Heart Full of Grief and a Horn Full of Oil! - Bishop T.D. Jakes

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[Music] we're going to consider first samuel chapter 16 verse 1 through 10 that we might hear what the spirit of the lord is saying to the church can you say amen are you ready if you still look and say wait a minute well god that's half the church we've got to wait for you you're online find me so you can read this i don't want you to just watch me minister i want you to have a personal experience with your bible until it becomes familiar to you so look for that scripture first chapter 16 1-10. and the lord said unto samuel wow how long will thou mourn for saul seeing i have rejected him from reigning over israel fill thine horn with all and go i will send to jesse the bethlehemite for i had provided me a king amongst his sons and samuel said how can i go if saul hear it he will kill me and the lord said take an effort with thee and say i am come to sacrifice to the lord and call jesse to the sacrifice and i will show thee what thou shalt do and thou shalt anoint unto me him whom i name unto thee and samuel did that which the lord spake look at that and samuel did that see that's where we lose it we hear what god says but we don't do what god says do samuel did that which the lord spread he was scared but he did that which the lord spake he was intimidated but he did that which the lord spake and came to bethlehem and the elders of the town trembled at his coming and said cometh thou peaceably ain't that something when you're such a prophet that a city trembles when you come cometh down peacefully and he said peaceably i am come to sacrifice unto the lord sanctify yourselves and come with me to the sacrifice and he sanctified jesse and his sons and called them to the sacrifice and it came to pass when they were come that he looked on elite and said surely the lord's anointed is before him but the lord said unto samuel look not on his countenance or on the height of his stature because i have refused him for the lord seeth not as man said for man looketh on the outward appearance but the lord looketh on the heart then jesse called to benedab and made him pass before samuel and he said neither have the lord chosen this then jesse made shama to pass by and he said neither have the lord chosen this again jesse made seven of his sons to pass before samuel and samuel said unto jesse the lord have not chosen these can you say amen go back to the first verse and the lord said unto samuel how long will thou mourn let's just let that sink in how long will thou mourn for saul i have rejected him fill thine horn with all and go that's all i need i want to talk about a heart full of grief and a horn full of oil a heart full of grief and a horn full of oil a heart full of grief and a horn full of oil let's pray spirit of the living god fall fresh on us today anoint us with oil purge us with hyssop and we shall be clean washers and we should be whiter than snow thank you for the opportunity for those online and in the building to embrace your word we come in covenant with your word today total agreement contractually with your word today that it might be strength that it might be me that it might be guidance that it might be direction that it might be nourishment for our souls in jesus name we pray with all the wind you can muster shout amen you may be seated in the presence of the lord i need to i need to tip up on this text very gently i don't want to disturb anything because this is not a congregational conversation this is a private conversation between god and his prophet only the holy spirit has allowed us to eavesdrop on this conversation i can't believe it samuel is in tears he is weeping profusely he is sobbing intensely his heart has been riveted his countenance has fallen not samuel samuel is a prophet of god born out of the dead womb of hannah designed by god in a deal that he made with a barren woman that if he would give her a child she would give it to him and samuel belongs to god and god has known him all of his life and god has raised him all of his life and service to god is all that he knows samuel has pronounced judgment on entire nations and they were destroyed he is not a wimp he is not broken he is not shattered he is not easily deterred samuel is a strong prophet in my opinion he is one of the strongest if not the strongest prophets of the old testament he is powerful i give him such high ratings because he prophesies through life and he prophesies even through death samuel was used of god from the very onset as an embryo to his death and beyond the grave he is god's man full of faith and power and to see him like this is utterly staggering it is amazing because just a moment ago he was standing before saul the first king of israel and pronounced judgment on him with some fierceness and a courageous audacity that is staggering imagine if god were to send you to the king or the president or the premier of a country to pronounce judgment on him behold your kingdom shall be rent from you he was strong as a lion in the face of the king now he whimpers like a lamb but is that not what being an adult is all about the ability to know when to be a lion and when to be a lamb he's strong enough to execute the word of the lord without fear or without favor or reprisal from a soul that could have him killed and yet he is so tender that he walks away from saul and weeps like a baby and that now i see why god chose him because he's strong enough to execute judgment and tender enough to weep foresaw saul saw him roar like a lion but he never heard him whimper like a lamb only we are allowed to see the prophet collapse up under the weight of being anointed the weight of glory that is upon us is not necessarily physical weight like in a gym it's a weight of responsibility everybody who has a weight of responsibility understands that it's heavy to be in charge heavy is the head of he that wears the crown samuel is weeping he does not execute salt judgment on saul because he dislikes him he executes judgment on the tall because god said do it and then he weeps and he weeps and he weeps because it was saul that anointed it was samuel that anointed saul to be king in the first place he is invested in saul and anytime you invest in something and it goes wrong it's painful anybody can talk about you because they don't have no investment in you oh you didn't get that and that's too good anybody can talk about you when they have no investment in you but when you have invested and poured in and planted and mentored and established and consecrated and set aside it breaks your heart to see him go down and samuel for the first time in the bible is creep stricken and it is not his grief that has disturbed the lord because god created us to have emotions emotions are not our enemy as long as they don't control our decisions it would be different if he was so emotional that he wouldn't tell him what god said but he told him what god said emotions are not driving saul samuel they are not driving him but he cannot detach himself from how he feels so god is not angry because he weeps god is not angry because he is grief-stricken god does not challenge him for feeling the way he feels it's just how long how long will you mourn for that which i have rejected in other words god is saying you should have overcome your grief by now and now i've had to come down you had to go down and talk to saul now i have to come down and talk to you because you have grieved too long i should warn those of you that are watching and those of you that are here this is not a regular message this is a prophetic word i know it is a prophetic word i'm carrying it in the womb of my spirit like it is a prophetic word how long will you weep how long will you be bitter how long will you be angry how long will you be destitute how long will you sob and mourn and walk around enraged i have made my decision it is what it is it is what it is [Applause] grief no one escapes it no one escapes it not the rich not the poor not the famous not the infamous how no one escapes grief in life so i asked myself what is grief what what is grief listen let's define grief grief is a natural response to loss okay it's the emotional suffering you feel when something or someone you love is taken away from you often the pain of loss can feel overwhelming you may have all kinds of unexpected emotions from shock to anger you wouldn't think that anger would be a part of grief but it is you can be angry you can have disbelief you can have guilt you can have profound sadness all of that is just a part of grieving now grief does not reserve itself for the mourning of the dead now don't just think that don't you don't have to roll a casket in front of the room for you to know grief we all know that grief hangs out with death but they are not married it is a mistake to compartment to compartmentalize get my tongue straight compartmentalize grief with graves there isn't a person listening to me in the building or online today who hasn't encountered grief you've lost somebody you've been through some things you've endured some things you've you you maybe it was the loss of an opportunity and you grieve over it so maybe you were planning to be in the olympics and andy and you were denied and you grieve over it maybe you were promised any uh a promotion and you didn't get it if you grieved over it maybe you lost a job and you didn't get it you grieved over maybe you lost your house and and you grieved maybe a flood came in and washed away all your artifacts and you're in a state of grief and anger and disbelief and you have all kinds of emotions maybe it was a slow agonizing disintegration of a relationship that was once a source of love and now it is a source of pain there is not a person in this room that hasn't had this feeling there is no injection for grief no medication for grief you can't go to the physician and then prescribe you something for grief you you can't get a treatment or therapy or a massage and get rid of grief your heart aches the pain is real and intense the agony of having a child or parent living in prison is grief no tear ducts will go unused in this life god did not waste his creative capacity when he created tear ducts he knew you would cry the moment the doctor slapped your bottom you came out of your mama cried they knew you were alive because you cried there is no way around it it doesn't matter how intellectual you might be how attractive how wealthy or even or even or even or even or even how spiritual you may be you can't just pray in the spirit and dismiss grief it has to run a course it has to run a path you can't just quote scriptures and drive it away you can't just wear holy clothes and drive it away you can't just talk in tongues and drive it away grief without discrimination comes to everybody don't let these deep people deceive you that they are so spiritual they don't know what it is to have grief they do know what it is to have grief i know when this clip is played there's going to be people on there if you walk in the spirit you won't have grief i don't feel grief the joy of the lord is my strength they are liars every last one of them are absolute liars they are liars they're a liar la la la pants on fire you it gets on my nerves it bothers me these people who walk around acting like they don't feel anything they don't go through anything they don't have any fluctuations they don't have any upheavals they don't it bothers me to hear them lie and to lie in the name of the lord isaiah 53 3 said he is despised talking about jesus and rejected of men a man of sorrows they talking about jesus a man of sorrow they're talking about the god man a man of sorrow they're talking about god incarnate in flesh a man of sorrow we're talking about the divine and the human tied and fused together in an unexplainable way and still he is a man of sorrows and he is acquainted with grief jesus and grief had a relationship and we hid as it were our faces from him we did esteem him smitten of god he was despised and we esteemed him not he knew what it was like to have grief he goes into the garden of gethsemane to pray and he prays and cries out to the father until his sweat glands open up and secretes blood he is acquainted with grief when the masses left him he turned to his innermost quarter disciples and said will thou leave me also because when you start losing stuff you think you're gonna lose everything you're you're not just upset over what you lost you start looking at what you got like you could be next if jesus wasn't acquainted with grief we deceive ourselves if we try to project the impression that it has not come by to visit all of our lives often it comes unannounced it doesn't warn it wasn't invited you didn't plan for it you didn't expect it you just walk into it the phone rings the text comes you get something in the mail and oops there it is while grief is common to all of us prolonged grief can be physically spiritually and emotionally debilitating prolonged grief can affect your health can affect your mind it can throw off course your other relationships until mommy isn't there for the rest of the kids because of the kids you lost it can affect the next relationship you have because you really haven't gotten over your past relationship my wife and i were counseling a couple that were we're just forgive this term hell bent on getting a divorce so angry and so upset we're i'm going to divorce and i'm going to walk away and so and so and so and so and so and so and they kept talking and one of them kept saying to the other and accusing them and attacking them and attacking them and attacking them i said if you are going to get divorced and i'm not counseling you to and i don't want you to but if you are gonna get a divorce a divorce is like a wedding nobody gets married to be miserable and nobody gets divorced to be miserable what good is it getting a divorce if you're still going to be mad if you're still going to be angry if you're still going to be writing notes and sending messages and wondering did you see him and who was he with and what was going on you are not divorced i don't care what the paper said you are still married [Applause] you're still married how long god says in our text we're listening and god challenging the lingering grief of one of the greatest prophets of the old testament in our text we're listening at god not only challenging the lingering grief of a great prophet but he asked him how long will you mourn over a door i have closed and a king i have rejected how long will you mourn over a marriage that's over a job that's gone a house that's been removed a girlfriend that left a boyfriend that left how long [Music] how long will you be angry and guilty and frustrated and bitter and build your whole life around something that is dead [Applause] i love how david grieved he grieved over the death of his child with bathsheba as long as the child lived he prayed and prayed and prayed and when they told him the child was dead he got up he washed his face he changed his clothes and he went on with his life there are some times in your life that you got to get up wash your face change your clothes go on with your life life is too short for you to hang around the cemetery grieving over who didn't want you who left you who denied you the job you didn't get the business you lost the house that you didn't close on you cannot spend the rest of your life hello [Music] [Applause] you would be shocked at the people who get up every morning with a heart full of grief if you talk to them very long you will hear it for out of the mouth flows the issues of the heart and it comes out in their speech and it comes out in their language and it comes out in that snappy way they confront you and how they handle you and how they deal with you and you think they're mean they're not really mean they're still grieving how long if you can't say amen say ouch [Applause] how long does it take to get over a person a place a thing how long will you put your future on hold mulling over your past how long will you lay here on this ground samuel don't you understand who you are i did not create you for you to get stuck i came to get somebody unstuck i came to get somebody free i came to get somebody back up on their feet you cannot spend your rest of your life grieving over who didn't love you who didn't raise you who wasn't there for you who gave you away who gave you up for adoption you can't spend it you're 40 years old you can't spend how long samuel you're stuck and no matter who stretched you joy and who you here preach and where you go and how much you passed god did not create you to be stuck with a heart full of grief [Applause] i call it atrophy i call it atrophy when you stay in a position too long and you don't move if i stay like this long enough when i get ready to straighten up i won't be able to straighten up because my spine will develop atrophy [Applause] atrophy is a body tissue or an organ it wastes away especially as a result of degeneration of cells or it becomes vegetative and fails to evolve without exercise the muscles deteriorate and what started out as a decision becomes a paralysis i got a word for somebody who has got atrophy you are paralyzed you've been stuck you've been stuck not for weeks not for months but for years you've been stuck you shout about great things coming but you can't receive great things coming because you still got atrophy over old things that you can't get rid of and you have lost your ability to straighten yourself up you have got spiritual atrophy who am i talking to make some noise in this place because god is getting ready to shake you he's getting ready to put you in therapy he's getting ready to open up a door he's getting ready to open up a door he's getting ready to open the door until you get flexible until you can move again until you can function again you have atrophy that's why you can't fall in love it's not that there's nobody to love is that you haven't gotten over who you used to love [Applause] and you pray for god to send help and you pray for god to send opportunities and you pray for god to send increase but you can't receive it when it comes because you have developed atrophy and the gospel is saying luke chapter 13 there is a woman who was bowed over and bent out of shape and couldn't no wise lift up herself because she stayed in this position too long how long will you be angry how long will your blood boil every time you see their image how long will you keep checking their facebook page [Applause] how long will you keep investigating somebody who's not even thinking about you anymore and you are undercover agent trying to see where they're going and who they're talking to and who they took a picture with it wasn't you how long will you mourn around the tomb of what didn't work out i was doing a uh uh uh what he called instagram interview with devon franklin and he was asking me about when i did the talk show he said when i didn't get renewed for the second term he said were you upset i said absolutely he said were you disappointed i said completely he said how do you manage things that don't work out i said i moved on because i know god and i know that if god would have meant for that to work for 10 years he would have made it work for 10 years and i have enough confidence in him to know that if he wanted it to work it would work and if he didn't work i got up i washed my face and i kept on going and i said thank you lord for the opportunity i had the experience i got to learn things i would have never learned i got to meet people i would have never met and i was the first clergy to be on daytime television on mainstream network and somebody's gonna come behind me and they're gonna do it longer and bigger and better but i was the first and i'm happy to have been there first you gotta change the way you talk to yourself about what happened in your life or you will get stuck [Applause] [Music] [Music] i don't know who i'm preaching to but the lord sent me here to cause you to get a relief the lord sent me here to be your spiritual therapist to get you back on course again you are not yourself you were not created for this you were not created to feel like this you were not created to be stuck like this god didn't bring you out of your mother's womb to get to this point in your life and develop atrophy god wants your nerves and cells and tissues and blood and bone and muscles to move somebody shall move somebody shall move somebody shall move that's what you ought to say to grief that's what you ought to say to fear that's what you ought to say to anger that's what you're going to say to disbelieve move i will not spend the rest of my life hanging around the cemetery of what could have been what should have been what ought to be why seek ye the living amongst the dead he has risen he is risen he has risen he has risen and in my my angelou voice and still i rise [Applause] [Laughter] somebody practices and say and still arise you ought to clap your hands and praise your god and begin to celebrate look at what you've been through and still i rise look at what you would and still i rise look at what you overcame and still i ride look at what left and still i ride look at what happened to you and still i ride i was adopted but still i rise i was wounded but still i ride grandma raised me and still i i'm living i'm leaving 60 seconds for old-fashioned hand clapping foot [Applause] stopping [Applause] okay look at everybody around you i know you can't touch them but look at them and say get up get up get up get up get up get up get up get up pipe it on the line get up get up get up get up pipe it on the line get up get up get up get up say it to yourself get up get up get up get up get up while you can get up while you can get up while you can move get up while you can move get up while you can move get up get up get up [Applause] jesus said to the woman who was bowed over he didn't even heal her he just talked to her he said woman thou art loose from thine infirmity he didn't say you're gonna be loose he didn't say i lose you she was already loose she had atrophy she been bent over so long that it had become normal how long [Music] [Applause] will your mourn oversaw [Applause] until it has become normal to be angry and normal to be bitter and when you are stuck you draw people that are stuck so that they can stick with you because once you get stuck you want stuck to be normal anybody happy you push them away you start fraternities of stuck people when you look around you and all of your friends are talking about their ex-husbands there's something wrong with your circle it's time for you to get up it's time for you to change if everybody you know has lost their job you're in the wrong circle if everybody you know has had a nervous breakdown you're in the wrong circle if i had a nervous breakdown i don't want to hang around other people that had a nervous breakdown put me in a room full of people who are mentally sound so i can see what normal looks like how long [Applause] glory to god i feel a breakthrough coming in this place i don't know who it's for i don't know who i'm talking to but god is not going to leave you in the state you have been in [Applause] because the pain is starting to be your norm the bitterness is starting to be your norm the anger is starting to be your norm and that's too much power to let anybody or anything have over you i will not lose my mind over a show over a job over a house over a position i will rock and steal our eyes and still arrive say it again and still i arrived there are literally people in this room who are still stuck with spiritual atrophy over things that people did who are dead they did and you was hurt at the funeral you mad at the funeral rolling your eyes at a casket [Applause] they're dead you get to live and you're not gonna live and act like you're dead if you're not gonna live you get in the box and let them get up and live if they had a chance to live they wouldn't be rolling their eyes at you let me tell you what i figured out a long time if you can make it without me oh you didn't hear what i said if you can make it without me and let me tell you i might be dying and crying and broke all the pieces but as soon as i see you going on if you can make you got the same memories i do if you can make it without me i can make it without you i'll get another job i'll get another house i'll get another life i'll get another career i'll make another choice but you will not find me for 20 years bowled over 18 years and i the devil is alive how long were you born over what i have rejected note to self make peace with your past [Applause] i could have i could have processed it like oprah did her show for 30 years and look at me i only got one hand and it was over i could have turned on the tv setting every time it talks about come on i could have started crying [Applause] or i could have said look at what i got to do look at what i got to experience look at what i got to have look at what i got an opportunity to do that's why i don't understand how people preach about peter walking on the water all they talk about is him sinking [Applause] get out of my face peter got to walk on the water he's the only disciple in the whole bible that got to walk on the water with jesus and all y'all can do is talk about he began to sing he didn't even finish thinking he just began to sing let me tell you something nobody not paul not thomas not by following you not james not john not none of them could say that they'd ever walked on the water but peter got to step off the boat and walk on the water i'm glad i had the experience i'm glad i had the opportunity i'm glad [Applause] i'm glad i got to know such love i'm glad i had a mother to miss some people never met their mother some people had a bad mother some people hated their mother i was blessed with something to lose healing begins when you change the way you tell yourself your story [Applause] so god comes down from heaven and said i guess i'm gonna have to come get you what are you doing have you ever had god come down and look at you and say what are you doing [Applause] i have i've had the lord come down and speak to me and say why are you acting crazy [Applause] why are you crying most of the time god asks why it's over how we handle our emotions god's okay and why is that countenance fallen the king told nehemiah why is your countenance falling the angels told mary why seek ye the living amongst the dead god walked through the garden adam where are there what are you doing samuel how long how long you weeping over uh saul longer than the children of israel weeped over moses they gave moses 30 days they said all right i'm going to eat ice cream for 30 days ice cream and oreo cookies for 30 days i'm gonna cry till i run out of tears for 30 days after that god said to to spoke to joshua as i was with moses so shall i be with you and they got up and they went on into the prophecy you got a promised land waiting on you you got a promised land waiting on you can i go deeper [Applause] grief lives in the past [Applause] grief lives in the past it breathes old memories that's its oxygen it breathes old memories grief lives in the past but grace grace looks forward to the future that means grace and grief are fighting in you for you grief is trying to keep you tied to the millstone of what happened and grace is down there with this welding equipment trying to cut the chain [Applause] grace liberates grief incarcerates grief so incarcerates that you can get married again and you're not married again because the first time he say something remind you of your ex-husband you flip absolutely out i just asked you what time dinner was and you threw a butcher knife at me over that he don't know you're not throwing at him you throwing at your ex you're a polygamist [Applause] you're a polygamist i don't care what the paper says you're polygamous you are still married to your past your old job your old life your old parents your all this your older your old house everything i used to live over on white rock lake and when i moved out of that house i think it was about at least six years before i ever even drove past it again somebody said all in memories and all those years you lived in the house don't you ever go by there and drive past it i said no why would i go back there i sold it it's gone i made a good profit off of that house i profited too much off that house to go back and visit it as a place of defeat what did you profit out of what you've been through god will never use what you lost he will always use what you have left oh god god i'm preaching to somebody who am i preaching to hit me up say something to me if i'm preaching to you make some noise if the holy spirit is yeah yeah give me something give me some give me some give me some but that's only half of the message that's a heart full of grief what got him up was a horn full of oil [Applause] and the lord said unto samuel how long will i mourn for saul saying i have rejected him from reigning over israel fill thine horn with oil and go fill the horn god said i want your horn to be as full of oil as your heart has been full of grief feel thin horn with all lift your hands for a moment just for a moment lift your hands in his presence and just start worshiping him right out of your mouth right now oh we bless you we honor you we adore you we adore you we honor you if you are we exalt you we glorify you we magnify your name how excellent is that name in all the earth how excellent how excellent he [Music] how excellent is how excellent is thy name i lift my horn up fill my cup lord [Music] i lift it up long come and quench the thrusting in my soul [Music] bread of heaven feed me to you i want no more [Music] here's my cup fill it up [Music] and make me [Applause] quench i've been so thirsty disgusting in my soul bread of heaven feed him glory here's my cup fill it up and make me go go fill your horn with oil say it with me go fill your horn with the say it again go fill your horn with us say it again go fill your horn with oil you cannot make decisions with a heart full of grief you need a horn full of oil you got to be more intentional about your worship life you got to be more intentional about it i don't mean you feel like worshipping you may not feel like worshipping but you got to get in the routine of worshiping as an exercise a therapy of releasing you from the atrophy of being stuck in your life let me tell you when you start worshiping god the spirit of god will come in and release you and heal you and renew you and god said to samuel the only way you're going to get up from here is to fill your horn with all i told you last week go get your own oil this is continuing the conversation about how do i get my own oil how do i get my own oil when you can only get it from god the oil that matters only god secretes they say the best way to get over your exes get up well don't don't quote him right i'ma sleep out of the church pray for me innocent he might intercessor permit i forgot for a minute i had it just for a minute just for a minute it came to me i forgot how it ended i started it i forgot how to end it and then when i thought about it i did it i thought you said you shouldn't use that but but that's what they said that don't work i lost them on that one jesus help me get it back that that does not work all you do is bring your trouble with you all you do is bring your trouble into the next relationship so you have to go to the shock absorber jesus is a shock absorber and you have to say feel my cupboard i lift it up lord come and quench the fasting of my soul [Music] heaven feed me to you i'm tired of wanting lord i'm tired of wanting lord i'm tired of wanting lord here's my cup fill it up and make me you go to church but you don't worship in your house you don't worship in your car you don't worship in your spirit you have to fill your horn with oil can i go deeper the oil is what the church is lacking we got great buildings we got great preachers we got great pastors we got more degrees than a thermometer we have no oil we have no oil we've forgotten how to get lost in the presence of god we've forgotten to allow the anointing to overwhelm us we have lost our oil and that's why we're stuck with atrophy and bitterness and anger you need oil you need oil you need oil you need fresh oil you need the anointing of the holy spirit to overshadow you you need oil you need oil you need to he said the only way you're gonna get up is to fill your horn with oil the only way you're gonna get up from here is to fill your horn with oil fill your horn with oil shout it fill your horn with oil shout it again shout it again shout it again i'm gonna show you this and then i'm going to close there is a revelation in the horn and the oil the horn was taken from an animal so in order to have a horn you had to shed blood and without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin the horn that god is talking about is literally an animal's horn that had to be cut away that sacrifice in order to be anointed there must be sacrifice come on here did you really think that you were gonna be an anointed vessel for god and the devil not attacked you at all did you think you was just gonna go skipping through the tulips the rest of your life and not run into anything to overthrow you then you didn't believe in your own mission if you believed in what god gave you you would understand this attack is a part of the warfare [Applause] and sometimes there has to be sacrifice to be anointed [Applause] so god said don't fill a glass with oil here he says fill a horn with oil you could fill a glass with oil and not cut anything but in order to get a corn there has to be bleeding i want to talk to bleeding people i want to talk to bleeding people are you listening at me i want to talk to bleeding people you that are on facebook you that are following me on youtube you that are following me on the app i'm talking to you i'm talking about the way you've been bleeding i'm talking about the way you've been stuck i'm talking about the way you've had atrophy i'm talking about how things are not moving forward in your life and you become comfortable to be bent over and stuck you've been stuck so long that god has come down to ask you how long are you going to live your life back there [Applause] there has to be sacrifice for where you are going he said watch watch fill your horn with all and go the association between the blood and the oil continues through the whole bible first blood then oil first blood then oil there will always be first blood then oil first blood then all once you have accepted christ as your savior that's blood you now receive the presence of the holy spirit that's oil it's divine order the oil won't flow where there is no sacrifice i'm almost i'm almost finished i'm almost finished the oil won't flow in your comfort zone the oil won't i want to be anointed i want a double portion i want i want i want to shut up because the all will not flow where there is no blood that's why the book of hebrews said ye have not yet resisted unto blood fill your horn with oil and go i will not speak to you about this again samuel you didn't even exist your birth is a miracle i created you according to my own good pleasure and now i am not pleased with you being stuck because i am not through with you yet your story doesn't end because you and saul have separated [Applause] i know you're hurt i get it i created the feelings that you're stuck in i know you're grieving i know you're angry i know you're bitter i know you thought that he was going to continue to be king but he is not fill your horn with all i got a plan man i can't work my plan if you're in love with what was watching our clothes i already got necks waiting on you i could never accomplish my purpose in the earth as long as saul is king because saul doesn't have the bloodline through which jesus will come [Applause] i have a long-term strategy you have a temporary pain in order for the son of david who is jesus to come david must come to reign on the throne i moved to saul for a reason [Music] fill your horn with oil and go if i would have meant for you to stay on that job you would have still had it if i would have meant for that business to work it would have still worked learn what you can learn from it and fill your horn with oil and gold fill your horn with oil and go feel your horn with oil and gold fill your horn with oil and go fill your horn with oil and go fill your horn with oil and gold said fill your horn with oil and go sit again fill your horn with oil and go which when was the last time you filled your horn with oil wait wait wait until you got lost in the presence of god till you forgot about what you had on until you messed up your makeup until you shook down your hair until you got lost in the presence of god and you really got immersed in the holy spirit and god really cleaned you out really cleaned you out cleaned you out cathartic the bible says none but the pure in heart shall see god the word pure is where we get catheter where god cleans you out where he cleans you out when was the last time you had a gully washing soul quenching thirst renewing power of the holy spirit to gush through you and you were more than somebody who goes to church on sunday fill your horn with oil and gold fill your horn with oil and go say it again fill your horn with oil and go set again fill your horn with oil and gold this is why i'm preaching this and i'm going to close some people get so stuck in dysfunction that it appears to be normal and you lose who you were created to be because of who you've had to be you've lost your personality your giving spirit your loving spirit your laughing spirit your curious spirit your inquisitive spirit you're careful you're worried you're paralyzed you're stuck the joy has gone out of your eyes the gleam and brightness has come out of your face and you are god's man and god's woman and you are stuck in spiritual atrophy and to all of that god is saying you have had a heart full of grief and you need a horn full of oil sit with me let me have a ministry moment with you as best i can brothers let me hear you can i be honest with you nobody gets stuck like we do nobody gets stuck like we do we get stuck because we internalize everything and the only emotion we're given permission to feel is anger at least women get theirs out they open up they cry they vent they get on the phone they talk to each other they do stuff we do nothing but hold it in and develop dysfunctions we have not given ourselves permission to feel hurt so we immediately converted to anger we internalize the anger and really we're just grieving we're grieving over fathers who never paid us any attention or never raised us or never acknowledged us or mothers who were overbearing or overwhelming or treated us as substitute husbands [Applause] and i'm gonna try to help you because these women make the mistake of marrying angry men because women always think they can fix you and they want to be your oil but they can't and we go to church but we don't really worship because we don't we think it's not masculine to really worship so we sit and we wonder why we're not being transformed it's because our horn has no oil in it we're bitter about what happened to us as boys we're bitter about what happened to us in life on jobs where we were not treated fairly we're bitter about aging we're bitter about all kinds of things that are happening to our lives to our bodies to our families to our finances we're bitter because we don't feel appreciated we're bitter because we don't feel acknowledged we're bitter because we gave ourselves to people who never gave themselves back to us we're bitter because we have a love language that the people we love don't understand am i coming down your street and we go to church but church is not coming to us this is not just a feminine issue there are grieving men in this room who have little boy issues fatherhood issues there are grieving men in this room who are grieving about sons we lost that we thought they would grow up and love us and they don't there are grieving men in this room who feel rejected not by the woman who left but by the woman you got and you're only staying in the house you ain't married you just stay there but while you're staying there you're grieving and you are self-medicating your own problems and when i start talking about feel your horn with all the woman bowled out of shape and all that kind of stuff it goes right over your head because you don't think i'm talking to you i'm talking right to you now both the women and the men hear me good if this message spoke to you and you know you got some work to do just you just you stand to your feet okay you know what we need oh that's almost everybody i can almost see the people on the internet standing up somebody got their laptop on like this you know what the church needs universally we need oil we need the oil of the holy spirit to really come into our life in a vibrant and functional way what does that mean bishop do i stop my kroger and get some oil no silly the oil i'm talking about is the oil of the holy spirit now nobody can put all on you you have to seek it you have to seek god for a greater expression of his glory to fall in your life i'm not gonna take long i'm gonna pray for you i'm gonna ask both the men and the women and the children to open up your heart and you online since you have chosen to be online this has got to be real to you you can't just watch it like it's a tv show this ministry moment has to get in your living room it has to come on your couch it has to be at your kitchen table stop cooking it has to get you right where you are put your coffee down and listen up i'm talking to you [Music] you're oilless and you're stuck and before atrophy completely sets in and you end up dying a bitter old man or a bitter old woman hear ye the word of the lord the reason we have you to raise your hands is not because you're under arrest that was a joke you missed it don't laugh later it's too late you messed it up when the hands are open you are defenseless when the hands are open it is symbolic of my heart is exposed when the hands are open you are in the position of receiving and everyone who cared enough about your soul to stand up i want you to lift your hands and to the best of your ability that you know it's rusty atrophy set in to the best of your ability open up your heart and allow the holy spirit to have its way inside of you this is gonna get inside of you this is this is gonna this is gonna be a moment of cleansing and purification as the indwelling of the holy spirit comes in inside of you you are not alone the spirit of god is here and god wants you to be filled not just in church not just running down the aisle but in your car in your life because you don't feel fulfilled you make good money but you don't feel fulfilled you got a nice carpet you don't feel fulfilled you buy people's stuff but you don't feel fulfilled you're miserable in your own skin and you're stuck and god wants you to open your heart and talk to him open your mouth and talk to your father talk to your father even if it's awkward even if it feels weird even if you have no point of reference open your mouth because god is trying to fill your horn with oil got it edible god is trying to fill your horn with oil god is trying to fill your horn with oil god is trying to fill you every empty crevice in your soul god is trying to fill your horn with all now i can't make this happen you have to open it up and let it happen you have to as an act of your will seek the lord while he may be found call ye upon him while he's yet near lift your hands and open your mouth to him i can't hear you and open your mouth to god and let him come into this room and let it come into this place come into this place come in and dwell with me and sit with me come into my living room come in and sit on me come into my anger come into my frustration and fill my horn with oil i open my heart i don't care if you're listening in the sound world i don't care if you're listening backstage if the holy spirit is dealing with you lift your hands and let the holy spirit come in he came in like a mighty rushing wind he came in like a mighty rushing wind and he began to flow [Music] he began to flow he began to flow he began to flow he began to flow he's flowing right now i can feel it i can feel it doors are creaking open doors are creeping open hearts are opening up hearts are opening up oh my god oh my god i feel the presence of god coming down in this place rest on us lord rest on us lord rest on us lord rest on us lord rest on us lord rest on us lord hallelujah hallelujah welcome into this place [Music] you desire [Music] my come on welcome him welcome him [Music] [Applause] welcome into my brokenness come on into this broken vessel this rogue vessel you desire to about and we live father [Music] there's a flow of spirit in this place there's a flow of spirit in this place there's a flow of spirit and healing and restoration in this place there are so many people in this room that need this word for different reasons some of them are grief-stricken over loved ones some of them are grief-stricken over relationships some of them are grief-stricken over failures and disappointments and family members and there's so many different kinds of grief in this room but there's only one oil lord let that oil flow in and saturate not just till the service is over but in the car in the restaurant in the house in the hotel room wherever this word is seen let the oil flow now giving praise all over this building [Music] into this place welcome into this broadcast into this [Music] you desire [Music] [Music] everybody in this room whatever expression of praise or worship that you have that comes sincerely from your heart let it out right now [Applause] [Music] let it flow right now let it flow right now let it flow right [Music] now [Music] [Music] as we come to a close i'm gonna bring you to a close in just a moment of our sunday morning service i want you to get back to sacrifice and away from convenience i want you to make a special effort to be here wednesday night some of you used to be midweek worshippers [Music] it's time to make the sacrifice sacrifice is not just giving the times and offering sacrifices giving time and energy and prioritizing the things of the spirit you got a everyday devil and you got a once a week god [Applause] you can't just do it on sunday for where you are right now you can't get therapy once a week glory [Applause] [Music] right we got to get prayer in your house we got to get prayer in your house maybe i wouldn't argue so much if we had a little bit more prayer a little bit more humility a little bit more love a little bit more peace in your house [Music] in just a moment we're going to give you an opportunity all of you that had envelopes to leave them on your way out all of you that are online and the holy spirit did a work in your life today and you know it and you know it and you know it it's a great moment to sow i miss so much us hugging and gathering around the altar but soon i have in my heart i love to run uh old-fashioned three-day holy ghost revival i really wanted to [Applause] [Music] if i had three straight days like a wednesday thursday friday night with you like we used to [Music] it would be absolutely amazing what we could get done i'm tired of this once a week feeding we need a breakthrough for the kinds of devils that we're fighting right now we need a gully washing come as you are laying out all over the church pray prostrate in the presence of the lord let god fill god keeps talking to us about oil he keeps talking to us about oil he keeps talking there's something that god wants to break in this place is starting to crack but when it breaks people are going to be healed when it breaks people are going to be set free when it breaks somebody's going to take off and go to running when it breaks souls are going to be at the altar when it breaks your children are going to be saved when it breaks your house is going to get a breakthrough when it breaks i'm gonna ride this thing till i break it i'm gonna ride it till i break it i'm gonna ride it until i bring it if i have to kick my shoes off and come in barefoot i'm gonna break this spirit hallelujah what's wrong with the world right now is that we need to be baptized in the holy spirit we would stop all this fighting and all this bickering and all this dissension if we had more oil [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh i can feel god taking us somewhere can you feel god taking it somewhere can you feel god taking us somewhere god is getting ready to take us somewhere and i want you to be in on it every week i'm going to keep working on this and working on this and working on this until yokes are broken until chains pop until prison doors fly open until you escape until your joy comes back and your peace and your sense of gratification and fulfillment is full there are some things god wants to do in you there's some plans that god has in you god doesn't want you to get stuck where you are god's got a new thing he wants to do in your life god wants a fresh thing a fresh oil and a fresh anointing to come upon you from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet i sense the holy spirit he misses you he misses the way you glorify him he misses your worship your praise he misses that deeper gully washing thirst quenching thing that he's done inside of you and i feel the power of the holy ghost god has not forgotten you god has not forgotten you god has not forgotten god has not forgotten you god has not forgotten you god has not forgotten you [Music] somebody shout revival [Music] that's what america needs revival that's what texas needs revival that's what the church needs revival [Applause] [Music] [Applause] glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] whew hallelujah say it again do what you want to do god [Applause] say it again do what you want to do god [Applause] do what you want to do god throw your head up and say do what you want to do now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] wow do what you want to do do what you want to do do what you want to do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do what you want to do [Music] god [Music] do what you want to do [Music] [Music] what you want to do [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 853,128
Rating: 4.8382626 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, potters house, bishop jakes, The Potter's House of Dallas, TPH Dallas, td jakes sermons, bishop td jakes, inspiration, td jakes motivation, motivation, sermons, td jakes ministries, motivational speaker, motivational speech, gospel, motivational, sundayservice, tdjakes, td jakes 2021, td jakes sermons 2021, heart full of grief and a horn full of oil, heart of grief and a horn of oil, grief, oil, healing power from god, making peace with your past
Id: -eoW6hRno4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 44sec (5564 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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