Lions Lair

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coming up on the Potters touch that is how a soul sounds when you want to escape the parameters of your situation let me hear it again that's in that man sitting next to you that's in that woman right behind you that's in your sister to the left that's what's going on in this choir standby here that's what's happening on the praise team you may not see my lips moving but my soul is saying this is the greetings what a joy it is to have this opportunity to just expose you to what all the nation is talking about in fact other nations are getting this material on instinct I want to share with you something that that is powerful it is part of what I've been writing about and teaching about this particular message is a part of the instinct family it is called the lion's lair where do lions go when the battle is over when the fight is over where do they refurbish themselves where do they strengthen themselves the lion's lair is a message of direction that will help you not only to accomplish your conquests but then how to refurbish yourself for what's next take a look at this and prepare your heart to be blessed the leap is where we start our battle transitions are important nobody teaches you how to transition how to do transition from being single to being married from being a renter to being an owner to go from being a taker to being a giver there are no classes on how you leap from being an employee to an entrepreneur people are trying to figure this out right now it is clear by the gates cage that every trainer knows that domestication isn't a natural phenomenon domestication is not a natural phenomenon for the lion who's wild nature precludes him from ever being comfortable in the cage yet even though his instincts are for a while he has to overcome the abusive background that has been his home his instincts are for a while but he has to overcome the abusive background that has been his home now I know you don't think it's abusive because you're not a lion because from the spectators perspective you go to watch the line for entertainment but your entertainment is his incarceration and yet if he has been raised in captivity his background is so abusive but it has become so natural that that how do I get out of an abusive background when it has become my Lord you living in a zoo and somebody benefits from your captivity even if the only benefit is for the sake of what they call normal they like to keep you in a third little box and will come watch you move around the box and don't do anything different and don't go anywhere else and stay right here in this cage and all of a sudden you start coming and hearing this old country preacher from West Virginia teaching about instincts and you dare to believe that you can get out touch your neighbor and say you can get out just because something is familiar doesn't mean that it's natural I said just just just because it's familiar doesn't mean that it's natural doesn't mean that it's right his instincts is to lead to freedom but intelligence requires that he gradually make the transition I want to talk to people who are making transitions this morning anybody making transitions hung your head up yeah tell your neighbor I'm in the middle of a transition experiences contradict instinct experiences contradict instinct experiences contradict instinct experience contradicts instinct experiences contradict instinct you come to church you you get some other stimulus that stirs your instinct to move somewhere that your experiences say that's not for you your instincts are calling you to move into a realm that your experiences do not validate this is about whatever your cage is everybody in here has a cage it may be a spiritual cage it would be maybe a moral cage it may be an emotional cage but everybody in here has a cage david says we were born in captivity he says that this way verbatim we were born in sin shapen in iniquity we were born in the box what do I do when all of my experiences validate my incarceration and yet my instincts keep nagging me in this cage saying there's something out there for you I go to the bars ride and I grab I go back and look at him get higher and I back up again I go to church higher Monday morning I'm yeah Monday morning I'm back in the cage again let me hear that roar again let me hear that that's what's roaring down inside of somebody sitting next to you right now that is how a soul sounds when you want to escape the parameter of your situation let me hear it again that's in that man sitting next to you that's in that woman right behind you that's in your sister to the left that's what's going on in this choir standby here that's what's happening on the praise team you may not see my lips moving but my soul is saying and I came to church this morning not just to sing and dance and shout I want somebody to show me how to get from point A to point B tell your neighbor than the lion roaring in me I never thought I was still having at 56 I never thought it would make it past 40 I never thought that my hair could be white and I could still be roaring down in my show but I declare unto you today there is yet Aitor shut up whoo Oh oh oh oh do you feel me do you feel me do you hear the words that are coming out of my mouth let the lion roar I don't care how small you are how tall you are how soft you look how feminine you may appear but if you keep eating this word all of a sudden you go ghetto ten three people who say I've got to get out I got to get out I gotta get out I got to get out again I can't I can't I can't I can't stay I can't stay in this bondage this this this burden this trauma this trauma this trauma this abuse this K I know you like to come look at me and bring your kids and throw peanuts through the wall but this is my prison and I've got to get out I got to get out before the year is out I said I gotta get out before the year is out yeah anyway I can by any means necessary whatever it takes if I gotta go back to class if I gotta go back to school if I gotta leave by myself if I gotta be misunderstood if you have to hate me hate me still to come on the putters touch let me tell you the power of a new opportunity a new opportunity means that I get a chance to recreate myself because you are not judging me on what I did in the cage you didn't know me in the cage our new opportunity is a fresh chance and a fresh start to get it right this time don't blow the new opportunity with old habits because that's how the curse follows you you gonna have to be a man of faith and a woman of faith or your relative upon all frustration comes when you were built to do 40 but you were stuck in a five mile an hour zone rise to your god-given greatness with your instinct Unleashed with your gift of any size you'll receive the message the lion's lair on CD and with your gift of $70 or more you'll receive the entire five part series instinct unleashed on DVD as well as your very own instinct magnetic bookmark set just because you were born in the circumstance doesn't mean you have to stay in the circumstance with your gift of 145 dollars or more you'll receive the instinct Unleashed gift set that includes the DVD series the instinct magnetic bookmark the instinct book as well as the instinct workbook offering a back and forth experience between you and Bishop on every page unleash the power of your instinct today your captivity is a learned behavior your captivity is a learned behavior if you learn how to make do in the cage you can learn how to hunt in the wild good god of mercy I am putting too much energy in supporting a system that I'm not going to stay in did I say something this morning do you hear the words that are coming out of my mouth is more I will put too much energy into learning to survive in the system I'm not standing this stuff why am i acting like I'm gonna live over here when I'm called over there if I'm gonna learn something I'm gonna learn how to hunt in the wild rather than to eat in captivity if I didn't say anything else this morning if I turn around and walk right out of that door I have given you enough right now for jail break the thing about learning is that we're we're constantly learning we were comfortable I've been you know I can kind of just talk to you for me to do it I'm a teaching River I was uh I was thinking the other day the things I'm teaching you are things that I learned on one level but do you not know I'm having to use them again on the next level do not know the Lord spoke to me the other day and he said stretch your neck up I said what he said you down there get your makeup out of there what you want you what you worrying about down there with that terrible situation get your see on one level what is your ceiling when you get to the next level it becomes your floor did you get that yeah did you get that everybody didn't get that but that was good I know you got that your what was your ceiling becomes your floor and now you're learning it all over again on the next level you have to learn how to work and operate in the new environment now I've got to learn the language of being in a new place have you learned the lingo even the Holy Spirit when the Holy Spirit begins his inaugural reign he signifies that in spite of the fact they were in Jerusalem he uses a new language to signify that this will not be that this will not be that where stream gifted make some noise team gifted team gifted your gift is going to take you into a new place and when you get into a new place don't mistake it for the old place leave your old language where you came from this will not be that make some noise if you get it okay so we got a new land and we got a new language and number see you got a new opportunity there is nothing as powerful in transition they're being able to recreate yourself let me tell you the power of a new opportunity a new opportunity means that I get a chance to recreate myself because you are not judging me on what I did in the cage you didn't know me in the cage a new opportunity is a fresh chance and a fresh start to get it right this time don't blow the new opportunity with old habits because that's how the curse follows you they wouldn't know it if you didn't bring it if you didn't bring it into the new environment they would never know that it was there in the first place I don't know who I'm talking to the devil isn't doing that to you demons are not attacking you you are cursing yourself either because you brought your own language or you learn the old habitat into a new opportunity if you would just sit there and shut up and thank God for a second chance you can break that yolk and that stronghold over your life for the rest of your life shout yes if you get it I'm almost done number four I want to tell you about the losing now the losing will not excite you but I must tell you about it anyway nothing ventured nothing gained there will be losses shed off that which cannot transform shed off everything that won't transform either is changed or I'm dropping you shed off those things that will not change cut them off the chicken cannot be hatched without shattering the outer encasement of the egg that held it there is no nice way for the chicken to get out of the egg without cracking the eggshell it's got to go somebody say it's got to go the seed must lose his outer encasement to become a tree blind bartimaeus had to share this coat the woman at the well had to drop our parts we all must lose something to move ahead the snake sheds his skin the dog sheds its old coat the worm since its cocoon to access its new wings those who came out of handle loss are restricted from leading the way to new turf if you don't want it bad enough to lose something such a mouth if you're not willing to shake something off to come into a new place then you don't want it bad enough there be losses there will be collateral damage chalk it up to a business expense there will be losses you cannot be innovative and be traditional at the same time you have to forget those things which are behind reach through those things which are before leave your coke drop your water pot come out your cocoon crack your shell it's going to be worth it when you realize that the thing in front of you is greater than the thing that's behind you i press towards the mark of the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus I'm almost finished am I helping somebody oh my god oh my god I want you to write down some habits proclivities and ways that you must drop for the place you're going some habits proclivities in ways you have to drop what cocoon do you have to come out of what she'll do you have to crack what water pots do you have to drop to take Jesus up on this offer blind bartimaeus what is your coat don't tell me that you're going to come into a new opportunity without losing something it simply doesn't happen I want you to challenge yourself this year this season what you are willing to drop to get to the next level if everybody had to drop something if blind Bartimaeus him to drop his coat the woman had the world had to drop her water part the silkworm had to drop his cocoon if the outer encasement of the seed had to be shattered if the chicken had to crack the shell what are you willing to crack to find your wings and finally the whole premise of my session today is the layer the layer is a place where the lion who was once Lane once wounded once crippled like Jacob once afraid once intimidated the layer is a place where the lion has learned how to live in the wild and it is where the Lions nest and lodge and love and make love and procreate and raise their children the lion's lair is the place where wounded lions can now rest in the wild and raise their children and families the lion's lair is a new normal it is not just about getting in the wild you did that it is about being at home in the wild you get it it is it is about resting in your future rather than wrestling with your fears help me Lord the Lord said you're in a new place you have a new opportunity you have a new land and you have a new language but if you don't rest in it you'll lose it have you ever been there but didn't feel there have you ever been in a new place but you were so afraid of losing it that you couldn't enjoy it this is the place where you don't feel at home in your new world and you're so afraid of losing it that you can't rest in living in the lion's lair says not only am i out and not only am i free I have come to rest in Who I am and not in who I was this is mine this is it this is where I live I'm there the Lord said that when I ministered this particular segment he said I want you to go to all of my children who are living in my promises but not resting in my promises he said I see them in the blessing but I sense how tense you are you are in your wild you have your lair but you're pacing in it like I'm going to take it from you and he said tell my children to rest in me tell my children to be at ease in Zion tell my children that I do not like their fear I have brought you to a new place but I smell your old fear tell my children that the enemies that you see today you shall see them no more all friends I've got to go what a joy it's been though to have this opportunity just to share this something this I feel like the sower sowing seeds and I know some people won't get it and other people will trivialize it but there are some of us who have been waiting for these tips and tools to unlock the second 1/2 of our lives and to those of you who fit that category I'm so happy for what God is about to do in your life as you unravel what he has vested in me was really meant and sent to you wait for the announcer and be blessed you gonna have to be a man of faith and a woman of faith or you'll never be a buffoon all frustration comes when you were built to do 40 but you were stuck in a 5 mile an hour zone rise to your god-given greatness with your instinct Unleashed with your gift of any size you'll receive the message the lion's lair on CD and with your gift of $70 or more you'll receive the entire five part series instinct and leashed on DVD as well as your very own instinct magnetic bookmark set just because you were born in the circumstance doesn't mean you have to stay in the circumstance with your gift of 145 dollars or more you'll receive the instinct Unleashed gift set that includes the DVD series the instinct magnetic bookmark the instinct book as well as the instinct workbook offering a back and forth experience between you and Bishop on every page unleash the power of your instinct today I want you to lay down in green pastures I'm got you in green pastures but you're pasted like you're still in your cage you've been in your cane so long that you won't rest in the green pastures I'm going to make you lie down in green pastures I'm going to lead you beside still waters I'm going to restore your soul this is the
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 231,331
Rating: 4.8583374 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, wtal, woman thou are loosed, megafest, potters house, bishop jakes, pastors and leadership, pastors, leaders, instinct
Id: 8nd1YsoC_bo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 27 2014
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