T.D. Jakes Sermons: Transformational Instinct - Part 1

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nothing changed around him his feet are still in the mud the Hogs are all around him they're snorting and slump is everywhere nothing changed around him he was still in a farm country he was feel separated from his father nothing changed around him steel head on the same clothes steel smelt like sloth still had nets and flies flying all around his head but the turning point wasn't when the Flies left it wasn't when the mats left it wasn't when the closed chain it wasn't when he left the hall peered he didn't have to change this geographical location all he had to do was change his mind [Applause] [Music] because you can only prosper effectively off of what is in you then then you have to spend off of what is authentically yours not what you manipulate it into your reach because it's gonna come and go people come and go they change under you can't count on them but if you start from your core that's something stable you can really count on the other thing I think is important to realize you can't spend out of your core if you don't invest in your core you have to invest in to to what you what you have what you legitimate ly have what are you gifted at what are you inclined to where are your passions and then to put the greatest effort and the greatest energy and the greatest resources right into that sweet spot of something you can manifest something you can deliver something something the very first thing that God system and very first thing is to say be fruitful and we read it we walk or we don't realize it to be fruitful means that you have to discover your seed he didn't ask him to produce a cow or a goat you can only be fruitful according to the understanding of what is in your core okay that's what you're gonna be working from all of your life and so the more we can help people to discover what's in their core what they are instinctive about what they were created to be the more you'll see a change in how they end up if you think of your mind as a steering wheel okay that determines the direction of your destiny in life then we are transforming our lives by the way we turn our mind you're gonna throw your mind at it it is no accident that you came into this world headfirst if you quit drinking you're gonna do it in your head before you do it in your body if you decide I'm not gonna be promiscuous it starts in your head not your body if you decide I'm going to go back to school or change my career it starts in your head not your body pure decide I'm getting out of debt it hits your head before it hits your wallet if you decide you're going to lose weight do you not know you're gonna get skinny in your head before you get skinny everybody look at somebody tell them I got a skinny here it may not have hit my body yet bless God but in my head I'm a very thin fit healthy vivacious outgoing and might I add good-looking individual in that weird if it doesn't start in your head it almost doesn't matter what's in your body you could you can lose weight in your body but if you have a different image in your head you can become anorexic in your head and never be satisfied with the changes in your body because whatever is going on in here that becomes your reality you can be as pretty in the picture but if you see yourself as ugly you'll never embrace yourself it's the head thing so when you start changing their puffle enrollment list teaching that you transform your life by the renewing of your mind and we're simply using the Apple as a metaphor to say you can't change the peelings you got to change the cord because the goal is is to take the Apple and bring it to a place that it is transformed into a tree and there is no life in the peelings and there is no life in the Apple there's only life in the core and that's true of you change your clothes change your hair change your name change your title change everything else you want to but if you don't change from the core there is no change at all and so if transformation is going to start by identifying your core you're only going to be transformed to the degree you were created you cannot take an apple seed and transform it into a tomato it's not going to happen no matter how much you like tomato the need tomatoes if you get down to the seed if the seed is an apple seed all you can do is transform it into the highest best expression of itself it can turn into an apple plant it can turn into an apple blossom it can turn into an apple tree but it can't turn into chicken salad so there are some things that you may be trying to turn into that are not to who you are in your core who you were created to be and you will frustrate yourself trying to be something that is adverse and opposed to what you were created to be in fact what God says he says I want you to be transformed by the renewing of your mind Romans 12:2 that she may be able to prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God he said I want your life to prove what God had in mind perfect will of God when he made you I want you to shine at what you were created to be I was teaching in Washington I assume something is kind of shocking for a preacher to ask but I asked him and you know I can be shocking in time something breaks yourself I asked him what turns you on and they acted just like you did phony I said what don't answer out loud too much information but I am scared if you can't answer it's scary to me if you've lived this long and you haven't figured you out and yet I know that there are people in this room that cannot answer that question on any level not personally not professionally the same way you ought to be able to answer that question in its most intimate connotations you ought to be able to answer that question professionally so that you do not apply for things that don't turn you on or enter into relationships that don't turn you on and spend the next 10 years trying to change somebody into something that they are not you need to understand what works for you so you only put your efforts in the areas that are central to your poor and who you are the problem with most people is that you're so busy trying to know everybody else that you have not known your and the reason you're having problems with your relationships with other people that you do not have a healthy relationship with yourself so you don't know what to draw to you and you don't know what you need and so when you don't know what you need you are picking people by the peelings oh you're not gonna talk to me you are picking people by the peelings and you'll never get down to the poor and if the peelings look good you reach out and snatch something that is not central to your core because you don't know who you are and if you don't know who you are you don't know who to pick you don't know where to work you don't know what business to go in you keep going into business chasing money but you are the chase purpose because if you find your purpose you're gonna find your prosperity you may have spent the first twenty thirty years of your life in peeling positions peeling people peeling jobs peeling positions going after things that appeal aesthetically doesn't mean that it is harmonious and central to your core because if you do it from your core you're going to be comfortable if you do it from your core you're gonna be comfortable you're gonna be challenged but you're gonna be comfortable it is going to be within the realm of your DNA to perform what is expected of you when you are central to your brand if we were a business that we had a brand a brand in the promise to the consumer what to expect when they go to that facility like KFC says we do chicken right that means if you want Turkey don't come up in here they are clear about what they do right could it be possible that you have spent most of your Christian life focusing on what you do wrong rather than developing what you do right all of your energy all of your prayer life all of your focus is in fighting what's wrong in you rather than focusing on what's right in you still to come on the Protestants where you spend your time and where you spend your money tells me what's valuable and what what is your priority in life and you are where you are today between how you handle your money and how you handle your time and if you handle your money and you handle your time and alignment to your urges rather than investing in your instincts then that is why you are where you are right now successful people invest their time instinctively rather than following their urges there's a tree and fat in this Apple but it'll never reach this expression of itself if it's not transform reach new levels in Bishop Jake's informational instinct it's about change mind bottling get to the core of who God created you to be receive transformational living on CD when you help us reach others with your gift of any size $70 or more we will receive the entire transformational instinct series on DVD but when you sow a gift of 140 dollars or more you will also receive the instinct wall-hanging and Bishop Jake's profound younggook instinct this is the year that pushes you into the next dimension transformation begins now [Applause] I want to talk to women who are called to go into the next dimension register today for woman Thou Art Loosed 2014 at W tal org or call 1 800 fish up to God's provided everyone gifts and if we look with them inside ourselves there are gifts we just have to listen it made me think to go deeper inside myself to really see what I have and possess and learn how I'm gonna use it new eyes it's the best of my ability I'm thankful I'm renewed and I'm empowered I wanted to find the difference between urges and instinct it was an urge that made him want to leave home a flesh a craving for control and recognition we all have urges and the urge led him out of the father's house out of God's will out of his purpose away from his core values away from his brand urges always deplete you urges temporary impulses causes you to make permanent changes that disrupt the most valuable things in your life urges makes withdrawals instincts make deposits he comes all the way down to the hope in following his urges there are people in this room right now you have been spiraling down down down and praying all the way down and can't figure out why you're praying right but you're being led by your urges and not by your instincts you sold a special seed but then you went to work and flipped out on your boss because you have your mother's temper and your urge to get the last word is destroying your economic opportunities and even though you pay your times you're going down because you're being led by urges [Applause] and not by instincts you can be praying one thing with your mouth and being led by something else in your life and trying to figure out why prayer is not working prayer isn't working because urges are driving the car and on an urge the prodigal son got a while a hair in him and and said give me the portion of goods that follows under me they divided unto them his living and he began to spend his substance in riotous living spin spin urges make you spend spend yourself spend your energy spend your time spend your charisma you're spending more and gain and less urges will always make withdrawals they will not make deposits until finally he bankrupted the hope in and got down to the hope in and had come down to absolutely nothing and he could tell that his urges were driving him down about who he was comfortable to be with if you don't have the courage to assess your own account and see where you are in terms of depletion look at who you are comfortable to be with and it will tell you where you are if you have gone from the father's house to fellowship with the Hogs in the Hall pin look at your buddies because your buddies are picture who you look uncomfortable [Applause] over you I'm telling you right now I can tell everything I need to know about you if you let me have your cell phone who do you spend your time talking to is it building you in the depleting you I'm gonna get on for that it just just urges I'm I'm I don't want to make you any more uncomfortable than you already are how much time do you spend with him what are you talking about it is show me some about your value that in between your cell phone and your credit card I don't even have to meet you because where you spend your time and where you spend your money tells me what's valuable and what what is your priority in life and you are where you are today between how you handle your money and how you handle your time and if you handle your money and you handle your time and alignment to your urges rather than investing in your instincts then that is why you are where you are right now successful people invest their time instinctively rather than following their urges when you get down to that C gut level of this is who I am that's what you can build on nothing changed around and the feet are still in the mud the Hogs are all around and they're snorting and slump is everywhere nothing changed around him he was still in a far country he was feel separated from his father nothing changed around him still had on the same clothes still smell like slop still had gnats and flies flying all around his head but the turning point wasn't when the Flies left it wasn't when the mats left it wasn't when the closed chain it wasn't when he left the hall peered he didn't have to change this geographical location all he had to do to have a new year was change here [Applause] you know changing your perception in an essence changing your reality because your reality is often based on your perception and it opened up the dialogue of realizing that your perception is not the only view in which you can look at the situation and I find the broader you are in your in the way you see a thing the more effective you are at handling the thing the reason most people get into so much trouble is that they only they think that the way they see it is the only way to see it so whether you're talking about a marriage or whether you're talking about a business or whether you're talking about a piece of property or whether you're talking about staff development or whether you're talking about sales it doesn't matter what you're talking about the more you are able to transform your perception and see other people's perspectives the more effective you are and whatever you do I want to know what is on the other side of your fear you'll never know you'll live and get old and die and miss the life that Jesus came to give you simply because you are not willing to break the rules if I'm talking to somebody say something to me [Music] now let's model creativity once again [Laughter] our model says that you need to challenge your perception and here comes their escort to take her of where she have never been before and it all begins when you challenge your perception your perception can block in your creativity we get used to observing things in a particular way based on our interest needs and biases values and past learning people with strong perceptual sets are prone to quick decisions and conclusions rather than looking for alternatives you don't look for alternatives because you think that the way you perceive it is the only way it is if there were one thing that has destroyed more marriages than anything else it is that point right there to think that your perspective is the only way to look at it it is what it's what limits you from seeking other perceptions of your situation yeah to perceive that you know how your child is stops you from looking any deeper to see them in light of a different perspective I am saying to you that you need a different perspective on your situation because when you get a different perspective on your situation you get a different perception of how to deal with that situation perspective perception it depends on my perspective my perception the room looks this way if I look over here but if I get over here and change my perspective I look at the same room and get a different perception wonder if your narrow-minded perspective is affecting your perception of your situation look at it again look at the budget again go back and stare at it lay it all out in front of you and look at it again look at your situation write it all down and look at it again there is something else to be seen in what you see I am challenging your perception if I can give the idol of your opinion to fall off the throne you can have a new life in your old house if you will dethrone your opinion you could have a new life in your own house I'm wondering if your perception of your job is making you miserable because if I remember correctly there was a time you were singing about it happy about it shouting about it you're at the same location with the same people some of you have even gotten a couple of raises but because your perception has changed your perspective of what used to be a blessing now becomes hold on have you ever seen people who didn't appreciate you until somebody else wanted you keep going just sitting there sit there I'm gonna teach this to you get it and all of a sudden when somebody else comes along and starts paying you some attention all of a sudden they get a whole different you know I once was blind but now I see [Applause] just something to think about there's something to think about I got a diagram I want you to take a look at and just uh just just look at that and tell me a centerpiece somebody said a vase somebody sent offence to faces you sure it's not a race how many see a vase how many feet to face this how many of you as you continue to scare at it you see both if you continue to stare at your life what else would you see it in hey we'll be right back after this there's a tree inside of this Apple but it'll never reach that's expression of itself if it's not transfer reach new levels in Bishop Jake's informational instinct about change mind bottling get to the core of who God created you to be receive transformational living on CD when you help us reach others with your gift of any size all I gotta do is pull my hands off the things anchor myself on Who I am and fill the storms keep on raging your gift at $70 or more we will receive the entire transformational instinct series on DVD but when you sell a gift of $140 or more you will also receive the instinct wall-hanging and Bishop Jake's profound and book instinct this is a year that pushes you into the next dimension transformation begins now [Applause] I wouldn't talk to women who are called to go into the next dimension register today for woman Thou Art Loosed 2014 at W tal org or call 1 800 fish up to get up close with TD jakes ministries at TD jakes or connect with us anywhere at anytime if you haven't been hanging out with us on social media you've been missing I'm there for you ministering sharing the Word of God encouraging you and sometimes answering you yes it's me personally come on over to social media hangout with me I've got something for you that will really bless your life on Facebook tweet us on Twitter follow us on Instagram and subscribe to our You Tube channel and that's with us today we hate to part at this point there is so many more things that we'd like to say or do but because of the fact we're out of time we had last we have to go I pray that God's grace in anointing would keep her in that heaven would smile upon you and I'm looking forward to the next time that you and I can just hang out together same time same station huh me here [Music]
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 473,365
Rating: 4.8207097 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes sermons, the potters touch, The Potter's House, the potters house, Potters house, TD Jakes, T.D. Jakes, Bishop td jakes, Bishop T.D. Jakes, personal transformation, motivational speech, finding our natural instincts, how changing your mind can bring transformation
Id: XBTinNn_dUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sat May 03 2014
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