some ways that you could change the wording for pretty much everything on this honest thing so let's let's try and go through this together and let's take a break from setting it up and look at look at this real quick we're gonna go and install a new plugin called say what this is going to allow us to change a few things terminology wise on the website it's this one with the I'm guessing it's a lamb install now once this is done installing we're gonna go ahead and click activate we're gonna go underneath of the tools and we could text changes now we're gonna add a new one now the original string we just copy and paste what it says before and the text domain name it's gonna be one of a few things and that they they do have examples on their website of how to do this let me know in their knowledge base so it's either gonna be will city will see you listing tools or will city short codes I'm going to guess it's gonna be will city tools for this particular instance skip text content and we've placed a strain we could put sorry no no members found on this search thread something like that we can change it to whatever we want but for the most part let's just keep it like that let's see if it works and this is a little bit trial and error because you got to figure out which one of these it is so there it is right there sorry no members found on our search trying to film there we going intro you have all of that to be able to do right there and I've done I got a a I think I do posted a thread in the will city group that shows how to do something similar so pretty much anything that you think I like this add listing button top right you can change that easily to become a member or whatever you want I've done that I've done that a couple times as long as you just figure out what it is like that is part of the listing tools because it's like part of the listing tools plug-in but some other things are part of the theme so you're just going to choose will city instead underneath of the text domain name so it's really trial and error and they have some information in the knowledge base about pursuing that further but yeah not a problem you can change whatever you want for that our variety that's gonna promotions promotions are great because it allows you to basically if you're familiar with boosting posts on Facebook then you're going to be able to to use promotions with will city top with this one you can put some information in a pop-up description if you want to but we can always just add a plan here package names so let's do the silver boost available days let's make it seven days gonna cost them ten dollars position now the see inside bar it's going to basically be on the delisting sidebar for a single listing item and let me show you an example so if you go to let's do this one listing sidebar is going to be this one over here on the right hand side that it's gonna be over here on a smart hand side sidebar as you can see listing location sidebar so on that single listing location category page is gonna appear there same with the category and tagged blog sidebar I mean a lot of this is plain English listing slider listing grid top of search so it's always going to appear at the top of search results no matter no matter what say it's always gonna be your number one so there's a lot of different items that you can do here now the preview URL is a little bit something that's not really touched one it's going to be basically a visual guide to where their listings going to be on the website it's gonna be like in this tiny thumbnail I know if you ask them for the preview RL for promotions may mean like a support thread that they'll give you like a Dropbox link because they do have some so I would definitely say to contact them to get some pre pre-made but otherwise you're gonna have to make your own where is it over here and maybe screenshot this just like so and then maybe highlight that section of red so they know that that's where it's gonna be it's a little bit of work to get that set up but it'll work great if you just ask them for their for their copy and if you use a blue commerce you can always associate it with the WooCommerce product instead but I don't have a commerce installed because I don't want to do that so we can always just hit Save Changes and we can add more plans if we want so we have all those options right there quick search form so at the top of this website you have this form right here we have that quick search for my pops up in a pop up with their categories below right now it's it's weird because it says it's toggled it's enabled but if we go to our website we clearly see that it's not enabled so a little bit of a bug there but if we turn it off and then save and if we turn it back on save and we refresh we should be able to see it there it is click on that we had that what are you looking for there and if we go underneath of the textile I'm suggesting title that's what this is right here right there that title right there and then here's all the category listings right here which is the terms right here right here whatever you want to do here and you can exclude directory types so you can just do one of the other order the suggestions by count which is gonna be the most popular I would suggest to do it by count and then suggestion order by descending right there you'll want to do something like that so that way it always provides the one with the most count just like they have here so that's always great but if you have a large menu if you have a lot of menu items up here in this top menu you're gonna want to probably disable that so that because there's a little bit of a room issue up there notification settings so I've done a video for will City specifically on how to do these notification settings and since it requires a lot of personal API information and stuff like that I'm not going to do it right now but definitely check out the video I'll link it down in the comment below on how to set up your firebase you push the notification in your push notifications to customers it's really simple probably takes about five minutes for you to do it and it's and it always is great so you can enable notifications for your mobile app and you still need to do this if you're not using mobile app - so reports so we have the type of report so if you want people to report listings on your website type with that one and then you need to add a field setting if you don't your app might not work and your website I mean no one's gonna be able to report it so add a field make it a text field or a text area and then name it why are you reporting this listing something like that whatever you want it to do is save will easy stuff there and then the add directory type this is if you want to add more than what's here for the directory types and there's a couple things you can do here with the existing ones just to change it like for example I'm doing members so I don't want it to be called listings so what I did was I just changed it to member singular name change that to member members and then add member so this is all you can change here don't change the key though I just did it you can add a new directory type and make it all member if you want to but I just changed it to this one and just didn't change the key everything works fine for me this background color we could change to be whatever we want so let's do that and then we have our icons here if we want to add that here so let's choose member it'll be the user one and then of course this is event so let's choose a ticket right there and then we just click Save Changes right there so notifications only work on the mobile at this time I'm not sure what's going to be happening with with notifications on desktop but right now they only work on mobile disable Onan listing front end so that ad listing page that we have right here and it's not set up yet so I can't really click on it by the ad listing page if you don't want people to be able to add listings or events then disable it here will disable it right there for you no problem so we have all of that now we've pretty much set up the entire theme we have all of our things set up people can we have all the single listings and all of that good to go now we need to set up people pain and all of our listing plans so let's go to listing plans all plans add new and let's name this silver package we're going to go to set this plan to member plan and click execute make sure you always click execute firebase is basically a Google tool that allows you to do a lot I mean it's a it's a powerful tool that Google is created that slowly will cities integrating so it allows them to do push notifications it allows them to do chat things of that nature being able to log in and store login information in the cloud so that's all in one database so that it can be cross-platform there's and also Analytics for apps there's just so much that you can do and if you're if you're more interested in hearing about it you can go to console dot firebase and then once you've done that you can get a little bit more information on what firebase does and actually how to use it and things like that so it's really for like app based stuff and it's pretty awesome it is pretty amazing so I need the package I executed it to the member plan if your user mu commerce do the product alias is it recommended so it'll add like a little you know like recommended badge if you click yes and then you can changes the description if you want to exclude this from the paid claim so for example if you're doing a paint claim and you only want them to be able to have to choose one package you can always choose this so that it can exclude it the plan settings if you want it to be a free plan 20.00 if you want it to be a paid plan type in the plate paid plan price availability of listings is how many listings they can submit when they purchase this single plan so they purchased this plan one time you want them to be able to only submit one listing that's fine you want them to be able to submit five listings that's fine as well this is where you would choose all of that now here's what we were talking about earlier weed being able to choose which of which options you can it cannot have per price plan so if you don't want them to be able to upload a featured image turn that off same thing with sidebar statistics if you don't want them to be able to see that disable that business hours disable it all of the nice things that they can add for free plans and like basic plans you most likely want to disable them so that they purchase higher up plans so that you can get more money which is always great phone number you can disable whatever you want to disable their maximum amount of gallery images that can be uploaded in a single listing if you leave it empty they can upload unlimited if you upload if you put five and they can only upload five if they choose this pricing plan and so go on and go on and see here same thing with maximum amount of videos trial period means if you want to let them try this for seven days and then they have to pay this is where you do it seven days right there and then then they'll have to pay period day means how long do you want this listing plan to last do you want a monthly do you want a yearly if you want a monthly type in 30 if you want a yearly type in 365 if you want it quarterly type in 90 alright 90 for each quarter the only time so yeah you have that maybe you want to not show Google ads on premium plans so disable that but you want it to show on free plans so you add a new plan called free and you enable it because hey you're not paying me money I'm gonna get some money from you with Google ads but if you are paying me money then I'll disable it because hey you're already paying me money no need to show ads on your listing coupon same things showing promotion listings that could be the same thing as Google Ads you don't want to show promotion listings on your website on the on the listing if they're paying but you may want to show them if they're not paying things like that we have all those different options now under here you can do a checkbox of what isn't is not included into it and if you go to their support page and go to the listing plan section we can add the ability to show like checkmarks and things like that yeah let's see set up claim listing there's a section on there and their knowledge base say my package of course it's the last one on the page you can do all of this let's see and then you have their their video that they have there that shows how to do that um wish I could find it setting up an listing page purchasing but yeah there's basically just occurred that you can do that allows you to set up like nice check marks and stuff like that instead of listing person it might be it of course was done so yeah you can just paste it into their text and you can have it right there click publish make sure you click publish and underneath of all plans you'll be able to see the packages there now that we have a package let's go to elope submission and we're gonna set up all of this so if you want to be able to have people submit post to your website like the members in the events make sure this is enabled become an author now this is something that a lot of people have had questions about and it's it's it's not like it's the best worded because it says become an author so basically become an author is something that allows members to come up and you have basically two registrations on your side at this point in time people who are subscribers who can basically bookmark contact the listing people and things like that and cannot add listings and then you'll have the authors who can add listings now if you enable this you have to go through a couple different things like add another become an author page that you make and set the template like we've shown you before but talk will become an author they'll put a button at the top this has become an author and then as soon as they become an author they as they agree to the terms and conditions and then they get that add listing button at the top of the website so it's a it's a way for you to add two different member types to your site one being people who are going to submit listings and one that's not going to submit listings so that's a great way to do that the debug you could just keep that disabled your brand you're gonna want to fill that out again whatever you want it to be approval method this is the approval method for your events and things like that your listings and stuff automatically approval after payment success or do you want to manually review this if you don't want to worry about having to prove everyone then just click on automatically approved if you want to manually approve then you go through and you click manually approve delete automatically delete unpaid listing this is if they are submitting their listing and they never paid when do you want to delete this how long do you want to give them to pay for this so and it says a robot will automatically check unpaid listings each day and if it's been submitted for this many hours so this is all in hours it will be deleted and if you if you take that out you know then that disables the feature so this is an hours people editing their listings so you have a few different options here you can not allow anybody to edit you can edit able and have it immediately approved or you need to review it before republishing whichever you one you want it's all your preference move this into expired store after blank days so when it listens expired it's gonna be moved to the expired section after this many days it's just going to be temporarily removed from the front end so that they give them the option to renew it if you wanted to remove it immediately then you just click and type in 0 but if you want to give them a little bit of a room in the way you can give them however many days you want package settings so you notice this automatically added the package that we made earlier and for some reason you forgot to execute it inside the listing plans you can click on it and click your package here and it will do it for you if you have the free claim listing you go here and maybe you put the made a listing playing card free and you can just select that here same thing with events so if you want to do that you can actually assign it to them usually I do separate ones for events just so I can keep track of everything so make a new plan for events and then they can have that default plan for free event claim so if you're having a free event claim then you can do that as well here you can make it default for them for when they claim it'll be whatever default you choose to be here let's see we have payment general settings this is going to be opportunity to whichever one you want to do stripe or PayPal or Bank can you explain a can you drop an expired listing to a free package until it's paid for again you can you have to do it manually and I'll show you how to do that once we add a listing plan a listing to the website but yes you can do it so payment general settings basically underneath your payment gateways you got to choose what you're gonna do payment stripe I'm sorry PayPal stripe or direct bank transfer all the above it's up to you guys your mode sandbox are live make sure you remember to choose live once you're once you're ready to go alive I forgot to change it to live and no one could check out on my website so it uh it didn't work your currency position depending on where you are whatever you want it to be and then of course like I said your payment gateways your billing types so the billing type you can either have non recurring payment so it's just a one-time fee or recurring payment subscription or current payment subscription only works at PayPal and stripe right now you cannot have your setup with WooCommerce and have subscriptions it's not available yet it's coming in an update in the future I'm hoping in the first quarter but at this time you cannot have recurrent payments outside of the native will City payment system we already set up our payment pages so we have that we have the add listing mode we want them to select a plan before adding now if you're gonna be adding letting people do free I had plans then you could just do free add listing right there package is done add listing page is done checkout page is done all these pages are done PayPal settings maximum failed payment amounts so PayPal is gonna keep retrying to get that money from them when the time comes however many times you specify in this section three would be so they'll try three times after the third time it's gonna be sent to the expired list and and from there the settings that we sent out above are gonna be the ones that are sent their agreement texture you change that if you want to initial fees so if you want maybe to cover your initial fee for PayPal or something like that you can set it up for work correct I'm sorry for the recurring things you can set an initial fee so maybe like an initial application fee of $20 and then every year it's going to be 100 PayPal sandbox and live there is you have to follow the documentation and it took me a little bit to do this on my site but once you get a set up I mean it works it works well you have to go through their documentation to set up the client ID the secret token things like that and I can't go through all of that in this video because there is a lot of private information there so I won't be able to do that for you guys live but go through there here let's do PayPal just search PayPal setting up PayPal gateway and then they have one for stripe as well follow these follow these through because this is the important part now when you get down to this section or is it the event type settings now what they did was you see a little cutoff right here so this isn't all in order so just go through and read each checkmark that they actually checked so that you can know which one goes where or which one you need to check so make sure you go through all of these and don't just count how many number of non check marks there are so go through these manually and check them but basically there it's full setup it worked for me after a couple times but you just have to go through and just make sure you take your time with this section PayPal sandbox always test the payment gateway before going live if you don't you're going to be in for a rude awakening developer accounts with PayPal are free just sign up put in all your information test it out and after you're done testing it flip the switch to live and you'll be fine you'll be good to go same with stripe it's got the the information here to set it up on the documentation so make sure you go through take your time set it up bank transfer you have all of your bank account information here and then there's directions on how to set it up as well sorry I can't help you guys out more with that because there's just too much personal information I won't be able to do those live invoice to subscription session details you don't need to worry about these these are automatically going to populated once you start getting transactions on your website claim settings if you want to disable or enable the paid claim you have this one random menu right here that allows you to do so you can submit if you want to all right while we're setup that's the entire theme set up in a nutshell let's add a new let's add a new member just so we can get that shown we're gonna use there's a company name alright we have our business hours our mode things like that you can choose all these manually this is if you want to add it manually and I'll show you guys what it looks like on the front end first so let's refresh this we have that add listing so of course let me leave it let me verify myself real quick because I forgot I enabled that so let's say let's make sure I'm verified I'm confirmed update profile let's go and let's refresh of course now I'm having issues all right not sure why it's not working but for now let's just turn it off because I actually don't think I have the confirmation page set so yeah I don't have the confirmation page set so that's probably why it's not working so let's just disable that Save Changes let's refresh all right I mean do I have it set here let's go to listing tools are listing plans add new let's save my permits again going through all those steps just to see what's going on let's go to the pages make sure I've got my page setup package page will set a packaged page so let's update that ah that's the reason it's not working all right cool let's go to plugins and it's not working because I don't have King composer installed so let's let's install that I thought I installed that I guess not let's just tell King composer so there's always a reason why something's not working so King composer let's activate that we'll go back to the package page and we're going to refresh this all right we're gonna edit this with King composure we're gonna delete this and I'm gonna add a new one go to Bull City and it's going to be under the pricing table and we have those options to change to the here so three item rows right now we only have one pricing plan keep that just way it is hit save and update and let's refresh let's go to click that your page let's see what we've got what it figured that's why it's not working let's set this to event plans for now and then we'll go back to package plead page let's make sure we have everything set up underneath of the appearance and theme options I'm sorry underneath overlook submission let's do that we'll go over here package page submit this page right here KC is required especially if you're doing the app there we go so once we read all of our pages we have those two things there so the you see the icons that we chose earlier and you see the background colors that we chose earlier all underneath of will up tools and add directory Titan so you see the two background clothes that we chose the icons and then our information here so the add member at event so let's add member we had that package that we did now we did earlier and we're gonna choose get now now here's all of those things that we did earlier we have all those sections right here that we added earlier is the theme business logo that we changed it to earlier email and things like that if we want to all those items to remember how we we took them off we're gonna just make sure we have all of that confirmed here underneath of willow tools sorry appearance theme options yeah KC KC is something that is required for this if you're going to continue to use this they pretty much integrated this a little deeply into into what's going on let's do this let's save and do this again enable let's get preview step alright so we've got the business team we have all the information that we saw earlier and we have all those fields and we can just add right here so we did the city that we did the business address you can see all the changes that we did right there so that's what it's gonna look like when they're adding their own when adding their listing from the front end now if we want to add one from the back end let's go back to the one we were editing right here and we can edit all the ones that people submit on the front end we can edit them on the back end we have all of this information so the our mode time format inherit the theme options time zone we can do that as well the products if we enable the products the rooms for booking and then we have all of our general settings like the tagline the logo we can manually upload cover image is something that you like I said use the featured image stead of the cover image video URLs things like that like I said we can manually add all of this information now what you guys were asking earlier for you Andrew being able to change things so here's where it's going to be right here you have your expiration so you can manually set an expiration right here if you want and then we have the belongs to plans so if you have the plan here start typing to play a name and you can actually choose whichever one you want to put there and then as soon as you hit publish its going to downgrade them to whatever section to whatever plan you wanted to downgrade them to so especially if you wanted to go from a premium plan to a free plan you can do that but it would have to be done manually they may be able to do it on the backend themselves I know that they can upgrade plans I've never actually seen if they can downgrade plans on the backend and their dashboard though so you have all of those different options and of course you had the way to set it for claim or not claimed and then you can add all the icons and buttons and things like that if you want to here let's see locations on the right your listing categories tags like I said use the featured image and you have all that there so basically if you're changing any of their plans it's not going to affect their package it's not going to affect how much they're paying it's it's it's a little difficult because they're saying we'll see you're saying that they don't they can't really control too much of the paypal and the stripe subscriptions so basically here's the thing if they choose a package and they bought it at $40 but you've increased your pricing to five to $50 they're gonna continue to pay their $40 even if you change the pricing now when you're changing their packages it's gonna do the same thing that I believe it's not going to change it on their end because I don't think it's going to communicate with paypal or stripe that's something that will commerce subscriptions should fix basically if they enable WooCommerce subscriptions there's a way that with woo they can use discounts and things like that and they'll take care of all of those things for you so I'm sure that once that comes out it's going to it's going to alleviate all of those issues but actually changing the the packet the package on the back end I actually don't think that that's going to change it on the front end for stripe or PayPal so what it applied to the admin from that point no it nothing's gonna apply to the admin because if you go up to the top and if you let's see once we publish this and refresh it's gonna have the author assigned to them wherever that is in here I think I have to scroll some more but basically they get to sign the author over here on the right hand side if there's more than one author but they'll still be responsible for that listing because it's still going to be assigned to them no matter what I know it's not a definite answer but it's the closest that I can provide you I would say if you have more questions about that reach out to support support that will City comm and then that's what I would suggest you doing for that yeah so that's basically setting up will city from start to finish for for the theme everything everything there I assume you can take it away from them yes you can you can definitely take it away from them let me show you an example of how I can take it away from them so under the will cities showcase website you see all the different authors and things like that so if I go to the website I go to the the listing have the ability to change authors so underneath of here we could change the author right there so we have that ability to do that and as soon as you do that it takes away from their dashboard and puts it into whomever's dashboard you choose for the new author so there's that there's that way to do that as well hey Randy yeah you can always watch the replay it's gonna be up on YouTube as soon as we finish so you'll be good to go thank you very much any other questions that anybody has I didn't go into building pages because a it all depends on which page builder you're using and B it really depends on a style of whatever pages you want to put on your site so that's for example I'll add a new page we'll call this one home from me I'm gonna choose Elementor full width because I'm using Elementor I'm gonna go to settings reading and then I'm gonna choose my static home page for home know at this point you cannot design your own invoices Andrew and once I go to pages and I've got the home page yes you have to have Casey installed before the app let me show you that page real quick let me make sure I installed the will city app plug-in first install the mobile app plug-in and make sure you activate it under pages app home page edit with Casey so you got this section here click on the big green elements button now you have all these tabs but you're gonna go will City mobile app make sure you're only under that you can only add these five items at this time so make sure you do that only app hero it's gonna be the most popular one it's a big image with some text in the middle explore the city and I can't show you an example of it right now because I'm on a computer but there's many examples on the will cities showcase site if you want to look at those you can see those but the title color makes you make sure you fill in the title colors the description color and the overlay color even if you're gonna set this to transparent make sure you set the color because if you don't sometimes the app will break and you have to and you have to do that you may have some receipt control and the stripe or PayPal account but as of right now nothing with Bull City so when you add this you have that and then you can add new elements like the like an app heading you could change it to be whatever you want so recent listings it's save and then you can add the plus button and then actually do app listings pick some categories if you want to choose the image size grid layout whatever you guys want to do here hit save I have a video on will city's website I'm sorry there YouTube that those are more into depth on building apps if you guys have those question for you guys once you're done here make sure your template sets in the mobile app homepage and hit update from there you guys should be pretty good to go on the app and we'll City does have a service that will build the app for you called will city service comm and I know a lot of people have been using this because it's just so much easier than doing it yourself most times especially if you don't have the right equipment so definitely check out their site if you haven't done so yet because they will help you guys out let's see anybody have any other questions custom fields are not viewable in the app at this time and I'm sure that that's on their roadmap to fix because I know a lot of people have asked about that so definitely wait for that I know they're there working on mobile app extensively especially with notifications like manual push notifications so you can actually push out notifications manually to everybody and then they're also submitting they're releasing their review parts you can leave reviews in the apps now what I'm hoping for is if they can make it so that we can add listings in the app now that would make it a full fledge standalone app that we don't even need a website for that would be amazing I'm waiting for that does did you buddy have any other questions like I said I'm not really gonna go into doing the pages because it all depends on what you're building with and it's gonna be a little different so if you have any other questions you can always PME in the group donald McGuinn I may or may not be able to help you then but for the most part you can get that going and then if you search I'm sure this is true for all of them if you search for will city there's gonna be these full city elements that you can just click and drag right into it if you want the hero image you could do that or if you want headings you can do that as well so there's all those different things they could do like a grid layout you can even do the grid layout and it's got that right there so you can always hit that Update button I feel three sites so far plus deaf sites and learning something every time yeah I'm definitely learning something every time and I think that this was I think I'm up to like three or four will city websites right now including will see showcase calm now that was a pretty custom site to be able to add the wolf City custom I'm sorry will say showcase there's a lot of custom things in here a lot of CSS and things like that like this right up here is used in that say what plug-in to submit website an app that's all custom they're doing this so that we don't have to have a cover photo or featured image we don't have to have a so that's all custom as well did a lot of things like saying if you built an app they can choose yes or no and it up here in the sidebar so there's a lot of things there that's pretty custom as well as like using the plugins I this is actually the tag feature for listings I just made it plugins instead so that's just something you could do just thinking out of the box is something that you really have to deal with the theme thank you Andrew thank you very much yeah I I did the same thing I gave the other theme the boot and I've been will city I mean maze mainly the native app is why I switched over because I mean that alone is awesome the other theme does have a third-party app that you can buy and it kind of works with it but this one I mean it's always great when the same developers build it a real estate one yeah that is a bit of a bummer but I'm sure that they're coming out with a real estate theme for will City so you may want to stay tuned for that Jan if you're if you're looking to do the real estate now I've I've actually been building a real estate website all done with advanced custom fields in custom post type and it's been great so you may want to look into maybe not a directory with will City for the for the real-estate but it could be something if they come out with their theme for the real estate with will city it could be something nice the single navigation is only working with tabs I'm not sure what you mean but it is it is tabbed content so whatever you have there it'll show up the tabs it can't be an anchor on home don't think so I don't I don't think I understand but I know I don't think my eye is all about restaurants and by the looks of it we'll see oh yeah definitely ready to go for that and actually there they're collaborating with other developers that I know about adding specific restaurant features like menus and things like that so there's a lot of stuff in the works for this theme they're just trying to fix all the bugs for the initial launch and add new features that won't at the same time so they're they're a bit tied up right now and what they're trying to do but I know that they're hiring new developers that they've already hired so that you can get new features and things like that so I'm sure that they're gonna be pumping out some stuff after 2.0 which right now I'm sure one point in 1.8 is gonna be coming out and maybe like a month or two not guaranteed because I have no clue but yeah something that's one's gonna come out all right you guys have any other questions I am I'm here if we've been to a restaurant before can we pin our own review to the top I don't know if you could pin your own review to this out I know that admins can pin reviews and things like that but I don't think that you can manually pin your own review and WordPress multi-language that's something that's coming out in one point one point eight I believe let's just check the road map real quick let me pull up their road map and see what we've got because I know that they've they're doing something [Music] well okay hear this so their roadmap right here one point one point eight says it's gonna be a hundred percent incompatible with more trans multi-language like I said I'm thinking that point eight is gonna be coming out in about a month or two no guarantee because I I'm not a developer I'm just a user of the theme but I'm thinking is gonna be coming out in about a month or so but it's gonna be a lot of different cool things that's going to be coming out with point eight yeah it's on top but who knows what that means but as you can see they've got a lot of different functionalities into coming out like bringing the WooCommerce and dokin so the mobile app so if that's possible then I don't see why custom fields aren't possible so I think that that's definitely going to be coming in the future right now I don't think that's a possibility to do the events for free if you have a listing and paid if you have it I don't think that that's free because there would have to be something in the event plan saying price if they have a listing or in price if they don't so right now they don't have that capability but you might be able to do something with like a membership plugin like restrict content Pro but I'm not I'm not sure on how we will be able to set that up but it could be possible with a little bit of coding but it just depends on how much time you have to do that let's see if you're if you don't want to go through the two hours to set your theme just like I did then yes definitely pay for someone to set up your theme there are many people in a group that are capable of doing so you can always contact me if you want but if you don't want to go through or if you don't feel comfortable then yes set up your own then have somebody set up your theme for you but that's completely up to you don but I would suggest try doing it at least from one time because if we don't then I mean you're always gonna have to pay for somebody if you never learned and you're always going to pay for somebody like to do it for you when as you see here it took probably about two hours to do maybe three hours if you're not familiar with it and three hours could be a lot of money that you save depending on who you hire but completely up to uni and Don for me I know that I would love to just try it out first you can either PM me on Facebook in the group Donald McGuinn I'm the only moderator on the group so if you go to the the section for the group where you can go to the members you'll see my name and I'm a moderator and if I don't get back to you ASAP it's because I didn't see your message or I'm actually launching a website does he mean so I may be pretty tied up but so go up to you to contact whomever you want there's a couple other people on the group that I can refer you to if I'm too busy as well so any other questions that you all may have I'll give it about a couple more minutes if you guys have any more questions if not like I said you guys can always reach me on Facebook or leave a comment down here below okay is it possible to have a review so a recommendation from the site admins really pin to the top of other reviews yes you can do that you can make it so that you as an admin pin review to the top of of the review board for a particular listing yes you can thank you guys for joining me I appreciate you guys coming out and this has been something that's been asked in the wolf city group for so long a full tutorial and start to finish on how to do this so I'm hoping this helps out always refer to this link if you need to send it to people who are asking but yeah definitely have them check out this page this video if they need help I think I will go ahead and log off and like I said if you guys need help in the future I'm always available in the group and my channel is right here be sure to subscribe if you haven't done so yet I'm doing more videos for will City a lot of my stuff is Elementor based and Astro based and some of the elements are add-ons but a lot of stuff for will city and Astra so if you haven't done so yet definitely subscribe using the button below turn on the notifications so you guys get notified whenever I upload a new video and we will see you guys next time Thanks
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Length: 127min 38sec (7658 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 05 2019
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